#lmao bg is so silly
woneko · 8 months
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yj:h- bg (sliding into the frame): hiii!!
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snarkspawn · 10 months
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some floating heads of my boy Asher, his guardian and his favourite people to go adventuring with ♥
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storfulsten · 4 months
Whitty And Bf Personality Swap? Lovely Art By The Way, Truly Inspiring. ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡
hm I guess k, not feeling the most creative but here lol
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idk lol
mostly based on this bc idk thought the vibes looked fitting in theory lmao:
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amelia-yap · 1 year
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The sound of White Rose by @powertaco
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benetnvsch · 11 months
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dances and jumps- progress for today yippee (sorry it's so short <//3 there will be more to this lil clip)-
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Au where maple is biped like CC/the metro cats etc (drew them as timeskip designs just bc the dynamics are funnier to me)(here are the videos being referenced btw: 1 2)(I def wanna do a full animatic to that first one some day lmao it lives in my head rent free all the time)
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bisexualhobi · 2 years
this is what nct 127 think they did this year btw. and nothing they've put out since last year comes close to this
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xxhatchetxx · 1 year
Picking a harmonious colour palette for a large bg: pain suffering agony stress fear-
Adding gradients and filters to said coloured bg: peace harmony love bliss satisfaction
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icepopcider · 10 months
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arts 'n' crafts duo late night talks :] (room inspried by @/HoneyLeif on twitter, i tried my best with the bg hhhHH)
tumblr gets this first!!! the lighting was really fun to mess with :)) also, it's been a year since i started drawing these sillies! so happy riseiversary for me lmao
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aisquaredchoco · 2 months
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In my three-ish years of being a simblr, I think I've come a long way in making things that I've only wished to have in my TS3 game before. But as I looked back at those things I made some of them lacked, well, quality control as they were made using newly acquired knowledge in cc making. And that made me ask myself, "What have you done, aisquared?" *dies from cringe 😫🤦‍♂️*
So here's some of my then cringeworthy cc in their shiny 2.0 versions!
2to3 Double-Helix Desginer Bookshelf [previous version]
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I figured out a way on how to directly map the book textures using the original TS2 texture. Turns out I just had to make another mesh group and put the TS2 texture into it and voila! I also removed the slots from the previous version. The emptied version is left untouched.
2to3 Zecutime Social Chair [previous version]
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This one has the multiplier improved by removing unnecessary shadows (I didn't know what I was doing back then lol) and also removing the light occluders.
Spa Necessities Emptied [previous version]
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Man, the mistake I made on with this one was veeeeeery obvious. I forgot to add the 'rolled' texture on the towels that made it look like a pudding (see how n00b I was LMAO). Sorry it took TWO FREAKING YEARS to fix this. Other improvements include adjusting the pattern tiling and removal of light occluders, that were also made to the table-only version.
2to3 K&B 01010 Mirror and BG "Prince of Pickleburp" Mirror [previous version]
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These mirrors were only redone using these bits of info from this tutorial I made, so that they won't reflect weirdly at some angles.
All other elements were left untouched. I hope you guys forgive me with all these silly n00bish flaws in these objects. Enjoy the new versions!
And also this is a gentle reminder that if you see some issues or flaws in my cc you are very much welcome to address them to me so that I could correct them. (and that these silly mistakes would never happen again 😝)
DOWNLOAD: Simfileshare | Mediafire
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scarapanna · 3 months
Last AU WIP of the week!!
This is gonna be one of the most difficult frames to finish lmao
Also the quality is extra crusty but that's okay/silly
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[More rambles undercut]
Long story short this thing has prespective and BGs since I barely do both and it's good to practice, but on the downside it's gonna be taking a long long time to do (tldr I re-sketched the panel to make linearting easier)
Finished 1/6 panels so far tho!!!
The others are simplier other than the first two so I should take as much!!
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totallysora · 4 months
Newsies (Live)
Ok so I rewatched newsies live at like,,Christmas and have been caught in a major newsies spiral so here are my thoughts 😻‼️
Jeremy Jordan 🥰 I get that he was kinda old to play Jack but Idc he’s iconic I’m so glad they called him back to play him
Same with Kara she’s an icon and literally the only Katherine I will accept for the proshot
Completely random but I’m glad it was a proshot and not an attempt to make it into a musical movie 😭 (especially since 92sies is literally already a movie lmao)
I also rewatched the og movie and watching it reminded me how much they BUTCHERED SPOT’S SCREEN TIME 😕 and therefore Tommy’s screen time 😔
Also Tommy Bracco he is literally the only spot I will accept (and like,,the only spot on bway that Ik so 😭)
The bg newsies 🥰 Literally all of them they were all icons the cast was literally perfect it’s unreal
Andrew Keenan Bolger, also so glad they got him back as crutchie cuz he is an I c o n (as much as I love Andy I deffo prefer Andrew as crutchie lmao)
The fact that there were enough members in the cast that there was literally only 1 case of a newsie doubling up on characters
Literally the entirety of seize the day
The fact that Jeremy runs away from all of the dancing 😭
Also how Jeremy almost kills himself at the end with the heel click/bell kick 💀
The fact Michael (Tommy boy) has a rlly bad American accent but that’s ok cuz I can’t do one either 🥰
How Tommy’s (spot) eyeliner/eye lashes are sm more noticeable than everyone else, especially his bottom lashes lmao
How tf did Morris not hurt his hand when he hit the printing press?? Like gurl what 😭
The Delancey brothers - they were like,,deffo less comical than in the og movie but still rlly silly 😭
The fact morris literally just stands on top of the newspaper bit for like the entire show
Them bonking heads (I am a Delancey apologist sorry guys 😔)
Ben Tyler Cook 🥰 I absolutely adore Ryan Breslin and actually would’ve loved to see him return as Race but god Ben is so silly I love him sm 😭
“The woild is yer erster” - Literally no one beats his version of this sorry 😭
Pulitzer - He was so good and literally for what bro 😭
”It’s a compromise we can all live with” - Jack Kelly 1899
BEN FANKHAUSER‼️ Also literally the only appropriate Davey fr
The way at the start of Brooklyn’s here Jeremy hits the printing press in time with the music
The set 😻 Ik it’s kinda simple but literally shut up it’s iconic
The height difference between Tommy and Ben at the end of Brooklyn’s here and like,,everywhere lmao
Honestly the height difference between Tommy and everyone
Joshua Burrage - He’s so silly I love him sm
Will never get over how they can sing like that whilst dancing
So sad Ryan Steele wasn’t there 😔 The dude who played specs was good tho (+Michael covered for the turns so 🤷‍♀️)
Hannah was so unserious she’s so funny 😭
Once and for all - this song will literally always give me chills
Ben Cook kicking himself in the face during seize the day 💀
The hug between Tommy and Michael (Spot+Tommy Boy) at the end when Jeremy tells them they won ☹️
The fact Oscar and Morris went for Les first?? Like gurl I get it he’s probably easiest to carry but what were yall trying to achieve with that 😭
The fact that the Delanceys like,,actually got their asses beat like that shit kinda looked like it hurt 💀
SANTA FEEEE‼️ Iconic 😻
The way Crutchie screams for Jack ☹️ although that one “what ya say” meme where it starts playing after Oscar hits him has kinda ruined that scene for me cuz I keep laughing abt it 😕
That one two people cartwheel during the scene change
”I’m glad to have you back :)” “Shuddup” - Jack and Davey (THEY’RE GAY YOUR HONOUR)
There is literally no heterosexual explanation for that scene
Once again literally no heterosexual explanation for that scene
Ok but literally just how much fun all of the newsies look like they’re having?? Especially in king of new york like they honestly look like they’re having the time of their lives 😭
“That’s disgusting” - David Jacobs, 1899 (when he’s a victorian newsboy who cares about hygiene 🥰🤭)
Ik Pulitzer saif it too but Idc ok the dude who played Pulitzer was kinda hot anyways (I don’t make the rules sorry 🤷‍♀️ [I am sorry for this tho my taste in men is uh 😨])
That one thing Jeremy does after he shakes Roosevelt’s hand for the first time 😭
”Your majesty” - Crutchie, 1899 (Referring to the governor 😭)
Maybe I should just make one of these with my favourite lines cuz I have so many
Honestly literally the whole fucking musical it was iconic and I am forever grateful that it exists 😻
Honestly there’s probably so so so much more but that’s all I can like,,fully remember rn but I’ll definitely rewatch it and update this lmao
Overall I absolutely adore the musical, and I’m glad the proshot exists cuz it is I c o n i c (also I am totally gonna make a list of my favourite lines from it lmao)
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impandgnomes · 1 year
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Been working with Tegridy these past couple of weeks!!!!! This took forever to finish - so many ends to weave in lmao. I'm so glad it's done though.
I kind of posted about the Tegridy Farms blanket here like last night, but figured since it's actually done now you all deserved some pictures, alongside a repost of my notes on making it. I really love the overall vibe of the colours and composition and I like to hope that I captured some of that here.
Notes regarding yarn, sizing etc. from previous post for completion's sake under the cut:
My color choices aren't a 1:1 match with the ones in the show. I would still argue them as "realistic" versions allowing for the saturation of coloring on the BG in the show, but YMMV and gatekeeping my technically incorrect choice would be beyond silly. I just really like making stuff I see in cartoons.
I basically tried to make this thing roughly to scale with the one in the show though, as others I saw worked single strands of DK yarn, resulting in a really small blanket.
I did some math by measuring the heights of a square of the blanket and the couch on the screencap given above and cross-referencing it with the average height of a couch (regarding my formal diagnosis and to quote tiktok, "I have this thing, it's AUTISM"). The result was each square measuring approximately 13-15cm iirc.
I just used a basic granny square layout with this method on regular DK yarn with a 7mm crochet hook to work the squares into the ideal size. They sat at just over 15cm and I somehow only just had enough of the gray yarn. I imagine from what we see that the blanket is 7x7 squares with the others hanging off the back out of sight, so I made 42 squares in total.
Most of the yarn (except the white which was just some salvaged stuff) was Aldi UK's seasonally stocked "So Crafty" acrylic Double Knit yarn, so I was certainly sweating bullets re: if I even had enough (not sure how easy substitutes would have been). Color names are Wheat, Grass, Rose Garden, and Gun Metal.
Technically the cushions are also achievable in crochet - they would use c2c (corner to corner) and I think that's 100% the intent in their design due to the blocky/pixelated appearance of the images. There's plenty of charts for images like those, but making your own would work too. I would definitely like to hear from whoever on the design team chose to put these in the BG and if they were inspired by something or someone, since with the cushions especially it feels weirdly specific to me to use crochet in like 2017 for the "homely and rustic weed farmhouse" vibe I imagine Randy trying to force here. Based on eyeballing it and my square sizes, I'd aim for a 30cm² cushion maybe.
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Ppl who think Nine is just evil and didn’t deserve to be redeemed are red flags (I see so much of myself throughout my life in Nine and now I’m deeply attached to them).
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Also, S3 of Prime was so Professor-Turo-boss-fight-core lmao
Bg and no highlight vers. + some ramblings below the cut :3
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I originally got really into Prime because of the Sonadow fodder but now it’s cuz of Nine and Sails and Mangey. I think Tails is my fav Sonic character now lol. Nine is my /absolute/ favorite but in other media I’ve started favoring Tails. I, of course, have my own silly little headcanons for all the foxes. I’ll probably talk abt them more when I post this canvas of just doodles I’ve been slowly filling up, but here’s some rn:
All four foxes are autistic
Nine is nonbinary and uses they/them
Nine is a self-harmer, hence the reason they wear knee-length shorts
Mangey is mostly non-speaking, but can talk/learn to talk. He just communicates using more animal-like behavior because he likes it more (also cuz autism).
Nine is 13 y/o, Tails and Sails are 12 y/o, and Mangey is 11 y/o
I really like a lot of @/000marie198’s ideas abt the fox boys (gender neutral), but the one abt Sails liking metal music is one that I think about a lot. Slipknot is one of my favorite bands lmao
Mangey is TERRIFIED of thunder storms and starts freaking out before they are even overhead cuz he can feel one coming. He tries to get everyone to somewhere he deems safe and they’re all confused cuz a storm is no where in sight.
They all say fuck :3
I didn’t have as many headcanons as I thought I did lol
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ubizoide · 1 year
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Old draw just to say i'm alive (?)
Break trio + bg study!! And under the cut some silly sketches
Weee my health has been pretty fucked up lately and I feel more dead than alive lmao I want to draw but zero energy to do smt complex
So a lot of little things i've been doing
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I made this oneday before their birthday bc i was so excited 😭
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This is from a Brazilian tradition: Giving the first piece of cake to the person you love the most!!
And FuGen ofc
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Okay this one is just--- KSHSJKJSK
G: here, a picture of him <3
R: geez, he looks like a criminal.
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cerastes · 2 years
Single funniest interaction in FFXIV by far is Zenos being told by a trillion people he’s a freak and he’s like, whatever man lmao, but Alisaie told him once “Actually WoL has no respect for you not because you’re a freak, but because you literally won’t engage them in any way that’s productive, relevant or otherwise can somehow be construed as an ‘interaction’, you just keep making yourself a problem on purpose, but UNLIKE EVERY OTHER person before you that has made themselves a problem on purpose, you, only you, don’t receive their acknowledgement precisely because your silly little clown show is a one-way torrent of noises you couldn’t begin to call communication, whereas everyone else, even fucking Doomguy from Stormblood, had the decency to open their ears and listen”, then Zenos says alright gg I’m out and Alisaie is like “yeah no I just wanted to get that off my chest, bet that went in one ear and out the other. Anyways.”
But then, as he’s leaving, Zenos mutters to himself “I said gg... But it wasn’t gg... It was bg... :(” because this is the first time anyone’s eviscerated him like this in a way that he can actually comprehend and he spends the rest of the expansion like this:
Until the end where he’s like “I learned the most powerful technique of all, the-- No, it has nothing to do with this scythe, well, yeah, I mastered the scythe, too, but the technique is Understanding You May Have Inclinations Of Your Own, so how about I help you take out the trash and then you give me the best fight in my life?” and for the first time in his life, Zenos understood that he is, in fact, a Shonen character.
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