#love me licia
portinaio · 1 year
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Hear me out.
Love me Licia gritty remake.
Not Kiss me Licia, would be too easy, too much material in there to make It serious. I am talking about the toothrooting Mediaset nightmare fuel, the one and only with Cristina D'Avena come protagonista. A gritty remake. An omicide in It. A real horror episode. Wouldn't be good. Wouldn't be just.
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myclassicalgas · 4 months
It's been a while since the last time I posted a drawing. Here's Yakko from Love me Knight.
(although I really like this sketchbook I'm using, the paper is perhaps not the most suitable one for this type of drawing. contrasts appear very sharp, plus it is rough and wears out all my crayons 😅 )
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Ouh, viens, je t'emmène, on va faire un tour sur l'autoroute (freeway) 🚗🚐🚚
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frasimangaanime · 3 months
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Licia: Mirko Mirko: C'è l'abbiamo fatta Licia
Love Me Knight - Kiss Me Licia - ep 28
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milanodabere · 7 months
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🔥Saber Marionette? (it's one of my childhood favourites when I grew up in Spain, but I heard somewhere it was banned personally by Berlusconi, which is funny hearing from him, despite being seen as a classic in Italy?)
you guys ask a lot about animes i never even spoke about once ngl /lh
also. it sounds fake ngl maybe you mean that it was heavily censored by mediaset, a series of channels once (?) owned by him that had the tendency to change a lot the translations and names of old anime, pretty much like 4kids did in america.
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deeptrashwitch · 3 days
Nice time
Alicia: Yes, I know Cami *in a call with her sister* right now we are on a friend's place, so if you can wait for me for a couple of days, then we can find each other on...Vietnam is okay for you?
Cami: Sure! Anyway I still have to finish an article, see you in Hanói?
Alicia: Hanói will be, love you
Cami: Love you too!
*Alicia hangs the call and looks down to the box on her hands, then starts to look for her plane tickets. The sooner were that night, so she had to pack and go in less than three hours.*
Alicia: Well, let's give this away and go to the airport!
*She walks around whistling a melody before finding Luke first, walking towards him*
Alicia: Boy!
Luke: Hey Alicia, what is it?
Alicia: Here *hands him a little box and a flower* bought this for you
Luke: Uhhh, t-thanks *surprised* but why?
Alicia: Even I have my sweet moments, now I gotta go, time's running for me
*The next one she found was Aly (@alypink OC), who gave her a little hug before talking for some minutes*
Alicia: I bought this for you, and I bought one for Lily *gives her two boxes, a flower and a little toy* I hope you like it
Aly: Awwww! I love it, Alicia *hugs her again* I'm sure Lily will love it too!
Alicia: I'm glad, well, I better continue then
*The next one was Jackson inside the empty medic bay, who was already going to complain just to being in a loss of words when Alicia left a box and a flower over his desk, just smiling at him. And when she looked around, she noticed Aelan*
Alicia: Hey, Aelan!
Aelan (@islandtarochips OC): Captain Marchant? Please tell me you didn't do anything stupid with my Captain...
Alicia: Not this time, I just came to give away a gift *laughs* and to say sorry for giving you such trouble
Aelan: That's...new, but it won't save you from the scolding
Alicia: I know, that isn't the point
Aelan: ...Thanks Captain
Alicia: Sure *ruffles Jackson's hair before walking away* gotta go, have a good day!
Aelan: ...If you don't want it, I do
Jackson: Keep your hands off my fucking gift
*Inside the hangars, Alicia found a big group. There were Noah, Agnes, Elijah, Alexander, Nigel, Francis, Nicholas, Marcus and Elliot talking and laughing*
Alicia: Should I be worried of you taking over the world?
All: No *at unison*
Alicia: Then I give you this and leave you with your conspiracy *starts giving away the gifts and the flowers* I bought some things that I thought you could like, and yes Nigel, I bought it for you too. And if you can prank Kanoa for me, then I owe you a drink
Nigel: *surprised* ...Heh, will do! *smiling*
Francis: *stands up and hugs her* Thank you, Cap!
Alicia: Yeah, yeah *pats him on the back*
Agnes: Can I hug you too? *curious*
Alicia: ... *sighs* Yes, Agnes, you c- *gets tackled in a hug* oof
Marcus: Need some help over there? *smiling*
Alicia: No need, don't worry
Marcus: Alright then, thanks for this Cap
Alicia: Absolutely
*After some minutes Alicia went to look for the rest of the people, finding Edward first*
Edward: So you did this again? I wonder what their reactions were *chuckles*
Alicia: You talk like I was a bitch or something *giving him a box of candies, a flower and a bottle*
Edward: You remembered... *smiles taking the bottle*
Alicia: Of course I did, I have good memory
Edward: Thanks Licia, seriously
Alicia: I know, take care of everyone with Luke and Jackson while I'm gone, would ya?
Edward: Where to?
Alicia: *scoffs* Hanói, Vietnam
Edward: Have fun, you earn it every time
*After that Alicia went to Kanoa's office, finding him and Tiala inside.*
Alicia: Can I? *knocking on the door*
Kanoa: Yeah, what is it? Found anything funny to do? *smiling*
Tiala: Please don't, I have enough for today *tired laugh*
Alicia: Not today, just came to say goodbye before I go to the airport *gives them the boxes and the flowers* and to give you this
Tiala: A gift? *raises an eyebrow with a smile* what's the special ocassion?
Alicia: Absolutely none *chuckles* just me being a good person
Tiala: Thank you, Alicia
Alicia: *winks at her* Absolutely, hope you like it
Kanoa: Thank you, Licia! *hugs her, raising her a bit from the floor* this is a miracle!
Alicia: Get off of me, Noa! *hisses trying to break the hug* you'll break my fucking ribs!
Kanoa: Nah, nah *laughs* you deserve the hug
Alicia: Tiala, help me *sighs* if he doesn't leave me alone, I'll kick him
Tiala: ...Can I keep his things if you do?
Alicia: Yeah, sure
Tiala: Then feel free to kick his ass *smiles while taking Kanoa's gift*
Kanoa: Hey! Leave it! *tries to grab her without leaving Alicia*
Alicia: Let me go! Damnit, let me go! *screeching*
*Fortunately, Alicia was able to arrive to the airport on time and meet with Camila in Hanói two days later when the youngest arrived*
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thenameswinter99 · 6 months
Get to know me!
Many thanks for the tag @whitedarkmoonflower and sorry for the late reply, but the university took almost of my free time!
Nickname: TheNamesWinter, Winter, WinterStorm
Sign: Pisces
Height: 160 cm
The last thing I googled: "House of the dragon 2 trailer" (I was so in hype lol)
Amount of sleep: Between 4-5 hours when I have to travel by train and go to university, generally 7-9 hours.
Dream job: I'm a cinephile, a film lover and a theatre lover. My dream job is to become an actress. I know it is silly, but I’ve been acting since high school and I used to do school recitals when I was a little girl. I do have a plan B, though. I'm a design student, I'm finishing my university studies and I think I'll study to become a VFX Artist and work in the field of special effects at the cinema, or become a video game developer.
Favorite song: I have several favourite songs, but in this period I'm obsessed with "Cinnamon Girl" by Lana del Rey.
Movie/Book that Summarises Me: Book: I don't know, honestly... Maybe Mrs Dalloway by Virgina Woolf. Movie: La La Land by Damien Chazelle
Favorite instrument: I can't play, but I love piano and guitar.
Aesthetic: I am not a fashionista, I rather prefer simple and comfortable clothes. I love purple and black things, as they are my two favourite colors. I also love Medieval, Norse and Viking aesthetics.
Favorite authors: J. R. R. Tolkien, J. K. Rowling, Isabel Allende, Suzanne Collins, Oscar Wilde, Friedrich Nietzsche, Luigi Pirandello, Alda Merini, C. S. Lewis, Licia Troisi, and many others.
Random fun fact: I'm obsessed with dragons. Please, look for a way to create real dragons, I would adopt one right away!
Tag: @sihtricsafin @verenahx
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lhaewiel · 25 days
For the Bookworm ask game! 15, 17 or 18, and 31
15. Which genre(s) are your favorite?
Fantasy and fantasy adjacent. I absolutely adore Tolkien. I have enjoyed a lot Licia Troisi's "le cronache del mondo emerso", I have a really soft spot for anything Neil Gaiman, I am struggling a bit with Robin Hobb, although I am kind of enjoying her works. When I was younger I enjoyed reading a lot from Roal Dahl. I absolutely adore Stefano Benni.
I am also enjoying a lot @thebibliosphere 's "Hunger Pangs", though I bough the fluff edition as a personal preference.
I want to start reading also @xiranjayzhao 's "Iron Widow", which I am planning to buy as soon as I have some money (I am currently very poor and barely managing to the end of the month, but this one is in my list).
Weirdly enough I really do not like any of Terry Pratchett's books and I know this is the equivalent of swinging a bat against a nest of wasps. Pratchett was an amazing man, he did amazing things, but I really do not like or enjoy the way he writes.
For me to find a book enjoyable I must vibe and like the way a writer writes and Pratchett has never been my cup of tea.
I have read "The Golden Compass" and "The Chronicles of Narnia", which I enjoyed, but I need to read them again because I read them ages ago.
Anyway. Fantasy. All of the fantasy books. And I am always SO MUCH pissed off that a lot of these books are in the CHILDRENS section.
Like, seriously. Just because a book is fantasy, it DOES NOT mean it's for children. Just because a book does not contain sex scenes it DOES NOT mean it's for children. Welcome to my ted talk.
17. Favorite finished book series.
Uuuhhh if I said "The lord of the rings" I would be cheating, SO I am NOT going with that. I am going instead with the entirety of Georges Simenon's "Commissaire Maigret" tales (crime/investigation is my second favourite genre). Maigret has something that neither Agatha Christie, nor Arthur Conan Doyle, nor any other writers of the genre has. I love Maigret. I love how he incorporates a lot of personal details, I love the way he solves the cases and relates to both victims and perpetrators alike. I love his whole team of inspectors. Columbo did not invent anything, Maigret was there first. Another thing I will be probably cancelled for lol. Die mad haters.
I am also going for "The Witcher" by Andrej Sapkowski. I love that series to bits, one day I will manage to actually buy ALL of the books and finish reading it (I am currently on book 2). I love the characters, I love the way they are developed, I love their flaws and honestly I ADORE the way Sapkowski writes and I will be striving to reach that level no matter how many years it will take me.
18. Favorite unfinished book series.
I do NOT do unfinished book series. I am sorry, I need a completed book or a completed series. I simply do not have the commitment it takes. It's one of the many reasons I stopped reading ASOIAF. George RR Martin will need to pull his head out of his ass and FINISH what he started QUICKLY. It's annoying. He has no fucking reason to not finish the books. I am annoyed. Equally, I will not read a series that is still in progress for the reason that I am NOT putting in my will stuff like "I hereby request that my heirs will come to my grave to read the rest of XYZ's series so my ghost can have peace". LISTEN, READING BERSERK LEFT A MARK, NOW MIURA IS DEAD AND THERE IS NO TELLING IF/WHEN HIS ASSISTANTS WILL RESUME WITH THE STORY. I WILL NOT REPEAT THE EXPERIENCE.
31. Do you mostly read through e-reader; reading app on phone; on your laptop; a physical copy; or by audiobook?
I need to have a physical copy. I can't read for long through a screen. And also I like having a book in my hands. I like its smell and I like putting all sorts of nice bookmarks. I am now discovering audiobooks, though, especially now that my mind is struggling to stay focused for a long time. I can listen to an audiobook and do stuff at the same time and it's great. It's awesome. Especially if the narrator does their things with acting out all of the dialogue and you can HEAR different characters speaking and you are aware that it is the same narrator, but you actually heart a MULTITUDE of characters literally brought to life. It's amazing.
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heraldofcrow · 1 year
The absolutely ridiculous rabbit-holes I get led down when making connections in Soulsborne lore…I swear…
Here was today’s spiral staircase of madness!
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It started with reading about Lund Cathedral and how it was dedicated to Saint Lawrence, the guy that distributed alms to the poor in his life and was martyred on a bed of coals. (Turn me over, I’m done on this side!)
Then I start reading about the astronomical clock in Lund Cathedral and notice a speculation about its possible creator—Nikolaus Lilienfeld. Remembering the cursed astronomical clock in Prague, allegedly built by Mikuláš…I start reading about Mr. Lilienfeld because of the Mikuláš/Nikolaus name connection.
Turns out Mr. Lilienfeld probably didn’t build the clock in Lund Cathedral, but he did build the one in St. Nicholas Church, Stralsund.
I then look up said church.
I discover it’s dedicated to St. Nicholas of Myra, the dude Santa Claus was inspired by. But I don’t care about him, because I notice the name Myra and think, “Lucatiel of Mirrah” lol.
(Brainrot is bad).
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I then proceed to read about Myra, which brings me to notice the connections it has to Lycia. Kale was mentioned in sequence as well.
Brainrot returns. I now have three character names in mind—
Lucatiel of Mirrah, Licia of Lindelt, and Merchant Kalé. 
Brushing these off as unlikely to be connected, I continue to read about Myra. But I can’t help it and start reading about Lycia too.
I discover a well-known neighboring province of Lycia—Caria.
I start reading about Caria and come across the story of Artemisia II of Caria, commander of the Carian fleet and ruler of Caria after the death of her brother-husband, Mausolus. She was known for being a powerful female ruler and naval strategist, as well as being especially affected by the death of her husband.
Her grief was so powerful, that there are depictions of her consuming her husband’s ashes from a cup. (I wonder if she had a rebirthing egg too.)
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At this point, I’m just confused, because I thought I knew about Artemisia…the famous commander of the fleets…the one that helped Xerxes…she was a favorite historical figure of mine? 
But then I realize I’m thinking of Artemisia I and not II. 
So then I read about Artemisia I of Caria, the other Carian queen. She helped the Persian king Xerxes I invade Greece and commanded a fleet of her own, most famously in the Battle of Salamis. 
A this point, I’m thinking…okay, got it. I’m all caught up. Then I see the names of the islands that Artemisia I ruled. And it starts all over again. 
Halicarnassus, Nisyros, Kalymnos, and…Kos. 
I swear to the gods that I will stop. I try to pull away, but nope.
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Ah Kos, or some say Kosm. (They don’t). I read about the island’s history. It’s most famously speculated to be the homeland of Hippocrates himself, father of medicine and all that. He has a dream temple on the island? (Dream temples are…a whole thing).
There’s a lot of seaside villages there. I was of course, looking for any particular incident’s of *cough* massacre *cough* in the island’s history, but I only found one during World War 2 where General Friedrich-Wilhelm Müller of the German army ordered the deaths of several Italian POWs.
It *is* called the Massacre of Kos, but it’s not similar enough to make a connection. Sigh. 
So anyway, that also led me to discover a wargaming book called, “Swords of Kos Fantasy Campaign Setting” by Michael O. Varhola. Now I know that exists, I guess.
I have my obsessive brainrot to thank for leading me down this absurd rabbit hole, only to discover an extremely obscure wargaming book.
Now I just gotta decide which connections I actually made and which were just some halfway similar historical events. I love being a Soulsborne freak. 
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spacecat-studio · 6 months
NaNoWriMo day 13
so I’ve got 1,651 words so far and the politics got mostly glossed over in favor of Licia having mega-aro+trauma feels over her queerplatonic relationship with Cal, because my natural impulse is always going to be toward character journey, and relationship building, especially the platonic relationships. As much as I love a good romance this mega-aro bitch gets really turned off by the thoughtless amatonormativity of the genre as a whole.
I am also waffling over the presentation of the QP relationships because I feel like people are going to read them as inherently romantic because we have been conditioned by the disneyfied amatonormativity of our media culture to see all dedicated partnerships as inherently romantic, and that’s always gonna annoy the shit out of me. /end grumpy aro rant
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myclassicalgas · 4 months
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hazard-15 · 10 months
Snuck my way into your ask box again to ask you some questions.
What would both Zaris think about the Main ocs? (Both Ultimis and Primis Val, Ji eun, Arthur, and Dragomir)
This may be a long answer to work on for you so sorry about that :'>
@shinmiyovvi I FINALLY GOT THIS DONE! I hope you enjoy this and I had a lot of fun working on this!
Valena: Both Leta and Ria see the Val’s as their older sister ofc! The girls would honestly wish they had a sister like Val growing up, they just wanted to have a sister to rely on and have fun with but their relationship with Mercy was strained even if they tried to repair it when they got older. Ria knows that Licia has a good heart and she always tries her best to make her proud. Now we both know that Ria and Licia can be pretty cold and harsh and as you said in the ask i sent, Ria does get a little hurt when Licia accidently hurts her feelings but she knows that her big sis doesn’t really mean it.
As for Lena and Leta, god these two just make me feel so soft dude. Leta tries to act her usual cold and sarcastic self but she really does appreciate the care Lena shows for her, I can see her being pretty attached to Lena. The genuine care and love that she has for Leta just makes said girl feel seen and appreciated and she’s really glad to have Lena as an older sister. Lena may be protective of her lil sis but Leta is just as protective of her big sis as well.
Ji Eun: Eunji pretty much brings out both Ria and Leta’s soft and caring side. Ria knows that she has a short temper and can be pretty cold and she would feel really bad if she knew that Eunji felt scared around her (Poor girl doesn’t want to be like her asshole of a father) so she would try to calm herself down around her and to comfort her. I honestly think it would be really sweet to see these two trying to comfort each other, like they’re each other's emotional support. Ria is doing her best.
Now for Leta and Ji Eun, oh boy. Leta firstly would not appreciate the name calling much less the latter being mean to her. Leta doesnt even understand the language but she fucking knows she’s being called names. As I’ve mentioned before, Leta is more of a slow boil rather than the instant anger like Ria, so she tries her best to not let Ji Eun’s words bother her and to be civil. But deep down it does bother her when she’s doing her best to do whatever she’s working on and Ji Eun doesn’t ever seem to be satisfied. Leta prides herself in her work, be it as a nurse or even her skill as a markswoman. I really do hope that these two can get along more but as of now, I think these two would be at odds or at the very least tolerate each other.
Arthur: Ria and Leta would actually get along with the Arthur’s! Ria and Arty having a father/daughter relationship supremacy!! I also remember you saying that the Arthur’s were good listeners so I can see Ria feeling comfortable enough to vent to Arty about her frustrations. I also imagine Ria mentioning to Arty how she wished he was her father and how her actual father was an asshole. Both of the beans  just being protective of each other. And yes, Ria would wear the bracelets that Arty made for her and no she’s not taking it off for anyone lmao.
Meanwhile, with Leta and Archie, I’m not sure if the father/daughter would translate over to them but I see them being pretty good friends nonetheless! Archie is just teasing Leta and she’s being witty and sarcastic in response. She just gives him that look and sometimes can’t help but find herself laughing at his antics. If he does however get her pissed, you best know she’ll be chasing after him and yelling at him in Spanish but it’s all in good fun I swear. Imagine Archie bringing Leta a flower bouquet/crown and she just gets all flustered.
Dragomir: Like the Val’s, Ria and Leta see the pretty boys as their big brothers. Ria is pleasantly surprised when she finds out how sweet and kind he can be despite his scary appearance. I think he would be another person that Ria would be comfortable enough to vent to him about her troubles.  Imagine they just talk shit together lol.
Miro and Leta are gonna make me feel soft like her and Lena huh? Miro reminds Leta a lot of her brother, Red, and it makes her both happy and sad. She would probably feel a little guilty at first cuz she doesn’t want to make it seem like she’s replacing her sweet brother but she realizes that she’s not replacing him and that Red would like her to be happy. So she would really look up to Miro like another older brother. These two probably tease each other so much lmao and it’s mostly about who’s prettier. Miro would likely bring out Leta’s softness and caring nature similar to her and Lena! (I would also add that it kinda mirrors how Eunji brings out Ria’s caring heart in the ultimis timeline) 
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shinmiyovvi · 1 year
@hazard-15 Alright, just got back from attending my cousin's 3rd Birthday and saw your question in regards of Val poisoning everyone, including Zari so I'll make this in-character for you.
Lena is blue while Len is purple
"You alright, Lena?"
"I... Don't wanna talk about it, Len."
"Look, I know it's a huge impact to you, especially about Zari."
"Please... Don't make me remember this... Guilt I have."
"... Can I tell it to her instead? After all, I was there when it happened."
Lena shooks her head, but Len can see that she was about to burst into tears. She began to comfort her as tears rolls down from Lena's eyes.
"I... Hate it, I hate it so fucking much. This is what Edward was afraid off, he was trying to stop this. But that good for nothing book just ruins it all. We had no choice, Nikolai and I don't have a choice. I hate seeing everyone die in front of me, I had enough, I just had it... This isn't the better tomorrow that we wanted, we wanted peace, not this bullshit! When Zari died from that poison, my world stopped... I lost another love one once again... I am sick of this shit, Len... I lost my family, two friends that I considered as my little sister and my brother, my friends... And the love of my life that I made a wish for him to be with his wife rather that being with me. That's the most dumbest thing I've ever fucking did in my whole miserable life."
"It's okay... Everything's going to be fine. I know she can forgive you for this, all of them will forgive the both of you. Though you and Nikolai left a scarred memory into my head where I got nightmares about it, but I never blamed you two for what happened. The world was doomed from the start, and this isn't yours to be blamed with. I know even Licia would forgive you as well."
"Len... I'm... Sorry... For everything."
"No... It's not your fault, Lena. Everything is not your fault. Well, let's bright things up for once... Look at my outfit... I wore these because I wanted to remember your legacy, from both Ultimis and Primis. Even Sam missed you guys... Especially Licia. She looked up to her as a sister as well, just like Zari. That's what makes you guys special and we will cherish you guys from the bottom of our hearts. I remember you and Nikolai gave me your journals for me to know what happened in Aether and your adventures together. Don't you ever forget that, Lena..."
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milanodabere · 5 months
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Love me Licia (1986)
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