#loveless au
grimalkinmessor · 4 months
Reimob/Mobrei Loveless AU where when Reigen meets Mob they get yeeted into a Fighter/Sacrifice bond IMMEDIATELY. Mob still has his ears and tail (obviously) while Reigen doesn't have his, but Reigen is the Sacrifice and Mob is the Fighter. Reigen frequently disputes this and vehemently does not enjoy having to use their bond and would prefer not to use it at all. And thanks to Mob's psychic powers, for those first few years they don't have to. But then canon hits and things get...interesting :)
Oh, and their bond? Their name? Is Doubtless.
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phantasmiac · 11 months
this isn’t smutty but mdni.
unintentional manwhore touya and insecure reader. he has an obscene body count but it’s just because he’s really horny all the time and has to do something about it. he’s never even attempted a relationship because he’s just never connected with anyone. but when touya loves something he loves so very hard. you’re the first person he connects with, and you make him want to try. and it feels amazing. he might not have any real relationship experience but he knows what the honeymoon stage is, and at first he assumes all these intense, unfamiliar feelings are just part of the cycle. but time goes on and he isn’t any less obsessed with you. he still gets butterflies around you and he doesn’t think he ever won’t. and it hits him that he’s found his person.
meanwhile, you’re terrified that he’s going to get bored of being with the same person eventually. you’re honestly afraid that he’ll cheat on you, and seeing some of the people he’s slept with in the past doesn’t help? you love him so much you don’t think you’d survive the heartbreak, and it eats away at you so much that you finally bring it up to him. and he just looks at you like you’re insane. and he thinks you are, a little bit, because he would actually rather swallow hot coals whole than sleep, kiss, sometimes even talk with anyone other than you. you’ve ruined him for anyone else point black period. you're his favorite person in the whole wide world, and now that he knows what love feels like he doesn’t want to go back. not to be dramatic but if someone flirts with him he literally gags a little bit?
he just loves being in love. don’t punish him for not knowing what he was missing out on before.
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soldrawss · 2 years
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Y’all asked and I ANSWERED 
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zer0point5ive · 8 months
adam lawrence pre trap au is a little compelling to me i must say. stuck up doctorguy lawrence gordon md, certified repressed homosexual who cheats on his wife, angryyetapatheticbutmostlyjustpathetic adam, cat lover, not a vet (sad), rocky relationship with his mother, worse relationship with his father and makes his living following people around with a camera, meet and either despise or are charmed by one another immediately. either way they get jiggy with it and lawrence winds up divorced with a chainsmoking twink in his bed six nights out of seven
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favouritefi · 5 months
If you’re happy to, please could you drop the lore for sexual mores of the catboy AU?
And a Happy New Year!
happy new yearrrr
ok so when i first tried to write this i ended up regurgitating foucault and david halperin and rictor norton and then i was like "oh my god im not gonna write a history essay as the prelude for lore about my catboys au thats a crazy thing to do" so im just gonna assume ppl know about the established literature on victorian sexuality and the pathologization / invention of the homosexual and jump right into how i think catboys fit into that:
legally cat/dogboys cannot be prosecuted for their actions because they lack moral agency. they can't be charged with buggery, that would be like charging a horse with buggery, but on the flip side of that they can be put down without trial or just cause, you don't trial a horse for trampling someone to death, you just kill it. which is all to say that homosexual acts between cat/dogboys are generally permitted and permissible EXCEPT if it causes what humans might consider to be harm. eg. your annoying orange catboy keeps seducing my guard-dogboys and distracting them from their duties if you do not control him i will shoot him the next time he is on my property etc.
theres also a patronizing element of "aw look how cute they are trying to mimic human courting" and the idea that cat/dogpeople aren't capable of the depth of love humans are capable of so their samesex relationships aren't a threat to society because their relationships generally speaking aren't taken seriously. i mean, this is a world where you give birth to children knowing you won't get to keep them and you get studded out like a turkey baster, its fucked up to the nth degree. before you start worrying about "will they hate me for having a boyfriend" first you gotta wonder "will they acknowledge that i am capable of having sexual autonomy and forming meaningful relationships that are not based on animal instincts" (the answer is no).
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“And I still think I might need you.”
AU where Harry is a self-made Model who knew Peter back in college, they were kind of a thing but grow apart as Harry progresses in his career. Peter doesn’t quite get over him at any point & they end up reconnecting by accident, but Harry seems to have moved on
Photo reference lol
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This could be reversed too lol, harry would 100% stare at a
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silverirony · 4 months
yknow as an aromantic i don't really care about love, like no strong feelings abt it. unless someone is really obnoxious and keeps insisting that its The Whole Point Of Everything; then I hate love. fuck love all my homies hate love. green is the color of spite
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story idea: soulmate au except instead of being about "love uwu" it's about mc realizing they aren't feeling anything towards their assigned soulmate and taking said soulmate on a journey to confront the Soulmate Gods bc clearly there must've been some mistake made on their part, only to realize along the way that a) they're actually aro and b) the whole soulmate system is just a ploy by the gods to keep humanity oppressed under their control so now their goal changes from finding a better soulmate to dismantling amatonormativity the soulmate system as a whole
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dark-elf-writes · 3 months
For the soulmate tether au:
While the tether itself is more energy than any true “string” it very much does have a distance limit where it will go taut. Cloud and Genesis absolutely use this to tug the other off balance, smack their hands into whatever is nearest, or on one notable occasion to make Genesis spill his coffee when the other pisses them off.
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
Loveless Devotee: Cloud does something unquestionably mountain hick in Genesis’ eyesight. Cloud can also quote large amounts of Loveless while picking apart its meaning like he needs to defend a college thesis. Genesis maintains that Cloud is cultured and the only thing cultured about Sephiroth happened in a lab— for he is a godless heathen. 
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never getting over princess kenny being the greatest style shipper ever
dude she's literally letting a guy sleep on her husband's bed she slays so hard
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moonylouwho · 23 days
high-key hoping that the episode “ghost of a second chance” is an alternate universe where everyone’s lives are different but still somehow connected??? or maybe they aren’t connected and that’s what makes their lives significantly worse and everyone is kinda just floating through life
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ashtonisvibing · 3 months
ah shit, tomorrow's valentine's day
[sets up my valentine's day protection]
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ceruleanwhore · 8 months
So I've been thinking about a certain almost-dead rarepair and I had an idea: jackrabbit Loveless AU. Now, I want to preface this by acknowledging the issues with Loveless and with stuff like virginity as a concept, but I also think there's definitely ways to do an AU like this and have it be alright and I do have ideas on that but, for now, I just want to talk a bit about this idea I had.
For any of you who don't know what Loveless is, it's an anime in which everyone is born with cat ears and a tail that then fall off when they lose their virginity. The thought I had was that it could be fun to play around with that concept but change it so, instead of cat stuff, it's bunny ears and tails, and there's two ways I could see this going. Either you could have Jack be the immortal virgin with snowy white ears and a fluffy tail that he loses to an actual Bunny, or you could do it so they're all just regular humans and Bunny's the ~35 year old virgin about to lose his ears to a snarky 20-something he just started working with.
Idk, I'm just yearning for this ship to come back from the dead and for some sweet, fresh content to soothe my yearning heart 😪
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and-stir-the-stars · 10 months
Revamped that Saffron Pawn fic I published yesterday!
Evan's feelings about his brother after everything that happened between them are complicated. In spite of that, Evan is sure that he cares about his brother.
According to his therapist, that isn't enough.
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r1ng-w0rm · 1 year
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Made these earlier today and I need you guys to see them
(Also I didn't make this post for the purpose of harm/make it in a derogative way- made this for laughs and if you want me to take this down, I will. Don't want to genuinely upset anyone)
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