#machinic phylum
artofthemindblog · 2 years
The industrial modality appears when the source of information and the source of energy separate, namely when the Human Being is merely the source of information, and Nature is required to furnish the energy. The machine is different from the tool in that it is a relay: it has two different entry points, that of energy and that of information
Gilbert Simondon, Technical Mentality
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bogleech · 1 year
Hi Mr leech I have a thought experiment. Suppose an alien came to you and said "show me two creatures that represent the polar opposites of the animal kingdom, two animals that one could extrapolate the greatest amount of diversity of metazoa when comparing the two."
I think some important qualities to consider when comparing animals are the differences in size, squishyness, environmental niche, hardiness, and complexity. Personally I might be inclined to say some member of xenacoelomorpha and either arthropleura or an elephant.
That's a really tough one. As boring as this sounds, our own species really is one of the most extremely adapted on our whole planet, and one of the very newest. Vertebrates are already freaks representing less than 1% of all life with a TON of completely unique adaptations and we are the most freakish of all vertebrates. We are neotenous, mostly hairless ground dwellers that descended from tiny hairy fruit-eating arboreals and we mutated such a senselessly overpowered brain we are the only animal to have created a vastness of machines and inorganic structures and weapons and tools and clothing and words and jokes and billions of hours of share-able imagination (novels, television shows, song) to the point that despite technically not needing any of these things to live we are smothering our own planet under its weight. And then I think at the opposite end of that spectrum is probably the Placozoan, an animal in its own phylum which is entirely this tiny puddle of skin that sucks on algae all day and doesn’t do anything else:
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(those were compliments jsyk)
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ceilingfan5 · 4 months
15 "Denim jacket with bleach-painted bone motif" & 11 "If they don’t smile at me today I’m going to eat an entire drum set" and taakitz 👀
“If he doesn’t smile at me today, I’m going to eat an entire drum set,” Taako rants, throwing his apron on the counter. He didn’t intend to get on this topic, and now the words won’t stop coming out of his mouth like a busted gumball machine shooting gumballs and quarters all over the floor. Watch out for some Looney Toons ass shenanigans, word listeners, because here comes a mess. “Like what the fuck? He’s too pretty to be allowed to live. He makes me want to hop in a peanut grinder and become Taako butter and live a better life between two slices of discount sliced bread, you know?”
“With jelly, or like-?” Ren grins at him, wiping down the counters, far too thorough. Taako’s got places to be. 
“Obviously with jelly, Ren, what the fuck do you take me for?” Taako grumps.
“Could be honey,” she shrugs pointedly, still looking very pleased with herself. “Maybe you two can become a sandwich together and ride off into a toaster sunset. Maybe you just need to say, hey, honey-”
“And just declare my intentions so boldly?” Taako puts a dramatic hand to his chest, scandalized as loudly as possible. “You can’t do this to me in the workplace, I’m calling HR.”
“Noooo, not again!” she giggles. “Seriously, though, Taako. If he’s cool enough to play in your band, and wear that sick jacket-”
“It’s got bleach-painted bones,” Taako moans, sliding down the counter and onto the floor. She daintly steps over him, and he briefly considers tugging on her apron strings. “And he plays the drums. And the bass guitar. And I think the cello?” Taako mimes playing a flute. “You know the one.”
“Yup,” Ren says, looking down at him as seriously as she can manage. “That one.” 
“And the guys–I can’t tell them. I shouldn’t even be telling you. No offense. I’m mysterious and private and I’m, I’m going to die alone, and,” he tips his head back, misjudges the distance, and hits the cabinet doors with a too-solid thunk that makes him yearn for the good old days, before stupid fucking phylum Chordata got any wise bone ideas. 
Now, wise bone ideas, he possesses a few. He snickers at his own head joke, and Ren gives him a generous half-smile. He sighs. 
“I don’t know. I don’t know,” he slides further onto the floor. She keeps cleaning, bless her. “I worry I’m not- I mean, obviously I am cool enough, natch,”
“Natch,” she repeats, not looking at him. He wipes an imaginary tear from his cheek while she can’t see. He’s trained her so well. 
“But what if we’re different flavors of cool and he isn’t into Taako butter? What if he’s, I dunno, fuckin- sriracha, or, or, or,” Taako gestures emptily. “Cubed cheese you have to get at an art exhibition.”
“You’re as cool as cubed cheese, Taako.” Ren sighs, giving up and half-laying on the counter. 
“I know that,” Taako snaps, warmed in the soul or something stupid like that. 
“And he’s a nerd who plays in a band and wants you to like his sick jacket. Just go, hey, sick jacket, and he’ll be like oh my god thank you for noticing, everybody thought I was too cool to come say hey sick jacket and I’ve been vibrating myself to pieces wanting to tell everybody the fine details of the bleach painting process, did you know that human bones are whack-ass shapes? Ulnas don’t look right. Ever.”
“Yeah, what is up with those guys, anyway?” Taako has to rotate his arm this way and that a couple of times, chewing her advice in his head. “I’m gonna fuck my drummer,” he decides, in perhaps not the same breath but certainly a consecutive one.
“Good, I’m glad. Can we close already? I hate to tell you this, but I do have a life outside my hero worship of you. I’m like, my own whole interesting guy.” Ren smiles, straightens up, and offers him a hand. 
“That can’t be right,” Taako muses, and he lets her pull him up. “You don’t even have a last name.”
“Do you?” She cocks an eyebrow, trying not to laugh.
“That’s debatable,” Taako says airily, and blows her a kiss. “You’re driving dessert tomorrow, bring your A-game. Your A+ game! No, your- uh-”
“I’ll bring my super diamond special reserve game!” she shouts, bouncing excitedly. “Thanks Taako! I hope your drummer wants you!” And before he can even counter that one, she’s off to lock the doors and flip the sign.
Taako’s going home and changing before band practice. Yep.  
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fairy-writes · 11 months
Merfolk!Viktor x Reader 06
i decided not to link the past parts of this series. i don’t want like a million links on my post.
all parts of this series are tagged under cryptid!viktor :)
cryptid!viktor also includes my pieces with vampire!viktor
also take all this scientific stuff with a grain of salt. i have actually no idea what i’m doing.
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“magnificent! absolutely stunning!” the onsight doctor (veterinarian) gasps as she marvels at the ct scan in front of her. it showed a detailed scan of viktor’s inner organs and body. the merman was still heavily sedated, floating motionless in an upright glass tube of water with a machine buzzing around him, taking said ct scans for you to stare at.
if they hadn’t tortured the poor merman so, you would’ve found it fascinating. 
part of you still did. 
so you watched on, watching as assistants performed test after test with an anesthesiologist monitoring viktor’s vitals. 
which probably didn’t matter because no one had any idea what normal vital signs for him were. 
“what’s magnificent and oh so stunning?” you comment dryly, and the doctor points to what looks like a set of lungs. but they looked almost alien. 
“the lungs! It looks like there’s a resonating chamber. think like a whale using vibrations to make its calls and noises throughout its skull. except instead of its entire skull, this creature uses only its lungs! it also has a larynx, much like a whale, so i’d imagine it makes similar noises. if only i could dissect the thing!”
“absolutely not.” you snap, and the doctor holds up her hands in defense.
“mr. leroy was very insistent that the specimen not be harmed. don’t worry, i won’t break that promise.” you pointedly ignored the whole “specimen” comment. though it did make you wonder. were they going to experiment on him?
testing went on for hours. during that time, countless discoveries were made. viktor was likely an omnivore, though leaning toward carnivore with those shark-like teeth of his. and while his bottom half was indeed fish (likely sturgeon like you had first guessed), he was distinctly mammal, much like whales or dolphins. 
did all merfolk have those kinds of teeth? 
did they all make the same noise? 
were they all mammalian? or were some more fish-like than dolphin-like?
you had so many questions. 
hours after viktor had been released into his enclosure, you snuck back into the testing lab with a swipe of your badge. while it would log that you had entered the premises after closing, you couldn’t help but be curious about what they had discovered.
you logged into the computer and typed in marcus’s access code—he had given it to you when he couldn’t be bothered with paperwork—and clicked on the file labeled “experiment neptunus.”
it pulled up hundreds of documents, and you were promptly overwhelmed.
so you clicked on the first file and found something interesting. 
something very interesting. 
it was a picture. but not of viktor. 
instead, it was of another merfolk, with her human half looking about seventeen years old with long blue hair and her fish half looking long, black, and whiplike. she was unconscious, eyes closed and mouth hanging open slightly to show teeth even more wickedly sharp than viktor’s. 
what fish was she?
you scrolled down and saw some classifications. 
KINGDOM: Animalia
PHYLUM: Chordata
CLASS: Mammalia
ORDER: Caudata
FAMILY: Hominidae
GENUS: Oceanus
SPECIES: Homo Oceanus
since when had there been another mer in this aquarium? you had only seen viktor and had even seen maps of the place, so you knew there weren’t any other enclosures unless they were underground. 
was this mermaid a deep sea fish? 
did she not require light like viktor likely did? 
scrolling down some more, you found some notes. 
“tests have shown that the fish-like bottom half is that of a pacific black dragonfish. the specimen is exceptionally aggressive, as such is the nature of the fish. it will be transported to another oceanarium where it can be monitored further.”
so there was more merfolk out there. and silco did know about them already.
just what was he planning?
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bagofbonesmp3 · 10 months
We see in nanobiology, then, a resonant coordinate of what Richard Doyle has called the "postvital" era, where life disappears from the closed interior of organisms and dissolves into molecular informational processes, codes, feedback systems, and programs, but returns, undead, as the absent origin of those very scientific practices from molecular biology to genomics to artificial life effecting its dislocation. It is not so much that biology has been destroyed by these postvital sciences, but rather that the biological now manifests itself "beyond living," a sublimation of life in excess of its reduction to technologies of information. For Eugene Thacker, this postvital return of the biological beyond its infomechanical reduction is an effect of "biomedia," the "technical recontextualization of biological components and processes" exemplified in fields like bioinformatics, systems biology, biocomputing, and nanomedicine that ultimately "returns to the biological in a spiral, in which the biological is not effaced . . . but in which the biological is optimized, impelled to realize, to rematerialize, a biology beyond itself." As we will see, disintegration's multiple remediations of the "technological" within the "biological," its serial enframing of the machine both within and without the body, effectively projects machinic life as the biology beyond biology, the afterlife of life. Or to put it another way, disintegration unleashes the machinic phylum.
Nano/Splatter: Disintegrating the Postbiological Body by Colin Milburn
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Probably one of the coolest commissions, and I can't wait for the final form! Pneumagogs are MTG's most woefully underrated creations. They are the most perfect of the old Phyrexians created by Yawgmoth: described as such: "While most Phyrexians were creatures of flesh and machine, Yawgmoth's Inner Circle belonged to another phylum entirely. The pneumagogs dwelt between the physical and the metaphysical worlds. They had bodies, yes - red-shelled bodies of living metal. Their insectoid legs could gallop across ground, and their rasping wings could slice through air. But these mechanisms were only the loci of their being, rooting them in time and space. Pneumagog bodies were wrapped in layer upon layer of scintillating spirit. This was the true essence of pneumagogs - brilliant, glowing, emphatic souls. Nowhere else in all the Nine Spheres did pneumagogs exist fully. When they ascended to higher spheres, only their living-metal bodies went. When they descended to lower spheres, only their spirits went. In was here, in the sixth sphere, that they were a glorious amalgam of physic and metaphysic." The sixth sphere itself is pretty much a plains with white sky, so I seriously have a hard time believing Old Phyrexia only had access to Black mana when these are clearly White (and Red?) aligned. They also hide their feet and faces with their wings, because why not, they might as well be Magic's take on seraphim.
Ooh, this is fascinating. I'm especially interested in the specification that pneumagogs have souls, which sets them apart from other Phyrexians immediately. I would love to know more about these!!
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the-hacker-news · 3 months
Npm Trojan Bypasses UAC, Installs AnyDesk with "Oscompatible" Package
The Hacker News : A malicious package uploaded to the npm registry has been found deploying a sophisticated remote access trojan on compromised Windows machines. The package, named "oscompatible," was published on January 9, 2024, attracting a total of 380 downloads before it was taken down. oscompatible included a "few strange binaries," according to software supply chain security firm Phylum, including a single http://dlvr.it/T1bJgx Posted by : Mohit Kumar ( Hacker )
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mechanicalmaniac · 11 months
hey neffy (hope you don't mind me calling you that) quick question, i understand you dislike organics a lot and often call them squishies. though that seems to be mostly towards mammals and other vertebrae. any opinions on invertabre like bugs, Crustaceans, etc? especially those with an exoskeleton. mostly asking as these things aren't really "squishy" depending on the creature, some are... i dunno... more crunchy.? also, i assume they are disliked less as more often than not machines and insects have similar forms sometimes, or machines seem to inspire a lot from insects. . . . i am starting to ramble aha my bad, i am just fond of bugs, especially the ones with almost mechanical like biology, bad habit of talking more than i need to
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leedsomics · 1 year
Inter-kingdom microbial interactions revealed by a comparative machine-learning guided multi-omics analysis of industrial-scale biogas plants
Multi-omics analysis is a powerful tool for the detection and study of inter-kingdom interactions, such as those between bacterial and archaeal members of complex biogas-producing microbial communities. In the present study, the microbiomes of three industrial-scale biogas digesters, each fed with different substrates, were analysed using a machine-learning guided genome-centric metagenomics framework complemented with metatranscriptome data. This data permitted us to elucidate the relationship between abundant core methanogenic communities and their syntrophic bacterial partners. In total, we detected 297 high-quality, non-redundant metagenome-assembled genomes (nrMAGs). Moreover, the assembled 16S rRNA gene profiles of these nrMAGs showed that the phylum Firmicutes possessed the highest copy number, while the representatives of the Archaeal domain had the lowest. Further investigation of the three anaerobic microbial communities showed characteristic alterations over time but remained specific to each industrial-scale biogas plant. The relative abundance of various microbes as revealed by metagenome data were independent from corresponding metatranscriptome activity data. Interestingly, Archaea showed considerably higher activity than was expected from their abundance. We detected 53 nrMAGs that were present in all three biogas plant microbiomes with different abundances. The core microbiome correlated with the main chemical fermentation parameters and no individual parameter emerged as a predominant shaper of community composition. Various interspecies H2/electron transfer mechanisms were assigned to hydrogenotrophic methanogens in the biogas plants that ran on agricultural biomass and wastewater. Analysis of metatranscriptome data revealed that methanogenesis pathways were the most active of all main metabolic pathways. These findings highlight the importance of a combinatorial omics data framework to identify and characterise the activity of specific microbes in complex environments. http://dlvr.it/Sj6JmY
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mi6-rogue · 1 year
W4SP Stealer Discovered in Multiple PyPI Packages Under Various Names
Threat actors have published yet another round of malicious packages to Python Package Index (PyPI) with the goal of delivering information-stealing malware on compromised developer machines. Interestingly, while the malware goes by a variety of names like ANGEL Stealer, Celestial Stealer, Fade Stealer, Leaf $tealer, PURE Stealer, Satan Stealer, and @skid Stealer, cybersecurity company Phylum https://thehackernews.com/2022/12/w4sp-stealer-discovered-in-multiple.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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reasonpencil20 · 2 years
Substance Testing for Recurring Progression of Diabetic Renal Ailment in These animals Beyond Remedy with Metformin, Ramipril, and Acyl CoA dehydrogenase
Many medical healing approaches to CVD have got considerably increased the actual specialized medical final result regarding individuals. Intensive attention continues to be centered on restorative remedies just as one rising technique of CVD. Cell phone beneficial approaches have already been suggested pertaining to increasing survival along with reproduction involving come cellular material throughout myocardium, ultimately causing #Link# heart mobile fix. Powerful epidemiological and also clinical data is available regarding the influence of standard exercising about cardio health. Several mechanisms of serious as well as persistent exercise-induced aerobic modifications to exercise are already introduced, thinking about major as well as second protection against CVD. Within this framework, exercise-related advancements inside the purpose and regeneration in the heart could possibly be from the exercise-induced service #Link# , mobilization, differentiation, and also homing associated with stem as well as progenitor tissues. In this evaluation numerous subjects will likely be resolved regarding the connection among physical exercise, employment along with organic exercise regarding blood-circulating progenitor tissues along with citizen cardiac come tissues. We hypothesize in which exercise-induced base cellular activation may possibly enhance overall center function and enhance the effectiveness regarding heart failure cellular beneficial methods.Next-generation sequencing engineering along with guns since the entire Glomeromycota phylum were used to locate phylogenetic group construction associated with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus infection (AMF) linked to Festuca brevipila. The analysis technique was a semi-arid grassland rich in seed variety along with a large enviromentally friendly slope inside pH, D, N, R as well as garden soil normal water articles. The particular AMF group within roots as well as rhizosphere garden soil have been analyzed individually and also was comprised of 74 unique detailed taxonomic products (OTUs) altogether. Community-level deviation dividing indicated that the function regarding environmental components in determining Are types composition ended up being limited while managing regarding spatial autocorrelation from a number of weighing machines. Instead, phylogenetic range along with spatial distance ended up major correlates of AMF residential areas: OTUs which were more closely connected (and also that as a result #Link# may have comparable qualities) have been more prone to co-occur. This particular design ended up being insensitive to phylogenetic sampling width. Because of the modest effects of environmental surroundings, we propose that will from tiny scales carefully related AMF positively associate via biotic components for example plant-AMF filtering along with friendships from the soil biota.The objective of this study ended up being establish the consequence involving phytosanitary X-ray irradiation for the physicochemical properties along with physical tools in early- along with late-harvest 'Bartlett' pears (Pyrus communis L.) throughout ripening below simulated commercial conditions. Irradiation postponed ripening, which experts claim influenced taking in oxygen charge, ethylene production, and suppleness. Irradiation reduced ethylene generation inside early- along with late-harvest pears and also taken care of firmness compared to the handle pears. From the early-harvest pears, irradiation didn't have an effect on breathing fee, weight-loss, or perhaps complete soluble hues.
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a-fix-of-muses · 7 years
Currently Listening To: "Plateau" by Mouse On The Keys
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pixiedreamclub · 3 years
Rage Against the Machine - "Memory of the Dead (Land and Liberty)" - Poem recitation
Wealthy vampires With the cold hands of executioners Execute Executive decisions Determined to destroy What 1 million women, children, and men 1910 Died, drowning in the rage of battle. Mothers, half naked Infants clutching their necks Running frantically Tripping over the bodies of their sons Teeth gnashing Swinging machete Spitting blood and mud, and screaming: Land, and liberty! Were erased. Buried and burned Along with the memory of the dead Along with the ejido. With the smooth stroke of a pen And with the ghost of Nixon present in their eyes They smiled. And pronounced the omnipotence Of the free market The profits of profit Extending the scourge of Columbus and Pizarro The freedom to buy things you can never afford The freedom for Indians to buy corn that once flourished overgrown in their backyards The freedom to die of curable disease The freedom to watch their children's stomachs swell and burst The freedom to starve and die Without land Or liberty But Ramona, with eyes of obsidian Peering through her blood and sweat drenched mask Darting, unseen Changing direction with the swiftness of a bird Through the shanty's of the canyon With every coyote, every insect, every phylum of life Urging her, propelling her forward. The leaves and branches of the forest Part for miles, clearing her path The voices and screams of the dead beneath her feet Echo in the deepest chasm of her soul Hurling her, toward the city History surging through her veins Pulsing through her fingers Hurling her, towards the city She caresses her trigger And the words of magome fulfill her being And with each shot she fires, she affirms her movement Saying: Enough! enough! No! I will see my own blood flow Before you take my land...
or my liberty
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featherwurm · 3 years
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Card descriptions below cut:
Loricifera - The Brush Head card represents smothering. It can be possible to hold on too tightly, squeezing the air and life out of something simply for the sake of holding tight. In a reading this card is a warning – do not allow thoughts, emotions, people, or any other outside source to smother something, to keep it from breathing and allowing it to live. This can include the subject of the reading. This fascinating phylum of animals contains some of the first known multi cellular creatures to survive in completely anaerobic environments. They have specifically evolved to live without an element crucial to nearly all other members of the kingdom – oxygen.
Micrognathozoa – The Limnognathia card represents luck. Sometimes, even when everything is lined up, carefully considered, and greatly planned for, it is all down to luck. At other times, without planning, thought, or meaning, luck brings something along. Luck is an arbitrary turn of fate or sequence of events. Even with all other cards in the reading carefully considered, one must always account for luck, good or bad, in anything that happens. There is always random chance, and in that chance, it may be important to let go of plans and schemes, or to simply understand that there is no greater machination in the world than chance. This phyla, only recently discovered in the 90s, constitutes one species of incredibly tiny multi-cellular animals which are located solely in warm springs in Greenland. Their discovery is a thing of chance, so small and easily missed, and yet discovered to be unique and interesting.
Mollusca – The Octopus card represents intelligence. And just as diverse as this phylum is, intelligence comes in many diverse forms. In a reading, one should consider where one can use ones own kind of intelligence to work through whatever the issue at hand or question before them there may be. Intelligence may not be of a scholastic kind, there are many others that have allowed our species to thrive. And just as we thrive on our own intelligence, the many diverse and branching kinds of intelligence in this phylum are well noted. These are alien intelligence meant to solve specific problems, but the strength and incredible diversity of this phylum points to the strength of varied intelligence.
Nematoda – The Nematode card represents a key. Any lock without a key is a barrier which cannot easily be surpassed. With the right key, however, that which blocks the way can be removed with ease. It may be time to look for the key, rather than beating one's head on the lock. Does the key lie in the other cards in the reading? Or is the key something from the outside needed to contextualize and understand them? That will depend on the subject and surroundings, but regardless, consider where something may be critical to unlocking a stubborn thing. Nematodes are an incredibly vast and bio-diverse phyla, with lifestyles ranging from predator to prey to parasite with every variation in between. Their biomass makes up an incredible volume of life on earth, and they are absolutely critical to many systems, such a soil quality, water quality, aquatic food webs, terrestrial food webs, and others.
Nematomorpha – The Gordian Worm card represents a knot. A knot is a tangle to be undone or something that binds together. In a reading this can represent a mess to be worked through, or a binding not to be undone. Nematomorpha are known to tie themselves in knots, alone or in groups when mating.
Nemertea – The Ribbon Worm card represents fragility. Within a reading one should look to where fragility lies in the subject. Whether it is a physical fragility, a metaphorical one or an emotional or mental one. In finding fragility, it is important to realize its nature, not forcing stress upon something which may be prone to break. A delicate touch is important and good to have, and recognizing where sensitivity and gentleness are needed is important to understand in many situations. This phyla is host to some truly stunning animals, however, many of the marine members of this species are extremely fragile without the electrostatic pressure of water to keep their bodies together, they simply fall apart on land.
Onychophora – The Velvet Worm card represents stickiness in a metaphorical sense. Sticking to something to see it though to its conclusion, or staying with something despite difficulty can be critical qualities to have. At times, staying with something, and sticking to principles and ethos may see through an otherwise difficult decision or time. When in the reading it should be considered where sticking to something may be needed. This phyla, while having many distinct and interesting characteristics, uses a sticky glue-like slime to catch prey, and demonstrates incredible effectiveness with as much.
Orthonectida – The Orthonectida card represents the parallel. Parallel lines travel along the same path, yet never meet. This is neither positive nor negative this is mathematical. One should consider then, where parallels lie between their lives and others, and whether they dwell on these or accept them as simply things that are. In relation to other cards in the reading, consider where their reading may interact with parallels, how they may reinforce following the same or breaking away from them. This small and poorly known phylum is defined by it's extremely simple body plan, consisting of two concentric layers of cells which surround little more than sex cells and possibly pigments. They are known only as parasites of various marine invertabrates.
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jankadank · 3 years
The Guidelines by Aceyalone
Let's begin. Asalaam alaikum, people of good will, I offer you the greeting of thought-manifested skill to finally reveal the open-end chapter. As real as the flesh that you're embodied in, to the skull cavity your mind is rotting in, I'll be riding in. And there might have been a slight rotation warp to curve the course, of course I'm cordial when I'm report.
I won't distort, I don't contort, connect, conduct, collect, console, or conceal. In full control of the roll of the wheel. My eyes are my appliance to decipher the science, omitting defiance with the high-tech mic check. The buttons that flashed, I pushed for absolute destruction. Your structure is lifted from the ground, the foundation mound is broke, so you float around.
I'm embedded in what is known as beat. Let it be shown, every enzyme is complete. In time, you'll see the pace of the pulse pump, Rapidly, heart rate, happily marched. I happen to be the dark man who holds the charts. I arch my horizontal line to make a rainbow, but it ain't the same though, Yo, the tried and true pros are chasing fool's gold.
Sliding through holes like small rodents. It's obviously evident, my embellishment peaks at two-ninety-two IQ 'Cuz Big Ace is the spinner, in the center, inventor, and I plan to be a winner meaning I'll be in the inner outer ovaries, overload, overboard, overseas hearin' oversees more than the eye can I stand, limited primitive, sentimentalist, escapist. The way I shape this landscape automatically makes this vivid. I give it a rivet, hold it, stand at the pivot.
I love it, learn to live it, then give you my exhibit. Not inhibited, not even a little bit when I'm inclined. My attempts to redefine your hip-hop guidelines. And you can play the sidelines, write rhymes in your spare time. My attempts to redefine your hip-hop guidelines. You can play the sideline, write rhymes in your spare time. 'Cuz I'd rather stimulate your mind than emulate your purpose, and we have only touched on the surface of the serpent.
Consider me part of the dust, in the dusk. I must collect the samples from the rust, penetrate the crust then trust no living. Driven by the sonic, language passion. Your ashes spark the flashes of the neon from beyond. What kind of planet could I be on? I don't know, but Imma be on for eons and eons. While many think that they can never play out, get trapped in a time frame and never find a way out
I stay off the dramatization and I balance. Always seeking the challenge To show the world the incredible talents. I cut the corners, smooth out the surfaces. Worthlessness is just half of the problem. I read the grid, kid, I did every column. I note the animal kingdom, and the phylum. Whylum style 'em until they get to hit the target.
I mark it on the bullseye of flies and the buffalo wing in the sky. My architechnique sparks the dark streets of your resting ground. I suggest that you warn your town. I inhabit the oxygen, mark off the memory. You will never forget to remember the lone wolverine, marine biologist machine with the verbal, internal mind fertile, foot over hurdle, tight like girdle, and my word'll be the last.
I incubate every other millenium. I fast and I hibernate to pass any of 'em. I am potent, untraceable, no color, no odor, no taste, no replaceable parts, no heart, no head, just a carcass. The darkest days come right before the light. I watch my watch and stand right before the mic. By the powers vested in me, I digested MC's.
Food for thought, caught on to the end of the rope and swung, then stood stiff as if I was on a cliff. Not beneath sticks, my feet or made of bricks. When I walk, my footprints indent cement. I am not practical, nor am I unusual, nor am I oblivious to hideous crimes. Every city is captured and trapped in my mind.
Given the spinal tap as the final rap climbs. My attempts to redefine your hip-hop guidelines. You can play the sidelines, write rhymes in your spare time. My attempts to redefine your hip-hop guidelines. You can play the sidelines, write rhymes in your spare time. 'Cuz I have become the night owl on the prowl, master of the free penpal style, 'cuz I'm omnipotent.
I'm some government experiment that is out of control. I'm from some big black hole. I square up, select and wrecked every tangle. I flare up and you can try any angle, even Bermuda, but I bury the barracuda, then I'm octagon in the wind with the pollen.
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