#me looking at narrator like i know what you are
teriri-sayes · 2 days
Reactions to Crazier Bastard's Chapter 302
Brief summary: Cale subdues enemy elf with DA. Cale hears an explanation on what happened while he was unconscious. Exion is confirmed to be on Cale's side. Cale uses new SEW power-up.
With DA and SEW getting stronger because of absorbing new powers in the previous chapters, Cale goes one step closer to godhood. 😂
CH's review of DA: -Cale-nim's aura. It has now gone beyond the realm of dragons. it is less than that of a god, but at least on this world, no being can compare to it.
Author's review of SEW: -(insert 10+ lines of poetic descriptions)
Cale was in a hurry, so he quickly subdued the enemy elf with DA. Of course, we must not forget the 30+ lines describing the effects of DA on the enemy, complete with similes like "like prey caught in a spider's web"... 🤣🤣🤣
The enemy was the 6th Inquisitor, who was ordered by the 1st Inquisitor to capture Cale. Ron was fine despite his condition, though the kids made him promise to drink a potion afterwards.
There were some funny moments, like when Cale was shocked that the entire Black Castle teleported near here after watching the video that Clopeh had sent to them. 🤣🤣🤣 Or the scene afterwards:
Cale: *asks about why the others were here* Hong: Heh- *looks up at Cale and smiles strangely* Narrator: What was in Hong's eyes was the gaze of an older brother looking at his helplessly mischievous younger brother, or rather, the look of a nephew looking at his immature uncle. Cale: (…Hong sees me like that?) Narrator: Cale was slightly shocked. In fact, he was more shocked than when he became an NPC in the game.
The dialogue between the ancient powers was funny too. 😂
Cale: The 1st Inquisitor can use an unquenchable fire? SEW: I can extinguish that. This is easy. They're not even a god, right? Fire AP: She's a bit scary now. I don't know her limits. SEW: I know how to make clouds now! Cale: (You can make what?) DA: Woah. I'm not the only one who absorbed power, huh? SEW: Shut up. Bluffing bastard. DA: ...
Exion was confirmed to be on Cale's side now. He had put up a magic barrier that was preventing around 10 dragons in their dragon form from entering. The 1st Inquisitor had an unquenchable fire ability, so he was planning to use his Earth attribute to cover the burning places with dirt and put out the fire.
But Cale greeted his new ally and helped him. SEW could create white clouds now that made it gently rain. The rain easily put out the "unquenchable" fire.
Ending Remarks The battle chapter I was expecting somehow ended too quickly. 😂 Cale's just too overpowered. Now I'm looking forward to everyone's reactions to his new SEW power-up. After all, Cale keeps heading down the godhood path.
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ciggrx · 2 days
Threads of the fate
Pairing-: Sukuna x F!reader.
Summary-: you are childhood friends with the village's chief's son while being a poor maiden. How will it go for you? Is it a happy ending?
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It's evening. The sun is setting, the cold air is flowing through her hair as she looks at the beautiful orange sky with a grim expression. She looked at the crowd, her eyes looking for someone, the hc-nette smiles weakly as she sees the pink-nette running towards her, the gaurds hold him back as he screamed her name as the gaurd secure the rope around her neck as she gets on the stool with her hands behind her back. She looks at the sky once again. What a beautiful day it was.
Once again the hc-nette is out in the streets of her village, she sees a group of kids around her age [13] trying to bully a guy with pink hair, he seemed a bit older and a bit taller [15]. Her eyes shining as she runs up to the pink haired guy. Pink is her favourite colour.
"Excuse me!" She goes up to them.
"You shouldn't say stuff about someone! Father says otherwise a big curse will eat you." The hc-nette scolded the kids who were trying to bully the pink-nette. The kids continued.
"He's a monster! Yeah!"
"He's going to kill us all one day!"
"Father says to stay away from him!"
"He ate his twin in the Womb!"
"He's not all that! He's just strong! He's a nice guy!" The hc-nette argued as the pink-nette puts a hand on her shoulder shooting the kids a glare as they run off.
The pink-nette glared at them as he turned to her.
"It's getting dark go home." He pointed a finger at her as he gently pushed her towards her hut, retiring to his house. He was the son of the village's chief.
She shrugged knowing it was the right thing to do since she is defenceless without a jujutsu in this world and went home. She pouted. He's like this all the time. Pushing her away.
That didn't stop her from approaching the chief son every damn day.
"Hi!" She said as she sat under the cherry blossoms tree where he was studying.
"What are you doing?" She peaked into his notebook. Even though she didn't understand what was written. Reading and writing were preserved for the higher ones in the community and mostly men. She did know how to dance and do the other household chores though.
"Reading." He replied coldy. His brown eyes stuck on the book.
"What are you reading?" She asked, her father knew how to read. He used to  narrate her stories before he passed away in a battle with a especially strong curse.
"A story." He replied again with the same stoic expression on his face.
The Hc-nette sat their with staring at him, his eyes glued to the book in front of him.
The hc-nette got up and tugged on his sleeve.
"Let's play" she said tugging on his sleeve, again.
No reply. Rude. The hc-nette sighed as he attempted to pull his sleeve out of her grip, she ended up falling beside him again.
"Ow.." she grumble as he smirked.
Once again she sat with him staring as he sighed deeply and started to read out loud,  as she happily listened to him.
"Thanks for today." She said.
"What do you mean?" He asked with the same stoic expression on his face as he placed his book down.
"You know..you read me the story." She said with a smile as she got up, happy that he talked to her.
"I-i wasn't reading it for you. I was just.."
"Just?" She tilted her head to the side, innocently.
"Just practicing my pronounciation." He makes up and excuse as she laughs.
"Let's have a picnic here tomorrow! Let me pay you back for today!" She said excitedly.
"I'll see"
"Yay! See you tomorrow!"
"What? I said I'll see-"
The hc-nette ran off towards her hut, leaving him confused, he blinked twice before collecting his books, getting up and going back to his house.
The hc-nette pouted as she went home to her mother who will probably be mad, she didn't get any chores done today, but oh well.
"Mother I'm sorry! It won't happen again.." she apologized looking at the floor as her, clenching her kimono, tears in her eyes as her heart beat in her ears. She felt nauseous.
Her mother "Hana" glared at her. The hc-nette crawled back in fear as her mother took a cheap metal rod she had heated up and walked to her.
There were screams. Blood curling screams..
Time flies by. The hc-nette is already 20 and Sukuna is 23. She's grown into a beautiful woman and so has he grown into a handsome male. His jujutsu got stronger over the years. The villagers see him as a threat.
"You're late." He said as he leans against the tree they're usually under.
The hc-nette giggled sheepishly as she sat beside him.
"Yeah, my bad the food took a while to make." She replied setting the nicely packed lunchbox on the ground and starting to unwrap it as he eyes her up and down with his piercing brown eyes, his hand proped up on his knee.
"Yeah. The food. Sure, Princess." He mocked. Rolling His eyes.
"What's up with your tone, tuna?"
"I told you not to call me that" he grumbled popping a rice ball into his mouth, humming at the taste.
"And i told you not to call me 'Princess' but you do." She replied.
"Yeah, cause you are delicate and fragile like one."
"I'm not! And i call you 'tuna' because it rhymes. Sukuna..kuna..tuna!" She argued. While stuffing her face with food.
"And you look like a squirrel right now. Should i call you that?"
"Hmph" she looked away as he chuckled, deeply, before turning serious again as he glared at her.
"Be honest. Why are you late?" He asked, seriously.
"I-i told you the cooking took a longer than i expected-" she was cut off by his roughly grabbing her and pulling her kimono off her shoulder, shamelessly.
"Sukuna!" She yelled as he glared at the thin burnt lines on her back and let's her go.
"How many times, have i told you to let me take care of that wench?" He asked, pinning her to the tree.
"It's my mum I can't let her get punished-" she replied, her face red with embarrassment.
"Foolish girl." He grumble reaching to touch her wounds, sending a shiver down her spine as he heals her using his reversed cursed technique and pull away.
The hc-nette quickly turns around, fixed herself and her clothes.
She shyly sat on back under the tree as they ate.
"kuna. Don't you get mad when people call you a threat?"
He shook his head, while chewing on the food.
"Why not?"
"Cause they're not wrong." He said with a shrug.
"Ehhh.. Yes they are"
"No they're not."
"Oh so you are going to eat us all, huh?"
"Yeah definitely." He laughed.
She stared at him fully awake that he is capable of doing that.
"But you'll spare me, right?" She asked.
"Hmm no"
"No?" She said, offended.
"No I'll save you for the dessert."
"Dessert? Human meat as dessert? You're weird"
"I know." He said.
"And who will be the first one you eat?"
"Uhh.. probably that wench"
"My mother?"
"You know any other wenches?"
"Uhh me?"
He looked at her like she grew another head.
"You're not a wench"
"I mean..a low class or working class servant is a wench. I fall in both categories."
"You're not a wench, since I don't hang out with wenches."
She nodded as she ate her food..her eyes suddenly light up as she pulled another box out.
"Kuna! Kuna! I made something sweet for the first time. Try it!"
Sukuna smirked as he leaned down to try it. He was confident in her cooking. He had tasted a lot of great things. Even though her cooking never was perfect he enjoyed eating what she cooked the most while sitting with her and under this specific tree, it felt like home. Not that he'd ever admit it out loud.
As he leaned down to try the Mochi. It didn't look perfect, the filling was spilling out as he popped it in his mouth.
He chewed it. She stared at him with hopeful eyes.
And spat it out.
"Princess, what the fuck?"
"Why? Is it that bad?" She pouted
"Tf is it salty for?"
She took a bite of one and...spat it out.
"Ew." She gaged.
"I think i accidentally put salt in here instead of sugar.." she fake cried as she washed her mouth with some water from the lake.
"Are you trying to kill me?"
"What? So weak you'll die from salty mochi?"
He held a finger to her face and she bit it.
"Fuck! You're a lunatic."  He groaned.
Before she could reply a voice comes from the village.
"It's a special garde! Run!"
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Hey! Hope you had a wonderful day/night. Please like if you guys liked it and tell me if there are any mistakes since English is not my first language.
If you wanna be added to the taglist of the series please tell! Love you!
Next Chapter-:
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di-42 · 2 days
May's Magnificent Fictions
First off let me share with you a little side note, because the brain wants what the brain wants. After an inner struggle I've finally decided to settle on using the noun "fiction" as countable when referring to works of fanfiction. I will stick to this. It has been bothering me.
And now for something completely enjoyable, let me present to you the lovely fics I've been lucky enough to read in May. I't's been a busy, at times stressful month and I haven't had the chance to read as many as I would have liked. I only made a tiny dent in my Marked for later list, which keeps growing and isn't it wonderful? I still have so much beauty, creativity and bliss to look forward to.
I'll try and tag the writers whose tumblr username I know, so they know how loved they are.
The first two WIPs of this list have made me realise that my new favourite trope is the "they never met" one. Or it might just be that both writers are incredibly good!
My Heart Was Always Yours by @addledmongoose
I love this fic and the author's other work so much that sometimes I worry the writer might think I'm stalking them or something! (I'm not! I promise! I only kind of start staring at my phone around 6pm on a Friday night UK time waiting for an update, that's all!). Anyway. like I was saying, in this fiction Aziraphale and Crowley never met until present day and, at the beginning of the story, neither of them knows the other is an angel or a demon. They have both been tasked by their respective head offices to retrieve Raphael's trumpet so Armageddon can start and they both want to find it and destroy it. So they embark on a journey together, thinking that the other is human. This story is so good. It has an incredibly well thought out plot, the characterisation of both, Aziraphale and Crowley are spot on, their interactions are funny and witty but also deep and very sweet. But the point that's dearest to me is that it shows the character of Aziraphale the respect it deserves, which sadly happens less often than it should. The way the writer describe the building of their relationship and their trust will fill your heart with warmth. The stoty has alternate Aziraphale and Crowley POVs and it's narrated in the first person, which will read funny at first but it will flow within the first couple of chapters and it will have been worth it!
This fiction is updated officially every Saturday but if you're very lucky and depending where you are in the world it might be Friday. Only a few more weeks to go, though, it's almost complete and I'll miss it (But I'll re-read it!) Rated M.
The Last Angel by @bellisima-writes
This is another excellent "they never met" story. In this universe, Crowley and Aziraphale were stationed on earth, Armageddon happened, and Hell won the war. All the angels have been killed, except one. This story only has the first 6 chapters out, but you can already see the wonderful job the author has done of thinking how Aziraphale and Crowley would be without having ever met each other, what would be the same and what would be different. And the same goes for other characters, too: so far we've had an insight of how Beelzebub is like in a different universe and hints at how other characters would behave as well. It is full of promise, it sets expectations that I'm hoping will be subverted and the writer is doing such an excellent job with it all. Please go and show this story some love, you won't regret it!
This fiction is updated weekly, definitely every Friday, but I understand from now on every Wednesday and Friday. Rated M.
The Escort by VinyamaDN @vinyama-23
Human AU where Crowley is an escort and Aziraphale hires him for a date. They start getting to know each other and the rest is history. This story touches very delicate subjects, but it's also funny and fluffy. Please read the tags. Rated E.
Whickber Street by Caedmon @caedmonfaith
Lovely human AU where Aziraphale has a bookshop in Whickber Street and Crowley opens a comic book shop on the same road. It's a slow burn, from one-enemy-to-lovers story, full of humour, charm and fluff. Featuring all the shopkeepers in Whickber Street, which is a treat! Update every Monday and Thursday without fail. Rated E.
Complete works:
And Now All Of My Garden Is Grown In Lavender by ilikeblue
I'm so grateful to my lovely mutual and penpal @dashuntsel for recommending this great human AU. Aziraphale is a successful queer romance author whose books are being adapted for TV. At the start of his career, his agent, Gabriel, insisted he claims to be married in order to gain more readers. Now that the spotlight is on him, Aziraphale needs someone to play the part of his husband. Did I mention that Crowley is Aziraphale's gardener and friend? I'm sure you know where this is going. This story has a little angst and lots of good vibes of trust, friendship, love and loyalty. And a happy ending! Rated E.
Lit by @fellshish
Fellshish is one of my favourite fiction writers and this piece doesn't disappoint. Making people laugh is much more difficult than making people cry and fellshish succeeds in the task so effortlessly! (They can also make you laugh while wanting to cry, but for that you'll have to read their other stories. This one is angst-free). Time-wise this story can be collocated after season 1 and is not canon compliant with season 2. Crowley enrolls in a literature course without realising it was a fantasy literature course. The book that will be read this semester is "Good Omens - The Nice And Accurate Prophecies Of Agnes Nutter, Witch". And the class will get to meet the author, Neil Gaiman. This book seems to describe only too well the event leading to the failed Armageddon, including things that only Aziraphale and Crowley would know. How is that possible? And what would happen if it fell on heavenly or hellish wrong hands? And, oh Satan, did someone say TV adaptation?? A truly amazing, funny piece that will make you feel better after a hard day at work. Rated Teen and up.
Gate Duty by Ginger_cat @gingiekittycat
Not really a crossover, but a Good Omens fiction with elements of The Good Place. You can absolutely read it and enjoy it if you haven't seen The Good Place. placed in time post season 1. Aziraphale is called back to heaven to Gate Duty and he's decided to go despite Crowley's protest. Crowley has Beelzebub assign him to Gate Duty as well, so they don't have to spend 300 years apart. So they set to out to judge the souls and decide whether to send them to the good place or the bad place, as they have rebranded heaven and hell. In the process they meet a few souls that you might or might not know, not the focus of the story. This fiction manages to be funny and incredibly angsty at the same time and it was incredible to see how some of the details in it would resonate with season 2, which wasn't out at the time the fic was written. Rated E.
Of Size And Other Matters by LCwrites
Lovely from strangers to lovers, fake relationship human AU. Aziraphale needs a date to accompany him to an event hosted by his brother, Gabriel. Crowley receives a text from a stranger, clearly by mistake, but why not having some fun? I really like the dynamics between them, the ease and the trust. A tiny bit of angsty pining but quickly and happily resolved. Rated E.
One shot:
Not Nice by Sad_chaos_goblin @sad-chaos-goblin
Great one shot that follows the wall slamming scene!What would have happened if the former nun hadn't interrupted their "Intimate moment"? This fic is a treat, sweet and hot and fluffy all at the same time. Rated E.
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itmeblog · 3 days
Random Audio Drama Writing Tips
The more characters you add to a podcast the more time it's going to take to do anything.
Details: In order to make characters matter, people need to care for them. The more characters you want people to care about, the more people your audience has to meet, grow attached to, and fortunately (or unfortunately) people need time to grow invested. This means more scenes, more interactions, more information.
This goes twice as much for nuanced characters who aren't meant to be immediately likeable.
This is not mentioning that the larger the cast the more logistical issues you are going to face even if you are doing all the voices. Like... doing all the voices, or scheduling, stamina is a big one for me (After Keryth's voice I have to take a break). How much time can you demand of these people or yourself? Are you paying them or is this volunteer?
On a similar note, the more characters you have, the less nuanced you can make them, and the more important it is to give them distinct and memorable personalities.
If you are working on a time limit (due to budget, personal preference, or just how much time you can dedicate to the project) you should decide what story elements you want to prioritize.
Details: Plot, characters, personal arcs, worldbuilding etc. Are all important parts of a story, but they all take time to express. Now you can have a big cast in a limited series but know that you may have to sacrifice bits of lore for character moments (to show/hit emotional beats) , or straight up tell (rather than show) people what the characters are about, in order to move a plot forward. This tradeoff becomes less likely the fewer characters you have or the more episodes you can create. There's probably always going to be some sort of tradeoff somewhere regardless of the set up you choose (I am sitting on so much lore because I tend to prioritize character beats and plot... not necessarily in that order)
Decide how you're going to use sound! (preferably before you even put pen to paper but that might just be a personal preference)
Details: Of course sound is very important in audio drama but how you use it is going to impact your script and the descriptions you have to provide.
I use sfx to represent a set. As in my characters are there, they are interacting with the environment, I have floor plans and objects they are holding/fiddling with, I know the texture of the ground, I know if they fling their arms they might hit a wall, etc. This means that I can often get away with cursory descriptions in dialogue that can come across fairly naturally. "Oh look the beach!" I don't need to describe the way the waves hit the shore or that the sand looks like this or that, because in the background you can hear the waves, and hear the characters in the sand and I can let people fill in the blanks on their own.
Frankly, I'm an extreme case. This takes a ton of time and makes my podcasts a bit difficult for people with audio processing issues.
Other podcasts use sfx to direct listener attention to important objects or places in the story.
An important rattle, the sound of a body hitting the floor, the clicking of a keyboard, music to indicate emotion. It's less about setting and more about overall vibes and keeping track of plot relevant objects. These tend to require a little more description in the dialogue and there's usually some sort of framing device that facilitates this (they're talking over intercom, they're making captain's logs, they're describing something to a friend, they're making a podcast, they're three narrators in a trench coat, the character just likes to talk to themselves, etc.)
And other podcasts just use music, a set soundscape, or a tape recorder background
These tend to be single narrator and they tend to read like prose! Descriptions are often lush and in depth, usually limited POV. They generally have to describe or tell you everything you need to know!
Each one has its merits and there's no rule saying you have to stick to one for the entirety of a project, or that you can't land in between! And these are relatively broadstrokes.
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maleyanderecafe · 3 days
Good day! I was wondering if your review on Restart Heart has changed after the new demo came out recently? If you haven't played it yet, I suggest trying it out and letting us know what you think of it.
After trying my hand at the updated demo, I can safely say that my personal opinion has changed quite a bit since the very first version. The MC seems a touch more like an insufferable prick now with how rude they are towards some characters, how "Mary Sue" they act in given situations, and how they overreact to certain events occurring around them. Their inner thoughts and rational thinking are nothing like mine as well, but that's more of a personal thing. While I'm aware it's currently still a demo and these events aren't considered "canon" by the dev, it isn't exactly doing a good job at persuading me to try out the finished version of the game once it comes out.
I do like that there are more than one "main" yandere now, however unfortunately none of the other characters aside from Ezra and Sammy really appeal to me. Each character seems very "stereotypical" and play into a very specific trope, but it's been like that since the first release so I'm not too bothered by it. I guess I was hoping for more developed and interesting characters in the update and got let down with the lack of improvement from the first version.
I'm also unsure how I feel about how overly "woke" the demo is trying to be? The overuse of Arabic phrases by Bess seems somewhat out of place and repetitive, so many characters are overtly trans or use their ethnicity as a base for their personality (especially seen on tumblr), the NSFW scenes [in the first version] feel like I was being babysat with the constant "consent check ins" and boundary implementations, and characters like Steph talk about their job [a pornstar] as though it's something to glorify or romanticize. The game's job is to make these characters appealing enough for us to pursue but I can't get over how forced/unnecessary their backstories and personalities feel. I'm transmasc myself but I'm put off by these constant reminders being shoved in my face at every turn, especially on the official tumblr page. I like that these sorts of things are being represented in a positive way (much less in a visual novel where it's so rare), but I don't like how constant and overplayed they are.
I will say that the writing has definitely improved in the new demo and it doesn't feel as overtly casual with the grammar and punctuation anymore (almost as if the narrator was texting me rather than talking to me). The characters have established connections with the MC now which I like, though I understand that this may not be everyone's cup of tea. The new CGs are nice too, however I won't comment on the updated art style since I personally prefer the scratchy anime style of games like TKATB, Mushroom Oasis, and even 14DWY [the first version]. I've always liked the music used and the GUI looks good, so I didn't mind not seeing much of an update for them in the new demo.
Overall, I have mixed feelings but I'm hopeful and optimistic that the finished version will be much better if the updated demo is anything to go by. I also hope there won't be a price tag on the finished product because as good as it is now, there is still so much that needs to be improved on to justify even a $5 label. These are my personal thoughts, though I'd love to hear yours as well.
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It took me a while to replay the new demo and then find the older demos since it's no longer on the itchio page (There is still a link for the third day, but I had to watch epsylion's video on the fourth day, which excludes some routes). I admit that while I am generally aware of what is going on with various vns and their updates, I haven't had time to really go through and play most of them, so if there is a game that I have gone over before but it has updated, feel free to send me an ask.
Restart Heart seems to have an interesting conception, with the game going up to it's fourth day, before eventually being pulled back into a shorter demo that encapsulates the first day, likely to revamp and improve on the game as a whole. As such, I'm not sure if I've missed anything specifically as I'm not on the patreon . As a quick recap, the general plot of the first demo was that the MC, Sugar basically went on a huge party rager after finding out their ex fiance cheated on them and got their younger sister pregnant. As a result, the four days that we do spend with Sugar and the other characters are generally Sugar attempting to get back on their feet with the help of Ezra and the other characters, Bess, Blaire, Sammy, Chris and Steph along with sleeping with some of them if you so choose to. The new demo is a bit similar but only covers Sugar before finding out about the cheating, with them having a smaller interaction with the rest of the crew at the chocolate place they work at (namely that they almost got crushed by a bunch of staplers).
I think compared to the four day version of Restart Heart, I actually prefer this new demo's Sugar to the old one, though that's likely going to change once they find out about the cheating that's going on. While I understand that Sugar is going through a generally horrible situation of someone cheating on them, I also find their behavior kind of hard to deal with and not that much fun to play with. This is just my general gripe with a lot of yandere vns, not just Restart Heart in particular, where the MC tends to be very cynical and dislikes doing... well anything, which to me is a touch tedious and kind of annoying at times. I also feel like from the four day version, they feel a lot more bitter and angry (again due to the break up) but also coddled very heavily as well. Understandably it is nice to have someone who is able to care about you and try to make things feel better when everything feels like it's falling apart, but to me it still feels very infantalizing in some aspects, with every character seemingly trying to nurse Sugar back to feeling better. It's likely more of a me thing since I've always been the type of person to drag myself back up by my feet, rather than attempt to rely too much on other people. In the new demo, Sugar has yet to experience this (at least from what I can tell) so is generally more stable and less prickly. I don't think it's particularly Mary Sue like in the new demo, considering that I feel like if my friend almost got crushed by a bunch of staplers, we'd all run over there too and make sure that they're okay, though I can see where you're coming from since most of the characters are revolving around Sugar in that sort of way. It's hard to say what kind of characters the Restart Heart gang will be considering that it is still a demo, but considering it did have four days already out, I can see what you mean. We don't get to see too much into their lives (outside of Blaire, I think which probably has the most characterization out of Chris and of course Ezra). It would be nice for them to do other things as well like go out on dates or just hang out more one on one (like going to hang out at the library with Sammy, for instance) to get to know them a bit more.
Interesting take on it. I did notice that Bess uses a lot of Arabic phrases, kind of like someone who is trying to learn the language and is attempting to use it in their every day life so that they can remember it. I don't think that specifically was the intention, but it did come off like that for me. I'm not really sure what you mean by "overtly trans or use their ethnicity as a base for their personality", do you mean as more of like that's their main personality trait? A very minor confusion I have with the game is the use of pronouns that are attached onto the characters. That in itself isn't really a problem but it does seem a touch redundant because there is a character bio for all of the characters that already has the pronouns on it. Not anything huge, but it is a strange decision to make. The checkins for nsfw content is generally a thing that happens in a lot of r18 yandere vns, but I do get that it does feel very babysitting like, especially if it's something that happens after the initial agreement.
I do agree that the writing has improved a lot more, with the characters written in a more lifelike manner and feels more like they have known Sugar for a while. I also agree that it's nice that they have more stronger connections to Sugar this time around. I think the music is good, though I do wish that they would change it up more since the same soundtrack repeated does make it a bit tiring (though this is likely just a demo thing). Lilith did a good job of coding everything as expected, especially with the pronoun, name, partner, nickname choices in the very beginning. There is a lot of variation for people who want to be called a specific way during the NSFW parts (though admittedly I don't really like most of them since well, I prefer submissive yanderes). They are doing a lot of projects right now, so it is hard to say when the full version will come out and what the quality will be right now. Hopefully it will come out well though, and there will be more yandere content that I can shift through.
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nhasablogg · 1 day
Tickle fics
Fandom: Red, White and Royal Blue
Characters: Henry/Alex
Summary: Alex reads a tickle fic about them aloud and Henry is having a totally chill reaction to it.
A/N: Soooo I do admit not a lot of tickling happens in this one (if any?). It's more of those fics with (the concept of) tickling that I love writing. BUT if you're nice maybe I will write you a sequel with the thing Alex mentions toward the end ;) Actually I probably WILL write it either way, although maybe I won't have the fics be connected. I hope you like this regardless!
Words. 1.2k
Alex finds it funny, and Henry likes watching him giggle over the phone, but, respectfully, Henry is about to die if he keeps it up.
Gripping the pillow he’s fighting against covering his face with, he tries to keep his features neutral, the opposite of Alex’s animated movements. He’s all hands and expressions, all laughter and voices. Maybe it’s Henry’s silence over the voice Alex has chosen to adopt each time Henry’s character speaks - too high pitched, not even the right British accent - that finally makes him look up from the phone, eyebrow raised, sentence dying at the tip of his tongue. “You don’t like this story?”
“It’s a great story.”
“But you’re barely reacting.”
“I was simply just enchanted by the descriptions. You know-” He sits up straighter, eyes on the back of Alex’s phone. “My interpretation of the story relies on how you read it to me. What words you choose to emphasize. What tone you adopt.”
“So you’re saying the way I’m reading is boring.”
“Not at all.”
“Hmm. Okay, look.” He shoves the phone in Henry’s face. “Read this.”
All Henry sees is giggle and tickles and it makes him want to scream. “Okay.”
“Read it aloud. I wanna see how you’d read it.” He leans back, grinning at him. “Since apparently I’m not a good narrator.”
“Oh my god, Alex, that’s not what I meant. I simply thought it was an interesting observation which was entirely on topic by the way-”
“You’re trying to get out of this.”
“I am not-”
“So read.”
They’ve done this before. Henry has never cared about the world of fanfiction, which Alex finds interesting since he is a man of letters and stories. Alex, on the other hand, was looking up fanfiction about the two of them the very moment they started sleeping together, sending him links and screenshots with lewd emojis. It was only after they became official that he started reading them aloud to him, sometimes as a joke, sometimes to see what Henry thought of certain, uh, activities. Henry has never called him out on it, mostly because it’s been quite effective.
“Look,” he said earlier that evening, tapping Henry on the arm. “I found a tickle fic of us.”
Henry nearly broke his own neck from how quickly he turned toward him. “S-sorry?”
Alex took his spluttering in the wrong way and nodded eagerly. “I know! Apparently that’s a thing. Listen to this.” He cleared his throat. “This is in the middle of the fic, it doesn’t start like this. Henry managed to call out a panicked, “No!” before Alex had switched spots, fingers curling over the area and making Henry howl with laughter, much different than June’s quiet pleading, but nowhere near Alex’s yelling. I don’t yell by the way. Also it’s a little weird that June’s in here. But oh my god, I need to read you the whole thing, it’s glorious. It’s about me compiling a list about my favorite things about you and putting you being ticklish on there, which I guess is kinda true. The author’s this weirdo called N-”
Henry grips the phone tighter now, scanning the screen. “Where did you stop?”
“About here.” Alex points and Henry tries to breathe.
“‘I should pin you before you fall off,’ he said, and Henry positively whined- I don’t whine.”
Alex waves his hand. “You do. Keep reading.”
“‘You liked that?’ ‘Let go of me, you brute.’”
“It does kinda sound like you, doesn’t it?” Alex has his cheek pressed to Henry’s shoulder, eyes on the phone. He can probably feel the heat radiating off of him and Henry tries to calm down, he really really does. “You’re certainly just as ticklish. Not sure if you like it when I tickle you, though.” He turns to grin at him, all cheeky innocence and Henry deserves a prize for the way he doesn’t look away.
“Right.” The prize should promptly be taken from him due to the way his voice wavers.
Alex sits up, as if he only just now realizes how not chill Henry has been during this entire interaction. “Wait, do you?”
It’s so unfair when Alex baby’s him. “I don’t.”
To Alex’s credit he seems to be trying very hard not to smile now. “You’re blushing.”
“It’s very hot in here.”
“Come to think of it, you’ve been blushing this entire time.”
“I have not.”
“Did you write this fic?”
“What? No!”
“But it’s not far off, is it? You don’t mind when I tickle you.”
Henry finally covers his face with that stupid pillow. “Please god, what did I do to deserve this.”
Alex is laughing as he pulls at the pillowcase. “Come on, don’t hide. It’s cute. I swear I didn’t pick this fic to embarrass you. I hadn’t connected the dots until literally just now.”
“There are no dots.” Henry gives up on the pillow and lets Alex take it. “This fic is simply not good.”
“Oh, come on now.” Alex makes a move as if to touch him and thinks better of it. “You almost never protest when I tickle you. You always seem to be in a better mood afterward. You don’t have to be into it or anything to not mind it.”
Henry whines - stupid N being right - and shuts his eyes. “I- okay, fine, I don’t fully mind it. Not when you do it.”
“Baby, that’s so cute.”
“I will literally murder you.”
“Tell me.” Alex is suddenly closer. Henry can feel his breath at his neck, but he refuses to open his eyes. “Did it do something to you to hear me read that fic?”
“Did you enjoy it? I certainly like watching you squirm.”
Henry opens his eyes and Alex is right there. “I won’t answer that.” A breath, and, “You already know the answer.”
“Oh, that I do.” A fingertip on Henry’s thigh. Henry imagines it moving further in, touching his most delicate skin. He rarely allows himself to think this - shame and guilt always gripping him - but sometimes, when he’s alone in bed or has Alex sleeping beside him, he imagines what it would be like to fully lose control to teasing fingers.
He’s never thought this fantasy will play out. He doesn’t know how to approach it now.
But Alex is there, so certain with it. So nonjudgmental.
“Tell me,” he says now, finger still but still touching. “What would you want me to do to you, if you could have me do anything? Pin you? Tie you up? Tickle you so gently you nearly scream? Or maybe you’re more into the playfulness of it. Maybe you like it when I’m quick and brief.”
“I don’t know what I like.” It wasn’t a lie.
“Oh. Well.” Alex grins, all teeth and glee. “Maybe one of those fics can help us figure it out. Combined with some experimentation, of course.”
Henry doesn’t know if he should curse N out or thank her. Maybe both.
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Another weird question. I encountered something like "me encanta leer", which apparently translates to "I love reading". But if "leer" means "to read", then why is the translated sentence "I love reading"?
Is there a special rule that changes "leer" into a gerund when translated into English?
This is one of the confusing bits of Spanish to explain so bear with me
Note that these are different from using unconjugated verbs with helping verbs like tener que, querer, poder, etc.
There are times when you can use infinitives [the -ar, -er, -ir verbs unconjugated] almost like nouns
With verbs that use indirect objects like gustar [gustar, encantar, apetecer, interesar, fascinar, and others] tend to use verbs in their infinitive form like this
This is because the infinitive used this way is what I've called "substantive verb" [el sustantivo is "noun", so it's "using a verb like a noun]
Basically though it's "the action or result of the verb"
As an example you might say entender es más fácil que hablar which is "understanding is easier than speaking" - but in a more literal sense it's "the act of understanding is easier than the act of speaking"
*Note: You may sometimes see an infinitive with el, or sometimes al - the al in particular is almost like "upon" or "once (something happens)", but literally it's "at the + (act or result of the verb)"
This can be a bit confusing when you get to times of day because el amanecer is "dawn" but al amanecer is either "at daybreak" or "when day broke" OR sometimes when talking about people it can be "when (someone) woke up in the morning"
...You can also see atardecer used as a noun "dusk" or a verb "for the sun to set / get dark", or anochecer "evening/dark of night" or a verb "for night to fall" which is just very dark as opposed to atardecer which is like twilight time
You'll also notice that some nouns may look like verbs - poder "to be able to" can be el poder "power", or saber "to know" could be el saber "knowledge" [less common than la sabiduría "knowledge/wisdom" but still]
Some examples:
Al despertar... = Upon waking... / Upon waking up... Al leer esto... = Upon reading this... Al descubrir el problema... = Upon discovering the problem... / Once (he/she/they) discovered the problem...
"Al cumplir los dieciséis años, se pinchará el dedo en el huso de una rueca, y morirá." = "Upon her 16th birthday, she'll prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel, and die." [from Sleeping Beauty; but literally "upon turning 16 years old..." the verb endings in -á here are future tense; cumplir (los años) is "to have a birthday" or "to turn X years old", exactly how you see cumpleaños "birthday", but cumplir by itself is understood as "to fulfill" or "to complete" in a way, so it's like "to reach another year"]
This is sort of how the verbs like gustar work where you're saying "the act of reading is very pleasing to me" in a literal sense - it's not quite "I love reading", at least not literally, but it makes more sense in translation
You might see something like me gusta ver que... which is "I like to see that..." or "I like seeing that..." but it's just like me gusta/encanta leer where you can translate it as "I like/love reading" or "I like/love to read"
As far as the actual gerund/progressive form of verbs, this is considered a kind of....... I don't know what the right word is, I want to say "conjugation" but that's not right
It's a specific verbal form used in specific situations, typically understood as implying motion or continuation at that moment
They imply a state of motion, while the plain infinitive is more "static" or stays still if that makes sense
Typically you see them with estar or verbs of motion/continuation like ir, andar, seguir, continuar etc. - like a popular one is salir corriendo which is "to run out of (a place)" but literally "to exit/leave running"
You do sometimes use it in other places but it's like something happening at that moment like narration
An example: me gusta pasar todo el día leyendo "I like to spend the whole day reading" - in these cases the gerund is almost like an adverb, describing the way you do something
There are times when you could use either but they have a bit of a nuance difference
An example:
#1 - Al desubrir la verdad... = Upon learning the truth... #2 - Y, descubriendo la verdad... = And, learning the truth...
#1 seems to imply looking back on something as a series of completed actions. It seems more like... I don't know, to me it's like snapshots like this happened, then this, then that
#2 is a more fluid narration style, it's as if you can see the scene playing out, so maybe more like a video than a snapshot?
They express the same sorts of things but it's a matter of perception; you see a lot of the gerund forms for continuous narration styles
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fancyfade · 9 hours
Tim and Damian for the ask game bc I'm predictable
12, 21, and 23 :)
12 What’s a headcanon you have for this character?
Damian: That he spends half is time with Talia <3 I also headcanon that if he did think Bruce and Talia would get back together again he would be outwardly supportive but inwardly suspicious (after like everything has happened, and he's 14, not 10) becuase he doesn't want to get his hopes up for nothing.
Tim: I headcanon that his hair doesn't grow back after hte explosion at the end of Robin. I just think its neat when characters have scars. Everyone's on tim's missing spleen but not Tim's burnt back of head?????
21 If you’re a fic writer and have written for this character, what’s your favorite thing to do when you’re writing for this character? What’s something you don’t like?
Damian: I really like when Damian draws comparisons with how he's treated in different situations by different people, often misunderstanding the people involved due to his own experiences (like assuming Talia is constantly evaluating his skills and judging him when she just meets him in The Way My Mother Didn't Raise Me, like she's another trainer).
Tim: I haven't written any Tim centric fanfic yet RIP even though I have ideas for some... but currently I guess (and this is my favorite thing for almost all characters if you can't tell :P) when his perspective informs his narration, like I wrote this line
This time, Damian gives him a longer look. He’s narrowing his eyes, threateningly.
in Batman and Son Rewrite (my first DC fanfic so there are things I'd change but not this part) and initially it was "He's narrowing his eyes, suspiciously" because Damian just genuinely was suspicious and uncertain of Tim's intentions. But I'm like wait Tim didn't know that, Tim doesn't really have the most charitable read on him. So I re-wrote it so it was influenced by Tim's POV rather than what Damian was thinking
Something I don't like.. hmm well I try to avoid writing it if I don't like it, but I guess for my past work I think both characters seem a little too soft at first. Tim is written back when I just new him from Batfam crossover events, Nightwing, and Batman comics (which I read a ton of, so there wasn't no comic basis) but before I read his solo title which I think really helps flesh out his character and I would have a lot different ideas for him now... Damian I think I overdid a bit on how ... hmmm IDK how to describe it. But sometimes in my fic i Published a bit ago he comes across as a little too vulnerable (on the outside) even if I was trying to avoid it.
23 Favorite picture of this character?
For Damian: Pick any one of these smug Damian faces by Patrick Gleason, that's peak Damian (link)
For Tim, probably one of these images I drew (link) where I re-imagined early Robin Tim who was joking about how small he was as. actually a young teenager and not miniature adult XD
Ty for ask! Asks from here (link)
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artflameball · 2 years
Kevan why did you deliver that line like that
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blackkatdraws2 · 7 days
Grown men giggling and kicking their feet.... [Blank Scripts AU]
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chropyl · 2 months
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good day stanley
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yea-baiyi · 6 months
say what you want about svsss but hands down the most distraught i have ever been while reading a mxtx novel is after the bing-ge extra. what do you mean he asked shen qingqiu to come with him. what do you mean “it’s not fair”. what do you mean he looked back.
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vellichorom · 1 year
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so maybe he’s taken the sexysweep loss a little hard,
( NOTE; this comic does NOT reflect the views of the artist or is in ANY way meant to chastise / guilt the opposing side OR fault the voters, this is just a little in-character fun on my part & in no way was created with malicious intent! )
CONGRATULATIONS @braisedhoney, I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT! & ANOTHER THANK YOU TO @tsp-narrator-ask​ FOR FEATURING MY NARR IN THE COMPETTITION! earnestly looking forward to seeing who brings home the gold!
( ps also featuring @tomi-chuu‘s stanley because how could i ever not )
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onebizarrekai · 2 months
I've been going back and forth trying to decide whether I want to make the old ibvs oneshots be available on ao3 but every time I look at them I go into a state of shock at how… absolutely teenager they are
also this
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featherymainffins · 2 months
Me when the narrator is an external entity with its own motivations and agendas and the script it makes you follow is not the one you are confined to but be well aware that all folly has its limits and all relationships might sour
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fisheito · 3 months
i told myself that yakuei only had one position then i proved myself (sorta) wrong
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my fave face here:
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#technically... if they were boinking in outer space... a lot of these would be the same position#makes a rotate-y gesture with my fingers#what is yakumo's kabedon if not a vertical missionary#so i've half proven myself right AND wrong! i'm net neutral in outer space broskis!!!!!#zizz-asdf if ur reading these tags i'll have u know that u inspired me to Do the Research1#like. 5 garu riding eiden? no. it can't be. does yaku do one specific thing with eiden 5 times? *tries to write it down*#i can't quite... what's the word for that position...uhhhh#ah forget it i'll just draw it out#<- that was the process of creating this. collage? 😆#THE MATRIX OF YAKUEI BOINKINg POSITIONS (under construction)#when u about to be semi-normal and make a spreadsheet but ur sexcabulary is stunted so you resort to visuals instead#legit opening up every intimacy room and skipping thru sections to get as complete a picture as possible#wondering... where are yaku's feet planted in this one. (skips to 8minute mark)#ah! there they are. theyre not supporting his weight in this one *draws it*#while drawing crimson phantom room 2 my brow was furrowed and i was mentally narrating#[and this one i affectionately call.. rectal exam - professional misconduct Grounds for Termination)]#surprised they str8 up havent done classicdoggstyle yet. is it because he's a snake? garu should teach him#also surprised that there's been no Light SSR for yaku yet. come on!! Light mode on the double!#uhhh i think the only repeated positions were freestanding (choco liqueur r2 and dark nova r2)#and standing AGAINST! THE! WALL! (choco liqueur r5 {interior} and shadow lineage r5 {cave})#wait. *throws papers around* i swear they did missionary more than once. was it only ocean breeze???#i know with the intimacy rooms they gotta modify the positions into certain angles to make it...look...better#but seriously? only one missionary out of the lot of them? despite the aesthetic tweaks??? how can that ........#*tosses more papers around with increasing befuddlement* WHERE IS MY PURE 100% VANILLA BEAN ICE CREAM#sighs as all the papers lie scattered on the ground#dude... i don't know anymore..... this is beyond my scope#now that i see how evenly spread out the positions are...#i BET the devs have SOME SORTA CHART tracking yaku's positions. now THAT'S a funky office corkboard!#yakuei#nu carnival eiden
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