#mistakes stresses me out
somewhereouthere · 6 months
I just need to write what's inside my mind, without thinking about grammar, spellings and what not. I sometimes focused so much in my mistakes even though I am still writing the first chapter. Always stressed about it.
I need to remind myself that I have to write everything first and after it's done I will edit it.
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littleseasalt · 6 months
"forever is a bad dad to richa-" SHUT UP!!!!!
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#qsmp#qsmp forever#qsmp richarlyson#id also add in the book he wrote for the egg museum where he talked again about forever being the one who took care of him the most#but i dont have the patience to find it in vods to screenshot it#also sorry but. some people on twitter have been stressing me out A LOT over their opinions on their relationship#ive literally been stressing about it since i woke up i needed to release this stress somehow#< also im thinking of doing a long post talk about what their relationship is and isnt#bc whenever theres angst/fight between them people take it as an opportunity to mischaracterize BOTH forever and richas#in a way that makes it clear that the person 1. doesnt keep up with forevers pov#and 2. only knows richas through one pov#like. ok#disagree with forever however you want youre free to do that#i myself think he was in the wrong in multiple situations (like the tallulah fight day)#BUT SURPRISE!! SAYING HES A BAD DAD IS LITERALLY SO WRONG!!#PEOPLE CAN MESS UP!! PEOPLE CAN MAKE MISTAKE!! NO ONE IS A PERFECT PARENT!!#NO ONE ALREADY KNOWS HOW TO BE THE PERFECT DAD AND THERES NO SUCH THING AS BEING A PERFECT DAD!!#PARENTHOOD IS SOMETHING YOU LEARN ALONG THE WAY!!!#AND LEARNING HOW TO BE A DAD IS A CORE TRAIT OF FOREVERS CHARACTER SINCE DAY ONE!!!!!!!#saying hes a bad dad literally goes against canon statements from richas#saying richas is uncomfortable with forever goes against canon#“oh but i mean in the emotional way” ok so you never watched a forever stream before#because when they fight. richas ALWAYS opens up to forever later on how he felt#the fights HAPPEN because richas is comfortable making drama in front of forever#if richas' didnt feel comfortable he would literally just “suck up” his jealously and not show it often but he does shows it often#if richas was uncomfortable after fights he would just apologize and never talk about his feelings#but after the tallulah fight? he told forever about how romero richas affects his body and how he feels#after the armor fight? he told forever about how he felt towards his own life#to which btw BOTH of these times where he opened up#he had never talked about that with anyone before
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a-crystalclearsquid · 24 days
Always an angel, never a god.
Jon, on his brightest, could make Damian feel anything and everything like no other. He would simply smile and Damian would breathe easier. Jon could simply express his kindness as he always does and the latter would fall a little more in love. It would be that Jon would immediately stop whatever it was that he was doing in favor of comforting a homeless guy in the street. Jon, who would be patient with a child who refuses to listen to the mother out in public.
It was always the little things- the smallest gestures that caught Damian off guard on how easy it was to fall in love again when he thought that he was completely taken over.
But even on Jon’s darkest days, it would not deter Damian.
It would be that a bully would wear out Jon’s patience and throw the first hit or even when he would completely avoid talking or making contact with anyone else just because the day is not going his way. Or even being irritated at his friends’ tiniest movements because he has an assignment due and he could not concentrate.
All those things simply meant that Jon was also human (as he was) and had his flaws. It made Damian appreciate his partner more.
The fact that Jon has his own human struggles as the rest of them had Damian be comforted but also annoyed as he could not ease it away.
So what he does is to be a better partner more in the battlefield. That way, he knows he could prevent Jon from experiencing the harsher wounds.
It comes in many forms as it is displayed through thousands, millions even, ways: Love.
It’s so hard to put it into words.
Especially for Damian, who was taught that actions proved better evidence to one’s thoughts and feelings. While he simple does not disagree, there are times when one has to use words where one’s actions are not sufficient or is the most appropriate way to let somebody know just how much you care about them.
An example would be right now, where Damian is helpless besides Jon, who is recovering inside a kryptonian pod in the Fortress of Solitude.
Where, even to the best of Damian’s medicine and surgical knowledge, is unable to assist in any way to the recovery of a comatosed Jon Kent.
All that knowledge and practice and for what? To be told that the best he could do as of now is to converse one-sidedly to Jon in hopes they would get a reaction out of him.
So here he is, the grandson of the Demon, proclaimed assassin by the age of 8, Robin to two Batman by the age of 10, has died at least three times by the age of 14, and completely helpless to by the bedside of the love of his life at 21, struggling to form words to bring back his lover from the depths of his own subconscious.
“Jonathan,“ he says his name as how one might start a prayer. “Habibi,“
my love, my life,
He grips the wrist of Jon, to feel the faint pulse, assuring himself that Jon is still here.
“I miss your warmth,
and I miss your presence.
I miss you in every waking hour, knowing you’re barely within my reach.
And I’m tempted,
oh, so tempted to bring you to the waters where I was born.
Yet, I am not so desperate as to turn my back on everything that I have fought for -that we have fought for- just for you to be disappointed in me when you return.
I have yet to lose faith that you’d never wake.
And it was because you have made me promise to by your side and never lose hope.
So here I am,
Barely holding on to hope,
Always on the edge on doing the drastic measures.
The only thing stopping me?
That would be you,
My most and dearest beloved.
All these years, and all the doubts everyone in my life has given me, save for you.
You had never given up on me, you’ve always been by my side, and you’ve always rooted for me even in times I don’t deserve,
You have made me felt no safer than in your arms.
So please,”
Damian begged,
“Return to me and make me feel safe within your comfort again.
As you have been by my side, I am also here, Jonathan.
Return to me and I will show you my devotion.
My faith wavers not as I wait for you, no matter how impatient I might seem.
Please come back to me,“
With nothing to do but sit and wait by Jon’s bedside, barely sleeping in case of missing something, his brothers bring him his books and his sketchpad.
They also bring him Alfred the cat for company, who was now sleeping by Jon.
He appreciates the little distractions, though it does no good as he keeps on looking over Jon every few minutes.
So he inclines to bring out his sketchpad and starts imitating the sleeping form of his little feline friend, and when he’s done with that, he sketches everything else he could see within his sights.
And when he also exhausts those within his peripheral vision, his hand finally gets the courage to draw Jon.
It wasn’t like the other portraits of Jon sleeping he has done so far.
It’s different, but also the same.
The way that it’s so peaceful gives out a nice scene. The way that Jon’s bruises and cuts are now mostly gone relieves Damian. The way Alfred the cat is calmly rested on top of Jon’s chest, comforting both pet and owner of the repeated rise and fall movement.
He finishes the sketch and Damian wishes he had paint with him, so that he may properly bring the art to life.
He was tired now.
Though trained by the best to function for weeks with limited to no amount of sleep, Damian couldn’t help his tired eyes and his tired mind, grudingly succumbing to slumber, but not before taking in Jon’s hand in his.
He yearns for the hour Jonathan wakes again.
To be able to recieve and exchange smiles with his beloved again.
Damian rests his eyes, knowing he will easily wake at the slightest movement of his beloved.
Even for just a simple twitch of the finger, or on the skipped heartbeat of the monitor, Damian is most confident he will be able to detect it.
For now, he simply escapes to the plains of his dreams, hoping his subconscious grants his wish. Even though knowing that it would not be real, he would at least get to spend a second reliving on a far-away memory or to experience a new one.
For whatever can emphasize his hopes and faiths, Damian will always be waiting in the land amongst mortals.
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alphacrone · 10 months
this is your reminder that 99.9% of employers care more about money than you and even if they are kind and fair now they WILL at the end of the day put profits over your well being so absolutely do not sacrifice your life for them.
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ratcandy · 3 months
got to hold big scorpion again today everything is right in the world
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seagreenstardust · 5 months
Every time I watch MHA I come out of it loving Katsuki Bakugo more
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averlym · 1 year
May I req soft parrlyn please
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thank you for the req, here they are <3
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yknow technically cloning works alot like artificial insemination or like fertilization treatments from what ive seen/been told by my mom so by that logic timkon clone baby absolutely couldve been more than one and has a higher chance of being say twins or triplets than not which means in a dcxdp crossover you can absolutely have dan dani and danny and it haunts me that no one else noticed this
Edit please note that I am not a doctor or anything I just had a slight fixation and tried my best to learn what I could which resulted in me knowing more about surrogates, adoption, and fertility treatments than anything else except I was very much a kid and didn't like knowing the full reasons of things so I'd learn enough and then guess the rest so on one hand I absolutely know how one thing works however I have absolutely no fucking idea how it happens its essentially like how we all treat the Talk I took one look at learning the ins and outs of these treatments and went "I know enough" and dropped it so if anythings wrong yeah that's why
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bogkeep · 9 months
the way the most recent pokemon games don't let you turn off the exp share or the affection mechanic bonuses is nothing short of maddening. i think they make great accessibility features If Only They Were Optional and the flavour text is cute, but i want to have a fun casual playthrough that's at least mildly challenging without having to make it a nuzlocke or something. i don't want to feed my starter bitter medicines to make her hate me :(
#JUST LET ME TURN IT OFF... PLEASE....#i can't do nuzlockes i do Not have the willpower to stick to the rules and they stress me out haha#anyway i am a fool who's left all of my DS games in norway and i got a hankering for replaying sinnoh games#so i decided to get shining pearl right. figured it might be fun even if ill miss the 4th gren spritework something fierce#what ensued was a needlessly complicated process just to get a copy that was slightly cheaper than full price nintendo blood money#there's a store that listed shining pearl at a lower price. not brilliant diamond - just pearl#i feel like maybe it's by mistake since that's the price of a nintendo DS cartridge. so maybe wires got crossed#the norwegian version of the store does NOT have the price disparity.#anyway i can't order online without a swedish phone number. and the local store is out of stock#so i have several long walks to the store to get them to order it in for me and then to order it delivered to me etc#and then of course another long walk to pick up the mail BUT I HAVE IT NOW. I HAVE VIDEO GAME#and it's very nice and nostalgic with a couple quality of life upgrades#my first pokemon game was pokemon diamond. when i got it i was still learning english and had no idea what was happening at any time#good times good times#obviously no pokemon run is ever gonna be as challenging as my first ever run#it does not need to be! u can immediately tell that a lot of difficulty in earlier games is that leveling up your team was a hassle#and almost always required grinding. i do not miss that at all ! but the remakes seem to be Extremely Faithful#so they're not rly structured around how fast you can level your whole team#or that your pokemon are gonna start doing extra crits or hold on to last HP before u even get to the third gym#OH WELL#you know what's very exciting for me though. i have a misdreavous!!! they're pearl exclusive and not in platinum#ive always wanted to do a sinnoh run with a misdreavous on my team for some reason
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ereborne · 4 months
What is a Monday? A miserable little pile of obligations.
semester turnover restructure
generate/send out error reporting
figure out how to separate out unique counts
create polite reply to Massive Dick Move email
finish the bad book >:(
bò kho (not an obligation. dinner)
lizard bath
#yapping tag#I spent my weekend trying to sleep and now all my chores are due today and I wanna complain. grump grump grump whine.#the semester turnover restructure actually is a pet project so that part I like! I wish I could take my time with it though#the error reporting is. well it's easy to generate (it's actually running now) and it's tedious but uncomplicated to send out#but then I'm going to spend the rest of the day getting passive-aggressive responses from everybody#in a just world my coworkers would respond to careful itemized lists of all their fuckups with 'thank you Alexis you're so helpful#we really appreciate you flagging our mistakes two weeks before the system final-saves them forever into stone. have a cookie!'#but alas#if I'd been any less stressed and frantic when I first established the error reporting I'd have set up a separate address to send them from#write up some template emails and let the reporting all come out of the mythical 'automatic system thing'#--every 'automatic system thing' in our college is me or IT on my behalf. even the people who hired me for this don't seem to realize#if only I'd known from the beginning that nobody would ever connect me and my systems! I'd be exploiting the shit out of it--#the unique counts is going to be a headache. no idea how I'm going to structure the coding for it. might be fun to invent? we'll see#the Massive Dick Move email response also will be an invention. 'hello Mr Massive Dick I am karma here to smite you' but polite#the bad book >:( I don't want to read any more of but the deal I made with my friend is he sends me free books and I report back#we did not discuss a special 'get out of book free' card for when the main character is a godawful shit sibling. (should've done though)#beef stew is good! mostly it's on the list so I don't forget to set the timers#laundry and lizard bath can wait until tomorrow if they must but they shouldn't wait any longer than that. lizard and I will get stinky
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s0fter-sin · 3 months
so lately i’ve been obsessed with a 141 dancer au
gaz runs classes, has a youtube channel and quickly becomes one of the most sought after choreographers in the music video scene. soap is his dance partner for his classes, he helps run them and does demonstrations with him
ghost is also a choreographer and he’s gaz’s Arch Nemesis
he's famous for never performing his routines, never doing public appearances without his skull mask and being highly exclusive with who he allows to perform his choreo which earns him his name (since he’s a ghost creator). gaz however is a social media darling, his classes and videos regularly doing huge numbers
they both popped up around the same time and are neck and neck in terms of popularity and skill and they immediately rub each other the wrong way
gaz accuses ghost of not actually choreographing his routines himself bc no one has ever seen him dance and ghost thinks gaz is a clout chaser who's just in it for the fame instead of passion
he became a dancer as a way to channel his rage after years of being an underground fighter, the discipline and physicality helping him more than fights ever did. he hates the thought of someone just using it just to get famous when it literally saved his life
deep down they know their accusations are wrong and they have a grudging appreciation for the other's talent but they'd both rather die than admit it
price is a famous dancer turned director they both work with frequently and they always fight over him; trying to get their routines picked for his music videos. he's also the only one in the industry who's ever seen the ghost perform (before he got famous and before the Incident™)
he finally gets fed up with them constantly being at each other's throats and hires them both to work together and choreograph a joint routine. they're both famous in their own right but this video is for a huge artist so neither of them can refuse no matter how much they hate the other
gaz has a gymnastics background but also a ballet background which lends him to a more fluid style whereas ghost’s style is stronger, more masculine with sharper movements so they naturally end up butting heads
then there's soap who has a completely different style altogether, focusing on a more modern, breakdancer style which makes him see everything completely differently
but it also adds to his self-doubt bc he didn't have a formal dance education, he built his entire repertoire by himself. people see him as inferior to gaz who has that very formal, highly disciplined style. his insecurities about only ever being seen as gaz's demonstration partner and that he can only do gaz’s routines so all his skill is just an extension of him instead of being seen as a dancer in his own right forces him to adopt a rigid - destructive - perfectionism in himself and his body
soap meets ghost before the first rehearsal. he gets to the studio early to practice when sees this beautiful man dancing
he has no idea who he is but he moves so seamlessly, almost better than gaz, and he immediately falls a little in love. the man catches him watching in the mirror and he flusters, getting worse as the man just smirks at him and flawlessly completes the routine
soap tries to save face and asks him to teach him the routine he's doing
the man agrees, introducing himself as simon. the style of the routine is familiar to soap but he can't focus on it when simon's hands are on his waist, guiding him through the steps; his chest pressed up against his back. they work together beautifully, picking up each other's body language and dancing together easier and better than they've ever danced with anyone
then gaz arrives and the vibe in the studio immediately changes
simon's easy confidence becomes hostility, pulling up the skull gaiter he'd let hang around his neck as he practically pushes soap behind him to square up to gaz
soap’s shocked when gaz hits back with the same energy until he realises it's the same way he acts whenever he talks about ghost and his stomach drops
he steps out from behind ghost to side with gaz and the betrayal in simon's eyes hurts more than anything he's ever felt
from there it's romeo and juliet; camp gaz versus camp ghost as they fight over every step of the choreo and soap is the poor bastard stuck in the middle
soap tries to channel that “you’re my best friend’s rival, i have to hate you,” mindset but he can’t forget the way it felt to dance with simon
and how much he wants to do it again
#my friend mimi introduced me to gymnast gaz which made me think he grew up in competitive gymnastics and left it to be a dancer#whether his family was disappointed in that decision i havent figured out yet#the Incident™️ was roba getting simon directly from the underground and manipulating him into working at his strip club where price finds h#and pulls him out when roba tries to force him into sex work too#soap earned his name for being such a clean dancer and never making mistakes during performances#which just make his insecurities worse bc now he has to live up to his new reputation as well as fight of the gazs partner image hes gotten#farah and alex are definitely team gaz and i think nikolai would be his manager#then im thinking alejandro and rudy are team ghost with laswell as his manager#then bc soap is the odd man out hes used as tie breaks when they get into arguments about what move should go next in the routine#the pressure of picking correctly and the routine being essentially on his shoulders freaking him out just as much as having to choose#between his best friend who expects him to always side with him and ghost who always has good ideas#this isnt a negative haz au btw i think it would be a good way to explore his arrogance and stubborness#hes decided ghost is his enemy and nothing can pull him away from that#(except for what eventually does but im not sure what that is yet lmao)#i want soap at some point to completely overwork himself and his bad knee swells and gets irritated and finally gives out#and its ghost who forces him to take a break and convinces him that working his body to death wont help him be a better dancer#cue tender wound care and ghost backstory as he reassures soap that he is an amazing dancer#he offers soap a no stress space at his studio if he ever wants it & gaz overhears and thinks soap is betraying him and leaving so cue angs#we’re a team. ghost team#coming out of my cage and i’ve been doing just fine.txt#soapghost#ghostsoap#ghoap#john soap mactavish#kyle gaz garrick#simon ghost riley#save post#john price#cod 141#soapghost au
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welcometogrouchland · 2 months
May I ask about your Jason Todd idea? <3
Hm, okay so. How to lay this out sensitively since I know it might be a tad controversial...
Prefacing by saying I'm not an expert on the minutias of Jason characterization. I like him when he appears, I think the battle for the cowl/Morrison era and some parts of modern era for him are Weird and Bad, but I'm not Jason scholar (for that I'd say maybe check out @/tumblingxelian and their great video essays), I'm just trying to think of what might be an interesting step forward for him.
First, the canon facts
Jason got lobotomized and has panic disorder on steroids. By the end of Gotham War (specifically when Jason was. Flying the batplane into the asteroid. God I can't believe that's the plot) he was finding it in himself to power through said panics
In Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #12, the joker gives Jason a "low dose" of joker venom, which has an ambiguous effect on Jason, allowing him to power through the fear (which joker explicitly states is still very much present, just not physically debilitating, like when Jason couldn't run over in either Catwoman #57 or #58, the one with the kid in the building) even though he'd been able to do that sans venom over in Gotham War, like I previously stated.
The effect of said joker venom seems to be lingering for now, minus the creepy grin side effect it gave Jason over in that man who stopped laughing issue, as seen in the latest batman issue (number is escaping me rn, #147??). He still has the stutter which is a shorthand for fear, he's drawn with fearful expressions by Jorge Jimenez, but he says that he's "working through it" thanks to the chemicals
This is both super interesting and kind of maddening as it doesn't completely remove the consequences of what happened in Gotham War, but is trying to sweep them under the rug and get back to business as usual. I, however, propose making said consequences front and center like a fashionable urn on a mantle piece:
Since it's never stated how exactly the joker venom works, and I think the current answer is "it works how the story needs it to" I've decided that because it's a low dose, it eventually wears off. And when it wears off, Jason's back to square one in terms of mental state. Ergo, if Jason doesn't want to live the rest of his life as quaking shivering husk of his former self...he's going to need more.
(read more for the meat of things)
So, Jason self medicates for a condition given to him by the father he has endlessly complicated feelings towards with a cure invented by a man who represents everything he hates in the world who once tried to take everything from him.
Which, insert poetic cinema gif here, I'm quite proud of myself for that one.
Anyway, there's a lot of directions you could take this. Personally I think it'd be interesting to explore Jason trying to get back into the drug trade like he did in UTRH (FULL TRANSPARENCY I HAVEN'T READ THE FULL COMIC, I KNOW BROADSTROKES BUT IM NOT GONNA TRY AND MAKE PARALLELS) as he tries to use the resources (production plants and other drug runners who can hook him up with samples of joker toxin/similar stuff you can probably find around Gotham) to manufacture his own cure that means never having to go back to the joker again. Maybe he ambushes a joker toxin chemical production plant to get his own supply, and then Jason uses this as his foothold back into that world.
This isn't necessarily me saying we should regress Jason alll the way back to UTRH, that was before his anti-hero era and I'm not willing to fully shoot him back into the past. I just think that's not how you tell good stories in a medium like comics. But it'd inherently be a little different just bc he's doing it for different, slightly more self motivated (depending on your take on villain Jason) reasons and the people around him would have a different reaction to it.
Anyway, all sorts of problems can arise! Depending on how you wanna characterize Jason (wayward son who longs to be back in the fold or black sheep who doesn't play by daddy's rules, etc) he can either a) try and hide this criminal enterprise from his giant family full of nosy detectives (good idea there jay) OR do it out in the open, trying to justify himself but still putting himself on the opposite side of the family again (not the law bc that boy hasn't been on the 'right' side of it since he died)
There's also the fact that Jason now needs to take something 24/7 in order to live his life. He essentially can't be without it, he's dependent on it, in fact he'd get sick without it despite any adverse effects it may have on him (which are guaranteed, I mean. No clinical trials)
I imagine it'd be easy to become addicted to it in some way.
And uh. This is the part where it works slightly better as a fanfic pitch than an actual comic pitch. Because as much as I think it'd be such an interesting beat for Jason's character considering his fraught history with addiction and drugs (looks away from that one urban legends story where he suggests terrorising addicts to get to the suppliers and bruce lectures him. The easiest way to make Mr "we don't sell drugs to children" sympathetic and you beefed it)
I also fully recognise that this is a sensitive topic that DC doesn't have the best track record with (although addicts aren't a monolith and feel a number of ways about addictions portrayals in comics) and that there's probably some pitfalls inherent in the premise, namely bc of Jason's background as an impoverished kid and his grey morality, and how those play into stereotypes of addicts. Addiction is already such a misunderstood and stigmatized condition that I imagine playing with it with an antihero might be enough to turn some people off. Addiction is not a moral failing and I'd hate to write it as a moral failing of Jason akin to his willingness to kill, etc.
But with all that said, I think that stereotypes are primarily harmful because of their shallowness. They inhibit understanding of groups labeled "other" by presenting them in simplistic ways that don't portray richness or complexity. And I think a truly good red hood comic could give both sympathy and complexity to Jason, even as an addict. If anything, Jason is a popular character (mostly) and there could be something nice about seeing a main character go through what you're going through, gritty details and all. YMMV (can we bring that back btw?) and it depends on execution. There's a lot of ways it could go wrong, but seeing as it just lives as a hypothetical rn, I think there's also a lot of ways it could go. I mean, not right, it's a downer story beat for Jason but it's mostly meant to be interesting and a vehicle for more stories as Jason navigates it, ya know?
Anyway, I have a lot of spiels littered in my notes app and discord DMs that elaborate on all this (how this could work as act 1 in a broader Jason story where his little operation goes to shit and he has to hit the road (jack) and maybe do some character development for better or worse. I'm a sucker and wanna say better- not squeaky clean better but. Yknow, finding himself to an extent. I recognise I'm a sap and a fool tho. Or how a new outlaws team could factor into either of those eras (since I do like Jason with an outlaws team. It gives him an excuse to exercise his compelling relationships and dynamics with other characters without having to constantly tip-toe around the elephant in the room whenever he's with the batfamily all the time. He just needs a good lineup) but that's all for another time
... though without elaborating on the vision in my head it kind of just sounds like my pitch is "Jason gets addicted to his hyper-anxiety medication" BUT I SWEAR ITS MORE THAN THAT.
It's like. If Jason has struggled as a character (and this is very subjective on my part so feel free to disagree) because he has compelling relationships with all of the batfamily, but also has compelling grey morality that makes it hard to capitalize on those relationships, without the conflict always coming to "Jason stop killing!" "Nuh uh!" OR just being ignored, and the main way writers have addressed this is via reboots instead of arcs...
Then giving Jason and the bats:
real, legitimate and fresh reason for jay to be mad at Bruce (taking their relationship of love with very little understanding to it's most dramatic conclusion)
give the family a real reason to want to bring him back into the fold (feel bad about the lobotomy and it would be pretty immoral to let Jason waste away slowly and painfully because of something Bruce did)
capitalize on all the ways Jason is sympathetic (bc the addiction is a natural lead into his backstory, which is one of his most sympathetic elements)
And the ways in which he's very out of step with the bats post-resurrection (I'd be mad asf too if i came back to life just for my dad to a) not avenge me and b) LOBOTOMIZE ME meanwhile the cunt ass clown giving me my meds is just lurking out there).
Idk it's not a sophisticated pitch as of this moment but I think a real chef (writer) could cook something w/ this
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rasairui · 4 months
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Ouugh these ones look alright. Bisexual symbol you are so gorgeous but you are very hard to make out of clay
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If I can't get you to look good I will fucking cry
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runefactorynonsense · 7 months
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Cozytober - Day 26 - Catnap
#Cozytober#Margot's RF Art#rune factory#rf1#rf#This sketch was actually done back on June 6th of this year. I was knee deep in my Seattle vacation planning/stress and never finished it--#I think I'd just found Home Run Derby tickets finally?? Or not long after that. And I was still scared to death I was making a mistake.#Silly past Margot! It was the best day of your life!#So I remember I did this sketch as just general human pose practice after someone else did the 'tree nap' pose of their OCs.#And so I grabbed it for today's prompt because!! I still liked how the anatomy turned out!#Context my brain goes with;#if I subscribe to the 'Raguna on the run from the Empire' theory then I strongly lean toward the Lynette pairing.#Safe life in Kardia- doesn't feel like the right context most of the time. Not bad. Just. Not as interesting a story.#On the run- This feels like just... a smart choice. Group up once those Empire targeting efforts escalate.#Perhaps he has to deal with the painful compromise and necessity of her lethality because he might be more likely to survive#And he WANTS to survive#AKA- if you can escape. Escape. He's good at it. But if the situation comes down to it.... Lynette can make sure who walks out.#And to reverse the pov- maybe a bit of atonement on her part? All the blood is only on her hands. She'll keep it that way. Let her do that.#He shouldn't have to. It's all her fault anyway.#Also please laugh at me as it took me half an hour to remember the word COMPROMISE. I was so mad.#Rune Factory Raguna#RF Raguna#Rune Factory Lynette#RF Lynette#another ship tag to fill#Raguna x Lynette
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huecycles · 1 year
deleted the post because honestly, doing callouts was never something i'd envision myself doing, even if i was (am) very upset about the situation.
i also don't want the whole thing to spiral out of control, and i really didnt wanna make a public post in the first place. i was just at the end of my rope and have been for past few months. this literally all started due to me getting attacked all day long yesterday for posting trans utdr art to my youtube community tab, so yeah you can guess what happened. lots of blatant transphobia to deal with, and AGAIN the usual: people arguing with me on kris' pronouns, say i'm "disrespectful" and "shoving headcanons down people's throats" and "alienating" people or whatever bullshit, to like 41% jokes. i was understandably stressed out. so when i was informed about the post they made, i simply lost it. the coincidences were just too damn strong to ignore.
i still saw no reason to attack determinators for my own bad day and was willing to hear them out and hoping to god it was all a stupid misunderstanding. if they're telling the truth about the "dess theory stealing" not being about me, i understand the fact they didnt take any screenshots because of course why would they have. and i completely understand and relate to their paranoia regarding the 4chan incident, i really do. what happened to them was absolutely disgusting and inexcusable.
i am however done with this situation because i have way too much going on in my life right now (i will discuss these things more calmly probably through art or a video because.. i kinda want/need to and have been bottling it up for a while) and i honestly don't care anymore about whether or not the post was referring to me. it doesn't matter anymore, this isn't great for my mental health and making a callout post only complicates things as i'm not really on board with this stuff myself. so i deleted it which i think was the right thing to do, and want to leave this behind. that's all i have to say on this tbh
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ducktracy · 6 months
I'm not sure if this has been brought up yet, but as I caught myself doing it, I realized it was very likely a good chunk of others are also - I think having the racist parts included in the poll is going to heavily skew the data anyway because people will, very likely, not feel able to vote for something racist in good conscience, and so the votes the racist screams would have gotten if they weren't racist are lost, thus making the data unusable due to personal bias. not even considering the number of people abstaining completely, dropping the pool of data further! I'm not aware if this has been broached yet, but I think it's definitely worth noting that the data for the racist clips will always be untrustworthy, even if the scream itself is good. On top of all of the other reasons why they should be omitted ofc!
GOD YEAH. i feel so dumb going “🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 well gee you make a good point there 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔” all contemplatively because i’m realizing that was my intent too, in that “well hopefully they’ll whittle down as the rounds go further and further” has been constantly harping on my mind. but that absolutely feeds into everything you laid out too, which, again, i DEEPLY appreciate.
i’ll be doing that, then, in that i think it’s the safest and SMARTEST course of action. it’s likewise been pointed out that the setting is a little different here than if i were doing one of my analyses, in that i’m still making it available to vote for one of those options, and that interactive element innately delegitimizes the harm/makes light of it under the guise of a poll.
i was conflating that perspective with my analyses, which IS often a more objective presentation of “okay: this is it. here is the historical context. here is how a more modern perspective impacts how it currently stands” and forgetting that polls are polls. you’re voting on them. they’re going to get spread around and viewed as a game. and they are! and i was viewing the polls from the same archivist lens as the rest of my blog, when, due to the intrinsic nature of how these polls works, you can’t really do that. it’s not the same presentation. i do view this as a historical archival of the progression of these cartoons, how Mel Blanc’s voice changes and adapts through voice direction and even the impact of history on these shorts (like, the shorts made during the WWII years are much more energetic than the domesticity of the post-war cartoons. there’s more yelling to be found in the WWII era shorts for that reason) and i was getting too lost in that and sticking to my guns of “all of this is history and deserves to be acknowledged and accounted for fairly, if/especially describing how well or poorly something has aged, otherwise it’s not history” and that doesn’t… really… work… for these polls.
i can’t believe it’s taken weeks for me to come to this realization and again, i sincerely thank you and everyone else who has called me out on this or offered other means of perspective. it was pure ignorance on my behalf, and i do want to make it known that it was never my intention to perpetuate these stereotypes and caricatures further nor harm anyone. but, obviously, prefacing it with “my intentions were good!” doesn’t negate the very real and serious harm these caricatures and i myself have caused by spreading them in such a leisurely context (or lack thereof).
as mentioned before, i take the safety and comfort of my followers and readers incredibly seriously, ESPECIALLY with the nature of these cartoons. and it’s exactly why i’m so adamant about asking people (such as yourself) to speak up and call me out, let me know what i’ve done wrong, so i can apologize, take accountability, and move forward. those disclaimers aren’t a way to avoid accountability or make it seem like i have a free pass to discuss racism. i really do mean them with every ounce of my heart, so i deeply, deeply, deeply appreciate people such as yourself acting out on those messages. thank you.
i will be excising any future deplorable examples that come up (that, thankfully, have been very few and far between, i’m up to 1948 in logging these and have “only” run into 2 that would apply) and am just going to cut any of the winners out that survived and are going into Round 2. it’s not worth it. none of it has been, but definitely, if i’m constantly thinking to myself “it’ll whittle down!” then maybe we ought to restructure our thinking now haven’t we. funny how that works.
thank you again and my deepest and most sincere apologies. i feel like a complete and utter heel for my negligence—especially because the gut instinct of “just don’t put them in there” was there all along. but, again! these exact situations are why i stress the importance of calling me out on my BS. i’m likewise deeply aware of literally just how silly this entire thing sounds, because none of this should have ever been a problem because i just shouldn’t have included them in the first place! but i did, and i take full accountability, and the harm has already been done. so i just ask and thank you for your patience, understanding and forgiveness, but completely understand that nobody—especially those harmed by my ignorance—is entitled to give it to me.
nobody ever deserves to be confronted nor harmed with such egregious stereotypes, even/especially if said stereotypes are peddled under the guise of objectivity or historical preservation. a poll is not a history site. likewise, nobody deserves to be alienated over cartoons. i post what i post because i want to share the same overflowing love and passion and joy i feel for animation history with others. i love learning new factoids. i love being educated. i love feeling like i’m learning, like i’m indulging in an intimate slice of life from a bygone era. i want to share that same love and passion and joy to my followers. i’m here to make people laugh and to make people smile. i’m here to remind people of long buried memories, or to inspire them to make new ones and investigate these cartoons themselves. i’m here to preserve the history of these cartoons within their proper contexts, and do what i can to ensure i’m doing that safely and smartly and in a way that benefits everyone. and i’m not going to accomplish any of that by slipping needlessly horrendous caricatures in something as inconsequential as a poll on which clip sounds funnier or more impressive or whatever and causing the harm.
so, sincerely, thank you.
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