#miyuki comfort
kumottai · 1 year
no names; the only thing that connects you both in moments of disentanglement. 
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disconnection- a state of being isolated or detached.
that’s what i feel about him right now. never would i have thought would i feel such intuition in someone i called my comfort, my safe space, my home. he’s the closest thing to me yet i feel so, so far away from him— and nothing seemed to close that distance.
i sighed, staring into the ceiling in a room where no light was allowed to enter. i drowned in loneliness, talking to no other but the voices stemming from my inner dialogue. all were insults and slander, nothing good or comforting to say to me.
i felt my phone vibrate underneath my pillow. mustering up all the strength i had at that moment, i checked to see who disrupted my mantra, squinting at the screen as it heavily contrasted the darkness of my surroundings. it was no other than him: my disconnection.
him: hey
him: i know you’re not okay
him: and i feel very disconnected from you right now
a felt my chest tighten, happy that he matched my feelings but dejected that he was experiencing these things too. unable to gather my thoughts to form a response, i stayed silent staring at the grey bubbles, thinking. then, another text had been sent, this time a spotify link.
him: *spotify link*
him: here, join this session. we can listen to music together
him: at least the music will keep us close
him: goodnight
i clicked on the link which put us in a listening session together, and felt relieved— a breath left my lips and my thoughts simmered down, allowing me to calm my heart. it didn’t matter what song was played during that night or what happened earlier that day,
at that moment i felt connected to him, and i realized disconnection was never really a thing in our dictionary. 
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nouveauxamoris · 4 months
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buncha miyukis from the other night… she consumes my every waking thought. i cant escape her.
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k0namic0de · 2 years
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various glitter editz!
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kiro-sveta · 1 year
My KuraMiyu Exchange 2023 gift for @/teahex, featuring hurt/comfort, sickfic, fantasy AU (with Blacksmith Miyuki and Glassblower Kuramochi), minor angst, fluff, two art pieces, roughly 830 words, and happy endings (because I'm physically incapable of not letting them be happy).
And the first time in close to twenty years that I shared any of my writing with anyone, let alone publish it haha. I'm very nervous about it, and about drawing hurt/comfort, but I also enjoyed working on this and am proud of what I was able to do in the end (while fighting an illness too!), and I sincerely hope you like it, tea and anyone/everyone else who might see this. I'll also share the art and story below (with part 2 under a cut) in case anyone would prefer this tumblr post to AO3.
And the exchange's collection can be found here! Please check it out if you like kuramiyu, everyone did an amazing job!!
glass and steel
Part 1: fragmented
“Hurry up and get better, Miyuki. Things aren’t the same without you.”
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Part 2: whole
he’s missed this
(some time after the first image)
Youichi walked past the path leading towards Miyuki’s home. He knew in his heart where he’d find the blacksmith, and it wouldn’t be in those quiet rooms. Enough time had passed while he’d been away on business, and his friend had already been restless well before he’d left. He’d be in the forge now, Youichi was sure of it. He just hoped the stubborn bastard had kept his promise and waited until he’d fully recovered beforehand.
His suspicions were confirmed as he neared the forge, the air getting warmer and filling with the sounds of life and movement; the scrape of metal on stone or metal, gravel crunching underfoot, air being forced out of a bellows. Before entering the forge properly, Youichi took a brief moment to close his eyes and take in a fortifying breath, readying himself for whatever state Miyuki might be in. And instantly felt a weight lift when he finally saw him.
There was a flush on Miyuki’s face and sweat on his brow, but there was no sign of fatigue or weakness. His movements were smooth, his breathing even, his face and body full of life. He hadn’t yet noticed Youichi standing near the entrance, and Youichi took another moment to observe him, marveling and relieved to see him up and about and comfortable in his skin again. Not struggling with aching bones and muscle. Things hadn’t been the same for a good while, and Youichi felt as if he himself could breathe easier now.
Miyuki turned from the bellows and noticed him, and his smile grew, his face becoming more alive. “Hey, I know I’m a sight for sore eyes, but say something, Mochi, don’t just stand there. How long have you been there?”
Youichi shrugged. “Not long. It’s good to see you up and about.”
Miyuki’s grin became wry. “It’s good to be up and about.” He wiped the sweat from his brow and neck. “I swear, if I had to wait much longer…” His thought trailed away though, and a small frown marred his brow as another thought came to him. “Wait, you said you’d be home sooner. What happened?”
He seemed to study Youichi in a new light, looking for any injuries or signs of trouble, concern clear. He knew that Youichi always kept his word if he could help it, and Youichi hadn’t meant to be away long. Hadn’t meant to be away during the last of Miyuki’s recovery. But some things couldn’t be predicted and Youichi waved away his concerns, saying that there were more delays than he’d expected, both on and off the roads. It’d been out of his hands. And it hadn’t helped that he’d had to track down his last customer and give him a piece of his mind when he’d canceled his commission before leaving.
As he finished talking about his trip Youichi took the finished commission out of his pocket and looked at it ruefully. It was a small delicate glass bird, wings in flight, and despite the miniscule imperfection in one wing and what his former customer had said, he was proud of it.
Then Miyuki was stepping closer to get a clearer look, gently reaching out for it. Youichi let him take it, and watched as he carefully studied it. “I hope you gave him hell. It’s beautiful, Mochi.” The blacksmith flashed Youichi a grin, and walked over to one of the forge’s windows to carefully set the bird on the sill, safely away from any tools.
Youichi closed his hand and lowered it to his side as he watched Miyuki and the bird. His chest felt tight. Then Miyuki was back, gripping his shoulder strongly, strong enough that one wouldn’t think he’d ever been injured if they hadn’t known better. He was grinning again.
“Come on, I could use your help with some stuff.”
He started walking over to the work he’d abandoned, already expecting him to follow, and Youichi felt both the need to protest and the need to follow him. “You do know that people usually ask for help instead of just expecting it to happen, right? I could be busy.”
Miyuki grinned at him over his shoulder, said, “But you aren’t.” He picked up a tool and beckoned Youichi with it. “Get over here already. It’s been too long since we worked together, and you’ll like this project. I guarantee it.”
And Youichi can’t say no. He already has his tools with him, never took off his work belt or unpacked his bag (and even if he hadn’t had his tools with him, he’d make do, he has before). And he’s missed this, the fire and metal and glass, creating and reshaping things, Miyuki at his side, whole and alight with life. And Miyuki’s right; he’s not busy, he has the time, and it has been too long.
He’s compelled to follow, and does so without any regrets.
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abiyoichi · 2 years
Hola~~ can i request a scenario with pro!miyuki with his long term GF since Seido days is basketball players. after they both become pros they got busy since both have different schedules and their seasons times are different, their relationship become so cold and lifeless. Always busy but they understand. They try to make time but they can't. They love each others but their sport is taking their time. And they have had like 9 months without contacting or messaging each other 😭 almost giving up on this relationship but after miyuki's final game on the season he went to the changing room, opened his phone and saw like 15 missing calls from her. He was sickly worried since this never happened before and when call back it was a police officer wanting to inform him about her being on a car accident and and she has him as an emergency number 😭😭. He went to check on her. He couldn't even enjoy his biggest won so far on his carer and when he arrived to her she just looks devastated. All the broken bones are far beyond fixing to be back as an athlete again 😭. And she is just crying her heart out begging him to do something and fix her. Begging him with river of tears to take away all this pain like he always does 😭. She can't rely on the doctors who told her she cant play badketball anymore but she can trust Kazuya.😭 kazuya always fixes her problems so of course he can fix this this problem too. ~~~ but well the reality is just 😭~~~~ i will leave kazuya reactions and feelings for you :(.
Sorry if its too long i got carried away. Feel free to ignore
a/n: omg hi sorry for the extremely extremely late post!! i’ve been out of town for like a week. anyways here’s how miyuki would react to this...
ft: miyuki kazuya x gn! reader
miyuki was sprinting through the hospital hallways, desperately trying to find your room number. he finally found your room and reached the doorway. he paused finally seeing you lying in the hospital bed with multiple broken bones wrapped in large casts. his throat was tightening as his vision became blurry suddenly feeling tears run down his cheeks.
you were half awake when you heard miyuki’s presence in the room. he saw your parents in the corner of the room getting up from their seats.
he began slowly stepping toward the hospital bed you were lying on. still wearing his dirty baseball uniform still drenched in sweat. his hands were shaking, hesitantly reaching toward your face. he was scared that even touching you he might break something. you quickly pulled his hand toward your face. tears were slowly forming in your eyes now.
“i’m so sorry…” you hear his voice crack as he leans closer to you. “i should’ve been there for you… I could’ve done something, anything…”
he’s completely forgotten about the big game he had won twenty minutes ago. instead his mind was racing with the worst possible outcome of the situation you were in. 
miyuki hesitantly lifted his hand to rest against your cheek. you place your hand over his and brush your thumb. you can see the heavy pain in his eyes. he desperately wishes that you two can switch places, wishes to see you continue winning more basketball games, wishes to see you on your feet happy again. 
miyuki was never the emotional type, the only time you’ve ever seen him cry was about his mother. seeing him now was making your chest ache. 
after years of being together, miyuki was always the one who was capable of fixing every problem no matter how big it was. this time he’s even more eager to do whatever it takes to see you running and smiling again. 
“fuck...” miyuki’s mind was racing, enraged by the driver that hit you, mad at himself for not being there with you. his mind was no where near present.
it was until he felt your hand resting against his cheek. he finally got his attention back to you. you wiped away a strand of tear running down his cheek away. 
“it’s nobody’s fault... don’t worry so much. i’ll get better in no time.” a weak smile grew on his lips. this is why he loved you so much. you were one of the most optimistic people he knows, you were always the reason that kept his head up high. 
he leans in closely pressing his lips against your forehead. you couldn’t help but shed more tears as the thoughts of no longer playing your life time sport was flooding your mind. he stayed close to you with his dirty calloused hand still holding onto yours.
he tried repeating your positive words in his head but deep down he could hear this voice saying that your full recovery was unlikely.
a/n: soorryyy if this is short but i hope this captures what you thought miyuki might react like!!
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brokenhardies · 1 year
comfort characters tag game
i was tagged by @cj-offical-sexyman! thanks mate!
rules: list five comfort characters then tag five people
Yusuke Kitagawa - Persona 5 Royal
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2. Jonathan Joestar - Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
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3. Mack Hartford - Power Rangers Operation Overdrive
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4. Eleventh Doctor - Doctor Who
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(really all incarnations of the doctor, but eleven was my first, so fight me :))
5. Steven Grant/Mr Knight - Moon Knight
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@darth-caillic​ @sterling-writes​ @ryutabas​ @reirvival​ @arrthurpendragon​ @foxesandmagic​​ @eddysocs (want to be added or removed? send an ask or a dm!)
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The manga was sad enough but now I find it’s not completely scanned!? NOOOO 😭😭😭😭😭
d-does anyone have this!? Apparently it was published in Indonesian! Pls! I need to read the last volume or so-! I managed to find 17 chapters 🙏
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prettyiwa · 20 days
🍉 Fics for Gaza — Sponsor a WIP 🍉
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Hello, everybody! I'm honestly not sure how this will go, if at all, but I want to participate in the fundraising efforts of @ficsforgaza. Lately, I've been focused solely on projects that bring me joy regardless of readership and so for this, I'll be opening up all of my WIPs, including those not listed on my official WIP page but previously mentioned on this blog. For this fundraiser, I'm committing to returning to those old projects that have been unceremoniously left in the dust.
I'm committing to this undertaking with the hopes that one of my projects will encourage donations if they weren't previously inclined or were on the fence.
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Raised: $91.39 Written/Sponsored: 904/18,278
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How it works:
$1 = 200 words!
Make a donation to a vetted fundraiser of your choice (links below) and send me a screenshot of your donation excluding identifying information + the WIP you'd like me to work on. For every $1 donated, I will write 200 words for your chosen WIP. Upon receiving proof of donation, I will begin working on the WIP.
Example message template:
Hey, Ix! I've donated [this amount] to [link to vetted fundraiser]. Would you be able to work on [WIP title]? Thank you! (Included screenshot of proof of donation)
Vetted fundraiser links:
Vetted fundraiser masterpost-masterpost
List of Palestinian Evacuation & Support Fundraisers
Masterlist of links, official & vetted
how you can help palestine
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Eligible WIPs:
Because the list of WIPs included is so long, they'll be listed below the cut. Fandoms included: Daiya no Ace, Haikyuu!!, Attack on Titan, Fullmetal Alchemist, & My Hero Academia.
Daiya no Ace
The Catcher's Accomplice - Miyuki Kazuya Major Leagues, Interpreter, Forced Proximity (Belated Quarantine Fic), Falling in Love, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Fluff
When Kazuya insisted he be posted for the MLB, he wasn't quite aware of all that entailed, only concerned with being able to continue playing. He didn't fully anticipate the sheer loneliness of moving to a different country, especially just before a pandemic. How lucky for him that you're there every step of the way.
word count: 4,591/20,000+
Promises We Made - Miyuki Kazuya Childhood Best Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Hurt/Comfort, Soulmates (if you squint), Expression of Grief, Anxiety, & Depression
He existed as a beacon for you—someone who had been there since before you can remember, someone who always found you when you got lost. All you wanted was to be able to stand on your own two feet beside him.
word count: 14,119/50,000+
His Name - Miyuki Kazuya Non-Linear Storytelling, Falling in Love, Break-up Fic, Angst, Hints of Pining & Regret
Kazuya never realized how much he loved the way his name sounded as it rolled of your tongue, a promise he didn't hear until it was too late.
word count: 1,593/6,000
Bittersweet Lotus Leaf - Miyuki Kazuya Epic, Royalty!AU, Politics!AU, Prince & his Knight, Political Intrigue, Assassination Plot, Rebellion, Grief, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, Developing Relationship, Eventual Smut, Eventual Happy Ending
During a royal wedding, you were posed with the question, "Do you love me?" from your liege, and it haunts you even as the world falls apart around you. (This is a story about love and trying to return home).
word count: 2,177/100,000+
not a stranger - Sawamura Eijun Younger Brother's Best Friend, Childhood Crush, Childhood Friends to Lovers
Fifteen years after he used to announce to the world, "I'm going to marry you one day!," he no longer looks like the Ei-chan you once knew.
word count: 3,548/12,000 FULLY SPONSORED!! written: 0/10,000
Play with Me - Kuramochi Youichi NPB, Bassist, One Night Stand to Lovers, Falling in Love, Shared History, Fluff, Suggestive
The story of you and Kuramochi Youichi goes further than the night he finds himself in the audience of your show, but it takes you a while before you acknowledge that.
word count: 339/7,500
Chink in My Armor - Kominato Ryousuke University!AU, FWB, Jealousy, Stubborn Ryou, Getting Together, Suggestive
For someone who "didn't have the time to focus on a relationship," Ryou spends an awful lot of time focusing on you.
word count: 273/5,500
Wanna Run with You - Yuuki Tetsuya University!AU, Friends to Lovers, Old Crush, Reunion, Falling in Love, Fluff
A favor for your new editor puts you in contact with your old friend and crush, someone you fervently wanted to avoid. Now that Tetsu has you in his life again, he isn't so ready to let you go this time.
word count: 6,513/9,500
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Mine to Keep - Iwaizumi Hajime Yakuza, Fight Club, Violence, Light Stalking & Obsession, Possessive Behavior, Smut
Iwaizumi's taken his time with you, preferring you willing and wanting, but there's only so much waiting he can do before he snaps.
word count: 10,444/15,000 sponsored word count: 1,000 written: 0/1,000
Always You - Iwaizumi Hajime Fallen Angel, Demon, Memory Loss, Reincarnation, Angst, Love Perseveres
You two were favored angels, models for how others should perform until you made the grave sin of loving more than your Creator. For your crime, you were doomed to loving one another time and again through never ending reincarnation, forever watching the other suffer and die.
word count: 1,100/6,000 sponsored word count: 1,278 written: 0/1,278
Coming Home - Iwaizumi Hajime Punisher!AU, Grief, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Friends to ??? to Lovers
After your mother died, you never expected to find comfort in the return of the friend you long since thought dead.
word count: 1,524/6,500
Late Nights - Iwaizumi Hajime University!AU, Pining, Getting Together
In the cover of night near the university baseball diamonds, Iwaizumi finds the courage to talk to you.
word count: 328/3,000 **FULLY SPONSORED! written: 904/3,000
Maker of Myths - Oikawa Tooru Trojan War!AU, Paris & Helen, Falling in Love, War, Infidelity, Grief, Angst
The first choice you ever made was which suitor would be your husband, the King. The second choice you made allowed for you to choose your lover, your partner. The third choice you made started a war.
word count: 4,860/13,000+
This Tree, This Bed - Kuroo Tetsurou Odyssey!AU, Odysseus & Penelope, Falling in Love, Separation, Reunion, Hurt/Comfort
Kuroo liked to fashion himself as one of the smartest men in the known world. While his cunning managed to win your hand and your heart, it was unable to save him from going into a war unrelated to him.
word count: 3,215/7,500
Anxious, Wide Awake - Kuroo Tetsurou Magic & Monsters!AU, Vampire, Sorceress, Witcher inspired, Violence, Blood, Established Relationship
The more they touch you, the more their stench sticks to you, the more violent their deaths will be when he comes for you. Because he is coming for you. You have more faith in that fact than you do that the sun will rise tomorrow morning. His promise can still be heard nearly a century later, still humming along the skin where he first whispered it. He’s coming.
word count: 4,353/10,000
Please Look at Me - Hanamaki Takahiro & Matsukawa Issei Love Triangle, Not Polyamorous, Smut, Getting Together, Angst
“Is it okay if I have a taste?” Don’t you kids do anything I wouldn’t do. Takahiro’s seen Mattsun do a lot. He’s seen Mattsun in so many compromising situations throughout the years, he’s given up on keeping count long ago. And this? This is definitely something Mattsun would do.
word count: 867/6,000
Rosebuds & Black Currant - Futakuchi Kenji Strangers to (eventual) Lovers, Falling in Love, Getting Together, Fluff
It takes you entirely too long to understand the messages Kenji's been trying to send through the arrangements he gives you if only because you don't believe he's familiar with the language of flowers.
word count: 188/3,500
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Attack on Titan
Rapture for the Sinners - Erwin Smith, Levi Ackerman Canon Divergent, Violence, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Friends to Lovers, Grief, PTSD, Smut
Fiercely loyal to Erwin Smith, you find yourself to be one of his most trusted soldiers, ready to do what is necessary for either of you to get what you want. With no room for romantic relationships, you two easily find yourselves engaged in a sexual relationship. Why do you suddenly find your situation muddled when you're tasked with bringing three thugs from the Underground to the Survey Corps? What happens when you suddenly find yourself developing feelings for the one you were prepared to kill and who was prepared to kill you in turn?
word count: 103,168/170,000+ sponsored word count: 2,000 written: 0/2,000
For You, in the Future - Bertholdt Hoover, Levi Ackerman VOV Rewrite, Canon Divergent, Tech Advancements, Friends to Lovers, Lovers to Enemies, Political Intrigue, Grief, PTSD, Love Perseveres
An attempt at a rewrite of my first story. I've worked on it in secret over the winter and could be swayed to starting it once more.
word count: 7,601/150,000+
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Fullmetal Alchemist
From the Ashes Flowers Bloom - Roy Mustang Canon Divergent, Violence, Religious Guilt, Subterfuge, Exes to Lovers, Hurt/Comfort
You've spent the last four years avoiding staying in one place for too long due to the belief in the superstitions of your mother's religion. After the murder of your adoptive brother, you begin to learn the truth of the larger conspiracy that's left a pile of bodies wherever you go. Deciding to confront the root of the problem head-on, you find yourself reforging old relationships, for better or for worse.
word count: 43,580/80,000+
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My Hero Academia
Set You Free - Aizawa Shouta Pre-UA Teacher!AU, Hurt/Comfort, Falling in Love, Grief, Getting Together
An unfortunate quirk, bad timing, and grief-induced anger tied you to Aizawa years after the death of Shirakumo. He wanted to be a hero, and it takes him a bit too long to realize he may have ruined yours.
word count: 2,256/6,500
Hit Me Before I Knew It - Bakugo Katsuki Pro!AU, Fake Dating, Pining, Getting Together, Parental Grief
“I’m sorry—can you repeat that?” “I’m not saying it again.” “No, please. I didn’t quite hear you the first time,” you push, trying to repress the uptick of your lips at Bakugo’s unexpected question. He looks at you and you can tell he knows it’s not quite the truth, but he obliges you. The peculiarity of it all has you struggling to process it just as much as he’s struggling to say it. With a heavy sigh, he tries again, voice lower than before. “I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend. Just a date or two to get my buddy off my back.”
word count: 531/6,500
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 5 months
Autistic Anime Boys Prelims - Propaganda Division - Group 2
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Kyouya -
"what's there to say? you know him. you love him. vote kyoya."
Rinnosuke -
"Rinnosuke Morichika lives in an overly-cluttered curio shop, and has a special interest in making magical inventions. Since he doesn’t live in a modern setting— but a pocket dimension slightly disconnected to the outside world— whenever a modern item shows up in his shop via spiriting away, he can obsess over it for extended periods of time. He is quite blunt without realizing it, even to people he cares for. He also has a special ability to generally understand the name and use of any item he touches (though this backfires sometimes, he thought a Gameboy was a doomsday device once)."
Fuuta -
"okay look theres so many fucking signs hes autistic. he cannot tell tone and often doesn't know how to react to stuff which is a major point in his character id say. he was asked if he remembered his victim's name (hes a murderer. oops!) and his response was something along the lines of "Of course I do. I saw it everywhere." because he did not understand that they wanted to know what it was since it wasnt directly stated. im convinced that hoodies are a comfort object of his because i genuinely have not seen him without one except for one time. also hes canonically a chronically online twitter user. also he gets really passionate about his interests. also not really related but everyone in the fandom agrees hes transgender but no one can agree on what way. ive seen every single gender hc for this dude. vote kajiyama fuuta for this sopping wet poor little meow meow of a man."
Hansum -
"He's just a very odd and strange lad, can't remember names well, is an alien (mild spoiler), he's very popular, obsessed with Doritos and becomes their mascot, just refers to everyone as humans which is a mood, and is completely socially oblivious."
Miyuki -
"Relatable neurodivergent-Gifted Child syndromeTM case with all the superiority-inferiority complex that results. A chronic show-off and scheming strategist with a lowkey hopeless romantic dramatic aspect to him, silly cool and pathetic in a very hilarious way. Shirogane has a trademark glare purely thanks to his eyebags as he runs on coffee everyday having to support his family with multiple jobs in addition to class, on top of student council president duties. He's kind and an obsessive perfectionist who fills his entire wall with the weirdest motivational posters. Shirogane is very devoted to his love. He likes penguins (Kaguya and him is peak asd4asd and bi4bi btw)."
Kirito -
"He's autistic and bisexual as hell, and there's a good bit of trans coding in him 🥺
Autism coding: Bro's literally got a sword and swordfighting hyperfixation where, despite playing a game that focuses around guns, he still chooses to use a sword!! We also see him completely missing Asuna's flirting at first (he tells her she could have just checked her friendlist to make sure he was alive, in response to her tracking him down to see him)
Bi coding: Dual wielding swords is literally a euphemism in Japan for bisexuality; and Kirito initially tries to hide the fact he can dual wield out of fear of how the people he's close to will view him (and once he reveals it to them and they accept it, he begins to be more open about it.) Also in the Underworld arc he becomes very close with Eugeo to the point of living with him (and sharing a bed on occasion), and there are several parallels between Eugeo and Asuna, and they're so gay for each other that despite the anime having only a toned down version of it, they're still very affectionate (Also of note is that Eugeo is the only guy in SAO canon to consistently have a 'laying in bed with Kirito' talk CG in the spinoff games) (There's more but it's spoilers and this is a shortened version)
Trans coding: Kirito is very trans coded in the light novel (which shows Kirito's thoughts in much greater detail than the anime) Aincrad arc reveals that Kirito explicitly Does Not Like his real face, and dislikes how feminine it looks (he mentions that its led to him and his cousin being mistaken for sisters) And in Phantom Bullet arc, he's visibly uncomfortable at being mistaken for a girl due to his avatar's appearance, and in response to being misgendered he briefly panics and checks to make sure his chest flat (at least in the anime adaptation) 🏳️‍⚧️"
Shirou -
"Has one goal in life and ignores almost everything in favor of trying to fulfil that goal."
Keith -
"Speaks in a way that is seen as weird and has mannerisms others think is funny. He struggles with not being taken seriously by others because of this and many of the things others say goes over his head. He struggles to connect with other people because of these things. His entire arc in the second film is about him deciding that the people who don't accept him for who he is aren't worth it and that he's going to continue being himself."
Junpei -
"for other fans of this series, I know the more obvious representation here may be Luou, Junpei is So Good. his special interest is ballet and he has so many hangups involving how his family sees him and how other boys his age interpret him to the point that his idea of masculinity is extremely narrow and he enforces social rules on himself to mask and keep people from realizing that he loves something that Isn't Manly. he misinterprets social cues and takes things literally, like assuming that when Miyako asked him to dance with her she meant Right This Minute rather than as a pair in the studio. for some reason the point where he cuts his hair super short to prove his devotion to ballet is also sticking with me, I think maybe it's the combination of the way it's normal for boys/men in Japan to do that, yet Junpei didn't realize that kind of attitude/action didn't suit ballet at all? he wasn't aware that the context was completely different. Junpei also doesn't act or pretend very well, he's gotta put his whole entire ass into his roles, which he then proceeds to get TOO into and cause a lot of trouble, without giving too much away! he's really relatable to me as someone who's socially anxious but very skilled at masking, and seeing him become more comfortable with himself and start to show how he really feels is so inspiring to me."
Kazuma -
"He may be (wildly) misguided but his intentions are good kinda! He’s just the Guy of all time idk how to explain it."
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ystrike1 · 9 months
Haru no Arashi to Monster - By Miyuki Mitsubachi (8/10)
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A super sheltered girl and a boy from a broken family end up together...as step-siblings! This story is fairly slow burn. Our heroine slowly gets over her anxiety thanks to her outgoing, but troublesome new brother. He slowly chills out and stops committing petty crimes thanks to her influence too. He is really toxic though. It's not easy to shake off a bad upbringing.
Ranko is a loner, by choice. She is really, really, really sheltered and quiet. She always looks down, and she never leaves her safe space.
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I think we all know teen life is harder than it looks. School is a jungle, especially if you meet the wrong people. Ranko wants every day to be peaceful and simple, so she avoids....literally everything that could make life complicated for her. Including friendship and hobbies that involve leaving the house.
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Her mom gets remarried, and her ultra-spoiled life changes immediately. Her new dad has a son. Her mom is also super outgoing, so her getting married means the house will be very lively. Ranko is a little lazy. She has no interest in caring for her new brother. She doesn't care if he's comfortable in his new home. She literally just wants to be left alone.
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Ranko has had problems with socializing for years. Gossip doesn't make sense to her. She freaks out when people try to pick fights with her. She can't handle any criticism. She's weak. She's got a really weak personality. She's been isolating herself for years.
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Kaya isn't flirty at first. He's rude. He tries to steal Ranko's allowance. He likes to pick fights and he's an edgy, cryptic teenage boy. Ranko hides from him for a while...but then she realizes she's being a huge jerk. Kaya is clearly uncomfortable in his new home. He doesn't feel welcome because she runs at the sight of him too. When Kaya goes out to hang out with delinquents she realizes he's doing it because he's lonely. Not because he actually enjoys smoking or beating up other kids.
She reaches out to him, and he immediately lays claim on her. Immediate clingyness. Ranko is confused.
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Kaya opens up to her. His backstory is horrifying. His "father" is actually his uncle. His real father was abusive and Kaya is actually falling behind. He bounced through multiple homes. He's not a genius, so he might not make it through school. He's handsome, so a couple of the foster families assaulted him? Like, they didn't do anything when their daughters and relatives constantly flirted with him...which led to him getting blamed and abandoned.
He is clearly traumatized by all of that unwanted attention too.
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Secondary Love Interest Boy shows up.
Kaya immediately beats him up and bullies him and its kinda awful and it doesn't stop until Ranko cries and says she can't understand him...it's a mess.
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Ranko tries to set him up on a date. She is honest about it. Kaya doesn't know if he really loves Ranko. He's just really attached. He refuses the date...but then he goes. Just to see how he feels, and he notices that Ranko is special. She's not just a pretty girl. She makes him happy.
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He gets possessive and Ranko does not enjoy it. She likes hanging out with him. She thinks about kissing him, but his violent behavior is a big no for her. She knows he lashes out because he's immature, and he has few good influences in his life. He's not a cool delinquent guy. He's a fifteen year old boy with trauma that is falling behind in class. It's very raw and brutal.
He throws away a gift from Secondary Love Interest Boy, and she gets upset.
He gives it back to her soaking wet and sorry about his rude behavior.
I think he's going to get better, and they'll get a happy ending. Ranko will give up on her loner lifestyle, and Kaya will make friends that don't steal from convenience stores.
210 notes · View notes
kazuyalvr · 3 months
Miyuki Kazuya x F!Reader
In which you and Miyuki Kazuya share a special moment while waiting for the train…
- warnings: none
- notes: this is my first fanfic in a while so sorry if it’s a little bad 😶 and ty to my friend who inspired this idea
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Being in the train station during rush hour in Tokyo is never fun. It’s always too crowded on the platform with sweaty bodies squeezing through. If you weren’t cautious enough, it was easy to get crushed or lost in the crowd of people.
As much as you hated rush hour, this one was a little more bearable since Miyuki Kazuya was standing right by your side. You and Kazuya had just finished watching a baseball game between the Yomiuri Giants and the Yakult Swallows. And of course, the game had to end just at the start of rush hour.
Looking down at your phone while waiting, the train should have been here around five minutes ago.
“The train is unusually late today…” You sighed peering at the train tracks to see if anything was arriving. There was nothing to be seen or heard though.
“Just means I get to spend more time with you before heading back to the dorms.” Kazuya teased. You let out a little chuckle at his words.
“Hmmm, maybe that doesn’t sound so bad. But still, I hope it gets here soon though. I’m not liking how the platform is filling up.” Shifting your balance from one foot to another, you started to feel rather uncomfortable. It was hard to stay calm when more people began pushing through.
Suddenly, a man in business attire accidentally pushed you into the crowd. Losing your footing, you felt yourself slip on your steps and begin to fall. Unable to catch yourself, you accepted your faith of falling on the subway platform. But, then you felt an arm circle around your waist keeping you up. Peering up at the person who caught you, you locked eyes with your boyfriend.
“Are you hurt?” He pulled you back to stand properly.
“Just accidentally got bumped a little too hard. I’m all fine though, don’t worry.” Giving him a reassuring smile, Kazuya was still feeling unnerved.
Without any words, Kazuya wrapped his arms around you from behind. He settled his head right atop of yours while his arms held you close against his chest. Kazuya was never one for public affection, so this was definitely out of both of your comfort zones.
“Wha- What’s this for?” You stuttered. This hug was unexpected, but it was comforting. It was exactly what you need at that very moment. All the anxiety suddenly washed away from your body.
“Hmmm…nothing. Just wanted to hold you.” His actions didn’t need to be explained for you to understand his intentions.
Continuing to wait for the crowded train, he still kept you in his arms rocking back and forth. No words needed to be exchanged between the two of you. You felt his warmth radiate off his body helping to you calm down. This was a type of affection you could get used to.
“Thank you…” You whispered softly. You didn’t expect him to hear you, but he did. Instead of responding with words, he held you even closer to him and continued softly rocking you.
Even when the light of an incoming train started becoming brighter, he didn’t let go. He still held you by his side all the way back to the dorms.
70 notes · View notes
lady-byleth · 4 months
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I dunno if the second one is real or a really good fake but damn, I love the contrast because that's how they are
Miyuki and Sawamura are constantly bickering about anything if you put them together, no matter where because Miyuki can't stop heckling Sawamura
Meanwhile Miyuki and Kuramochi also bicker constantly but because they're extremely comfortable with and close to each other, it's just how they show affection
Love them so much
76 notes · View notes
seravphs · 1 year
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ੈ♡˳·˖✶ — RIN x FEM READER
College fixes almost everything about Itoshi Rin except his most fundamental problem: you.
wc — 4k
tags — mildly inspired by normal people, angst, toxic relationships, dog metaphors my beloved, Rin is so little brother in this, loneliness, being repulsed by your own desires, implied mental illness but not explicitly talked about, self sabotage
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You don’t like talking behind other people’s backs, but your friends do. 
“Come on,” says Miyuki. Her long black hair pours down her back like a waterfall, sleek as silvery fish. If you dipped your hands into it, you’d imagine it would leave you wet. You’ve always wanted hair like that. “It’s not like he’s here! What are you worried about?”
What you’re worried about is going home to Rin and having to look him in the eye while you think about all the horrible things your friends have said about him. 
Kenta slings an arm around your shoulder and pulls you closer to him. He’s uncomfortably warm, but you don’t try to get away.
“She’s not worried,” he says, still tugging at you. Only when he tries to pull you into his lap do you put a hand on his arm, making him finally stop. “Why would she be worried about little old Rin?”
“He’s not that bad,” you say. It’s a weak defense that says nothing about how good Rin actually is. He’s better than all of them combined. 
“Stop,” Kenta snorts. “That’s hilarious. Are you starting to like the kid?”
Miyuki giggles and slaps him on the arm. “It’s because he likes her! Come on, we all see the way he looks at you. No need to be shy.” 
Itsuki chimes in. “She’s right, you know. He’s only nice to you. He’s awful to the rest of us.” 
None of them think about why Rin’s awful to them. You want to slap Itsuki, but instead you laugh and smile with them. It’s easier to just go along with it. 
It’s not like you mean it. 
This thought doesn’t comfort you as you turn off the ignition and rest your forehead against the steering wheel. Rin said his family wouldn’t be home for this entire week, but even just sitting in his driveway is nerve wracking. He’s so normal it’s easy to forget the massive gap between you until you’re in sight of his perfectly manicured lawn. It’s something that comes with the territory of being the heir to a football empire. 
The door’s open. He never listens, even when you tell him to be more careful. You creep up the stairs to his bedroom, trying to stay silent even though no one else is here. You can’t help feeling out of place and like you need to make up for it by being as non invasive as possible. Rin’s bedroom is on the right, right across from his genius brother. 
“You’re here,” Rin says, sitting up when you open the door. 
It makes you feel sick. He was waiting up for you. It’s more than you deserve. 
“I said I’d come, didn’t I?” You touch his cheek with the hand Kenta held. 
“I thought- nevermind,” he says. He clearly wants you to ask what he thought, but you don’t. 
“What were you watching?” You ask instead, hoping it makes up for it. 
“You wouldn’t like it,” he tells you, which is how you know it’s another horror movie. Sometimes, you think the reason he likes them is pathological. It’s a bad habit. You tend to overwrite everything Rin does with more meaning than he intends. 
It’s partially because he’s so clever. If he applied himself to anything other than football, he’d be the top of your class easily.  
You ask him to try it all the time, just to see how it goes. If Rin put in a little effort, he could so easily be beloved. 
But Rin doesn’t care to be beloved. It’s a divide between the two of you that you feel deeply. You care about nothing but being loved as much as possible by as many people as possible. 
You’re like a child desperate for attention. You can’t bear the idea of being picked apart and discussed while you’re not present, but you can’t bear the thought of being alone either. You care what people think. You want to be universally adored.
The only love Rin cares about is yours. 
“Were you lonely?”
“I’m always lonely.” 
Rin might not care about everyone, but there are certain people he wants. His brother, for example. You know Rin misses him. They should’ve been born twins with the way they revolved around each other. Or at least Rin did. He made having a brother into part of his personality. It was Sae and Sae’s little brother until the brother in question no longer found Rin interesting. 
He looks tired, you think absentmindedly. Too many late nights staying up watching football games over and over, which isn’t even something you can reprimand him for. 
Football is what’s going to save him. It’s going to get him out of here. 
You wish you had that drive. Rin lives for football. It’s what he gets up for each morning. You don’t know what it’s like to care about something that much. You kind of just let things happen to you. 
Like Rin. But that’s a lucky example, a good one. 
“Oh, but not when I’m with you,” he says quickly, like he suddenly thought you might take offense. 
He’s so dear. You wish you had a right to press your arms around him and hold him. 
You won’t even acknowledge him outside of his home. What right do you have to care about him? 
I don’t mind, Rin tells you. You’re different when it’s not just the two of us, anyway. 
You don’t want to think about what that means. It’ll only make you hate yourself more. 
In school, Rin slips between classes, usually unseen and unnoticed until Kenta realizes he’s there. In any other school, Rin might be popular. He was tall and pretty, with a mysterious air to him. He was the second of the Itoshi siblings, heir to a football empire. He played sports well. He could be smart, when he wanted to be. 
But Rin never tried, and people got tired of it. 
He couldn’t seem to understand others, which put up a wall between him and the rest of the world. Rin was fine with chasing endlessly. For years, Rin had followed Sae around like a puppy, wanting nothing if only he had his brother. Other people would grow sick of giving without return, but Rin assumed that was just how it worked. He didn’t know it was unusual. 
Perhaps that was why your relationship worked so well. Rin wanted to chase, and you wanted to be chased. That drew the two of you together. 
Even when you were pretending he didn’t exist in school, you were aware of him. Something in you was magnetized to something in him. 
You tried to pretend otherwise, because Kenta would only be more malicious towards Rin if he knew. Kenta wasn’t as talented as Rin was. He was pretty, but generically so. Whereas Rin's flashing green eyes were supermodel stunning, Kenta’s were soft and inviting. 
He was a charmer. He knew how to make people like him. He wanted them to want him. 
That’s why he delighted in messing with your relationship with Rin. It wasn’t enough to just have you. He wanted Rin to like him, in his roundabout way. Rin only wanted one person and that was you. Kenta mistakenly thought that if he had you, Rin would want him too. 
But he was wrong. 
Kenta hated being wrong. It made it hard for him to get along with Rin. He constantly sought him out, needling him. He wanted Rin to look at him. But no matter how hard Kenta tried, he rarely got under Rin’s skin. He found him more annoying than anything. 
It was pathetic. Kenta was exactly what he derided Rin for - a dog chasing a master that wouldn’t give. 
You gave, though. When Kenta asks you to prom, you let him. It generally happens like that. You don’t think you’ve ever taken initiative in your life. 
Rin watched Kenta ask you. It’s a big thing. He gets half the school in on it. There are huge bouquets of flowers and exploding party poppers. The marching band plays romantically as you wrap your arms around his neck. He gets an entire row of freshmen to cover you with confetti when you say yes.
Sometimes, the way Kenta treats you can feel almost romantic. 
He taps his head against yours, smiling down at you. Rin stalks through the scene, completely ignoring the two of you until Kenta grabs his arm. 
“No congratulations, Rinnie?”
“Don’t call me that,” Rin’s voice is full of irritation. “I don’t know you, asshole.” 
You stay silent, watching Rin. You’re hardly ever this close to him in school. You see him all the time because you like watching him, picking up on all of his little habits like the way he bites his pen when he’s confused on a question. But you’re almost never this close to him. It feels unreal. 
“Don’t be like that,” Kenta says. “How are you going to get your own date with that kind of attitude?” 
Rin turns to leave, relieved. Not a single person in the room truly thinks Rin cares about prom. Kenta has avoided every topic Rin could actually be hurt over. 
But it’s a feint. The true cruelty comes now. Kenta’s good at that, waiting for just the right moment to maximize the power he holds over other people. 
Just as Rin is about to leave - his hand is already on the handle of the door - Kenta says, “If you can’t find a date, I could share with you. Wanna come with us?” 
Rin stops moving. He’s frozen at the door, the tops of his ears an angry red. It’s painfully obvious what Kenta’s doing. 
“Enough, Kenta,” you snap. “Do you ever shut up?”
It’s too little, too late. But for Rin, who will take anything he’s given with an obsessive lack of self-interest, it’s everything. 
Rin’s not at prom, so Kenta can run his mouth all he wants without anyone caring. He gets tired of the lack of reactions soon enough and switches to being tolerable again. He can be fun to be around when he’s not with Rin. 
The two of you are crowned Prom King and Queen, but the whole time, you’re thinking about how badly you wish Rin was here, making snarky comments under his breath. 
You go to the afterparty. It lasts until 3 am in the morning, when the coffee wears off and even the hardiest of partygoers are stumbling home, vomiting in bushes along the way. You can’t drive drunk, so you walk instead, letting your feet carry you. When you look up, you’re in front of a mansion instead of your little home. 
Rin opens the door for you within a minute of texting him. 
“You smell like beer,” he says, his nose wrinkled. “If you have to drink, can you at least drink something classy?”
“Not all of us have money like you, Rin-Rin,” you tell him. It’s so easy to be affectionate with liquid courage in your system. Impulsively, you tug him in for a hug. He steadies you as you climb up the stairs together, a four legged beast. 
“My brother’s home,” he whispers. “We have to be quiet.” 
Rin lets you change into his clothes. He sneaks into his mother’s room and steals a pack of makeup wipes to do his best at getting you ready for bed. You curl into a ball, purposefully teasing to make his life harder. 
Rin huffs, but he’s gentle with you, even if he chides you for it. He finally gives up on your mascara when you pull on his sleeve so hard his forehead crashes into your shoulder. You don’t relent even as he makes a startled noise of pain, wrapping yourself around him. 
He’s strong, you know. You can feel it. There’s muscle all along his back, shoulders and thighs from football. But despite it all, you want to tuck Rin into your heart and hide him from the world. Feeling ridiculously protective, you pepper his face with kisses, trailing across the bridge of his nose and cheeks. 
“I love you,” he says. It takes a lot of bravery for him to say that. 
“Yeah,” you tell him, pressing close. Closer. Like you can be a part of him. Like your bodies can just go back to a time before they were separate, blurring the lines between you like they never existed. “I love you, too.”
You can say it because you’re leaving. 
You want to be what he needs. But you can’t. So you let it fizzle out. 
Sometimes, when it’s quiet and you can’t smoke any more cigarettes because you’ll develop a real nicotine addiction that’ll scare your mother into an early grave, you’ll wonder why he didn’t want you enough to follow. That had to have been it, because there’s no other explanation. 
It’s unfair. It’s cruel. It’s petty. 
But you want it anyway, because you’re an unfair and cruel and petty person. 
Rin’s like a greyhound. The way he moves is pure elegance, like that breed’s loping gait. A greyhound is happiest doing what it's meant to do, just like Rin is happiest playing football. It would be happy running even if its heart was giving out in the meantime. 
Rin’s like that, too. He never knew how to do things in half measures, which was why he kept to himself so terribly. If he didn’t, he’d go around spilling his love all over the place. There wouldn’t be a single dead flower for as far as the eye could see, everything set abloom by what he could give. 
It would be a beautiful world if that happened, everything touched by Rin’s love, which could be so wide and all-encompassing it could make up for anything else, but it would leave nothing left for him. 
He doesn’t have enough for everyone. It would leave him too cracked open. Instead, Rin carefully picks what he gives his miraculous attention to. Horror movies. Football. You. 
Rin’s a hound. He needs something to chase. He’d follow it loyally until his legs gave out, and then he’d crawl after it, his tail wagging happily. You can’t bear your own imagination, seeing Rin grateful for scraps of what he deserved. He would always be too good for this town. 
That’s his one flaw, and you can’t even hold it against him. You still think of it and him fondly, the way he sank his teeth into what he loved and couldn’t let go even if it killed him. 
But he let go of you. 
Rin was the better of the two of you. He always had been. And now there was no two of you. It was just you, which was terrible because there was no worse person to be stuck with for the rest of your life but yourself. 
There was a pervasive iniquity to you that other people could smell. It was inescapable. Something about you had been fundamentally off from the moment you were born, and it was too late to do anything about it. 
But not for Rin. 
Rin will be okay. 
Even if he’s a little shy at first, he has this earnest sweetness that makes people want to love him. He makes it so easy. 
You never learned how to do that. 
At your core, you’re a rotten apple. You don’t know why you’re unlovable, you just know you are. If you didn’t maintain your carefully crafted public persona at all times, you would just die. 
Except you don’t. 
The end of high school doesn’t feel momentous, even in the moment. It just occurs, like everything else in your life. None of it mattered in the end. Everyone went their separate ways, and all the effort you had put into making people love you died with a whimper. You think about starting over in college, but somehow it feels exhausting. You don’t think you have it in you anymore. 
It’s not that your desire to be well-liked has died down. If anything, it rages hotter than ever. You return to past conversations over and over again, trying new phrases out so the next time you’ll sound wittier. You fantasize endlessly about how you could earn their love back. 
On good days, you think there’s so much inside of you, all you have to do is show them. You’re special. You can make them realize it with only a little bit of time and effort. On bad days, you’re afraid that you’re empty inside. It’s true. You really do have nothing to offer, and everyone can see it. You’re a bad person. You deserve to be unhappy. 
You were never like this before. 
That’s not true. 
You lie to yourself a lot these days. You were, but somehow you hid it better. You don’t remember how to anymore. Your neuroticism makes it impossible to socialize. It’s all you can manage to just go to parties and get raging drunk. Perhaps it’s the only thing that’s special about you now, drinking as much alcohol as you can without throwing it all up. 
You’re only here for the free drinks, you tell yourself, even as you watch the crowd. You heard the football team is here. They’re popular. Your college does well with football. It reminds you of highschool, a little bit. Someone passes you a drink with an ice cube shaped like a football. They’re celebrating something or the other, a victory you had heard about in passing. 
You wonder if Rin is enjoying football at his college. 
A boy in your philosophy class you know as Isagi yells over the noise. “Get my man another beer! He deserves it after tonight!” 
As if thinking about him summoned him, the crowd parts just right so you can see a familiar face. Isagi thumps Rin on the back, who bears it with only a little grimacing.
You had always known Rin was worth something. Now other people know, too. You told him they would realize it immediately. 
While you’re looking, Rin catches you. 
He freezes stock-still. Around him, his team is still celebrating. A boy with a blonde undercut that contrasts his black hair chugs a beer and crumples the can against his forehead. Isagi is doing some sort of awkward dance with Chigiri, also from your philosophy class, their arms intertwined as their legs scramble to keep up. Rin is the eye of the hurricane, trembling as he looks back at you. 
You wonder if his heartbeat matches yours. You can hear it pounding in your ears. 
Taking a step towards him is the hardest thing you’ve ever done in your life. 
You realize that you’re worried Rin will ignore you. It would be fair. After all, it’s what you did to him throughout all of high school. You wouldn't even be mad if he did. 
Instead, as soon as you take the first step, Rin is striding across the room to you, leaving Isagi in his wake. 
His eyes are large and his pupils are blown out. You hope he isn’t on any substances. That would be terrible for his football career. You don’t think he would. He cares about his body too much. His body is, after all, a vehicle for his dreams. 
When he stops in front of you, his mouth works, but he has nothing to say. There’s a long moment where neither of you are able to speak. You’re not sure what to say to each other. An awkwardness that never existed between the two of you before has been born out of the time you haven’t been talking. 
“You look happy,” you finally say. He does. He looks really, really good. His skin glows with health - when had he learned to use moisturizer? He had always been fit, but he’s filled out a little more. It’s all lean muscle, giving him the athleticism of a cheetah. He’s gained an inch or two, which is negligible considering how tall he was originally. 
Do you look different? Can he tell?
“Um,” he says awkwardly. 
To be fair, you hadn’t given him a lot to work with. You look happy? How was he even supposed to respond to that?
“I didn’t know you were here,” he says. 
You flinch. Rin probably didn’t want to see you. After all, you had lost contact during high school. Maybe the sight of your face was a painful memory. Or, even worse, he didn’t care about you at all, he just didn’t want you there. 
“I’m sorry,” you say. “I wasn’t thinking. I can go-” 
“Don’t!” He grabs your arm. “I wasn’t saying- ugh.” 
His friends are around you now. Isagi tilts his head at you curiously. “You look familiar.” 
“She’s in philosophy with us,” Chigiri says. 
“Leave us alone,” Rin says. “Seriously, go away.” 
Isagi rolls his eyes. “Yeah, right. I’ve never seen you talk to a girl before.”
“Uh-huh!” The boy with the two-toned hair chimes in. “Who is she, Rin-Rin?” 
An unwelcome possessiveness surges up inside of you at the sound of your nickname for him in someone else’s mouth. 
“Come on,” Rin says, taking you by the wrist. It feels delicate in his hand, easily breakable. Even his grip feels stronger. 
For all their teasing, his friends don’t follow. They really do care about him. That’s good. 
“You’ve changed,” he says. You think he’s taking you to the kitchen, but he brings you up the stairs, instead. 
He’s wrong. Nothing’s changed, really. You were always a hard person to love, it’s just that now people seem to realize it. 
You’re done with dancing around the truth, lying even to yourself. Want, not love. 
You’re a hard person to want.
Meanwhile, everyone has discovered what you knew all along. Your hidden treasure isn’t yours anymore. 
Rin really found himself in college. Being the star athlete of the football team really seems to do that. He has friends now, too. His teammates seem to understand him, almost in the way you did, back then, except they never want to hide him away. He can be as prickly as he wants to, but they’ll never take it to heart. 
Life is just a series of realizing how wrong you were over and over again while realizing there’s nothing you can do to change it. 
You’re lonely. 
And your greatest fear is that you will always be lonely. 
Whether you’re surrounded by people at a party or sitting quietly on the bus by yourself, you can’t escape it. It’s bigger than you, a yawning maw inside of you that could consume everything you give it and still be ravenous. You’ve cut your bridges down for scrap wood just to feed the flames, but now standing with twigs in your hands, none of it feels worth it.
You’ll just go hungry. 
Why not, if the outcome is the same anyways? 
When he opens a door, it feels like you’re repeating a mistake that you started a long time ago. It’s a room that’s clearly his. 
“It’s messy,” he says a little self-consciously. “I wasn’t expecting anyone. Are you-?”
Out of habit, you’ve already started cleaning up. Kneeling on the ground with one of his dirty jerseys in your hands, peering up at him, something shifts in the air. The minute he starts laughing, you do, too. 
He points you towards the laundry basket and falls onto his bed. There’s an open bottle of water on the nightstand that he makes you drink before he lets you lie down with him. 
“I meant it,” you tell him, honest even though the pleasant buzz of alcohol is fading. It’s the least he deserves from you. “You look good.” 
He touches his hair, considering. “I didn’t do anything different.” 
It’s not him. It’s his environment. Rin thrives here. 
You always knew football would save him. 
“I don’t want to talk about me anymore,” he announces. “Why did you stop talking to me?” 
“I didn’t,” you say defensively. “I just kept forgetting to text.” 
“Bullshit,” he says. 
“My phone broke.” 
He sits up and fixes you with a blank stare. You’ve never been on the receiving end of one of his dirty looks before. It feels bad. 
“You can just say you don’t want to tell me, you know. I don’t want to hear lies.” 
“I’m sorry, Rin,” you say. “I don’t want to tell you.” 
You can’t confess what’s wrong with you because you don’t even know what’s wrong. Honestly, it would feel a little pathetic on your part to even tell him. You’re a shell of the person you were before, which is really saying something because the person you were before was already hollow. 
He has this stubborn look in his eyes that you can recognize. You’re afraid of it. You don’t want to be another Sae to him, another endless goal for him to chase without ever reaching. 
“I’m sorry, Rin.” 
“What are you apologizing for?” 
You don’t know either. 
“Just stay,” he says. “I don’t care anymore. You can have my room for the night.” 
The drinks are making you a little sleepy. It’s too easy for Rin to maneuver you under his covers. You used to be the one tucking him in, now he pulls the blankets over you. 
Far from it. 
When Rin’s asleep, you sneak out of his room. It’s hard not to just fall into dreamland with him. His breathing could lull you to sleep if you weren’t trying to stay awake. 
Isagi catches you at the door. “Where’s Rin?” 
“Out cold.” 
He gives you a strange look that you can’t decipher. “Leaving so soon?” 
With the excuse that you have something to do, you creep back to your own dorms on the other side of campus, and wake to pounding on your door. 
Rin always chases. 
“I know you’re there!” He hollers, loud enough to piss off your neighbors. You rush to the door, already afraid of the texts you’ll be getting. 
“How did you know where I lived?” 
“Don’t be creeped out,” Rin says. You promise him you won’t be. “One of my friends saw you come in. He lives across the way. He texted me because he saw us together last night.” 
“Oh,” you say. “Tell him not to do that.” 
“I know,” Rin says. “He’s not a smart guy, but he means well. He didn’t realize. Can I come in?” 
“I don’t think you should.” 
“Please,” Rin says. “We can do it better this time.” 
You know you won’t, but you open the door for him anyway.
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crownedcitrus · 2 months
Cry about it ° ᡣ𐭩 . ° .
GN!Reader x various. No use of y/n.
He hates when you cry, hates it more when he makes you cry… under most circumstances.
CW: A hint of Dacryphilia.
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The first time he had ever heard you cry made him want to tear the Earth apart for creating such agony. How could something so cruel ever be allowed on this planet let alone cross paths with you. Instantly you’re tucked into his arms. Warmth was all that you could feel as you shakily wrapped your arms around his waist, gripping to the back of his shirt. Sweet, soft spoken words was all you could hear as he comforts you through your tears.
The first time he made you cry was by complete accident. It was the wrong snarky comment at the wrong time that snap the water works within you. Little did he know your day was already pretty shitty, and now here her was, your boyfriend, rubbing salt into the wound. If he wanted to destroy the Earth before, then he formulating a plan to destroy the entire universe.
It was the first time you saw genuine panic in his eyes as he held your face. Your little hiccups from sobbing broke his heart piece by piece. Each tear was a promise to never be the reason for your sadness. He spent that entire week making it up to you. Flowers, candies, dates, everything and anything for you. Anything to prove how sorry he was.
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The first time he made you cry in bed… something snapped. You were underneath him taking each and every single thrust and inch he gave you. His hands cupped behind your knees pushing your thighs to rest against your chest. The tip of his cock hitting the most sensitive part within you without fail. In that moment his eyes were trained where the two of you connected. Mesmerized by the steady push and pull of the way your body sucked him in greedily.
It wasn’t until his eyes shifted to look into yours that he noticed the tears streaming down your face, getting fucked so good that you just couldn’t help but to cry about it. He couldn’t help but to get a bit sadistic. Not when you looked this pretty.
A low groan rumbled in his chest. He lets go of one of your knees in order to hold your jaw to only look up at him. The speed of his thrust picking up speed to see how far he could break you. With your eyes going wide and mouth slacked open, he just had to poke fun a little. “So—fuck— so fucking pretty crying from my cock. Hm, baby? Is it really that good? C’mon use your words.”
He could only grin while teasingly cooing down at you. Especially when no words came out of your mouth. It was just an endless strings of moans as your eyes involuntarily rolled to the back of your head. Your brain didn’t even register his question, only focusing on how good your entire body felt.
Feeling your body tense underneath him didn’t go unnoticed by him. Not when you were gripping him so damn tight. “I know baby... I know. Show me how good it feels.”
“Come on this cock and cry about it.”
Tsukishima, Kageyama, Atsumu, Bakugou, Miyuki Kazuya, Karma, Whoever you thought of!
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The banners by the ever so talented @/cafekitsune. Thankies making this banners and allowing put to use them for free c:
But crrrazy, baby’s first Drabble?? Fun fact, I actually wrote this at five in the morning. I woke up and just couldn’t go back to sleep. Hope you enjoyed! Have a great timezone!~
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celandinee · 7 months
..0 Surprise!
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ It’s a certain catcher’s birthday.
word count - 700
note - HAPPS
The quiet walk back to his dorm was calm, with the lingering chill of autumn leaving him in a thick hoodie and sweatpants. There was a bite in the air and his cheeks were pink while his hands took comfort in the pockets of his pants.
Nothing like a late night batting session. He had been in the indoor practice grounds alone, swinging off of a tee into a dingy net until his bucket was emptied. The resonating sound of bat meeting baseball filled the silence.
Now that he thought about it, Miyuki was alone the entire night. Normally, the grounds were scattered with members of the team either training or plain messing around. He hadn’t seen any of his teammates for some time now. After practice, everyone up and vanished.
Miyuki furrowed his brows as he continued the short walk back to the Spirit Dorm, now scanning the quiet area with a frown. It was like a ghost town. The vending machine was lonesome and the normal chatter from the dorms was replaced with the sound of crickets.
Normally, Miyuki would take a moment and relish in the silence. The star-dotted sky and orange leaved-trees, the cold breeze nipping at his nose and the flickering of a light post.
But then again, this wasn’t normal. Where the hell was everyone? The catcher peered around at the doors to each room as he neared the stairs that led up to the second floor. He felt like a dog, perking his ears to catch even the slightest sound of laughter or conversation. Miyuki’s frown deepened while his heart began to race. The cool, calm and collected Miyuki Kazuya was nervous. Letting out a harsh puff of air, he raced up the steps and to his room, fumbling for his key to unlock it.
He turned the cold knob, slowly pushing open the door. It was dark inside so he moved his hand towards the light switch. As he flicked his light on, he was met with a sight.
“Happy birthday!”
Cramped in his room was his team. With big smiles and little space, they cheered.
Miyuki felt a slight smile take over his frown, his pink cheeks deepening and a fuzzy feeling replacing his racing heart. He hadn’t expected them to remember it was his birthday.
Sawamura ran towards him with blazing eyes and a cartoonish grin. Trailing behind the pitcher, you carried a small gift in your hand.
“Happy birthday, Miyuki! How old are you now, 30?” Sawamura laughed loudly, hands proudly on his hips. The first year tossed an arm around your shoulders as you walked up, barking out another laugh.
Miyuki eyed you along with your present, “A gift? For me?” he smirked, though the warmth in his eyes betrayed his snarky expression.
Your eyes rolled as you tossed it to him, allowing him enough time to catch it in his hand. “Happy birthday, tanuki,” you huffed. The arm around your shoulder tightened as Sawamura shook with laughter, “Ha! Yeah, tanuki!”
You giggled as Sawamura went on— well that is until a knee sent him flying.
Kuramochi grinned at the first year now sitting on the ground, “Watch it, idiot.”
Miyuki watched the interaction then looked back to you. Fondly, he flicked your forehead, “Thanks.”
You rolled your eyes again before motioning for him to open his gift which was so finely wrapped with baseball-patterned paper.
He tore the wrapping and revealed a pack of baseball cards. The catcher grinned as he read over the cover before giving you a brighter smile.
“It was this or a stupid shirt that Mochi saw at the mall,” you snorted, rocking on the balls of your feet.
Kuramochi elbowed your side, “Hey! It was not stupid. It would’ve been sentimental and sweet,” he grumbled.
It would not, in fact, have been sentimental or sweet. The shirt had a corny print from some show that Jun and Sawamura watched, and you knew that Miyuki would’ve rather taken a ball to the face than wear it out in public. Personally, you like to think that you saved the birthday boy.
Suddenly, you found yourself squeezed next to Kuramochi. Miyuki wrapped his arms around the both of you, his chin resting on your shoulder. “Thanks, you guys.”
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kunikame · 7 months
like planets in orbit. - k. youichi
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warnings : fem!reader, cussing, more astral references guys i cant stop., violence mention, lmk if i forgot anything, tooth rotting fluff, miyuki and ryou are presidents of kuramochi bully club (eijun is a honorary member), if the fandom is dead i will cry
w/c : 3.6k
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kuramochi youichi has witnessed the ever changing inconsistencies life brings with it.
he's seen many people cry over jobs lost, family members gone, or friends who have left; he likes to think he's pretty observant and can tell when something is wrong with people, or get a clear read on their feelings before they know them themselves.
that skill, however, does not apply to himself. when it comes to his own emotions, he is, for lack of a better word, clueless. this, he comes to realize in his 2nd year of high school, after the devastating loss in the finals.
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life brings with it many inconsistencies, junior high youichi notes.
most of the friends he had in his younger days he doesn't talk to anymore, some of his grades aren't as good as they used to be, and he himself has also changed over the years.
the one constant in his life– other than his family, however, were you (and his atrocious (your words, not his) yellow hair).
the young girl he met at the playground at the age of 4, when he accidentally ruined your sandcastle with a stray ball.
you didn't cry or scream, like any child would, instead you accepted his apology and got to work on rebuilding it all the while smiling softly. he couldn't deny he felt bad (it looked like it took a while to build, the castle was more of a palace with a town to accompany it), so he stuck around to help you instead.
that started the lifelong friendship between kuramochi youichi and [name].
you accompanied each other to 80% of the places you went, people started thinking of you as the "constantly bought in pair, do not separate" type of oddity around town. if youichi was in one place, there was a high possibility you were somewhere near, and likewise.
dating rumors started spreading at some point, but they were quickly shut down by both of you.
and yet.
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when youichi started going around doing his 'punk stuff' and getting into fights, you were there to patch him up. who else would he go to? even though you tried stopping him, very nearly bashing his skull in with your words (stars forbid there be any weapons nearby lest you actually do it), he continued ignoring your efforts. if you were as worried as you said, you'd cry for him, wouldn't you? shed a tear or two? but you never did.
then he got scouted for seidou and you joined shortly after him, through the entrance exams. it's not that you were simply following him– seidou was actually one of your choices even before youichi got scouted, it was a lucky coincidence that you ended up together even in high school; but it was comforting knowing even in a different place with new faces and surroundings, there was still something that resembled home.
he joined the baseball team, and here, you admit, you followed after him– as a manager.
it wasn’t too hard to adjust to the managerial duties or the daily practice sessions, you’ve been helping youichi practice since the day you met him, and the way of the scorebooks was properly explained to you by your fellow managers– thank the universe for them, seriously. the only thing you were having slight trouble with was the fact youichi didn’t seem to be doing too well at the start. 
with what was left of his previously-bad-reputation in his system, you were afraid he would pick fights he couldn’t possibly win. all of the 2nd years are so tall and strong– with the exception of kominato– and youichi was.. well, for lack of a better word, a twig. yeah, he picked fights in junior high, and he actually won most of them, but junior high kids are still just that. these are middle schoolers who’ve been on an extremely strict baseball training regimen, which youichi has just started. with his aching muscles and exhaustion, he really would get his ass beat. 
so you continued watching over him, from the sidelines this time.
(and, yes, watching over him entailed taking care of him also. it was like second nature– to listen to him complain about minor setbacks, to study up on massage techniques so he can get some relief from his aching muscles because he's youichi and you’re you, to patch up his wounds. all of it was like second nature. you cared for him and in turn, he cared for you.)
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wherever youichi went, so did you. wherever you went, so did youichi. 
those were facts– laws known by almost everyone the pair of you acquainted yourselves with, mostly the baseball club and your families, but those 2 are almost the same thing, if you were being honest.
the facts you were well aware were true continued to be proven time and time again, even more so when neither of you went to nationals.
which you think would be obvious with how you were the team's manager, so if the team didn’t go, neither did you– not as anyone important, anyway.
at the first lost chance, you didn’t cry. you didn’t just shrug and move on either, you simply took a deep breath and with the words, “maybe next year” you smiled at your seniors and friends and left the stands.
that night you headed out to the seidou baseball grounds alone.
in the lone serenity under the stars, you sat on the mound and cried.
not for the loss that could’ve been a win, not for losing the chance to go to nationals and experience the thrill, but for the 3rd years who lost their final chance.
but wherever you go, youichi goes– and on that cloudless night where he first saw you cry, he promised you he would take you to nationals.
you, in turn, promised to tell him a secret when he does.
he thinks if you smile at him like that again, he might just do anything you ever ask him to.
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it is in his (and your) second year of high school when kuramochi youichi has a realization, one he can’t simply shrug off.
mundane things concerning you and him that used to be normal and done without a second thought now had his hands shaking ever so slightly, his heart rate spiking, and his cheeks feeling just a tad warmer.
which would all be okay and simply shrugged off, had it not been for sawamura and miyuki, the bastard duo (and ryousuke, purely because he enjoys bullying youchi).
“so, have you finally admitted your crush to yourself? or are you, perhaps, still in denial?”
for how much miyuki claims to hate having people in his business, he himself sure loves to poke into others. youichi feels his eye twitch.
“what crush are you talking about, miyuki kazuya?!”
great. now the other one’s here too. and you seem to have noticed the commotion, since you’re turning his way (he wouldn’t have noticed, had he not been staring at you this entire time) with an eyebrow raised in question. youichi does an exaggerated eye roll while tilting his head towards both annoyances at his sides, and with a giggle you turn back to furuya.
“why, didn’t you know? our dear kuramochi has a–”
“aaand that’s where i’ll cut ya off,” youichi said, slapping his hand on the brunet's mouth, “i don’t have a crush on anyone.”
“but, kuramochi-senpai, you’ve been staring at [name]-senpai for the past 5 minutes. i’m pretty sure you didn’t even blink!”
now his other eye is twitching. he thinks he can actually feel the vein in his forehead bulging the more sawamoron continues speaking.
“i was not!”
“were too, we all saw,” his pink haired senior said, appearing seemingly out of nowhere, his intentions written all over his face clear as day.
“i wa– okay, since you’re not gonna listen to me anyway, i’ll just prove there’s nothing between us. on either side. never was, never will be,” said youichi, getting up from his spot on the bench, which had sawamura falling over as he was leaning all his body weight on the green haired shortstop.
he makes his way over to you with an easy goal in mind: have a calm and collected conversation, without triggering his (seemingly) symptoms of illness so he doesn’t worry you, turn around and leave.
question is, what is he gonna talk to you about? conversations with you usually flow naturally, but for the first time ever, youichi finds himself nervous at the prospect of talking to you. his frustrated fast paced steps gradually slow down the closer he gets to you, contrary to his thoughts which are speeding up– he finds himself unable to keep up with his thought process for the first time ever in your presence. 
and he doesn’t know why. 
for the first time since he befriended you, he realizes the mere thought of you renders him unable to think properly.
sensing his presence you turn his way and his thoughts come to an abrupt stop. all he hears is white noise– like his brain got unplugged and it’s showing one of those black and white static screens– until you utter his name.
“youichi! i was just about to go over there to check what the commotion was about. I’m pretty sure i heard eijun ask about a crush or something. does he like someone?”
why do you want to know whether the first year moron has a crush or not? “him? nah. i don’t think he has the brain capacity to pull someone,” he says offhandedly, a little late to realize you took a liking to his roommate.
“youichi!” you repeat, though angrier than when you greeted him, “don’t say that! he’s just a guy. i think he could be a good boyfriend to someone. he’s nice.”
he finds his frustration growing at that, and still, he doesn’t know why. then you seem to notice something behind him because suddenly you’re grinning and waving. when he turns his head he finds it’s the previously mentioned first year and tanuki bastard and his blood boils– he tries, really, he does, to not let his thoughts bleed through his expression, but with the way miyukis smirk widens a tad, he believes he might have fucked up.
“anyway, what did you need?”
“huh– oh, i was just wondering if you needed help with anything, since you were just standing around here,” he internally apologizes for lying through his teeth, but he can’t have you finding out the real reason.
“mm, not really. jun-san did most of the heavy lifting we needed done already, so unless you wanna stay late to help us collect the balls, nothing much.”
“ah, alright. i’ll stay to help, then. i’d hate it if our poor managers did all the hard work.”
“now you’re just making fun of me.”
“me? why, i would never, who do you take me for? miyuki?”
“you’re even worse than kazuya.”
this is okay, youichi thinks. this is how it’s been for the past 13 years, this is how it should be. friendly banter. you bully him, he bullies you, you take care of him, he takes care of you. that’s how it’s always been.
he chooses to ignore the slight shake in his hands and the sudden warmth on his cheeks.
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the next day you’re not in class and his only conversation partner (read: professional bother) is miyuki kazuya. which isn’t necessarily unusual, but usually it’d be the three of you engaged in conversations initiated by you, and now that he’s alone youichi misses you more than ever before.
“are you gonna answer my question or not? are you, perhaps, too shy~”
“if you don’t shut your damn mouth soon i will literally take this pen and stab you with it.”
“how scary~” the tanuki bastard let out his very tanuki like giggle and youichi nearly snapped his pen in half, “come on, you can tell me! i’m your best friend after all!”
“the absolute audacity you have to call yourself that. you know very well my best friends are ryou-san and [name],” though, he can’t particularly deny he has began considering miyuki a close friend as well.
“i believe i’m still a better person to talk about this than either of them. unless you’d prefer to discuss it with sawamura?”
the shortstop lets out a deep, heartfelt sigh of pure annoyance, and miyuki celebrates his victory. only in the depths of his twisted little soul, of course, but celebrates nonetheless.
kuramochi turns in his chair to stare at his friends desk, and with a frown so deep it genuinely concerns miyuki, finally speaks what’s on his heart, “.. i’ve been wondering about this for a while, but what makes you guys think i like [name]? i personally don’t think we’ve done anything to make it seem that way, we’ve always been like this, so–”
“you haven’t,” kuramochi looks up then, only to see the brunet more serious than he’s ever seen him be outside of baseball, “you haven’t always been like that, don’t lie to yourself. had you said that to me last year i wouldn’t have questioned you– granted, i hadn’t known either of you for long back then, but this year you both started acting differently towards each other. it’s not much noticeable to people who don’t know you, but since i spend nearly every waking moment around you guys, it’s about as clear as sawamura wanting the ace number.”
“you.. really haven’t noticed? kuramochi, you can’t be serious.”
he slowly shakes his head in denial, thoroughly confused on not knowing what it is he should have noticed. he thought he was supposed to be observant, what happened to that?
miyuki, with his mouth hanging open in disbelief for mere seconds, decided he was nice enough to lead his one (and only) friend in the right direction, at least. if even that fails he might just have to straight up out kuramochi to kuramochi himself.
“you became more.. nervous? flustered, should i say? around her this year. you get fidgety and your hands shake after physical contact sometimes– yes, i noticed, stop staring at me like that. sometimes– actually, pretty often you just stare at her with hearts in your eyes.”
“i do not–”
“oh you do. you stare at her like she hung the stars in the night sky, like she’s what makes the sun shine. you look at her like a man in love would.”
that was kuramochi youichis final straw, he thinks.
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a week after kuramochis one-on-one eye-opening talk with his friend, he starts to notice that maybe, perhaps, theoretically, the tanuki bastard might have been right.
the keywords being the verbs expressing his uncertainty.
each passing minute he spends with you, however, he finds himself running out of verbs.
he’s caught himself staring at you very often these past few days. which would be good and all, were you not quite literally staring at him also.
these new occurrences end with both of you looking away with cheeks that are just slightly more tinted than they are naturally, and (usually) miyuki rubbing his forehead in annoyance.
if his newfound realization gets in the way of his practice, coach kataoka will have him sit out the fall tournament for sure. he can’t have that happening, so he shrugs off whatever awkwardness this caused between you to focus on getting to nationals.
he did promise you he would take you there, after all.
with that thought in his mind, he feels his lips curl into a smile, and his fielding starts to look less half-assed than before.
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okay, so maybe the tanuki bastard was right, youichi thinks, so what.
it’s normal to have an eeny weeny crush on someone you know better than you know yourself at some point in your life, is it not? 
which would be all shits and giggles, were it an ‘eeny weeny’ crush, rather than a ‘oh my god she’s in the same room with me how do i breathe why is she so beautiful oh my god call an ambulance oh my god?’ crush.
he slams his head against his desk, lamenting whatever it is he’s done that got him here. why can’t he just see you the way he’s seen you before?
wait. how exactly did he see you before?
sure, you were always beautiful and nice, helpful to a fault, generous and extremely smart, but have you always sparkled like you do now?
yes. yes you have.
to kuramochi youichi you’ve always sparkled and shone brighter than the lights in rooms you occupied, brighter than the full moon in the night skies and the sun during daytime.
you entered the classroom and upon hearing you greet him his head snaps up and– is that a fucking halo?! (it is a figment of his imagination fueled by the many shojo mangas jun made him read) why are you glowing?
miyuki can only sit back and observe from his seat behind kuramochi as the shortstop looks at his life-long friend as if she herself hung the stars, brightened the days and nights– as if she put the planets in orbit. 
and if the planets in the question were kuramochi youichi and [name] was the sun, then perhaps you have. youichi somehow finds himself sucked into your atmosphere, somehow always orbiting you, always in your presence or not far from it. you are always in his thoughts and in his heart, a part of you is always in his conscience and he can do nothing but accept it, embrace it. he is kuramochi, but he is not youichi without you. similarly you are [l/name], but never [f/name] without him. if only he would’ve known sooner that neptune’s slow departure from the solar system symbolized his common sense leaving when he’s around you.
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in your second year of high school, with a lot of hard work, you make it to nationals.
during the victory announcement, youichi could’ve sworn he saw a tear stream down your cheek, but it could have just been a trick of the light.
that night you once again meet under the tranquility of the stars on the diamond, but this time, it’s on a more positive note than last year.
“so, what’s the secret i was promised?”
you freeze for a mere moment, as if you yourself have forgotten you ever made him such a promise, then the shock clears out of your eyes and you turn to look at him.
“can’t we push the due date a bit?”
“wha– no! what was it all for?!” he’s waving his arms around to exaggerate his point, “i’ve waited a year for this, wondering each day what could possibly be so special, and now you tell me to wait more?! man..”
you watch his lips curl into a pout and his brows furrow and you know.
“.. not that i wouldn’t, i’d wait however long it takes, if it’s you..” you know.
you feel your face heat up slightly, even though it’s exactly what you predicted he would say. you reach out and your fingers tap against his cheek first, then you place your palm against the warm skin (it continues to grow warmer under your touch, you note).
“thank you for fulfilling your promise, youichi. i love you.”
he can physically feel his heart skip a beat and his neck very nearly break with the abnormal speed he turns his head at. blood is rushing to his head and all he hears is white noise (or perhaps that’s just the cicadas) and your words on a loop in his already you-filled brain. stars, what have you done to him? he thinks he might short-circuit.
but, then again, this could just be a normal, friendly ‘i love you’, as you usually say. he shouldn’t get his hopes up, nor be weird about it, lest you catch on and start distancing yourself from him (not that you would do that, since you didn’t after he threw lizards at you when you were 7).
“you’re welcome,” he smiles, “love ya too, stupid.”
you shake your head and he pauses, “no, youichi. i love you. always have. that’s the secret.”
“.. i’ve always loved you, too..? what do you mean,” he shakes his head to mimic you, then raises an eyebrow in question, as if not agreeing he loves you was a crime (at this point, it might even be).
“i’m in love with you, idiot,” you resist the urge to just smack him at this point, “have been for the past 10 years.”
he’s struck by lightning. hit by a truck. squashed by a rock, even. he can’t even properly describe the bolt he feels striking him upon realizing he is, in fact, an idiot. and so are you, apparently.
idiots in love, as ryousuke once said. now he knows why.
the shortstop grabs you by your shoulders and shakes you back and forth with an almost crazed look in his eyes, “oh my god. i’m in love with you, too! oh my god!”
there’s a sudden sparkle in your eyes and you grab onto his arms, “oh my god! i thought i was going insane whenever i saw you acting like a schoolgirl with a crush!”
he momentarily wonders how much money miyuki will rack up for the bets placed on who will confess first, but that’s an issue for tomorrow.
for now, youichi thinks, the only issue is finding out if your lips are as soft as they look.
(they are.)
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ੈ✩₊˚TAGLIST : @gabirii @heroesfan101 @celandinee @wizardclown @solxima // ask/comment to be added/removed! (if you're in bold i can't tag you)
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