#most of all i hope this encourages people to donate to people that really need help reaching their donation goals
turtletoria · 3 months
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to the people who donated already: i am working on packing everything and getting them ready to be mailed! i will notify everyone by email once theyve been sent to the post! thank yall so much for participating!
Here's the deal: I will send you all 3 stickers for free if you show me a screenshot of a receipt of either an eSIM purchase or a donation to a Palestinian organization/cause that totals to $16 or more made AFTER 2/11/2024! You can split your donations between multiple causes!
This fundraiser will keep going until all stickers are gone (I've had about 100 of them made)!!!
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imperiuswrecked · 5 months
pssst can i please ask you to spoiler the raven baby reveal to me...?
So the summary of X-Men Blue: Origins (2023) Mystique is wandering around New York acting crazy and mumbling about her lost baby, Kurt catches up with her and tries to talk her into calming down.
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Kurt gives Raven his sword which breaks the mental barriers and it's revealed that while Raven was married to Baron Wagner, she and Irene were an on again, off again, couple who would hook up with other people whenever it helped their goals.
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Raven had hired Irene to be the housemaid so she could stay close while Raven was married to Wagner, using his money/influence as they wanted and having a torrid love affair with Irene in private. Azazel shows up and Irene encouraged Raven to have an affair with him as well, because she had visions of the future.
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Basically Irene wanted a love child with Raven, but needed Azazel to believe he was the father because she knew that unless Kurt was set on a path to be his constant foe/destroyer of his plans then Azazel would rise to power.
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Irene's visions aren't something she can stop and she lives her life according to how to bring about her visions but she doesn't tell Raven any of this until 5 years after Kurt's birth. So she and Raven have a child, Kurt, and from my understanding of the reading, Mystique can copy the genes down to a molecular level and took the gene patterns from Azazel and Baron Wagner and impregnated Irene. So Kurt doesn't have 2 parents, he has 4, well 5 including Margali Szardos who was his adopted mom. Kurt is now battling for the #1 spot for "most parents and most confusing parental origin in comics" and he's up against the Maximoff twins who have gone through 3 sets of parents.
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Back to the story, Raven dumps Azazel who is such a pathetic loser, I love that lol. Raven fakes being pregnant by shapeshifting to look like she is pregnant as the months go by. Baron Wagner discovers his wife's affairs, and being the homophobe he is, is stabbed by Raven who then spends the next few months switching between forms to make people believe that the Baron and his wife are both still around, waiting until Irene gives birth. I'm guessing because Raven intended to use the Baron's money/pretending to be him so she and Irene could live in comfort or until they wanted to move on.
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Irene is the one who gives birth to Kurt, and Raven overcome with joy/love for Kurt doesn't want his first sight of her to be human so she reveals herself.
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The townspeople are of course in an uproar, want to kill the demon woman and her demon child, Irene tells Raven to get to safety and that she would be ok, but Raven fears for Irene so she leaves Kurt under a tree and rushes back to kill the people who would hurt her wife and discovers Irene is missing, she runs back to find Kurt and he's gone too.
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Five years pass and she finds Irene again, this time watching a young Rogue, Irene reveals everything to Raven, the Azazel vision, Irene needed Kurt to be raised as an outcast etc. Raven and Irene both know they are in a toxic relationship, but they love each other too much so they went to the one man who can make everything worse, Charles Xavier. Of course Xavier does what he does best, erases people's memories and implants new ones.
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So now Kurt has 2 deadbeat mutant moms, 1 deadbeat demonic mutant father, 1 dead human father, and 1 adopted mother and they all give him the most drama & trauma that you will ever see in comics! Love wins (?)
I am currently taking donations to hire Kurt a therapist (who isn't Professor X), save an elf's sanity and donate /jk
I will say that this origin, though very messy, does at least confirm that Irene is just as messy/toxic as Raven, so I hope they continue to be totally bad for each other and 100% in love, which is very refreshing to see in wlw couples and I really hope they do not try to soften their edges, especially Raven's, I do not want a "good mother Raven", but time will tell. Also finally Kurt is Baron Wagner's son technically due to partially copied genetics so it finally makes sense for why Kurt has the Wagner last name, which is something that always bugged me, because imo if he had zero connection to the Baron then he wouldn't have the Wagner last name. Also this doesn't invalidate the Azazel retcon from before because again technically Azazel believes Kurt is his son, and Kurt does have partially copied genetics from Azazel.
I think it was a really tough balancing act to have to write, I wish it could have been written a bit better or the thoughts of Rogue actually being Irene/Raven's daughter would have worked better. Like imagine if Raven and Irene were both pregnant, Irene had Rogue and Raven had Nightcrawler or Irene had them both as twins, then they wouldn't just be foster/adopted siblings but also bio siblings, and it could have opened up the door for more stories involving them as brother and sister trying to deal with their mothers. Marvel constantly ignores the potential for Rogue and Kurt's sibling dynamic and I wish we got more of it in the comics. I get that the writer was trying to keep to the old canon while creating the new canon and using the original plan for Kurt's parentage, so while I feel it's way too complicated this is also comics where complicated plots and retcons have been a long standing tradition meant to torment us readers.
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goodmiffy · 2 months
hope this doesnt come off as bad faith but what do you think of this quote??? i dont like it but ig i cant properly articulate my thoughts on why https://www(.)tumblr(.)com/librarycards/187079810359/librarycards-anti-prostitution-feminists-and
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I also don’t like it and don’t agree with it, it would take a lot of dissecting and articulating to really express why, but I’ll try my best with the main reasons.
1. “work is being constantly re-inscribed as something so personally fulfilling you would pursue it for free”
This is working on the belief that having sex is or can be considered ‘work’, but the argument we make is that sex isn’t work, and work can’t be sex, because:
sex is by definition mutually involved and consensual, and that consent is freely given. that is a basic feminist understanding of what separates sex from rape. remember the idea that rape is not a ‘type of sex’ any more than drowning is a type of swimming. rape is antithetical to sex, because sex requires freely given consent. if the only reason you would agree to sex is through the offer of money, that consent isn’t freely given it is coerced. “B-but all labour is coercion through money- that’s the point” yes except coerced manual labour is coerced manual labour, coerced ‘sex’ is rape. anyone who claims these are the same thing, or that being penetrated to earn a living is the same as hauling pallets, is being completely disingenuous and has a vested interested in encouraging the idea that it’s the same thing (they want to convince women it’s the same so they will do it!). so essentially the reason i think sex cannot be ‘work’ is because sex cannot be coerced, and work is essentially coercion. ‘sex work’ is an oxymoron.
so no, we don’t all enjoy our jobs, we need to earn money to live and that’s why we work, sure. something being ‘work’ doesn’t necessitate wanting to do it for free, but sex absolutely does. that’s the principle of sexual consent.
reason 2: the false dichotomy being made between paid ‘sex work’ and unpaid labour. positioning these this way kind of implies they’re the only choices for women, “hey at least I’m being paid! the alternative is an unpaid internship which i can’t afford” but we would say well, both of those things are bad. neither is a good solution for women, neither empowers us or helps us enter and stay in the workforce. yes maybe it’s hypocritical that Equality Now, an anti-prostitution org advertises unpaid internships, however that is because it is a non profit, thus they rely heavily on volunteers and donations, and an internship is essentially a contracted period of volunteering. they might be a big organisation but it doesn’t mean they have money to spare, and that’s a sad reality for non-profits. it’s not the same as multi million dollar companies having internships. the same goes for the anti-slavery charity. it’s a fucking charity??
“The result of these unpaid and underpaid internships is that the women who are most able to build careers in the women’s sector – campaigning and setting policy agendas around prostitution – are women who can afford to do unpaid full-time work in New York and London. In this context, it is hardly a surprise that the anti-prostitution movement as a whole has a somewhat abstracted view of the relationship between work and money.”
yeah, it probably does mean that only women with some financial safety net can volunteer their time to work for these non-profits and charities full time. is that a bad thing? that’s the reality of most volunteer work, most people cant afford to not be paid to work. most who do volunteer do so part time, usually very few hours a week or even a month, and that’s very awesome of them, right? so women who have the capacity to volunteer full time (because that’s what an unpaid internship is in essence) choosing to do so, is just as fucking awesome, right? isn’t that good of them, so why are they being villainized (we know why). they could be doing anything with that time and they’re choosing to use it to help vulnerable women have more options in the workforce.
I don’t understand how that translates as an ‘abstracted’ view or lack of understanding of the relationship between work and money. it’s a very clear understanding, which is why they don’t want women to have to endure unwanted sex acts just to make a living. that’s why they advocate for better options for women. anti prostitution in those contexts doesn’t begin and end with making it illegal, in fact it doesn’t mean that at all. it is about creating opportunities for women in prostitution so they can leave, or criminalising soliciting rather than prostituting, to enforce the message that it’s wrong to buy and sell women, but women are not at fault for needing to resort to this to earn a living in a patriarchal misogynistic society. the work-money view is not ‘abstracted’ it is simple, everyone should be paid fairy for the work that they do. but to purchase ‘sex’ from a woman is to rent her body as though she is nothing but a sex object. and that is immoral. men who solicit are not employing women to work, they’re paying to use her for masturbation. if a landlord offered decreased rent in exchange for sex, most everyone would see the clear immorality and exploitation of that situation, but a woman agreeing to unwanted sex for pay because she needs that money to pay her rent, that’s different somehow? no, it’s still exploition. anti-prostitution is as much about men’s choices in exploiting women as it is supporting women in exiting the sex trade.
so i think fundamentally that quote has the intentions of anti-prostitution all backwards, they see it as prostituted womens’ livelihoods being taken away, but we’re advocating for a world where women do not need to be prostituted to earn a living and have opportunities for better, safer livelihoods. women should not need to endure unwanted ‘sex’ as a livelihood in the first place, and if there were more opportunity for women in the workforce, they wouldn’t need to. in essence they’re arguing that /of course they don’t enjoy it, but who enjoys their job? we do it because we have to get paid/ and i see that i totally do, but constant unwanted penetration is not a job, it is assault of the body and mind. it comes with constant misogynistic abuse and harassment and the risk of STDs, some of which are life threatening. it takes a physical and emotional toll that no other manual job can compare to, and if those women could earn a decent living doing something else, the vast majority would. and the first hand evidence from prostituted women supports that notion.
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
A wild about post appears!
Hey! Call me Cactus. They/them, late twenties. I also run Direct Action for Hope, for petitions/campaigns/protests that don’t fit on a good news blog, as well as my own takes and activism.
Queer, trans, disabled, white, USian, for context. (Please let me know if I accidentally post something offensive, btw! I promise I have like. an actual ability to take that kind of feedback gracefully and work to remedy the situation)
 Some Info about This Blog
Actual good news only!
No heartwarming stories that aren’t actually news. No stories that other sources THINK are heartwarming, but that are actually super depressing and dystopic!
All websites/sources are at least preliminarily vetted by me
If I don’t think a source and/or a news story I find is accurate or reliable enough, I find a new, better source with a new, better article
Relatedly, any links that have the url web.archive go to an Internet Archive copy of a paywalled article. Usually this is the LA Times, NY Times, or Washington Post. Not a weird suspicious link, I promise!
All posts are cited and dated at the end!
All posts should be tagged, including for major/common content warnings. I can’t promise that I won’t miss any warnings, but I am definitely keeping an eye on this
Filter the tag “not news” if you only want to see the news articles/posts
Feel free to send me articles to look at or submit posts! I’ll vet these before I feature them. That said, you might be waiting A While, because despite many efforts to the contrary I am the worst about checking/answering messages. Sorry about that
Posts are generally long because I have Many Words And Endless Details Disease. Hopefully the thoroughness and the bolded highlights make up for that
A couple people have asked me if I could share their donation posts, so I wanted to pin this up: I’m sorry, but unfortunately, I will not be sharing any donation posts, because I don’t have the time or skills to vet all of them and weed out any potential scams. If you’re struggling, please check out this post, which lists communities designed for donation posts and mutual aid. You’re much more likely to get help there than on tumblr. You can also find other mutual aid resource lists and wikis here, here, and here
If you’re struggling with depression or anxiety, especially around climate anxiety or climate grief, there’s a really, really thorough directory of crisis hotlines by country that you can find here. Seriously, they have so many countries I wouldn’t have expected them to list - try it, if it might help
Tip Jar
I put a lot of work and passion into this blog—and a not inconsiderable amount of time. Also, I’ve been too disabled to work much at all for most of the past year...rip. (but thankfully doing better now!) So, if you want to support my work, you can buy me a coffee!
Good News Source
You can find a comprehensive list of all the websites I’ve bookmarked as sources for this blog here!
Note about Gaza
I will be posting good news (as much good news as there can be in this sort of situation) about the ongoing genocide in Gaza, because one of the most important ways to help is to refuse to be silent. Palestinians in Gaza have asked us to please keep talking about it, that it really does help, so I’m going to listen.
And honestly, my disabilities significantly interfere with my ability to take irl action like going to protests, so using what platform I have here really is all the more important to me. (Though I am also setting a notif on my phone to remind me to call my representatives every few days, and I encourage you to do the same if feasible.)
All that said! It is completely legitimate to need a break from horrific news (a huge part of why I started this blog), and it’s also legitimate to say “I need to find out about this stuff Not from my tumblr dash.”
If news about the war/genocide (esp on social media specifically) is making you spiral and shit, then I genuinely encourage you to filter out these posts. I’m not judging. I have significant filters around what Israel/Palestine stuff I see on here myself, because I want to be very intentional about the times I do engage with it. (Which is every few days and via the Actual News.)
I’m committing to fact-checking this stuff before posting, fyi, even with reblogs.
So, tl;dr:
I will be posting about Palestine and Gaza
I will still only post good news, eg: about successful protests, aid reaching Gaza, progress toward ceasefire
I’ll only post actual, concrete news, not just Politicians Saying Words
If you need to not find about this shit from tumblr and/or my tumblr, then filter out the tags “Palestine” and “cw war”
If you don't want to see my posts on this blog about the Israel-Palestine War, then block the tags "Palestine" and "cw war"
if you need a break, then take a break
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edge-oftheworld · 4 months
no but i can't get over how actually well done the last few days were. announce a surprise and not 48 hours later we find out that 1) tour movie, the same thing taylor swift did a few months ago and now everyone wants plus we know it's a show they worked super hard on, 2) it's free, excellent for anyone who couldn't afford to go etc (we've all been there) and out literally right now on a (mostly) free platform (the very same one that they got started on but anyway) and perhaps most notably, 3) it's free with the hopes that you might instead of paying for it donate to gaza, and the links are right there.
like they could've charged us $20 each for the show and sent all their profits there themselves (with the hope that we believe they're being honest that it's 100%, for them of course we would but i know others have lied about similar). but instead they gave us autonomy over our donation just like. encouraged it. like cmon who wouldn't listen when ashton tells us to donate to something if we can? (also did anyone else say so, i'm not the best at keeping up with social media so lmk if there's more of them to give credit to here). anyway we gotta talk about it more. how perfectly this was done: we get a gift!! be it for christmas if you celebrate or just in general, that we expected we'd have to pay for. now we get asked, hey, if you have any money could you send it to these people who Really Need It So Badly if you can? I know not all of you do so we won't stop you from watching the movie if you don't but
also this is a really clever way to show their support for gaza. like they are (deliberately i think) trying not to be leaders in an area that they aren't experts in, and there has been a lot of misinformation around, a lot of misunderstanding, like yes they did stand up for ukraine last year but the media was a lot more black and white for that one (or should i say blue and yellow) but when it comes down to it they're not stupid and they're not fooled by whatever the country they currently live in is pushing and they've actually taken their time to not say shit to save face prematurely but actually do something that's, even if not big or dramatic, gonna be impactful? they've not put themselves out there campaigning for a ceasefire, yes, but they've posted links that are. they've not guilted us into donating but please tell me you're not at least feeling some obligation to. it's simple, it's actionable, it's right there in the caption and takes like 20 seconds. and if any of us in the fandom (global family or whatever they're building) are leading in the ceasefire decolonisation space we have our little encouragement to see that yes, these musicians we love aren't gonna sit there and do nothing. it's not monumental, but it's something.
and tbh i wouldn't be surprised if this was all planned like a week ago in a zoom call between australia and the usa when ryan texted to say that the film was done. like it was in their random spontanous lightheated style. i also think we can learn something from the fact that it's okay to not jump on everything the minute it comes out but actually every lasting impact is a long-haul effort that you've gotta sustain yourself for by doing what you love as well. and also sometimes the right opportunity to do something about what we care about comes and you just take it, don't think too hard, don't wait either if you don't need to, if there is a cause that needs your effort whenever you get an opportunity to give it will always be the right time. hopefully they've set a precedent for something--i have no idea if any artist has done similar but i'm really proud of them.
and that's why i don't get the fact that we've been talking about how horrific this genocide is and then going right to which songs they cut or kept. like i would like a live version of you don't go to parties! but i would like an entire fandom to donate to aid for gaza even more and be thinking about why we need a ceasefire and maybe doing something about it even more. i've been unwell yes and under financial and other stress yes but i'm not starving or freezing to death and so i'll take that L and i won't go home. i won't stop talking about what's important. i'm starting to find my voice again and this has been a big inspiration for it between all the discouragement.
have we not figured it out? they're not just dumbasses sometimes they do something towards a cause we really care about so let's give them credit for that. heck they even filmed bad omens in ukraine in 2022 have we forgotten about that? they don't put themselves out there as influential figures in any way but that's sometimes the best way to humanise the people we care about (and i think honestly they just do this naturally because when you're not chasing clout and you're trained to recognise talent and potential talent in even the worst situations, you'll automatically think like that). it's small in the face of everything going on, yes. so am i! and if i learned anything over the last 24 hours it's that small things can be meaningful. this has been to me and i don't doubt to the recipients of the donations of (i hope) an entire fandom.
(also if you don't mind the tag @littledrummerangie i know you were talking along a similar vein a few weeks back and i'm keen to hear if you want to, if you found this as satisfying as me)
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kethabali · 8 months
Hello, I’m Ameera a 23 years old Muslim lesbian who is trying to come out, I’ve been in the closet with my girlfriend for way too long, because of how dangerous and hard it is to come out as a lesbian to a religious Muslim family, but me and my girlfriend have decided to do whatever it takes and risk it all to come out, do you mind supporting and encouraging us?, we have the plan to go away which is why I have my donation campaign pinned on my profile, if I raise at least that goal I can start the process with my savings, I can’t come out until I’d gotten my apartment and I’m away from family, so please support by donating if you can and help reblog though I know we all have what we dealing with, so I’m not imposing we just need all the support and encouragement we can get, check my pinned post for more information on how you can support, if you are a Muslim queer and you are out, please help with tips on how to make it less complicated, any word of advice is also really needed, we really wanna come out but we need y’all 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ pride please come through for us, I believe pride is for all
i wish i had some amazing life changing advice for you but the truth is that it's painful to be outcasted from your family and the trauma that comes with it doesn't leave your body for a long time. once i was safe i started to unpack everything and its a long process but really worth it when u start feeling grounded and less anxious
i'm not muslim but my family is so i was raised with islam and they did a lot of stuff to try to deter me from living my truth including literally kidnapping me while we were in bangladesh right before my flight back. the entire family would talk shit behind my back and only "respect" me to my face to keep up the niceties
it's family and that makes it hard to let go and accept that they may never come around, at least not in this life time but surrounding yourself with friends and support - your chosen family is so important. we have to help each other because who else will yknow
community is so important for queer people so i encourage you to seek out other queer people any way you can in real life and online. i don't know what country you live in but i've found even in the most homophobic conservative countries the queer groups are there even if very underground and disguised as other things. i hope you can get in contact with some queer organizations and hopefully they can help you gather funds and help with your move. also message me privately with ur city and if its my city or one i'm familiar with maybe i can find you some resources
for me queer organizations literally saved my life. when i ran away i stayed in an apartment run by a queer youth shelter and they weren't perfect, they had a lot of faults but it gave me sanctuary away from my abusive parents and a chance to explore myself and be a normal kid for a while (i was 17). queer organizations also helped me get many things; clothes, hygiene products, chest binders, hrt, support applying to aid programs, doctor appointments when my insurance was a mess bc i was a literal child and had no idea how to navigate healthcare. it was just a really good thing for me to have as i transitioned into adulthood on my own.
so i say find all the mutual aid and organizations available in your area connect with at least one queer person in real life and its likely they will know others and slowly you can build your network of resources. take care of yourself best u can, try to eat well and drink enough water, get outside at least once a day, journaling and listening to music helps me a lot with processing emotions, confide in ur girlfriend or friends, do ART i really recommend this one it can be very therapeutic and healing. any type of art- drawing, painting, knitting, photography, dancing, singing etc it's good to express yourself in some way when everything else feels so restricted. try to have something for yourself to keep holding onto hope when things get really bad like maybe a pin, some type of token to remind you of your truth and that things won't be this way forever. remember that the entire queer community would back you up in a heartbeat and so many people will love you that you haven't even met yet!
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snuffgurll · 8 months
Hey, I’m so sorry I know you don’t know me and I’m not following you, I don’t mean to pry or invade your privacy I’d just love to share something with you more like I need you, I’m Ameera 23 years old, and I’m calling out to the community 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 to please support us so me and my girlfriend can come out, we have dreams about going for pride rallies,clubs, to be able to kiss in a park express love with no restrictions or fear of being caught, we are both from a typical religious Muslim family, we are know as best friends by our families and friends, we have made this decision to come out to everyone so many times but couldn’t because of how homophobic our parents are due to religious values and ethics. Any one from a typical religious Muslim family can attest to how important it is to follow the rules and moral that are in the holy Quran, So we have come to a conclusion to be ready and be prepared for the worst, Cause the price we may have to pay is to lose our families and maybe friends and of course their support, so we have decided to get an apartment and move in together and start a new life where we can freely be who we really are, and here is where we need your support, though we both work and have some money saved up, but we still need help, getting and setting up an apartment is a lot so we will definitely need all the love and support we can get(donation link pinned on page), Thank you for your donations so far,but we are still 37% to the goal so please add your own bit,I know everyone have one or two things we go through, and this is not me imposing on any one to help, but if you can with how ever little, it will be so much appreciated, and if you can’t, kindly reach out to encourage us cause we also need that as much,This is the biggest and hardest decision we have ever had to make and please share to whoever you feel can help. We shall draw strength from the pride to pull through this, I’M NOT A SCAM feel free to go through my page or do whatever to confirm and my DM is open if you have questions or requests to clear your doubts, I believe pride is for all
'im not a scam!' ok why are you asking random ass people. why are you giving a long ass message. why do you use a stock image as a pfp. if you are a real person i hope you find the help u need to get out of ur situation but you most likely are not. FOLLOWERS BEWARE OF PEOPLE LIKE THIS!! they are trying to prey on your goodwill. also i literally have no money to give so LOLLLLL
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Hey, I’m so sorry I know you don’t know me and I’m not following you, I don’t mean to pry or invade your privacy I’d just love to share something with you more like I need you, I’m Ameera 23 years old, and I’m calling out to the community 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 to please support us so me and my girlfriend can come out, we have dreams about going for pride rallies,clubs, to be able to kiss in a park express love with no restrictions or fear of being caught, we are both from a typical religious Muslim family, we are know as best friends by our families and friends, we have made this decision to come out to everyone so many times but couldn’t because of how homophobic our parents are due to religious values and ethics. Any one from a typical religious Muslim family can attest to how important it is to follow the rules and moral that are in the holy Quran, So we have come to a conclusion to be ready and be prepared for the worst, Cause the price we may have to pay is to lose our families and maybe friends and of course their support, so we have decided to get an apartment and move in together and start a new life where we can freely be who we really are, and here is where we need your support, though we both work and have some money saved up, but we still need help, getting and setting up an apartment is a lot so we will definitely need all the love and support we can get(donation link pinned on page), Thank you for your donations so far,but we are still 37% to the goal so please add your own bit,I know everyone have one or two things we go through, and this is not me imposing on any one to help, but if you can with how ever little, it will be so much appreciated, and if you can’t, kindly reach out to encourage us cause we also need that as much,This is the biggest and hardest decision we have ever had to make and please share to whoever you feel can help. We shall draw strength from the pride to pull through this, I’M NOT A SCAM feel free to go through my page or do whatever to confirm and my DM is open if you have questions or requests to clear your doubts, I believe pride is for all
Oh Hi!
I’m am so sorry, but given the circumstances I have, I really can’t donate at all. But I think that I can still help.Maybe this post will bring more people aware of this situation. Maybe someone that can donate sees this on their feed and decides to reach out and help you out.
But I get it
I understand
I know exactly how you’re feeling.
I understand how it feels to hide your true identity from the outside world. How it feels to know that some of the people you love the most say mean things about you behind your back without realizing (I once had two friends that were unaware that I was trans make attack helicopter-like jokes in front of me. Not fun). How it feels to have the suffocating dread of knowing that the ones that love you the most could turn on you so easily. And that just eats you away from the inside.
Of course I have found some good friends, both online and in real life, that do accept me for who I am, but for most of the time, I stay hidden because I’m terrified to know that I could loose everything I’ve ever known and loved If I just told them who I really was
I am so sorry that this is so vauge, but I really don’t like talking about my personal life online. But don’t worry, I think that I’ll be fine. In the end I just need to hold on to my feelings for a bit longer till I can release them.
But I hope that for you and your girlfriend, that you’ll be able to reach your dreams and have the opportunity to go to pride, hold hands and love each other so much that you’ll never be afraid of anything at all. If there’s anything my absolutely train wreck experience I had when I was in middle school (those years SUCKED) taught me is that everything will work out in the end.
stay safe out there 🩷
-Kami, K or Kaleidoscope, he/it
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Game 214 - Long Gone Days by Camila Gormaz
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I picked up this game through the itch.io Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality. I chose to donate 10 dollars, and I found about 153 games in the bundle that I was actually interested in. So, the consideration for this game will be if it was worth the 7 cents (rounded up) that I paid for it and the hours that I played it for. The bundle has since ended, but I still encourage you to make a donation to the organizations listed here.
What did I think it was at first? This was supposed to be one of the gems in the Racial Justice and Equality bundle. I do like a really good RPG, so I'm excited to check it out!
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How was the character creator? None, you play as a fixed squad of characters. You can change their equipment, but you only control Rourke's dialogue.
How was the game? Honestly, there are some really great elements in Long Gone Days! The pixel art and anime-style character drawings are both really slick and make the game feel polished. The soundtrack was great as well!
You play as Rourke, a soldier trained in a top secret facility. Pretty quickly, the world is revealed to not quite be what it seems, and Rourke and his friends have to escape from the army and find their way to safety.
It's a pretty typical RPG, but the modern setting is nice and different. I also enjoyed the fact that the language barrier Rourke has with most people was a challenge throughout the game and required him to ally with a variety of people.
The combat and skills in the game are very simple (though I'm not sure how we're knocking people unconscious by shooting them with our guns?)
The highlight of the game is the plot - a few of the twists really surprised me and kept me engaged.
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What did I not love? I've already shared my distaste for a demo in a bundle, so I'll just link it here and we can ignore that point.
My biggest complaint is that the pacing here is very slow. The plot events all feel very urgent, but Rourke is quite a slow walker and it takes a while to figure out where you're going. There are also a lot of side quests, but it's hard to make yourself focus on them when people are in danger of dying. There also aren't a lot of signposting-type directions for where you need to go - I actually stopped playing because I reached a point where i had no clue where to go next.
Combat uses a morale system instead of mana, but it felt like it discouraged you from using your abilities. Your characters would get sad from using their special moves which feels bad - I almost never used them because I liked my friends and wanted them to be happy. Except my medic - he was always grumpy.
At 4 hours and 7 cents, was it really worth it? I think Long Gone Days has a lot of promise! Wait for the final release, though - I hope they fix some of my issues.
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lilhemmy · 1 year
✉️ | valentina & liam.
Valentina: hahahaha you are not much into fashion, are you? also, neutrals are great and can be real life savers. a pair of jeans and a white tee and you are ready to go. or a black dress, but you can't wear dresses... unless you want to, but i bet your hairy legs would be something else then. i thought you were going to volunteer, bummer. but also you telling me i can drown isn't making me feel much better about it.
Valentina: next week?! are you celebrating?? you still look super young... i can only imagine, with 7 grandchilds she haves her hands full. i'm the opposite cause my sister is younger. i do want to have kids one day tho, just not now. do you let them make your make up? cause i can only imagine how you must look and it's cute. so whoever wants a chance with you needs to get your moms approval? i get you cause family is everything for me as well. not sure if a serious relationship could work out if my partner doesnt get on well with my family and my culture. i'm currently staying with my parents so that can answer your question. i'm nothing without my fam. Australian Childhood Foundation? i'm more than glad to give them my support but tell me, what is it that makes them your particular choice? you can donate to "Fundación Temaikèn".
Liam: Can't be bothered with it most days. I take direction really well. Love a theme. But on a daily basis? No. Prefer to be in swim trunks most of the time if I'm being honest. Coming for my legs now? It would be weirder if they weren't hairy. Don't think I could pull off the shaved look. Not saying you will drown, but there's a higher chance of it than getting bitten by a shark in Fiji.
Liam: Hope to. Nothing crazy, just going out with a few mates. I can give all the credit there to my parents because they look great for their ages. She does and she loves it. So is the pressure on then or not yet? They've done my make-up, I've gotten awesome manicures and pedicures, when my hair is longer they'll style it –– the works. It's a look alright. My mum's a tough one when it comes to me. She's usually very accepting of people, so it says a lot when she doesn't like you. The whole family can be pretty intimidating but we want what's best for each other. I appreciate that a lot more now having gone through divorce. Culture is a big thing. The other person has to be willing to try, at least that's what's important to me. Well, I have the best parents in the world who have always encouraged me and made me feel safe and loved. They also worked in child protection services for a long time, so I'm well aware of the fact that there are kids who live in unsafe environments and are uncared for. They're our future, so I want the best for them. Is that a zoo? If it is, I'm in. Always down for giving back to the animals as well.
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rabbitindisguise · 1 year
I think I'm coming to the realization that "thanksgiving was created on a bedrock of racism" isn't like the point of the holiday
it's to eat food, have the day off, and encourage people to exist together who don't always exist together at the same time- like most holidays. A lot of the tumblr traditions, like posting donations links and the Adams gifset, that I was participating in for years . . . have started to feel like sort of empty sniggering at racist family members. And sniggering particularly because they weren't sad and miserable the day of, like I (the enlightened one) was. That feels like kind of shitty and more about my superiority than focusing on tribal issues. Being miserable isn't something to be proud of, for one thing, and for another it doesn't do anything productive to be mean to someone on a holiday and hope that I completely change their worldview in one angry conversation. That's something that has proven to not work (though setting boundaries and limiting contact in an otherwise healthy family situations because of repeated racism does often work fairly well from what I've heard, which people can see as "an argument").
Stuff that's missing for me now is the celebration of small and big wins for tribal nations, involvement with action groups and letter writing to government officials, voting literacy, awareness of growing concerns related to things that people can actually help instead of the helpless weight of all the bad things, and the hope that the united states can and should do better. Thanksgiving could still be fun because it's a day off. A structure might be a week of lead up covering the history, the current problems, calls to actions, and then ending with positive work towards a clear goal for the future, leaving the time when people are supposed to be relaxing doing something that can help alleviate stress and contribute socially just like volunteering at soup kitchens. These seem like very natural things to do in response to current tragedies, and happened with the coverage of the big pipeline building projects, but doesn't happen so often for small voting measures or things that can easily pass under the radar. The effects of past/current colonialism is an ongoing issue but treating it as a constant crisis led to burnout for me, and hijacking the holiday made to further entrench colonialism makes a lot of sense too.
I think it would be easy for a capitalist society to seize on unrest with the holiday by removing a national holiday with no replacement and contribute to more working days. That leads me to believe that the restorative answer to help fight back against the ongoing wrongs of thanksgiving, to change the narrative that silences native tribes by not even including their voice when discussing racism against them. Thanksgiving could be a day of mourning and the celebration can be focused on efforts to support tribal sovereignty, with of course eating and having the day off.
I think this is a good example of the way that activism I was doing rarely considered human psychology and even basic needs like "eating" and "resting." It was all theoretical- poor children relying on school lunch, amazon workers not having rest breaks. In order for me to help fight for human rights I often pressured myself to deprive myself of the very rights I was trying to protect, to both the detriment of myself and the people I was trying to help. It would also be more relaxing ways to spend fraught holidays for me to do this sort of thing because I don't really do the "activism" anymore yet still have the same values. Earth day, Christmas, and 4th of July of obvious choices, but I'm not sure what to do for Easter. Maybe Martin Luther King day but that already has a lot of that, plus ready made reading material and things. New Years, birthdays, Halloween, Julius Caesar stabbing day (March 15th), and other tumblr holidays are definitely just Days. I think it's important to have things that are just Days without the homework.
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aditijainportfolio · 26 days
My Teaching Pedagogy Assignment
As a teacher, if I could make my own teaching method, I would like to emphasize an anti-anxiety environment. In an English language classroom I can imagine that it can be rather high anxiety since there is a lot of public speaking involved, and making mistakes in another language can sometimes feel like the end of the world for students. As such, I would like to make the parts of the classroom that I can control as anxiety-reducing as possible. This would include using some of the Desuggestopedia pedagogy to reduce the stimulation of the environment, creating a routine, using informal assessments, and incorporating the students’ interests in class (Herrel & Jordan, 2020a). 
I would also like to emphasize teacher-student and student-student interaction. Throughout this certification I have learned that children learn differently based on their culture (which heavily affects their worldview). As such, I would like to get to know the students in any capacity that I can as to adjust my lesson plans in a way that would most benefit them and reduce their anxiety. 
Furthermore, I would want to maximize student-student interaction since I feel like the easiest way to make friends is through classes/school. Creating a support system in class is really important and I hope that students will be able to branch out and meet people that can become their lifelong companions. Although I do understand that students tend to create cliques, hence I believe it’s extraordinarily important to emphasize teacher made groups so that no one is left out. 
I would also like to incorporate leveled questions in my curriculum (Herrel & Jordan, 2020c). All students learn differently, and I think it’s so important to incorporate a multitude of different leveled questions and informal assessments/check-ins to assess the student’s levels before moving onto the next subject, or provide extra help for those who are behind.
I hope that through this teaching method I can create a class in which students are happy coming to class, feel comfortable being in class, and are therefore  able to unlock their full potential. 
Techniques Included in my Method:
Repetition and “Drilling” 
Assignments/”homework” that can be finished in class - eliminate the need to do work outside of class as much as possible.
Comfortable Environment (provide pillows, blankets, stuffed toys, ambient light) 
Colorful Posters that include the student’s interests (students can also donate posters/drawings/etc. that they’d like to put up).
Use of group roleplay (creating scripts together and acting out situations)
one on one meetings (during class for younger children, extra credit during lunch for older children) - learning about each student’s situation as an individual. In a bigger class or shorter length class, a story or short answer essay about their circumstances would suffice. 
Use of music for memorization 
Use of popular culture media (i.e “Bluey” for children)
Incorporating native languages by using translation apps for learning vocabulary 
Incorporating bilingualism (reading bilingual books, encouraging use of multiple languages, labeling classroom objects using different languages) (Herrel & Jordan, 2020d)
use of read aloud plus of transcripts before showing a video (priming the students with vocabulary they may not know before having them read aloud) (Herrel & Jordan, 2020b)
use of Bloom’s Taxonomy when interacting with media and readings to facilitate higher order thinking.
Use of communication games (i.e information sharing to create origami) to engage students (Herrel & Jordan, 2020e).
High amount of praise and encouragement 
Reinforcing that mistakes are good, encouraging mistakes
Creating a space for specific tasks, creating a routine
Herrell, A. L., & Jordan, M. (2020a). Chapter 1: Predictable Routines and Signals: Reducing Anxiety. In 50 strategies for teaching English language learners. essay, Pearson.
Herrell, A. L., & Jordan, M. (2020b). Chapter 9: Read-Aloud Plus: Using Strategies to Support Comprehension. In 50 strategies for teaching English language learners. essay, Pearson.
Herrell, A. L., & Jordan, M. (2020c). Chapter 15: Leveled Questions: Adjusting Questioning Strategies to the Language Levels of Students 106. In 50 strategies for teaching English language learners. essay, Pearson.
Herrell, A. L., & Jordan, M. (2020d). Chapter 16: Bilingual Books and Labels: Supporting Biliteracy Awareness 111. In 50 strategies for teaching English language learners. essay, Pearson.Herrell, A. L., & Jordan, M. (2020e). Chapter 23 Communication Games: Creating Opportunities for Verbal Interaction. In 50 strategies for teaching English language learners. essay, Pearson.
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ce534worldtraveler · 2 months
Visiting The Aliveness Project
I chose to visit The Aliveness Project www.aliveness.org in south Minneapolis.  The Aliveness Project links people living with HIV to resources for leading healthy, self-directed lives. Their goal is to end HIV in Minnesota by 2035 and they encourage people to donate to the cause, which is simple to do on the www.aliveness.org website.  The Aliveness Project is housed in a brick and mortar building at 3808 Nicollet Ave. S. and offers community members resources like: a food shelf, hot meals on site, case management services and integrative therapies. Established in 1985, The Aliveness Project has evolved over the years to meet the needs for people living with HIV and those that are most at risk of being diagnosed with HIV in their lifetimes.
The PrEP Clinic began in 2021 and has been funded primarily by private donations and grants. All HIV prevention services: HIV testing, PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis), STI testing and treatment, syringe service program, PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) and other community health supports, are available at no cost to anyone living with HIV.  Dylan Boyer, Director of Development at the Aliveness Project stated that “racial disparities in who contracts HIV persist at alarming percentage rates. What we are doing – the idea to provide free healthcare to somebody is pretty radical. What we are doing in providing free PrEP is an anti-racist effort.” According to information found on www.reachtwincities.org, “daily PrEP use can reduce the risk of acquiring HIV from sex by more than 99%. Among people who inject drugs, PrEP reduces the risk of acquiring HIV by more than 74%.”
The clinic services in combination with a community-based approach is unique to The Aliveness Project, which is run by and exists for people living with HIV who take a “for us, by us” approach to community care.  This is important because of the shared experience and deep sense of kinship that exists between folks living with HIV, allowing members to not only get the care that they need but also allows them access to the fellowship that comes with supporting each other.
A hot meal is served, every day between 12-3 pm to Minnesotan’s living with HIV.  The food is all made in-house and served by volunteers, who are welcome to eat with the community.  I visited The Aliveness Project on a Friday afternoon as part of an assignment for my Multicultural Counseling class at Winona State University. My intention was to eat a free lunch and, I’ll admit, I was very uncomfortable as I approached the entrance.  When I stepped inside, I was surprised by all the activity; people were waiting to be seen at the Thrive clinic and others were exiting from what might have been a group session.  There was a front desk that I skirted past, as I really felt out of place and was hoping I could become invisible.  I headed to where the meals were being served and discovered a well-stocked food shelf, situated in the dining room.  The procedure was simple; grab a tray, walk past the food line and point to what you want to eat.  When it was my turn to approach the line, a volunteer operating the register asked me for my number.  I could feel my face turn red and I whispered: “I don’t have one.” Looking a bit confused, she directed me to get registered at the front desk, so I stepped out of line, put my tray back and left the building.
As I walked back to my car, I felt relieved, but also frustrated that I entered the building under the guise of needing a free meal and left feeling like I had been denied access to a meal because I didn’t have a number.  I thought to myself, “what’s the point of the number? Why would a hungry person need a number to get a hot meal? It was hard enough to humble myself to line up for a free meal, why didn’t I stay humble and ask questions at the front desk?” I began to feel entitled and put out, thinking: “I took time out of my day to come here, and things didn’t go as I planned.  I didn’t need a free meal anyway, I just wanted to experience what it’s like to be needy for a minute.  I didn’t feel welcome and or like I belonged there.  I felt like everyone knew I was a fraud.”  Which brings me back to feeling relieved, because I didn’t belong there, I didn’t need the services available through The Aliveness Project, but I didn’t know that when I was sitting in my car on that Friday afternoon. 
See, my entitlement as a middle class, white, able-bodied woman allowed me to walk into The Aliveness Project without any knowledge of who they serve, what they do or what their mission is.  My privilege allows me to walk through my south Minneapolis community and expect that all doors will always be open to me, even those that I don’t need to walk through.  It wasn’t until I sat down to blog about my experience and started researching The Aliveness Project, that I learned The Aliveness Project serves the people of Minnesota living with HIV.  Having HIV makes a person eligible for access to all services and resources available through the Aliveness Project and all that’s required is to show proof of an HIV diagnosis and a Minnesota ID. 
So, in the end, I didn’t sit down for a free meal at The Aliveness Project, but I did walk away with increased self-awareness and knowledge.  My experience aligns with the pre-exposure and exposure stages of Ponterotto’s model of cultural identity development. I also learned that my life experience excludes me from being part of the HIV community and I’m able to accept and honor that boundary.  Learning about The Aliveness Project inspires me to be a stronger advocate for the LGBTQI community by being more open to talking about sexual healthcare needs in therapy sessions and spreading the word about the good work being done by The Aliveness Project.
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llycaons · 3 months
just curious from the post about fanfic to published work, what are the wx fics you would consider buying if they were ever published? 👀 are they in your rec page? i really need more high quality wx fics to read 😭 thanks!
Hi, anon! Thanks for the ask. Before I answer - you may have heard already, but this is the third day of the global strike for Palestine in an effort to end Israel's bombardment of the besieged Gaza, which has already killed nearly 30,000 people and is projected to kill even more through intentional disease and starvation, not to mention those uncounted and lost under the rubble as health systems are systematically destroyed. Over a million people have been displaced, food is critically low, and this all in a population that's over half children. Bisan Owda, a Palestinian journalist living through and documenting this genocide, has made an urgent call to action on the international community to strike this week in the following ways to support a permanent ceasefire: (x, x, x, x)
skip school and call out from work, if possible (but if you can't, you can still show support)
buy as little as possible in order to keep the economy unstimulated (necessities only)
continue to adhere to the BDS (boycott/divestment/sanctions) list (for most people it's most relevant to avoid Israeli fruit and vegetables - including Sabra brand hummus)
keep social media posting limited to support and discussion of Palestinian issues. the hasgtag #ceasefirenow seems to be the most widely used right now, but I've also seen #free palestine, #from the river to the sea, and #free gaza boost Palestinian voices, share footage of what's happening, follow Palestinians on soc med (Bisan's instagram)
not strictly part of the strike, but if you're unfamiliar, I encourage you to educate yourself about Palestine, including myths, the reasons behind the Oct 7 Hamas operation, the rights of Palestinians to revolt, and, the past and ongoing war crimes committed by Israel - including bombing areas it declared safe, chemical warfare, abducting, stripping, and torturing civilian men, burying hospital patients alive, murdering journalists, often along with their entire families, and execution-style mass murders of unarmed civilians (more x, x, x), not to mention Israel's close involvement with apartheid and genocides in other parts of the world
be visibly in support of Palestine - wear pins, patches, go to events and demonstrations (2024 protest calendar, Find a Protest to Stop Gazan Genocide)
talk to your family and friends about Palestine. Palestine Toolkit is a great starting point for responding to zionist arguments
if your government is supporting Israel, apply pressure through emails, calls, and demonstrations
buy eSims for Gaza! since the internet has been cut off multiple times by the occupying Israeli army, eSims are the only way many people can keep contact with their displaced family members and the outside world (and record/upload footage of what's happening to them)
you can also donate for food, medical aid, hygiene products, and for entire families to evacuate Gaza (x, x, x, x, x, x, x)
make art in support of Palestine
From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free!
I hope to see you joining the strike, anon! I'll answer your question next week, but this blog will be a Palestine-focused zone until the 28th, and afterwards I will still be posting and reblogging regular updates and information.
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spookydootgirl · 8 months
Hey, I’m so sorry I know you don’t know me and I’m not following you, I don’t mean to pry or invade your privacy I’d just love to share something with you more like I need you, I’m Ameera 23 years old, and I’m calling out to the community 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 to please support us so me and my girlfriend can come out, we have dreams about going for pride rallies,clubs, to be able to kiss in a park express love with no restrictions or fear of being caught, we are both from a typical religious Muslim family, we are know as best friends by our families and friends, we have made this decision to come out to everyone so many times but couldn’t because of how homophobic our parents are due to religious values and ethics. Any one from a typical religious Muslim family can attest to how important it is to follow the rules and moral that are in the holy Quran, So we have come to a conclusion to be ready and be prepared for the worst, Cause the price we may have to pay is to lose our families and maybe friends and of course their support, so we have decided to get an apartment and move in together and start a new life where we can freely be who we really are, and here is where we need your support, though we both work and have some money saved up, but we still need help, getting and setting up an apartment is a lot so we will definitely need all the love and support we can get(donation link pinned on page), Thank you for your donations so far,but we are still 37% to the goal so please add your own bit,I know everyone have one or two things we go through, and this is not me imposing on any one to help, but if you can with how ever little, it will be so much appreciated, and if you can’t, kindly reach out to encourage us cause we also need that as much,This is the biggest and hardest decision we have ever had to make and please share to whoever you feel can help. We shall draw strength from the pride to pull through this, I’M NOT A SCAM feel free to go through my page or do whatever to confirm and my DM is open if you have questions or requests to clear your doubts, I believe pride is for all
As much as I wish I could help you I unfortunately don't have any money
I'd offer that I ask the people who follow me to try to help but I barely have any following and most of it is likely bots
Unfortunately all I can do wish the two of you luck in getting the needed money and that you'll be able to live safely
I am truly sorry that I can't actually help
I hope you'll manage to get enough money
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jozigist · 1 year
Totalsports Two Oceans Marathon challenges the running community to raise R1 million for charity - over halfway there
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TOTALSPORTS TWO OCEANS MARATHON CHALLENGES THE RUNNING COMMUNITY TO RAISE R1 MILLION FOR CHARITY – OVER HALFWAY THERE With just under two weeks to go before runners from around the globe gather to beat their personal bests at the world's most beautiful marathon, the real race is on to raise much-needed funds for local causes.
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Open call for participants to #RunforCharity After a prolonged knock from Covid-19, mass participation events are again going strong, and organisers and participants are determined to surpass 2019 charity fundraising numbers. Since its inaugural edition in 1970, the Totalsports Two Oceans Marathon (TTOM) has sold out annually, and this year the race's charity fundraising target is an impactful: R1 million. As an official fundraising partner since 2018, South Africa's premier online fundraising platform GivenGain is again empowering runners to #RunforCharity and meet this mark. The power of mass participation events So far, participating runners have raised just under R700 000 for the Two Oceans Marathon. More than half of those funds are directly from around 170 half-marathon and ultra-marathon personal projects hosted on GivenGain. And with just under 28 000 runners taking part in the iconic race this April, there is still enormous fundraising potential. This year, participants from eight different countries are fundraising in TTOM events on GivenGain, including the UK, US, Belgium, Germany, and Croatia. Donations have come in from 15 countries, bringing valuable foreign currency to South Africa. Anyone who wants to support a fundraiser on GivenGain's global platform can donate in their own currency using world-class international payment methods, with the funds being paid directly to the charity chosen. Charities are the real winners With or without a charity entry, this year's TTOM runners are making a difference by supporting causes they care about. This year's top causes that are receiving much-needed support from fundraising projects are animals, cancer and children. Sporty supporters of the Cape of Good Hope SPCA, South Africa's oldest animal welfare organisation, have raised over R98K and counting. CANSA, a leader in the fight against cancer in SA, will benefit from more than R36K in donations. Similarly, Mosiac SA — an organisation that supports the orphan-care sector — has over R29K from GivenGain fundraisers. Fundraisers in the lead Sandeep Singh will be running the 2023 Totalsports Two Oceans Half Marathon and raising funds for a cause close to home — the Cape of Good Hope SPCA. "I've been blessed with two doggos, Honey and Buddy, who were picked up on the streets, fostered and rehabilitated by some amazing people before they found their forever home with me. Honey and Buddy's lives were changed with the help of organisations like the Cape of Good Hope SPCA, and I hope that this fundraiser can help change the lives of many more animals." Friedrich Meisenholl is a half-marathon fundraiser with a very specific target: R21 000. "The goal is R1 per every 1 meter of the race!" Friedrich is calling on his network of friends, family and fellow runners to donate to his project which supports Mosiac SA's educational and talent development programs. Start fundraising today GivenGain has made it fast, safe and simple for anyone to set up a fundraising project and to enable donations from around the globe for causes they care about. "We're confident that TTOM fundraisers will reach the R1 million mark and we encourage all runners to set up a project to make a difference for their favourite charity. Anyone participating in this year's race can fundraise — with or without a charity entry," says Jannie Smith, Regional Manager for Sub-Sahara Africa at GivenGain. "We are really heartened by the many Totalsports Two Oceans Marathon 2023 runners who are helping the event make an impact long after it is over, by embracing the spirit of the Two Oceans Marathon Initiative (TOMI), the philanthropic arm of the Two Oceans Marathon organisation. These runners have an amazing sense of wanting well-being for not only themselves, but as many others as possible, and we salute them," says Totalsports Two Oceans Marathon Race Manager, Hilton Kearns. Read the full article
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