#nena <3
storyofaromance · 1 year
thank you darling!!
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vendcf · 2 months
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mazanarry · 4 months
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I still need the other villains👿☝🏽
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sluttywizardcowboy · 7 months
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(slides glasses down the bridge of my nose) how y'all feel about tboys
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nena-96 · 6 months
Alternate Ending of 31 October, 1981
@jilytoberfest I wanted to at least write the last prompt of the 31 days of Jily ( Hopefully I can finish the others, even though the month will be over)
Please read below or over on A03 word count= 1,178 (and counting...)
31 October, 1981
Late night Visitor
Darkness surrounded the house almost as if death was going to knock at the door of Godric’s Hollow, the sky above quickly became a ghastly gray as the cloaked figure stood in front of the home, his red eyes a deep contrast to the darkness around him. His overly dry and thin lips, formed a sneer on his face, his yellow teeth almost glowing in the night. As he imagines all the possible ways, he could make the occupants from the home suffer before he disposes of each and every one of them. He wants to prove to all the Wizarding World that no one will defy Lord Voldemort. Pathetic fools, all wrapped up in their own world, with no clue of how easily he could take away everything with just a simple flick on a wand.
Soon they will know that there’s consequences for their actions. A few minutes tick by, before he decides to make his way down the path up towards the door. When he reaches it, he lifts up a thinly pale hand, and proceeds to claw at the door so hard that streaks of his blood trail behind. With one last sneer at the bloody mark that he left on the door, he slips out his wand and prepares himself.
It’s time.
He will be the only one to leave this pathetic excuse of a home. When that happens, he will once and for all have the complete power to do as he pleases, and to dispose of the weak minded all throughout the Wizarding World and eradicate any filth that has the audacity to use a wand. The darkness will rise and forever cast a shadow all over, as his reign of terror reaches new heights for all who dare defy him.
It’s time to finish what he came here to do.
Eliminate. Them. All.
To bring purity back into the Wizarding World, once and for all.
Not wanting to waste another second, Lord Voldemort flicks his wand straight at the center of the door, blasting it straight away and straight across the room. He laughs at the fearful shouts of that blood traitor James Potter, calling out to that filthy Mudblood of his, “Lily, take him and go-”
What a fool.There’s nowhere to hide, nowhere to run… Why couldn’t they understand that no one defies, Lord Voldemort!
Moments Before the Chaos
The house was filled with music and the beautiful giggles of a sweet boy, whose eyes could rival the color of a freshly pickled toad. Nothing could take Lily away from this precious moment between her and her child. Not even the foul smell of burnt food that wafted from the kitchen, a result of her husband’s lack of culinary skill, was strong enough to take her gaze away from her baby.
“Umm, Lils… I hope you don’t mind that dinner is a little bit overcooked,” she heard her husband call out from the kitchen. Shaking her head, “it’s all right love, no worries,” she replied with a chuckle, before adding, "I thought, you said, that you were a master at cooking a savory curry?” Lily said in a mock whisper, while making a goofy face at her little one.
“Oi! I heard that!”
“Good, that means you have great hearing,” Lily chuckled, as she rolled her eyes before turning her attention back at her little one.
“Oh sweetie, I love you so much.’ Lily smiled before caressing his little chubby cheeks. The warmth in the home felt almost surreal, since the past few days have all been the same. So gloomy and dark, that it's hard to distinguish night from day, as it all seemed the same.
Even though the outside was dark, Lily was hopeful that the war will soon end, and then she will be able to take her little baby out to the park and stroll with her husband by her side. There’s absolutely nothing in this world that she wants more than being with them, being able to love freely out in the open without fear of being targeted because of who they are. There’s still a chance to win this war, she knows it. There’s not a dolphin, her mind that the world will be a much safer place, she will not let anything happen to her family.
Lily thought for a second, she looked into those deep green eyes. She runs fingers through the soft black hair, laughing at how it stands up in an odd angle. “We might have to get some Sleekeazy’s, for that hair of yours,” she said before kissing trying to give him a little kiss on the cheek, which was a failed attempt since he kept wiggling and giggling at her.
“Might, want to try some on your-”
Before she could hear what James was going to say, they were interrupted by a loud banging. She turned quickly and saw that the door blasted off at the hinges and flew straight across the room. She heard a loud banging sound as the door slammed straight into the wall, leaving, keeping hole in its wake.
“Lily, take our son and go! He’s here! Go! Run! I’ll hold him off!” James, and shouted with such rawness in his voice, that Lily almost didn’t recognize him. Trying to calm the cries from the baby in her arms, as she tries to hold back her tears as she runs towards the hidden room, before entering, she looked over her shoulder, and saw the cloaked figure enter her home.
How could this happen? How could Peter betray them like this, and how could they be so foolish as to not see the signs of him joining the death eaters? She thought to herself, I should try to calm down, while trying to shake with fear that was coursing through her body, lipid her lip, not caring that she drew blood. The loud firing of spells that could be heard throughout the house, then suddenly it was quiet.
She tried to stay calm she remained seated on the floor, in the hidden room. The tears slowly slipped down her cheeks as her heart ached, as she heard a piercing scream of, “Avada Kedavra!” It shook her to the core as her biggest fear became a reality, she had lost the one that she had ever loved.
“No…no,” she whispered, as tears began to pour down her face, as she imagined the man she loves, lifeless on the cold hard floor. The sound of heavy footsteps drew near, she brought up her wand and pointed straight the killing curse on the tip of your tongue as she waited with bated breath as spells from the hidden room were slowly being removed.
The door slowly opened, the bright light of the whole, showing through, her heart was beating fast, and her body shook as she prepared herself. “Avada Ked-” her words were cut short once she realized who it was standing in front of her.
It wasn’t Voldemort, it was.....
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ginnyw-potter · 1 month
Hello, hope you are doing well!
For the ask game:
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Please and thanks 💕
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
There is a lot of amazing fanart out there but I honestly have trouble finding one where the Ginny truly matches the one in my head (my bad, not the artists) but this Ginny portrait by @artbymaranne is such a close match!! The eye colour, freckles and face shape and everything is just perfect.
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
there isn't much honestly. I have preferences but mostly just things that seem sexist or homophobic, I will click away. I don't need weird relationship dynamics. Especially when it involves Ginny, our girl would never
Writers truth & dare ask game
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endambi-archive · 1 year
La patineta se desliza veloz por el cemento, eso hasta que encuentra un inesperado obstáculo en su ruta: un agujero que es más grande de lo previsto. El skate se ladea y termina ella trastabillando, hasta que siente que va a caer sobre alguien. “¡Cuidado!” ofrece como alerta tardía, no sabe si podrá esquivarle, así que cierra sus ojos y acepta su fe de darse contra el suelo... o algo peor.
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circustonic · 2 months
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a piece about burnout that i made while burned out from life & work & art…. <3
insta & tiktok: @ circustonic
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raevvon · 1 year
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‘ qué pasa, ¿quieres un poco? ’ se limpia los restos de polvo rosa de la nariz, creyó que el tono iba acorde con temática de festejo y ni siquiera se molesta en irse a un lugar apartado de la barra porque se siente impune a hacer lo que quiera esa noche, hasta se ríe cuando encuentra que tiene espectadore. ‘ no te voy a cobrar, al menos no en efectivo ... ’
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gigglegoobers · 3 months
big brodi shenanigans AYAYAAYYAYAYAAAA
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iza gave me zero context for this one so uhhrrmmm idk, pov: they r fighting ober the last piece of chicken from canes 🤷
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storyofaromance · 1 year
your theme is actually gorgeous i love it
thank you so much!!
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vendcf · 1 month
Nena cosplay😀
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jasontoddssuper · 1 year
Rose and Eddie don't even need to babygirlify Jason,he just does that to himself whenever they're around
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hcwlss · 2 years
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‘ ¿crees que debería agregarles cabello? ’ cuestiona en voz alta, suficiente para que contrarie más cerca logre escucharlo. se refiere al dibujo de ocho muñequitos que ha plasmado en la pared con aerosol, simbolizando a los integrantes de su equipo y a sí mismo. ‘ yo creo que así se ven bien, ¿pero qué opinas tú? ’
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varoath · 2 years
Suspiró, consciente de figura a su lado mas fijando su mirada en el horizonte— Supongo que era demasiado pedir unas vacaciones con todo pago... ¿Qué te gustaría estar haciendo ahora, en lugar de esperando un rescate? —quería levantar los ánimos de la gente, pero no era la situación más sencilla de navegar... Sonrió apenas—. Es muy tonto, pero después de todo esto quiero estar en tierra firme, abrazando un árbol o algo por el estilo. 
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boo-moved · 5 months
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