#not so berry 3.0
aaqlah · 1 year
Not so Berry 3.0 | Versão frutas exóticas
Exotic Fruits version (english)
By: insta/twitter: @bellafranli | Twitch: aaqlah
O desafio Not so Berry 3.0 é baseado no desafio original Not so Berry criado pela @lilsimsie. Este desafio possui frutas exóticas como os nomes de suas gerações. É importante destacar que o NSB 3.0 não segue todas as cores das versões 1.0 e 2.0, e nem suas histórias, e possui uma geração bônus, ou seja, neste desafio teremos 11 gerações no legado. 
Este desafio atualizado para 2023 busca abranger uma gameplay diferente das apresentadas nos desafios anteriores, utilizando mais expansões e pacotes de jogo para um legado ainda mais divertido. No entanto, isso não significa que não poderá ser jogado por aqueles que não obtiverem a expansão ou os pacotes da geração, ele poderá ser adaptado durante qualquer geração para os pacotes que você possuir da maneira mais legal para você e que se encaixe melhor na história apresentada. 
Durante o desafio, você vai notar que utilizaremos os itens da nova atualização (Fev/2023), tanto legados com pessoas deficientes auditivas como pessoas trans. A intenção não é interferir na gameplay e sim criar um desafio NSB mais incluso, no qual todes possam se sentir vistos. 
Sendo assim, seguiremos as mesmas regras básicas já conhecidas pela comunidade simmer, atualizadas para 2023. 
Gostaria de agradecer a @quel e a quelmunidade por me apoiarem a criar um desafio divertido para todos nós. Em especial, a Endymnx que configurou todo o tumblr e a Claramrlx que traduziu o desafio para o inglês. Me ajudaram demais <3
Muito obrigada também a Itsmarieoliv que fez o design da imagem de cada geração, vc é maravilhosa amigona <3
Vocês são as pessoas mais incríveis do mundo que me acolheram quando mais precisei. Obrigada! 
Not so Berry 3.0 | Versão frutas exóticas
Regras básicas: 
1. Cada herdeiro representa a cor da geração (cabelo, roupas, maquiagem…), porém não é necessário que isso se aplique à cor da pele. Isso é totalmente opcional, mas é grande parte da diversão.
2. As cores dos cônjuges não são importantes. A não ser que seja expressamente dito o contrário, você pode fazer o que quiser com eles.
3. Cheats de dinheiro podem ser utilizados, mas não excessivamente. Sugestão: utilize o freerealestate para comprar sua primeira casa, depois continue o jogo sem cheats. Não é recomendado pegar dinheiro dos cônjuges, a não ser que especificado na geração.
4. Você poderá viver em qualquer mundo, a não ser que exista alguma regra sobre isso em determinada geração.
5. Todas as gerações devem completar os objetivos de carreira e aspiração, a não ser que seja dito explicitamente o contrário.
6. Mantenha o tempo de vida normal.
7. Os traços de infant e toddler poderão ser escolhidos livremente pelo jogador. 
8. As aspirações de criança e adolescente poderão ser escolhidas livremente pelo jogador, a não ser que especificada na geração. 
9. Todos os herdeiros deverão ser os primogênitos, a não ser que seja explicitamente especificado na geração. 
10. Os herdeiros de cada geração poderão ser homens ou mulheres, o que for mais divertido para você. Caso queira que seu legado seja composto apenas por mulheres ou homens, você poderá usar cheats para isso.
Espero que gostem <3
Geração 1: Morango branco | Cor: Branca
Requer: Pacote de Jogo StrangerVille 
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  Você sempre foi curiosa ao extremo e teve alma investigadora. Mas acima de tudo, ajudar outros sims constantemente motivava seu coração. E assim, quando ouve falar em uma cidade misteriosa com sims agindo estranho, você soube que aquele era o seu lugar. Mudar-se para StrangerVille com certeza foi a melhor decisão da sua vida. Aquele era seu destino e você iria cumpri-lo. 
Traços: Genial, Bondosa, Paranoica
Aspiração: Mistério em StrangerVille | Local 
Carreira: Agente secreta | Ramo: Agente Diamante
Completar a aspiração Mistério em StrangerVille; 
Completar as habilidades de Lógica e Programação;
Atingir, no mínimo, o nível 6 da habilidade de carisma;
Ser bom amigo de 4 contaminados em StrangerVille; 
Casar com um sim que você salvou da contaminação;
Morar desde sua fase jovem adulta até sua morte em StrangerVille.
Geração 2: Kiwi | Cor: Verde
Requer: Expansão Rumo à Fama 
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  Crescer com um parente bastante conhecido às vezes não é fácil. Imagine esse parente ser sua mãe… Apesar de muita exposição, você a todo momento sentiu orgulho de ser filha da heroína de StrangeVille, é compreensível que outros sims sejam muito agradecidos a quem salvou uma cidade inteira da devastação. 
  Só que crescer com o peso de ter que fazer algo ainda maior não foi fácil. Seu sonho é um dia conseguir ser ainda mais famosa e quebrar os estigmas impostos pela sociedade por ser deficiente auditiva.  
Traços: Ambiciosa, Egocêntrica, Extrovertida
Aspiração: Celebridade Mundialmente Famosa | Popularidade
Carreira: Qualquer carreira, desde que cumpra o requisito de ser celebridade 5 estrelas ao final. Ex de carreiras que lhe dão fama: Pintora, Escritora, Entretenimento, Música, Atriz…
Completar a aspiração Celebridade Mundialmente Famosa;
Completar a carreira escolhida;
Completar a habilidade de Carisma, bem como a habilidade conectada com a profissão escolhida, podendo esta ser: Pintura, Escrita, Comédia, Interpretação ou qualquer instrumento…
Ganhar um prêmio em sua carreira;
Comprar sua casa dos sonhos quando adulta;
Ter uma única filha fruto de um relacionamento conturbado. 
Geração 3: Melancia amarela | Cor: Amarela
Requer: Expansão de jogo Gatos & Cães e Expansão de jogo Vida Campestre  (Esta última devido somente ao Traço Fã de animais, pode facilmente ser substituído pelo Amante de Gatos ou Cães). 
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  Você teve a melhor educação que seus pais poderiam pagar e tudo do bom e do melhor. Mas cresceu com uma família complicada e não muito comunicativa. E assim, seu sonho era uma vida mais simples e longe dos holofotes e confusões de uma celebridade. Só pensar em sims famosos seu estômago já embrulhava, na verdade, só de pensar em qualquer sim já te deixava nervosa… Mas, isto tinha uma única exceção: sua vovó querida, que é seu porto seguro e sua melhor amiga. 
  Não ser popular nunca foi um problema, porque você sempre preferiu os animais mesmo. O afeto de gatinhos e doguinhos sempre foi o mais puro e tudo que você precisava ter. 
Traços: Fã de animais, Solitária, Leal
Aspiração:  Amiga dos animais | Animal
Carreira:  Veterinária
Ser melhor amiga da sua avó;
Comprar uma clínica veterinária;
Completar a aspiração amiga dos animais; 
Completar a carreira de veterinária;
Completar as habilidades de Veterinária e Treinamento de Animais; 
Possuir sempre, ao menos, dois animais em sua família durante toda sua vida;
Ter seu primeiro filho ao final de sua fase jovem adulta ou somente na fase adulta, a escolha é sua. Sua filha será fruto de uma barriga de aluguel (bebê de proveta). 
Geração 4: Lichia | Cor: Vermelha
Requer: Expansão Vida na Cidade e Expansão Vida no Ensino Médio (Caso não tenha, faça qualquer outra aspiração durante a adolescência que não seja a mesma da fase adulta). 
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   Sua mãe é sua principal referência de sim independente, ela te criou muito bem sozinha da melhor maneira que conseguiu. Mas ser sozinha nunca foi do seu feitio, você cresceu querendo explorar o mundo. A cada instante surgia a vontade de conhecer novos lugares em cidades diferentes, conhecer novos sims e quem sabe dar umas beijocas? Acho que você queria muito isso também, até porque ficar com somente um sim não faz parte do seu jeitinho. 
Traços: Romântica, Evasiva, Preguiçosa 
Aspiração:  Adolescente: Rainha do Drama 
                       Adulta: Romântica em Série | Amor 
Obs: Caso termine a aspiração da adolescência antecipadamente, você poderá, ainda nesta fase, começar a aspiração da fase adulta.
Carreira:  Crítica | Ramo: Escolhido por você ;)
Completar as duas aspirações de sua adolescência e fase adulta;
Ter , no mínimo, 10 relacionamentos românticos em sua vida; 
Casar-se e divorciar-se 2 vezes com sims diferentes (você poderá levar dinheiro dos seus cônjuges, se desejar);
Ter somente 3 filhos de relacionamentos distintos (Veja bem: aqui faremos diferente pois, dentre os 3 filhos você poderá escolher quem herdará seu legado. Poderá ser seu primogênito ou seu filho favorito… vamos combinar que toda mãe/pai tem o seu 😂).  
Chegar, ao menos, ao nível 5 da carreira de crítica. Como nossa geração é preguiçosa, você não precisará completar a carreira, caso não queira. 
Morrer idosa fazendo oba-oba;
Geração 5: Physalis | Cor: Laranja
Requer: Expansão Diversão na neve e Coleção de Objetos Meu primeiro bichinho
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 Sua família era bem grande e tumultuada, mas apesar das compatibilidades, gostos e aversões dessemelhantes, vocês conseguem se entender muito bem. O que torna essas relações bastante milagrosas. Diferente dos seus irmãos, sua vida era a aventura e o inesperado. O friozinho na barriga que sentia em cada uma delas era o melhor sentimento do mundo pra você e tudo o que queria era ser atleta. Apesar de sempre colocar a carreira em primeiro lugar, você ama seus filhos e se esforça para ser uma boa mãe, mesmo sabendo que não nasceu para isso. 
Traços: Ativa, Aventureira, Glutona
Aspiração:  Entusiasta de esportes radicais | Atlética 
Carreira:  Atleta 
Completar a aspiração entusiasta de esportes radicais; 
Chegar, ao menos, ao nível 7 da carreira de atleta; 
Completar as habilidades de Ginástica e Escalada; Escolher entre Esqui ou Snowboarding para completar; 
Encontrar sua alma gêmea durante uma de suas aventuras; 
Seu relacionamento amoroso deverá ter o traço ativo ou aventureiro como você; 
Ter somente filhos gêmeos: 1 menina e 1 menino (você poderá usar cheats para isso e/ou traços do lote). 
Ter um hamster como pet da família; 
Geração 6: Toranja | Cor: Pêssego
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  Sua mãe colocou a carreira em primeiro lugar e você cresceu se sentindo negligenciada. Você sentia o esforço, mesmo assim ela não conseguia corresponder às suas expectativas e muito menos aos seus sentimentos. Você carregava no seu coração a mágoa que sentia dela, principalmente porque você sempre desconfiou que ela ama seu irmão mais do que você. E seu irmão…. Argh, você nem consegue pensar nele de tanto que o odeia. Seu único ponto fraco é seu pai e o hamster da família. De resto, o mundo é seu parque de diversões. 
Traços: Segura de si, Maligna, Perfeccionista 
Aspiração: Inimiga Pública | Depravação 
Carreira: Criminosa | Ramo: você escolhe :)
Completar a aspiração inimiga pública; 
Completar a carreira de criminosa; 
Completar a habilidade de travessura + Se escolher ramo chefe, complete mecânica. Se escolher ramo oráculo, complete programação.  
Detestar seu irmão, ser conhecida da sua mãe e boa amiga de seu pai; 
Ter uma filha com um comparsa do crime; 
Quando adulta, buscar o perdão de seu irmão e de sua mãe. Tornar-se boa amiga de ambos. 
Geração 7: Pitaya | Cor: Rosa
Requer: Expansão Vida na Cidade e Pacote de Jogo Dia de Spa
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   Você cresceu no meio do crime. Ambos seus pais eram criminosos de primeira categoria e você presenciou tudo de perto quando criança e adolescente. Mesmo com todo o mau que faziam, você sabia que era protegida por eles. Lutava contra si mesma mas os amava com todo seu coração e se odiava por isso. Era um verdadeiro conflito interno, afinal de contas, você não escolhe seus pais. Mas uma coisa você pode escolher: suas atitudes. Por isso você ia compensar tudo de ruim que eles já fizeram e dar o dobro de coisas boas ao mundo. Iria mostrar a todos que uma filha de criminosos poderia fazer o bem e mudar seu próprio destino. 
Traços: Alegre, Chegada, Pateta 
Aspiração: Guru Zen | Bem-estar 
Carreira: Política | Ramo: Organizadora de Eventos de Caridade 
Sair de casa durante a adolescência e não levar nenhum dinheiro dos pais; 
Você começará a vida com 24.000 simoleons dados pela sua avó (você poderá usar cheats pra isso); 
Encontrar sua alma gêmea durante a adolescência; 
Completar a aspiração Guru Zen; 
Completar a carreira política no ramo indicado; 
Completar as habilidades de bem-estar e carisma; 
Quantidade de filhos aleatória: Em qualquer aleatorizador de números, pergunte a quantidade de filhos que deverá ter. Os números devem ser de 1 a 5;
A herdeira do legado será uma mulher trans. 
Geração 8: Figo | Cor: Lilás
Requer: Expansão de Jogo Vida Campestre e Expansão de jogo Vida Universitária 
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   Sua mãe é a melhor sim do mundo para você. Como pode alguém ser um poço de gentileza, filantropia e altruísmo? Bem… Você não sabe a resposta, nem a história por trás dela porque sua mãe nunca contou, mas sabe que ela é muito mais que apenas uma inspiração, ela é um estilo de vida. Por esse motivo, você escolheu seguir seus passos, mas ouvindo seu próprio coração já que seu sonho era ser educadora e levar uma vida simples e muito feliz ao lado dos sims que ama. 
Traços:  Intolerante a Lactose, Devoradora de Livros, Infantil 
Aspiração: Cuidadora do campo | Natureza 
Carreira: Educadora | Ramo: Você escolhe :) 
Completar a aspiração cuidadora do campo; 
Completar a carreira de educadora; 
Completar a habilidade de Pesquisa e Debate + Se escolher ramo administrador, complete carisma. Se escolher ramo professor, complete lógica; 
Casar-se com sua alma gêmea, que deverá ter o traço familiar e já deverá ter filhos; 
Ter dois filhos, 1 deles deverá ser adotado. Acrescentar a família, os filhos do seu cônjuge. 
Geração 9: Mirtilo | Cor: Azul
Requer:Expansão Ao Trabalho, Expansão Vida Universitária e Expansão Vida no Ensino Médio (esta última devido ao traço “além das expectativas”, que pode ser substituído por qualquer outro, caso não tenha a expansão).
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  Sua mãe foi uma grande educadora e você cresceu inspirada pelo desejo de aprender. Ir à faculdade transformou-se em um sonho e foi lá que descobriu que queria ser detetive. Mas não somente uma detetive qualquer, você quer chegar ao topo. Como ninguém é perfeito, você tem um segredo: é acumuladora de objetos,  não dá pra ver uma coisa nova e bonita e não querer comprar, não é? Ainda bem que você vai trabalhar muito para comprar tudo o que quiser, só não deixe nunca alguém entrar no seu porão. 
Traços:   Materialista, Asseada, Além das expectativas
Aspiração: Acadêmica | Conhecimento 
Carreira: Detetive 
Ir à faculdade e cursar psicologia; 
Completar a aspiração acadêmica durante seu tempo na universidade;
Após completar a aspiração acadêmica, poderá escolher outra aspiração para cumprir ao longo da geração, caso queira;
Completar a habilidade de Pesquisa e debate; 
Completar a carreira de detetive; 
Viver em um lote no valor de 90.000 simoleons durante a fase adulta, devido ao traço materialista; 
Ter um porão cheio de bugigangas, devido ao mesmo traço. 
Geração 10: Cassis | Cor: Preta
Requer: Expansão de Jogo Vida na Cidade, Expansão de jogo Vida no Ensino Médio, Expansão de jogo Junte-se à Galera
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   Falar que você é popular é pouco de tão querida que você é. Você é amada, admirada e todo sim quer ser seu amigo. Parece até que você transmite uma aura hipnotizante. Por causa disso, você tem todo e qualquer sim na palma de sua mão e você gosta disso. Se alguém um dia não for com a sua cara, isso soará como um insulto e você fará de tudo pra resolver a situação e ter todo o apreço que merece. 
Traços:   Engajada, Criativa, Odeia Crianças 
Aspiração:  Adolescente: Ícone admirável 
                       Adulta: Amiga do mundo | Popularidade  
Carreira: Mídias sociais | Ramo: Relações Públicas 
Completar a aspiração amiga do mundo;
Completar a carreira de mídias sociais no ramo indicado; 
Completar as habilidades de carisma e escrita; 
Ter uma paixão de verão - Se apaixonar por um sim sobrenatural: lobisim, vampiro, alien, feiticeiro ou tritão.
Ter um filho por acidente quando jovem adulta com sua paixão de verão sobrenatural;
Não casar com o pai da sua filha; 
Geração 11: Guaraná | Cabelo de duas cores  + Heterocromia
Requer: Expansão Vida em família e Pacote de Jogo Decoração dos Sonhos 
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 Você é a mistura do mundano com o sobrenatural. Você não tem certeza de quem você é e nem mesmo das coisas que gosta. Nada que você faz costuma dar certo e a indecisão é uma constante na sua vida. Além disso, você e seu pai não se entendem muito bem e possuem um relacionamento difícil. 
Traços:  Desajeitada, Geek, Errática
Aspiração:  Supermãe | Familiar 
Carreira:  Decoradora de interiores 
Completar a aspiração supermãe;
Completar a carreira de decoradora de interiores; 
Completar as habilidades de criação e educação e carisma; 
Ter um triângulo amoroso: se apaixonar pelo seu melhor amigo e por um sim de cabelo cinza; 
Ter um filho com um dos dois; 
Não saber quem é o pai da sua filha até que ela torne-se toddler; 
Morar em 3 mundos diferentes. 
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darkzeruda1214 · 1 year
Wasn't planning on uploading this video this early, but today is Valentine's day, so I figured it would be best, hope you enjoy :) 
 Also a special thanks to @om-nom-berries for letting me dub her comic Please support the artist 
 - "Purrple Cat - Lullaby" is under a Creative Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0) license Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: https://bit.ly/b-lullaby 
 - Comedy background music  FIND HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EshwG...
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bexflix · 2 years
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BRASIL, hoje vamos de SPEED BUILD com CPS, construindo a casa da 1ª geração do DESAFIO NOT SO BERRY!
✦ PIERISIM Oak House ✦ RAVASHEEN Mugnificent personal Brewer ✦ TUDS Turn Living ✦ HARRIE X FELIXANDRE Livin’ Rum ✦ HARRIE X FELIXANDRE Kichen ✦ HARRIE Brownstone ✦ SIXAM Dreamy Outdoor ✦ OceanRAZR Mini Cooper [Patreon] ✦ HARRIE X FELIXANDRE Bafroom ✦ ILLOGICAL SIMS Modern Housewares ✦ PEACEMAKER Hudson Bathroom ✦ TUDS Rope Lounge ✦ PEACEMAKER Drapery Delights ✦ PEACEMAKER Oasis Chic Living ✦ MYSHUNO SUN Nora Living ✦ MYSHUNO SUN Dawn Living ✦ LITTLEDICA Eco Kitchen ✦ LITTLEDICA + DELIGRACY Kitchen ✦ PEACEMAKER Rock n Rockers ✦ PEACEMAKER Hamptons Hideaway ✦ PEACEMAKER Color me Rugs ✦ RAVASHEEN Let The Party BeGin Bar ✦ MYSHUNO SUN Lottie Bedroom ✦ MYSHUNO SUN Zephyr Office ✦ MYSHUNO SUN Luna Bedroom ✦ TUDS Ind Restaurant ✦ PIERISIM The Office ✦ CHARLY PANCAKES Slouch ✦ FELIXANDRE Kyoto set [patreon] ✦ HARRIE X FELIXANDRE Jardane ✦ MAX20 Cozy Bathroom ✦ ILLOGICAL SIMS Contemporary Living ✦ LITTLEDICA H&B Portal 3.0 Fridge ✦ MAX20 Plant Life Kit ✦ PEACEMAKER Kitayama Living ✦ PIERISIM Calderone ✦ MYSHUNO SUN Serene Bathroom ✦ PEACEMAKER Hamptons Retreat ✦ PEACEMAKER Hinterlands Bedroom ✦ PEACEMAKER Myra Living ✦ PEACEMAKER Mina Kitchen ✦ PEACEMAKER Patterned Jute Rugs ✦ PEACEMAKER Lennox Kitchen ✦ PEACEMAKER Shaker Kitchen ✦ PEACEMAKER Atwood Dining ✦ PEACEMAKER Kingston Dining ✦ PLUMBOBTEASOCIETY Cottage Garden ✦ HARRIE Brutalist Collection ✦ HARRIE X FELIXANDRE Orjanic ✦ AMOEBAE Statement Collection Walls 02
👉  DOWNLOAD (sem Cps inclusos. É preciso baixar os Cps acima).
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trustave · 2 years
Green synergy kombucha
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In addition, it becomes carbonated as a result of the fermentation process. Acetic acid, on the other hand, may irritate the food pipe, increasing stomach acidity. Kombucha’s acid, caffeine, and alcohol can cause GERD symptoms or worsen heartburn. Then, you can gradually increase your intake if you don’t notice any adverse effects. Start with a small amount (4-6 ounces) to see how your body reacts. When shopping, avoid buying drinks with a higher sugar concentration. To get the most out of it, look for a brand with organic ingredients and no added sugar. Its probiotic-rich nature is famous to improve overall gut health, so it’s likely to alleviate some discomfort associated with both ailments. As a result, Kombucha can help improve gut health and is suitable for gastritis. In addition, the acetic acid in it aids in the killing of harmful microorganisms. These bacteria can aid digestion and prevent gut inflammation. Kombucha is acidic, but contains lactic acid bacterial species that may have probiotic properties. So, is Kombucha good for acid reflux? Unfortunately, the answer is a little more complicated. Is Kombucha Good For Acid Reflux?Īcid reflux occurs when the sphincter muscle at the lower end of your esophagus relaxes at the wrong time, allowing stomach acid to back up into your esophagus. However, it has been shown to alkalinize the body and help in blood alkalinization, restoring the body to its natural state. When it is consumed, the body becomes acidic, and its normal functions are disrupted. The acidic nature of Kombucha is indicated by its pH being less than the neutral range (below 7). You can start brewing if it reaches this critical range.Recheck pH to see if it’s below 4.2 and above 2.5.Mix the batch gently by stirring it gently.Add half a bottle (8oz or 250ml) of your favorite Kombucha to your container.You can make the least acidic Kombucha possible, and the pH of Kombucha can be raised by:
PH of Kombucha How To Raise pH Of Kombucha? So, Kombucha tastes tarter when its pH is lower. It has an average pH of around 3.0 – 3.5 and a pH range of 2.5 to 3.5, making it highly acidic. Kombucha is acidic, with a pH of less than 4.6. To enhance the taste, some companies add ginger, grapes, strawberries, lemon, cranberries, and Synergy’s Maqui Berry Mint, a mojito-inspired drink. The alcohol and acetic acid are synthesized by SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast), and these products are converted into acidity, giving the Kombucha a tart taste. Kombucha is considered to be highly acidic. So, let’s explore the benefits of the heart. The nature of Kombucha is still debatable. It is nearly as acidic as pop and energy drinks. It is a fermented drink and the duration of fermentation determines the acidity of Kombucha. Kombucha is acidic which has a pH range less than 4.6, has a tart, tangy, and slightly sour taste. So, here is a question about its nature, “ is Kombucha acidic?” Still, many people are unsure whether Kombucha is good for acid reflux. It contains billions of probiotics (living bacteria), which is the main reason for its popularity. Kombucha is popular for its alleged health benefits.
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7-deadly-simpin · 3 years
Demon Brothers & Their Favorite Pokémon
Lucifer -> Serperior
Look at this sophisticated Pokemon, it's no wonder it's his favorite. Two strong, silent types enjoying each others' company. They both look down at you with the same ruby red eyes and its absolutely terrifying.
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Mammon -> Meowth
Partners in crime. This bitch be spamming the move Pay Day all day, then immediately going to a casino where Mammon evidently blows nearly all of it at once. Still saves enough to get Meowth and himself some yummy snacks though.
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Leviathan -> Mimikyu
This poor demon relates to his favorite Pokemon so hard. They both just want to be loved and accepted. Levi spends a lot of time showing Mimikyu how amazing they are and he learns to love himself a little more in return. Yes, his Mimikyu has been renamed to Henry 3.0
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Satan -> Incineroar
AMGRY FIRE CAT. Whose temper is worse? I can tell you that you defintely don't want to stick around long enough to find out. He found and adopted Incineroar when it was just a Litten. They are as inseparable and they are unmanageable when upset.
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Asmodeus -> Milotic
Two fashion icons. Always winning beauty contests, it's not even a real competition when these two step on the scene. Yes Asmo does a beauty routine with his Pokemon, and what?
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Beelzebub -> Morpeko
I mean....tell me I'm wrong. Remember when Mammon forced you to eat the custard? Yeah, Morpeko is his mini me. You can tell if they've recently passed a route, because every single berry will have been picked clean from the trees. They also stop by every town for the cuisine. Two peas in a pod.
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Belphie -> Wooloo
Seeing these two nearly lulls you to sleep every single time. Can frequently be found taking naps on the side of the road surrounded by neighboring Pokemon. Wooloo basically adopted Belphie after seeing him nap in the same spot for over a month.
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windwardstar · 2 years
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#writeblr hunger games - 8 posts
#same name hunger game - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#for real though i can't read large chunks of bolded or italics texts and if the font is weird or too large or too small my eyes go wonky
My Top Posts in 2021
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[image: the “oops! all berries” meme but it’s “oops! all angst.” ]
Well... at least I have a brand as a writer. even if it’s just “everything is angst.”
29 notes • Posted 2021-06-08 04:30:26 GMT
i would get so much writing done if my brain would just engage
41 notes • Posted 2021-11-17 04:05:56 GMT
Y'all need to actually take a moment and consider that something could be ableist when someone says it is rather than dismissing it out of hand and then laughing at the idea something could be ableist and hurt disabled people.
If someone says, "x is ableist," take a fucking minute to listen and think about things beyond your immediate understanding of the world.
61 notes • Posted 2021-01-17 18:00:58 GMT
y’all. please. I’m begging you. don’t fucking smoke indoors, and don’t smoke at bus stops or near doors. I’m allergic to both cigarette smoke and marijuana smoke.
I get ear infections. I couldn’t hear out of my right ear for a solid six months last year because of a roommate who smoked marijuana and the resulting ear infections. I get sinus infections. It makes it hard for me to breathe. It triggers my migraines.
There are other people who have other reactions. I’m sure there’s medications that really shouldn’t be mixed with it. People also have pets and birds are very susceptible to smoke in the air and can get sick/die from it.
Like. I know cold weather is setting in and all that and I get it, going outside when it’s cold especially when it’s wet and cold sucks. But PLEASE, if you are in any type of public or communal space, go outside or find an alternative indoor space. Especially if it’s an apartment or dorm because doors don’t block everything. The smoke doesn’t stay in just your room or unit and will spread. Also when you do go outside, be aware of how close you are to windows and doors because the smoke can go inside through those.
88 notes • Posted 2021-10-31 02:44:49 GMT
the “don’t name it or you’ll want to keep it” and “if you give the fey your name they own you” are just different ends of the same deal
2496 notes • Posted 2021-10-20 03:28:35 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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sunmoon-starfactory · 3 years
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Many Mini Updates - November 2020
285 files to be exact, each one having a tiny fix that is more a quality of life thing than anything critical. Thus why I am doing it in this format. These files are harvests, collection files, produced items, etc from various sets that have been every so slightly tweaked. Rather than update everything individually, I’m going to do these supplemental updates of little fixes that should ALWAYS overwrite any old files.
Download Direct - SFS Download/View - The Keep
Summarized list of changes below the cut.
Market Vendors -Corrected various GUID errors among different vendors -Corrected mismatched dialog among different vendors
Metalsmithing -Corrected Collection Icon picture -Unlocked all craftables into the Collection File -Corrected recolors of Candelabrum, Candledish_Simple, and Candleholder, Simple
Refine And Shine -Corrected GUID error on Sand Supply Bucket, now correctly grants 5 small buckets of sand.
Herbs, Spice, & Everything Nice -Corrected Collection Icon picture -Unlocked all harvets into the Collection File
Giving Tree -Corrected Collection Icon picture -Unlocked all harvets into the Collection File
Great Grains -Corrected Collection Icon picture -Unlocked all harvets into the Collection File
Garden Crops -Corrected Collection Icon picture -Unlocked all harvets into the Collection File
An Apple A Day Ultimate Fruit Collection -Corrected Collection Icon picture -Unlocked all harvets into the Collection File
Wild Berry Bushes 3.0 -Corrected Collection Icon picture -Unlocked all harvets/edibles into the Collection File
Choice Cuts - Hog Hide Init BHAV error fixed
Livestock Milk Cans, Milk Bottle, Cream Jar -Unlocked into New Livestock Products Collection File
Chicken Egg Basket, Hatchable Eggs (Chicken/Duck/Goose) -Unlocked into New Livestock Products Collection File
Market Madness Empty TSM Stalls -Removed pie menu functions that were left over from conversion.
Herbs Of Thedas -Corrected Collection Icon picture -Unlocked all harvets into the Collection File
Chicken Collection -Corrected Collection Icon picture -Unlocked all fresh eggs, egg basket, chicks
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anewbeginningagain · 2 years
I don’t think G/P will make the Olympic podium with this seasons program. As much as I hate reusing old programs at the Olympics, they should have gone back to Vincent..it was the strongest of the last 3 years. It would have given them their best shot at a medal.
There's honestly no way of knowing. I tend to agree but I just really dislike both their programs this season, the RD's packaging is just too camp for my taste and I feel it will get the wrong kind of attention from the Olympic crowd, kind of like Blades of Glory level of gimmicky joke. The FD is better but again I dislike the packaging a lot and it's like Vincent 3.0/Two Sides Now 2.0 but in the worst possible way and the emotional impact is just not there for me. That being said since they will for sure do at least part of the team event (and I'm guessing they'll want both segments for the momentum unless they will get berried being the US teams or the RUS teams in the RD) so maybe we'll see something else.
Not having a GPF and having federations switch their politicking games (like S/B's score here suggests) make for a really unpredictable scoring when all of those teams face each other for the first time. It's exciting and terrifying simultaneously.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Wednesday 21 August 1839
7 ½
9 55/..
fine but dull F63 ½° at 8 ¾ am and breakfast – good room – little beds mine on a sofa had to be eked out with 3 chairs overhanging mattress would have fallen off – our dinner yesterday picked eel, veal cutlets (not so good as yesterday at Örebrö [Örebro]) peas, carrots, bread and cheese and butter, and 3 little saucers of preserves   raspberries black currants and gooseberries – and a carafe of fresh water – breakfast coffee and bread and butter and gooseberries – should have paid for the same in any large town in England York Manchester etc. etc. as under
Dear Inn
bill = dinners 4/.
breakfast 1/24.
Lodging and carriage 6/24
2 wax lights 1/.
about 1 English quart gooseberries (red) ./24
13.24.0 Rigs = 9 banco
Dinner £0.6.0
breakfast 2.0
apartment 3.0
2 wax lights 2.0
9 dollars banco
exchange at 11.32.0 per £1 = about 0.16.0----------!
Westrås [Västerås] a good Swedish town – not so many [tent?]-roofed outbuildings as at Örebrö [Örebro]? but a country like town – every house having a garden and a sort of farmyard with cow-house and other farm buildings - gardens at Örebrö [Örebro] but not so many farmyards? at the quay here (Westrås [Västerås]) 5 good large sea vessels and one good steamer – the Stadhus and prison great big white plain building nearly surrounded with water – as we walked along the street by the river (water – in a deep walled channel) almost every house had a counting house, and lastly up to the quay or wooden pier on jetty was a line of warehouses – long barrels (cylinders but of rather larger diameter at one end than the other) of tallow and other commoner shaped barrels full of we knew not what – vide foot last page – off this morning at 9 55/.. wide extensive plain shut in the distance by
August Tuesday 21 ranges of low hill or rising ground generally wooded - a peep at the lake soon after leaving the town but soon lost sight of it altogether – hardly any forest from W- [V-] to the Station (single house) at Nyqvarn [Nykvarn - NO] at 12 20/.. – not good looking house – could hardly have stopt there – It had begun to rain a little about 12 and continues drizzling now at 1 ½ - very little forest this last stage – country thinly inhabited tho’ as much well as yesterday – Enköping at 1 43/.. A- says ‘tidy sort of hotel’  one long street and pass thro’ large low-housed grande place rough, (boulder stone) paved and grass-grown as in general even the place of the Swedish church at Götheberg [Gothenburg] green with grass – a loom in almost every cottage window in this town as in all the others we have passed thro’ since Götheberg [Gothenburg] – and large courtyards etc. behind the houses here as yesterday and before – this town also on an arm of the Malor [Mälaren]lake but we have seen nothing of the lake since just out of Westrås [Västerås] – not so good a town as Örebrö [Örebro] or Westrås [Västerås] – but Ö- seems the capital? – we observed at W- [V-] yesterday in our search in the courtyards the great smell of pullen and the quantity of hen places – they must feed poultry forge Stockholm market? – smartish rain here now at 1 50/.. – off at 1 55/.. – much rocky boulder stone-  jumpery encumbered ground today – no peep at the lake – at 1 5/.. [2 5/..] the Diligence passes us – 4 horses abreast – the carriage like a French mallepost and here on the hill a little bit of forest, young Scotch, with a few tolerable older ditto -  a few sheep here as everywhere on the moor-land – but largeish not little mountain like Blackstonedge sheep – Lislena [Litslena] single house not good looking – small – could hardly sleep here – forest before 4 to nearly Gran [Övergran] ( I think but I was reading Norsk and looked up now and then) at 4 ¾ single house – good neat looking could sleep very well – still rain – a good deal of forest from here – at 6 40/.. see the lake – and then forest and very pretty but the rain
August Wednesday 21 – spoils it sadly – at Tibble at 7 8/.. [?] amid breaks in the forest and peeps of the wooded islandy lake – good house – 2 bedded room opening into large room 8x7 ½ yards at 8 had boiled milk and pancakes and blare (cloud) berries and my gooseberries and our Götheberg [Gothenburg] bread – A- had a little tea of this morning heated by our little boiler – all good – had Grotza at 8 55/.. Rain came on about 12 and then rainy afternoon and evening F62 ½° now at 9 20/.. pm.
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freecycleusa · 3 years
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New Post has been published on https://freecycleusa.com/wild-edibles-ginkco-leaves-service-berries-meadow-mushrooms-vegan-connies-rawsome-kitchen/
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MORE INFO ON THESE MUSHROOMS HERE!! AND RECIPES AND NICER PIC 😀 You can now support me on Patreon. I will be uploading no ad videos and lots of tips and hints on how I run my kitchen …Your support is so appreciated and welcomed thank you all!
Welcome to my vegan Italian kitchen!!! A place where it's good for you the animals and the planet! __ FOR BUSINESS CONTACTS [email protected] [email protected] And my address….. P.O. BOX 24530 MONTREAL, QUE. H4B-3A5 CANADA _ SMOKER… WOOD CHIPS… NUTRI BULLET… THE ROCK… all in one from the rock… CERAMIC KNIVES… VITAL WHEAT GLUTEN… kappa carrageenan… the rock knife Santoku Knife … the rock knife… pressure cooker starfrit… Instant pot…
*Please note that I may receive a commission (via affiliate programs) if you purchase something linked in my description.*
*I accept free products from brands on a strict zero-obligation gifting” basis ONLY. If I choose to promote one of these items, understand that it is on my own free will and because I genuinely love the product.* _
What I do when I'm not cooking …. I create and sculpt art dolls and sculptures _ Check out Ebates.ca! It's a great website that actually pays you Cash Back every time you shop online and it's free to join! Click here to sign up today:
Music credits go to : “Bushwick Tarantella Loop” Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
“bensound.com” “youtube music library” source
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aaqlah · 1 year
Not so Berry 3.0 | Exotic Fruits Version
By: insta/twitter: @bellafranli | Twitch: aaqlah
The Not so Berry 3.0 challenge is based on the original Not so Berry challenge created by @lilsimsie. This challenge features exotic fruits as the names of its generations. It is important to note that NSB 3.0 does not follow all the colors of versions 1.0 and 2.0, nor their stories, and includes a bonus generation, meaning that there will be 11 generations in the legacy for this challenge.
This updated challenge for 2023 aims to cover a different gameplay from previous challenges, using more expansions and game packs for an even more enjoyable legacy. However, this does not mean that it cannot be played by those who do not have the expansion or game packs for the generation, it can be adapted during any generation for the packs you own in the coolest way for you and that fits best in the presented story.
During the challenge, you will notice that we will use items from the new update (Feb/2023), including legacies with hearing-impaired and trans individuals. The intention is not to interfere with gameplay but to create a more inclusive NSB challenge where everyone can feel seen. Therefore, we will follow the same basic rules already known by the simmer community, updated for 2023.
I would like to thank @Quel and the quelmunity for supporting me in creating a fun challenge for all of us. Special thanks to Endymnx who organized this tumblr for me. You guys are the most incredible people in the world who welcomed me when I needed it most. Thank you!
I would also like to add that this challenge was originally created in portuguese because I am brazilian. So big thanks to Claramrlx for helping translate this gigantic text to english haha 😂
Not so Berry 3.0 | Exotic Fruits Version
Basic Rules:
Each heir represents the color of the generation (hair, clothing, makeup…), but it is not necessary to apply this to skin color. This is totally optional, but it is a big part of the fun.
The colors of the spouses are not important. Unless otherwise stated, you can do whatever you want with them.
Money cheats can be used, but not excessively. Suggestion: use freerealestate to buy your first house, then continue the game without cheats.
You can live in any world, unless there is a rule about it in a certain generation.
All generations must complete career and aspiration goals, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Keep the normal lifespan.
Infant and toddler traits can be freely chosen by the player.
Child and teen aspirations can be freely chosen by the player, unless specified in the generation.
All heirs must be firstborns, unless explicitly specified in the generation.
Have fun <3
Generation 1: White Strawberry | Color: White
Requires: StrangerVille Game Pack
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You have always been extremely curious and had a investigative soul. But above all, helping other sims constantly motivated your heart. And so, when you heard about a mysterious town with sims acting strange, you knew that was your place. Moving to StrangerVille was definitely the best decision of your life. That was your destiny and you would fulfill it.
Traits: Genius, Good, Paranoid Aspiration: StrangerVille Mystery | Location Career: Secret Agent | Branch: Diamond Agent
Complete the StrangerVille Mystery aspiration;
Complete the Logic and Programming skills;
Reach at least level 6 of the Charisma skill;
Be good friends with 4 infected sims in StrangerVille;
Marry a sim that you saved from contamination;
Live your entire life in StrangerVille.
Generation 2: Kiwi | Color: Green
Requires:Get Famous Expansion Pack
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Growing up with a well-known relative can be tough, especially when that relative is your mother… Despite the constant exposure, you always felt proud to be the daughter of the hero of StrangeVille. It's understandable that other Sims are grateful to someone who saved an entire town from devastation. But growing up with the weight of having to do something even bigger was not easy. Your dream is to one day become even more famous and break the stigmas imposed by society for being hearing-impaired.
Traits: Ambitious, Self-absorbed, Extroverted Aspiration: World-Famous Celebrity | Popularity Career: Any career, as long as you meet the requirement of being a 5-star celebrity at the end. Example of careers that give you fame: Painting, Writing, Entertainment, Music, Acting…
Complete the World-Famous Celebrity aspiration;
Complete the chosen career;
Complete the Charisma skill, as well as the skill connected to the chosen profession, which can be: Painting, Writing, Comedy, Acting or any instrument…
Win an award in your career;
Buy your dream home as an adult;
Have a single daughter from a tumultuous relationship.
Generation 3: Yellow Watermelon | Color: Yellow
Requires: Cats & Dogs expansion pack and Cottage Living expansion pack (The latter only due to the Animal Lover trait, which can easily be replaced with Cat or Dog Lover).
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You had the best education your parents could afford, with everything top-notch. However, you grew up in a complicated and uncommunicative family. Therefore, your dream was a simpler life away from the spotlight and the chaos of being a celebrity. Just thinking about famous sims made your stomach churn, in fact, just thinking about any sim made you nervous… But, there was one exception: your beloved grandma, who is your rock and best friend. Not being popular was never a problem because you always preferred animals anyway. The affection of kittens and puppies was always the purest and all you needed to have.
Traits: Animal Lover, Loner, Loyal Aspiration: Friend of the Animals | Animal Career: Veterinarian
Be best friends with your grandma;
Buy a veterinary clinic;
Complete the Friend of the Animals aspiration;
Complete the Veterinarian career;
Complete the Veterinary and Animal Training skills;
Always have at least two animals in your household throughout your life;
Have your first child only at the end of your young adult phase or only in the adult phase, the choice is yours. Your daughter should be a science baby.
Generation 4: Lychee | Color: Red
Requires: City Living Expansion Pack and High School Expansion Pack (If you don't have it, complete any other aspiration during your teenage years that is not the same as your adult phase).
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Your mother is your main reference of an independent sim, she raised you very well on her own, in the best way she could. But being alone was never your thing, you grew up wanting to explore the world. Every moment, the desire to visit new places in different cities, to meet new sims and maybe flirt... a lot. You wanted that very much too, because hook up with only one sim is not your style.
Traits: Romantic, Noncommittal, Lazy Aspiration: Teen: Drama Queen Adult: Serial Romantic | Love Note: If you finish the teenage aspiration early, you can start the adult aspiration in this phase. Career: Critic | Branch: Chosen by you
Complete both teenage and adult aspirations;
Have at least 10 romantic relationships in your life;
Get married and divorced twice with different sims (you can take money from your spouses if you wish);
Have 3 children from different relationships (Note: we'll do it differently here, among the 3 children, you can choose who will inherit your legacy. It can be your firstborn or your favorite child… let's agree that every mother/father has one 😂).
Reach at least level 5 in the Critic career. As our generation is lazy, you don't have to complete the career if you don't want to.
Die as an elderly sim while woohooing.
Generation 5: Physalis | Color: Orange
Requires: Snowy Escape Expansion Pack and My First Pet Stuff Pack
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Your family was large and chaotic, but despite the differences in preferences and dislikes, you all manage to get along very well. This makes these relationships quite miraculous. Unlike your siblings, your life was all about adventure and the unexpected. The butterflies in your stomach that you felt during these adventures were the best feeling in the world for you and all you wanted was to be an athlete. Despite always putting your career first, you love your children and strive to be a good mother, even though you know you weren't born for it.
Traits: Active, Adventurous, Foodie Aspiration: Extreme Sports Enthusiast | Athletic Career: Athlete
Complete the Extreme Sports Enthusiast aspiration;
Reach at least level 7 in the Athlete career;
Complete the Gymnastics and Climbing skills;
Choose between Skiing or Snowboarding to complete;
Find your soulmate during one of your adventures;
Your romantic partner must have the Active or Adventurous trait like you;
Only have twin children: 1 girl and 1 boy (you can use cheats and/or lot traits for this);
Have a hamster as a family pet.
Generation 6: Grapefruit | Color: Peach
Requires: Base Game
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Your mother put her career first, and you grew up feeling neglected. You felt the effort, yet she couldn't meet your expectations, much less your feelings. You carried the hurt in your heart, especially because you always suspected that she loved your brother more than you. And your brother…ugh, you can't even think about him because you hate him so much. Your only weakness is your father and the family hamster. Otherwise, the world is your playground.
Traits: Self-Assured, Evil, Perfectionist Aspiration: Public Enemy | Deviance Career: Criminal | Branch: Chosen by you
Complete the Public Enemy aspiration;
Complete the Criminal career;
Complete the Mischief skill + if you choose the Boss branch, also complete the Mechanic skill. If you choose the Oracle branch, complete the Programming skill instead;
You have to hate your brother, be known by your mother, and be a good friend to your father;
Have a daughter with a fellow criminal;
As an adult, seek forgiveness from your brother and mother. Become good friends with both.
Generation 7: Dragon Fruit | Color: Pink
Requires: City Living expansion pack and Spa Day game pack
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You grew up surrounded by crime. Both of your parents were top-notch criminals and you witnessed everything up close as a child and teenager. Despite all the bad things they did, you knew you were protected by them. You struggled with yourself, but loved them with all your heart and hated yourself for it. It was a true internal conflict, after all, you don't choose your parents. But one thing you can choose: your actions. That's why you were going to make up for all the bad things they did and give twice as much good to the world. You would show everyone that a criminal's daughter could do good and change her own destiny.
Traits: Cheerful, Outgoing, Goofball Aspiration: Zen Master | Wellness Career: Politics | Branch: Charity Organizer
Leave home during adolescence and take no money from your parents;
You will start life with 24,000 simoleons given by your grandmother (you can use cheats for this);
Find your soulmate as a teenager;
Complete the Zen Master aspiration;
Complete the political career in the indicated branch;
Complete the wellness and charisma skills;
Random number of children: Using any random number generator, ask for the number of children you should have. The numbers must be from 1 to 5;
The heir to the legacy will be a trans woman.
Generation 8: Figo | Color: Lilac
Requires: Life in the Countryside Expansion and University Life Expansion
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Your mother is the best sim in the world to you. How can someone be a well of kindness, philanthropy, and altruism? Well… You don't know the answer, nor the story behind it because your mother never told you, but you know she is much more than just an inspiration, she is a way of life. That's why you chose to follow in her footsteps, but listening to your own heart since your dream was to be an educator and lead a simple and happy life alongside the sims you love.
Traits: Lactose Intolerant, Bookworm, Childish Aspiration: Country Caretaker | Nature Career: Educator | Branch: Your choice
Complete the Country Caretaker aspiration;
Complete the Educator career;
Complete the Research and Debate skill + If you choose the administrator branch, complete Charisma. If you choose the teacher branch, complete Logic;
Marry your soulmate, who must have the Family trait and already have children;
Have two children, one of them must be adopted. Add your spouse's children to the family.
Generation 9: Blueberry | Color: Blue
Requires: Get to Work Expansion Pack, University Life Expansion Pack, and High School Life Expansion Pack (this last one due to the "Overachiever" trait, which can be replaced for any other trait if you dont have this expansion pack).
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Your mother was a great educator and you grew up inspired by the desire to learn. Going to college became a dream, and it was there that you discovered you wanted to be a detective. But not just any detective, you want to reach the top. As no one is perfect, you have a secret: you are a collector of objects. You can't see something new and beautiful without wanting to buy it, can you? Luckily, you will work hard to buy everything you want, just never let anyone into your basement.
Traits: Materialistic, Neat, Overachiever Aspiration: Academic | Knowledge Career: Detective
Go to college and study psychology;
Complete the Academic aspiration during your time in university;
After completing the Academic aspiration, you may choose another aspiration to complete throughout the generation, if you wish;
Complete the Research and Debate skill;
Complete the Detective career;
Live on a lot worth 90,000 simoleons during adulthood, due to the materialistic trait;
Have a basement full of knick-knacks, due to the same trait.
Generation 10: Cassis | Color: Black
Requires: City Living Expansion Pack, Get Together Expansion Pack, and High School Expansion Pack
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To say that you're popular is an understatement considering how well-liked you are. You are loved, admired, and everyone wants to be your friend. It's almost as if you exude a hypnotic aura. As a result, you have every sim in the palm of your hand, and you like it that way. If anyone ever dislikes you, it will sound like an insult, and you will do everything to resolve the situation and get all the appreciation you deserve.
Traits: Outgoing, Creative, Hates Children Aspiration: Teen: Admirable Icon
Adult: Friend of the World | Popularity Career: Social Media | Branch: Public Relations Rules:
Complete the Friend of the World aspiration;
Complete the Social Media career in the indicated branch;
Complete the Charisma and Writing skills;
Have a summer fling - Fall in love with a supernatural sim: werewolf, vampire, alien, spellcaster, or mermaid.
Have a child by accident as a young adult with your supernatural summer fling;
Do not marry the father of your child.
Generation 11: Guaraná | Two-toned hair + Heterochromia
Requires: Parenthood Game Pack, Dream Home Decorator Stuff Pack
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You're a mixture of the mundane and the supernatural. You're not sure who you are, nor even what you like. Nothing you do seems to work out, and indecision is a constant in your life. Additionally, you and your father don't see eye to eye and have a difficult relationship.
Traits: Clumsy, Geek, Erratic Aspiration: Super Parent | Family Career: Interior Decorator
Complete the Super Parent aspiration;
Complete the Interior Decorator career;
Complete the Parenting, Handiness, and Charisma skills;
Have a love triangle: Fall in love with your best friend and a sim with gray hair;
Have a child with one of them;
Not know who the father of your child is until they become a toddler;
Live in 3 different worlds.
Ps: If you find any translation errors, please contact me via twitter or twitch so I can fix it. Thank yoooou <3
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 5 years
Etymology: Rooster
First Described By: Brisson, 1760
Classification: Dinosauromorpha, Dinosauriformes, Dracohors, Dinosauria, Saurischia, Eusaurischia, Theropoda, Neotheropoda, Averostra, Tetanurae, Orionides, Avetheropoda, Coelurosauria, Tyrannoraptora, Maniraptoromorpha, Maniraptoriformes, Maniraptora, Pennaraptora, Paraves, Eumaniraptora, Averaptora, Avialae, Euavialae, Avebrevicauda, Pygostaylia, Ornithothoraces, Euornithes, Ornithuromorpha, Ornithurae, Neornithes, Neognathae, Galloanserae, Pangalliformes, Galliformes, Phasiani, Phasianoidea, Phasianidae, Pavoninae, Gallini
Referred Species: G. aesculapii, G. moldovicus, G. beremendensis, G. tamanensis, G. kudarensis, G. europaeus, G. imereticus, G. meschtscheriensis, G. georgicus, G. varius (Green Junglefowl), G. sonneratii (Grey Junglefowl), G. lafayettii (Sri Lankan Junglefowl), G. gallus (Red Junglefowl and Domesticated Chicken)
Status: Extinct - Extant, Least Concern
Time and Place: Since about 6 million years ago, in the Messinian of the Miocene through today 
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In the past, Junglefowl were found throughout Eurasia, especially across Europe. After the last glacial maximum, they were restricted to the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Eurasia, as well as many Pacific islands. Of course, today, domestic chickens are found all over the world. This map below shows the current range of wild Junglefowl in dark blue, and extinct Junglefowl in light blue; please note that domesticated and feral chickens are found everywhere. 
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Physical Description: Junglefowl are highly ornamented, beautiful, bulky birds, with the males being decorated in brilliantly iridescent feathers all over their bodies. The females tend to be more dull in color, in order to blend in with the environment; that being said, they can also have beautiful and distinct patches of brighter feathers in certain strategic places, such as the tail. The males also have combs on the tops of their heads, made out of skin and muscle, rather than feathers; they also tend to have bare red faces, and wattles underneath their chins also made of skin and muscle. Their tails tend to have long, curved ribbon feathers, colored with iridescence and usually in a blueish-greenish shade. The tails of the females are shorter and less distinctive. These birds are squat, with short legs and bulky bodies. They also have small heads and short, pointed beaks. In general, junglefowl males can range between 65 and 80 centimeters long; the females tend to be significantly smaller, ranging between 35 and 46 centimeters long. 
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Sri Lankan Junglefowl by Schnobby, CC BY-SA 3.0 
Diet: Junglefowl are omnivorous birds, feeding on a wide variety of food such as such as insects, worms, leaves, berries, seeds, fruit, bamboo, grasses, tubers, and even small reptiles. 
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Grey Junglefowl by Yathin S. Krishnappa, CC BY-SA 3.0 
Behavior: Junglefowl tend to forage in small groups, but they will also scratch around the ground for food alone, using their feet to release food that might be trapped under the most shallow layer of ground or leaf litter. They peck, very distinctly, at the ground - bobbing their bodies back and forth as they move around, pecking in short spurts to gather the food they look for. They are very opportunistic feeders, switching back and forth between different food sources based on what is more available in a given season. They can even associate, happily, with other birds and even mammals of all things, using the environmental disturbance they cause in order to find food. 
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Green Junglefowl by Francesco Veronesi, CC BY-SA 2.0 
Junglefowl make some of the most distinctive calls of any bird, though of course, each language seems to have its own onomatopoeia to describe it. They make very distinctive clucks, cackling, and even cooing sounds depending on the situation. Males do make “cock-a-doodle-do” calls, though they can vary in tone and loudness, as well as the syllables involved, from species to species. These calls are actually advertising calls, made by the males, in order to attract females! The females tend to be quieter than the males, though domesticated female chickens are not quiet animals by a longshot. Junglefowl do not migrate, and tend to stay limited within their preferred habitats (though, of course, domesticated chickens have been bred to deal with a wider variety of climate better than their wild relatives.) 
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Red Junglefowl by Harvinder Chandigarh, CC By-SA 4.0 
Junglefowl can breed throughout the year (it’s why they were domesticated), though some populations tend to favor the dry season over the wet season (primarily due to less danger with the daily weather - these guys do hail from the monsoon lands!) As a general rule, junglefowl are polygamous - males will mate with a variety of females throughout the year, with the females doing the bulk of the work in nest construction and child care (which makes sense, since they blend in so well with the environment). Some species - such as the Grey Junglefowl - do show monogamous behavior from time to time, with males sticking with one female for long periods of time. In a classic case of sexual selection, females tend to prefer males with more brilliant combs (rather than focusing on plumage color, though this could be different in non-domesticated species).  The female will lay between 2 and 6 eggs (some species laying more than others) in a depression amongst dense vegetation; the female will incubate the eggs for three weeks before the chicks hatch. The chicks are extremely fluffy and cute when hatching, usually covered in soft brown feathers (though domesticated ones are more yellowish). The chicks are able to fly after one week, and males will become sexually mature sometime between 5 and 8 months. They are not the strongest fliers, usually preferring short bursts of activity rather than sustained flight. 
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Domesticated Chicken Chicks by Uberprutser, CC BY-SA 3.0 
Extremely social birds, chickens have a very noticeable pecking order - with individual chickens dominating over others in order to have priority for food and nesting location. This pecking order is disrupted when individuals are removed from a flock; adding new chickens also causes fighting and injury until a new pecking order is established. This family structure was exploited by early humans, in order to become the “top chicken” and domesticate the species. Interestingly enough, chickens do gang up on inexperienced predators - foxes have even been killed in such encounters! Despite stereotypes to the contrary, chickens are extremely intelligent animals - studies have shown they have higher intellectual capabilities than human toddlers - they are self aware, are able to count, and do trick one another into actions (aka, they can lie and manipulate other chickens). What’s more, despite their pecking order fights, they are very affectionate and empathetic birds - prone to cuddling with other flock members, and checking in to make sure the flock is alright. They show very rapid learning ability, and are able to grasp basic number theory only after a few weeks from hatching. In addition to being logical with numbers, they can reason out many other things - including forming teams to play kickball! Bird-brain, indeed! 
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Red and Green Junglefowl by Francesco Veronesi, CC BY-SA 2.0 
Ecosystem: Junglefowl primarily live in dense, humid rainforest and wet woodland. They can also be found in savanna, scrub habitat, coastal scrub, mountain forest, and also in human plantations and farmland (as wild species spreading into human-created habitat). They do prefer lower elevations to higher ones, as a general rule. They are fed upon by a wide variety of creatures - larger birds, predatory mammals, and large lizards and crocodilians. Of course, the biggest predator of junglefowl is probably People! Just, statistically speaking. 
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Sri Lankan Junglefowl by Steve Garvie, CC BY-SA 2.0 
Other: Junglefowl are, thankfully, not threatened with extinction. In fact, they are extremely common birds throughout their range. Domesticated chickens even regularly go feral (ie, return to wild living despite being descended from fully domesticated populations), spreading into places far from their original range such as Latin America, Hawai’i, and Africa. There are many extinct species of Junglefowl; they used to have a much wider range into Europe, but went extinct during the last Glacial Maximum, when things got too cold for them everywhere but Southeastern Asia. They then thrived in those jungle habitats, before being domesticated by people during the Holocene. 
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Domesticated Chicken by Berit, CC BY 2.0 
Chickens were domesticated from the Red Junglefowl sometime around 5,000 years ago in Southeastern Asia. It was probably domesticated multiple times - with hybridization occurring afterwards. It spread throughout the world, reaching Greece by the fifth century BCE, though they were in Egypt potentially one thousand years earlier (or even more!!!). They were domesticated due to their frequent laying schedule - made more so by selective breeding, of course - and easily exploitable family structure. They were domesticated to breed even more frequently, leading to an abundance of adult animals - and the females even lay unfertilized eggs, giving us another source of delicious food. They also have been bred to come in many sizes, shapes, and brilliant colors of plumage. Because of their high empathetic capacity, chickens are amazingly good pets - plus, they’re domesticated, which gives them a leg up over parrots. Docile breeds, such as silkies, are great pets for children, including children with disabilities. Chickens are so fundamental to human society, that aphorisms often feature them - and they serve as symbols on heraldry, their feathers are featured in clothing, and it’s hard to escape notice of chickens wherever we go in the world today. 
Chickens are the most common bird in the entire world, being bred throughout the world and able to live in harsher climates than their original range (due to domestication and specially designed coops); there are probably over 50 billion members of the genus Gallus present on the planet today. They are so common that they are a model organism - in order to understand birds as a whole, scientists do extensive studies on chickens in order to understand avian evolution. The genes and development of chickens are probably better understood than any other living kind of dinosaur. This is of special interest to members of this blog, as chicken genes have been manipulated to give them teeth (though without enamel) and longer tails - much like their non-avian dinosaur ancestors. One study even raised chickens to walk around with plungers stuck to their butts like a bony tail - and showcased how the chickens changed their head-bobbing and walking to match the redistributed weight, which makes a decent hypothesis for how non-avian dinosaurs like Velociraptor and Tyrannosaurus were able to walk (see above)! 
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By Scott Reid 
Species Differences: Among the living species, there are distinct differences in the coloration of the males. While the females all tend to be brown and black spotted, with some patches of red on the tails and wings in some species, the males have brilliantly different colors all over. Red Junglefowl - the wild kind - are a mid sized species, and are named accordingly for their coloration. The males tend to have reddish orange heads, with green wings and bellies; their backs and back of their wings are alls reddish, though they have brilliantly green tails. Sri Lankan Junglefowl are also reddish, but instead of having green undersides to their wings and green tails, they have blueish-grey feathers in those locations. The Sri Lankan Junglefowl is also one of the smallest living species. The Grey Junglefowl also has greyish-blue tail and wing feathers, except it has a firey orange underbelly and wing top. It has grey feathers all over its body, and orange and white and black speckles on its neck. It is the largest known species. Finally, the smallest species, the Green Junglefowl, is much more than green - it is almost a rainbow of colored feathers! Its tail is green, as is its neck; but the rump tends to be yellow, the top of the wing red, and the wattle and comb aren’t red - but purple, red, yellow, and even blue! Extinct species tend to blur the line between junglefowl and their close relatives such as Peafowl (see the oldest known species, G. aesculapii, above); but in many ways, they differ mainly by living in Europe and Western Asia, rather than Southeast Asia and India.
~ By Meig Dickson
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Title page of the “Edict of Potsdam” -  Ursprung unbekannt, Gemeinfrei, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=874945
         Only two days before Reformation Day in 1685, Friedrich Wilhelm von Hohenzollern, the Great Elector of Brandenburg (the heartland of the future Kingdom of Prussia), issued the "Edict of Potsdam" in response to the "Edict of Fontainbleu". In the latter, Louis XIV affirmed Catholicism as the state religion of France and thus not only issued a ban on Protestant worship. His Edict also announced the destruction of the still existing Protestant places of worship. All pastors who were not willing to convert immediately were expelled from the country within two weeks. However, Protestants were allowed to remain in France if they refrained from gathering to practice their religion. But Protestants lost their civil rights, for example, they could no longer marry or acquire property.          The Edict of Potsdam, also known as the Potsdam Edict of Tolerance, offered free and safe settlement to Protestants who were persecuted in France for their religion. The refugees were granted generous privileges, including exemption from taxes and customs duties, subsidies for business enterprises, and payment of pastors by the principality.          After the Edict of Fontainebleau was issued, a mass exodus of about 200,000 people (various sources quote figures between 150,000 and 250,000), about 20 percent of the Protestant population of France developed, despite threats of severe punishment.
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A modern version of the well known “Huguenot Cross” von Serein - Eigenes Werk, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=4557797
         Our family is what today is called a "family with a migration background". On my father's side, we have only had a German name for four generations. My great-grandmother was the last to be born with a French surname - Chambeau, coming from  the Berry region located in central France. So whenever we celebrate Reformation Day, we not only commemorate the Reformation. We also commemorate the fact that our ancestors found refuge, a new home, support and freedom of faith and conscience in the country where we are still allowed to live today. And even today, 335 years later, we are still deeply grateful.
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michaun · 4 years
I think we should use this time to come up with more gleeboot plots I'll start
Emma walks in on Daniel Finn and Rachel Berry 3.0 heavily making out and wants Will to talk to him and Will just wants to tell him to be safe and make sure he has consent but Emma wants him to at least talk about abstinence but the abstinence club at McKinley doesn't exist anymore and she knows her husband so she decides to create a fake pamphlet about how abstaining from sex as a teen has been proven to somehow enhance dancing abilities in boys and Will has a meeting with the glee boys and bans them from having sex and the boys enthusiastically go along with it because dancing is their weak spot and they really wanna win sectionals and the girls get pissed and try to seduce them but the boys don't fall for it and eventually Will finds out Emma is lying and gets mad but they make up and Idk how the rest of the episode would go or what other songs they'd sing but I know it would end with the glee club performing We Are Golden by Mika and both Will and Emma doing the creepy staring from behind the curtain thing realizing they gotta let kids be kids or something
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ofperez · 4 years
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♔ — * in tonight’s performance of ensemblehq, the role of the leading lady will be played by paola perez.
hello everyone ! my name is kiwi, i’m 20 years old, vibing in the est timezone, and i use they/she pronouns. a fun fact about me is that i’m actually studying theatre in college right now !! if i was a skeleton in this rp, i would definitely be the comic, as i tend to get typecasted into comedic roles in literally every show that we do ever (will i ever play a romantic lead in my life? probably not. i’ve made my peace with it.)
i will be writing the incomparable paola, everyone’s favorite rachel berry wannabe. while you can read her full bio HERE (and i’ll love you forever if you do), i’ve included some bullet points below because i know that i wrote a lot nsfkgjdfs
SO without further ado (adieu? ado? adue? how did i get into this rp, i have literally one braincell) i present to you: the grand journey of paola perez.
fictional character inspirations include: rosalie hale from twilight, dany from game of thrones, winter anderson from american horror story, maddy perez from euphoria, mariana foster from the fosters and (bc i have to) angelica schuyler from hamilton and also rachel berry from glee (don’t @ me, i had to do it)
paola is the only child of luciana perez, an immigrant from colombia who fled her hometown of quibdó before her daughter’s first birthday. she got an american work visa, packed up all her things, and left the life she knew behind.
they never found a place to settle down in the united states, and moved around every couple of months to avoid detection and suspicion from neighbors and authorities.
(RACISM TW) this was exciting for paola, and she never really gave it a second thought until one day in the eighth grade when a boy told her to “go back home,” and that she wasn’t a “real american.” this made her upset as she didn’t know what he meant and she ran home to her mother immediately, demanding an explanation.
her mom was about to explain when the phone rang and she was told by a coworker that they needed her at work. she told paola to pack a bag and head to the neighbors for a bit. her mom never came back and she’s lived with her neighbor, linda, ever since.
she did not find out what happened to her mother until a year and a bit later, when linda sat her down and told her that her mother wrote her a letter, and she wanted to explain what happened to her first.
(DEPORTATION TW) the phone call her mother received was from one of her coworkers who was also undocumented. she said that ICE (immigration and customs enforcement) had shown up at their place of employment and was asking questions to employees, getting information about the ones who weren’t at work that day. if luciana didn’t go to work in that moment, ice would have shown up at her door that night, and they would have taken both her and paola into custody. her mom was now back in colombia, and paola was alone.
she wasn’t entirely alone, however. she had the theatre program at school and she had linda at home, and at school, she was super successful. she got lead role after lead role, building her resume so that she could get into a good college and then have a successful career and be able to take care of her mother.
things that happened before the end of her senior year also included officially being adopted by linda and applying to DACA (deferred action for childhood arrivals)
upon arriving at alderidge, paola realized that she could be anything she wanted to be, and what she wanted to be was rich and powerful and successful, and SO homegirl lies about being on scholarship and having tons of money and basically has created this whole second identity as a wall between her and everyone else.
she loves orson. not in like a romantic way, but in a “the only father figure i’ve ever known” kind of way. she used to spend hours in his office crying, working on assignments, getting advice from him on grad schools and life after college. his loss is devastating for her, and she’s definitely gone into full conspiracy theory mode.
i think for her audition monologue to get into the school she did the “out damned spot” monologue from m*****h, and i think that orson shed a tear at her performance.
she has saved a flower from every show that she has been in, pressed it, and preserved it so that after she graduates, she can have something to take with her to each dressing room she ends up inhabiting during her career.
linda tries her hardest to travel from florida to washington to see every show she can. if she can’t be there in person, she will email the school repeatedly until she gets a video recording of the performance. linda and paola have a tradition where after each show, they get ice cream and just talk MAD shit about everyone else in the cast. this is alive and well, and even though they sometimes do this over facetime, they still love doing it.
paola is really bright ! like super academic (enough to get a full ride to alderidge) but that’s something she keeps under wraps. she does have to maintain a 3.0 gpa to stay at school on her scholarship, and that is something she’s never had to worry about. she’s also minoring in business b/c even the most confident among us gotta have back up plans.
(TW: DRUGS) let’s talk about coke ! i imagine that her and the leading man found orson’s secret stash one day years ago and tried it “just for shits and giggles,” expecting to do it once just to try it and then to never do it again. that didn’t work, and now she is sort of reliant on it. she does coke before every performance and audition, when she needs a little pick me up to finish an assignment or to memorize the last of her lines, at parties, literally any reason she can find to take more she will take more. this is a problem !! homegirl needs an intervention, stat, or else she is not making it to broadway, no ma’am.
i think she has a completion compulsion, meaning once she starts something, she has to see it through. this manifests itself in many different ways. she won’t move on to the next question on a test until she answers the one prior, she won’t quit a project in the middle of it until she has some sort of finished project, won’t quit a club or a show or a commitment until the end. this also can be seen in her friendship w/ the scene stealer !
okay this is just because i’m a huge theatre nerd but i think she was definitely mayzie la bird in seussical the musical at some point, also probably the witch in into the woods and then i think her senior musical was mamma mia and she was donna.
her dream roles include harper in angels in america, lady m*****t in m*****t, and honestly probably goody proctor in the crucible (although she’s SUCh an abigail williams, smh).
she was born on the same day as barack obama and that’s not REALLY a headcannon, because it’s more a fact, but i think it’s neat.
you can find my wanted connection tag here ! it’s a bit scarce right now, but it has some fun jumping off points
other wanted connections i included in my app are: “line study partners, the person who she always goes and gets taco bell with after every rehearsal, maybe a roommate in between the supporting role sophomore year and the statue senior year who she actually really got along with! some sort of love interest would be cool but is definitely not mandatory although the most theatre kid romantic ship i can think of is being paired up to do a romantic scene and then dropping the scripts and making out so that could happen and be very cool very nice”
that’s it ! i’ll shut up now ! can’t wait to get started !
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