#oh how i wish i had a dishwasher
inkskinned · 6 months
it is the first snow today. i think we should all have off work, even though it didn't stick. i think there should be 4 national holidays, one for each season. happy first snow, go home and make cookies. for spring it can be the first crocus. for summer the first lightning bug. for autumn, the first golden leaf. go home, kiss your dog, feed your cat (who is absolutely already-fed but somehow still starving.)
i think we should all take more showers together, but i mean that in the soft way. i mean it like taking a nap. two years ago i had 5 adult friends in my queen bed, all of us laying across each other, head over belly over thigh over hand. any time one of us would giggle, it would ripple over each of us, like pulling on a spiderweb. kim actually needed to nap and didn't get to sleep and i am still sorry for it even though this is one of my most precious memories.
i think we should all wash each other's hair, i mean. i walk my dog and i watch someone put up twinkle lights around their front porch. alex and i just moved, and i love the neighborhood. already so many of our new neighbors have stopped by to say hello. the nice lady downstairs also collects plants, like me. she gave us her number on a pink post-it note. i am trying to decide whether to make her cookies or brownies.
i am going through a very hard time. something bad happened this weekend that i do not wish to discuss. it is hanging over me. i think of the green ribbon, and the woman who had her throat cut. it feels like that sometimes, inside of my body. like i am walking and talking despite being half-corpsed. like i am hanging on by a ribbon, standing on some kind of cusp. i keep saying - at least it wasn't worse. we are so lucky it wasn't worse. the idea is river-rock smooth now, all the edges worried off.
in this very dark night - the sun sets by 3 now - people don't need to, but they try anyway. they paint the missing light into things. i have an embarrassing number of missed calls and texts, but i feel the love from them nevertheless - hey. if you need something, i'm here. i will bring you food/puzzles/anything. i got you.
i think we should all have a big group chat where we do errands with strangers. this week i got lost in a home depot, which is wild because i'm a lesbian and we are actually hatched in a lowe's lumber section. there were two other women in the whole store. we ended up shopping together, at first by accident (we all needed things in the same aisle), and then because, well, why not. one of the ladies was taller than me, so she pulled down the screws i needed. i am agile and have the personality of a raccoon, so they sent me after anything below 3 feet. we talked about holiday plans and never learned each other's names, but did learn all the drama about each other's families.
i am making you cupcakes, because i have so much affection i want to pour it into batter. you ask me if i am eating enough per meal. i wrap your gift twice, trying to do it prettily. i get excited to give it to you, just because i hope you'll be excited too.
my parents drive an hour just to see the new apartment and to do the parent thing; standing in the kitchen saying things like "oh you'll get so much use from this dishwasher" and "well, you could paint that" and "when your mother and i moved it was uphill both ways and in a snowstorm and of course your brother was an infant." my mother brought me a plant for housewarming. i always say i love you before she leaves.
i play dnd on tuesdays still, after all these years. we all keep that night free. at one point, between grad school and marriage and all of it, we had to have a serious discussion about how to keep it running. we will keep going, we decided eventually. just to see each other, even if we don't play - you are all important to me. sebastian is not prone to affection but last night he stole my usual sign off - i love you all, be good, he said. he was laughing.
i don't love the winter, actually. i like snow in theory, but i grew up in the north, and am too-familiar with the season of "mud and sludge". i don't like being cold. but i do love something kind of soft and rare: every year around this time, people remember oh yes. you and i are human together. and i have love to spare.
it is the first snow, and something in my heart is finally warm again. i have spent what felt like the last 18 months just going-through-the-motions. it has felt blank and immediate, like i would never actually feel again. that sounds extremely trite and stupid - but that is the boring and familiar experience of depression. life just washes up against your windows, and you watch it happening. you see things that should be lovely and affecting, and it just whispers too-thin. i was desperately uncreative. uninterested in my hobbies. unimpressed by my writing. i told my therapist, often, i don't know how to find hope again.
almost sheepishly, something strange and lovely is burning in my chest. i keep not-looking at it, worried it will scamper back into the shadows again. it is skittish and wild, but it is so warm i want to sink my hands into its fur and feel it breathing. i love-hate it: if it's real, it can hurt me when it leaves again. but i am icarus-born, sun-lover and poet: i can't help myself. despite my best intentions, i am falling in love with life again.
i am planning to make cookies for my friends. alex and i are going to go christmas tree shopping. we picked out matching dish towels last night, and they have little mushrooms on them.
i love you. it does come back. yes, even after a long time. even for you. i promise. keep trying. you will wake up and it will be a day you can smile about.
write me when you get there. we will take the day off of work, and i will wash your hair, and we will both be laughing.
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sweatervest-obsessed · 3 months
Touch Me Baby
pairing: modern!steve harrington x modern!fem!reader
wc: 21.7k
cw: mad flirting, swearing, use of the f slur once, shattering glass, alcohol, drinking, weed, smoking, brief mentions of suicide, mentions of cheating, men being weird and implications of harassment, smut, 18+ mdni, fingering, p in v, oral (f recieving), minor praise kink, edging, teasing, multiple orgasms, wrap it before you tap it kids
a/n: set in modern times with phones and everything! i've never written anything this long before, and I really hope you guys like it!!
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“You literally look so fucking hot oh my god.” 
You rolled your eyes and checked yourself out in the mirror, smirking slightly. “I can feel you objectifying me Birdy.” 
Robin rolled her eyes and collapsed on to your bed, staring up at the ceiling. “I just think it’s unfair that you aren’t so emotionally and deeply in love with me.” 
“Hey.” You peered over your shoulder, “I told you that I’d be your lesbian lover the second you needed one.” 
She sighed and sat up on her elbows. “Yeah, but I don’t want you to do me out of pity. I want you to love me.” 
You walked over and kissed her head. “ I do love you.”
“Yeah Yeah. As a friend.” She teased as you laughed and moved over to your vanity. 
“Just because you’re not my type doesn't mean I don’t think you’re showstoppingly gorgeous.”
“Are you trying to get into my pants Y/l/n?” Robin teased. 
“You wish Buckley.” 
Robin let out the most over-dramatic sigh and collapsed on your bed again, giggling after a moment.  
You laughed at her antics and checked out your makeup, your earrings, and your rings in the mirror next to your door. “Is this cute enough?” 
“Did I not just say how hot—”
You and Robin had lived together for about three years now. You had become fast friends freshman year and then roommates for the last three years of your college experience. The apartment you shared was perfect because it had two bedrooms, one bathroom, and the price didn’t rise once in your entire time living in NYC. The best perk of them all was having a home phone. It was reminiscent of your childhood and you both handed out your home phone number to everyone, enjoying the messages you received from anyone and everyone. 
It rang and immediately went to voicemail, as Robin had set it on vacation mode the second you moved in meaning every single phone call went directly to voicemail so you could both hear who it was. A man’s voice rang out through your shared apartment. 
“Hey it’s Steve, I just landed and I’m on my way to your place, I think it’s only a twenty-minute drive but I wanted to alert the household I was on my way.” 
You looked over at Robin, slightly uneasy. “I can’t believe I’m finally meeting him.” 
Robin shrugged and her smile was a bit brighter. Her two best friends were about to meet, and maybe even hit it off and they could be a friend group—but Robin was getting ahead of herself. 
“You’re going to like him. The same level of snark, but definitely a softie under it all. And he’s my best friend, so I wouldn’t be friends with him if he sucked.”
You crossed your arms. “I’m going to pretend like you didn’t just call him your best friend in front of me and say that, I know he’s one of your best friends, which is why I’m worried. What if he thinks I’m a huge bitch or something, or like…I don’t know.” 
“He’ll love you.” 
You rolled your eyes and sighed. “Well. We have twenty minutes to fix up the house so that he doesn’t think we’re complete and total slobs or anything.” 
The two of you spent the next seventeen minutes unfolding your futon couch bed, frantically shoving trash in trash bins, and stuffing the dishwasher with dishes. You definitely weren’t slobs by any means, but sometimes it was easier to leave wine glasses or bottles on the coffee table, or just toss your bra onto the chair since you didn’t want to wear one anymore or…
“Which candle?” 
You rolled your eyes as you grabbed the extra pillows from your room. “Does it matter?” You yelled back to Robin. 
“I don’t know!” 
“Well, he’s your home best friend. So whatever you think would suit the straight man you’re friends with.” You walked out and placed the two pillows on the pull-out bed. 
“Okay, I’m going with Midnight Citrus because it’s my favorite and he can suck it up.” 
“Whatever you say, girl….” 
Both of your heads turned when you heard the knock on the door. Robin literally shrieked as she barreled towards the door and you swear you could hear Steve laugh through it.
Robin definitely knocked something over on her way over and you spent the next thirty seconds picking up the bowl and its contents from off the floor.
You had seen pictures of Steve before. There were plenty around the house of the two of them by themselves or with other friends from their hometown, so you knew Steve was an attractive man, but something about seeing him in person was a whole different beast. 
And there were no pictures in the apartment to prep you for the fact that he had these thin wire-framed glasses. You could have sworn he sucked the literal breath out of you. 
“It’s nice to finally meet you.” Steve smiled that same lopsided smile you had seen on the walls and you probably would have dragged him back to your bedroom right then and there if Robin wasn’t standing right there and staring at you with the most hopeful look on her face you had seen since her breakup during sophomore year. 
“It’s uh, it’s so good to finally meet you too. Heard so much about you.” You smiled at him and kept your hands awkwardly in your back pockets. 
Steve nodded. “Same here. She actually doesn’t shut up about you.” 
“I could say the same thing.” 
“Okay, no need to be rude.” Robin huffed and haphazardly tossed Steve’s bags onto the couch. 
You and Steve shared a quick look, both of you trying not to laugh. 
“Ready to go Stevie boy? I know you just landed but it’s a Friday and I want to go out.” 
He nodded. “I remember the text you sent me like last week as a reminder Robs. I just have to change.” 
“The bathroom is the second door on the right.” You smiled at him and watched as he grabbed things. 
You looked over at Robin. “Where exactly do you want to go out?”
Steve passed by you and you caught a hint of the cologne he had put on this morning. He closed the door and you had to blink a few times. “Sorry, where did you say?” 
“I was thinking we could just go to the Cubbyhole…” 
“Robin, we are not taking him to Cubbyhole and ruining our reputation there.” 
“It’s literally not that big of a deal.”
“Babe, we are not bringing your straight man friend to a lesbian bar.” 
“Fine then—”
“And definitely not Henrietta’s either.” You cut her off. 
Robin crossed her arms. “ Well, then where do YOU want to take him? Because I’m not going to—” 
“Girl, please. It’s like you have no faith in me. Who showed you both of those bars in the first place?” 
“Fine then.” 
You smiled at your victory and watched as Robin walked over to the little whiteboard you had in the hallway. Robin erased the bottom half of the words but kept the tally up top. “So where are we going tonight?” 
“Are you okay with more of a just ‘sitting and drinking’ bar instead of clubbing tonight? Or at least we start at a bar and then move on to clubs?” 
Robin’s face twisted, but then she conceded. “Ugh, fine.” 
“Why don’t we start at Nothing Really Matters?”
“Which one is that?” 
Steve popped out of the bathroom right as Robin asked that question, causing you to stutter a bit in your answer. 
Steve was wearing these blue jeans that fit his thighs his ass him so well, and some clearly well-loved white Nike sneakers. But what got you was the shirt combo he was wearing. A tight black tee, covered by a short-sleeved patterned button-up, that was unbuttoned and just tight enough to fuck you up. 
Plus, you were sure you saw a silver chain around his neck, which made you wonder what it would look like when if he was above you. 
“I-I…um. It’s the one in.” You bit the inside of your cheek and looked back at Robin. “The one in the 50th Street subway station.” 
Robin raised her eyebrow at you, but you just shook your head, deciding to ignore what just happened and barrel through. 
“A bar in a subway station?” 
You smiled over at Steve. “It’s not as gross as it sounds. I swear. It’s one of my favorite little spots that not a lot of people know about so there’s almost always seating and they have really good drinks there too. Besides, it’s in the station so if Robin wants to abandon us for some clubbing then the train is right there.” 
He nodded and put his stuff away, while you looked back over at Robin who was making a face at you. 
She huffed and went into the kitchen. 
When you just stared at her, confused, she aggressively made a small wave for you to follow her. You sighed and obliged, managing to walk directly into Steve’s chest because you weren’t paying attention.
“Shit! Sorry.” Your hands were against his chest while he had one of his hands on your waist. 
“N-no it’s fine.” He gave you a sheepish smile and quickly pulled his hand off your waist, but your skin was covered in goosebumps from how close you two were. 
You quickly hurried into the kitchen where Robin was impatient tapping her foot. “Seriously?” 
“W-what?” you smoothed down the front of your top, trying not to look up at her. 
“You know what.” 
“Birdy I–”
“No, save it. I don’t want to fight. I just want to know why you’re so against going clubbing tonight when that was the original plan.” 
If you were to tell Robin the truth, it would be because you weren’t sure you wouldn’t end the night with her best friend in your bed, kissing him like the world was ending, doing things that would have her kicking you out of the apartment and her life. 
Or maybe it’s because you want to spend the entire night just talking to Steve and listening to his voice and learning every single thing about him. After all, you were utterly entranced. 
“I just, I worked all day, and now that we’re actually going out…I don’t know if I have the energy to go all out.” This wasn’t a lie, it just wasn’t the full truth. You had worked twelve hours today, and even before Steve had arrived, you had been dreading going out anyway. 
Robin’s face twisted a little bit. “It’s Steve's first time visiting me in the city and I wanted to show him around and show him all the places that I get to have fun.” 
“And for him to have a friend for when you inevitably win the bartender’s number tonight and go back with her to her place….” 
Robin’s cheeks turned bright red and she huffed again. “What–no–okay so maybe a bit but–”
“Look, babe, if you want to go to the Cubbyhole, I am more than supportive of that, it’s just that it’s not what I’m in the mood for. You could always ask Steve to go with you. Or ask him what he wants. And if he’s okay with going out, we can all start at the bar, and then we can split up based on how we are all feeling. Steve literally just got off of a plane not even an hour ago.” 
The two of you agreed on a plan and walked back into the living room, where Steve had been shifting his bags around, and had his phone open. 
“Are we ready?” He stood up and smiled at the both of you. 
You both nodded and smiled at one another. One of you was excited to start the night. And the other was dreading what would happen when Robin inevitably left you alone with her hot best friend from home. 
The three of you had managed to snag one of the tables up against the wall of the bar. Steve sat on one side, and you sat on the other, with Robin between you. It was the perfect setup for everyone since Robin was in between her two favorite people on the planet, and you got to look at Steve frequently because he was in your direct line of sight. 
It was most definitely the alcohol, or maybe it wasn’t, but Steve was getting more attractive by the minute. 
“I’ll go get us another round!” Robin excitedly grabbed all three glasses and ran back off to the bar to get more drinks. While you were so grateful that it was going so well, you couldn’t help but Steve was feeling the same way you were. 
Were you such a bad friend if you were actually excited for Robin to leave the two of you alone together? 
“So how did you meet Robin?” 
You blinked a few times before looking over at Steve. It was dimly lit, but you were seated next to the lamp on the wall, so he was bathed in a red glow. He must have been some sort of Greek god or something because no one can look that good in any lighting at all times. 
“She didn’t tell you already?” 
Steve shook his head, smiling slightly. 
You bit your cheek again and smiled. “Okay so. We met in our first year here, and I wanted to beat the shit out of her, oh my god, she like, never shut up. And while I love her for it now, it was causing some strained tensions between the two of us. So we were in the same class and got partnered for a project about Women’s history, specifically, authors who we deemed as important. And so I offered up Toni Morrison, who is probably my favorite author of all time, and Miss Indiana over there told me that her books were mediocre at best and wanted to do a project about Virginia Woolf. Then I called her gay, and she freaked out. Not in the aggressive way you’re thinking, but simply because I knew she was a queer woman, and it freaked her out that someone could tell. Like only a gay woman picks Virginia Woolf.” 
Steve’s eyebrows furrowed a little bit, and you could tell he was unsure about the path this story was taking, but you continued on. 
“She ended up letting me win the argument and we put together the most beautiful slideshow on god’s green earth. I mean, seriously to this day, I think about the transitions. A good PowerPoint can make or break a class—anyway. After that, Robin didn’t speak to me for the rest of the week.”
“Which is valid because I thought she was going to fucking hate crime me since my experience with people knowing I’m gay is either Steve or getting called a fag so…” Robin placed the drinks down in front of the respective people and sat down on her stool.
“Until…” You took a sip of your drink, cutting her off so you could finish the story.”We attended the same party that Friday night at Vickie’s house—I’m assuming you know all about Vickie and the mess that was—anyway. We were at Vickie's place and I went into the kitchen where some girls were making fun of Birdy and calling her some really awful shit because she was from Cowland, and so I called them all a bunch of cunts and then defended my homegirl because women support women, especially queer women. Then she kissed me, and—she’s actually not that bad of a kisser if I’m being so honest with you—and then we’ve been best friends since.” 
“I’m a phenomenal kisser, excuse you.” 
You smiled and nudged her with your elbow. “Sure thing Birdie. You’re nowhere near the bottom of my list though. I think Malcolm is—remember him?” 
Robin burst into laughter. Steve looked between the two of you, extremely confused by the entire situation—it was written all over his face. 
“He used to—” You couldn’t breathe because of how hard you were laughing. The sentence was virtually unfinishable. “He-He would…” You tried to take a few breaths. “He would, uh, spray cologne in his mouth instead of using a mint because he thought that’s what it was for—” 
You and Robin collapsed against one another, back into your fits of laughter. This had Steve cracking up, not just at the fact that this man was stupid, but because you and Robin’s laughs were contagious. 
“She didn’t figure it out until the fourth date.” Robin blurts out, causing you to wipe away the tears in your eyes and shove her slightly. 
“Shut UP. I only kissed him like twice before then and it was just pecks.”
You caught a glance of Steve out of the corner of your eye, and he was looking right at you. Your breath caught in your throat for a moment and the two of you stopped time for a moment. The corner of Steve’s mouth quirked up into a smile before he broke eye contact and looked back at Robin. 
“Wood in the mouth takes a whole new meaning—”
“Oh please. Don’t even start with that—”
“I’m just saying your choices in partners–”
“At least I didn’t date a married woman–” 
Your eyes widened and you looked at Steve. “She didn’t tell you?”
Robin started hitting your arm. “No. I. did. Not!” 
You laughed and used one of your hands to shove hers away from you. “It was like a three-month relationship but she realized–” 
Robin shifted tactics and clamped a hand over your mouth so you couldn’t finish the sentence. After a moment she made a gagging sound and quickly pulled her hand away. “Did you just fucking lick my hand?” 
You winked at her and looked back at Steve. “She knew this woman’s wife too. A month into dating Robs found out. Rough semester.” 
“Oh my god. Robin. Who are you? What else have you done that I don’t know about?” 
“That’s it. If you’re going to tell him all of my wrongdoings, I’m out.” Robin downed her drink and stood up. She kissed your cheek and grabbed her purse off of the chair she was sitting on. 
“Remember to wear protection there kid.” 
She rolled her eyes at you and turned towards Steve. “I know I—”
“Robs, seriously, it’s okay. Go have fun. I have been traveling all day. And I don’t mind talking to Y/n—” 
“Unlike someone here, I’m not going to abandon you, Steve, don’t worry.” 
Steve’s hand rested over his heart. “You’re too kind.”
Robin scoffed but was smiling the whole time. “Don’t wait up. Mom, Dad, I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
And with that, she left you and Steve sitting in the bar. 
“So Steve, what else do you want to know about our girl??” 
The two of you spent the next three hours sitting at the bar, ordering drink after drink. Eventually, you and Steve were knee to knee, your head on his shoulder when you laughed too hard, trading stories about Robin. Nice didn’t even begin to describe the way his cologne smells when you would rest your head on his shoulder, giggling about something he said. Or the way his hand felt when it rested on your thigh as the two of you talked and talked and talked. 
Or when the two of you couldn’t stop giggling on the subway as you told him about the time Robin threw up on someone on the subway after you both had been drinking all day during last year’s Saint Patrick’s Day. 
Or when you stumbled slightly on the street, clinging to Steve as he clung to you. Enjoying the sound of his voice as he whispered things into your ear. 
Or as your back was up against the wall next to your door, you watched Steve’s hands use the key and unlock your door, except both of you forgot the fact that the bolt was also locked, meaning Steve slammed his face right into the door since it wasn’t moving. You clamped your hand over your mouth, dying of laughter, watching as Steve tried not to laugh at the door himself, instead smiling brightly at you, with his head against the door. 
Or when you both stood in the hallway of your apartment, neither one of you wanting the night to end, toeing the line. Eyes pretending they weren’t staring at lips. Hands fluttering around, almost grabbing one another. An inch away from more than just friends. 
The next morning, you awoke to an empty apartment and a text from Robin saying that the two of them decided to “hit the town”. 
You took your time. Decidedly talking yourself out of everything that had happened last night, especially when Robin had left you and Steve alone. It was dumb of you to even think about potentially betraying Robin’s trust like that. She didn’t bring Steve here to add him to your collection of failed lovers—and even if she did, you had a sinking feeling that Robin would choose Steve. 
It’s not to say that she didn’t love you, adore you, and wish nothing but the best for you, but you wish to never even put her in that position. 
So instead, you decided to take your mind off of everything by spending the afternoon in one of your favorite little hole-in-the-wall coffee shops that was only a few minutes walk away from your place. 
You had managed to snag your favorite seat: a comfortable chair next to the window, and a plug. The plug was the best part since it meant you rarely had to get up and could just charge your devices without having to leave the spot you were in for potentially hours. And today was one of those days. The collection of mugs on the table grew as the hours of the day went on. By the time hour four had rolled around, there were about five mugs and two plates. 
That’s when the world did that thing again, when it decided to start ruining your day. First, your laptop was overheating more than usual, which was just plain irritating. Then, they had run out of the panini you were going to get for lunch. The final straw, however, was when one of your exes came waltzing up to the table. 
“Y/n, it’s been so long. How are ya?” 
You tried not to let a full resting bitch face take over, but to any observer, you were not happy to see the man in front of you. “Malcolm. Hey. I’m good.” 
“I’m doing great too. Mind if I sit? I just can’t believe I ran into you here.” 
Your breath hitched and that little voice in your head screamed panic!
“Um—actually, well, I come here all the time and you know that…Second, this seat's taken.”
“Well I’ve been here for about five minutes now and no one has taken that seat–”
“You’ve been watching me for five minutes? That’s fucking creepy Malcolm.” You tapped your finger against your keyboard nervously, eyes darting around, hoping someone would catch on to how uncomfortable this was for you.
“Please. That chair isn’t for anyone now is it?” 
“Oh I’m sorry, am I interrupting something?”
It’s still unsure if you audibly let out a sigh of relief seeing Steve approach the table, and take the seat next to you. 
Malcolm crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. “Look bud, I don’t know if you’re trying to play the hero card here by swooping in to try and save some damsel in distress you don’t know just to get her number, but you can right fuck off.”
Steve turned and looked at you. “Is he bugging you, Y/n? Because I’ll fucking kick his ass…”
You smiled and placed your hand on top of Steve’s thigh under the table, where Malcolm couldn’t see. You gave it a squeeze, hoping to god he understood how grateful you were at the moment for him. “Steve, this is Malcolm…you remember…from the other night.” 
“Shut the fuck up—this is cologne guy?” 
You nodded. Throughout the rollercoaster of being approached by an ex who was kind of threatening you, inside your favorite coffee shop, while you were alone, your heart rate shot up. Your heart was pounding. But when Steve put his hand on top of yours, you thought your heart rate would skyrocket. 
And then the weirdest thing happened, it didn’t. Steve started rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand, and your heart rate went down. If this was on purpose, you might never know, but this simple gesture from someone you have known for mere hours had your breathing even out and your heart rate slide back down to within reason. 
Wasn’t it written somewhere that love makes your heart beat out of your chest? 
That love makes your soul bleed and your eyes weep. Love is supposed to make you crazy and worship the other person till the ends of the earth. It’s supposed to be overwhelming and make you feel like you could burst just from how much love you hold within yourself. It was a disease, unable to be cured—a madness. It’s all-consuming, unforgiving, a fire that cannot be tamed. Something you willingly killed yourself for. Ended it all because the idea of losing it was a fate worse than death
What you’re feeling couldn’t be love then. That’s what you had decided. You weren’t going batshit crazy over the idea of risking your life for him or losing your mind over the thought that he might not love you back. It was just a plain and simple joy: sitting next to him, his hands on yours. 
Your heartbeat had found its way back to normal, and your mind began to refocus on the confrontation in front of you. 
By the time your vision refocused after the thirty seconds you managed to blackout, Malcolm was glaring at Steve but starting to walk away. Whatever Steve said, worked, and you looked over at him, confused. " I think I must have blacked out or something because how the hell did you get him to..." 
Steve shrugged. "If you missed it, you missed it." 
"You're joking right?" 
Steve shrugged and smiled. His hand was still on yours, but you completely forgot about it—
"What are you working on?"
—Til now. 
You begrudgingly took your hand away from his and brought it up to the keyboard of your laptop, clicking it awake so he could see what you had been working on. The two of you spent the next hour sitting and talking about your courses, which were all a bunch of nonsense anyway since you were a second-semester senior with barely anything to do. 
"You're taking a metal-welding class for credit?"
You smirked and nodded. "When I tell you college is a joke, I truly mean it. I kind of love it though. Robin, however, dislikes being outlesbianed by someone who is not a lesbian. But I think I'm getting pretty good at it too."
Two hours later, you and Steve found yourselves as the last two in the coffee shop, still talking about anything and everything you possibly could—wherever the conversation led you. 
When it was time to get kicked out, Steve helped pack up your things, and you both started the short walk back to the apartment where you ended up raiding the "delinquent Cabinet" as it had been affectionately named and properly labeled. 
By the time Robin got home from her shift, you and Steve had demolished a joint, several shooters, half a bottle of prosecco, and half a bottle of vodka. The conversation had never stopped, with the two of you always finding some way to stay touching to one another. You couldn't deny that the feeling of Steve calmed you down immensely, and the courage you were feeling from the past few hours helped with the want to have your hands on him. 
But when Robin walked into your apartment, you and Steve sobered up a tiny bit, deciding to leave some space between you both. You missed the way his hand felt on your calf, absentmindedly massaging it as the two of you talked about the difference between weed from Indiana and weed from a major city. 
“Hey you two…” 
“Birdy!” You exclaimed. Your eyes were fading away from the red of smoking, but your smile was lazy and your body felt heavy, but not in a bad way. 
“Ah, I see we broke into your stash?” 
You smirked slightly, and nodded. “Well if Mr. Harrington is going to smoke good weed, no offense to your friend back home, then he needs the best.” 
“Eddie sells good weed.” Steve defended his friend from home but it just made you giggle.
“Steve, that joint you gave me tasted like the equivalent of watered down vodka. It’s good, but it’s not the best. You can’t deny that mine was waaaaayyyyyyy better. Besides, it came from a pretty girl so it’s automatically better than Eddie’s.” 
Steve’s cheeks blushed slightly as he looked over at Robin. “How was work?” 
Robin’s eyes shifted between the two of you on the couch, but then settled on Steve. “How much did she have?”
“Don’t wanna know Birdy!” Your voice sang out across the room.
Steve shrugged. “Work?” 
She huffed and hung up her coat, admitting defeat on getting information out of a crossed-you. Robin kicked off her shoes and grabbed one of the bottles off of the counter–the one that was still half full–and joined the two of you on the couch. Robin managed to fit herself perfectly between you and Steve, causing you to frown slightly, but say nothing. 
“I almost punched an old lady but nothing new.” Robin took a long swing from the bottle of wine. 
“Was it that cunt Mrs. Defejeki?”
“Woah, language.” 
“What are you five?” You rolled your eyes at Steve’s comment and picked up the remainder of the joint out of the ashtray, trading the weed for the rest of the bottle of wine. You and Robin shared basically everything. There were always a few exceptions, but still. If you started a bowl, Robin would finish it. If Robin did a shot, you did a shot. And while you were both built differently, the mix of shit the two of you ingested managed to get the both of you to about the same place. 
Robin just relit the joint in her mouth, nodding at you. “You’d think she’d go somewhere else to buy eggs if she always has something fucking stupid to say about our eggs. Ma’am, no offense, but you’re in a fucking city. If you want fresh eggs, get a friend with a coop on a roof or some weird shit.” She took a long drag, eyes rolling back and her eyelids closing. 
You nodded. “Or just…leave the fucking city.” 
This caused both you and Robin to burst into a fit of giggles, causing the latter to cough a little bit since she was still inhaling. 
You felt Steve’s eyes on you the whole time, but it only made you warm and fuzzy inside…or maybe that the combination of shit you put in your body. But either way, his eyes were gorgeous. You couldn’t help looking back at him, trying to locate every single color that reflected off of his eyes in the dim lighting. It didn’t help that his eyes were redder than yours, but he was still just as stunning to you. 
Robin leaned in front of you, blocking your view of the gorgeous specimen across from you on the couch, and placed the filter back in the ashtray. “Now what kiddos.” She placed a hand on your thigh and looked over at you, a smile on her face. 
“Did you wanna go out? Because I’m a little decapitated at the moment.” 
This caused Steve and Robin to burst at the seams. You furrowed your eyebrows as Steve and Robin kept laughing at you. Everytime they managed to calm down a bit, they would look at one another and burst out laughing again. 
“What!” You grumbled, shoving your foot against Robin’s thigh, trying to get her to pay attention to you again. “Whattttttt.” 
“It’s—” She giggled. “Not decapitated–HA–Incapt—” She couldn’t speak, she giggled so much. “Fucxk Steve.” She heaved out. “How the fuck do you say it?” 
Steve, who was not much better than Robin at the moment, was wiping literal tears from his eyes. 
“Incoorperat—fuck—wait.” He giggled again, and you were sure a flame just washed over your body, leaving you with goosebumps. “In—Cah—Pass–ih–tay–ted.” 
He slowly sounded out the word like he was in the middle of an eighth grade spelling bee. 
You slapped Robin's arm. “I literally said that!!” 
Robin and Steve burst into another fit of laughter. 
The group of you continued to giggle, and talk over one another. All of you filled to the brim with smiles and laughter and stories to tell. 
At some point you had changed into your pajamas, most likely when Robin had decided to call her night and go to bed. You, on the other hand, had changed into your pajamas, and gone back out into the kitchen to clean up the mess you had made during the night’s festivities. Steve, who was still awake, offered to help you, like the gentlemen you were learning he was. 
The two of you cleaned the kitchen, talking about your childhoods, comparing the worlds you grew up in–their likeness, their differences. 
And somehow 11 pm turned into Midnight. And then Midnight became 2 am. And then 2 am had become 6 in the morning. 
You had spent the entire night, sitting on your couch, talking to Steve Harrington. 
Since it was early enough in the morning, you invited Steve to come and sit on the fire escape with you, and watch the sunrise.  
It really sucked visually when there was no sun to watch rise since the sky was overcast and gray, but that didn’t stop you from enjoying Steve’s company. 
The two of you sat in silence with one another. You and Robin had always joked about how much you hated domesticity, the thought of just existing with someone else for the rest of your life was definitely a thought that scared you. Especially doing things as simple as laundry or the dishes, eating your meals together, or sitting on the fire escape and watching the sunrise together. But this moment, with Steve, made your heart ache. You never wanted this moment to end. It was a new drug you didn’t know you needed. And now that you had it, how were you supposed to give it up? 
“I really appreciated last night–tonight—the past several hours.” 
You looked away from the street, and over at Steve. “I-...I really enjoyed it too.” 
He smiled softly at you, and you have no idea what came over you, maybe it was bravery. But you reached over and brushed some of the hair in his face, behind his ear. It was intimate, maybe too intimate for people who were supposed to be friends by proxy of Robin Buckley and nothing else. 
You could feel Steve’s breath hitch and for a singular moment you regretted everything. You regretted staring at him in the bar. You regretted getting coffee with him. You regretted telling him about your thesis. You regretted sitting next to him during your movie night. You regretted the movie night. You regretted staying up and talking to him for hours on end, wasting away the night until he knew almost every single thing about you. You regretted suggesting coffee on your fire escape when you realized it was six in the morning. You regretted brushing his hair out of the way. 
But most importantly, you regretted not putting your coffee cup down when you did because the hot liquid spilled all over your lap when you quickly retracted your hand and stood up. 
“Shit–Fuck. Sorry.” You watched as the liquid covered your bare legs and as the mug clattered across the fire escape, and off the edge, shattering on the ground below. 
“Shit–are you okay?” 
You were shaking your head. The coffee was fucking hot, that was for sure. And that was at least your excuse for the tears that sprang to your eyes. Especially since you really liked that mug too. Steve put his mug down and crawled through your window. “Where are your towels??”
Your hands covered your face as you vaguely mumbled something adjacent to ‘the closet’. Steve had no idea which closet you meant, so he grabbed the dish rag hanging off of the stovetop and made his way back across the living room and through the window. 
“Are you okay?” He handed you the towel and you wiped off the burning hot liquid. Luckily, you barely had enough coffee to kill you, so your legs were just a bit red from the quick extreme change in temperature. 
Robin, who had heard the commotion ran out of her room in a tired stupor and looked around, panicking. “Is everything okay?”
Steve looked back into the apartment at Robin. “She–uh, she spilled her coffee and the mug went over the railing and she’s not burnt or anything but—yeah.” 
Robin furrowed her brows and made her way over to the window. “Sweetheart, why are you up this early? It’s not even seven am.” 
You shook your head, and that’s when the thunder started. You aggressively sighed and made your way back through the window into the apartment, following Steve who had done just that moments prior. 
“I'm going to go take a shower.” You quickly made your way to your room before Steve or Robin could say anything. 
You grabbed your lotion and a hair towel from your closet, alongside your robe, and headed into the bathroom. Once you closed and locked the door, you looked down at your legs. The red was starting to fade away, thank God, and there was no sign of bubbling so at least your embarrassing blunder wasn’t going to give you physical injury—only emotional. 
Steve and Robin’s hushed whispers carried down the hall but you had no idea what the two of them were talking about, only that it was probably about you. You decided to ignore it and splash some water on your face. 
God, how fucking embarrassing was that? You weren’t one to get flustered by men, or women, or really anyone, but this? What the fuck was that? Spilling hot coffee all over your lap? 
And Steve had sprung right into action, could he be any more perfect? My god you were fucked. 
It was at that moment that you realized you left your phone on the kitchen counter. It’s not that you couldn’t shower without music, but you preferred not to. So now you have to contemplate the dilemma of going out and facing your best friend and her best friend who were definitely talking about you, while you were only in a robe, or do you just suffer in silence. 
When you heard the front door slam shut, you had your answer. Assuming that both of them had decided to go out to breakfast and give you some space, you shoved your clothes into the hamper in the closet in the bathroom and opened the door. 
And there was Steve, with his hand up, as if he was about to knock. “Hey—sorry.” 
“Oh–” You took a step back, and only looked at his face for a moment, a little too embarrassed to really make eye contact with him. 
“Sorry, it’s just—I–uh, Robin went to get us some breakfast from this place…She wanted me to let you know, and you had been in there a while without the water running so I–uh–wanted to make sure everything was okay.” 
You looked up at him and almost swooned at the sincerity in his eyes. Could this man be any more perfect? Did he want to talk to you? You had only been in the bathroom for like, five minutes without turning on the water? 
“I’m fine Steve, thank you for asking. I wanted to…um…apologize for earlier when I–” 
Steve shook his head. “You don’t have to apologize, seriously–”
“No I so do, I literally made a move on my best friend’s best friend, and almost completely unwarranted too–”
You were cut off by the feeling of Steve’s lips on yours. 
It was like heaven was on earth, and every single one of those thoughts came back to your mind. Steve’s lips—having coffee in the mornings with him. His eyes—getting dressed up and going out to lunch and running errands with him. His smile—making dinner with him and doing the dishes afterward. His hair—the sight of his head between your legs—
He pulled away the second he realized you weren’t kissing back and started to follow down the same path of panic you had just been on. “Shit—I read that so wrong–fuck, I didn’t—”
You pulled yourself out of whatever stupor you were in, grabbed Steve Harrington by the back of his neck and shoved his face into yours—lips crashing against the others. His hand flew around your waist and pulled you up against his body. 
He tasted like mint chapstick, something you weren’t sure you were expecting, but it just added to how attractive he was. 
Steve slowly walked you backwards, until the back of your thighs hit the counter. Steve all but picked you up while you hopped backward onto the counter. He was once again your knight in shining armor when he held you in place, saving you from toppling over into the sink. You laughed against his lips, causing him to smile and pull away for a moment. “You’re clumsy aren’t you.” 
You watched as his chest rose and fell, just as quickly as yours. You pulled him into another first kiss, wanting to feel his lips again. “You have no idea.” You mumbled, wrapping your legs around his waist.
Steve moved his lips away, starting to kiss up your jaw, preening at every little gasp and inhale and sound you made. He squeezed your hips and moved your waist slightly, giving you the hint you needed to start grinding on him. His teeth grazed your ear and you let out a moan, rolling your body up against his. 
Steve let out a breath against your neck making your skin break out into goosebumps. Your right hand was clutching the kitchen countertop, while your left hand had made its way up his chest and on the back of his neck. Your fingers wove into his hair, yanking on it slightly as he continued to kiss lightly down your neck. 
Something you never thought would happen today was hearing Steve Harrington moan. It was one of the hottest sounds you had ever heard in your life, causing you to pull on his hair again just so you could hear it again. 
“Sweetheart, you’re killing me here.” He groaned against your neck and pulled you directly against him.
“So do something about it.” You sighed out gripping the counter tightly. 
You felt him smirk against your skin and pull away from you, much to your dismay, which you made known by your groan. "Steve please."
"Say it again Princess." 
Your eyes met his as you bit your lips. "Please." 
A wave of something came over your entire body at the look Steve gave you when spoke. 
"Anything you want, pretty girl." 
Something else you had never thought would happen today was the sight of Steve Harrington kneeling before you on your bathroom floor between your legs. 
You had basically prepped for this moment since you were completely naked under the robe you were wearing, but the thought of a shower was now far from your mind. Steve kissed your thigh, causing you to suck in a breath, and grip the countertop impossibly harder.
He slowly kissed up your thigh, moving your legs so that they were over his shoulders. 
You moaned out his name, causing him to falter for only a moment. He groaned against your skin and squeezed your thigh with his hand. “Fuck me gorgeous.” 
You licked your lips, unable to lift your head from the way it was resting on the mirror. 
"Sweetheart, eyes on me." 
You moaned and inhaled, looking down at the man between your legs. His eyes were already on yours, as he slid both of his hands up, pulling you directly against his mouth. 
The feeling of his lips against your cunt made you let out the most strangled sound, trying your best to contain anything above a whisper. 
You could have cummed at the way he was looking at you, but just rocked your hips against his mouth, hoping for a bit more of the feeling of him. 
“Come on pretty girl.” He licked up your cunt, causing your body to involuntarily jolt a little bit. “I know you can make prettier sounds than that. I wanna hear them. I want the neighbors to know who’s fucking you like this–”
There was a knock on the front door, slightly frantic, but not panicked. 
“Hey, guys? I accidentally locked the door, can you come get it for me?” 
You let out a little gasp, your breath stuttering as you teetered on the edge of the counter and on an orgasm. Steve pulled away and kissed your thigh quickly. You leaned your head back against the mirror and just gripped the counter, coming to terms with the fact that your best friend just cock blocked you, and that Steve was no longer between your legs, eating you out like a starved man. 
“Hey, pretty girl.” He cooed, standing up and kissing you quickly. “I know I know.” 
You whined when he pulled away, the taste of you on his lips was not one that either of you would forget for at least the rest of the day, probably your lives. 
“I’m gonna turn on the shower and then go let her in—.” 
Your phone pinged with a text from Robin as Steve turned the shower on for you. You squeezed your legs together, trying to get any sort of release from the pent-up orgasm just sitting in your gut. 
“You wouldn’t do anything without me, pretty girl, would you.” 
“I could hurt you, Steve Harrington.” You muttered but nodded to his statement. 
He smirked slightly but then closed the door behind him and you heard him make his way to the door, to let Robin into the apartment. 
It wasn’t even 8 am and you hadn’t slept and the day was getting longer by the minute. 
After that morning, you had somehow managed to miss Steve at every turn, causing your frustration to build throughout the day, especially since he was leaving the next night. 
And then, because of your classes, you managed to not see Steve at all for the rest of the trip, except for the few minutes where the two of you crossed paths, with Robin. 
The last time you were face to face with Steve Harrington alone for more than a few seconds was when he was tongue-fucking you on your bathroom counter. And it was pissing you off. 
But one day, a few days after Steve had flown home, your phone pinged. And when you saw that one Steve Harrington had started following you on instagram, you followed him back embarrassingly fast. 
The only thing that was more embarrassing then that was how quickly he dmed you after.
And suddenly you were attached to your phone: Constantly checking it to see if he texted you, smiling at your screen whenever his photo popped up, giggling at his cheesy jokes out loud. Your demeanor had completely changed. Instead of the consistent snark and attitude, you had a more pleasant and approachable demeanor. You would wake up early in the mornings and make breakfast for Robin before she was even out of bed. At the clubs, you would dance and drink with people, but never danced with them for more than one song, and didn’t take anyone home either. Sometimes you would even opt to sit there on your phone, texting Steve. 
But after three weeks of being on the outside of whoever was making you feel this way, Robin had enough. She was going to find out who this mystery person was, and how the hell they managed to make you act like this. 
“Who the fuck have you been texting?” 
You looked up from your phone, immediately clicking it off. “What are you talking about?” 
Robin scoffed and rolled her eyes. “You’ve been on your phone nonstop for the past two weeks, smiling at it like some sort of lovestruck idiot, so who is it? Who are you smitten for?” 
“Pshh–I’m not—I think you’re losing it, or something.” 
“Is it a girl?” 
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms. 
“So what’s his name then huh?” 
You looked away from her, staying silent. 
“You can’t pretend like you haven’t been smiling at your phone, or that you haven’t been drifting off into space…You’re literally doing it right now?” 
You blinked the images of Steve out of your mind and shook your head.
“You’re delusional—” Just as you looked over at Robin, she was on top of you, having launched herself across the room in an attempt to get your phone from your hands. Unfortunately, Robin launched herself at you with such force that the two of you toppled over and she managed to grab your phone, snatching it from your hands. 
Right before she could slither out of your grasp, you grabbed her ankle and yanked her back towards your body. “Robin give me my PHONE.” 
This was an unfortunate situation for many reasons. The first was that Robin escaped your grasp and ran into the bathroom, locking the door behind her. The second was that your phone unlocked with her face so it was relatively easy for her to snoop. The third reason happened so painfully slowly. You heard her laughter die off and silence take over. She had discovered who you had been texting.
And you just stood across from the bathroom door, leaning against the wall and bouncing your leg, eyes wide, heart beating loudly, as you could feel Robin looking through everything you had been saying to Steve. 
She had been your best friend for years so she knew how you texted when you flirted, and to make matters worse, she knew how her other best friend texted when he was flirting too. 
Suddenly the door opened quickly and Robin handed you your phone back. 
She shook her head. “I’m going to go for a walk.” Her voice shook a little bit and all you could do was stand there, knowing better than to try and prod her. “I’m not—I just need to think and then we can talk about it.” She muttered. 
You watched as Robin grabbed her coat, her purse, and her airpods before you watched the door slam shut. 
The next thirty-seven minutes were filled with silence and a lot of panic cleaning. Suddenly your bed had new sheets in it, you had taken out the trash, the dishes had been done, you swept the kitchen—and even lit that midnight citrus candle Robin loved so much. 
Ever since becoming friends, you and Robin simply didn’t fight. The two of you got along so well that it felt like you were made for each other sometimes. But right now? Now was not one of those times. Instead, you paced around in literal circles because the guilt of non stop texting Steve was eating you alive. 
But it’s not like you did anything wrong either. The two of you had only been texting and nothing more. Sure it was almost every second you possibly could and he did take up all available space in your head, especially since the two of you never got around to round two of your bathroom scene—let alone finishing the first session.  
You were not dating Steve Harrington. You swore to yourself you wouldn’t do anything else without Robin’s knowledge and consent of the issue in the first place. 
You looked up when the door closed, making eye contact with your girl. In her hand, she had a brown paper bag and a drink carrier carrying her favorite drink in it, alongside yours. You smiled at her, hesitantly because she really could have thrown the drink in your face and you would have accepted it. But instead, Robin gestured towards the balcony and you nodded, grabbing some napkins and opening the window so she could step out onto the fire escape. 
Once you both were through, you each sat in your respective spots, delegating the drinks and the pastries she had picked up on her way home from whatever path she had taken herself on. The two of you did this in complete silence. At first, it was nerve-wracking, but the peaceful knowledge of the fact that you both could move in sync with one another felt good. 
You both sat and watched the people pass by, taking sips of your drinks, and taking small bites out of each of the pastries. You weren’t going to speak first—that much was obvious. 
After a moment, Robin sighed and looked at you. “You like him a lot.” 
Not a question, just a fact. 
You nodded. “Yeah…” 
“Hmm.” Robin’s mouth twisted, but not into anything malicious. She looked down at her hands. “I wish you told me you liked him sooner, because he clearly—uh, he clearly likes you back.” 
Your cheeks tinged with pink, and your hands rubbed at your cheeks, trying to hide the fact that there was a blush on your face. 
“I wasn’t going to do anything about it unless I talked to you first Birdy—” 
“I know.” 
“And neither was he—”
“I know.”
“And honestly Robin, I really do like him, and I was pretty sure he liked me back. I mean we spent an entire night out here talking and talking—I’ve never talked to anyone this much in my entire life. And he thinks I’m funny and actually answers my texts and I—I just….”
“I know.” 
You looked over at her. Your mind swimming with thoughts of Steve and Robin. It was bringing you to the verge of tears since no matter how big a crush on someone was, you would never let it come between you and Robin’s friendship. 
Robin took your hand in hers and shook her head. “It’s okay. I promise.” 
“Yeah–I mean. I had to think about it and at first, I was really mad, like pissed, because I thought you two had been seeing each other behind my back—which obviously I know you weren’t—and then I realized how fucking smitten you’ve been since he was here. I mean your attention was basically in Indiana.” The two giggled a little bit, a tear breaking free from your eye as Robin continued. “But you weren’t. You were still my best friend and you didn’t even do anything because you cared about me? And I’m not exactly thrilled that Dingus has won your heart over me, but I also wouldn’t not recommend him, if that makes any sense.” 
You nodded. “Birdy I–” 
She squeezed your hand. “Really. It’s okay. I’m honestly just mad about the fact that he’s answering your texts. He’s the fucking worst at texting everyone else so it must mean he really likes you. I’m extremely jealous…” 
You laughed again, just enjoying Robin’s goodness. 
“Besides, I feel like it gives me the upper hand for a question I’ve been wanting to ask. Wanna go to Cowland with me in a few weeks? The kids have been dying to meet you and they’re graduating from high school and I was going to go back anyways but since I know you probably want to see Steve again–”
“Robin. I’ve been bugging you to take me to Cowland for literal years. I’d be so down to go, not just because Harrington is there.”
The two of you shared a hug, arms wrapped lovingly around the other, squeezing almost all the air out of each other’s lungs. 
Finally, the semester had ended, and it was time for Robin to go home and visit her kids. You and Robin had both walked across the stage, receiving your diplomas in your respective fields, both of you with Magna Cum Laude cords around your necks, plus a few others. Steve couldn’t make it up to the city that weekend, which was a little upsetting to Robin at first, but all was understood. 
The two of you had signed a lease for another two years, deciding that you both wanted to stay in New York City, and you both wanted to live with each other. This was really exciting for both of you, but was causing a serious amount of guilt for your best friend. 
"Robin, it's not bad news. I know I'm biased, but it's incredible news that you have a job, and you have a place to live. and Yes—-don't cut me off—Yes, it's sad because it's officially going to be your permanent home, but that's, like, that's what growing up is." 
"When the fuck did you get so...so....wise?" 
You shrugged and looked over at her with a smile. 
Since Robin didn't have a license, the two of you patiently waited at the airport for Steve to arrive. He had no idea you were suddenly in the great state of Indiana. You had never been before, and Robin had told you not to get your hopes up—but part of you was excited to see where your best friend grew up, where she was before this chapter of your lives. 
You hadn't told Steve that you were in state, at the request of Robin, since she had some sort of plan in her mind. You knew that the first step was gauging Steve's reaction to seeing you at the airport with her, which made no sense to you, but you kept your mouth shut since this was her home turf. 
A maroon BMW pulled up in front of the two of you, and you could say you were surprised by Steve's car of choice, but you would be lying. It's not that he read as a rich person, but Robin had one time told you his parents were loaded and you had laughed her off. Seeing how nice this car was, you wish you could take it back. 
Steve pulled up to the two of you and rolled the window down. "Do you actually need help with the luggage or can you—" The second he saw you, he lost track of his sentence. Eyes roaming over your face, your body. Why did it feel good to be looked at like that? 
"You're here." 
You gave him a nervous smile. "That is true, yes." 
The corner of Steve's mouth tugged up into a smile, and the two of you continued to look at one another, enjoying the fact that you were finally in each other's company again for the first time in over a month. 
Robin snapped a finger in front of your face. "Good grief you two, let's get moving. I'm not standing out here in the sun all day because we stunned Steve into silence with your presence—-and to be fair, if you surprised me, I would be shocked into silence too by how excited I would be— pop the trunk Steven— to see you, but this is not the time. I want to get on the road as quickly as possible." 
Steve snapped out of the trance between you both and popped the trunk of the car. He quickly got out of the car and moved around it to grab the luggage from you, and Robin, to put into the trunk. 
"You suck ass, Harrington. You'll get out of the car for her, but was gonna make me put my bags in the back myself." 
Steve rolled his eyes and put his hands on his hips, almost like an exasperated mother. "Robs, seriously. You know I would have gotten out to help you." 
"I'm sure you would have Steve. I'm sure." 
"You're not even in Hawkins and you're being a pain in my ass." 
The two of them continued to squabble, making their way into the front of the car while you slid into the back. It was the sort of friendly banter that you could get used to. 
And you did because, after about ten minutes into the drive, you had completely zoned out and watched as the roads turned into fields. You had never seen such flat land before, it was... bizarre. The world felt like it was supposed to have things reaching towards the sky—trees, skyscrapers, mountains—but not here. It was tall grass and nothingness. But it wasn't a bad feeling, just different—something almost serene about the vastness of it all. 
Maybe it wasn't such a bad thing to be grounded, but you couldn't speak to that since you had literally run away to the city to live in the sky and aim for the stars. 
Your introspection about the human condition of reaching for the stars was interrupted by Robin. 
"Right Y/n?" 
"Were you even listening?" Steve huffed. 
"To be so honest, I have no fucking idea what you said birdy. Not one clue." 
Robin groaned and turned around in her seat to look at you. "How long have you been tuned out; I don't know how much of this I can restate." 
"Basically since we left the city." 
Robin groaned again: way louder, and with a lot more dramatics. "I'm not explaining this again. You agreed with me regardless, so it's the truth." 
Steve looked at you through the rearview mirror and smiled at you. It was one of those smiles that could make a girl trip over her own feet, and it was directed at you, making your insides melt. Steve had clearly been out in the sun since he was a little tanner than you last remember, and he had a small swatch of freckles across his nose and cheeks. It was adorable. 
"Oh! Oh! We're almost there!" Robin exclaimed, and you broke your eyes away from Steve's to look at the old sign she was pointing to. 
Hawkins - 5 Miles
"Five minutes til you enter a literal hellscape." 
Robin swatted Steve's arm and smiled back at you. "It's not that bad I swear. Like sure, it's a bit of a Cowland, that much is true, but—-"
"You don't have to justify Cowland to me Birdy. The only thing you have to justify is the fact that we have been on the road for almost an hour and I have yet to see a single cow. Now that's just ridiculous." 
Robin smiled at you and turned back around, facing the front again. She reached over and snatched Steve's phone (something you realized was a habit with everyone) and opened his Spotify, scrolling until she found the right song. She cranked the volume up and rolled the windows down, screaming along the words to Everybody Wants to Rule the World. How fitting. 
You rolled your window down and enjoyed the feeling of the wind on your face. While you had never been to Indiana before, or most of the middle of the country, something you definitely loved was how fresh the air was. No buildings or mass amounts of cars were polluting the air—just the grass and trees. 
Steve looked in the rearview mirror at you again, and you looked up, feeling his gaze on you. You could see the glimmer in his eyes as he looked at you. The pure joy that you were here. And you knew it was going to be a good two weeks here in Hawkins. 
That was until it rained for three days straight, and you and Robin were basically stuck inside her room with nowhere to go. Robin's parents were kind enough to lend you their cars when they got home from work since Robin didn't drive and you didn't have a car, but that meant that if either of you wanted to go anywhere during the day, you had to bike or walk and neither of which, in the rain, was really ideal. You could always wait for Steve to get off of work, but by then you'd have Robin's parent's car so you were stuck.
But on the fourth day, you woke up to the smell of petrichor and a shining sun peering through the curtains. This was perfect because of you and Robin's strict itinerary. 
Friday Day: Exploring the town/Lovers Lake
Friday Evening: Graduation 
Friday Night: Grad Party
When Robin told you that you were spending your day at Lover's Lake, you thought she was actually going to murder you since there were no real places named that, but when the two of you were picked up by Steve to head to the lake, you found out it was, in fact, a real place. 
It was actually kind of pretty, considering it was surrounded by woods. You were calmed by the sense of height within the area from the trees, but the actual visage of the lake was beautiful, and the sun reflecting off of that made it feel a bit more magical. 
You were decked out in that same hoodie from the other day, as well as your favorite pair of shorts, both of which were covering up your favorite bathing suit. Swimming was enjoyable, but you weren't sure if today was a swimming type of day or a lounging in the sun type of day. 
Either way, it was a 'try-not-to-stare-at-Steve-Harrington' day. 
Your chauffeur started to help two other guys around his age, set up a picnic blanket, secure an umbrella into the sand, and set up the speaker for the music.
Nancy, the girl you had yet to be properly introduced to, got out of the car she drove here in with one of the boys, and walked over to you, a bright smile on her face. 
"Hi! I'm Nancy, it's so nice to finally meet you. Robin hasn't shut up about you since you first met at college." 
Your face lit up and you tried to cover up the smirk on your face. "Since we first met? Damn Birdy, I had no idea..." 
"Thanks, Nance, now she's not going to shut up about it for fucking weeks," Robin mumbled, slinking off to go grab more things from Steve's car. 
"It's really nice to meet you, Nancy. I've heard a lot about you too." You smiled and shook her hand—it felt a little serious for a meeting, but you got the sense that was just how Nancy was. 
"Did Robin add your songs to the playlist? It gets really varied at times, but it's the only way we figured out to let each person be happy with the music if we all put fifteen songs on there, and then hit shuffle." 
You shook your head, really confused about what this girl was saying to you. Nancy handed you her phone and scrolled through the playlist, showing you everyone's music picks, and explaining it in further detail. When you finally understood, you paused. "So can I add anything? No questions asked?" 
Nancy nodded, smirking at the slight twinkle in your eyes. You added yourself to the playlist and handed her back her phone. "I'll add them before we start the playlist so that way they're in there fair and square." 
Nancy nodded and then looked over at the boys. "So! You've met Robin, and obviously Steve, has Robin introduced you to anyone else yet?" 
You shook your head 'No' and Nancy took your hand and dragged you off into the sand towards the gaggle of boys all staring at the umbrella since it was not as sturdy as they thought it would be. 
After a single gust of wind, it had knocked right over. 
"Nance there's no need to man-handle y/n—-" 
Nancy rolled her eyes and stopped short of the group. "Go get some rocks Steve, and pile it around the base, I'm pretty sure we went over this last summer..." 
"Yeah, and I'm pretty sure it ended up not working in the long run there Wheeler." The long-haired guy crossed his arms with a raised eyebrow. 
"Do they always give you this much lip even when they're wrong?" You half-whispered to Nancy, causing the two of you to try and cover your laughs. 
"Y/n! You're supposed to be on my side here." Steve threw his hands up in the air before they landed on his hips. 
"You look like a mom." You blurted out, causing yourself and the rest of the young adults to laugh together. Except for Steve, who was fake fuming, but really just at a loss. He really didn't think he looked like a mother but if a girl he had hung out with for no more than three days thinks so, then he might as well be fucked. 
"Where did Robin find you?" 
You looked across the group to the guy with longer hair, a tight tee with some sort of skull on it, and black bathing suit shorts. He was attractive, that was sure enough, but he definitely wasn't the pretty boy Harrington wanted to take a bite out of. Your voice dripped with sarcasm. "Take a wild guess." 
"Touché. So. More importantly, what are you adding to the playlist." 
You shrugged. "You'll find out. I'm guessing you're Eddie." 
"In the flesh." He did one of those bows that was reminiscent of a movie from your childhood—it was really fucking nerdy.
"And so you must be Jonathan." Your tone shifted, slightly nicer, less of a bite to it. It stumped Steve, watching you clearly figure out and adapt yourself to the person you were talking to, but never being one to actually hurt the other person, just tease lightly. 
Jonathan nodded, his arm was already around Nancy's shoulder, and he gave you a small 'Hey". 
Robin shouted over at the group for help with all three of the coolers, and you watched Jonathan and Nancy go over to help her with them. You helped Eddie and Steve set the umbrella again (this time properly), and moved on to setting up your towel and bag. 
Steve placed his towel on the other side of yours and sat down on the ground next to you. Eddie had moved on to setting up his area around the picnic table, reorganizing coolers, and setting up the various snacks for the group throughout the day. 
You turned and looked over at Steve, who was looking right at you, a brightness in his eyes that the sun couldn't match. It looked right, like it was supposed to always be there. 
"So..." You responded, smiling back at him.
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" 
You sighed and leaned back on your hands, looking out over the water. "Robin thought that it would be a good...test of character, I think is how she put it. She, uh, got a hold of my phone a few weeks ago, and made the connection about why I had been so..." 
Steve bit his lip. "So...?" 
You rolled your eyes. "I'm not gonna tell you if you're going to be a jerk about it." 
Steve held his hands up, "I swear I won't be." 
"Fine." You huffed and looked down at your legs. "Why I was so...attached to my phone, and blushing all the time, and why I kept smiling when I would get a text....and yeah." 
You saw as Steve's face flashed with a wave of emotions, all of which managed to stay just below the surface. One of these days you would have to just stare at his face all day so you could learn very little mannerism, every little quick about this man. 
"You, uh, smile every time I text you?" 
You pursed your lips but then nodded. "Yeah. I—uh, I do." 
"Hm." Steve nodded and looked out over the lake. 
You looked over at Steve just as he looked at you, causing both of you to smile again. Just as Steve was about to say something, you heard Robin call across the beach. 
You huffed slightly, the smile on your face becoming a little fake before turning and looking over at your best friend. "Yeah, babe?" 
"Add your fucking music so I can hit shuffle." 
"Aye Aye Captain." You gave her a mock salute and pulled out your phone, turning back towards Steve. 
"Am I seriously going to get judged for what I put on?" 
"We actually have a no complaints rule, since a certain someone would always bitch when his music never came on." 
Your face lit up with amusement and nodded, before looking down at the playlist and scrolling through the songs already on there to see what had been added already. 
"You really like the seventies and eighties, huh Harrington." 
He shrugged and smiled. "I think I could have easily been an eighties heartthrob." 
You rolled your eyes and shoved his arm slightly. "Yeah okay, sure." 
Steve feigned a gasp. "You don't think I could've been!" 
This caused you to laugh but continued to sort through your music, choosing the fifteen songs you felt like you wanted to hear most today. 
"I'm sure you could have Steve. I'm sure." 
Steve clutched his heart and fell backward. "You're killin' me here princess!" 
You hit his thigh, not hard, but just enough to get your point across. "Don't call me that, unless you're going to commit to finishing the job because you owe me...big time." Your eyebrows were raised expectantly, but your voice was low so only Steve could hear you. 
Steve smirked, and his eyes went a little dark for a moment before the sun returned them to their caramel color. "Trust me, now that you're here..." 
"Good." You smiled and laid back on your towel, enjoying the feeling of the sun on your face and thighs, and enjoying the company of the smirking man next to you. 
And you both stayed like this for the next hour, only getting up when food was offered. Steve eventually left your side, deciding to go for a swim. You opted out but enjoyed the view.
“He’s something else…”
You turned and looked at Robin sitting next to you, nodding in agreement. 
“He really likes you.” 
Your eyebrows knit in confusion. “You’ve been talking about me behind my back?” Teasing her. 
Robin shook her head and smiled. “I don’t have to. I mean, I've known him for years, but he’s never been like this about any girl, not even Nance.”
“Steve and Nancy dated?” 
“They were the couple in high school. Did not end well, but the two of them are still good friends, surprisingly.”
You mouthed a soft ‘oh’. 
“But…I’m being dead serious Y/n, he’s never been so…chill, peaceful…I don't know—”
“Sure.” Nancy chimed in and sat down on the opposite side of you. 
“He’s just so…sure about you. Like yeah, he can be a cocky asswipe, but he’s always freaking out about whether or not something is right, or going the way he thinks it’s supposed to.” 
Robin nodded along while you tried to breathe evenly again. Not that you didn’t get those feelings from Steve, you absolutely did, but hearing about it from both Nancy and Robin at the same time was a bit overwhelming. 
“He just, He’s so calm.” 
“We’re not even dating.” You sighed, crossing your arms and looking out at the man in the water. He caught you looking at him, and winked at you, sending you a smile along with it. You waved slightly at him, returning the smile. 
“He hasn’t asked you yet?” 
“Nancy, it’s the twenty-first century, girls can ask guys out too.” 
You rolled your eyes at Robin and shook your head. “No, not yet. We’ve only actually spent about fifteen hours in each other’s presence, with one of those being the hour drive down from Indianapolis…”
“Holy shit, and he’s that….wow.” Nancy leaned back on her hands, looking out over the water. 
Plus we didn’t want to start dating behind Robin’s backs and have her hate us forever and ever. But you kept that thought to yourself. 
The man in question decided that he had enough of the staring from the group of girls sitting on the beach, and waded his way over to you three, before walking out of the lake. “Can I help you three?” 
Steve was literally dripping hotness off of his body. The sun backlit him, creating this holy look about him, and the water droplets slowly made their way down his chest and abs and down towards—You snapped your eyes back up to his face, where he was watching every single movement of your eyes, smirking slightly. It was fairly pornographic and would have you dragging Steve over to the car and fucking him senseless, but you’d settle for eye-fucking him instead since Robin was directly next to you, and so was Nancy. 
“Just questioning Robin’s girl here.” 
Steve’s eyes stayed trained on you and he raised his eyebrows. “Hmm, then why were all of you staring out at me huh?” 
“Well, Harrington if you must know...”
“–I must Robin.” 
“I’m just learning things. That’s all.” You tilted your head slightly, almost teasing him slightly. Your gaze was already enough to make anyone blush, but Steve Harrington wasn’t anybody. However, he immediately lost the shine of confidence at the thought of you, Robin, and Nancy talking about him. 
“Learning what…exactly?” 
You, alongside the other two girls, just shrugged, causing Steve to eye all three of you up and down, and head over to where Eddie was cooking up some lunch for you. 
Sighing, you fully laid all the way down again and closed your eyes. “I think I’m just going to lie in the sun for a while and internalize every little thing the two of you just said to me.” 
You didn’t hear as the two girls got up and left you alone. You also didn’t hear as someone else took his place next to you. You just drifted off into a light sleep, enjoying the warmth the sun was providing you so that you could just breathe for a moment and figure out everything that was going on inside your head. 
First off, you liked Steve. And Steve liked you back. This was obvious before the girls told you, but the confirmation was a plus. 
Second, Steve hadn’t mentioned ever going on another date, ever. You hadn’t even gone on a first one if you remembered correctly. 
Third, You were unsure if Steve Harrington wanted to actually date you, or even kiss you. Sure, you rode his face like you were in one of those bull games in the rodeo bar, and he clearly seemed to enjoy it. But the only time he actually mentioned getting physical with you was either while it was happening, or if you brought it up first. Was he actually interested in you, or just being a gentleman? 
This shit was fucking hard, that’s for sure. 
You hummed, letting Steve know you heard him. 
“They’re going on a walk through the woods, wanna join?” 
You shook your head, not wanting to get up from your spot on the towel. 
Steve was silent for the next few moments. You assumed that he was staying on the beach with you since the others grabbed a couple things and started walking off into the woods. 
“You’re not going?” 
You opened one eye and looked over at the boy next to you. He was looking right at you–a small smile flashed across his face. He was nervous. “I-I hope that’s okay.” 
“Yeah…Steve, it is.” 
“Good.” He hummed and smiled at you. 
Hawkins decided on having a Friday Night Graduation, and while at first, you were hesitant, you realized you’d rather have a graduation at sunset than have to wake up at the crack of dawn to watch kids you didn’t know walk across a stage. 
You had gotten slightly dressed up, wearing a summery dress that didn’t leave you overheating, but was one step above casual. Sitting in between Steve and Robin was definitely something to behold considering they wouldn’t stop whispering to you, pointing out their kids. 
The Salutatorian was one of theirs—a Will Byers, Jonathan’s brother, as you found out. His speech was beautiful and even made you tear up a bit, which meant nothing since the group you were sitting with was all crying alongside you. 
Eventually, the graduates walked, and you watched your friends stand up and down, screaming and cheering for their kids each time one of them walked across the stage. You had learned all of them using a Quizlet, trying to make sure you didn’t mess up any names. So far, you had learned that Dustin Henderson was Steve’s favorite, with Max Mayfield being a close second. (from what you had heard, Max could easily be your favorite). Max was dating Lucas Sinclair, who was on the basketball team, which you found out Steve had been coaching for the past few years. Then, there was Will Byers, Jonathan’s brother, and Mike Wheeler, Nancy’s brother. Mike was dating Elle Hopper, who was best friends with Max. But Elle’s Dad was getting married to Will’s Mom…
You repeated this little thing over and over in your head, trying to wrap your brain around what could have possibly connected all of these older teens to Robin since she and Steve didn’t even talk until high school, and Steve only dated Nancy in junior year and—Honestly, it was weird, considering you really couldn’t imagine twenty-three-year-olds hanging out with eighteen-year-olds, but you lost all your doubt when you saw how connected this group was—whatever had happened between them, bonded them for life. 
Eventually, the caps got tossed, the principal said a few words, and they were all dismissed. The small group of you waited off to the side, knowing that they were going to all talk to their parents first. Steve stood next to you, and placed a hand on your waist, leaning down to whisper something in your ear. “Tired yet?” 
You laughed softly and shook your head, keeping your head straight ahead because if you turned, you were going to kiss him right on his stupid lips. 
“No, but I am ready to start drinking again.” 
This caused Steve to laugh slightly and straighten up, but his hand stayed on the small of your back until a gaggle of kids in green and white grad robes came running at you all. 
You took a step back watching as hugs and congratulations were thrown out at all of them. It was heartwarming, truly, to see such a family in action. You swore you saw, out of the corner of your eye, Steve and Dustin having a lightsaber battle at one point. 
Robin took your hand and dragged you over to the curly-headed one. “Y/n, this is Dustin, Dustin, Y/n. The Roommate.” 
All hell broke loose when Robin announced your title. The children’s heads all snapped towards you and they started to crowd you, which wouldn’t have been as intimidating if you had met them all before, or if they were shorter than you, which a bunch of them were not. 
“You’re her Roommate?” “We’ve heard so much about you.” “Oh my god, we finally got to meet you?” “You’re a lot prettier in person.” “Where did you get that dress, it’s stunning.” “You came to watch us walk across a stage? That’s definitely a choice…” “I wouldn’t go to Indiana if I lived in a cool place like the city ” “It’s literally so nice to finally meet you.” “You’re like really pretty.” “How did you meet Robin?” 
“Alright Alright! Let the woman breathe my god.” Steve yelled out to the group, as he took notice of your wide eyes. It’s not that you were nervous about meeting them, it’s just that the wave of questions was a tad bit overwhelming and unexpected. 
“Alright.” Steve sighed and looked at you. “Ready?” 
You furrowed your brows. “For?” 
“Well.” Steve started to point to each child as if he was giving you a speedrun introduction. “That’s Dustin, That’s Max and Lucas. Will, Mike, And that’s Elle. Am I missing anyone?” 
The group managed to give Steve a full unison moment of attitude. 
“You still look like such a mom Harrington.” You laughed a bit when he put his hands back on his hips. 
“God I knew I’d like you,” Max spoke up, causing you to smile at her. 
“It’s really nice to meet all of you!” 
They all responded back, at the same time, and then scattered. Whatever initial excitement was there had finally dispersed, meaning you weren’t the center of attention, and you could breathe again. Well, except for one kid, that came up to you. 
“It’s nice to finally meet you. Robin doesn’t shut up about you when she’s home.” 
“Good things I hope?” 
Dustin nodded, and suspiciously eyed how close you and Steve were standing. “All good things. But I’m surprised at the fact that you came to Indiana.” 
You shrugged. “Robin asked, so I came. Pretty easy decision. Best friends and all that.” 
“So, are you going to be at Steve’s later?” 
“What’s with the interrogation Henderson.” Steve raised his eyebrows. 
“I’m just asking her questions! She’s new! I can’t just..let her into the group—”
Steve scoffed, “As if you are the final decision maker in that?” 
“Uh, yeah. I am.” 
“Sorry Dipshit. The older half really like her, so she’s in.” 
“The rest of us have to vet her and you know it. Sure, Robin wouldn’t be friends with her if she sucked, but the rest of us don’t know her—”
Dustin eyed you up and down again. “I’ll allow it, but I still need further proof.” 
“Don’t be a dick, Dustin.” Max cut in. “She’s pretty, she clearly can put up with Steve’s shit since she’s willing to stand next to him this long. Why can’t there be another girl in the group?” 
Dustin’s mouth floundered for a moment before he settled on his answer. “It’s not that I don’t like her. I just….” 
“Dustin.” You smiled at him. “I’m not asking to infiltrate. I get it. This is clearly a tightly bonded family, and I’m not trying to just waltz in here and take a spot. But let me give you my qualifications and you can mull it over, yeah?” 
This amused Steve. Somehow, you had managed to entertain Dustin, and still manage to deescalate whatever the kid was thinking about. Dustin agreed to your terms and waited to hear what you had to say. 
“First off, unlike Robin, I have a license. I don’t own a car but I live in like the major city of major cities, so I don’t exactly need one. But I can drive. Second. I am not a current permanent addition to the group, at least presence-wise. I am like a fun aunt who will let you stay in the city with her when you want to get out of Hawkins, and I only show up at family functions to spice it up a bit. Third, I have traveled to several different countries in the past two years, which means I can and will bring you back goodies from other countries. Fourth, I know how to party correctly, which means I am at a good time, and I will provide references if you need them. Fifth, and finally. I am over twenty-one, which means, I can and will buy you things that you can’t buy yet. This includes weed from a major city where it is in fact better than the stuff you get here.” 
Dustin was taking all of this in, slightly bewildered by the fact that you literally just listed out your qualifications. 
“Oh. And a sixth one, thrown in for free, I can commit to a bit Henderson.” You winked at him before walking over to where Robin had been talking to Will about something. 
You felt Steve’s eyes on you but didn’t turn around, instead basking in the glory of dropping your over qualifications to win Dustin Henderson’s approval. You integrated yourself into her conversation with Will, enjoying the setting sun in the background. Tonight was going to be a good one, especially since you had decided that tonight was the night you wanted to talk to Steve about whatever was going on between the two of you, especially after everything that happened this morning. 
The kids managed to convince Steve to let them throw a graduation party at his apartment. Now this usually wouldn’t be such a big deal, but considering that they all could drink and party now, the space almost felt a bit too small. Especially since they invited some of their other friends that you had not yet met. Which is how you ended up sitting on the arm of the couch, watching all of the kids interact with each other. 
You looked over and smiled once you realized who it was. “Hey.”
“Wanna, uh–go into the kitchen with me for a second?” 
You nodded and got up, following him past the decently sized group of people, and into the kitchen. It was not a spacious kitchen by any means, but there was a noticeably smaller amount of people, so it felt a million times better. You could breathe. 
Luckily for you, you had been drinking since before noon, and it was well on its way to being one am. The true sign of a lady is how well she day drinks. You were on the balance of buzzed and tipsy, toeing the line with perfect grace. This gave you the confidence to feel a bit better about the fact that you were someone who was extremely touchy, which Steve clearly didn’t mind. Your hand had made its way to his chest, and you were gently tracing shapes. 
“What’s up, Steve.” 
You watched as his eyes flitted up to where the rest of the group was in his living room. He was silent for a few moments, which gave you time to really look over his face, and enjoy just how gorgeous he was. The curve of his lips. The slightly blush he always carried on his cheeks. The hazelnut color of his eyes. All while you were patiently waiting for him to sort through the words in his head. 
“I’m really glad you came to Hawkins.” 
“Me too.” You smiled up at him, batting your eyelashes once or twice for a bit of flirtatious emphasis. 
“Because I had a really really good time in the city with you.” 
You nodded, prompting him to continue talking. 
This caused Steve’s smile to grow, with what you were sure were tints of blush across his cheeks. 
“And I—well, I don’t exactly know what to do beyond this because you live in the city and I live here. And Robin might actually kill me if I ask you out, or if she found out the other things we started to get up to.” Steve was talking as quietly as he could, not keen on Robin finding out the compromising positions you had been in when Steve was in New York. “I know she has probably already said something to you but…I don't know. How do you feel about it because–” 
For the first time in over a month, you were able to actually kiss him, instead of just dreaming about his lips, his mint chapstick, the way his hands felt around your waist. You had placed your beverage down on the counter and cupped his cheeks with your hands, basically pulling his lips to yours.
That warmth from before came crawling up your spine and filled your body with light. Fuck, you wanted to feel this for as long as you possibly could. Enjoying Steve. 
But eventually, your proverbial luck would run out, since Robin cleared her throat from the doorway. She wasn’t exactly staring at either of you, but you couldn’t see her face since you covered your mouth with one of your hands, and wrapped the other arm around your stomach, looking away from her, losing all contact with Steve. Steve had quickly pulled one of his hands away, the other one still on your waist. You weren’t sure if Robin could see that one since your body was blocking it. Steve’s thumb ran up and down your hip, trying to calm you down. 
He could feel your heartbeat racing. How embarrassing was that? 
Even the calming sensation of Steve’s thumb rubbing up and down on your hip simply could not bring your heart rate down to a nice even 120/80. You’re pretty sure your Apple watch just pinged you about an increased heart rate. 
The only worse thing was that Robin had just walked in on you kissing her best friend. 
Her two supposed best friends kissed each other. 
“I–uh–I was going to ask you where Y/n went…but um, I can see you’re both a bit busy…” The sound of your name made you wince. 
Robin’s voice was strained, and she was trying to keep whatever emotions she was feeling at bay. Technically she had said this was fine, but she had never had to witness it or deal with it, in person before. 
“No, guys, seriously stop.” Robin took a breath. You could tell this was a bit weird for her, but she managed a brave face for the moment. “We talked about it. I’m okay with it. It’s just…It’s going to take me a second to get used to actually seeing it. Honestly, I just—I really wasn’t expecting to find you guys making out in the kitchen 
“Are you sure?” You finally turned your head and looked at her, more nervous about how she would react to this than anything else in your life. 
Robin smiled at you and nodded. “Really, actually, I’m fine. I am. I just, I’m going to go, um…I’ll be out back with Eddie if you need me.” She quickly left the room, leaving you and Steve alone again, to let out the breath both of you were holding. 
“I thought that was going to head in a way worse direction if I’m being so honest with you.” You muttered, squeezing Steve’s arm. 
“You’re telling me. I almost fucking melted when she first came in.” 
This caused you to let out a brief laugh. 
Steve sighed and rubbed his thumb up and down on your hip again. “I think she needs time getting used to it. We all do.” 
After another moment of staring at one another, the feeling of contentment made your heart swell, shoving some bravery forward and out your mouth. 
“I like you a lot, Steve.” 
He smiled. “M-Me too.” 
“Oh, so you agree? You like you a lot? That’s just what a girl wants to hear, damn.” 
Steve’s eyes widened and he shook his head. “No no, I meant I Like you a lot, not that I like me a lot—actually—” 
“Steve.” You cut him off, smiling at him. “I was teasing. You’re cute when you’re flustered.” 
Steve couldn’t fight the smile growing on his face harder if he tried. You watched it slowly reach across his eyes and he shook his head. “I mean it though–a lot. I don’t think that even covers it.” 
You placed your hand on his arm and squeezed it. “Don’t flatter me too much or my ego will inflate like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man from Ghostbusters—”
Dustin popped into the kitchen, looking around for the culprit. His eyes landed on you two and his eyebrows raised. “Robin’s friend Steve? Really? That’s the girl you’ve been–”
“Dustin. Enough.” Steve tensed up, cutting off the younger kid. 
“No no no.” You moved out of Steve’s arms and towards Dustin. “Please, Dustin. Tell me more, the girl Steve, what exactly.” 
“Dustin I swear to god—” 
You looked over your shoulder at Steve and winked at him, before placing a hand on Dustin’s arm in a very similar way to how you had just touched Steve’s arm. Now, you weren’t a manipulative person by any means. But men were easy to get information out of if you just knew how. 
You felt Steve’s eyes burning into you, watching your every move. 
“Dustin, do you have a girlfriend?” 
He looked at you weirdly but nodded. “Yeah. What does Suzie have to do with this?” 
“How do you feel about her?” 
Dustin’s shoulders detensed, and he tilted his head slightly. “Why do you want to know?”
“Just tell me about her.” 
Dustin, who basically never talked about Suzie anymore since he didn’t want to annoy the group, lit up like a fucking Christmas tree. “Well! She’s the perfect woman. Smart, kind, snarky, bossy, gorgeous—hotter than anyone ever—sorry. But she means the world to me—.” 
You nodded along, listening to everything he had to say about Suzie, even popping in with clarifying questions, or asking how they met. 
“Wow, that’s a long time to be dating someone so young.” 
Dustin nodded and shrugged. “When you know you know.” 
Steve was just watching you, completely fascinated. There were things Dustin was telling you that he had never even heard before. But he knew you were up to something, he just couldn’t figure out what you were doing. 
You nodded and cast a quick glance back to Steve, who met your eyes. “That’s true.” 
Steve almost blushed at the way you looked at him when you said that, making your eyes soften for a moment. When you know you know. 
“Why did you want to know about Suzie?” 
“I saw you texting her earlier. I’m sorry she couldn’t be here for your graduation…” 
Dustin shrugged. “She’s coming up next week for about a month so I’d rather have her for a whole month than just a weekend. Besides, we’re both going to the same college so…I’d rather focus on what we do have than not, you know.” 
“You are very wise for a high school graduate Dustin.” 
Dustin shrugged. “Well, I’ve been saying that for years but now I have the degree to back it up….Alright, I don’t know what you’re up to, but I’ve accepted your application into the group here.” 
“Oh thank you, I was a bit worried there.” 
Dustin rolled his eyes. “Please, you passed the second I heard the word Ghostbusters come outta your mouth.”
This made you smile. “Dustin, one last question, and then I’ll let you go back to your friends—”
“Actually, I’d much rather be in here since you seem a lot cooler than half of the people in there.”
“I appreciate that Dustin thank you. But, my question is. Does Steve look at his phone like that? The way you were describing Suzie…” 
Dustin scoffed. “Are you kidding? I’ve never seen him so glued to a screen before–”
You shushed Steve. “Let the man continue Harington, God.” 
Dustin preened up a little bit at the sound of being called a man, making him continue. “He’s like…I’ve actually never seen him like this before. He’s always checking his phone but he’s smiling at it and laughing at things…oh…You’re good.” 
You squeezed his arm before letting go. “Dustin, I need you to know that I am actually very interested in your relationship with this girl and I do hope I get to hear more about Suzie, I really do. I also appreciated the information you just gave me.” 
“You’re the phone huh.” 
“You’re a Genius Henderson.” Steve glared at him, definitely trying to conceal the embarrassment he was feeling. 
“So Dustin, tell me more about the way he’s been acting.” 
“Henderson if you don’t leave the kitchen right now–”
Dustin took a step away from you. “I like you, a lot, y/n. But I think I’ve done enough damage for Stevie over there, so I’ll leave you alone.” 
You nodded and gave him a little wave as he took off back into the living room. You turned around on the spot, facing Harrington, who was all but embarrassed at Dustin exposing him. 
“You smile at your phone when I text you huh?” 
“Oh shut up, you knew that already.” 
“It’s nice to get confirmation.” Your hands clasped behind your back, and Steve took the opportunity to walk over to you and place a hand under your chin. 
Your breath? Left the fucking building, maybe even the whole state of Indiana. 
“Confirmation that I liked you?” 
He was lifting your chin up with just one knuckle, just enough that your head tilted up to look at him. 
“I feel like what we did in the bathroom was confirmation enough.” He whispered, his lips ghosting over yours. “And if not, then kissing you a few minutes ago should’ve been.” 
You hummed, eyes closing, expecting his lips over yours. 
“You just like to tease me, huh.” 
“Steve.” You whined softly, leaning forward a bit, trying to capture his lips in yours. But he just shifted back slightly, not letting your lips do anything more than ghost over yours. 
“I like to tease too, ya know.” He muttered, his other hand sliding back onto your waist, pulling your body against his. 
You hummed, waiting for him to make his move, giving up the little control you had moments before since the prize was a kiss.
But no kiss came. Steve Harrington dropped his hands from your waist and chin, and stepped back, grabbing his beer off of the counter and winking at you. “If it’s a game you want sweetheart, I can play it too.” 
You groaned and watched as he backed out of the room, leaving you once again up against a counter and completely wound up. 
A few hours later, you had found yourself rolling a joint for the older group, basically giving Eddie a masterclass in the art. He was extremely doubtful about the fact that your weed would be better than his, but when he took his first hit, Eddie Munson coughed. 
The small group of you—Jonathan, Robin, Eddie, and Steve—all stared at him with wide eyes. You gently took the joint from his hand took a hit from it, and offered it to your right to Steve, who took a smaller hit than you. Since he had smoked with you before, he didn’t cough, much to Eddie’s dismay. 
Jonathan gratefully took it next, muttering something about Cali Weed, which you didn’t fully catch. Eddie turned to you, eyes extremely red. “Jesus Christ Y/n. What the fuck is that?” 
You exhaled slowly, impressing everyone, but Robin, with the amount of smoke in your lungs. “I say this with so much love in my heart Eddie—It’s good weed.” 
Eddie went to scoff but started coughing again, causing you to smile a bit. You felt the first hit in your face, always. No matter how many times, your face was always the first. It felt slightly buzzy, like a current was pulsing through your cheeks, your chin, your forehead. You leaned against Steve, watching as the joint made its rounds. 
“Nancy, not a big smoker?” 
Jonathan shook his head, exhaling the smoke over his shoulder to not blow it all in your face. “Can hold her liquor better than any of us though.” 
“I buy it.” You smiled, resting your head against Steve’s shoulder. 
Robin stuck her tongue out at you from across the circle before taking the joint and taking her own hit. 
“So Y/n.” 
You hummed and darted your eyes towards Eddie. 
“You told Henderson that you’ve been to many different countries, like where?” 
“I don't think that would make sense even if I wasn’t slightly high and slightly intoxicated.” You laughed and shook your head. ”But, uh, I don’t know. I’ve been a lot of places. Do you want me to just start listing them until you find one you like? Like those little Rolodex things old ladies have?” 
Eddie nodded, taking the joint from Robin and taking another hit, this time not coughing. 
You sighed and yawned a little bit, taking the joint when it was offered to you. Instead of taking a puff, you passed it on. 
“Alright so, uh, let's see. I’ve been to about twenty states, and that includes Alaska. I’ve been to Canada a bunch. I have been to the Caribbean, so a bunch of those bad boys. Where else…”
“Serbia.” Robin listed for you, causing you to nod against Steve’s shoulder. 
“Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, all three of which are gorgeous by the way. Which then takes me to Europe so uh those countries, plus obviously England, and Ireland, both Republic of and Northern. Then, let's see, France…”
“France was a good one for you.” 
You nodded. “Paris was good for me in many ways.” You made suggestive eyebrows at Robin who then burst into laughter. 
“Then tell us about it.” 
For some reason, you were starting to feel as if Eddie wasn’t your biggest fan. Now normally, if a man didn’t like you, you couldn’t find even a singular fuck to give, but this was bugging you. Maybe because he was so close with Robin. 
“Well.” your gaze hardened a bit as you looked at him. “I think I managed to spend a total of sixteen hours in the Louvre during my entire week in Paris. I spent another day seeing the rest of the Musees that I wanted to see, and then I did the rest of the touristy things the rest of the time.” 
“What about the Nightlife?” 
“What about it?” 
“Tell us about it.” 
“Eddie…” Steve warned, feeling you tense up as Eddie continued to poke and prod at you. His words weren’t sharp, they weren’t knives. But they felt like tiny little shoves across your chest. 
“Steve, it’s fine.” You muttered. 
“If you must know, France has good nightlife, but if you want to party, you go to Spain. If you want exclusive yet fun clubs, you go to Berlin. Anyone who’s traveled outside the continental US could tell you that.” Your jaw set, but the smile on your face was a bit devilish. “But Eddie, dear, what I get up to in foreign cities in terms of my sexuality is between me, my phone, Robin Buckley, and the whiteboard in our apartment.” 
Steve gasped. “That’s what those tally marks are.” 
Robin shook her head but then paused. “Well no, not...kinda I guess. But not exactly what you're thinking.” 
“I slept on your couch. You dirty dirty women.” He grumbled, removing his hand from your thigh, except it was just to lean back a bit, not to move you away from him. 
“We’re both extremely competitive when it comes down to the basics. Besides, Robin was the one who started it, she said that she used to tally how many swings and misses you would take at your old job.” 
Steve hung his head and laughed, causing the rest of the group to laugh alongside him. “Did she tell you what that job even was?” 
“Oh Scoops? Absolutely. We cut up that stupid fucking costume one year for her Halloween costume.” 
“That was you!?!”
You nodded and took a sip out of the drink you had brought out. “I’m also a costume designer.” You hummed. “Multi-hyphenate.” 
That joke was meant for Jonathan since it caused him to cough on the air in his lungs. “Resume building 101.” 
You mock cheers’d to that and rested back against Steve’s side, his hand moving back to your thigh. 
Eventually, it was just you, Robin, Eddie, and Steve left, sitting on the porch, enjoying the view of the stars. You had forgotten how stunning they could be since you had basically lived within the city for the past few years, not really going out to places where you could see the sky. It was just marvelous to you. 
Robin and Eddie stood up to go, meaning you also had to go. But Robin just kissed your head and whispered in your ear before you could stand. “I’ll see you tomorrow?” 
You nodded, smiling at her and taking her hand in yours. “I love you, Robin Buckley. Marry me.” 
This caused Robin to burst out in laughter, and she nodded at you. “It’s a date babe.” She said her goodbyes to Steve and left with Eddie who was your ride home. 
The two of you sat together, with you listening as Steve told you about someone, the constellations that he knew, with you lying on his lap, while he pointed out the stars. 
“And that one is Orion’s belt. It’s probably the easiest to spot since it’s literally just three stars in a row.” He whispered, not wanting to break the silence the two of you had created. 
You hummed. “That’s the hunter right?” 
Steve shrugged. “You probably know better than I do.”
You managed to sit up and face him, lips seconds away from him. “And what would make you say that?” 
He shrugged again, no longer looking up at the stars in the sky, but rather at the stars in your eyes. 
Your eyes flitted to his lips quickly, silently asking for permission, which he answered by placing them against yours. Your body exploded like the sun, radiating the peace you had felt all those months ago at the cafe, and then again in the kitchen. Neither of you moved, just sitting together like two lovers would, slowly kissing one another under the universe. 
Steve took your bottom lip between his teeth and gently pulled away, enjoying the sound you let out as he did so. You tilted your head slightly, leaning forward to capture his lips again in yours, but he dodged your lips and kissed your neck instead. His lips found under your ear and kissed there. “Wanna head inside.” He muttered. 
You hummed a positive response, unsure of how the two of you managed to make it inside and towards his bedroom. All you could focus on was the feeling on his lips, on yours, on your neck. His hands were everywhere, squeezing your hips, brushing up your thighs, tugging on your hair. 
But you found yourself backed up against his bedroom door. His body pressed into yours, kissing your neck. “Fuck me, pretty girl.” 
If that’s what he wanted you to do then who were you to deny him that much? Your head lulled to the side, giving him more access to your neck as you just moaned in response. Your legs were on the ground, but the only thing really keeping you up against the door was Steve’s knee, which had made its place between your thighs.
Steve’s lips quickly found that sweet spot right above your collarbone and he gently sucked on it, causing your hips to roll forwards and your eyes to roll backward. You inhaled and arched your back the more he sucked on it, nipping it to add some color to his mark. 
Steve felt as your hand snaked its way around his waist, your fingers cool against his skin. You tugged on his shirt, making him pull away slightly and rip his shirt off of his body. 
Both of your hands went to his chest, so you could run your fingers across it, feeling as much of him as you could. 
“Steve?” You muttered as he continued to kiss across your neck. 
He paused and looked up at you. 
“If you don’t do something in the next minute I’m locking you out of your room and fucking myself.” 
He chuckled, pupils dilating at the thought of you touching yourself. But he shook the thoughts away and pulled you in for a kiss. “As you wish, Pretty girl.” 
You hummed at his words, removing your shirt when he tapped on your back and pulled away from you for a moment. 
For some power beyond man, you wore a really cute bra today. It wasn’t lingerie, but it made Steve drool all the same, causing him to groan at the sight. He didn’t stop there though, slowly pulling off your shorts and underwear causing him to kneel down in front of you. You sucked in a breath.
The sight of Steve Harrington kneeling before you to eat you out was becoming your new favorite view. 
He took one of your legs and placed it over his shoulder, kissing up your thigh, slowly, looking up at you the whole time. 
He was looking for any kind of hesitation but instead, all he received was a “Fuck, Steve, please.” 
Steve smirked at you before licking up your thigh and gently nipping at it, causing your head to tilt against his bedroom door. 
Steve took his time eating you out. He teased you relentlessly, eliciting every single sound from you he could possibly discover, muttering how much of a “pretty girl” you were into your “pretty little pussy”. 
His lips wrapped around your clit and he sucked over so gently. Your hips shifted forward, back on the edge of an orgasm, waiting not-so-patiently for him to make you cum all over his face. 
“Come on baby girl let me taste you. I bet you taste so fucking sweet.” 
“P-Please Steve.” Your eyes were squeezed shut, one had in his hair, the other shoved against the door frame for support. 
The heat in your gut was winding up tighter and tighter, causing you to roll your hips, riding his face. Every time your body shuddered, you’d hit Steve’s nose just right against your clit, making you gasp a little bit. 
You moaned his name out, finding yourself closer and closer to the edge as he became more and more relentless fucking you with his tongue and with his words. 
He curled his tongue in the right spot, causing your body to snap. 
Not a single sound left your mouth as you cum on his tongue, back arching against the door, leg shaking as Steve held you up as you came. You felt his tongue working you through, and you could have sworn he moaned at the first taste of you.
Eventually, Steve slowly pulled away, rubbing circles on your hips with his thumbs. Your high was slowly coming back down and you muttered out a ‘holy fuck’, which caused Steve to nip at your thigh. Still sensitive, you let out a moan in response before yanking on Steve’s hair gently.  
He chuckled, the breath from his lips causing you to squirm a bit. What a sight you must have been: almost completely naked, covered in hickeys and marks, with a man wrapped in between your legs, up against his bedroom door. 
Steve slowly let your leg down, before kissing his way back up, enjoying every little sharp intake of breath, and every little moan that got caught in your throat. He made his way to your lips and it was dirty how much you enjoyed kissing him while he still had you all over his lips. It was obscene. 
“How ya doing pretty girl.” He muttered, arms wrapped around your waist, lips on yours. 
You were blissed out. Every time you thought about what you just experienced, your hips twitched a little bit, and all you could do was use your hands to shove Steve’s lips further into yours. His tongue ran across your bottom lip, and you happily obliged, opening up a bit more so he could taste all of you. 
When he pulled away so you could breathe, he went back to kissing your neck. “I’ve been dreaming about your taste for fucking months.” 
You swore you could orgasm a second time at that sentence alone. 
Steve’s fingers melted into your skin, and you were sure that there were permanent sun spots where his hand was, forever indicating where his hands should always be. 
You gently pulled on his hair once again, gaining his attention. “Steve.” You muttered, rubbing your thumb up and down on his neck. 
He nodded and reached over, opening the door to his room. 
The two of you slowly made your way to his bed, lips on lips, hands grabbing for skin, wanting more contact than what you had. 
By the time you were on the bed, your skin had become a canvas and Steve was the artist, his lips leaving little marks scattered across your skin like constellations. 
Steve pulled away for a moment, sitting back on his heels, causing you to sit up. You took over his task, slowly unbuckling his belt, looking up at him the entire time. Steve licked his lips and bit his bottom one at the sight of you. 
You slowly pulled it out of the belt loops and then threw it somewhere in the room. Your fingers made their way up his thighs before they popped open the button of his jeans. You could see the strain on the jeans from how hard Steve was, pushing against the fabric.
He groaned as you unzipped them before leaning back on your hands, watching him take them off. You could have sworn you started to drool when you saw his cock. 
His hands almost started you as he placed one beside your head, leaning down to kiss you. 
You didn’t realize that he had been wearing his silver chain this entire time, until it brushed against your collarbone when his lips connected with yours. You felt as Steve slid his knee between your legs, and his other hand cupped your cheek. 
“Steve I–” You muttered against his lips, but he cut you off by kissing you again. 
After a moment, he pulled away, hovering above you. “What gorgeous.” 
“Please.” You whispered, feeling antsy at the fact that you hadn’t felt him yet, that he was barely touching you. 
He smiled slightly. “You have somewhere to be?” He joked, kissing the corner of your mouth. 
You rolled your eyes. “What if I did.”
He kissed your collarbone. “By all means.” 
The top of your chest, above the bra. “Leave then.” 
You let out a shuddered breath at the feeling of his mouth above your chest and closed your eyes. 
“No?” He licked up your neck and nipped at the bottom of your ear. “Come on baby girl, nothing more to say.” 
He chuckled and slid his hand down to the front of your bra, undoing it with one hand. “Opens from the front…someone was prepping.” 
Your cheeks turned red and you shook your head. “N-no.” 
He shrugged and took it off of you. “Doesn’t seem that way, sweetheart.” 
Your nipples hardened at the cool air surrounding you both, and Steve put his hand on your waist, slowly sliding up your side until he could cup your tit in his hand, giving it a squeeze. 
You moaned at the contact but kept your eyes on the scene in front of you. It would be criminal to not watch Steve take his sweet time with you. 
He shifted again, making it so he was able to rest on top of you, and trace designs across your chest with his tongue. It flicked against one of your nipples which made your body jump up against his. 
“Shut the fuck up.” You muttered, one of your hands making its way to his shoulder and squeezing it tightly. 
He rubbed his thumb over the other nipple, flicking it. His tongue went to work, finding out everything that made you feel good, that made you moan. Once Steve had worked you up, he switched his attention to your other tit, his lips kissing across the valley of your chest. 
He was teasing you, watching every single movement of your body and while you wanted to shove him back down to clean up his mess, you couldn’t help it. You had never seen a sight so intoxicatingly hot. His chain dragged around with him, adding to the sensation of his mouth on your skin. 
Somehow from barely moving, you felt like your body was on fire, it was too hot. You felt too good. 
“Gonna take my sweet time with you, pretty girl.” He muttered, kissing back up your collarbone. “Gonna hear every single one of those pretty sounds come out of that pretty mouth of yours. Yeah?” 
All you could do was nod and close your eyes, trying not to orgasm right then and there. 
He tsked and squeezed your waist. “I wanna hear it, baby. I want to hear you.” 
“Yes–yes–please god yes.” Your answer poured out of you before you could even think about it. The only thing in your head was Steve Harrington. Steve’s hips, his ass, his arms, his chest, his lips, his hair, his chain, his stupid fucking smirk. 
You felt him pull away for a moment, and you opened your eyes. He had gotten up and grabbed a condom, ripping it open with his teeth and tossing the wrapper somewhere. You watched as he slid it over his cock, which was already glistening with pre-cum, causing him to smirk. 
“I make you excited or something, Harrington?” 
He laughed as he made his way back over to the bed. “Something like that yeah.” 
You leaned up slightly and captured his lips on your own, enjoying the moment of just his lips on yours. 
He hummed and you felt him slowly guide himself to your entrance.  
You’d never spent the whole night fucking someone, until now, and even then, you weren’t sure what you were doing was just fucking one another. Sure it started out like that, but it evolved into something more the second Steve Harrington took your hand in his and pushed into you for the first time, whispering everything he adored about you into your ear. 
A sigh that could be categorized as relief left your mouth when he bottomed out, just letting the both of you get used to the feeling of one another. 
He kissed your jaw before slowly pulling his hips back out. 
You moaned into his ear as he started moving, your bodies moving in sync just like those cheesy books you had read told you. 
Feeling good has never come so easy to you. The way Steve Harrington was kissing you, so tender, with sure care made you want to freeze the world so you could stay here forever, with him. Your moans match up to each thrust, each inhale from when he kisses the sensitive skin right above your collarbone. 
The stars outside shined brighter for you, that’s what you would swear when telling your friends, that the universe quieted and the stars multiplied so you could see all of them as Steve made love to you, whispered how much he adored you, how he couldn’t wait to kiss you the moment he saw you at the airport. How he wanted to see what you tasted like the moment he first met you. 
It was overwhelming, only breathing in Steve, bodies picking up the pace as you simultaneously leaned over the line, ready to snap. 
You begged him, you needed him. His name falling from your lips with every single movement he made. 
His hand slid down your body and slowly started toying with your clit. “Come on pretty, let me feel you. I want to feel you. You’ve been so good for me, so fucking hot baby, let me feel you.” 
It snapped. The coil in your stomach snapped and you came, walls clenching down on him. Your mind went blank and your vision was filled with millions of stars that had floated in through the window and hung in Steve Harrington’s eyes. 
The feeling of you caused him to quickly follow you, hips thrusting into you, making you both ride one another’s orgasms. The sound of his breath, his moans, caused another wave to crash down on you. Your back arched, jaw quivering as your chest lost all of its air. The weight of his body kept you grounded but your mind was in the clouds. 
That calmness you had experienced before settled into your chest. It was unlike anything you had ever experienced before. There was no insatiable hunger, no need to go again (at the moment), nothing of the sort. Just a need to become inseparable, to become one whole again from two halves. 
And you could tell Steve felt the same from the way he kissed your cheek and lifted his head to look at you. You both felt it. The feeling as if this was right as if you were supposed to be here with one another, as if it was written in the stars, or read through some tea leaves—you were supposed to be falling in love with Steve Harrington. 
You leaned up ever so slightly, saying everything you possibly could with your lips against his, with no words being spoken. There was no need for them anyway because you just knew Steve felt the same. 
You spent the next week, doing your best to split your time between your best friend, and your something new. Robin was actually doing quite well adjusting to the two of you since it felt like this had always been normal. 
The night before you and Robin were set to leave, Steve had taken you out by Lover’s Lake again, remembering how much you loved hearing about the stars. It was breathtaking. Truly the sky felt so vast and so big and you were standing underneath all of that with someone you truly cared about. 
The night didn’t end there. 
The two of you melted into one another in the backseat of Steve’s car. Skin on Skin. Stars collide in your eyes. Hands digging deeper than skin into souls. 
Yet after all of that, you were still too terrified to ask the question that had been on your mind since last Friday. 
What Now? 
“I had been, uh, thinking.” 
Steve’s thumb was rubbing against your hip, bringing your focus back to him. 
“And, uh, we have to…”
You nodded. 
“Steve I–”
Steve shook his head. “Let me get through this, yeah?” He whispered, almost like he was scared to even hear his own voice. 
“I-I have been searching for a way out of Hawkins for a while now. I love my friends, but now that the kids have graduated and-and are moving away, I don’t even know what to do with myself.” 
You brushed your hand against his cheek as a sign of comfort, not saying anything. 
“I don’t want you to think I’m latching onto you because you could get me out of here. I need you to know that’s not—I have never felt more sure about anything—anyone in my entire life than I feel about you. It sounds fucking crazy to say out loud, but I swear your touch literally brings my heart rate down. Hearing your laugh is like a fucking drug and, and, I want to spend as long as I can staring into your eyes, memorizing every single centimeter of your body, watching you as you stare up at the stars. I w-want that. I want it so badly. It sounds delusional since we’ve barely spent a full week's worth of time together. But speaking it out into the universe has fucked me over so much in the past. Anytime I’d utter any true want out loud, it’d, uh, it’d disappear. But I can’t—I think I’d go batshit if I couldn’t kiss you every day. What–what I’m trying to say is that—” 
You gently placed your lips on his lips, not having the words in the English language to describe the field of flowers blooming in your chest under the sunshine that was Steve Harrington. 
Steve smiled and pulled away after a moment. 
“You were gonna launch into the sky with the way your mouth was running.” 
Steve nervously laughed and nodded, closing his eyes. 
“I just don’t want you to think that I’m into you because you could be a way out of Hawkins. I need you to know that I’m seriously falling for you and I-I couldn’t be more in awe of you every time I look at you.” 
Your eyes started to water and you shoved his chest. “Fuck Steve. That was…That was one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me.” You muttered, burying your face in his neck, to hide the fact that this man just made you so emotional using minimal words. 
The two of you sat there, enjoying the company of one another, whispering sweet everythings in each other’s ears. It was everything to you. His hands on your body, his eyes locked onto yours. The thought of having to leave the next morning had you terrified since neither of you really had any idea how you were going to make this work, but you’d be fucking damned if you weren’t going to try. Steve was worth it to you. He was worth everything. 
And suddenly, because of Steve Harrington, you started to believe that you were worth everything too. 
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jjksblackgf · 11 months
cherry flavored | jjk (m)
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pairing — jeon jungkook x reader summary — You bet with your boyfriend that he can't handle more than five minutes of your tongue, but Jungkook never turns away from a challenge. You'll make sure to keep him in his place. genre — smut, pwp, established relationship rate — 18+ word count — 1.6k warnings — explicit sexual content, oral sex (m receiving), deep throating.
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The empty bottles of wine filled the center of the dining table, and the cheese platter was almost gone. Jungkook, with an arm around your shoulder, sat by your side at the dinner table, and your friend group filled the rest of the seats.
The laughter surrounded the apartment, and your friends filled you with joy.
“Can I help you clean up?” One friend asked you, and through her eyes, you could see she needed to talk.
“Sure thing,” you agreed. She asked your friend Alicia to join you in the kitchen before she started to talk.
“Guy, I need your help,” she said, nervous.
“Shoot,” you prompted.
“I’m dating this guy, and he’s got the biggest stamina ever!” she exclaimed. “I don’t know what to do. I need to get some sleep,” she finished whispering. You had to giggle at that.
“What is your dating life?” Alicia asked her, finishing the last of her wine. “The last guy didn’t know how to make you cum, and now this?”
“Everything in excess is bad for you, you know.”
“You need to control the situation,” you said. “Get him as hard as he can and only let him finish once you’re satisfied. That’s how I do it with Jungkook. Less than five minutes of blowjob and he’s done for. I usually do that when I want to speed things up.”
“Excuse me?” Jungkook appeared in the kitchen with some more plates for the dishwasher. 
“Did you figure out what they are talking about?” Jeremy, your coworker, butted in the conversation, walking into the kitchen too. 
“This one right here,” Jungkook said pointing to you, “just said that sometimes things need speeding up,” he said, frantic. 
“What things?” Jeremy asked.
“In the boudoir,” Alicia clarified.
“Oh, my man!” Jeremy shouted, hugging Jungkook sideways. “Be my personal trainer, man. I need that stamina,” Jeremy slurred his words and the girls giggled. 
“That’s rich coming from you, since you can’t take your hands off me,” Jungkook said. His face was full of emotion. Betrayal and cockiness were the most prominent.
“I can too,” you countered. Your friends just stood there, turning their heads from you to Jungkook and back.
“Alright, prove it. We’ll clock it. Whoever lasts longer wins.”
“You’re being such a virgo now,” Alicia commented.
“Okay, fine,” you agreed. And with that, you shook hands. 
Even though your friends were fully entertained, they had to leave eventually. Jeremy wished Jungkook good luck, and he rolled his eyes. The dishes were clean, the wine stained tablecloth was in the washer, and you were done.
“High five for the cleaning crew,” Jungkook said, already offering both of his hands. You complied, and he used the opportunity to pull you to his chest and kiss your lips. “Shout out to us.”
“Shout out to us,” you agreed, pecking his lips.
“Want to go to the boudoir?” He asked, mocking Alicia’s tone. “I want to set a record from the jump.” You had to roll your eyes at that. “I promise I won’t gloat.”
“Let’s see how you perform,” you challenged.
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You woke up after a blissful night, still riding the high of an orgasm before a good night’s sleep. 6 minutes and 12 seconds. You were ashamed. If you were to guess, you’d say at least 10 minutes. But he’s good. Really good. With a tongue of the gods.
Jungkook shifted in his bed, stretching loudly and with a sinful smile. He woke up feeling himself. He didn’t gloat with his words, but his expression alone had you fuming. You had to beat him. You’d have to pull out the big guns. To the drug store you went.
The day passed quickly, and in the late afternoon you came back from work ready to rock his world. You entered the bedroom and heard Jungkook turning off the shower. That was good, less clothes to take off. He stepped out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his hips and one drying his hair. His hair… His wet hair… It had you drooling. But you had a job to do.
“Wow, look at those pecs,” You said, sitting in the bed. You had the most fantastic view of his body. The light of the sunshine hit the droplets of water that were traveling through his torso just right. Mouthwatering. 
“Like what you see?” Jungkook said, wiggling his eyebrows and flexing his abs slightly. He walked closer to peck your lips. You used this moment to run your hand through his hair and hum in appreciation. Jungkook was really feeling himself now, smirking through the kiss.
Perfect time to enact your three step plan.
Step one, flatter his ego.
Step two, engage his competitiveness.
Step three, win
“You have somewhere to go?” you asked, holding his arm before he could go get dressed.
“Not tonight. Why? Feeling inspired?” he asked, jokingly stroking his abs, drying a few water droplets with the tip of his fingers.
“Actually, yes. I’m feeling pretty lucky to have left my end of the bet for tonight. You look so hot with water dripping on you like this,” you said, ogling his body and biting your lower lip. He gave you a breathy laugh.
“Say more words like that.”
“I’m ready to admit defeat. I just want to cherish you all night long,” you whispered. Wait for it…
“Wrong turn. I have the stop watch ready to go.” Bingo. “I am nothing if not a man of my word.”
“I guess that’s fine by me, too.”
“Where do you want to do the honors?” he asked, and you patted the bed, pulling him closer. He sat down, and you pushed his shoulders back, he fell down on the mattress and you straddled his lap with confidence.
“Bossy. I like it.”
“I can tell” you said, feeling his cock getting harder against your jeans. He was so easy. But getting him hard wasn’t difficult, getting him off on the other hand… But you had a good plan.
“Ready?” he asked and you pulled out flavored condoms out of your pocket.
“Yes, sir!”
“Condoms? I’m clean,” he joked, and you rolled your eyes.
“They’re part of the experience.”
“Condoms!?” he asked louder. “The things known to delay sensation of all mankind?”
“Not when I suck the flavors off them, they don’t.”
“Flavors?” he asked, and his eyebrows shot up.
“Get the watch going,” you smirked. He took a deep breath and pulled out the stopwatch.
“You’re on,” he said, pressing the top button.
You kissed his neck first, taking advantage of his position, and he closed his eyes. Maybe concentrating on not cumming, maybe enjoying the experience, maybe both. You grinded your crotch against his, and you noticed his breath get faster. 
You trailed kisses down his torso, savoring the many water droplets. You got off the bed and removed the towel easily. You opened the first condom, putting it perfectly. You saw Jungkook’s eyes shot open, and you knew he was curious about your methods.
“Which one is that?” he asked, trying not to sound so interested.
“Refreshing,” he commented. He physically prepared himself, balling his hands into fists and taking a deep breath.
You had this, though. You used all of the pressure of your cheeks, wrapping your lips around him completely and bobbed your head slowly. You caressed his inner thigh in the process. Not much composed, Jungkook groaned and hissed, and you could see he was doing his best not to cum.
The flavor was gone in about two minutes, and Jungkook sighed in relief when it was time to change it. He ran his palm through his face, taking another deep breath, but you still hadn’t pulled out all of the tricks up your sleeve.
“Time for cherry,” you sang. Your secret weapon. Jungkook loved all things cherry flavored. The fruit, pies, jam, chapstick… So when his head shot up, and his eyes were about to jump out of their sockets, you knew you made the right choice.
You didn’t give him time to fully process it, your mouth engulfed him again, as deep as it could go. You made sure to use your gag reflex to your advantage, closing your throat around his tip, and retrieving it with a loud pop. The saliva trail left behind left you moaning his name.
“Jungkook, I want to taste you, baby,” you said seductively, and he whimpered, closing his eyes shut.
And you continued with your technique, ruthless.
One more.
When your lips wrapped around him for a fourth time, he pressured against the back of your head to keep you there. Your throat closed around him once more, and with a final grunt, he released you.
He panted hard, and you quickly grabbed the stopwatch, pressing the top button to mark your time. 5 minutes, 53 seconds.
He did last five minutes after all, just not longer than you.
“You played dirty,” Jungkook accused, seeing your inappropriate smile.
“Dirty is my middle name.”
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Your friends were once more gathered around your dinner table. Jungkook was refreshing people’s drinks while you served the desserts. Cherry pie.
“How’s things with what’s-his-name?” you asked your friend, not bothering to remember his name.
“I took your advice to edge him, and it worked like a charm. But it’s not going to work, he’s too needy now,” she answered.
“Go figure,” Alicia commented.
“Hey, how was the bet by the way?” Jeremy inquired.
“Mind your business, Jeremy” Jungkook said, and the table erupted in laughter.
“How long?” Jeremy pressed.
“I lasted 20 seconds longer,” you gloated.
“Score!” Jeremy high fived you, and Jungkook rolled his eyes.
“I thought you promised not to share.”
“I promised no such thing.”
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ell-alexanderarnold · 6 months
Everywhere I go leads me back to you
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Summary: Two lovers with two different lives and there’s never ending arguments. Y/n asks herself if the relationship is worth saving. What happens when the two lovers paths starts to collide and goes the other direction?
Angst & Fluff
Note: Let me know your thoughts! <3
You sat in the car, hands on the steering wheel and you stared at your engagement ring on your finger. You thought about how it was two years ago when you didn’t study, and were home all the time, always available for Trent. But he was not always available for you. You would travel to watch him play at Anfield and when he was playing away games, but nowadays you have to study really hard if you want to make it.
Then he proposed of course, you two were so madly in love. However, what happens when two lovers paths starts to collide and goes the other direction?
You and Trent hasn’t been able to catch up with each other for a while, and you miss him. You get sad when you think about it and sometimes you wish it could be how it was before you started studying.
You parked your car and noticed that Trent’s car also was parked, which was strange because you knew he had a game tonight.
You exited your car and then unlocked your door. You smelled that someone was cooking, that someone was Trent.
“Hello” You said and walked in the kitchen where Trent stood cooking.
“Hey love, you hungry?” He answered and smiled at you.
“Yeah, a little” You simply answered and Trent lead you to the dinner table where he had lit up candles for the dinner.
“Sit down the food’s almost ready” He soothed and kissed your forehead.
You were surprised but also happy that he did this with so much effort because of the little time you spend together these days.
”Wow T, I’m actually impressed” You praised as you started to eat, once again surprised by him.
He smiled in response as he joined you at the table. It almost felt surreal seeing Trent sitting in front of you, you finally got to get lost in his brown eyes again. Oh how you have missed looking into his eyes. In the middle of your admiration you remembered to ask him why he was home and not travelling to the game.
“Are you not playing tonight?” You asked and took a sip of your water and watched his eyebrows furrowed.
“Y/n the game is tomorrow” He confirmed and you put your glass down, almost in shock.
“Oh, I thought it was tonight” You nervously chuckled, and couldn’t believe how you could get it so wrong. Trent wasn’t bothered but you were. You realised how tired you really are from focusing on uni all the time.
“Well, it’s not easy for you to know babe” Trent comforted and grabbed your hand gently and drew small circles on your palm.
“What time are you leaving in the morning?” You implored, knowing that you’d probably won’t see each other for a few days so you wanted to be awake when he leaves, which means you have to sacrifice some hours of sleep. But you wanted to everything for him.
“I’ll leave at 7 ish” Trent answered and an idea popped up in his head.
“Want to come with me?” He added as you immediately panicked inside.
“Where to?” You wondered.
“We’re playing in the Europa League, Toulouse” He asserted and you scratched the back of your neck, something you always do when you’re anxious.
“I can’t, I have to study” You stated and watched his reaction, he wasn’t happy.
“Come on Y/n, can’t you study anywhere?” He pleaded and you knew that this was getting out of hands.
“You mean anywhere you are?” You sighed as you went to put your plate in the dishwasher.
“Please don’t be like that Y/n” Trent tutted and came up to you, giving you that look of disappointment.
“I really need to give it everything if I’m gonna make it Trent” You said and looked at him, and Trent of all people would know the sacrifices that has to be made if you want to make it.
“I understand, just wished that it would be like old times” He mumbled and sat down by the couch as you followed after him.
“Trent you’re saying that you miss when I was a failure, sitting on this couch all day waiting for you to come home and put a ring on my finger?” You snapped. Perhaps it was too much however, you couldn’t stand being in this position in the relationship any longer.
“Y/n, that’s not what I said” Trent said and scoffed as tears started forming in your eyes.
“It’s not about that it is that you don’t want me to have a life separate from yours! I can’t be available all the time Trent” You went on and Trent sat there and reminded himself that you also have a life that doesn’t revolve him.
“What about us then?” Trent spoke up and more tears streamed down your face and you shot a look at your engagement ring.
“I don’t anymore, I gave up something to be at uni and you should know what that’s like because your football is all that matters and all you have time for nowadays Trent” You defended and suddenly you felt your phone buzzing. You looked at Trent with a tear leaving your eye and went upstairs to answer the call.
Trent slammed the coffee table and started crying. Somewhere he felt that this was going to end and he couldn’t control it.
You sat in your shared bed studying, you didn’t have the energy to sit at your desk working. Trent packed his bag for tomorrow and the both of you haven’t spoken since a few hours ago. The silence was too much for you to handle so you sat with your airpods on full volume. You didn’t even know how much the clock was until you heard Trent turning the lights off downstairs.
You got up from the bed and put your books on your desk and then went to the bathroom. You brushed you teeth and you were lost in your thoughts and your music was still playing in your ears, you didn’t even notice Trent standing beside you brushing his teeth as well.
When you were done you looked over at him and saw that he was watching you too, you had to fight the urge to not hug him and absolutely sob into his chest. But Trent already knew how you felt and walked up to you and wrapped his arms around you. Although this time it wasn’t you who cried, it was Trent.
“Shh, it’ll be alright” You whispered and rubbed his back.
“You make it so difficult sometimes” Trent sniffled and let go of you. You were left in the bathroom struck with a such strong feeling of emptiness after he left.
You both sat at the edge of the bed, wishing some things were better left unsaid.
“Y/n” Trent called.
“Y/n” Trent called again.
“I heard you the first time” You taunted.
“We promised each other not to go to sleep angry” He said and you pulled the duvet over yourself preparing to sleep knowing it will take a while to fall asleep.
“Well, I guess some promises are made to be broken” You ended and turned of your bedside lamp.
Everything changed after that night. Trent came home after a loss against Toulouse, you wanted to comfort him the moment he stepped through the door. Trent was angry, he always was after a loss but this time it was different because of the situation between the two of you.
You two spoke a few times during the day but it was just small talks and it killed you.
It got more worse later in the day when you were preparing to sleep, Trent would start and argument and then it turned to not saying goodnight to each other anymore. Which you both always did before going to sleep despite an argument.
Now, you stopped saying goodnight and Trent stopped sleeping.
It was like torture to sleep next to him, every minute you thought about to whether sleep in the guest room or go downstairs to the kitchen to grab something to eat. You could hear Trent sighing and toss and turn, eventually he couldn’t take it anymore.
Trent got up from the bed and left your shared bedroom and closed the door quietly as he thought you were asleep.
You wanted to go after him, so you also left the bedroom. You heard noise from downstairs and you figured it was the tv, slowly walking down the stairs you could see him sitting in the couch, watching football highlights from the night.
You sat down, not too close to him but not so far away either. You watched the tv and the highlights showed a stunning goal which made Trent turn to you and say “What a goal that” He said and really you couldn’t believe him. Silence between the both of you for about three days and that’s the first thing he says to break the silence.
You turned your head to look at him, your eyes met and Trent’s lips curled into a small smile.
The whole situation was sentimental, and it was because the both of you knew. You two couldn’t work it out, no matter how hard you tried. The both of you live completely different lives, with different schedules. The only thing you could go back to was that you two have so much love for one another, and that’s what will always unite you and Trent in the end. But it has been this way for too long.
You looked at Trent and caressed his face, and you gave him a look that says everything he needs to know.
“At least we tried” You said, almost in a whisper and looked at your ring. It was filled with memories, and as you took it off it felt like your heart shattered. Tears streamed down your face as you handed Trent the ring. His hands were shaking as he received it, holding the ring that he thought would be stuck on your finger forever.
“Give it to someone who really deserves it T” You cried and he sniffed, looking at you with eyes filled with tears.
“But I only love you Y/n” He mumbled.
Trent thought that his biggest mistake of his life may be letting you go, letting you slip through his fingers just like that…
Two years later
You sat tense, waiting for the final whistle. They were almost crowned European champions. You were so proud of the team that they made it this far in the competition.
“Any minute now!” You exclaimed to your best friend beside you.
They won.
You celebrated with your friends and watched all the players run onto the pitch to their teammates who played the match. You could cry of happiness.
You watched Liverpool lift the trophy, fireworks and confetti were everywhere in the air. You watched the players get their medals and you saw him, getting his very own medal. He ran up to his family and they all hugged him.
Imagine if you were there with him.
And then he started to walk at your direction. He showed the fans the trophy with such pride and you always adored that side of him.
Without noticing he stood in front of the crowd that you was in, and he hardly even recognised you until he saw you. His heart stopped.
You looked up from your phone to see him standing there. Your friends were too caught up in their own conversation to notice you seeing Trent again after all these years.
You smiled at him and pointed at the trophy he was holding, he looked down at it then back at you and mouthed “Not bad”.
You smiled again and it felt like the time stopped and that is was only you and Trent in the stadium.
You couldn’t help but let a tear leave your eye, as you looked at him one last time.
You turned your back on him and dried your tears as you started to leave with your friends.
Trent didn’t move, he was still hoping for you to come back.
Maybe in another universe.
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bunnys-kisses · 2 months
bets made (and mistakes happened) - a restaurant au
john 'soap' mactavish
cw: restaurant!au, one night stand, smut/pwp, cocky!soap, bets/wagers, dirty talk enemies-to-lovers, (accidental) pregnancy, semi-long
bunny says: like this fic? leave a comment! really like this fic? suggest your own! reblogs are always welcomed!
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you could stand toe to toe with whoever got in your way. you REFUSED to be talked down to like a dog. you were a good sous chef, you didn't need the guy who washed the dishes to tell you how to do your job! you could've KILLED john.
and he probably would've let you. he wanted to see those blunt nails of yours dig into his throat. he'd take it as a challenge and give you the same energy. he'd probably grin as you like a madman before he could finally sink his teeth into you. he had been wanting to for years.
so in order to keep some semblance of peace in the kitchen, chef price sent you two out in the back for a smoke. you sat on the milk crate near the door and john pulled out his pack of cigarettes.
"i like yer fire." he said.
"i wish you'd go to hell." you replied.
he chuckled and shook his head, "yer too sweet. i'm surprised you didn't poison me when you had to show tonight's dishes to the rest of staff."
"i didn't expect you to count as staff. it was meant for the other cooks."
he put his hands on his hips, apron on and a cigarette hanging out of his mouth he tilted his head to the side and chuckled, "i'm staff, bonnie. more of the backbone than you are."
you stood up, and got close to him. you were facing each other and painfully close. you plucked the cigarette out of his mouth before you took a inhale of it. he looked at you in shock as you placed it back in his mouth. you turned away from him and said, "how about this, soap. you come to my place, we see who's the better cook."
he stood up a little taller and asked, "what do i get when i win?"
you narrowed his eyes at his words, you amped up the stakes. you replied simply, "i'll let you sleep with me."
the cigarette almost fell out of his mouth from the shock. he soon took it out his mouth and exhaled, "nah, nah. really, what is it?" there was a smile on his face. he leaned in a little bit to you.
"i told you... you, me, sex. do i need to spell it out for you?"
he laughed, "oh yeah. that's a good prize, that sweet cunt." he closed the gap between you two and took your chin in his hand, he held his cigarette in the other, "deal. maybe i can finally put ya in yer place. talkin' big game for such a little girl." he shook his head. he pulled away to have another drag of his cigarette.
the first thing you noticed at the end of the week. john 'soap' mactavish didn't taste like an ashtray when he kissed you. currently it was friday night, the only night you two had off, and john had just won your little bet.
he had you up on the kitchen table with his hand spread out on your thigh, pushing up your dress. his lips were on yours and you tried your best to NOT melt into the kiss.
when he pulled away he pressed his forehead to you and said, "how was that?"
"it's a bet, it shouldn't matter how i feel." you replied as you kept your arms around him. his laugh pulled something in you when you were so close to him.
you expected him to make some pasta with packaged noodles and a jar of sauce. you had seen what lunches he brought. but instead in your tiny apartment, he made you a scotch pie with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth the entire time. even with the ash, it was still the best thing you had ever tasted.
he knew he won because you couldn't hide the expression on your face fast enough after the first bite. when he laughed,you hit him then went in for seconds. who would've thought the annoying dishwasher could cook this.
"how?" you asked.
he put a finger over his lips, "family secrets. only shared through marriage, doll."
after the meal, then he took his dessert. his winnings from your bet. and in all fairness, if/when he was going to fuck you, he'd rather he did with after you had a good meal. it was going to be quite the energy waster.
you broke the kiss and looked at him, those big blue eyes stared back at you. you held his face for a moment to stop him from leaning in again. you said, "i'm not fucking on a table i got from goodwill."
he chuckled, "of course, my majesty. would you like for me to fluff the pillows first." then made a noise when you squeezed his face.
"i'm saying because the fucking thing will break." then let go of him. he backed up enough for you to get off the furniture and head towards the bedroom.
he trailed behind you, his cock stood at full attention in his jeans as he get his first glimpse of your bedroom. while he noticed that there wasn't much life to the decor of the walls. he did notice that your bed was unmade and looked very comfy.
but what drew his attention was the sight of you undressing. he watched you zip down the button of the dress. you stepped out of it then quickly got your underwear off. he was barely out of his socks by the time you were naked. your curves glowed under the light of the city outside.
you sighed and approached him, "i guess i have to do everything, huh?"
he was brought back to reality and stepped back, "you don't have to do shit, love. i just need you to lie there and look pretty. if you really wanted to put on a show, make the girls bounce a little." he chuckled as he pulled his shirt over his head. he showed off his lean body and caught you staring a moment before he went to his jeans.
soon both of you were naked, and you led him onto your bed. you kicked the covers further down the mattress as you laid in bed with the other man. you kissed once more trying hard not to fall for him with each linger of his fingertips across your back.
he held you like a protective force, even if his words were often biting. he wanted you. in a carnal, lustful kind of way. the kind that sent shivers down your spine.
his hands roamed your backside, his cock twitched against your thigh as you continued to make out with him. finally that cocky mouth of his was quiet.
you pulled away soon after and placed both hands on his chest. he looked up at your curiously and you gazed down at him. those blue eyes were like dark like rocky seas as you rubbed your knee up against his cock. he hissed through his teeth.
"careful, doll." he said quietly.
you held his face once more and gave him one last kiss before you moved away and got into his lap. your ass rubbed against his cock. the sensation made him exhale deeply to try and hold back a moan.
he placed his tattooed hands on your hips. you always did find his tattoos quite appealing. you did have a dream once where he was shoving those digits inside of your pussy. at the time it made you want to put bleach in your eyes. but now... you were second guessing it.
"like this?" you asked.
"oh yeah. i love a good girl on top." he purred as the two of you began to move your bodies against one another. his eyes closed for a moment as he pressed his head into your pillow. he was drowning in the scent of the strawberry shampoo you used often. he could get whiffs of it at work when you walked by, but to be smothered in it made his cock hard.
you placed your hands on his chest and leaned forward so his cock was pushed inside of you at an angle. you panted which was accompanied by his own heavy breathing.
"feel real good. like a glove." he said, heavy on the accent, "like two pieces the same puzzle. you and i, doll, are meant to be."
"one night." you affirmed.
he chuckled as he dug his fingers further into your hips. he watched you take all of his cock and replied, "that's what they all day." before he started to meet your pace more aggressively.
the bed creaked from your movements. the heavy thrusting of sex in the cramped room of your one bedroom apartment. you funded this life through cooking and you got out cooked by a dishwasher.
you should hang the apron up already!
the thought made john smirked as he felt his cock deep inside of you. he wondered for a moment if you could still run a kitchen while caring for his brats. but that thought was pushed away from the intense rush of pleasure through his body. made his head feel full as he got closer to orgasm.
"shit, soap. ah." you moaned.
he gave your ass a slap and chuckled, the sweat dripped down his back, "you can't get enough of me. you just love it so much. you love me."
you groaned, "in your dreams." the sex was amazing. you could feel the sweat on your brow as you rutted against him. your nails dug into his pecks as you moved.
he hissed through his teeth and drove his cock deeper into you. he could feel his heart hammering in his chest. nothing like a feisty chef to get his blood pumping! with a spark on inspiration, he took you by the hips and rolled you onto your stomach.
he lifted your hips up with ease and pounded away at your cunt with vigor. the angle took the air out of your lungs, you could feel his ramming against sensitive areas. your legs were practically in the air!
the angle was amazing for both of you and soon you were gripping onto the mattress under your head.
"who would've thought scotch pie would've let me fuck ya." he laughed as he scratched at your hips due to the force he was holding you.
"shut up!" you whined as your back arched. with a few more stokes of his cock, you both came. your mind went blank. you came so hard that you honestly forgot that he wasn't wearing a condom and had dumped a bunch of his scottish seed into your aching cunt.
this wouldn't be a problem later, right?
a month later you're sitting on top of the toliet with a pregnancy test in hand. your hand over your mouth as you watched the test read positive.
for a second you tried to rationalize that it COULDN'T have been john who got you pregnant. not that blue-eyed, mohawk having, smug dishwasher! but you sure as hell weren't pregnant before your night together.
you pulled your hand away from your face and putt he test down on the counter. you cupped your middle and sighed. you had no choice but to tell john about it. he was going to find out eventually.
you sent him a text message, 'soap. need to talk. urgent." then put the phone down. instantly you were on the phone with him, when you heard his voice you broke down. the normally cocky john sounded sincere as he asked what was wrong. you composed yourself for a moment and wiped your eyes and said, "you are your stupid scottish cock got me pregnant."
there was silence on the other end for a moment. he then said, "anythin' ya need, doll. it's yours."
you swallowed and replied, "you and some more scotch pie." you felt your heart do a somersault.
"ay." he said, "already got the scottish in ya."
xoxo, bunny (might do a sequel, let me know!)
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toji-girl · 9 days
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treat you better | k. nanami
synopsis: Kento was the perfect roommate and a good friend that you were more than thankful for, especially in trying times.
wc: 4.1k
tags: 18+ ONLY content + explicit smut: minors and empty blogs DNI + not beta read + modern/roommate au + cheating (not from you or Kento) + this is a very old story that I dusted off so please forgive the awful format + I headcanon him to like tea
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Soft music pulsed from the living room when Kento arrived home after work to see you cleaning and dusting, something that you told him you’d do when you first met him because you were a bit picky about how your apartment looked and he didn’t mind, it meant less for him to do and it surely didn’t hurt him having a very attractive roommate.
But Kento still wanted to help so he took over laundry duty.
For several seconds he watched you dance around the couch before you noticed him. “Oh, hey! I didn’t know you were going to be home,” You stopped and looked at the clock on the wall seeing it was an hour earlier than when he usually comes back, “I made dinner though, are you hungry?” You asked turning down the music.
He kicked his shoes off and moved them to the right place before taking his jacket off, at times like this Kento was grateful for you even though your taste in music drove him up a wall sometimes, too much bass sometimes or the vulgar language they used was a bit much in his opinion which made him stop and think about just how old he was and how old he felt to live with a younger roommate but he didn’t mind it much because it was rare that he had to listen to it.
“I am yes, I couldn’t take lunch because of back-to-back meetings with students.” He replied moving to the kitchen where he was greeted by a wonderful smell and a cup of steaming tea next to his plate.
You followed him and sat down on the barstool next to his, a comfortable silence settled over you both as he began to eat humming in appreciation, “Thank you for dinner and the tea which doesn’t taste like shit, that last brand I won’t buy.” He said after finishing his food before putting the plate away in the dishwasher. You couldn’t help but laugh a little at his brash behavior or his words.
“I won’t blame you because when I was sick I made a cup and I’m sure I made it a lot worse.” You said cleaning off your plate and then the counter while Kento put up dinner with a small chuckle.
You smiled and took a water bottle from the fridge, “I’ll be in the shower if you need anything else.” You told him before walking out of the kitchen. Kento watched with a sigh as he waited several minutes until he heard the door shut and the water run before walking to his bedroom passing by the bathroom where he heard you humming whatever song you were obsessed with when he heard the doorbell ring.
Kento knew who it was, your boyfriend who he could never stand. The way he treated you was less than gentlemanly like his jokes borderline cringe, and the PDA was something that needed to be lessened to his liking so when it was you three he burrowed himself in his bedroom or the small office you let him have in hopes of not having to hear your disappointed sighs as he tried to get you off. Squaring his shoulders he made his way back to the living room to the front door yanking it open.
“She’s in the shower,” Kento said not bothering with a hello, the sight of him made his anger flare up and irritation set in, your boyfriend nodded and stepped in keeping his shoes on tracking in dried-up mud that flaked over the floor making his eyebrow twitch, “take your shoes off.” He added before leaving him alone to find you.
Once he was settled in his bedroom he could hear the bathroom door open and then you giggling at something he said, sometimes he was grateful the walls were paper thin but right now he wished they were thick enough that he couldn’t hear the rustling of clothes and your quiet moans, after a few minutes you both emerged from the room just in time for Kento to walk out in the hallway.
“Sorry about the noise,” He snickered wrapping his arm around your waist in some sort of alpha warning to Kento that you belonged to him.
You hung your head and smiled softly at your roommate before walking your boyfriend to the front door and saying goodbye with a hug and a kiss, once he was gone you settled on the couch turning on a movie that you knew would catch Kento’s attention, not a minute later he emerged from his bedroom wearing a pair of grey sweats and a loose t-shirt with a sweatshirt hanging off his arm, one that you’ve grown to wear sometimes and he knew that you’d want it, “Here.” He said handing you the balled-up material that smelt like him.
“Thank you, I might just have to keep it.” You teased pulling it on before settling back against the cushions and watching the movie with Kento sitting next to you, his knee barely grazing yours when he shifted. You were grateful that the silence was never awkward between you two neither was when you laid your head on his shoulder, the aroma of your shampoo lingered around him like a heavy cloud. Your smell made his cock twitch in his sweats and the fact that your wearing his sweatshirt cuddled up with him and not your toolbag boyfriend.
When the movie ended you both stood at the same time stretching coupled with a yawn. Little did he know that your eyes were now open and glued on his happy trail that was visible with his raised shirt, quickly you averted your gaze and cleared your throat, “Goodnight Kento.” You hummed softly then made a beeline to your bedroom hidden away from your handsome roommate and his eyes that never failed to make you melt.
The next morning it wasn’t a surprise to see Kento in the kitchen making breakfast, he was always an early riser, something you learned quickly after he moved in. It’s now been four months since he’s been here and everything has fallen into place, you never really realized how lonely it was until he moved in, “Morning, thanks for cooking.” You smiled sitting down watching him stand at the stove while you took the time to stare at him, eyes roaming the curves of his back and of course, his ass.
He turned just in time for you to look away feeling warmth trickle in your lower belly, “You made dinner, it’s only fair but we need to go to the grocery store.” He said finishing up before serving you then him, once again you both found silence and ate together almost like a couple.
After the plates were cleared and the counters and dishes were clean you disappeared into your bedroom to change quickly before meeting Kento out in the living room and seeing him dressed in another pair of sweats and another sweatshirt similar to the one you had on now, “Wanting to match?” You teased grabbing the hoodie string pulling on it watching his lips quirk up into a small smile.
“You were the one to steal it from me, more like you want to be like me.” He said grabbing his keys before opening the front door for you, something you still were getting used to. Kento was always sure to open each door, something about you made him soft, it could be the way you fell into his routine while keeping your own so quickly after he moved in or the way you made his tea.
No one but himself could get it right, however, you did just after a week.
Kento pushed the cart around the store while you grabbed items off the shelves with the list you and him wrote in the other hand, when you weren’t looking he took the time to study your face and the expressions you made. He noticed that a lot of the times you pulled your bottom lip between your teeth when you looked between two boxes before showing him, “Which one do you think?” You asked staring at him.
What’s this feeling? He thought feeling his heart beat faster and his palms begin to sweat, “I think the one on the right should do, would you watch the cart? I have a few things I need to get.” He said quickly wanting to leave the immediate area, the suffocating feeling sitting and crushing his chest, it was an excuse so he walked around with his hands in his pockets before grabbing things that weren’t really needed but it was enough for him to clear his head of any thoughts of you.
Another thing you found helpful was after each grocery trip Kento always wanted to put everything away and after the first time when you two got in a small argument about where things went you let him show you a better way, even though you hated agreeing with him at first you found the system to be very beneficial you let him take over putting away the items while you mostly stood in the kitchen clearing any clutter, “Are you hungry?” You asked opening the fridge and giving him the same chance to gaze at your backside, his eyes traveled up your legs wondering what they’d feel like if they were wrapped around him when the doorbell rang.
“Is that your boyfriend?” He asked trying to keep the venom from dripping into his tone, he knew that once he slithered inside the apartment like the snake he is you’d forget all about Kento and focus on him. Something he can’t really get upset about, after all, he’s your roommate so he can’t get too jealous although that never stopped him from glaring at the guy who claimed to be the best you’ve ever had when Kento could tell that was a lie.
You glanced at the time on the oven and smiled, “It is yes, I think we’re going out tonight so you can have the apartment to yourself and I won’t be back until after dinner I’m sure.” You told him before walking out of the kitchen and disappearing out the front door with your boyfriend.
A few hours later Kento found himself sitting on the couch with Hiromi who glanced at his honey-haired best friend, “Where’s your roommate?” He asked turning back to the TV and hearing Kento grumble his answer. It’s way past dinner time and you were supposed to be back soon, his nerves ate away at him for some reason. He shouldn’t be this concerned about you but over the last few months, you wiggled your way into his heart.
Kento opened his mouth ready to deny whatever Hiromi was insinuating with the tone of his voice and the look in his eyes when the door opened with you and your boyfriend walking during an argument, “Why did you follow me up here? You’re nothing but an asshole!” You shouted kicking your shoes off. Kento and Hiromi stood up quickly looking at you both, tears were streaming down your cheeks while you avoided the look of everyone.
“She doesn’t know what she’s talking about babe-” He began reaching for you. Kento was stunned watching you swat his hand away and open the door pushing him out then slam it shut. Your shoulders heaved with unshed tears, slowly you turned around and wiped at your eyes feeling your bottom lip quiver.
“Sorry that you both had to see that, I’ll be in my bedroom.” You sobbed quietly then walked to your room shutting your door before burying yourself under the covers hearing Kento say goodbye to Hiromi and him putting his shoes and jacket on before leaving you two alone then you heard Kento’s footsteps down the hall stopping at your door knocking.
“Do you want to talk about what happened? If not I can run you a bath or something.” He called out gently wishing he could take away your pain.
You sat up with throbbing eyes and wet cheeks throwing the blankets off and getting off the bed, “You can come in.”
Granted with permission Kento walked inside immediately walking over to you and sitting down, “Should I go pay him a visit?” He asked pulling a smile from you.
You inhaled deeply and let it go patting your eyes with your sleeves ignoring his eyes, “He cheated on me. On our date. Who does that? I went to the bathroom and I guess his girlfriend showed up and was sitting on his lap and they were kissing. After two years together this is what he does? I didn’t know. They’ve been dating for three years.” With the weight off your shoulders, you exhaled and leaned back embarrassed to face Kento who’s anger brewed even deeper for the supposed man who hurt you.
“What a shit thing to do. He doesn’t deserve you. One word and I can visit him.”
“I don’t think that would solve anything, do you solve all your problems with violence?” You asked sitting up again and looking at him watching his hand reach over and wipe away your tears with his thumbs as his palms cradled your face creating this warmth that spread from your cheeks down your body warming you like a campfire.
“Are you hungry?” He asked changing the subject knowing food was always a good placement to help anyone feel better.
Two hours later you and Kento sat on the couch with your head on his shoulder, his sweatshirt on, and your arm wrapped around his watching the TV but your mind wasn’t focused on anything but the anger that festered inside you, “Don’t you have better things to do than comfort your roommate on a Friday night?” You asked.
He cocked his head slightly shifting his gaze to you, “I couldn’t think of a better way to spend it, you need someone here for you and it wouldn’t be right if I left you here alone.”
You picked your head up and turned it to look at him, “Thank you for this.” You said with a timid smile, eyes darting at his lips, was it a good idea to sleep with your roommate after finding out your boyfriend was cheating on you? The thought was quickly pushed down as you caught his eyes darting towards your lips as well.
“You don’t have to thank me-”
“Can I kiss you?” You asked abruptly cutting him off.
For a moment he stopped then nodded his head letting you lean in closer before he did the same until his lips touched yours in a simple kiss that had you gripping his shirt pulling him closer while his hands found purchase on your waist helping you straddle his waist, his tongue ran along the seam of your lips dipping inside stroking yours while reaching up to cup the back of your neck deepening the kiss.
You ground against his cock that strained in his sweats leaving an imprint that you humped your clothed cunt on tightening your arms around his neck rutting your hips pulling away from his mouth, “Shorts.”
Kento let go watching you scramble off his lap pulling your shorts down slowly while wiping his palms down his sweats as his dick throbbed harder seeing your choice of panties, ones he’s washed once or twice and folded tucking them neatly in the top drawer of your dresser.
Next came your underwear which landed in his lap when you threw it, he looked down and grabbed them tucking them in his pocket and helping you back on his lap his lips finding yours while your hands pawed at the band of his sweats pulling his dick out, running the tips of your fingers up and down his shaft feeling the warm and soft skin before wrapping your fist around the base jerking him off spreading your legs letting him stroke your bare cunt.
His fingers spread your slick along your lips with a soft squelch before dipping two slender digits inside your cunt curling and rubbing the spot that made your hand stop and squeeze his dick arching your back letting out a moan bucking your hips letting him finger fuck you.
“You’re a soaking mess just for me, I heard him try to get you off and failed every time, I bet you just want to cum so bad,” Kento grunted thrusting his hips up fucking your fist back watching your mouth hang open while nodding your head, “I can tell you’re close. Do it.” He whispered.
It should be embarrassing that he’s heard the way your ex failed to get you off, it was clear in the way you ended up faking the whole thing then Kento could tell in the morning when he served you both breakfast but hearing him your cunt fluttered hard letting your orgasm take over while moaning his name over and over again, he waited until you came down from your high snaking his free hand up his sweatshirt cupping your breast palming it then trailing the tips of his fingers over your nipple feeling it harden pulling and tugging on it eliciting more moans from you.
“Kento!” You whimpered reaching for his wrist, he pulled his fingers out of your cunt drenched with your cum and slick, he slid his other hand under your sweatshirt covering your pebbled nipple before switching and lifting the material to latch onto your breast closing his eyes adorned with beautiful lashes, his tongue swirled around before letting his teeth nip at you making you yelp moving your hand to rake your fingers over his undercut moving up to his hair.
You grasped the base of his cock to rub against your swollen clit, your cunt was dripping smearing with his pre-cum down his shaft as you rutted up and down letting him slide in between your lips before slowly angling your hips and feeling the swollen head thrust in making both of you gasp as you lowered yourself down with his help until he bottomed out relishing in the way your pussy fluttered around him.
“Oh fuck, you’re so wet and warm. I don’t think that he could make you feel this good, he had no idea how to please a woman like you now fuck yourself stupid on my cock.” Kento groaned moving his mouth off your breast and thrusting his hips up while helping you grind down on him.
Kento kept his fingers deep in the flesh of your hips moving them back and forth then up and down throwing his head back so you could kiss his neck tracing his pulse with your tongue moaning against his skin, “You feel amazing inside me.” You whispered kissing up to his ear before pulling back and slotting your lips against his feeling him reach down between where you two were connected to rub your clit feeling your muscles clench tightly chasing your second climax, his balls tightened close to his own.
With one final thrust, he held your hip with one hand cumming in thick hot ropes that leaked out when he slowly pulled out, Kento watched it dribble back out dripping down his cock and making a mess, with his help you collapsed half in his lap and half on the couch letting him massage your lower back kissing the top of your head, “That was wonderful, do you feel any better?” He asked hoping it wasn’t something you regretted.
You picked your head up pecking his lips with a soft nod before sitting up, “Let’s jump in the shower?” You suggested feeling a lot better.
After the shower, Kento helped you into your bed letting you borrow his clothes, “Would you mind sleeping with me tonight?” You asked holding his hand and letting him snuggle in next to you wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you into his chest.
“I guess after what we just did it wouldn’t hurt anything, sleep well beautiful.” He murmured kissing your head again and listening to you fall asleep, your soft breathing filled the quiet bedroom lulling Kento into sleep where he dreamt about you.
Sun shone through your curtains waking you up along with the smell of breakfast being cooked, you looked around your bed before sitting up and looking for your clothes, once you were dressed you headed into the kitchen to see Kento sitting at the island, “Good morning, how did you sleep?” He asked standing up to pull the barstool out and gesturing to your plate.
“Morning handsome, I slept well. You?” You sat next to him falling into the same routine but this morning it was different when he put his hand on your knee leaning in for several kisses in between bites and drinks of his tea, the bitter taste staining your lips but it was something you didn’t mind.
The day went on normally after breakfast and since it was Sunday you and Kento cleaned the apartment and did laundry stopping to take a break and sitting down on the couch, before he sat down he took his shirt off folding it, and placing it on the armrest, “It’s hot in here.” He said you glanced over at him debating on what you wanted to do before leaning over kissing him grabbing his hand standing up guiding him to your bedroom.
Kento wrapped his arms around you letting you walk him back to your bed pushing him down, he propped himself up on his elbows to watch you kneel between his spread legs tugging the band of his shorts down freeing his cock, the head lightly flushed with pink the rest of it pale and creamy, two veins that ran on the underside paired with a sack that was heavy and begging to be drained, spreading your legs you lowered your head swirling your tongue around the slit before sucking.
He perched his hand on the back of your head letting you bob up and down, his eyes focused on the spit that glistened under the soft glow of your lamp that also cast a warm hue over you, his head fell back moaning your name over and over, you ran your tongue up and down and around him like an expert, “Just like that, keep sucking.” Kento grunted debating if he wanted to finish in your mouth or not, the warmth of cunt couldn’t be beaten so he pulled away letting you take a breath.
Drool coated your lips glossing them, his hand cupped under your chin grazing his thumb over them, “You’re so beautiful.” He murmured smearing your spit before popping his digit in your mouth watching you suck on it.
“Now it’s my turn for a taste,” Kento said helping you on your back before taking your shirt off, he followed you down kissing you moving down your neck to the valley between your breasts dragging the tip to your belly button then the band of your shorts spreading your thighs, “we need to remove these, they’re just going to get in the way for what I have planned.”
Your cunt quivered at his words and his touch, his hands down pulling your shorts down throwing them over his shoulder before turning back to between your legs grabbing the elastic of your panties pulling them up giving you a wedgie, his eyes wide with lust and desire seeing the damp spot that formed, “You have the prettiest pussy ever.” Kento cooed leaning in licking a wide stripe before pulling away and watching your clit throb under the fabric.
He hooked his fingers in your underwear and tugged them off letting them join with your shorts on the floor, now that your pussy was bare in front of him he took his time wrapping his arms up and around your thighs keeping them open as he buried his tongue between your lips licking up and down before settling on your clit sucking on the bud switching his movements up, “I’m going to make sure you won’t be able to think of anyone ever again.” He murmured moving his hands to spread you open to his liking.
Kento stroked his tongue over and over your pussy again while you fisted the sheets arching your back and squeezing his head, the familiar feeling of warmth erupted in your belly spreading to your limbs and weighing them down, his fingers joined creating a pleasure-inducing symphony making you sing out his name, “Oh–I’m cumming!” You moaned throwing your head back against the pillow humping his face and fingers.
He licked at you slowing down the pace before pulling out and sitting up looking at your cum covered pussy, he traced your slit glancing at you, “A sight I could get used to.” He whispered.
A sight Kento still hasn’t gotten used to even though he ends up in your bed every night with his face buried between your legs making you forget all your problems.
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phantomrose96 · 2 years
My friend visits the other day, and when he goes into the bathroom he cannot get the light switch to throw. “Oh, is the light broken in here?” “No, just stuck,” I tell him. “You have to push the light switch in a little.” It had started the other week. Something in the switch fell out of alignment. It’s not broken though. It’s still useable. I’ve let it be.
My friend leaves without knowing the front door is the same. The door must be pushed inward to get the key to take. Something about the bolt is out of place. And so is the one closet door whose ball-bearing alignment broke and no longer slides. And the cabinet whose bottom hinges fractured. But they still work. They need only be handled specially, and with care.
The switch on my bedside lamp broke recently. It no longer clicks off. But the lamp can be unplugged. Unplugged and replugged and unplugged, and so I have not bothered. My phone charger flickers in and out, faulty, but it will still charge if you take care to keep the cord at the right angle. And so I do, and so it does. The controls on my headphones have not worked in two years. But the controls from my phone work, so it’s all well enough.
I do know how to call maintenance. I’ve done it when the dishwasher stopped working entirely. I do know how to replace broken things. I’ve bought new bulbs for those which have burnt out.
But the middle persists. The broken and still useable. The damaged and still functional. Those whose purposes are still served with extra steps and compromises. This is not frugality. It’s complacency. The ease of allowing atrophy. I will let these things go on forever, if they want. I wish these things would simply break.
I know this about me. I think it’s good, then, probably, that I’m not searching for a partner. “They’re clearly not happy.” “Why don’t they just get a divorce?” I think I get it. I think that’d be me. I’d think I’d accept, and let all things crumble, and settle like sediment, and sit through the thousand cuts of a failing partnership because I do not throw away things which are not already dead. I do not fix that which can be lived with. And I think, quite simply, that is a power which I cannot afford to give someone over me.
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babygirl-diaz · 24 days
Can't stop thinking about an omega tommy being lonely all those years thinking maybe he's just too unloveable to be mated and not good enough because he doesn't have the typical omega physique that every alpha want in an omega and that until he met Evan😌
Oh my god, anon, now I can't stop thinking about it either. My hand slipped and I wrote it as a fic 😅
Also a special thanks to @sarastars for also giving me the ideas for this fic!
Also, sorry for making Tommy so out of character.
Tommy knew he would never find an alpha. He wasn't built like a typical omega. In fact, he was reminded of that every day at the 118 firehouse.
"Hey, Tommy!"
Tommy sighed, stopped loading the dishwasher, and got up. "Yeah, Deluca?"
"Bet you're used to bending, huh?" Deluca teased and made crude thrusting motions with his hips, but then he stopped and pouted at him. "Oh wait, you don't have anyone to bend for! How sad is that?" And then Deluca and his pals were laughing while high-fiving each other.
Tommy gritted his teeth and walked away without saying a word. He just wanted to leave this place. Go somewhere where he is actually respected.
"Don't let them get to you."
Tommy looked up from where he was sitting on the bench outside and saw Hen giving him a sympathetic look.
"They treat you worse and you're an alpha," Tommy pointed out and moved to make space for Hen.
"Yeah, that's true," Hen agreed and sat down. "They just want people to fit in a certain mold and when they don't-"
"-they make their lives a living hell," Tommy finished her sentence for her. "Do you ever wish you could work somewhere else?"
"I don't think it's any better anywhere else," Hen shrugged.
"I am more optimistic and think there is someplace out there where no matter who you are, you are treated right," Tommy replied.
"Hey, handsome."
Someone greeted Tommy and he looked up from his drink to see a beautiful brunette with gray eyes standing next to him giving him a flirtatious look.
He was currently having drinks at the bar with his teammates and to have a beautiful woman's attention on him in front of them flustered him.
"Do you mind if we talk in private? Away from your friends?" The woman asked biting her bottom lip. "I bet an alpha like you could show me a good time."
Laughter suddenly rang through the table, making Tommy cringe.
"Sweetheart, if you're looking for alpha then he ain't it," one of his teammates, Andy, told the woman.
The woman looked confused for a second before her eyes widened. "Ew! You're an omega?"
Tommy felt his heart shatter in a million pieces.
"You look so deceptive. Maybe stop taking steroids to make yourself look like an alpha," the woman huffed and walked away.
And then Tommy was left with his laughing teammates.
"She really thought you were an alpha!" Deluca teased.
"Yeah, maybe stop taking steroids, Tommy," another teammate, Gary, teased him as well and laughed.
Tommy wanted the Earth to swallow him whole but he had no such luck.
He felt a hand on his shoulder and saw Howard giving him a sympathetic look.
When Tommy could finally transfer to the 217, he felt like he could breathe. The 217 were a lot better. There were a few who teased him but it wasn't as bad as it was in the 118.
But then, years down the line, he was forced to transfer back to the 118. It wasn't his choice, but their firehouse ironically caught fire and the place had to be shut down, with everyone transferred to different stations. Since Tommy had a history there, they transferred him back to the 118.
Things had changed at the 118, though. Many of the alphas that he worked with were gone but Deluca was still there, much to Tommy's chagrin.
There were a few fresh faces there but one in particular piqued Tommy's interest: Evan Buckley.
Evan was a young, cocky guy, who seemed like he was a bit of an asshole but Tommy kind of dug that. Evan mostly stayed to himself but sometimes Tommy found him giving him looks he couldn't quite decipher.
But then something happened one day that made Tommy realize Evan wasn't any better either.
Tommy was about to go home and he had parked his car next to Evan's jeep. So when Evan approached him, Tommy thought nothing of it. That is until Evan cornered Tommy against his car.
"Hey, whoa, I don't want any trouble, okay?" The words left Tommy's mouth before he could stop himself. He was always so used to being defensive.
Evan smirked and said, "You're so hot, Tommy. I've been admiring you from day one."
Tommy frowned when he heard that. So Evan was even more cruel than the others. At least they didn't play with his feelings.
Evan pressed Tommy further against his car and Tommy felt his heart racing. "You're such a pretty omega. So fucking breedable." Evan's breath ghosted next to Tommy's ear, making him shiver. "Can't believe you're not already taken but maybe that's because you were waiting for me."
Tommy felt like crying. He hated being toyed with like this. "Please stop."
"Why?" Evan whispered breathlessly in his ear.
Instead of answering Tommy pushed Evan away and got into the car and left.
Tommy knew he was close to his next heat. But it was a few days away so he went to work anyway.
Before work, as he changed his clothes in the locker room, he felt a presence behind him.
"Hey, Tommy." It was Deluca.
Tommy sighed, put on his shirt, and turned around to face him. "Yeah, Deluca?"
There was something different about Deluca today. He had a small smile, and his features were soft. "Listen, I just- I wanted to apologize for treating you like trash for all these years."
Tommy was taken aback by that. "Uh what?"
"Yeah, but I was mean to you for a reason," Deluca said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "I have feelings for you."
Tommy thought he heard wrong. Because there is no way Deluca of all people just admitted that he had feelings for him. "What?"
Deluca stepped closer to him. "I've had feelings for you for the longest time. But I was in a relationship. I couldn't do anything about it so I treated you horribly instead."
Tommy's heart started racing. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.
Deluca took a few more steps towards Tommy, trapping him against the lockers. He reached out to touch Tommy's cheek, who flinched at the gesture.
"You're so beautiful," Deluca continued to say.
The omega in Tommy was giving in to the touch. He couldn't help the whimper he let out.
Deluca put one hand on Tommy's waist and leaned in to bury his face in Tommy's neck.
Tommy's heart threatened to burst out of his chest. "W-what about your wife?"
"We're separated," Deluca replied and kissed Tommy's scent gland.
Tommy suddenly felt warm all over and slick started running down his thighs.
"Shit, you're in a heat," Deluca said and squeezed Tommy's waist.
Shit, having an alpha so close sent him into a premature heat.
"Sal," Tommy whispered when Deluca nuzzled his neck.
And then Deluca started laughing. He pulled away from Tommy and let out a full belly laugh. "Oh my god, that- I can't believe I held out for so long- I should get a damn Oscar."
Tommy stood there stunned as he watched the other man in confusion. But deep down he knew what was going on.
"I sent you in a premature heat with all that bullshit!" Deluca laughed even louder. "Jesus, Tommy, you're so pathetic." He wiped his lips with the back of his hand and made a disgusted face. "Gross, I actually kissed your neck."
Tommy felt his eyes fill with tears but he refused to cry in front of this bastard and he looked away.
"Aw, are you gonna cry now, little baby?" Deluca teased. "You're so desperate that you were gonna spread your legs for me and beg me to fuck you, weren't you? God, Tommy, can you be any more of a slu- "
Before Deluca could finish his sentence, someone grabbed him and slammed him into the lockers next to Tommy.
Evan snarled and his eyes flashed gold. "You fucking asshole!" He growled and slammed Deluca against the lockers again.
"Evan stop!" Tommy said weakly. He couldn't focus on anything. The alpha pheromones from Evan were too strong and the omega in Tommy was whining for the alpha despite Tommy's protests.
Evan immediately stopped. "You mess with him again and I will end you, Deluca," he warned Sal and let him go, immediately coming to Tommy's side.
"Tommy, you okay?" Evan asked him worriedly and touched his shoulder.
"Oh, you two deserve each other. The broken omega and the broken alpha!" Deluca spat out.
Tommy ignored him and instead focused on Evan's touch which made him whimper.
"What's going on here?"
Tommy heard the captain's voice and gulped.
"Buck attacked me!" Deluca complained.
"And I'll do it again if you treat Tommy like shit!" Evan growled.
"Tommy, are you okay?" Bobby asked him gently.
"No, I'm in a heat," Tommy whimpered again.
"Yeah, thanks to that asshole!" Evan pointed at Deluca. "He was messing around with Tommy and sent him into a heat."
"Is that true?" Bobby asked Tommy.
Tommy could barely speak. He was sweating profusely and slicking up. So instead, he just nodded.
"He's a lying who-"
Bobby glared at Deluca and flashed his eyes at him before he could finish his thought. "You're suspended. I want you out of my firehouse right now."
"Are you serious?! You're suspending me for that omega bitch?" Deluca growled and got up in Bobby's face.
"You want that to turn into a termination?" Bobby asked.
"Well, fuck this firehouse, and fuck you. Your house of misfits won't last long," Deluca kept on going.
"I'll take that as a yes. Take your stuff and get out. Right. Now," Bobby angrily told him.
Deluca huffed and left. Once he was gone, Tommy felt like he could breathe again. "Th- thank you," he said to Bobby. He couldn't think. Evan's proximity and his scent were too overpowering.
"I'm taking him home," Evan said taking Tommy's hand.
"I can't let you do that, Buck," Bobby got in Evan's way before Evan could pull him along.
"Buck, you are not Tommy's alpha and he is not in the right frame of mind to give you consent right now," Bobby told him.
"I am capable of consenting and I want Evan," Tommy replied. He hated being treated like he wasn't even there.
"You heard Tommy, Bobby," Evan told the other alpha and pulled Tommy along, taking him to his jeep.
Once they were inside, Evan put a hand on Tommy's cheek and pulled him close but kissed his forehead. "I know what you said back there, but I want you to consent to this when you're not in a heat," Evan said pressing their foreheads together. "Do you have toys at home?"
Tommy felt his cheeks heat up at that. "Y-yeah," he replied.
"Good. So we're gonna go back to yours. I'm gonna help you build your nest and then I'll stick around while you do your thing. Is that okay?" Evan gently stroked his cheek with his thumb.
"You- you can help me if you want. Like I told Bobby, I am capable of consenting," Tommy whispered and closed his eyes.
"I know, babyboy," Evan kissed his forehead again. "But until yesterday, you didn't even like me." He smirked.
"That was yesterday," Tommy replied. "This is today."
Evan let out a breathy laugh and kissed Tommy's eyelids. "Come on, let's get you home. You wanna give me your address?"
Tommy put his address in Evan's phone and Evan held his hand as he drove them back to Tommy's place.
Once there, Evan helped Tommy build his nest. Tommy directed him to where the additional comforters and pillows were and Evan came back with them and set them up on the bed. He finally took off his hoodie and gave it to Tommy.
"You might need this," Evan told him.
Tommy took the hoodie and took in Evan's smell. "Thank you," he said. "For everything."
Evan leaned in and kissed Tommy's cheek. "I'm right outside. If you need anything, just call me."
"And what if I just need you?" Tommy asked.
Evan chuckled at that. "You're gonna be fine," he told him and pulled away.
Tommy immediately missed his touch and whined. "Alpha, come on. I know you want me. So just take me."
Evan clicked his tongue and shook his head. "That's just your heat talking, babyboy."
Tommy huffed and climbed into his nest. "Do you wanna at least cuddle with me?"
"I don't think I'll be able to stop myself, if I touched you right now, babyboy. I can smell your slick and I can feel the heat radiating off your body," Evan told him.
"Then don't stop yourself. Do what you want to me," Tommy insisted.
"No," Evan replied resolutely.
"Do you not want me because I'm not your typical omega?" Tommy asked sadly.
"What's that even supposed to mean?" Evan asked. "You're a beautiful fucking omega whom I want to knock up so bad."
"You're lying. You want a pretty. dainty omega. Not someone like me."
" I don't know if you're trying to reverse psychology me but I can see myself mating with you, Tommy. I want to mate with you. But just not today. I want us to talk when you're not in a heat and then I want to make you mine."
Tommy felt a smile play across his lips and nodded. "Okay," he said.
"Okay," Evan replied and kissed Tommy's forehead one more time before leaving, letting the door stay slightly ajar.
Tommy took off his clothes but pulled on Evan's hoodie. He took out his purple dildo from the side drawer and lay back, circling his hole with it. He slowly pushed it inside and moaned. "Evan."
He slipped his hand under the hoodie and played with his nipples with his other hand while he started fucking himself with the dildo. "Evan, Evan, Evan," a litany of his coworker's name escaped his lips. He was loud enough that he knew Evan could hear him outside. "Please, Evan. Knock me up. Need your baby in me," he groaned as he started fucking himself faster with the dildo.
He imagined Evan on top of him, penetrating him over and over again, making him scream. Tommy stopped playing with his nipple and wrapped his other hand around his cock. He stroked it only a few times, imagining Evan's hand on it before coming, loudly screaming out Evan's name. He lazily fucked himself with the dildo as he came down from the high. If Evan would not fuck him, then Tommy wasn't about to make it easy on him.
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kittyball23 · 6 months
Ways to Tell (a Trolls fanfic)
Summary: It’s a little challenging, but four Trolls find a way to tell their biggest secret, whether to family, friend, acquaintance, or pet
A/N: Taking place before TBT :)
“There’s something I need to tell you…”
Rhonda cocks her head at John Dory, her green eyes wide with curiosity as he starts to pull out a photograph from his hair, setting down the emptied bag of marshmallows they’d just finished wolfing down on the ground.
“I probably should’ve told you a long time ago, but I wasn’t sure how to bring it up…”
Bruce looks down in shame, feeling a little guilty from keeping the secret for so long. Brandy pauses in her dishwashing and looks down at him, knowing something serious is up that would require her full attention to be on her husband. With a hand on her belly, swollen with her fifth pregnancy, she asks him a question.
“What is it?”
Clay breaks his gaze away from Viva’s for a second to scratch the back of his neck, feeling a little embarrassed. “You know, I wasn’t always a very serious businessman and licensed CPA like I am now, Veevs. You see, I… um, I…”
“... I was part of a boyband.”
Crimp’s eyes widen with interest. “Wow! Really?”
“Yeah,” Floyd responds, nodding his head. “We really were something, too. The biggest one that there was, I think…”
“... and the most brodacious!”
Rhonda blinks, trilling with excitement at how excited John Dory was getting telling her about it. He holds the picture up before her nose and points out each figure.
“You see, there was five of us. John Dory, he was the oldest. Always liked to be called ‘The Leader.’ My brother Clay was ‘The Fun Boy.’ Floyd was ‘The Sensitive One.’ Branch was ‘Bitty B, The Baby.’ And me, well… I was Spruce. ‘The Heartthrob….’”
“‘Spruce?’” Brandy asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah…” Bruce sighed. “I didn’t really want that whole ‘boyband’ thing following me for the rest of my life, so, when I got here, I changed my name…”
“... because I’m not ‘The Fun Boy’ anymore,” Clay said firmly. “See, ‘Serious Boy Clay’ doesn’t do the ‘Rusty Robot’ anymore. He does the well-oiled machine robot, and it is NO fun at all.” He demonstrates by doing the dance.
Viva cocks her head. “Oh! Okay.” She still thought that it did look pretty fun, and was going to ask him if he was sure, but then another question popped into her mind.
“Wait, so if you guys were big and all, I mean… what happened?”
Floyd sighs.
“A fight happened,” he explains. “It was mostly between John Dory, Spruce, and Clay. Spruce and Clay were getting tired of John Dory telling them what to do for the ‘Perfect Family Harmony,’ so they all quit. And I haven’t seen any of them since.”
“Aww…” Crimp slumped at hearing that. “Say… what’s the ‘Perfect Family Harmony’?”
“It’s something we should’ve done that night, and if we did, we would’ve gone on the rest of our tour!” John Dory huffs, suddenly getting upset remembering the band’s breakup.
Rhonda notices his tension, and rubs against him, purring in an attempt to make him feel better.
JD pats her side. “Sorry for getting worked up, girl. It’s just that I know we could’ve done it. I wish things would’ve gone differently…”
“... and maybe if they had, we would all still be together today.”
Brandy bent down, putting an arm around Bruce’s shoulder. “It wasn’t right for him to be so controlling like that,” she tells him. “You guys didn’t try to talk things out?”
Clay shakes his head. “Nah, man. We were all too mad for that. The talking we did was yelling. And me n’ Spruce didn’t wanna put up with it anymore.”
“Oh…” Viva rubbed her arm. That was too bad to hear. A real story about a family divided by anger and differences was sadder than any sad book she and Clay would read in their sad-book club.
“Well,” Viva said, trying to remain chipper, “I mean, you can never say never, right? Maybe you guys will find each other again someday, and you’ll all be friends!”
Floyd tilted his head, thinking about it. “Yeah… that really would be nice. I really wish I could see them again. Especially Baby Branch.” He smiled wistfully, thinking about his smallest, blue-haired brother, and wondering how many games of rummy he’d allowed their Grandma to win.
“I bet they’d be happy to see you,” Crimp assured.
“Yeah…” Floyd agreed, but then his smile disappeared. “If I ever find a way out of here…” He put his hands up to the diamond walls around him, still as firm as ever.
Unbeknownst to him, his two captors had been listening in on his conversation with their papery assistant, from just behind the door of the studio they were in.
“Did you hear that?” Velvet said excitedly to her brother.
“Uh-huh! It really is kinda sad,” Veneer replied, wiping away a little tear that had formed at the corner of his eye.
Velvet rolled her eyes at her brother’s emotions. “I think I can find a way to help our little friend, if you get what I mean.” She smiles sneakily, and Veneer isn’t quite on her train of thought yet.
“Uh… no?”
Velvet scoffs and drags her brother behind her. “Come on! Let me show you.”
She grabs a sheet of paper and takes the next five minutes composing a letter. When she’s done, she reads it out loud. “‘Dear John Dory, I am being held against my will by superstars Velvet and Veneer. Come to Mount Rageous at once and bring our brothers! Love Floyd, The Sensitive One.’” She beams and looks at him. “So, whaddya think?”
Veneer grimaces. “Um, are you sure you want those guys to come rescue him? I mean, we can’t lose a Troll, what we need is more Trolls, and how are we gonna do that if - “
He stops talking when Velvet gives him a “duh!” look, and the cogs begin turning in his head. “Ohhhh…” he drawls, a smirk tugging the corner of his lip. He puts an arm around Velvet and grins widely. “You know, I’m proud to call you my sister.”
Velvet nods, proud of herself, too. “I know!”
“I’m glad you told me,” Brandy says, taking the news much better than what Bruce anticipated.
“Yeah, I’m glad, too. I promise I got no more secrets, honey.” He leans in to give her a hug, and then they are off. After all, four kids couldn’t be left alone for very long.
“I never would’ve guessed you had four brothers, Clay,” Viva says, once he’s done telling his tale. She then grins, pulling out a scrapbook from her hair and opening it to show her friend the little family that was depicted there. “Would you believe I have a sister?”
Clay’s eyes widen and he grows curious. “Go on…”
“Anyway, thanks for listenin’, girlie. You’re pretty good at it.”
Rhonda gives a bark, wagging her stumpy tail and giving John Dory one big doggy-kiss lick. He laughs, giving her a scratch behind the head and then making his way inside the caterbus, hanging up the photograph of him and his brothers up with the rest of his memorabilia.
He stares at it for a moment and then heads off to sleep, a dream visiting him of a time in which he was happy to sing alongside his brothers, and they were happy to be by his side, as great friends and bandmates.
A/N: I tried following the “Two Scenes, One Dialogue” TV Trope, hopefully it makes sense!
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seungkwansphd · 1 year
want YOU
pairing: changkyun x fem!reader word count: 2.2K synopsis: your dynamic with changkyun had been strained for the entire time you'd dated his friend. after breaking up, the 'why' starts to unravel. themes: smut, boyfriend's friend, repressed feelings, M O O D Y changkyun, post-breakup.
a/n: this fic was HIGHLY inspired by tabber (hence the title). baby's (me) first changkyun fic. also smut's all over the place, to be honest, but oh well
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You chewed on your lip. You hadn’t expected Changkyun to be here. You shrank against the wall slightly, as if it would help you evade his detection, but his dark eyes landed on you before long. Found you like always.
You sighed. You didn’t want to talk to him. Even when you’d still been dating his friend, your relationship had felt strained. Dominic insisted that it was imagined on your end, but you could always feel an energy in Changkyun’s gaze that felt disapproving. Even when you’d met eyes with him just now, it felt like it crackled through you from head to toe.
Changkyun clenched his jaw when he saw you. He knew he looked mad, but that was okay. He was used to keeping up this facade, feigning dislike or indifference to avoid the assuredly disastrous reveal of the raw, unbridled attraction that he felt for you. He’d known from the first time Dominic had introduced you two that he wished to undo you.
As time passed and Dominic proved himself to be a rather poor partner, Changkyun’s reign on his emotions grew tenuous, strained. He couldn’t avoid you, after all. He became a sideline admirer of your stray thoughts and soft smiles, but his sense of duty ensured that the way you affected him stayed a secret to everyone and especially you.
“I’m gonna go grab some water,” you excused yourself from the conversation. You wandered into the kitchen and pulled open cabinets until you found the cups you were looking for. Pressing up on your tiptoes, you reached upwards until you nearly lost your balance.
“Careful,” someone appeared to steady you. Large hands found purchase on your waist and even provided a slight lift to assist. The way their thumbs pressed into the muscles of your back made you want to purr, but you managed to keep a hold of yourself.
“Thank yo-,” your words faded into a squeak when you realized who had helped you. “Changkyun.”
He nodded as you looked back up at him. You frowned. He was too close.
Changkyun grimaced slightly, looking at his hands. This had been a mistake. To now know how they fit around your waist would make him mentally unwell.
“Changkyun,” you did your best not to stutter. “Can I? Water,” you pointed towards the faucet. His hands were still around you and sent a ripple down your back.
“If you’re here to tell me off for breaking up with Dominic, you should just save it. Go ask him why things ended,” you told him indignantly after a sip of water.
Changkyun’s heart leapt into his throat. What had you just said?
“You broke up?”
“You didn’t know?” you looked up at him with surprise. He shook his head.
You gave him a half smile and a shrug before finishing your glass of water. Changkyun was still embroiled in thought as you placed it into the dishwasher and slipped outside.
You shook yourself once you were in the backyard. The way he’d been looking at you had been downright suffocating, so the fresh, cool air was a welcome relief. You waved and made small talk with a few familiar faces before you noticed one of the ladder toss bolas wrapped around a tree branch. Someone should get that down.
Once again standing on your tiptoes, you reached upwards, but this time the goal was far more out of reach. Jumping didn't do the trick and neither did standing on the tree’s gnarled roots. You spotted a rickety stool and decided to give that a shot.
“I told you to be careful,” Changkyun’s voice sounded in your ear as the stool started to wobble. You let out a small, surprised puff of air as you fell into him. His arms caught you and folded you against his warm, solid chest.
It sounded regretfully like a soft moan. A gravelly groan emanated from his chest and rippled through you and you throbbed. You didn’t know whether you’d undergone some sort of perverse conditioning by way of his repeated rebuffs or whether you’d actually tucked it aside in self preservation, but your body wanted him.
“Changkyun,” you sighed, body stiff in his arms.
“What is this?” you asked, searching his expression.
“I’m not sure,” he answered honestly, “I just…want.”
You nodded once, hands fisting in his shirt. His grip on you tightened.
“Tell me.” He needed to hear you say it. After months of lusting after you, he knew with certainty where he stood. He needed some sort of indication from you too.
You closed your eyes. You almost regretted it because it allowed a hazy image from the past to fill in the blank. The one time you'd run into Changkyun leaving the bathroom shirtless, damp, sweatpants slung pornographically low across his hips. You'd nearly lost it then. Sadly there was nothing to stop you now.
“...need you,” you sighed, tugging on his shirt now.
That was enough for him. You heard him swallow before practically carrying you out. He had no more patience.
“Ah!” you let out a surprised squeak when he deposited you on his kitchen counter. His lips explored the curve of your neck and your head fell back, letting out a thick, wet moan. He growled from the back of his throat. He hadn’t realized how much he’d needed to hear that. His hungry lips curled into a grin as he traveled down to the hollow at the base of your neck. His tongue dipped into it before he bit down slightly, pulling another cry from you. Your fingers threaded into his hair and pulled him back slightly.
“Demon,” you laughed. His deep chuckle joined yours. You liked when he laughed.
He picked you up again, this time carrying you to his bedroom. Your legs wrapped around his waist and his arousal pressed against you firmly. You were ready. If you could’ve sank down around him like that, you would have. Your hands made quick work of each others’ clothes and he bent you over the bed, his hands finding their place around your waist just like earlier in the kitchen.
“Please,” you whimpered, pressing back towards him.
Changkyun wished he could tease you, draw out your longing, but he couldn’t. He needed to be inside of you or he would simply combust. Pressing his thumbs into the small of your back, he stroked into you, letting out a low groan peppered with choice curse words.
Your mouth fell open with surprise. He was big. You enveloped him with your warmth and he let out a sigh when he was pressed flush against you. Your name fell from his lips like a prayer before he starting fucking you in earnest. Your cries were ecstatic and you took full advantage of burying your face in the covers to muffle the desperation in your sounds.
“God you look good, taking it all for me. So good for me,” he groaned.
“Yes,” you nodded frantically. You could already feel your orgasm building. This first one would be quick.
“I wish you could see. Looks so good taking me into you,” he sounded strained.
“Kyunnie!” you groaned, clenching around him.
“Fuck!” he cursed. His orgasm threatened to rip through him at any moment.
“Taking it so good for you,” you babbled. It was mostly incoherent, but provocative all the same. You reached back, grabbing his wrist as you spasmed around him, orgasm ripping loudly through you. His followed shortly after, his fingertips pressing into you with a bruising pressure before he fell forward, breath ragged.
You watched him as he recovered. When he looked up at you again, his eyes burned into you intensely. Now that he’d taken the edge off, he could really show you what he was made of. Fuck you in all the ways he'd imagined. Fuck you in all the ways you needed.
“Oh?” you were surprised by his short recovery period. He placed you on your back, hips against the edge of the bed before sinking to his knees before you. Your instinct was to sit up and look at him, but you were promptly halted by his hand at the base of your throat, pressing you down into the mattress. “Oh,” you sighed again, brain mushy.
You couldn’t see, but you felt his press your knees apart. He paused for a moment and you wondered what he was doing. The not knowing set a ripple of goosebumps through you.
Changkyun sat back on his heels for a moment to admire you. His eyes traced the swells and curves of your shape. The line of your inner thigh called to him like a siren song and he moved like a man possessed.
Your lips fell into an ‘o’ shape when you felt him on you again. His lips kissed, nipped, and kneaded their way up your inner thighs and your legs spread for him of their own accord. Your hands busied themselves stroking up and down his arm, roped with muscle. You were sure you were glistening by the time he was even close to your center.
“How are you?” he asked suddenly, head popping up into your field of vision.
“Oh, um, good?” you answered, surprised at the question.
“Let me know if you’re not enjoying yourself. Or if anything is too much,” he informed you before ducking his head back down.
You squirmed. No one had ever really checked in with you like that before.
Changkyun resumed the task at hand diligently. His lips were back at your knee, which made you frown. He'd been further up than this before!
“Changkyun, please,” you whined, shifting down towards him impatiently.
He snickered. Seeing you so insistently needy for him was quite the shot of self esteem. He held you in place with his hand and stayed his course. You could wait.
You sighed and waited impatiently as his lips kneaded their way back up towards your now swollen pussy. Your clit throbbed with inattention and your arousal now glistened. When Changkyun finally brought his lips to yours, you let out a loud cry, equal parts relief and anguish.
“Mmmm,” he hummed into you, the sound emanating from his diaphragm. Your thighs closed around his ears and the intensity increased.
“I-, I need,” you gasped, eyes watering. You needed something more.
“What do you need?” his eyes bored into you.
“Fingers,” you answered without hesitation. You needed to feel something inside of you.
His eyebrows quirked up and he looked you over from head to toe. Your initial instinct was shyness, but the way he looked you up and down actually made you feel confident and powerful. He wanted you bad.
“Changkyun, please?” you cooed sweetly, reaching your fingertips out to caress along his jawline. “Don’t you want to watch your fingers slide into me, stretch me out? I’ll be so good, taking it for you.”
You were shocked when the hand on your chest shot up to grab your jaw and his thumb pressed against your tongue, thick and heavy. He’d hadn’t even thought this action through, he just knew he needed to shut you up somehow before he lost his mind. Your goading dirty talk died in your throat and your lips closed around his thumb, sucking eagerly.
“Fucking hell!” he cursed loudly. He shifted to a more favorable angle and dipped his index and middle finger into your honeypot of a mouth before stroking them through your folds.
“Hnnngh!” you keened, pressing your hips up against his fingertips.
“Want my fingers?” he looked down at you, “Let me warn you, my hands are bigger than Dominic’s.”
“Oh?” you smiled hazily up at him. “Show me.”
A smirk curled onto his lips as he pressed into you. He hadn’t been kidding. His fingers were longer and curled into you in the most satisfying way. You sank into the mattress as he pumped in and out of you, wet gushing sounds filling the room.
“So?” he asked. You were clearly enjoying yourself, but he wanted to hear you say it.
“What?” you asked breathlessly.
His eyes darted down to his fingers, lodged deep inside of you, before looking back up expectantly. With his eyes, he was asking how he compared to your ex.
“...who?” you teased.
You were surprised when he hauled himself over you and pressed a kiss to your jaw. It was almost sweet coming from a man that was usually all frowns and stern looks. His fingers slid out of you and he notched himself between your thighs. You giggled like an idiot.
“Someone’s excited,” he teased, tongue in his cheek.
“Yes,” you smiled up at him genuinely. “In case you’re wondering…you’re a lot bigger than him in this regard too.”
Changkyun laughed. He hadn’t not been wondering, but he really did enjoy hearing you say it. Leaning his forehead down to touch yours, he pulled himself into you, deep and slow. The sound you let out was toe curling and he couldn’t wait to pull more of them out of you.
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omnomnomdomcaps · 10 months
Louder than Words
Yet another remastered story, everyone! And yes, I'm still here. - ONND
Ann stared in vain at the screen in front of her, lingering on the clock in the corner. She had told her boss - the firebrand lawyer that she aspired to be like - that she could have her report done by Monday morning, and yet for the past three hours she had accomplished absolutely nothing. It was as if a fog had set over her, and she knew exactly who to blame.
In one furious motion, the diminutive blonde rose from her seat, stomped through her apartment hallway as loudly as her five-foot frame could, stopped, and pointed, as sharply and as angrily as her finger was capable of pointing.
“YOU!” she bellowed, her face bright red.
“Yes?” Richard, her boyfriend, turned in his swivel, utterly unfazed, resting his hands in his lap as he looked up at his fuming visitor.
“Don’t play dumb with me!” the girl bellowed, “Your stupid fucking hypnosis bullshit has been messing with my head all night, and I’ll remind you that I have a lot of work to do.”
“My… stupid hypnosis?” he repeated softly, raising an eyebrow, “But… I thought that hypnosis didn’t do anything?”
“Oh shut up, smartass,” Ann barked, “it doesn’t. But all your yammering on about figuring out the trigger” - she added air quotes as she mocked - “and how revolutionary you seem to think this bullshit is has been giving me a fucking headache, and now I can’t focus on my goddamn work.”
“My oh my,” the man shook his head in his seat, “such rude words. As I said before, I’m quite proud of this new file, and I’m very appreciative that you would let me test it out on you. I just thought you should know that it’s trigger-based, in case that helps you manage it. After twenty-four hours, I’ll be happy to remove it if you just ask, but I need to collect a few observations first.”
“I don’t need you to remove shit,” she snarled, “It doesn’t do anything, and I wish you’d stop wasting your time on it. Just tell me what the stupid trigger is or whatever, so I can focus on more important things. Christ.”
“Oh, but where’s the fun in that?” Richard smiled, “Besides, if the file really isn’t doing anything, then it’d seem to me that you just need a simple distraction. So why don’t you take your mind off work a few minutes, hmmm? Relax a little?”
Ann growled, but eventually released her pointing hand and exhaled. She wasn’t one to admit it, but perhaps, she thought, he was right - a simple distraction was what she needed.
The girl left her boyfriend’s office and made her way to the kitchen, where she quickly came upon some lingering plates and cutlery from the night’s dinner. Once more, she took a deep breath, before taking a sponge and turning on the faucet, immersing herself in a simple, productive task to clear the fog in her head.
And within just a few moments, that fog seemed to start to clear. The girl felt calmer and more at ease, and didn’t even show annoyance when a familiar face came in to join her.
“Aww, thank you!” her boyfriend remarked, “You didn’t have to do that. Maybe I can help?”
“I can handle it myself,” she said without turning, “but thanks.”
Indeed, it seemed she was almost done with the work anyway, only one plate left to scrub off and place into the couple’s dishwasher. But then, that plate slipped from her hands.
In a moment of sudden panic, Ann scrambled to regain a grip on the wide dinner plate, her wet fingers grasping madly at the air over the sink. Finally, she was able to regain a hold, but it came at such an awkward angle that she ended up diverting the full pour of the faucet towards her body, blasting her with such force that she had to drop the ceramic into the basin below.
The plate shattered into pieces, and Ann just stood there, trying to make sense of what had just happened, and what had come of it. She was drenched - the burst of water had reached her face, her t-shirt, and the front of her pants. As her boyfriend stepped calmly in front of her, turning off the sink and beginning to collect the shattered remains of the plate, the girl erupted once again in frustration.
“Fucking seriously!?” she yelled out, “Why the fuck did you have to distract me again? I was finally starting to fucking relax and you had to get up behind me and…”
“Whoa there now,” he gestured, as if trying to rein in a horse, “no need for that kind of hostility. I’ll just take care of the little mess here, and I think you should probably focus on getting yourself cleaned up?”
Again the girl growled, balling up fists as she walked away. Part of her wanted to keep arguing, but she knew there would be nothing to gain. Plus, she knew he was right - she needed to get herself cleaned up. Her shirt was sopping wet, and the stain on her pants had soaked her underwear as well.
As she changed herself out into dry clothes in their bedroom, Richard once again came to join, tapping her ajar door before peering in.
“You gonna be alright changing yourself there, babe? Maybe I should get you something a little more absorbent, in case you have another little mishap?”
“Real funny,” she rolled her eyes, “I can keep my pants dry just fine, as long as someone doesn’t keep distracting me. Now could you please leave me alone?”
“Alright, alright,” he acquiesced, and walked away.
Ann, dressed in a fresh set of clothes, took several deep breaths to try to calm herself down, hoping that she might be able to focus enough to get her work done. But as she stared again into the screen, she found herself again veering away from her task. She played games, watched news, checked social media, and did everything except the thing she was supposed to do, until a familiar feeling finally pulled her away from her seat.
“God fucking damn it,” she muttered under her breath, shaking her head as she walked away from her laptop. She wondered why she had been so ineffective - she’d never been one to struggle so much with writer’s block or procrastination before, and she didn’t really care about the stupid hypnosis trigger, did she?
But then, only a few feet from her chair, Ann felt something strange. The urge that she had, that had started as a simple need for a pee break, seemed to be developing unnaturally, growing stronger and stronger each second. But it had gotten beyond even that.
The girl looked down, unable to believe what she was seeing. There, at the front of her fresh pair of shorts, spots were appearing. They weren’t some burst of desperation, but small, uncontrolled drop, leaking through underwear, and beginning to drip onto the floor.
“Fuck!” She launched into a sprint for the bathroom, but it was already too late. The drops had turned into a full-blown stream, flowing down across the legs of her shorts and forming puddles on the hardwood below, with her muscles unable to stop anything.
She finally did enter the bathroom, but there wasn’t much left for her to do there. She tossed off her ruined shorts and panties - her second such set of the day - and sat half-naked on the toilet bowl, mulling her situation, cursing until her face turned red.
And then, like clockwork, he showed up, carrying a crinkling package in his hand as he waved to his girlfriend from the bathroom’s entrance.
“What the fuck do you want!?” she balked, “And why do you even have that?”
“Occupational hazard,” he chuckled, “different hypnoses affect people in different ways, and sometimes these h-”
“NO!” she pointed, glaring suddenly, “Don’t say that word - that word that rhymes with ‘yelp.’ That’s your fucking trigger word, isn’t it? Isn’t it?”
Richard smiled and shrugged, and then began to answer. “A good g-”
“No!” she cut him off, “You know what? Don’t fucking say anything. Don’t talk to me tonight. Sleep on the fucking couch. Okay?”
The man standing in the hallway nodded, raising his free hand up to gesture for calm. He said nothing.
“But,” Ann went on, her voice turning timid, “could you leave the package here? Thanks.”
Her boyfriend tossed the package towards her before proceeding to walk away once again. Ann, after a few moments, reached to bring it closer to herself, shuddering as she examined the contents.
Diapers. A small, mostly empty bag of thick, adult diapers. Ann wondered if she really needed them, or if she was simply letting Richard’s riddles get in her head. Either way, she figured, it would be easier to just put one on. Tomorrow afternoon, she reminded herself, she would be done with this insanity, free to go back to her normal life. And she would never agree to let that man hypnotize her again.
With a sigh, the girl took a garment from the bag and unfolded it, trying to make sense of front and back. This will be over soon, she reminded herself, and she stood to wrap the diaper around herself. It was an alien feeling, and she winced as she heard the plastic crinkle. Still, it wasn’t all that uncomfortable, and she was able to ease into the sensation as she walked back towards the bedroom, carrying the remainder of the bag in her fingers.
Richard had gone to sleep on their sofa, as requested, and Ann flopped onto their bed alone, thoughts from the previous day racing through her mind. She was too tired to try to do work any longer, and she reminded herself that it would be a waste of time anyway. Within a day, this would all be over, and that thought calmed her as she drifted off peacefully.
Some nine hours later, Ann rubbed her tired head as she tried to adjust to the new day. She wasn’t used to sleeping so long, and she certainly wasn’t used to the new sensation between her legs.
“Oh, Christ…” she mumbled, tossing off her blanket and covers to reveal a sopping diaper underneath.
“Good morning, sleepyhead!” Richard waltzed in, a wide smile on his face, “Ready for breakfast?”
“Could you not be so fucking loud?” she whispered, holding the side of her head, “i literally just woke up. Jesus…”
“Oh my,” he said, speaking more softly now, “looks like someone’s had a busy night, huh? I suppose I’ll just leave you to it, then.”
And for a few moments, he did, working away in the kitchen while the girl tried to orient herself. Slowly, Ann was able to untape her worn diaper, wrap it, and toss into their wastebasket, before pulling another from the bag - the last, she quickly realized - and setting it around her hips.
“Need any… assistance there?” Richard chimed in from the kitchen.
“No!” she balked, “I can change myself. I don’t need you using this as an excuse to humiliate me any more.”
“Suit yourself, then.”
This time, however, it seemed the tapes were baffling Ann. Try as she might, she simply couldn’t fix them around her waist, no matter if she was lying down or standing up, no matter how she tried to position her hands.
“Are you sure you don’t need any help?” he finally asked again, peering into the bedroom door.
“I told you not to… ugh…” the girl scowled, crossing her arms and turning her head. “Fine! Go ahead and fucking change me already. I hope you’re happy, asshole.”
“Always!” he answered cheerily, whistling to himself as he fastened the blushing girl’s diaper.
“Y’know,” he said, just as he was finishing the work, “I think I might have to pick up a few things at the mall today. Would you care to join me?”
“Fine,” the girl replied, her head still turned away, a scowl still covering her face, “whatever.”
Breakfast was a silent affair - flapjacks and scrambled eggs, which the girl ate, to her relief, without incident. All the while, her mind continued to race through her current situation, as she struggled to accept the profound effects the hypnosis seemed to have had on her, and wondered how much further it would go before the day was through.
Soon, the two were in the mall lobby, watching Sunday crowds scuttle about around them. Ann had chosen a light blue sundress to wear - the one clean item she had that wouldn’t leave her with an obvious bulge - but she was still highly self-conscious of what was hidden underneath.
“So what did you want to get here?” the girl asked, nervously maintaining her hands at the hem of her dress.
“Well,” he began, “I did notice that package I gave you was running a bit l-”
“Oh my fucking god,” she cut him off, “You fucking asshole. You just brought me out here to buy diapers, didn’t you? You just want to fucking humiliate me, is that it?”
“Now, now,” Richard answered calmly, “no need to make a fuss. Yes, I may have needed to pick up a few of those, but I’m also happy to go shop for anything you like. My treat - it’s my way of thanking you for -” he paused and grinned, anticipating her grimace at his next word, “helping me with this project.”
Ann’s face turned red as she clenched her teeth. She wanted to scream that this was some trap, but she fought against the urge, not wanting to call attention to herself in this state. Plus, if he was being honest, this could be a chance for her to salvage her situation with a bit of material compensation.
And so, the girl led her boyfriend without a word to an upscale clothing outlet, handing him a basket to carry. For the next hour, she would fill it with anything that caught her eye, smiling gleefully as she snatched up the most extravagant items in the store. And Richard, for his part, said nothing.
That was, until he heard the girl’s stomach emit a familiar rumble.
“Uh oh…” he teased, “looks like someone’s gotta go.”
“It’s fine,” Ann rolled her eyes, “I can wait. I’d rather not deal with a public bathroom right now.” And with that, she went back to picking clothes, as her boyfriend shrugged silently and averted his gaze with a whistle.
It was only a few moments later, though, that a sudden and powerful cramp struck the girl, causing her to nearly drop the dress she was holding. With wide eyes and blush cheeks, the girl looked nervously around before admitting a change of heart.
“Berightback,” she blurted, and she darted off into the mall. And after putting their overflowing basket aside, her boyfriend ran after.
For a moment, Ann stopped and turned. “Don’t follow me!” she yelled, “I don’t need your fucking help, okay? I - I - oh god…”
The second cramp that hit, it seemed, was far more forceful than the first. There, in the mall’s corridor, Ann grunted as she felt her body pushing and pushing, a massive, mushy mess filling the back of her diaper.
She wanted to cry.
“There there, sweetie,” Richard said softly, “it’s okay. Why don’t we just make a quick run to the pharmacy, and then we’ll be off home and get you nice and clean, ‘kay?”
“You…” she grimaced, but she held back. Don’t make a scene here, she told herself, not here.
And so she went along, swallowing her tongue and her pride as he took her by the hand over to the mall’s small drugstore. But against his word, Richard seemed to be taking his sweet time, whistling as he carefully looked through the packages in the diaper aisle, before settling on one he liked.
“Oooh, this is perfect! A nice big package for you. Can you read how many diapies are in here?”
“Fuck off,” the girl whispered through gritted teeth, “I can read fine, asshole.”
“Oh?” the man countered with a condescending smile, “Go on, then.”
Fuming through her nose as she tried to contain her rage, the girl let her eyes drift to the package, finding nothing but incomprehensible symbols on it. Then, those eyes began to dart around the aisle, finding only the same on every other package and sign. And when she realized what it all meant, Ann snapped.
“WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO ME?” she yelled, stomping her foot against the store rug, “WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO ME??”
“Now now, sweetie,” Richard smiled, putting aside the package he was holding, “there’s no need for that kind of language. Don’t forget we’re in a store now.”
“Fuck you,” the girl retorted, her face beet red as she landed another stomp on the floor, “Fuck you fuck you fu-”
In an instant, the girl found herself looking down at the floor, positioned with her full diaper facing up over her boyfriend’s knee.
“Tsk tsk tsk” he shook his head, stern but calm, “How many times did I warn you?”
“Little girls like you shouldn’t be using such foul language.”
“And now, this is what you get.”
“Is that clear?”
Ann nodded behind watering eyes as she was let down onto her feet, her hand reaching to support her sore bottom as she winced at the sticky mess that had been pressed against it.
She would be silent for the rest of their mall trip, hiding her face behind her hands as her boyfriend checked out the new package of diapers, and looking away as they drove home. It was almost over, she told herself, remembering that there were only a few hours left before the day was up. This nightmare is almost over.
That only made it more shocking, however, when he led her back into their apartment to reveal what was once his office, redone completely into a full, adult-sized nursery, complete with a giant crib, soft pink-colored walls with infantile decorations, and a changing mat, onto which she found herself being placed.
“I hope you don’t mind,” he smiled, “I did a little redecorating while you were asleep last night. Thought you mind need this.”
“What the fuck,” the girl seethed, preparing to burst once more, “You fucking psycho…”
“Now, now,” he chided, “what did we say about naughty words?”
“I can say whatever the fuck I want!”
“Can you, now?”
The girl was ready to go off once more, but she was interrupted by a strange feeling. Her tongue, it seemed, was lost in her mouth, and all of the sounds she wanted to make seemed impossible.
“Ga…” she mustered, “ba… da…” but she simply couldn’t formulate a word.
“Oh, too bad,” Richard commented, unable to fully hide his chuckle at the girl’s state, “Seems like someone’s lost her train of thought. And it’s such a shame, because I’m sure you really wanted to ask for me to undo this hypnosis.
“But that’s not going to happen now, because you went and said those words again - I can. So sad, really - you could have probably figured it out when you were still smart enough, but instead you went and insulted me and my work, thinking you were so much better than all of it.
“I guess it can’t be helped. I guess that’s just the girl you are - or at least, the one you were. Thinking you were better than everyone else, thinking you could do anything. And that’s exactly why I had to teach you this lesson.”
Ann lay in wide-eyed shock as she soaked in the revelation. Her mind raced as she tried to find a way out, a way to escape being this oversized baby, unable to speak a word, being changed out of a full, wet, messy diaper before being put down into her crib for a nap.
But she couldn’t.
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smallraindrops-blog · 2 years
Falling Sand
Word count: 1k
Morpheus x GN!reader (light, pre-relationship)
Fandom: the sandman
Summary: reader haven’t slept in a while.
Warnings: no beta, some possible spoilers, non-canon 
Notes: some people collect stamps, k-pop stars or lovecraftian horrors. I collect gods of sleep appearly. Still watching the show but this idea wouldn’t leave me alone. 
Now with Part Two!
You haven’t slept in days when he found you. 
At first you weren’t sure what you were looking at. It was a man but the way he carried himself, the icy stare he gave you as you slowly rose from your overflowing desk. You could actually feel the bags under your eyes. 
Sleep was but a dream. One you gave up freely.  And this beautiful man, whoever he might be, was no man. When you were a child you saw the painting by Alexandre Cabanel, of the fallen angel. And Michaelanglo’s David. Their perfect beauty was flawed and ugly compared to the being in front of you. 
“I’ve been looking for you. you were surprisingly hard to find.” He said, his voice low. You chuckled, amused for a reason not even you understood.
“Oh?” You waved toward your kitchen, toward the nectar that awaited you in the coffeemaker. “Well, come along.” You didn’t bother to check to see if he followed you.
You weren’t convinced that you weren’t imagining him anyway.
You luckily found some clean mugs in the dishwasher and promptly got to work for your caffeine fix. Your guest glanced around the messy kitchen then to a very messy kitchen table. His mouth- his entirely too pink, entirely too distracting mouth- was pursed in disapproval. 
You tore your eyes away from his beauty, blinked heavily as you watched the coffee maker. You might be sleeping at your desk, he was simply too lovely to be real.
“Well, do you want to tell me why you are here, darling?” You asked then grimaced when you realized you used a pet name. You sounded just like your mother or that old landlady. 
“You haven’t been sleeping.” He said as the smell of coffee filled the space. You waited for him to say more but he didn’t.
You sighed, realizing he wasn’t going to be easy to talk to. Nor did you know his name.
“Darl- no, please tell me you got a name.” You said, pouring the steaming hot coffee into the mugs. One of them had a chip in the rim so you kept that one for yourself. You did have some manners after all. 
Finally, he spoke that rich voice of his. “Morpheus. Some call me Dream.”
“Well, you are pretty enough to be a dream.” The words slipped out but you shook your head, already trying to take them back. “Sorry. Forget I said that. Haven’t been sleeping.”  
“Yes, I know. That is why I am here.” 
You eyed the sugar, and only added a little bit but went heavy for the cream. Something about Morpheus told you he was a cream man. 
You placed the mug in front of him and took a deep sip of your own drink with a happy sigh. 
Then you made yourself look at Morpheus. He really was beautiful, like a greek god come to life and you wished you could paint with oil because anything else would be an insult.��
To his credit, he took the drink but didn’t take a sip. Oh well more for you later. You told yourself very firmly you didn’t notice how slender and graceful his hands looked around the mug.  
“You know that doesn’t tell me anything. Why should you care about some rando’s sleep schedule?” you asked, rubbing a thumb along the mug’s rim.
“Anyone else would be dead by now. You don’t even have the sickness, you are choosing to do this.” Morpheus said in a perplexed tone. His mouth almost in a pout and you resisted the urge to reach over and press a thumb on that tempting mouth of his. 
You blinked, taking in his words. Then you gave him a easy shrug, “I need to understand exactly what my patients are going through. Otherwise what use am I?”
“Not going to be much use when sleep deprived or dead.” Morpheus repiled tartly. He sounded just like a frustrated partner or parent. 
You laughed, taking another sip before sitting down in the chair. For some reason, your whole body felt heavy. Like something warm and soft was dragging you down. For a moment, you thought of lovers tangled together in sleep warm blankets and moonlight. 
“I do plan to sleep at some point but…” you frowned, realizing you lost your train of thoughts. They slipped away from you, like sand between fingers. “I…” 
A hand landed on yours, warmed by the coffee and untangled your fingers from the mug’s handle. You made a protesting sound but words failed you. You tried to pull away but your whole body was slumping, giving into the weight. 
Morpheus shushed you, wrapping an arm around your waist. “Come along now.” His voice had changed. The timber of it was still rich but now it was lulling. Hypnotic.
“You need to sleep. You are doing good work, it would be a shame if something happens to that mind of yours.”  Morpheus said, guiding you to your bedroom. You shook your head, and slurred out.“Jerk.” 
Morpheus actually chuckled, deep and quiet and you liked that sound way too much. 
You don’t remember falling into your bed. What you did remember was how Morpheus actually pulled up the blanket around your chin, of slim fingers running once though your hair. Your eyes closed but you weren’t sleeping yet. Rather you existed for a moment between the waking world and dream world. Painfully aware of your mind even as you lose hold of your body.
“Sleep, mortal. Your duties await you.” Morpheus said gently. You tried to resist for a little bit longer.
“Will I get to see you again?” You slurred out. You thought you sounded like a child. You wondered if Morpheus would agree. It hasn't been a full hour since you met this being but you already wanted to know his thoughts on this, on everything, on you. 
“Sleep.” He ordered, his rich voice still gentle.
And with a quiet sigh, you gave in, letting the weight pull you under like quicksand.  You thought you felt fingertips against your forehead but you were already too far gone. 
You slept. 
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prettytoxicrevolver · 11 months
i know i can’t protect you from everything,  but i wish you’d let me protect you from the things i can control. 
for Auston Matthews please?
this lowkey doesn't make any sense :)
you move through your kitchen like a leaf blowing softly in the wind. you find yourself putting things away slowly, emptying and filling the dishwasher without a second thought to your actions. 
your apartment is a strange amount of quiet, the sounds of a rumbling thunderstorm echoing in the empty space and slightly drowning out the noah kahan album you had put on earlier as you cleaned. your mind slips into ease as the sounds fill every inch of your senses and drown out any intrusive thoughts that often occupy every living space in your brain. 
just as you start to wipe down the kitchen counters, a strange sound stops you. the lock to your apartment door turns and you pause as the person pushes the door open and steps in before shutting it again and resetting the lock. your heart jumps, waiting and wanting to know who it is but your body is stuck standing in the kitchen. 
it’s not until you feel two strong arms wrap around you that your whole body and being relaxes in an instant. 
His cologne wafts through the air, comforting you as his touch wanders against your body, finding any open skin he can. His breath feathers over your neck and you feel every muscle in your body relax. 
“hello princess,” he murmurs against your skin, placing a soft kiss on the side of your neck. 
“hi darling,” you respond, turning in his embrace and resting your head on Auston’s chest. 
“How are you feeling?” Auston asks, slowly swaying you to the sounds of Strawberry Wine by Noah Kahan. 
“I’m okay,” you murmur and you can feel the shift in Auston’s demeanor. 
Your hands come up to twist in his brown locks and you find it increasingly hard to meet his stunning brown eyes. You knew the minute you made eye contact you would fold, bare your soul to him like you always do. 
You never considered it a bad thing to be so head over heels for Auston the way you were. However, you were always nervous that your mental health and overall insecurities would cause issues if you showed too much to Auston at once. 
“Oh my princess,” Auston sighs, knowing you far better than you could ever imagine. 
“i know i can’t protect you from everything, but i wish you’d let me protect you from the things i can control.” 
You finally connect with Auston’s gaze and his eyes say everything you need to know. The two of you had always been able to see each other's emotions without even needing a single word uttered between the two of you. 
Auston knew things were getting to you. Missing him while he’s on the road, work being tough, school taking up all of your time, and your mental health ending up on the back burner. You felt like you hadn’t taken enough time for yourself or to truly spend with Auston. Auston in turn was starting to blame himself for your melancholy demeanor and wanted to do anything he could to help. 
“I know darling, I know,” you tell him quietly. 
“How about we spend the weekend together?” Auston whispers against your temple, still swaying the two of you back and forth. 
“I would love that.” 
“I love you.” 
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lululandd · 7 months
rabid; (iv.)
pairing: simon ‘ghost’ riley x gn!reader
word count: 1,671
warnings: comedy, unhinged topics, ghost has feelings
note: this is the last one i promise, thanks for reading and sticking around :3
summary: “We need your interrogation magic, LT. We don’t have a lot of time.”
part i. | part ii. | part iii.
“Ghost?” Soap nudged him.
The day was sickly humid, temperature rising by the minute as sweat beaded down his forehead. His mind was somewhere far away when Soap called him, “Yeah. Here.” He replied as he placed a gloved knuckle on his eye, getting rid of the sweat gathering on his lashes.
“We need your interrogation magic, LT. We don’t have a lot of time.”
Ghost sighed deeply at the situation they got themselves into. He looked around the makeshift interrogation room–if they can even call it that–as half of the wall was torn down and there was no roof above them. There could be a UAV coming to pinpoint their location any time now. Soap was right, they don’t have much time.
He stared at his men, all of them looking tired but otherwise alert. He checked his pockets for anything that can be used in an interrogation and took out two of his knives. Gaz and Soap picked up on what he was doing pretty quickly and they handed him pliers, a magnetic pickup tool, while Gromsko and Enzo handed him wire cutters and a swiss knife. To his surprise, Arthur produced a 45° double angle hook from the pocket near where Merlin dangled on his backside.
The man held onto the hook for a moment longer than necessary as Ghost took the item from him, subtly indicating he wanted the item back.
The unnamed Cordis Die member kneeling in front of them stayed silent as Ghost stood in front of him. The others had stayed a little bit away, either keeping watch or just giving them some space. He looked young, late twenties at most, Ghost couldn’t tell very well with all the muck and grime. He crouched down in front of the bound man, asking him in the nicest voice he could muster. When he refused to answer at all, Ghost weighed the items in his hands with vexation as he knows these aren’t the correct tools to make this man talk. His expression didn’t even change when he eyed them in his hands.
He would need to think of something else, and fast.
Simon had to hold in his laughter as he loaded his dishwasher, as you and your online friends were onto something wicked which had you laughing and giggling the whole time ever since you started. He heard something about a little celebration but he didn’t quite catch what it was for, but he knows you’re celebrating with a couple drinks.
As he got ready to wind down for the night and crawl into bed for another possibly sleepless night, he perked his ears up to listen in harder on your conversations as you’re getting quieter to probably not disturb him, your only neighbour. It’s cute that you think of him after the soap incident, lowering your voice if you’re going online later in the night. He sort of wishes you didn’t, because of the things he’s gonna miss. Just like tonight’s.
Oh how he would love to hear all the sides of the conversation.
“No, I don’t know what a sheep’s dick looks like. Why would I know what they look like?” A pause. “Nah, I was raised in the city.”
Another info he jolts down in his mind. “Okay. is it more fucked up looking than echidnas?” Simon realised he had no idea what an echidna looks like. He knows what Knuckles—Sonic’s friend—looks like, but not the actual animal. So he googled.
“Man, I really don’t wanna click that link.” He heard you say. He thinks echidnas are cute. They're like pet hedgehogs but with longer snouts and large mole-like paws. He was lost in his thoughts as he scrolled before hearing you squeal out, “No!! What is that! Why does it look…Like that..?” Imagining you wildly gesture at your monitor brought a smile to his face.
Self-restraint was second nature to him at this point, but bloody hell if it didn’t take all of his power to not google what sheep genitalia actually looks like, especially when you continued, “Are you sure you didn't just come across one that’s brok– Oh yeah I see them now. Holyshit they’re all look so fucking mangled.”
Swearing under his breath, Simon typed the words he didn’t want to type onto his search engine. Regret with a capital R hits him and he was too late to hold his voice in and lets out a disgusted noise that was louder than intended.
His notification bar popped up on his phone from you.
SORRY HAHA i was trying to be quieter DID YOU GOOGLE THEM
i did. guess im not sleepin tonight
thats what you get for listening in heheh >:3  maybe you can traumatise your friends with this newfound knowledge?
Groaning, he racked his brain on how to word what he was going to say in the most atrocious, horrific, macabre way possible but also came off nonchalant.
He mulled over the thought and dug in the deepest crevice of his vest to produce his phone. Soap fidgeted in his peripherals.
“LT, what tae fuck.”
He heard the tied-up man snort.
Oh. He thinks the Lieutenant in the skull mask is an idiot for bringing his phone to the battlefield. This is a start.
“It’s all right, Sergeant. This is important.”
He powered his phone on, typing his password the moment the screen lit up. The battery showed 62%. It should be more than enough. The sim card was taken out and he had one of the IT staff tinker with it when it was brand new. Opening the gallery and scrolling a little bit, he found the picture he was looking for.
He puts the brightness up to max before talking to the man. “So. Do you know what a sheep’s dick looks like?” Not waiting for an answer, he showed him the picture on his phone. It doesn't look like anything but shredded meat. “Yours will look like this if you don’t tell us what we want.”
Flinching a little, the man tried so hard not to react but Ghost can see him breathing harder.
“I don’t have a picture for the second option, but you’ve heard of anal prolapse, right? It’s when the last bit of your large intestine drops out of your arse. Nasty thing. You can’t control your bowel movement, there’s blood and mucus comin’ out, all that shit.” He handed the tools he was holding over to Arthur, the closest one standing to him. “But did you know there’s a urethra prolapse? I can’t describe it very well because of all the blood but it looks like a lil’ purple doughnut on the tip of your dick. Magenta If I can be fancy with my words.”
Arthur tensed next to him, making the dog let out a distressed whine.
“There will be three choices for you today. One. You tell us the info we need. Two, I mangle your mediocre cock so bad you wish I’d cut it off, or three, I make two doughnuts. Back and front.” He pointed downwards, vaguely to where his crotch is.
“Ghost that's against the Geneva Convention.” Soap spoke up.
The man comically nods.
“Nah. If I start using him as a meat shield out there, then it's against humanitarian laws.” came his cold and calculated answer. “Does he look like he’s surrendered? He’s not even hors de combat. If we do this to him after he gives us good intel, then we'll get tried at the Hague. No. This guy fell into a paper shredder dick first you see. Pure accident.”
Gaz cleared his throat uneasily, realising what could have happened with the raccoons they collected a couple months back. “Ghost…”
He stood up, asking for the tools he handed over earlier. Tilting his head towards the man, he commanded, “Soap, take his pants off.” 
It was silent for what seemed like an eternity with no one daring to move before the unfortunate Cordis Die member gritted out the information they needed with what looked like hot tears in his eyes. Soap relayed the info to Laswell while they moved to a more secure place, preferably with a roof and all four walls intact.
Arthur spoke up for the first time as they checked their weapons and placed all their tools back in their respective pockets. He walked closer to the man, “Y’ Should learn about humanitarian laws, does a lot of good in these situations.”
“Oh come oan Arthur, why tae fuck are you teachin’ him tings?”
His face was completely hidden under his golden metallic mask but everyone could tell he’s frowning, “He’s young, maybe if more people taught him he would have known better than to join Cordis Die.”
Laswell had estimated their extraction would not be for another three hours so they all had a little time for themselves. Arthur had let Merlin out of what Soap called “the arse papoose” and the rest of the men had joined in giving the dog pats and bellyrubs. Merlin had been relieved off of work, and Ghost would be lying if he didn’t eye the pup with envy.
Soap approached him with the widest grin he has ever sported on his face while holding onto the top part of his vest and Ghost wishes he could disappear into thin air right now. He has seen the same gesture and expression coming from Price, so he knows he’s gonna get made.
“So… Urethras eh?”
“What, Johnny?” He glared at the Scot with all the leftover anger he could muster, which is barely any since their mission went well and he didn’t have to use excess force on another soldier.
His Sergeant didn’t even regard him seriously and continued, grin wider than ever. Man was practically beaming. “Was the raccoon their idea too, then?”
Soap couldn't see Ghost’s face, but he has been around Simon long enough—been in many dire situations together enough—to know just by looking at his eyes that the stupid Brit is smiling brightly.
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imagines-ahs · 1 month
Chapter Forty-Eight: Bisque.
Tumblr media
Summary: Wilhemina Venable felt it was finally time to leave Kineros Robotics and get a job with people who weren’t such morons like Jeff and Mutt. What she didn’t expect, however, was for her new boss to be so damn insufferable. She didn’t expect to fall in love with her, either.
Tag List: @mayfair-fleur @mistysswampmud @paulsonsratched @msvenablx @notmeellaannyy @rwoolfe @golddustdykes​ @lovingsarah @slut-for-sarah @geinobinarie​ (message me to be added if interested!)
“Affection memories are the best kind,” Billie’s words came as soft as melted butter. “How old were you?”
I’m not sure I have many of those. “Six.”
“I wish I could have seen young Wilhemina eating cheesecake for the first time.” The corners of Billie Dean’s sparkled lightly. Venable couldn’t help but let out a chuckle as she took another bite.
“Do you have any pictures from when you were young?”
Even though the question seemed a little odd, Billie had learned not to judge. It was safe to say their experiences in life had been very different, even though they shared their fair amount of similarities. She nodded as she took a bite. “I do. Why?”
Wilhemina shrugged. “I’d like to see them… sometime. If that’s alright with you.”
“Of course.” Weird. But it made sense… Billie did want to see younger Venable, too.
Wilhemina nodded slowly as she looked down at her plate. I think I might have a few pictures from school… Granted, she had always hated taking pictures. Brown eyes moved back up to Billie Dean, and a small smile graced Venable’s features as she realized the small amount of cream cheese on Billie’s face. “Your chin,” she said softly.
“You have cream cheese on your chin.”
“Oh.” Billie let her fork go and reached for a napkin. She chuckled as she wiped her face clean. “Thank you.” Embarrassing.
“Of course.” I can’t believe the nerve of her to look good even with cream cheese on her face.
Carefully taking one last bite, Billie Dean set her plate aside. She licked her lips and made sure no bits were left on her cheeks. Venable still savored the dessert, and so honey eyes watched her. In no time, they were back at the living room with the dishwasher all loaded and running. Purpura sleepily watched them from her spot at the center table.
“That was good,” Billie sat back down at the couch, right beside Wilhemina, whom nodded.
“When did you first find out you had a talent for finding good food?” Venable teased as she leaned back against the couch. Billie Dean let out a small chuckle. Is it safe to feel that comfortable around her? That was a constant doubt in her mind.
“I think it’s a talent only for you.” She reached for one of Venable’s legs, hand resting on her knee and caressing it on top of the pants.
Wilhemina smiled to herself. Floratta Blue permeated her house in comforting tones of coral. “If you say so…”
“Mhm.” Leaning closer, Billie kissed Wilhemina’s cheek before resting back on the couch.
With the corners of her eyes sparkling lightly, Venable turned her head to stare at Billie Dean. The caresses on her leg no longer felt foreign. Such a short time… Things with Emma had taken so long so develop to whatever it had been. How was any of that even happening with Billie? “Will you help me set my iPad?”
“Of course.”
Afternoon dawned and night arrived pretty fast. Shades of orange invaded the living room as Billie Dean was just done helping Wilhemina set everything, and then Venable got up to turn the light on. The iPad now lay charging on the corner table, already with the purple case on and a few apps installed. Honey eyes watched as Wilhemina caressed Purpura on her way back to the couch, and as she was about to comment on her trousers, her phone began to ring from her purse. Brown eyes moved to hers. Billie Dean bit her lower lip and wished the name on the screen didn’t start with the letter ‘E’—thankfully, it didn’t. “It’s Jenny,” she told Venable before walking to the bathroom, receiving a nod back. Closing the door, Billie quickly picked it up. “Hello?”
“Stop ignoring my texts!” From the other side, Jenny yelled teasingly.
“I’m not!” Billie said with a chuckle. “I just haven’t been around my phone today.”
“Oh! Oh—oh! You’re at her house?!”
Laughing, Billie Dean moved to sit down on the closed toilet lid. “Yes, I am.” Her words were quiet, low.
“Did you spend the night? Oh, of course you did!”
Billie couldn’t help but find Jenny’s excitement funny. “I did, but nothing happened.”
“How come?”
“We’re going slow.”
“Did you make out at least?”
“Come on!”
Smiling to herself, Billie Dean nodded on the phone. “Yes…”
“So she does have feelings for you, huh?”
“… yes.”
“Where’s my ‘You told me, Jenny. You’re always right, Jenny. I should give you a raise, Jenny.’?”
“Shut up!” Billie chuckled yet again, hearing as the girl did the same on the other side of the phone. After a moment, she bit her lip. Their laughs died down. “Thank you…”
“You’re welcome,” Jenny’s voice came softly, now. “On a more serious note, is everything alright? Is she treating you well and not like she’s made out of ice?”
Billie Dean shook her head. “She’s the sweetest, Jenny…”
“If you say so.”
“I believe you.”
Billie licked her lips as she thought. “Was Emma alright? Yesterday, when you dropped her home?”Silence. Billie Dean felt Jenny shifting on the other side of the line. Oh no.
“She was just drunk. Do you really want to talk about her now?”
“She said something about Terry, didn’t she?”
Jenny took a deep breath. Billie gulped. “She said a lot of things…”
“Yes. She did talk about Terry.”
“Fuck,” Billie breathed out. Closing her eyes, she reached to massage her temple. “What did she say?”
“I don’t remember exactly—or rather, I didn’t understand it very well— but it was something that had to do with telling Wilhemina about her.” Billie Dean groaned. “She was drunk and very much mad at you, I doubt she’ll do anything,” Jenny tried to amend. It didn’t help much.
“She thinks she knows what happened, and she’s assuming that’s what I am doing with Wilhemina.”
“That’s not it, Jenny. Terry wasn’t even fired because of that!” Her voice raised a little. Billie quickly took notice of it and squeezed her eyes shut for a moment.
From the other side, Jenny gulped. “I know, Billie… but you do know that a few people can’t help but make that connection, right?”
Billie Dean took a deep breath. “Yes…” And it fucking sucks. Just another thing people assumed about her life, as if she didn’t have enough of that already.
“Have you told her about it?”
“No… not yet.” Honey eyes fell down. Billie sucked on her lower lip. “I think it’s too soon.”
“Billie, it’s either you telling her or her possibly finding it out through Emma… and I really don’t think you’d like the latter.”
“I know,” Billie Dean murmured. “What else did she tell you?”
“She just cried a lot… and called you a bunch of names.”
“Fair,” she murmured again.
“Not really, but we’ll not dwell on that right now.” Billie nodded to herself. “Are you spending the weekend there?”
“Yes.” Taking a deep breath, Billie Dean sat up a little better. “Why?”
“Just asking. The reports about the party should be out on Monday, and we need to approve the pictures for the special.”
“Right. You can ask them to e-mail me the material.” I desperately need a break from working. The end of the year was always hectic for Billie Dean.
“Already did. They’re waiting on an answer until Monday, noon.”
“Perfect. We can do it in the morning, then.”
“Do I need to do anything this weekend?” Billie had found Jenny’s question a little odd, so it was always best to ask.
“Not really. I was just curious about you and her,” the girl chuckled.
“Oh.” Chuckling back, Billie got up from the lid. That’s good at least. “I’ll tell you more on Monday.”
“Good. I’ll be waiting excitedly as the reason for all of that to be happening I am.”
“Silly,” Billie Dean teased back. “Alright, I’ll see you on Monday.”
“Alright. Have a good weekend, wink wink.”
“You too, you annoying human.” With both of them laughing, Billie ended the call. She looked up to the mirror and fixed her clothes and hair, eyes glued on herself. She sighed. She’ll think I do that with everybody. Maybe that talk could wait until Monday… or at least until tomorrow. Billie Dean decided she wouldn’t think about it now. At least not for the night. She still had another whole day before the next week, after all.
Quietly stepping out of the bathroom, Billie Dean walked back to the living room; she didn’t find Venable there. “Wilhie?”
“In the bedroom,” Venable called back.
Quietly still, Billie Dean followed that way. As she got to the room, her eyes were graced with the lovely image of Wilhemina, sitting on the bed with Purpura and a tube of lotion by her side. Lavender notes invaded her nostrils. Billie smiled. “Are you moisturizing her?” She remembered Venable had said something about it, once.
Wilhemina nodded. She reached for more of the lotion and gently caressed the cat’s back, which purred lowly. “Winter makes her skin drier.”
“She’s so well behaved.” Carefully, Billie sat down beside Wilhemina. She watched as her hands worked on Purpura, so gentle and caring. And with such long and dainty fingers… not now. Billie Dean licked her lips and looked back up at Venable, watching the way she was so absolutely focused on the cat, with lips curling up and eyes so soft above the sky of freckles there. To be loved by her must be holy. She could only wish to experience that one day. “Can I help?”
Taken positively aback, deep brown eyes met honey ones. “To moisturize her?” Billie nodded. Venable opened a smile. “Of course.” She reached for the lotion and pushed it closer to Billie Dean. “Here. Her chest is missing still.
“Okay.” As gentle as she could, Billie Dean scooped a small amount of lotion on her fingers and began to caress the cat’s chest, right underneath her neck. Purpura purred a little louder, shifting on the mattress to accommodate the hand. Billie smiled, and as she looked up at Wilhemina, their eyes and smile met again. Air seemed scarce all of a sudden. I want to give her the world.
I love her. When had anyone ever treated Purpura like that? When had anyone wanted to be a part of her life like that? How scary? How good? How foreign? “She likes it,” Wilhemina said, voice as soft as melted butter. “She likes you.”
With a tiny chuckle, Billie Dean used all of her strength to take her eyes off of Venable and look back at the cat. “I like her, too.” With her free hand and mindful of her nails, she reached to pet the cat’s head. Purpura leaned against it, eyes closed. Another chuckle left Billie’s lips.
With her teeth trapping her lips in order not to allow them to smile too big, Wilhemina kept on watching them. She pulled her hands away and wiped them on a towel she had taken, cleaning them of the lotion. After a minute or two, she spoke again. “Thank you for being so nice to her…”
“Of course,” Billie Dean’s eyebrows drew closer in confusion. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
Venable shrugged. My mind clearly works wrong. “It’s just that… a few people can be mean because of—of how she looks.” Just like they are to me. She nervously licked her lips. “You know… the skin.”
Billie’s frown grew for a second until she understood just how deep the topic actually was. Her eyes reflected nothing but kindness now. “There’s nothing wrong with how she looks, Wilhie… and even if there were, quote on quote, something wrong about her, that wouldn’t be an excuse for people to treat her in any way but kind.” Gulping again, Wilhemina nodded. She took a discrete deep breath and clutched the small purple towel on her lap. Billie Dean took notice of it. She’s nervous. With her own heart picking up slightly in speed, Billie looked down at the cat for a second before looking back up at Venable. Her lips curled up on the corners. “Besides, I think she looks really cute.”
This time, it was Wilhemina who looked away from Billie Dean. Her cheeks tinted softly. The underlying tone of their conversation was very much explicit. “R-really?”
“Oh, yeah.” She knows I’m talking about her. There was no need to point that out. Billie had been learning compliments and words of affirmation were better left in the murky, at least for now. “More than cute, I think she’s beautiful.” Clutching the towel in her hands a little harsher, Venable nodded quietly. She slowly looked back up, and when her eyes met honey ones again, she found a look in them that left her warm all over, sweet all over, comforted all over. Billie Dean’s smile grew lovingly, pouring affection all over. Carefully not to disturb Purpura, Billie scooted closer to Wilhemina, hand reaching to cup one of her cheeks—slowly, so she could ask her to stop if she wanted. She didn’t. Billie Dean’s thumb caressed the plump crimson skin with so much tenderness it nearly hurt. Venable sighed lowly. “You’re beautiful, Wilhemina,” she whispered, voice as soft as a cozy blanket and as sweet as honey. She could feel Venable’s breath against her lips, faster than usual and oh so inviting. So she kissed her, slow and gentle and affectionate.
With blood rushing up to her head, Wilhemina felt her hands trembling against the cloth. She did the best she could and let go of it, reaching to caress Billie’s arm as she kissed her back. Their lips danced slowly and passionately, and for a split second Venable felt herself losing touch with the parts that could be so damn horrible to her. Her lips picked up in intensity, and she subconsciously scooted closer to Billie Dean, too. Purpura meowed from between them, therefore causing the kiss the break. Wilhemina took a deep breath as she stared at Billie’s eyes, lips rosy and tingling deliciously. Billie Dean watched her closely, thumb still tracing Venable’s cheek. I’m terrified things will change. Reality set back in. Wilhemina gulped. “I’m n-not used to that…”
“Compliments?” Venable nodded. I know. Billie smiled sadly. “Any chance I can help you get used to them?”
With her cheeks still red and hot, Wilhemina bit her lower lip. Hesitantly, she nodded. “It might take a while…” It might never happen at all.
With the softest smile she could manage, Billie Dean reached to tuck a lock of red hair behind Venable’s ear. “That’s okay,” she whispered. Billie felt as dark brown eyes fell down to her lips, so she leaned closer and kissed Wilhemina again, which got herself a sweet sigh. Billie Dean pulled away just enough to stare at Venable. “I’m not in a rush.” She had said that already, about many things, but she would never grow tired of easing Wilhemina’s mind.
And yet again, there she was… bare, raw in front of Billie. Vulnerable, and yet she didn’t feel so scared. That’s scary. Would that become something usual for her?
Sunday morning arrived as sweetly as the past night had been; Wilhemina found herself falling asleep tangled in Billie Dean’s arms again, this time receiving kisses on the forehead until she, eventually, allowed sleep to win. When the first ray of sunlight slipped through the curtains, their limbs were still tangled and their skin was still warm from their embrace. It was Venable who opened her eyes first, eyebrows close as she frowned from the light. When her vision wasn’t so blurry anymore, Wilhemina focused on whatever was in front of her—it happened to be Billie, still fast asleep and with her lips inches away from her own. She took a deep breath. I kissed her. Venable licked her own chapped lips, body falling slowly into reality as it got aware of its position: legs tangled with Billie Dean’s, an arm that wasn’t its own wrapped around her waist, feet touching, blonde hair tickling her face. How lovely was it, to not wake up alone? To not always be by herself? Wilhemina took another deep breath, brown oceans examining the face in front of hers. Is she even real? Venable still had her doubts. Billie frowned as a strand of her own hair tickled her face, nose scrunching up. Wilhemina smiled to herself and reached to pull the strand of hair away and behind Billie Dean’s ear. As she pulled her hand away, she couldn’t help but brush her knuckles against Billie’s face, caressing her peachy skin. I shouldn’t be so attached already. How could she not? When that woman treated her and made her feel a way she had never experienced before? Venable watched as Billie Dean began to slowly open her eyes. She smiled sleepily to herself.
Letting out a small sigh, Billie hummed as her vision came into consciousness, body snuggling closer to whatever was providing it warmth. Lavender soon clouded her senses, and so Billie Dean finally fixated on the face in front of her. Her lips mirrored Wilhemina’s sleepy smile. Was she watching me? “Hi,” Billie croaked out, as sweet as she could manage in her state.
“Hello.” Venable’s smile grew as her cheeks began to tint for some reason. Down her legs, she felt as Billie Dean’s foot caressed her own. “I hope I didn’t wake you.”
Billie shook her head before hiding her face against the pillow to cover a yawn. Her hand reached for Wilhemina’s waist and pulled her closer. “You didn’t.” She looked back at dark brown eyes. “I wouldn’t have minded if you had, though.”
Venable nodded at the words as spidery fingers slowly moved up to cup Billie Dean’s cheek. Wilhemina just stared at her for a minute before taking a deep breath. “I like waking up next to you,” she whispered. I didn’t know not being alone could ever feel this way.
Coral fingernails scratched softly against the cloth of Venable’s purple pajamas, caressing her waist and the small of her back. Billie Dean leaned closer and kissed her gently on the lips. I hope my breath is tolerable. “I like waking up next to you, too,” she whispered back. Wilhemina stared at her like she was made of all the stars in the universe, eyes shining and all. Billie couldn’t help but pull her even closer, and this time Venable’s hand fell down to her waist and pulled her closer, too. Their bodies left no space between each other, breaths mingling. “I sleep pretty well when I’m with you… you’re warm and you don’t snore,” she teased.
Chuckling lowly, Wilhemina bit her lip to stop her smile from growing too much. “Why, thank you. I could say the same, but your feet are freezing,” she teased back, because being playful didn’t come with a sentence of being punished when it came to Billie Dean.
With a laugh, Billie made sure her feet were well tangled with Venable’s. “I don’t know why they’re so cold.”
Wilhemina hummed. She reached for the hand that caressed her waist and tangled her fingers with Billie Dean’s. “So is your hand.” She caressed the cold digits between her own, trying to warm them up. “Are you cold?”
“Not really.” Billie licked her lips, and part of her heart still melted every time she was reminded of how just how caring Venable was with her. “Are you?”
“No,” Wilhemina shook her head. She let go of Billie Dean’s hand and now caressed her arm, even though Billie had said she wasn’t cold. Billie Dean didn’t mind, not at all. She kept a smile printed on her lips. “Are you hungry?” I should have bought some pastries.
“A little.”
“I can cook us an omelette, or maybe I can go out and get a few pastries, if you’d like. There’s this—“
“Wilhie,” Billie Dean cut Venable gently just as she was about to start lifting the covers to get out of bed. Wilhemina looked at her. “Can we cuddle a little?”
With her cheeks turning purple, Venable nodded. She blinked twice before slowly snuggling closer to Billie again. “Sorry,” she whispered.
Billie Dean shook her head. Hadn’t it been Wilhemina, she could have thought that maybe there was something wrong with her, but being Venable, she knew she was simply eager to please. “You don’t have to apologize,” she whispered back. Her hand found its place on Wilhemina’s waist again, caressing it. She’s always so anxious.
With a nod, brown eyes fell down. Venable took a deep breath. I’m so idiotic. The deprecating voice was already up and running. She gulped and looked back at honey oceans, legs tangling back with Billie’s. After a moment, she spoke again. “I like cuddling with you,” she said, because part of her felt like Billie Dean could maybe be thinking otherwise, and she didn’t want to ever cause Billie Dean to think like that.
She’s worried. Opening a smile, Billie reached to pull a strand of read hair away from Venable’s eyes. “I know, darling. I didn’t think otherwise.”
Darling. Wilhemina didn’t know if her stomach would ever stop turning with the pet name. This is the second time she’s called me that. How delicious did it feel? “Good,” she murmured somewhat shyly.
Billie Dean hummed back, hand caressing her waist slowly, feeling as it rose and fell with Venable’s breathing. She stared at those chocolate eyes in front of her, watching the way they moved away and back to her own. She’s shy. Her lips curled up softly. “Did you dream of anything?”
Wilhemina shook her head, eyes struggling to stay at brown ones. “Not that I remember. Did you?”
Billie Dean had actually had a dream; she saw a woman, hair red just like Venable’s, face full of suffering and with lines well marked. She cried, but couldn’t speak. Wilhemina didn’t need to know that. “Not really.” Venable hummed. Billie licked her lips, eyes tracing the soft freckles on Wilhemina’s cheeks. “I love your freckles,” she said after a second.
To be stared at like that had never felt good… not until Billie Dean. Venable’s skin grew red still, but not from being uncomfortable. “I’m not a huge fan of them…”
What’s new? Wilhemina didn’t seem to be a huge fan of anything that made her who she was. Billie didn’t need to point that out, but she did keep that in mind. “You always cover them, don’t you?” Venable nodded. Billie Dean opened a sad smile. “I love them,” she repeated.
Wilhemina gulped. She nodded again, eyes falling down before going back up. She licked her sudden dry lips. “Thank you.”
Billie couldn’t help but smile a little more. It was clear Venable wasn’t used to being complimented, or having any kind of intimacy with people, but there was something so sweet about it… so strangely pure, in a way. Most people wouldn’t see it that way, but Billie Dean had never been most people. So she leaned closer and placed a small kiss on Wilhemina’s nose, and then another one on her left cheek, and another one on her right one, right on top of the freckles. Wilhemina blinked twice, and with a chuckle Billie Dean kissed her full on the lips, reaching to cup her face.
Sunday went by with nothing but sweet kisses being shared and a movie or two being watched. When the night began to fall down again, Billie Dean hesitantly went back home, but with the promise of seeing each other on Monday morning. Billie knew she should have talked about Terry; knew she should have brought it up before anyone else had the chance, but how could she when Venable looked at her so lovingly and gave her more trust than she had ever given anyone in a long time? Billie Dean simply didn’t have the guts to do it. And she prayed no one would before she could master the courage to do so.
At night, Wilhemina caught herself missing the warmth of another body next to her. Floratta Blue lingered in the air only slightly, and Venable wished she could smell more of it. Fear clouded her senses before sleep could, trying to trick her, trying to scare her. Wilhemina closed her eyes and thought about Billie; about the kiss they shared just before she entered her car and drove home that evening. Nothing would change in the morning. Nothing would change in the week. Right?
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gretagerwigsmuse · 2 years
'cause you care, and i swear that i'm here, but i'm there it's gettin' harder to hunt me down (Part 1/2)
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Pairing: Rooster x Fem!Reader
Summary: In hindsight, your crush on Bradley started innocently enough - he came into the bar one evening and you thought he was cute. Well, more than cute, but it all had to start somewhere...
OR Y/N and Bradley over the course of many, many weekends at the Hard Deck
Author’s Note: so this was actually so much fun to write, especially having never dabbled in x reader fics before. the fic itself starts off in ‘present day’ and is interspersed with flashbacks, relatively compliant with the movie timeline. let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist for part 2!
Your typical shifts at the Hard Deck were filled with rowdy naval officers and assorted North Island adjacent personnel, alike. You often ended up a sweaty and exhausted mess after hours on your feet taking orders for beers, shots, and mixed drinks, to say nothing of all the shit you had to put up with from some of the more persistent patrons. Luckily, Penny taught you how to use The Bell to your advantage pretty early on in your tenure. But tonight was unlike any other shift you’d had at the Hard Deck before because tonight was a Wednesday and the place was practically a ghost town. 
It was almost perfect - there was no other way to describe it. Someone could flag you down without raising their voice, there were fewer people to jostle you around, so you spilled less beer and had less to clean, and you could even hear the low din of the Padres game on the TV above the bar. You had just finished getting a group of women their drinks and were about to start unloading the glassware from the dishwasher below the bar when the bell jingled above the door - something else you normally wouldn’t hear on a hectic Friday or Saturday night shift. 
And when you saw who had stepped through the doorway, you bit back a smile while the butterflies in your stomach went into overdrive. It was the first time you’d seen Bradley since Saturday night after you’d embarrassed yourself in front of him and you wished you’d had more time to mentally prepare yourself to see him again. 
“Bradley, hey!” you called out, trying to be casual.
His head snapped over to look at you and the smile slipped off your face at the almost frantic look in his eye. Bradley had initially looked so casual and carefree when he entered the Hard Deck, but the second he saw you, he froze up.
“H-hey, Y/N. W-what are you doing here?” 
You shrank back into yourself. “Uhh I work here?”
“You don’t work on Wednesdays.” 
“Jimmy wasn’t feeling well, so Penny asked me to come in for a bit,” you explained. 
You only worked part time at the Hard Deck. You were currently a rising 3L at Stanford, but were working that summer in the San Diego County District Attorney’s Office, so you recently picked up some weekend shifts at the Hard Deck. Your mom knew the owner, Penny Benjamin, from her days in the Kappa house at USC and she had been more than happy to take you on part time. A Wednesday night shift after a full day of work wasn’t exactly ideal, but Penny had sounded desperate on the phone, so without even changing out of your work clothes, you drove over.
“Oh,” Bradley said. 
You couldn’t help but feel as though you’d done something wrong. Like he didn’t want you there. You quickly glanced down at your business casual attire and hoped you weren’t blushing too noticeably. 
“Umm, can I get you something? The usual?” You moved to get him a clean glass and started towards the tap selection further down the bar. 
Bradley shook his head, stopping you in your tracks, and then glanced around the bar. He took a seat and then glanced at his phone. “No, uhh - that’s okay. I uhh - I’m actually waiting for someone.” 
Just as you were about to ask who he was waiting for, realization dawned upon you. His cagey behavior, his still casual but fancier than normal pale blue oxford, his frantic glances around the bar. 
He wasn’t just waiting for someone, he was waiting for a date. 
It was so obvious. And he had picked the night you normally wouldn’t be working to bring his date for a reason. 
He knew. 
He knew you had the most pathetic crush on him and wanted to spare you the embarrassment of having to wait on him and his date. If it wasn’t so pathetic, you might be touched by his consideration of your feelings. 
“Oh, uhh,” you found your voice and hated how shaky it came out, “I’ll just come back when she gets here then?”
Before Bradley could get out a word in reply, you had already started off down towards the other end of the bar. Maddie Johansen’s glass was looking a bit low and in need of a refill. If you were lucky, she’d trap you in a conversation about her grandchildren for the next few minutes. And maybe you could forget how much you wanted to disappear into the floor. 
three and a half weeks ago
In hindsight, your crush on Bradley started innocently enough - he came into the bar one evening and you thought he was cute. Well, more than cute, but it all has to start somewhere. You were slightly embarrassed to admit that when you had applied for the job at the Hard Deck, you hadn’t realized it was a Navy bar - you had thought the decor was just ironic. 
That was until your first shift when you had been inundated with men and women in uniform and you had made the connection: hard deck. You had read about the term in one of your maritime law classes and cursed yourself for not realizing sooner. 
After a couple weekend shifts, you learned your regulars, how to handle cocky aviators, and all about using The Bell to your own advantage. Work was fun, different, and slowly you no longer dreaded clocking in for a Friday night shift after a long week of work in the DA’s office. But that may have had something to do with a man that came in one Friday evening. 
It was still relatively early, the sun just barely set and you kept glancing at Penny who was flirting with an older pilot with his phone face down on the bar top. You smiled softly, seeing your boss look so happy and free, when suddenly he walked in through the door. 
You had never seen him at the Hard Deck before, but he walked in almost like he was returning home. He wasn’t dressed in the typical khaki uniform the other naval aviators favored that evening - he was wearing an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt and a pair of Ray Bans inside for Christ’s sake - so you briefly thought he was just another civilian, until he made his way back towards the pool tables and started chatting with the other new aviators at the bar that night. 
You tore your eyes off him once Penny rang The Bell and you were inundated with new orders, everyone trying to get onto the new tab paid by the handsome man Penny was talking to earlier. Just when you had gotten your bearings again, someone cut the jukebox and the trickle of keys on the upright piano in the corner elicited cheers and groans from patrons alike. And then he started singing and you knew you were a goner. 
You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain
Too much love drives a man insane…
He had a voice like honey and enough charisma to charm any girl within a hundred mile radius. After he finished serenading the entire bar, his friends brought him over to get a couple more drinks. He was accompanied by a blond guy, who looked way too full of himself, and a petite brown haired woman, who insisted on paying. Hoping to prolong the interaction as long as possible and at least maybe find out the guy’s name, you served his friends first - a Budweiser and a rum and coke, respectively - before taking his order. 
“Hmmm,” he drummed his fingers on the bar top, “what’s the most ridiculous thing you can make me and subsequently put on Phoenix’s tab?”
You chuckled slightly when the woman, Phoenix apparently, swatted his chest for the comment.
“Now what can we get ol’ Rooster?” the cocky blond asked. Rooster. Interesting callsign, but you wanted to know his name - his real name. “What’re you thinking Phoenix? A nice tall glass of Sex on the Beach?”
“Maybe a Twisted Stripper?”
“A Blow Job?”
“A Slippery Nipple -”
“- Dirty Shirley -”
“- Alright, alright,” Rooster said finally, looking just as embarrassed as you were. “If this was all a ploy to never take Phoenix up on an offer for a free drink again, you’ve succeeded. Sorry, for all that, by the way,” he directed the last part towards you.
You were blushing so hard, you were sure it could be seen from the back of the bar. “Umm, I uhh - I can make you a margarita?”
Phoenix and the cocky blond laughed, but Rooster looked slightly embarrassed and unsure of himself for what seemed like the first time all evening. “A margarita would be lovely, thank you.” 
You quickly brought Phoenix her bill and then started to get to work on Rooster’s drink. You had to learn his real name, you couldn’t keep calling him Rooster. Cocky blond left with Phoenix, so it was just the two of you now. 
“You want salt?”
He mulled this over. “Salt - extra limes, too, if you have them.” You glanced down at the overflowing bucket of lime wedges in front of you. “Right - extra limes, thanks.”
Margarita’s were relatively easy to make, so you could sneak glances at the aviator in front of you as you worked. You cleared your throat before speaking. “You know, I do know what a Dirty Shirley is…”
“That right?”
You placed the margarita down on the counter in front of you with a thud. “Figured you didn’t want to walk around with a spiked Shirley Temple, though.”
He chuckled and you found yourself smiling. “Fair point, plus they’re only good with homemade grenadine and I don’t really see Penny having that behind the bar.”
“I don’t think so,” you looked around under the bar, but knew you’d only find an old and slightly sticky bottle of Rose’s, “sorry.”
“Nah, don’t sweat it, I’m teasing.” 
Oh, you were very much sweating it. God, he was so handsome and you were so - awkward. Painfully awkward. You glanced down and tucked your hair behind your ears. There was a line amassing behind him, but he didn’t seem to notice. 
Instead, Rooster took a sip of his drink and you swallowed thickly when he licked some of the salt off the rim. 
“This is good, by the way.” He rapped his knuckles on the bar top. “Right, thanks for the drink. I’ll leave you to it, see you around?”
“See you around,” you parroted back, but he had already headed back towards his friends.
The ever growing line where Rooster stood quickly brought you back to reality and you took the next couple orders practically on autopilot - a couple beers, some shots of tequila, more beer, and then some g&t’s for a group of girls. The rush abated and felt grounded and more like yourself again - level headed, smart, and clever.
You were normally more than capable of holding your own during your classes at Stanford - to say nothing of your skills on the mock trial team. Hell, you even made someone cry during your Criminal Procedure and Adjudication course last semester. 
So, what was it about him - about Rooster - that rattled you so? That turned you into a stuttering, blushing, self conscious mess? 
Something about him prickled under your skin and made you want to know more about him. And why, despite appearing unbelievably confident and charismatic, you still felt like there was something more to him than being that guy. That cocky pilot that -
“- Rooster, huh?” Penny said from behind you. You spun around to see her looking like the cat who got the cream. “You could do worse -”
“- I don’t - I mean I don’t really know him or anything, I just got him a drink and-”
Penny shook her head. “- I’m just teasing. He’s a nice kid, definitely one of the good ones - and you’ll quickly figure out who the bad ones are.” You chuckled. “But there’s a lot more to him than you think - just remember that.” 
You nodded, hoping you would have the opportunity to find out for yourself.
two and a half weeks ago
The following weekend, through some detective work of your own, you learned his name was Lieutenant Bradley Bradshaw and that he was called back to Top Gun for the same mission that Penny’s boyfriend - you did not tell her you referred to Captain Mitchell as her boyfriend - was assigned to teach. 
Apparently, flying was in Bradley’s blood - his father had flown with Captain Mitchell - but he wasn’t as cocky in his abilities as the other naval aviators. He was kind, laughed easily, and was protective of his friends and fellow aviators. Plus, Penny, Jimmy, and Maddie, the other bartender, said he always tipped slightly more than twenty percent. 
That Saturday night, you two were exchanging greetings and small talk while you got him two beers. He thanked you and then set off back towards his friends near the pool table, before suddenly spinning around on his heels and walking back towards you.  
“What’s your name by the way?”
“Oh, uhh Y/N.” 
“Y/N,” he repeated back like he was committing it to memory. 
“And you’re Bradley?” you couldn’t help but ask. He nodded and you realized you probably weren’t supposed to have known that. “I uhh - I’ve run your credit card for your tab, so I’ve seen - and heard - your name a lot tonight,” you rambled. 
He leaned forward on the bar. “A lot? You’re making me sound like a degenerate, Y/N. This is only my second time up here…”
You blushed. “Oh - no. Sorry, I just meant - well, your friends have been saying your name a lot for your tab -”
“- Woah, woah, woah - my friends?” You nodded warily and he leaned in even closer, but turned his body out towards the rest of the bar. “Now Miss Y/N, who are these so-called friends of mine on my tab…” 
Peering over the other bar patrons to look at the group in the back, you pointed them out. “Uhh the blond guy - Jake? And then Javy - I think that’s his name? And there was one more, but I don’t - it began with an R, I think -”
Bradley threw his head back and groaned. “- Fuuuuck me.” You would, gladly. “Shit, alright. So, what’s the damage so far?”
“Uhh,” you went over to the computer and pulled up his name and the amount was sizable. You grimaced. 
“That’s not a very reassuring look, Y/N…”
You went back over to him with the bill in hand. He let out a low whistle. 
“I’m so sorry, they made it seem like you were okay with it and I totally wouldn’t have kept adding to it if I’d known - wait, if they already have their own tabs, I can change it over?”
Bradley glanced down at the bill and then back up at you and then down at the bill and then up at you one more time before he sighed. “Put it all on Hangman’s tab, except these two beers.”
“Of course, I’m really sorry, again. I’ll have this fixed in a sec,” you said, walking back over to the register. It wasn’t too hard to change everything over to Jake’s tab - it only had one beer on it at present. “Here you go.”
Bradley took the check-pad and you needlessly organized some glasses while you waited. He took an oddly long amount of time to sign and give a tip before he handed it back to you with much aplomb. 
“So, do you only work here on the weekends? I uhh - we haven't seen you during the week.”
“Yeah, I’m working in the DA’s office here this summer. I’m going to be a 3L at Stanford in the fall.”
He toasted you with his beer. “Impressive.”
“Says the naval aviator.”
“See now I’m even more impressed, you got the term right.” 
You blushed. “Learned the hard way…” You had tragically been on the receiving end of one of Jake’s rants - err attempts at flirting about the proper nomenclature last Saturday night.
Someone sat down at the bar a couple seats to Bradley’s left and you excused yourself to take her order, figuring Bradley would go back to his friends - and subsequently yell at them. But he surprised you and was still standing in the same spot when you turned back around. You wiped your sticky hands on your boyfriend jeans and headed back over to him.
“Did you need anything else -”
“- So, what type of law are you planning on going into?” Oh. He still wanted to talk to you. 
“Oh, umm I’d actually love to stay in the DA’s office down here - be an ADA.”
He actually looked impressed, even slightly proud. “How very Law & Order of you.”
You smiled wryly, knowing that was exactly the reason why you wanted to be a lawyer in the first place. Too many episodes of Law & Order: SVU in your youth had fully influenced you. 
“It’s what I’ve always wanted to do and I really like all my coworkers, we’re our own little unit now - plus, my parents live in Encinitas, so they’d still be nearby, which is really nice, actually, even just now for the summer.”
“That’s what? Fifteen minutes up I-5?” 
“Fifteen minutes? Jesus, you pilots drive fast.” He smiled and ducked his head. “No, it’s more like half an hour - close enough for a weekly brunch and plenty of phone calls in between.”
Your parents had supported you throughout undergrad at USC and even offered to pay for what your scholarships didn’t cover at Stanford. It was nice - really nice, if you were being honest - and you only hoped you would get to return the favor to them some day. But your dad said that during the summers, wherever you ended up being a summer associate, you had to get a side job to offset the cost of living for those three and a half months. And that’s how you wound up at the Hard Deck. 
Plus, you loved seeing your parents, that wasn’t the problem. It was just lately your mother, especially, had been ragging on you for working too hard and not taking enough time for yourself - or rather for not finding a gentleman of your own like your older sister had. You’re twenty six, Y/N. You’ll never be around as many eligible bachelors again as you will be in law school...
“- Sounds nice, having them so close.” Bradley sounded almost wistful and you remembered hearing Penny and Captain Mitchell talking about his parents once. You felt bad and were about to divert the conversation to more neutral territory when he spoke again. “Any siblings or, you know, like a boyfr -”
“- Yo, Rooster!” a voice called from the back corner, “you coming over with my drink anytime soon? My mouth’s drier than the Sahara.”
Without missing a beat, Bradley called over his shoulder: “Nah, that’s every girl after Hangman’s hooked up with them.”
The group in the corner laughed at Jake’s expense and you even found yourself chuckling. “You should get back, don’t want to keep you from your friends.”
Bradley sighed dramatically. “Suppose I should - but hey, you should come over and meet everyone sometime.”
You looked down at your outfit - baggy jeans and a navy t-shirt - and scrunched your nose. “Maybe next time.”
“I’ll hold you to it. Thanks, Y/N.”
“Anytime, Bradley.”
“See you around.” And then he knocked on the bar top once and was gone. His friends gathered around him when he got back to the pool table and they continued ribbing Jake.
You couldn’t take your eyes off him as he chatted with the same woman from last week, Phoenix you recalled, and a guy in glasses beside her. Phoenix nudged Bradley in the stomach and hung her head in exasperation at something he said. You wanted to keep watching them to see what more was said, but your attention was diverted towards some new patrons on the other side of the bar. 
Later, when you were cashing out your tips on the register, you noticed he still tipped you based on the original amount on his bill and that he wrote you a note:
now you can text me if hangman tries to put something on my tab again xxx-xxx-xxxx
a/n: again, let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist for part 2! i’ll have it up within the next day, just have to finish up a part. this will also be posted on ao3 as a long one shot if you eventually prefer to read it there!
[Part 2]
taglist: @rosiahills22 @millama19  @itzzgillianj  @roosterschanelslut  @arianna-bradshaw @n3ssm0nique
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