#or ableist or classist or transphobic etc.
Terf: women are oppressed for their genitals.
Me: spoken like someone who doesn't know the history of white women choosing to be sexually oppressed for racial privilege.
Terf: so you're saying women can't be oppressed? What's next, you're gunna agree with kayne about how slaves chose their oppression?
Me: white women are not the only women to exist, racist bitch. I said white* women chose their oppression, I didn't say women.
Yall expose your racism every fucking day on this app, terfs.
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repotting · 1 year
No one is "born a man" or "born a woman" actually. We are born as babies who then have a variety of different experiences growing up under Gender Rules, and get shaped into people with a wide variety of different relationships with Gender.
Gender is imposed on us since before birth from the outside. It isn't innate or biological.
Separating humanity's basic traits into Masculine and Feminine has always been messy and inaccurate and painful, because we all have way more in common than not, and these roles are so limiting and self contradictory and essentially arbitrary that literally no one can "perfectly" fulfill All The Gender Rules.
Even if you could, everyone suffers from being limited to One Set of Prescribed Traits and punished for crossing too far out of the set the people and systems around us think we "belong" in.
Add in socially enforced gender hierarchies—not just between the genders but within them, justified using conformity to Gender Rules that are misogynistic, heavily racialized, homophobic, transmisogynistic and transphobic, classist, ableist, Christian supremacist etc etc—and it gets even worse.
Gender is as socially constructed as money. If no one was enforcing it on all of us, making compliance at best a social obligation and at worst a matter of survival, who would we all be? The idea that we'd just "naturally" follow these culturally produced and enforced expectations and categorizations is bizarre and illogical.
Gender is a system we've all had to adapt to. Some have made beautiful things from it, some have wielded it as a weapon. Most of us are just trying to live in a way that suits us without being punished too harshly.
We all exist within the context of enforced gender and it's profoundly shaped our lives in more ways than we can readily identify. We have to reckon with what it is now and try to imagine futures where it's no longer enforced.
Most urgently, we have to protect the people caught in its gears right now, as best we can. Misogyny, transphobia, and homophobia are poisonous and deadly enforcements of our gender system, and every person has a right to live free of that brutality.
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Those are not patterns unique to narcissism. Not even close. Those are typical patterns of propaganda that any authoritarian or bigot has.
Capitalists do this regularly. Police do this regularly. Parents who have society's approval do this regularly. Sexists, racists, ableists, homophobes, transphobes, classists, etc do this regularly.
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jennifersbod · 1 year
if you’re friends with racists, homophobes, antisemites, sexists, transphobes, classists, ableists etc. you’re not an ally ❤️
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lilgayforg · 8 months
Fuck Project 2025 Essay
Soooo, I'm writing this essay on how Project 2025 sucks ass and it is homophobic, racist, transphobic, classist, ableist, and just terrible among other things. So if I could get some tips on how to reach more peeps with my essay once its done i would love to see ideas/feedback.
I'm going to paste the rough draft so far under here so you get a feel for what im going for plus give me feedback if you want :)
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btw- this is formatted as a message to conservatives especially ones i know personally so i'm trying to be a bit nice at the beginning. and things that are asterisked (*) are notes to me to write more lol
TW: homophobia, transphobia, bigotry
Why You Shouldn't Support Republicans in the 2024 Election
Now, I try to be an open person. I like to hear other people’s perspectives and if I disagree, I accept it as their opinion and move on. I have quite a few conservative family members and I love them and respect them. I understand if we have different points of views on gun rights, taxes, etc. Yet, there is a line. It’s when it becomes a human rights issue when I’m more judgmental of people’s opinions. If you have strong, negative opinions about things like gender, sexuality, sexual assault, race, equality, and censoring topics, then we are going to have issues. This is when I begin seeing those people less as conservatives and republicans and more as bigots. And unfortunately, there is an overlap. I want non-bigots to be able to vote for the policies they want in this country without it also taking people’s rights away. However, that is getting increasingly difficult. This is where Project 2025 comes in. Project 2025 is a “Presidential Transition Project” funded by conservative organizations that is looking to “rescue the country from the grip of the radical Left” (Project 2025 Website). They have created a website and 920 page step-by-step outline of how they are going to change this country. Initially, it doesn’t sound too bad. They outline some of their main goals:
“1. Restore the family as the centerpiece of American life and protect our children.
2. Dismantle the administrative state and return self-governance to the American people.
3. Defend our nation’s sovereignty, borders, and bounty against global threats.
4. Secure our God-given individual rights to live freely—what our Constitution calls ‘the Blessings of Liberty.’”
First of all, they want to protect children and restore families. That does not sound too bad, right? Well, we have different definitions of such. First, they talk about how we need to get children fathers because 40-70% of children do not have a father in their life. They do not provide a solution to fix this so I’ll move on. Then they move on to the goal to “delete terms” such as sexual orientation, gender identity, gender, gender equality, diversity, equity, inclusion, abortion, reproductive health, reproductive rights, and “any other term used to deprive Americans of their First Amendment rights” (pdf). Let’s tackle these topics one at a time.
First, sexuality or sexual orientation. I’m not going to super into the details, but sexuality exists. In fact, heterosexuality is one, so if these conservatives are implying that sexual orientation does not exist then they must not be heterosexual and have no preference. Pettiness aside, homosexuality has existed and still exists and it has for many, many years. There is evidence of it since the Greeks and Romans and also in animals like penguins, lions, dolphins, monkeys, and ducks. I recommend just looking up homosexual animals, there is quite a list! So maybe you do recognize that sexuality or gay animals exist, but you are against all of those liberals that are trying to force it onto the children. As a person that proudly is part of the LGBTQ+ community and also as a person that went to public school, this is not what is happening, and this applies to gender and gender identity as well. LGBTQ people just want to live their lives being their true selves without worrying about people openly hating them or stopping them from loving who they love or being who they are. When LGBTQ topics are brought up in school (and frankly it is not often), it is to educate people that children may have two parents of the same gender or a classmate that may be changing their name or pronouns. It is not telling tom-boy girls that they are boys or saying that being gay is better. It is just simply educating them on how some people may be different and that’s why they may do certain things. And if that “turns” your child gay or trans, it is only because they were given awareness that those things exist in other people and they are not broken, weird, or different. If your kid is gay, bisexual, trans, non-binary, or whatever- they will figure it out eventually, and before they do, they are going to go through a cycle of mental anguish, self-hatred, and confusion if they do not know about these topics or have a bad connotation attached to it. So, please, if you love your children, save them from the pain they may endure inside and possibly save their life.
The Trevor Project found that “LGBTQ youth are more than four times as likely to attempt suicide than their peers” and that “The Trevor Project’s 2022 National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health found that 45% of LGBTQ youth seriously considered attempting suicide in the past year, including more than half of transgender and nonbinary youth”. Again, if you care about your children, it doesn’t hurt to educate them to possibly save their life or their classmates’ life. The cons of a child’s death outweighs the conservatives’ pro of eradicating the words sexuality and gender.
Now you may be thinking to yourself a few different things after reading this. 1. This would never happen, it is all empty promises. (*don't say gay, panic response)
2. Nobody I know is LGBTQ+ so I don’t care / they’ll figure it out. (*straight lady killed) 3. Well, once they graduate they will be okay and they can do whatever they want. And those are valid thoughts, but you’re unfortunately wrong.
*talk about going further than children with marriage equality, and rights to hurt these people- “gay panic response” and that one straight lady that was killed for pride flag
So if any of this resonated with you at all, please consider not voting republican or do significant research to make sure the people you are supporting are against Project 2025.
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ghostedgrave · 3 months
Hello there! In the past few years I've been working on a Roblox myth. Why a few years? Because I couldn't decide on a story. Recently though, my friend and I have came up with one and I'm extremely hooked on this one. Many credits to my friend for helping me out with this. She really has some creative ideas!
Anyways, I'm here to ask that if there's anyone that would like to act in this myth, please DM me about it. (I'd like to add that I'm not so trustworthy on who gets to act so I'm sorry if I'm really picky. I also would like to let you know that this story might take years to actually start up since I have no knowledge on making games, and currently am in highschool, meaning I might have no time to work on this myth, so your patience is VERY much needed.)
This myth is about a fair that opened in 1987 and it was started by two twins in the Fraiser family. The fair is named The Fraiser Fair.
That's all I'm going to say. Thank you for reading this and thank you if you decide to try out for the roles I have in this myth.
The available roles for this myth are:
Ride operators(2)
Janitor (1)
Extras (Possibly.)
If you want any of these, DM me about it and I'll tell you more about the role and what would happen if you choose this role. I will also be doing tryouts for these roles so simply asking for the roles won't guarantee it for you FYI. Though I'm not so strict on acting on these since they're not too major. I WILL ALSO BE DOING BACKGROUND CHECKS! Not entirely like looking through your posts, but asking questions. (Mainly about if you're a proshipper or not, if you're supportive of the LGBTQ+, etc.) And now I'd like to say, if you're a zionist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, proshipper/comshipper (or any immoral/illegal shipper), p3do, believe in toxic masculinity, believe that global warming doesn't exist, misogynistic, ableist, racist, classist, sexist, audist, and/or if you're discriminatory AT ALL, block me. I do not want you to be near me for you are the reason that this world is in shambles.
Once again, thank you so much for reading this whole post and I appreciate it a lot.
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nomapsupport · 6 days
about the blog
🪷 what this blog is:
a safe space for anti-contact paraphiles to be themselves without fear of judgement, hatred, or danger. pro-contact, neutral-contact, or complex-contact big threes are not welcome here
a source of information for those willing to educate themselves
a place for nomaps to learn coping mechanisms, read affirmations, & offer advice to one another
🪷 what this blog is NOT:
a porn/nsfw blog. no images, text, audio, etc depicting or describing csa, fictional or otherwise, will ever be posted here
a discourse blog
a hate blog
a troll blog
🪷 dni:
minors. minors, littlespace, & age-regression blogs will be blocked
pro-contact, neutral-contact, & complex-contact big threes. if you do not value consent, this blog is not for you
trolls/haters. all hatemail will be reported & deleted. i want people to have the option of sending anonymous asks to avoid outing themselves on their mains, but if things get too horrible i'll turn off anons entirely
racists, ableists, sanists, classists, homophobes, transphobes, pro-life/anti-choice, terfs, swerfs, radfems, misogynists, misandrists, conservatives, trump supporters, or any other bigots
antis. this blog is 100% proship
transid radqueers & their supporters. i'm neutral on whether paraphilias should be included in lgbtq, but i have no tolerance for people who pretend to be or have a different race, age, species, disability, etc
🪷 tag directory:
my original posts: #rfdr
informational posts (masterlist): #psa #educational #info
affirmations: #pdf file affirmations #pdf file positivity
advice: #pdf file advice
posts about me: #personal #personal vent
asks: #asks #vent asks
triggering topics: #sui mention #sh mention #ed mention #csa mention #sa mention #abuse mention — if i miss something, let me know & i'll tag it
🪷 mental health resources
⚠️ international association for suicide prevention
⚠️ befrienders worldwide
⚠️ open counseling
⚠️ crisis text line: text HOME to 741741
⚠️ 988 lifeline
❓️ hotline faqs & self-help resources
🫂 map resources
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about me
name: rfdr
pronouns: he/they
age: 18+
orientation: aegosexual, demiomnisexual, aspec, fictophile, pedophile, biastophile, emetophile, sadist
neurodivergencies: autism, borderline personality disorder, major depressive disorder with psychotic symptoms, anxiety, ptsd
interests: writing, drawing, horror, most morbid topics, collecting plushie dreadfuls
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tittyinfinity · 9 months
This is a post from 2017 by one of my friends (shared with permission).
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And I absolutely agree that it's not fair to leave the fight against white supremacy in the hands of the people they want dead.
Call that shit out. Cut off bigoted friends and family members if they refuse to change their minds. Hell, if you have the ability, deck the fucker in the face when they say that shit.
Quit enabling your racist, antisemitic, homophobic, transphobic, fatphobic, ableist, classist, xenophobic etc. peers. Stop making them feel safe to have those opinions.
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wolfhowlwitch · 9 months
my name is Wolf 🐺
I’m a 26 year old guy married to the love of my life. I’m an eclectic polytheistic pagan witch (have been for 14 years) who is devoted to Hades, Persephone, Hermes, and The Morrigan. I do believe that every deity from any pantheon has validity, but my worship tends to reside in the Hellenic-Norse-Celtic worlds.
I’m a Pisces sun/Virgo moon/Leo rising/Aquarius Venus. I have an Aries stellium and 55% of my chart is fire signs.
I am gay/trans/physically + mentally disabled, and thusly this blog is not a safe space for transphobes, homophobes, or ableists- or racists, misogynists, classists, alt-righters, etc. I will not only block you but publicly shame you.
I come from a tiny little town way way north- near the Canadian border- and now reside somewhere in Oregon. my heart still belongs back home.
my frequent tags are as follows
#the wolf speaks - these are my original posts
#the wolf vents - this is a vent tag
#the wolf listens to music - for posts about music
#the wolf and the raven - posts including my husband
#my spells - my original spells
#devotional writing - this is where I post devotional writings for my deities
#30 days of them- where my posts for 4res’ 30 Days of Them challenge live
avatar art by sancta-silje, header art by Atenebris
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honeyglot · 2 years
can you explain the clean girl thing?? genuinely asking
So, the problem with “clean girl” aesthetics really boils down to the fact that it is an extension of purity culture. The idea of a “clean” girl obviously implies that there are “dirty” girls, which is just bullshit, and the association of “cleanliness” with beauty, and thus goodness, has always been racist. (And xenophobic, classist, fatphobic, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, etc etc etc., but I did mention racism specifically in my post, so that’s what I’ll focus on.)
Like, even without looking into the history of “clean vs. dirty” in our society, we can already begin to state some evidence: The vast majority of girls who qualify for the “clean girl” standard are white. They are most often thin and conventionally attractive. They have “polished” hair with no fly-aways, do not have acne or hyperpigmentation, they even smell “clean.” Consider those ideals in conjunction with common racist insults such as calling someone’s skin “dirty” looking, calling their hair “nappy” or “unprofessional,” saying they smell like certain oils, cultural-specific foods, marijuana, etc.
If you are more interested in how this is all rooted in historical racism, this (x) reading seems pretty good on the subject. I’ve only read the first few pages of this specific one, though, so I can’t guarantee the complete quality. Here’s are two quotes that stood out to me (emphasis mine):
“In the early US, cleanliness was associated explicitly with civility, high class, and whiteness. Whiteness, as it has come down to us, is conceived in part as a sort of physical hygiene—the lack of a mark of pollution. The lack of a mark physically has symbolized the lack of a mark morally, and this, in turn, has helped bolster a dominant identity. When we look at purity ideals as having not only physical but also moral aspects, we can see how easily slippage takes place between the exclusion of ‘dirt’ and the exclusion of ‘dirty people.’ The function of purity ideals is rarely just about physical dirt��it is about wielding power over ‘impure’ others.” (2-3)
“Dirt, contamination, or pollution are labels likely to be associated with behaviors that fall outside of, and thereby threaten, our most carefully guarded categories of social classification, including races, classes, genders, and sexualities. This is why ‘dirtiness’ has not only physical but moral implications. In the US, then, it should come as no surprise that white people, the group with social and economic dominance, have conceived of themselves as pure, both physically and morally.” (11)
Read “Tidy Whiteness: A Genealogy of Race, Purity, and Hygiene” by Dana Berthold here: https://sites.middlebury.edu/gsfswhitepeople/files/2016/09/berthold.pdf
There are, of course, lots of Black women and other WOC reclaiming the “clean girl” thing, and adjusting the standards as they see fit! Good for them tbh, as long as they enjoy it! But white women being the ones to have popularized and defined it is what makes it dangerous.
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caelpictor · 1 year
I think something we should ask ourselves, when someone tells a story of someone doing something racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic/ableist/fatphobic/classist/xenophobic or whatever it is, why our first instinct might be to jump to the defense of the perpetrator and not the victim? I literally can’t count the number of times I’ve told a story about a microaggression or an outright aggression and someone deadass had the nerve to ask me “but was it REALLY racist or…?” implying the victim is somehow at fault, or too sensitive, or imagining things, or not considering all the other possibilities of the perpetrator’s intentions. I understand the compulsion “not to jump to conclusions” but someone who has dealt with this bs for their entire life is far better equipped than someone who hasn’t to recognize the subtleties (and not-so-subtleties) of the language and behaviors of oppression. For the record, when a member of a marginalized group is reporting their experiences of marginalization, it is not necessary or helpful to play devil’s advocate or say “what about…?” or “what if…?” Your role as a person in a position of privilege is to listen to poc and women and queer people and trust that they have a better understanding of this thing that you have never and will never experience, full stop point blank period. I’ve had people apologize to me for making fun of me for being short or for being an artist (two things I’m not remotely sensitive about?) but NOT for saying/doing something that’s actually bigoted, which is… infuriating and baffling? I’m trying to understand the psychology behind it; I’m almost certainly guilty of having done this, and I realize it hurts our egos to think that we or people like us are capable of doing harm in this way, especially to people we care about. Perhaps people think it’s fine to joke about someone’s height or occupation as long as you apologize, but to be accused of racism, misogyny, etc. is so bad that we refuse to even admit when we are guilty of those things?
Whatever the case, tl;dr: do not gaslight or minimize the feelings of people who say they’ve experienced a microaggression, please and thank you
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salemsmushroom · 5 months
A few things everyone on my blog should know:
1. Do NOT interact if you are racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, classist, or discriminatory in any way.
2. FREE PALESTINE!! 🇵��� 🍉
6. Most importantly, you are so loved. /g
Other general things about me:
• im a punk (if you couldn’t tell yet)
• im goth (pls talk to me about goth music/literature)
• furry
• im a lesbian (nonbinary lesbians are valid!!)
• im a haunt actor/scare actor
• i LOVE horror(talk horror w/ me 🙏🏻)
• and i am in a shit ton of fandoms, dont even get me started-
Fandoms I indulge in:
•Dan and Phil
•Fruits Basket
•Analog Horror (slender-verse, etc.)
•and LOTS more.
Love you all!! Spread love, be a good person, and fuck the system!
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the-ichor-king · 3 months
𝑴𝒆𝒆𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑰𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒓 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒈!
I will be updating this post as needed :]
About me🩸~
- I’m currently {17} years old!
- You can call me {Kaida}, {Cryptid}, {King}, or {Ichor}!
- My MBTI personality type is {INTP-T}! AKA {The Logician}!
- I’m a {Scorpio sun}, {Pisces moon}, and a {Scorpio rising}!
- I’m an Alaska native, and I’m {Yup’ik}!
- I’m trans FtM, and I’ve been taking testosterone injections since {September 9th 2023}!
- My pronouns are {he/it} + lots of neopronouns!
- I have {ADHD} and {autism}, and I use tone tags a lot to make sure I come off the way I want to!
- I’m a theistic, eclectic Satanist with an interest in the mythology of different cultures! I practice Paganism and witchcraft.
- My blog is a safe space! BIPOC, DID/OSDD systems, neurodivergent people, age regressers/pet regressers, therians, furries, etc are all welcome here!
DNI list🩸~
- You are racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, classist, anti-religionist, etc.
- You are a proshipper/comshipper or support proshippers/comshippers (being “neutral” on the subject is the same thing as supporting)
-You are a zoophile or support zoophilia (being “neutral” on the subject is the same thing as supporting)
- You are a pedophile or support pedophilia (being “neutral” on the subject is the same thing as supporting)
- You victim blame survivors of any kind of abuse
- You’re totally allowed to be horny in reblogs/comments and stuff! Be a horny bastard, no such thing as horny jail here uwu /j
- I’d prefer it if you’d use tone tags but you don’t have to :D
- You want to draw my OCs???? You don’t even have to ask!!! Go crazy!!! It’s NSFW??? That’s practically a marriage proposal marry me I love you (/j /pl)
- You are absolutely permitted to give me the stupidest nickname ever. One of my irl friends literally calls me Nintendo 64.
- If you’ve got a typing quirk, 1iik3 thii5 f0r 3x4mp13 (like this for example), include a translation.
- If anything, and I mean ANYTHING I do bothers you, let me know!
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sir-klauz · 1 year
I hate tumblr ppl who go on about how it’s not ok to be anti semitic, ableist, transphobic, racist, bad parents that cause trauma etc. and proceed to.. like, do literally all of that themselves to people, their friends who are minorities, their partners.
You think you’re not like the bigots? Well, I’m sorry, but you’re made with exactly the same cloth as them and your ideals may be real and you may wish them to be how you are but you you gotta truly believe in them, not just put them on for a Good Face or the cracks start showing all too easily.
You’re not pro equal rights if you still criticise people expressing any mental health symptoms.
You’re not pro equal rights if you only hang out with white people.
You’re not pro equal rights if you never talk about anything other than the things that personally upset you, because whao you can care about other minorities rights as well! Shocking!
You’re not pro equal rights if you try bottle up how people feel with emotional blackmail about how you won’t be around them unless they’re always happy.
You’re not pro equal rights if you still critique Jewish appearance, or the real life experiences of anti semitism Jewish people share and punish them for sharing it, after years of us having to be in hiding for the fact of our ancestors being killed, and still to this day synagogues being targetted and us likewise the same, being taregtted or ostracised, whilst pretending to care about anti semitism but mutually participating in it from a privileged position. Don't lecture Jewish people about what's anti semitic or not if you're not Jewish. Don't do it if you've never experienced anti semitism yourself. Don't get angry if they have. Don't ostracise if they speak about it. We've had years of people shutting our lives down, don't convert to do the same in our safe spaces either, we have enough of it in the street and amongst social gatherings, even in dating due to mocking of appearance, and being treat as ugly when we are not.
You’re not pro kids rights for equal rights if you hit your kids, or do anything to them which can leave quite a serious impact on them which hurts them, abandonment, child hatred, venting anger about things nothing to do with them out onto them.
You’re not pro equal rights if you never really actively support trans people around you or do anything at all to welcome trans people the same way as anyone else.
You’re not pro equal rights if you hate men. You’re not pro rights if you hate a specific gender as a whole.
You’re not pro equal rights if you treat the minority different to the mainstream, or what things you like the most with more humanity.
You’re not pro equal rights if you abuse animals. If you act like they don't even feel, if you ignore their depression, neglect, unhappiness.
You’re not pro equal rights if you judge the poor for being poor, or only wish to befriend rich people.
You’re not pro equal rights if you criticise speech and writing abilities of people with dyslexia or other things which make it difficult for people to write to your standard. It’s also classist, not everyone can afford the same level of education as you have been privileged to afford.
You’re not pro equal rights if you judge people’s physical appearance negatively, it’s not relevant, and just because you don’t find them attractive doesn’t mean they’re not worth your time. Similarly the people who surround themselves with only people they deem less attractive than them on purpose are dodgy as they’re trying to be the best/are threatened when it shouldn’t matter and what they do should just be their own business as everyone has worth.
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wlwdoll · 10 months
Moni's Blog
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༊*·˚ About me *ೃ༄
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ Hello and welcome to my blog! I go by moni or bambi. I'm 19 and currently in college. I go by she/they and I'm queer !
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ I have plenty of interests but I'm mostly into video games and books.
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ I'm autistic so I have a hard time understanding social cues and certain types of humor but I'm trying my best to get along with people.
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ My hyperfixations last for a long time so I apologize in advance.
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ I repost nsfw stuff quite often so I'd appreciate it if my following was 18+ only.
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ I support being openly queer, trans etc. My opinion on mspec lesbians is positive. People are allowed to do whatever they want. If that bothers you, don't follow me, period.
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ I'm an anarchist. I hate cops. I hate authority. Don't try to argue over it I'll block you.
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༊*·˚ DNI *ೃ༄
╰┈➤ Bigots, Conservatives etc.
╰┈➤ Liberals who refuse to understand what it means to be fully ACAB. If you support even your local cop I don't want you in my blog.
╰┈➤ Anti lgbtq. Transphobes, Terfs, Radfems, Homephobes etc.
╰┈➤ Zoophiles.
╰┈➤ Minors, Accounts with no information/Blank/Empty blogs. Don't be weird.
╰┈➤ Ableists.
╰┈➤ People who demonize Cluster B personalities. Get out of here.
╰┈➤ Racists, Classists, Xenophobes etc.
╰┈➤ Incels/Andrew Tate supporters.
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༊*·˚ TMI *ೃ༄
₊˚🍑⊹ I have a partner, his account is @icarusxxrising , you should totally follow them.
₊˚🍑⊹ I'm a simp for Ghost, Miguel and Pyramid head. They're my babygirls.
₊˚🍑⊹ I like the to watch and play dnd! I watch a lot of critical role and D20!
₊˚🍑⊹ I love horror games. I love them, I consume their content like it's water.
₊˚🍑⊹ I love women who can and will kill me.
₊˚🍑⊹ I gay panic over fictional women and bark and meow like I'm their pet.
₊˚🍑⊹ I play overwatch and I main ana.
₊˚🍑⊹ I main Feng and Cheryl in DBD. Hmu if anyone wants to duo.
₊˚🍑⊹ I love cats, bunnies and sharks.
₊˚🍑⊹ Stay frosty(⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤
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theconcealedweapon · 2 years
You don't get to be trusted as if you're right and also forgiven when you're wrong.
If you want to be trusted as if you're right, you have to accept that there are consequences if you're wrong. If you want to be forgiven when you're wrong, you have to acknowledge the possibility that you could be wrong from the beginning.
People with privilege often expect the best of both worlds. They insist that it's rude to assume that someone is by default sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, classist, etc. But then when they do something bigoted by mistake, they expect a simple sorry to fix it. They insist that they didn't mean to, that it's how they were raised, that they had no way of knowing better, etc.
But you can't have it both ways.
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