#or as our server likes to call it:
snailfen · 2 years
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i keep trying to fill this doodle pile for a fic im working on but gay people keep taking over the page. Anyways here
[rbs appreciated!!]
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 11 months
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I certainly didn’t see this being on my 2023 bingo card.
Edit: Ya’ll this meme above isn’t accurate anymore since other messages from the group came out. I made this meme when the first initial message came out.
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The meme down below is more correct as to what’s probably happening with Ao3. Also wanted to say that despite the name of group, the people behind it are probably Russians.
Edit: July 11th, So Ao3 is back! Though the donation link is being attacked now. There’s also a second account on Twitter trying to impersonate Ao3.
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gremlingirlsmell · 26 days
the egg prime directive is transmisogynistic, joking about a cis person you know might be an egg is pretty harmless, and saying otherwise is transmisogynistic. hope this helps
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wall-e-gorl · 10 months
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Free day! Anyone else remember the car bit they did in the ep 0s of arc 5 and 9? I do! i didnt remember it well enough to make the car a limo but heres the dm-mobile for the free day!
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sweetsweetbumblebee · 9 months
having a crush is so embarrassing dude what the fuckkkk
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apple8ees · 3 months
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love cook
[alternate versions/no overlay under the cut]
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"e why are there so many of him" listen. i like gradients
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kkoongie · 1 year
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the boys and I decided to have fratsonas now
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redysetdare · 11 months
Saw a post of a sex repulsed person being incredibly respectful about kink at pride and expressing how people say they don't belong at pride but then give no alternatives that help them find queer spaces that are safe for them, especially in rural places, and the replies just... Y'all REALLY hate repulsed ppl don't you? Like genuinely the queer community HATES us. The replies had ppl insinuating op was homophobic or sex negative all because they asked for a place where they could feel comfortable. At no point in their post did they say kink was bad or didn't belong at pride all they asked is that if they, a sex repulsed person, was not allowed at pride then where are they to go?
This is a question that never gets taken seriously by the queer community because they hate the idea that someone dislikes sex. They take our feelings as a personal attack on them and their sexuality. When all we want is a space for us. We are trying to find our own space like we are told but we get met with aggression when we try to do that. They hate the idea of a space that doesn't allow sex. They hate a space that doesn't allow them. It's all "Pride is for everyone" until it's repulsed people. Then it's " no where in the queer community is for you. You don't belong here"
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jaypentaghast · 8 months
ok it was fun trying to find out for myself based on context clues but I'll cave
what's the Izzy Canyon ?
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lacystar · 10 months
I missed amongus server drama? 🥲
Qwerty no amount of update accounts could describe what happened
#don’t stop the party#his ass did not get hired NDA loving wife potato farm swag priest I’ll use him later the interview cyrus copper house Cyrus farm underside#the village armor spells out chef well he underwater mines tools named after master chef winners red light district what amendment is the ri#ght ti remain silent THEYRE fuckinng at the red light district all the time clings reciting poetry maybe if I finish his gift he’ll like me#when is the divorce is clings socks son because he’s mixed who is the father church so trinkets the pope then is it priest or pastor I’m not#calling him father cyrus how are you doing Cyrus I’m feeling swaggy bedrock minecraft isn’t on mac Nintendo online is $20 a year you did#lore and you’re not even on our server can I get the family tree when will my husband return from the war cyrus has the nda why are you at#the red light district trinket crying laughing#I’m gonna listen to YCGMA is your husband faithful oh well he works csn cyrus deafen the king solomon baby story recited from a techno quote#in a Cyrus fic please areus don’t tell you know clings I just want my family to be okay you don’t know what this would do to him please#he doesn’t even have a priest outfit you are not allowed to build in swag nation afyer some debate the council has considered you for the#job of pastor so how are Andy and clings related#cyrus gets tagged 5 times consecutively on a burger post. clings is in the backrooms. it’s jover.#amogus server#asks#qwerty
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designersheets · 1 month
i'm in a discord group that. unfortunately has a lot of casual transphobia (especially transmisogyny). mostly from the same people every time.
calling them out results in a conversation about it, but it always turns into a circular argument and we end up nowhere. so they never actually learn or change despite claiming they will. they don't even always actually apologize, they'll pull a "sorry you feel that way" or flip things around to being about themself instead and expect to receive apologies.
i've tried being gentle and i've tried being tough about it, doesn't seem to matter. i'm not the only one speaking up and it doesn't matter.
i'm just so tired. i consider some of them close friends but it gets harder to do so every time this shit happens. all i want is for them to actually acknowledge that it happens and stop fucking deflecting and talking in circles around it, and stop making every problem that they cause into an "i'm hurt that you called me out :( i think i'm in the right so i refuse to change" conversation. i want them to take it seriously and try to improve as people.
that can't be too much to ask, right? i just don't know what else to do at this point if they're not gonna take it seriously. i've led the horse to water so many times, but it never takes a drink.
the funniest part is that one of the people actually has been called out by the rest of them and consistently is! he gets clowned on all the time when he says stupid shit. and he's stopped saying as much of it! he's improving! i don't mind staying friends with him! why can't anyone else do it? why do they dish it out if they can't fucking take it themselves?
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barredandromeda · 2 days
"be grateful for what you have" have you considered that i am but also want something else
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batemanofficial · 23 days
just a psa: if you bring cake to a restaurant and make the kitchen staff cut and plate it for you we are 100% also cutting and plating slices for ourselves
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cosmicseapop · 28 days
Theoretically, any dead champion can pull a Tara and return to Lore via portal from their Elemental Plane. Every element based faction probably have a portal (the thing the basement of the termina temple, drowning machine, the platform the Mysterious Stranger was chained to), so it would be possible for a dead champion to come back. Probably not permanently unless the area is attune to their element - I think Tara gets a pass since she the champion of mana and that’s literally everywhere - but they would have the ability to come back to Lore.
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Thus, this is the dead champion of light from the planar conflict
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sleaterkinnie · 9 months
THAT WAS THE WORST FUCKING SHIFT OF MY WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE . I JUSY GOT OUT AND I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE LEAVING 20 WHOLE MINUTES AGO WE WERE SO SHORT AND IT WAS SOMEHOW INSANELY BUSY DESPITE THE FACT THAT THERES NO CUSTOMWRS BC ITS A FUCKING NURSING HOME !!! oh my god . Literally barely had time to eat . I don't want to hear anyone speak when I get home. I'm buying myself a little treat idgaf fuck my budget
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bexsld · 2 months
To the woman who made me cry in work tonight:
I hope you rot
To the woman who saw me crying in the bathroom who told me "some people are fucking bastards who shouldn't be let out. Don't worry pet":
I love you
And I hope you have the best life.
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