#peak dad matt
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I had to track down the original video from old discord chats, but I believe this was from last year?
A triumph for dad dancing everywhere.
@sunburnacoustic @citizenerased77 @keo6232 @killedbythegroove 😏
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lovingmattysposts · 5 months
Eastside FINAL.
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P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16
summary: growing up in the outskirts of Boston wasn't really pretty. Life wasn't that great for most people, most people. You had Matt and no one fucked with you when Matt was standing by your side. The chief's daughter and the bad boy deliquent. A perfect love story?
warnings: THE LAST PART, shes long asf, sad af, mentions of guns, mentions of hosptials, mentiosn of gunshot wounds, mentions of death, mentions of drugs, suggestive
grab a snack, grab some tissues, take a deep breath.
xoxo, autumn
My eyes blinked open. I stared up at the ceiling. I thought it could have been a dream, from my groggy state. Until I heard beeping from beside me. I furrowed my eyebrows turning my head seeing a machine next to me.
I looked down at my arm that were filled with IVs and a bandage over my arm. I attempted to lift my arm but winced in pain.
“Y/n, stay still”
I looked up seeing my dad standing up from a chair looking down at me. He blinked down at me, worry all over his face. I scanned him in his uniform.
I attempted to sit up but my Dad came over me laying his hand on my shoulder. “Y/n, lay down. The doctor said you’re suppose to be in bed rest for the next few weeks” He said. I just blinked at me, swallowing parting my lips and licking them.
He stared down at me.
Realization hit my chest.
I raised my eyebrows, the machine starting to beep louder from my heart rate rising. “Matt” I mumbled looking up at him, searching for answers. My dad looked from me to the machine that was rising in sound next to me.
“Dad where’s Matt?” I said moving up with my other arm. I shook my head as he looked at me. “Dad where’s Matt!” I said louder my eyes filling with tears. His hands came over me.
“Y/n, Calm down. Just calm down sweetheart” He said shaking his head. I shook my head as I kicked the covers of the hospital bed off my body as I attempted to sit up.
“Matt!” I yelled shaking my head. My dad’s eyes widened as he looked at me. “Matt!” I screamed as loud as I could in case he could hear me. “Y/n! Calm down!” My dad yelled at me.
I couldn’t hear. I couldn’t think. Where was Matt?
I looked over at the IVs stuck in my arms before reaching up and ripping them out of my arm, not even feeling the pain as I threw them away from me. I swung my legs over the bed before falling against my dad, trying to make my way towards the doors of the room.
He grabbed my waist to keep my standing. I winced from the pain corsating through my arm. I pushed my dad off me. “Matt!” I cried louder.
“Nurse!” My Dad yelled before three nurses rushed into the room, their eyes meeting mine and their widening. Two of the nurses came to my sides to hold me up, pushing me back towards the bed.
“No! Stop! Get off m-me!” I screamed. “Where’s Matt!” I screamed. The nurses guided me back towards my bed.
“Miss. Y/l/n, you have to calm down. Stop screaming, you need to rest-“ One of the nurses said before I pushed her back. “Y/n” My dad stated in shock. I looked between them as tears fell down my cheeks.
“Is he d-dead?” I said through choked cries. My dad looked over at the nurses and they looked at me. “Tell me what the fucks going on! Where my boyfriend!” I screamed at them.
“Baby, He’s in surgery right now, he’s been in surgery since you guys got here last night, we don’t have any updates on him yet. I told them to give me any updates as soon as they have them” My dad said coming up to me looking down at me.
I shook my head as tears poured.
“But he’s gonna be okay right? He’s gonna be okay?” I cried looking at the nurses for answers. They just looked from me to my dad.
I heard the door start to open slightly before I saw brown hair peak through. My heart dropped.
Chris revealed himself. My heart clenched. I looked at him as Nick followed in behind them.
“Now’s not a good time” One of the nurses mumbled to them. I shook my head. “Nick, Chris—I’m so—“ I cried before they both came up to me wrapping me into a hug.
I cried against them as the nurses back up and my dad just watched us. “I’m so s-sorry—“ I shook my head. Nick leaned down against my ear.
“Nothing is your fault Y/n, I promise. Thank you so much for everything” Nick whispered quietly into my ear. I pulled back seeing Chris’s eyes teary as he looked at me.
I swallowed.
“He’s gonna be okay right?” I cried looking between them and they just looked at each other. Nick looked at me and closed his eyes. I brought my hand up to my mouth and closed my eyes shaking my head.
“I can’t live without him, he has to be okay” I cried shaking my head. They nodded and their arms came back around me. “They are doing everything they can y/n. There’s nothing we can do right now but wait” Nick said as he held me. I nodded as I cried into his shoulder.
“Do you want some water?”
I looked up at my Dad before looking back at the door. “No” I stated, my eyes trained at the door. He sighed as he stepped out of the way of some nurses trying to walk around him in the hallway.
“You’ve been sitting outside in the hallway for 3 hours now, you promised after the first hour you would try to eat something” My dad sighed. I gripped my IV that was standing next to me, next to my chair harder as my eyes watered.
“I’m not going anywhere” I shook my head as tears threatened to spill over my eyes. He took in a breath as he sat in the chair next to me. “Y/n, you have to promise me you’ll be okay if he’s not” He whispered shaking his head.
I swallowed my eyes not leaving the door. “He’s should be out by now. The surgery should be done by now” I said shaking my head. My dad sighed next to me, placing his hand on my shoulder.
“Y/n” he sighed, trying to get my attention. I shook my head as a tear fell out of my eye. “Nick and Chris are in the cafeteria right now, maybe you should join them” My dad stated. I shook my head.
“I said I’m not leaving him” I said harshly ripping my shoulder from him hand. He nodded. “I’m gonna go get your pain meds, the nurse said that it was time for the second dose” He breathed standing up and walking away.
I didn’t respond as I stared at the door that held the love of my life that I couldn’t see while his life was in the hands of a doctor and a scalpel, and there was nothing I could do to help.
My dad brought me back some water and my meds and a jello cup. I took the meds, because the pain in my arm was too horrible to bear, but it was like a pinch compared to the feeling in my chest. The jello laid next to me looking as unappealing as ever.
Nick and Chris sat across from me. Nick staring at the floor in front of him as Chris attempted to keep his eyes opened his head pressed against his hand.
“He really loved you, you know”
I looked up at them. Nick stared back at me. He smiled softly. “He really did” He nodded. I just looked at him.
“Every since we were kids he would just smile the whole ride on the bus, just about to jump for joy because he knew when he got to school he would see you” Nick said shaking his head. The corners of my mouth turned up slightly.
“I remember when he kissed you under the playground in sixth grade, he ran to us saying he kissed you—“ Nick smiled shaking his head. Chris looked up at him.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so happy” He said smiling down at me. My eyes watered as I looked at him. “I remember he would come to school sick as a dog, just because he didn’t want you to forget about him and start liking someone else” Nick smiled shaking his head. I just watched them as my eyes flooded.
“He threw up twice on the way to school and still insisted on going” Chris chimed in.
Nick chuckled and nodded.
“You never let him live that down did you?” Nick asked looking at Chris. Chris shook his head. I smiled before it fell and I looked towards the door, taking in a breath.
They both looked up at me.
“I just don’t think I’ll ever forgive myself for possibly spending my last moments with him being angry with him over something that wasn’t true.” I whispered shaking my head as a tear fell down my face.
Nick stood up and walked over to me, sitting down next to me, placing his hand on my knee.
“He’ll always love you y/n. No matter what happens-“ Nick shook his head. I looked over at him. “I just wanted you to know that” Nick said shaking his head. I nodded looking at him and he smiled.
The door opened.
Nicks eyes looked up behind me. I felt my heart drop before I even turned around. But I forced myself to. I looked and saw the doctor exiting from the room.
I shot up, Nick and Chris rising after me. The doctor looked up at him. “Are you the family of….” The doctor said looking down at his sheet. “Matthew Sturniolo?” He asked raising his eyes looking at us.
I nodded quickly. “We’re his brothers” Chris said quickly motioning to him and Nick. The doctor looked down at me as I just wanted him to speak, say anything.
“She’s family” Nick stated grabbing the doctor’s attention. He nodded as he flipped the sheet attached to his clipboard. “He’s okay right?” I said my voice breaking. The doctor let out a breath, before looking up at us.
“The bullet took a dangerous path, hitting him in the swerved line of his back, next to the spinal cord and puncturing a lining of his muscles, landing inside of his ribcage.” The doctor explained. I just watched him, my heart beating a million miles a minute.
“A couple inches from his heart, an inch from damaging the spinal cord that could have paralyzed him for life, and almost puncturing a vital organ” He breathed. Nick nodded looking at him. Chris just listened.
“He lost a lot of blood on the way to the hospital, he was dead when he got here.”
My face dropped.
My heart stopped.
All the reasons left to live left my body.
All the breath from my lungs gone.
Nick put his arm on my shoulder, but I barely felt it as I stared at the doctor.
“But—“ the doctor breathed. I took in a breath. “He wasn’t gone for long and it we immediately hooked him up to the machines, pumping blood back to his heart and somehow—“ he shook his head.
“Somehow what? Somehow what?” I choked looking at him. The doctor glanced at me before looking back at Nick. “We got him back” He nodded looking at Nick.
I let out a breath, holding my stomach as I bent over catching my breath, feeling nauseous.
“T-The surgery. Is he okay? Is there any permanent damage?” Chris stuttered looking at him. The doctor licked his lips. “The surgery was more meticulous than expected, like I said the way the bullet when in, it was almost like he was making a sudden movement from the way the bullet cut his skin and the path the bullet took” The doctor said.
“A sudden movement?” Chris asked. Nick looked down at me. I looked down at my arm. “Like a split second movement” The doctor nodded. Chris looked down at me. I froze. I shook my head.
“Did he-“ Chris breathed. I shook my head, my eyes filled with tears. He blocked the bullet from me? I barely noticed he moved, I thought he was just moving next to me. But then there was a second shot—and that one hit me—I. I shook my head.
He blocked the bullet from me.
“So it was harder to get the bullet out of him, which is why the surgery took so long, but there weren’t any major complications. Everything in the vitals looked good, no damage in the spinal cords, and the bullets out. It’s just going to be a long painful recovery, but it’s a miracle he survived” The doctor finished.
I looked up at Nick before wrapping my arms around him and he hugged me back as we both caught our breath. I felt Chris’s arms come around us.
I pulled back looking at the doctor.
“Can we see him?” I shook tears in my eyes. The doctor sighed. “He just came out of surgery, he’s asleep still, but you’re welcome to sit in there” He nodded.
I looked up at Nick and Chris for permission before they nodded. I smiled and nodded before walking over to the room and gripping the handle. I pushed the door slightly before hearing the beeping of machines.
I looked over seeing him. Seeing him.
His chest rising and lowering.
I smiled shaking as tears filled my eyes. I walked over next to him slowly. His eyes were closed, he was sleeping. My shaky hand came over his forehead, pushing his hair out of his eyes.
I leaned down pressing my lips to his skin. I leaned back. I heard the door creek open seeing Nick and Chris standing there just watching us. I wiped my nose before a tear fell from my eyes onto his shirt.
I just ran my thumb over his face.
His eyes blinked open.
My breath caught in my lungs. His blue eyes looking up at me. I smiled shaking my head. “Hi my love” I whispered tears fogging my vision. He took in a breath and turned his head towards me.
“You’re okay” His horse voice spoke. I cried letting out a small laugh. I shook my head running my hands over his face. “You’re alive” I cried. He smiled slightly closing his eyes and nodded.
“You can’t get rid of me that easily” He said softly swallowing, slightly. I chuckled shaking my head as tears poured out of my eyes. I leaned down and pressed my head against his shoulder.
“I love you so much. So so much.” I cried shaking my head. He leaned his head against mine. “You died on me. I thought you were gone—Matt I can’t live without you, never leave me again” I shook against him.
His hand that was connected with wires came up to my face, pressing his hand against my cheek, holding me against him. He took in a breath.
His eyes shifted to Chris and Nick who were just watching us. Chris smiled pushing past Nick before walking up to Matt and hugging him on the other side. Matt whinced and we both came off of him.
“Guys, let him breathe” Nick said shaking his head. I stepped back and so did Chris. “Yeah Chris, let me breathe” Matt mumbled as he reached his hand up to grab my fingers before interlacing his fingers with mine pulling me back to him.
I smiled as I leaned my head against his. Chris rolled his eyes before putting his hand on his knee. “We’re glad you’re okay” Chris smiled. Matt sighed.
“Slim?” He mumbled. I leaned up running my hands through his hair as he looked at Nick. “Dead” Nick said looking at him. He swallowed. “Landon? Pallo? Everyone?” He asked. “In custody” Nick nodded. Matt looked up at me.
“Us?” Matt said turning his head back to Nick. Nick smiled. “Just victims at the wrong place, wrong time—bystanders” Nick smiled. Matt let out a breath. I smiled pressed my lips against the top of his head.
“Cecilia?” Matt asked. I sat up looking at him. My face dropped. Matt looked up at me. “Where’s Cecilia?” Matt asked looking at me.
“Who’s Cecilia?” Chris asked shaking his head. I looked at Nick, who shook his head and shrugged. I swallowed. Fuck, I had no idea where she was. I tuned back at Matt.
“Go” he mumbled blinking up at me weakly. I stared down at him. “Go find her” He said blinking his eyes closed, his hands still playing with my fingers. I shook my head.
“You’re an absolute idiot if you think I’m leaving you now” I said my eyes flooding as I stared down at him. He smiled before reaching up and wiping his thumb under my eyes.
“She saved your life”
“I wouldn’t have care if you hadn’t survived, it would have meant nothing without you” I breathed as tears fell as he continued to wipe them. He smiled and took in a breath.
His hands moved down and hovered over my arm, right above where my arm was wrapped from the bullet.
He looked up at me.
“Matt we’re gonna go get you the nurse, tell her you’ve woken up. Get your med and everything” Nick said grabbing Chris’s shoulder and dragging him out of the room. Matt’s eyes didn’t leave mine.
“I don’t think I’ll ever forgive myself for letting you get hurt” Matt mumbled as the door closed. I shook my head as I leaned down pressing my hands against his face. “It wasn’t your fault not of it was. Matt, you saved my life. Why did you move in front of the bullet?” I whispered as I looked down at him.
He shook his head.
“I wasn’t gonna let you die” He whispered. I smiled before pressing my lips against his cold ones and then leaning my forehead against his. “God, I never thought I’d feel that again” I whispered looking at him. He smiled.
“You know the only thing I could think about when I thought that it was it for me was that I couldn’t even remember the last time we kissed” I whispered as a tear fell down my face onto his.
“It was at the dance when we were dancing” he mumbled. I closed my eyes and nodded. “You’re right” I chuckled. He reached up wiping the tears under my eyes.
“I love you” He mumbled.
I shook my head.
“I love you more” I whispered. He smiled.
matt pov
The pain was almost unbearable, only when I moved. It was easier to look over and see her on the chair next to my bed, fast asleep against the arm of the chair. Her lips slightly parted, her eyes closed.
I smiled as I looked down at her.
I feel like I’ve never really done anything right in my life. But for some reason the universe gave me her. I don’t deserve it, but I had it and I wasn’t ever letting her go.
I couldn’t describe the fear in my chest seeing her pressed against the wall, gun pointed at her while I laid there helpless. It was something that was going to haunt me for a long time. I owed Cecilia my life for saving her.
I remembered looking towards Cecilia on the ground as I dropped my gun. She motioned for me to kick it to her when Slim told me to drop it, and I did. I never trusted her, not after what she did to y/n and I’s relationship, but in the moment I had nothing else to do but trust her so I kicked her the gun.
Having no idea that would save my girlfriend’s life.
Y/n’s chest rose and fell with each breath. She was alive and breathing. I closed my eyes, not caring if the pain corsating through my body would last forever if it meant that I wasn’t dreaming. That she was there.
I heard the door start to open, excepting to see Chris or Nick but instead it was her dad, the chief of police. I took in a breath as his eyes went from me to her.
He sighed as he walked in and closed the door. He walked over to Y/n and I just watched him as his hand came over her head. She didn’t move, deep in sleep.
“I’m glad she’s finally sleeping, she’s been awake for hours” He said quietly looking down at her. I just looked at him. He glanced up at me.
“She still hasn’t eaten anything. I’m hoping when she wakes up you can convince her to eat something” He said looking at me. I nodded closing my eyes.
“She hasn’t eaten anything yet?” I asked looking at him. He shook his head. “She’s been camped up outside of your surgery room since she woke up and knew that you weren’t okay” He said, making my heart drop. Knowing she was probably in pain herself sitting in those uncomfortable chairs for hours, just waiting to know if I was going to live.
I glanced back over to her sleeping figure.
He walked over to my bed looking down at me. My body stiffened.
“You took a nasty hit” He stated looking down at me. I just looked at him, not sure if he was getting ready to actually end my life or not.
“Nick told me you moved in front of the bullet so it wouldn’t hit her” He said raising his eyebrows. I swallowed and shrugged.
“Doesn’t matter, I didn’t know he would fire two shots. She still got hit” I mumbled the last part feeling the pain in my chest, the guilt of knowing my actions still didn’t prevent her from getting hurt.
“You jumped in front of a bullet to save my daughter” He stated. I looked up at him. He closed his eyes. “You’re an idiot” He shook his head. “But thank you. I owe you my life” he said leaning down and placing his hand on my shoulder.
I smiled slightly at him.
“But I do still have to get in the questioning and whatnot because of my job” He sighed. I just looked at him, swallowing.
He pulled out a paper before looking down at him.
“What were you doing there?” He asked looking down at me. I looked up at the ceiling. “I knew Y/n was there and I knew it wasn’t safe so I went” I answered. “Why did you know it wasn’t safe?” He asked after.
I looked over at him, not answering.
“How do you know Slim Propell?” He asked instead. I shrugged. “Knew his name from around” I lied. He glanced back to his paper. “Were you and your brother involved in anyway in Slims drug business that we aren’t aware of or can you offer any names of anyone that wasn’t at the scene of the crime?” he asked.
I shook my head.
He closed the paper.
“Okay” He said stepping back.
“Okay?” I questioned. He looked back at me. “That’s it?” I asked shaking my head, knowing the questioning process was long, hard, and miserable from my former experience. He nodded. I shook my head furrowing my eyebrows.
He sighed stepping back towards me.
“Look from your record, do I think you’re innocent in all of this?” He asked shaking his head. I just watched him. “No” he stated blankly. I didn’t move.
“Do I know that you jumped in front of a gun to save my daughter?” He said looking back at Y/n, who was still sound asleep. He turned back at me. “Yes” he let out a breath.
“I don’t know or necessarily care why or how you are involved in any of this—but” He paused. “But we didn’t find anything to tie you to it” He answered. I closed my eyes.
Thank the gods for Y/n.
“So stay out of trouble. I meant it when I said I didn’t want to see you in my office again, for anything. I hope that near death experience scared you enough” He pointed at me. I swallowed.
“Almost losing Y/n, scared me enough to never get involved in anything like that again” I answered truthfully. He nodded looking down at me.
“Good” He said as he walked towards the door.
“Chief wait” I said catching his attention. I looked back towards Y/n. “Can I ask you something?” I whispered. He nodded walking back towards me.
I swallowed this was terrifying.
“I know you don’t like me. I know you never thought I was good enough for your daughter and trust me I don’t think I am either” I shook my head. He just crossed his arms and looked down at me.
“But I can’t almost lose her again” I shook my head. “I can’t imagine a life without her in it” I mumbled looking at him. He narrowed his eyes at me.
“She’s the love of my life” I stated. He didn’t react as he looked down at me. “I promise I’ll never put her in a position to get hurt ever again” I whispered shaking my head. He nodded and pursed his lips.
“What are you trying to ask me kid?” He asked looking down at me. I glanced over at her and then back to him.
“We graduate in May—“
“With your recovery time period you’ll be luck to graduate” He stated looking down at me. I sighed closing my eyes. “She’ll graduate in May” I stated looking up at him. He nodded.
“I know we’re young—“ I said shaking my head furrowing my eyebrows looking up at him. He closed his eyes and sighed.
“I can’t live without her” I whispered. He took in a breath and opened his eyes.
“Can I marry your daughter?”
y/n pov
The next month was a tiring experience if I’m being honest, but it didn’t matter to me. I would hand feed Matt for the rest of my life, just happy that he was here with me.
Nights and mornings I stayed at the hospital while he recovered. Taking care of every need he had. He made it fun, always keeping me laughing and entertained.
I would lay in bed with him when the nurses weren’t looking and he would talk about everything we were gonna do when he got released. It made me happy, because sure we were in the hospital, but we could be anywhere it would feel like home.
Because he was my home.
When he finally did get released, Chris and Nick helped out a lot. With moving him from the hospital back to his house. It was nice being out of that stuffy hospital.
“Are you comfortable? Do you need anything else? Some water? More pillows?” I asked as I searched his room. He laughed as he motioned for me to walk back over to him. I sighed smiling as I walked over to him.
“Y/n, I’m fine. I’m home. I don’t need you waiting on me hand and foot” He mumbled as he leaned up and pressed his lips to mine. I smiled against his lips as I looked down at him and sighed, pushing his hair behind his face. He smiled up at me.
“I do need you to do something for me though” he whispered. I shot up. “Is it more pillows? Turn on the air? I did think it was a little hot in here—“ I said running towards the door.
“Y/n” he laughed. I turned and looked at me. “Come back over here” He smiled. I sighed and walked back over to him. “What is it?” I asked looking down at him.
“Go find Cecilia. Make sure she’s okay” He said looking up at me. I looked down at him, before nodding. “Okay” I breathed. “I’ll be fine here, Nick and Chris can take care of me” He smiled.
“They won’t rub my feet though I don’t think” He said shaking his head.
“No we won’t” Chris said as he passed the door. I chuckled and smiled at him. “Landon’s house is two streets over from here, the one at the end with the two green trash can in front of them” Matt explained as he ran his hands through my hair.
I nodded looking down at him.
“Okay” I breathed standing up. I ran my sweaty hands over my jeans as I looked down at him. A part of me slightly scared to leave him. “Okay, okay” I nodded as I walked towards the door.
I looked back at him.
“Are the pillows okay?” I asked.
“I’m okay, y/n go” He chuckled. I smiled and nodded as I pushed the door open.
I stood in front of the door. I turned around. Green trash cans. This was it. Why was I scared to face her? I closed my eyes and took in a breath before knocking on the door softly.
There was some rusting around before I heard the door unlock and open slightly. She was standing there. Her eyes froze when she saw me. I just stared at her.
“Y/n” she breathed opening the door wider. I just looked at her. She looked terrified. She looked down at the ground. “Y/n I’m so sorry—I don’t know what the say I—“
I cut her off my rushing forward and wrapping her in a hug tightly. She froze before she let out a breath, wrapping her arms around me. “Y/n, I’m so sorry” Her voice broke.
I pulled back shaking my head.
“Cecilia you saved my life.” I said shaking my head. She just looked at me. “I was so s-scared I’m sorry I thought he was dead but then—I didn’t see him pick up the gun—-he shot Matt. I—“ She shook her head.
“Matt’s okay. Matt’s fine” I smiled looking at her. She stopped looking at me. “H-He’s okay?” She asked shaking her head not believing my words.
I nodded smiling. She let out a breath before hugging me again. “Oh thank God. Oh thank God” she breathed agaisnt me. I smiled against her, before she pulled back.
“It’s been over a month. I-I didn’t know I thought you hated me, I thought he wasn’t—“ she stopped biting her lip. I shook my head. “Everyone is okay. I just didn’t want to leave Matt’s side—I’m sorry I would have come sooner” I shook my head.
She shook her head. “Don’t you dare apologize” she said shaking her head. I let out a breath smiling. She eyes trailed down to my arm. I looked down at my arm looking at the bullet wound.
She hands hovered over it.
“Oh my god. Are you okay?” She whispered looking down at it. I nodded smiling. “I’m okay” I smiled. She smiled up at me. “Feel kind of like a badass now, feel like you” I smiled up at her. She smiled and looked down.
“Did the cops give you a hard time?” I asked lightly. She sighed. “They took me into cutting for questioning, but they released me on self-defense” She nodded.
I tilted my head into her house.
“How are you doing? Without Landon and everything?” I asked looking up at her. She sighed and looked down. “I’m okay” She breathed, but there was something hidden behind her face. I tilted my head at her.
“I can’t pay the bills. I don’t have an income anymore without Landon. I’ve already got my late notice, I think I’m gonna lose the house” She admitted shaking her head softly. My heart clenched for her.
The best thing that could have ever happened to her, she got out of. She’s free, but now she has nothing. I just looked at her.
“Stay with me” I blurted out.
She looked up at me, her eyes wide. “What?” She asked. I shrugged. “I have the space, I’m sure my dad wouldn’t mind. With everything you’ve done. I’d love it if you came and stayed at me. We have the room” I said shaking my head. She sighed and shook her head.
“I couldn’t” She sighed. “I’ve done enough damage” She swallowed. I pushed her shoulder. “Stop being prideful and take my help. Please come stay with me. Please?” I asked looking up at her.
She just looked at me.
“I couldn’t leave Spot” She breathed.
“Who’s spot?”
All of the sudden a nose poked through the doors. My eyes widened as I smiled and leaned down seeing a small dog looking up at me, wagging his tail up at me. Cecilia chuckled.
“Spot! Oh my goodness!” I gushed as the dog pushed forward and licked my face. I laughed as I pushed the fur behind his ears.
“That’s spot” she chuckled above me. I smiled as I stood back up. “Spot can come too” I smiled. She closed her eyes before rushing forward and hugging me for the third time, this time almost knocking me off my feet.
“Thank you.”
“Feel good?” I asked as I dropped the last box. She nodded as my Dad followed in behind her. “The room was going to waste anyway, happy to have you here kid” My dad said putting his hand on her shoulder.
She smiled up at him.
“Thank you, for everything” She said shaking her head. “No problem, you saved my daughter’s life—you’re family now” He said shaking his head. She smiled before pushing forward and hugging him tightly.
My dad’s eyes went wide as he slightly hugged her back, chuckling.I smiled just watching them. My dad has no idea what he just did for her.
Spot came walking up before jumping in on the hug and I chuckled. “I’m not taking care of the dog though” He said as Cecilia let him go.
I reached down petting the dog.
“You won’t. We will” I said smiling. My dad rolled his eyes. “I promise he’s well trained. He won’t be a bother to you” Cecelia said shaking her head. My dad smiled and sighed.
I rolled my eyes knowing in a month time, my dad would be attached to the dog. Just like he was with the ones at the station.
“Okay well I’ll let you get settled in” My dad said as he walked towards the door. I smiled before nodded. “Thanks again for everything” Cecilia smiled at him. He nodded before leaving us be.
I sat up looking at her. She smiled at me.
“Well, I’m going to Matt’s to help him with figuring out his medicine and everything” I breathed looking at her. She smiled and shook her head. “He’s been fully recovered for two months. I think he’s okay” She chuckled. I smiled and shook my head.
“You just like babying him, admit it” She chuckled pointing at him. My face went red. “I do not!” I laughed shaking my head. She shook her head as she grabbed some pillows and threw them on the bed.
“Whatever, go see your boyfriend” she smiled rolling her eyes. I smiled as I turned towards the door. I looked back at her as she started to open some of the boxes.
“Do you wanna come?” I asked softly. She stood up looking at me and then shook her head. “I’m not third wheeling” She smiled. I rolled my eyes. “No, Nick and Chris will be there. I want you to officially meet them” I smiled. She shook her head.
“I already met Nick” She mumbled. I smiled as I stalked towards her. “Okay, well maybe I want you to meet Chris” I smiled grabbing her hands. She shook her head rolling her eyes. “I’m okay, really” She said shaking her head.
I sighed.
“Please, you need my help unpacking anyway. We’ll stay there a few hours and then come back and make your room all Cecilia-fied” I said looking around. “Cecilia-fied?” She chuckled. I nodded before grabbing her hand.
“Please” I pulled her. She groaned. “Fine” she shook her head. I smiled as I pulled her out of the room.
I turned the lock to the house before pushing the door open. “You’re just—you’re just walking in?” Cecilia said looking at me. I ignored her as I walked in. “Okay we’re just walking in” She chuckled as we walked into the house.
“I’m here!” I announced. Nick and Chris looked up at me from the couch. “Okay?” Nick shook his head looking back towards the TV. Cecilia followed in after me.
“Where’s my love?” I smiled at them. Nick rolled his eyes. “I hate that you’re calling him that now” Nick shook his head. I glared at them. I looked over at Chris whose eyes were fixated on Cecilia. I looked over at Cecilia whose eyes were on his as well.
I grabbed her arm before pulling her towards them.
“Nick, Chris. This is my new roomy Cecilia. Aka, the girl who saved my life” I mumbled leaning into them as I spoke to them. Nick looked up at me. “We’ve met” Nick said smiling shaking his head. Cecilia nodded at him.
Chris stood up from the couch.
“I’m Chris” he said holding out his hand. “Cecilia” she smiled taking his hand and shaking it. I just looked between them as they looked at each other. Silence filled the room. I looked down at Nick who raised his eyebrows looking at the two of them.
“You guys can let go now, it’s getting weird” Nick mumbled. They dropped their hands before Chris turned to Nick and Cecilia turned to me a slight blush on her cheeks.
“Where’s my baby!”
I turned hearing his voice before smiling seeing him walking down the hallway. I ran up to him before wrapping my arms around Matt’s neck and pressing my lips to his.
Noises of disgust filled the room as we kissed. Matt held up his middle finger as he kissed me back. I chuckled as I parted our lips.
“You look good, you’ve got your color back” I smiled rubbing my thumbs against his face. “I’ve got a good nurse” he smiled pressing his lips against mine. I smiled against him.
“You two are gross” Nick shook his head. I pulled from him. “You’re taking your medicine?” I asked looking up at him. He nodded. “Every three hours” He nodded. “You’re cleaning the wounds?” I asked. He rolled his eyes.
“If you’re asking if I’ve showered, yes” He said looking down at me. “You have to disinfect it Matt, I told you that or it can get worse” I said shaking my head at him. He groaned. “God stop talking” He smiled as he kissed me to stop my protesting.
He pulled back as he looked down at me. “I’ve got some strength back” He whispered so only I could hear him. I hummed smiling up at him. “Yeah? And what does that mean?” I smiled up at him.
“Hmm, you know what that means” He smiled down at me. I took in a breath as I turned around to the rest of them.
“Are ya’ll okay to chill? I’ve gotta help him with something” I smiled. Chris shook his head and sat down waving us off. I smiled as Matt wrapped his arms around me from behind.
Cecilia looked up at me before running up to me. I just looked at her as Matt pressed his chin against my shoulder.
“W-What do I do?” She whispered looking at me. I shrugged. “Just talk to them” I smiled. She turned and looked back at them. “I’m not good at talking” She whispered fear on her face.
Matt chuckled as he buried his face into my neck. I shook my head as I put my hand on the back of his neck as I looked at Cecilia.
“You’re not scared of drug dealers but you’re scared of Chris?” I asked looking at her. She paused before nodding. I sighed before I felt Matt press his lips against my neck, attempting to pull me back.
“He’s just a boy Cels” I smiled. “Look at him, you didn’t tell me he was sculpted by the gods?” She whispered to me her eyes wide. Matt chuckled against my neck.
“He looks like Matt, of course he’s hot” I rolled my eyes. Matt lifted his head looking down at me. “Never call my brother hot ever again” He said looking down at me. I rolled my eyes at him as he grabbed my arm and started to drag me away from Cecilia.
“Just talk to him Cecilia, I promise we won’t be long” I said shaking my head. Cecilia looked terrified as she shook her head. “Yes we will” Matt said looking down at me.
“Cecilia!” I heard Nick’s voice.
Cecilia turned around and then back at me as Matt dragged me down the hallway. “Go!” I whispered. She whined before turning and walking back towards the couch.
Matt grabbed both of my arms before pushing me into his room, giving me barely as second to turn around before his lips pressed sloppy to mine. I giggled as I pulled back and he pressed his lips against my neck.
“You were suppose to be here an hour ago” he mumbled against my neck and he wrapped his arms around me, pulled me towards him. “I know, I was moving Cecilia in” I said as he bit down on my neck.
“You should have texted me, I thought you were dead” He said as he kissed under my jaw. I pulled his face up glaring at him. “That wasn’t funny” I stated looking at him. He smiled sheepishly down at me.
“I thought it was kinda funny” He smiled before pressing his lips against mine. I smiled as he kissed me and then walked me over to bed, before laying me down and climbing on top of me, not breaking the kiss.
He shifted on top of me. He winced before parting our kiss and leaning on his elbow, his face twisted in pain. I sat up and looked down at him. He opened his eyes and sighed.
“Y/n I’m-“
“You’re not fine, and you’re not cleared to do physical activity” I stated looking down at me. He smiled and closed his eyes. “Physical activity?” He questioned chuckling, making me laugh. He climbed back on top of me.
“I said I was fine. The doctor said if I wasn’t in pain I could start lifting boxes” He said looking down at me. “I’m heavier than a box” I stayed looking up at him. He rolled his eyes. “Barley” He mumbled before pressing his lips against mine again.
I smiled before pulling back. “You’re in pain. I’m not having sex with you” I said looking up at him. He whined pressing his face into my shoulder.
I smiled and shook my head.
“Not till you’re fully healed. Doctor’s orders” I said. He lifted his head. “Doctor’s orders” he mocked me making me hit his chest. He whined leaning forward. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry” I said quickly pressing my hands against his face.
He smiled and shook his head.
“You won’t have sex with me but you’ll punch me?” He breathed holding his chest. I chuckled looking at me. “I’m guessing all of those pain meds stopped messing with your hormones?” I asked looking up at him.
“If you’re asking if my dick can get hard now, yes it can” He chuckled. I smiled and shook my head. He laid against me. “They wore off last night” He mumbled against me. I ran my hands up his back.
“I was wondering why I was getting all those werid messages” I chuckled as I ran my nails up his back, under his shirt. He whined and shifted under me.
“Don’t do that” He stated as I felt him press against my leg. I raised my eyebrows. “Wow they really did wear off” I chuckled. He pushed his face into my chest and groaned as I laughed.
“Please have sex with me”
“No” I chuckled.
“Can you get me off please? I’m begging, it’s fucking painful” He said looking up at me. I raised my eyebrows. “I’ll make it up to you once I’m better. I promise you I will” He breathed as his hands ran up my side as he lifted off me and hovered over me. I shook my head.
“You can’t get your heart rate up” I whispered. He sighed and hung his head. He lifted it and looked at me. “What about my hands? Am I allowed to use my hands?” He asked looking down at me. I rolled my eyes.
“I get the no sex thing—whatever stupid” He rolled his eyes making me laugh. “But can I touch you?” He whispered smiling as he pushed my shirt up his fingers trailing the bottom of my bra.
“Do you want my hands baby?” He whispered against my ear, his hand trailing down my stomach. Fuck.
I pushed his hands away. “I’m not getting off on your hands” I mumbled. “Is that a challenge?” He tilted his head. I chucked and shook my head. “No! I mean—“ I laughed shaking my head.
“I want it to be you, the first time it happens again” I whispered. He sighed as he rolled off of me. “God, you’re painfully romantic” He whispered looking at me. I smiled turning and looking at him.
“I love you” he whispered.
I smiled.
“I love you too” I whispered back.
He smiled, just looking at me.
“Will you marry me?” He whispered. My eyes went wide. “What?” I chuckled. He grabbed my hand, interlacing our fingers. “Will you marry me?” He asked again. I just blinked at him, not knowing if he was serious.
“I—are you seriously asking?” I whispered. He shrugged. “I wanted to wait until after you got your GED, I know you were stressed about not being able to graduate because you spent so much time with me at the hospital, but—“ he shook his head.
“We’re 18, Matt” I whispered.
“I know, but I want to spend the rest of my life with you” he whispered back. I smiled. “Please don’t make me beg you to say yes” He whispered. I rolled my eyes leaving forward and pressing my lips to his.
“I’ll believe you’re serious when you have the ring” I rolled my eyes. He sighed before rolling over and grabbing something off the side of his desk. My heart dropped.
He rolled back over to me before opening a box revealing a diamond ring.
I shot up.
He just laughed.
“Y-You’re serious?” I said looking at him. He sat up nodding. “Y-You asked my dad?” I asked looking at him. He nodded smiling.
“I didn’t think you were into the whole cheesy proposal scene” He mumbled. I shook my head looking at him. “Do you want me to get on my knee?” He asked as he looked at me. I shook my head as I looked at him, covering my mouth.
“I love you y/n. I want to spent the rest of my life with you. I can’t promise I’ll be perfect, but I know that I love you and that I want you forever. Please marry me” He whispered looking at me. “Yes! Oh my god yes!” I screamed climbing over him and pressing my lips against his. He smiled as he wrapped his arms around me.
I pulled back. I lifted my hand up. “I’m shaking” I said looking at him. He chuckled. “Me too” He whispered as he grabbed my hand and took the ring and pushed is over my finger.
I looked down at it. It was perfect.
I screamed before grabbing his face and kissing him.
10 years later
“Here” Matt mumbled making me turn around the look at him. I smiled as I he held up a cup of coffee. “Yay” I whispered as I grabbed the mug and held it close to me. Matt wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into him. He kissed the top of my head as we stared out onto the snow behind our house.
“It’s so pretty” I whispered as I looked out to the calm surrounding. “I didn’t know if I was gonna like Vermont” he mumbled. I looked up at him. “What?” I smiled. He shrugged.
“I just knew I was gonna go wherever you wanted. But I do, I love it here” He whispered looking around. I smiled and leaned up pressing my lips to his.
“You’re dad still coming up?” He asked. I nodded. “He’s staying the weekend for Christmas and everything” I said. He nodded and smiled. “Cecilia and Chris are gonna come around noon I think? It’s only a 30 minute drive for them” I said. He smiled and nodded.
“Nick was suppose to text me when him and Ryan are coming, but he’s so last minute.” Matt said shaking his head. I sighed as I leaned against him. “It’s okay, I’m not worried” I smiled. He sighed as he pulled me against him.
“Are you gonna tell your dad?” He whispered against me. I shook my head. “I don’t want him to worry. It’s over now” I whispered, swallowing the lump in my throat.
He pulled me back.
“You’re not talking to me about it. You’re worrying me. I wanna come to the last doctor’s appointment” He said looking down at me. I shook my head.
“It’s not a big deal Matt. It’s over now, it’s just the check up” I whispered. He shook his head. “It is a big deal” He mumbled. I sighed pressing my head into his chest. I heard the back door open before I felt small arms come between us.
“My daddy!”
I looked down seeing Lily prying me away from Matt. I chucked as I backed away. I took Matt’s coffee cup before setting it on the table next to us. “Your daddy huh?” Matt smiled down at our daughter before reaching down and picking her up off her feet.
I smiled and shook my head as he grunted and put his arm under her, holding her up. She smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled.
“She’s such a daddy’s girl” I rolled my eyes as Lily smiled against Matt. Matt smiled at her, kissing the top of her head. She smiled.
“Your hair looks so pretty Lily” He said pushing her hair with his hands. “Mommy did it” Lily said pointing at me. Matt smiled at me. “Oh she did?” he smiled down at her. I just smiled watching them. She nodded smiling.
“I wanna play in the snow” Lily whined looking at him. Matt looked up at me smiling. “Not before breakfast, you know the rules” I said walking over to her and pushing her brown hair out of her small face.
She whined. “Daddyyy” she said looking at Matt. “Mommy’s mean isn’t she?” Matt said looking down at her. Lily nodded and laid against his shoulder. I rolled my eyes.
“Go get your coat and gloves on” Matt said as he placed her back onto her feet. “Matt” I said looking at him. Matt smiled at me. “She wants to play in the snow baby” Matt smiled looking at me.
I sighed leaning into the house.
“Jack, come watch your sister please!” I said as our toddler looked up from the cartoons playing in front of him and jumped off the couch.
I sighed looking up at Matt. He looked down at me his hands coming over my stomach.
“It’s gonna be okay my love” He whispered looking down at me. I nodded taking in a breaths. A few seconds later Jack and Lily bust through the door pushing past us, screaming as they ran down the steps to our backyard.
“Please be careful!” I yelled holding my arms out as they sprinted down the slippery steps. Matt’s arms came around me. “They are fine y/n” He breathed. I sighed leaning into him as we watched as our kids played around in the snow, Lily screaming as Jack threw a snowball at her.
“We have two beautiful kids, I can’t ask for anything more” Matt whispered against me. I nodded swallowing the lump in my throat.
One miscarriage isn’t the end of the world. But I didn’t know why it tore my soul out. I found out about a month ago that I was pregnant but that it wasn’t good. I miscarriaged last week.
It was one of the scariest moments of my life.
But i felt okay being here with Matt as we watched our two beautiful healthily kids play around in the snow.
I sighed looking up at him.
“Who would have thought?”
“Who would have thought what?” He smiled. I pursed my life. “The delinquent Eastside kid and the Chiefs daughter, a perfect love story no one wants to read” I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck. His eyes went wide.
“I haven’t heard that term in years” He chuckled. I smiled. He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine.
“I would still read it” he mumbled against my lips.
“Eww!” I heard Jacks voice and I turned my head seeing both of my kids staring at us with a face of disgust. Matt let go of me as he ran down the steps. They screamed as they ran from him.
“Matt you don’t have—“
He grabbed Jack, tumbling into the snow.
“A coat” I breathed chuckling shaking my head as he played in the snow.
Maybe someone would read our love story, because I sure loved it.
OH MY GOSHHH!!!! HEY GUYS!!! SORRY THIS ENDING WAS SO LONG BUT I LOVED THIS STORY. I really had yall thinking I was gonna kill off Matt. Anyway, thank you guys for reading, engaging, commenting, and everything else. I love you guys so much and I hope you loved this story.
xoxo, Autumn
tag list: @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @miastromboli @secret-sturniolo @sturnsclutter @sturniolodreamz @paper-crab @chrisolivia4l @mwah0mwah @recklesssturniolo @ejswift @kitaysworld @meg-sturniolo @nickmillersn1gf @fr3shl0ve @adrianaturnedpretty @oversturn @ghostgurlswrld @flowerxbunnie @ilytrinsworld @lustfulslxt @kiarastromboli @gemofthenight @blahbel668 @haunted-headset @sturnybabes @bethsturn @d3adlyclassrat @sturnybabes @mattsbitch @chrisluvbot @nickenthusiast @sturniolossmut @biimpanicking @iloveneilperry @chalametbich @dsmja @bernardsleftbootycheek @lovingsturniolo @aoxash @idrkk-123 @gingerbreadgodofhyperdeath @babagurlrichey @d3adlyclassrat @iammattsturniolo @1201pm @urfavstromboli @that-chris-girl01 @lovingsturniolo @aoxash
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mellowmadds · 4 months
Stressful Situations | Matt Sturniolo
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Dad!Matt Sturniolo/Fem Reader
Summary: After a long stressful day the last thing Matt wants to come home to is an upset toddler.
Warnings: slight cussing, stressed reader, stressed Matt (obviously), and SMUT (if you aren’t comfortable don’t read)
Word Count: 2954
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Becoming parents has caused many ups and downs over the past three years, however you wouldn’t change anything no matter what. Today has been one of those off days where nothing seemed to be going right for you. Firstly being interrupted during your morning shower by Matt barging in to brush his teeth, you just couldn’t seem to get any privacy nowadays.
“You have to brush your teeth right now?” you asked in an annoyed tone while simultaneously rolling your eyes.
“I have a meeting in thirty minutes, you should know that” Matt says as he squeezes the almost empty bottle of toothpaste onto his toothbrush.
Deciding not to start an argument this early in the morning you push past him wrapping the towel around your body and heading into your guys shared bedroom just a couple steps away. After opening the bedroom door soon your sour mood turned upside down as you saw your three year old daughter snuggled up in the bed lightly snoring away.
“She needs to learn to sleep in her own bed” Matt laughs quietly coming up behind you as he wraps his arms around you before placing soft kisses along your neck. You nodded your head in agreement while slowly unwrapping Matt’s arms from around your waist and opening the closet to pick out something to wear for the day.
“I’m going to head out I should be back soon hopefully” Matt rambles on as he crosses his fingers hoping his meeting goes smoothly so that he can spend more time with his family at home.
Lately it has seemed as if Matt and his brothers have been working nonstop. You knew they were at the peak of their career and needed to put out content frequently so that they could continue to gain popularity but they also needed to keep their loyal fanbase happy. You were never interested in becoming a content creator yourself and wanted to keep yourself and your daughter offline as much as possible. Matt very much agreed with you that he wanted to keep that part of his life private and not share his relationship and daughter with the fans. Most of them understood but many of them disagreed and hated the idea of not knowing everything that was going on in his life.
“Mama!” You heard your daughter Eleanor shout out as she threw the blanket off of her.
“Goodmorning Ellie! Did you get a goodnight’s sleep?” You asked enthusiastically, trying to cheer yourself up. She giggled in response as you gave her a tight hug and told her you loved her.
“Where’s dada?” she asked, putting her arms up ready to give Matt a huge hug.
You explained that Matt had some work to do this morning which made your daughter extremely upset, she was the definition of a daddy’s girl. After scrambling to get dressed as Ellie cried on the bed upset because Matt wasn’t there you quickly picked her up and tried to soothe her while walking down the hall into her room.
“Mama no mama no” Ellie screamed while kicking her feet trying to free herself from your arms. If there's one thing she hated the most it was getting dressed and brushing her teeth.
“Well someone seems to be in a mood today” Nick laughed while side eyeing his niece.
“You’re not being very helpful” You sighed while trying to hold it together and not let the tears that welled up in your eyes spill down your cheeks. You knew Nick was just trying to lighten the mood a little, he was your best friend after all.
“You go get her dressed and ready for the day while I make breakfast, okay?” Nick said with a warm smile. You always knew you could count on him for help on stressful days like today. You thanked him while walking into your daughter's room and picked out a cute outfit for her to wear. After getting her undressed you wiped her tears and tried your best to comfort her. Matt was always better at these sorts of things and that really took a toll on your relationship because you constantly thought of yourself as a bad mother. After she had calmed down a bit you quickly got her dressed and brushed through her hair and put it up into two space buns with white bows to tie it all together.
“Oh my goodness look at my beautiful niece looking all stylish” Nick said while doing different funny poses trying to brighten the mood of the three year old little girl that had just walked into the kitchen. He placed down a plate of pancakes on the table while you grabbed a juice box out of the fridge and then grabbed one of your daughters colorful toddler plates and a small fork for her.
“No mama other one!” Ellie screamed pointing to the light blue plate you held in your hand. At this point you have had enough of the screams and demands coming from your toddler but you held your frustration in not wanting to let your emotions show in front of Nick. Instead you nodded your head and quickly went to grab the pink plate instead. You thank Nick for breakfast as he heads back upstairs with a pancake and cup of coffee. As you start cutting up a pancake for Ellie you hear a quiet shuffling coming upstairs and you turn around to a very disheveled Chris.
“Aren’t you also supposed to be at that morning meeting?” You asked confused because you were sure Chris was supposed to be in attendance so he could get ready for the next fresh love launch.
“Matt left without me?” Chris asked, running his hand through his hair frantically looking for his phone to call his brother.
During the phone call you quietly listened and you could tell Matt was extremely stressed out and frustrated so you already knew the rest of your day was about to be shitty. Chris threw on one of his hoodies that was laying on the couch and quickly slammed the door as he ordered an Uber outside. After Ellie was finished eating you cleaned up the dirty dishes from breakfast and walked over to the living room to put paw patrol on and took out a few toys for Ellie to play with. She jumped up and down in excitement while singing the theme song. You took this opportunity to sit down on the couch, put your headphones on and listen to music while you answered some emails for the boys knowing they will be grateful they don’t have to do that later on.
“Hey y/n you did not have to handle that missing space camp order” Nick said while walking into the kitchen. You turned once you realized he was talking to you so you took your headphones off.
“It’s no problem, just trying to help relieve your guys' work load.” You smiled as he gave you a quick hug. He was very appreciative and told you to go take a break so you gladly listened to him. After gathering your things you turned paw patrol off and picked up Ellie who had fallen asleep a few minutes prior and carefully walked to the bedroom to cuddle and catch up on some much needed sleep. While you were asleep you had no idea that Matt had come home, however Ellie did notice. Matt quietly opened his bedroom door and Ellie immediately woke up out of a sound slumber.
“Dada!” Ellie smiled as she held her arms up waiting for Matt to pick her up. He quietly shushed her, not wanting to wake you up he picked up his daughter and grabbed her stuffy and headed out of the room.
“Are you hungry? Do you want something for lunch?” Matt asked his daughter who smiled and happily agreed to having lunch with her dad. Matt quickly made the two of them sandwiches and placed them on some paper towel with a few chips.
“Don’t tell mommy we are having chips okay? It’s going to be our little secret” Matt laughed as he watched his daughter go for the chips instead of the sandwich. After finishing up their lunch Matt wiped his daughter's face that was covered in crumbs from all the chips she had and then went over to her room to grab her coloring book and a pack of crayons.
“Dada is going to take a quick shower and when I’m all done I want to see all of the pages you colored and I want you to choose one to hang on the fridge okay?” Matt told his daughter while giving her a kiss on the top of her head.
“If you need anything uncle Nick is sitting right there on the couch” Matt said while letting his brother know he was going in the shower and to keep an eye on his niece for just a few minutes. Nick brushed it off agreeing to watch her but he was just too busy editing on his computer to care. Matt rolled his eyes already frustrated but he knew he could trust his daughter to sit there and color, anything dangerous was out of reach anyways so she couldn’t get into that much trouble.
Matt got undressed as he waited for the water to turn warm. As he stepped in the shower and let the hot water trickle down his body he let out a huge sigh of relief. While he started washing his hair he tugged on his ends a little harder than usual imagining it was your hands instead of his. Just before his thoughts could go any further he heard his three year old little girl start crying hysterically from the kitchen. He quickly finished up his shower getting out drying off and stepped into a pair of boxers, however you were quicker than him because as he opened the bathroom door he saw you questioning Nick.
“Why would you watch that video knowing she was at the kitchen table coloring” You asked as Nick shrugged his shoulders still not caring because he had work he had to finish.
“I wasn’t even watching the tv it just started playing the next video” Nick said trying to defend himself. Matt walked into the kitchen to pick up his daughter and try his best to comfort her.
“Scary” Ellie cried out, pointing to the tv which displayed the newest Sam and Colby video.
“All I asked was for you to watch her for a few minutes, that's it” Matt looked extremely frustrated and fed up.
“We all have shit we have to get done Matt, not just you. Maybe you should edit and upload today's video instead” Nick told him while grabbing his laptop and heading upstairs.
You turned to Matt and told him he didn’t have to start an argument with his brother over this because it wasn’t worth it. Matt couldn’t care less though as he walked into Ellie's bedroom and quietly tried comforting her by rubbing her back and gently bouncing her up and down while whispering sweet nothings into her ear. Instead of helping Matt you walked upstairs to apologize to Nick. He had told you many many times that you had nothing to apologize for as he hugged you because he could tell how stressed out you were and did not want to make that feeling any worse. The night continued on and thankfully nothing else bad had happened. The sky grew darker and finally everyone had settled into bed Ellie in between both of you snuggling her stuffy as she watched Bluey on the tv. After about an hour she had finally fallen asleep and Matt gently picked her up and walked her over to her own room to tuck her into bed. Thankfully she stayed asleep giving you some time to spend with Matt which was desperately needed. Matt climbed back into the bed pulling you into his chest and kissing the top of your head.
“I’m sorry I’ve been kind of an asshole lately” Matt said out of the blue which made you pick your head up and gently tangle your hands in his hair as you gave him a light sweet kiss.
“You don’t have to apologize, I understand everyone gets stressed out sometimes” You replied before Matt surprisingly flipped you over so now you were laying on your back and he settled between your legs as he propped himself up using his forearms.
“Can I make it up to you?” Matt asked while twirling a piece of your hair with one of his fingers. You looked over towards the clock on your nightstand and it read 9:48pm Nick and Chris were definitely still awake.
“You can be quiet for me, I know you can angel” Matt says, making you nod in agreement. He gently takes one of his hands and grabs your chin while leaning in, giving you a passionate but rough kiss. You knew he had been stressed out recently so you had no idea what to expect from him tonight. His grip on your chin tightens as he turns your head to the side so he could move down to kiss your neck.
“Please no teasing Matt plea-” He quickly interrupts by shushing you then giving you a kiss before sitting up and quickly hooking his fingertips under the waistband of your pajama shorts.
“Are you not wearing any panties?” He asked, smirking as you covered your face in embarrassment. He quickly pulled your shorts down with one swift movement and threw them to the floor. He then quickly pulled down his boxers and kicked them to the floor. Not wanting to waste any more time you pulled him back down so that he was laying directly on top of you.
“Slow down, let me take care of you” He said before trailing his hand down to you rubbing your sensitive bud in slow circles before gently sliding his middle and ring finger inside of you.
“Matt please hurry, I don’t want her waking up right now” You whined as he finally gave in, taking his fingers out and holding them up to your mouth before slowly pushing them past your lips demanding you to suck on them.
“Good girl” He praised as he took his fingers out and used the same hand to grab your chin again while kissing you roughly. You felt his weight shift on top of you as his other hand went down to line himself up and gently push into you. He then let go of your chin and hooked both of his arms under yours and gently held his hands behind your head tangling his fingers in your hair. As he fully pushed inside of you, staying still for a moment so you could adjust, you wrapped your legs around his waist and firmly gripped his shoulders.
“You can move now” You softly moaned as you felt him slowly thrust his hips deeper into you. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders slightly scratching his back knowing that your nails were going to leave red scratch marks all over Matt’s back and that his shoulders were going to have crescent moon indents from you digging your fingernails deep into his shoulder blades. You felt Matt’s body weight shift again but this time was different as you watched his forearms give out making him collapse into you before he hid his face in your neck while he let out soft little moans.
“Not going to last long I’m so sorry baby” He slowly whimpered in your ear. You couldn’t care less because you were enjoying yourself a little too much listening to him whimper and losing all the control he had over you before.
“It’s okay babe you can cum, please cum for me right now” you tightened your legs around him even more than they were and that's all it took for him. You ran your hand through his hair as you talked him through it while letting him ride out his high. After those last few slow thrusts he pulls out and you try to get him to face you instead of digging his head into the crook of your neck. He doesn’t give in though and that's when you notice the quiet sniffles.
“Matt, baby are you okay?” You asked, slightly pushing him off of you so you could sit up properly. He turns over to lay onto his back and uses his elbows to hide his face.
“I’m so sorry I couldn’t help it, I have just been so stressed out lately. I’m sorry if I ruined your night” He said, barely loud enough for you to hear. You quickly got up grabbing a new pair of pajamas for both of you to wear before wrapping a towel around yourself so you could head to the bathroom. You quickly and quietly got yourself cleaned up and dressed before grabbing a face cloth and soaking it in cold water. You quickly went back to the bedroom with it, sat back down on the bed and gently wiped Matt’s tears away before cleaning the rest of him up and handing him a new clean pair of boxers.
“You don’t have to apologize, I loved every second of it and I love you” You said gently kissing him before throwing the facecloth in with the dirty laundry. You climbed back into bed and pulled him in so that his head was laying on your chest so that you could play with his hair as he carefully fell asleep after his long stressful day.
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bambi-slxt · 17 days
I’ve been feeling really down lately so would you mind writing something real fluffy with either chris x reader or matt x reader and it’s about how playful they are together and they’re always teasing and tickling each other and stuff like that.
Just something real cute, love your writing btw!!
of course, honey <3 a/n at the bottom
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playful!matt & playful!chris:
✨a concept✨
making dinner -
chris: definitely dancing around the kitchen and being exactly zero help. "come on," he yaps, grinning his cute stupid little grin, "dance with me, pretty girl, the pasta can wait." "chris!" you can't help but giggle at the kid. "wanna dance with my lady." his smile is almost too big for his face, and your heart feels tight.
matt: does everything he can to distract you while simultaneously assuming an air of utter and absolute innocence. "i don't know what you're talking about," he says, slipping behind you and pinching your side, rolling his eyes at what he believes is an incredible overreaction from you.
going thrifting -
chris: tries to scare you by hiding in the racks like you haven't been watching him the entire time, only to be disappointed when you're not startled in the slightest. "but...but..." he grumbles, hanging off your shoulders, arms wrapped dejectedly around your neck, "i tried so hard."
matt: "what do you mean, 'don't get the grand-dad shirt'? this is the peak of fashion!"
the shirt in question:
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movie night -
chris: resorts to assailing you with tickling when he doesn't get his way. "i wanna - mmfh - watch The Lion - fuck! - King, so we're gonna fuckin' watch - you motherfucker - The Lion - GET BACK HERE!"
matt: keeps trying to drown his face in your tummy instead of watching whatever's put on the tv. "it's just so cozy." his words are incredibly muffled. "you begged me for three days to watch this with you." "mmfh. gimme head scratches." "you're such a baby." "i love youuuuu."
beach day -
chris: insists on playing mermaids ("wait how come you get the sparkly tail. i'm the merman king, i should get the sparkly tail."), lifeguards ("okay, okay, pretend you're like, drowning, yeah. why? so i can be a hero and save you! duh."), and terraforming the beach itself ("it'll be good for a tiktok, yeah, just dig the trench all the way up there by the towels, and then we can divert all the water away from here and-").
matt: hunts all morning for shells for you and teaches himself to braid so he can string them in your hair. he ends up tangling things more than he produces actual results, but is very careful to undo his mistakes and reapply sunscreen on your shoulders. "and here i thought you hated the beach." "i despise the beach," he says cheerfully, closing yet another ziploc baggie filled to the brim with shells. "can't wait to go home." "liar." matt smiles against your neck, his chest pressing into your back. "yeah, maybe."
farmer's market -
chris: conveniently forgets how much he hates fruits and vegetables because, "they just look so, like...anasthetic. that's the word right?" "nope." "anta...antacid? anna..." "aesthetic?" "that's the bitch, look at these strawberries, they're fucking huge-" "you let the strawberries nick bought last week grow mold in the fridge!" chris grins. "what's your point?"
matt: more focused on petting the dogs people brought with them than looking at the actual stalls with products/goods. "who's a good boy, yeah you are, hey babe we should get a dog, oh my god, you're just the sweetest lil' guy-"
night out:
chris: never lets you walk on the outside of the sidewalk and always stops to listen to the musicians through the bars' flung-wide windows. "baby, look, his guitar's got flames on the side. oh shit, you cold? hey, come here, kid," he chuffs, gathering you under his arm, dulcet harmonies flowing from the bar into the soft night air. "i love you," he murmurs, his lips fluttering against the shell of your ear. "i love bein' out here with ya."
matt: gently hands his finger from the belt loop of your jeans, guiding you lightly through the crowds, watching your face light up at the sights and sounds around you. "holy shit, they're so drunk!" "yeah," he says softly. he couldn't care less about a single other thing in this moment - how would he, when the sparkling neon of the nighttime scene washed over your features?
ice-cream date -
chris: plans to get something to share and refuses to hear anything to the contrary, grinning at all attempts to sway him. "yeah, she'll have - quit it - that one over there, please - i'll tickle you right here in public, i swear to god i will - yeah, thanks - miss lady you better watch it-" "...okay, this is pretty good." he scrunches his nose quite cutely in lieu of a verbal response, shoveling spoonfuls into his mouth.
matt: does literally everything he can to get you to make a mess just so he can do the cliche 'wipe ice cream from your lip' move. "i'm a classy guy, alright, leave me alone," he says with a grin.
cleaning day -
chris: CAUTION- may actually flat-out refuse. "we could just stay in bed though," he grumbles, holding your arm hostage. "we gotta cleannnn..." "nahhhh, come back to me." in a sudden burst of energy, he tugs you all the way back onto him, rolling you onto the mattress and under the blanket in one fell movement.
matt: shuffles your favorite playlist, turns it up, and dances with a feather duster you didn't even know he owned. "WHERE THE HELL DID THAT COME FROM?" "STOLE IT FROM NICK'S ROOM. COME ON, WE GOTTA DUST!"
grocery shopping -
chris: has a cart and a dream, and is infinitely more focused on you than actually locating the necessary items. "you want it? yes, mamas," he chuckles, "get whatever you want. yeah i mean it. that's what you want for dinner? okay," he shrugs, his downturned smile making his dimples show up and show out, "i'll make ya whatever you want."
matt: has a list and a plan, both of which quickly crumble as he finds it impossible to resist your impulse-purchasing. "no, baby, we gotta..." - long-suffering sigh - "we already have...yes we do, they're at home in your drawer...what do you mean, 'they're all gone', how did you...okay, well chris isn't SUPPOSED to eat your fucking snacks-"
vlogging -
chris: "okay guys, so i'm gonna take her to build-a-bear but it's gonna be a surprise so don't- HEY YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE OUT HERE YET-" the camera falls onto the couch as a blurry image of you and chris rolling around on the floor fades into view. his hat flies off and his weird, goofy laugh fills the living room.
matt: "hey guys >:|" "tell them :)" "i'm fuckin' getting there. so i said last time that i would never do this stupid wheel of punishments again, but someone convinced me-"
makeup/facials -
chris: "this feels colllld. i'm only doing this cuz i love u. what's this one supposed to do? the last one said it was gonna clean out my pores or something, and this one...'just looks cute', huh? i'm gonna fUCKING-" he launches off his bathroom counter and tackles you onto his bed in a flurry of kisses and tickles
matt: "i think i look great with eyeliner actually. what is it larray says, cunty? do i look cunty? why are you laughing?"
cuddle time -
chris: "absolutely not. come here mamas. you're not goin' anywhere, it's rainin' outside, an' i know you're still tired...come on, i miss ya already..." he smiles as you oh-so-reluctantly nestle back into the covers he holds up for you. "atta girl. stay here til' you die." "chris what the fuck." "that was romantic!" "...sure it was honey. sure it was." his laugh makes you roll your eyes, but the peppered kisses that follow make you smile in spite of yourself. "i love you...you know that, right?" "i had an idea, yeah." he tugs you into his body with a playful growl. "shut up."
matt: simply locks his legs around yours so you couldn't leave even if you wanted to. he traces lazy shapes on the back of your hand and his breath fans down over your neck. "miss girl..." "hm?" "were you aware that i loved you?" "ohmygoddoyoureally?" matt's hold tightens and his low chuckle rumbles through your skin. "you're terrible."
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request to be on the taglist under this post right here
tags: @pinksturniolo @malirosee @st7rnioioss @nonat-111 @cindylcuwho @evie-sturns @h3arts4harry @fanficsbymia @dazednmatthews @sturniolo-rat @mattsmad @sturniolo04 @bellasturn @blahbel668 @yomamaslays4lyfe @stasiesturn @pleasantlycrazyworld @ariqolyx @wh0resstuff @krissy4gov @coochiedestroyer1 @solarsturniolo 
notes from bambi:
thank you for the request anon! i'm so sorry this took so long but i hope it was at least somewhat worth the wait, and i hope things get back on track for you soon <3
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russellsppttemplates · 6 months
I know it’s very early but dad!Lando with a baby girl 🥺
Note: think of this as a sneak peak 🤭 also, this is my first Lando blurb, I hope I did well!!
Tw: postpartum, breastfeeding
"Oh, what a big stretch that one was, little one", Lando cooed at your daughter as he picked her up from her bassinet. She had just woken up from her nap, meaning he would change her diaper, feed her and have some cuddles while he took care of dinner. You had been home from the hospital for eight days now, and the routine had settled in nicely. Lando wanted to be involved as much as possible so he would often be in charge of dinner while you put Matilda to sleep and he had barely let you be the one to change her diapers as he wanted you to rest as much as possible, even when you said you could do it sitting down with a protective matt on the bed.
"You're going to be all clean, let daddy just wipe around here an- oh", he stopped his ministrations. As he wiped the skin on her lower belly, the remnants of her cord falling and sticking to the wipe, "well, that's happened now, so let's get you dressed so we can tell mummy the news. How does that sound?", he said as he grabbed a new diaper, holding her legs gently as he fastened it and put her pants back on.
"Do you think mummy's awake? You did keep us up a bit last night, but let's see. Look, she's awake", Lando said as he walked in the living room, seeing you fold some laundry, "mummy has found the basket I forgot to take to the office so she wouldn't see it", your husband blushed as you shook your head, "I can do this perfectly fine, love", you showed him, exaggerating your movements and folding techniques.
"What was it you wanted to tell me?", you asked as he sat next to you, helping you push the laundry basket to the side so you could feed your daughter, "Matilda's cord fell when I was changing her diaper", Lando said as you pouted, "That's a big milestone, baby girl! And it also means you get to have your first bath, I bet your bum will be thankful, too", you giggled at your little girl.
"The skin is a bit stained yellow, yes. We could do that tonight while dinner cooks. I can take one of mum's casseroles out of the freezer because I honestly don't feel like cooking from scratch today", he admitted, kissing your naked shoulder and looking down at your daughter, happily suckling on your nipple.
When she woke up again and Lando had just turned on the oven, you made your way upstairs to the ensuite, Lando making a stop in the nursery to grab a change of clothes for Matilda and her bath products, "sitting is fine, but kneeling down will be harder for me", you said as you cuddled your daughter's naked body against your chest, covering her with a towell for the time being.
"Why don't you get in with her, hm?", your husband whispered, looking for any sign of uneasiness and finding only comfort and acceptance as he pulled your pants down along with the disposable underwear, kissing your thighs sweetly before coming back up and helping you undo your shirt, making sure Matilda was secure as he stripped your torso of your clothing, "here, I'll hold her so you can get in", he nudged, holding the baby as you stepped inside the tub.
Once you were comfortable, he placed Matilda back against your chest, the baby cursing up against your skin, "it's okay, my love", you kissed the top of her head as Lando checked the water temperature, filling the tub enough for you to not feel cold either and grabbing the small bowl and flannel cloth so he could wet it and run it on your daughter's back, gently extending it to her limbs and her tummy, "do you like that, baby girl? It's warm and nice, smells good, too", he cooed, seeing her react to his voice as she looked around for him.
Placing the warm flannel cloth, Lando muttered "I'll be back in a second" before he got up and you could hear him looking for something in the bedroom, coming back to the bathroom with his camera, "I want to have this memory saved forever", he smiled, turning on the camera as he captured the moment.
Even though you were naked after having given birth to your baby just a few days before, you never felt more comfortable as Lando snapped pictures, kissing your cheek and Matilda's head as he found the angles he wanted.
"C'mon, little one", he said as he set the camera by the sink, "let's get you dressed", opening her towell and wrapping it around her, her embroidered name on the hood making her look deliciously cute as he set her on your shared bed, coming back to the bathroom to help you out too, "gorgeous, mummy, breathtakingly gorgeous", he complimented, kissing your lips before you out on your robe, walking to the bedroom.
Lando dried her body, putting on her diaper as you rubbed the lotion on her skin, kissing each of her fingers and smiling at your husband's attentiveness to her. Seeing the love of your life tending to your daughter was a sight to behold indeed.
"Don't you and mummy look cute in your pyjamas, Matilda?", he said as you buttoned your shirt, noticing the unintentionally matching clothes, the striped material on your shirt matching the giraffe on Matilda's bodysuit, "yes, you do! Yes, you do! C'mon, daddy gets to have cuddles with you while me and mummy have dinner", he cooed, grabbing the sling and walking downstairs with you, ready for another night in with his favourite girls.
(Thank you for submitting an ask 🤍)
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sturniolos-blog · 3 months
can u do REALLY angsty dad!matt (with a happy ending)
basically the reader (shes pregnant) gets into an argument with matt cause hes always gone (on tours and stuff) so they go to bed mad at eachother and when she wakes up, hes gone (like on the flight/tour bus)
and basically while hes gone she gives birth and matt finds out anddd u can take it on from there
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You’re never with me - Matt Sturniolo x Y/n oneshot
warnings - angst, arguing, swearing, fluff at the end, mentions of a fall, slight blood, mentions of urine
disclaimer: 1st person pov. i also changed it up where Y/n doesn’t have the baby because that’d like suck if matt missed the birth of his newborn, this one will be Y/n being pregnant with Mailo since i already did the birth of Ella and how that went down.
I peak into my 2 year olds room, smiling as i see her laying in bed with her eyes wide open.
“You’re supposed to be asleep, Ella..” I laugh, she cant talk really well but i think she understands what i say.
“Dada!” She says as she plays with her hair, sitting up now.
I sigh and give her a sad smile, “I know, baby.” I say softly. Ella slowly gets up and comes over to my leg, wanting to be picked up. I can barely see her through my 8 month old pregnant belly. “I can’t pick you up anymore, my love.” I let out a breathy laugh.
She starts whining as she pulls my shirt.
I look to the comfy chair that sat in her room before walking over to it and sitting in it, letting out a ‘hmph’ as i sat down. I pat my lap, “Come here, lovey. Come sit with mama.” I say as a smile appears on her face, running towards me and slapping my leg softly as she tries to climb on my lap.
I slowly pull her up and put her more towards the side of me since my belly was in the way. She rests her head on my shoulder as she sucks her thumb.
I bounce my knee slightly, rocking her softly as her breathing slows down.
After Ella falls asleep in my lap, i struggle to get up, trying to hold my daughter without letting go.
I scooch myself up to the edge of the seat, grabbing onto the dresser next to the chair and letting out a groan as i stand up, trying to keep my daughter asleep.
I then put her to sleep, covering her with the blanket before walking out of the room and shutting the door softly.
I rub my forehead before walking into the bathroom, getting ready to wash my face.
I grab my face wash from the cabinet and put it on the sink, pumping two pumps before rubbing it all over my face, scrubbing harshly.
I then turn on the faucet, cupping water in my hands before washing off the face wash.
I go to open my eyes but when i feel burning i let out a small sound, reaching around the kitchen sink to find the bathroom towel.
As i try to find the towel i knock over the bottle of face wash onto the floor, i let out a small yelp before i find the towel and immediately dabbing my eyes with the towel, regaining my sight and putting the towel down.
I look to the floor, seeing the face wash, contemplating if i should pick it up or just wait until Matt gets home.
I don’t need no man, i’m an independent woman.
I think to myself, letting out a sigh before starting to lean down to pick up the bottle.
As i almost reach it, one hand holding onto the counter to keep me from falling and the other trying to reach the bottle, i see a spider.
I let out a scream, falling on one knee before i bang my head on the edge of the counter, before finally my back hits the tub.
I let out a pained moan, my hand reaching up to touch my head that was now bleeding. Also, seeing my knee that had a scrap on it.
I let out a frustrated groan, slamming my hand on the tiled floor before i put my hand on my belly.
God, i really have to pee.
It’s been like an hour and i still cant get up, and trust me i’ve tried. But, i physically can’t. My belly blocking me from even trying, my head spinning too from the hit.
I also was now sitting in a puddle of urine, crying on the floor.
I sniffed as i tried to move but i can’t.
“Baby, i’m home.” I hear a soft voice say, Matt.
“Matt, please, come in here!” I call out.
Matt had a smile on his face before it dropped seeing me on the floor.
“W-what happened?” He said, kneeling down as his eyes widen even bigger when he sees the puddle of piss i was sitting in.
“A fucking spider.” I spit out before letting out another sob. “It was a spider!” I cried, my head going against the glass of the shower above the bath, tears streaming down my face.
“O-okay, it’s okay, don’t cry.” Matt says, grabbing a washcloth and wetting it before putting it to my forehead, myself letting out a hiss as he does so
“Sorry..” He mutters, dabbing my cut a couple more times. “Did you fall?” He asks.
I nod and sniffle.
“Okay, come on, baby.” He coos, pulling me to my feet.
I look down at my pants that were covered in pee, continuing to cry.
Matt holds onto me while leaning over the puddle on the floor and turning on the shower, putting it on a good tempature.
“Arms up, n/n.” He says softly, i do as he says, lifting my arms over my head before he pulls my shirt off my head and placing it on the counter.
His hands go to my grey sweatpants and pull them down to my ankles. “Step.” He waits as i put my hands on his shoulder, carefully stepping out of my pants.
He grabs my underwear and pulls it down too, muttering another step as i do so.
I was now completely naked.
Matt then grabbed a towel from the closet, placing it on the floor where my urine was and guiding me to get in the shower, stepping on the towel and over the bath.
“All right..” Matt says, “Wash your body and i’ll come back with fresh clothes and i’ll do your hair for you. Sound good?” He asks me, watching as i grab my favorite soap.
I nod, sniffling again.
“Need anything else, sweetheart?” Matt asks, a worried look on his face.
I then shake my head before turning my back towards him and starting to wash my body.
“Okay, I love you..” He mutters before closing the shower door.
As he promised he came back in to wash my hair, scrubbing softly before helping me out, and helping me into my clothes, giving me a pair of his boxers because he knows i like them better.
I rub my forehead before climbing into bed, more like plopping on the bed with my belly. Laying on my back and letting out a breath.
Matt then turns off the bathroom light before coming in our bedroom.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Matt asked me. I felt him get into bed too.
“No.” I sighed out, moving slightly to find a comfortable position.
“Okay…” Matt sighs. “Are you sure-”
I struggle to sit up, letting out a huff before Matt helps me.
“What are you doing?” He asks as I throw my legs over the side of the bed, starting to stand up.
“I just need a second, Matt.” I say as i let out a breath.
Matt looks at me confused, “A second for what, do you need-”
“A second to breathe, Matt! A second to fucking breathe!” I snap as my breathing picks up, tears welling in my eyes.
“Okay, Okay. I’m sorry.” He whispers.
I sniffle as i wipe my eyes. “Y-you’re never here, Matt.” I finally let out a sob.
Matt scoffs, “What? Baby, i know i’ve been gone a lot, but i come home every day-”
“I know, i know. A-and your work has always been a struggle for us but now it’s just not that anymore, it’s you, Matt.” I say, letting out another sob. He gives me a confused look so i continue, “It’s like when you’re here, you’re not. You come home late, either have a beer or watch tv, or both. A-and then come to bed later while i’m already asleep. Then leave again in the morning. It’s the same cycle over and over. Y-you’re here but you’re never with me.” I sniffle.
Matt looks down before shaking his head, “That’s not true.” He says quietly.
I scoff in disbelief, “It’s not? Okay, fine. Then, when’s the last time we shared a meaningful kiss, Matt? When’s the last time we cuddled in bed? When’s the last time you hung out with your daughter!?” I yell.
Matt stays silent, shaking his head.
I nod, “Exactly.” I croak out.
“I love you, Y/n.” Matt says, putting his hand on my back.
“Then act like it.” I spit.
Matt nods, “I’ll make it up to you, Okay? I’ll be here for you, a-and Ella and then for our son when he’s born. I’m sorry- a-and if i was here you wouldn’t have gotten hurt and im sorry i let that happen, Okay? I love you.” He says before wrapping his arms around me.
I nod and sink into his touch.
It felt nice to have my husband back.
the end was lazy but i’m doneee so hope yall like it
taglist: @sturniolosmind @novasturniolo03 @hearts4chriss @vinniehackerslefttoe @christhopersturniolo @stars4matt @streamermattsgf @sturnolio-luvs @sturnioloslurps @marlenafortuna @lovergirl4387 @sturniololovesss
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luvangelbreak · 2 months
Deprived | Twenty-one
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 22 Part 23 matthew sturniolo x layla venita (female!oc) summary: everyone knows the story of the bad boy and the good girl but what happens when the school's most popular boy, Matthew Sturniolo, and the girl who notoriously is never there, Layla Venita, cross paths. warnings: swearing, mentions of blood, injuries word count: 2.8k a/n: gasp!!
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pov: matt
"Hey pretty boy," Layla's voice rang through the cold air as I felt her arms wrap around my waist, her chest pressed to my back as she leaned up to kiss me on the cheek. I smiled as I placed my hands on hers before turning my head to look back at her smiling face.
"Hey," I murmured as I leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. She smiled against me before someone cleared their throat. She pulled away from me and I turned around to see Mia glaring at us from where she stood between Nate and Nick.
Layla moved to stand next to me but I grabbed her wrist, pulling her to stand in front of me as I leaned back against the side of the minivan. I wrapped my hands around her waist before I placed my chin on her shoulder. She placed her hands over mine as she leaned back into me comfortably.
I didn't realise how much I missed being close to her until I lost the opportunity to. The past week my mind had been in a constant state of purgatory, torn between trying to fix whatever rift was between us or deciding if I didn't want to talk to her anymore. Of course, the latter was at the forefront of my mind when I was initially angry but I knew it would hurt me more in the long run. It was a short-term solution and it wasn't what I really wanted.
What happened wasn't worth losing her over.
"You wanna come over?" I asked her quietly and she shivered from my breath fanning against her neck.
"I can't," she answered quietly and I furrowed my eyebrows as she turned to look at me, her brown eyes glowing in the small sunlight that peaked between the clouds, "Gotta help my dad with something."
"Can I come over then?" I asked and she pursed her lips, her eyes scanning my face before she shook her head.
"It's family stuff. I'm sorry," she leaned back, kissing my cheek gently before turning to face the group that was stood in front of us. As much as it bummed me out that I couldn't spend the rest of the day with her, I understood that I couldn't insert myself into her life with no boundaries.
I let my mind travel to tomorrow, realising it was our last game of the season and it was the deciding factor of whether or not we won the finals. I realised that I never updated Layla on our game last week.
"We're onto the finals by the way," I whispered, pulling her attention away from our friends once again and she whipped her head around to look at me, "Tomorrow's the last game."
"You won?" she asked excitedly and I smiled gently, nodding my head as I did so, "That's amazing!"
"What's amazing?" Chris asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he looked at us and Layla smiled as she turned to look at me.
"You guys are in the finals!" she told him with joy and he nodded, a proud smile covering his face, "Why did no one tell me?"
"Probably because you were being a bitch," Mia rolled her eyes and I let my face drop as I felt Layla's energy shift, her shoulders slumping slightly.
"Can you shut the fuck up, Mia?" I spat, my built-up frustration towards her finally spilling over and she frowned as she looked at me in disbelief, "If anything you're the one being a fucking bitch right now."
"Are you serious?" she asked, her mouth hung open as she stared at me and Layla laced her fingers with mine. She squeezed my hand in an attempt to calm me down.
"Dead serious. I told you if you don't stop I'm not gonna be your friend and I'm getting real fucking close to following through with that," I deadpanned, not feeling an ounce of guilt as her face contorted into hurt, "You have no reason to be such a bitch to Layla so fucking stop."
"I can't believe you," she mumbled, her face turning sour as she spun around and began walking out of the parking lot.
"Matt, you didn't have to be so hard on her," Allie spoke softly and I raised my eyebrows as I looked at her.
"How else is she gonna know that I'm that I'm serious? She hasn't listened to me this far," I explained, anger laced through the words that came out through gritted teeth and Layla once again squeezed my hand. I sighed, placing my forehead on her shoulder to calm myself down.
"It's okay," Layla said softly as she ran her thumb across the back of my hand and I shook my head against her shoulder.
"No, it's not," I mumbled and she sighed, leaning her head on top of mine. I felt a sense of peace wash over me, the rest of the world fading away as I only focused on her.
The way she smelled, the way her hand felt in mine, the way her thumb gently caressed the back of my hand and the way her breathing began matching mine. I lost track of time when I was with her, the only time my brain truly shut off was when I was around her. I craved that moment of us alone again and I knew she could sense that.
"Matt," Nick called my name and I reluctantly lifted my head to look at him, "Mom said we need to go grocery shopping for dinner. We gotta leave soon."
"Oh for fucks sake," I grumbled and Layla giggled under her breath making me look at her with a frown, "What?"
"Nothing," she shrugged, a smile still on her lips as I continued to stare at her, "You're just funny when you're grumpy."
"Alright, Miserable Matt. Let's go," Chris rolled his eyes as he rounded the car to jump in the passenger side and I let my frown deepen at the nickname that had stuck anytime I was anything but happy.
"I don't wanna go," I grumbled quietly enough that only Layla could hear as Nick began climbing into the backseat and Layla slowly pulled away from me as I groaned. She spun around to face me as she gave me a gentle smile.
"I'll see you tomorrow, pretty boy," she leaned in, pressing a kiss to my lips before pulling away. She knew I'd get carried away if she let the kiss linger for too long, "Have fun, Miserable Matt."
"Fuck you," I rolled my eyes as she began walking away and I pushed away from the car to stand up.
"I know you want to!" she called cheekily making me snicker as I jumped into the car, mumbling a goodbye to Nate and Allie as they got into his car.
I don't know how many times I'd checked my phone since I messaged Layla asking if we could Facetime. It had been 3 hours and she still hadn't read my message. I was checking my phone every 5 minutes to see if she had replied.
"Dude," Chris deadpanned and I looked over at him from where he sat on the couch, "What are you stressing about?"
"Nothing," I brushed him off and he rolled his eyes, shaking his head as he went back to scrolling aimlessly on his phone, not bothering to pry further. I picked up my phone again, the notifications still empty and I sighed loudly.
"If you don't put that fucking phone down Matt I'm gonna throw it in the pool," Nick deadpanned and I looked over at him with a frown, "She'll reply when she has a moment. Stop being a psycho."
"I'm not being a psycho," I rolled my eyes, locking my phone as I put it face down on the couch. I slouched further back onto the couch as I crossed my arms over my chest, my eyes drifting back to the TV where a random movie was playing.
"I didn't know you were so clingy," Chris joked as he continued scrolling on his phone and I ignored him as I chewed on the inside of my cheek. Suddenly, there was a knock at the front door and I frowned, looking between my brothers.
"We expecting anyone?" I questioned as I got up from the couch, knowing both of my parents were already in bed so it wouldn't be anyone here for them. Both Nick and Chris shook their heads and I hesitantly walked to the front door. I swung it open to find Layla standing there with trembling hands and shaky breaths leaving her mouth. Her hair was covering the majority of her face but when she looked up at me, my heart dropped.
"I didn't have anywhere else to go," she choked out as tears sprung to her eyes and I froze for a moment, my body not knowing how to handle the situation.
"Matt, who is it?" I heard Nick's voice appear behind me for a moment before he gasped, "Holy shit. Layls, are you okay?"
"What's going on?" Chris asked and I ignored him as I grabbed Layla's arm to pull her inside. I didn't even close the front door behind me as I pulled her into the kitchen.
"Here, sit on the bench," I told her as shoved the various papers away from the edge of the island before I held her waist to help her up onto the cold marble, "Chris, get the first aid kit."
Chris didn't respond, I only heard him run down the hall to get the first aid kit from the bathroom as Layla caught her breath in front of me. Nick walked over to the freezer, grabbing out an ice pack as I placed my hand on her thigh.
"Baby, are you hurt anywhere else?" I asked, my voice shaking as I took in the pure terror in her eyes and she nodded her head, "Can you tell me where?"
"My back," she croaked out and I sighed when Chris returned with the first aid kit, quickly unpacking it on the bench beside her.
"Can I take this off? I just wanna check the rest of your body," I asked her softly as I grabbed the hem of the pink sweater that had drops of blood splattered over it. She didn't respond verbally, only nodded her head as she unravelled her arms from around her stomach.
I gently pulled the crewneck up as she lifted her arms up for me to slide the material over her head. She was only wearing a thin tank top underneath so it made it easier for me to scan her body for any damage. My heart cracked in my chest when I noticed the myriad of bruises littering her body as she covered her face with her hands. I moved around her, noticing the giant bruise on the lower half of her back. I tried not to stare too long knowing it would make her feel insecure so I let out a breath as I grabbed her wrists to pull her hands away from her face as she sniffled.
"Let me help pretty girl," I whispered as she continued looking down between us in shame and she once again nodded. Chris and Nick just stared at me in worry, their entire demeanour towards her changing now that they realised she was in some sort of danger. I could tell they wanted to help but weren't sure how. I let my eyes scan her face, the cut on her right cheekbone continued bleeding as it dripped down her face slowly and the split on her lip had dried blood around it.
"I can clean the cuts if you want," Chris spoke up softly and Layla turned her head to look at him as she tried to keep herself calm, "I know how to do it properly."
"You okay with that?" I asked her as I grabbed her hand and she hesitated for a moment before she nodded. Chris quickly grabbed the gauze and disinfectant wipes as I moved to stand to her left, still holding onto her hand to bring her any sort of comfort that I could.
"This might sting a little," Chris mumbled as he tore open the packet of wipes before unfolding it. Layla moved her hair out of her face, holding it back with a shaking hand as Chris moved to stand between her legs. As he began wiping around the small gash, she hissed from the pain, "Sorry. I'll try to be quick."
"Matt," Nick said from behind Layla on the other side of the island making me look up at him. He tilted his head down towards her lower back and I leaned forward, noticing the bruise on her lower back seemed to get worse by the minute before he asked Layla quietly, "Layls, does it feel like anything is broken?"
She took a moment to let Chris pull away as her face screwed up in pain before she muttered, "No. Just my back really hurts."
"Can I put the ice pack on it?" Nick asked and she hummed as Chris picked up the tweezers.
"This is gonna hurt," Chris let her know and she hummed once again as Nick placed the ice pack against her back. Chris began picking out small shards of glass that were stuck on the edge of the cut as Layla squeezed my hand. She let out a groan and Chris pursed his lip as he tried to work quickly before he mumbled, "Almost done."
He put the tweezers down before grabbing another disinfectant wipe, ripping the packet open and quickly wiping the cut gently once again. He grabbed another gauze and placed it over the cut before he leaned back.
"Hold that there until the bleeding stops then I'll tape a clean one on after," he explained, his voice calm as she nodded. She replaced his hand with her own, "I'm gonna clean your lip but if you put an icepack on it after it will heal fine."
She hummed in response as he used the disinfectant wipe to clean the cut on her lip before he pulled away and stepped back. She gave him a small smile that didn't reach her eyes as she whispered, "Thank you."
"Of course," Chris shrugged as he grabbed the wipes and the rest of the trash on the bench beside her.
"Here," Nick said as he leaned over the island and handed me another small ice pack. I nodded thankfully before I placed the ice pack on her lip and she looked at me with heavy eyes. I gave her a small smile as I leaned forward, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.
"You okay?" I asked quietly and she closed her eyes, shrugging as she shivered.
"Let us know if you guys need anything," Nick said as he rounded the island and Layla looked at them both with sad eyes.
"Sorry for just walking in like this," she said quietly, her voice filled with shame and Nick shook his head as Chris stood in the doorway to go down the hall.
"It's okay. Just glad to know you're okay," he said softly and she gave him a small smile. Both of them exited the room and I moved to stand between her legs, still holding the ice pack against her lip as I looked down at her.
She didn't say anything, she just grabbed my wrist to pull my hand away that was holding the ice pack and she placed her forehead on my chest with a sigh. I let my shoulders drop as I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and pulled her into me.
We stood like that for a moment in silence as I let her breathe, looking down at her back where the bruise seemed to now be fully formed. I felt a weight on my chest, an anger flushing over me towards whoever did this to her. I knew being angry wouldn't help her right now but I couldn't push down the feeling as it rose throughout my body.
"I'm so tired," she mumbled, snapping me out of my own thoughts as she pulled away from me slightly and I looked down at her once again tear-filled eyes, "This is just so tiring."
"I'm sorry, pretty girl," I whispered as I placed another kiss on her forehead, a few tears spilling down her red cheeks as she tried to steady her breathing, "Do you want to go to my room? We can just lay down for a bit."
She let out a shaky breath before nodding and I pulled away from her. I helped her off of the counter and she grabbed the pink sweater as I grabbed the large ice pack that was against her back. I threw it in the freezer, grabbing a bag of frozen peas since it would cover the surface of her back more before I grabbed her hand and we made our way upstairs slowly, her legs shaky as she walked. As we made our way into my bedroom the only thing that ran through my mind was:
Whoever did this to her, they're going to wish they were dead once I find out.
@dsturniolo @chrisstankyleg @lov3bug @pinklittleflower @thatcrazybitch-69 @trinity2058 @alorsxsturn @chrizznmetswife @ilovechrissturniolo1 @leprechaunbirthdaygirl @sturnfix @lilsstvrn @sturniololol @sturniolowhore @jebbie-project-blog @jaxyy219
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qextra · 5 months
A conversation with my dad:
Him: *talking about a movie or series, I don't remember*
Him: what's that actors name? you know... Doctor who?
Me: which one?
Him (who have never watched doctor who): you know the one I would have known about. (Thnx that clarifys nothing)
Me: David Tennant, the demon from Good Omen or Matt Smith, from house of Dragon.
Him: no not the demon, I don't know.
Me: *pulls up a photo with all the new doctors* point at the one you mean
Him: *confidently point at David Tennant*
Apparently the peak of acting is slightly protruding you lower jaw and aging with grace
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babyhedonistt · 5 months
WARNING // Some themes in this chapter may not be suitable for all audiences, viewer discretion is advised
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Nick stares at Noah like he was a dog with his tail between his legs. He had been caught, but Noah was not quite sure he feels guilty about what he did.
Because he didn’t.
“How long have you known?” Noah asked him.
“Known what?” He sighs, throwing his hands up.
“How long you have had your eyes on her or how long you two have been sneaking around?”
“Either at this point Nick. You’re not acting like yourself.”
“No. I am acting like myself. It’s just the first time you’ve actually pulled your head out of your ass to actually see it. Ever since you started hanging out with her again, you haven’t bothered to pay attention to the rest of us. Your band. Your brothers.”
“That doesn’t give you a right to separate us. You’re not her older brother and you’re not my Dad. I thought if I were to get involved with anyone, you’d be happy it was her.” Noah scoffed.
“It’s not that I’m unhappy Noah. I just don’t like how even though she’s higher on your priority list, you still don’t treat her like it.”
That hurt more because Noah knew he was right.
“I’ve never been in a serious relationship before.” Noah admits. “So you think it gives you free range to pick Folios sister of all people to fuck around with.”
“I didn’t fuck her.”
“Doesn’t mean you weren’t planning on it.” Nick shot back. Noah swallowed the dryness in his throat.
“I’m sorry. About the NDA. Truly, but I figured it would be the easiest option to suggest to Matt to get through our tour. And then Folio got hurt…… she took the position. Shit just got messy… Noah I really wanted you two to be together, but I didn’t want it to fuck the band up to a point the fans would start noticing. How would that look?”
Nick wasn’t wrong. In fact, Nick is never wrong, factually, at least. Morally on the other hand, he had to have been the worst offender next to Noah.
The room filled with silence, the two of them soaking in each others words before Noah finally broke the silence. “I haven’t been putting this band first. I thought I was doing that when I finished the rest of the album, I guess it wasn’t enough.” He sighs
“Noah, you’re the lead singer dude. You already carry so much responsibility and I don’t think we cut you enough slack. But, a girl can’t just come in and fuck that shit up when we have stuff we need to get done.”
“She’s different Nick. I feel like there’s a fire inside of me when I’m around her.”
“And if you don’t contain it you’re going to get burnt. You haven’t even told Folio how you feel about her. He’s one of your best friends and he’s in the dark. “
“I know..” Noah sighs.
Nick walks over and slaps Noah on the back comfortingly. “Jolly’s known for a bit too dude. Expecting him to keep that secret? A lot on him too.”
Noah’s realization of his stupid actions finally caught up with him as be planted his face in his hands. “ I’m sorry, Nick.”
Nick pulled Noah up from the seat and embraced his friend in a tight hug. “I’m sorry I fairly kicked your ass.” He jokes and a light laugh escaped Noah’s lips. “I let you win mother fucker.” He slaps his back lightly.
“Cmon dude. We have a show to do. It’s our last one.” Nick smiles before the door to the dressing room opens and Jolly peaks his head in. “You guys coming?”
The two nodded as the three of them met you backstage. You felt Noah’s large hands grasp each side of your hips, his front against your back, and warmth spread across your cheeks before you rest the back of your head on his chest. “Everything good?” You asked, looking down at his tattooed hands. You hear him sigh in your ear before clearing his throat. “Yeah. It will be.” He says before the lights dimmed in the pit of the audience.
The crowd went insane. You were used to being in front of the large fan base that Bad Omens had. Something about Noah's hands being secured on your hips, almost reassured that he was right about everything being okay.
Granted, given everything that has happened already, you weren't sure it was capable of getting worse.
The beginning of the show went as expected. You performed the usual set list. The crowd seemed to be higher in energy today, perhaps due to the fact that it was the last show of the tour.
The crowd eventually settled through the show; the energy seemed more positive compared to how you left the boys. Nick and Noah actually made eye contact and it didn't look like they wanted to kill each other.
You thought everything was going well, until Noah began talking to the crowd between songs.
You could see him at the front of the stage, holding the microphone in front of his mouth while his sweat-dosed hair hung over his eyes. The makeup covered his bruises well, if anything it added to his on stage persona. The more you watch Noah perform, the more you could see the differences between the real Noah and the person he makes himself into for the sake of his fans.
"So. How many of you know a song called ' Just Pretend '? "
The crowd went expectedly loud with an uproar. Noah held the microphone with both of his hands as he quickly looked back at you at the top of the stage behind the drum set. You sent a half smile down to him, and it seemed as if you gave him the confidence he needed.
He turned his attention back to the crowd before he continued. "For the second half of this tour, our drummer Folio had an unfortunate accident which handicapped him temporarily from performing on stage with us."
The crowd was awed as Jolly and Nick bobbed their head. "But. In Folio's absence, our band was saved by a talented drummer who is fortunately here to fill in for her brother while he heals."
You felt your heart in your throat and the air felt almost too thick to breathe through your nose. What the hell was he doing? The feeling seemed to be mutual between the four of you because Jolly and Nick turned their heads up to you, their eyes looking at you for some form of answer as to why Noah was doing what he was doing. Unfortunately you weren't much help for them.
"Her name is Y/N. She's one of the closest people in my life, and one of the biggest inspirations for many of the songs this band sings. Including this one, Just Pretend."
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Authors Note: Hope you enjoyed this chapter <3 Lots of love, as always.
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telekineticseance · 11 months
i humbly request dad’s best friend! trey please.
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pairing: trey parker x f! reader
summary: your dad's friend Trey is going through a tough time and needs a week away from LA - part one
genre: fluff..small smut
word count: 1345
cw: age gap relationship (25f, 48m), fingering (f!masturbating which i hate that word so much usually just say jerking off), reader is referred to by she/her pronouns
author's note: based more in 2018 right after trey's breakup but right before the divorced was final ya know? but yeah this ended up becoming a series it's gonna be smaller than circumstances though only a few chapters but here's the first part!
A hum escaped your lips as Trey left a trail of kisses down your body, his hands running down during the process. You arched your back against his lips once he reached your lower stomach. You let out a gasp when his grip tightened on your thigh before you opened your eyes.
When you opened your eyes, you felt your stomach sink to in fact no Trey but an empty room, just you alone in your bed. A hand ran through your hair at the thought of your dream with Trey. It had been a week since your dad told you his friend would be staying for a couple days to get away. He was going through a hard time after his divorce and needed to get away and since you and your dad lived in Colorado, he opened the guest room for him.
Although you hardly knew Trey, you grew up with him occasionally coming over when he’d come visit. Your dad went to college with Matt and Trey, even being in Cannibal! The Musical but when your dad decided to stay in Denver while the rest of the group left, Trey was the one who stayed in touch the most. And unfortunately for you, you’ve had a crush on him since the day you met him. Which also led to you having “dreams” about him ever since your dad told you he would be staying.
You pulled the blanket off your body before climbing out of bed, “Don’t know why he can’t stay someplace else.” You mumbled under your breath as you grabbed a few clothes from your dresser and walked to the bathroom.  After turning on the shower you took off your clothes, placing them in the hamper before climbing into the shower.
As you let the water run down your body you replayed the dream in your head, closing your eyes, leaning against the wall of the shower. The thought of his lips on your skin just replayed over and over again, sending a chill down your spine. Your fingers ran down your torso lightly, passing just below your navel. You imagined your hand as Trey’s as you moved lower with each millisecond before arriving at your heated slit.
You slipped a finger in between your folds and started thrusting it slowly, the thought of Trey still resting in your mind as you did so. You curled your fingers once they were deep enough and you let out a small gasp in the process. The imagination of Trey’s fingers inside you, filling that small craving you had for him as you continued pumping your own fingers. You bit your bottom lip to suppress the moan from escaping your mouth as you thrust your fingers faster, and as deep as they could go.
You felt your stomach tighten and your walls flex around your fingers as you curled your fingers one last time as you reached your peak, letting out one final deep breath. You pulled out your fingers and looked at the mess on them in disgust, not believing you just did that, but imagining it was Trey instead, as the water washed away the fluid.
The sound of a knock at the door caused you to jump, knocking over a bottle of shampoo in the process, “Hey Y/N, I’m going to the airport to pick up Trey.” Your dad’s voice rang through the other side of the door. You took a deep breath before nodding, “Okay. Uh, stay safe.”
You heard the footsteps retreat before you continued with your shower, trying to get your mind off of Trey even though you had approximately an hour before Trey would be arriving at your place with your dad. The thought made you nervous when it shouldn’t but the last time you saw Trey was almost 10 years ago when you were still in high school so even then you hardly saw him because you were busy with band trips and study groups.
You let the water run over your head as you continued to lean against the wall, before grabbing the razor and continuing on with your shower.
When you finished with your shower you climbed out, wrapping a towel around your body as you dried off a little before tip-toeing out of the bathroom and into your room. You took a deep breath, sitting down at your vanity while running a brush through your hair. As you ran your fingers and the brush through your hair, you hummed a random song to keep your mind off of the upcoming week.
The sound of the front door opening, caused you to turn your gaze from the mirror, to your bedroom door. “Oh yeah she’s probably in her room.” Your dad’s voice rang through the house before you heard Trey’s voice speak shortly after, not able to make out the words.
The sound of his voice caused a shiver to run through your body, and goosebumps to appear. You quickly rose from your vanity and slipped on some clothes you had laid out before slowly opening the bedroom door, letting Trey’s voice get louder as it echoed down the hall.
You slipped out the door, shutting it behind as you walked down the hall, nervously rubbing on your arm in the process. When you appeared in the living room, Trey noticed you before your dad and you thought your knees would give out from the sight of him. He looked tired, like he hadn’t slept in a while as bags rested under his eyes, and he had lost a little more hair on the top of his head since you last saw him. His beard was also graying but he managed to make it look attractive.
He gave you a small smile as his blue eyes shined, before your dad turned and saw you. Your dad motioned for you to come over and you walked more in the living room as Trey eyed you, his eyes scanning your figure before he quickly returned his gaze back to yours. He stood up as you walked over, embracing you in a hug.
You stood frozen, his strong arms around you as his face was almost buried into your neck. You slowly wrapped your arms around his torso, taking in his scent, in the least creepy possible way. He smelled like an expensive cologne that you definitely didn’t know the name of but you loved the scent of it anyways. He pulled away, keeping his arms around you as he looked down, giving you that same toothy grin. “You’ve gotten older.” He chuckled slightly.
You gave him a nod, “Y-Yeah I’m a senior in college now. I’m 25 after all.” You responded as his eyes widened while he pulled away before taking his spot next to your dad, removing his gaze from yours before turning to your dad, “25? Wow.”
You nodded once more, taking a seat in a chair across the living room before your dad started talking, “Yep. My little girl is all grown up. Didn’t want her to spend money on a fancy dorm though so she’s staying here until she moves out. I’m gone for business trips all the time so it’s almost like she’s already living on her own.” He said while grinning at you.
You returned the grin to your dad, “Speaking of, if it’s alright with you two I got a call from the boss while on the way to the airport and I need to go to San Antonio, Texas for a couple of days. I won’t be gone the whole week, but I’ll leave in the morning and be back on Wednesday.” He told you two.
Unable to control it, your face dropped, before you noticed and straightened your posture and forced a smile to your face, “Uh yeah sure. I’m sure me and Trey can handle being on our own for a couple days.”
Your dad gave you both a nod, “Great. Now how about we order a pizza and catch up?”
“Sounds great dad…”
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zfiledh · 1 year
Headcanons: The Owl House
In no particular order:
Luz and Camila took Amity, Hunter, Gus and Willow to Comic Con dressed like characters from Cosmic Frontier. They actually got to meet the creator(s) of Cosmic Frontier, who were very bemused by Gus and Hunter asking a multitude of questions and Gus’ warning about the giraffes. Luz and Amity got to hang out with fans of The Good Witch Azura.
After the Collector installed the new portal door, Jacob Hopkins managed to get out of jail and attempted to sneak into the house. The last anyone heard from Jacob, he was trying to set up an online fundraiser to get home from Mars (when he really was sent to a place called Quinhagak, Alaska.)
Months after Belos fell, Alador and Odalia divorced. Odalia tried to revive their original arms business, but it fell flat. Amity, Edric and Emira never spoke to her again.
Masha learned the truth about Vee and the Demon Realm. In fact, they’re one of the first humans to attend Gus’ Human Student Exchange Program.
Some sketchy ex-Coven Heads (the Potions Head, Terra, & Adrian) and Kikimora attempted to take over the Boiling Isles and replace the vacancy left by Belos. This was quickly thwarted by the B.A.T.T.s C.A.T.T.s and the Hexside squad and a thorough investigation and trial took place. Unsurprisingly, Odalia was also implicated in the plot because of the subpar Abomotons that were used. The plotters and Odalia were banished from the Boiling Isles and sent to Titan Trapper Island to live out their sentence. Kikimora worked out a plea deal and that’s how she was found working with Matt Tholomule to rebuild Bonesborough.
Eda and her dad have a better relationship these days, to Gwendolyn’s delight. Dell and Gwendolyn have also doted on King and Hunter. In fact, Eda was the one who introduced Hunter to Dell after Luz mentioned that Hunter wanted to learn how to carve Palismen.
A delegation was sent to Titan Trapper Island, and Bill is no longer the leader there. Tarak was appointed as the new leader and he promised that he and his people will not to go after the last Titan (King). It also helped that The Collector was included in that delegation to seal the deal and promised to build a portal between the two islands if the Titan Trappers behaved...and changed their way of dressing and the name of their island.
Lilith unlocked her harpy form the same way Eda did: with cookies made by Hooty. However, it wasn’t as “smooth” as Eda’s transformation, but with the help from Eda, Gwendolyn, and Camila, she was able to take control of her transformations. Hooty was also temporarily banned from the kitchen. Right after she managed this, Lilith showed off her transformation in front of Flora.
Luz told Eda what Papa Titan told her, and Eda felt honored. Though Eda was a bit offended about the Titan questioning her homemade apple blood recipe.
The Therapy Coven had never been busy after the fall of Belos. Hunter and Raine in particular spent some time with them because of the shared trauma of possession by Belos.
Hunter elected to stay with Darius, though he's always welcome with the Nocedas back in the Human Realm, with the Parks, the Blights (minus Odalia), Eda, and the senior Clawthornes.
Willow introduced Hunter to her dads after Hunter finished gushing about sewing and wolves with Darius and Eberwolf.
Boscha peaked in high school.
The Bat Queen sensed that there was something about Hunter, and Hunter told her about Flapjack’s sacrifice. After that talk, Hunter also became welcome in The Bat Queen’s forest.
Luz and Amity got more “mundane, slice-of-life dates”, both in the human realm and the demon realm.
The Collector visits King from time to time, and the Hexside squad learned to relax around them and teach them about how to approach people and play other games.
There was an attempt to introduce Camila to the food in the Boiling Isles. Suffice to say, she was only able to eat griffin eggs like Luz, though she found the animals there quite fascinating.
Viney and Jerbo eventually became friends again, to Barkus’ relief. (Barkus knew they would become friends, it was a matter of when.)
Principal Bump officially retired as Principal the following year. That was not the end of his love of education because he spent the next year to reach out to Glandus and St. Epiderm about revising their curriculum and offering multiple magic tracks.
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In hindsight I wish I'd been keeping closer track of the heinous menagerie of Hawaiian shirts Matt has been wearing this entire era.
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burstanddecay · 2 years
In the low lamplight (Matt Murdock x f!reader) (18+)
Summary: As your shitty day comes to a peak in his kitchen, Matt is determined to coax you into accepting something other than your self-deprecating thoughts.
Pairing: Matt Murdock x (afab) f!reader (no use of Y/N)
Content warning: 18+ content. Reader cursus like a sailor. Daddy issues (the actual kind, not the sexual ones), childhood trauma (emotional, not physical), emotional hurt/comfort, teasing, thigh riding, orgasm (both parties), Matt using the words ‘good girl’ because he can. Word count: 4.9K
Author’s note: Baby’s first explicit fic, so I am absolutely terrified of posting this. This also happens to come from a personal place: I started this when I was very angry at the world, lmao. The only difference is that I do not have a Matt to make me forget my problems. This is un-beta’d. Also on AO3
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With a clatter, the contents splatter everywhere as the cast iron pan hits the floor at your feet.
“God fucking damnit. Fuck. FUCK.”
You cradle your burned hand, kicking the pan to the side as you turned to the sink, letting the lukewarm water run over your palm as your elbows rested on the edge of the counter, head hung low between your shoulders. You didn’t register the door opening, or Matt walking across the apartment in the blink of an eye until the door falls shut and he comes to a halt just outside the kitchen area.
“What happened?” he asks, careful not to step in any of the food. A feat in and of itself: you’re pretty sure the sauce is spread all over the cabinets and floor. It wouldn’t surprise you if some of it was smeared on the back of Matt’s leather sofa, either.
“Wet towel,” you murmur, turning the tap off and wiping your hands on said towel, not offering any further explanation.
“Hmm,” he hums, stepping closer. “You okay?”
“Fuckin’ peachy.”
He shows you a half smile, the rest of his facial expression hidden behind his crimson glasses. “Somehow, I don’t think that’s the truth,” he muses.
“What do you want me to fucking say, Matt?” you snap, wetting a dishcloth and dropping to your knees, scooping the spilled dinner into the pan at your side. “Everything is turning to fucking shit and I wasn’t paying attention. I grabbed the pan with dinner, the one thing I was sure I wouldn’t fuck up, and I picked it up with a wet towel and burned my hand. Hence dinner being spread across the floor of your apartment, and not on a plate, like I meant for it to be.”
He doesn’t reply, merely cocking his head to the side ever so slightly as he was facing you.
You bristle against his unfocussed stare, against the knowledge that he was searching for your heartbeat, listening to other tells of your body that could tell him what was wrong.
“Can you not.”
He doesn’t reply, but instead pulls at his pantlegs and crouches down to get to eyelevel.
“I know it can’t be just the dinner, sweetheart.”
Your jaw tenses, the metallic tang of blood filling your mouth as you bite down hard on the side of your cheek, several emotions fighting each other for fist place. You fish the last chunks of tomato and bell pepper off the floor, wiping your hands on the dishtowel and lean back on your heels.
“What happened today?”
You look up at him, at the soft expression on his face, before quickly looking away, ignoring the tears stinging behind your eyes.
He doesn’t push, knowing it would only fuel the anger and frustration coursing through your veins. Instead, he stays put, not moving towards you but not away either, hands loosely dangling between his knees.  
“My dad,” you eventually say, looking up at the ceiling in a final attempt to blink the tears away. “Every time I think we take a step forwards… He just... He ends up stabbing me in the back regardless. And mom says he loves me, and that he just doesn’t know how to say it,” a bitter laugh slips past your lips, your cheeks wet with tears that had started to steadily trickle down. “He never learned how to say it, how to express it. Or anything, for that matter.”
You take a shaky breath, looking over at Matt, who merely gave a small smile in return to encourage you to continue.
“I thought it would be better when I moved, and it is, for the most part. But then there’s still days where I am back to seventeen years old and being ignored for a month straight because I did something to displease him.”
You finick with your hands, pulling at the already raw skin of your cuticles, the sight blurry through your tears. It made you feel small, insignificant, sitting here on the kitchen floor of your boyfriends apartment, surrounded by a mess you made. It wasn’t like Matt doesn’t have enough to worry about: you know he does. Along with his late night activities as Daredevil, the firm had been busy after taking a big case that garnered them much deserved attention.
Yet here you were, with the comparatively small issue that was the feeling that your father didn’t love you. It felt so insignificant, so trivial compared to the problems you knew graced Matt’s life on a daily basis.  
“I can hear you thinking,” he says softly, reaching out to brush some hair out of your face. “Not the good kind, either.”
You snort. “I happen to be very good at that, to be fair.”
“I know. Doesn’t mean you deserve it, though.”
“Don’t deserve what?” you ask, pawing at your face to wipe away the excess tears.
“Whatever it is that you’re telling yourself.”
A laugh bubbles up as you push your hair out of your face and reached for the dishcloth. “It’s true, though.”
He stays quiet, and you can feel him observing you as you wipe away at the stains across the kitchen cabinets and floor. It wasn’t observing in the literal sense: he had explained that he really couldn’t see you beyond a very vague silhouette, but that he rather listened to someone’s heartbeat and breathing pattern to get a sense of what they weren’t telling him.
“I want to meet him,” he eventually says, catching you completely off guard.
“What?” you frown, pausing mid-wipe.
“I want to meet your father.”
“Trust me, you don’t,” you scoff. “He’d be a complete ass. That man wouldn’t know how to be friendly if his life depended on it.”
“I want to meet the person that makes you feel this way about yourself,” Matt replies, giving a little shrug. “For undisclosed and unrelated reasons, I will be out of town tomorrow.”
You sit back on your heels again, an amused smile ghosting across your face.
“Are you now.”
“No.” The word is accompanied by a wide grin. “Made you smile, though.”
You huff out a soft laugh, a small smile on your face as you scoot over a little, focussing on cleaning the remaining stains, ignoring the small pang of hurt still blossoming in your chest.
“In all seriousness,” he continues. “I know how much it hurts you, and I’m sorry. You don’t deserve any of it. Not whatever it was this time, or the things you experienced as a child. None of it.”
“I shouldn’t complain, really,” you say, the words bitter in your mouth as you put more pressure behind your scrubbing. “I still have both my parents. They were supportive enough.”
Matt sighs softly, scrubbing a hand over his face, knocking his glasses askew.
Satisfied with lack of sauce spread across the kitchen, you reach for the pan and get up, tossing the remains in the trash and placing the pan itself on the counter to deal with later. Turning on the tap, you carefully scrub your hands with soap until they’re sauce free, shaking the majority of the water off before reaching for the dry towel hanging off the handle of the oven door.
“I can make us a grilled cheese,” you say as move over to the fridge, looking for more ingredients that could be pulled together into a semi-edible dinner. “I think you have a canned soup in your pantry, or I can run to the bodega to grab one. There’s some leek and left over bell pepper, so I could make an omelette—”
You’re cut off as you feel a pair of arms snaking around your waist, Matt’s hot breath ghosting across your neck as he rests his head on your shoulder.
You squirm against his hold, trying to break free out of his grasp.
“I’m not going to let go, sweetheart.”
“I am trying to make you dinner, Matthew.”
“It can wait.”
The warm prick of tears stings behind your eyes again and you try to squirm your way out of Matt’s grip, but he doesn’t budge. He doesn’t say a word as your breath hitches in your throat, merely guiding you a step back and closing the refrigerator.
You hadn’t noticed until now, but stuck to the door with a tiny magnet was a photo of you.
It was the final straw.
Your face crumples and you are unable to stop the sob wracking through your chest at the sight of it. It was stupid: there wasn’t a single piece of art, decorative pillow or vase of flowers to be found in his entire apartment, but there was a picture you stuck the door of your blind boyfriend’s fridge. A picture he couldn’t even see, but it was there, nonetheless.
He lets go, his hands running up and down your arms as you bury your face in your hands, crying harder than you’ve done in years, barely aware that he was spinning you around and pulling you to his chest, leaning back into the countertop as he did. His hands are gentle as one cradles the back of your head and the other is rubbing light circles on your back, not saying a word as your head rests against his chest, staining his shirt with both tears and left over sauce you were undoubtedly transferring, something you tell him in between hiccupping breaths.
A soft chuckle rumbles through his chest. “Don’t worry about it, sweetheart. I can get a new one. That’s something we can easily fix.”
Knowing it was something that would have led to anger in a different situation, with different people, the tears seem to be never ending, chest aching with ancient scars that feel like they’ve been torn wide open.
Through the tears, Matt is unmoving, taking the thing in calm grace as if it were merely the tide coming in, and not a tsunami crashing across a village. It felt like the latter: the anger and hurt towards your relationship with your father was something laid in waiting, waiting to strike when you least expected it. It was always the smallest things that triggered it out its hiding spot, something that shouldn’t matter but that he managed to blow up into something that he would inevitably spin into a narrative that would place the blame on you.
It was something that made you sad; the kind of sad where it ends up festering into self destructive anger. It was anger at the way it was now, and anger at the fact it had always been like that: the one person that was supposed to be there with unconditional love was the one that put terms and conditions on it.
But it wasn’t Matt’s fault. It wasn’t, yet you had exploded into his face, sending the shrapnel of your anger flying into his unsuspected stature.
“I’m sorry I’m a mess,” you eventually say when the tears have stopped flowing as harshly, letting go of him and setting a step back. “You didn’t deserve that. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.”
You laugh wetly in reply.
“I’m serious,” he says. “Don’t be. I’m a mess, too. Foggy is a mess. Karen is a mess. We’re all messes in our own accord, sweetheart. The reasons might be different, but none of us are always doing okay. And that’s fine. That happens. Doesn’t make you a bad person, it just makes you human.”
You hadn’t noticed he had taken his glasses off until you looked up at his face, meeting unfocussed brown eyes instead of his glasses. You knew he meant every word of it: he had told you about his own struggles. He had told you how dark the world had seemed to him, how he had only seen the pain and hurt in his life and no longer the good surrounding him. How he had isolated himself and locked every single person that saw the good him in out, until there was nothing but darkness and anger surrounding him.
It was on days like this, where everything accumulated into a giant mess that left you unable to see the good in your life that Matt would take your hand and let you know you were more than that, that the good was still there but hidden behind everything else.
His hand cupped your cheek, wiping away a stray tear with his thumb.
“I love you, okay?”
You smile, laying your hand over his, feeling tired but also lighter than before. “I know. I love you, too. Thank you.”
“Anytime, sweetheart.”
A silence falls between you, nothing but the busy street below and the low hum of the fridge audible in the apartment.
“Let me cook dinner,” he eventually says, his hand moving down to your hip and pressing a kiss to your temple. “Let me take care of you tonight.”
“I love you, but you’re absolutely useless in the kitchen, Matt,” you laugh, amused at his offer. “You’re not cooking us dinner.”
“Are you implying that a blind person can’t cook?” he mocks, one eyebrow quirked and a wide smile on his face.
“No. I am implying that you specifically would burn water. You keep losing the recipe for making ice cubes.”
His mouth falls open. “That is so mean and you know it's not true.”
You grin in reply, beelining across the kitchen in an attempt to get away from him as he stalks after you. You run into the bedroom, trying to close the sliding doors before he can make it in, but he is far faster than you, one arm pulling you into his chest before you’re able to dive onto the bed to roll over it.
“Didn’t think so, sweetheart,” he murmurs in your ear, closing the door behind him, his hand snaking up to your chin as he stood behind you, not quite pressed against your back but so close you can feel the heat radiating off him.
You grin breathlessly as his thumb brushes over your lips, the other fingers bracing your jaw. “Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?”
“Gonna show you just how capable I am of taking care of you,” he replies calmly, breath hot in your neck. “Don’t need sight for that.”
Your breathing falters ever so slightly at his tone, desire coiling hotly in your lower belly as he guides your forward until your knees brush the side of his bed.
“Say the word and I will stop. We will sit on the couch, order take out and you can watch a movie. Nothing happens right now without your okay. Understood?”
His hand feels as if it’s searing a hole through your shirt with the way it spans across your ribs, the other still holding onto your jaw. There was nothing possessive about it: if anything, it was gentle, warm, caring.
You nod, a soft huff of disapproval whispered across your ear.
“Words, please, sweetheart.”
“Yeah,” you whisper in return.
“Do you want this?”
“Please,” you reply, unable to keep the whiny edge out of your voice. “Yes. Please.”
You can feel him grinning as he presses hot kisses to the side of your neck, brushing your hair to the side.
“Good girl.”
You try to supress the shiver rolling through your body at those words. He didn’t use them often: his preferred term was sweetheart, using it more often than your actual name. Rarely there was baby, usually reserved for late nights, dim lighting and lazy kisses. Even less often than that there was the occasional darling, when you accompanied him to professional events.
But the words good girl only made their appearance when he had one goal in mind.
Getting you off and asking nothing in return.
He guides you forward, onto the bed until you’re sat back on your heels between Matt’s thighs, his chest pressed against your back.
In a torturously slow pace, the hand that had been resting on your jaw crawled it’s way down, his fingers leaving a scorching hot trail as they travelled down your throat, skimming across your collarbone, grazing the side of your breast and down your ribs until both his hands were resting at your waist.
You lean your head back onto his shoulder, a content sigh leaving your body as you practically melt into him.
“There you go,” he murmurs, voice rumbling lowly through his chest. “There’s my girl. It’s all about you right now. Whatever you want.”
“Don’t have to do that,” you reply, eyes closed and revelling in the intimacy of the moment. “’s a two way street.”
“Not tonight.”
Not a quite a command, but as close as he would get to it.
You think on it for a moment, absentmindedly running your nails up and down his thighs until he shivers behind you. You laugh, the sound bright and warm, a stark contrast to how you’d been feeling ten minutes ago.
“You sure about that?” you ask, shifting positions to look at him with a grin, well aware of the fact that he has to actively stop himself from rolling his hips against you to bring the slightest relief to the hardness straining against the zipper of his slacks.
“I’m starting to doubt it,” he smiles. “But yes. Let me just think about something horrible for a second—”
“Matthew!” you scold in faux horror, slapping his chest, something that is met with a wide grin.
“Kidding, kidding.”
“I think I just want to make you come in your pants,” you deadpan, pushing against his chest until he gets the memo, scooting back until he’s sat against the headboard. “Or just get you so hard and worked up that you can’t think straight and then just leave.”
He grins widely, hands resting on your hips as you move to sit on his lap. “I love it when you get cocky. It’s very sexy.”
You don’t reply, instead choosing to focus on untying his tie. You know you could just easily pull it over his head, discarding of it that way, but you revel in the micro expressions flashing across his face as your fingers brush against the base of his throat as you work the knot loose.
“Should tie you up with it,” you softly say, gliding your hands down the silk fabric before moving to unbutton his shirt, touch feather light as you elicit another shiver from him. “Would that be okay?”
You can see his breath hitching in his throat, Adam’s apple bobbing heavily as he swallows.
Leaning forward, your hands pressed against his bare chest, you ask again in a soft whisper against his ear.
“Would that be okay, Matthew?”
The word is barely a whisper, a confession almost disappearing into nothing.
“Next time,” you promise him, gently pressing a kiss on the corner of his mouth. “Had other ideas for now.”
He smiles in return, fingers digging into your hips as you scoot a little higher onto his lap, biting back a whine as you revel in the wave of pleasure crashing over you at the friction the combination of Matt’s thighs and your jeans provide.
“Ah,” he breathes, smile widening into something soft, as if he’d been waiting for it.
“There we are.”
“Shut up,” you grumble, no real bite behind the words.
“You gonna ride my thigh, sweetheart? Think you can make yourself come that way?”
His fingers are ghosting across your top of your jeans, as gentle as the expression on his face, not making any decisions before you make them.
“I know you can,” he continues. “Seen you do it before.”
You flush in a wave embarrassment, ducking your head and biting your lip as you avoid looking up at him.
“Hey, hey, no,” he tells you sternly, guiding your head back up with a finger hooked under your chin. “None of that. Not here. Not with me.”
You pause as he drops his hand, taking a moment to take in the man sitting beneath you. The neon sign outside cast a reddish-pink light across his features, the sight familiar and comforting as he shows you a crooked smile.
“Love you,” you mutter softly, the feeling all encompassing.
“Show me.”
“Show me. Show me how you feel, sweetheart. I want you to ride my thighs until you come so hard you’re left a quivering mess. I want you to tie me up and ride me until you see stars. I want you to take whatever makes you feel good, without expecting anything in return. Whatever that looks like, I can take it.”
“Jesus, Matt,” you breathe, heat crawling up your spine at his blunt confession.
“Language, sweetheart,” he retorts, the grin on his face devastating.  
You don’t bother thinking of a witty reply, but rather pull your shirt over your head before crashing your lips into his, knocking teeth together in your hurry to devour him whole. His hands are everywhere: across your back, on your hips, in your hair: you can’t keep track as you tug at his open shirt, urging him to sit forward as you push it past his shoulders. He quickly tossed it off the bed before his hands are finding their way back onto your body, his shifting causing more friction that leaves you moaning into his mouth.
He grins into the kiss at the sound, his hand spanning between your shoulder blades as he presses you chest to chest, getting you as close as he could in this position.
“There you go,” he breathes, his other hand at the nape of your neck, mouth leaving wet kisses on the side. You grind into him shamelessly at this point, his hard cock now definitely straining against his zipper, providing more of that friction you were desperately chasing. It wasn’t enough: you desperately wanted him as close as you could get him.
Your hand snakes into his hair, pulling his head back as he lets out a low hiss, the other digging crescent moons into his shoulder as your fingernails claw into his skin, kissing his neck with a sense of urgency as his low moan shifts into a chuckle.
“Gonna actually come in my pants if you keep this up, sweetheart,” he confesses, the words almost hesitant, as if he didn’t want to make you feel bad.
“Aren’t you lucky that I want to finish with you inside,” you whisper with a grin, pressing a kiss just below his ear, something that earns you yet another shiver as your hands move to unzip his pants before moving off his lap, handing him a condom from the nightstand as you shimmy your way out of your jeans, leaving you in a mismatched pair of underwear consisting of cotton panties and a bra that didn’t match in colour.
The chilly air of the apartment in late autumn crashed over you, making you shiver, something Matt took note of as he pulls you back against his body, his hand snaking down, fingers brushing against the soaked fabric of your panties.
“There you are,” he whispers, the featherlight touch almost unbearable as he slowly drags his fingers up until they brush past your clit, sending a jolt of pleasure through your body. You bite back a moan, breath hitching in your throat as you do, all cockiness from a mere moment ago forgotten. Though you could easily crawl on top and take what you wanted that way, all you wanted in this moment was Matt. His fingers, his cock inside you: all of him, everywhere.
You don’t say any of it, instead a soft please is whispered and he knows, he understands, unclasping your bra and pulling your panties down before pulling you into his lap, positioning himself and letting you take the lead as you slowly sink down onto him, working your way through the stretch. You can see him biting back a moan, screwing his eyes shut: he didn’t want to make you feel like you had to hurry, not after the incident during your first time together. The pair of you had underestimated the situation and tears had sprung to your eyes when you were too eager, the worry in his voice still ringing through at times when he thought he had made the same mistake.
He hisses lowly as you slide home, giving you both a second to adjust, his hands steading you at your waist.
“I’m afraid this isn’t going to last long,” he confesses as you slowly start grinding down onto him. “Wasn’t kidding about the pants.”
His hand makes it way down, sending you jolting as he brushes against your clit, easing into a steady rhythm that leaves you gasping as you continue your own rhythm.
“Feel so good, baby,” he murmurs, his mouth leaving a trail of kisses running across your neck and shoulders, his words only adding fuel to the fire. “You’re doing so well, taking me so well, darling,” he continues, using every pet name available in the book.
It works: it drives you insane, making you grind down harder as you chase after your release that is so close you could taste it, but just out of reach.
“Please,” you gasp, desperate for it, clawing helplessly at his shoulders. “Need you, Matt, I’m so close. Please.”
“Shit,” he hisses, your words sending him bucking up into you, hitting deeper than before, his fingers stuttering as he rests his forehead against your shoulder. You knew it was taking every grain of willpower for him to not come on the spot, but you couldn’t help the whine that escaped.
“I’m sorry sweetheart,” he apologises through gritted teeth, picking up with renewed enthusiasm, his mouth hot on your neck. “Fuck, baby—”
It was the raw tone of his voice that sent you over the edge, arching back as your orgasm crashed over you like a wave, barely aware that Matt was right after you, keeping you upright on his lap.
“You’re stunning,” he grinned, looking up at you with a devastating smile as you caught your breath.
You laugh silently, brushing your sweaty hair out of your face with a grin that matches his.
“You’re not so bad yourself, Murdock.”
You slide off him, feeling a little empty but satisfied as you lean over to kiss him.
“Thank you,” you tell him softly. “For everything you do.”
“Anytime, sweetheart,” he says, rolling off the bed and padding towards the bathroom.
You hesitate for a second, curiosity blooming in your chest as you recall earlier, getting up after him.
“Hm?” he asks, wetting a washcloth and handing it over to you.
“Why is there a picture of me on your fridge?”
“Ah. Yeah. About that. Didn’t think it would make you cry,” he confessed. “I figured it’d be nice, to have something that represented you in here. For when you’re not yourself,” he shrugs, as if that would somehow clarify the situation, cleaning himself before tossing the condom into the trash and stepping into a pair of grey jogging pants, leaving you alone in the bathroom.
You follow his example and make your way into his living room as you pull one of his discarded hoodies over your head, frowning a little as you watch him rummage through a drawer.
“Yeah, sweetheart.”
“Matt, you cannot see the picture.”
He paused, snorting softly. “I’m aware.”
“Then why?” you ask, feeling a little exasperated. “I could just leave a shirt here, or even some perfume. Something that you know, is actually for your benefit.”
He considers it briefly, a heavy frown present on his face as he searches for the right answer.
“I… it’s not for me,” he eventually slowly says. “I know of your presence here. I can smell the remnants of your perfume, even when you’re gone. But nothing tells other people that visit here those things, because there wasn’t any visual aid to help voice that. I want people to know that you are in my life, and you’re important. I want to show someone what you look like when they ask. That I’m proud of you.”
You bite your lip, looking at your boyfriend who was standing in his living room, the perfect image of comfort in his grey sweats, giving you the recognition you were absolutely starved for as if it were the easiest thing in the world.
“I love you, and I’m so proud of you,” he emphasises, as if he can sense how much you need to hear those words. “No conditions.”
“Thank you,” you tell him softly, unable to fully express the way those words fill the cracks in your heart.
He smiles softly.
“Any time, sweetheart. Any time. Now, Thai or pizza?” he asks, holding up a set of flyers from local takeout spots.
“Thai,” you scoff as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “I’ve seen enough red sauce for the day.”
“Right. Yeah. Nearly forgot about that.”
“Liar,” you tell him, eyes fixated on the kitchen with a squint. “I can see a spot I missed from here; I know you can smell it.”
“I didn’t want to make you feel bad!” he exclaims, hands in the air in self-defence. “I figured I’d clean it when you weren’t looking.”
You snort, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek as you pass him on your way to the kitchen. “Thank you for your attempt at sparing my feelings. I clean, you order and set the table. Deal?”
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coleskingdom · 3 months
High Rollers, Keep Em High
Jay White xF Reader
Genre Smut Minors DNI NSFW
Inspired by this
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“ I feel like Colten and Austin got robbed?” I told Jay as we were sitting in the couch one evening. “What do you mean? “ Jay asked his curiosity peaked. “ I mean they haven’t gotten to experience the perks of being in Bullet Club. Hell I even miss the old days. They’re young they should be out running shit, have you even taken them out.” he slid closer to me “Colten is older than I am, I’m sure their dad took them out.” he said “ Jay you can’t be serious. “ I shoved him playfully, “After all the time that was spent creating the aura of bullet club you’re gonna just cop out with their dad took them. For fucks sake till they were with you they looked like they shopped at an hbk fire sale for their gear. What’s one night? I don’t even have to go, take the boys out they deserve one night.” I said hoping to convince him “ Oh no , you’re not dumping this on me, I hear your point, and I think you’re right. Besides if there’s gonna be a one night extravaganza you have to be there since you miss it so much.” he laughed pulling me in close.
I kept waiting for him to tell me what he had planned, and the weeks went on. As the days ticked off ahead of Double or Nothing I thought for sure he would’ve said something finally the week of the show I told him “So I rented a room at that place in Vegas. I arranged the bottle service, cigars, and entertainment for the evening. Will you please make sure that the boys are dressed appropriately?” I said casually “ You really want them to see what it means when I say high rollers keep em high. Seriously though I was going to take care of it but thank you.I did however take care of our hotel for the weekend, I got us the bungalow at the cosmopolitan that you like so much.” he said walking up behind me and putting his arms around me. “Thank you for taking care of the boys. You’ve always been so good to me and them.” He kissed the side of my neck. “ I’ll take care of the boys and lay the rules out , I may even invite a few of your favorite people. I know this integration isn’t your favorite but I appreciate you doing this.” He said “ You’re welcome” wondering what he had planned.
Arriving at the hotel, it was just as I remembered the pool looking over the strip, the bath tub that o could lay down in, “ Jay, I was wrong, we don’t need to go out. We can stay in” I pleaded, “ Oh no, this was your idea. You better go get ready, we have a car coming.” he slapped me on the ass playfully. “Fine, but I’m gonna make you regret denying the offer.” I said sauntering off . “I have no doubt in my mind that you will.”as I shut the bathroom door. I emerged, Jay looking handsome as ever his black suit with the black shirt open , the gold watch the only, and the aviators his only accessories , his hair pulled up into a bun. “Jesus Jay, really, I’m not letting you go out like that.” he chuckled, “Your one to talk on your short black dress and heels, can you even sit in that ?” Pulling me into his side. “ We are quite the pair” he said admiringly.
We went down stairs to the waiting limo, both Colten and Austin were down there, Juice and Toni, then the surprises started showing up , Adam and Britt, Matt , Nick and Page. I hugged each of them “ Kayfabe is good and dead huh?” I said laughing at Cole. “ Well if there was ever a night for the devil to show up, it sounds like it’s tonight besides Britt wasn’t around then.” he laughed ,”Besides those Gunn Boys are gonna need reigning in” I figured I’d come in as back up. “Who convinced Matt and Nick to show up?” Still genuinely surprised “Did I hear someone ask who convinced me? Does everyone forget we were part of the original members? Besides we didn’t celebrate the 10 year anniversary better late than never right.” Matt said . “ Everyone in, let’s get the night rolling “ Jay said as though he was hoarding cats.
The room reserved that had been previously draped in black and white was now draped in black and gold. The dim lighting, the rooms segregated off into, a cigar lounge, a bar and then the stage with for the dancers. “ It’s perfect, it’s like stepping back into time.” Jay said “ Boys welcome to Bullet Club” as Jay handed Austin and Colten each a wad of cash . We took a seat in a darken corner, Jays natural instinct to watch everything took over, I curled in close to him. The drinks were following and everyone was having a good time. Britt and Cole came and sat across from us. “ Were we ever that bad ?” Pointing over his shoulder to Colten who had a girl on his lap a drink and money in his mouth. “Do you really want me to answer that?” Jay asked laughing “All I know is when I was handed the keys and the playbook your group left was something else.” Jay said “ Alright so we were that bad, well some of us, once in awhile.” Adam could tell Britt was paying attention. I looked at Britt and laughed. “ I’m kidding, before me they all stayed playing video games eating pizza and cuddling in their footie pajamas." Jay said getting the reaction out of Adam he wanted. Adam’s exasperated face made it all the funnier. He grabbed Britt’s hand and found somewhere else to be. “ Did you really need to do that?”, I asked still laughing , “ What you wanted the old me so here I am?” his smug grin telling me all I needed to know.
I had noticed one of the entertainers had her eyes on Jay. She looked him up and down , settling on his face wondering what the aviators were hiding, her curiosity just about to get the best of her. Her confident strut as she made her way over. “Just like the old days you’re being eyed.” I looked at the woman as I put my hand possessively on Jays thigh. “Jealous, much my dear” his voice teasing my ear, “She’s just doing her job. Do you want her to dance for us ? Do you want her to grind on me while you watch or should she grind on you while I watch? My personal favorite though is you sitting on my lap while she grinds on you and I grind on you.“ his voice that unnerving calm that was so seductive it just has an edge of danger. “ I want you to pay her to go away. As for me being jealous what do you want the answer to be Jay? No, because I trust you or Yes, because you are mine, and I don’t trust myself when she looks at you like she’s going to devour you.” I said. Jay pulled me on his lap kissing me, in full display of the entire room, his mouth claiming mine, in a show of dominance. His hand with cash over my shoulder for the woman. When he pulled away, I was breathless, “If someone is devouring anyone tonight, it’s me going to be devouring you.” his voice pure sin. He kissed me again then moved his lips on my neck in this dark corner of the room , a little noise escaped my mouth. “Shhhh… you’re gonna give yourself away. “ He kissed me again bringing me to be straddled across his lap, his hands on my ass, my hands in his hair. “Do you want to get out of here?”he said. Pulling me down on his hard length. “Not yet” I said, I could still feel the woman’s eyes on us, Jay kissed my neck as his hands ran up and down my sides before returning to my mouth.
“Jay, follow me. “ I said as I got off of his lap. I took his hand leading him towards the bathroom, I stepped inside grateful that it was more of a powder room he followed. “Dirty Girl” his voice like velvet, “ Couldn’t even wait to get in the car before you needed me.” His hands lowering the straps of my dress “ Now can you be quiet, or are you hoping that the dancer is listening on the other side of the door.” His mouth grazing over my breast, taking a nipple into his mouth, his hand massaging the other one. A little whimper escaping, “That’s it isn’t it.” Pinching my nipple while his teeth bit the other, a moan slipped from my mouth as I tugged at his hair. He dropped to his knees in front of me lifting the dress up around my hips, he lowered the thong, helping me step out of it “These are mine now"as he put them in his pocket. He pressed my back against the door my hand on the knob for balance as he lifted one leg over his shoulder and his mouth was on my core,licking and sucking, “Oh fuck Jay” words and moans falling from me, he kept going my hand holding his head , where I needed him. I felt the pressure build, his well practiced mouth drawing my orgasm from me, a louder than intended moan fell from my lips as I said his name. The smugness on his face when he lowered my leg from his shoulder. “ I think you’ve proven your point” he said wickedly “ Actually I don’t think I have” I said reaching for the button of his pants. “Greedy Girl, I think you’re right.” As my hands slid down his pants and boxers. “ Is this what you need? To claim what you already know is yours?”Lifting me up against the door, his cock aligned with my center, as he thrust in. “Yes” his pace was fast and I held onto him, scratching his back as he bit my neck. I moaned and clenched around him, drawing a groan from him. He changed the angle just enough that he was hitting deep inside and my clit. He could feel my second impending orgasm,as his own approached. I felt him twitch inside me. I cried out his name, as I felt it wash over me. He thrust two more times as I felt his release, I kissed him deeply, my hands now running gently through his hair. Soothing words fell from my lips, as our breathing returned to normal I kept him close to me.
He helped me down, as we both tried to compose ourselves, “Can I have my panties back” I asked reaching out my hand. “Nope, in fact I’m going to let them show out of my back pocket.” he said mercilessly. I looked at him in the mirror my cheeks flushed, my lips swollen. “How do I look?” I asked, trying to compose my self. “Well fucked and satisfied “ he grinned, as he was smoothing out his own hair, and putting the aviators back on. He put his arms around my waist his chin on the top of my head. “Let’s get out of here.” he said , I nodded as he took my hand and led me out the door.
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soldier-lodbrok · 1 month
Ok, so what’s your opinion on Glenn and little Seph’s relationship? I know you drew the hug scene and it was so cute!! Do you see them as brother-types, dad/adopted son, it’s complicated, or maybe something else? I’d love to hear! :p
Aw, that's a good question!
I see them more as brotherly or uncle-nephew relationship.
Glenn himself is only about 18-22 years old himself at the time of that mission, and even though I lean towards the older age of that range for him personally, that is just about 7-8 years older than little Sephiroth. It's obvious from Glenn's behaviour he isn't the most mature. He also constantly teases Sephiroth in a friendly but relentless manner. The little guy can't catch a break with Glenn, if he can find an opportunity to tease him. Like when Sephiroth opens up about the locket and picture of his mother and admits he knows it "isn't cool to ask" about his mom, Glenn reacts with laughter and "As long as you know!". Pulling his leg even in such a vulnerable moment.
Nonetheless, even Lucia in the game calls Glenn out on him having his "paternal instinct" woken up. It is in reference to Rosen, but Glenn shows equal concern towards both boys. I like how it is often when Rosen or Sephiroth are specifically not around that Glenn is openly wondering how they are doing or whether they need help. He once complains that Sephiroth simply won't "let" him help.
After getting over the initial anger, he really does care for Sephiroth and is quite protective and extremely understanding. When Sephiroth kills ALL Rhadorans he can find? Even the kids his own age? And says its justified because they knew how to fight, too... I can see usually many would have a horrified reaction to that. Especially with Sephiroth declaring he has been taught to kill or be killed.
Glenn seems shocked, too. But that is also the moment he hugs Sephiroth. Providing him with a grounding point and trying to guide him to more empathy. Softly. He doesn't scream, insult, scold or ridicule Sephiroth for his deed. He doesn't even mention it. he just realizes the fastest that Sephiroth was abused in all the wrong ways in his 'training' and he wants to help that kid.
Also the very opening scene? Where the flashback quickly changes to Glenn threatening to kick Matt's ass? That means he also used those words towards OLDER Sephiroth after already using them on young Sephiroth. A man who can stand in front of Sephiroth, the greatest SOLDIER of all time, who just killed several Behemoth's and seems distressed, about to attack - and Glenn seems to have taken that all for banter and then comes out with the raised fist and "I'll kick your ass!"-threat. That's peak older brother/uncle behaviour. And I think it's quite unique behaviour towards Sephiroth, I can't remember Angeal or Genesis being like this, they were more equals and serious... but me playing CC was years ago, so I might misremember.
I wish we get to see more of that all soon! Thank you so much for asking! I rambled a little there :D
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iluvmattsbeard · 20 days
can we get a tiny tiny sneak peak of ur dad matt story 😤 pretty please with a cherry on top
idk i can show the song i’m basing it off 🤗 just know it’s smutty fs
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