#pitbull can be such good dogs
fuck-off-im-ace · 4 months
My mother just told me that she cannot use the dog she was supposed to use to finish her zootherapy class because pitbull mixes are not permitted, as they are not covered by insurance companies. That has to be one of the dumbest thing ive ever seen. Like why. Just. Why.
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veone · 5 months
I’m black of course I love pitbulls more than any other dog bread.
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sidewalk-scrawls · 2 years
My fav pitbull story is that I went to a ukulele party with my brother-in-law (What is a ukulele party you ask? I showed up at house with a bunch of complete strangers and we had a jam session. It was absolutely insane, I would not have gone without him fldjasdlf)
ANYWAY, I am a classic introvert, and I was also by far the youngest person there, which meant I spent a good chunk of time bonding with their pets, specifically their pitbull. I gave him some pets, of course, as you do, but he curled up at my back and basically hung out there the whole time, snuggling with me consistently enough that his owners actually commented on it -- He was a snuggly dog in general, but the way he attached himself to me immediately was not common lol.
Like, listen. It’s impossible to tell if that pup knew I was nervous, or if he was just like ‘ah yes, this person will give me numerous pets!’ But regardless, the snuggles were exactly what I needed. (I do personally feel like pitbulls in general are highly emotionally intelligent and able to pick up on those cues, but this could just be my experience.)
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saritawolff · 5 months
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Phew. This one took, uh… a bit longer than expected due to other projects both irl and art-wise, but it’s finally here. The long-awaited domestic animal infographic! Unfortunately, I didn’t have enough space to cover every single domestic animal (I’m so sorry, reindeer and koi, my beloveds) but I tried to include as many of the “major ones” as possible.
I made this chart in response to a lot of the misunderstandings I hear concerning domestic animals, so I hope it’s helpful!
Further information I didn’t have any room to add or expand on:
🐈 “Breed” and “species” are not synonyms! Breeds are specific to domesticated animals. A Bengal Tiger is a species of tiger. A Siamese is a breed of domestic cat.
🐀 Different colors are also not what makes a breed. A breed is determined by having genetics that are unique to that breed. So a “bluenose pitbull” is not a different breed from a “rednose pitbull”, but an American Pitbull Terrier is a different breed from an American Bully! Animals that have been domesticated for longer tend to have more seperate breeds as these differing genetics have had time to develop.
🐕 It takes hundreds of generations for an animal to become domesticated. While the “domesticated fox experiment” had interesting results, there were not enough generations involved for the foxes to become truly domesticated and their differences from wild foxes were more due to epigenetics (heritable traits that do not change the DNA sequence but rather activate or deactivate parts of it; owed to the specific circumstances of its parents’ behavior and environment.)
🐎 Wild animals that are raised in human care are not domesticated, but they can be considered “tamed.” This means that they still have all their wild instincts, but are less inclined to attack or be frightened of humans. A wild animal that lives in the wild but near human settlements and is less afraid of humans is considered “habituated.” Tamed and habituated animals are not any less dangerous than wild animals, and should still be treated with the same respect. Foxes, otters, raccoons, servals, caracals, bush babies, opossums, owls, monkeys, alligators, and other wild animals can be tamed or habituated, but they have not undergone hundreds of generations of domestication, so they are not domesticated animals.
🐄 Also, as seen above, these animals have all been domesticated for a reason, be it food, transport, pest control, or otherwise, at a time when less practical options existed. There is no benefit to domesticating other species in the modern day, so if you’ve got a hankering for keeping a wild animal as a pet, instead try to find the domestic equivalent of that wild animal! There are several dog breeds that look and behave like wolves or foxes, pigeons and chickens can make great pet birds and have hundreds of colorful fancy breeds, rats can be just as intelligent and social as a small monkey (and less expensive and dangerous to boot,) and ferrets are pretty darn close to minks and otters! There’s no need to keep a wolf in a house when our ancestors have already spent 20,000+ years to make them house-compatible.
🐖 This was stated in the infographic, but I feel like I must again reiterate that domestic animals do not belong in the wild, and often become invasive when feral. Their genetics have been specifically altered in such a way that they depend on humans for optimal health. We are their habitat. This is why you only really see feral pigeons in cities, and feral cats around settlements. They are specifically adapted to live with humans, so they stay even when unwanted. However, this does not mean they should live in a way that doesn’t put their health and comfort as a top priority! If we are their world, it is our duty to make it as good as possible. Please research any pet you get before bringing them home!
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faultsofyouth · 5 months
Honestly, the more I research into larger dog breeds, the more a rottweiler seems like the dog for me
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trendfag · 11 months
i cant get over when we went to a chinese restaurant for my brothers birthday and my dads gf was there but wasnt eating because “oh you know i can only eat panda express because everything else has msg in it!” and the owner heard her saying that and came over and was like we dont use msg here and my dads gf looked at the owner of the restaurant in the face and told her that she was wrong about the food at her own restaurant. and this was the same day she told the story about the time she only tipped ten cents to a visibly anxious and stressed waitress on her first day on the job because 1) the restaurant was busy and 2) the food that she and her friend had picked out from the restaurants website like months before wasnt available and wasnt even on the menu. and laughed like it was a cute little anecdote as we all stared at her like what the fuck is your problem
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kamii-2 · 1 month
omg domestic!paige x domestic!y/n🥹🥹
i had to look what this meant 😭 anyway i love this idea!!
warning(s): cussing, bullying, some nsfw stuff
genre: fluff
pairing(s): domestic!paige bueckers x domestic!reader
not proofread 👤
yall take naps together when yall don’t have anything to do
she follows you around the house while you do stuff 😭
you guys definitely have a pet
like a dog or cat
but i feel like you guys would have both
a pitbull named mr. worldwide (boy) 😭😭
and a ragdoll cat named taco (girl)
paige would bully your pets all the time
she would call them fat and ugly and stuff like that
“stop calling her ugly” “no”
you and paige would go live like once a week and just do stupid stuff
you guys tried to make cookies on live and paige kept messing around
when you’re bored you ask paige to play roblox with you
you guys take showers together all the time
paige is always touching on you
she will be behind you with her hands on your waist as you cook on the stove
super clingy when she’s tired
won’t let you get up to do anything
if you have to get up she will get mad and won’t talk to you for like 3 minutes then she goes back to talking to you
she ignores you when you ask her to do things she doesn’t want to
“paige” “yea?” “can you do the laundry?” “…” “paige madison bueckers.” “fine.”
so sorry it took a million years to get out but i hope you enjoyed it!! hope you have a good day/night, love you 💋💋
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petanimalscare01 · 2 years
What is the best food to feed a pitbull puppy?
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What is the best food to feed a pitbull puppy?
What’s the best food to feed a pitbull?
What should I feed my puppy pitbull?
What is the best food to feed a pitbull?
What can I feed my pitbull puppy to gain muscle?
What should I not feed my pitbull puppy?
What do pitbulls normally eat?
Do pit bulls need special food?
What food should pitbulls avoid?
What foods can you feed a pitbull?
What food is best for pitbull puppy?
How much should a pitbull eat daily?
How can I make my pitbull puppy muscular?
What can I feed my pitbull to get buff?
What can I feed my puppy to gain muscle?
What is the best thing to feed a pitbull puppy?
What can pitbull puppies not eat?
What should a pitbull puppy eat?
What is the healthiest dog food to feed a pitbull?
What food is good for pitbulls?
What food should I feed my pitbull?
What food do pitbulls like the most?
What does Pitbull eat in a day?
What kind of food is best for pitbulls?
Do pitbulls need a special diet?
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johnwickb1tsch · 5 months
bittersweet ~ a yandere!John Wick x fem!reader sunshine/grump coffee shop AU... Part 2 <<Part 1
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-You are sitting on a bench in the lakeside park, reading a book and enjoying the bright winter sunshine when a cold nose presses into your hand. You look up to find a blue pitbull nuzzling you for pets. “Oh hi there, baby,” you coo, scratching his broad head without a thought. You follow the leash to the owner, and are very surprised to see Mr. Wick standing there, looking endearingly embarrassed about it all. “Sorry,” he says. “He pulled me over here.” He gives the dog a look as it leans against you, getting side scritches with a blissed-out doggo look. You have a notion that Mr. Wick might be jealous, somehow, but you push it away.
“That’s ok. What a good boy. What’s his name?”
You smirk up at him. “Original.”
He sighs, looking at you through his hair, and it pulls at your heartstrings for some reason. You pat the bench beside you, and he accepts, though he sits as far away as he can. “He likes you,” he says, looking ruefully down at the dog. “Do you have pets?”
“No,” you admit. “I travel too much.”
You can tell he’s surprised to hear this. Most people are. But you live frugally on your barista’s salary so you can go abroad for a month or so. You’re a budget traveler for sure, but you’ve been all over the world.
“Yes. I’m going to Italy this summer.”
“Sounds nice.”
“You’ve been?”
“Several times. For work.”
“What do you do?”
“I’m retired.” He doesn’t elaborate, and you leave it for now. You don’t really talk anymore, just look at the lake, and pet his dog who leans all his solid weight against your leg. You are content in the companionable silence.
You think he is too.
- It’s interesting sometimes, watching the interpersonal pageants of the regulars. When thrice divorced Victoria Fraser-Sims lays eyes on Mr. Wick for the first time in what you have come to consider his corner, she starts coming in for a lot more no-fat double-shot sugar-free vanilla lattés. All the locals are quite…aware…of Vicky’s predatory habits. A part of you wonders if you should warn Mr. Wick, but you reckon a single man who looks like him is quite used to fending off hungry cougars.
She starts by sitting near his table in her tight workout clothes, ostensibly bending over to pick up repeatedly dropped objects, affording various views of her generous cleavage and spin-class toned rear end. You know you have no right to feel so pleased that Mr. Wick seems to ignore her.
But then she ups her game, so bold as to sit down at his table with him to chat. He talks to her politely. One day, she actually succeeds in making him laugh. You hear it, loosed like an arrow that strikes you from across the room.
You have zero right to be jealous, of course, but you can’t help it. You and Mr. Wick have a thing.
Maybe just in your own head, but still.
But maybe they would be a good couple, you reason sadly, making yourself think realistically. Closer to the same age. And he does seem so lonely.
A few days later they come in the door together, seeming content, and your heart plummets to your feet. Holy shit, she actually pulled it off. They’re dating, you’re perfectly convinced.
In that moment you decide to back off. Mr. Wick is at least twenty years your elder. What the fuck would he want with an awkward little gremlin like you? It’s amazing sometimes, how well you can delude yourself. A curse of having a vivid imagination, perhaps. He’s just polite, and you are kind to him, because he seems a little broken. You resolve to behave. No more quips. No more teasing. From this day forward it shall be only, Here’s your coffee, yes sir, have a good day.
You’ve never been terribly good at keeping resolutions, but you’re going to try.
-Your determination to leave Mr. Wick alone is timed conveniently with a new hire who is around your age. He is and cute, and you get on immediately. Your flirting is fairly harmless, though you know the shop is filled with loud laughter from the two of you when your shifts coincide. Sometimes you feel Mr. Wick looking over at you after you’ve had a good chortle, and you sense he is annoyed.
Once, you catch him glaring at Brian’s back like he might like to carve the boy’s liver.
You try to quiet down, but it never really lasts. It’s been a while, since you’ve met someone who you click with so well. A comrade makes working in the service industry slightly more endurable, after all.
-One day, you burn yourself on the steamer wand while Mr. Wick is waiting for his order. Maybe it’s the volume of the unladylike expletive that spills from your lips, but he does not hesitate to come around the counter to check on you. It hurts like a motherfucker, and while you blink back tears you are quick to dig out ice to put on it. He even more quickly bats it into the sink, flipping the faucet on. “Cold water is better.”
Before you know it he is guiding your wrist into the stream with a gentle but exacting grip. “Hold that there,” he instructs. You can’t fathom disobeying him.
Brian stares rather dumbfoundedly at the customer behind the counter. “Um…sir? You can’t be back here.”
 “Then get her the first aid kit instead of standing there looking useless,” he snaps, and the young man jumps into action, scurrying away.
John gives a low whistle once you’ve finished with the cold water, blotting you dry at the butt end of the counter. “You got yourself good.”
“It’s not the first time,” you sigh. You’re not particularly clumsy, but it happens when you’re juggling five things at once to keep the drink orders moving.
John bandages the burn for you, frowning at the salve provided in the first aid kit that expired years ago, but deciding it will do in a pinch. His long-fingered hands are precise, but gentle, and as he touches you, you feel your brain turn to mush. You can’t remember the last time someone took care of you like this.
Maybe he’s not mad at you after all.
Later that day you appear from the back, to find a little paper pharmacy bag on the counter with your name written in concise black print. Inside there is more ointment, large Band-aids, and a little Snickers chocolate bar.
How did he know it’s your favorite?
Even though you didn’t see him come or go, you know it was Mr. Wick, and this small gesture touches you to tips of your toes.
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pennylanefics · 18 days
Animal Shelter - Seth Jarvis
a/n: ahhh i think this turned out so cute! 🥰 i'm more of a cat person but there are a couple breeds of dogs that i have a love for, and greyhounds are one so i put my own personal touch to it :)
summary: you and seth plan to adopt a dog, but things take an unexpected turn while at the shelter
word count: ~2k
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“You wanna get a dog?” Seth asks you late one night, as you lay in each other’s arms in the soft candlelight. The power had been out for a couple hours due to a bad storm, with no idea of when it would come back on. But thanks to a few flameless candles, you were safely able to light the room.
“What?” You wonder, looking down at him in confusion, the question seemingly out of nowhere.
“I feel like it’s a pretty straight forward question. Do you want to adopt a dog?” He repeats, his hands playing with the ends of your hair. You stare at him in disbelief.
“What kind of dog?” You ask, sitting up to stare down at him, your hand running along the chain of his necklace that laid on his bare chest. He shrugs against the pillow and moves his hand to rest on your back, caressing it up and down your shirt covering your skin.
“Dunno. I figured we could go to the shelter and find a good fit,” he nonchalantly says. “I think it would be a great addition, you know. We’ve been together for a while, we finally have this house with a backyard so they can run around and play. Just a thought.”
After talking about it for the rest of the night, since there was nothing to do with the power out, you make plans to head to the animal shelter close by in the morning to go and ask about adopting and meet a few dogs.
In the morning, you and Seth head to the local animal shelter and are immediately approached by a volunteer when stepping inside.
“Hi! I’m Rhonda, how can we help you today?” She welcomes you in, standing up from her spot near the entrance to the area where the cages are.
“We’re looking into adopting a dog, just not sure which one,” Seth chuckles, looking over her shoulder at the noisy room.
“Wonderful! If you want to come with me, I can show you around or you can roam yourself, whatever you would prefer. Are you looking for an older dog or more of a puppy age?”
You and Seth share a look and shrug.
“Not too old of a dog, but older puppy a puppy,” he answers. She nods and walks through the automatic doors, pausing after she steps in and making sure you two are with her.
“So a lot of the middle aged dogs are on the outer aisles, but there are some spread about.”
“I think we’ll just take a quick walk through and see,” you say.
“Okay! Everyone adopting gets to meet with two dogs per day, so if you don’t find that special pet today, you are more than welcome to come back another day.”
“Alright, thanks so much.” 
Seth takes your hand in his and begins walking around, pausing every few steps to take a look at the dog in the pen.
“Oh look at this lovely lady,” Seth coos, leaning down to let a pitbull sniff his hand. Her tail wags like crazy, but she was a little older than you two had the ability to care for.
So, you keep on looking, and after a bit, you have a couple dogs in mind that you’d like to see their personalities outside of their pens.
Meeting with the first dog, a Norwich terrier named Birdie, she was far more shy than either of you noticed. She cowered away when Seth tried to pet her, and he sighs, looking up at you.
“She came from a house with five other dogs small dogs that were not properly trained. She doesn’t do well sometimes, but she just needs some time and patience,” Rhonda explains.
You and Seth share another look as she describes the dog’s situation, and your heart aches for her; she looks so friendly, but extremely timid.
“We have found that she finds comfort in larger dogs, so if you have another pet at home, she’ll be just right.”
“Oh no, this is going to be our first pet,” you say, looking at the sweet brown terrier, who finally warmed up to Seth a little bit.
After spending a few more minutes with her, Rhonda leaves and brings in the next dog, a chocolate brown greyhound, just under two years old.
“Maple is a rescue from greyhound racing, she came off the track a little over a year ago. She’s been here for a little while. Her foster home didn’t work out and she was surrendered to us.”
“How long has she been here?” Seth asks.
“Almost eight months.” You groan as you hear this, Maple coming right up to you and licking your hand that you stick out to pet her with. You laugh softly, her tail beating from side to side excitedly as Seth calls her over, showing her a rope to play with.
The two of them immediately start playing, and you could tell this was the right decision. However, after Rhonda takes her back and gets the paperwork ready to fill out, Seth looks at you.
“We should adopt both,” he says, a serious yet sad look on his face. “Birdie would do so well with Maple, I think. And that way, she won’t be in here alone anymore and we can give her a chance at having a happy life.”
“Two dogs? Will they even allow us to adopt two at the same time?” You wonder in disbelief that Seth was bringing this up. You rub your face, but think back to the little dog that was first in here.
You could tell she was happy that someone was around, but her nerves were too much and it was overwhelming for her for a moment; she just needed patience and love, something you saw once the energy in the room settled a bit and you sat on the ground with her.
“We should do it,” you say, nodding a little. Seth smiles widely and wraps you in a tight hug. 
“She did say Birdie would be good with bigger dogs. And with Maple being so much larger and full of energy but still calm and sweet, I think they’d fit well together.”
“We can ask her when she comes back.”
So, when Rhonda comes back with a set of adoption papers and everything, you ask her for her honest opinion on things. After some deliberation and conversation between the three of you, a second set of adoption papers is ready to be signed, for Birdie.
Rhonda leaves you alone with Maple while she brings back the smaller dog, Seth looking at you with a huge smile on your face.
“You think this is a good idea?” He teases, scooting over closer to you as he sets the paperwork aside, petting Maple as she comes up to you.
“Maybe not financially responsible, but we’re giving two wonderful pets a happy home, so it’s definitely a positive choice,” you chuckle, resting your head against his shoulder. 
Maple rests her head on your lap, staring up at you, her tail still wagging a little. You rub her head and your heart soars. This was a new chapter in yours and Seth’s life, and it felt so right and perfect.
Not long after, Rhonda returns with Birdie, Maple turns around and sniffs the smaller dog. To your surprise, Birdie stays put, allowing Maple to examine her and check her out. Birdie’s little tail starts to wag a bit, causing you and Seth to look at each other, ecstatic and eager.
When all the right forms were filled out, Rhonda gave you a few personal tips that she thought would be important, just a couple things she’s learned from personal experience. Both of you listened and kept those tips in mind, and finally, you were ready to be on your way.
Seth helps both Maple and Birdie into the back seat, carefully putting a harness around them and buckling them in, a product that you just bought at the shelter, and it was definitely going to come in handy.
“So, you want to head to the store with them, or do you want me to drop them off at home with you and I’ll go buy food and beds and toys and everything?” Seth wonders as he hops in the driver’s seat. 
“I think it would be fun for them to pick some toys out themselves,” you say, turning around to look at them. Both were panting lightly, due to heightened anxiety from being in a car for the first time.
After half an hour at the pet store, you are headed back home and ready to finally settle in with your two new pets. Seth unbuckles them the second he parks in the driveway, not wanting them to be in distress any longer.
He helps Maple up the porch steps while you carry Birdie in your arms, leaving Seth grab all the items from the store that were left in the car.
“Come here, let’s see the backyard,” you coo to the two dogs, leading them over to the patio and opening the door up. They rush outside, Birdie far more timid than Maple, who runs out and circles the large backyard like she does it all the time. You laugh as she sprints freely, and Seth comes up behind you, his arms going around your waist.
“They seem to be enjoying it here so far,” he whispers in your ear.
“I think so,” you smile, turning around in his arms. “I love you.”
“I love you too, baby.”
You watch them continue to explore the backyard before Birdie decides she’s had enough and heads back inside. You give her time to scope out the new space on her own, while Maple, enjoying the nice weather, lays down in the grass, panting like crazy as she tries to catch her breath, a joyful gleam in her eyes.
“Should we change their names?” You wonder, looking up at your boyfriend.
“I like Birdie, so we should keep that one. For Maple…” he pauses to think for a moment, staring over at her in thought. “Maybe we can think on it for a few days.”
Later that night, during dinner, Seth had fed both Maple and Birdie, and you were in the kitchen making your dinner, which consisted of breakfast foods, when Maple comes strolling in to get a drink of water from the metal bowl near your feet. 
The toaster pops up the bread and Maple’s head pops up in curiosity, and suddenly, she starts to howl. The sound startles you a little, but it’s not a noise of fear, her tail is wagging back and forth, her head tilted as she gazes up at you. So, you test it again. You click the trigger down, then pop it back up, and she does it again.
Seth walks in with a confused expression, thinking something was wrong.
“What was that?” He asks, stepping over to where you are, looking down at the greyhound. You giggle and reach to pet her brown fur.
“I think I just found her new name,” you say, the idea clicking instantly in your head. Seth’s eyebrows raise in wonder. You show him the discovery you made and he laughs with you, crouching down to give her a hug.
“Toast,” he says. “My toasty girl. It’s perfect because she also looks like slightly burnt toast,” he comments, running his hands along her fur, kissing her head playfully. You continue making your food as Seth and, now Toast, head to the couch to curl up for the night. 
Birdie was at your feet as you cook and eat your dinner, already attached to you, and that’s when you feel like everything worked out. Seth and Toast bonded almost immediately, and Birdie was drawn to you; neither you or Seth were left out, and the dogs didn’t have to feel “in the middle.”
Everything was falling into place, and after dinner, you joined the two of them, Birdie curling up at your feet on the blanket, as you all relaxed together, Step Brothers playing on the tv, and Seth’s arms around you, holding you close.
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taglist: @petite-potato4
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is-the-owl-video-cute · 8 months
Pits aren't evil, but it's disingenuous to ignore how prevalent they are in dog bite and fatal attack statistics (both on humans and animals). These dogs were bred for bloodsport, and more specifically they were bred to not send out warnings before attacking, that's not going to magically go away just because you're good with dogs or because an individual pit is friendly. If that were the case, the majority of dog attacks wouldn't consist of pitbulls, pit mixes, or other trouble breeds like rottweilers.
Even if the dogs were 100% safe the weird culture surrounding them would continue to be a problem. Why does one individual dog breed need such a zealous defensive squad? Why do attack survivors have to tread on eggshells to avoid offending owners of the dog breed that attacked them? Why do so many people pin the blame on the human or animal victim of an attack when these dog breeds are designed to snap without warning? Why is "bully bashing" so reprehensible, but shit like "chihuahuas are hellspawns" and "cats are so mean" acceptable?
Alright, I suppose we can dissect this.
Claim: Pit bulls are more prevalent than any other breed in dog bites and dog bite fatalities
Fact: this claim is only relaying bite incidents regarding pit bulls and “pit bull type dogs” in the US. Why does that matter? Well these surveys self-admittedly were inaccurate, and no conclusion could be drawn from them, simply because they were relying on the public to accurately identify the breed of dog that bit them and it didn’t account for cases that were not reported or the dog could not be identified as one breed or another. These surveys also did not account for prevalence of one breed over another in the country. Why does that part matter?
Well you could factually say that most smokers in the UK are white. If you then say white people in the UK are significantly more prone to nicotine addiction, that’s a very false conclusion to draw if you don’t account for the fact over 85% of people in the UK are white. This is the same level of false conclusion being drawn from those dog bite surveys because, as I have said before, there are a lot of pit bulls in America. But besides that, they are a very common breed in low income areas. Dog bites are more likely to be reported in a low income area because if a rich person’s dog bites someone, they tend to pay off the victim to avoid the dog being labeled as an aggressive dog and taken away or put down for being too dangerous. Low income families obviously can’t do that. Low income areas will also commonly have lower/less sturdy fencing and other limitations that can lead to a dog escaping the owner’s property. A lot of the bites reported also involved dogs where an owner could not be located, which means strays. A large stray dog of any breed is absolutely dangerous. If I see a stray malinois or something I’m not going to be thinking “ah well thank goodness it isn’t a pit bull” because I don’t particularly want to be bitten by a malinois either.
Bottom line though, the CDC stopped collecting data on what specific breeds were “more dangerous” because there was too much statistical error in the nature of collecting the data for any meaningful conclusion to be drawn.
Claim: pit bulls were bred to attack opponents with no warning which means they can and will attack at any time
Fact: this is another example of a false conclusion.
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For one thing, I couldn’t find any non-biased sources claiming that pit bulls specifically were bred to attack without warning, but even if we say that’s true for sake of argument, attacking an opponent dog in a fight without telegraphing their attack doesn’t mean “this dog does not engage in any body language” thus making them unreadable or whatever. They wag their tails when happy, whine when they want something, and yes! They do in fact curl their lip and growl when they want you to stop doing something. They bark at noises or scents they don’t trust, and they bow and roll when they want to play.
They’re dogs. Therefore, they share a lot of the same body language cues as any other breed will give you.
Claim: pit bulls were bred as fighting dogs so they’re bred for aggression.
Fact: dogs classify other dogs and humans in very different categories of their mind in much the same way they classify a rabbit and a cat and a cow in different categories of their mind. A dog that’s extremely reactive to other dogs may not be reactive towards humans at all.
No modern breed was bred for blanket aggressive behavior because that would make them impossible to keep in captivity at all because the second someone went to feed them they’d lose a hand and the second you tried to get two extremely aggressive animals to breed they’d kill each other on sight. Pits were bred primarily to be reactive to unfamiliar dogs and for physical strength. They were not bred to be reactive to humans, and attack dogs are typically abused in some way to make them reactive to humans in the same way they’re reactive to dogs, or at minimum rewarded for reacting excessively to an unknown human to encourage more extreme reactivity.
So why does one breed need so much defense?
Because pits and other “”trouble breeds”” cause your insurance rates to go up significantly if your insurance provider finds out you own one. Because you can live in an apartment for years and get an ultimatum to be evicted or get rid of your dog despite it never showing any signs of being dangerous. Because there are people who will see a bully dog in the street and hit the gas.
It’s not about them being “more important” than cats or micro dogs, no one is saying that. No one has ever been saying that, but a pit bull gets all the hate and aggression and vitriol people throw at black cats but with legal backing on top of that. People defend the breed because there is a culture of “the only good pit bull is a dead one” and actually act on it. Yes, people insult and mock chihuahuas and that’s very rude and all, but how many places have breed bans against them?
Why do people blame the human over the animal?
Well because any dog will bite “without warning” if it’s raised to think failure to do so will cause it pain and any dog that’s never seen a human other than the ones in its house has the potential to be reactive to outside stimuli. And if you run up to a random dog and try to pet it, it’s not the dog’s fault you got bit it was your fault for just assuming you can touch any random animal and not get bitten/scratched/etc.
Do I blame children for not knowing better or victims that were charged by a loose dog? No. Is that what most bite cases are? Also no.
But hey it’s also weird to frame it as “either the dog is at fault or the victim is at fault and you’re blaming one” as like a blanket statement. Because no. That’s not what’s being said or claimed. Some bites are the fault of how the dog was raised, some are the fault of the person who was bitten, and some are a mix of both or just poor circumstances and the worst of happenstances.
Treating it as a breed specific thing rather than a “people need better education on raising and behaving around animals” thing isn’t going to make less bites happen fwiw.
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eclecticqueennerd · 10 months
The Boys reimagined as Dog Breeds
Hughie- Miniature Italian Greyhound. Hughie is timid and needy for affection from his people, constantly on the lookout for validation. When he’s around people he cares about, he is kind and playful but in unfamiliar surroundings, Hughie is alert and aloof with strangers.
Frenchie- Golden Retriever. Even during scuffles, which don’t happen often, he loves his family and will be empathetic in times of stress. At first, he’s a little shy with strangers, but once he gets a feeling of how they are, he’s very friendly. Frenchie is very smart, which yes sometimes goldens are, and can work multiple jobs with a variety of skills. When not working, Frenchie is a food-driven guy, always wanting to make and eat pastries.
Kimiko- American Pitbull Terrier. She’s quiet, alert, and can be unpredictable mostly due to her past trauma. She’s weary around strangers but with her own family (the boys) she’s extremely sweet and incredibly loyal. There's nothing that she would not do for her family, she would go so far as to fight and die for them.
MM- Great Dane. Don’t let the size of this man fool you, he can be a gentle giant. He can be playful at times, affectionate to those around him, and good with kids. For the most part, MM gets along with others, but if in an unfamiliar environment, he can be very leery and aggressive with strangers.
Billy- hear me out, a Chihuahua. He’s got a huge personality and is always alert, charming, and with overwhelming confidence. You’d think he’s approachable, but if you get too near, he’ll bite you. Extremely loyal and protective of the one person he’s bonded with.
Soldier Boy- An Akita. This man would rather work alone rather in a group. He can be aggressive with other dogs when it’s not in his family and will keep himself as the top dog when it comes to social hierarchy with those in the house. Ben can be loyal and protective over those he loves but can be difficult to control due to his size. Ben can be a difficult man to work with, as he will sometimes just walk out of a conversation due to his stubbornness. You often must keep the conversation/ training interesting in order to get the results you want.
Homelander- this mfer is not a dog, he’s a cat. He gets what he wants and will stop at nothing to get it. Oh! You have 5 minutes left of the finale of your favorite show, let me just stand on the most sensitive parts of your boobs and stare at you until you get me my food. Every time you’d move him off your chest, he would get right back on this time with claws. You’d then have to pause the show and feed the little spoiled bastard. He does what he wants when he wants and you can’t do anything to stop him, otherwise, he’ll bite you.
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fishsticksloser · 2 years
Random Ghost HC
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Warnings: fluff, he's also a military man who has killed people so...
A/N: I haven't played the game since I was 12 and want to get back into it, but I'm a broke bitch so please bear with me this is purely based off what I've seen. If you don't have anything nice to say, go away. If you have some of your own hc, please share I love reading them :) I'm not "making" him a softy, your likes and dislikes don't make you less manly.
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Massive softy. He's like one of those super bulky, scary dudes who will do absolutely anything to see their s/o smile... That's just him
Even without the gear on, he's thicc with more C's than I want to put. He's very sturdy, strong (he's carrying at least 50lbs of equipment, but he's probably actually carrying 150lbs), and wide... Look at his shoulders.
Dog dude. Loves the "dangerous" breeds: German Shepherds, Pitbulls, Cane Corsos, ect. Will literally do anything for them.
Is actually younger than everyone thinks... (141 is about 30-40, except Price and Shepard of course, Gaz is at least 22) War and trauma can affect people in many ways.
Can recount how he got all of his scars and is unashamed of them, just nervous if people see them.
Likes to be alone, either reading or listening to music. Sometimes you can catch him bobbing his head to whatever's playing.
He keeps his room really clean, he claims it's because he's a man, but clean room = clear mind.
True emo, loves "old" emo music, but also enjoys alternative, rock, and Metallica (specifically Metallica)
Goes hiking/on a run when he's upset, it helps him clear his head.
He doesn't like yelling, at or from others. He thinks it's not how arguments or anything should be handled. He's yelled at his team on occasion because the messed up or something, but most of the he'll walk away and cool down.
Pretty big on communication. He's not good with staying how he feels, but he tries his best.
Big on showing he cares (acts of service and quality time). Comes home from a mission to his s/I and will wash dishes, cook, laundry, ect while he's home.
Isn't a fan of PDA, but will have his hands on you when you're alone. Almost always touching you; arms around your waist while cooking, spooning in bed, ect
Smacks your ass every chance he gets. It becomes a game, you have to constantly look over your shoulder to make sure your ass isn't unguarded.
I saw someone say that he's a little weird (they used him eating a lemon as an example but lemons are delicious so...) I think he's a fan of something considered childish whether it's Pokemon, Magic, ect. He loves it, but keeps it hidden.
Calls his s/o "darling," "baby," "love" also if you're married and take his last name, "Mr/Mrs. Riley" he loves the sound of it
Gamer. Another way for him to relax, prefers games like Stardew or Animal Crossing. Calming games. Competitive though... Will beat you at Mario Kart
So gentle. Touching you like your some sort of antique vase, except your ass-smaking game. Gentle with everything that has to do with you (sex kissing, dancing)
Don't tell anyone, but he's a huge romantic. Loves those moments where he can dance in the kitchen with you while you wait for dinner, making you a huge dinner dressing up even though your staying home, he always brings home flowers and your favorite snacks/drinks after a mission.
Doesn't like getting drunk. He doesn't like the feeling he gets or how he acts when he's drunk, but he doesn't mind drinking.
Loud noises are a no go, so no concerts. He already deals with loud noises during missions the last thing he wants is more, it stresses him out.
If you call him your husband (whether you're married or not) he's on the floor, he loves it. He also loves being called "babe," "baby," "honey"
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wolfytoothy · 3 months
your joking
Lets get on things clear guys. I POST ON TUMBLR AS WELL!I have the username “Wolfytoothy” with a pitbull with a bonnet and a hand covering its snout as my profile picture on tumblr, then I have “Wolfytoothy” with Montgomery Gator as my Profile pic for wattpad.Again I POST ON TUMBLR AS WELL
Love you bookies.
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It has been 5 hours since miles last seen you, you were supposed to go to the grocery store and come right back, so what was taking you so long? But little did he know, you were right around the corner. As soon as you entered the apartment you were met with your boyfriend looking pissed. “Where were you? '' he asked, crossing him arms.
You poked your head through the door and smiled nervously. “soo,I may or may not did something I wasn’t supposed to” you started as you came through the door with a box. The scowl that was etched on his face quickly disappeared as he rubbed his face. “What did-, what's in the box” he asked looking between you and the back.
The smile on your face didn’t disappear as you put the box . Miles jaw nearly dropped when he saw 4 kittens and 1 dog. “Yea so I may have adopted 4 cats and a dog” you said holding up one black cat and dog.
Miles wasn’t too sure how to start, or what to say. “Where-, how-.....why?” he asked.“A random creepy man was in an alleyway then he saw me and asked me if I wanted them and I said yes” you answered. “What did I tell you bout letting random people lower you into alleyways”,
“I mean he showed me the animals and I left, and I made sure I wasn’t followed back, so we were good” you argued, shrugging. The male rolled his eyes and stooped down to inspect the animals you brought home. Why is there a random dog?” miles asked as he picked up the puppy.
“The name said the mama dog gave birth to a litter but the other died and that one was left, then the cats came in play cuz the mom died and he just put them all together, but now the mama dog died sooo” you explained all in one breath.
“Good god ma, we can’t take care of 4 cats and 1 dog” Miles complained. “Yes we can”, “baby with what money”, “don’t play” you sassed. “Can we keep them” you asked.
Your boyfriend looked at you and at the animals. “Nah” you rolled your eyes and groaned. “of come on dem” you said in a baby voice holding up the puppy. Miles looked guilty for a few secs and gave in. “Fine, we can foster, them” miles said making clear. “what are you gonna them?”
“Oh my gosh I love this question so” you started as you held up a back Cat with very green eyes.
“We're gonna name this one plag, this one, cat noir, this one camembert, and this one cat nap, and the dog, dog day” you said. Miles looked at you then blinked. “...wait, run that by me again”, “plag, cat noir, camembert, cat nap, and the dog, dog day” you repeated. “...yea were not naming them that”,
“Oh come on there good named” you complained. “No,”
“how bout prowler?” You offered, making the joke. As in you call him kitty some tines, and it pisses him off.
“Not only no,but hell no”
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maria021015 · 24 days
Teen Wolf characters as dogs and why.
1. Stiles Stilinski - German Shepherd
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Stiles is for sure a German Shepherd for the following reasons;
- Police dogs
- Can be aggressive and hostile towards strangers
- Is hyper-vigilant
- Can be highly strung
- Has way too much energy for his own good
- Intelligent, Loyal, Protective, Stubborn, Curious, Brave
2. Scott McCall - Golden Retriever
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Scott is a Golden Retriever for the following reasons;
- Kind, Friendly, Reliable, Trustworthy, Playful, Devoted, and Patient
- Eager to Please
- Great with strangers/too trusting of strangers
- A gentle and loving nature
3. Lydia Martin - Pomeranian
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Lydia is a Pomeranian for the following reasons;
- Both bright, loyal, brave, curious, feisty, playful, and bold
- Can be attention-seeking
- Very extroverted and social
- Great hair
4. Allison Argent - Rhodesian Ridgeback
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Allison is a Rhodesian Ridgeback for the following reasons;
- Both energetic, playful, independent and loving
- Can be really aggressive and stubborn
- Dignified, Sensitive, Intelligent, Mischievous, Loyal, Strong Willed
- Natural watch dogs and family protectors
5. Isaac Lahey - Chihuahua
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- Can be skittish and lash out with violence
- Talks the talk but often can’t walk the walk (yappy)
- Alert, Courageous, Devoted,
- Strong attachment to owners (or alphas)
- Do better in calm environments
- Prone to nervousness and anxiety
6. Derek Hale - Pitbull
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Derek is a Pitbull for the following reasons;
- Has a bad reputation for being aggressive but this is due to bad stigma
- Stubborn, can be aggressive, athletic, loyal, courageous, strong-willed
- However they can be very affectionate and gentle
DISCLAIMER: Credit to the following user who has a similar post. I got a lot of these ideas from them, but wanted to contribute with my own perspective too.
BONUS - My oc Zaida Callis - Australian Shepherd/Boarder Collie
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- Intelligent, fast-learners, hard-working, loyal, affectionate, devoted, loves family life, protective,
- Can become destructive if bored and not provided the proper mental and physical stimulation
- Can be aggressive towards perceived threats
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Synopsis: While on his morning jog Konig finds a scared Pitbull, he spends the next few days feeding and attempting to win over his affections. What he didn't count on though was someone else trying to do the same thing.
Word count: 2,594
TW: depictions of anxiety, hints of dog abuse and dog fighting. love at first sight type beat cause Im a romantic. maybe ooc konig? hes soft and timid, disgustingly sweet and cliche
A/n:I believe König has freckles and I will be pushing this agenda. Also shout-out to @humanalien01 for helping me
When off duty Konig liked to start his day with a jog, he’d wake up before the sun rose and be back as the sun was just beginning its climb. He lived not far from a short nature trail, the perfect place for a morning jog. This morning started off as it normally did, wake up, get ready for the aforementioned jog and leave. But once he reached the end of the trail, a quaint little pier over a lake,  he realized something was different, usually he was alone as it was so early in the morning. He was quickly alerted to another presence, he observed his surroundings before he noticed a low growling. Turning towards the noise he noticed a pitbull cowering underneath one of the benches. Even though the dog was growling he could tell it was out of fear more than aggression, the ears flat to the dogs head, and tail tucked. Konig quickly understood why, the dog's face and body littered with scars, one of its undocked ears having a part missing. Ever the softy Konigs heartbroke, he loved animals even if they didn’t always like him. 
The dog, though not quite skin and bones was obviously underweight and probably hungry, slowly taking his hiking backpack that he always brought along with him that carried a packed full first aide kit and various other items he may need. He hoped he had something the dog could eat, he knew he had water that he could dump into the dog bowl someone had left here for owners who brought their dogs hiking with them. Though probably not the best for dogs Konig found some beef jerky he kept as a snack in the chance he was too hungry to wait till he was home again. Quickly pulling some out and breaking it into some smaller pieces than the long strips he was sure the dog would try to swallow in one bite. He leaned forward slowly before placing the pile of dehydrated beef closer to the dog yet far away enough to not risk causing the dog to feel the need to bite him in defense, he then grabbed the dog dish and poured the contents of the water bottle into it and pushed it forward before backing up and sitting on the opposite side and pretending to pay the dog no mind but keeping an eye on it in his peripherals. He waited a good twenty minutes before the dog cautiously crawled toward the pile of food and ate it, Konig was right, the dog -which he could now tell was a boy- was indeed hungry judging by the way he scarfed it down. He then moved to the water and drank half before going back to his spot underneath the bench and back to watching Konig with a weary eye. Konig waited for another fifteen minutes before he stood and left. He'd stop at a pet shop later and pick up some cans of wet food for the dog.
Konig awoke the next day and went through the motions of his usual routine, this time included an extra step though as he grabbed a can of wet food and put them in his backpack along with extra water bottles and a second dog bowl he’d picked up. He also grabbed a used plastic shopping bag he could put the garbage in once he left. Konig had made the decision last night that he'd at least make sure the dog was fed, it was up to him if he would trust Konig and if he’d let Konig help him and take him home. 
Once he reached the pier again he didn't spot the dog at first but he still filled up the bowl of water and opened the can of wet food and dumped it into the second bowel before placed it next to the water, and then reclaimed his spot on the opposite side once more and waited while watching the sunrise. Sometime later he heard a twig snap and his body went rigid slowly turning his head, he relaxed upon seeing the orange and white dog making its way towards the bowl of food. He watched the dog eat and lick the bowl clean before retreating to its spot under the bench and watching Konig once again. He waited a few more minutes before gathering the garbage and leaving.
This routine carried on for a few more days, the dog would come eat and then go back to laying under the bench opposite of Konig. Eventually though the dog grew braver and came and sniffed Konigs leg he had stretched out after eating and before going back to hide. Today was different though as when Konig arrived at the spot there was an old plastic tote laying on its side with a blanket inside and the dog curled up in it, he also noticed some left over dog kibble in the bowl. Someone else must run this trail and also took pity on the poor dog, ‘good’ he thought the dog deserved this and he hoped whoever it was would take good care of the pup if it chose them over Konig. A part of him hoped that wouldn't happen though as Konig was just starting to realize how lonely he was living alone. Shaking himself of those thoughts he emptied the can of wet food and topped off the water bow, before claiming his spot once more.
By the end of the week the dog had grown more comfortable with Konigs presence. Now coming and sniffing his hands, but not comfortable enough to let Konig pet him for more than a minute or two. Konig also took notice of the chew toys now in the dogs makeshift house, whoever else that had been coming had taking care of the dog when Konig couldn't, definitely loved the dog as well. 
During Konigs second week of coming, visiting and taking care of the dog, the dog brought up a ball to Konig before dropping it at his feet and laying down and nudging the ball with his nose in an obvious effort to entice Konig into playing with him. Ever the sucker for a pair of puppy dog eyes Konig couldn't help but to indulge the dog and tossed the ball a few feet away, not wanting to throw with his full force in fear of throwing it too far for the dog to find. This introduced a new part of Konigs routine, after the dog ate they'd play fetch until the dog decided he'd had enough or Konig had to begrudgingly leave, Konig always felt bad on those days wanting nothing more than to spend the day there. 
Another few days had passed and the dog was now licking Konigs hand and letting him pet and scratch behind his ears without problem. He’s even begun wagging his tail lightly upon seeing Konig, and it made a smile appear on Konigs face. Today was different though, for some reason Konig didn't get a great night's sleep and was not quite as energetic when playing with the dog. Something the dog absolutely picked up on, so instead of begging for his friend to continue to throw the ball he jumped up next to Konig and rested the top half of his body on Konigs lap and drifted off to sleep, Konig accidentally following soon after.
Konigs head snapped up as he awoke hearing somebody walking up the path to where he was. It was then he realized he'd fallen asleep, a quick glance at his watch showed it was almost noon. Konig wasn't the only one to notice the new person walking up, the dogs head lifted inquisitively before he jumped down and stood in front of Konig, in a defensive stance, hackles raised and growling.
“Are you okay Bear? You never growl at me any more.” Konig heard their voice before he saw them, the dog must have recognized the voice cause his defensive posture dropped and was replaced by a rapidly wagging tail. One of those tail wags that the entire body starts wiggling and he began doing what Konig could only describe as a happy dance, a grin on the dog's face and tongue hanging out the side of the dog's mouth. Konig couldn't help but feel a little jealous at the fact that the dog never got so excited to see him like the dog did with this new mystery person. It was then that Konig realized another person meant they would see him, and he wasn't prepared for that. As he was getting up the person appeared from behind the brush and Konig felt like his throat was closing from the anxiety coursing through his veins right now. The dog jumped in excitement at the new person wanting attention and head scratches. It wasn't till the dog ‘Bear’ as the new person named him got back down did they realize Konig was there. Konig braced himself for them to cower in ear just like the dog did when Konig first found him. But it never came, instead he was given a large smile, the kind where you eyes crinkle at the sides. 
“Oh, hello! You must be the other person taking care of Bear, I was wondering when we’d finally meet. I’m y/n” they stuck their hand out for Konig to shake. Konig understands now why Bear got so excited upon hearing them approach, they were beautiful and Konig could tell by their demeanor and the light in their eyes that they must be kind. Konig’s sure if he had a tail it would also be wagging upon receiving attention from them, he was sure his cheeks had a dusting of pink on them.
“Konig.” he replied softly before gently shaking their hand, it was so much smaller than his. Unbeknownst to Konig though they were also enamored by him, they thought he was extremely handsome, from the way his copper colored hair shined in the sunlight, so his cheeks dusted with freckles and a soft blush. Even though his large size and the few scars that littered his face made him look frightening his eyes told a different story, they were soft and a little, they weren't quite sure what the emotion was but maybe apprehension? He reminded them of how Bear was when they found him, fearful and so used to roughness but wanting nothing more than softness. They were sure he was the most attractive man they’d laid eyes on, it didn’t help they were a sucker for an accent.
“I hope it's okay that I named him Bear, I just thought he was so sweet and cuddling once he came around, just like a teddy bear.” they grinned up at Konig, and Konig swore their smile could light up a room. They bet down to pet Bear again and the dog did its best to get in their lap and licked them as much as they could. Eventually they gave up and sat down completely, criss-crossing their legs. “You weren't fearful of him?” Konig asked before sitting down near them, but not too close still fearful that he'd scare them. 
There was that bright, beaming smile was again, Konig was now convinced he could stare at that smile for hours. “I could tell he was just scared and hungry. I don't like judging a book by its cover, in my experience usually the scariest and most formidable looking people can be the sweetest, and only want someone to love give love too and be loved in return.” Konig wasn’t positive but he was pretty sure they weren't talking about the dog anymore and their words had a double meaning. He looked down as a blush formed on his cheeks, he heard them giggle, it was like music to his ears. 
“Were you also hoping to take him home?” Konigs head snapped up at that, he wasn’t quite sure what to say, should he say no and just let them take the dog and never see him again, or should he be honest and risk upsetting them. He decided honesty would be the best course of action. 
“I was originally but I travel for my work often, sometimes for long periods. Maybe it would be better if he went with you." He really didn't want to say goodbye to the sweet little guy but he knew leaving it for sometimes months at a time wasn't good. He could hire someone to come and take care of Bear or board him in one of those kennels, but if Bear had the chance to go live with someone who was more of a constant. Konig would feel awful, Bear was such a sweet dog he deserved the best. “Military?” Konig tilted his head in confusion before they spoke again, sensing his confusion “Your dog tags” they spoke pointing to wear the two pieces of metal hung around his neck, Konig didn't even realize they were visible, he nodded his head affirming their suspicion. 
“Well what if we like, co-parent? You take Bear when you're on leave, and when you have to go I could take care of him?” it was their turn to be bashful now, a light blush coating their cheeks this time. They phrased their solution in a way that it would just be where they could both take care of Bear, which it was but they also just wanted an excuse to see Konig again. “I think I like that idea” y/n let out a breath they didn't know they were holding and grinned at the man across from them, excited at the prospect of not only getting to continue to see Bear, and now getting to see Konig as well.
“That’s wonderful!” they couldn't help the excitement bubbling out and Konig thought it was the cutest thing he'd ever seen. He was in the same boat as them though, not only getting to continue to see and take care of Bear, but now also getting to spend time with Y/N as well. They both stood up, Konig once again towering over them. “Oh, here's my phone, that way you can save your number in there and then when you’re about to leave I can come get Bear” Konig took their phone and doing as they asked. “I also have a collar and leash if you’d like it, i kept it in my bag for when Bear decided it was time to go live in a house” they'd taken one of their backpack straps off before moving it so they could get into it and begun searching through it trying to find the collar and leash.
It was then while neither of the two humans noticed that bear got up and walked behind Y/N, before bumping them with his butt so they fell into Konigs chest. Konig was quick to wrap his arms around her so she did not fall, y/n grasping at his shirt before steadying themselves and looking up at Konig. He was even more beautiful from this angle, the sun shining behind him making him look almost godly. Konig was in the same boat, the sun shining in their eyes making them sparkle, they looked ethereal.
“Konig?” he hummed in response, “kiss me? Please?” Konig didn't waste another second before cupping their face and pressing his lips to theirs. Bear yawned behind the pair as he laid down, his work here was done.
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