• They’re all dating.
• Rachel is the most affectionate, and Calypso really likes forehead kisses. Annabeth isn’t really, but she does like cuddling during movies.
• They live near the beach and go there often — Rachel paints while dancing, Annabeth sketches and builds sandcastles, and Calypso collects seashells and observes.
• Calypso and Annabeth braid each other’s hair.
• Annabeth can’t cook, so she just buys them birthday cakes and asks Rachel and/or Calypso to decorate it.
• Calypso and Rachel make their own jewellery
• Rachel is asexual
• Calypso always buys them sweets/chocolate when they’re upset or on their period.
• Calypso’s really into natural remedies (from her time on the island) and makes them for period cramps
• Annabeth repeatedly gets annoyed at Calypso’s dried herbs in the kitchen, but eventually she likes it and even adds mistletoe so she has an excuse to kiss her while she’s cooking.
• Rachel and Annabeth write fun stories together all the time
• Rachel reads them out very loudly and makes everyone enact them
• They all have commitment rings in their own styles
• Rachel and Annabeth practice fighting on the beach while Calypso watches, cheering them both on. Rachel always ends up giggling on the sand - she can’t fight her seriously - much to Annabeth’s dismay.
• Annabeth always splashes the girls with saltwater and chases them into the water
• When not painting on the beach, Rachel will try her best to save all the little creatures during low-tide.
• Annabeth hugs Rachel after scary Oracle visions and whispers, “It’s okay, I’m here,” over and over again.
• Calypso usually joins in, often making herbal teas to calm her
• They always invite everyone over for the holidays because they know that Annabeth struggles with her family and loneliness.
• Only Annabeth formally works, though Rachel often gets wealth through her oracle status. Calypso doesn’t, though she occasionally sells her homemade products.
• They go travelling as often as they can. Annabeth plans the schedule, which is very packed due to them all wanting to see different things. Annabeth visits museums, libraries, and architectural sites while Rachel spends her time in art galleries. Calypso, on the other hand, is happy to go anywhere natural.
• Calypso and Annabeth discuss history so so much
• During pride festivals, Rachel celebrates extremely loudly and goes all-out. Calypso is much quieter about it, but she loves joining in on the floats or merchandise booths. Annabeth doesn’t dress up, but she does carry lgbtq+ messages on signs and scream at anyone who insults them.
• Rachel and Calypso are obsessed with Christmas. They’re the only reason the other decorates the house and tree, and it is very colourful. Rachel makes them all pumpkin spice lattes (which are her favourite) once they’ve finished. Calypso always adds candy canes to it — she says she loves warm and minty combos.
• They’re all very into activism. Annabeth advocates for everything she can, but especially feminism and BLM. Rachel does this too. Calypso hates loud noises but attends these peaceful protests, especially when they don’t have music. In particular, though, she is an environmentalist and volunteers for several endangered animal organisations.
• Calypso is claustrophobic, so Rachel holds her hand whenever they have to be in a small space. Annabeth built their home and bedrooms so they were spacious enough for her.
• Calypso gives them small gifts frequently.
• They all wanted their own cat, so they all got one; Annabeth has a black tabby, Rachel a small calico, and Calypso a grey and white stray she found on a farm.
• Rachel and Calypso often have date nights where they pick strawberries from their nearby farm, paint them, make dessert together, and then cuddle under the stars.
• Annabeth prefers to go out to dinner, have a romantic walk, and then watch scary movies. Rachel and Calypso tend to laugh at the people’s stupidity but Piper gets scared quite easily.
• Rachel dyes shirts for them, and Annabeth flaunts them at work.
• Calypso shops at the farmer’s markets but also grows her own fruits, vegetables, herbs, and flowers.
• They all watch the sunset together every night (well, most nights — sometimes Annabeth is busy at work, and Rachel is off doing oracle things). It’s one of their favourite pastimes.
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tqsg · 10 months
rachelypso ❣️💌💌♥️🫶🎨🎨💞🥀🍓🍓🙏🫶🫶
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shippy-pjo-shipper · 2 months
Hi! Popping in to put the Percy/Leo/Rachel/Calypso ship (peracheleolypso) in the front of your mind, where it deserves to be. Have a nice day!
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thesun-isa-dick · 3 years
so piper, calypso, and rachel, right? what if they went on a road trip to ignore their boy troubles and realize 'oh wait what if i'm gay actually-'
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so,, roadtrip 😌
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demidorks · 6 years
Reyna: I don't wanna talk to her until I know for sure that she's gay
Rachel: Mmm [starts walking over to Calypso]
Reyna: Wait what are you doing?
Rachel: [Waves her off]
Rachel: Excuse me, Calypso. What colour lipstick are you wearing?
Calypso: Oh I don't wear lipstick, just chapstick
Rachel: Oh nice [walks back over to Reyna]
Rachel: [Whispers] Gay
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percabeth4life · 3 years
I think I’m ace so I didn’t know about the connotations, I’m quite innocent. I love your blog, and thanks for the crit, I do need it! And for the ship asks: Rachazel or Rachelypso? I don’t particularly ship them I’m just kinda curious.
I am also ace, just have learned over the years what different phrasing can imply. I’m glad you like my blog :)
I’m gonna do Rachazel for the ship.If you want Rachelypso feel free to send another ask. This shall be as of SoN
Physical Age
Rachel is 16 (possibly 17 at this point)
Hazel is 14
Mild imbalance in Rachel’s favor
Mental Maturity
Rachel is very mature though still petty and passive aggressive. She knows the world very well and has seen a lot of judgement for what was likely misdiagnosed mental illness when she was having her oracle visions. She’s quiet but loud, intense and able to read the room but also willing to poke at people. She’s found a place where she’s not a freak and she made sacrifices to make sure that they survived. She’s a good friend and not afraid to act whenever she sees the need.
Hazel is very grown up for her age and that’s due to trauma, a lot of it. She died, she’s a black girl grew up in the 1930′s, she knows exactly how bad things can be for people. She’s very mature due to her circumstances and I find that very sad but it’s how it was made. For all her kindness she is fierce and more than able to make the hard decisions, which we see first hand.
Slight imbalance in Rachel’s favor due to her having time to settle and Hazel not having that time
Emotional Maturity
Rachel has dealt with a lot of emotions in the last bit because of all the new things happening around her. She helped in vital times and became an important piece in the war to give Percy information that helped win the war. She’s finally also got a place to belong and that’s really helped her settle emotionally. She’s got a lot of feelings but tends to project a casual appearance that makes it hard to notice her struggles. She’s got a lot going on but overall she’s reached a point of stability even if the new war is upending that.
Hazel is kind and gentle and soft but also is able to challenge Primordials and through her pain make decisions for what she knows is right. She knows how to control her emotions, if only because of her curse and trauma, and knows how to help others with theirs. She’s still unsure due to lack of experience, but once she figures things out she’s able to handle things very well. Her experience in life, and death, has led to her getting a strong handle on her emotions for the most part with normal slips expected of any person. 
No imbalance
Power imbalance
Rachel is the Oracle of Delphi thus all first loyalty must go to Apollo and any other relationship comes second. 
No imbalance but interference
Due to Rachel being the Oracle of Delphi there’s a problem because she cannot devote herself to a relationship. While relationships are not actually forbidden (tho in canon they are) loyalty is to Apollo first and foremost. Otherwise there is a bit of imbalance in her favor due to age and mental maturity. They may work out if they waited and took the time to know each other over the years, plus healed from their respective struggles (especially Hazel as she’s not had much of a chance to).
Send me an ask about a relationship
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housemartius · 3 years
ur thoughts on these super random wlw ships? drachel, dracheyna, racheyna, rachelypso, drewlypso, dreynabeth, pipachel, pipachelypso, racheynabeth, clarachel, thalachel, thalypso, theyna, clarilena, and zartemis. now these r some I dislike which I think I wanna know ur opinions on; thaliabeth.
love: thalia/reyna, clarisse/silena, drew/calypso, thalia/calypso
like/can see the potential: piper/rachel, reyna/rachel, drew/rachel
neutral: drew/rachel/reyna, rachel/calypso, drew/reyna/annabeth, piper/rachel/calypso, rachel/annabeth/reyna, clarisse/rachel, thalia/rachel, zoe/artemis
and as far as thalia/annabeth goes, it's kinda icky for me bc technically they met when annabeth was 7 and thalia was 12 so the foundation of their relationship is thalia as an elderly sister figure to annabeth...
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OT4 idea: Reyna x Rachel x Annabeth x Calypso.
I love them so much. For a ship name, I’m thinking Reychelypsobeth.
What do y’all think?
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shippy-pjo-shipper · 3 years
PJOrarepairs2020 my Masterlist
So here are all my works posted during the pjorarepairs2020 week! I really wanted to do a masterlist of my own but if you want more go check out @them-awesome-rarepairs' blog where he made the masterlist of the whole event ^^
Repeating Mythology :
Rachabeth : Pygmalion and Galatea (Moodboard/Fanfiction)
Jeyniper : Arthurian Legend (Arthur/Guenievre/Lancelot) (Moodboard)
Kinzylla : Orpheus and Eurydice (Moodboard/Fanfiction)
Role Reversal :
Percalypso (Moodboard)
Rachico (Moodboard)
Octeyna (Moodboard)
Fake Dating :
Pipachel (Moodboard)
Hurt/Comfort :
Perzoe (Edit)
Roadtrip/Hich Hiker :
Rachelypso (Moodboard)
Sadieo (Moodboard)
First Kiss :
Lecho (Moodboard/Fanfiction)
Holidays :
Lercy : Summer Vacation (Moodboard)
Racheleo : Halloween (Moodboard)
Hazelypso : Christmas (Moodboard)
High School :
Clarypso : Jock/Nerd (Moodboard)
Willachico : Band (Moodboard)
Fluff :
Leabeth (Moodboard)
Soulmate :
Perachel : The world in black and white (Moodboard)
Zoeyna : Bounded Feelings (Fanfiction)
Lukalypso : Bounded Feelings (Moodboard)
Litpollo : Red String (Moodboard)
Theme Song :
Drewtavian : Make Me Happy (Moodboard)
Free :
Jercico : Royalty!AU (Moodboard)
Ethadieo : Star Wars!AU (Moodboard)
Perachel : Marvel!AU (Thorkyrie) (Moodboard)
Pipabeth : Marvel!AU (Carolmaria) (Moodboard)
Leyna : Marvel!AU (Starmora) (Moodboard)
Percethan : Marvel!AU (Clintasha) (Moodboard)
Preyna : Marvel!AU (Peggysous) (Moodboard)
Ethalypso : Marvel!AU (Buckynat) (Moodboard)
Perachel : Marvel!AU (Spideychelle) (Moodboard)
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shippy-pjo-shipper · 3 years
🌍Rachelypso🌏 Roadtrip
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Rachel : Come with me.
Calypso : What ?
Rachel : You say you want to see the world ? Then, let's go. Pack your bags we're leaving tomorrow!
Since she was allowed to leave her island, Calypso only dreamt of one thing : travel the world. What a perfect opportunity for Rachel to declare her flame to the young Titan girl while she helps her fulfill her dream.
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shippy-pjo-shipper · 5 years
I just thought of a perfect ship, Percy, Rachel, Reyna, and Calypso. We'll call it Preychelypso.
I love this poly ship ! (add Zoe to it and that will be my OTPs crossover ^^)
Percy and Reyna would be the praetor of the New Rome and I perfectly see Calypso and Rachel spend their time with them at work.
Rachel would constantly draw them working, Calypso would help Percy with the roman's laws and bring them food (cause Reyna always forget to eat in the morning).
And think about the fact that Reyna and Percy are not speech leader, Rachel has proven that she is really great with words so she could help them about that.
Percy would be the most supportive, protector and proud boyfriend, but with the girls he would always be the "weaker" one : he would always do everything they want just in order to make them happy (travels, day walking in new Rome, art and gardening lessons...)
And just : the artist, the fighter, the sorceress and the funny brave one : this poly relationship would be so badass and adorable at the same time. I love it.
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demidorks · 6 years
Rachel: How do you feel about art?
Calypso: I think you're very pretty
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shippy-pjo-shipper · 5 years
Here's a cool ship, Pipercaheleo. Piper, Percy, Rachel, and Leo. Thoughts?
Wow wow wow. How dare you ? Who gave you the permission to come in my ask box and humiliate me by giving me the idea of a truly wonderful OT+ that I never thought about, without warning ?
Seriously anon I love this ship ! Liper, Racheleo, Pipachel, Percalypso, Lercy, Caleo, Perachel, Pipercy, Pipalypso and Rachelypso all combine ?! It's a yes, a thousand time yes !
I love everything about this idea : Leo and Percy are the most chilling, adorable and goofy boyfriends ever, while Piper and Calypso and Rachel are, even if crazy and funny whenever they want, wiser and calmer.
A mechano, an artist, a gardener sorceress, an athlete and a fighter enchantress ? A weird combination but that I can so easily picture as solid and lovely.
You know as well as me that this guys would be one of the best friends group ever so in a love relationship ? Just per-fect.
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demidorks · 5 years
uhh sorry i’m out of drachmas but can you please name all your ships in pjo//hoo
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