lapazdelmar · 18 days
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Hay una habitación semi a oscuras donde se hacen y deshacen los tiempos
Hay una habitación con rastros de soles, de vientos, de mares, donde los paisajes se deconstruyen en recordadas ausencias
Hay una habitación con paredes desperfectas donde lo caduco cobra arquitectura
Pero existen cuartos en penumbra, testigos sordos de palabras mudas convertidas en poesía, esos versos tuyos con los que me adormilo… pensándote.
Un beso infinito
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callmeanxietygirl · 23 days
Lugares que perduran de la Gran México Tenochtitlan en CDMX y que te urge conocer. 👉🏼
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poetadareia · 2 months
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xavozo · 2 years
Eu estava preso nessa caixa, nessa gaiola de sombras e pensamentos
De ideias e desejos e conceitos que não eram meus.
Eu usava uma máscara, uma pele, um rosto contido e domesticado que me ensinaram
Falava com uma voz e de um jeito e com palavras que não eram minhas.
Eu estava preso em uma caixa, em uma gaiola de sombras e pensamentos.
Esquecido, eu me perdi. O caminho de quem eu era e do que podia ser.
E agora, o que sou eu? Se não rastros de um eco das vozes e pensamentos.
Eu estava preso em uma caixa. Uma gaiola de sombras e pensamentos.
Quem sou eu? Um eco que explodiu e sumiu. Um rastro que se apagou e desapareceu.
Sou apenas casca sem sentido, sou silêncio e amargura e nada além do que podia muito bem ser.
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gothmusiclatinamerica · 10 months
"Rastros," a 2023 single by San Juan, Puerto Rico-based deathrock and post-punk act Desahuciados
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ochoislas · 2 years
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Vi rastros menudos en la nieve. Mirándolos capté por vez primera el mundo que rigen los animales pequeños, pájaros y bestezuelas del bosque.
Una ardilla, por ejemplo: sus huellas bajan de un viejo olmo, cruzan la senda y se pierden en el bosque de abetos. No hay titubeos, zozobra ni interrogación resabida.
O un zorro, por ejemplo. Sus huellas trazan sin fin una línea recta por la pista valle abajo, al norte de la aldea.
El hambre que siento nunca trazó una recta tal. Mi espíritu nunca poseyó el ritmo positivo, ciego y versátil de esas huellas.
O un pájaro también… sus huellas son más claras que su voz, la marca de sus garras más aguda que su ser. Sus alas están impresas en la nieve del repecho.
Mis temores nunca han trazado un diseño tan escueto. Mi corazón nunca poseyó el ritmo positivo, heterodoxo, sensual de esos aletazos.
De repente el enorme sol poniente pende sobre la cima del monte Asama. Algo hace bosques, abre la boca de la vaguada, saja el aire frío.
Vuelvo a la choza, enciendo el hornillo.
Soy un árbol invisible. un pájaro invisible, una bestezuela invisible. Solamente pienso en las pautas invisibles.
Tamura Ryūichi
雪のうえに足跡があった 足跡を見て はじめてぼくは 小動物の 小鳥の 森のけものたちの 支配する世界を見た たとえば一匹のりすである その足跡は老いたにれの木からおりて 小径を横断し もみの林のなかに消えている 瞬時のためらいも 不安も 気のきいた疑問符も そこにはなかった また 一匹の狐である 彼の足跡は村の北側の谷づたいの道を 直線上にどこまでもつづいている ぼくの知っている飢餓は このような直線を描くことはけっしてなかった この足跡のような弾力的な 盲目的な 肯定的なリズムは ぼくの心にはなかった たとえば一羽の小鳥である その声よりも透明な足跡 その生よりもするどい爪の跡 雪の斜面にきざまれた彼女の羽 ぼくの知っている恐怖は このような単一な模様を描くことはけっしてなかった この羽跡のような 肉感的な 異端的な 肯定的なリズムは ぼくの心にはなかったものだ
突然 浅間山の頂点に大きな日没がくる なにものかが森をつくり 谷の口をおしひろげ 寒冷な空気をひき裂く ぼくは小屋にかえる ぼくはストーブをたく ぼくは 見えない木 見えない鳥 見えない小動物 ぼくは 見えないリズムのことばかり考える
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mensagemcompoesia · 4 months
Impossível é conter a vida
Impossível é conter a vida Rua de sangue Impura sensação Flerte com a solidão Corremos risco de vida. Medo, de algum dia, sentir medo Medo de ver sangue pelas ruas Sangue do medo Sangue da vida escorrendo. Os dentes rangendo Caminhando nas ruas de sangue Deixam rastros Rastros de puro sangue. Mar de lágrimas Lágrimas da rua de sangue Onde o ódio é normalizado No mar da violência. Inclinado a…
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Depende quién la cague conmigo o con quien la cague yo, tengo dos tipos de duelo (por ahora): Uno es cuando borro y/o se borra la otra persona de mi vida, pero queda su rastro en todas partes. Debajo de cada piedra acecha un recuerdo filoso, una memoria venenosa, una serpiente nostálgica que morderá de inmediato si siente la amenaza del olvido. Esa otra persona está muerta para mí, así que intento seguir con mi vida como puedo mientras me acomodo a la nueva anormalidad. El otro duelo es cuando la otra persona me borra a mí, sin viceversa. No deja rastro, ni momentos cortantes, ni pasado envenenado, ni amenaza alguna debajo de nada. Esa es la palabra: nada. No queda nada. No está. Me veo flotando en la nada. Porque quien murió fui yo.
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“La sombra de los árboles caía densa sobre el agua y parecía sepultarse en ella, impregnando de oscuridad las profundidades del elemento. Imaginé que cada sombra, a medida que el sol descendía, se separaba tristemente del tronco donde había nacido y era absorbida  por la corriente, mientras otras sombras brotaban por momentos de los árboles ocupando el lugar de sus predecesoras sepultas.” (Edgar Allan Poe; La Isla de Hada, 1841, traducción de Julio Cortázar)
Acostumbradoalfindelmundolandia: linktr.ee/acostumbradoalfindelmundo
(basado en deshechos reales)
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regesbr · 2 years
As Pericias Forenses Computacionais
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londonsweethome · 2 years
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aurascoral · 6 months
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Very deep 水中で ⬤̵ᰯ̵̵ུ 💼
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You can open your eyes 今 𝆹 ᠂ 𖠣
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davesloveberryi · 1 day
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sol941sblog · 21 days
Não são as nossas ideias que nos fazem otimistas ou pessimistas, mas o otimismo e o pessimismo de origem fisiológica que fazem as nossas ideias.
Miguel Unamuno
It is not ideas that make us optimistic or pessimistic, but optimism and pessimism of physiological origin that make our ideas.
ليست أفكارنا هي التي تجعلنا متفائلين أو متشائمين، بل التفاؤل والتشاؤم الفسيولوجي هو الذي يجعل أفكارنا
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majorproblems77 · 24 days
For your consideration;
Sky is only sleepy, because he loves cuddles.
And he always had a cuddle buddy to sleep with.
So he goes to bed early and sleep in late.
I am considering...
And I love it
In fact....
I slipped... Whoops
"Is he sleeping again?" Warriors asked as he sat beside Time, fire crackling beside them. Night had fallen and the camp had long since quietened down as the group were preparing to rest for the night.
"I think so." The old man smiled as he remained as still as possible. The skyloftian had settled on his shoulder and was soundly sleeping.. The small wood carving in his hand limply hanging from his hand.
Warriors smiled gently while shaking his head. As he reached over to take the carving and the small carving knife from the Skyloftian's hands.
"You know. This is probably the latest I've seen him here. He's normally gone to bed by now."
"Well. He's been asleep on my shoulder for..." Time paused looking up at the Sky. "Two hours and twenty-seven minutes."
"Considering you're still in plate armour, thats pretty impressive. Let me get him off you and into his bedroll so you can get some rest."
"No.... No... Don... go..." Sky's voice sounded sleepy in protest. as his hands attempted to grab at Time. Finding The captain's scarf instead. "Dont... leave me." The man in question looked down at the man in his arms eyebrows raised and worry stitched into his forehead.
Time let out a groan as he stood tall. stretching his legs. Looking towards the skyloftian as he swung his arm around. Trying to regain feeling. "That. Sounds like a dream."
"It does." The captain paused. Looking down as the Skyloftian shifted below him. Sky wrapped his arms around the Captain's neck. As he nuzzled his head into the Scarf. "uhh... this is new?"
"Not new." A new voice as the Two men turned around. A flash of blue and black as Wild approached them. "Sky's a hugger." The champion smiled as he approached from the woods. The champion looked at Warriors. Then down to the side. "Let's just say that I'll take your watch tonight Captain." He looked back at the two men. "Sky won't let you go. So you might as well rest while he's giving you the opportunity."
"Nope." The champion pointed to the Skyloftian's bedroll. "You go there. If you try to leave him down now He'll wake up and won't sleep for the rest of the night."
"How do you know?"
"Experience. And its too far to ordonan from here to make it in a day if we leave at our normal time."
"Wild It's my watch I really should..."
"You can take partial watch from besides him, but he need's someone close by." Wild smiled, "And anyway, I'd hate to have to set the sailor on you for upsetting him. Or Twilight for making us late to his home which I might add he's been waiting to get to for weeks now."
The captain looked down at the skyloftian, and sighed. Walking over to the skyloftians Bedroll and placing him down on it, being mindful to not jostle him too much.
Time chuckled. As he also went over. Helping the captain settle the Skyloftian down. "I can stay with him if it makes you uncomfortable. I know you dont like being... Confined."
"If I can do it in the war, I can do it with Sky now." The captain leant his arm down, allowing the Skyloftian to curl around it.
Time chuckled again. "Alright. But let me know." The older man patted his shoulder and stood up. Walking away.
Warriors ended up remaining by Sky's side all night. Sleeping sat upright his arm grabbed by the younger man.
When the sun filtered through the trees the following morning. The captain awoke with a groan as he rolled his neck. He sat up and after hearing the rustling of fabric saw a blanket had been placed over him.
"Hey captain..." A soft voice from behind him made him turn around. The Skyloftian stood a few feet away from him. A mug in his hands.
Sky was fully dressed, he looked like He'd been up for a while. The sailcloth draped over his shoulders. finished his approach to the captain and handed him the mug.
Sky knew he drank coffee?
Silence fell between the pair as The captain took a few cautious sips. It was perfect.
"Thank you for last night... You didn't have to do that."
"It's no bother." The captain said gently as he stood. Rolling his shoulders and stretching his arms one at a time. So he could keep a hand on the mug.
"No really. I know you dont like being forced to remain still. You didn't have to do that." The skyloftian shifted nervously as he looked down.
"It's alright."
"It's just I've always got Mia or Zelda at home I'm never alone and since We've been on this quest it takes me so long to get to sleep when I'm alone cause it reminds me of my journey and how it...." Sky began to move his hands rapidly as he spoke rapidly.
"...reminds me of how I lost my best friend saving another i didn't feel alone cause Fi was always by my side and it made me feel safe and I do feel safe around you guys and all but I just..."
"Sky." He tried again.
Sky continued to ramble. His hands twitched nervously as he bunched the sailcloth between his fingers.
The skyloftian stopped, freezing in place.
"It's alright. We are brothers. You need to just ask."
"If you say you're sorry, I'll set Wind on you."
"I'm sorry..." Sky spoke so softly as he ripped his hands together. Thinking the Captain hadn't heard him.
The captain raised his eyebrows before raising a hand to his mouth. Sky's eyes widened as he shook his head. and waved his hands in front of him frantically. "You dont need to do that."
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Passing moment
Madrid, Spain -- 3/4/12
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mensagemcompoesia · 9 months
Poder corrompido
Poder corrompido Roubaram e não puderam levar Não foram capazes de assimilar toda essa ganância Como escrotos que são, deixaram rastros por todos os lados. Pouco importa ! Quando são os peixes grandes os que roubam A lei, para eles, é como um delicioso queijo suíço. Pouco importa ! Quando são os pobres os únicos prejudicados Os ricos nem sabe que existimos. Um dia, os que agora corrompem,…
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