#ravenpuff answers
raeofgayshine · 1 year
tell me about blaine fam <3
*holds up Blaine* He’s my baby boy.
His full name is Blaine Sebastian Garcia, and he’s the main character my first book in the Beauty and the Mermaid series (He’s the Mermaid), tentatively called Crescendo. Because well, he is a music kid, but the real idea behind the name is that the story is about Blaine finding his voice and confidence again. That’s the crescendo of the story. His healing.
But! I’m getting ahead of myself, so let’s go back to the beginning.
Blaine’s parents actually divorced before he was ever born. His father, an absolute dick by the way, didn’t want a second child. He didn’t even really want the first one, B’s older brother Roman, who was born when his mom was still college which led her to dropping out to raise him. (Their dad says that Roman was born to trap him in a marriage. Their mom, obviously, does not agree with this story). Needless to say, Daddy Garcia was never particularly fond of Roman, he hardly paid him any attention (and what attention he did give was largely negative), and when he found out there was going to be a second kid, he split. No goodbyes, just left for work one day and didn’t come back. Weeks later, divorce papers arrived in the mail. (Roman never forgives his father for how he left, or how he treated him, which leads to a lot of fighting between the two later down the line.)
So Blaine was raised by a single mother, but really if you ask B he would say he was raised mostly by Roman. Because like, physically there mom was always around and she did take care of them in the sense of she kept a roof over there head and gave them food, but for the first 5 years of Blaine’s life, she was extremely emotionally distant. And with everything going on, she was just so exhausted and completely depleted and,,, you know she was depressed and it was all she could do to get up and go to work so they didn’t lose the house. She did her best, but as the years went on it was getting harder and harder for her.
For a short time, when Blaine was 5 and Roman is 9 I believe (the ages still confuse me, I’m so bad with time math), the pair wind up in foster care after a teacher becomes concerned about their home life (which Roman had been trying to hide for a long time because he still loved his mom, he knew she was trying her best and didn’t want her to get into trouble), while their mother gets some help getting back on her feet and back to feeling a lot more like herself.
And once she is in a place to care for her kids again, they go home. The next few years are when she teaches Blaine to play piano (something that becomes his favorite escape as he grows up), she teaches both of her boys how to speak Tagalog (Her first language), as well as does her best to teach them about Philippine culture.
Blaine still always goes to Roman first for comfort, for advice. He loves his brother so much, and believes there’s no person better in the world then his kuya (older brother).
And maybe it’s better that way, because when Blaine is 10 their mom is diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She only lives another 6 months after the diagnosis, and when she dies Blaine and Roman after left with no choice but to be shipped off to the father.
And that’s not a fun few years for either of them, Blaine does his best to stay out of sight out of mind. Meanwhile Roman is enrolled by his father at a boarding school, Ravenwood, that’s a couple hours away from the city they now live in. Mostly because their dad didn’t want to live with an angry Roman who would now fight back every time he said something rude or negative. (Roman is so angry about this decision because he just wants to be there for Blaine, he starts so many fights trying to get kicked out until finally his soon to be best friend Evan helps him realize that the best way to help Blaine in this situation was to create a space at Ravenwood waiting for him to arrive).
Blaine has a tough few years in middle school. Especially when people start spreading rumors about him being gay, he gets bullied a bit but he has his music to escape to and he knows, knows that Roman will always love and support him no matter what.
And in 8th grade, Blaine falls in love the first time. Turns out he’s not the only queer kid, and though they keep their relationship very private (they don’t even hang out as friends in school), it’s actually a semi-decent relationship as far as middle school goes. They get close enough that Blaine feels comfortable telling him the one thing only Roman knew at this point. That he was trans.
(Blaine realized he was trans when he was about 5. It didn’t click all at once, but you know he could tell something was wrong about being called a girl and it progressed from there. He eventually chose his new name with the help of Roman (and his favorite movie for a middle name), and their mom went through the process of getting it legally changed and so that was just that. Their dad didn’t even know because he left before Blaine was born.)
At first, his boyfriend reacts quite shocked and angry, hangs up the phone and doesn’t respond to Blaine for days. But B thinks he just needs time to process and he’ll come around, and he seems to because he eventually brings Blaine flowers and asks him to the end of year dance.
And this, this is where things really go wrong for Blaine. He doesn’t remember the details of what happened for months, all he knows is one minute he was stepping out for some air with his date, and the next he was waking up days later in the hospital after being gay bashed on the football field and nearly dying.
Which, as you would expect, leaves a lot of scars on Blaine. The head trauma he received obviously caused him a bit of amnesia, it also caused him so trouble with focusing and stringing together words, though that heals over time but it’s an issue for the first few months. The damage also left Blaine far sighted and in need of glasses (which he absolutely hates wearing because for Blaine they are a sign of the trauma he’s been though and the fact he will never be who he was before this. He will take a headache or blurry vision over wearing them by choice, especially outside of his house/dorm room.) The entire attack also left Blaine with ptsd, a massive spike in his anxiety, and struggling with selective mutism (which he comes to despise the quickest because he just wants his voice back!! But this is part of how he earns his mermaid nickname, because like Ariel he has lost his voice and it can only be regained by destroying the sea witch).
Because of the attack, and because it’s now come out that Blaine is both trans and gay, their dad kicks him out of the house. And of course Roman is going to follow, so with the help of Evan (mentioned above, Ro’s best friend), he collects their things and moves into an apartment in a small town less then 30 minutes from Ravenwood.
And that, that’s kind of Blaine’s story. Because of the fact he finds himself struggling to create words in the wake of the attack, Blaine uses a lot of sign language to communicate (Him and Roman learned it together when they moved in with their dad, so that they could talk without fear of him snooping or getting angry). He supplements this also with a lot of gestures and facial expressions, as well as some texting/writing (which makes him such a fun character to write because I have to communicate so much with body language). Blaine also uses music to communicate, sometimes he will just play a lyric to stand in for a sentence, or he’ll present an entire song as how he’s feeling and it’s up to whoever he’s talking to to put together the pieces (He uses a lot of music in therapy, especially when he’s trying to piece back together his memories. He gets feelings first and those feelings are tied to songs).
Blaine winds up singing for most of his friends before he is ever able to speak because music is just easier for him. And it makes sense when you see him on stage, deep in the performance of a song like it’s the one place he belongs.
What else is there to say about my boy?
Oh, my favorite fun fact about Blaine is that he knows a handful of languages enough to be fluent in them (he likes to learn languages for fun, and he’s really good at it. Something in his brain just clicks with languages). But! He knows how to cuss in an even larger number of languages. Blaine refuses to curse in English, but if he ever says anything to you in another language the chances are high it’s something that should not be repeated.
Besides piano, Blaine can also play guitar. Roman taught him, starting right around the time their mom got cancer. He doesn’t love it as much as piano, but he is really good at it.
Blaine’s favorite movie is the Little Mermaid. This is both why is middle name is Sebastian (It couldn’t be Eric because “It would be weird if I had the same name as my husband, Roman.”), and the second reason he is the Mermaid. (The third being that the twins, two of his closest friends, call him Ariel). Also he has a stuffed dog named Eric who is his favorite comfort item.
Blaine has bad night terrors. Bad like he can be a danger to himself and sometimes other people, and you can’t wake him up but there are ways to help calm him down and get him back to sleep. Blaine never remember these though, and he only knows they happen because he gets told. The night terrors are the reason his friend group implements Blaine Duty, where they take turns sleeping in Blaine’s room with him so someone will be right there if he needs it (Blaine has a room to himself thanks to Roman pulling some strings, and because of the night terrors, so his friends keep him company). The night terrors become less frequent as time passes, but Blaine Duty never stops.
Blaine has a pair of heelys. Gifted to him by his best friend Connor, B wears them all of the time and you will see him heelying most places. (There was once an attempt to attach rockets to them that failed, however he did get rockets attached to a pair of skates instead. It is a wonder he’s still alive.)
Speaking of Connor, Blaine’s relationship with him can only be described as ambiguously queer. They flirt a lot, call each Babe and Love, Blaine definitely thinks Connor is a pretty boy and wants to kiss him, but they are not dating. At all. Blaine gets a boyfriend book 2 and things get more gay because Connor flirts with both of them now and honestly I don’t even know what’s going on there, but I love it so much. Like, they are that one post about how you should be a little in love with your friends.
One of my favorite running jokes in the series that revolves around Blaine is that he frequently says “I’m kissable” or something of the same vibe. This boy just likes to kiss people. Not even romantically/sexually, he just thinks it’s fun. He has kissed most of his friends, but routinely refuses to kiss Connor (because he finds it funny and also again, there’s something gay between them and Connor is “so pretty” according to B).
There’s a group chat called “Blaine’s Music Therapy”, where Blaine shares songs he believes matches the vibes of his friends, or just reminds him of them. Sometimes he’s very sweet in doing this, and sometimes he is a menace and uses his music powers for evil. He will read your every flaw in song if you give him the chance (affectionately, he never shares songs out of malice, he’s too nice for that. But he will call you out about self sabotaging).
Oh! One of my other favorite Blaine fun facts is that he always has perfect eyeliner. It doesn’t matter what he is doing, like he could be sobbing his eyes out and his eyeliner will never run, it doesn’t smudge, it always comes out looking exactly how he wants it to. No there’s no explanation for why this is the case. I just think it’s funny.
I think that’s a pretty good overview of my lovely little Blaine.
This kid has been through so fucking much in his life, but the one thing that really gets me about Blaine is that he has never given up. It would be easier for him to shut down and shut out the world after all it’s put him through. He could refuse to make friends, close off his heart so it couldn’t be hurt again but he doesn’t do that.
Despite everything, Blaine genuinely believes there is so much good in the world. And he has to fight his anxiety and his trauma a lot, especially in the early days, to let him try again with trusting a new group of people. It’s exhausting for him, and obviously not a linear street and sometimes it feels like a constant battle against himself, but Blaine is determined to get better. He is determined to make friends and be happy and to not let his past control his life.
And it just, it means a lot to me. To be able to write him fighting so hard against himself to be the person he wants to be. Leaning on music to help him through, help him process what he’s feeling or why he’s feeling that way, and using it as a language to communicate with other people.
I love all of the Misfits (Blaine’s friend group), I really do. But Blaine is the one I put the most of myself into, and the reason he’s the main character is because he’s the one I need to write.
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myster3y · 5 months
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about me
my online name is kiara, feel free to call me kiki or kay! i'm a scorpio, ravenpuff, artist, and worrier. i am also the biggest alec benjamin and grayson hawthorne fan you'll ever see.
what to expect
this blog will have all sorts of post from books, to reblogs, to vents, to the most randomest things ever. literally whatever i like lol.
i love art! i'm also getting into reading slowly. i love playing clarinet and music in general. don't get me started on science, I AM A SCIENCE GIRLIE ALL THE WAY!!! i also love drawing cats and the rain.
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if you wanna be my friend or talk to me
don't be afraid to talk to me. I would love to hear what you said, even if its a vent of something stupid. I love to talk to others, and I hope and I can make your day a bit brighter.
special mutuals:
@never-enough-novels, @letmeseeallthefrogsinthecity, @not-nomi, @banilikesfictionalpeople, @hathorneheiress, @blocked-zombieartist, @berryzxx, @urbanflorals, @skeelly, @urbanflorals, @hijabi-desi-bookworm
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FAQ Q: do you know @not-nomi and @letmeseeallthefrogsinthecity in real life? A: yes, i do know nomi and vivs in real life. Q: where do you live? A: AMERICAA RAHHH 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🔥🔥🔥 Q: how old are you? A: i don't like to expose my age online but i'm 12-18 years old! Q: how did you come up with your username? A: @hathorneheiress helped me! credits to her!
please don’t tag me in picrew chains or anything super long because i don’t have time to answer it. also sorry if i cannot get to your tag game.
i am a minor. please don’t interact if your older than 18 unless i do first.
transphobes, racists, etc., please don’t interact.
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make-me-imagine · 1 year
Hi!! First off, I want to say congratulations on your milestone, you deserve all those followers and so many more!! I’d like to pretty please ask for ships for the MCU and Pirates of the Caribbean?? I have no gender preference!!
A little about me:
Personality-wise, I’m an INFP (Mediator), a Ravenpuff, and my character color is pink. I kind of cycle between being super upbeat and bubbly and being quieter (I’m only semi-verbal a lot of the time), but either way, I always try to be kind and a good listener. I’m also very loyal to my family and friends, and I will do anything to make them feel happy and safe, even if I do sometimes tend to be too much of a people pleaser. My main love language is physical touch, but I also love being praised when I do something well.
As for hobbies, I spend most of my time either reading or writing fanfiction (and sometimes original short stories), listening to music, and watching movies or TV shows. I mostly like all kinds of music, but I’m not really the biggest fan of rap. I’m also really into true crime podcasts, specifically My Favorite Murder. I also have a love for older TV shows, such as M*A*S*H and The A-Team, as well as all the Marvel and DC movies and TV shows. I’m also a pretty decent singer, at least depending on who you ask. I really love books, and my ultimate career goal is to be a librarian (although if you asked me my absolute dream job, the answer would be a voice actor).
As for what I look for in a partner, I think I just want someone who respects me and will listen to me, someone who I can talk to about anything, someone who will love me at my best and at my worst and be equipped to comfort me when I’m not doing well - and of course I’d do the same thing for them!!
Hopefully that’s enough for the ship, but if it’s not, just let me know and I can send in something more! Thanks in advance for the ship, and I hope you’re doing well!! 🖤🖤🖤
Thank you! <3
I hope you like them :)
I ship you with Bucky!
Bucky is very caring and loving, and would know exactly how to treat you and care for you. He doesn't need to be in constant conversation, and loves just lounging around, arm wrapped around you as you just sit together.
You two often have movie nights, or lounge while watching your favorite shows. Usually you have snacks or order-out.
If he over-hears you singing, he instantly has a smile on his face. He loves hearing you and thinks you sound great. Whenever you write original stories, he is always proud of you and always wants to read them (if you let him).
He adores your bubbly personality and appreciates your more reserved side. He is always comfortable around you no matter what.
Headcanon: You have the ability of voice mimicry (you can mimic any noise/voice)
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Runner Up Ship: Sam Wilson
I ship you with Will
Will is a very kind and caring individual. He is protective over those he loves, so he will always be there when you need him.
He loves your stories, and enjoys hearing you sing. He loves nothing more than sitting with you and staring up at the sky, or talking about your lives.
If anyone tries to misuse your kindness, he will step in and protect you. He never allows anyone to over-use your kindness, and wants you to know your worth.
Will loves physical touch, and is not shy in telling you how he feels about you.
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Runner Up Ship: Elizabeth
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kpopstanships · 2 years
hi! hope you're doing great 🦋 i wanted a personality ship w/ seventeen, skz and ateez!
im an astrology lover (lots of gemini, taurus sun, cap moon, cancer rising) and im a ravenpuff! im a romantic and would love a partner who's really attentive and clingy since I'm secretly clingy but it's hard for me to initiate it.
i like cooking and baking a lot, though i have diabetes and my food is a tad different lol (i would also love someone who's attentive to my disease) .
i love cats! i also love long road trips, singing our loud, coffee and the rain. i lowkey like when the power is out and you can disconnect. i love swings, and i would like to be more adventurous. i love learning languages and want to know more. im an old soul, and can get self conscious quite easily.
i give a lot of importance to dates and anniversaries. and i answer, slowly, but i eventually do.
thank you for this!
Hello angel, we are well how are you? Here are your ships
In Seventeen we ship you with JOSHUA
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In Stray Kids we ship you with FELIX
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In ATEEZ we ship you with SAN
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NGL though this was almost a tie between him and Honjoong
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Okay, Tumblr deleted this draft like five times so I'm over here secretly praying it posts.
Anyways I hope you like your ships. Feel free to request again!
Our personality ships are open. Please see our guide to see the ships we offer!
~ Admin Katt ❣
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 18 days
For awhile I thought Ravenclaw would suit me more, but yeah, Hufflepuff makes a lot of sense for me. -Rotten Anon
that's why I am a huge believer that the house system is a spectrum, and people can straddle two houses at once. I am a RavenPuff - but I have always said that I'm a Ravenclaw cause that was the house I first identified with when I read the Sorting Hat song from the first book
and when I took the original Sorting Hat quiz from Pottermore (which is different than the one they have now) - I was shocked when I was sorting into Slytherin, but it's because at the time, I was straddling the SlytherClaw part of the spectrum, and I was leaning into the fiercely independent, cleverness in the form of sarcasm, prefers alone time, wants revenge for small things because nobody fucks with my loved ones, gets annoyed easily aspects of things - I was sorted into Slytherin based on my answers, but Slytherin and Ravenclaw do have a lot in common
but yeah, I genuinely love Hufflepuff. I think if I had been introduced to Harry Potter right now, I would have natrually gravitated toward Hufflepuff for my self-sorting. I love yellow, I love the whole 'kindness toward everyone, friendship comes first' philosophy. Also I am jealous that Hufflepuff gets Newt and Tonks
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winterxisxcomingx · 3 years
Okay, I am HECKA glad you liked those headcanons, because I was so worried about them! I did do a little FF fandom research to prepare, but I haven't watched all of their movies (actually, it's just Meet the Robinsons), so writing for them scared me, but I promised you some headcanons and I felt bad it took me so long! I'm super glad you liked them, though! Have the best day!
Honestly... The mere thought that you made that headcanons with me in mind (for me) is so great and nice! That even if you wrote just one vague (general?) sentence, I'd still be glad! haha
But really, don't worry, u did great doing that lil research! I would never have thought that u never watched these movies hahah
(also, check one more time my reblog, cuz tumblr cut some of my tags, so I had to put them in post not in tags haha)
Aaaand! here is nearly 2 am, but thank u anyway! 💕
Have best day/night bestie! ✨🌸
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clovermunson · 4 years
May i ask for the Brotp for Willa and Ellie?
- that-ravenpuff-witch
Thank you for asking!☺️
I featured Ellie’s significant other, Alistair Schaefer (belongs to @cursebreakerfarrier) in this partially because I think they’re just adorable together🥺💕
who steals french fries off the other’s plate?
They both do, and neither of them really get mad about it. They just kinda look at each other and laugh.
who jokingly moves in for the kiss when someone asks if they’re a couple?
Willa, and Ellie giggles about it, making the person who asked just look at them like they’re a couple of weirdos.
who has to bust or bail the other out of jail?
Honestly? They’re probably in jail together, and either have to call Bridget (Willa’s little sister) Alistair (Ellie’s boyfriend), or Bill. Willa never wants to call Bill because Bill always asks so many questions about it. He can’t help it, he’s just a really concerned boyfriend.
who gives the other advice/comfort about dating issues?
Ellie. She’s always been the more emotional of the two, and she always understands Willa’s emotions better than anyone else. When Willa’s having trouble after her breakup with Bill, Ellie’s able to see right through the front she’s put up. Willa may have some slight Seer abilities, but she never saw anyone seeing past her façade.
who shamelessly cheats at games by reaching over to cover the other’s eyes?
Willa, 100%. Ellie would never cheat to win a game, but she does pull some sneaky/smart tactics sometimes. There are a couple times that her and Willa team up for Hufflepuff Dorm Game Night and Willa gets Ellie to cheat.
who immediately calls dibs on the top bunk?
Willa, but it ends up in the two racing to the ladder and trying to climb over each other to get to the top.
who starts and who wins the pillow fights?
Ellie starts them, and mostly Willa wins them. Willa has let Ellie win a few of them, though.
who says “your pants would look better on their floor” to the other’s potential crush?
Willa for sure said it to Alistair, and Ellie looked purely horrified by it, but started to giggle and tried to hide her face behind her robes.
Ellie only says it once to Bill, and it’s in retaliation to Willa. It’s the only time that Willa gets embarrassed by her friend and tries to hide her face.
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briswriting · 4 years
Ah I’m a hufflepuff! Also to the kageyama thot anon, ur not a snake I’m sure ur a lovely person!! D-do you think there’s room left in ur friend group for one more hufflepuff 🥺👉👈
ahhh bb you’re so cute i see you as a hufflepuff from the convos we’ve had 🥺🥺
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sofhyuck · 5 years
Ravenclaw or slytherin
So close bb
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tossermalfoy · 5 years
Bergenia, Camelia, Canna ? ;)
Bergenia: Are you a morning or night person? 
Night person for sure. ;) I love going out when it’s dark or hanging out with friends until the early hours. I wouldn’t say I’m not a morning person, though.
Camelia: If you could visit anywhere, where would you want to go? 
Perhaps this is a boring answer, but Suffolk. Right now that’s somewhere I’m really itching to visit. Around Halesworth and Blythburgh, for just a week even. But outside of the UK - perhaps Lombardy or the Maldives.
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raeofgayshine · 2 years
hello we have started s4 and kurt and blaine just broke up i am Heartbroken
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Yeah season 4 is… a rough one, especially for the queers
I had just started watching Glee when season 4 came out, it was the first season I got to watch live but I missed the first few episodes and when I found out both of them broke up in the time I missed I was so heartbroken.
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myster3y · 4 months
⭐️ starting? ⭐️
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about me
-> online name is kiara, minor, infj, ravenpuff, full time procrastinator, art and science girlie, introvert until you get to know me
top five favourite artists
-> alec benjamin, the weeknd, eminem, arijit singh, dhruv
what to expect
-> i don’t have certain topics i post, i literally just post whatever. maybe some book stuff once in a while lol
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special mutuals
@urbanflorals, @never-enough-novels, @not-nomi, @letmeseeallthefrogsinthecity, @hathorneheiress, @skeelly, @blocked-zombieartist @the-red-archer @hijabi-desi-bookworm
i love all of you guys so much! your the best
all of my mutuals you guys are so sweet and i couldn’t ask for better mutuals, i hope you have an amazing day!
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other notes
-> don’t be afaird to message me! dms are always open to talk or vent
-> once you talk to me i’m gonna claim you as my friend so you have been warned
-> please send me asks i love to answer them (spamming is fine, im probably gonna spam you back lol)
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Haha close! I’m a raven puff -raven claw hufflepuff mix
Either one describes me lol
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boards-by-beka · 6 years
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Huffleclaw, INFJ, Thunderbird, Dog Patronus
But the hard times are golden
Because they lead to better days
Requested by @dontstopbeingyellow​, hope you like it!
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sf9 · 5 years
ayyyy ravenclaws united!!! oh you're a slytherclaw? im more of a ravenpuff. we're the same but different at the same time lol. OH! oH! i CANNOT WAIT FOR THE CRIMES OF GRINDELWALD!!! im going next week i cannnttt waittt!! they said it exceeds expectation (wink) during the premiere.
AHBDDBHDHD we rlly are the same but different hahaha that’s so cool XD so long as our #1 is the same i think we’re good!!! OH YAY I HOPE YOU ENJOY IT!!!! I’ll probably watch it soon but i’m not sure when hmm :”) 
HDBHBHDBHDBHDB THAT PUN. IT EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS. *infinite screeching* i love puns,,,,, i love that pun,,,,,, thank you ,,,,,, XD💞💖💫💞💖
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bluerosewrites · 4 years
I was tagged by the lovely @romeoandjulietyouwish ! Thanks, luv!
Name: Rose
Dogs or cats: I love both, don't have either currently, but I'm more allergic to cats than dogs.
Sexuality: I'm a nonbinary human who identifies as a biromantic demisexual, which is under the ace umbrella.
Time: 22:33
Hogwarts House: Ravenpuff. 😉
Reason for your url: I made it over a decade ago, um....I write and like blue roses? XD
Fave Animal: Panda!
Taglist: Whoever wants to do the thing!
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