cathoderaykobold · 9 months
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Mid-season redesign
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Hey if anyone is wanting to get into art and being able to 'properly appreciate' it but didn't do any art classes in high school like I did, I highly recommend 'How to Understand Art' by Janetta Rebold Benton which I just finished reading. It's really good for beginners and even though there is a focus on western art, I think Benton does a good job of pointing out racism/elitism in the art world and how bigotry has skewed people's perceptions of what is and what isn't 'good art'. The book goes over the use of art, material and techniques, how to read it/context, and a highlight on different artists.
Anyway, a good read, and I recommend it to fellow beginners in art appreciation
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pureposer · 10 months
UGH I cannot Access my Verse Carrd so I need to make a Post with all my Verses and Re-Link stuff UGHHHHHH
Anyway I am making Another Verse TeeHee
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godzilla-reads · 1 year
Gargoyle Books for Grotesques
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God Bless the Gargoyles by Dave Pilkey- A cute and thoughtful book on the history of gargoyles and their friendship with angels. It has nice art AND it rhymes!
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2. Holy Terrors: Gargoyles on Medieval Buildings by Janetta Rebold Benton- A very nice book full of pictures of our favorite grotesques and gargoyles.
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3. The Amulet of Samarkand (The Bartimaeus Trilogy #1) by Jonathan Stroud- A young boy, desperate to prove himself as a magician, secretly summons Bartimaeus, and compels the djinn to steal the Amulet of Samarkand.
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4. The Gargoyle Overhead by Philippa Dowding-What if your best friend was a naughty 400-year-old gargoyle? And what if he just happened to be in terrible danger? It’s not always easy, but thirteen-year-old Katherine Newberry is friends with a gargoyle
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5. Night of the Gargoyles by Eve Bunting and David Wiesner- Moody, charcoal-powder drawings dramatize a tale of the secret life of gargoyles.
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6. Song of the Gargoyle by Zilpha Keatley Snyder- A strange sound awakens thirteen-year-old Tymmon in the dead of night. In a blink of an eye his father, the court jester of Austerneve, is mysteriously kidnapped and the terrified boy must slip away secretly to avoid capture himself.Hiding in the dreaded forest nearby, Tymmon is adopted by a huge, furry, dog-like creature--a gargoyle--who has the loyalty of a dog and the fearsome powers of an enchanted being.
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7. The Accidental Alchemist by Gigi Pandian- Looking for a new start, immortal alchemist Zoe Faust stumbles upon a gargoyle who needs her help.
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8. The Gargoyles of Notre-Dame: Medievalism and the Monsters of Modernity by Michael Camille- Most of the seven million people who visit the cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris each year probably do not realize that the legendary gargoyles adorning this medieval masterpiece were not constructed until the nineteenth century. 
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9. The Gargoyle on the Roof by Jack Prelutsky- I love Prelutsky's books and this one has 17 10. poems you'll love.
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10. Anthony and the Gargoyle by Jo Ellen Bogart and Maja Kastelic- A boy befriends a baby gargoyle in this magical wordless story in graphic-novel style.
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ibrithir-was-here · 2 years
Im cheating tonight and just posting the AO3 link for the new Endless Heirs chapter. Might just do that from now on, its way easier then having to rebold all Dream's lines again in Tumblr 😅
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dullahandyke · 1 year
Ok I could figure out a word style for this shit but it's a matter of getting it to automatically rebold every time... uwah
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🔥: "Why am I here."
Oh yeah I grabbed rebold so yall can like officially meet eachother
D: “Hellooo, Rebold! I’m The Doise, the most doiest of them all! Especially not that noisome and nefarious Noise, who’s been obviously mooching off my success (and not me!)”
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P: “Get-a ready for-a your sanity decreasing.”
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cherrypicker21 · 4 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Adidas Men's Lite Racer Rebold Athletic Shoes.
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laflechanet · 5 months
Nueva noticia publicada en LaFlecha
New Post has been published on https://laflecha.net/el-cambio-climatico-no-interesa-a-los-espanoles/
El cambio climático no interesa a los españoles
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El interés de los ciudadanos por el cambio climático es bastante menor que el que despierta el resto de la actualidad informativa. A pesar de los efectos cada vez más intensos del calentamiento global todavía no se identifica un verdadero compromiso medioambiental en la sociedad española. Es una de las conclusiones del estudio “Informe de Sostenibilidad y Cambio Climático en medios de comunicación”, elaborado por Rebold, empresa de marketing y comunicación basada en el análisis de datos.
A través del análisis de las interacciones en las noticias de los canales en redes sociales de los 100 principales medios de comunicación se ha determinado que en promedio estas informaciones generan un 76% menos de engagement que la media del resto de informaciones sobre otras temáticas.
Más de la mitad de las noticias publicadas son negativas y generan el 57% del interés total del territorio, principalmente sobre cuestiones que fomentan un estado de opinión pesimista: estudios científicos sobre los efectos del cambio climático y sus consecuencias; acusaciones y reproches entre distintos partidos en relación a las medidas a adoptar; actuaciones de protesta de activistas que afectan al patrimonio o a la convivencia; comportamientos poco ejemplarizantes de líderes de opinión; anuncios de medidas que generan una gran incertidumbre sobre su coste; o la afectación que puede suponer a nuestro estilo de vida.
Alfredo Orte, Media Intelligence Manager de Rebold, asegura que “el aumento de las noticias sobre las consecuencias del cambio climático y sobre la protección del medio ambiente en general ha sido un factor determinante para que se genere una mayor visibilidad por estos temas. Sin embargo, detectamos que en los medios con mayor audiencia en España el interés que genera en su audiencia es reducido. La agenda política es la que condiciona notablemente aquellos temas o historias que consiguen mayor notoriedad y engagement”. El enfoque que propone el estudio está basado en ocho ejes temáticos. De ellos, el más importante en volumen de noticias generadas es el relativo a las emisiones de gases y cambio climático. En este ámbito se detecta que, a medida que se incrementan sus efectos se agudiza la polarización política, la confrontación de visiones y aumenta la visibilidad de noticias negativas y el engagement generado por ellas.
  El segundo bloque temático destacado es el de las medidas para la transición energética y la descarbonización. El desarrollo de las energías renovables y los acuerdos para depender cada vez menos de los combustibles fósiles propician la conversación fruto de la incertidumbre por el coste que implica para los bolsillos de los ciudadanos y los cambios que se insinúan en su estilo de vida. Otra temática que suscita una elevada visibilidad en este campo es la relacionada con la biodiversidad, los bosques y la desertificación. Los incendios forestales y sus efectos cada vez más devastadores alimentan un debate político muy polarizado acerca de las medidas más adecuadas para prevenirlos y extinguirlos.
Escepticismo ante la movilidad eléctrica
A pesar de las iniciativas globales para fomentar un transporte con menos emisiones, no se detecta en general un especial interés en la sociedad española por la movilidad eléctrica. En el debate de las noticias que generan una mayor participación, destacan aquellas que siguen observando numerosos inconvenientes en los vehículos eléctricos: precio de adquisición, autonomía, mantenimiento, recarga e incertidumbres sobre los avances tecnológicos que están por venir y que pueden cambiar el panorama actual.
Tampoco se observa una preocupación destacable por la gestión del agua y los vertidos. El interés medio de estas informaciones es inferior a la media del global del territorio, si bien las noticias que más atención despiertan priman la preocupación por las restricciones de suministro o las garantías de acceso equitativo al agua como un bien universal.
Comunidad Valenciana, Galicia y Cataluña con mayor compromiso ambiental
Del análisis por origen de los medios también se desprenden conclusiones diferentes por comunidades autónomas. Los medios de Navarra, Murcia y Canarias son los que publican más noticias sobre Sostenibilidad y Cambio Climático. Sin embargo, donde hay un mayor interés en las noticias publicadas por medios es en la Comunidad Valenciana, Galicia y Cataluña. En cuanto a plataformas, aunque en X, antes Twitter, es donde se publican más noticias, destacan los niveles conseguidos por los medios en Instagram, especialmente cuando adaptan el contenido informativo a la narrativa y formatos propios (reels e historias) de esta red social.
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kimchae-won · 11 months
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Consider these 5 science-backed benefits of strength training before your next workout:
1. Reduced Abdominal Fat
Harvard researchers studied 10,500 men for 12 years in a 2014 study published in the academic journal Obesity and discovered that strength training is more beneficial than aerobic exercise at preventing increases in abdominal fat.
"When people incorporate strength training into their exercise routine, they not only burn calories, but they also increase lean muscle mass, which stimulates metabolism," explains Rebold. Muscle mass is an important determinant in determining basal metabolic rate, or the number of calories burned each day by the body to maintain physiologic functioning.
2. Improved Cardiovascular Health
Abdominal fat (also known as visceral fat) is found in and around key organs and is linked to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Because it is related with the production of specific proteins and hormones that produce inflammation, visceral fat is linked to CVD. This inflammation has been linked to blood vessel damage, increased blood pressure, and other cardiac issues. As a result, avoiding or eliminating extra belly fat through strength training can enhance heart health.
For example, a 2013 study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that young men who strength train on a regular basis have better-functioning HDL, or good cholesterol, than those who never lift weights. According to Rebold, strength training lowers blood pressure and triglycerides.
3. Improved Mental Health
Runner's high gets a lot of attention, but strength training also helps with clinical depression and anxiety symptoms. Exercise-induced endorphins may have a role, but according to Harvard Medical School study, strength training also gives an opportunity to conquer hurdles in a controlled, predictable setting, strengthening mental resilience.
A 2014 analysis published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology found that utilizing low to moderately heavy weights that are lighter than 70% of what you can lift for one rep provides the highest anti-anxiety benefits.
4. Lower Cancer Risk
Visceral fat has been related to an increased risk of cancer as well as an increased risk of heart disease and diabetes. According to research published in the journal Oncogene in 2017, visceral fat cells produce significant quantities of fibroblast growth factor-2, or FGF2.
5. Positive Body Image
Exercise has an effect on body composition and physique, but studies, including a 2013 Journal of Extension study of middle-aged and older women, demonstrates that persistent strength training improves body image and perceived physical appearance - regardless of the actual aesthetic effects.
Researchers believe that improvements in mental health and energy levels, as well as emotions of success, are key triggers for improved overall body image.
It's time to start strength training if you haven't already.
Numerous health advantages of strength training include a reduced chance of heart disease and diabetes, stronger bones, enhanced brain and mental health, and higher self-esteem.
Thankfully, strength training involves more than simply weightlifting in the gym. Your body weight, resistance bands, free weights, or even objects from around your home may all be used to complete an excellent strength-training program.
Strength training is for everyone, regardless of experience level.
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jajodesign · 4 years
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3 estrategias exitosas para fortalecer la imagen de marca durante la crisis sanitaria
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cathoderaykobold · 4 months
Hi there! I came across a couple of your modded minecraft posts and I just want to say they SO FARKIN AMAZING OH MY GRODS!! So I came here to ask you a question [since I finally worked up the nerve for it]. I tried my hand on making a model with CPM and BlockBench and I kinda had a not so great time with it. I was wondering if you had any knowledge you could share so I can use these programs more proper and so that others can see said models in game? Thanks ahead of time!!
I don't have any tips, unfortunately. I just worked with it until I figured out its quirks. It only took me a couple models.
I do NOT recommend using blockbench in conjunction with CPM, by the way. It's MUCH less hassle to make your models in CPM from the start.
Maybe you'd have better luck with Figura. It's less popular than CPM, but a friend tells me it's both easier to use and more powerful.
As for seeing models in game, you either have to install the mod on your server, or use the "Upload as skin" feature, which embeds a link to the model into a vanilla skin.
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zencharm · 4 years
back pain.... O_O
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traszka · 5 years
theres so many things that i cared a lot about at one point and now when i see content for it im like -_- ok
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kurai-mokin · 5 years
Jumping ship?
You can find me here:
• https://twitter.com/Kurai_Mokin
• https://www.instagram.com/kurai_mokin/
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