fullcravings · 11 months
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GF Oatmeal Cranberry Cookies
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qrevo · 4 months
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junkartie · 7 months
Have any of you guys had budgies and dogs cohabiting before? Personally whenever i let my budgie out i lock my chihuahua in another room because i cannot handle the stress of them both together (dog is certainly interested in the budgie but i think hes curious) however my mom thinks the dog wont do anything to it. Im personally not planning on letting the bird out near my dog because it feels dangerous but im willing to hear out others
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loesyff · 10 months
Saw some of those crystal looking candies on a video, and of course my cronch craving ass needed to see how hard they are to make.
...that's a lot of sugar.
Also now my fingers are dyed blue.
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sofiims · 8 months
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She went to the spice festival and made some friends. Her loud neighbor was also around and they managed to fix the relationship so Naya has a new bestie now!
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the-evil-pizza · 10 months
i'm making chocolate chip cookies for the first time ever so here's hoping they come out nice
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breezingby · 1 year
“After testing five classic latke recipes, I determined the essential ingredients and have culled the cleverest techniques to bring you this very recipe. The result is a straightforward technique serving up latkes that shatter when you bite into them, revealing a creamy potato- and onion-packed pocket. This recipe is great for first-time latke makers seeking a vehicle for applesauce and sour cream, but even if you’re a latke-making expert, this recipe still might help you out with a trick or two. Here’s how to make classic latkes."
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catchycourtfoods · 6 months
What is Vegetarian Meat and How is it Made?
For centuries, meat has been the centerpiece of many diets, its savory flavors and satisfying textures a staple across cultures. However, in recent years, a revolution has been brewing in the culinary landscape: the rise of Vezlay Veg Meat. But what exactly is this intriguing alternative, and how does it bridge the gap between plant-based and meat-loving palates?
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Vegetarian Meat: The Essence Explained
First, let's dispel a common misconception: vegetarian meat doesn't actually contain any meat. It's a blanket term for a diverse range of products made from plant-based ingredients, mimicking the taste, texture, and appearance of traditional meat. These alternatives cater to vegetarians, vegans, and flexitarians looking for delicious and sustainable options without compromising on the familiar.
The Building Blocks of Vegetarian Bounty:
So, what goes into crafting this culinary magic? The ingredients are as varied as the dishes themselves, but some key players include:
Plant Proteins: Soybeans, peas, lentils, wheat gluten, and textured vegetable protein (TVP) are common bases, offering a high protein content and a meat-like structure.
Fats and Oils: Coconut oil, canola oil, and avocado oil add richness and flavor, replicating the juiciness of animal fats.
Binding Agents: Tapioca starch, flaxseeds, and methylcellulose help hold the ingredients together and create a desirable texture.
Flavor Enhancers: Spices, herbs, and natural flavorings like yeast extract or beetroot juice mimic the savory notes of meat.
From Raw Ingredients to Delicious Delights:
Turning these humble plant ingredients into culinary masterpieces involves a range of techniques:
Extrusion: This high-pressure process forces the protein mixture through shaped dies, creating fibers that mimic the muscle tissue of meat, resulting in products like burgers, sausages, and nuggets.
Hydration and Texturization: TVP and other plant proteins are hydrated and then processed using techniques like freeze-drying or spinning to achieve a meaty texture.
Mycoprotein: This fungal protein, derived from mushrooms, is gaining popularity due to its natural meat-like texture and nutritional profile.
3D Printing: This cutting-edge technology allows for precise replication of meat's intricate structures, opening up exciting possibilities for future developments.
Vezlay Foods: Pioneering the Vegetarian Meat Revolution
In this landscape of innovation, Vezlay Foods stands as a leading force. Founded with the vision of creating delicious and sustainable plant-based options, Vezlay utilizes a unique blend of traditional Indian culinary wisdom and cutting-edge technology. Their products, like the award-winning Minced Meat and Chickn Nuggets, are made with locally sourced ingredients like lentils, chickpeas, and spices, offering a healthy and flavorful alternative to conventional meat.
What sets Vezlay apart?
Focus on Local Ingredients: Vezlay sources its lentils and chickpeas primarily from Indian farms, supporting local communities and reducing their carbon footprint.
Authentic Indian Flavors: Their products are infused with traditional Indian spices, offering a unique and flavorful twist to vegetarian meat.
Commitment to Sustainability: Vezlay prioritizes eco-friendly practices, from using recycled packaging to minimizing water and energy consumption.
Beyond the Plate: The Impact of Vegetarian Meat
The rise of vegetarian meat goes beyond deliciousness. It presents a compelling answer to environmental concerns surrounding animal agriculture, offering a more sustainable path to feeding the world's growing population. Additionally, vegetarian meat can provide valuable protein sources for those who choose not to consume animal products.
The Future of Vegetarian Meat: Endless Possibilities
The world of vegetarian meat is brimming with potential. We can expect to see further advancements in technology, leading to even more realistic textures and flavors. Research into plant-based fats and cholesterol alternatives is ongoing, paving the way for even healthier options. The future looks bright for vegetarian meat, promising a delicious and sustainable way to nourish ourselves and our planet.
So, next time you crave the familiar comfort of meat, consider exploring the exciting world of vegetarian alternatives. With countless options like Vezlay Foods leading the way, you might just discover your new favorite dish, one that's good for you and good for the planet.
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shikitsuka · 2 years
This is so fucking good if you've never had shakshuka and wpuld like to try YES TRY IT
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vampirekinn · 2 years
lrb: please be kids please be just 13 year old kids on twitter who have never helped in the kitchen before pls pls pls
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Hiii I would like to ask for some headcanons for malleus, neige,riddle, vil and trey with a reader who cannot eat anything in excess because otherwise she gets painful poisoning (she has a sensitive stomach je) and it has already happened three times for being disobedient , it's all ^^ thanks yuu <3 have a nice day :))/
Okay so I interpretated this as basically a lactose intolerant reader, except for everything they eat too much of. Anyways thank you for the request!
How the Twst boys would react to the reader having a sensitive stomach
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Note: gn reader, my brother thought Neige was girl lmao 💀Also in Neige'S part you still go to NRC while he's at RSA.
Malleus Draconia
🐉Genuinely thinks you're dying the first time it happens.
🐉Lilia has to calm him down to stop the storm outside.
🐉He gets so confused when you continue to eat the same way that got you hurt???
🐉tries to fetch the best doctors to help you.
🐉If you refuse to take the medicine he'll force it down your throat(gently).
Vil Schoenheit
💅You would think someone in your condition would take care of what they eat, but No, he has to do it HIMSELF.
💅Epel's diet looks like a walk in the park compared to yours.
💅You know it's for your own good but god do you miss your burgers.
💅Oh and don't even try to eat things in secret. He won't go as far as to curse the food like he did during the VDC, but he'll know for sure.
Trey Clover
☘He felt guilty when he realised it was his tart that made you hurt so bad.
☘Did his best to conceive recipees with food that makes your stomach hurt less.
☘He's a master of hygiene, so making sure you're healthy is a piece of cake(pun intended)
Neige Leblanche
❄You go to different school, so it took a long time before he knew about your ailment.
❄He found out on a diner date, when you had to rush to the toilet to puke.
❄He's so worried he'll drop by practically every day to check up on you and give you homemade bentos with specific ingredients to help your stomach.
❄Vil now avoids you like the plague.
Riddle Rosehearts
🥀It may not be a written rule, but he knows better than to overlook a hurting loved one.
🥀Good news is that he's a future doctor. He'll do all he can to help you.
🥀Bad news is, he may be the most strict one on this list. You can't escape it.
🥀Even playing on his soft side won't save you.
I hope you enjoyed!
Have a good day/night!
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wingamy24 · 2 months
Okay, now that I have a tag for my Community NBC headcannons (#wingamy headcannons) let me drop some below!
-Troy is into crosswords. Annie obviously got him into them. The thing is that he doesn't actually do them... he fills up the spaces with masculine names. As in... "John". "Sebastian" etc. etc.
-Jeff uses Tinder just to get praised by single 40 year old women. He doesn't even chat or anything, he just adores getting spammed with messages.
-We all know Annie uses glitter gel pens (even though no one mentioned it in the show) but what about her doing pretty titles for her notes? She would make a pretty pink title for history class, no matter how horrible the subject is. ˚ʚ✧✿The Salem Witch Trials❁˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
-Abed's movies usually have crappy Windows Movie Maker transitions. He tries emulating the transitions on Star Wars but fails horribly.
-Britta feels so ashamed of herself for finding Jeff hot, mainly because he's... Jeff. I'm pretty sure this is canon, though LMAO
-Shirley's the type of mom that changes recipees because they have too much sugar... but ends up adding even more than the original recipe.
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barbwritesstuff · 7 months
This ask scares me so much. I'm so glad you like Iliya, anon... but please don't trust him.
Tracy in the background: K G FUCKING B
Honestly author, you´re scaring me now as well.
But to be fair, I don´t think we can trust anyone since everyone has their own agenda, and it´s not like they´re necessarily hiding it that they´re using mc. Marcel wants to use you to get Blackwell´s recipee for yummy blood, Tracy wants to help herself (I mean in this economy, fair), if you make a deal with Iliya without being able to pay upfront you´ll be indebted and he´s taking his sweet time collecting, etc. They´re survivers, they want power, and they´ll do anything to survive in this deadly court
It´s a courtly game, either you play and/or you´re being played
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Yes. You're right. 100%. My mission is done here. I need not say any more.
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sweetoothgirl · 8 months
haloween recipees
linked hehe
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the-evil-pizza · 1 year
Hot take of the day, grana taste better than parmiggiano
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octavinelleresident · 2 months
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-Has troubles with swimming which is funny since she's in Octavinelle.
-Can't walk well either. She injuried her right kneecap by falling in her home and never completely recovered from that [Doctor understimated the damage]
-Has no mercy when gaming,she's not here to have fun but to make you cry by winning. It's the only moment when she can go all out. Nornally she's soft spoken and tries to bother no one.
-She doesn't think she can fit in octavinelle yet the name of her signature spell matches the tweels. Oh the irony.
-Her specialty is being a matchmaker,she's proud of that but gains no money from that. It's just a hobby of hers.
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-Her relationship with Azul is rough. She's still bitter for being trapped in a contract that let him use her for her talent. It's a one-side "hate" [By Debby]
-Actually Debby and Azul shares many things, she just doesn't know yet.
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-She gets called "pufferfish" by him.
-Debby's scared beyond words of him and tries to be around him as less as possible. Floyd doesn't understand why,in fact,this makes him run after her more.
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-Between the two,Jade's probably the one she can tolerate better since he knows that Debby likes to taste food. Useful when he wants to try new recipees.
-Since she doesn't seem to be comfortable around Azul and Floyd yet,she goes to him for advice or just a brief chat.
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