#remember Allah
azkar95 · 6 months
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ليست كل الأمور تُحل بالمنطق والتفكير والورقة والقلم وربط الأحداث ببعضها.
هناك حلول أكبر وأوسع وأشمل تُسمى "الفرج" و "القدرة الإلهية" التي هي فوق حدود عقلك ومستوى تفكيرك، وتلك الحلول مفاتيحها عند الله.
فعندما تشعر أن كل الأبواب مغلقة، وكل الأمورة ليست مُيسّرة؛ لا تيأس، ولا تستسلم للمساحات للضيقة، بل اخرج لرب المساحات الواسعة ورب كل شيء وادع بما شئت.
اللهم اجعل لنا من كل همٍ فرج، ومن كل ضيقٍ مخرج
Not all matters can be solved by logic, thinking, pen and paper, and linking events together. There are bigger, broader, and more comprehensive solutions called “gods relief” and “Allah's divine power” that are beyond the limits of your mind and level of thinking, and those solutions are capable only by Allah's power . When you feel that all doors are closed, and all matters are not easy; Do not despair, and do not surrender to narrow spaces, but rather go out to the Lord of wide spaces and the Lord of everything and pray for whatever you want.
" Oh God, give us a relief from every worry, and a way out from every distress".
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When we have nothing left but God, we discover that God is enough.
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queenofqamarr · 2 years
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allahisourrabb · 1 year
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যারা আল্লাহকে স্মরণ করে দাঁড়িয়ে, বসে ও কাত হয়ে এবং আসমানসমূহ ও যমীনের সৃষ্টি সম্পর্কে চিন্তা করে। (বলে) ‘হে আমাদের রব, তুমি এসব অনর্থক সৃষ্টি করনি। তুমি পবিত্র মহান। সুতরাং তুমি আমাদেরকে আগুনের আযাব থেকে রক্ষা কর’।
আল কোরআন,  সূরাঃ আলে-ইমরান | Al-i-Imran | سورة آل عمران - আয়াতঃ ১৯১
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sabrgirl · 1 year
benefits of practising daily gratitude to Allah
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more blessings in life
less reasons to complain
an increased awareness of the good in your life
lower threshold for drama
less anxiety, nervousness and stress
encourages positivity
a better relationship with Allah
a better relationship with others
helps us get through hard times
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hamdosana · 7 months
The best time to remember Allah is in solitude.
The best time to pray is at night.
And the essence of it is tahajjud, a prayer offered in solitude at night.
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azkar95 · 11 months
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"مَا لا يُقْضَى بِالفِكْرِ يُقْضَى بِالذِّكْرِ فَاذْكُرُوا اللهَ
سبحان الله🌺،الحمدلله🌺،لاإله إلا الله🌺،الله أكبر🌺 ،استغفر الله🌺
“O you who believe! Remember Allah with much remembrance.” (33:41)
Our Prophet (saw) also told us: “He who remembers his Lord and he who does not are like the living and the dead.” (Bukhari & Muslim)“
Then remember Me, I will remember you.”(2:152)
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God, as Truth, has been for me a treasure beyond price.
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stokesy55 · 3 months
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I love this team. I love this team. I love this team. I love this team.
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notetaeker · 8 months
Wow I was so unappreciative of my own accomplishments when I was in college. I'm trying to put together a portfolio and it turns out I wrote 5 whole news articles for the school paper ???
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bintturaab · 2 years
Remember me in your ad'iyah if I ever cross your mind.
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sabrgirl · 1 year
ramadan series: the last 10 nights (laylatul qadr)
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the last 10 days of ramadan are among us in which one of the odd nights will be Laylatul Qadr - "the night of destiny is better than a thousand months" (97:4)
it is important to maximise as much of these nights as possible as: 1000 months = 83 years 1 hour is better than 9.8 years 1 minute is better than 58 days 1 second is better than 23 hours, subhanallah.
here are some tips on how to maximise Laylatul Qadr:
pray voluntary prayers every night pray taraweeh and tahajjud every night. do not just pray on the odd nights, try and pray on all of the 10 nights to reap the full rewards
recite this du'a: Allahumma innaka 'afuwwun, tuhibbul afwa, fa'fu anni (O Allah, You are forgiving, and You love forgiveness, so forgive me) (narrated by Aisha RA - Sunan Ibn Majah 3850)
prepare a list of du'as you intend to make sometimes we can forget to make specific du'as when it is time to pray so having a list that you can look at before each prayer can help
give charity and recite the Qur'an every night good deeds are rewarded as though you have done it for 83 years
wake up your family the Holy Prophet ﷺ would make sure that his family is awake to participate to reap the rewards too - follow the sunnah
limit distractions get off of social media/tv/games etc and make use of the night. we do not know if we will make it to the next ramadan so maximise these 10 nights to the best of your ability and remain in worship.
dhikr and du'as outside of prayers remain in the remembrance of Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ even when your prayers and voluntary prayers are done to please Him. recite istighfar and send blessings upon the Holy Prophet ﷺ too.
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ramadan90s · 6 months
Just be patient ...
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downfalldestiny · 1 year
Remember Allah 🤲 !.
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