#rose watches that 90s show
juniperhillpatient · 1 year
Alright, so I'm done with 'That 90's Show' season 1. Here are a few takeaways from someone who LOVED the original show:
Bad parts:
The theme song is really annoying & it just bugs me as someone who has spent a somewhat insane amount of time watching & re-watching the original & singing along. This probably won't bother most people but it's irritating to me
Ozzie as a character is borderline offensive to me. I'm not sure that I'd go so far as to say his characterization is racist or homophobic EXACTLY but...there's something uncomfortable about it. He's literally just a sassy quip machine awkward ham-fisted joke deliverer & he makes me cringe. If there's a second season I really hope they delve into him just a little more since he is part of the main group.
It's annoying & weird that Laurie & Hyde are both absent without reference. I can understand not wanting to replace actors who can't be there, but these were 2 important characters to the group & they could've very easily given us a throwaway comment about where they were. It's just....bad writing, & incredibly noticeable & uncomfortable.
Good parts:
Let's just get this one out there first - every single OG cameo had me cheering. Yes, I claim to hate reboots & remakes & I scream about letting things end & I stand by that but if they're going to do it, I want it done well damn it & this show did in my opinion. I just absolutely loved every single appearance from the original cast members.
I love Jackie & Michale as the couple in a perpetual cycle of getting divorced & back together. I loved Fez as a hair salon owner living his best life. Donn & Eric were iconic. I cheered for Leo's hilarious & fun cameos & same with Fenton's. They did justice to my faves who appeared.
The new characters are interesting & fun for the most part. I like that they reference the original characters without being stand-ins. These characters have their own stuff going on & their conflicts are funny & entertaining. It took a while to get me truly invested but I was always entertained. This show has the same funny charm & humor as the original. The chemistry between the main cast & the humor works really well.
KITTY & RED!!!!!!!! This one I'm not even sure if it needs to be explained but god...I just fucking love Kitty & Red Forman so much & seeing them with a house full of teens being their awesome selves filled me with joy. I just fucking love them.
Not a good part or a bad part but something I'm speculating about:
I'm fine with the little last minute Jay Nate Leia Nicky triangle / square whatever & the canon romance drama. It feels similar to early seasons 'That 70's Show' conflicts & I'm certainly entertained. And I like Jay. He's fun & cute & he's totally SUCH a Kelso. But.....
I SWEAR I almost thought there was going to be something canon between Leia & Gwen SEVERAL times. I mean, sure, me shipping the two girls? Yeah, that's typical but it almost felt like there might be something canon there. Their entire dynamic is SO reminiscent of Eric & Donna. The dork who lives next door to the cool girl? The moments on the hood of the Vista Cruiser? Sneaking through windows? I'm not delusional am I like PLEASE tell me y'all saw it too? Also, there's a textual (not even subtextual!) love triangle between Gwen, Jay, & Leia! Leia literally promises them both her time & does the whole sitcom double-booking her afternoon thing. She talks about loving them both! What??? Like....I don't know if I'm crazy but it REALLY feels like the show might just be going somewhere with this if it gets renewed.
Alright, that's all I have for this post! Those are my main reactions to this show.
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slavghoul · 10 months
Interview from Metal Hammer 8/2023
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Shock rock, bad glam bands and wanting to be Venom: inside the brain of Ghost's benevolent overlord
Tobias Forge is the mastermind behind one of the 21st century's hottest metal bands, but even he’ll admit that success was a long time in the making. Hailing from the Swedish city of Linköping, the Ghost frontman dabbled in everything from death metal to glam before donning the iconic Papal attire and paint to transform into Papa Emeritus, transcending his roots to become a larger-than-life character. Here are the key parables he has to share, gleaned from more than 25 years on the heavy metal frontlines.
“Linköping was a nice city to grow up in. It wasn’t so small you felt like you were cramped in a village, but it’s small enough that you’d still want to eventually move somewhere else. You’d have access to all these gateways to other worlds through the record stores and the local video store. My dreams started there - everything I do now, I dreamt back there.”
“I had a teenage brother growing up, so I had a free pass into teenage culture. Whatever they consumed, I got a whiff of - how they dressed, what they watched on TV, what films they rented... The lifestyle and expression that meant most to me was shock rock. Twisted Sister were a wrecking ball into my life with I Wanna Rock. That song made me want to bounce!”
“When I first heard Candlemass, I was eight and I was blown away. I already liked Black Sabbath, Metallica and Motorhead through my brother, but Candlemass were local and sounded so heavy, it was like doomsday. King Diamond and Candlemass served as a segue for me to discover death metal and black metal in the early 90s. It became my calling. From the ages of 12 to 22, I spent my life in death and black metal bands.”
“My mom is from Stockholm, so when I was 15 and started saying I wanted to move there, she was just like ‘Finish mandatory school’ and we moved together [after I graduated]. I moved back to Linköping when I was 25, because Stockholm is a big metropolitan place and it’s not fun living in those places if you don’t have money. Now I’m in Stockholm again; it’s more fun now I can afford it!”
“I learned the hard way in the late 90s that wanting to play 80s-inspired death metal with my band Repugnant was     painfully out of touch with what was going on at the time. It broke my heart; I wanted us to be signed to Roadrunner and support Slayer. That never happened unfortunately - or perhaps fortunately, as it kept me grounded for a few more years and if those things had happened maybe I wouldn't be here today.”
“Repugnant had a close shave with success. We signed to the label Hammerheart, which at the time felt like we’d made it because the first thing they did was take us out on our first tour, supporting the American band Macabre. They were a favourite band of ours - still are, and whenever we play Chicago they come to the shows - and at that point it felt like we might be going somewhere, but we quickly parted ways with Hammerheart because we couldn’t agree. It felt like our chance and we’d blown it.”
“With Crashdiet, we never really went beyond our home. I can’t say how many shows we did, but I don’t think it was more than a handful. For me especially there was conflict with the singer, Dave Lepard. We were friends, but he clearly wanted to take his band into some sort of glam-sleaze direction, whereas when I think of ‘glam’ I’m more Hanoi Rocks and Guns N’ Roses - never, ever the other bands. I know Poison kinda came before a lot of the latecomers, but to me they were repellent. Dave wanted to go all neon and I wanted it so that if we were glam, we’d be Hanoi Rocks meets Lords Of The New Church or The Dead Boys. I don’t want to be fucking Stryper! Fuck that!”
“It was a confusing time in the early 2000s – rock was all of a sudden in fashion because of bands like Franz Ferdinand and Kaiser Chiefs. Everyone was always looking for the next big rock band and in Sweden The Hives were huge, as were The Soundtrack Of Our Lives, The Hellacopters, Backyard Babies...so many rock bands! But there we were in Subvision, influenced by The Dead Boys, with a little-too-long hair, leather jackets, just a little too ‘metal’... yuck! You’re supposed to be more indie; heavy metal is about having the biggest dick and indie is the opposite.”
“I hated The Strokes when they first came out. Back then, everyone described them as being so natural, that they weren’t interested in being rock stars, and I was like, ‘No. They didn’t wake up looking like that.' They chose to do that to be rock stars. And they can really play! Then when First Impressions Of Earth came out it was like, ‘There you go! That's what they really sound like! After that, I loved The Strokes, because they were showing they actually did love the music, but a lot of indie rockers treated it like it was their sell-out record.”
“Ghost started with a song, Stand By Him, which ultimately came out on our first record. I wrote it spontaneously, as an experiment - almost a joke, if you will, in 2006. When I recorded it the first time, I had no equipment in my home, so I had to go to a friend’s house. We did this very rough demo. He said it was great. He’d been in Subvision, Repugnant and Crashdiet with me, but we’d stopped playing together. He was like, ‘Can we form a new band?’ and I was like, ‘This song is the only thing I have. If I can come up with two more songs and there’s a pattern, then of course.’ But they needed to be as playful and spontaneous, and sure enough they were.”
“Around 2008, when Ghost were first getting properly started, my girlfriend told me she was pregnant with twins. I never said it out loud, but I was preparing for my dream not coming true - maybe I wouldn’t become a rock star, I’d never be successful... So I had to at least have something that I could live with, a hobby that I could feel strongly about and get all my inclinations filtered through. I wanted to play metal, but also write pop music, have this horror rock show with theatre... Still taking inspiration from Venom pictures in 1982 where they looked like bikers surrounded by smoke and red lights. Ghost felt like a combination of all those things. Lo and behold, when I didn’t have all the time in the world, like I had before and gotten nowhere, when I could only put so much effort in, everything changed.”
“It was so weird, being threatened with a ‘reveal’ [Tobias’s public identity was revealed after ex-members took legal action against him in 2017I, as if people knowing who I was would be such a turn-off that they’d never listen to Ghost again. Here I am, most of my life wanting to be known, but then I was fighting to be unknown? What a paradox!”
“I’ve always tried to be like a general – have a goal, like, ‘Let’s take that castle’, but knowing that things can change in the field. You need to conduct yourself with a certain level of elasticity. I know I’m a control freak and want things to be done in a certain way, but I’m also aware things never work out that way.”
“One of the biggest weaknesses with modern metal - and horror - is that it’s being created and curated by people who only like that thing, so it becomes regurgitation. The best horror movies I’ve seen - Jaws, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, The Exorcist, The Omen - were made by people who never made horror films elsewhere. They wouldn’t limit themselves. If you don’t like other things, that’s fine, but if you ever feel stuck creatively it might just be that you’re sticking too close to home. I can’t even imagine just sticking to one lane these days.”
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mirai-e-jump · 9 months
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Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger Character Book: We're KING!!!!!
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Jeramie Brasieri was troubled. After ending the conflict between humans and the strange looking creatures, Bugnarak, and with the turning point of becoming king, he wanted to create a new story.
However, he couldn't come up with anything that could surpass, "The Legend of King-Ohger," which he himself had written, and was known to everyone in Chikyu. And so, he decided to make a proposal to the 5 kings, who were also his figthing comrades…or so it goes.
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Gira Hasty
"I'm going to rule the world!"
Taisei Sakai guesses what's going on in Gira's head! 50% Children from the orphanage 20% The people of Shugoddam 15% The kings and citizens of the other countries 10% What I was like when I was young 5% Food
My Favorite Point: The Cloak "I was worried in the beginning on whether it would look good on me, but now, it's my favorite!" (-Sakai)
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Yanma Gast
"You guys, just shut up already and follow me. I'm not going to lose to anyone!"
Aoto Watanabe guesses what's going on in Yanma's head! 80% Technology and research for the sake of the country's future 15% When it comes to N'kosopa, how I should act as a king 5% Space to think about other stuff
My Favorite Point: Cuff Earring "I like that it has alot of decorations, including N'kosopa's emblem and the jagged edges." (-Watanabe)
The Jacket "I can understand why Yanma loves it, The key point is that it's got alot of texture!" (-Watanabe)
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Hymeno Ran
"I'll do as I want and follow my own path!"
Murakami Erika guesses what's going on in Hymeno's head! 40% Cute things and beautiful scenery, fashion and other things including the "arts" 30% Lifesaving and medical research for the sake of Ishabana's people 20% Romantic stories 10% Daydreaming about the future
My Favorite Point: The Spiral Curled Hair "With this hair, I love the novel style of it being tied up and the tiara attached to the knot." (-Murakami)
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The Immovable King and Moffun
A Special photoshoot with Rita Kaniska and Moffun has become a realization! With their mask removed, Rita enters a relaxed mode, and is being healed by and carefully brushing the fur of Moffun.
"Together with Moffun" is a long running animated series that depicts Panpy, a cryptid hunter, meeting the legendary yetis Moffun and living in "Mofu Village." The white, cute and fluffy visuals, the love of humans, and the willingness to be hugged so tightly…The healing nature of Moffun is very popular among both children and adults, and is known to have achieved the highest viewership rating in Ishabana of 90.9%, which is run by Hymeno Ran.
One of the reasons for the love of this series, was the proof of bond between the queen of Ishabana and her people. Having lost her parents in the "Wrath of God" tragedy 15 years ago, Hymeno, who became queen at such a young age, had suffered greatly…It was at this time that the people of Ishabana rose up. They made the show with the hopes that she would smile as much as possible, and Hymeno, who grew up watching it, turned into a wonderful queen and doctor.
Another big fan of this show, which is currently airing all across Chikyu, loves it. It's the King of Gokkan, Rita Kaniska. Rita's "Moffun Love " is becoming apparent to Hymeno, while Rita doesn't show any emotion due to their duty as king…If Moffun's charm, which has won the hearts of the two kings, spreads any further, is it possible…the future of Chikyu could become brighter?!
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Rita Kaniska
"Even if the earth were to split or the sky falls, Rita Kaniska will not be shaken!"
Hirakawa Yuzuki guesses what's going on in Rita's head! 90% Trials and other work that has to get done 10% Wanting to play with Moffun
My Favorite Point: The Collar "They usually wear a collar that covers their face, so scenes where they show their face are appealing." (-Hirakawa)
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Kaguragi Dybowski
"We'll eliminate these pests for a bountiful harvest"
Kaku So guesses what's going on in Kaguragi's head! 75% Toufu 10% The other countries kings 10% Suzume 5% Racules
My Favorite Point: The Furisode's Patterns "I like that the design shows off the various emotions. This costume is a must for Kaguragi!" (-Kaku)
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Jeramie Brasieri
"Humans, Bugnarak, and everything else, I rule over all and determine the fate of the world. The king of inbetween, the story of what I do will be passed down forever."
Ikeda Masashi guesses what's going on in Jeramie's head! 80% Peace 20% Stories
My Favorite Point: The Forehead Makeup Instead of using a sticker, I have the patterns drawn on instead. It's the switch that gets me into the role! (-Ikeda)
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neo-percs · 10 months
OVER THE FENCE:: (teaser)
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SUMMARY:: back in town for summer and staying with your mom you've decided to take in the peace. Sitting on a lawn chair soaking in the sun of your mom's backyard, but it seems that your neighbors son has a lot of yard work to do and no company. He resorts out of pure desperation for company to peak over the small picket fence between your yards.
WARNINGS:: perv neighbor! Haechan, stoner! Reader, mutual pining, m! masturbation, 90's au, oral (m! Receiving), fingering, oral, strip tease through a window, fingering, hair pulling, creampie (reader is on birth-control), hickeys.
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The first real day of summer break. It was hot inside, outside, and the AC was only blowing in hot hair. Your mom was out for the day leaving the house completely empty. Nothing but reruns of movies and dramas you've already seen. The only thing you had on your mind was the pre-rolled blunts you had stashed in your underwear drawer and a magazine while you tanned outside.
The muffled sound of a lawn mower from the house next door makes you peak out of your window through the blinds. A boy who seemed to be about the same age as you, his shirt drenched in a sweat as his hair sticks to his face. Brushing back his dark long hair that's grown into a mullet as it's falls back on his forehead slightly disheveled makes your eyebrows perk up. Staring a bit longer longer at him as he lifts the hem of his tank top to the sweat on his face showing off his feint abs makes you lick your lips in want.
Dropping his shirt back down his eyes trail over the side of your house making you back away hoping he hasn't caught you thirsting over him through your window, ultimately deciding to put on the skimpiest bikini you have out of your packed bags and putting it on before settling a pair of sunglasses on your face. Your magazine and a baggy with a lighter and weed with a shell already open.
Walking out of your front door with your skin shining under the sun from the sheen of sunscreen that covers your body. Settling in front of a rose bush in your front lawn where your mom keeps her beach chairs. You lay with your legs crossed over each other as you decide to roll up using the free space at the end of the chair like a table. Not realizing that in the next yard over Lee Donghyuck was watching the way your tongue glided over the wrap as you tuck it over the weed.
The way your wet lips pressed against the blunt made Haechan feel like he was starting to lose his mind. Ripping his gaze away from you to continue pushing the lawnmower through the grass that looked completely uneven from the large patch of short grass.
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taglist:: @chosoguapo @scarfac3 @deathkidz @kenmalogical
if you’d like to be added to the taglist just comment and I’ll add you!
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agneswarda · 2 months
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golden girls is so amazing i even made a powerpoint
(I copy-pasted the main text under the cut. unfortunately, I can't find the time for a proper alt text. life is stressful rn)
-Picture it: Miami, late 80s/early 90s. four 60+ women
-living together.
-Sure, they talk a lot about (straight) sex
-but what we see on screen is their dynamic. Their deep friendship. Their love also they often act quite gay with eachother. amazing
-Did i mention they are old. They are old and deal with getting sick and aging. A lot.
-But their life isn‘t over. They might not be related. But they are family, and they are here for each other
-These four women are the Golden Girls.
-You are in for a treat. A 7 seasons 25 episodes long treat
Introducing the girls: Dorothy Zbornak
-not to be a lesbian but omg
-Tall soft butch
-her voice *swoons*
-would make numbers on tumblr
-> her idea of a good time is being Alone wiht a book in her room
-> Huge dorky nerd
- Being vulnerable is not her strength but when she is It‘s amazing. Soft. makes me cry
Introducing the girls: Blanche Devereaux
-Did i mention slutty
-And proud of it
-All these things are her strenghts as well as her weaknesses
 -She is actually quite complex
Introducing the girls: Rose Nylund
-Everyone says she‘s Dumb
-I think she might just Be neurodivergent?!??!!!! With her special interest
-Being St. Olaf
-The place she comes from
-Has amazing st olaf stories for everything
-Can also be a judgy bitch sometimes
Introducing the girls: Sophia Petrillo
-„You're a funny little gnome, and we feed you too much.”
-This quote describes her perfectly
-It’s Dorothy who says it to her
-Who is incidentally her daughter
-Trickster energy
-Don‘t know if she is gay. But she commits crimes
-It‘s her way of dealing with old age
-And all the limitations it brings
-The show would just be half as funny without her
But op. Is it really this good. It‘s so old
I will admit: not everything aged well. Be also prepared for:
-it‘s v white. If they have characters of color, they sometimes work well. And sometimes it‘s embarassing to watch bc harmful stereotypes (not often but yeah. It happens.)
-Bodyshaming: the girls tease each other about their height, weight etc. and sometimes it can really become a lot/too much.
-Rose is so often the butt of the joke for not understanding situations. I think a lot of neurodivergent folks can relate. And it can hurt to hear the same old mean comments again and again
-This is a series which was never afraid of complicated topics
-First and foremost: the queer advocacy and topics were and still are amazing. The found family of it all alone.
-Also: death,being sick, being disabled. Getting old. Not performing the gender The way one would like to (anymore) (so. yes. Dysphoria. In a way). The financial aspect of it all. These are important topics which are treated with humor (of course) but also with respect
-it‘s a kind show which has its heart in the right place
-And i mean
-4 old women who are „just“ friends living together, supporting eachother?
-That shit is still revolutionary in the year of our lord 2024
So give it a chance!!!!11!!!!!111
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greedyhoneyz · 5 months
On Bended Knee
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ೃ࿔*:・pairing: bruce wayne x reader
.ೃ࿔*:・synopsis: upon newly blossomed wings comes the season of spring, freed at last as wedding bells ring.
.ೃ࿔*:・cw: none.
.ೃ࿔*:・authors notes: this is a modern take on bruce. like i imagine him being a major socialite (like jfk jr) in the late 90s/00s (him being so closed off from the media) and his kids (nepo babies) when they are older use social media and show off their parents for people who are curious about what bruce’s been up after his parents murder. ….or it can be hella modern like battinson or something idk 🤷🏾‍♀️
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When the first day of spring bloomed, buds sprouted from beneath ageing trees and flowers sang hymns of spring’s deep soul and blessed the warm air.
April 15th. The early morning sun had peeked over the courtyard, and a pleasant breeze from the north rustled through, cooling the guests and family members as they waited in their seats, across from the walk leading to the pavilion. Flowers and white streamers decorated the bannisters, a ceremonial mixture of whites and champagne pinks.
Sweet strains of classical music fluttered through the air, tuning out the occasional conversation as the groom wadded through feelings of nausea and discomfort. He swayed on the heels of his dress shoes, his arms tightly glued to his back and nipped at his bottom lip. His careful eyes dressed the courtyard, scouring across the row of friends, family and his groomsmen before he squinted at the grand doors latched above.
The groom heaved, shifting anxiously on the heels of his feet, and pulled at the cuffs of his shirt for the fifth time that hour. He bit his lip, eyed the backyard door from afar, and mumbled a few words of prayer, interlocking his fingers together and peering up at the sky.
The bridal chorus, a vivid and light piece, began to play from the orchestra as the grand doors flew open, a wash of petals fluttering out into the air.
One by one, in a synchronised fashion, the bridal procession descended from the mansion steps towards the aisle. Flower girls, dressed in the sweetest whites, showered pink roses across the aisle as the bridesmaids, dressed in blush gowns veiled the accession of the bride with gleeful smiles.
The bride, arm in arm with her father, bared herself from behind the procession and merrily ascended across the aisle. Her gown, a princess-cut bodice encrusted with heavily laced beadwork, layered with a soft skirt flared below her veil, floating along as she waltzed, in her hands a bouquet of Stephanotis’.
She was magnificent, beguiling and alluring. All were words that floated through the depths of the groom’s head as he stood with bated breaths, gazing at her with a heavy heart and glassy eyes.
As they drew closer, the groom slowly stepped down from the pavilion and extended his arm to unravel the chain between father and daughter once the pair came to the end of the aisle. He peered at his bride with pride riddled through his eyes as her father turned and placed a longing kiss on the side of her head. He loosened her arm from around his and raised it. He set her hand in the groom’s and slowly retreated into the audience, watching with dread and contentment as the groom carefully guided her up into the pavilion.
The bridal tune faded, and the pastor stepped up to the microphone, Bible in hand. He smiled at the assembly of family and close friends and began. "Cherished family and honoured guests, I would like to thank all for coming out on this glorious day,"
The sound of his polished voice carried well from the speakers on either side of the pavilion as the pastor opened the Bible before him. "Let us begin by offering thanks to the Lord." The procession bowed their heads and the pastor began his prayer.
The groom’s eyes softened at the sight of the swooning silhouette of his bride. His bride gleamed, in awe at the pure poetry pooled within his eyes and replied with a flustered smile shadowed from beneath her veil, before fluttering her eyes shut.
“Dear Lord…”
Once the prayer had concluded, the pastor led the bride and groom through their vows. Their vows to each other expressed their tenderness and devotion to one another. And when it ended, their rings were exchanged.
Scampering across the aisle, the bride’s nephew dressed in a blue tuxedo waddled up the stairs, a pillow nestled between his tiny fingers and hurriedly handed the groom the rings before scampering off to his mother who waited expectantly at the bottom of the stairs.
With an enamoured smile across his face, the pastor turned to the groom and began. “Do you, Bruce Thomas Wayne take….as your lawfully wedded wife?”
Bruce gaped at the woman in front of him. Though her beauty was sheltered behind her veil and the glaring sunlight, he still caught a glimpse of the bashful smile that lingered on her face. “…I do.”
Twirling the ring between his fingers, Bruce grinned at his bride. He held her smooth hand, scoring his thumb across her skin and gently slid the ring onto her finger till it rested by her knuckles.
The pastor smiled and turned to the bride. “Do you…..take Bruce Thomas Wayne as your lawfully wedded husband?”
(name) giggled, flustered at Bruce’s bright stare and nodded. “I do.”
She took the ring resting in her palm and slid it onto his finger.
"By the power vested upon me, I now declare you, husband and wife." The pastor held up his hands, bringing the crowd to their feet.
"You may now kiss your bride."
Lifting her veil, Bruce gently draped the white fabric behind her head, letting it fall across her back and stared at his wife.
As their eyes met, the world seemed to fade away, the world around them forgotten. She felt his hand tenderly touch her cheek, his fingers tracing a line down her jawline.
She beamed, tilting her head ever so slightly and fluttered her lashes, luring him in with a simple, feathered whisper.
He kissed her, soft and gentle, then with a growing intensity. Their kiss was full of tenderness and passion, a dance of two souls perfect in harmony.
His arm wrapped around her, pulling her close as they found themselves castaway, the world around them ceased to exist.
Their embrace lasted for what felt like an eternity, their lips parting only for brief moments for air. They explored each other's mouths with a gentle urgency, their tongues intertwining in a dance of passion and desire.
And as they finally broke free, they peered into each other's eyes with an inviting warmth. It was a moment that would be forever remembered, a moment of softness, tenderness, passion and pure exquisite love.
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﴾ i drink your blood and i eat your skin, part three.
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pairing: hwang hyunjin x f!reader
genre: vampire au
word count: 4,2k
warnings: body insecurities, alcohol, smoking, mention of weed and that’s it?
The thing was you never truly felt beautiful. You always felt like there was nothing really unique about you. Though you think that everyone had their own unique feature, something that made them stand out from others but for yourself? You felt and looked average. Having a slightly chubbier figure made you feel sometimes insecure. There were days when you liked how you looked then there were days you just wanted to rip your skin off. Seeing that even after multiple types of diets, you still end up looking the same, you gave up. You tried so hard to expect the truth. And in some way you expect that you just were bigger a long time ago but sometimes looking into a mirror made you feel like you should’ve not expect your body.
Buying clothes was horrible. Everything was too small and when you went to pick a bigger size, it was suddenly too big for you. The funny part was that you actually loved shopping and fashion, it was your quilty pleasure since childhood. Watching America’s Next Top Model, not knowing how much problematic the show was at your young age, made probably 90% of your personality back then. It was quite laughable how much your younger self dreamed about having that model figure. Still being small, you didn’t understand that it would be impossible to achieve it because of your body proportion but a girl can dream.
These thoughts only came to you when you were looking into a full length mirror or when you were trying on some purposeful thighter clothes. And right now? You were doing both of those things.
Your hands smoothen the soft fabric on your stomach, looking at yourself in the mirror carefully so there wasn’t any angle that can be missed. You were wearing thight black dress with long sleeves and a V-neck line. Actually the first reason why you pick this dress was for its long sleeves and decent length. The dress was a bit thighter than you remember but it’s also a long time since you pick it up from your closet.
Grimacing at the view, you then glanced at the thick piece of the ribbon on your neck. It hide your scratches perfectly. ‘At least something was good about this outfit’ you thought playing with the decorative rose on the side of your neck.
“Can I look now?”
Turning to the closed door a defated sigh lefts your lips. “Yes.” Watching your blonde friend come in to your room, you quickly admired how the blue dress complimented her figure and skin tone nicely, making you a little bit more self conscious about your own outfit. You didn’t want to compare yourself to her, there wasn’t any jealousy in your friendship but still…
As Mia scanned you from head to toe, her green eyes stopped trailing your figure to meet yours, seeing the emotions you tried so desperately to hide. “What’s wrong?”
For a moment you went quiet, turning back to look at yourself. Even wearing shape wear underneath, it really didn’t do anything to thighten your figure. You hated how jiggly it was, like a loose skin. “I don’t feel good.” Was your answer, you actually wanted to say much more than that.
“And why’s that?”
The lack of emotion in Mia’s voice made you feel stupid about this whole situation. Christ you were a grown woman and this is the biggest of your worries…
“It doesn’t look good on me…I don’t look good in it.”
The blonde shakes her head, sending you a small glare. “Why would you say that? You look amazing, girl.”
Pursing your lips, you watched yourself and your friend through the mirror. “I feel like a ugly girl trying to dress as a pretty one. I just don’t like this on me but I can’t do anything about it, this is only party dress I have! Maybe if I didn’t have hip dips…” Saying that you place her hands on your hips to fill them up, imagining.
“You know I think hip dips look cute.” Shrugs Mia coming to stand directly behind you. “They are like perfect holders for your hands.” Smiling, she than pressed her own hands over yours. “Even Bella Hadid has them!”
“Yeah.” You say, not sure in your answer before looking at your friend though the mirror. “But my name…my name’s not Bella Hadid.”
Mia laughed at your words, watching as you turn around to pose a little for her. “Do I at least look okay? If you would see me out on the streets, like would you think-“
The blonde shushed you softly, making you stop your rambling to look into her green eyes. “You look pretty Y/N, you always do. Yes, you’re bigger and what? Being bigger doesn’t make you any less beautiful, it’s just a stupid beauty standard. I know I’m not the most right person to say this when I’m literally as thin as a spaghetti but even I have insecurities. Everyone does! In the end it doesn’t mater as long as you realize that the only person standing in your way it’s you. Don’t make your insecurities make you.”
Pursing your lips to stop yourself from crying from how much you appreciated her. Seeing and hearing someone say this to you, means a lot when knowing they really meant it. Still there was this feeling that you will ever hear this from her only. God, you can’t even let yourself rest for a moment.
“Trust me when we will do your make-up, it’s gonna fall all together, we’re still not fully done~”
Both smiling softly at each other, you sat down on the bed together where all your makeup was spread out. You watched your friend pick up her sponge and your own foundation which she firstly swatches onto her hand. “Thank you, Mia…” You didn’t even know for what exactly – maybe for everything.
“I know I can’t change your mind~” Dabbing the make up sponge on your face, you pull your curled hair away to give her a better access. “Just remember it, okay?” Whispers the blonde know slightly too caught up in perfecting yours foundation.
You only hummed in a small agreement looking through the lipsticks. You won’t. “I think we should do a red lip.” You think out loud holding a tube of dark red lipstick, rolling it out to see the color in the light.
The blonde gasps in delight. “Oh, yes just the pop of color you need.”
You smiled at her softly. “Love you, Mia.”
“Love you too Y/N.” Laughs softly your friend before looking into your eyes. “This is gonna be our night.”
A shiver runs down your spine, making you press your crossed arms closer to your chest. You grumble under your breath as your friend also shivers slightly. Mia just wouldn’t let you wear a jacket and you wished, you were more demanding for yourself and even her. The only reason you weren’t wearing one was just because it would ‘ruin’ your outfit. Maybe? But it definitely would made you feel warmer and safer. The last time you were wearing a dress didn’t end up well for you. Atleast you were on a busy street where all the clubs were located. Creeps would definitely be a better choice right now rather than some undead creature but right now you don’t want to think about that. You want to make yourself believe you weren’t actually in any danger that what happened that night will never happen again…well that’s what you hope for.
As you two turn around the left corner, you were meet with a long line of people that almost seemed unreal but after all it was the most popular club in this small city. “I already feel overstimulated and we’re just standing outside. You say to Mia as you make your way through the line, making people’s heads turn. It made you shrink into yourself.
Laughing before smirking, your friend turn to glance back at you. “Overstimulated you say?”
You roll your eyes at her words. “God…”
As the blonde laughed, you finally made it to the end of the line, well more like the beginning. At the main doors stood two bodyguards which one of them was arguing with some man that was probably trying to get inside while the other turned his attention to you. Mia smiled at the man before showing her ID as you pulled out your own, showing it to him. You tried to ignored the angry shouting of the man while the bodyguard moved to let you both in.
“You sure come here often.”
“I don’t actually but I always leave a good impression.” Smirking, the girl follows the sound of music.
Immediately after coming inside, your nose was hit with the smell of alcohol and the sudden warm, humid air made you take a deep breath. The loud bass of Just a Little Bit by 50 cent made your whole body vibrate and you for a moment admired the choice of a song and also that it wasn’t any garbage remix. Some clubs really didn’t know a way around music but you should’ve known better because your friend picked this place. You as for your friend watched how the dim place lightened up in hues of red. This place from where you stood looked huge. On the left side there was a bar and all around the room were tables with quite comfortable-looking sofas and the big dance floor in the middle couldn’t be overlooked. You were impressed.
Turning to Mia, you leaned your head closer to hers. “And who got a taste of that good impression?” Raising an eyebrow the blonde laughed, quickly scanning the crowd.
“That guy over there!” Mia pointed to the bar right where a middle aged man popped up.
You gasp in shock, watching as your friend now went to the same direction she just pointed. “Nooo Mia!”
“He’s actually a sweetheart.” Says your friend, looking over her shoulder at you. “I knew you wouldn’t get it, you always had a thing for pretty boys.” Rolling you eyes, you stayed silent after her remark, knowing that there was no way to talk yourself out of this nonsense or perhaps you agreed with her.
It’s really been a while since you had fun like this. Your constant worrying about the future almost made you forget about the present. There really was more to life than love and you knew that actually better than anyone, your constant chasing after the thing you have always wanted made you blind to see the other joyful things you can have in life. What more could you possibly want when having a friend like Mia. Sometimes you wondered if by having more friends would make you feel less lonely but then you remember that no one could possibly top your one true friend. But you were only human after all and there was nothing to do about the feeling of being unlovable.
Yes, there were people like Mia and her parents than maybe the Johnson’s family you grew to love but would there ever be a person that would be absolutely devoted to you?
You won’t quit fighting for this but maybe it was time for a small break. To be quite frank you don’t know if you even want someone to love you. It became a such fantasy to you that you wouldn’t know what to do if it ever happens. You don’t know if there will ever be person to love you how you wished to be loved. Your whole life was about feeling this unbearable loneliness and it became such a part of you that you were afraid to loose it and even more if it was for the wrong person.
You maybe had too much of red wine, already forgetting how many glasses you actually had. If there was red wine that’s all you would be drinking, completely opposite of your friend who know swallows down another shot of tequila and at that winning another round in the drinking contest she was playing. That girl for sure has livers made of steel. The man at the other side of the table surely didn’t expect this type of stamina from her and you from those ten shots surely would be laying on the floor by now.
Drinking down the last bit of your wine a sudden crave for some nicotine came over you. Stumbling slightly, you lean to whisper into Mia’s ear, well more like shout.
“Hey, I’m going out to get some fresh air, you coming with me?”
“Not know, I’m winning another glass of wine for you that okay?” The blonde didn’t even look up, watching the man on the opposite side of the table now having trouble swallowing his last shot. This calls for alcohol poisoning.
Humming loudly so your friend could hear, you smirked slightly. “Be right back.” Sometimes it surprised you how well you knew her friend. It was a bit hectic and difficult to get through the crowd of people but as you began pushing yourself out rather than asking for permission to make a room for to go through, it was quite easy.
Finally making it outside, you take a big breath of the cold, fresh air. It was more soothing than uncomfortable by the sudden change in temperature but you knew if you would spend enough time outside, you would definitely catch a cold.
Pulling out a cigarette and lighter from between your breasts, you maneuver your way around the few people standing there to stop at the corner of the building. When you took the fist hit from the cigarette, every muscle in your body loosens up. ‘Shit, maybe I’m an addicted little’, you laughed to yourself, leaning onto the brick wall. Maybe it was the alcohol but you actually started to feel that you looked quite good in this dress. Still no one came up to you or anything but that wasn’t really not that important because you are here with your best friend after all. The one person who made you feel good and the one person who actually loved the way you are.
You ran a hand through your hair, cringing when you felt how much your hair was stuck to your neck, the sweat damping and loosening those curls you had put so much time and effort in.
“I’m not gonna let him do that!”
The sudden loudness made you jump. Yes, people around you weren’t really quiet, laughing and chatting loudly and you could still hear the beat of the music from the inside but it was almost like someone had shouted right into your ear. It came right from behind the corner where you were standing. In annoyance from being spooked so easily, you lean over to look and maybe give them a quick nasty look back but as you do that every expression on your face immediately melts away, the smoke from your cigarette getting stuck in your throat.
You were in shock…It couldn’t be…you really must be drunk. But your vision was barely even blurry, so you didn’t have any choice but to believe what you were now seeing.
Your eyes were fixed on two figures standing under the street lamp that give them a spot light, making them perfectly be seen in the darkness. There, right there, just a few feet away from you, stood the sandy haired man, the same man that ripped someone’s heart out from their chest like it was nothing. The one of many reasons, you couldn’t get any good sleep and the man who wanted you dead. Even by seeing him once before now and in almost complete darkness, you knew that it was him and not just a fragment of your imagination. By being so in shock, your almost didn’t see the other man who was talking to him.
That man also had this – alluring aura around him that was luring you to come closer and take a closer look at his perfect pale skin, pink pouty lips and puffy cheeks. If you didn’t know better that he was most definitely also a vampire, you would’ve find him cute. The effect this creatures had over you were frightening but already having a taste of their true nature, you would like to say that it truly wasn’t effecting you that much as it seem to be.
You realized after moments of watching what this meant for you. He was here. ‘God, he must be here somewhere’. You had mixed feelings about this but you most definitely would say that you were scared. How unlucky can you be to get yourself in the situation, you so desperately prayed about not to come true? You shook off those thoughts just as you heard the men’s conversation get louder. You hope that the curiosity won’t kill the cat.
You leaned just a little back behind the brick wall, realizing how much you could be seen from your spot. Frown appeared on your face, watching the blonde man whisper something angrily to the other who seemed to try to keep a calm and collected expression. You got curious even more, thinking why this man was so angry…From the night it seemed that this emotion wasn’t quite uncommon from him but from the other man’s features, you could see that the thing they were talking about was something urgent and even important but you still weren’t close enough to them to hear.
Almost hissing in pain out loud, you felt your forgotten cigarette starting to burn your fingers, seeing that it was at it’s end, you without a second thought, throw it away but just as quickly as it lefts your hand, you wanted to scream at yourself for your idiocy. You threw it right next to you rather than the opposite direction you meant to.
Their conversation stopped the moment the cigarette hit the pavement, the sound like a gunshot because of their better hearing. Without thinking twice you quickly pressed yourself back onto the brick wall, hoping it would swallow you whole. At the exact same moment someone jumps at you.
Gasping out, you wrapped yourself in your arms in a way to protect yourself for what’s probably about to come. Looking up, you expect the worst but you were only met with the face of your best friend and you didn’t know if you should be thankful for her or punch her for her horrible timing. “Y/N, there you are!” Mia said loudly, shaking your shoulders, making you look around, scanning your surroundings. Your friend didn’t seem to catch your uneasiness and you didn’t wonder much why because you could smell the alcohol on her words miles away. ‘How is she even standing?’ “I have surprise for you!”
You frown slightly at her words. “What surprise?”
The blonde rolled her eyes at your unimpressed tone, grabbing your hand to drag you back inside. You felt little bit unsure about this, now knowing who was here with you but you didn’t know how or even what to say to your friend. Maybe you are just exaggerating, looking around yourself as you stepped back inside, the humid air hits you right across your face. There were so many people and also it was getting quite late. Your friend was basically a party animal till the clock hit a certain hour and it was now way past that. Only few more drinks and you will go back home…
Mia stopped suddenly at the middle of the dance floor, getting you both squished between the crowd of people in the process. You glance at her in confusion when you were suddenly released from her tight grip. “Wait….” Your friend said, pointing a finger at you while looking around. “Wait here!” The blonde said, giving you a small look before running away from you through the crowd before you could even think to say anything.
You stood there awkwardly around the moving bodies, little anxious from the situation you were put in. Sometimes you forgot how much you hated big crowds, the bodies squishing you and making you want to curl up into a ball. Also you didn’t want to be left alone right now and your prayers must have been heard because you could see Mia finally getting back to you. Thanks to the high heels and her light hair she shined in the darkness of the room, almost like an angel coming to your rescue.
Just as your friend stops right in front of you, you wanted to ask her what the surprise was but than you hear it…
You laughed in disbelief. “Are you for real?” You said over the music. In answer the blonde grabbed your hand, swinging it side to side as if to make you finally move in the sea of dancing people. You weren’t the only one happy as almost everyone around you started to sing the lyrics of one of your favorite songs. “What, you know the DJ too?” You asked, slowly starting to move into the beat of the music.
“He’s my cousin!”
“What?!” You spit out, laughing.
….That boy is a monster (Mo-mo-mo-monster)
The two of you twirled around each other, laughing in joy. “That boy is a monster~” You sung and finnally you seemed to get the taste of peacefulness you searched for.
“Mo-mo-mo-monster!” Shouted the blonde a little bit unnecessarily as it was almost as loud as the music but it only made you laugh more.
A smile danced across your lips, the smudged lipstick at the corners of your mouth made your smile even more pronounced, watching your light haired friend skipping just few feet before you. It still was dark, even in the early hours and looking upon the sky, you were a little saddened that the stars weren’t visible. ‘It was probably because of the city’s lights’ It was also a little colder than before and it made your warmer hands pressed more onto your exposed chest. You could feel the sore throat coming.
You and Mia decided to go home after few more drinks, seeing it was enough alcohol and social interactions for the week on. Your fingers spread out across your chest, trying to cover up as much skin as possible, slightly grazing over the ribbon of your necklace. The other reason to go so ‘early’ was because of this uneasy feeling you got after the occurrence on your short smoke break. You really wanted to cry in frustration, feeling yourself thinking about that again. You just can’t be left alone or you would just overthink…
‘Or was this even overthinking?’ You were scared for your literal life and that seems like a good enough excuse. You were so close to him and he…, if you weren’t fast enough he would’ve seen you. The blonde man would look at you with his dark colored eyes and only just by a small glimpse, he would know the truth. Maybe he did see you…and if it wasn’t for your friend, maybe something would’ve happened. You weren’t so sure about being seen inside the club. You are certain that you haven’t seen even one of them inside because they would surely stand out in the crowd, they were too beautiful to not to be seen. As your fingers grazed over your small scars underneath your necklace, you wondered if he was there with them but you quickly tried to shake off that thought.
Maybe your mind was only playing tricks on you. If he really wasn’t there then why are getting this feeling of being followed right now, it was like two pairs of eyes were drilling holes into your head. It was just paranoia or maybe the alcohol but you really started to hate how your friend was getting quite far from you…
“Mia?” You called out, not seeing the need to be any louder than the soft breeze as you two were the only ones on the streets. Well…you hope so.
Your friend stops at the sound of your voice, looking over her shoulder. “Yeah?” The sudden movement made her stumble on her heels and it made you realize how much your own feet were hurting.
“Can I stay the night?” You asked slowly, looking at her from beneath your eyelashes, finally catching up with her.
That question made Mia laugh out loud, slapping you softly over your shoulder. “Girl, I thought we already agreed on that!” Relief washed over you, before chuckling softly at your own words. “You almost gave me a heart attack from the face you made!” Exclaimed the blonde.
“What face?” You said in confusion, trying to reminisce the exact same expression before your friend look at you with a grin.
“Like you you have seen a ghost-“ She imitates Ghostface before laughing loudly like a maniac.
“Oh, my god, I haven’t seen that in sooo long!” You gasped in a sudden burst of excitement.
The blonde shrugged, looking down at you. “Then let’s watch the first three movies together…the night is still young!”
That statement makes you shake your head. ”I don’t think-“ You started before hiccuping suddenly, covering your mouth with your hand. “I don’t know how you want to make that work…”
The blonde raised an eyebrow, looking at you like you said the stupidest thing ever. “I think this will help?” Mia trailed off, pursing her lips before showing three blunts that were hidden in her bra. You laughed again in disbelief. Your friend for sure will never cease to amaze you.
Grabbing one from your friend, you punched her arm, making her squeal dramatically from the force. “Ok, miss ‘smoking is bad for your health’…” The only answer you got back was an eyeroll.
Yeah, the night is still young…
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poetslore · 6 months
An exploration of themes in Netflix’s “Leave the world behind”
1. Societies reliability on technology and the side effects of this reliability. One example of this is Ethan Hawke’s character Clay. Clay attempts to drive back to town so he can buy a newspaper and hopefully come across someone who knows something about the blackout. Unfortunately Clay gets lost on the way to town due to the fact that his cars GPS isn’t working. If he hadn’t relied so heavily on technology he would’ve known how to read a map and likely would’ve made it to town.
2. Societies distrust in humanity. One theme that I immediately noticed is the characters distrust of other characters. Julia Roberts’ character Amanda immediately distrusts George and Ruth, while their spontaneous arrival is strange she immediately didn’t trust them (the second she heard them knock on the door she didn’t trust them). We as an audience also experience distrust. When we first see Kevin Bacon’s character Danny we think he is odd and is likely going to be a possible villain due to this odd behavior. When Rose and Archie come across the tool shed in the middle of the woods I presume most of the films audience thought someone creepy likely resided there. This growing distrust that society holds for humanity is caused by are easy access to negative media (petty and major crimes are reported more often) and due to our growing obsession with true crime which has made us paranoid and distrustful of even the kindest of people.
3. Sometimes old is better. The teslas. If your remember just after the halfway mark of the film, Amanda and Clay decide that it’s best to leave to Scott’s house and go to Amanda’s sisters house in Jersey. On the way there they come across a pile up of Teslas and nearly get killed by oncoming teslas. This is because Teslas contain a self driving feature. This feature is purely technological which is how the hackers were able to manipulate the Teslas self driving feature in order to isolate communities.
4. Violence in the media. This is a rather small theme but remember when the flyers are thrown from the drone and Clay is absolutely terrified. Well the flyers said you know what (I don’t want to get reported or banned) Archie immediately knew what these flyers said due to the fact that he saw that exact same phrase in a video game.
5. Our hatred, yet reliability on humanity. This movie has one major theme and it first appears in the beginning of the movie. Amanda reveals that one of the prime reasons why she wanted to go on vacation was because she wanted to get away from people. Ruth is consistently harsh and downright disrespectful to Clay and Amanda and everyone in the family shows an annoyance to Rose, the youngest child. It’s obvious that 90% of the characters don’t actually like people and dislike socializing yet the characters consistently attempt to rely on the news and fellow people in an attempt to figure out what’s going on.
6. Age leads to discredit. Rose is probably one of the smartest characters in the film. She consistently takes note of small details such as the sirens and the deer, unfortunately everyone around her including her own parents consistently ignore what she has to say and discredit her intelligence as simply being the musings of a 13 year old. It is obvious that everyone (meaning Clay, Amanda, Archie, and Rose) don’t have any respect for each other and because of this lack of respect they aren’t a cohesive family whatsoever and they consistently get in little tiffs about the dumbest of things.
These were just some things I noticed while watching the film.
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empty-movement · 2 months
Ask Not for Whom the Girl Smiles....
Tumblr media
....She Smiles for Thee. ;)
Utena Weekly, Continued!!! April 9, 1997, ep 2: For Whom the Rose Smiles
You checked the Newtype Magazine episode summary that dropped last week, and it turns out they changed the episode's title!? It was originally "For Whom the Girl Smiles!" Cool! Either way, sick Hemingway reference, I wonder if there will be any other iconic works of philosophical fiction referenced in this episode?
We're gonna rewatch it on Something Eternal, in varying time-locked iterations of ourselves in what's becoming the most Utena fandom self-aware, curiously introspective group fiction shit ever. Realtalk: we're challenging ourselves to try watching the show with fresh eyes. Not exactly spoiler free, but instead attempting to experience and discuss the story 'ignorant' to how it ends. For an old timer like me, that's gonna dig up some curious stuff about the world of the late 90s, I tell you wha-
Anyway. Join us! I didn't plan for this thread to develop this way! It's just how forums be.
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a-random-whovian7 · 1 year
What your favourite New Who Companion says about you (absolutely no offence meant towards anyone, this is just for fun):
Rose: Either the most vanilla person alive, or an RTD era purist. Has spent years fighting for the honor of the RTD era. Ships Ten and Rose to the degree that they shudder at the thought of the Doctor having a relationship with someone else. Is constantly at war with Amy stans. Part of the reason for the RTD enjoyer vs Moffat fan civil war. Usually nice in real life, and quite nostalgic for the Tennant era, so usually OK to be friends with. Unless they say Mickey was treated fairly, at which point, you should run.
Mickey: One of the most kind-hearted, empathetic people, who saw how Mickey was mistreated by Rose in S2 and immediately just wanted to check if he was OK. Is able to hold decent relations with Rose stans due to Mickey's character development after the relationship, and has a surprisingly strong alliance with Rory fans. Was gutted when they heard about Noel Clarke's horrible behaviour and actions.
Adam: Let's be real, we all forgot this guy existed and for good reason.
Captain Jack: Every night, they lie in bed, haunted by the ghost of Torchwood. Loved seeing Jack again in S12, but felt disappointed after his lack of presence in Revolution of the Daleks. Has modelled several aspects of their personality on the Captain, and has the dating life (or lack thereof) to prove it. Cried at the deaths of Ianto and John Barrowman's career.
Martha: Basically Rose fans, except with slightly more indie music taste. Either that, or a person who knows how integral Martha is to 10's character arc. Has attempted to defend the "Space Jesus" scene a couple of times, and cried with happiness when Harbo Wholmes said that it worked in his review. Has a bit of a patchy relationship with Rose stans due to the Doctor's rebound arc, gets along better with Donna stans due to the fact that S4 acknowledged that 10 mistreated Martha. Generally has good taste and is nice to be around, just don't mention how undeveloped her relationship with Tom was.
Donna: Either a child of the late 90s/early 2000s who had the joy of watching New Who at it's peak in 2008, a person who really appreciates great character writing and an excellent series, or someone who just wanted a break from the companion having a romantic subplot. Often gets into heated arguments with Amy stans by (correctly) saying that Series 4 was better than Series 5. Uses Donna's funny dialogue and quips to hide the fact they are still recovering from one of the cruellest companion exits in the show. Generally nice, but very defensive of The Doctor's Daughter.
Wilf: I love these guys. Knows that a) Wilf is the single best character in the entirety of New Who and b) he counts as a companion. Has the best possible taste, and is an absolute joy to be around as a result of it. An emotional wreck after every single rewatch of The End of Time, especially now that the legendary Bernard Cribbins has left us. Has excellent relations with Donna stans, and was similarly overjoyed when they heard about the 60th. Refuses to admit that The End of Time would have possibly worked better as a 90 minute special.
Amy: Definitely has followed the eons-old teaching of "gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss" at some point. Refuses to admit A Good Man Goes to War was mid and that Amy really badly mistreated our sweet prince Rory in a large chunk of S5. Is really happy that Karen Gillan made it big in Hollywood. Friendly unless you say you prefer Rose to Amy. Could not be comforted after that cameo in Time of the Doctor.
Rory: Their favourite episode is usually The Girl Who Waited. Loyal, friendly, introverted and lovable, they of course identify with Rory's slightly long-suffering but accepting and funny character. Understandably annoyed at how Amy mistreated Rory in S5, but happy that S6 & 7A fixed that marriage. Thanks to Rory waiting for 2000 years, their bar for any personal relationship has been set insanely high. Celebrated when the BBC actually allowed Arthur Darvill to style his hair in S7A. Had to check Rory was definitely dead at the end of Angels Take Manhattan due to Moffat killing him whenever more tension was needed in a story.
River Song: Divided into two groups. Those who like River Song's more nuanced appearances in Silence in the Library, A Good Man Goes to War and The Husbands of River Song are awesome. Those who prefer the episodes that Moffat wrote with one hand, less so. Was overjpyed to see the Moffat Era reappraisal of 2020, only to be slightly disappointed when people said S6 was his weakest series. Wierdly enough, gets along nicely with all other companion stans. Has definitely said "Hello sweetie" to their partner/partners/friends/pets. If they prefer 12 and River to 11 and River, pass them the aux on a long journey (trust me on this one).
Clara: From my personal experience, there is a 60% chance that they are a closeted bisexual. Doesn't get why Clara was so overhated, especially in S9. Is wierdly OK with admitting that Victorian Clara was slightly more interesting to begin with, but knows that the character worked so well in 12's era. If they ship 11 and Clara, keep an eye on them. They haven't fully earned your trust yet.
Bill: Heterosexuality was never an option. Gets along well with Clara stans, as they both know how much the 12th Doctor's era s l a p p e d. Had their emotions mangled during the S10 finale, but fortunately came out intact thanks to that puddle and a happy-ish ending. Loved that Bill called 12 out on his bullshit and asked all the trivial questions we were all thinking. Singlehandedly drove the Moffat Era reappraisal over quarantine. Has the best fashion sense out of all the stans.
Nardole: A terrifying enigma. Looked at all the companions with complex stories, interesting arcs and major development, but instead went with the comic relief. Yes, Nardole is funny and a great support character, but... er... how? They can be nice. They can also be fans of Little Britain, which is a red flag. It's a roll of the dice.
Graham: Bradley Walsh was the highlight of the slightly undervalued S11, and they know it. Definitely has the vibe of being 10+ years older than they actually are in terms of attitude, but in the best way. Has definitely owned a pair of cords in their life. Goes into Doctor Who just looking for a fun hour of entertainment rather than lore. Great to hang out with. They always bring snacks.
Ryan: Tries to ignore the fact that Ryan has the most fucking insulting depiction of dyspraxia in any form of media (sorry, I have dyspraxia, and the way it was treated in S11 & 12 just really rubbed me the wrong way), but is also helpful and really in favour of spreading awareness. We're cool for now.
Yaz: One of the nicest, most well-intentioned people you will ever meet, always defending the underdog, supporting others and just being sweeter than a tea with six sugars, but also a master of illusion. Has read so many fan fictions, seen so much fan art and shipped Thasmin so much that they have tricked themselves into thinking Yaz is a three-dimensional, well-written character whose story was not completely made up on the go by Chibnall. Little more than a defeated husk after Power of the Doctor, being rewarded for all those years of fanfics, shipping and defending the era with a couple of longing stares and some hastily written "will they/won't they" scenes before 13 unceremoniously booted Yaz out of the TARDIS. Thinks Demons of the Punjab is the best 13 episode when it is really The Haunting of Villa Diodati.
Dan: Is more of a fan of John Bishop and his charisma than they are a fan of Dan, or is a terminally online person who thinks quoting "Evil Dan" videos makes them the funniest human alive (it really doesn't).
Want more of this for some reason? Try your Favourite Doctor or Favourite Master
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juniperhillpatient · 1 year
Can you expound on your opinion of Ozzie from that 90s show? I’m genuinely interested in hearing people’s opinion outside of a default excitement for a canon gay character existing
My problem with Ozzie is that he’s barely more than a walking trope & quip machine. He’s an Asian Gay Kid & he’s ✨sassy ✨like…. I need more. Every other character has more than their trope going for them & feels like a three dimensional character that I can relate to & think about in terms of their motivations, flaws, insecurities, pasts & future.
Ozzie coming out of the closet could’ve been a defining moment for him but idk… “I’m a minority” just…. Isn’t a compelling trait on its own for me & it’s actually kind of annoying when that’s a character’s ENTIRE thing. Then Ozzie’s coming out moment just made me love KITTY more. And no one who is watching this show doesn’t already love Kitty, come on.
I do applaud the show for trying & it’s a LOT better than the canon gay rep we got in the OG which we… don’t talk about 😂 But still, I think we can hope for a little more from our representation. I don’t want gay characters just for the sake of gay characters, I want interesting characters who happen to be gay.
I also just…. Can’t stand the walking quip machine sassy character archetype it annoys me personally it’s just not my thing.
But if you feel differently that’s fine! It comes down to personal taste & Ozzie as a character doesn’t fit mine. I still like the show, he’s just my least fave character, personally.
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fog-and-the-frost · 6 months
(ooc) tumblr often doesn't let me read the alt text of a post all the way if it's too long bc it disappears when the post it's attached to is no longer shown on screen; would it be possible to get the alt text for this latest post + the one where frost and fog argue pasted somewhere so one could read it fully? (i don't use a screenreader or anything just like reading through there to make sure i didn't miss anything and also just to better understand things in general no pressure to do that !! sorry if that's a weird request/smth that can easily be fixed ^^"" feel free 2 ignore/Not prioritize)
what the freak... grrrr stupid webbed site... yes here but i'll put it under the cut so it'd not 90 years long
[Text] Moon 33.
Panel one shows Fallenclan’s camp. Fogscreech, a black and white cat, lays behind a stone pillar. There is a pool of blood around them and their paw is covered in blood.
Panel two shows a close up on the scene. It highlights Fogscreech’s bloody paw. Fogscreech seems to be injured, or dead.
Panel three shows Fogscreech, altered. Their black and white pelt is slightly different in hue, their eyes are a murky yellow and they have a rose behind their left ear. They also have two scars across their throat. They sit with a surprised expression. A mysterious grey and white cat sits next to them, leaning on their shoulder. The cat is sleeping.
Panel four shows Fogscreech tilt their head towards the cat. The cat’s eyes open slightly, and he slinks off of Fogscreech’s shoulder.
Panel five shows Fogscreech and the cat facing eachother. The cat is awake now, and smiling. Fogscreech is surprised. [Dialogue] “Oh! You’re here!”
Panel six shows the cat’s face. He has a wistful smile [Dialogue] “There’s something I want to show you two. I think it’s going to help you. Come on.”
Panel seven shows the cat leading Fogscreech’s paws as they walk into a room, straight through the wall. Outside of the wall there is grass.
Panel eight shows the cat and Fogscreech standing next to eachother. Fogscreech is looking at the cat, while the cat is looking ahead at something and pointing at it. Fogscreech has tears in their eyes. [Dialogue] “Look, over there.”
Panel nine shows Fogscreech’s eyes. They are crying and have a slightly surprised expression.
Panel ten shows the grey and white cat, sitting on a pink blanket and yellow-grey pillow. His tail is wrapped around two black kits that lay at his belly. He has a slight smile and is looking at the kits.
Panel eleven shows the grey and white cat smiling with joy, though his eyes are sad.
Panel twelve shows the two kits, one black and white– Fogscreech, and the other, black white and grey. Fogscreech has a slight smile, while the other kit has her mouth agape in joy. The black, white and grey kit's eyes have swirls in them and red pupils.
Panel thirteen shows adult Fogscreech turning to look at the grey and white cat. They have a very surprised expression. The grey and white cat has a smile, though his eyes are sad and he is crying.
Panel fourteen shows Fogscreech crying, still with a surprised expression. [Dialogue] “I don’t– I— What? Why– why do we need to see this?”
Panel fifteen shows the grey and white cat. He is crying, though smiling bright with an agape mouth. [Dialogue] “Because I love you! I’ve been watching you, and I saw how sad you’ve been so I wanted to help you.”
Panel sixteen shows the grey and white cat hugging Fogscreech. Fogscreech is crying but the grey and white cat is not anymore. The grey and white cat holds Fogscreech, laying his head on Fogscreech’s back. Fogscreech’s spine fur is spiky. [Dialogue] “I love you so much, my babies. I can’t stand to see you two cry and I can’t stand to see you two be cruel to each other. You two need to take care of each other. And you’re going to have to take care of him, too. Your body, that husk, she’s going to try to hurt him. But I know that you’ll be able to protect him. Okay, you need to go back now. You need to keep going. I love you.”
Panel seventeen shows a stone pillar. Fogscreech’s tail and back can just barely be seen.
Panel eighteen shows the same scene, though Fogscreech has raised their head. They have a surprised expression and their eyes are bleeding and have swirl patterns in them. The scars on their throat are still there.
[Text] Fogscreech loses their first life.
There is a secret below that line of text. Three more lines, just barely visible, which read “She is crying. She wants her body back. She doesn’t want to hurt him.” fog + frost arguement: [Text] Moon 31. Panel one shows Fogscreech, a black and white cat, looking upset. [Dialogue] “Fogscreech.” Panel two shows Frostflash, a silver smoke molly, appearing behind Fogscreech. She has an angry expression and is crying. Fogscreech has a slightly surprised expression, and has turned to look at Frostflash. Panel three shows Frostflash, still very angry, yelling at Fogscreech. [Dialogue] “I wish you never brought me here. I wish we waited for a little white and then we could’ve went to Fallowclan. Everything that’s happened has only been bad. If we never came here Currentpaw would be alive, too. Currentpaw’s death was all your fault.” Panel four shows Frostflash’s eyes. She is angry. Panel five shows Fogscreech’s eyes. They are afraid. Tears are welling in their eyes. Panel six shows Frostflash’s mouth as she yells at Fogscreech. Panel seven shows Fogscreech’s mouth as they stammer at Frostflash. [Dialogue] “W-what?” “I want to go home!” “We can’t!” Panel eight again shows Frostflash’s mouth, and she is yelling louder. She has begun to snarl. Panel nine again shows Fogscreech’s mouth, as she has begun to yell back at Frostflash. [Dialogue] “Why not?! What aren’t you telling me!? Why are you keeping secrets!?” “I-I have to!” “So you are lying!” “No– just– you wouldn’t understand!” Panel ten shows Frostflash. She has become even more upset, as tears run down her snarling, angered face. Her ears are pinned back. [Dialogue] “Wouldn’t understand what, Fogscreech? Wouldn’t understand your freak out at Stork? Or why Currentpaw’s death didn’t look like an accident? Or why you keep talking to yourself!?” Panel eleven shows Frostflash’s eyes. Tears are streaming down her face. Panel twelve shows Fogscreech’s eyes. They have a slightly scared expression. Their eyes have swirling patterns and red pupils. Panel thirteen shows Frostflash’s mouth. Her lip is curled upwards and she is stammering. [Dialogue] “I can’t take this anymore, Fogscreech! I-I-” Panel fourteen shows Frostflash on the right screaming at Fogscreech. Tears fall from her face. [Dialogue] “I HATE YOU! I HATE THIS STUPID BEACH!” Panel fifteen shows Fogscreech on the left, with a blank expression. Their eyes are still swirled. [Dialogue] “AND I HATE MY STUPID MANGLED TAIL! AND I HATE HOW SAD I AM ALL THE TIME! WHY COULDN’T YOU JUST LET US BE HAPPY!” Panel sixteen shows Fogscreech’s face, though their eyes are obscured by a shadow. They have a blank expression. Panel seventeen shows Fogscreech’s face, their eyes are still hidden. They now have an angry expression and are snarling. [Dialogue] “WHY DID ANY OF THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN? I DON’T KNOW!” Panel eighteen shows Fogscreech’s paw reaching upwards, their claws unsheathed. [Dialogue] “SO I GUESS I DON’T UNDERSTAND, FOGSCREECH. I DON’T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING ABOUT YOU! I BARELY EVEN UNDERSTAND WHO I AM AT THIS POINT! I CAN’T—” Panel nineteen shows, in silhouettes, Fogscreech slash across Frostflash’s throat. Frostflash is screaming and Fogscreech’s eyes are still swirling. There are two sets of eyes watching them, one pair yellow and one pair dark blue. They both have a saddened look. Outside of any panel, Frostflash lays with her hind legs stretched out and front legs covering her mouth. She is crying and her ears are pinned back. There are bandages around her next. Fogscreech sits next to her, though their upper half is out of frame. Their tail sits around Frostflash’s torso. [Dialogue] “Those are all the bandages I have. They’ll probably fall off.” “I’ll be fine.” “...Are you mad at me?” “No. I’m sorry.” “Don’t apologize. It’s not your fault.” “Can we sleep under the stars tonight?” “Yeah, yeah we can.”
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judgementdaysunshine · 8 months
From the prompt list, can I have 🙈 with Dom and Rhea please?
Pairing: Dominik Mysterio x Fem reader x Rhea Ripley
Description: When Dom walks in on you, him and Rhea are in awe of the tattoos and how beautiful your exposed body is
Warning: This turned to straight filth 😩🛐
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You felt refreshed after coming home and showering after your matches on Monday night Raw taking a long shower to ease your pained body. You walk in the bedroom wearing your towel waiting for your partners Rhea and Dom to come home from their day in NXT only wanting to eat dinner and be in their arms after a hard day not even hearing the door open or the footsteps hitting the stairs until you hear the door open after putting your underwear on going to grab your shirt when you turn seeing a blushing and yelping dom making you laugh, the three of you have been together for a two months but none of you hadn't seen each other fully naked or been really intimate yet due to your hectic schedules, the two along with their two judgement members going to NXT for the last two weeks, and how exhausted each of you are from training and matches when you all get home "It's okay baby I'm not bothered by it" you turn back putting your clothes from earlier in the laundry hamper not noticing the purely starstruck look on dom as he watches you move with rhea next him in the doorway who stops seeing you grab one of her shirts and a pair of dom shorts while putting your shirt back in the dresser noticing out of the corner of your eye the way they look at your body. They both stop when they see each of your tattoos first noticing the moon and stars on your left collarbone followed by the fairy on your right one, the next is on your right hand adorned with a little sea turtle, your sternum with a 90's era heart then roses on your left rib, your right rib with the song lyrics "Inside we're all the same why can't we tear down the walls and show the scars we're covering" from Inside us all by Creed, your back beautifully covered with butterfly wings, finally the ones that really make their hearts lose it was the small humming birds, bees, and flowers adorn on your lower hips making them turn to puddles on the floor but they also notice how beautiful your body was other than the tattoos not big or too much muscle but also not small and real thin but soft, lean, good amount of muscle, delicate, and perfectly plump as they slowly run their hands on your body taking their time to trace any stretch marks and every line of your tattoos. You smile feeling them lightly pressing warm kisses on your body taking their time as they hold your hands before dom holds your face in a gentle kiss followed by a soft kiss with rhea smiling at the way your eyes admired their bodies before you were melting like honey in dom's arms as rhea kisses your thighs moaning as she kisses your bud before licking and sucking and dom sucking on the side of your neck only made your heart go more erratic moaning more when dom places his hand inbetween your body and rhea's face before they switch places hiding the smile when rhea straddles your face, you were a mess with rhea on your face and dom in you gently thrusting only made you turn to putty in their hold even more feeling like you were heaven, they both laugh as they clean you up helping you shower but you decide to return the favor while dom washes his hair you place a kiss on rhea making her smile before your placing hickies on her body and eating her out almost having her fall had it not been for dom holding her for the last few minutes before your placing a kiss and hickey on dom's hip before he is putty in your hands as rhea kisses him until the three of you were breathlessly laughing cleaning each other and drying off holding each other in bed asleep after with your head on rhea's chest and dom's head on your side arm wrapped over his shoulders.
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punkeropercyjackson · 21 days
@cassieopeiia said yes when i offered to repost my afro-dominican Jason Todd headcanons so they could finally have some accurate latino Jason content so here!!
Both sets of his grandparents were inmigrants who made sure to teach their kids their culture and Bruce,Talia and Alfred did research so he could still grow up in it after he was adopted so he's not disconnected from his culture like you'd expect
Is darkskinned with a big nose,full lips,green eyes and shoulder length black dreads with one of them being white from The Lazarus Pit.As Robin,he wore his hair short and natural(as in,his classic curls but even thicker)
Speaks spanish often enough that it's a consistent part of his speech patterns but dosen't have an accent since he's so good at both it and english
90s/2000s anime kid but specifically watched the episodes and read the mangas in latino spanish whenever he could(Definitely a merch collector too!!!Nothing weird though,i feel the need to say that,he just loves buying volumes and figures and replicas of weapons and plushies-The last one is a secret though)
Has his pre-reboot Robin characterization but got victim blamed and a bad rep anyway because of antiblackness and xenophobia
Bullying Tim for being a gringo is one of his favorote hobby's
Duke and him compare their similar yet different experiences with blackness and got along even quicker than canon thanks to it
Mentors Damian's team The All New Teen Titans and next to Damian,the member he's closest to is Nell
Takes great care of his hair and will sometimes wear red beads-He actually has a couple sets in different shades!!!
Says his favorite color is red because it represents blood on his country's flag and nobody can tell wether he's joking or not
Sometimes feels guilty for 'being a stereotype' due to the whole being born to poor parents who were also addicts and growing up to be a huge asshole with anger issues and a thirst for violence but rarely lets it get to him because he thinks he's the coolest mf to ever exist(but we all know he's actually a boyloser)
Aave user,with his favorite word from it being 'deadass'
And he makes the obvious 'Concha' jokes too for irony because he's demisexual and aceflux
Loves his country's cuisine-especially flan,it's tied with neapolitan as his favorite dessert!-but his favorite type of latino food is mexican!Tres leches cake and tacos and burritos and mexican hot chocolate and all that make his mouth water like Atlantis
Wears traditional festive clothes for special occasions and if he can't,he'll just refuse to go("I'm not going out in public in that!" "It's literally a tux???" "You call that a tux?It dosen't even have shoulder pads!Don't patronize me,Dickardo.")
Listens to bachata for nostalgia reasons and has some songs memorized but generally a female rappers/death metal bands/punk rock kinda guy
Black and latino memes connoiseur,both the classics and newer ones
Adores dominican folklore and uses it's horror mythos as inspo as Red Hood
Thinks 'showing affection means you aren't tough!' is gringo nonsense so he's pretty open about if he likes someone,be it platonic or romantic
Poc4Poc strictly and has a thing for black women
The only thing him and Kyle can agree on is that latinos are superior
Very autistic,with no masking game now or ever due to the norms he was raised in never giving him the chance to learn to.It got him bullied at school and things didn't get better into adulthood until we got to my Rhato rewrite and he got to make REAL friends i.e Reconnecting with Eddie and my self-insert Summer Kent(i got into DC through watching Utrh and starting to selfship with him),Robin-ing up Duke and vice versa and meeting Rose,Artemis,Kyle,Thad and a bunch of ocs by @moonage-gaydream @theautisticcentre @refrigeratedboombursts @mayameanderings and @insomniac-jay
Punkero Gótico(Goth Punk)who's a straightedge as trauma coping,seeks out latino/black run thrift stores,goes to basement shows and charity events and protests when he has free time and usually just asks around for them so he can know,wears dominican themed corpse makeup and is an agender transmasc who describes his gender as 'Mostly nonbinary but being a guy makes things funny as hell and Not That Kinda Girl by Mcr describes me pretty well')
His love for classical literatiure ofc includes latino authors and he played JuegosJuegos.com tons as a kid
Calls Talia Mamí,Damian 'Duende',Duke 'El Real'(Real=Spanish for Royal but also means the same thing it does in english so it's basically him saying 'You're so fucking real' like the slang)and Summer 'Strawberry Pop'(Jason has a thing for pink-coded black women specifically m'kay?)
His favorite Marvel character and lucky for him his Marvel Variant too is Miles Morales.He thinks it's Hobie Browm though(PLEASE He's so obsessed with his non-existent coolness and relatedly Duke's actual DC Variant is Duke 'El Real' Thomas)
And his books Variant is Percy Jackson.The only real differences are 1.Percy is transfem instead of transmasc and 2.Jason's arc is about him being a self-made tragedy and highkey bad person who works his ass off to redeem himself and only works when he's not getting coddling and Percy's is about how she's never done anything wrong in her entire life yet gets treated like shit anyway and deserves to be treated kindly for once no matter how strong she is
My fancast for him is Aubrey Joseph.Everything i've watched of him-Acting AND as himself-is literally just irl Jason Todd.There's no better fancast for him out there,we've found Red Hood y'all
If you call him any version of 'Papí' and you're not Talia or one of his kids:'Lights Out Bitch!!!!'
Canon bonus':His birthday is on Dominican Restoration day,at my villa we sell mini packets of neapolitan cream with little spoons at our schools,his Lego movie is called 'Family Matters' which is the name of an iconic black sitcom and Leon from Pokemon's VA voiced him in the Wfa dub!!!
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some midge/susie thoughts (and a few other things!) on the final episode:
that scene in the restaurant was just gorgeous, god damn. susie explaining her past with hedy, so poignant and beautifully acted (DAMN, we are losing one of the great tv performances with alex borstein as susie!) and even though it was just one monologue it painted such a rich picture that it told you all you needed to know.
and midge being like “i know exactly what she saw in you” and then saying she thinks susie will fall in love again and susie asking her “were you ever a blonde”??? like, the underlying vibe of susie being like “i’m in love with you and it’s dumb and i’m dumb and it will never go anywhere and i’m resigned to that, i’ve always been resigned to that, i can’t believe i fell for another impossible rich girl” but midge being like “uh actually maybe it’s not so dumb because i completely adore you and you’re my #1 life partner and the only one who truly understands this fire of ambition that drives me at my core* because you feel that way too” felt so tantalizingly just around the corner. it felt just like how i always imagined romantic feelings between them would bloom if they ever did, so it was surreal and dreamy to feel like i was watching a tiny bit of that unfold onscreen before my eyes.
(* i mean, lenny also understands it, but he was like her handsome man comic fairy godmother more than ever destined to be an everyday presence in her life.)
and midge saying in her standup that she doesn’t think she’s gonna have a permanent life partner-y relationship with a man anymore? and then she doesn’t? HELLOOOOOOO!
that shot of susie putting her hand to her heart and her and midge gazing at each other after midge’s standup ............ gorgeous!! gorgeous!!!!!
them as old ladies calling each other to watch jeopardy on vhs together and press play at the exact same time! midge being all fancy and susie being a bird hippie! midge sending susie a bird! susie naming the bird “whore”! making each other laugh so, so much, calling back to midge wanting to marry someone who makes her laugh!!!!! bro, i can’t believe i just watched midge and susie do grace and frankie romance.
45 YEARS TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this just felt very “if i want to make this romantic then i can because it’s all there” and i’m so pleased and pleasantly surprised. i think they really (deliberately?) leaned into the subtext in these last episodes to very wonderful and rich effect.
also, this episode was just so, so charming and fun! i was surprised that we didn’t get more flashforwards with all the other characters, but actually i like the idea of just having those moments as sort of snapshots of future life rather than definitively told stories. and all the supporting characters really got moments to shine and it was delightful and warm. (and imogene was there! in her black beret! imogene!)
also, moishe and shirley in the shower, lololololololol!!! that was incredible. i wish that would happen to all my otps who need some epiphany time.
and abe and rose trying to summon the cab was a beautifully choreographed exercise in silliness that really just felt so ASP in the best way.
joel was very, very sweet in this episode. good on you, joel!
i am sad that we didn’t get to see midge & susie’s makeup scene from the 90s!!! but also: how fun to imagine in fanfic. in my fanfic they kiss and no one can stop me.
no other show will ever play this much barbra streisand in the soundtrack and that makes me sad. :’( every single time i heard her wonderful voice bless a montage on this show my heart soared.
i loved this season and I LOVE THIS SHOW! what a great show to have five seasons of to rewatch forever, knowing that midge and susie will be together for the rest of their lives (w/ one tragic five year blip) living complicatedly & soulmates-ily ever after! beautiful work, palladinos! thank you and goodnight!
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kanekoii · 7 months
hear me out.. xsoleil one bed trope 👁
like, imagine reader and xsoleil member on a school trip, and the room they booked had to be changed to a one-bed room :3
lyra’s notes -> i will in fact hear you out on this
pairings -> xsoliel x gn! reader
genre -> fluffy scenario + silly little hotel things cuz lowkey why is staying in a hotel so much fun
song -> pink cheeks - eldon
warnings -> not established relationship, food mentions, reader wears a swimsuit in melo’s but no body types or anatomy is mentioned for reader :), why does this take place in such a fancy hotel lol
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due to the sudden change in arrangements with your room in particular, it left poor kaichou insanely flustered and wondering what the hell he was to do in that situation. he’d end up walking shyly back into the shared main room in his black and red pajama pants and grey t-shirt, hair taken out of its usual side-swept style and tousled, hanging slightly over his rose colored eyes. in an attempt to make it less awkward, he’d make a small divider using blankets between your bodies. but before either of you went to bed, ver heard your stomach grumble and suggested you go to the small in-hotel café downstairs in your pajamas together. the elevator ride downstairs was full of giggles and some looks from the people around you, wondering why students were at a hotel, not knowing it was for a counsel trip.
the downstairs café was very calm in atmosphere, ver ordering a pastry and a hot tea while continuing to talk and crack jokes with you. god, he was adorable. as the night went on, he quietly encouraged you to head back to your shared room to rest, and you obliged with sleepy eyes and an equally quiet voice.
you had no idea what had went on while the both of you were asleep, but you woke up in the counsel president’s arms as he slept so peacefully, as if you were simply a plushie. you were wrapped in warm blankets and so was he, ver’s warm body drawing you ever closer to him. you couldn’t help but drift into a deep sleep again with his warmth as your company.
she figured it would be a good idea to go to the hot tub for a bit to de-stress. she invited you to go with her with a smug smile on her face as she adjusted the deep purple silk bathrobe she wore over her swimsuit. meloco was more than happy to have you accompany her, it was just an excuse to get even closer to you. seeing as her hair was very long, it was tied into a loose bun high up on her head so the chlorinated water didn’t interfere with its softness.
you sat in that hot tub with her for what might have been hours as the sun finished its descent under the horizon and the moon and stars took its place. she was so enthusiastic when talking to you, in stark contrast to her usual stern and sarcastic manner.
she would flop down on your now shared bed in her adorable and soft, lavender colored nightshirt that hung over her body like a dress. her long hair hung flat to her head since she had taken a shower after the hot tub. a glance at the clock would tell you that it was far past midnight and time to sleep. meloco wouldn’t mind holding you in her sleep, in fact she would really like it if given your consent cuz consent is hot. you’d wake up with your head on her soft chest as if it were a pillow (booba 🤤).
why is bro so enthusiastic about this. it’s almost like he has a crush on you or something. he’d get pizza or something of the like that you enjoy delivered to your room while you watch reality tv with him. please watch 90 day fiancé with him he will become even more infatuated with you as he munches on his pizza while making the silliest comments on the show. his hair would be tousled and messy, his pajamas would be black sweatpants and a dark pink-purple shirt with a white design on it saying “#1 cheftecfive”. you couldn’t help but giggle at his shirt and how cute he looked in it.
you’d stay up with him late into the night until you fall asleep and end up resting your head on his shoulder. piochan would gently wrap a blanket around you and turn the tv’s volume down until he was ready to go to bed. he’d wrap his strong arms around you and hold you like a little teddy bear.
ugh imagine his deep and slightly raspy morning voice as he wishes you a good morning, holding you so tightly.
she’s so precious. girl will be so excited to share a room with you and watch movies long into the night, so excitedly exclaiming how happy she is to be with you for your time together. she’d eventually decide to keep the movies playing even if she’s about to fall asleep, which ended with you holding each other, fast asleep by the time the sun began riding.
kotoka would wake up first, not wanting to leave your arms or let go of you and letting herself fall asleep. her onesie was so cozy to snuggle her in, you just couldn’t help but hold her tightly in your sleep.
you’d awake so happily in the morning too, just so excited to have kotoka by your side in her adorable cat onesie. she’d get breakfast delivered to your shared room, filled with giggles on the cool morning.
oughhh he is so teasing about it. he won’t hesitate to hold you and be your big spoon in his sleep, brushing your hair after your bath or shower at night or morning (personally i’m a night bath kinda guy but yk) and saying affirming things to you in his naturally deep and gravelly voice. he’s so. ugh.
hex will wake you up in the morning with your favorite caffeinated drink and something you’ll eat for breakfast with a gentle smile on his face as he adjusts his glasses.
the way he looks when you wake up before him though…god. his hair will be more tousled than usual, his normally sharp eyes closed in soft sleep and the most small and gentle smile on his face as he presumably dreams a happy dream. you can’t help but fall asleep to the sound of his gentle and calm breathing.
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