#sam and ben are adorable dorks
superheroesandspies · 1 month
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Blue Iguana (2018)
Sam Rockwell, Ben Schwartz, Phoebe Fox
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blushing-starker · 3 years
starker + 9 🥺
Peter's doing it again. Trying to merge with Tony, fuse their bodies together even when the boy knows it isn't possible unless several bones are tossed away. But it's his boyfriend. Peter doesn't stop attempting something unless a freight train knocks him out. There are, unfortunately, no trains in the tower.
He's kidding.
(He's not, Tony's got a pointy elbow digging into a stomach a bit too fleshy for his liking, skinny knees knocking harshly against his own and fluffy hair up to his nose. He loves the kid, he does. But these cuddle sessions are leaving purple bruises every time Pete forgets his strength and squeezes Tony lovingly.
It's cute.
He's dying.)
The screen flashes, sunset orange assaulting them as the Manda(d)lorian blows up what looks like the alien monster Thanos stored his troops in. Peter, a painful blessing, wiggles even closer to provide comfort and chase away horrible memories he's too young to have. It's one of the only reasons Tony's thankful for the age difference; Peter was too busy enjoying his childhood with May and Ben to really focus on the demons that haunted the concrete jungle and, years later, the billionaire's nights.
A stray curl of brown hair goes into Tony's mouth, now Pete's in his lap and Jesus, he needs to exercise with Rhodey if the kid can so easily get him winded. It's ridiculous, Pete can't be much more than a hundred and twenty pounds when he's wet but his chest still heaves like the time he and honey bear had to sprint through the whole MIT campus so they wouldn't be late for a final test.
Maybe he's just tired from playing with Morguna yesterday? Yeah, that makes a lot more sense than his spiderling exhausting Tony so suddenly when just two days ago he pinned Peter to the wall and-
Sniffling. There's sniffling. His shirt is wet, tremors are wracking Peter's blanket covered body and what the hell happened, no enemy is near, nobody died and his boyfriend didn't mention anything bad getting him down at school. Oh god, is his lover hurt? No, no, Friday would have notified Tony. He thinks about all the dates May has drilled into his head and no traumatic anniversary is even close to today.
Pete hides his face against the arc reactor for all of two nanoseconds before Tony is tugging him up like a sorrowful puppy, tucking the boy's knees on either side of his hips so Tony can properly face the creature softly sobbing.
"Hey, hey, baby, what's wrong? Are you hurt anywhere? Do you wanna shut that off, head to our room and cuddle under your fave blankets? Maybe eat breakfast at midnight? Cuz you know I can wake Sam up and he'll cook that French Toast you like. With the, you're still crying. Oh, hey. I can steal Strange's cape. There's my puppy eyed boy. Tell me what's wrong and I'll snatch it in five minutes."
He'd feel bad about negotiating, but Peter has strictly informed Tony in the past that there's no other way to get him out of his head. A cause and effect type of dynamic helps Peter rationalize; if he explains the situation, Tony can help resolve it. It's a system that always makes things bearable, brings Peter back into reality much more quickly than anything else. Unless there are puppies. Then he can skip away from internal shadows in chase of cute dogs within five seconds.
"It's just," Tony inhales deeply, mentally prepares himself for nightmares, terrible flashbacks or another bully determined to make his baby sad, "don't laugh. I'm serious about this, ok?"
That lower lip wobbles and he's ready to go, body prepared to leap off the building and hunt down any threat that's causing half of his heart to sob like this. "I promise I won't laugh at you. I would never, ever laugh at something that causes you pain, Pete. I promise I'll help in any way I can. Tell me what's wrong."
A slow inhale now so Peter can copy him and explain without being in the verge of an attack. Two, five, ten beats of his heart dedicated to calming the kid. He still burst into tears.
"You're just such a good dad, Tony." Pete crumbles, cries into his neck and what the fuck just happened? How is this his life? Something chirps from the tv and Baby Yoda runs towards his father. The exact same way Morgan ran to Tony last night.
Even if Peter dumps him because of it, he's canceling the fucking show.
"Peter Benjamin Parker, are you drunk? Or high? I'm gonna put you to bed and you will sleep until those neurons wake up again because this is the weirdest thing you've ever done. Come on, no, don't use your super strength, that's cheating."
His sweet, adorable, exhausting boyfriend shakes his head, refuses to move and Tony relents, huffs into warm hair just to be petty. "You're so soft with her, Tony, just like Mando and the baby. And it's really cute, and pure, and wholesome, ok?"
"So you're crying about it at midnight?"
"I'm a sensitive person, Mr Tin Can.
"Jesus, Pep wasn't like this when pregnant," it's a low murmur but Pete still slaps his arm, sends Tony flailing onto the floor with the kid on his lap. Definitely gonna work out with Rhodey.
"You see? This is what you do to me, Peter. Give me a heart attack and bruises. I think we're gonna invade some professor's office to fix an unfair grade and you're crying because of a green puppet."
"Hey! He's more than that, he's adorable." More sniffling. He's getting this kid a therapist.
"FIne, an adorable green puppet. I'm gonna get you waffles and the cape and access to the show if you stop giving me injuries. Now help me up, I'm pretty sure my back can't take this."
Nothing. Not a twitch. Why does Tony always fall for the stubborn ones? "I'll let you braid my hair with Morgan tomorrow, so please assist an old man, oh God." Peter heaves him up, nearly throws Tony into a wall before controlling that superhuman strength and leaving his boyfriend upside down on his shoulder.
Well, at least he isn't crying anymore.
(They watch the next episode with Morgan. They both sob on his chest, mutter something about being a wonderful father and yeah, he's happy they think that, glad he's creating a better legacy than the one he inherited but Tony's 99% sure every Avenger is wiping away tears and there isn't enough Kleenex for all of them when they wail about "pure and wholesome" relationships.
He buys the team Baby Yoda plushies. Just to calm them down.)
(Peter finds one hidden away in the closet and grins because his boyfriend is as much of a dork as he is.)
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soul-music-is-life · 4 years
Imagine if like one of the girls probably spencer is still next door neighbour to em and Ali and Ali is alone when she goes into labor with Sam em is out with the twins or somethin and like she knxoxks on Spencer’s door and she’s like whats up and Ali is like baby coming now I need a drive lol, maybe even ending up having the baby in the car jajajaj
I’ve had a few requests for a Spalison prompt and one very sweet person who offered to even pay me for it. I’m not really great when it comes to exchanging fics for cash, so I’m actually doing this free of charge unless people feel like donating to my Ko-fi.
It’s an Emison within a Spalison within an Emison…AU future-ish prompt? It’s insanely long, so I am posting the full length prompt on Fanfiction instead, but the first snippet is here. Link will be at the end of the snippet.
The “Read More” tag is there for a reason (rating). Just a fair warning. Also, if you’re on mobile, I don’t think the “Read More” works, so if you’re a follower, but not a PLL fanfic reader just scroll past and ignore. :-)
Alison couldn’t move. Her entire body was drenched in sweat. She was panting so hard that she thought she might pass out. She gripped the sheets and cried out, her back arching and her muscles tensing.
She tried to remember her Lamaze exercises as she worked to regain control of her lung functions. Another one hit her and she was right back where she started. She was seeing stars.
She finally got her bearings after a few minutes. Her body relaxed against the mattress.
Emily crawled up from under the covers, a huge smile on her face. She saw the serene look on Alison’s face. She moved up to kiss her, their lips gently meeting for a soft peck. Alison could feel the smugness radiating off of her wife.
“Don’t you fucking gloat.” Alison warned her.
“I told you I could make it a trifecta.” Emily winked at her. She threaded her fingers into Alison’s hair.
When Emily looked at her with such soft affection Alison felt like she was melting. Every time Alison looked into Emily’s eyes she could see her wife falling even more deeply in love with her, and it made Alison feel the same.
Emily had a way about her. She had the biggest heart that Alison had ever seen. She looked at the world in a bright and peculiar way, which is what Alison loved about her. She loved her sunny optimist. The brunette had her dark days, but at her core Emily wanted to believe in the good in the world. It’s one of the qualities that made her such an amazing mother and partner.
“How are you feeling?” Emily kissed the side of Alison’s jaw.
She moved her hand down to Alison’s swollen belly. The baby was a week overdue, and Alison had about had it with their son overstaying his welcome in her uterus. Emily had taken the week off of work because she knew he could come at any moment. And she wanted to make sure they had everything ready for him. She also wanted to make sure her wife’s every need was attended to.
“Normally I’d appreciate all this attention, but I’ve only got so much stamina.” Alison touched Emily’s bare waist.
“I know. But the doctor said that stimulation could help induce the labor.”
“She also said that I should eat spicy foods and walk around a lot, and that just gave me heartburn and made my feet swell.” She pushed her lips out in a pout. They felt bruised and swollen.
“Luckily this comes with minimal side effects.” Emily winked. “Ready to go again?”
“I never thought I’d say this, but my vagina needs a break. I need to recharge my battery. Just plug me in and let me power up.” Alison splayed her arms out and huffed out a sigh.
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her head was still spinning. It was amazing that after over ten years of marriage Emily still knew how to take her breath away.
The bed shuffled. Something warm tickled her stomach. Emily’s lips were so tender against her skin that Alison could feel the love in her motions. Alison opened her eyes and smiled down at her.
Emily loved kissing her belly. She loved feeling connected to their son. Emily gently kissed her baby bump again and put an open palm against Alison’s stomach. She peered up at the blonde.
“I can’t wait to meet him.” She rubbed circles against Alison’s skin.
Alison loved how nurturing she was. She had such an unwavering amount of love in her heart, especially when it came to their children. She watched quietly as Emily spoke softly to their baby boy. He usually came to life when he heard his Mama. Alison loved feeling him dance around in excitement, because she felt the same way about her wife. She felt like dancing every time she was in Emily’s orbit.
“Do me a favor and tell your son he needs to vacate these premises immediately.” Alison laid her palm on the other side of her belly. It was hard and tight and still gleaming with sweat.
“You heard your mother.” Emily spoke softly to her unborn son. “It’s time to come out.”
They felt a flutter of movement as the baby moved around. After a few seconds, he was still.
“Now he’s just mocking me.” Alison sat up.
No matter what position she was in she was uncomfortable. The baby felt like he was taking up every inch of her body. She looked down at her stomach. She was retaining water. She frowned.
“I look like a balloon.” She pouted.
“A beautiful shiny balloon.” Emily rolled over and propped herself up on her elbow. “One I must say that I enjoy playing with.”
“Seriously, I’m hideous. How can you find me attractive right now?” Alison poked her belly.
The insecurity had gotten harder for her once the mood swings had started, but Emily never once faltered in her stride. She had watched Alison’s body change and grow, and she was in awe of it.
“Because you’re carrying our son. You’re giving him life.” Emily slowly sat up. She cupped Alison’s cheek. “You…” She pecked her lips, “…are the most beautiful mother…” Another kiss, “…and lover I could have ever asked for.”
Blood rushed to Alison’s cheeks. Her entire body flashed in heat. No matter how low her mood seemed to get, Emily always knew exactly what to say to make her feel better. It was the magic of her wife.
“You’re just saying that so I don’t get sad and eat my weight in pickles and ice cream.” She’d started craving weird things in her seventh month of pregnancy.
“If you want pickles and ice cream I will go out and buy every carton of Ben & Jerry’s and all the Gherkins in the store. You just say the word.”
Alison smiled at Emily’s determination. She knew how lucky she was to have the brunette. Emily had been the calming center in the middle of the chaos of pregnancy. But even before then, Emily had always been sensitive to her needs. She was the most nurturing person Alison had ever met. And she was lucky enough to have her every day for the rest of their lives.
Alison grasped Emily’s cheeks and pulled her in for a kiss. She gently held Emily’s face as their eyes met.
“You’re so sweet.” Alison’s nose brushed Emily’s.
“And you are…” Emily took her time eyeing Alison’s body, “…very aesthetically pleasing.”
“Oh my God, you dork.” Alison fell back against the headboard in laughter. “Who says that kind of thing?”
The teasing smile on Emily’s face slowly faded into a genuine look of adoration. Alison loved seeing the subtle changes in her eyes. Her eyes told the full story of what was going on in her head.
Emily splayed her hand against Alison’s stomach and slowly moved it up against her body. She took her time appreciating her curves. Her palm landed against the side of her neck. Her fingertips curled against the top of her spine. Alison felt sparks of pleasure shooting throughout her entire body.
When Emily touched her Alison could tell that it wasn’t just hormones or pheromones or that they constantly craved one another. It was that her pregnancy had opened Emily’s eyes further to her inner beauty, something Alison had trouble sharing, because it made her vulnerable. But over the years she’d learned to let Emily in. The vulnerabilities that had come with marriage, and especially pregnancy, had brought an additional layer of intimacy between them.
“I mean it, Alison.” Emily reached for Alison’s hand, threading their fingers together. “All I see when I look at you is your strength and your endurance and your sensual prowess. And it’s the sexiest thing in the world. You are always beautiful in my eyes. Always.”
When Emily told her she was beautiful, Alison believed it. She knew that once she was holding her son in her arms, Emily’s son…it would prove to be worth it.
“Have I told you lately how much I love you?” Alison put her palm against Emily’s neck.
“I think I heard you shout it a few times in the middle of the first time…”
Alison playfully smacked her. Emily was being so cocky, which she loved. And truthfully, she’d earned the right to be cocky. Because she was amazing in all aspects.
“I’m serious.” Alison slid her hand up against Emily’s jaw, tracing her fingers against her strong jaw line. “You’re so wonderful. I really love you, Emily. I wasted so much time not telling you that. But I want you to know how much you mean to me. I wouldn’t be the woman I am today without you…without your love. You…” She felt a knot in her throat, but she managed to swallow it, “You never gave up on me. After everything I did…you’re still here.”
She blinked back her tears. She’d spent years thinking she wasn’t worthy of love, least of all Emily’s love. But Emily was determined to love her, and because of that Alison was able to open herself up to her love...and she’d been able to return that love to her wife tenfold.
“We’re not kids anymore.” Emily reminded her. “You’re not that person anymore. I’m not who I used to be either.” She reached up and wiped away a trace of a tear underneath Alison’s right eye. “My dad taught me a long time ago that relationships require work, and that when two people are truly in love…” She cradled Alison’s cheek, “There is no such thing as giving up.” She smiled warmly at her wife. “I will always be there for you.”
“Me too.” Alison nodded in agreement. She sighed happily. “You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. You deserve the whole world.”
“I’ve got it.” Emily’s entire world was Alison.
They met for a kiss. It started out innocent. It was slowly becoming something more when an alarm pierced the air and startled them.
Emily rolled over and reached out to grab her phone. Her eyes widened when she saw the time.
“Crap.” She sat up, wrapping the sheet around her body. “I’ve got to pick the girls up from soccer practice.”
“We should make them walk. It builds character.” Alison reached for Emily, trying to pull her back into their embrace.
Emily sat up and leaned over, grabbing her pants off of the floor. She quickly threw her shirt on. She twisted back around and gave Alison a kiss on the forehead.
“To be continued.” She touched her cheek. She put her hands on Alison’s stomach and pressed her lips against her baby bump. “Don’t you dare make your big debut without me.” She ordered her unborn son, not knowing at the time just how foreshadowing those words would be. She looked at Alison. “I’ll be back in half an hour.”
Emily rushed out to go pick up their twins. Alison couldn’t get comfortable in bed. Her back was killing her. She hadn’t slept in days. Emily stayed up with her a lot, giving her massages and trying to help with her discomfort. Alison really felt her absence when she wasn’t around.
She got up and put on a nightgown. She stopped and peered at herself in the mirror. She held her stomach in her hands, observing her side profile. She really couldn’t see what Emily saw in her. She looked bloated, blotchy, and tired. She rubbed her back, quietly deciding that making herself some tea might help with the stiff muscles.
She made the mistake of leaving her phone on her nightstand.
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ellus986 · 4 years
Underneath the mistletoe
Single dad Ben Hardy x reader part 1
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Sorry kids, I know all my fan fics are filled with kids, but I can’t help it as I’m 21 weeks pregnant when I’m writing these lines. And I know I know it is over christmas, but had other things than finishing it, sorry 🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
Warning: kissing, dark humor
It is a casual friday night in the diner you work in. Not much of costumers, but your heart stops as your favorite two comes in. The little Keila smiles at you in the minute your eyes meet. They sit in the box they did every friday night for the past year.
“Good evening!” Greets you the blue eyed father.
“Welcome back at our tiny kitchen!” You say as you hand them the menu.
“Y/N, you look so beautiful again!” Cheers the little blue eyed girl.
“Thank you... I almost forgave you...” you giggle.
“For...gave...me?” Mumbles Keila.
“You never ever even tried to hint that your father is a famous actor!” You answer with a smile on your face, and you can see his face change too.
“That changes something?” He asks.
“No! I just wasn’t aware you played the best drummer alive!” You giggle.
“It sounds like you are a Queen fan, but than that movie came out more than a year ago and you just saw it now?” He chuckles.
“As I have my fridays booked always...” you nod your head in they way. “And having school next to work I have zero social life, but yesterday finally I had a class canceled and decided instead of a nap, I watch the movie I wanted for a long time now!”
“And we are really thankfull that you choose us over partying...” he mumbles.
“Everything for the smile of this princess!” You smooth her hair out of her face. Normally you would not touch your costumers, but these two was so different from the others. They come to you every friday, and you only worked on this day because she was so heart-broken one night you had it free and someone else surved them. She was smart and full of heart, and you loved her.
“I’m sorry...” she mumbles not looking up from the table.
“It is okay honey! I was just suprised, that I had your father playing in the background in my teenage years while having dinner!” You giggle again.
“So you was a fan...” he lift one of his eyebrows.
“Nooo... but Easterenders was something that went well as white noise for dinner... I let you decide what you want!” You turn away and walk.
“Keila, no!”
“Dad! Don’t be a...”
“Y/N?” You can’t keep his voice out of your head.
“We... have Frankie over the weekend... would, you like to come for a walk with us?” Sutters the blue eyed blonde.
“I’m sure I can make time before my afternoon ship if that is good for you?”
“Perfect!” Answers the adorble little one.
The next day:
Bournemouth was cold, and snowy, but the christmas decoration on the street made everything joyfull. A big smile sits on your face as you see Keila running in your way.
“Y/N!” She jumps into your arms and you lift her up.
“Hello, beautiful!” You greet her. “Hello, handsome!” You wave in Ben’s way.
“Princess!” He looks angry.
“It is okay! We know eachother for a year now, she didn’t run in some strangers arms... I mean I hope I don’t count as one...”
“No, you don’t count as a stanger!” He nods. “Are you okay with a jumping 4 years old?” He asks as he gets to you, and you already put down his daugther.
“4 and a half!” Keila holds her finger to her dad’s chest.
“4 and a half, sorry!” He mumbles.
“But back to the question, I’m more than okay with jumping 4 and half years olds!” You giggle, winking in the little ones way. “I study to be a primary teacher, so...”
“Maybe you will teach me?” You can see how Keila’s eyes are shining, as you are walking on the beach sidewalk.
“I don’t think honey, I have years to finish my studies and even if I could finish in two years there would be so little chance to get a job in a school you would go in...”
“Ooh... Frankie lets run!” She gets cheerfull again as she gets the leader from her dad and runs off on the empty street.
“So you want to work with kids one day?” You can see how he is struggling to even ask you.
“Yes defenetly!” You smile at him. “And you are a famous actor?”
“Could say...” his face just gets so red and a half smile gets on it slowly.
“Not fan of the fame?”
“Nah... kinda... I don’t like to be just me infront of people, but I love to perform thought...”
“Y/N, do you like Frankie?” Runs Keila to you, with the dog, who you immediately pet.
“She is so cute!” You nod.
She runs away again and you just walk next to Ben in silence until you think you have something better to do: throw a snowball into his chest. Suprise rises on his face, but he respondes quickly. You get into a big fight fast and you can see Keila running with worry on her face.
“What is happening?”
“She attacked me!” Ben points in your way trying not to laugh.
“Ooh blame it on the woman!” You hold your hands up.
“Ooh adults!” She hides her face in her hand before running away again with the dog, and both of you burst into laugh. You try to get a new snowball, but before you could get enough together he runs in your way and both of you end up in the fresh, white snow laughing, fighting. You lock eyes with him, and your heart just want to leave your chest. “Dad! Really?” You look up to Keila holding her hands on her hips still holding the dog on the leader who just lickes Ben’s face.
“Sorry, you are right little princess!” He gets up and holds his hand out for you.
“Dad! Now she needs to walk home in wet clothes!” You feel like a four and half years old little girl has more responseablety than you two sometimes.
“Oh shoot... do you live far away?” He mumbles.
“Half an hour bus drive from the diner...” you answer, pulling your shoulder.
“Than, I owe you with a coffee, and dry clothes!” He blushes.
“I really don’t want to bother!”
“Please!” Begs Keila.
“Okay...” you give in. “I can’t say no to a princess!”
You follow them to the their near by house. It wasn’t a luxury home, and you liked it for that. As you are about to get to the front door, you see a car parking in front of it, and an auburn man steping out of it. Your heart stops, you just saw him on screen two days ago.
“Uncle Joe, uncle Joe!” Keila forgets all about the dog and runs to him, jumping into his arms.
“Hi Princess!” He kisses her cheek as she is sitting on his hip. “Hi, I’m Joe!” He holds his free hand out for you.
“I kno... I mean, I’m Y/N!” You blush.
“So you know...” he chuckles.
“She just watched bohrap two days ago...” Ben helps you out.
“Yeah, too much work and study!” You pull your shoulder.
“She didn’t know daddy was famous before that!” Steps in the littlest one.
“You didn’t?” He looks at you suprised.
“He was familiar, but who would think of Easterenders?” You giggle.
You walk in as he chuckles with the little girl on his side. Ben shows you around and hands you some dry, and warm clothes. “Really sorry for the wet experience!”
“The wet experience?” Joe yells one room away chuckleing.
You take the clothes and walk into the bathroom. The cosiest bathroom you ever saw. It had wood everywhere and had the a suprisingly big bathtube in the corner, what was really calling for you, but you just come to change your clothes, to the man’s clothes you had no idea was famous, but was so nice with you in the past year.
As you open the door Keila is already standing there. “Are you staying for lunch? Uncle Joe got us food!”
“I don’t want to into...”
“Pleeeease!” She begs you with those big eyes, and as you look up you see Ben, looking at you two.
“If you are hungry, we got enough food, Joe always dubles our needs!”
“Eat with us after your wet experience!” Laugh Joe from the kitchen.
“Okay... okay! I’m staying for lunch, but after I need to go to work!” You answer.
Lunch goes by so fast, and funny. You already saw the trend for #hardzello but you now understand it. They are just two adorable dork perfectly being bestfriends. Keila’s laughter filled the whole room along side yours. As you are about to leave she hugs you, and Ben is about to walk you out.
“Daaad!” You hear almost a scream, both of you turn scared, but than you see Joe laughing.
“Look up!” She giggles,as both of you look up.
“Ooh...” he forms it so softly as both of you are standing under the mistletoe.
“Don’t cheat! I needed to kiss uncle Joe on the cheek last year!”
“But you two are over the legal age so... just saying!” Joe holds up his hands.
You can’t even answer as Ben grabs your hip and locks lips with you. It is modorate as there is his child, but passionet as well. It ends as soon as it started, but you still can’t let his eyes go, you just star into eachothers eyes.
To be continued...
My sweet perms:
@simply-sams-things @spacedustmazzello
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countlessimagines · 5 years
Just Like We Dreamed [ Peter Parker x Reader ] Part Two
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Warnings: None! Typos, maybe.
A/N: Lots of people wanted a part two so here it is (:
“Peter,” You said and placed the cold washcloth on his forehead. “Handsome, please wake up now.”
He fluttered his eyes for a moment before he focused on your anxious face, “(Y/N)?” His eyes drifted to your stomach to see a bump. “Baby?”
“Yes, there’s a baby in there and you’re the father,” You said and quietly sat there as he sat up and tried to process everything.
“How... how far along are you?” Peter asked, his eyes staying on the bump.
“Five months, he’s doing great in there. The doctor said he’s healthy and everything is going good.”
“You’re having a boy?” He said and finally looked up at you with a hint of a smile.
“Oh - well, yes,” You said and gently rubbed your tummy with your hand.
Peter then started to cry his eyes out, “I never thought this would happen but this is the greatest day of my life! There’s going to be a tiny little human here who I’m going to love with all my heart... I’m going to go to the university right now and drop out. I’m going to find a job. I’m going to call Mr. Stark and Aunt May, of course. I should also pick up a few pregnancy books.”
“Peter, slow down,” You said with a smile and reached out to grab his shoulders. “One step at a time, yeah?”
“Yeah,” he nodded and then glanced down at your stomach. “May I...”
“Yes,” You told him and guided his hand to your growing tummy. He placed it down carefully and a giant grin spread across his face, “Woah.”
“Peter, you’re going to have to stop freaking out,” You said and grabbed onto his hand with the one that wasn’t holding onto Clint.
You and Peter thought it’d be best to visit the Avengers even if you were suppose to be in bed rest until the baby came, which was any day now. But, you missed the dorks who save the world and knew there wouldn’t be much time to see them when the baby came.
Which, ironically, wanted to come out the minute you started talking to Clint.
The rest of the Avengers all started panicking or were trying to get things in order. Thor was going on about some type of Asgardian tradition where they dose the mother’s stomach with the waters of luck; Natasha was trying to call the medical bay to tell the nurses to get everything ready for you; Wanda was floating your night bags to Peter; Tony couldn’t stop smiling and cracking jokes; Vision kept naming off facts he knew about labor and what you should do; Bruce was checking on you to see how you were going along; Steve was panicking and shaking Bucky a little who had no idea what to do in the situation; Sam was making inappropriate jokes and Bucky flared at him.
It was chaotic in the Avengers compound, to say the least.
Peter let the overnight bags drop into his arms, thanked Wanda, and started rushing you to the elevator.
Once you all - and yes all of you and the Avengers - made it to the medical bay, Peter has to convince everyone to stay in the waiting room. There were grumbles and complaints but they all listened and slumped into chairs.
Twelve hours later, you laid exhausted with a little bundle of joy in arms. Your son was asleep so peaceful against your chest.
Peter was crying and taking photos and constantly had to wipe the camera off because of his tears getting everywhere.
He leaned over to kiss your head and put the camera down, “You did amazing today.”
“Thanks, handsome,” You weakly smiled and put your hand on his cheek. “I can’t wait to raise him with you.”
“Me too,” Peter said and felt like crying again. “Just like we dreamed.”
There was a knock on the door and Peter said softly, “Come in.”
The entire group walked in and gauked at the little baby boy.
You smiled at all of them and moved your baby a smidge so they could see him better.
“Oh, he’s beautiful,” Wanda said.
Natasha agreed, “He looks like a little Peter. Maybe he’ll grow spider legs.” Peter gave her a scared look.
“Oh, good job, kid. You made a kid!” Tony shouted which made everyone shush him.
“He’s absolutely adorable,” Sam said and Bucky and Steve agreed with him.
“What’s his name?”
“We’d like you all to meet little Benjamin Anthony Parker,” You said and beamed at Peter who went to explain.
“Ben for my Uncle who passed and Anthony for Mr. Stark, of course,” Peter smiled so brightly that everyone else couldn’t help but grin too.
Tony started choking up, “Thanks, kid. He’s, he’s truly a handsome baby.” He then began to cry into Natasha’s shoulder.
“Baby Ben,” You said and turned your little nine month old baby to the camera.
Aunt May stood in front of you, Peter, and Ben with her camera in her hands. It was Christmas time and you all decided to go take family photos to send to friends and family.
Ben was dressed in warm clothes and looked like a stuffed marshmallow. You giggled at his face that looked confused, “Oh, we’re almost done, handsome.”
Peter brushes his finger against Ben’s cheek and left a kiss behind, “Grandpa Tony is going to love this card.”
“He’s probably going to frame it.”
“And show everyone he talks to.”
Aunt May laughed, “I saw him at the birthday party last week pulling out his wallet that he only carries pictures in of you three.”
Peter rushed around to find his toddler who had taken the hide and go seek game too seriously and couldn’t find him.
“Ben!” He said and checked every room and underneath every bed and every closet.
He began to panic because you would be home any minute now from work and it wouldn’t be good to start off with “I lost our kid.”
After ten more minutes, he finally heard giggling coming from one of the bottom kitchen cabinets. Peter rushed to the sound and bent down. He slammed the door open and saw Ben laughing cutely with his stuffed animal in his arms and his onesie pj’s covered in peanut butter.
“I’m home!” You said as you opened the door.
Peter, once again, panicked and found the Peter butter jar and spread some on his shirt before grabbing Ben out of the cabinet.
You walked into the kitchen and caught sight of your two favorite boys smothered in peanut butter. “I’m not going to ask.”
“Probably the best.”
It was late at night as you and Peter laid in bed, curled up into each other.
“I’m so glad we made the promise of waiting instead of actually breaking up,” You whispered to him and traced patterns on his bare chest.
“Me too,” He hummed and glanced down at you. “We have everything we need.”
“Plus one more.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m pregnant.”
“Peter, did you faint again?”
Everyone who asked for a part two:
@marveldivergentouatdctvfangirl @silver-winter-wolf @chonisberonica @oogachuggaoogaoogachugga
@parkerpetals @peterparkers-waffles @synka-rin @star-trekked-twinkie @mrscutiefandobhaz @crappy-unicorn @well-aint-that-strange @cutie1365 @iwokeupinabadmood @toomuchbucky @lou-la-lou
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mpotatoqueen · 5 years
Song: Someone To Stay by Vancouver Sleep Clinic
I’m on facetime with you right now and I’m listening to this song. You don’t know this, but I am really sad right now and I have been all day. You’re playing your game and I was working on my essay. I decided to take a break from the essay and let Sam read it tomorrow. I will see what she thinks I should add or take away from it. Occasionally, you look at me and just smile. I melt instantly. Your smile is the first thing that caught my eye when I saw you at school. I then fell for your laugh and then your eye colour. After my last relationship, I thought that I was going to be alone forever. I didn’t think that anyone wanted to be with me. I felt so alone and just utterly lost. When I got to know you, you made me instantly feel like I wasn’t a nobody. Even though we don’t know how to dance, it’s still a lot of fun, because I get to be held by you. You won’t know this for awhile, but I don’t want anyone other than you. You have been so good to me since day one. You are so much better than anyone I’ve ever considered being with. You are better than my last relationship and I can say that with all honesty. You compliment me more than anyone ever has in my entire life. I am so grateful for you. I prayed a lot for someone to come into my life and make me feel something again. That day that I was late to class, you called me. Little things like that, instantly get you higher and higher on my list of someone that I want to spend my life with. You just called me a ‘dork’ and I died inside. I absolutely love when you call me that. You’re cute. I want you to be mine forever. I don’t want to lose you. I am scared of the future, because nothing good EVER stays in my life for a long time. I am scared that something will go terribly wrong with the family we made. I don’t want to lose any of y’all. I love the dance thing we do as a group. It brings us all closer together. Thank you for caring for Ben when he was crying and drunk. You just met him the day before and you acted like you had known him your whole life. You’re so fricken awesome. You just called me cute and my heart, bro. You’re so adorable. I got to play ping pong with you today and that was fun! I got to slightly cuddle with you on the ground at school too. You just said this about you complimenting me: “It ain’t going to stop. You’re either gonna have to get used to it or learn to live with it.”. Life’s great with you in it. Don’t ever stop being a goof, okay? You make me smile all the time, bro. Stop it haha You’re mine forever! I don’t care what you say! You’re mine forever.
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lorelaigilmoure · 7 years
i’ve started watching tww in march and went on hiatus in april. i was really looking forward to live blog (like i do now) and to share my thoughts about the show, but school and hiatus got in the way. i wanted to stay off tumblr but at the same time i wanted y’all to know how i feel about the show, so i decided to write down my thoughts in a word document and to share it with you when i’m back.
so if you’re curious, how this show ruined me and why i love it and if you have the patience and time, feel free to read this live blogging(?) mess:
omg this is too much. I can’t take this whole ms plotline. wth????? jed and charlie having the conversation. I have tears in my eyes. this is tooooo much. FRACK.
No mrs landingham noooo. why.???? this ep gave me goosebumps. f*cking amazing. AND HELL YES HE’S RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT AGAIN. HELL YES.
okay I hate amy. I just hate her. and I want to see abbey more. ABBBEEEEEEY. WHERE’S ABBEEEY???
OMG TOBY. THAT WAS WAY OUT OF LINE. and now jed needs a therapist. I think toby missed his calling. he should be a shrink.
charlie was sassy af. don’t mess with charlie, cj, ever.
y’know sam has really grown on me. I never thought I would love him so much. but I do. precious marshmallow.
wait, but the pancreas doesn’t produce HCl. the stomach does. I really hope Abbey was sarcastic, bc otherwise it’s a pretty big mistake made by the writers. and I hope jed “see, they can’t take medical school from you” bartlet was sarcastic too. pls god.
yep, amy is still annoying.
I have a bad feeling about this ep. stirred. alcohol. leo. I don’t wike it.
jed and leo’s bromance is one of the best things in this show.
guys, Ritchie is Donald J. Trump. it’s so obvious. I cannnot believe this tv show, this season, aired 14 years ago.
jed to cj: you are part of my family. HELL YES. SHE IS. I LOVE THEM.
donovan just showed up and I already ship him with cj.
okay I ship cj and donovan so much. don’t get me wrong, I love danny, but these two, right now, are RUINING ME. PERFECT.
*during the whole negative ad/tape thing*:
bruno: sam don’t talk to Kahn
sam: I’m going to talk to him
bruno: sam no
sam: sam yes
*sam does the thing* *shit’s going down*
bruno: ???????????
ANOTHER DEATH TREATH??? THEY SAW CJ IN THE MALL??? okay, it must’ve been the guy in the coat. I have a very bad feeling about this whole arc. ladjklasjdlasjdla
aaaand I still don’t like amy, at all.
I looove the chemistry between cj and donovan aljdslkdjals.
jed bartlet: true or false, josh? my life would be better right now if you and your girlfriend swapt jobs? HE’S SAVAGE AF. OMG.
season 3 finale here I come.
it’s been a season and I don’t even know how does ritchie look like??? I’m curious. also I have a bad feeling about this whole assassination thing.
okay simon just went into a store and I have a super bad feeling about it. ugggggh.
I’m so sad. he deserved better. cj deserved better I just.
josh, donna and toby on a field trip. how cute.
mallory is so beautiful.
[AOS IS RENEWED. it’s not tww related but OMG I’M SO HAPPY. YYAAAAAAASSSSS. (and I still haven’t seen a single ep since 4x16 and I managed to avoid spoilers too. cannot wait to be back on tumblr and make philinda fanvids and aos stuff again. a little more than two months to go.)]
baby coulson on the west wing???? so freakin cute.
no, don’t talk to amy, josh, continue talking to donna. pls. can’t his relationship with amy end pls????
oh donna, my sweet potato. nicely played. josh, you deserved that prank.
wait, andy’s pregnant??? and toby’s the father??? I’m confused. aren’t they divorced or what?
jed just said to toby: “you, you big bear. come to me, I’m gonna kiss you right on the mouth.” I swear this is a really serious show. a political drama. pffffffff toby’s face is priceless. probably one of my fave scenes so far.
also pls abbey show up.  I miss you.
yay, joshua malina.
GAME ON BOYFRIEND AND SHE CUTS OFF HIS TIE. ABBEY IS A PHENOMENON. second fave scene. this show is epic you guys. cj fell through the door. as I said, a really serious show dealing with serious and important issues. THESE DORKS I SWEAR. and now jed slapt abbey’s butt. this ep is too much.
oh no, frack, his hand started shaking. and he needs an aspirin. I have a very very bad feeling about this.  he’s going to get worse. and so the angst begins.
I wish donna would leave this jack guy alone. I don’t like him.
poor jed and abbey, they’ve been interrupted like 10 times now. first sam, then leo and now toby. lmao
it’s so good seeing leo being happy and smiling.                
okay but josh told jack a bunch of crazy stuff about donna, bc he legit doesn’t want him to go out with her. this dumb dork I swear.
I love cj’s new haircut.
zoey and charlie broke up?? how did I miss that?? or did it happen off screen???
danny is back and so is trouble.
the sexual tension between donna and josh intensifies aldjskjdalsjdlajdla. “Donna left?” his face. IT’S STARTING YOU GUYS. I CAN’T HANDLE IT ALFJSLDJASALFJALSKFAL
so I guess cj and danny aren’t together together.
my heart breaks for cj. seeing her dad like this. he doesn’t recognize her. *sigh* be strong cj, my sweet sass queen, be strong.i’ve been in cj shoes. my grandpa was ill too. and let me tell you, it’s so heartbreaking. he was clever as well, we couldn’t pursue him to go to a facilty, to get help. he was so stubborn too. it still hurts. but in the end, he accepted the help we offered him. he didn’t recognize us. he was so kind to us, but had no idea who we were. it was heartbreaking.
the guys just showed up at donna’s place. this scene is pure gold.
Will, you precious dumb child.
sam: “hey everyone this is one of my best friends, this is donna moss” THEIR BROTP THO.
I’m gonna miss sam.
I really really wanted to see these dumb kids playing poker again. they haven’t done that since season 1. they’re adorable.
listen guys, chandler is one of my all time fave characters and josh lyman is one of my all time fave characters and seeing matthew on the west wing is like a dream come true. is it just me, or does matthew perry’s voice sound a lot different, compared to his chandler voice???
I wish charlie and zoey would get bet together again.
hoynes resigning??? wth happened????
jed to toby: “come on, give us a kiss.” this is the second time he said that to him lmao
I want toby to be happy. pls andy marry him and live happily together in your dream house.
omg he’s proposing omg. oh crap, why is she saying no??? my heart breaks for toby. look, I know he’s not the easiest person to be with and share a life with but still. he has such a big heart. this is truly heartbreaking.
I just laughed out loud. ABBEY’S NEW HAIRCUT??? WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL??? I’m sorry, but it looks horrible. omg i can’t stop laughing. I can’t take her seriously. abbey, sweet unicorn, what did you do with your hair and most importantly, why???????????
zoey’s going to a party. this won’t end well. I hate jean paul so so much.
toby has 2 kids now. I might cry. MAZEL TOV, TOBY.
great now his MS is getting worse. SHIT’S GOING DOWN THIS SHOW IS THE BEST AND THE WORST.
I don’t think I’ve ever said it, but I love margaret so much.        
the amount of shit going down in this ep is simply too much to handle.
Glenallen Walken creeps me out. he reminds me of jabba the hut.
it breaks my heart, seeing the bartlets being so desperate and sad
it’s so good to see, that ellie is so supportive of her father.
this ep gave me chills (5x1).
this arc is so painful.
amy still annoys me so much. I gotta check which ep will be her last. according to imdb, two more eps and she’s gone for 2 years. yesssssssssssssssssssss
and now josh’s kissing her. WHY???? JOSH, SON, PLS STOP IT.
I liked cj’s old haircut more tbh.
josh meeting the moss family. about time lmao.
cj lived together for 6 months with a guy named Ben???? what???
leo’s slowly becoming a b*tch.
donna is so beautiful.
I’d love to see jed being more presidential I guess. and leo can stop being so rude to everyone.
I feel so sorry for josh. LET ME LOVE YOU, YOU DUMB CHILD.
abbey asked jed to not come to new hampshire. OMG. FIX THIS PLS. I NEED THEM BACK TOGETHER. THIS IS SO MESSED UP I HATE IT.
it’s so good seeing jed being badass and making the tough calls. I’ve missed that.
josh bought donna a christmas gift. I’m having season 1 vibes aldjsakdjal and now she’s disappointed. but he was joking OMG THESE TWO ARE RUINING ME I CAN’T. also I need to know what the gift was.
where is ginger???
I love donna so so much.
I really don’t know where are the writers going with this rina/toby plotline.
I miss sam, danny, ginger, bruno. I miss the earlier seasons. idk something feels off. I still enjoy the show, but something’s a bit off.
okay but why is cj seeing this ben guy??? aren’t her and danny dating? or are they just that casual about it???
as I said before, tww is a very serious show, and the muppets just happen to show up at the white house. I can’t even.
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earnmysong · 7 years
playlist snooping: set your entire music library to shuffle then report the first 10 tracks that pop up! with special bonus, what fic i’d write for each. Following the example of @somethingaboutsewing!
bibia be ye ye, ed sheeran || the gal gadot epic rpf of my dreams! coming down to pageant breakfasts in pajamas and eating everything she wanted (CARBS, SO MANY CARBSSSSS) and pretending not to speak english in front of paula abdul even though there is much knowledge of multiple languages in her brain, meeting a dude at some weird party in the desert and then marrying him, almost quitting acting because rejection is super wearing after a while but but TADA wonder woman LET’S WRITE A MEMOIR                        
slow hands, niall horan (of course my newest addition / guilty pleasure would come up, OF COURSE IT WOULD) ||  don and sloan! i am horrendous at writing hardcore sexytimes. i can barely describe a kiss without overanalyzing within an inch of my sanity, so. although that would be the most appropriate use of this song, i would go the multiple-times they did xxxx route, with casual touching, proximity, clothes-sharing, and other physical things that i am more adept at navigating.
waving through a window, ben platt/dear evan hansen (<33333333) || i feel like maybe this would be a buffy fic? it would be set in the last season or post-series and deal with how buffy is comfortable controlling her own life (and saving everyone else’s) but is still getting used to having people look to her as an authority figure. it makes her think about her mom ridiculously often, and a very large part of her brain wants to hide under her bed for twenty years, but. SHE’S BETTER THAN THAT and gets herself together admirably.
a wink and a smile, harry connick jr. || sam and charlie, post-perks of being a wallflower, mix of book and movie inspiration; they’re married or engaged or have been together for years and this is how they got there. my babies just need to be happy, both as separate people and as a unit.
eden, sara bareilles || a dc extended verse collison wherein diana prince and kara danvers (the gal gadot and melissa benoist versions, in my head) are friends, chatting about life, helping each other out across timezones, and keeping this lovely planet of ours from imploding.
hold my hand, jess glynne || the emily and benji pitch perfect fic where they’re still together come pp3 (because i’m pretty sure bplatt was tied up with winning tonys and performing his butt off every night of the week and filmed zero scenes for this movie). a life filled with dreamboards and close-up magic and adorable dorks in love!
summer wind, frank sinatra || the guernsey literary and potato peel pie society juliet and dawsey fic between the engagement and the marriage where they learn more about each other, do parental things with kit, etc. i just really enjoyed this book and i am very excited about the movie!
say you won’t let go, james arthur || pepper & tony and how they started off maybe not liking each other all that much, then moved to grudging respect, rock-solid friendship and, finally, love! i have not seen s-man, but i hear rumblings of developments and am having a resurgence of feelings.
say the word, vienna teng/kerrigan & lowdermilk || veronica mars trying to figure out which end of life is up on various occasions, as we've all done and will continue to do.
that’s the way it is, celine dion || the oc cohen family feels fic i have never been able to find.  
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peculiar-persephone · 7 years
navigation (mobile version)
Hey, guys! I finally added a navigation tab to the desktop version of my blog, so I’m just posting this mobile version to link to my bio :) it’ll be updated as I remember more of the things I blog about lol sorry guys my blog is such a disaster whoops
parks & rec
stranger things
bbc sherlock
brooklyn nine-nine
captain america: civil war
black panther
avengers: infinity war
general ‘all things marvel’ tag 
laugh tag
calm tag
my face
the great rob and jensen crisis of 2016
general positivity
queer positivity
dean winchester - jensen ackles
sam winchester - jared padalecki
castiel - misha collins
chuck shurley - rob benedict
tony stark - robert downey jr.
bucky barnes - sebastian stan
steve rogers - chris evans
clint barton - jeremy renner
natasha romanoff - scarlett johansson
wade wilson - ryan reynolds
wanda maximoff - elizabeth olsen
jason bull
sherlock holmes
brendon urie
patrick stump
lin-manuel miranda
clintasha (clint barton x natasha romanoff)
stucky (steve rogers x bucky barnes)
pepperony (pepper potts x tony stark)
destiel (dean winchester x castiel)
stoncy (steve harrington x jonathan byers x nancy wheeler)
klaine (kurt hummel x blaine anderson)
benslie (ben wyatt x leslie knope)
peraltiago (jake peralta x amy santiago)
my kickass beautiful (irl) girlfriend - laurie
my terrifically amazing (irl) boyfriend - barney
my cute as fuck relationship tag - the nerd herd
my adorable fur babies and scaly child
general tag for personal posts
best friend - emma 
my wife - tesla
ghost wife - taylor
soul best friend - beth
my child - sarah
greek wife - lydia
wifey - streamy
goat sister - kristin
literal sunshine - liz
the incredible kale - kale
my yelling buddy - becca
the best human - arys
baby drew barrymore - rose
my love - indigo
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amtopmthoughts · 4 years
Annie and Will met in Chicago in 2000? when Annie moved there from SAN FRANCISCO/
Samantha sam 
William will
Benjamin Ben
Violet vi v
Natalie nat
Olivia liv
Isabella Bella 
Skylar sky
Nathan Nate
Alexander Alex
Alexandra Alex lexie
Benjamin Ben
Last names: 
VIOLET duncan
Amelia & MATTHEW Duncan
she didn't seem to be from here, this town, this planet. she didn’t look or sound like she was from this time. I loved the way she could sometimes sound like she was ancient of how wise she was. mostly she didn’t even listen to music from this decade and not much from the decade before this one.
she always had a book in her hands, no matter what the genre. she read everything. she liked 80s music and 80s movies and 70s music and 70s movies. she loved musical theatre, surrealism and jazz and her dream was to have a guy throw her hundreds of parties every day in hopes of one day having her attend one and then one day be received by a room full of orchids, her favourite flowers. when she reads this, she’ll get mad at me for saying orchids are her favourite flowers, because “orchids are plants, not flowers”.
truthfully, she loves a lot of things. damn, i never even knew someone who knew so much about so many things. this world was too small for her. when i looked into her eyes I saw all the truths she held inside of her, how secure and sure she was about so many things. but inside, she was also very “doubtful”, like a troubled genius, with a troubled soul and a troubled mind, way ahead of her time. she had a lot of questions, about everything, questions nobody would ask. some because would never dare to do so, others because didn’t even imagine to ask such questions, let alone have them. she was the least ignorant, most aware person I had ever known. she seemed so polished yet so careless, unbothered, effortlessly beautiful. she was amazing. out of this world.
I remember so clearly the first time I ever saw her. I had just arrived in town. It was just like one of those “pictoresc” towns you only see in movies where there’s always “the new kid”, which in this case, was me, and you just know coming in your whole life’s about to change. I wasn’t really brought here against my will but I wasn’t that excited about the idea of moving here either. truth is I hadn’t been keen on felling much in a while. I had been feeling a little numb, to be honest with you. You know when you just feel like you’re getting by but not really living, you’re not able to feel excited about anything you do because you’re not actually doing anything you love. this may be too cliche to even say but she was the one who brought me back, to life.
It was the end of summer, the week before school started
we had just arrived along with the moving trucks’ guys and as soon as we parked the car our front neighbours were outside of what was to become our new home with a fresh baked pie to welcome us. like I said, just like in the movies. 
september had just came, summer was coming to an end and school was about to start, which meant having to make new friends or committing to be an outsider but I wasn’t intending on making an effort to do neither of those things. I was going to go with the flow. 
Hi! You must be the new neighbours. I’m “Claire” and this is my husband “Ethan”. We brought you pie! 
my mom “estendeu” her hand to receive the pie and said - Yes, yes we are. I’m “Annie” and this is “Richard”, my husband, this is will, our son and this is our daughter Olivia.
Hi, Olivia. Will, you must be our son’s age, Benjamin. You know, there’s a diner near by, all the kids in town go there. You should go too. It’s the best place to meet/make people your age/friends. 
Yeah, son, you should go. - my dad told me, patting (on) my shoulder. at the time I didnt ware he was “encouraging” me to go to the place where I’d meet you. I never thanked him, either. 
But, don’t you need me to help you with the moving?
No, no, sweetie. Today we’re only doing the kitchen so we can cook dinner tonight. We’ll take care of the rest later, there’s no rush. Go.
Okay, then…
So I went. My dad helped my mom start to settle in and Olivia played in the backyard. I sat in the car and I took a deep breath before I started the car and then, I drove. It wasn’t hard finding the diner. It was a small town. It was a very cool place, aesthetically pleasing and all. It really looked like the ones from the 50s. I came in and sat at the balcony. Took a look around. The place was really filled with teenagers. Most of them weren’t even seated. They all clearly knew each other but there wasn’t a big enough booth for everyone so they would switch places and be in between tables and engaging in multiple conversations. They all looked so happy and comfortable. I guess what they say about small towns, about everyone knowing each other and everything, really is true.
It didn’t took long until one of the “diners workers” came to me. - You’re new here. Guess you’re the son of the new neighbours.
I smiled. I actually liked how kind of invasive people were here. I preferred to think they were actually interest in being involved in the lives of the people around them rather than think they (are) were just nosy. Either way, I didn’t feel bothered or uncomfortable. I felt good so far. - Yes. Yes I am. How did you know? Besides the fact that it is a small town, there are not many houses for sale here. Only from time to time. And it’s never for long. 
I guess people really like living here, huh? 
Well, why wouldn’t they? This is paradise, honey, you’ll see. You’ll meet the love of your life here.
I wouldn’t go as far as to say that, but who knows… - I smiled again.
How about just a chocolate milkshake, for now? They’re the house specialty/specialty of the house. 
Sure. I’d love one, please. 
Right away. I’m Rose by the way.
Lovely to meet you, Rose, I’m will. - she smiled at me and she turned. She wore a typical pink 50s diner costume as well as all the other workers.
She brought my milkshake and I took another look around. As soon as I looked at the door the most stunning girl I had ever seen walked in. She didn’t look at me even though I was staring at her. (Thank god.) She had long brown hair, the most dazzling eyes, also brown, and was wearing a long white flowy dress with flowers on it. Looking so unbothered, careless and confident. She went in the direction of the other kids tables and greeted everyone.
I turned around, figuring one of them would eventually find creepy that I was staring but then, she came to the balcony.
Hi Rosie, can I have the usual, please?
Hello, violet! Of course. I’ll bring it to the table in a second.
No need, I’ll eat here next to…
I felt like spitting my milkshake all over the place and say “WHAT? ME?” but I didn’t want her first impression of me to be that I was a complete dork so I said “Will”.
Hey, will. You’re the new kid, right? 
So, what’s your story? 
I don’t really have a story…
Everyone has a story - she almost ran my sentence over with hers
I’d risk saying only in towns like this interest things happen but guess mine is that I lived in “Chicago” and my mom and dad suddenly felt like moving here, so now the 4 of us all live here.
Yes, I have a younger sister.
I’m sure she’s adorable.
And why where? I don’t even think “…” is on the map.
she made me chuckle - well, on their honeymoon they had a road trip and they made a wrong turn and ended up here and loved it so much they stayed here the rest of the honeymoon and they’ve been wanted to come back here since then but never did… life I guess… was always in the way
Until now…
Until now.
But wait, a road trip on a honeymoon? That’s the coolest thing.
I chuckled again. - Yes, I think so too. 
By that time she had devoured all her food and somehow managed to look very cute while doing it and continuing to question me
they stayed at a inn by the lake.
the diamond lake inn.
I didn’t really remember the name even though my parents told me about it a million times.
It’s called diamond lake because when the sun reflects on the water, it shines, like diamonds.
this really is a storybook town, it even has 50s inspired diners and everything
In fact, this diner opened in the actual 50s. They were Rosie’s parents and then they died and she started running it. She always worked here helping her parents so she couldn’t sell it when they were gone, even though it hurt her very much. It reminds her (of them very much) very much of them. 
I guess everyone really has a story.
Indeed. That’s what makes us interesting. The things that happen to us, they make us who we are.
You’re very wise.
So I’ve been told. - we were both silent for a second, I guess “digesting” the moment that had just happened. - Well, I have to go now, but you should come on saturday. We’re all going to the lake tomorrow, we’re having a bonfire at night. we’ll eat s’mores and it will be fun. you should come, that way you’ll meet everyone. I’ll introduce you.
Okay, sure, I’ll come.
Great. See you saturday. If not sooner. (she left money on the table), grabbed her purse, said goodbye to everyone and left the diner. 
The sound of the bell on the top of the door that rang when she opened it as she left was stuck in my head and all I got caught up on that “If not sooner”, what did she mean by that? 
There was no way of denying that there was something about that Violet girl. Something very interesting.
On my way home I was thinking about her and I realised she spent an hour asking me all these questions and yet I knew nothing about her. It’s not that I wasn’t interested in finding about her but she didn’t really gave me the chance, she would either in a very subtle way change subject and making that or other question about me or asking question after question. Still somehow the conversation “flew” in such a natural way
Dylan! We’re in the kitchen. - my mother yelled as soon as I opened the front door
I knew where the kitchen was because of course my mom made us all visit the house before we bought it and a couple times after that so we could all give opinions and decide which room would be what and where we’d put things and so on… My mom was very into home decor. Me on the other hand, not so much. My dad was into furniture “handcrafting”, actually, my dad was into everything handmade. My dad built furniture and made ceramic. My mom painted and managed an art gallery back in Chicago where we lived. Olivia, was into every (cartoon) disney cartoon movie ever.
My mom was sold (on the house) because of the location, first of all. My mom wanted to move there ever since her and my dad spent her honeymoon here, but they had to go back because she had still to finish college. She was only in her second year. She was an art major. In the forth and last year of her degree she got offered an internship at a local art gallery while she took her masters degree and got offered a job to work there when she got it. She loved it so much she ended up accepting it. But over the years they just realised they really wanted to live in a calmer, sunnier, warmer place and somehow their minds always went back to that place, that small town they spent their honeymoon in. So one day, they decided it was time, and we came. And here we are.
Second of all, the front porch, the picket fence, the foyer with the skylight and the kitchen nook.
The house had a big foyer with a “clarabóia” which my mom obviously loved. A big (open) kitchen and living room open space. The big kitchen with the island (countertops) were a must so we could have our famous weekly sunday brunches as well as a big couch which would later host our traditional family game nights. It’s not that we spent little time together as a family, we actually spent a lot of time together. My parents were always very present and they worked hard to be the “cool parents”.
She also painted for fun. We always encouraged her to try and sell her paintings but she always said the intention wasn’t to make money out of them, she said their only purpose was to be a way of her expressing/to express herself. Dad never went to college but was one of the most intelligent/smart people I know. He always had the best fatherly advice. He was funny and could “steal” a laugh from my mom even when she was her angriest self . She says that’s why they’re still married after 20 years (and together after 25). My mom is the single most calm, most peaceful person I know. Except when she gets really mad, it doesn’t happen that often, but when it does… man.
Liv was probably the one who was most excited about moving here. She said her colleagues from her school in Chicago weren’t nearly as smart as her. She says she wants to meet people who can match her level. She was only in second grade. 
I got to the kitchen and my mom and dad were making dinner and Olivia was setting the table
So, honey, how was it? Did you make friends already?
I made… one friend… sort of…
Really, who?
A girl… her name is violet.
A girl… named violet… that sounds like trouble, kiddo.
Honey… - my mom said, touching my father’s shoulder
we sat down at the table - anyway, she invited me to go with her and her friends, which is basically every kid in town, to the lake on saturday, they’re having a bonfire and stuff.
Oh, baby, that’s so great! That lake is so beautiful. I’m so happy… You’re going to have so much fun. I feel like we’re going to be very happy here.
We better be, you never “shut” up about this town ever since we sat our buts down in the car when we left.
There was something about this place, don’t act like you didn’t felt it to.
Oh… I know… I had fun in that lake, too…
The next day I woke up to chocolate chip pancakes. Dad’s famous chocolate chip pancakes. Because my dad worked at home, he was the one that always cooked breakfast/he always cooked breakfast.
Special pancakes for a special day. First breakfast in/on our new home. - breakfasts were a big deal in the Avery household. My parents say it’s the most important meal of the day. We loved breakfast. We loved breakfast food. My mom always said breakfast was the most important meal of the day because it set the mood for the entire day, if you started the day eating good you’d have energy to carry you through your day. Also, she always said it was important to start the day with good, positive “vibes” and that’s what we’d get in our home. Rarely ever someone would wake up cranky. In fact, rarely ever someone would be cranky at all. I loved my family. I really did.
Sit down kids. - my mom said while she poured orange juice in our cups.
So, I invited the Johnson’s for dinner tonight. Claire, Ethan and their son, Benjamin. That way you can meet him too, Dylan.
Since you’ve only met that girl yet, that is - my dad intervened
Anyway - my mom resumed her speech - you do know what means, right? - we all looked at her - Come on, guys, you know what it means! The moving guys are coming again today to help us bring the rest of the heavy stuff and move around some of the stuff.
After breakfast we "arranged" the rest of the house and after that we cleaned it. By six, we were done and my mom started cooking. At seven, the Johnson's rang our doorbell. I answered the door.
we brought you another pie. You mother said you liked the one we brought you yesterday. - I actually really did like it.  
Thank you. - I said while I grabbed the pie. 
And this is Benjamin.
Hey... It's Ben.
Nice to meet you/hi, Ben. - I laughed and we shook hands. - come, my parents and my sister are in the kitchen.
My mom was still with her apron on and as she saw the johnson’s come in to the kitchen she "sacudiu" her hands on the (front part of the) apron and she greeted our guests. - hi! I'm sorry, I just finished cooking! .... and you must be Benjamin. - she said while she took her apron off
Hello, mrs. Avery
Dylan, sweetie, why won't you show Ben your room.
We went to my room and although I didn't consider myself a shy person I was struggling to find how the hell would I start a conversation with Ben. Finally one of us broke the ice
We're having a sort of gathering on Saturday. We're going to the lake. You should come.
Yeah. I know.
Oh, my mom told you.
No. A girl-Violet- told me.
You've already met violet? 
(She's some girl...)
What do you mean?
It's like, everybody knows her, but nobody really knows her.
Kind of mysterious, huh?
I guess. Guys like it. But I've known her since we were like two so I could never look at her like that.
Do you or did you have a girlfriend back where you’re from?
I was seeing someone, but it wasn't serious. Nothing worth keeping long distance, for sure. You?
Nope. Never had one. Don't intend to. I just want to live my life, enjoy the best years of my life. Girls are trouble. I only intend on getting in trouble with them, not for them to actually give me trouble.
I guess he had a point... thing is I wanted to
“So what are your plans, now?”
“I’m going to keep doing what I have always done. Built furniture. And I’ve been pushing my wife to open her own art gallery for a long time. Now that we’re here it’s a great opportunity for her to do that”
“Yes! You should (definitely) do that. We don’t have any around here. It’d be a great addition (to the town).”
“See?” My dad said looking at my mom.
“Yes, Dylan already told me you spent your honey moon here by mistake and that’s why you ended up moving here but I’d really like to know the whole story, if you don’t mind telling it.”
“Of course we don’t, dear”, my mom said with a smile
I interrupted her. “Of course she doesn’t, she loves telling this story”
My mom gave me a side eye and continued. “So, anyway… We got married really young. Actually, shortly after we met. I had just moved to Chicago for college. I was studying, I believe it was the second night at my dorm and I broke my lamp so, and because I had little to no money, I went to a second hand/antique shop to look for the cheapest one I could find. Will was working there. I don’t really believe in love at first sight so I don’t say it was it but it was pretty close. He was shy but couldn’t stop smiling at me. When I got to my dorm I saw what I quickly figured it was his phone number and called him. We set up to meet the next friday and one month or so later we were moving together to a shoe box apartment. He proposed in december and we were married in may. Neither of us consider ourselves to be religious per say so we went to the city hall and had a small party in Will’s parent’s backyard. In/on my summer break, because we didn’t have any money, didn’t have much time either and thought ourselves to be very adventurous, decided to go on a road trip. Our initial idea was to stop by a bunch of different places, staying at cosy inns, stop by beaches and have lunch and dinner in cute places but on the first day our broke down on the way to our first stop so we had to take it to a car shop to have it fixed. The town ended up being this beautiful place and we ended up loving it and staying until the rest of our honey moon. We stayed at the DIAMOND LAKE INN. Had long swims in the lake, jumped tirelessly from the tyre swig hanged in that big tree and watched every sunset in our bathing suits. It was magical, we wanted to stay forever, but I had to go back for college, obviously. We still back for a couple summers after that but then I was offered a job at the place I was doing this/an internship and I loved what I was doing so I stayed and become harder and harder to come back and when Will was born it got even harder and when we had Olivia it just became impossible so we never came back. Life just got in the way I guess… But then we just decided we didn’t want to push it anymore and just decided to come. We sold the house, (got a good price on it) bought one here and we just came. I wasn’t worried about Olivia, I was actually more afraid because of Will but I think he’ll do/he’s going to be just fine.”
“I told you she loved telling the story… It’s a big story…”
“It’s a beautiful story.”
“Thank you, honey, I think it is, too.” My mom smiled so big. I could tell she was so happy.
A violet in a field of flowers. (I don't know if that's redundant or just cliche
Maybe Both. - we smiled. - my parents say they named me violet because they fell in love here and violet was the flower my dad picked? and gave my mother when he asked her to marry him. I just think that's a better way of saying I was conceived here
Maybe both. - we smiled again
Rosie - I told you you'd find love here. - we both smiled
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