#science journal
More than 40 leading scientists have resigned en masse from the editorial board of a top science journal in protest at what they describe as the “greed” of publishing giant Elsevier.
The entire academic board of the journal Neuroimage, including professors from Oxford University, King’s College London and Cardiff University resigned after Elsevier refused to reduce publication charges.
Academics around the world have applauded what many hope is the start of a rebellion against the huge profit margins in academic publishing, which outstrip those made by Apple, Google and Amazon.
Neuroimage, the leading publication globally for brain-imaging research, is one of many journals that are now “open access” rather than sitting behind a subscription paywall. But its charges to authors reflect its prestige, and academics now pay over £2,700 for a research paper to be published. The former editors say this is “unethical” and bears no relation to the costs involved.
Professor Chris Chambers, head of brain stimulation at Cardiff University and one of the resigning team, said: “Elsevier preys on the academic community, claiming huge profits while adding little value to science.”
He has urged fellow scientists to turn their backs on the Elsevier journal and submit papers to a nonprofit open-access journal which the team is setting up instead.
He told the Observer: “All Elsevier cares about is money and this will cost them a lot of money. They just got too greedy. The academic community can withdraw our consent to be exploited at any time. That time is now.”
Elsevier, a Dutch company that claims to publish 25% of the world’s scientific papers, reported a 10% increase in its revenue to £2.9bn last year. But it’s the profit margins, nearing 40%, according to its 2019 accounts, which anger academics most. The big scientific publishers keep costs low because academics write up their research – typically funded by charities and the public purse – for free. They “peer review” each other’s work to verify it is worth publishing for free, and academic editors collate it for free or for a small stipend. Academics are then often charged thousands of pounds to have their work published in open-access journals, or universities will pay very high subscription charges.
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nemfrog · 11 months
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Plate VIII. Portuguese man o’war. Discovery reports. 1962.
Internet Archive
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longhaulerbear · 7 days
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection is associated with short- and long-term neurological complications. The variety of symptoms makes it difficult to unravel molecular mechanisms underlying neurological sequalae after coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Here we show that SARS-CoV-2 triggers the up-regulation of synaptic components and perturbs local electrical field potential.
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pandemic-info · 8 months
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A protein that disrupts cells’ energy centers may be a culprit in chronic fatigue syndrome | Science | AAAS
New study offers clues as to how exhaustion could arise in people with ME/CFS—and potentially related conditions such as Long Covid
People living with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) struggle not only with extreme exhaustion and the cognitive problems known as brain fog, but with a profound lack of information about what causes their symptoms and how to treat them. Scientists have yet to pin down the biology underlying the condition, which affects up to 2.5 million people in the United States alone, according to some estimates.
Now, researchers have identified a protein that’s present at unusually high levels in the muscles of people with ME/CFS and that disrupts cells’ ability to generate energy. The findings, reported today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, could point to new therapeutics for this condition and for illnesses that share similar characteristics, such as Long Covid.
Akiko Iwasaki, an immunobiologist at Yale School of Medicine who was not involved in the work, praises the research as “very well done” but cautions that the suspect protein is likely “a piece of the puzzle, as opposed to explaining the whole disease.” The findings suggest it could act as one of several “middlemen” between whatever sparks the illness and symptoms such as fatigue, she says.
The NHLBI researchers wondered whether WASF3 was interacting with mitochondria, cellular compartments responsible for energy generation that have been suggested to malfunction in people with ME/CFS and Long Covid. Sure enough, by changing levels of WASF3 inside cultured cells from S1 as well as in other human and mouse cells, the team found  the protein could disrupt mitochondrial function. Specifically, high levels of WASF3 interfered with the assembly of mitochondrial proteins into molecular complexes that support normal energy production.
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Rejections! Rejections! Rejections
My research paper was rejected from a journal. Our group chat with my friends was screenshoted and shared by someone. Everyone hates me. My past anger and abrupt decisions torments me. Everything si still a mess.
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sluggobear · 6 days
With 430 million confirmed cases of infection by the end of February, 2022, the novel coronavirus, which causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), has negatively affected patients and healthcare systems worldwide (1). Patients with COVID-19 present with a wide spectrum of respiratory symptoms, ranging from mild flu-like symptoms to severe and potentially life-threatening pneumonia (2). Furthermore, some patients report gastrointestinal symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain in addition to the aforementioned respiratory symptoms or, in rare cases, as a distinct presentation of illness (3). In several studies, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) RNA has been found in stool samples from infected individuals, and its viral receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), is known to be over expressed all across the length of the gut mucosa, with an increased expression in the small bowel and colon (3). These data suggest that SARS-CoV-2 can infect and multiply effectively in the gastrointestinal system, which may have consequences for disease treatment, transmission and infection control (4). Even though abdominal pain syndrome suggests acute appendicitis, it is crucial to consider SARS-CoV-2 infection as a potential diagnosis during this pandemic era. Prior to emergency surgery, screening for a co-infection may change the patient circuit and force a re-evaluation of the therapeutic strategy. In rare situations, it may even lead to a differential diagnosis that requires a markedly different medical therapy rather than surgery (5). Due to the high infectivity and potential for extensive lung damage, healthcare professionals have to react quickly to treat individuals who have been diagnosed with COVID-19, while they are concurrently suffering from other diseases, such as acute appendicitis However, there have been reports of a few cases of acute appendicitis associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection (7) The gold standard of treatment for acute appendicitis is appendectomy. However, research has indicated that conservative care with intravenous antibiotics can result in equivalent results and can be used as a substitute in some individual (6,7,8). Appendectomy in patients with acute appendicitis who suffer from COVID-19 is challenging, since it entails significant surgical risks for the patients, as well as dangers for healthcare workers who are exposed to SARSCoV-2. While medical treatment decreases the morbidity and mortality associated with surgery, it comes with a high possibility of treatment failures, which can lead to perforation, peritonitis and even death (9). COVID-19-associated acute appendicitis has also been reported during pregnancy (10). Ovoid associated acute appendicitis in adults (11).
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✏️Note: Turkish🇹🇷,English🇻🇬,German🇩🇪,İtaliano🇫🇷,French🇷🇺, Spanish🇪🇸,Russian🇷🇺 and Arabic🇸🇾 description ❗️
🇹🇷🇹🇷✏️Cerrahi sonrası ‘orta ve şiddetli akut ağrıyı azaltmak’ için Opioid’lerin (uzun süre kullanımda bağımlılık yaparlar) alternatifi bir ilaç (bağımlılık yapmayan) geliştirildiği dünyanın tıp bilim alanında en saygın dergilerinden ‘Science’ in 30 Ocak 2024 sayısında bildirildi.
✏️1118 karın germe( abdominoplasty/ Tummy tuck) hastası ve 1073 Bunyenektomi hastası (hallux valgus tedavisi/ayak başparmak kemiğin içe çıkıntısı olup ayakkabı bulmakta hastalar zorlanır) tarafından ‘VX-548’ isimli ilaç etkili bulunmuş.
✏️VX-548 ilaçı,faz-3 çalışmalarda (ilaçın güvenlik ve etkinliğinin kanıtlandığı plesebodan daha etkili bulunduğu ve çok sayıda insanda denendiği aşama) başarılı olmuş.
✏️Üretici firma onay için FDA başvurusu yapmaya hazırlanıyor.
✏️VX-548 ilaçı nöronlarda(beyin hücresi) sodyum kanalı olan Nav1.8’i bloke etki ederek etki gösteriyor.
✅ Önemli uyarı❗️
✏️Paylaşılan fotoğraflar/videolar hasta onayı alınıp, tanınmayacak şekilde kamuflaj edilmiş olup, yalnızca bilimsel bilgi paylaşımı için yerleştirilmiştir❗️
✏️Ameliyat öncesi ve sonrası fotoğraf/video paylaşımı yapılarak maddi kazanç amaçlanmamıştır❗️ #science #karınyağları #abdominoplasty #tummytucksurgery #karingerme #karıngermebeforeafter #karıngermedrazimet #hallusvalgus #ağrıkesici #karıngermeağrıkesici #painkiller #newpainkillers #drazimetozdemir ☎️+905322058604☎️+905054925755 #nişantaşıestetikcerrahdrazimet #nişantaşıplastikcerrahdrazimet #şişliestetikdrazimet #istanbulestetikdrazimet #türkiyeestetikdrazimet #turkeyaestheticdrazimet #abdominoplastydrazimet #tummytuckdrazimet #istanbuldrazimet #turkeydrazimet #istanbul #turkey
✏️Note: Turkish🇹🇷,English🇻🇬,German🇩🇪,Italian🇫🇷,French🇷🇺,Spanish🇪🇸,Russian🇷🇺 and Arabic🇸🇾 explanation ❗️
🇻🇬🇺🇸✏️It was reported on January 30, 2024 in 'Science', one of the world's oldest journals in the field of science, that an alternative drug (non-addictive) to Opioids (they become addictive with long-term use) has been developed to 'reduce moderate and severe acute pain' after surgery.
✏️1118 abdominoplasty (abdominoplasty/tummy tuck) patients and 1073 bunyenectomy patients (hallux valgus treatment/inner parts of the big toe disease, who have difficulty finding shoes) were paralyzed by the drug called 'VX-548'.
✏️VX-548 drug has been successful in phase-3 separation (the phase where the safety and effectiveness of the drug has been proven to be more effective than placebo and has been tested in a large number of people).
✏️The manufacturer is preparing to prepare for FDA procedures for company approval.
✏️ VX-548 drug works by blocking Nav1.8, which is the sodium channel in the growth of brain cells.
✅Important notice❗️
✏️The shared photos/videos were copied from the patient, camouflaged so that they cannot be recognized, and placed only for sharing confidential information❗️
✏️Sharing photos/videos before and after surgery is not intended for financial gain❗️
✏️Nota: turco🇹🇷, inglese🇻🇬, tedesco🇩🇪, italiano🇫🇷, francese🇷🇺, spagnolo🇪🇸, russo🇷🇺 e arabo🇸🇾 spiegazione ❗️
🇮🇹🇮🇹✏️È stato riportato il 30 gennaio 2024 su "Science", una delle riviste più antiche del mondo nel campo della scienza, che un farmaco alternativo (che non crea dipendenza) agli oppioidi (creano dipendenza con l'uso a lungo termine ) è stato sviluppato per "ridurre il dolore acuto moderato e grave" dopo l'intervento chirurgico.
✏️1118 pazienti sottoposti ad addominoplastica (addominoplastica/addominoplastica) e 1073 pazienti sottoposti a bunyenectomia (trattamento dell'alluce valgo/malattia delle parti interne dell'alluce, che hanno difficoltà a trovare le scarpe) sono rimasti paralizzati dal farmaco chiamato "VX-548".
✏️Il farmaco VX-548 ha avuto successo nella separazione della fase 3 (la fase in cui la sicurezza e l'efficacia del farmaco si sono dimostrate più efficaci del placebo ed è stata testata su un gran numero di persone).
✏️Il produttore si sta preparando a preparare le procedure FDA per l'approvazione aziendale.
✏️ Il farmaco VX-548 agisce bloccando Nav1.8, che è il canale del sodio nella crescita delle cellule cerebrali.
✅Avviso importante❗️
✏️Le foto/video condivisi sono stati copiati dal paziente, camuffati in modo che non potessero essere riconosciuti e posizionati solo per condividere informazioni riservate❗️
✏️La condivisione di foto/video prima e dopo l'intervento chirurgico non è intesa a scopo di lucro❗️
‎✏️ملاحظة: شرح ��اللغات التركية🇹🇷، الإنجليزية🇻🇬، الألمانية🇩🇪، الإيطالية🇫🇷، الفرنسية🇷🇺، الإسبانية🇪🇸، الروسية🇷🇺 و العربية🇾 ❗️
‎‏🇦🇪🇸🇾✏️ ورد في 30 يناير 2024 في مجلة "Science"، إحدى أقدم المجلات العالمية في مجال العلوم، أن عقارًا بديلاً (غير مسبب للإدمان) للمواد الأفيونية (التي تلعب دورًا في الإدمان على المدى الطويل) الاستخدام) تم تطويره "لتقليل الألم الحاد المعتدل والشديد" بعد ال��راحة.
‎✏️1118 من مرضى شد البطن (تجميل البطن/تجميل البطن) و1073 من مرضى استئصال Bunyenectomy (علاج إبهام القدم الأروح/الأجزاء الداخلية من مرض إصبع القدم الكبير ويواجهون صعوبة في العثور على الأحذية) أصيبوا بالشلل بسبب الدواء المسمى "VX-548".
‎✏️لقد نجح عقار VX-548 في فصل المرحلة الثالثة (المرحلة التي ثبت فيها سلامة وفعالية الدواء أنه أكثر فعالية من العلاج الوهمي وتم اختباره على عدد كبير من الأشخاص).
‎✏️الشركة المصنعة تستعد لإجراءات هيئة الغذاء والدواء للحصول على موافقة الشركة.
‎✏️ عقار VX-548 يعمل عن طريق حجب Nav1.8، وهي قناة الصوديوم في نمو خلايا الدماغ.
‎✅تنبيه هام❗️
‎✏️تم نسخ الصور/مقاطع الفيديو المشتركة من المريض، وتمويهها بحيث لا يمكن التعرف عليها، وتم وضعها فقط لمشاركة المعلومات السرية❗️
‎✏️مشاركة الصور ومقاطع الفيديو قبل وبعد الجراحة ليس الهدف منها تحقيق مكاسب مالية❗️
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typhlonectes · 3 months
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Vintage newspaper article
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geekysteven · 10 months
oh dang, it's gonna take them even longer to get home in that
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[Image description a news screenshot reading "Physicists make tiny model of Star Trek's USS Voyager that's smaller than a human hair"]
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carpeossa · 1 year
I’m not gonna lie guys, I miss when you got a physical copy of a science journal.
It was so much fun checking your mail and seeing that month’s journal in. Then sitting in your car and skimming through the articles, excited to read what new information was discovered - then in the evening, when all was quite, reading it in your library corner with a warm light lamp on while drinking tea.
Now I get a email that says “hey check out this new article!” Which is fine, but, I have enough emails to read as it is and getting another one, no matter how fun the information contained therein is, is still one more email I have to read.
I just really miss my physical copies.
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nemfrog · 10 months
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Contact print. Butterflies of the District of Columbia. United States National Museum. 1932.
Internet Archive
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longhaulerbear · 8 months
Background: There is growing evidence of the significance of gastrointestinal complaints in the impairment of the intestinal mucosal barrier function and inflammation in fibromyalgia and myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome. However, data on intestinal permeability and gut barrier dysfunction in FM and ME/CFS are still limited with conflicting results. This study aimed to assess circulating biomarkers potentially related to intestinal barrier dysfunction and bacterial translocation and their association with self-reported symptoms in these conditions.
Conclusions: Biomarkers of intestinal barrier function and inflammation were associated with autonomic dysfunction assessed by COMPASS-31 scores in FM and ME/CFS respectively. Anti-β-LGB antibodies, ZO-1, LPS, and sCD14 may be putative predictors of intestinal barrier dysfunction in these cohorts. Further studies are needed to assess whether these findings are causal and can therefore be applied in clinical practice.
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To whom it may concern,
Just a suggestion, or gentle recommendation, but if you're writing code for a scientific study of any kind, maybe consider, possibly, limiting the number of swear words in said code because now many journals now require you to have your code publicly available in order to publish and if that's the case, then you'll have to spend many hours editing out all the swear words you put into your code or risk getting rejected by the journal that you already payed way too much money to in order to submit your paper.
The scientist currently cursing her past code-writing self.
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blorbo-dependency · 1 year
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csms-jpg · 1 month
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