#secret spy 🐰
uiuishii · 1 month
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My friend made me this and I'm already picking the best books to put them in.
I think she knows what I am 🏳️‍🌈
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sleepimali · 1 year
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Owlbits! 🦉🐰🌺
These are the March 2023 Big Dreamer sticker and print rewards that you can grab over on my Patreon until the month is over 💛 Some lore:
Owlbits are a magical relative of regular owls who have developed an almost supernatural sense of hearing, even compared to their relatives who are known to have the best hearing among non magic beings – they can hear a pin drop as far as fifty kilometres away. The reason for this extremely keen sense of hearing is that they used to be hunted for their incredibly soft and beautiful feathers centuries ago, as well as being sought after pets due to their ability to learn to both speak and understand humanoid languages.
During the war between regular humans and magic folks, magic folks also often tried to catch them to use them as spies, not only to spy on humans, but to spy on their magic folk enemies as well. It was a cruel twist of fate that the very hearing that was supposed to protect the owlbits was what caused them to become even more sought after.
Luckily for them however, they actually make extremely poor spies. You see, they have trouble differentiating sounds from one another in settings they are not used to, which often causes them huge headaches that essentially render them useless.
Moreover, they are incredibly emotional creatures and will cry if you make them do anything bad, to the point their captors considered it annoying. Additionally, most of their spy missions failed miserably because they turned into little agents of chaos that would fly straight into the enemy’s keep and ask them to help them be free or release their captive families from their evil kidnappers. And those said enemies would not waste an opportunity like this.
After all, if the owlbits can hear your enemies from that far away, they can also hear you. You can’t keep a secret from an owlbit once they get over their headaches unless you’re highly proficient in a particular type of magic – but even then, owlbits are known to be able to hear through magic wards.
So, picture this: You’re a lord plotting the downfall of your nemesis when you suddenly hear a loud thump on your window. You got to check it out, and to your surprise you find an incredibly frazzled and panicked little owl with rabbit-like ears. It’s crying.
It yells for you to help save them in a strangely adorable voice. A bad guy kidnapped them and told them to spy on you, but they can’t do it because the surroundings give them a headache.
“Interesting”, you say. “Tell me more.”
The creature cries harder and starts to list the ill deeds and plans of their kidnapper that they learned while they were supposedly in spy training for a many months – long enough to get used to the new environment.
You grin and pet their silly little head. “That must have been very scary”, you say. “Don’t worry, you’re safe now", you say, and then proceed to ask your new friend all the details they know, including the layout of the enemy’s stronghold.
Some time later, when you’re done dealing with your pesky foes, you release the little friend. They thank you, happily chirping that you’re a good person, before promising to come over for dinner occasionally and flying off.
You may not necessarily be a good person, but they don’t need to know that. All you know is you feel in your bones that trying to use this bird for your own potentially nefarious purposes would backfire spectacularly. That, and you can’t stop smiling.
You tell your staff to prepare a feast for next Sunday’s dinner, in case you have guests.
Despite their rather unfortunate past, the owlbits are now thriving. Much like humans, they truly enjoy the beauty of nature and are often seen stargazing on clear nights or basking in the sun on a warm spring day. They also enjoy decorating their nests with flowers and pretty trinkets.
And another fun fact: After learning more about people and society, they started to trade their own feathers and information they’ve acquired in their local area – nothing harmful though, of course.
These little business birds surprisingly do incredibly well.
(As long as you don’t try to make them pay taxes. It’s not that they’re greedy, it’s that they don’t understand accounting and they will cry.)
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W.I.A (Wounded in Action)
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⚢ Pairing - Jihyo x Reader
✎ Word Count - 2.1k
☆ Genre - Angst
♡ Description - Embarking on a spy mission with your girlfriend Jihyo goes terribly wrong when you get severely injured (A/N: I hope you like this one 🐰 anon)
Months after you first met, you found yourself in an extraordinary relationship with the skilled, brilliant leader of the secret spy organization TWICE: Park Jihyo. Together, you made a formidable team, tackling dangerous missions and growing closer with every challenge you faced side by side.
One day, you were assigned a critical mission that involved intercepting highly classified information related to a sinister global organization known as "The Black Lotus." This organization was notorious for its involvement in illegal arms trade, human trafficking, and acts of terrorism.
The intel you received indicated that The Black Lotus was about to finalize a deal with a rogue nation, supplying them with advanced weaponry and technology. If the deal went through, it could destabilize the delicate balance of power in the region, putting countless innocent lives at risk.
To prevent this catastrophic event, your mission objectives were twofold:
1. Infiltrate the High-Security Facility: Jihyo, being a master of disguise and stealth, was tasked with infiltrating the heavily fortified headquarters of a Black Lotus subsidiary. The facility was protected by state-of-the-art security measures, including retinal scanners, laser grids, and an army of well-trained guards.
Your mission was to guide Jihyo, providing her with real-time analysis and strategic support from a secure location. As an experienced spy, you had excess knowledge of surveillance cameras, could hack into the facility's communications, and process information swiftly.
2. Retrieve the Encrypted Data: Jihyo's task was to gain access to the facility's central computer system and download the encrypted data containing information about the impending arms deal. Her skills as an expert hacker and martial artist would be essential in navigating the complex security network.
The day of the mission arrived, and tension filled the air as you and Jihyo prepared to execute the operation. Jihyo noticed a flicker of concern in your eyes.
"You seem a bit off today," Jihyo said, her voice tinged with worry. "Are you sure you're up for this, my love?"
You couldn't hide your hesitation from her penetrating gaze. "I'll be fine, Jihyo. We have a duty to carry out, and the stakes are too high to back down now."
Her hand gently rested on yours, her touch soothing. "I trust you, but please promise me that you'll be cautious. I couldn't bear to lose you."
"I promise," you replied, mustering a smile. "We make an unbeatable team, and we'll get through this together."
With renewed determination, Jihyo slipped into the role of a Black Lotus operative, blending seamlessly with her surroundings. As she ventured into the heart of the heavily fortified headquarters, you couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and anxiety.
"I'm inside," Jihyo's voice crackled over the communication device. "The security is tighter than we expected, but I'm adapting. Keep an eye on those cameras, okay?"
"Roger that," you responded, your focus intensifying as you monitored the facility's surveillance feeds. "Stay sharp, Jihyo. You've got this."
As Jihyo progressed deeper into the facility, her every move became crucial. Unexpected obstacles and guards blocked her path, but she tackled each challenge with her trademark skill and tenacity. However, the situation escalated beyond your initial intelligence.
"Jihyo, the security protocols are more complicated than we thought," you said, your voice tense with concern. "Be careful. There's a patrol headed your way."
"I see them," Jihyo replied, her breath quickening. "I'll find another route. Just keep guiding me."
Your heart raced as you navigated her through the labyrinthine hallways. Then, the unexpected happened – an alarm blared, and chaos ensued.
"Damn it!" Jihyo's voice was urgent. "I tripped an alarm. They're on high alert now."
"Don't panic," you said, trying to steady your own nerves. "Take cover, and I'll guide you through. You've trained for this."
Ducking into a nearby supply room, Jihyo's mind raced as she planned her next move. The adrenaline coursing through her veins sharpened her focus, and she peered through the cracked door to assess the situation.
The guards, armed with high-tech weaponry, spread out to sweep the area. Jihyo's heart sank as she realized the extent of the challenge before her. She knew that taking them down quietly would be nearly impossible, and she had no choice but to engage in a full-blown confrontation.
"Get ready, Jihyo. They're closing in," you warned, your voice a lifeline in the chaos.
With swift and calculated movements, Jihyo sprung into action. She leaped out of the supply room, surprising the guards with her agility. Before they could react, she disarmed the closest one with a well-timed kick, sending his weapon clattering to the floor.
However, the element of surprise only bought her a moment. The remaining guards opened fire, forcing Jihyo to take cover behind nearby crates. Bullets ricocheted off metal surfaces, and she knew she had to act quickly.
"Look for any advantage in the environment," you suggested, analyzing the situation from the surveillance cameras. "There's a storage unit on your right. See if there's anything you can use."
Jihyo's eyes darted around, and she spotted a rack of pipes and metal rods nearby. Taking a deep breath, she lunged toward them, her agility and combat skills allowing her to evade the onslaught of bullets. She grabbed a metal rod, using it as both a shield and a weapon. 
With newfound determination, Jihyo sprang from behind cover, deflecting bullets with the metal rod as she closed the distance between herself and the guards. With precise strikes, she incapacitated two of them, leaving the rest scrambling to regain their composure. 
But one guard managed to get a clean shot, and a bullet grazed Jihyo's arm, causing her to wince in pain. However, she gritted her teeth and fought through the injury, knowing that time was of the essence.
"Jihyo, you're injured. G-get to cover," you urged, voice strained but your concern palpable. 
Ignoring the pain, Jihyo pressed forward, taking down the remaining guards one by one. With sheer determination, she cleared a path to the central computer system, but the struggle had taken its toll. As she initiated the data download, her injured arm trembled with exhaustion. Despite the pain, she refused to give in. The encrypted data was her prize, a testament to her unwavering dedication and the strength of your partnership. 
 "Y/N, I have the data," Jihyo breathed out, her voice pained from her wounds. "I'm heading to the rendezvous point." She awaited your acknowledgment but didn’t receive anything in return. Even in her weakened state, Jihyo started to panic, rushing to the extraction point to find you.
As Jihyo fought her way through the intensified security, you remained focused on providing real-time analysis and support. The pressure to guide her safely through the facility weighed heavily on your shoulders. In your determination to ensure her success, you inadvertently neglected your own well-being. As she faced an onslaught of guards, you fought with your mind, utilizing your combat knowledge and quick thinking to guide Jihyo as best as you could.
Unbeknownst to you, The Black Lotus guards detected your presence within their facility. Recognizing the threat you posed, they quickly surrounded you, outnumbering you by far. Armed and highly skilled, they launched a coordinated attack, making it difficult for you to defend yourself and help Jihyo.
Despite your valiant efforts, the odds were stacked against you. You managed to take down a few guards, but fatigue began to set in, and your movements slowed. A powerful blow to your side left you staggering, and another struck you on the back of your head, causing your vision to blur. With every ounce of strength, you tried to fight back, but the guards were unrelenting. In a final, desperate attempt to protect yourself, you swung wildly, but a skilled adversary managed to deliver a decisive blow, knocking you unconscious.
As darkness enveloped you, the sound of Jihyo's battle cries faded away, leaving you in a state of vulnerable unconsciousness. Your body lay motionless, and the guards, satisfied with their victory, left you there to succumb to the darkness.
As Jihyo discovered you lying unconscious and injured at the rendezvous point, panic and anguish washed over her. She knelt beside you, gently cradling your head in her hands, desperately trying to rouse you.
"No, no, this can't be happening," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "Wake up, my love. Please, wake up!"
Her heart sank and tears streamed down her cheeks at the sight of your unconscious form. With a mix of worry and determination, she carefully assessed your injuries. Her skilled eyes scanned over your battered body, noting the cuts, bruises, and the gash on your forehead where you were struck. Her hands trembled slightly as she gently touched your wounds, making sure not to cause you any further pain. Jihyo's mind raced, guilt gnawing at her, believing that it was her actions that led to this devastating outcome. She couldn't bear the thought of having put you in harm's way. 
With a trembling hand, she activated the communication device to call for backup and medical assistance. Her voice was steady, but it quivered with an underlying layer of distress.
"This is Jihyo. We have an emergency at the rendezvous point. I need immediate medical assistance. Hurry!"
As she waited for help to arrive, she refused to leave your side. Gently, she brushed a strand of hair away from your face and spoke softly, as if her voice could somehow reach your unconscious mind.
"Don't worry, my love. Help is on the way," she said, her voice choked with emotion. "I won't leave you. You mean everything to me, and I promise to keep you safe."
Finally, the sound of approaching footsteps and the arrival of medical personnel filled the air. Jihyo stepped aside, allowing the medical team to take over. She watched anxiously as they carefully assessed your injuries and worked swiftly to stabilize you.
"I'm sorry," Jihyo said to the medical team, her voice heavy with guilt. "I should have been more cautious. It's my fault he's hurt."
One of the medics placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "We'll do our best to take care of them. You did what you could, and they’re in good hands now."
As they prepared to transport you to the hospital, Jihyo insisted on accompanying you. She couldn't bear to be separated from you, even for a moment.
In the hospital, Jihyo never left your side. She held your hand tightly, silently praying for your recovery. Her mind was filled with regrets and promises to never let anything like this happen again.
"I love you," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I can't lose you, not like this. Please, wake up."
As the days passed with you unconscious in the hospital, Jihyo remained by your side, consumed by worry and love. She hardly ate or slept, her focus entirely on your well-being. Her appetite vanished, and her nights were spent restlessly, unable to find solace without you awake and by her side. Her dedication to your recovery was unwavering, and she refused to leave the hospital room, knowing that her presence might be the anchor that brought you back to consciousness. Jihyo's determination to be there for you, regardless of her own needs, was a testament to the depth of her love and the unbreakable bond between you.
As you slowly regained consciousness in the hospital bed, you noticed tears streaming down Jihyo's cheeks. She looked both relieved and distraught at the same time. 
"I'm so sorry," she choked out, her voice trembling with guilt. "I should have been there to protect you from getting hurt. This is all my fault." 
You mustered all the strength you had to reach out and gently wipe away her tears. "No, Jihyo, don't blame yourself," you reassured her, your voice soft but earnest. "You did everything you could, and it was a dangerous mission. We knew the risks. I don't blame you for what happened." 
She looked into your eyes, her own filled with emotion. "But I promised to keep you safe," she said, her voice breaking. "I love you so much, and I never want to see you hurt like this again." 
You smiled weakly, your heart swelling with love for her. "You being here now, by my side, is all that matters," you said, squeezing her hand gently. "We'll get through this together. I love you too, and I know that with you here, everything will be okay." 
In that moment, you found solace in each other's presence, knowing that your love and support were the pillars that would help you overcome any obstacle that came your way.
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etes-secrecy-post · 1 month
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
#OnThisDay: Mar 30th, 2019
Title: Hello Kittyggal Cude
Back in 2019, the 'Gundam's 40th Annivesary' 🤖🚀🥳 wasn't the only one celebrating around, BUT.... SANRIO's iconic and adorable mascot 'Hello Kitty' is going a celebrating 45th Anniversary as well. 🐱🎀🥳 Okay so both Gundam and Hello Kitty are the same debut in the 1970's; Hello Kitty is debut in 1974, while the first Gundam anime was debut in April 7th 1979. So yeah they're pretty close... And you know why they're closed? 😮 Here, check out the news article announced by Crunchyroll - [CLICK ME! #1].
• Apparently, the Gundam franchise had a collaborate with Hello Kitty for their respective Anniversary with, according to the crunchyroll website ' a "showdown project" that pits both franchises against one another online and in real life.' There's also a project from the LINE Mobile (Japan's leading messaging app 🇯🇵💬📲) campaign where respective fans can vote which of these two well-knowned franchise and could win a prize from both franchise. And not only that, aside from other real-life promotions, there's also they're launching a "real mystery solving game" sponsored by SCRAP in the Summer 2019.
There's also a special episode for their Hello Kitty x Gundam collab! And man, thank goodness someone is uploading the entire episodes without notifying reports of "copyright infringement" 😳 → [CLICK ME! #2] Although, Gundam's not the only one that collaborates with Hello Kitty → [CLICK ME! #3]. 😳
NOW! On to my latest artwork. Despite from that collaborate crossover announcement, I decided to make Cude in a Hello Kitty custom beargguy, which I should called "Hello Kittyggal" armor. Cude's reaction was 'embarrassed' yet 'silly.
What I've a done? 😅
Also, no armament(s) and other feature(s) about his armor. Sorry...
Cude 🤖🐰: Ummm... Can I please take it off? Thank goodness, no one saw me wearing this kittyggal custom armor... 😳
ME 🇵🇭: Yeah, sure... 🤷‍♀️ *secretly taking a snapshot via spy camera 🕵️‍♂️📸😅*
Cude (HTF OC) - created by ME! Custom Beargguy (Gundam Build Fighters) - Gundam Series © Bandai Namco Filmworks, Inc. (SUNRISE), Sotsu Similar - Hello Kitty © SANRIO
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suiseisyojo · 2 years
hhhh hi could i req nazuna + 12? :)
〈gn!reader x nito nazuna 🐰〉
a/n: i've been itching to write for nazu-nii so this was a wonderful opportunity - thank you for requesting, i hope you enjoy!
i'm going to start clearing out the reqs for different charas that i haven't written for yet before rotating back! i'm sorry if i don't do your chosen prompt with your chara first, but i'll definitely get to it! thanks for your patience everyone :)
send me a chara + kiss !!
12. Sneaking away to a hidden corner to share a secretive kiss.
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Sunset enveloped the vacant campus as you waited by the university gates for Nazuna to retrieve his forgotten bag, left in one of his classrooms. This was a regular affair for the two of you whenever you managed to wrap up your workload (whether that meant completing it in the office or bringing it home with you).
“Hey, aren’t you [Full Name]? The producer Nazu-kun’s always talking about,” a disembodied voice called out to you, galvanizing you into gyrating on your heel to look at the source. A tall, lean man stood before you—and you could only assume this was one of Nazuna’s university friends.
You nodded your head, giving a polite bow, whilst saying, “That’s right. I’m a little embarrassed to hear he talks about me, though.”
”It’s only good things, I promise!” he boisterously laughed, “What are you two anyway? Are you guys dating?”
The question caught you off-guard, jarring your nerves and causing you to furiously shake your head to deny his curiosity. “We’re just friends! We have a professional relationship.” You silently prayed he couldn’t discern the slight quaver in your voice; you were absolutely terrible at lying, after all.
The angel himself vehemently beckoned for your attention, saving you from having to keep this conversation afloat. “Nii-chan!” Luckily for you, calling him nii-chan helped perpetuate the notion that you two weren’t romantically involved.
Running up to the pair of you, Nazuna greeted his friend before promptly declaring that while he managed to find his bag—he seems to have forgotten about briefly meeting with a professor at the teachers’ lounge. “So, sorry, we need to be going! I’ll see you tomorrow!”
You found it unbelievable that Nazuna traveled all the way to the front gates just to grab you and bring you to a meeting (which you’d have no authority spying in on…)… but then it hit you. That was just an excuse to not have to stand around chatting with his friend.
Walking side-by-side, you and Nazuna entered back within his capacious university building; his fingers lightly, teasingly, brushing against yours as you dutifully followed where he was going to be taking you.
“Thanks for helping me out back there, Nii-chan,” you chuckled sheepishly, “He was asking what sort of relationship we have, so I froze.”
If regular friendships between producers and idols were strongly discouraged, then it went without saying that romantic ones were forbidden by default. But——
Nazuna’s hands sprung forward and entwined with your own, his supple body twirling you into a pocket of space by the staircase. Your back was pinned against the wall, with Nazuna’s frame just barely able to conceal your body that stood around the same height as him.
“No one’s around, so call me Na-zu-na♪, okay?” he cheekily grinned, his pale complexion blossoming with rosy hues as your fingers stayed wrapped in each other’s.
Nodding your head, vainly attempting to stave off the frenzied pounding of your heart against your ribcage, you whispered, “Whatever you want, my Nazuna♡”
A frisson of exhilaration surged through Nazuna, and he squeezed your hands tighter before leaning in to press a quick kiss to your lips. “I know we can’t let anyone know we’re dating, but,” and he swept your lips into his own again, pulling away to finish, “when we’re alone like this, I can’t help but want to jump on you.”
It was a Nazuna-like declaration, spoken with his own heart thumping and connecting to yours through your chests flush together. Being able to feel how warm you became beneath his kisses and touches only made Nazuna want to kiss you even more.
Even if you knew in your heart how adorable Nazuna is, it was also moments like this, when your breaths mingled and the taste of him permeated through your mouth, that you knew he was a man. And it made your legs quiver.
Eek, he was just so irresistible!
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milfsrights · 7 months
(for the ask game c:)
🐰- Do you believe in soul mates?
Not really tbh, the concept of one specific person automatically being everything you need/want is immature. Compatibility can help get a relationship off the ground but even still, there's a lot of work to put in if you wanna maintain that connection.
🎂 - If you had three wishes, what would they be?
1) All the time in the world to indulge in every artistic pursuit I can. I wanna learn how to dance, cook, sew, play music, write, paint, etc, etc, etc and I'll still need extra time to enjoy the creations of others too.
2) More butch lesbians in my life
3) 1 million doll hairs
🍓- One secret about yourself?
When I was little, I loved to climb onto the toilet and spy on my neighbor 😭😭 One time I told my auntie I used to do that and she said that she did it too LMAO
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jikookao3recs · 3 years
my favourite jikook fics (part 1)
a/b/o (part 1)
canon compliant (part 1)
my favourite rereads
alpha JM
friends to lovers (part 1)
enemies to lovers (part 1)
friends with benefits
fluff (with a dash of smut)
a/b/o (part 2)
enemies to lovers (part 2)
my favourite jikook fics (part 2)
strangers to lovers
college AUs (part 1)
college AUs (part 2)
tattoo artist JK fics
royalty AUs
detective and spy AUs
single parent AUs
exes to lovers
established relationship (part 1)
established relationship (part 2)
marriage AUs (part 1)
fics for crying
fics with an age gap
fake/ pretended relationship
bodyguard AUs
gamer AUs
dancer AUs
magic AUs
one-night-stand fics
canon compliant (part 2)
friends to lovers (part 2)
MCD fics 😭
💐 flower shop AUs 💐
modern AUs
coffee shop AUs ☕
hybrid AUs 🐰🐱
idol AUs 🕺
hospital / medical AUs
GCF in Tokyo fics
what I’ve read and got obsessed with
jikook with piercings
marriage AUs (part 2)
alpha JK fics
countryside AUs
2021 favourites
favourite gems from 2018
favourite stories I have read in 2020
🎄☃️ Christmas fics ☃️🎄
long jikook fics that I love (over 100k)
lily’s favourites: secret santa edition
humor/ crack fics
Valentine’s Day fics 💖
pack dynamics
top JM
2022 favourites
🎃 HALLOWEEN: a treat from Lily 🎃
one shots (30-50k words)
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sitp-recs · 2 years
Some Cluefest 2022 recs…
I took some time to check H/D Cluefest this weekend and had a lovely time reading these. As usual these are personal picks based on my personal preferences, but I highly encourage everyone to check the full collection here. You can also check @ghaniblue’s wonderful reclist here. Don’t forget to leave kudos and comments before the reveals. Happy readings!
🧪 [Fic & Art] Search & Find at Narcissan Blooms (T, 634 words) by @the-starryknight and @gryffindorhearts
You should have known Auror Potter would be useless when you agreed to shadow him on this case. Yet, here you are, standing in Malfoy's stupid Apothecary and investigating a murder. It's up to you to solve the case, so you might as well start looking around... A Drarry I-Spy Investigation: can you spot all four clues? Feat: SECRET BOYFRIENDS, that’s all I have to say
🪟 surely some revelation (is at hand) by @opalesqueopioid (M, 12k)
In a dystopian society where peacekeeping dementors are employed to stamp out resistance by damaging souls of the dissidents, Draco strives to do what's right. Or: Harry is in a cult and Draco becomes the cult leader. Feat: cool dystopia, Unspeakable power couple, soul reapers (yes pls), spy Draco, domesticity, Amortentia for the angst!
🥩 Operation Dragon's Shenanigans by @nv-md (E, 14k)
Harry's in love with Draco, but it's complicated. Even more complicated than 'I'm in love with my ex-archnemesis and I get dizzy every time I see him smile'. No matter that Harry's an Auror, and always loved a good mystery, he's still having trouble figuring Draco out. And he's the only one who can see that Draco isn't a regular human. Feat: thirsty pining Harry, creature Draco, meddling friends, top notch humour
🔥 Heartlines by @sorrybutblog (T, 22k)
Just as Draco Malfoy's life seems to be getting back on track, the magic at Malfoy Manor is spinning out of control. Auror partners Harry Potter and Angelina Johnson are assigned to the case and quickly find that nothing about the situation is obvious. The flare ups are unpredictable at best, downright dangerous at worst, and why has a Hogwarts first year gone missing at the same time? Feat: reluctant bodyguard Harry, recluse Draco, strangers to lovers, pining Draco and a delightful amount of unexpected humour
💐 [Fic & Art] Memento Mori by @fantalf and @crazybutgood (M, 24k)
Seven is the number on my door. It’s the amount of scars I bear on my chest. It’s the time I wake up every morning. Seven is how old I was when father beat me for the first time, and seven years later I felt the force of a Cruciatus by the same hands. Feat: Unspeakable shenanigans gone wrong, memory loss, previous est relationship, gore, implied suicidal attempt, hardcore angst, hopeful ending
🐰 F*ck! by by @orange-peony (E, 28k)
Harry is trying to enjoy his busy life as a Healer (in spite of his dreadful lime green robes), when something mysterious happens. Why on earth is Auror Draco Malfoy suddenly appearing out of thin air in Harry's kitchen? And why is he always injured? Harry needs to investigate. And also get a new pair of robes, but one thing at a time. Feat: healer Harry, slow burn, low key angst, domesticity, comfort food, ultimate fluff
🦋 [Art] a living thing by @babooshkart (G)
The closest house is miles away, and the red clay earth eats sound. He had married Draco, had moved here in hopes of a perfect love, a fantasy romance, but something is terribly wrong with this place. Draco is nervous, and tells Harry with his eyes not to drink the tea that his mother serves. A Crimson Peak AU. Feat: fantasy AU, gorgeous outfits, perfect eerie aesthetics
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defectiveparts · 3 years
@unworthyheart​ asked:   🐰 a goofy text.  /  meme.
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          (  sms  ,  sent  )   so i know you're super duper busy on a secret spy mission, but uh           (  sms  ,  sent  )   📎 IMG ATTACHED.           (  sms  ,  sent  )   abs says hi and she misses you!
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etes-secrecy-post · 1 year
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
Title: Cude & Mayu's Anniversaries (With & Without Font Texts)
Hello, February! It's Cude & Mayu's day! The latter, however, I forgot to celebrate her. 😅 But don't worry, Mayu's boyfriend Cude will also celebrate his anniversary coincides with hers! 😊 Sounds fair, right?
• Anyways, here are my four artworks, with the other two without texts. The 1st one came in 2022, which I didn't finish, but then, I was thinking that this artwork will be reserved for their debut anniversary this February 2023. And yeah, I did. The next digital painting was from scratch, featuring two couples alone in space while Cude is wearing Mayu's outfit. Which, by the way, Mayu's anniversary gift to him & make adopt Mayu's spare clothes into Cude's clothes. Meaning his new clothes is now added to his wardrobe. 🥰
Mayu 🐇✨: Awww, would you look at these, Cude? Are you happy? 😊
Cude 🐰🤖: Of course. 😊
Mayu 🐇✨: You know, I remember when I meet you at the walkside of the street during Valentine's Day, right? I was new here from another interstellar planet. 🙂
Cude 🐰🤖: Uh yeah, I remember that moment. 🙂
Mayu 🐇✨: I sounded like a typical normal citizen of saying "cutie" to you. That's not what my personality was, so I have to stay my character permanent. 😅
Cude 🐰🤖: And you learn it from other people, right? 🙂
Mayu 🐇✨: Yes. 😊
Cude 🐰🤖: Okay. Can I ask you something else?
Mayu 🐇✨: Aknowledged, Cude. 🙂
Cude 🐰🤖: Did you spying us from our activities? 🕵️‍♀️
Mayu 🐇✨: Yes, I did & my apologies, I was curious while doing research about Earth activities with you & your friends. I did once on so called "Halloween", and it was fun to go "Trick or Treat".
Cude 🐰🤖: Well, I'm glad you like it, Mayu. But next time, if you want a join our bandwagon, then you're welcome to join us. 🙂
Mayu 🐇✨: I do, I really do! And I'll keep that in mind, Cude. So, how's wearing your new clothes? Very comfy? 👕👖😊
Cude 🐰🤖: That? Yeah! I dig it! Reminds me of my Autumn/Winter clothes. 🥰👕👖
Mayu 🐇✨: Really?
Cude 🐰🤖: Yeah! The color tone & the level of softness. 🙂
Mayu 🐇✨: I would love to see your alternative clothing. 😊
Cude 🐰🤖: Okay, I'll invite you to my house. 🙂
Mayu 🐇✨: That would be delightful interest! 😊 Happy anniversary, Cude! 🥰
Cude 🐰🤖: You too, Mayu.🥰
* Cude & Mayu are hugging each other outside earth*
Cude 🐰🤖: This is a nice space atmosphere for the two of us. 🌌
Mayu 🐇✨: Indeed it is! 😊 I've seen countless stars, constellations & other celestial parts of the space atmosphere before I landed on earth. I could travel you to the countless universe stars with my magical portals. 😊
Cude 🐰🤖: That would be awesome to see. 😊 BTW, you look cute wearing that "Soft Rock" clothes during our Valentine's Day.
Mayu 🐇✨: Same to you, Cude. I'm having love & snuggle with you & that softy oversized clothes with pillows. We should do that with my clothes stuffed. 🥰
Cude 🐰🤖: Indeed. 🥰 🤗But, can we go to the universe first?🙂
Mayu 🐇✨: Certainly! Let's go!😊
*Mayu casting powers with her Psycho-Frame staff to teleport & travel to the space universe with Cude*
Well, that's all for now & Happy Anniversary, Cude 🐰🤖 & Mayu 🐇✨!
Cude & Mayu - created by ME! Haro based OCs - Gundam franchise © Sotsu, Sunrise
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