#shaking my own rattle etc
strawberrystepmom · 8 months
cw body image discussion. self ship coded. f!reader is feeling insecure and gojo is there to help work through the blues. he's mildly possessive and reader is really down on themselves. reader and gojo are in a semi established relationship (aka idiots in love). wc 1.6k
divider thanks to @/cafekitsune as always
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The third time you pull a blouse over your head with a huff and toss it to the ground below your feet is when Satoru finally realizes that something is not right with you today. 
It wasn’t the instant frown upon waking up that alerted him, in fact that’s kind of just normal so he ignored it, but he has noticed you’ve been wound tight from the moment your eyes have opened. Your shoulders are hunched, he’s worried you’re going to give yourself a headache with all that scowling, your coffee sits on the nightstand getting cold while you glare at your reflection in the full length mirror against the wall.
Flipping onto his stomach and stretching horizontally across your bed, he appraises you where you stand. Even grouchier than usual, you’re dazzling. You’re wearing nothing but your least sexy nude colored bra and high waisted black trousers, bare feet stomping across the wooden floor as you rush back and forth from the closet back to the mirror.
He knows what’s happening and that he has never quite been good at stopping it but he wants to try, if only to make you smile at his failed attempt at comfort. You know him well enough to know that there’s meaning beneath his flippant words and veneer, something that saves him from a lot of trouble on any given day.
His little nickname captures your attention and you shift from glancing in the mirror to him for just a moment, eyes narrowing slightly when you take in his relaxed posture. It must be nice to be him - ever the bored boy king watching the rest of us mortals folly. Raising your brows, you fold your arms over your chest defensively and stare at him.
He knows this defensive position better than anyone ever could. You’re internally wounding yourself and curling into your own torso, covering where it hurts the worst with your arms. Your heart breaks and he can see it on your face, eyes still narrowed and shoulders rounded forward. Trying to make yourself smaller, broken into pieces, something you feel will make you more palatable.
He hates it but he knows you don’t do it on purpose. You spend a lot of your time lifting others up and it’s easy to forget yourself in the fray. He sees it as his responsibility to step for you when you can’t do it for yourself and he cannot imagine allowing anyone else to ever do so.
He’s yours, in name, in body, in heart, and it’s his job to remind you of how perfect you are even when you forget. 
“C’mere,” he wags his head, motioning for you to join him on the bed while he pats the spot next to him. You sniff unenthusiastically and shuffle to the side of the bed, sitting and letting your legs hang off the edge of it. You don’t want to join him in his all too comfortable state but you realize quickly you are going to be left with no choice when he sets his head on your thigh and wraps his arms around your waist.
You feel yourself soften when you look down at him, all white lashes and big eyes and hair over his forehead as boyish as you remember it being when you were 16 and he was 17 and he laid his head in your lap just like this. It feels like a lifetime ago, years and tears that have passed, but part of you even knew then that it would end up just like this for the two of you despite the constant denial of those feelings. 
Even still, you deny his affection for you out of some strange attempt to hurt yourself rather than him. It makes no sense and you sigh. How anyone puts up with you is truly a mystery yet here the one person who puts up with you the most sits, cloudless sky eyes searching you for answers. He foolishly believes he may yet solve you someday.
Unfolding your arms, you reach out and pet the strands away from his face. Remembering you’re supposed to be having a fit, you frown and he smiles up at you. It feels like the sun moving in from around a cloud and you chuckle.
“You gonna make it?” He asks and you know what he means. 
What do you need from me? How can I make this better?
If asked, he’d swear you’re the only one who actually listens to what he’s saying instead of picking out what you want to hear. If someone were to ask you, you think you’d say the same about him. Nobody understands you the way he does, a fact you used to resent but now welcome with open arms. Isn’t the core of being loved just being understood at the end of the day?
You think for a moment before flopping backward on the bed, his head still in your lap and his arms still looped around your waist. Satoru shifts slightly, pulling one arm out from under you and using it to gently pet your cheek. 
“Probably not,” you finally respond and he looks across your body at your face and smiles, shaking his head and rubbing his freshly shaven cheek over your pants.
“I’m ugly, I’m stupid, I’m the butt of every joke,” you lament, gaze shifting directly to the ceiling to keep from looking at him while your eyes mist over with tears. Speaking the things you think about yourself only makes them feel more true but he doesn’t let you lament for long, unlooping his other arm from your waist and grabbing your hand.
He sits up and you look up at him. He looms the way a god does and he looks just like one, something that makes you rush to try and cover yourself up. It’s a pity he wastes his time with you, meant for something far better than hanging out with you. You feel a tear slide down your cheek and sniff, covering your face with your forearm.
“None of that is true and you know it.”
He remains hovering over you, backlit by the sunlight in your bedroom, but you refuse to look directly at him and settle for gazing through the tiniest crack in your vision that your forearm isn’t covering. 
“Everyone loves you so much it makes me feel jealous sometimes.”
Despite your sadness, you giggle. He’s so funny sometimes that you wonder if it’s intentional or not.
“There’s no reason to. People are just being nice.”
He scoffs and before you can blink, he’s on his knees and sliding his oversized form across the bed. Straddling your hips, settling either of his thighs on the side of yours, you groan and let your arm flop at your side. He isn’t putting his full weight on you but you sniff and make a face anyway. You’re still only partially dressed and he licks his lips at the sight, soft skin warmed by sunlight.
“Do you know how many threats I’ve had to make to keep people away from you?”
Shaking your head, hair dragging across the blanket beneath your body, you wonder if he means it. He has alluded to this exact scenario many times in jest but you always assumed it was just that - a joke. A little chuckle shared between the two of you.
“I’m not joking,” he replies seriously, eyes giving him away. “You’re not just liked you’re desired, pretty girl.”
Your cheeks heat and your belly stirs despite how the rest of you feels. Shifting your head so that you’re no longer looking at him, he reaches down and cups your cheek with the same gentleness he always does but guides your face back in his direction. His thumb caresses the soft round and you bite back another smile.
“I’ll keep doing it, too,” he mutters with a grin and a nod and you raise your brows. You don’t really care that other people desire you, knowing that the issue with how you feel lies solely within your own heart, but it’s nothing less than sexy that he insists on throwing his weight around in his longstanding mission to make you love him as much as he loves you.
“You’re beautiful,” he whispers and you smile, leaning into his touch despite all of your previous attempts to shrug it off. “The smartest person I know, brave, dependable…”
He trails off and leans over you, stopping himself with his forearm on the bed and kisses your forehead. 
“I could go on forever but I don’t want to make you later than you’re already going to be after four outfit changes,” he offers and you laugh. A real one. The kind of laugh that makes a big smile stretch across your face and he places his thumb in the divot of your dimple as you do.
“You’re right.”
He beams, pressing his thumb so deeply you feel the inside of your cheek against your teeth. 
The rebuttal only makes you laugh harder and you kick your legs out beneath him, trying to shove him off of you.
“Get off, I’m gonna be late,” you warn and now he plants some of his weight over your hips, both big hands cupping your face as he repeatedly dots your face and cheeks with kisses.
“Nope, I’m gonna make you even more late and you’re just gonna have to live with it.”
And live with it you will as his lips travel from the round of your cheek and tip of your nose to your own lips, tongue brushing against the seam insistently.
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kkolg · 7 months
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Ahem, when a disassembly drone decides that they want to obtain a partner, they must prepare for the most spectacular show you have ever seen- with steps of course…
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Step 1: Creating a display
Every great performance must have a stage to use, after all, what good is an amazing show without the looks to go with it? The disassembly will first fly around to find a wide open area to create their stage or “display”. The display that disassemblys make are usually large circles that are made out of old workers, oil, and many reflective materials. The disassemblys usually take workers that are the most chopped up and are still slightly filled with oil, they also take any excess oil they find to make the outline of the circle-like formation. The reason they do this is to prove to other drones that they are such effective hunters, they can allow quite a bit of oil to go to waste. The more oil; the better the hunter, which in turn leads to the higher likelihood of finding a partner.
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Oh, well look at that- it seems a poor, little, drone has stumbled into this lovely display. It is time to impress. 
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Step 2: Impress 
First impressions are always very important when it comes to anything, especially when trying to obtain a partner. Disassemblys will often first bring out their wings as high up as they can and begin to rattle the wing blades. They will try their best to look as presentable as possible by standing up tall, puffing their chest, hands behind their backs, etc…
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If the drone has surprisingly stayed through to pre-show, then it’s on to the real performance.
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Step 3: The Dance
Every disassembly’s dance is unique in its own way, but they do usually have certain things in common such as: hopping, twirling, shuffling, etc… The way each disassembly uses these techniques is what makes them different. You also will see constant eye contact and rattling of the wing blades during the show. As the performance goes on the disassembly will begin to get closer to the drone, who would usually be standing in the middle of the display, surrounding them in a spiral-like motion.
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Unfortunately, the aforementioned shiny things don’t just attract potential mates, but also competition. Now there are many reasons why another disassembly may want to invade on such a ceremonial performance: the oil lying around, scraps, territory, or the other drone (wether it be for food or partnership) The performer however, will hardly go down without a fight. Surprisingly, disassemblys can be very civil creatures. When impeding on such an important performance like this, even disassemblys know that they shouldn’t cause blood oil-shed whenever there’s a poor, unsuspecting drone around (unless they’re not the one being swooned). Disassemblys will instead fight for dominance using their appearances and techniques alone. They’ll show off their claws and shake their wings and tail as a warning, then they usually begin to get int each other’s faces and start hissing and butting chests. They do this to try and push the other out of the circle. Why?
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Because once a disassembly has been pushed out-
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-it is a sign of weakness, and is taken as a loss.
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Now that that has been handled, it is time for the final phase of the dance. Once a disassembly has gotten close enough to the other drone, they will begin to do light headbutts to the others chest. If the drone continues to stay, that in turn means they are completely comfortable with the other.
 And now the ceremony is finally completed.
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moonlitdesertdreams · 1 month
Of Ghouls and Drugs
Request: "ok so I'm absolutely obsessed with that coop fic you did where reader helps him when he's injured and it's super domestic and fluffy....could you maybe do something where the roles are reversed and he helps the reader who's injured? maybe she's a little shaken up over it too and he calms her down and it's just very sweet and soft. thank you i adore your writing so much 💖" A/N: First of all, the reception of my Fallout content has been amazing. If you're one of the people who have liked/reblogged/replied/shared/saved/etc, I am eternally grateful to you. Second, thank you once again to the anon who sent this request! It's a bit of a switcharoo from Stuck Like Glue, so if you need some more Cooper content, check that out or take a peek at my Fallout Masterlist! Tags: Fallout, Cooper Howard, Cooper Howard x F!Reader, Cooper Howard x You, Ghoul x Reader WARNINGS: Canon-Typical language and violence Summary: Injured and scared, you can always count on your Cowboy to save the day.
Word Count: 1.7k+
(Gif Credit to @victoryrifle)
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You don’t know why you’re hyperventilating. 
Sure, you’d been in countless fights and been scared more times than you can remember. In the Wasteland, if you’re not scared every now and again, you’re dead. But today, cornered in a decrepit open-air shopping mall store while a hoard of feral ghouls claw at the rusty security gate, you’re frozen with fear. 
It was an old clothing store, picked apart by scavengers and ravaged by time. Everything was covered in a thick blanket of dust, from the old checkout counter to the racks of high heels that sit untouched. Unfortunately for you, it hadn’t been a department store you ducked into where there could be some hope of escape. This one was a small boutique-type outlet with one way in and one impassable way out. Furthermore, the roll-down security door currently saving your life had been pure luck on your part. The lever for it was broken off and mounted on the side of the entrance; you’d only found it after the damn thing had torn your upper arm to shreds in your haste to get away. 
And now you’re ducked behind the checkout counter, old patterned men’s tie wrapped tightly around your bicep in a poor excuse of a tourniquet. You were out of ammo, banking on the security gate holding until the ghouls got bored or forgot about you. But there was something about today, about how they’d come charging from the darkness the second Cooper had left to turn in your latest bounty, that terrified you. Feral ghouls were shells of people with no logic or sense left in them, but the attack had felt calculated, planned. You argued with yourself, knowing they had basic instinct and probably just singled you out after another of their kind left.
Then again, maybe you’re conflating your fear of Cooper becoming one of them one day with the looming fear of death. 
Unable to do anything about it, you sit behind the counter and shake. Your breath comes in quick punches, inhales cutting off the exhales and vice versa. The iron smell of your own blood is overwhelming. Despite the tourniquet, warm liquid leaks down your arm and drips into a thick crimson puddle beneath you. Your backpack, full of stimpaks and every chem known to man, is abandoned just outside the gate. The damn thing had been torn away when you’d got caught on the jagged lever, beyond your reach and unable to be saved. 
The ghouls wail and groan while clawing at the gate, the sound of rattling metal echoing around the store’s walls. It’s deafening to the point where you cover your ears, accepting the fact that you’re screwed either way. Blood loss or ghoul attack, it doesn’t matter. Cooper’s long gone towards the last town, and you’re cursing the apparently lackluster job the two of you did making sure your camp was secure. 
“Take a look around.” He’d told you, “Getch’yu some new clothes if you need ‘em.”
Cooper’s voice and kiss goodbye lingers in your thoughts as you hold your hands over your ears. It’s a more pleasant thought than the ghouls outside. Your ghoul always keeps you safe. 
You almost smile to yourself, probably delusional from blood loss. 
Your name slipping out of Cooper’s mouth dances across your foggy mind. 
“Goddamn it woman, open your eyes.” 
Something shakes your whole body, and your eyes snap open. 
At first it’s too dark for you to recognize any solid features, and you scramble away. The missing nose and scarred flesh blend together in your mind. You swing your injured arm in blind panic, which has the tourniquet breaking loose and bright arterial blood spattering the floor.
But you hear a voice calling through the haze. Soft and slow, like it’s calling to a wounded animal. “Ay, ay ay. Calm down now, sweetheart.”
You squint through the darkness, fighting dizziness. A familiar silhouette makes itself apparent. 
His face, weathered by radiation and pain, is usually twisted into a dramatic scowl. But right now it’s concerned, brow furrowed into worry that you’d never seen. The sounds of ghouls and impending doom have vanished. 
“It’s me, babydoll.” He almost coos at you, reaching out a hand. “C’mere.”
Your emotions rage, and tears burn at your eyes. You reach out a hand and brush the one he’s holding out, but your fingertips barely catch on the seam of his gloves.  You squeeze to make sure he’s real. He wraps strong fingers around your wrist and pulls you in. 
It’s easy to give in as his familiar scent and feel washes over you. Gunpowder and smoke are the main notes, but you catch the leather of his duster and the unavoidable grime provided by the Wasteland. The tears flow easily out the corner of your eyes and drip down your cheek.
“I-I don’t know where they came from.” You clutch at his coat, “Scared the hell out of me.”
Cooper is still moving despite you being all but wrapped around him where he’s knelt down. You feel his hands near your injured arm and instinctively cower. 
“Came from somewhere in that back parking lot, it looks like.” Cooper grits in his usual gruff tone, “Must’a got ‘em goin’ when they heard us. Waited ‘til you were alone.”
You sniffle pathetically into his coat, and it morphs into a strangled cry as he wraps the tie back around your arm. His other hand holds a broken piece of wood that he uses to knot into the fabric and twist. 
“Ah! Fucking hell, Coop!” Your protest is little more than a whine as your arm starts to go numb. 
“Sorry, sweetheart.” He murmurs, tipping his head back so he’s able to look in your eyes. “Don’t want ya to bleed out here.” 
You hold his gaze for a moment. “Why’d you come back?”
He helps you stand, giving you a moment to lean back against the counter and acclimate to the dizziness. Your eyes hold steady on him, watching lashless eyelids blink above gaunt cheeks.
“Vials.” He hooks an arm around your shoulders and the other behind your knees and lifts you up, “I wanted to have enough in case I got caught up.”
The slow cadence of Cooper’s walk almost lulls you into closing your eyes and he trudges silently to the shop’s entrance. You see gore splattered on the walls and floor, headless ghouls lying motionless at his feet. The top handle of your backpack is sticking out of the mess, and Cooper snatches it up. 
He walks for some distance, away from the pile of dispatched ghouls. He doesn’t stop until you come up on a store a ways away, advertising furniture and televisions. It seemed relatively untouched considering an atomic war and a two-hundred year wait. The Ghoul moves near the door, and you hear him clanking about with the lock. It takes a few tries and muttered curses, but Cooper jimmies it enough so he can get a toe nudged in the door. You attempt to help by grabbing the door, but he moves your hand back to his shoulder and pushes in on his own.
Cooper sets you gently on a shockingly clean and padded couch. The Ghoul is quiet, but gets to work cleaning the long gash in your arm. He gives you his inhaler, but there’s a strange canister clicked into the mechanism rather than his vial. You take a huff, and gag at the strong taste. 
“H-Holy Shit.” You cough, and it almost distracts you from the pain of a stimpak being stabbed into your wound. “What is that?”
Cooper unties the tourniquet when he’s satisfied, and sets the stimpak off to the side. “Med-X. Inhalin' it works faster.”
You nod and huff on his inhaler again. The Med-X is potent as all hell, and it feels like it’s shooting straight to your brain. You’re more willing, desperate for more as the effects set in. Cooper settles himself on the cushions beside you, watching carefully and taking away the inhaler before you overdose yourself. 
“I’m sorry for bein’ stupid.” You murmur. “I shoulda ran anywhere but there.”
Cooper leans in, ungloved hand cupping the side of your neck and tilting back. “Never apologize for survivin’, sugar.”
The drugs swirling about in your brain make it hard to form normal sentences. “I wouldn’t have without you… I hurt my arm and lost my cool.”
He tries to talk, but you  shush him.
“I couldn’t quit thinkin’ about those ghouls… about you.” 
Cooper sighs and wraps an arm around your shoulders. He pulls you in close and shushes the soft cries that creep up your throat, fueled by a drug-induced haze. 
“Y’know… There’s always somethin’ that’s gonna make us lose it.” Cooper drums his fingers on your forearms. “No matter how tough we might be.”
You feel his lips in your hair and lean into it. “Guess I gotta trust that, ‘cause you’re pretty tough.”
Unbeknownst to you, your words are already comically slurred. Cooper chuckles into the bird’s nest on your head. 
“Feelin’ that Med-X, honey?” 
You swear to god, it’s gotta be that drawl that’s honey, not the drugs.
“Jus-Just a little.” You slump further into his side, head dropping onto his chest. He uses the tip of his boot to drag a nearby footrest closer and prop his feet up. 
“Good. Time for a nap.” Cooper tilts his hat down over his eyes. 
You hum, unable to argue. A nap sounds rather splendid, especially with the amount of drugs circulating your body. You glance up just as the Ghouls huffs down the rest of the Med-X himself. 
“Coop!” You try to chastise him, but it comes out as more of a laugh. “That’s not safe. You don’t need that right now.”
The Ghoul grumbles something that sure sounds like ‘goody two-shoes’, but reigns in the hostility, 
“Sure I do.” His hand rubs up and down your arm before finding its way to your waist. “I’m an old fuckin’ man. Joint pain.”
“Joint pain, schmoint pain.” You mock, eyes falling shut and staying that way. “Fuckin’ old man.”
Cooper actually chuffs at your remark and ducks to press a kiss to your forehead. It’s unexpected and sweet to feel such affection from him, and combines with the euphoric feeling of opioids pulsing through your brain.
“Go to bed, darlin’. Before I knock you out myself.”
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thanks for reading, much love ❤
Read More: Fallout Masterlist
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cameronspecial · 2 months
good morning, good afternoon or good night depending on the time you see this . Excuse my English, I'm using the translator.I wanted to ask for an imagine about dad Rafe, where his son (Theo/Luca or whatever name you prefer) besides being jealous of his mother (not letting Rafe give him kisses, pushing him so they don't hug, etc.) at his young age He starts calling Rafe "Rafe" instead of "Papa", I think it would be a nice imagine
Oedipus Rex
Pairing: Dad! Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: Jealous Rafe.
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.6K
A/N: This is a great idea and don't worry, your English is great!
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Theo is the love and entire world of Rafe’s life, along with Y/N of course. However, right now, all Rafe wants to do is force his son to stay in his room. Not because his son is being bad, but because Rafe is jealous of the child. Y/N’s eyes are on the TV while Theo is snuggled under her arm. For the past three minutes, Rafe has been trying to sit on her other side so he can watch with her, but every time he steps closer, Theo’s eyes narrow at his dad. Deciding to ignore his son’s judgment, he plops down beside his wife and leans over to kiss her. Theo has other plans though, leaving Rafe’s lips to fall on his hand. Rafe’s eyebrows knot together and he groans, sitting back up to continue watching. 
Y/N has just returned home from work and Rafe goes to greet her. Before he can kiss his wife, tiny footsteps patter past him and Theo throws himself into his mom’s arms. She leans down to pick him up in her arms. Theo peppers his mom's cheek with kisses. The boy pulls back and Rafe goes in to try to kiss his wife; however, Theo’s tiny hand places itself on his dad’s shoulder and pushes him away. “No, my mommy,” he protests, wrapping his arms around his mom’s neck. Rafe looks to her for back up and she only shrugs, “I think he is probably just hangry. Why don’t we get him something to eat?” “Okay. I just think it is unfair that he gets all of your cuddles,” he grumbles, following his family to the kitchen. 
Rafe has to set his foot down at some point and it is definitely going to be now. When he got out of the bathroom after he finished getting ready from bed, he found Theo in bed with his wife. His son is pressed up against Y/N, cuddling at her side. “I thought he was supposed to be sleeping in his own room now. He’s six. That’s old enough to be sleeping by himself,” Rafe complains. He gets into bed and tries to bring his wife to his side, yet Theo stops him. “No, Rafe. I can only cuddle Mommy.” Hearing his son say his legal name crosses his line. “My name is Papa to you, Theo. I’m your dad, not your friend,” he criticizes, crossing his arms over his chest. Theo ignores his father and falls asleep instead. Once he is sure his son is sleeping, Rafe leans over to whisper in Y/N’s ear, “I don’t like how possessive he is of you.” She giggles with a shake of her head, her fingers lacing through Theo’s hair. “I can think of two reasons why he is acting like this. One. He is going through the phallic stage of Freud’s psychosexual stages, which means he is experiencing the Oedipus complex. He sees you as a threat and wants to replace you. But I think that one is creepy, so my favourite is number two. He is just modelling your possessive behaviour. I told you it was going to bite you in the ass one day,” she rattles off, reminding Rafe of the fact that she has a doctorate in psychology. Annoyance flashes on his face, “Ugh, why does my amazing wife have to be so smart? You did tell me so and I didn’t listen to you, so I’m sorry. If I had known I was teaching him to be a little asshole, then I would’ve listened to you.” She giggles with a shake of her head. “You didn’t just call our son an asshole,” she baffles. Rafe shrugs, “Act like an asshole, get called an asshole. It’s okay though. I’m going to stop being possessive and he’ll stop acting like an asshole. I promise.” She rolls her eyes. “I highly doubt that is going to happen, but whatever you say,” she says, turning to turn the lights off. Rafe copies her actions and lies against his pillow. “Goodnight, I love you,” he bids her. “I love you too, goodnight.”
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming @magicalyoura
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airbendertendou · 19 days
UNTiL YOU LOVE ME! ♥︎ sanemoa shoji
synopsis : it’s up to tsuji and shiba to watch after you — unofficially, but they made a silent promise to your older brother to make sure you’re safe in their care.
cw : todoroki!reader, called ducky / little duck, they call todo boss , shoji referred to as braid boy a lot
song inspo ; paparazzi by lady gaga
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“You’ve scuffed your shoes, ducky.” You look down at said sneakers, seeing the streak of black across the lightened color. Tsuji raises an eyebrow over his sunglasses, tapping the edge of your shoe with his own. “Boss’ll be pissed.”
Shibaman tsks, tapping your shoulder playfully. “You just got those!”
You roll your eyes, trying to hold your smile and keep your face stern. “Why are you two more concerned about my shoes than me?”
It’s Shibaman who laughs first — a loud, rattling laugh that seems to shake the bus you’re on. Tsuji keeps quiet but grins, shaking his head as your own cackle builds up.
And then the bus is halted to a screeching stop.
Standing cautiously, two hands are held out to you silently. Stay here, they plead. Stay where it’s safe. We’ll check it out.
You do as they silently advise, peeking out of the bus window to see a crowd of high schoolers. You gulp, phone trembling in your hand as you send your brother a message you hope he receives.
“Oh, Todoroki!” A voice calls out. A breath leaves your parted lips, shaking the whole way through. “We’re just looking for your pal, Todoroki.”
Maybe you could distract them for a bit — cause chaos long enough for help to arrive. With that thought in mind, you and your newly scuffed shoes make your way down the empty bus aisle. Wobbly knees hinge until you’re standing on the last step.
It’s silent, all eyes on you as you land onto the street.
“Yes?” You say, poised and calm as if your heart isn’t racing in your chest. Shibaman is on your left instantly, his elbow nudging until your back is to the bus. Tsuji covers you both.
A voice creeps up, “who’s this?”
Your head is held high, chin pointed forward. “Todoroki. You were calling for me…?”
A boy — in a uniform your brother used to wear — steps through the crowd. His hair is braided into boxer braids, eyes narrow as he looks you over. “You. What do you know about Todoroki?”
You gulp. Tsuji is looking at you from the corner of his eye — nothing. Say nothing. You heed his warning, “why?”
A loud laugh — stinging and awful to your confidence — pierces through the quiet abruptly. The stranger claps, “what the hell is this? A joke?”
Braid boy holds a hand out, silencing him at once. His eyes haven’t left you — your own gaze has dropped to Shibaman’s shoes. “You. Why do you know Todoroki?”
“Brother,” it’s out before you can think, “he’s my brother.” Tsuji closes his eyes — Shibaman tenses even further. You raise your eyes to him, “what do you want with him?”
“Oh this is our lucky day!”
“A new toy to play with!”
“Todoroki? A brother?”
“Ducky.” Shibaman has leaned in to speak lowly in your ear. “When Tsuji says so, run. Until you get to town ; until you get to Oya. You run.”
“Little duck,” Tsuji’s smile is weak ; submitted, “do as we say.”
Before you can move, arms are wrapped into your own. With a screech, you kick and wiggle as hard as you can. Tsuji lets out a yell, but is soon surrounded and fighting on his own. Shibaman frees you before another crowd is around him.
Warm, calloused hands grab you by the upper arm, pulling you from the fights. You yell out for your friends — this was an abush and they could be killed. Tsuji alreadys sounds weakened and you can no longer see Shibaman.
"Stay," it's breathed against your ear. You are turned around, away from the view of the fight and closer to the surrounding buildings. "Stay out of the fight. It's safe over here."
"Let me go!"
Your friends' pained yells echo in your ears, bouncing in and out of your thoughts. Braid boy stands in front of you now, his hands cupping your own as he places them over your ears as he watched the fight over your shoulder. His eyes meet yours, "they wanted to protect you, right? Stay here."
Tears well up into your eyes before you can stop them. Your lower lip wobbles — you can still hear the fight, muffled as it was. Braid boy softens at your tears, his shoulders drooping. "Oh, don't—"
"Your turn, cutie!"
"Hey!" A hand reaches, grasping at your bag before you're pulled away from it. Braid boy snarls — he's no longer the softened, tender boy you were staring at previously. "This one's off limits. Time to go."
Various groans of refusal are heard — braid boy's voice deepens. "I said time to go!"
As he leaves, his eyes meet your tear-stained ones one last time. His mouth parts, going to speak, before he shakes his head and simply leaves.
Your knees hit the concrete below you as you kneel between Shiba and Tsuji. Hiccuping, you shakily type a number on your phone. He picks up after the third ring. "Yosuke? I— there was an accident."
—— after the movie ——
Your brother leads you aimlessly, telling you about his recent fishing trip. He denies letting you meet this Odajima friend of his — must be a cute guy, then. You frown behind him, squinting with your arms crossed. "Are you leading me to a trap? I've broken Tsuji's nose before, you know."
"I remember," your brother lets out a bark of a laugh. Todoroki stuffs his hands in his pockets, "that was funny. You should do it again."
"To who? Fujio? Yasushi? Their reactions would be funny."
A throat is cleared in front of you, the sound of shoes shuffling against pavement paired with it. You look up, eyes widening. "Hello."
Braid boy stands in front of you, braids gone from his hair. It hangs loosely to his cheekbones, his shirt messily tucked in and arms stiffly at his sides. Your brother tilts his head, "you're early."
You whip your head his way, "you're friendly with this guy? After that fight he caused?"
"Well," Todoroki crosses his arms, "we came to an agreement."
Your eye twitches. "What sort of agreement, brother?"
The stranger clears his throat again. He bows at the waist, hair curtaining in front of him. "I owe you an apology, as well. We didn't know you'd be with the Oya boys. You shouldn't have seen that fight."
"I've seen other fights before," you speak stubbornly. Todoroki bumps your arm, giving you a stern look. You sigh, "okay. Apology accepted. Now what?"
He stands once more, twiddling with his fingers as he looks to the side. Todoroki lets out his own sigh, rolling his eyes. "Todoroki [Name], this is Sanemoa Shoji. Shoji thinks you're pretty and wants to take you out. Do you accept?"
Shoji frowns, "why so formal..."
"I—" you look over the boy once more, seeing his heavily pierced ears and bruises on his skin. Usually, you were kept away from any delinquents. But, if your brother was urging you towards this one...
"Sure," you say, "let's go on a date."
Todoroki scoots his glasses up, calm and friendly facade dropping as he glares Shoji's way. "Come back no later than nine tonight. I'll be timing you."
this one has been drafted for longer than id like to admit teehee <3 thank you for reading, hope it was fun <<33 if youd like to b tagged / untagged in any HiGH&LOW content, let me know! ♡
🍓 H&L TAGLIST : @rouzuchan @yuken-gf @strxwberrychocolate @simpforchuchu @emperorsnero @cheshirecatuniverse @tiredlittlewriter @high-and-low-all-the-way
airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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Warm Killer
Aemond Targaryen x Reader
Summary: There was now blood on your hands that you could never wash away. The prince does his best to comfort you.
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: mentions/depictions of manslaughter, conversations about death/murder, fem!reader, angst, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: there is an alternate daemon version of this just cos i wanted to do one for the other loml I LOVE THIS GIF OF AEMOND SO MUCH HES SO BROODY I LOVE IT Tagging: @pinksirensong @deniixlovezelda
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Aemond grunted and growled as he rose from his bed. His own head bangs at the sound of the banging at his door. Once he gets up, throwing his blanket off him, he grabs his sword on his way to the entrance, ready to threaten whoever was moronic enough to interrupt his sleep just when he managed to drift.
It was rare for him to find peace in times like this, and he'd make sure it was everyone's problem now that he's lost it.
"What?" he quips, tight and loud as he pulls the door roughly open.
The sword in his hand drops with a rattle when he sees what was before him.
I heave heavily as I take him in with my bloodshot eyes. Tears were streaking my soaked face. My hood was drawn down. My whole body was dripping in rain water. My voice comes out hoarse and shaky, "a thousand apologies, but I did not know what else to do."
Aemond pulls the door open further, brows tightening as he reached out to me.
I twitch at the feeling of his hot hand in mine. He is alerted in consequence and slowly walks forward, whispering my name carefully.
I take in his tired and concerned face, as suddenly, a flash of the face of man I pulled out from the docks makes me realize my feet were allowed to take me here, only on account of poor, emotional, decision making.
I shake my head, stepping back slowly, "my prince, I-"
"What has happened to you? Why are you out during a storm?" Aemond questions, reaching out for my arms.
"I-" I shake my head rapidly, "I wanted to see you."
"Unchaperoned, at this hour?!" his face twists with more worry.
"I-" I heave, hiccupping, "I could not sleep because I kept thinking about how you told me you hated storms."
He calls my name out as he sighs. His face is twisted in worry as he comes close enough to take my cheeks in his hands. I look up at him, lips parting as I realize he was not wearing his eyepatch and I was able behold the sapphire in his socket.
"My sweet girl," he mutters, "you should not have-"
"Someone was following me, Aemond."
He purses his lips tightly and clenches his jaw.
I try to make my breathing even when I recount the events, "I thought I could lose him, so I circled and took the long way here, but then I got to the docks and he grabbed me and- and I pushed him!"
Aemond nostrils flare, "did he hurt you?"
"No," I whine, shaking my head, "no, no, no, you don't get it, Aemond! I pushed him into the water!"
A crack of thunder causes me to start. I let out a squeal and cover my ears as we both turn to the lightning print in the dark sky.
My breath hitches when Aemond pulls away, taking my wrist as he leads me into his room.
I jolt once more when I step on a sword on the floor I did not see. Aemond kicks it to the side and leads me to his fireplace. The next moment, he walks off and comes back to me with some clothes, muttering, "I do not have anything else to offer you."
I take the clothes from him and unclasp the tie of my hood. When it drops to the floor, Aemond looks away then walks to the corner of his room, back to me, offering me privacy.
I release a huff and change out of my damp clothes. Once I am done and wringing my hair, I realize it is the exact thing he is wearing, save that the fit is drastically different.
Usually, the scent of him was enough to calm me down. And yet, as I deeply took in the remnants of his scent on his ill fitting clothes, I still could not find peace.
"Aemond," I call weakly.
He turns to me, false eye glistening in the light of the fire.
He walks over to me. A shiver runs down my spine when he grabs my arms. He takes in my form, lips parting as he releases a breath, then leads me to his bed. He grabs his blanket and wraps it around me tightly before sitting me down and asking, "what happened after you pushed him?"
My breathing heavies again.
He takes my hand and squeezes it tightly. I slide over to him so that I would be able to lean on his shoulder. He feels stiff against me when I do so, "he said he could not swim and flailed his arms in panic as the waves and the rain hit him."
He hums at my words.
"I... I was too shocked to do anything at first," I gulp a lump in my throat, "and when I finally acted and managed to pull him out of the water, he- he-"
Aemond sighs, knowing exactly where this was going, "it was not your fault."
I pull away from his shoulder, knitting my brows as I looked at him with tears, "I pushed him, Aemond!"
He snaps, "he was a predator," his eye was dark, "he wanted to hurt you."
My throat constricts under his intense gaze, "his family must be worried sick about him."
Aemond shifts to face me, grabbing my hands tightly in his, "I would have killed him myself if he managed to lay a finger on you."
I shake my head at his words, screwing my eyes shut as tears rush down my face.
"Fuck," he utters, releasing my hands in the heat of the moment. He then pulls me into a tight embrace. He releases a defeated sigh when I break down against his chest. I shuffle in my spot as I bring my body closer to his.
Aemond tenses before he relaxes when I wind up on his lap. He shifts. One of his hands gather my hair, wringing it as he says, "I apologize... it was ill of me to say that to you."
I bring my face to the side of his neck as I mumble his name.
He turns his face to meet mine.
I frown at him, "I don't think I will ever be the same again."
He shuts his eye upon hearing this, "I wish it did not have to be so." I watch as his brows tense, "I wish I could take this from you."
Aemond opens his eye when I shift atop him. He watches me intently as I straddle his lap. He lets out a breath, hands resting on my hips.
I take his face in my hands and move to kiss the scar on his eye.
When I pull back, he is rigid and mortified. He only now realized he was without his eyepatch.
The next moment, he turns away and cups his face. His other hand leaves me too, in lieu of leaning on it behind him.
I whimper then call out to him desperately, "please don't hide."
He turns further.
"Aemond, don't you understand," I whine, tears blocking my vision, "I love you!"
His eye widens.
"I wanted to come to you because I was concerned, and-- and I just admitted to you that- that I've become a murderer, and-"
"You are not a murderer," he blurts, turning to me, hand still blocking his eye.
I feel hurt in me spread at the sight of him. His lips part at my expression. His other hand catches my face to wipe my tears away.
I shake my head, "and you should not hide," I whine, reaching out to the hand on his face, "please, don't hide from me."
He struggles with himself, I see it. And so I was grateful when he allows me to draw his hand away. Once I am face to face with the jewel again, I press a kiss on his lips and cup his cheeks in my hands.
Aemond is finally at ease enough to bring his hands back to my sides.
When I pull away from him, I plant a kiss on his scar again, then trail all the way down to his jaw, muttering as I did, "please make me forget."
Aemond does not fight me when I push him down on the bed. I grab on the loose garments on me, eager to remove it. He stops me before I could, taking my wrists and my breath away when he says, "I love you."
A gasp leaves me when he pulls me down onto him and presses a kiss on my lips.
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becauseimanicequeen · 1 month
RANDOM THOUGHTS: Unknown ep. 11
I’m just going into this episode wanting Qian and Yuan’s first kiss. That’s it. That’s all. Now, hit me with it!
Qian grabbed Yuan’s wrist. It was all the confirmation Yuan needed. I have a feeling that he will be even bolder now than what we’ve seen so far. And I love it.
Well, damn! That went from 0-100kph really fast. Yuan was starving, and I don’t blame him. He’s been starving for a loooong time. Even dreaming about it at night, it seems.
I love that Qian took the first step with the kiss. Yuan was straightforward and honest about his feelings and what he wanted (to be more than a brother, to be someone Qian could rely on, to be with Qian for the rest of his life, etc.). But Qian took the first step with the kiss. He’s finally “in his feelings” rather than trying to think it through or analyze it.
One thing I have to say I didn’t quite like about this scene, though, was the editing. I don’t mind the flashbacks (as in the flashbacks of some of their past moments) because it shows their story and adds emotional weight to the whole scene. I love that. But the buildup wasn’t there since the sequence of Yuan making his feelings clear and the kiss was chopped up and strewn here and there. For me, it would’ve been much more effective if it happened in chronological order (or if the confrontation from the previous scene had been in the same episode). The editing here fell a bit flat for me and it’s such a shame considering the potential it had of being an incredible climax of the whole series, that they were finally together. Ahhh, I don’t want to feel disappointed…
Look at them being cozy in bed! It’s Yuan’s neck kisses that do it for me…
Btw, this is probably the first time Qian has smiled when anyone has mentioned Lili and San Pang in the same sentence.
The way Yuan sneaked into his own room… lmfao!
The way I CACKLED because of Lili’s bonkers story.
A dating game? I’m getting Our Dating Sim flashbacks.
Here’s Qian, in the middle of a meeting at work, getting flashbacks of his night having sex with Yuan. 1. Absolutely understandable. 2. He’s completely whipped. So, again, understandable. 3. There’s no doubt he wants to have sex with Yuan again. And again. And again. So, once again, understandable.
The way he hit that figure and caught it before it hit the floor… Qian was clearly rattled by his daydream. And who can blame him? My legs would be shaking. (But this is not about me…)
So… The Doc and Le are fucking, right?
You know, Le is damn fine… when he doesn't look like a crazy person. Eh, who am I kidding? He’s sexy as hell when he looks like a crazy person. (I know, it’s a me-problem…)
OMG! Their date. The way I fucking laughed through the whole scene. Yuan accusing Qian of not being romantic, Qian proving the opposite, Qian’s reaction after the kiss, Long being funny as hell with the candle. Every moment was fucking golden! Excuse me as I rewind that a handful of times.
Of course, Qian’s trauma would come back up again at some point. It’s not like he’s dealt with it or been magically “healed”. I’m honestly wondering how the series will deal with his trauma (both the trauma around his childhood and his head trauma) considering there’s only half of this episode plus the next one left.
It doesn’t surprise me one bit that Qian went to the hospital by himself. I get that he doesn’t want to worry Yuan. But he isn’t even giving Yuan the chance to choose for himself.
Hitting yourself on the head won’t help…
It’s come to a point now that Qian has to tell Lili about his health. I mean, surgery seems to be the only option to get better, but the risks are too big to keep it secret.
Qian is talking as if he’s already set on dying. This is so unlike the fighter and survivor he used to be. And, of course, Yuan notices that something’s off.
Seriously, hasn’t Qian learned his lesson about not keeping something like this from Yuan?
I usually love miscommunicating (or non-communicating) characters because of the misunderstandings and drama it usually stirs up. And I love the misunderstandings and drama (in fiction, not real life, btw). BUT! This is riling me up. This is about Qian’s life. His health is in serious danger. Is it in line with his character? Yes, to a certain point. But how many times has he shown how important his family is to him? MANY! Practically the whole series so far. Why would he not want to prepare them for the possibility that he might not be around much longer? This isn’t the time to stay silent. This isn’t the time to avoid the topic. Come on, Qian. Don’t do this to Yuan. Or Lili.
Did you hear that, Qian? The Doc said to discuss it with your family.
The stress Qian is under has made him hide in an ally and start smoking again… If that blood clot in his head doesn’t kill him, the stress surely will.
Excuse me as I weep for a minute or two…
I only have one thing to say about that moment in the alley… Qian is so fucking lucky to have Yuan in his life. We’ve often talked about how lucky Yuan was that Qian found him (which is more than valid because he most likely wouldn’t have survived without Qian). But Qian is just as lucky to have Yuan in his life. Yuan single-handedly reignited the spark in Qian and brought the fighter in him back to life. And Qian needed that. He needed it to at least have a possibility to survive this.
I know I said I only wanted to mention one thing about that scene. But I have to mention Yuan biting Quan’s wrist as well, for the reason that I loved that detail. And because biting is my kind of kink. Not that this was kinky. But it does show that biting can prove a point at times.
Lili is so fucking sweet. And that hug at the end, between all three of them…
I really liked this episode, even though I felt disappointed with the editing at the beginning. But, they’re finally together and Qian has gotten his fighting spirit back.
Now there’s only one episode left and it feels bittersweet. I really don’t want this series to end…
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cursedvibes · 1 month
what are your thoughts on the new jjk chapter?
I think it's pretty good. Definitely the most interesting one we've had for a while. I really missed actually being invested in leaks and reading the raws (as far as that's possible), coming up with theories etc. I have to say, I would prefer it if Yuuji and Sukuna were not related at all, but I think the uncle/nephew thing is way more interesting than having them be twins or Yuuji being the reincarnation of some ancient guy we don't know. With Jin it's a bit convoluted, but I like that it gives him a more personal connection to Kenjaku and a reason to work with them. Makes him a bit more sinister too, if he remembers who he is and was willingly going along with Kenjaku's plan for his own benefit. He was always a bit fucked up and creepy in my eyes, the way he looked at Yuuji in that flashback seemed quite a bit obsessive, not like a doting father. I'm really curious about more details on this. The relationships between Jin, Kenjaku, Wasuke and Kaori and consequently their different intentions for Yuuji have become a lot more tricky now. I wonder how Kaori fits into all this. Smells a lot like set-up for future Heian era and/or Itadori family flashbacks.
It also confirms a lot of theories about Sukuna's origin. He absorbed his twin, which explains his physique and he achieved more power through it. Besides that, I think Kenjaku being Sukuna's sister-in-law is genius lol
So, beginning of the chapter really nice. The rest...hm...well, I said that I have mixed feelings about this relation of Yuuji to Sukuna and that's mostly because I don't like him gaining Sukuna's cursed technique, although it is nice that there's at least a personal touch to it. It still seems pretty cheesy and cliche. Thank god the main character got his power-up. I also don't see this being all that necessary at the moment? Most of the damage comes from the Black Flashes + Soul Punches. I don't feel like Yuuji needed to be able to do this to get the edge over Sukuna. Feels completely unnecessary to me. The "surpassing" Sukuna was also... eh. It's not important that Yuuji is more powerful than him, he was already way above Sukuna mentally and spiritually and he was beating him up just fine too.
Might be a setup for Yuuji doing something else with Sukuna's technique that relates to the black box. Speaking of which, it's strange that this entire fight since Gojo's death all Sukuna does is spam Cleave and Dismantle, no other functions of his technique. Maybe he'll do that now. If not now, then when? While he's at it, he can also start the merger to take advantage of the chaos. I'm glad we are finally past the formulaic part of the fight (I hope). Only took us 30 chapters... now things are shaking up and become a bit more unpredictable again. Hopefully this will lead to some flashbacks and more reveals of Yuuji and Sukuna's backstories. Megumi should've woken up now too. Hard to miss Yuuji rattling his cage this much, even if you're depressed. I'm surprised we haven't seen him yet or that Yuuji made contact again during one of his Black Flashes, but maybe next chapter.
Despite some of my complaints, it's nice to be finally excited for a new chapter again. Let's see how Gege keeps it up.
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scaredofbrits · 1 year
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why so afraid?
alt cesar x reader
warnings: mentions of wearing other’s skin, blood, dying, etc
you awaited your favorite boy to come home, excitement flowing through your body. all you wanted was to make eye contact with your gorgeous love. the door knob began to rattle, and you prepped yourself to jump onto him.
but, you couldn’t feel your breath once you saw him walk through the door. the shaking all over your body caused you to look like a nervous and afraid dog. ‘cesar’ was covered in blood, and half of his face was dark. you both looked at eachother, letting the realization and silence seep into the room.
“cesar, i-is.. that you?” you asked, stupidly. fucking idiot, knew it wasn’t him. you knew he was an alternate but you’d feel better if he said he wasn’t one. “o-of course, my love!” it stuttered slightly, trying to not look at your teared up eyes. for some reason, the thing felt bad. it felt horrible, actually.
“well i uh— i made some dinner if you’re hungry.” you got up and wanted to push him out of the way and run outside. but didn’t. instead, you found yourself giving it a warm hug. you felt gross, you couldn’t love something wearing your boyfriend’s skin. “what’s this a-ab-bout?” it wrapped its arms around your waist, not wanting to let go of your warm body.
“who are you?” you cried, looking up at his half present face. the way he looked down at you with furious eyes made shivers travel throughout your spine. it took one finger and pushed your loose hairs behind your ear.
“if only you weren’t so curious.”
it whispered in your boyfriend’s voice. all of a sudden, you felt a sharp sting in your neck. you didn’t wanna look over, too afraid to see your own blood. you didn’t look anywhere, except for the door which you saw over it’s shoudler. you were still in its cold embrace as it killed you slowly.
you took your last deep inhale of air, hoping to see cesar in the afterlife.
yep, now i’m taking requests for the mandela catalogue. i come back from a short break with a new fandom ready for works!!!1!1!
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drabbles-mc · 3 months
Permanent Investments
Opie Winston & OC Chris Teller
Warnings: 18+, language
With the help of This Prompt List by @creativepromptsforwriting and my trusty Wheel of Names with every character I’ve ever written for, I’m aiming to write a fic in 500 words or less every day of March. We’ll see how far we get!
Prompt: cherry blossom
Word Count: 500
A/N: the universe can pry teenager!Opie from my cold dead hands!!! i have a whole multichap in the works for these two that i just...haven't finished....but that's a problem for future me lmao. for now we have this! and my burning rage over how few pictures/gifs/etc there are of young-20's ryan hurst. i will continue to be mad about that on my own time.
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“I think you’re over-thinking it,” Opie said as he watched Chris pore over all the designs on the walls.
She didn’t even bother turning around to look at him as the response easily rattled off her tongue. “I think, as usual, you’re under-thinking it.”
He chuckled, shaking his head before taking two strides across the room so that he landed next to her. He tried to figure out which one exactly she was looking at without having to ask her—much like her, he didn’t even know where to start. “It’s just a tattoo.”
That got her to turn and face him. “Yeah, it’s just something that’s going to be on my body forever. Clearly you and Jax and, fuckin’, everyone else in the club don’t really care but right now I do.”
He shrugged, not taking the bait and getting riled up along with her. “You’ll get over it eventually.”
She rolled her eyes and returned her attention to the options plastered up on the wall. “That does me no good now.”
There was a smirk on his face as he lifted his hand and pointed to one of the designs, the overhead light glinting off the rings on his fingers. They were new, Chris had noticed. He was trying new things, trying to figure out who he was and what he liked. Not unlike her in that way.
“This cute little pink flower seems like you.”
His tone might’ve sounded genuine to any bystanders, but Chris could hear the sarcasm underneath the suggestion. She wanted to be annoyed, and part of her was, but more than that she had to admit she was amused as she laughed. “Yeah, you know, I don’t quite think I’m a cherry blossom kinda girl, Ope.”
“Gonna get a skull instead?”
“Eh,” she waved him off, “that’s more yours and Jax’s speed.”
“Just get my name, then,” he joked, knowing it’d get a rise out of her.
“That’d be a waste of ink,” she replied easily, the smile she gave him taking any malice out that the statement might’ve had under different circumstances.
“Wouldn’t take that much ink,” he shot back as he mirrored her grin.
She pretended to give it real thought even though they both knew it would never happen. “That seems more like a fifth or sixth tattoo kind of investment.”
He watched her for another moment longer as she gave up looking at the potential designs on the walls and picked up one of the books of the artist’s work instead. Her fingers manipulated the pages so easily, almost gentle in stark contrast to so much of how she tended to present herself to the world.
He watched her, still smiling even though she wasn’t looking at him anymore. “Let’s start getting the first four done, then.”
There was a soft smile on her face even though she wasn’t looking at him, eyes still scanning and studying the drawings in front of her. “That’s not quite what I meant.”
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treacheryinblue · 19 days
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Chapter 4/?
× Elysium (noun) : a place or condition of ideal happiness. type of: fictitious place, imaginary place, mythical place.
Word Count: 8.6k
A Noah Sebastian x OC Series
× Summary: Noah and his new found (sort of) friend, Persephone, battle the trivial ins and outs of being teenagers in a world that doesn't accept you. They survive together all the way into adulthood - with bouts of loneliness included - where the world is still a fickle bitch.
× Warnings!: eventual smut (chapter 4 and beyond), language, violence, slowburn, friends to lovers to enemies back to friends, rinse and repeat (not even in that order), sexual themes, etc. Each chapter will have its own set of separate warnings.
× Author Notes: ( 1 ) We've hit 2016, so if you've been following along, then you know what that means. ◔‿◔ ( 2 ) Always remember that this is time jumps galore! Happy reading!
× Chapter Warnings!: smut (oral - f receiving), language, light description of a panic attack.
“I'm not going to your stupid fucking party!” 
Her statement was punctuated by the rattling slam of the refrigerator door she had previously been peering into. She had gone back and forth to it multiple times within the last hour, leaving empty handed every single time. Nothing looked appetizing in the least bit but she wanted something. It was the specifics of that something that had yet to come to her. 
“Persephone Diana Hill!” 
Oh, her mother was clearly very upset with her. She couldn't remember the last time she had gotten her entire name yelled at her. 
Actually…yes, she could. It was during her little meltdown two summers ago. How could she have forgotten? 
“You will be attending whether you like it or not! It's not up for discussion!” 
Seph scoffed and rolled her eyes, head shaking. “Well, I have plans that night. Are you saying you want me to cancel my prior engagements?” Her expression now held a look of false shock, a hand pressed to her chest while gasping.
“How horrifically rude!” Of course this was done in jest to mock her mother’s typical ways. 
“What could you possibly have to do? And with who?” 
Ouch, that hurt. Not her own mother throwing jabs at her for not really having friends anymore (as far as she knew). It usually wouldn't be a question as to what she was doing or with who, but after everything, not many people wanted to be around her. Seph was okay with this, though. She didn't necessarily want to be around them either. Assholes. 
“I have plans with Alexa in the city!” 
It wasn't a complete lie. Alexa would be there and she was sure they would mingle together while the guys were on stage. Plus, it wasn't like her mom had asked for the entire guest list. 
Marilyn took in a deep breath and shook her head, her hand making a back and forth waving motion that read as ‘no’ to her. 
“I can't deal with this right now, Persephone. You're going to be at the party, even if I have to drag you to it myself.” 
Seph narrowed her eyes at her mother from across the kitchen. Her jaw clenched and her lips pursed, this being the easiest way for her to bite back all the vile words she wanted to yell at the woman. 
“Bring Alexa if you must, okay? Can we compromise with that?” 
A shrug was given as a response before she exited the kitchen without a word. She could hear her mother release another heavy sigh while she made a beeline for the staircase, taking her right up to the comfort of her bedroom. Seph groaned loud after closing her door, her hands rubbing along her face while following the familiar path to her bathroom. She immediately reached for her bag of meds, a hand sifting through them until she found the specific drug she was in search of. Was it possible to overdose on anxiety meds? It had to be, right? 
No, she wasn't trying to do that. She just needed to make sure it wasn't going to accidentally happen when every conversation she had with her parents had her on the goddamn edge. 
Seph fell back onto her bed after dry swallowing the pill, her limbs stretched out around her, eyes focused up on the ceiling. She remained like this for a long moment, before finally turning over onto her stomach and sliding to the edge of her bed so she could retrieve the sketchbook from the floor. 
It was a Christmas gift from Nick after he explained that getting into drawing had helped him with his own mental setbacks. 
“Maybe it'll be able to help you too.” He had cheerfully hoped when extending the blank book and pens to her. 
If she was being honest, it did help with distracting her and giving her somewhere to place her emotions. She had never done any drawing before outside of doodles when in class, and while she wasn't going to be winning any awards, the leveled up doodles were pretty decent. 
Only when the cramping in her hand became a bit too much did she finally lay the pen down. And almost like he had a sixth sense for these sorts of things, a ding came from her phone, followed by an incoming text. 
‘Come over?’
'There's pizza.’ 
Seph smiled at the messages, her thumbs moving swiftly along the touch screen keyboard until her response was sent. 
'You had me at come.’
…what the hell was that? 
If she let herself inwardly search for the answer for too long, then she would end up sitting there all night, just lost in her thoughts. 
Pushing it aside for now, Seph grabbed a few items in preparation for staying the night, then she was out the door with yet another lack of explanation to her parents. They had given up with trying to get one out of her at this point. 
× × ×
“No…dude dude dude! Right there!” 
Noah was motioning frantically at the screen as Nick controlled the character within the game. He was making a high pitched squealing sound, one that had her wincing slightly before sending a piece of pineapple flying towards him. 
“Oh, a snack.” Nick grinned, snagging the pineapple from his lap and popping it into his mouth without a second thought. 
“Fuck! Goddammit! Jesus fuck bitch!” 
Seph chuckled at Noah’s over the top reaction to Nick dying, eyebrows raised as she stared at the two guys sitting in front of the screen as she settled back comfortably on Nick’s bed. 
“Wow, such foul language,” she joked, snickering. 
“Hey! HEY!” Noah pointed a finger at her, trying to act as serious as possible, but a smile broke through his little dramatic attempt. “None of that!” He was then standing from his seat and taking long strides towards her until his hands were able to latch around her calves. Seph laughed as he tugged her down the bed and then hoisted her form over his shoulder, leaving her helplessly dangling. 
“I'll be back!” Noah announced when they were already halfway down the hall, his bedroom awaiting on the opposite side. 
“Try to keep it down!” Nick fired back, then any other sounds were drowned out by the restart of the game. 
The door was pushed closed with a nudge of his foot, her body dropped down to his bed, leaving her bouncing just a bit before finally settling. Her laughter had yet to cease and she wasn't sure when it would with Noah now hovering over her, his face buried into the crook of her neck and his fingers digging into her sides to tickle her. 
“No!” Seph yelled out through her hysterical laughter, her body involuntarily folding in a bit and trying to shove his hands away. “Noah!” 
“Okay, okay, I'll stop,” he chuckled, his hands pausing on her waist and eyes now focused down on her. 
Even though he had stopped with the dreaded tickling, her breathing was still heavy as she tried to regain her composure. It was never very easy. 
A hand drifted up along her side, over her chest, and to her face where he gently brushed strands of hair out of her eyes. “Did you eat today?” 
Ugh, why did he have to ruin the moment with such tedious questions? 
“You just saw me eat pizza!” Seph huffed with annoyance, her answer causing his eyes to grow darker. 
“You ate a slice. Don't think I wasn't watching you.” 
No, she was very much aware of the way his eyes kept flickering over to her. Lingering. Watching. Maybe that's why she was feeling a little frustrated now. Noah eying her always had her feeling a specific way and he knew that. She assumed that's why he did it. 
“I had a smoothie this morning,” she finally replied, eyes rolling. 
Noah’s fingers continued to push her hair away until her face was completely clear and he could focus on other more pressing matters. A knee forced her legs apart so his thigh could settle between them, pressing up in a way that most would assume was an accident but Seph knew better. 
She sharply inhaled while fighting the urge to grind herself down against his thigh. She couldn't let him know that she had been starving all day, but for one thing in particular. Earlier when in her kitchen, she hadn't been able to figure out what her hunger was focused towards, but she soon figured it out as soon as his text came through asking her to come over. 
“Not good enough,” his voice lazily scolded. Noah slowly stroked his fingers along the length of her neck, glancing down every so often to admire the angle and the way he could feel her pulse pick up against his fingertips. 
“You know the rules, Seph.” 
Not this stupid game again. 
It wasn't that she didn't want to eat, because she very much did. It was simply the fact that her constant change of medications in search of the perfect combination was always fucking with her appetite. So, Noah had taken it upon himself to find ways to get her to eat, even when she didn't want to. It was sweet, or whatever. 
Until his ways centered on her hunger for him. Then she wasn't amused at all. 
“Can't we just ignore the rules this time?” 
Noah had taken to pressing slow kisses to the front of her neck. She could feel him smile against her skin at her question, though he didn't give her any sort of response. That told her all she needed to know. 
He was moving further down at an agonizingly slow pace, taking his time with memorizing every inch of her again and again. The only time he didn't take his time was when he had just performed and the adrenaline that still pumped through his veins had him attacking her like some sort of feral animal. No one would ever hear her complaining about that. 
Another jolt shocked her right to the core as his thigh pressed firm up between her thighs again. This time, she couldn't help but to let out a breathy moan, though it could've easily been taken for a sigh. 
“What was that text about earlier?” 
So he had picked up on her little slip of the tongue. She should've known he would. 
Now his lips were leaving a line of heat between her breasts after his left hand pushed up the t-shirt of his she was wearing. Noah forced the fabric high enough to sit at the top of her chest, leaving her abdomen and breasts on full, bare display for him. 
“Heh, I knew you weren't wearing a bra. Clocked that as soon as you walked in.” 
“What text?” Seph played dumb, her eyes rolling for the millionth time in response to his taunt about her lack of bra. Of course she had chosen to tug it off before leaving her house because her plan had been to pounce him as soon as she walked in. Unfortunately, things hadn't worked out in that way since Noah had been in the middle of a game with Nick. She couldn't really have her way with him with that happening. 
Noah looked up at her, faintly glaring, though there was still a hint of his amusement beyond his eyes. She flashed a smile, hoping this would get her off the hook, but she would never be so lucky. If anyone’s stubbornness rivaled her own, it was Noah's. 
“I had you at come,” Noah explained by repeating the text in question. His head was lowering back down to her chest where he began kissing along the swell of her right breast, his large hand firmly palming the left. Seph gasped the moment his teeth pierced her nipple, followed by a swirl of his tongue to soothe the little assault. 
“Well…you did…” she managed to reply after licking over her lips and taking in a deep, much needed breath. 
“Is that what you want?” His voice was slightly muffled from the way his mouth still pressed against her chest, biting and licking at the hardened peak that was her opposite nipple. “To come?” 
Seph nodded as her fingers clutched his shoulders, tugging at the shirt he still wore for whatever reason. Didn't Noah know by now that she always craved his bare skin against hers? Even when things weren't getting…steamy…
“I think I can hear your heart beating,” he pointed out. And as if to test this theory, Noah dropped his hand from her chest and planted it on her thigh. Curious digits crept up higher and higher along her inner thigh until they had slipped beneath the lounge shorts she wore, his fingertips lightly grazing her panties. 
“Yep…cause it's fucking racing now.” 
A groan of frustration escaped her and she dug her fingers deeper into his shoulders to purposely inflict the smallest amount of pain. “I hate you so much sometimes.” 
Noah’s head quickly turned to place a single kiss to her wrist and then he was sitting up, simultaneously tugging at her shorts to slip them down her legs. 
“Are you sure about that?” 
There was a hint of a growl in his voice, the mere sound causing her to press her thighs together in an obvious need for stimulation. Noticing this, Noah gripped both of her legs and forced them apart again, just so he could lift them enough to rid her of her panties as well. 
“Cause it doesn't really look like you hate me…” Noah continued, his gaze dropping down to the wetness that glistened between her thighs, briefly lingering before finding her eyes again. 
Seph had been nervous the first few times she ended up naked in front of him, mostly because Noah had a knack for wanting to look at her. She wasn't sure why, but he liked studying every inch of her body, especially the sights no one else had seen but him. With that being said, she now found only comfort and excitement when under his sights. This time was no different. 
Sensing that he was growing impatient with his own teasing, she watched as Noah slipped off the bed and down to his knees. He extended forward to tug her to the edge, his arms then hooking under her knees to keep her at just the right angle. 
She could feel his warm breath tickle her skin, a chill shooting straight up her spine. He was then kissing along one of her thighs, going high enough to the inner more sensitive flesh where his teeth could sink in until a mark was left behind. 
The building anticipation was making her mind go crazy, though she was trying her best to keep her composure. He was so close to where she wanted him. Just another half an inch to the left and Noah would be right on the mark. If only he would just get there…
“You're driving me insane,” she pouted in frustration. 
This earned her a slight smack to the side of her thigh where his hands lingered, followed by a firm grasping hold that made her slightly gasp. Seph dropped her head back against the bed, her pout continuing in new forms. Just when she closed her eyes, figuring that she had no choice but to be as patient as Noah desired, he dived right in, his mouth laying claim to her clit. 
Seph’s lower back arched and a hand instantly flew to grip the top of his head, knocking his beanie aside in the process. She took in a deep breath the best that she could while his tongue worked in slow circles and rhythmic patterns across the swollen nerves. 
“Mmmph, Noah…” she hummed in delight, her hips jerking upwards slightly. This prompted him to push her hips down firm to the bed to keep her still, a warning glance being sent up to her. 
“You look so fucking beautiful like this.” Noah dragged his tongue down the length of her cunt and back up in hungry lapping motions, like he was a starved man and she was the only meal he needed. His lips wrapped around her clit in a concentrated suction that had her fingers tightening in his hair as the other set gripped the sheets for dear life. 
Only the sounds of her moans and rapid breathing could be heard over the lewd noises he made between her thighs, adding in moans of his own to show his praise for her body. 
There was a tingling that began at her toes, slowly working its way up as Noah continued with a ferocious hunger. At some point he had let go of one side of her hip so his hand was free, allowing him the chance to ease two fingers past her thoroughly wet entrance. Her body tensed and her fingers scraped along his scalp, ever so gently pushing his head a bit further between her trembling thighs. 
Noah's fingers worked wonders inside of her, skillfully thrusting and stroking along the bundle of nerves that sat back a bit. When he received a reaction from her body that he especially liked - a twitch of her hips, a high pitched moan, a tight clench of her walls - he would repeat the same motion again and again until she was a shaking mess beneath him. 
“N-Noah…” she whimpered, the tingles drifting higher until settling in the pit of her stomach. 
“Are you going to cum for me?” He murmured heavily from between her thighs, his mouth only detaching from her long enough to voice the question. 
Seph quickly nodded, the pressure building up faster as his tongue swirled wildly around her clit. She swore she even felt a slight nip of his teeth, the sharp sensation causing her to gasp just before the climax fully took over. Loud moans erupted one after the other with zero consideration for anyone else in the house. She usually tried to be quiet, but Jesus, it was so hard when his mouth could do that. 
With her thighs attempting to close from the overwhelming rush of euphoria, Noah had to dig his fingers in harder to keep them open. He was always so determined to drag out her orgasm for as long as possible, watching her face as he did. Once she began to come down, though, her body relaxing, he slowly freed his fingers from the impossible grip of her cunt, his tongue eagerly filling the space. 
“Overachiever,” she chuckled as she lifted her head enough to be able to clearly see him. Seph was convinced he would make her cum with just his mouth several more times if she let him, but she figured his roommates wouldn't appreciate that too much. She was already pretty embarrassed at times knowing Nick, of all people, could hear what she sounded like when she came. 
Noah popped up from his kneeling position with an excitement that surprised her, her eyes going wide at his energetic demeanor. He was on top of her again in seconds, his mouth quick to find hers to pull her in for a deep kiss. Seph softly laughed within their tangle of tongues, eager hands beginning to work at freeing the button on his jeans. 
“Nope,” he pulled back with a shake of his head, swatting her hand away. “You know the rules.” 
Seph groaned, falling back against the bed with a huff. 
“Seriously?!” She exclaimed, her head turning to look at the aggravating man that was all smiles beside her. 
“It's been like…two weeks!” 
“It has not been -”
“Yes! It was the same night Alexa and Folio came over and I helped her make that pasta thing-”
“The garlic…”
“Mhm, you said something about how garlic made you horny! Which is still really odd to me…like…I don't know, but anyway-”
They quickly went back and forth with each other; one typically cutting the other off or both trying to talk at the same time. That's usually how their little arguments played out until one of them gave up. This time, it was her. 
A few seconds passed before she couldn't contain herself and ended up speaking again. 
“I also feel bad now because you didn't get to get off and I'm not going to let you make me into a pillow prin-”
“Who said I didn't get off?” Noah wiggled his eyebrows at her, blessed her lips with another kiss, and then carefully rolled off the bed to grab a few tissues from the box on his dresser. 
When he returned to her, she was already shimmying the t-shirt she wore down to cover herself again. That obviously wasn't going to stop him from doing his due diligence and cleaning her up, though. No matter how stubborn she chose to be. 
“I'm a giver, you know that.” 
Yes, she very much did, but she didn't know it went so far that he would be perfectly fine with cumming in his pants instead of pushing his new rules aside. Noah truly was a different breed all of his own. 
× × ×
“Eating my cereal again, I see.” Nick rubbed his eyes as he shuffled into the kitchen the following morning, a yawn releasing to accompany his words. 
Slowly chewing, she glanced down to the bowl of Captain Crunch, then back up to him. “Sorry,” she spoke in a muffled voice as her hand lifted to shield her mostly full mouth. 
Chuckling, Nick shook his head and grabbed a bowl down for himself. “I'm just fucking with you.” 
“You know I'm good for it,” she continued once she had finished her current bite. “I probably do need to go ahead and replace all the things I've used…”
“Oh, you mean now that you've become our unofficial fourth roommate?” 
A sheepish smile tugged at her lips because Seph couldn't tell if Nick was annoyed by this or not. Sometimes it was hard to read his tone since he always sounded the same no matter what mood he was in. 
“I hate being at home,” she explained with a light shrug of her shoulders, lips twisting to the side. “I feel better when I'm with you guys.” 
A therapist or two back had warned her about putting her happiness in the hands of other people, especially with this mental journey she was on. That was something she tried not to focus on, though. Why ruin it for herself now? 
“That's because we're fucking awesome.” 
“Who's fucking awesome?” Noah appeared from around the corner, his hair damp from the shower he had been taking for the last…twenty minutes. 
A look was passed her way by him, his gaze briefly focusing on the almost empty bowl of cereal with raised brows. He then smiled and leaned down to plant a kiss to the top of her head, gently squeezing the back of her neck at the same time. The little moment of affection told her he was happy with what he saw.
Seph smiled, a warmth quick to rise to her cheeks. 
“Not you, with those stupid ass flip flops you can't seem to quit.” Ruffilo fired at Noah, immediately bringing forth a rush of laughter from her. When Noah shot her a playful glare, she cleared her throat and coughed a couple of times as if that's all she had been doing. 
“Gonna shove these flip flops right up your ass.” 
The two guys engaged in a bit of back to back smacking of shoulders and heads, like two toddlers tussling over nothing in particular. Seph shook her head with a heavy sigh, though she continued to spoon what remained of her cereal into her mouth. 
“I'm having my breakfast in the living room!” Nick announced in a dramatic style, as if he was truly upset and hurt by his and Noah's commotion. 
Honestly, this was how most mornings were around here. She would never understand how they could both have so much energy before noon, when she could barely function without at least two cups of coffee or something beyond sugary. 
“Since you're awake and chipper this morning, I have something to ask you.” 
Noah glanced back at her while retrieving the gallon of orange juice from the fridge. He pushed it onto the island before reaching across the surface to grasp her hands, holding both within his own now. 
“I would love to go steady with you.”
Seph cocked her head to the side in confusion, her brows pulling together to showcase the same emotion. 
“Oh, I wasn't aware we had traveled back to the 1950s.”
After tugging her hands free, she waved off his silly comment so they could get back on track with what her actual question was. 
“Your show Saturday night starts at ten, right?” 
Noah nodded, a cup now occupying his grasp that he was carefully filling with juice. 
“Well, my parents are making me go to this stupid party thing they host every year, it starts around 6. I was wondering if you'd go with me?” 
Noah paused, his gaze quickly averting from his juice and up to where she sat across from him. 
“We can ditch early…make it to the venue in time for you to get prepped and all that…” 
It felt awkward asking him this, even though he was her boyfriend…technically…kind of. Well…okay, maybe they hadn't actually defined their relationship yet, so she was just assuming. What else was she supposed to consider him as? 
“Do I have to wear a tie?” 
A smile began to tug at her lips, knowing he was going to agree, even if he didn't actually want to go. She couldn't say she blamed him, since she also didn't want to. The difference was that Noah didn't have to, whereas she wanted to avoid her mother literally dragging her to the party so she had no choice. 
“No, never.” 
“Alright, I'll be your plus one, but just know that I don't put out on the first date.”
× × ×
“Hey, peach…what would you say if there's something personal and kinda embarrassing I wanted to talk about? Maybe even a little awkward…” 
Nick’s motions abruptly halted from where he had been working on a piece on his iPad and he now peered at her from over the thick rim of his glasses. 
“I'm not interested in becoming your third. I'm flattered, but the logistics just seem too complicated. So many limbs, so many hol-”
“Ew! What?!” Seph erupted into laughter, her hands lifting to cover her face from the sheer embarrassment of the ridiculous words coming from Nick. 
When she lowered her hands back down, Nick had returned to his work, but he was still laughing to himself. It was obvious that he was rather proud of that little joke. Or, well…what she was assuming was a joke. 
“What's up, pom?” 
“This is probably way more than you ever wanted to know but I can't talk to Alexa about it because then the whole damn zip code will know by dinner and I just-”
“Out with it!” 
“Okay, okay!” 
Seph heavily exhaled while recapping her pen and closing the sketchbook she had in her lap that she had been occupying her time with. Noah was working a desk shift out in the main area of the tattoo shop, none the wiser to the topic she was about to drop onto Nick. 
“Okay, so…like…Noah and I haven't…you know in two weeks.” 
There was another slight pause she had picked up from Nick, though it was barely noticeable to someone who wasn't overly aware of everyone's actions. 
“Uh huh…not what it's been sounding like…”
A groan escaped her and she lifted the sketchbook to gently smack it against her forehead, the embarrassment really taking over now. 
“Not the point! But what is the point is that it seems like he only wants to take care of me lately…if you catch my drift.”
Nick leaned back in his chair, his focus now on her from across the room. She assumed he couldn't bring himself to multitask during a conversation like this. It wasn't as if she was making it easy for him. 
“I don't know,” she continued, the words refusing to be swallowed. “Once we started, it didn't really stop. I'm talking, like, on the daily. Sometimes more than once. But now? Two weeks, peach, and that's not from my lack of trying.” 
“Are you sure we should be talking about this?” 
“No…but I legit have no one else! Come on, Nick. I'm just trying to figure out if something's wrong, like if he's not interested in me anymore or if it's just not good or what?” 
Okay, maybe she felt a little bad for bringing this to his attention. Seph knew it wasn't his issue to worry about, but she was being honest when she said she had no one else, and the thought of just sitting on it wouldn't have ended well for her mentally. 
“Let me figure out how to say this…” Nick propped his elbows up on the table, hands clasped in front of his face. 
“Talk! To! Him!” 
Seph stared blankly at him, very much unamused by the given response. Why did Nick always have to be the voice of reason instead of simply going along with things?! 
“I don't know how you two haven't figured that out yet. Could've saved everyone a shit load of headaches two years ago, last year, last week, and probably even this morning if you guys would just open your damn mouths to each other!” 
Nick took in a deep breath and slowly released it, appearing as if he was calming himself. She was a little shocked and taken back by his response, though she couldn't say she was surprised. She also wasn't offended, believe it or not. It was hard to be offended by things when Nick was the one saying them. 
“I will tell you that I don't think it has to do with him not being interested or things…not being good. So you can stop all those thoughts from running through that overactive brain of yours.” 
Seph scoffed, her fingers nervously picking at the corner of her sketchbook that she had lowered her eyes to. “How do you know that?” 
“Because he –”
The door opening caused Nick to stop mid sentence, though he immediately picked up another topic all together without missing a beat. 
“...and that's why it's illegal to give a scorpion pepper jack cheese in Nevada.”
Noah’s face showcased just how lost he was on whatever he had walked into, but he merely shook his head and continued his trek to the fridge for a bottle of water. 
“You two are always talking about the weirdest shit, I swear.”
Why had he agreed to this? Every ounce of his being was telling him to turn back and run far, far away. He felt out of place, like everyone was looking his way and silently wondering why he was there. Why had she brought someone like him? Fuck, he was wondering the same thing. 
Oh, right. He was there because of her. Because he would do just about anything she asked him to, no matter how outlandish the request may be. Was he completely whipped for this girl? Yes. No doubt about it. 
Noah watched from the table Seph had claimed for them as she sat in the grass with some little kid, a wide smile on both of their faces. The little boy was laughing and clapping at whatever she had said, while her fingers worked skillfully to secure the dandelions and other random flowers from the garden together. She was making a small flower crown for the boy to match her own that he had witnessed her nervously making only moments prior. Noah already knew having to pluck the flowers pained her, but at least she was receiving joyous laughter from it. 
Only after Seph had placed the flower crown on the boy's head and he ran away to show his parents, did Noah begin to make his stroll towards her. 
“Didn't think you were so good with kids,” he joked, a hand extended out to help pull her from the ground. Once she was steady on her feet, he used his opposite hand to assist in brushing bits of grass from the white dress she wore. He could only imagine what her mom would say about it - based solely off the things Seph had said about the woman in the past. 
“Kids are easy,” she chuckled with a shake of her head. “All you have to do is act excited and give them something you say is important, and they're good.” 
Seph’s head then angled up to look at him and she graced him with a smile that made his heart melt in the best way possible. He couldn't help but to take her cheeks lightly in his hands before capturing her lips with his own for a chaste kiss. This wasn't the time or place to get too carried away but he was only human and he couldn't resist. 
Even as he pulled away, her smile remained, and Noah could only form one of his own to give right back to her. 
Fuck. He really did have it bad. 
“What?” Seph softly spoke, more than likely because of how long he had been staring at her. 
Noah shrugged, his head shaking. “Just thinking about how beautiful you are.”
Yeah, he could be charming when the moment called for it. Not sure why no one ever believed him when he tried to explain this. 
Unfortunately, the sweet exchange could only last so long, because Seph's shift of expression alerted him to an enemy approaching. An enemy in the form of one of her parents, or possibly both. God, he was praying it wasn't the latter. 
“Persephone…I thought you were bringing Alexa.” 
The woman he recognized as Seph’s mom was now waltzing towards them. She had a glass of wine in her hand and wore a smile, though Noah could tell it was practiced and fake. He knew far more about her parents than they probably would've preferred, but he could play nice, and he had promised Seph he would. As long as her parents did the same. 
“Changed my mind,” Seph replied, her figure leaning in a bit closer to him. “I asked Noah to come instead.”
And that was his cue to be as polite as possible. With a clearing of his throat, he extended his hand out to the older woman, smiling the best he could manage. “Noah.”
“We haven't ever officially met…since I'm not going to count that one time a couple of years back.” He inwardly cringed at the memory of the interaction when Seph had merely referred to him as some guy. Oh how the times have changed. 
The woman’s hand reluctantly met with his for a small shake, which he considered to be better than nothing. 
“Uh…” he nervously cleared his throat again, a hand then motioning to the dolled up backyard they stood in. “You have a beautiful home, Mrs. Hill.” 
Isn't that what you were supposed to say to rich people? He assumed they loved hearing compliments about their displays of wealth. 
“Oh?” An eyebrow arched as the woman lifted her glass for a sip of her wine. “Fond memories of it, Noah?” 
Right…she knew he had been here before, at least that one time. Whether or not Seph’s parents were aware of all the other times was unknown to him. 
He forced a smile, as well as a slight laugh. “No…not really…”
“Call me Marilyn, by the way.” 
Noah could feel Seph tense beside him, though he placed a light hand on her lower back to hopefully soothe her, even if just a bit. 
Before he could say anything else, Seph was reaching for his hand to lead him away. “Come on, I'm thirsty.” 
Moments later they were back at their table, both with a drink in hand. No, not a fun drink since her parents had warned all servers about their underage daughter beforehand. It didn't matter too much anyway because Seph still wasn't drinking, as far as he knew. 
“What exactly is this party for?” He vaguely motioned outwards to the people before bringing his soda and lime up for a swallow. 
“It's pretty much just for my parents to network and kiss ass. Show off. Brag. Talk about boring rich things with other rich people. Who has the biggest boat and the most expensive car, whose kid is going to change the world.” 
Seph snorted, the sound drawing his eye to her. She looked back at him, her head shaking. 
“My parents aren't going to win that one.” 
Noah decided not to touch that one. He could tell Seph she was wrong until his face turned blue and she would still never believe him. Her parents had really done a number on her, with their beliefs that titles and money were the only things worthy enough to show someone's success. Not everyone saw it like this, though he was in the wrong place to start that argument. Noah assumed not one person at this party would agree with him. 
As his eyes did another sweep of the area, he caught a glimpse of a slightly familiar face. This face in particular brought forth a slight anger within him, an emotion he was sure Seph could read all over too easily from the way his posture changed. 
“What's wrong?” 
Heavily sighing, he did a discreet nod of his head, her gaze following in the direction. 
“Is that Maisie?”
Seph’s clenched jaw told him all he needed to know on that. 
“What is she doing here?”
“Our dad's have been friends since middle school. I'm surprised she decided to show her face, though. Maybe her dad is groveling. Trying to get back in my family's good graces or some shit.” 
Noah picked up on the distaste in Seph’s voice, the reaction immediately causing him to bring a hand closer to her. He rubbed slowly along the top of her back, his touch then dropping down to rest on her knee. 
“Do you want to go? It's…” he shifted to catch a glance of his phone screen, “...a little after eight anyway.” 
“Yeah…” Seph stood from her chair, adjusting her dress as she did. Of course he followed suit, his motions moving along with hers so they could both get somewhere more comfortable. 
“I'm going to go grab some things real quick since we're here, okay? It'll only take a couple of minutes.” 
Noah wanted to protest because that meant he would be left alone with the wolves, but he smiled and gave her a nod. She was already leaning in close to kiss him, which he would've been crazy to deny, and even crazier to ruin with his childish pout. 
Not one word had been spoken between her and Maisie since she had returned home months ago. Seph truly thought she had done an amazing job at avoiding her and dodging her calls and texts, but now here she was, mingling in the same vicinity as her. 
Just seeing her had put her into a fight or flight response - the latter being her chosen reaction that day. There were other things on her mind that had nothing to do with Maisie, so the last thing she wanted was to waste her energy on someone so minuscule to her now. 
Seph was quick to climb the stairs once inside, heading right for her bedroom. She retrieved a random overnight bag from her closet and began stuffing things into it that she would need: clothes, shoes, other random necessities, as well as her pillow so maybe she could start sleeping better. The zipper was proving to be a bit hard to pull, more than likely due to how stuffed the bag was. She cursed to herself, her fingers latching around the metal piece to tug harder. 
“Hi, baby.” 
The voice was like nails on a chalkboard to her now. She didn't even turn to look at Maisie, not wanting to give her the satisfaction of seeing her annoyance. 
“What do you want?” She instead chose to snip, following it with a sigh of relief from finally closing the overnight bag. 
“Good to see your spice is still well intact.” Maisie softly laughed, the arrogance seething from her. “I just wanted to be a polite guest and come say ‘hi’, do a little catch up.” 
Seph finally looked at her, eyebrows raised in disbelief for her words. She released a laugh of her own, her head slowly shaking. “I don't have anything to say to you, Maisie, other than get out.”
“Still with Noah, I see. That's cute.”
Had her demand for her ex-best friend to leave gone completely over her head? What the fuck? 
Remaining silent, she watched as Maisie stepped further into her bedroom, pausing at the window that overlooked the backyard. A smirk fell upon her lips, her nail gently tapping at a spot on the glass. 
“I guess he is kinda fuckable.” 
There was a twitch in her brows, anger shining within her eyes that ignited the moment Maisie looked over to her. The reaction only made the other girl grin, though. God, she really was just an evil person. 
“Sephy!” Maisie exclaimed in fake shock and awe. “You dirty girl! I know what that look was!”
It only took a few steps for Maisie to approach her, her hand then extending out to lightly walk her fingertips up her chest and tap her chin. 
“You've let him deflower you, huh? And now you'll be attached to him forever…even once he's moved on.” 
Seph swatted her hand away, forcing it to the side and down with more force than she had anticipated. The grin Maisie wore faltered slightly, since she obviously hadn't been expecting such a reaction from her. If she kept it up, then there would be much worse for her to endure. 
“Don't you have someone else to go be miserable around?” 
Maisie gave a light shrug. “I'm just saying, Sephy. Better tell your parents to go ahead and reserve you another room in Sweden for when that day comes, and it will come.” 
“It's better than the fucking jail cell you would've been in had I not convinced my dad to drop the charges against you.” 
This brought forth a tinge of actual rage from Maisie that settled in her brows and showed through a brief squint of her eyes. 
“Now get out before I embarrass you in front of everyone outside.” 
Maisie licked over her lips and adjusted her expression, her usual bitchy face returning to cover the previous features of anger and entitlement. She then turned on her heel, taking her leave before things could truly escalate. 
Now that she was alone again, Seph was able to take in a deep much needed breath. She glanced out the window again, her gaze immediately falling upon Noah who was…talking to her dad? 
Fucking hell. What else could this day throw at her? 
× × ×
Spoke too soon. 
“Hey, shh, it's okay. You're going to be okay.” 
Noah was leaning over the sink with his head bowed, desperately trying to catch his breath as she rubbed along his back. She had tried splashing his face with water, though that first attempt at calming him hadn't worked out so well. It only made him feel dizzier, that being why he was now clutching the edge of the counter for dear life. 
Bad Omens hadn't even gone on for their set yet and already his anxiety was getting the best of him. As far as she knew, Noah hadn't experienced an attack in awhile, not until now. It wasn't the nerves that came along with performing, he had explained to her before. It was the lights, the loud noises, all of it happening at once transporting him back to that day. 
“Noah,” she softly spoke while reaching over with her free hand to gently guide his face until he was looking at her. “Do you want to sit? Let's sit.” 
Unfortunately, the bathroom obviously didn't have chairs, but she was able to help him down to the floor. With his back against the wall, Seph sat on her knees beside him, a hand soothingly stroking his hair away from his face. 
There were tears in his eyes and his face was bright red, his breathing heavy and uneven. It killed her to see him like this, even more so when he was clutching so tight to her other hand with trembling fingers. 
“Look at me,” she requested as she leaned in a little closer. 
While Seph had no idea what sort of grounding techniques he had, she did know of things he liked to do that kept him occupied. 
“Tell me what color my eyes are.” 
It took a moment, but Noah was eventually able to look at her. He stared directly into her eyes, which she had widened a bit just to help him out. 
Expelling a small laugh, she shook her head. “You've never once referred to my eyes as brown.” 
“They're, uh, they're golden brown. Like…amber…or a new penny...”
Seph smiled, nodding along to his description. His breathing wasn't as heavy as it had been only moments prior, but she could still hear how shaky it was with each inhale. 
“Count my freckles.” 
Noah took in another ragged breath, his eyes dancing all around her face before settling on what she assumed was her cheek. His lips were moving as he whispered the numbers, but barely a sound was coming out. This was how they remained for awhile, as long as they needed to until she knew he was able to breathe normally again. The hand she had on his face dropped to his chest, just so she could attempt to feel the thumping of his heart. Faster than it should be, but nowhere near as rapidly racing as it had been. 
“You're okay,” she told him, offering another gentle smile. “You did good. I knew you could do it, see?” 
“Freckles. There's 137 on your face.” 
Seph couldn't stifle her laughter because of course he had legitimately continued to count every faint marking scattered across her nose and cheeks. Good thing they had been in the sun for a bit that day, or else he may not have had as many to count. 
Seconds later he was leaning in, his arms slipping beneath her own so he could bring himself close against her. Noah’s face buried into her chest, this being his chosen place of comfort in that moment. 
Taking in a deep breath of her own, Seph leaned down to press a kiss to the top of his head. Her fingers alternated between rubbing his scalp and massaging the back of his neck - doing anything she could to help him along. Noah relaxed into her, though his hands still clutched her shoulder blades as if someone was going to pry him away from her before he was ready. 
Movement caught her eye, causing her to lift her gaze to see Nick now standing in the doorway. His eyebrows were raised in a silent question, to which Seph gently shrugged. She glanced down to Noah, then back to Nick before holding her hand up to tell him they needed five more minutes. Nick wasn't rushing them, but simply trying to see if everything was okay, and that was obviously appreciated. If anyone understood how bad it could get for Noah, it was his best friend. Based on what Nick had told her before, she hadn't even seen the worst of it. 
“Can I get a minute?” Noah rubbed at his eyes as he began pulling away from her. 
Seph nodded while bringing herself to her feet and helping him do the same. “Yeah, I'll be right outside.” 
“Dude, what happened?” Nick muttered as she exited the bathroom and took a few steps down the hall. 
Glancing over her shoulder in the direction she had come, she shrugged in response, her eyes then falling to Nick. 
“I don't know. We were standing on the side watching the other band, then he was suddenly…choking. It was fucking terrifying, peach.”
Seph knew she would never be able to get the image of Noah looking so helpless out of her head. The way he had been looking at her with wide eyes, his entire body trembling…it broke her heart. 
“I think the stress of the album releasing…music videos…tour…it's all getting to him.” 
Of course she agreed with Nick, though they both knew what the true underlying cause was for his panic attacks. The stress only exacerbated it all and helped bring it to the surface. And while it wasn't something that either of them could fix, she still hated it. 
Once Noah was ready, they walked hand in hand to where the guys were waiting. Nick had gone ahead a couple of minutes earlier just to tell the others to not question it and that everything was good. While they knew otherwise, no one wanted to make things awkward. 
“Are you pumped?” She questioned loud enough for him to hear over the music the small venue had playing. 
“I'm getting there,” Noah chuckled. His color was returning back to normal - no longer that odd mixture of sickly pale and flushed cheeks. This told her that he was being honest in his response, which she was beyond thankful for. 
“I'm so excited! You're going to be amazing! Everyone is going to be great!” 
Honestly, Seph was probably the band's number one fan at this point. Their own personal cheerleader. Everything they did was always great or amazing or fucking bad ass when they would ask for her feedback, and seeing them perform was obviously no different. 
With a quick last minute kiss, she sent him off to the stage. Noah's entire demeanor changed as soon as the lights were on and the first song began, like he was stepping into another mindset entirely. Her hands cupped around her mouth to join in with the cheering of the crowd, excited applause to follow. 
The energy he exuded on stage was mesmerizing. There was constant jumping and head banging, all of them being put into every word of every song. That's why Seph loved watching them so much. It was easy to forget about all her worries for those simple thirty minute sets. 
As the set ended, Noah came bounding over to her with a look of happiness and excitement that she hadn't seen in awhile. He threw his arms around her, his long limbs engulfing her in a hot and sweaty hug. Seph wanted to playfully protest, but she couldn't even do so in jest when she got a look at his big grin. 
“It was so fucking cute when I’d catch glimpses of you singing and bouncing along.” 
Noah’s face was pressed into the top of her head, though she could still somehow make out exactly what he was saying. Pulling back a bit, she peered up at him with a slight scrunch of her nose. Despite his smile, Seph could see how tired he was in his eyes. That came as no surprise to her considering the events of just before the show. 
“Folio said something about going out but I think I need to get you to bed.” Her hand lightly cradled his jaw once he had loosened his tight hold of her just enough so she could move. 
The wheels were turning in his head, his heavy lidded eyes lingering down on her. Seph knew he wanted to protest but she also knew Noah was smart enough to know when to call it a night. Plus, she wouldn't let him give her any other response but one of agreement. 
After a few beats, he finally nodded. “Bed sounds nice.” 
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meraki24601 · 11 months
Hey it’s me again
Could you maybe write a part 2 to Just a Fever ?? I really like your writing
Hello again, friend! I'm so glad you like my writing. You made my day! I was feeling a bit more of the whumpy direction this could go this time, but I'd be open to trying another version with more of a comfort lean if anyone wants that.
Part 1
Just a Fever Part 2
Hero’s head hurts.
They… They’re going to be sick.
Hands, rough with urgency, turn Hero onto their side. When they’re finished, the hands roll them onto their back again. Warm. The hands are warm. 
A gentle voice pulls Hero to shore from the ocean of darkness they’ve been floating in. They try to cough up the water filling their lungs, but nothing comes up. There’s no water to get rid of. There’s weight. Pressure on their chest. They can’t, can’t breathe. 
New pressure. Skin touching their own just below their collarbone, gently patting. 
“Please,” They try to beg, but Hero isn’t sure anything came out except more coughing. 
Something slides beneath them. It puts pressure on their aching back until Hero starts to rise into a sitting position. The elevation change eases some of the pain in their chest, but Hero doesn’t have the strength to hold their head up to take a solid breath. It still hurts. They can’t stop.
The hand rubbing their chest shifts. It supports Hero’s head as if they were a baby. “Look at you. Be good for me and take a deep breath. That’s it. That’s it. Breathe and sleep.”
“It hurts.”
“What hurts, darling?”
“Who’s there?” 
“Just me.”
Hero’s hands twitch and their eyes open. Even with their eyes open everything is black. Their heart clenches in their chest. Fingers curl into fists. “Where am I? I can’t, I can’t see. Can’t see.”
“So you’re actually awake this time?” Sharp fingernails scratch Hero’s face as a damp rag is lifted from their eyes. “There. Is that better?”
Bright. Everything is bright. 
The sound of someone shuffling around makes Hero flinch. They blink quickly, trying to adapt to the light flooding the room. A rough scratching noise has Hero’s ears ringing, and the light dims enough Hero can see the room they’re in. 
Of all the places they expected to be, (the hospital, Mentor’s house, etc.) their own bedroom was not one of them. And they definitely didn’t expect to see Villain hovering over them.
“You!” Hero lurches up only to be pushed back by a single outstretched finger from Villain. As Villain laughs, Hero throws themselves at the other side of the bed. The blankets wrap tightly around their body and keep them from freedom. 
Honestly, they’re not sure if they could have gotten much farther even without the blankets. The short burst of movement sends Hero’s head spinning. Their chest burns and their lungs… they can’t breathe. One last deep cough rattles their whole body. Their hands shake as panic starts to set in. 
Air. Please, air. The thought rattles in their mind as Hero begs their lungs to breathe in. They couldn’t cough anymore if they wanted to. The world starts to go dark around the edges. 
A shadowy figure hovers over them. A solid weight pressing down on them. Then, air. 
Villain’s lips press lazily against Hero’s as they whisper, “I told you, Darling, I simply won’t let you die like this.” Hero’s world finally goes dark as Villain forces another shallow breath into their lungs.
“No!” Hero woke screaming. 
“You will drink.” Villain’s voice is harsh in Hero’s ear. They’re all but laying on top of Hero, pinning both of Hero’s arms above Hero’s head with one hand while the other presses a glass with some sort of liquid to Hero’s lips. “Open and drink. You need water.”
Gathering their strength, Hero thrusts their hips up, knocking Villain off balance. The water splashes across Hero’s face as they take a deep breath. The water sends them into another coughing fit. Their whole body aches, but Hero finds they have enough strength to fight as Villain tries to take control again. They flail and kick and bite. 
It’s not enough, but at least this time they really tried. 
One strong hit to the head sent Hero’s world spinning. “Enough!” Villain’s voice drains any fight Hero had left. They’re in serious danger. They’d seen Villain turn on their own men after speaking to them with that same tone of voice. Villain grabs Hero by the back of their neck, pulling them close to their face, “You will do as I say. You’re severely dehydrated and haven’t eaten for three days. Lie still until I return with more water. If you choose to defy me, you will suffer the consequences.”
The moment Villain’s footsteps retreat down the hall Hero throws their feet out of the bed. Their house is one floor so once they make it to the window all they have to do is hop out and run. One chance. One chance to make it out alive and Hero’s legs can’t support their weight. 
Hero falls to the floor with an incriminating thud. Their head, their chest, their legs, and every part of them aches. Vision fading in and out, Hero drags themselves across the floor to the window. It’s locked. Hero is going to have to stand to open it. They… can’t. It was pointless to try. This time, Villain wins.
“Turn around, Hero.” Villain’s voice burns in Hero’s ears. “Turn around. I want to see the defeat in your eyes. For years we’ve fought each other, and I could never win against you. To think, all it took was a little illness.”
Villain grips Hero’s hair and throws them to the ground next to the bed. “Please,” Hero begs, gripping the edge of the bed in what Villain sees as an attempt to sit up and face them. And it is. They face Villain head-on, carefully hiding the emergency button they just pressed. “Please, Don’t kill me.”
“Silly Hero. That’s not why I came, and it’s not why I stayed. Now, drink.” Villain shoved a new glass of water into Hero’s hands. 
When Hero nearly drops the glass, Villain sighs deeply. They sit down on the floor next to them and pull Hero into their lap. Hero doesn’t struggle, letting Villain manipulate their body until they’re half lying against Villain with their head supported against Villain’s chest. When Villain offers them the water, Hero opens their mouth and drinks. 
“That’s it. Good Hero. Drink the whole glass if you can. You need it.”
The cup wasn’t large, but the effort of fighting Villain and forcing themselves to suddenly drink after going so long without exhausts Hero. Sip after sip they drink the offered water until Villain’s words register in their drowsy mind. By then, it’s too late.
“Rest, Darling. We’ll worry about your punishment later, but for now, don’t fight it. We’ve got a long trip ahead of us, so finish it all. It’ll go much better if you sleep.”
Part 3
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choccyhearts · 1 year
New Friend // Eddie Munson x Reader
Note: I've been thinking about hamsters a lot and also, what if you were living with Eddie and Wayne and you've been begging them to get a pet?
CW: Fluff ^_^, g/n!reader, Eddie being a hamster dad
Summary: You want a new pet and Wayne and Eddie finally agree to let you get one
"Puhleeeeeeease, Teddy Bear?", you pleaded with your best puppy dog eyes. Your boyfriend continued making his breakfast, swerving around you and avoiding your stare.
You had been begging for a pet since you began living with the two men. Eddie had a good argument -- "We can barely feed three mouths, how can we feed four? And we have no room!" But all you heard was, "No fun allowed, you aren't allowed to be happy."
"I'll take care of it, and I'll clean everything and feed them, and water them, and I'll use my moneyyy", you whined.
"Stop whining", he mutters. "Or I'll give you something to whine about."
"Pleaseeee", you grab ahold of his arm and shake him back and forth, risking him dropping his cereal.
"Baby, let go! I'm gonna spill all over the carpet and Wayne's gonna get pissed!"
"Hmph!" You let go and turn your back to him.
"Awh", he clicks his tongue. "Don't act like that just cause you can't get your way." He kisses your shoulder. "Anyways, doesn't matter what I think, it's Wayne's trailer."
You sigh and slug over to the couch, flopping on to it. Eddie sits down on the floor and begins to feed you his cereal. As you're sulking, the door opens.
"Oh God", Eddie shakes his head.
"Wayne, can I get a pet, pleasseee. I'll do everything myself! I'll use my own money!"
Wayne walks into the kitchen as you plead your case.
"No, tell them that there's already too many people in this trailer", Eddie's voice is muffled by his moutful of cereal.
"Uh, a doggie or kitty isn't a person, Eds, duh."
"Listen, I don't care, long as it doesn't piss on the floor, rummage through the fridge, or get up to any debauchery", Wayne comes back out of the kitchen holding a mug of coffee. "Got enough of that here already."
"Really?", you gasp. Wayne nods and scoots you over so he can sit. The moment of silence is broken by your shrill screech, "EEEE!!! Thank you!!"
Both men brace themselves as you leave to yours and Eddie's room. In a couple of minutes you emerge wearing your shoes and coat.
"Where you goin'?", Eddie asks.
"Going to go get my pet."
"Yes, I want to have them here as soon as possible", you say determined.
"What're you gonna get?"
"Hmm, not sure. I'll see when I get there and see what speaks to me." You open the door and step out.
"Just get one!"
"No spiders!"
You arrive back home with your new friend and all of their equipment. You weren't sure what to get when you were at the store. Everything was so cute and fluffy and you wanted all of them.
You picked a little black teddy bear hamster because, "It's like my Teddy Bear."
Both men are gone and you cheer internally. Now you can have everything set up for them to be surprised.
You spend the afternoon building the hamster's cage. Your cage is a glass and wood one with wheels. You set up the inside with the goodies you bought.
A large exercise wheel, tunnels, chew toys, a sand bath, water bottle, etc. You place your friend in the cage, pressing your face against the glass.
"Do you like it, buddy?"
The hamster sniffs the air, looking around. It's tiny body moves up and down fast as it breathes.
"Eee, yay", you say softer than you had previously in the day.
After half an hour you hear the rattle of Eddie's van pull up.
"Ooh! That must be Eddie! You'll like him, he's reay sweet when you get to know him, promise! He's gonna be like your daddy!", you smile at the rodent who continues building it's nest.
You quickly make your way to the door, blocking Eddie's path.
"Hi, Eddie", you smile brightly.
"Hi, baby", he says suspicious of you. "Can I get through?"
"Yes", you nod. "But first prepare yourself to meet the newest addition to the Munson family."
He chuckles, "It's just an animal, not a baby." He pauses. "Right? You didn't go steal a baby?"
"Nope! But you're still a new father!" You take his hand and drag him inside. "Taadaa!"
You gesture to the hamster cage. He turns his head and raises a brow.
"What is it?"
"A hamster!" Eddie looks at your happy face, his heart softening. He leans down and peppers your face in kisses. "Come on, come look!"
You kneel down on the floor, him doing the same. You point at the little black ball of fur. The hamster is sleeping, curled up in a corner.
"Awh, he's a cute one, baby." You nod. "He got a name?"
"Not yet, I've been thinking all day." You set your head on his shoulder.
As you two watch the hamster, another vehicle pulls up. Wayne notices that you're home and as he opens the door, he braces himself to be tackled by whatever fur-devil you brought home.
"Hi, Wayne!"
"Where's your lil pet?"
You point to where the hamster is sleeping.
"You got a rat?"
"Noooo, a hamster." Eddie pulls you on to his lap so Wayne can get a look inside the cage.
"Where is it?" You point again. "Cute. Got a name?" You shrug.
"By the way, how'd you get this thing in here?", Eddie asks.
"Through the door", you tease.
"You little shit", Eddie nuzzles his face into your neck.
"I had to build the cage, it came in a big box."
"You built this?"
"Why's it gotta be so big?", Wayne asks.
"So he won't get bored."
"Bored? He's just a hamster. Don't they spin on those things?"
"Yeah, but he'll want more to do. I want him to have the best life while he's here. Plus, wouldn't you get tired of running in circles?"
"I 'spose so, but they got little brains, they don't know."
"So does Eddie, but we still keep him entertained", you giggle and Wayne chuckles.
"Hey!", Eddie gives a strong pat to your bottom. You giggle and kiss his nose.
"So, a name?"
"Whiskers?", Wayne suggests.
"Hams Solo", Eddie chuckles.
"Sir Hamilton Munson the Second."
Both men look at you quizzically.
"Who's the first?", Eddie asks. You shurg.
Sir Hamilton wakes up, yawning. The three of you spend the evening watching the hamster run around doing it's hamster activities.
Quick Headcanons:
Eddie definitely sits next to the cage and announces, "Hey, my favorite show is on!", when Sir Hamilton is awake.
He was a little scared of holding the hamster. Half because he didn't want to hurt the poor creature, half because he didn't want to be bitten.
He helps you decorate the outside of cage for different holidays -- cobwebs and spooky stickers for Halloween, tinsel, lights and a little stocking for Christmas, hand turkeys for Thanksgiving, etc.
He tries to be a little quieter when Sir Hamilton is sleeping.
Feeds him carrots and his treats happily
Says, "I gotta get home to my son" when leaving get-togethers with his friends
Wrote Sir Hamilton into one of his campaigns
"He deserves to be included"
Delivers light kisses to Sir Hamilton when he holds him
Got a little exercise ball for him to roam around the trailer in (note: I know these are bad, but in the 80s these were normal)
Does sometimes help pitch in and clean the cage
Is actually excited to come home and see the little fluffball -- he's such a softie for animals <3
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moonshinemagpie · 1 year
Izumi Kyoka: Short story writer of the early 1900s, little known in his own country and even less known abroad, yet he continues to be cherished in the small city where he grew up.
I live in Kanazawa, his hometown. I go to Izumi Kyoka’s museum every year. The collection is always changing, and so is my relationship to his stories, so it’s worth repeat visits. Every time, I’m reminded of all the things that make Kyoka so weird. On the top of that list are his many phobias.
Last week, the museum audio guide sounded a little teasing when he explained that Kyoka was terrified of lightning. Kyoka created elaborate rituals to keep lightning from striking his home, pinned up dried husks of corn as tools to bade away the electricity. The guide’s tone of voice thickly implied, what a weirdo.
Yes. I thought so. It struck me as childish, neurotic, and fanciful. What a weirdo.
And Yet—Some Notes on the Weather
The region where I live is the rainiest in Japan. In the summer it feels humid and subtropical; in the winter it reminds you it’s on the edge of yuki guni, snow country, and offers blizzard after blizzard, daily hail. I am from New York. In New York, I thought of weather as being something that is—"it is hot today," "it is raining today," etc. But in Kanazawa, weather is a phenomenon that happens—and it happens at you.
Here, thunder is both more habitual and more terrifying than any other place I’ve ever lived. At 2 am today, I awoke to a bright flash of light, followed almost immediately by thunder so loud my doors rattled for a solid half-minute. Earthquake, my sleep-brain insisted, even though I knew better. 
When you’re a child you learn how to calculate how far away thunder is; if there is a 10-second gap between lightning and its sound, then it’s something like 3 km or 2 mi away. I used to like counting that distance as a kid. For children in Kanazawa, though, it must feel impossible. Thunder and lightning always come a split fraction of a second apart; always, it seems, the storm is right on top of me. In New York, thunder was rare, and a little bit friendly—American children grow up with picture book illustrations of Benjamin Franklin running around with a rod in hand, merrily drawing the lightning down.
The thunder of Kanazawa is more regular, closer, louder, stronger, fiercer. It rumbles for nearly a minute straight each time. Last night the noise curled around me like it was laying siege to my home. Why and how? I don’t know. If I’d grown up here I’d probably have become a meteorologist.
Thanks for coming to my weather report.
Back to Kyoka
So in the museum, I’d forgotten. Kyoka didn’t fear New York lightning. He grew up in Kanazawa, where the lightning shakes even modern houses. Natural disasters would completely destroy his home three times. Every home he ever lived in has been demolished by flood, fire, and/or earthquake.
Keeping that in mind, it seems wrong-footed to mock his lightning-phobia. Biographers relish listing his many fears: lightning, dogs, germs, ghosts. I love his museum, but it also seems to have been curated as a mere list of oddities, a collective finger pointing here and there as though to say, A freak, he was a freak.
Car Talk
The other day I was in a car with a friend born in Kanazawa.
I don’t get it, she said. Why do you like Kyoka so much?
No respect whatsoever.
Why don’t you like him more? I countered.
She scrunched up her nose. Thought about it. Finally landed on:
He was so weird. 
Is Anyone Weird, Actually?
Then it was time for me to think about it. Why do I like him? 
Read the rest here.
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not-krys · 1 year
Six Sentence Sunday: Nurture
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I ran out of time last WIP Wednesday to post my latest in progress thing (I'll post it this coming WIP Wednesday), but it is Maddie's bday soon and I felt bad if I didn't post something for the occasion, so here's the entry for this month's prompt, Maddie edition.
Regular WIP Wednesday warnings apply here today too: Raw, unedited, incomplete writing that cuts off suddenly, original character featured, fluff, Maddie confusing Harr with future tech, etc. I know it says 'six sentence' Sunday, but... obviously, this is longer than six sentences. I don't care, it's Maddie's bday month, she deserves more than six sentences.
My masterlist!
Most of his life, Harr preferred the quiet. Quiet to study to, bird song at his window, the sound of dip pens scratches filling the silence. The Magic Tower was quiet too, in the areas he worked in, only the occasional hum of magic filling anyone's ears.
Then, there was the loudness to punctuate his quiet days. Sirius's laughter as he patted his back, mostly with more than necessary force. Lancelot's quiet chuckle at Sirius's antics. A festival in Central celebrating the coming spring. Lancelot's booming declaration of war. The screams in the Magic Tower. Loki's cries in the night whenever the rain pounded on the roof. His own cries when he felt the magic burns on his arm and in his eye.
As much as he had preferred his quiet life of scratching pens and song birds, it was one he couldn't go back to, even if he wanted. He absently scratched his arm, the bandaging starting to chafe his scars.
He sighed and stood up, intent on looking for the first aid kit and change his bandages.
Then, his ears picked up on a small sound, not unlike his morning song birds.
"Dearest broom~ Beloved little broom~" he peeked around a corner, spying Maddie with her arms out in front of her, her palms up in a welcoming gesture. Opposite her was a regular, humble broom, bristles made of straw and dry brush with a slightly crooked handle. Maddie's eyes started glowing red.
"Lets sweep up the room, my little broom~"
Harr watched, waiting to see if anything would come of the little magic song. Incantations weren't unheard of in Cradle to use magic by, it just wasn't as common as using magic crystals. Harr had been fascinated by Maddie's magic, a combination of her Alice powers of shielding magic along with this strange knack for making inanimate objects move or lucky just by singing in the object's general direction. He honestly wanted to study it more, but, as Maddie had been living most of her life in the Land of Reason, she didn't have enough of a nurturing environment to develop her powers very far, aside from maybe the rare influence if she concentrated hard enough.
Now, however…
He held his breath, watching as the broom rattled, shaking against the chair it had been leaning against.
"Please, little broom~" Maddie coaxed in a gentle voice, "let's sweep up the room together~"
The broom continued to rattle, as if held by an invisible hand, struggling to pick up the broom.
Maddie took a single step back, moving her hands in a pulling motion, willing the broom to come towards her.
His eye widened as the broom moved forward on it's own. Maddie moved another step back, the broom following her. Maddie grinned pierced ear to pierced ear, a squeak of laughter escaping her.
Her joy didn't last long as the broom stopped, frozen in place, and started to fall. Maddie leaped to catch it before it hit the floor, and sighed. Harr smiled softly and entered the room, putting a hand on her shoulder.
"You're getting better." he said.
"You think so?"
"Yes." he nodded, "you couldn't get it to move at all before."
"I'm getting that much closer to Cradle's version of a roomba." she said quietly but proudly.
"A roo-what?"
"A roomba. It's a self-propelled vacuum that-"
"Ah, a Land of Reason thing." she tried to explain, "It's… like if you combined a broom with a… a rubbish bin! Quite the useful tool."
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eldritchships · 11 months
WIP - Flatline and Optimus
Disclaimer: Less of a WIP, more of a short self-contained segment so I could write some more OP and Earthspark!Flatline. Context is that OP's arm got crushed/bitten into/stabbed etc. while on a mission.
Some tightness appeared in Optimus’s expression, and his optics cast down to the floor. They lingered there while Flatline worked, flicking to reflect his busy processor. His forearm was rotated, wires pinching as they were carefully threaded back into where the headlights were supposed to be connected. Flatline remained silent, but the pressure in the air around them felt as tense as a coiled spring.
“You know, my offer still stands…” Optimus slowly breached. He lifted his helm, looking at Flatline’s crest in lieu of being able to meet his optics. “...You could join GHOST, officially. Spend more time out in the field, out in public, perhaps even repair your image with the local- Argh!” Optimus cried out as Flatline suddenly yanked up his red arm plating, separated too far and too quickly from the silver metal underneath. His servo clenched tight and he looked at Flatline, brow furrowed. The medic carried on with barely any acknowledgement of his own action, taking out a surgical blowtorch and beginning to seal the leak in Optimus’ arm.
“I’m fine, thank you.” Flatline told him, with a smile that was too deliberate and snide to be genuine. He repaired the tear in the metal responsible for the leak, then clamped the red outer plating back around it and started to seal that as well. “I couldn’t care less about my public image. The less humans and Autobots in my life, the better.” Optimus exhaled. The brief pain still stung in his sensors, creating some strain in his vocaliser despite his words being genuine.
“I wouldn’t want you becoming…’stir crazy’.” He paused, finding the right Earth expression. Flatline holstered his torch, and crooked a servo to silently prompt. Optimus gave a short shake of his arm and rotated it, examining the repairs and pleased to find everything in working order again, along with the disappearance of the fuel leakage warning in his HUD. He smiled, but it disappeared soon after his gaze fell back to Flatline. There was more he could have said, more that had been said in the past, that went unspoken in his next quieter sentence. “After everything.” Flatline averted optic contact, appearing too occupied with a readout of Optimus’s systems, but Optimus didn’t miss the way his jaw clenched.
“GHOST gave me a home and a lab, far away from anyone - human or Cybertronian - and all they ask in return is that I come back when they need repairs for their…for you and the others. I’m very happy with that arrangement, Prime.” Flatline lowered the readout and walked away from the makeshift examination table, giving Optimus a few steps worth of room to stand up. His final statement was sharp and assertive, trying to convince Optimus with certainty that he was satisfied with how things had turned out. Quietly, Optimus hoped it was true more-so for Flatline’s own sake, and that the medic wasn’t trying to convince himself as much as he was Optimus.
“If you say so, Flatline.” Optimus nodded, giving him the response he wanted. Flatline glanced up to meet Optimus’s gaze, only for a brief moment, before turning.
“Take an extra ration to refill your tanks, if you can, but everything else looks back to normal function.” Flatline walked towards the entryway, rattling off the final medical advice, then poked his helm out to peer down the hall. “If you see Croft, tell her I’d like to go home now.”
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