#she does it again w akane
kalpalatas · 1 month
"if it was hirano, it would be taiko" is funny to think about because . if hirano was a girl her name would still be taiga
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sillyyuserr · 1 month
ever since chapter 108 tbhk has been getting progressively worse, after reading chapter 112 i had to take an hour long lap around my room before i could write this 😭
Chapter 112 analysis/thoughts
❗️obviously, chapter 112 spoilers❗️
aoi is seemingly less popular, and the burden of that has been lifted, her and nene also being much closer.
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ALSO WHAT?? Like ok lesbians
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Mei’s alive, which kind of confused me because she died due to illness?? But i guess not if shes here
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This page really intrigued me, not because of kou or anything but because of what aoi says
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She refers to teru as “teru-kun” differing to that of what she used to call him
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Which i guess means she’s close to him too
after kou runs back to the stand it shows this
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Kou and mitsuba??? HE’S ALIVE?? This is literally all we get of them so i don’t have much for this part
Nene singing at the play, having a thought just at the back of her mind, thinking she was wanting someone to watch her, but not sure who
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Until they’re finally done, everything’s quiet, she looks up at the crowd to see
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Hanako?? Im not quite sure if he was actually there or if she was hallucinating or something but she remembered him, enough to remember his name. ALSO HE KEPT HIS PROMISE AUGH 😭💔
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i dont have much to say for this because i really dont know whats going on but im interested to see what happens next w/ them
This next part especially killed me
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Teru is distressed, he’s fucking devastated, he feels betrayed and hurt by the only person he’s trusted as much as he has, teru reacts impulsively when it comes to something that weakens him. akane was right when he referred to him as a little kid, he is like a child, he does not know how to control his emotions since he wasn’t taught, and sure as hell not having a mom made it worse
also his face 😭 my mans is HURT
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Him not knowing if he should treat akane like a human or like a supernatural hurts me. this reminds me of the picture perfect arc with hanako and nene, akane being in hanako’s place and teru being in nene’s. akane making the decision for the greater good that he doesn’t even fully believe in, just as hanako did when he made shijima make the painting
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I have so much to say about this panel its insane
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The tension goes CRAZYY but also wtf
The demotion from “aoi” to “clock keeper” back to “aoi” shows he really doesnt know. Also showing he really did trust him, but now that he’s done what he did, he doesnt know how to feel about him. The “you really let me down” again suggests he didn’t at one point, and he did like him. GOSH AidaIro sleep with one eye open tonight
Akane looking worried like that shows he really did care about teru too, and what he thinks of him, i mean like look at him he looks disappointed too, but in himself
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His face he feels so bad 😭😭
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Teru gripping his tie like he’s onna run away 😭 my mans ur ON TOP OF HIM i think you got him
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Teru looking progressively more worried/concerned as akane continues explaining whats happened
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Teru’s perspective shot on the top left is painful like the rest of this chapter, him looking down at akane with a face of disbelief, as akane removed his hand from his tie, and redoes it, explaining the rest.
again, reminding me of the picture perfect arc, with the whole “be here long enough and you’ll forget your past life” with again, akane in hanako’s place and teru in nene’s
Akane says this could be a better present for Nene, and we see her initial hope of being popular come true (also taking aoi’s problem away, as stated at the beginning)
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but he also says this could be a better/more preferable present for teru aswell, which makes me want to see how teru’s life changed, and what akane considered something teru would want, and what he lost to gain it. (like how nene gained popularity but lost hanako and the connections she made bcs of meeting him)
Fuck i just realized something. Akane was under the impression teru has a crush on aoi so what if he made them closer as in like dating closer SHE CALLS HIM TERU-KUN is this what akane meant by “some people might prefer this ‘present’ over the former one. could be you president.” HUUH
i have a problem with saying “this will never happen, i know it wont, and i wont even consider it” and genuinely will be under the belief that it wont, but then it fucking happens and if thats what happened here i might as well archive my acc
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Back to the current topic, as a wielder of time, an important part of making this present, is making sure there is no way his memories will be replaced too, or so im guessing. He says "some" and “their” instead of "we" or “people like us” when talking about the people that will forget the old present. Meaning if akane des remember, he will be so indefinitely alone and self aware (him knowing so much more than the rest of them) and have to play along with everything. Everyone else has the comfort of forgetting, which will make it much easier to adjust, meanwhile if things stay the same, akane will be the only one to remember and will be like this for as long as they stay like that.
Which i like this new one, as mitsuba and kou can be friends without one of them literally being dead, and how aoi can be more open and is closer to nene, but if this is how it ends (obviously not this chapter but if it ends with them staying in the new present) tbhk is so fucked.
its kind of a win-lose, lose-win type of thing, but either way akane’s cooked.
Todays a rough day for everyone 😭
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aihoshiino · 5 months
chapter 133 thoughts!
Right off the bat, I'm really glad to see OnK looping back around to address something that was largely left hanging from the first half of the movie arc - the idea that Ruby simply lacks the acting chops to properly portray Ai in the movie. This was hammered in to such a degree that I actually had a theory back before shooting started that Ruby was going to end up backing out of playing Ai and that Kana, Akane or even Frill would end up taking her place. Obviously it's not that I want Ruby to fail here or that she doesn't deserve a big W after everything she's been through but it felt really weird for the story to correctly make the point that Ruby's acting was going to make or break this movie and then not properly bring that point home. So I'm glad to see we're actually digging into it this chapter.
That said, it does feel a little... abrupt, I guess? Or rather, I totally understand Ruby cracking under the pressure and having a bit of a meltdown off the back of Nino's words last chapter - that obviously cut really deep - but suddenly jumping back to this idea that Ruby is Just Not Getting Ai after we hadn't touched on that since filming started and we've had no indication it's still an ongoing issue is weird. Especially since Mengo has literally just been flat out drawing Ai any time she's portraying her on panel lol. Maybe holding off on showing her with the double hoshigan would've been a better choice in conveying that...
Again, I guess it just comes back to what I've been saying lately about the movie arc feeling really weirdly structured. Things feel kind of jumbled, or necessarily out of order persay but the way arcs, emotional beats and development is happening in fits and spurts gives everything this stuttering rhythm where all the major beats feel like they're landing in really strange places.
All that aside... man, poor Ruby. We haven't really gotten as good a look into her head as I would've liked during the movie's production but the amount of pressure she feels must be immense. Strawberry Productions have put all their money into this movie and Ruby is telling the story of one of the people she loves more than anyone else in the world. It's no wonder she's in tears by the end of it.
The story also addresses something I'm really glad to see on the page - Kana acknowledging that Ai was the way she was largely because of her negative experiences. I've had a bit of unease lately with the idea of OnK portraying Ai as an aspirational figure or that Ruby 'becoming' or 'surpassing' Ai is a positive step for her. Ai of B-Komachi existed because Hoshino Ai experienced such an abnormally cruel life that was so utterly lacking in warmth or love that she had to make up a perfect version of herself just to feel like she had permission to be alive. It's not that Ruby has never experienced hardship - god knows she has - but she simply does not have experience with the exact nature of the despair, the loneliness and the self hate that Ai struggled with her entire life. Without opening herself up to that, she might never be able to fully understand Ai.
Kana's description of Nino is also really fascinating and it lines up with how I personally was reading her off the back of that chapter combined with the foundation laid by 45510. Her feelings for Ai are a life-altering obsession that has ripped down the boundary between 'love' and 'hate'. It's both at the same time which is an emotional state you can probably conclude is not going to lead someone to grieve in a healthy or productive way.
<3 nino is such a gay little freak i love her so much
Ruby and Kana's talk in general in this chapter is sooooo fucking good, dudes. It's hard not to want to go over it line by line lol but it's the kind of talk I've wanted them to have for a really long time. Their earnest concern for each other and their attempts to reach out and protect the other as clumsily as they end up doing it are so sweet and it makes the end of this chapter such a gut punch... but we'll get there.
I will say it's uh incredibly fucking bizarre to see Akane sorted in alongside the people Ruby considers her family??? Like, I get that Ruby had the whole 'can I call you oneechan' thing with her back while she and Aqua were dating but they've never been portrayed as being that close or really on friendly terms at all after the Private arc. Not only that, but this is specifically in a context where Ruby is talking about how the movie is going to help her family, who are still stuck in their grief over Ai's death move forward - so why the fuck is Akane there?? Akane has no personal relationship to Ai! She was not remotely affected by her death! I can only assume this was some kind of art mistake because I otherwise have absolutely no fucking clue what this is supposed to mean. EDIT: Taking a closer look at the art, I'm pretty certain this is in fact an art mistake and that's Ruby accidentally given Akane's hair screening: her eyes are dark and she seems to have Ruby's hoshigan. Mystery solved!
Ruby's face as she cries looks sooooooo much like Miyako's expression as she cried back in 125. I even noticed then how much she looked like both Ai and Ruby in that moment and it was so sad and lovely to see that similarity mirrored in Ruby. Miyako is their mom!!! Ai and Ruby are her daughters!!!
And finally... Kana just lets it all out.
Honestly, seeing Kana finally express all this stuff was so cathartic. She didn't want to be in B-Komachi to start with, she was bullied into being the center and then watched Ruby absolutely leave her in the dirt. Knowing what we do about Kana's own history of abandonment and her absolute terror at the prospect of being left behind and made irrelevant, it would be naive to assume she didn't feel some jealousy or bitterness in the wake of Ruby's meteoric rise to fame. She's only human, after all and I can't help but wonder if this is one of the 'cracks' left in black hoshigan Ruby's wake that Aqua ominously alluded to a while back.
Even as she pours out all this bile, though - Kana is still, in a twisted way, doing this out of pure love for Ruby. As she herself puts it, she is at risk of permanently destroying their relationship here even though Ruby is her closest and dearest friend. But that's why she feels she had to do it. Like always, Kana sacrifices herself, desecrates herself and throws herself under the bus to support the people she loves and to play the coordinator - to ensure her costars can give the best possible performance. Arima Kana? Don't worry about her. She's fine off in the shadows by herself, right?
I also can't help but wonder if Kana is doing this at least in part for herself, too. We saw that she, too, was struck deeply and unsettled by Nino's words last week and by how deeply Nino was poisoned by her hate and feelings of inferiority towards Ai. Maybe this is Kana's way of trying to purge herself of those feelings so she can look her inner Nino in the eye and confidently say "I am not like you".
No break next week...!
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been readin tbhk. i dont wanna be That Guy but also i think teru is written as being into akane (one-sided on teru's side specifically) bc theres no fucking way he for real is in love w aoi w 0 buildup to it, considering how well-constructed the other romantic relationships in tbhk are. like it just seems weird, also considering how tbhk slightly stresses that you gotta know someone to be in love with them with the whole bit at the very beginnning about yashiro picking boys she felt she was "supposed" to be in love with based only on surface-level things. so imo teru is using aoi as a cover-up for the stuff he does for akane, either that or hes been bonding w aoi off-screen which- doesnt quite hold up?
or maybe he really is in love with aoi and its another case of m/f relationships being neglected in favor of friendships between male characters due to slight misogyny which ultimately loops back around to homosexuality. but that doesnt seem like the case cause- again, AidaIro puts a lot of care into writing their relationships, see hanako and yashiro for example or akane and aoi themselves. (i have my issues with their writing but it absolutely can't be said that they're shallow.) it seems unlikely that they'd fumble this bad at this point.
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nanagoswife · 2 years
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Summary: You haven’t seen Nanami for years. Not since he left Jujutsu Tech. He left everything behind and that included you. So, when he appears at the bakery you now owned, you have a hundred different questions for him and a truth you’re not sure he should know.
W/C: 5.6k
Warnings: mention of death, heart break, regret, angst?, breakup, hurt/comfort
A/N: So, I’m not sure if I will but there could possibly be a spicy scene added for this. I don’t know if I’ll write it but, if you guys want it, let me know and I’ll write an extra little part for it!
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You were frozen in place. Why? Because the man that you never thought you would see again just walked into the bakery you owned. Was it because of this man that you now have this business? Possibly. However, he didn’t know that. He didn’t need to know that. Especially when you hadn’t seen this man since he left the jujutsu world years ago. He doesn’t deserve to know that this all existed because of him.
Nanami Kento looks different. A good different. He had already cut his hair to a similar style as he has now, but this is a mastered look. The suit he wore made his more defined features look even more handsome than ever before. Then, there were his eyes. Unlike all of those years ago, they look tired, exhausted, and drained. You can’t help but wonder what caused it. He left so that he could live stress free and not have to worry about the dangers of the job. Most of all, he left you. There’s nothing that he could've gone through that was as heartbreaking and difficult as you did during that time. So why does he look so unhappy? 
What should you do? Pretend like you don’t know him? No, that wouldn’t work. Especially not with the history you have with him. Do you escape into the back, leaving your friend alone to deal with the man that you used to love so much? No, you can’t do that either. Both because he’s now caught sight of you and because a part of you still loves him and doesn’t want to entirely waste this chance. Well, it would also be because your friend would catch on in a heartbeat and drag you back to the front.
So, resigning to the fact that you have nowhere to run, you pretend to busy yourself with something; bending below the counter to wipe something down that really doesn’t need to be when Nanami slowly makes his way over. Your employee/store manager/friend, Akane, notices how you’re acting. She looks at the man then back to you a few times with a look of confusion. However, that look doesn’t stay for long when she sees your scrubbing at nothing.
“Good afternoon,” she greets Nanami as he gets to the counter you’re still crouching behind. It’s pitiful and embarrassing that you’re hiding from him. It’s even worse looking at the way you decided to do so. However, you don’t know exactly how you would feel if you were to meet his eyes. There’s so much running through your mind that it’s practically short-circuiting. “What can I get for you today, sir?”
The fact that you guessed his exact order, a casse-croute, had your cheeks heating up in embarrassment and frustration. You’ve been trying to forget this man over the last few years. Weren’t things supposed to change? Shouldn’t he have given a new order that you should no longer know? Weren’t you supposed to forget the little details?
At the same time, you can’t help but notice how he doesn’t quite sound like himself. He was never one to stumble over words, but he was now. Even saying something so easy and something that’s so routine and stumbling over those words? It has you peering up for a moment, thinking you see his eyes snap back up as he swallows. It would be a more amusing sight if the frustration wasn’t starting to settle in from the memories of the past.
“Of course! I’ll get my coworker to whip it up for you,” Akane states as she looks down at you. 
You whip your head up and glare at her. This was not what you needed right now. Especially since you don’t know whether you want to simply punch Nanami or straight out murder him. Either way, you school your features and act like nothing is wrong as you stand. You don’t look at him and instead smile at your friend as you make your way to the back, chirping out a bubbly-sounding, “On it.”
So, maybe Akane actually was helping. You had to make the sandwich in the back where no one could see you. That meant you wouldn’t have to worry about seeing Nanami any longer. Well, at least not until it was ready and you had to bring it out to him. Perhaps you could get Akane to grab it from you so you don’t have to show your face until after he leaves.
Once you disappear behind the corner, you sigh as you lean your back against the wall. You wanted to take a moment to gather yourself but memories and complex feelings come screaming into focus instead. There’s so much that you don’t know what to do. You don’t know whether you want to scream, cry, punch him out, run away, or all of the above. 
You also wonder why he didn’t walk out of the store when he saw you. It was him who left in the first place, the one that broke your heart when he said he was even leaving you when he left the jujutsu world. He was the one who said he couldn’t handle the risk factor of the job. He was the reason why you no longer had a reason to keep fighting curses and that led to where you were now.
When you opened this bakery, all you could think of was Nanami. It wasn’t too long after his decision to leave. There was still a large part of you that was him and it seeped into your thoughts and what you chose to do. Sure, you had always daydreamed about opening a place like this even though, at the time, you were convinced you’d never be able to. When Nanami came along, though, his love of baked treats and his favourite bread pushed those dreams along further. So, you chose to make it your career with the memories of you and Nanami sitting under a tree together, resting your head on his shoulder while you both fantasised about it in between reading. 
Those were days that you never thought would end. Not leaving the jujutsu world and definitely not your relationship with Nanami. It didn’t matter how much Gojo tried to plead you to stay, to, “Carry on Nanami’s work,” as he put it at the time. That, though, was the exact reason you couldn’t stay. You couldn’t go through all of that without Nanami there with you and you found you couldn’t think straight when fighting curses. So, you left. That way you could at least fulfill one dream. Even if it wasn’t the exact way you wished it was.
Once again, you sigh, willing all of those memories away. Right now you have a job to do. It doesn’t matter that this is for the man you viewed yourself being with for the rest of your life. You can’t let this small encounter bring all of it back. You don’t want to go through all of that again. You worked so hard to try and (unsuccessfully) forget about it all.
Taking another small moment to try and clear your head, you squeeze your eyes shut before pushing off of the wall. The longer you take, the more he may question your prolonged absence and you don’t want to give him a reason to speak to you. 
Unfortunately, that’s not something you can avoid. One reason is because there’s a lot he could talk about. Especially when it comes to what happened and why you’re in this bakery instead of helping out Gojo at the school as a teacher like you originally planned. The second reason is because, as you had just finished putting everything on the sandwich, you saw him standing at the entrance that led to the front counter.
Maybe Akane isn’t as good of a friend as you thought. That or it was because of how long you were taking. Or it could’ve even been Nanami who convinced her to let him back here-
No. No, that can’t be it. Why would he suddenly want to talk to you now when he’s had years to do this.
Still, you can’t help but notice the way he seems to study you. He seems frozen in place just like you were when you had first seen him. When he had first spotted you, you didn’t let him have the same chance that you had to study how the years have changed him. So, you see him study everything about you while you notice he looks even more exhausted than you originally noted. It makes you wonder how he’s even able to stand. 
That exhaustion isn’t the only thing you can see, either. There’s a small hint of… sadness? It’s something that’s weighing him down more than fatigue ever could.
“You look good,” Nanami suddenly mutters, his eyes finally ending their search at yours. 
“And you look like shit,” you retort. 
It isn’t really that true. He looks amazing. He always has and the passing years have only worked to prove that. What you’re really acknowledging is his eyes. They convey the amount of stress he’s been dealing with and you’re honestly surprised you don’t see any grey in his blonde hair.
“Why are you back here?”
Nanami takes a slightly larger breath, almost like he’s steeling himself before answering with, “I wanted to see you.”
His admission is soft but pained. It sounds like he’s trying to plead with himself so that he can talk to you and try to forget everything that’s happened. You know he doesn’t want to skip over it, he just wants to bask in the moment for as long as he can. Why do you know that? Mainly because this is how he was after one day that you got seriously injured partially due to his mistake and again after a fight the two of you once had. Those were moments he was sure you would leave him and never come back. Now, though, that fear would be more real for him now than it was during those instances.
Now, it’s much more than those two combined. This was worse than any injury or fight you could have with him. You don’t know, like those two experiences, if you’ll be able to heal and become stronger. So far it’s only made you weaker and there’s never been a sign of moving on. Like it or not, there’s still a large part of you with Nanami but you’re not sure if you can ever get that back.
“Well, you’ve seen me,” you almost snap, turning from him to wrap his sandwich. “Now,” you continue as you finish wrapping it, walking over to him and pushing it into his chest while you try to not let your voice tremble, “I would appreciate it if you left.”
“Wait,” he calls out, grabbing your wrist as you try to walk past him. 
You glare at him when you’re forced to stop, pulling your wrist from his grip. It pains you to do so. That momentary touch of his hand brought back memories that now only caused pain. However, it also reminded you how that same touch was what had comforted you for so long. It was a touch you had been longing for for nearly four years now. Now, though, you can’t let him see that you actually still care.
“Why should I listen to you now when you could’ve talked to me years ago? Apparently what we had was not important enough to keep so why, Nanami? Why now?” You couldn’t help the way your voice finally cracked with that outburst. Nor could you keep the tears from building up in your eyes. They may not be falling yet but they’re there nonetheless.
Nanami doesn’t shy away from you. The only reaction you saw was a small flinch when you said his last name rather than his first. It had been even longer than the few years since he left that you called him anything but Kento. Now, he doesn’t deserve to be called anything but that. 
Instead of shying away, he looks to the ground. “I… I wanted to,” he admits in a small voice.
“Then why didn’t you? Do you know how much pain you would’ve saved me from if you had even just simply texted me hello? I was worried about you, Nanami. What hurt most was that you had still kept in contact with Satoru for a while. That was my only way of knowing you were even still alive.”
You watch the way Nanami shuffles a bit as he looks back up at you. His regret is so clearly written across his face that it pushes those tears over the edge. Even though you know you didn’t mean nothing to him, it still felt like it with how easily he cut you out. You wonder if there’s a piece of him that he left with you just as he has that piece of you. 
There’s a pang of hurt that crashes into Nanami’s chest when you use Gojo’s first name. He’s sure that, although you also left, you still keep in contact with the sorcerer. Is there something more going on? No, he knows there isn’t. You never thought of Gojo like that and he doubts that you would change that. 
Nanami goes to say something but you raise your hand, stopping him before he can start. “I don’t want to hear your excuses,” you let out quietly, wobbly, as you cross your arms over your chest. “Please, just leave.”
“Okay,” he says just as quietly. However he doesn’t move right away. “I’ll leave now but, please, can we meet somewhere so that I can explain. I know I should have done it years ago. I wanted to but I didn’t. Will you let me now?”
If you weren’t so desperate for answers, desperate to see him again, you would’ve said no and escorted him out of the store yourself. Instead, you’re nodding, taking a piece of paper out to write down your address and a time. Wordlessly, you hand him the paper, not meeting his eyes for any of it. When he goes to walk back to the front, you notice how he hesitates. You’re sure he probably wanted to say something more but he knows you don’t want to hear it. So, he leaves.
You wait until you hear him leave, wiping the tears from your face, before going out front. Akane looks worried when she must see your red eyes and tear stains. Instead of telling her what happened, though, you continue on with the day without saying a word about it. If you’re going to tell her what happened, it will be after whatever conversation you were going to have with Nanami tonight. That, and it definitely won’t be a discussion had at work.
Just as expected, Nanami showed up early. Well, the time you wrote compensated for that. So there really isn’t that much that’s changed about him at all, really. You can’t help but wonder why. Wasn’t that the reason he left? To change himself?
Nothing is really said as you let him into your apartment. The only exchange being where he can hang his coat. That and when he paused at seeing tea all set at your livingroom’s coffee table.
“You made tea?” he questions when he sees they’re both already fully prepared. He knows which one’s yours and which one must be for him. You had always liked a bit of milk and sugar in yours. For him, he only ever put a dash of sugar in his. A small flicker of hope trickled into him at the thought you remembered something as small as this after all of these years.
“I may be upset but that doesn’t keep me from having some common decency,” you retort. It’s not too harsh but it’s enough to get your point across.
He stays silent as he settles in the seat you put his tea in front of. Before any talking begins, he takes a sip from the drink and that flicker of hope grows when he finds that you did put the sugar in it. Yet, he shouldn’t be surprised especially when you, he’s assuming unknowingly, even put a light layer of butter on the sandwich you made for him. Maybe, just as he knows he left with a piece of you that he’s never let go, you kept the piece of him that he left with you.
Nanami looks up at you as you stay silent, finding more interest in the plain coffee table than him. He needs to start this off somehow. So, he decides to start off a little light. Especially since he knows it won’t last at all.
“You own a bakery now.” It’s both a statement and a question. 
You nod slowly. “I got to live my dream afterall,” you say quietly as you don’t meet his eyes but look in his general direction. “Well, not entirely.”
The fact that Nanami knows exactly what you mean makes his heart ache. It brought back all of those days snuggled up under the tree when you would talk about it. Why did he ever leave those moments behind?
“This job,” you quietly start again after a moment of silence, “this dream, it was supposed to be shared with you.” You pause, looking down at your tea in your hands. “Well, to be honest, the dream was supposed to stay a dream. That way my real dream could’ve come true.”
“I wanted that dream to,” he admits quietly.
Your eyes shoot up to meet his. The frustration and anger begins to build up again. Worst of all, you feel the tears begin to build up again as well. However, you tried your best to keep yourself as calm as possible as you ask, “Then why did you leave me?”
That sadness that you saw earlier came back at full force in Nanami’s eyes. It made him look even more tired than when you first saw him at the bakery. Now you know exactly what the cause was. It was almost liberating knowing that what happened three years ago was weighing on him just as much as it was as it was on you. Meanly so but it was nice to know you weren’t the only one struggling through all of this. 
Now, you watch Nanami’s Adam’s apple bob up and down as he swallows thickly, slightly adjusting his position. And then, “It was because I was afraid of losing you too. I thought that leaving everything and everyone was what was best so that I would never have to deal with that kind of loss ever again.”
“I never knew you could be so selfish,” you mutter as you meet his eyes again. “You weren’t the only one who went through that loss, Nanami! It’s not as if you were the only one close to him!” 
You stop yourself when you notice your tone continuing to raise in volume. This isn't how you wanted this to go. Sure, you were angry and upset but letting those emotions take control is not the route you should take at all. Especially since you want answers and you don’t want to risk not getting them after all of these years. That and a small part of you wants to resolve this. You want the man you love back.
When you see the way Nanami’s eyes seem to look even sadder, you try to backtrack.
“I’m sorry,” you nearly whisper, “I’m really sorry. I shouldn’t have brought that up.”
“No. It’s fair. You’re right. I was too cowardly to try and get through it and in the process I shut everyone I knew out no matter how much I didn’t want to.” Nanami pauses for a moment, his jaw working as he considers his next words. A breath and then, “When I left, I was going to ask you to join me.”
“Then why didn’t you? Why did you have to cut me off completely? Did you not realize you caused more pain with leaving than if you were to stay?” 
You can hear how desperate your voice is getting. Normally you would try and keep yourself calm but you’re letting it all out now. This man was the one you thought you had a future with. He was the one you imagined having everything with that you never used to want. When he left, it broke you so badly that you couldn’t do anything that you used to. Gojo had tried to help you but his efforts were in vain because the love of your life had acted as if you meant nothing to him with how easily he left. 
“When you left,” you continued before Nanami had a chance to reply, “you didn’t just simply leave. You took a piece of me that I’ve never been able to gain back on my own. It was a piece that belonged to you and no matter how hard I tried, I could never do anything without having you in mind.” 
There was no way to stop the tears anymore. The more you let out, the more you feel the emotions of the last three years come crashing in. It was too much and not enough to show Nanami just how much you’ve been affected. Yet, you continued as everything you’ve wanted to say; every question you’ve had for him comes pouring out.
“The bakery? Leaving jujutsu? Everything I did was because of you, Kento. I loved you. I still do because I’ve never been able to let you go. And, now that I look at it, everything I did was to nurture that piece of you that lived in me. That’s why I couldn’t let go. I wanted to know why you let me go so easily. I wanted to know if you even tried to reach out to me. Was Satoru the only one you talked to? Was he more important than me? Did you envision the same future with me as I did with you? Was I part of the reason you decided to leave? Did you leave a part of yourself that you couldn’t get back just like there’s a piece of me I’ve never got back? Did you find someone that replaced me? Most of all, I just couldn’t forget you, Kento. That’s why no one was ever able to replace you in simple things like asking for me to stay. That’s why…”
There’s an almost tense silence that spreads out through your living room as you trail off. All that could be heard was your tears as you struggled to keep yourself together; to not break down into the sobs you really want. 
So, to try and keep that from happening, you squeeze your eyes shut as you dip your head. Your hands clench the material of the couch as you attempt to will away the tears. However, the more you tried, the harder it got. Not to mention how you were trying to fight the way you wanted to fall into the comfort of Nanami’s arms just like years ago. 
That thought was only making it all worse when you knew you couldn’t do that. His plan was to leave everything behind; to move on and forget it all. What if, unlike you, he’s actually been able to move on? Was there someone else in his life? Did he even care about what the two of you had anymore? Did you mean anything to him still?
Before you know it, the dam bursts and there’s no longer any possibility to keep your tears in check. You hold your face in your hands as you let it all out, finding it difficult to breathe while you at least try to hold back the way you want to cry out. In fact, you’re so lost in that effort along with everything you’re feeling that you don’t notice the way the couch dips beside you. You don’t realize anything has changed until you feel a hand on your shoulder. 
It has a weight and warmth you thought you would never feel again as it pulls you into its owner. Even though a part of you wants to pull away, the larger part of you, the part of you that’s always been centred around Nanami, pushes you in further. You’re burying your face into his chest, effectively creating a wet spot on his white dress shirt. It’s almost like your hands instinctively find themselves clenching the material of his shirt at his back as nothing at all is held back anymore.
Nanami’s welcoming and warm embrace provides you with a sense of security that you haven’t felt for so long. It brings back memories of how he would hug you after a long day and just hold you. The one mission the two of you went on where he shielded you from an explosion with his own body. Most of all, all of the nights the two of you spent with each other just simply snuggled up, your back to his chest, his grip protective even in his sleep. 
At the same time, that fact makes it all hurt more as you feel that security once again. Why is he doing this? How were you supposed to try and move on like he did when he’s offering what you could’ve had in these last years? It all just makes the tears flow harder and his grip on you becomes just that small bit tighter.
Next thing you know, you can feel his lips pressing into your hair. There was no hesitation like he had earlier when just simply trying to talk to you. Now, you could tell, all he was trying to silently convey was how much he still cared for you. He’s providing that same comfort that he did whenever times had become rough for you. It’s just like how he held your crying figure close when you found out your friend was unable to survive from a curse attack.
Then, with his lips still lingering where he pressed them, he whispers, “I’ve never stopped loving you, either.”
Those words sent both a wave of relief and resentment. If he had just said that all of those years ago and kept you in his life, moments like these would never have happened. However, you’re just happy that you have Nanami back like this. 
It isn’t until you’ve finally calmed down that he continues to mutter everything into your  hair, not letting up on how he’s embracing you. “I’ve never had a single day where I felt genuinely happy since I left. I was so stuck in what I thought was my ideal, following my head over my heart. It was a moment of weakness and I was a coward for running away. I was an even bigger coward when I never let myself try and reach out to you. The thought of you having moved on kept plaguing me.”
You shake your head into his chest, moving your arms around to grasp at his back. Like this, you pull him in as close as you can. “How could I ever get over what we had?”
“I don’t know,” he softly admitted. “However, you were always so much stronger than I was. Whatever you had put your mind to, you chased it even if it seemed impossible.” 
He paused for a moment, allowing you to finally enjoy his arms wrapped around you as your flow of tears finally stopped. You allow his words to sink in, finding yourself forgiving him despite all of the questions you had weren’t all answered. You find yourself adjusting your head until it’s more comfortably placed in the spot where his shoulder met his neck.
“For me,” Nanami started again after adjusting so his cheek was resting against your head, “there was also a piece of me that I left with you. I could never forgive myself for leaving you and it scared me when I thought you may not have been the same. It was selfish of me to want and it only made me feel worse when I heard you say it.”
“I also wanted you to feel the same. So, I guess we’re both selfish, huh?”
You can feel the way Nanami smiles against you. However it falls as he pulls away enough so that you can look at him. “That didn’t answer all of your questions, though. You weren’t in any of the reasons as to why I left. Letting go of you was the hardest part of leaving and a part of me was wishing you would ask me to stay,” he admits, pressing a kiss to your head. Then, he continues, “I know why you didn’t, though. You would never keep me from doing what I felt was best for me. One of the many reasons I still love you to this day.”
Another pause stretches out as he kisses your head yet again, letting this one linger. With every answer he’s willingly giving you, a weight lifts from your chest. You’re sure that, by the time he’s finished, that weight will be nearly gone.
“I wanted to reach out to you. However, I knew that I wouldn’t be able to keep to my decision if I did. The only reason I was only messaging Gojo was so that I could know how you were doing and so that he could pass on how I was to you. That man is nowhere close to being more important than you.” A small huff of laughter. “Especially when you know he drives me insane.”
You laugh with him for a moment before burying your face back into the crook of his neck. Now that you had him, you wanted to regain the knowledge of him back. The way he felt, the way he smelled, the way he sounded as the vibrations from his chest transferred through to yours. You noticed how tightly your hands grasped into the back of his shirt but you weren’t letting go. If it meant you were going to lose him again, you didn’t want to. However, with the way he didn’t seem to mind, that worry could be set aside… in a few moments.
A hand of his comes up to brush some of your hair from your face, his no longer calloused fingers brushing gently across your forehead and causing you to bury further into him. Then he continues, tone and expression sincere and expressing how much he wants you to know all he says is true, “I loved you so much then, Y/N, I still do. Before I met you, I never imagined a future that would be shared with someone else.” Nanami pauses, using his hand to guide your face so your eyes meet his beautiful chestnut ones. “Don’t think I forgot about the one day we talked about that future instead of the bakery. I truly wanted all of that with you. I wanted that dream to be the only one that came true. I never wanted that with anyone other than you. I never wanted to see someone romantically if it wasn’t you. A part of me will always be with you and I never could forget you.”
For a few moments, you watch as he studies your eyes. It reminds you of the days when you were first getting to know each other and how he terribly hid his feelings through those motions. The way his chestnut eyes would search yours shamelessly gave it all away.
A smile creeps its way across your lips as you slide a hand up to brush away some hair from his forehead, your fingers threading through the soft strands. All you want right now is to savour the moment and possibly rekindle what the two of you had. There was going to be a lot of catching up but, for now, the only thing you really needed to know was said; how both of you had the same struggle through all of these years. There is one question, though, that you want to ask now.
“Is there anything else you would like to ask me?” Nanami’s voice is gentle, genuine curiosity flowing through his words. You watch the way his eyes never leave your face as he leans into your touch.
“Only one. For now,” you answer quietly, allowing yourself to notice how his eyes have gained the brightness that you once knew back. It may not be exactly the same as before, but it was something else added onto the familiarity you missed so much.
“And what is that?” he breathes out as he looks at you as if you were the one that his life orbited around. It always amused you how he viewed you as the centre of his orbit when you thought he was yours. 
Nanami smirks as you begin to lean closer to him. “Will you come back to me, Kento?”
His smile grows, leaning in the slightest bit more until your lips are a breath away from his. “Of course, my love.”
- - -
@where-fantasy-meets-reality @thereluctantherosrose @fiona782
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veliamore · 1 year
Hiii how about Mitsuba, Kou, Akane, Sumire, and maybe Yashiro (hopefully that’s not too much if so you don’t have to do her) with the Hanahaki disease and they’re too scared to confess to their crush (but does it anyways) you can choose how you want to end it
(Take your time and have a nice day/night ^^)
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hi yall im finally back to write , im sorry for these months of absence 😓 ty all again for 108 followers tho !!
!! : ANGST endings im sorry
the hanahaki disease
first , lets take a look at what the hanahaki disease is ... have you ever wondered what's that feeling of sadness you feel in your stomach when you can't seem to confess your love to the person you like , or even worse when they get together with someone else ? Flowers start to bloom in your heart and lungs, and when you start to throw them up , its when you know you need to get over that certain person , for you to continue to live.
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; yashiro : you have always seen her so busy these days ; you really loved her , you wished she could see herself with your eyes , so that she could know how you see her ; that's why you were always scared of confessing your love to her. Maybe she already found someone that could love her like you couldn't. And this was the truth unfortunately , she couldn't see how much you loved her , the more she passed time with Hanako , the more you knew you were losing her , though she was never yours in the first place. You always acted like you were fine , greeting her the morning , giving her a goodbye before she run to the bathrooms , doing god knows what ; you acted like you were fine while the flowers grew more till you couldn't breath anymore , because you didn't want her to feel guilty , because it was mever her fault , it was yours for not moving on from the one you truly loved ...
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; kou : the fact that kou was so dense was even worse , you could act all lovey dovey with him and he'd still call you a " good friend " or was it because he didn't want to say he didn't like you more than a friend ? Thats the question that tormented you , and your poor lungs , day and night ; you really wanted to confess instead of leaving signs , but what if he would've reject you and the situation between you two would've just turned out more embarassing ? Would've he accepted you confession if he knew what was happening inside you ?? You didn't want to force him being with you , even in your last days ...
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; mitsuba : oh how you despised that arrogant attitude he had everytime you tried to talk to him , you despised the fact that it was one of the many things you liked about him , you despised the fact that it was one of the reasons that took you where you are now , angry at yourself because you couldn't at least confess to him , before he passed away. It was just a silly crush , yet you couldn't get yourself to forget him , like many always did , it was so frustrating ... maybe in the other world , you'll have all the time to try and scold him for his attitude ...
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; akane aoi : everyone knew about the huge love akane always felt for aoi , he never tried to hide it .. so why you needed to fall for him ? It was basically impossible trying to win his heart , that was already possesed by the purple haired girl. You tried to get close to him just as a friend , but that just made the situation worse , everything he talked about was aoi that , aoi this , it was making you crazy , and sick .. but of course , no matter how much you prayed , you knew that he had always eyes for someone else , you hated her , you hated him , but most of all you hated yourself for loving him , making yourself fall in this suicidal situation ...
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; sumire : she was one of the akanes , how foolish of you thinking it could've ended better between you two. Her destiny was decided the day she was born , but that ' shinigami ' wasnt programmed as her caretaker .. if only the minamoto exorcist would've killed him , things could have gone differently , you would've taken his place , like it was said , and maybe , even if it was wrong , it would've been nice thinking about sumire seeing you as her husband / wife , until she aged till the final age , you don't know if she was really sacrificed to a god or not , you just hoped that this sickness would've taken you where she was
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violeaes · 2 months
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heyyy zero escape fandom, i have a fic idea thats in the works !!!! ik im just Some Guy but hopefully ill post it. heres the logline
akane kurashiki struggles to adjust to life without the guidance of red strings. or: akane opens her eyes to the strain of her relationships and the ways in which her trauma has affected her. 
if u like aromantic rep, junepei getting a divorce, themes re: the cycle of trauma and how that affects ppl, and basically 17k words of an akane character study... burn a picture may be the fic for u !!!! more info under the cut
pinterest board | blog post on spacehey | spotify playlist coming soon!!
so basically when i was playing thru ztd i had this idea of a post-ztd fic where junpei meets aoi without pretenses (bc in 999 he just knows him as santa and not aoi) and yk. insert haha funny shenanigans. but then i realized thats Boring so i scrapped that. then i wrote a fic abt akane and aoi's strained relationship post 999. though i didnt finish it. and THEN i had an idea where the kurashiki siblings, the klim family and junpei go on a roadtrip only to witness a murder. but never wrote it. so this fic was born, basically combining all those ideas (akane and aoi's strained relationship, aoi and junpei meeting, and the kurashikis interacting w the klims also junpei is there). the idea of focusing on akane's trauma was bc i was reading someone's analysis post abt the subject
akane as a character is someone i resonate with a lot but i wont go into that bc thats Personal! and it sucks how canon barely acknowledges her trauma and how she struggles and maybe even comes to terms w it. 999, in essence, is abt the cycle of trauma. its abt akane regaining agency, recreating the environment that traumatized her. which makes sense as to why she acts the way she does in ztd (rlly unstable, panicky, doesnt have a plan despite usually calculating and in control. like she literally got kidnapped Again and isnt around sigma and phi who she initially planned with, why do u expect her to act like she usually does. i wish ppl understood this abt her character). 
so in a post-ztd scenario, where she's supposed to be in a safe environment without planning any nonary games or saving the world, she feels like she's lost control which she feels she desperately needs to stay on top. so she dives herself into work and controls every aspect of herself and her relationships to the point where it makes her physically ill fhdjhfd but i promise theres a lighthearted aspect but i wont cross that bridge till we get there 
"hey vio why's this fic called burn a picture" 
great question random hypothetical person!! i asked a friend if he could help me w titling this fic that fits w The Themes and they gave me this ^_^ based off the song of the same name by red vox. 
one of the themes of this fic is of destruction, particularly destruction of relationships. maybe even urself. so i felt that was fitting yk? 
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illomilo · 9 months
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sup gvng gvng it's jade n happy openin day 2 us all!! i've brought along kang hanna w the big, ginormous, inflated ego that takes up the whole room [kevin hart vc] damn!! she's ur v own blind spot skele who's v loosely based on alice in borderland's akane heiya!! she's also an ex-olympic hopeful in skeet shooting & only rlly survived the apocalypse bc of her older brother who's the actual olympic champ 🤡 anw if u would like 2 hear me blabber on ab hanna then pls find alla that under the cut but if u wanna get 2 the juicier stuff, hit that LIKE button n ill come rollin :~) also if u r a filthy d*scord user like me pls send me ur @ tq luv u mwah!!
generally the most important info is at the top so: taurus sun / aries moon / leo rising
anw her parents were both olympic hopefuls but they alw just missed the cut so after havin their career go nowhere, they eventually switched gears and became olympic coaches in shooting!! bc their olympic career died down they also decided 2 start a family n that's how haneul first came along, n hanna 4y later!!
but her parents nvr rlly gave up on that dream and they rlly projected their ambition onto haneul n hanna!! what this means is the kang siblings grew up w a v regimented, healthy lifestyle n was taught shootin @ a v young age to hopefully one day fulfil their parents' dreams
the both of them absolutely hated it n from this shared trauma of their parents being coaches first n parents second, they became super duper close n were each others' support system <3 practically raised each other atp
both of them were also honestly rlly talented at shooting ( espc skeet shooting ) but haneul was v clearly the better one, and bc he's older too, naturally his parents prep him for the olympics!! bc hanna is considerably younger, they kinda gave up on her to focus on haneul but don't feel bad for hanna bc she loved that shit
ended up goin a lil wild in sch aka doin wtv she wanted for once in her life including!! bullying!! she was a huge rascal honestly n the prob was that she could get away w wtv she wanted bc her parents frankly only cared ab haneul winning gold..... which he did in the 2016 summer olympics : ))) this boosted her popularity n ego in sch so she loved that shit too
haneul thought that winning gold would make his parents finally happy n that they would ease up but he was wrong!! they j wanted more n nth was ever going to be enough n that's when he realised that he was nvr gettin off this train so!! burnt out n all he sneakily released a statement on his instagram sayin that he is retiring n to avoid gettin his ass whooped, he ran off 2 his maternal grandparents place in busan!! bc hanna is super close w her brother, she kinda tags along cause 🖕 her parents
they're hiding out at their grandparents' place when outbreak day happens!! grandpa eats grandma n hanna shoots him n is traumatised by it, but then grandma turns into a zomb n haneul grabs her crying ass outta there n they bolt to busan qz per the govt's instructions
when things settle they get given their tasks n haneul becomes a blacksmith while hanna's assigned 2 b kitchen help!! hanna ofc hates this, is offended by this, loses interest in life bc of this, until fast forward to fireflies origins when haneul tells her that he's been recruited as a fireflies agent!! hanna realises that if the fireflies succeed in overtaking the kdrt, she will nvr have to look at dirty dishes stacked in the sink again so she signs tf up n picks up a gun for the first time in a long time!!
fireflies wins n hanna and haneul remain as fireflies agents!! this is rly bc a) haneul starts 2 rlly believe in the fireflies, b) hanna will b able to watch his back as an agent herself c) hanna does nawt wanna go back 2 the kitchen and d) they're both rly good at shooting so!!
things settle n haneul even finds love <3 then word ab div4 recruiting volunteers spreads n haneul, being the golden boy and olympian shooter, gets pressured 2 join!! n honestly, he would have in a heartbeat if not for his oopsie baby that's due in 8ish months!! no one knows ab it yet except hanna, but haneul feels torn ab fighting for a cause he genuinely believes in n not wanting to disappoint the fireflies, but also putting his life in danger so his kid may grow up without a father!! the night before div4 starts their mission hanna convinces him to let her join instead bc she wants to prove that she's more than just his sibling ( false she does not give a shit she knows she's top shit but it's the only way to guilt her brother into letting her do this for him ) but yes kids!! that's the story of how ur post-apocalyptic day mulan ends up in div4!!
thank u and more importantly sorry 4 makin u read alla that but !! ive also incl some plots below!! we can use them as startin points 4 our sick cool plots n threads 🤪
orite 20+ skeles line up them gen zs gotta unite!! also anyone who studied hs in seoul it wud b mighty cool for yall to b from the same hs
btw hanna n haneul, hanna is def the annoying one and haneul is rlly like the best most accommodating dude, dependable n mild-mannered, the man u bring home 2 ur parents so anyone who was mayb friends w haneul!! hanna n haneul didn't rlly share their friendships but bc of how close they are, it wouldn't be unlikely for u to have bumped into hanna at one point or another ( n maybe ur even like you are his sister?? damn yall r so different........ 1 is humble 1 is a peacock n yet that's also not the one who won the olympics huh weird )
on the topic of haneul i would love love love 2 have someone b related 2 haneul's girlfriend!! mayb her sibling or cousin or smth!! that would make hanna ur ( distant ) relative <3
also on the topic of haneul bc hanna cannot exist w/o him,, someone who was friends w haneul n not rly w hanna but yall see each other around a lot n mayb yall were both determined 2 volunteer for div4 then one day hanna appears from the shadows n is like don't put haneul's name down for him put mine instead n she tells u her super secret most brilliant plan that can only come from the descendent of einstein himself
hanna can get rly annoyin so mayb back when yall were fireflies agents on patrol she made a snarky comment ab the way u held a gun r u gna tolerate that disrespect!!!!
wud also b funny if back when the kdrt was ruling in busan qz n u were that bitch who were alw tryna sneak in seconds n hanna was like 🖕 refusing 2 help u out unlike the other kitchen hands bc she just didn't want to : )) kdrts rules sorry <3
yall were up in arms during the rebellion or mayb she even mistook u for a traitor / kdrt apologist n held u @ gunpoint until someone stepped in 2 clarify ur position
tw death wud also love 2 explore hanna's emotional side like ik her grandpa was a zomb but she still killed him n that shit haunts her......... mayb u idk found her crying on his birthday n yall had a heart 2 heart n now she's a lil awk around u bc she never lets anyone see her emotional side bc she doesn't have one she's Perfect lil miss can do no wrong <3
wud b cute for hanna 2 innocently crush on someone age appropriate <3 wud lov 2 see her flailing 4 once
also mayb yall dont know each other well n this mission is rlly the first time ur putting each others names 2 ur faces!!! will yall get along or argue?? crystal orb let us know!! 🧐
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kokorosfanfics · 10 months
(Ok so basically, this is a TeruTeru x fem!reader slight nsfw ask, if you’re ok with this) So this basically plays out like it normally does in the anime, except it’s going be the fem!reader instead of Akane starting to act weird, TeruTeru then gets worried about her and sees if she’s alright. (This is kinda the same part with Nekomaru & Akane in the anime) long story short, they start making out. (You can add a bit more to this if you want, this kinda sucks. ;w;)
Mmmm I like the way you think! Don't worry it doesn't suck, I rather like the idea. -Mod Kokoro
Teruteru x Fem!S/O Who eats the soup, but she acts weird like Akane!
It was just another normal day at school, where after everyone got done with fixing the wall, you all played video games until your boyfriend was done cooking. Teruteru was an excellent chef, and everyone was certainly famished. You loved trying every scrumptious dish your boyfriend cooked up, and this was no exception.
Teruteru began to pass everyone their bowls, on purposely handing you the one with the most soup out of everyone. (Of course)
"Mmmm! This is delicious love!" You told your beloved as you happily chowed down.
"I'm glad you like it sweetheart! Your enthusiasm gets me going, in more ways than one.~" There was that flirtatiousness you oh so loved.
"MOOOOOOOOOOORE!" Roared the hungry beast everyone calls Akane. It seemed like a normal meal. You just ate the most delicious food one could ask for, and that's all, right? How dead wrong you are.
As you ate, you started to feel hot. Very hot, and that feeling like you want to just grab your beloved and smash lips and suck their tongue. That feeling like you just want to have a long moment of heated passion. Like you want to be pinned to the wall with a tongue down your throat. The heat rose to your face, you question, why do you feel like this? As you glance around, you can't help it as you stare intently at Teruteru. But you don't miss the sound of Hiyoko's fits of giggles.
"Hey S/O! You feelin' a bit hot and bothered there?" She calls out. Why must she torment almost the entire class with her antics?
"S/O? Hey, is something the matter sugar?" Teruteru stands up to walk to you, but before he does, he can't help but want to check his cart. Oh no. Something was missing........
"Looking for this?" That little brat! Hiyoko held up the now empty vial of aphrodisiacs for him to gawk at in horror. He quickly scans the room. Gundham is trying to restrain his hand. Fuyuhiko is trying to protect Sonia from Kazuichi. Mikan is trying to convince Peko to let her borrow her sword. Nekomaru and Akane are having a moment. Mahiru is being weird with a camera. It wasn't long before he started to feel the effects of the soup as well. The heat rising in his whole body.
He takes a look at you again. The way you can barely move, the way you're sitting there, the look in your eyes.
"Teru~ C'mere, please.~" You call out to him with your arms outstretched, panting.
"Yeah Teru! Go help your girlfriend out. A perv like you should be more than happy to fuck his-"
"WILL YOU QUIT IT HIYOKO?" Teruteru was enraged. How dare she ruin his dish like this? He wanted to scold her for drugging the entire class, for drugging his S/O. but he mainly wanted to just go to you. He wanted to go to you so badly.
"Teru~" You wanted him. Needed him. Needed his kisses. Out of everyone, you ate the most, since you were given the most, so you felt the aphrodisiacs harder than everyone else.
"Don't worry S/O! Your boyfriend will arrive shortly!" With a harsh shove, she pushed Teruteru into you, causing you both to fall over.
"Gah! Oh darling, you feel so warm.~ B-But are you alright?" Teruteru did his best to keep some self control, despite the effects of the soup. He also had to make sure his precious S/O was alright. "I love you so much Teru.~" With that, you pulled his face in, and kissed him smack dab on the lips.
"Mmph! Mmm~" As Teruteru melted into the kiss, he began to taste the soup, and the aphrodisiacs in it. The traces seeped into his mouth and sure enough, he began to feel more heated. So here he was, on top of you, and making out with you. He sucked on your lip, before he moved his tongue in, and wrapping it around yours. He moved his hand behind your head, and the other behind your back. He pulled you both up of the floor, into a sitting upright position. His mouth felt so good. You sucked on his tongue, enjoying it oh so much. His mouth had an absolutely divine taste to it. You played with his hair as you went on. "Teru~ I love you so much~ Your mouth, it's so good. I love the way you kiss me."
"S/O, I love ya so much~ I could just hold ya and kiss ya til the day I die!~" His accent slowly coming out.
He began to suck on your lips again, this time more intently. He wanted to taste every inch of that mouth. To him, this was the best taste there was. You hugged him super close to you, almost in a death grip.
"S/O~ Marry me darling~" He gasped out.
"Yes.~" Was your only reply before sucking on his bottom lip, getting every taste of his mouth that you could muster. You loved so passionately, so dearly. You were both determined to convey every ounce of love in this make out session.
Teruteru gently pulled apart his mouth to kiss on your jawline. From your jawline to your neck, your shoulder, up to your ear, and all over your face before he went back to your lips. You grabbed the back of his head and just plunged your tongue into him, licking up the roof of his mouth. You licked his top row teeth thoroughly, before you made your way to his bottom row teeth. They felt so wonderful, so lovely.
You caught his upper lip in your mouth, sucking on that as well, his lower lip sucking your bottom lip. The bottom half of your faces just covered in each others saliva. The most beautiful, indescribable feeling, this was it. This was what you craved. What you desired, yearned, and longed for. You knew right then and there this was your soulmate, your destined one. Your precious Teruteru, all yours.
Minutes, half an hour, and hour, or maybe even several hours. Who knows how long your make out session lasted. But it was unlike any other. Eventually, the effects managed to die down. Everyone practically fell asleep in class that day.
You woke up to find yourself, your boyfriend in your arms, and everyone else, in class. The only ones who were also awake were Hiyoko and Mahiru.
"Look. That wasn't funny. Not to mention it's probably illegal."
"So is leading a yakuza but I don't see anyone arresting Fuyuhiko."
"Okay, but you wouldn't like it if someone tampered with your food so why would you do it to us?"
"Oh hey! S/O, I've got something for ya!" Hiyoko innocently walked up. "You see, I printed this from Mahiru's camera and I figured you'd like it." She hands you a photograph of your moment with your beloved.
"You don't say anything. You simply pocket the photo. You nod to Hiyoko, before deciding you want to go back to snuggling Teruteru.
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hyerinrose · 2 years
Bad Romance♡ Part 1
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Note : I am back! back with the milk because I am a #responsible dad who didn't totally leave out of nowhere :) Anyways thanks for reading bye ily!/p
T/W : implied murder, hint at stalking, yandere, implied death.
«Yandere! Loner Girl X GN Reader»
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
The cloudy and murky evening skies reflected on their emotion after a long day of crying in the school's bathroom. [Name]'s eyes were rimmed with redness and dried up tears lingered on their face.
Xin Yun is a renowned heartbreaker at their school yet [Name] foolishly believed in his sweet sugar coated lies and empty promises of forever. Today were the worst day of their life! Not only their now ex boyfriend broke up with them in the most brutal way possible, they also had to deal with migraines from the lecture Mx Akane give them for missing their classes.
'God, I know I haven't talk to you since junior high but please give me mercy from all of this chaos you put in my life..'
Suddenly a locker slammed beside them who were zoning out in amidst putting their belongings and textbooks away. [Name] flinched and turned to face the person who looked as miserable as them were, the girl mirrored their heartbroken expression.
Her pink bubblegum hair were tussled and messy as if she had been tugging on them, dark circles and eyebags were under her pure black iris that were lifeless. They could've mistaken her for a ghost!
The two of them made eye contact with each other and [Name] were startled from how empty her eyes were and how it were devoid of any emotions. Her skin looks pale and sickly as if she hadn't been outside in a while.
"Hello..?" The girl meekly spoke breaking the staring contest the two of them have.
"Ah..! S-sorry for staring..I didn't mean to. It's just that I've never seen you around before, are you perhaps new?" They didn't know why in the loving fuck they were making small talk with a stranger.
"No..we share the same class last year but I don't really expect anybody to notice me anyways. Only she does.." She mumbled and her features scrunched up in pain at the mention of whoever the girl she had in mind.
They were concerned for her but didn't word it out in fear she would react negatively. They opted to give her a light pat on her shoulder with a smile,
"I'm sorry for not noticing you! I usually kept to myself and never bothered talking to others much"
"That's alright.. I would say the same for myself too" Her black irises soften at their attempt at conversing with her.
Sheepishly scratching their head [Name] then remembered that they haven't introduced themself yet.
"Right, I'm [Name] [Last Name]" They held out their hand for a handshake with a nervous smile streched across their lips.
The girl stared at them for a moment until she realised that this was all real and that somebody wanted to befriend her. Somebody besides her..
Before [Name] could retracted their hand and runs away from embarassment, she clasped it with hers and bowed.
"M-my name is Mi-yane Hat-ts-suki..! Pleased to meet you.." Miyane shouted quietly while gripping hard onto the [H/C] person's hand.
She could feel her eyes waters as fear crept up on her. Have she messes up her chance to befriend someone? Will they never talk to her again because how much of a mess she is? Is she truly going to be alone forever? Will sheㅡ
"Nice to meet you too Hatsuki-san, glad to be acquainted with you" [Name] replied and Miyane let out a breath she didn't know she held in.
"same goes for me! hehe.." She smiled politely and sighing, her smile immediately wiped from her face. A somber look taking place.
"I'm sorry [Last Name]-san.. I'm still not used to talking to someone other than her.."
[Name] wanted to ask Hatsuki about the girl that she kept mentioning but held their tounge to ask in another occasion or when she's comfortable enough to share.
'You just met her! You should'nt be prying about a potentially sensitive topic when it has only been a few minutes since you talk to her' They yelled to themselves in their head.
"It's alright Hatsuki-san, over the time I'm sure you're going to get used to it" They assured her and their words seemed to work as she calmed down.
Miyane was about to utter something when the bell rang, signalling the end of the class. [Name] suddely remembered that they had to meet up with their friends later.
"Apologies Hatsuki-san but I had to leave now, uhm I kinda have a meet up to attend" They finish placing their books away and lock their locker shut and faced the girl beside them.
Hatsuki closed her mouth and instead opting to nod to signal them to move along. [Name] sweatdropped at her way of communicating but wouldn't complained about it.
'It's better than nothing.. at least she made an effort to talk?' [Name] shook their head with a smile and bid her goodbye.
"I'm off then! See you later Hatsu-"
"..Miyane only please" She spoke up all of sudden, cutting them mid sentence.
They were quizzed on why she would allow them to call her by her first name. Although they certainly didn't mind it, it is still surprising.
"Well you can call me [Name] too! Now if you'd excuse me, Goodbye Miyane-san!" They waved at the bubblegum haired girl before taking their leave.
Hatsuki were left there with a smile threatening to crept up on her face. A warm feeling settled in her heart and stomach, it felt like how she feel when she's with 'Her' but somehow it's different..?
Perhaps this is how it feels when you befriend someone. She never had one in her life so she would never know.
Either way Miyane didn't mind it.
'This feels nice..'
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Another day had gone by and [Name] returned back to their usual day at school. Yesterday was an eventful one with them befriending a girl and hanging out with their friends right after.
Speaking of Hatsuki.. their friends had mentioned something interesting about the timid flower that might give [Name] a clue about this 'Her' person.
"You're talking to Hatsuki Miyane? For real?" One of their friend spoke after [Name] mentioned meeting Miyane.
"Yes? I know you're surprised because she's shy but-"
"No no we're surprised because she only talks to that one senior who's always around her until one day she's just GONE like that!" Maya, a sweet dear friend of them said while doing exaggerated hand gestures.
[Name] pondered for a moment. Could this 'Her' person that Miyane kept on mentioning be the senior who mysteriously disappears?.
"Not only that but it is rumored that Hatsuki-san had a crush on Celestina, the senior. Some said that Celestina senpai turned her down resulting in Hatsuki pushing her down the building in a rage" Sebby added, his hands furiously mashing the buttons on his console. Eyes trained onto the screen.
"Goodness me.. that last part of the rumor seem unbelievable and downright insane! I don't think Miyane would do something like that" [Name] defended their newfound friend.
The first half was believable as it is possible that Miyane had a crush on Celestina. However the last part would make Miyane a murderer if it was real.
But that could explain why no one seems to want to be around Hatsuki. The rumour made her out to be some sort of a monster that everyone naturally stayed away from.
'I should just ask Miyane directly for answers next time'
"All we're saying is to be careful around her. Keep your guards up since no one knows much about her, for all you know she could be a bad apple to be around" Mona concluded the talk with a stern look.
Sweatdropping at their friends, [Name] nodded stiffly. Sensing the sudden tense air in the room Maya being the life of the party that she is, shouted excitedly.
"Let's start this pizza partayy!"
"Sebby I hope you're ready to get crushed by me"
"I think not, old hag"
[Name] laugh at their friends exchanges and decided to join them. The group of friends enjoyed their night together filled with laughters, oblivious to the staring pair of black eyes.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
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coleszzzworld · 2 years
Title-over the rainbow.
Yandere! Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu x reader (she/her pronouns!) TW⚠️cussing cause it’s baby gangsta 😮‍💨 fighting ⚠️
Here’s the link for the first chapter 😈
(Hey guys I’m back 🫶 some of y’all liked so the first chapter so ima make a part 2 ! If y’all want a part 3 let me know 🫶here’s today song btw🧍‍♀️)
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“So your telling me nobody has seen y/n?”
Akane says as she stuffs her face with the breakfast that was prepared for them, “wha-what If -it was - another murder…” mikan says as she stumbles over her words , “shut up! You stupid whore ! She’s not dead you idiot!!!” Hiyoko says standing up getting up in mikans face , “ alright now hiyoko chill , but theirs no way y/n is dead.. wouldn’t we discover her by now? This island isn’t that big” mahiru says as she eats , “well you are right mahiru .. i wonder why monokuma hasn’t said anything about y/n yet..” Hajime chimes in… “she’s probably sick or something you dumb asses .” Fuyuhiko says, “w-well fuyuhiko - does have a point..” mikan says still stumbling over her words , “well if she is sick we should make get well cards for her!” Sonia chimes in, “well then it’s planned we’ll drop off the cards too her cabin!” Mahiru says
“Why has no one came for me…” “surly they would see that I missing by now.. “
I think too myself out loud, “this is all a terrible dream.. This has too be a nightmare that’s all.. maybe I’ll wake up soon …” I think too myself.
“Y/N!!!” Akane says as she bangs on the girls door, “she isn’t answering guys. “ she says as she looks too the group. “Well she’s probably in the bathroom ?” Sonia says as she lightly knocks on the door , “y/n! It’s us ! We made you get-well cards!” , none one reply’s back, “well-well maybe - we should leave it , at her-door” mikan chimes in , akane bangs on the door again, “okay y/n we are gonna leave the cards in front of your door ! See ya later” akane says as she leaves all the cards in front of the door , and they all walk off ,
If only they knew the devil was among them,
“Please someone come for me..” I say out loud again… “who are you talking too love?”
The devil himself was in front of you , he sent cold shivers down your spin instantly, “listen Fuyuhiko .. I don’t know what kind of sick prank your pulling or whatever. But it’s not funny. Let me go..” I say as I try too move off his bed “nah I don’t think I’m going too let you go… also this isn’t a prank dumb ass. I am really in love with you.” He says as he hands me breakfast, “ well I don’t care what it is , your a sick fuck and eventually everyone will figure out what you did and monokuma will kill you . “ I say as I shrug , “oh you are really clueless huh?, If monokuma finds out he won’t do anything. Me and him made a deal.. “ he shrugs as he moves closer to me , “theirs one thing about you y/n .. your kinda of a dumbass, but that’s okay I like them stupid and pretty” he slight smirks at me, “w-what do you mean ‘deal’? , what did you do?!”
“Don’t worry about that love, I think it’s time you go back too sleep..”
Then my vision goes black.
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linabirb · 7 months
Hi, Lina. :D Now that I've posted Mayumi's voice drama, its time the trial 2 character bingo again! XDD I'll do it for your ocs when you're done posting everyone's vds too. 👍
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AURORA HIIIII i am so sorry i just got the time to reply ;w; okay okay here's what i think about your prisoners now! apologies if my opinions are mostly the same, i rarely change my mind when it comes to characters, unless they do something that makes me hate them with all my heart or makes me become obsessed with them.
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ICHIROOOOOO MY SON!! i need to bite his head off. yes i want to bully him. and yes i feel bad for him and want him to get better. yes. "wdym you want his gender" well maybe i do want to look like him! a little bit! yes i mean his t2 version too i LOVE his t2 design!
i find ichiro's crime very interesting, it's like, at the same time it definitely feels connected to haruka (not in a bad way!), but it also feels very different? i'm not sure in what way though. i can't say i forgive him tbh, but i still want him to get a break.. for now.
i really want to learn more about him and what his relationship with his other family members is like! like, was he close with his mom? does he hate his stepfather or just doesn't care about him? maybe he actually liked his little brother and if it wasn't for the lack of attention, he wouldn't have killed him? HHHHHHHH i'd also love to see him interact with some of my future prisoners for.. reasons <3
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AKANE MY DAUGHTER!!! love her t2 design, it's so cool, we love to see her get a glow-up!
akane is like.. idk how to explain. she's a very good character, she definitely is. however, when it comes to her crime.. i can't help but feel like she's a little bit too sympathetic? it's not a bad thing of course! maybe i'm just too used to my ocs being way too dangerous shdjksksk. but like, i guess the only possible reason why she could be voted guilty or why someone could think more deeply about her verdict is maybe her still being kinda.. you know.. like this >:(? like her anger issues and all that. but who knows, maybe her getting voted innocent twice in a row will get to her head and make her pull a muu, though i doubt it. anyway, i love her and i want her to get better.
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OHHHH daisuke. the bbg himself. you know what i don't want him to go to therapy. i don't want him to get help. yes i voted him innocent, but also, the trauma really is entertaining <3 (i am so sorry for this joke but every time it's mentioned how often he smokes, i'm like. dude istg if you keep at it you're gonna die before your execution 😭😭) but i'm very curious to see his t3 development!! the angst!! the drama!! i'm eating it up!! i wish i could say smth about his crime, but my head is really empty rn so i'm just gonna say that his mv is really creepy in a good way 👍and i've said it before, but his relationship with ryuto is really interesting and well-written! i'd love to learn more about ryuto himself as well.
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SUZUME!! ehehe she's finally showing her darker side huh <3 good for her good for her! again, i don't want her to get therapy, she actually becomes more interesting when she's like this /lh. I'M IN LOVE WITH HER AESTHETIC AND HER DESIGN AND HER STYLE IT'S SO. DDHDJKSKDSKSK 💓💖💞💝💓!!! however, sadly, i can't say much about her character?.. other than like. are you sure your bf really didn't like the girl you killed, suzume. are you sure you're not just making it up. are you sure you're not just trying to come up with excuses. but hey, who am i to judge? *looks at shun* at least there's another yandere who got voted guilty so she doesn't have to feel alone.
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haku.. man. THIS BOY IS A RED FLAG. I'M TELLING YOU HE'S A RED FLAG!! the whole "ohhh i just wanted to protect my brother 🥺🥺" thing does NOT make me trust him. like i have a bad feeling about him okay. there is SOMETHING going on. even if these two are just very codependent (or haku is just way too obsessed with his brother's safety), i'm still shaking my head. what if haku manages to get out and then somebody else becomes a threat to kurosaki's safety? i have a feeling that he'd try to kill again. him being so calm also kinda makes me nervous. like i want this guy to get a humbling experience. or maybe i'm just thinking way too deeply about this. haku and kurosaki's relationship couldn't possibly be worse or as bad as aimi and her accomplice's.
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YUI!!!! THE GIRLBOSS HERSELF. i love her! i love her a lot! her hair becoming white because of stress is such a creepy detail, i love it. and her relationship with himiko is so. MAN... however.. tbh, i'm still not sure that i forgive her? even if her murder really was an accident.. i don't know, like, again, i have a bad feeling. HER T1 COVER WAS INMF. THAT'S ALREADY A HUGE RED FLAG. like who's to say that she wouldn't actually try to kill someone? like i think she's definitely able to do that, especially considering the way her t2 version acts. also i love how yui really is very hardworking and her job as an idol really did help her become stronger in some way. that's where her and riku are actually not so similar: if anything, riku's reputation as a "popular boy who is also in a band" actually made his mental state much worse.
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rin is so pathetic and like. in an affectionate way. like i want to bite him and i want to call him a loser, but in a good way. i find it very interesting that he actually used to have some health problems when he was younger and his relationship with renho breaks my heart. and still, WHAT'S WITH THE DOLL IN HIS MV. WHAT ABOUT IT. i wonder if his t3 mv will also have a seasons theme. a winter one, maybe? /j i love his aesthetic a lot, it's very soft and very pretty! other than that. head empty. this guy is way too much of a simp /lh
yes i want to steal half of your ocs' gender what about it
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noa!! her mv is so. sad. so sad. this is why i picked the "canon isn't real" for her LIKE IT'S SO... she deserves to have a good day every once in a while. and now i definitely understand what you meant when you said that she's the only true inno prisoner here jdkdlsls. but again, it's most likely just me, she feels a little bit too sympathetic? :'D like idk, she has basically no red flags other than her. uh. drinking too much, but that just makes her look sympathetic as well. i wonder what her guilty version would be like.. though that just would probably be too sad to think about. man, it'd be so funny if she, like, "fully healed" in milgram or at least got a little better. imagine going to prison but you just get free therapy instead.
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OKAY OKAY listen i definitely have more to say about kiyoshi now. i wonder what his relationship with his coworkers was like. was he under some kind of pressure? maybe they made fun of him for being too soft or something like that? i also remember yuta's profile mentioning that he knows what to say to make people angry, so it'd be really interesting if what he said to kiyoshi ever came up. however, he still feels guilty to me. idk man maybe don't?? attack and kill a guy just because something he said made you go >:(?? like, did yuta actually try to kill him? did yuta actually try to hurt him physically? idk, i don't think kiyoshi's murder can be called self-defense if all that happened was yuta going "you suck" and kiyoshi going "N O" djdkdkld. and also it shows that he's still capable of murder so... yeah!
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OH MAYUMI.. i want to bully her so bad. like please. please calm down. chill. it's okay if some people have "nothing good to give". like yes, some people will commit crimes even! shocking! like girl, please, let's just remove light yagami from your kinlist and go touch grass /j. like sorry, i just can't see her possibly changing for good. i doubt it will be possible to change her views in any way. so yeah. sorry haruto. sorry. no milgram lore infodump for you. nvm i checked her votes
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petz5 · 2 years
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was finally able to reread this arc and it is pure insanity (like ranma’s mom is truly insane .. poor ranma to have two bad parents 😭) but this clearly shows how akane is not only ride or die but she’s also just as unhinged as ranma when it comes to these crazy adventures and that she truly does care about him and is willing to go to great lengths to save his dumb ass like a bestie would 💕
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ESP IN THAT ONE SCENE I CANNOT FOR THE LIFE OF ME FIND IN MY CAMERA ROLL WHERE RANMA’S SULKING AT HER HOUSE BC HE MISSES LIVING W AKANE AND SHES LIKE “that’s not very manly :/“ AND PULLING OUT HER SWORD. I always got a vibe from her after she learned abt ranma’s curse that she didn’t entirely like akane bc, shockingly, he prefers his fiancée who has told him time and time again she likes him the way he is over his mom who wants him to be Toxic Masculinity Personified
Akane’s so damn good and really and truly loves and accepts ranma despite everything 😭 I mean the fact she gives ranma a rose in this scene and NODOKA CUTS IT…. ESP WHILE SAYING THIS SHIT…
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(also check out that final season art quality dip w ranma’s onceler lookin skinny arm 😭)
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danggirlronpa · 8 months
haiiiii :3 akane anon again. im off work now!
i agree w absolutely everything u said. she's been my fav ever for years and i have so many in depth thoughts abt how she could function on relationships w like. most of the girls. i could probably make a chart if i figured out a format.
chiakane soooo crazy. never been my main ship but ill consider anything. they r most interesting from a doomed standpoint to me...... akane as a remnant vs chiaki's existence as ai and (counting dr3 as canon which im not usually interested in doing) death before the tragedy. i think of them in almost a similar vein to the tragedy between madoka and homura except if homura was replaced by a kyoko who's a little worse w emotions. chiaki's entire being has become dedicated in one way or another to serving class 77 even if that means sacrificing herself over and over and akane has had every single meaningful relationship (or what SHOULD have been) ripped away or twisted and never having even really existed and she is so afraid of going through this again she doesn't even try and have relationships she cares about deeply (or at all!) that aren't w her siblings. so she would be PISSED to fall in love w chiaki who is already dead and doomed to die again. ive never believed the mastermind akane theory people talk abt at least fully but it IS interesting. i can make a killer chiakane au w it. w madoka magica parallels even. but ur right they can also be very very sweet. i think they would play super smash bros and akane would kinda suck at it (spams the buttons and thinks it's a pro strategy) but chiaki would let her win every once or twice. akane hears the rumours abt chiaki dating some random reserve course guy and sends the "im so happy for you and your ugly fucking boyfriend I'm serious" text after swearing to herself she doesn't even gaf
that's uh. that's a lot. im so sorry can you tell i have autism. this isn't even my favourite ship for either of them ask me about pekokane and i start growling like a rabid dog.
YES yes yes yes!! I am a HUGE Akane fan. She's the only character I have a real little collection of merch for (though that's partly just because so much merch excludes Mukuro). I didn't really attach to her the first time I played SDR2 but over time I've grown SO fond and defensive of her, she is such a sad and complex character who deserved to be treated better by her writers (and have less racist tropes associated with her. Spike Chunsoft. cough cough) and still deserves to be treated better by the fandom.
And I think you got it RIGHT on the money why I'm inclined towards Chiaki/Akane, actually. Akane has lived such a dark life that not only does she not know how to ask for help or rely on others, she doesn't even realize she needs to - for her, this is just how the world is. Akane, to me, is like the equivalent of a housecat looking at their humans and going, "They don't even know how to hunt. They're all so stupid. I have to go kill mice so they can eat. Are they even bathing themselves properly?? Licking time. Morons." She's incredibly resilient and smart within the context of the VERY SPECIFIC lifestyle she's lived.
And something really appeals to me about someone who solely exists to help people meeting Akane, thinking they can 'save' her, and slowly coming to realize that she is not dumb or unskilled just because she isn't skilled in the way they value. Learning that intelligence isn't a measure of worth and seeing & valuing Akane for who she is - and, at the same time, helping her see that some of the things she's gone through are truly, deeply traumatic, and helping her learn how to rely on others for the first time...that shit gets me. I Just Want Akane To Be Happy
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vellichorom · 2 years
Do you have anyone you headcanon as AroAce?
like, out of anyone from anything? SORRY THIS IS DAYS LATE BY THE BY, I was trying to collect a decent amount of headcanons for the occasion - as i do have a good handful! & then I just kept forgetting what they were, BUT TODAY YOU WILL BEAR WITNESS
I thought since you didn’t ask for any franchise in particular, I’d give you a decent mele of characters from the things I’m into! feel free to inquire about a particular other one if you want, I have a lot more headcanons than this!
awf hospital; - fern
( i think this is confirmed canon for her, actually? i don’t know if she’d use the label but - in any event, she’s given relationships a try & she’s had her fun in the past (( evident by her little meatflesh son huhu )) but neither are something she’s particularly interested in nowadays, especially not while she’s in the hospital )
hollow knight; - hornet - little ghost / the knight - the hollow knight
( prime aroace estate !!! they simply aren’t interested in any of it! & concerning the vessels, i’m not saying they’re aroace because they’re “ empty “ or  “ hollow, “ i just don’t think - for ghost or THK, they would care enough about that kind of thing; i think they just want to live )
danganronpa; - akane owari - kyoko kirigiri - mukuro ikusaba - maki harukawa - ryoma hoshi - yasuhiro hagakure - masaru daimon
( honestly ranges from ‘ finds romantic relationships awkward & frustrating so altogether does away w/ them & lives happier for it ‘ to ‘ does not / has never cared about romance in the slightest, they’re just here to have a good time ‘ & honestly good for them )
my little pony; - applejack
( which must look like a sharp left turn from the other media i’ve listed but hear me out; she likes women, LOVES women, but really puts the concentrated effort & value into her friendships & deeply cherishes what she has in that department, she really doesn’t need much more than that + maybe the occasional, rare tender smooch or hoof-hold, those are always nice )
& YEAH! again, this isn’t all of them by a mile but this is literally all I could remember for right now & I really REALLY wanted to get these out for you !!! I think a lot of them sit on vastly different plateaus of the spectrum & there’s even characters that are in the backrooms of that spectrum that I didn’t mention, but yup !!!!
tune back in when I give you straight-up ACE headcanons !!!!
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 6 months
asdfghjkl well just off the top of my head for that bingo card would be
'i keep forgetting yusuke's here', 'this'd be better if it wasn't P5', 'the PT friendships are so fake and they shouldn't be a team', 'futaba rant', 'PT stealing screentime rant'
'rant from PT saying/doing the worst possible thing in a tough situation (IE Alice and Akane)', 'recollection/comparison to P5 and/or other Persona games (again like Alice)', 'pervy scene rant', 'half-joking jab at continued P5 flanderizations', 'rant about ryuji and/or ann being done dirty',
'not caring for new spinoff character', 'continued ranting while still playing', 'borderline masochistic trophy-hunting', 'saving specific scenes to bring up when "debunking" random character discourse post"
kldsajzfljsdakfdjllajfdkajf; klfdsf I'm sorry for not responding sooner I had to go to my double but ahfksahjfdl;kjsa;fljas I've been crying-laughing since. Pretty much got me dead to rights on this and I love it klfjkljsfda You've def read my stuff so that makes me happy lkadjsslk XD
And the last one klfjdslkfjfasfjlk I love having a gotcha oK??? KLSdjflkajsfdjfl TT0TT
jsadfkjfl the spinoff chars flkdjskflja I was gonna say "I care about Sumi!"....but she's not technically a spinoff char. TT0TT I think the closest spinoff char I've cared about is Nagi and Doe. >3> Sorry but so far no one has been able to make me feel the same amount of things since Labby, Rei, Zen, or Sho. ;w; Who knows maybe P5T chars will be a dark horse and break the cycle! You know uhhhh what are their names again? TT0TT
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