#she was only 21
deathafterdeux · 5 months
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she should’ve been at the club
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missallblues · 19 days
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two birds on a wire, one tries to fly away, and the other, watches him close, from that wire, she say she wants to as well but she is a liar
Vinsmoke Reiju and Vinsmoke Sanji: cursed to be human
Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, Jewish Literacy | The Elektra Complex, filmnoirsbian | unknown | stardustandvanilla | Quote via. C.C, Aurel | filmnoirsbian | Sophocles, Antigone (adapted by Lewis Galantiere) | Two birds on a wire (Regina Spektor)
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martlet-my-beloved · 17 days
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ran out of comic ideas so *gestures* take a doodle dump instead
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mistress-light · 1 month
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Forspoken • I never thought I'd see you again...
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twinge-of-cosmicangst · 5 months
Immortal being the Doctor entering a night club in London so he can pick up another human teenager to emotionally traumatise for life
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sadnesshotline · 6 months
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she's getting older
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mintmatcha · 17 days
i think about your endeavor and escort everyday. cause she had him wrapped around her pinky so well
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iamreadytoforgiveyou · 2 months
feel that i need to remind my fellow zutaras that Kiawentiio was 14/15 when the first pic of her and Aang/sokka/zuko came out and there were comments of She looks like GORDONS mother. that is not OKAY.. they are 3 years a part. saying a 14/15 year old looks like a 11/12 year old mom is disgusting.. and people that did this should be ashamed. In show i dont care if you ship zutara i mean look at my blog xd, but dont be weird to the CHILD actors about it..
begging fandom to have sense. These Actors are people not ship Fodder. its even worse cause again she was 15 and the aang actor was like 12 and these dumb mom/son coments popped up. . just. HAve sense its a 3 year age gap.. its really not that big of a deal as age gaps when zuko/kataras are 5 years apart.. that is TEEN x Young Adult. Fanart of actors is fine / shipping within show universe. fine.. but dont be weird about the katara actress. .. . Animated Zutara/Kataang are 2years apart. these actors are Teen x Young adult in real life and the way people talk about wait till she is 18 is just Gross. . how can you not see how problematic and icky that is? remember she is a child and no 18 does not negotiate that. 18 was made Adult to get Kids into the military faster. You are not Adult at 18 you can't even legally drink at 18 its a con by the government and ya'll fell for it.
edit: this isn't puritan culture this is noticing people going wait till actor is 18 that sounds creepy as shit and you know it.. that is the same talking points people towards mary kate/ashley olsen talked about. this is litterly how creepers thing. and female actresses are always creeped on mara wilson got a lot of creep mail *matilda* and i just want this fandom to be less creepy. cause they are children..
the comments ive seen towards the kid are just plain icky. disappointed in some of ya'll .Be Better .
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aqqleshiqqing-archive · 10 months
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growth spurt hits hard huh 🤔
please don't tag as na.melesshipping, reg.uri, originalsh.ipping etc.
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a-neverending-story · 3 months
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Answered texts: 8/8
This Blog runs on a queue.
Cora Sophie Marren aka Lilianne Moira; Das Schaben des Feuersteins ertönte, bevor das vertraute Knistern des Feuers die Luft erfüllte. So viele Flammen, wie Lily in ihrem Leben bereits gesehen hatte und doch war jede von ihnen einzigartig. Wie eine Schneeflocke, die binnen Sekunden alles vernichten konnte, was einen jemals ausgemacht hatte. Ihre braunen Augen wurden erhellt von dem rot-orange der Flamme und fasziniert drehte Lily ihr Feuerzeug, bevor sie die Flamme schlussendlich an das Ende ihrer Zigarette hielt. Ein tiefer Atemzug entfachte das Papier und den Tabak, während der Rauch in ihre Lungen stieg. Das Feuerzeug wanderte zurück in ihre Tasche, der Rauch aus ihren Lungen wurde gegen die glühende Spitze der Zigarette gepustet und ließ das Feuer am Papier entlang tanzen. Es war wunderschön. Eine letzte Zigarette gab sie sich noch. Was das wohl waren? 5 Minuten? 10? Jedenfalls nicht mehr. Ihr Blick richtete sich auf die abgetretenen Doc Martens, welche auf der Sitzfläche der Bank standen. Lilys Hintern ruhte derweil auf der Rückenlehne.  Warum normal auf einem Stuhl sitzen? Das war so langweilig und Lily hatte sich lang genug in ihrem Leben langweilig gefühlt. Sie war etwas besonderes. Selbst, wenn dies das einzig Positive war, das Lily über sich selbst sagen konnte. Zumindest für den Moment. Erneut fand der Filter den Platz zurück an ihren Lippen, ein weiterer tiefer Atemzug, der die Stille der Nacht mit leisem Knistern erfüllte. Das Nikotin fand über ihre Lungen den Weg direkt in ihre Blutbahn. Ein leichtes Kribbeln stellte sich unter ihrer Haut ein, welches sich in ihrem gesamten Körper ausbreitete. So lebendig hatte sie sich lange nicht gefühlt. Es war, als würde sie erwachen. Erwachen aus einem Traum, der plötzlich Realität wurde. 
Der letzte Zug an der Zigarette wurde getätigt, dann schnippte Lily sie davon und sprang von der Bank. Ihre Finger griffen nach dem schwarzen Rucksack, den sie sich nur über eine Schulter warf. Ihre Boots hinterließen Spuren im Gras, die man bald schon nicht mehr sehen würde. Immerhin nahm das Knistern hinter ihr eine Lautstärke an, welches Musik in ihren Ohren war. Dennoch steckte sie sich die Kopfhörer in die Ohren und übertönte das verheißungsvolle Knistern mit den Bässen von Wicked Game. 
Ein Grinsen zierte ihre Lippen, als sie sich dem Feenkreis aus Pilzen näherte. Mit einem Augenaufschlag waren ihre Augen nicht länger braun, sie waren blau und Lily kostete es in vollen Zügen aus, als sie den ersten Schritt über den Kreis hinweg setzte. 
Sie war frei. Zum allerersten Mal in ihrem Leben fühlte sie sich wahrhaftig lebendig und frei. Da konnten selbst die Frauen nichts dran ändern, welche ihr folgten wie ein unheilvoller Schatten.
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promo © | 21+ - MDNI!, crossover and multiverse-friendly, Smalltalk Deeptalk+Plotts, low activity, currently OPEN for Plotting.
TW and more | CARRD | Something to read
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crockettmarcel · 3 months
crazy how med is trying so hard for ripley to be the new leading man. why is he in significantly more s9 promo pics than crockett (13 for crockett, 20 for ripley). crockett's been here since season five i think it's his turn to be the main character
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jorvikzelda · 6 months
i think that linda and anne can be a little gay for each other sometimes actually . ! as a treat .
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marshmallowgoop · 2 years
HD pizza bagels.
(The original dialogue is, "Hey! You should come to Osaka! I'll treat you to some great udon! I can't stand the heavy flavor in Tokyo!")
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void-and-virtue · 2 years
How awkward do you think would it have been if one of Neil’s 22 names had been that of a teammate? If he’d spent a couple months as a “Matt” or “Nick” (short for Nicholas) or worse, “Aaron”? What if one of Neil’s old aliases had been “Andrew”?
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greatwesternrailway · 8 months
it’s easy to ignore the stupid bits of age gap discourse bc people always say things like “people in their early 20s are all basically children with no life experience, the only possible life status they can have is University Student”. people who say stuff like that have a severe case of Not Knowing Any Working Class People disorder and therefore do not need to be taken seriously in any way.
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mistress-light · 4 months
According to Robian's notes on the use of the torana it requires a ton of energy (or enormous as he describes). And the further you want to go, the more energy it takes, let alone traveling to another world. And this takes me back to that whole built up where Cinta sends Frey to earth.
She's been suffering Susurrus corruption for perhaps a few months. She'd just given birth (which took a lot of trauma on her body). Then conjured up a torana to transport as many people as she could to Cipal. And as a final act out of desperation, transports Frey to earth.
I mean, if you think about it, how much power did Cinta posses? Because that's just damn incredible. Poor boo was legit like a squeezed out balloon at the end.
I have so MANY feels about this.
And I cannot help but wonder if Cinta made the phenomenon or that it was some kind of ancient magic, that only she was able to master in recent years? Call it: unique signature magic.
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