#skunky poo
mossdogs · 5 months
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i drew cunty skunky poo
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emiemi345 · 2 months
Misc Clone High S3 Thoughts
Is nobody talking about how Mary is voiced by Janet from The Good Place and Mrs. C is voiced by Tahani from The Good Place or did I just not scroll down enough
What does the C in Mrs. C even stand for (Cuntlertron)
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beeclops · 4 months
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funkylilblob · 4 months
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clonehighdoublehelix · 5 months
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This poster art is such eye-candy! I wish the animation budget was slightly higher so it could look this hand-made throughout. Though as someone who works on Flash shows, the production value has been high overall but nothing can compare to the unnecessary lavishness of Rough Draft Korea animating the original series. I never watched the show for shipping and last season the romances were so arbitrary and unengaging that I have no reason to expect anything. Joan and Confucius? Yeah, why not. Who cares! (I might pay attention if they had an mlm couple that aren't background characters that appear for one second)
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I'm still crossing my fingers we get some more zany Scudworth B-plots that aren't getting wasted or mooning over Candide. This little snippet of them grave-robbing looks promising!
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Though I'm a little disappointed that they're revisiting the Looney Tunes hijinx with Skunky-Poo. We can hope there's some new angle to it. (PITCH: Candide becomes jealous of the 'new woman' in Scudworths life, not because she's winning his heart but because SHE wants to be the one causing him grievous bodily harm)
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The new writers really like writing JFK as a big golden retriever so, having him be Abe's goofy comic relief buddy could work. That's right: JFK is the new Gandhi! (A very normal sentence)
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The cast list also reveals some new foster parents and school faculty which I'm super excited for. Last season had such a myopic focus on the leads that it felt like they existed in a vacuum. I hope some of the supporting characters get to, y'know, speak this season.
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Sighting a Salvador Dali clone almost makes up for Baby Patrick Swayze. Is the name the whole joke? Because it *kinda* rhymes? I refuse to screencap the creature but me and my friends would beat that thing with hammers, I can tell you that much. And we all agree this is the last season, right? I'm shocked such a niche cult show didn't get shelved indefinitely but Zaslav's reign of terror is characterized by writing shows off seemingly at random. Maybe the sheer clout of Lord and Miller got this reboot made and released? The crew seem to indicate the shows future depends on how many people watch the show on premiere day through an app only available in the United States. Yikes! 'Max' is doing the bare-minimum of legally required advertising but the audience still appears to be a handful of die-hard fans who complain about every creative decision the reboot has made so far.
Here's looking forward to February 1st!
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fruitwaterz · 5 months
Came back to tumblr just to post these. my overall thoughts...
Joan and Confucius becoming a ship wasn't on my 2024 bingo. But unpopular opinion their cute fight me!!!!!! also i really like how they'll be doing callbacks like skunky poo the raisins episode and a JFK house party episode.
I know we're dogging on this trailer but I don't think it'll be that bad (besides the part with mary and abe. make abe and jfk kiss cowards their literally flirting w eachotuer in the s3 promo art)
I don't know how their gonna execute candide coming back because we also see her in the trailer but.....how is that exactly gonna work out
anyways excited for this season but worried abt the fact that the 10 episodes are gonna drop all at once,, instead of being weekly it sorta makes me worried??
anyway. s3 hype jfabe become canon mary x abe dies and harriet college student vibe can't wait
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princesssarisa · 28 days
That recent post about sharing your pet's silly nicknames has made me want to share pictures of my two dogs again. And their many nicknames, some of which came from me, some from other people.
They're both gone now, but they'll never be forgotten <3
When they were with us, I was still living with my parents, so they belonged to all of us. Each one was most attached to one of my parents – the one whose coloring was the most like theirs, interestingly enough – but I'm pretty sure they both loved me too.
Here's sweet, gentle little Heloise, or Ellie, as we usually called her: a.k.a. "Ellie-Bellie," "Elsa-Belsa," "Eleanor," "Bunny," "Fun Bun," "Fluffles," "Flufflebunny," "Fuzzy Pie," "Little Lamb," "Furball," "The Mutt," "Love Dove," and "Pookie Pie."
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She was a rescue dog, so we never knew her exact breed, but we think she was a bichon-poo. She was my mom's baby.
And here's feisty little Annie, a.k.a. "Banana," "Annie Bananie," "Ann-Fann," "Little Pickle," "Skunky," "Skunky Monkey," "Little Ferret," "Little Rat," "Ratso," "The Beast," "Pup," "The Sand Skunk" (because she loved the beach), "Teddy Bear," and "Fuzzy Bear."
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She was a cockapoo, and she was my dad's special girl.
If I get a third dog, though, it will be all mine. :)
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juxtp0se · 3 months
what didn’t you like about ch s2?? ive only watched s1 and am curious about s2 but wary :/ hope you’re having a great day!!!!!!
thank you! i hope you are too!
and i don't wanna be on the bandwagon of people who are like "boohoo it's not like the original", because there's a lot of people who do like it! but it definitely feels like a totally different show than the original, and it's not one i like very much 😭
the sex & violence is CRANKED up way high to a gross degree, and there's a lot of plots that make me super uncomfortable like: (almost) statutory ra/pe between abe and a teacher, a kid taking pictures from it to blackmail him, the teachers encouraging teens drinking, the teachers trying to stage sexual rships between the teens ... it goes farther than the original ex. Beer Mountain "i'm 21!" where then the beer was non-alcoholic.
and in s3: scudworth explicit sexual fantasy of skunky-poo (revealed as a girl)?? gender-bent scudworth and mr b who also have weird sex scenes. i didn't watch s3 it just breached containment.
it seems like they're excited to go from a TV channel in the 2000's to a streaming service, where it gives them more leeway with how far they can stretch the adult themes, but it hinders the humor because they rely so heavily on that.
like they love to make gay jokes about the guys but then throw them with women, but it seems f/f shipping is marketable so it's well-written and sweet.
otherwise s1 is very visually pleasing with the colors and style, but the new seasons look clunky and the colors are super vibrant to the point it's like ewwww ( thats my opiniooonnn!!!!!!!!📢)
everyone's personalities are really off, especially joan and cleo. the original was a satire on teen dramas, while the new seasons feel like a cash-grab that studied the fandom for five minutes. they rush through ships so much, knowing that jfk/joan was a fan favorite, and then split them up to bring back the abe/joan will-they wont-they
they keep baiting to bring gandhi back if the show does well? but honestly gandhi couldn't save it ( TO MEEE. to me )
it feels like out-of-touch adults who don't know what satire means anymore.
i'm sorry to be a hater but this is just my take, i know the team worked/works hard and they're passionate about what they do.
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neutrallyobsessed · 5 months
Clone High S3 Trailer Personal Rundown
>everyone still mad at Joan! apperently 3 months of vacation have passed and she's still not forgiven yay :3 >but why does Joan want to be forgiven tho? well lets say i have my theories but like- no girl, you should double down, think you did nothing wrong and be bitter and resentful and stuff >30♡ >Malcom X/Harriet Tubman?? Joanfucius??? MaryAbe???? im actually more worried about Julius Caesar/Marie Curie, girl really doesnt remember Gandhi :((( >but tis ok, what matter is that Joan and Abe are still very much heterosexually straight and thats epic uwu🖤🤍🖤🤍🖤🤍🖤 >super judgemental cheerleader tryouts lol >skunky poo comes back and i have no strong feelings one way or the other :P >HARRIET GETS SWATTED LMFAO WOOOOOO!!! >bleachers creatures ughughuhbughughubughuhbg (and they better mention that joan used to live under the bleachers!!) >also this?!?!?
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esta cosa bonita cosa preciosa, Juana y Tobi interactuando??? it is mine, MINE!! FOR ME TO ENJOY, My Dearest Joanpher crumb for Yours Truly The One and Only and FIRST Joanpher Queen!!! Unironic! Unapologetic! Unvertebrated! And well, ok y'all can have fun too now, to those who have it as a second choice, last resort, meme ship, guilty pleasure, whatever~~ >Jackie The Ripper is the most excellent idea and parody that I wish I could elaborate more about but we'd be here all day! >Stalin and Mussolini in jail lol (mussolini did have a design in s1 tho) >Cleo being a mean ass bully bitch!!! :DDD (i hope JFK also gets to be a bit of a jerk too, like yknow, in s1??) >dick pic xd >zombie movie parodies are so old that it turns around to being nostalgic so this better be aight but like- i dont think im liking the cementary scenes :/// (except when its Scudworth and Mr B of course) >Scudworth's cringe ass rap being interrupted xd and hellyeah >And finallYYY
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at the end of the day, the only thing that bothered me about the trailer is that the show it really is dropping tomorrow, like as soon the month changes, it's there and available to watch......... and yeah, i guess i do still have time, i could be extra cheeky and drop it January 31st (im considering earlier tho) pero no daaaa boludo NO DAAA but yeah i guess it can be done see you then, then? xdd
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mossdogs · 1 year
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"WHY that sounds like the pizzicato tiptoeing of a pesky skunk!!"
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emiemi345 · 1 year
Serotonin be like
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joan-of-darc · 1 year
Since a bunch of my rtc mutuals are watching the show I feel like I should mention this AU I’ve been building up
Ride the Cy-Clone High
What if Cinnamon J Scudworth’s plan worked? What if Cloney Island actually happened?
On opening day, the students of Clone High attended the amusement park. One group of teens rode the big rollercoaster, the Cy-Clone. Sadly, the ride derailed and ended the lives of six clones.
Cleopatra, the most popular girl in town (Ocean)
Vincent Van Gogh, the most artistic boy in town (Noel)
Gandhi, the funniest boy in town (Mischa)
JFK, the most athletic boy in town (Ricky)
Joan Doe, the girl who lost her head (Jane Doe)
Abe Lincoln, the nicest boy in town (Constance)
The group wakes up in a limbo state, like purgatory. They’re met with Mr. Butlertron, vice principal of Clone High, as well as friend to Scudworth, and Skunky Poo, a skunk chewing on Mr. B’s power cable. Each teen competes for the chance to come back to life, to live past riding the Cy-Clone
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bitchapalooza · 4 months
Spoilers obviously
Okay good, Marry WAS written to be the way I thought she was(kinda but I was right).
I’m sad that Cloney Island was only one episode. Would’ve been nice to have a 2 part season finale, especially with the abrupt way Cleo and Frida were pushed back together— realistic for teenagers, especially a dramatized version of teenagers, but still would’ve been nice to see them fight a bit more, give sad longing glances over their shoulders after turning away, and then build that up to the climax of the episode where they make up in true sappy teen drama fashion that would be very in character for them both in the first place.
Aaaaaaaand Abe and Joan triangle once again but this time with Confucius! Wow! I am still not rooting for JoanAbe lmao, I think Joan and Confucius have way more chemistry than even Joanfk did. They seemed to have a lot of fun together.
Harriet and JFK… I still can’t see them working. I’m sorry. My new impression of Harriet is she’s one of those jealous types. A home wrecker and a cheater even. She just assumed she and Confucius were back together without asking, telling me that she’s definitely a bit of a control freak or definitely very impulsive(ocd possibly? Someone with more knowledge do an analysis, my basic level knowledge isn’t enough or factually sound). I honestly used to adore Harriet’s character, her annoying personality was passable enough to grow on me. But now it’s just insufferable. I mean I still love her character, but not really in the I adore her way, just that I wanna continue to see her fuck things up and see how much drama she can cause. And how her and JFK’s relationship will be ruined because I genuinely want it to be ruined because there’s really no substance behind it, just raging teenage hormones and the threat of imminent death.
I do genuinely feel bad for Scudworth but I for the love fuck cannot remember his ex-lover’s name. But I do hope Scud gets to see her again and they can actually be together in peace. They seemed nice together! I thought it was really cute, Scud was actually getting a win this time.
Uh Topher— or should we call him Christopher now?— being proud of his Clone lineage because some guests liked him was actually amazing in that I want a list of those people to avoid them which could be easy because they most likely were some of the January 6th capital rioters, that’s the only conclusion I can come up with that summarizes my entire assumption about those, uh, “fans”. But I guess it’s good he’s accepting who he’s been cloned from? Question mark? I’m scared of the micro aggressions to come. Someone contact his therapist that may or may not be Scudworth in a wig in the first place, I’m a little scared.
If season 4 is greenlit, if not already that is, I hope Gandhi gets to come back. There were several good call backs to him, especially how Scudworth inexplicably had several of his belongings in his possession? Sir what the fuck.
AND MY GOD THE F-BOMBS WHERE SO OVER DONE BUT ABSOLUTELY NOT IN A BAD WAY. They were perfectly balanced in my opinion and combined with the delivery of each Fuck combined with each Shit and every other curse mentioned, it was perfect. Compare it to either H/zben H/tel + h/lluva b/ss or Rick and Morty and you’ve actually got a script that although littered with curses, doesn’t rely on those curses to make the show funny. The fact each profanity wasn’t always expected coupled with the delivery is what made it good AND natural, not forced. Scudworth’s FUCK in season 2 walked so everyone’s FUCK AND SHIT in season 3 could run like fr.
I’m sad Cleo’s back with her terrible foster mom. I don’t like Frida’s foster dad. Having a sweater with your daughter’s face on it is….. strange. Confucius’ are kind of as I expected, but tbh I still say they’re fostering him for the publicity and check. Skunky Poo’s return was disturbing which seemed to be on purpose. I think I saw Van Gogh with two dads in the background and I’m only saying this because tbh I think he deserves two moms instead lmao, give this boy his two moms.
Abe this season felt like an in between of season 1 and 2 but mostly still s2. But I did love his interactions with JFK and Confucius. Especially JFK. And how fucking casual JFK essentially came out as bisexual lmao. All in all, these two were fucking hilarious this season. But yeah uh Abe is a toxic asshole by the way but we all knew that and honestly that’s why I love him and if Joanabe really IS endgame, I can cope with the fact that these two are highly likely to marry after graduation and divorce several years later, they’re terrible for each other.
I think this season was a lot better, which makes sense with what seemed like was a bigger budget. The animation actually looked a little different, not bad different but good different, much smoother??? I may have to go back and rewatch season 2, but right off the bat s3 animation really felt different, it felt more alive in a way and I really loved it. I hope we get a season 4 fr. And I hope it’s the final season, I cannot see it getting a s5 UNLESS it’s a parody/joke to how most shows these days keep stacking on the seasons without any heartfelt material in it (*cough* supernatural and the simpsons and bobs burger *cough* *cough*)
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komajordan · 2 months
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Media I’ve Experienced in 2024 (February) SPOILERS
Same as last time, in order of when completed on a scale of 1-10
Clone High (2023) Season 2 (8/10)-Like a lot of people I wasn’t really on board with Clone High’s revival. If you want to know my thoughts it’s honestly a 6, it has some good jokes but it’s weighed down by more forced and obvious comedy. Season 2 however really surprised me, there were a ton of jokes I found funny, brought in some fanservice like Skunky Poo coming back and Cloney Island being fully realized, and a ton of the character chemistry works.
Bumblebee (10/10)-I never thought a solo Bumblebee movie with humans would work but it turned out to be pretty heartwarming and emotional. Charlie and Bee’s relationship felt real along with some fun action scenes.
Clone High (2002) (9/10)-I tried to watch the original Clone High back in 2022 but my memory got clouded by a lot of personal stuff at the time. So checking the original out felt like a reminder of what the show used to be. The bait-and-switch comedy is top notch, Gandhi’s prescience will always be welcome, and by God the emotional soundtrack makes a ton of scenes even funnier.
Hello Kitty:Roller Rescue (5/10)-Pretty basic beat-em-up, cute soundtrack and visuals, nothing too special. I’m probably just spoiled from playing Island Adventure.
The LEGO Movie (Rewatch) (10/10)-I watched this movie on the exact day of its 10 Year Anniversary and by God, this movie is as funny as I remember it. And after I just watched Phil Lord and Christopher Miller’s other work in Clone High I can definitely tell I was spoiled from their comedy from age 8 too. The animation still looks great and I can basically recite the script from how many times I watched it in the past. While yes I’m biased, it’s a very sentimental type of bias that I can never let go.
The Lost Boys (7/10)-The Lost Boys is an old but fun movie. It captures the feeling of adolescent summer fun on the boardwalk along with the relatively small sense of horror of the vampire cult.
Us (9/10)-Back on Halloween last year I watched Get Out and I thought it was good as a psychological thriller but not really scary to me. Us on the other hand was a step-up in my opinion. The doppelgänger plot is really cool and the way the tethered family goes around terrorizing everyone felt thrilling. And man the twist, I’m not gonna spoil it but that twist felt like a complete game changer.
The Marvels (2/10)-This movie is not good but not the worst MCU movie ever. Personally I liked the interactions between Kamala, Monica, and Carol even though I’ve grown to dislike Carol overtime. But otherwise the villain is forgettable, a lot of the fight scenes are complete white-noise, and a lot of scenes are completely cringy and predictable.
Epic Career Quest (7/10)-Waking up after a Super Bowl aftermath was weird for me. I don’t know the general opinion is on this series but I found it entertaining. The characters being mismatched kind of works for me as someone who likes these types of ensembles like Drawn Together. And as a growing adult their messages about imposter syndrome and making your goals really stuck with me.
Terrifier (6/10)-I don’t know if this is a personal thing after seeing so much Invincible and Mortal Kombat but the violence here literally had no effect on me. Sure, this movie is scary but the plot kind of drags for me personally.
Terrifier 2 (8/10)-This movie is a step up in terms of scares and production value. Not to mention there’s more of a plot when the first was just a simple murder plot here it’s an extensive plot about people’s perception of Art The Clown and who he is. Where this movie falls flat for me is the sword thing, I personally thought that was an asspull and kind of out of place in a serial killer movie that a fantastical item just doesn’t fit.
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur Season 2 (8/10)-Moon Girl Season 1 was a fun show that does a lot of cool superhero stuff while also doing enough to stray away from Marvel to make it its own. What do I think of Season 2? It’s on the same level. Nothing really noteworthy, they still do fun things, visuals are nice, and some of the plots are interesting.
Megaman X4 (9/10)-Probably my favorite Megaman X game given what I think about future games. The gameplay is fast paced and fun, the bosses are challenging but fun too, and the transition from SNES to PS1 translated greatly. And the cutscenes exist, if you know you know.
Jujutsu Kaisen (9/10)-Yeah I decided to ride the JJK train and unlike Naruto I do understand the hype. The animation is fluent especially with the domain expansion and curse enemies. I loved characters like Gojo, Maki and Nobara from their entertaining personalities. And Where Our Blue Is will always be one of my favorite songs in anime.
Freddy Vs. Jason (7/10)-The human parts suck especially if they get in the way of crossovers. But Freddy and Jason when they show up together they make the most out of them fighting each other and killing others. Not to mention the setup that has Freddy provoking Jason to getting into Elm Street works really well.
Venom:Let There Be Carnage (3/10)-If I described this movie in one word it would be annoying. Venom is a very obnoxious character who constantly screams and complains about everything. The cliche drama between Eddie and the rest of world is insufferable. The only remotely good part of the movie is the effects on Carnage as it was done pretty well. But other than that I have no desire to watch this one again.
Re:Cutie Honey (8/10)-Kill La Kill mixed with Ghost in the Shell. I honestly thought this was animated by Trigger. But in all honesty I love the fast paced action and character moments.
Resident Evil Revelations (4/10)-Boring. The ship location gets old and I wasn’t scared even once. I honestly like RE6 more than this considering that game has a lot of variety and fun gameplay. This game is so slow and unfulfilling.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica (9/10)-I love how subversive this anime is. Flipping magical girl tropes to be grim dark was a unique twist and made the characters more real than the traditional magical girl stereotype.
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clonehigh-takes · 4 months
Not a scudtron/Candide x Scudworth shipper BUT
WTF was that with Skunky poo. Like not the woman version but the whole tiny skunk. A sex scene and baby??? Literally gross
It couldn't be the robot, the lizard woman, the genderbend but the bestiality
i hate thiss tupid fucking show for that. only one character tag set
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badgerotter · 1 year
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shoutout to the random animals that are somewhat memorable all throughout clone high
individual drawings under the cut lol
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dont ask why i decided to ship skunky poo and krabby cakes but they're my otp now
also lucy fur was fun to draw!
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