#sorry I was thinking about all this because I took a funny selfie with a male filter and I was like aww. I'll never be him.
teeth-thief · 3 months
I think some of the sympathy and warning towards young girls in terms of beauty-culture technological advancements (ie snapchat/tiktok/instagram filters: possibly the most insidious of weapons against self-esteem) needs to be ESPECIALLY extended to transgender women.
Ladies, you will NEVER be the smooth-faced tiny-nose apparition in the camera. In fact, no one will!! And that's perfectly fine. It's all just a marketing tactic to make you feel bad about yourself and buy expensive potions and procedures. You are worth loving exactly as you are, and while filters might temporarily alleviate dysmorphia, they'll really only make it worse in the long run. I just wanna say from experience is all. I love you.
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nkogneatho · 2 months
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— old bf!toji x young gf!reader
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i think toji with a girlfriend that is so much younger than him is so adorable.
before you, he was just a man with a small room that is always so messy because he is rarely home. but, the room feels so much like home now that you have entered his life. he's never bothered to decorate or do anything. his heart flutters when he finds several photoframes hanging on the wall. one of you and him, a few of just his and a lot of megumi.
toji has never in his life ever clicked a selfie. he is not photogenic at all. so when you poke him to click one with you, he's not sure what to do in front of a camera. you tell him to just be himself and he is still confused. you lift the phone and make a peace sign with your hand, your teeth peeking out as your lips curve in a smile. you click it quickly and scan the photo. it is cute. you put a heart emoji with a wink one and upload it on your instagram. soon, your phone is buzzing with notifications. you open them and giggle. toji is so curious so he peeks and finds people calling him "the rock". He snatches the phone to scan the selfie you took earlier. you look so adorable with your cute little peace sign and smile and there he was beside you with a brow raised looking angry. "delete that shit right now," he orders. "are you kidding me? this is gold. it's going on the wall." he can't help but grin at how you find such silly things funny.
toji who is getting used to texting and wants to be even closer to you so he tries to learn some slangs. you are out with your friends when your phone chimes. you unlock it to see the text from toji.
toji: kys
you almost spit out the coffee you were enjoying. what the fuck is he on? what happened? you immediately call him.
"hello," his voice raspy.
"tojii! why the fuck would you say something like that to me?"
"what are you talking about?"
"the text you just sent me. why did you send that?"
"because i care for you, doll." you were even more confused now.
"you told me to kill myself because you care for me?"
"kill yourself? who said that? i sent K.Y.S." he spelled each letter out loud. "it means keep yourself safe." it takes you a few seconds to absorb and then you burst out laughing. he is not sure what is so funny.
"oh my poor big baby. kys means kill yourself."
oh. OH.
"i—i am so fucking sorry, princess. i was just—"
"you are so adorable. when i come home, i need to go through your google search history to know what other slangs you learnt." he is so embarrassed, he bites his lower lip. but he is also feeling so warm and fuzzy because you called him adorable. who would call a man in his late 30s adorable? well, you did. and he is so happy about that. happier that he met you.
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predestinatos · 3 months
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you mean everything - MV1 ೀ⋆。🌷
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summary: max needed a wedding date and you were used to being his fake partner.
tags: max verstappen x fem!reader, fake dating, friends to lovers, max is so whipped, fluff, a bit angsty maybe?, mentions of alcohol
word count: 2k
notes: i've been writing (and thinking) so much about max... my period is coming please give me a break i'm sensitive. also would love to get some feedback if possible so i know if it's worth making a series out of this!!!!
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"If you want to make it believable at least hold my hand" you half-whispered to Max, who was buttoning his blazer while getting out of the car, you behind him.
"Sorry, I'm not used to this with you" he said chuckling. His sweaty palm held yours tightly, and the feeling of it was odd. Knowing Max for so long meant that these romantic gestures felt almost cringeworthy to you both, and you both had to put up award winning performances every time you played this game.
The game in question being fake-dating. It started as a funny joke where you both thought it would be great to test out the Get A Champagne Bottle For Free At This Restaurant If You Propose theory (which worked, by the way). From then onwards, you used each other as dates whenever asked by annoying family members, creepy coworkers, or just because you felt like lying.
The talking wasn't hard - you both felt comfortable in that part, lying with words coming off almost dangerously natural - but when it came to acting the part, both of you felt awkward, like kids who found relationships absolutely repulsive.
This time, though, the performance would last longer than usual: it was a wedding. Max's friend's wedding. Max could've just gone along, or bring a friend (even you as a friend). Yet he had told his friend, after one too many shots on his Bachelor's Party, and after being chosen as The Guy Who'll Take the Longest to Settle, that he had, in fact, a girlfriend. His friends didn't believe him, so he showed a picture of you two together - a selfie really, nothing much. And they still said they didn't believe it. So here you are.
You couldn't blame him, even if you wanted to. You agreed to use each other as a fake partner for as long as you could in as many situations as required, although when it all started none of you ever thought it would lead to wedding attendances.
So now there you were, Max's hand on yours, entering the small church. His eyes locked with the groom, who waved and called for you to sit near the altar.
"So you ARE real" he said, nervousness laced in his voice even as he tried to lighten the mood himself. You giggled at the irony of it, nodding as you said your congratulations.
"Just wait until the guys see this" he continued gesturing towards the bench where 3 other men around his age sat. Men you had seen before in some Instagram pictures, men you spent the previous night trying to memorize basic information about so you didn't sound suspicious.
Max's hand now fell on your waist almost instinctively - it wasn't instinctively, he told himself once he noticed its positioning. And if it was, it was only because he took this so seriously, almost as a sort of method acting. Sitting down next to his friends, he noticed how all of them seemed surprised at your presence, and something like pride filled his chest. He loved winning, loved being right even if he was lying; but most especially, he loved how jealous other men seemed to be over the fact that he was (at least in their minds) dating you.
He couldn't deny - though he tried, really - that you two looked good together. His rougher features mixed with your softer ones gave you both an aura of near unreachability, which yes, was pretentious of him to think but he thought nevertheless.
The ceremony was quick and endearing, a smile spread across everyone's faces at the shared loved between the bride and the groom. As the crowd clapped, Max leaned into you, "don't tell me you're crying". "I am, just to think that I'll have to keep pretending to date YOU for the next 10 hours" you replied, his mocking smile recognizing the joke.
The reception hall was beautifully decorated with shades of soft green and violet orchids. Max tried not to think about how much it matched the shade of your dress, how you looked like you had come to life from a classical novel. He tried to feel like anyone but Mr. Darcy as you felt so much like Elisabeth Bennett to him.
Sitting down next to him, you found this part easier - mingling and socializing was something you enjoyed more than he did - especially with alcohol in the mix. It's a wedding, you thought; this is what weddings are for.
So you drank the wine with the main course and sipper champagne to celebrate and ordered a few cocktails when it was time to dance and talk - and you felt it on your body almost as much as you felt Max's hand occasionally sitting on your thigh, but not even close to how strongly you felt his thumb caress your skin as he did so. Truth was, he too was drunk; his eyes looked smaller and his cheeks were flushed, and the amount of times he ran a hair through his dirty blonde hair had caused it to look messier. As you looked at him, you felt he never looks as attractive as when he is like this - loose and carefree, his shirt sleeves rolled up and a smile on his face when he notices people laugh at his joke.
"I have to admit I didn't think it was true" his friend said when Max left to go to the bathroom. He looked drunker than the two of you combined, his words hard to decypher, like a riddle. "He's been talking about you for months now and we never saw you for real so we thought you didn't exist" he laughed, and you laughed back before it registered.
"Months?" you asked him, eyebrows furrowed yet attempting to remain composed. You shouldn't have asked it - a supposedly month old girlfriend wouldn't be surprised but you were his fake month old girlfriend and you weren't understanding it anymore.
"Yeah. He talks about you so much all the time I think even we started to date you" he laughed again, yet this time you didn't find the joke so funny. You were frozen in your seat, merely blinking as if trying to put the confusing puzzle together, the pieces not quite fitting the way you thought they would.
A touch on your shoulder unfroze you, almost like magic, like a disney film come to life. You turned around to find the groom, somewhat sober, smiling at you while also looking somewhat concerned. "He's calling for you... And he's also absolutely wasted" he said, pointing to the door of the hall.
"Shit" you cursed, getting up from your seat at a speed you couldn't believe, worry filling your heart, making you forget the conversation you were just having.
Opening the door to the garden outside, you found Max sitting down against the wall, shirt partly unbuttoned and disheveled hair. When he saw you, he grinned, such genuine happiness laced with tipsiness.
"Lightweight" you mocked as you crouched in front of him, trying to balance yourself on your heels, somehow managing it despite your own drunkness.
"You're laughing at my mis- Shit- my misery" his throat bobbed up and down, exaggerating his own agony with a hand on his chest and another on his forehead like a Shakespeare character.
"I have to admit it's quite fun sometimes" you bit your lip as you fixed his hair as best as you could, hands brushing through its soft, blonde mess.
"You're so– you're so sweet" he said, his words dragged and messy. He brought a beer bottle to his lips but you stopped him before any liquid touched them.
"I think that's enough of that for tonight" you grabbed it and placed it behind you, sitting in front of him.
"See now... Now you're being mean" his hand grabbed a strand of your hair and played with it softly as he pouted.
"Okay big boy I'm gonna get you some water" you say, getting up once again, yet his hand stops you, grabbing your wrist tightly.
You looked at him, startled. His drunken state is visible, and it felt frustrating that you had to be the one sobering up for him. The music vibrated through the wall he leaned against, somehow tickling him, making him giggle.
"Stay," he managed to say, eyes half closed, "I'm so glad we're- Fuck things are spinning so much" his hands rushed to his eyes and his head hung low, "Ah fuck. I'm so glad we're datin- Fuck, no, oops-" he continued laughing despite how sick he felt, the whole situation sounding hilarious when filtered through alcohol.
You giggled along with him, mostly because you wanted to see if you could convince him to move, scared he might feel worse or pass out on the cold floor if he doesn't do so. "Fake dating. Fake dating, I know. I knowww" he continued, his words dragged and his finger pointing at you before poking your nose with such innocent sweetness you were taken aback.
"Max" you tried to sound more assertive but found it hard to do so, your own intoxicated state making the situation lighter than what it actually was. Your heart racing was a symptom of it, one you wouldn't feel if sobriety was an option, you thought. Max's eyes wouldn't seem to stare at you differently were he sober as well, and the way he scanned your features, his gaze staying on your lips for longer than expected, wouldn't affect you in the slightest had you not drank some alcohol.
"I like it when you say my name" he looked up at you innocently, pleading, almost.
"Want me to say it again?" you asked, smiling. You complied with these demands because you knew they were childish whims of an intoxicated man, his happiness a priority in times like these. Upon his nod, you started saying his name, half teasingly, half reassuringly, the leaves rustling in the garden behind you.
"Max... Max!! Max Max-"
He shouldn't. It would complicate things, and he liked when they were simple, clean and organized. He knew he shouldn't even when his whole vision spun and his brain convinced him that he should do things he would never do otherwise. But every time he refrained from saying something he would stumble across all his words and trip and fall and his head would only hurt more, and it seemed as if he could only focus if he kept listening to you and talking to you and looking at you.
The lights shone behind you in a way that made it feel as though he was dreaming, like you were a mirage, too good to be true. Maybe his friends were right - you weren't actually real. He wanted to be sure, in that moment. That you were real and that he wanted you as much as he thought. And though he shouldn't, though it was a terrible idea, he couldn't help but lean over to kiss you.
He tasted like champagne - bubbly and slightly sweet, his movements sloppy given his state, yet you couldn't help but drink it all in. Part of you - a big part - reciprocated the kiss, felt his fingers on the side of your neck, pulling you messily towards him, and tried to steady him, guiding him gently with your own lips.
It was odd, how this felt so right yet the fake hand holding didn't. As Max kissed you, that thought entered his clouded mind - did it feel wrong because it was fake and this was real? Your skin felt so soft, so much softer now he could touch it freely and unapologetically.
"Fuck-" he started, pulling away, his head resting against the wall once again as he stared at you, noticing how it hasn't hit you yet; what you just did, how it affected everything. "I fucking love you" he shrugged as you fixed your hair, pausing with arms raised for a few seconds before smiling softly.
"You're drunk" you replied, looking at his own grin, the gleam in his eyes making him appear both innocent and guilty of so many things.
"I'm drunk and I fucking love you"
"Max..." you started, and he said your name back to you with such tenderness you couldn't believe his lips tasted of alcohol earlier and not something sweet.
"We'll talk tomorrow, okay?" you continued, waiting for the silence to swallow you both.
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eustasskidagenda · 7 months
Okay, this post is not based on a request. I kept thinking about it for hours and finally decided to write it down: how the OP characters would text their s/o. So here are some texting headcanons for some of my favorite characters: Eustass Kid, Zoro, Sanji, Law, Sabo. I'll probably write a part 2 with my other beloved characters: Luffy, Marco, Killer, and Robin. :D
☆Texting HCs for Kid, Law, Sanji, Zoro & Sabo
CW : g/n reader, MDNI, Kid is cursing, fluff, funny, partly nsfw, mention of alcohol for Zoro 
WC : 2k
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Your name/photo in his contacts: mine. With a photo of your ass, obviously. And when he's mad at you, he renames you mid(ge).
Such a brat.
His wallpaper: a cool photo of his motorbike (I'm sorry but Kid is that kind of man in love with his own bike/car. But it's okay, he's still my favorite.) Or, a pic of your ass.
What kind of pictures are in his gallery: your ass, random photos of your face when he’s teasing you, his bike, and some punk stuff (music, makeup, outfit etc.)
His fav emoji : none.
He likes to send really, really shorts messages. Like : 
"Hi" "u know" "i have an idea" "So listen:"
Goddam Kid, just write the WHOLE sentence in one message.
He's sending you random pictures of his torso, just to flex with his big tiddies.
And you have to respond with a heart emoji and praise him each time.
If you want, he's more than willing to send dick pick too. 
Again, you have to praise him. Even if the pictures are absolutely non-aesthetic. He's blessing you with his cock after all. 
"Babe, you don't know how to take beautiful pics of your dick." "WTF SHUT UP???????? It's MY dick???!!! OF COURSE IT'S BEAUTIFUL??!!!" 
Yeah, Kid is clearly using extra punctuation. 
Oh, sure, each morning, you receive a mirror selfie of his outfit of the day. Such a punk fashion icon. "Rate my outfit on a scale of amazing to amazing" 
He doesn't use emojis because they sound too soft and stupid. "em0teS aRe f0r s0fT b0ys Y/N"
If you complain about his messages looking cold, he might use random emotes to annoy you like "UgH iF U wAnt 🦬" (with that stupid dumb sponge bob meme)
Whenever he calls you, it seems like he's yelling through the phone. 
He likes using caps lock like "HEY Y/N, WANNA FUCK TONIGHT??????" 
He's sending you random punk/rock music. And you have to listen and react to every single music, otherwise he's so pissed off. He is sharing his world with you, the less you can do is interact with him. 
He also loves sending some pics of what he's working on, because Kid likes to repare/custom some cars or motorbike. 
And last thing, I like the idea of Kid Pirates being a punk music band, so sure, Kid loves to send you some videos of him playing guitar. "My fingers are skilled in three things : music, crafting and fingering you all the fucking day long"
His phone is so damaged because he throws it every time he gets angry (like every two minutes).
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Your name/photo in his contacts: y/n-ya. With a cursed picture of you. Just to tease you with it. 
His wallpaper: nothing, just the random by default home screen. In his view, wallpapers are useless and pointless.
What kind of pictures are in his gallery: random pictures you took of him, emo memes, and boring stuff about medicine or basic hygiene rules for Luffy. And a guide to "how to stop screaming and how to control your anger: a guide for children" for Kid. 
His favorite emoji: 🖕🏻
Whenever you annoy him with a stupid joke or a prank you saw on TikTok, his immediate reaction is to block you. He's so annoyed, please, leave him alone. He is immediately aware that it is a prank. Luffy always does the same to him before you do.
He's never using capital, it's for the emo aesthetic, like 'I hate bread'. Nope. But ✨"i hate bread."✨, yeah, much better
And yes, he uses "." everytime, it's for the dark and tired emo aesthetic. 
He always leaves a group conversation as soon as you include him. Please, he's so pissed off by those kinds of things. 
He's able to leave your message seen for days. Just because he was busy and forgot about what you said. If you need an answer, sure, try to call him. He always keeps his phone in silent mode. 
He likes to send you cool articles that he reads. Especially about medicine, tattoos or nerd stuff like movies, books, games etc.
"wanna go to a date tattoo with me tomorrow?" 
That kind of question is clearly his love language
He enjoys teasing you with random photos of his tattooed fingers or chest. "I bet you miss these fingers." And yeah, he's clearing curling his fingers on the pic like he would do when they are inside you. He's really good at teasing you with photos. 
Kid and Luffy steal his phone whenever he's with them. So be ready to receive a lot of ugly pictures of Law (taken by the chaotic duo), middle fingers from Kid, and blurry meat pictures from Luffy. 
Poor Law deserves a break.
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Your name/photos in his contacts : 💗💘🛐Mon Amour (my love)🛐💘💗 With the most beautiful picture of you. 
His wallpaper : a cute couple photo.
What kind of pictures are in his gallery : a lot of cooking videos or photos, you, aesthetic pic of the sky and a private album with some hot nudes that you sent to him.
His favorites emojis : 💘💗💖🛐💍🧎🌺🌸🌹🫦🥰😘🧑🏻‍🍳🍽🍷🥘 (yeah, Sanji LOVES emojis)
He's always texting you back. If he can't reply within a second, he won't open the text. Sanji, leaving his beautiful s/o with that awful "seen"? Never. 
All the mornings "good morning sweetheart 💘" and all the evenings "sleep well sweetheart, dream about me 💖"
He wants to take a cute and aesthetic pic of the both of you all the days. 
He bombards you with pictures of his cooking. It's cute, but also annoying because he can't help but send extra long texts. He describes every single action he did, along with recipes and tips. 
He enjoys seeing your outfit of the day. He can attempt to match his clothes to yours. 
Random "I love you 💖" and "if no one told you you were pretty today : you're the prettiest 🥰" 
He enjoys sending you cooking videos. "We should eat this tonight. What do you think? 🧑🏻‍🍳"
He's pretty good at sexting. He knows how to take aesthetic photo of his hands, back, or mouth. Not just an ugly dick pick (Kid, Zoro, I'm looking at you). And he also likes to leave you some message like.
I would sit you down on this table if you were with me right now. You know, the one in your kitchen where he had dinner with your parents yesterday? I would gently kiss your neck, fondle your chest, and slowly kneel between your legs until you shout my name. You would pull on my hair, begging me to keep going until you cum repeatedly on my face.  👅 "
And if you send him a nude, well, he's going to die from a nosebleed.
Rest in peace, Sanji. 
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Your name/photos in his contacts : "y/n". You pick a picture for him because Zoro and phones are not compatible.
His wallpaper : a cool katana
What kind of pictures in his gallery : gym selfies, katanas and alcohol (all with ugly quality)
His fav emojis : 👍🏻 and 😴 Like:
"hey Zoro, you're alright" 👍🏻
"Zoro, wanna hang out?" 😴
"Babe, what are you doing?" 😴
"… am i annoying you?" 👍🏻
He can responds to absolutely anything with those two emojis. 
Zero is so oblivious, so let's be honest: he is not good at using phones. Almost every day, he forgets his phone at home. And even if he didn't forget about it, it's probably on silent mode or just off.
He doesn’t know how to use the keyboard, so prepare yourself for coded-message like "o!. @= sp⛑t t🧹day???/!df🆎e !!"He can't even use the excuse "my cat walked on my keyboard", he just sucks with technology.
Your messages are often "seen ✔️" and that's all. Not because he wants to be mean, just... he didn't understand the concept of answering every text. He takes all of your messages as random information. Like "Hey, I'd love to see you tonight!". Well. OK. Message understood. That's all.
The only application he has on his phone is Google Maps. Even with it, he still gets lost. "Turn left." Without a doubt, he turns right. 
Once, he tried to please you with a dick pic. But the photo was just terrible: bad luminosity, an ugly close-up of his cock, blurred as fuck, and you can see the dirty tissue behind him.
He doesn't answer when you call him because he's either asleep or at the gym (or drunk).
Once, he also tried to send you a voice message, but it was just the sound of the wind. He forgot to talk closer to the microphone.
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Your name/photos in his contacts : "my revolutionary 🎩💛". With a beautiful pic of your smiling face. 
His wallpaper : a symbol of revolution. 
What kind of pictures in his gallery : petition screenshots, his brothers, you, anti-capitalist memes and a private album with some hot pic of you (naughty Sabo)
His fav emojis : 🔥✨🖕🏻💛✊🏻😡😏😎🤩👉🏻👌🏻🫵🏻
Sabo is... complicate. Sometimes, he doesn't answer for WEEKS. And sometimes he's extra chatty. And when he's chatty well...
Sabo is always spamming you with petition links. "Save the dolphins", "save the monkeys", "fuck capitalism", "for the resignation of *insert random politician name*" 
"Hey sweetheart, manifestation tomorrow. See you there!! 🫵🏻" 
When it's not petitions, it's probably videos or articles. Sabo is a pure revolutionary. Be prepared to receive lengthy texts when he wants to fight for a cause. It's cute, honestly. He's really involved and passionate. 
"You, me, on a trip tomorrow?! 😏"
Sabo has a knack for surprising you with trips, so prepare yourself. This man craves adventure and surprises. He wants you to join his crazy journey. 
Sometimes, he's using proper grammar and punctuation, sometimes he's using a lot of !!!!!!!!??????? And caps lock. Especially when he's furious about something.  He makes a lot of typo errors because he's always in a rush while typing.
Let's fught  *figrt *fijkt *FUCK *LET'S FIGHT (and fuck)
He enjoys taking pictures of you unexpectedly because it makes you seem more natural. 
"So… sweetheart… we have a new roommate" with a cute pic of a dog/frog/duck/snail/whatever. Sabo has a kind heart. If he sees a wounded or abandoned animal, he feels obliged to adopt it.
And regarding spicy texts… 
Sabo is a kinky boy. So sure, he's thirsty when it comes to sexting/nudes. As a revolutionary, he is also very careful. He always asks you first before sending you nude or spicy texts. If you're willing, then prepare yourself.
A bunch of nudes. Since he's good with them, he won't display his dick in a weird and unattractive angle to you. He enjoys showing you his hands when he's wearing his gloves. Or a mirror photo of his back.
"I know you will scratch it when I'll fuck you tonight 😏"
You're not forced to send him nude or spicy texts back. He respects your boundaries without exception. And if you send him a photo anyway, he's also really nice. Always a comment like "your ass is soooooo good with this angle. I can't believe I'm that lucky 🥵" and if he wants to save a photo for his collection, he's always asking if it's okay with you.
"Sweetie, i have a new toy for you… 💛"
We all know what he's talking about. Naughty Sabo.
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pupyuj · 10 months
7th member and g!p wonyoung where rumors run around a lot that you and wonyoung don't get along well because you really can't look each in the eye and doesn't interact that much but in reality, you can't look at her in the eye because you're too shy after she fucked your brains out last night and you won't interact that much on cam because wony know that she'll just end up getting a boner and might just consider bending you over right there and then 🥰🥰🥰
sndbdjcncdk i love getting g!p wony asks it's my favorite thing 😩😩😩 it's so obvious that i got way too into this i'm sorry i'm an ive girl through and through .
ya'll know i love giving these things a little backstory and some build-up so... it was just supposed to be a cute little hook-up between you and your favorite dorm mate 😳 the two of you have just come home from a party, giggling and whispering flirty things to each other while you stumbled inside your shared dorm... hands touching and groping anywhere and passing it off as a joke but the next thing you knew you were making out on the couch with wony on top 😵‍💫 she was grinding and humping, needing relief for her cock bcs she has stared at you all night and wanted nothing more but to fuck you, not at all giving a damn about the consequences 🫣 needless to say, you absolutely did get fucked very good, too good maybe, on that couch (and in her bed right after)! you fell asleep in peace thinking that everything will be fine the next morning.. but oh, no they weren't 😬
suddenly you couldn't talk to each other like normal friends 😭 only a few words were shared between the two of you since that night, and you only looked at each other when it was absolutely necessary 😭😭 ofc the fans would notice it very quickly bcs all of your habits around each other have changed :( you used to sit very close to each other all the time, but now you're on opposite sides when the group is doing a live or smth 💔 on top of all that, you stopped talking about each other on fancafes, bubble, etc... it was a bit heartbreaking actually, it was like witnessing a friendship breakup in real time 😭😭 no selfies tgt, no random moments of each other on your individual instas, no reports of a 2 am convenience store run... oh, the (y/n) x wonyoung shippers were in the trenches during this time 😩 (annyeongz shooters can relate—)
and then it gets to a point where it was blown out of proportion online 😬 articles being made, think pieces being written about the current state of your friendship... there was a viral clip of you seemingly side-eyeing wonyoung and acting like a bitch behind her back... which your fans fought everybody to hell for bcs they knew you loved her more than anything 🥹🥹
it was yujin who took notice of this.. thing between you guys ofc and cornered the two of you one day, telling you to get your act together and sort your problems out bcs it was affecting the group dynamic too 💔 apparently jiwon was feeling guilty bcs it was now her that you took to those midnight strolls, and rei always felt like she was 'homewrecking' whenever wonyoung was affectionate with her and not you 😭😭😭 coming home after getting scolded by your leader, the two of you sitting on that very same couch where you fucked, awkward and silent...
"i miss you." it was her that broke the silence. that was really all it took for you to jump in her arms and hug her tightly :(( wony was your best friend, the one who knows all your secrets, the one who remembers every single funny moment in your childhood and reminds you of it to cheer you up, the one who always wiped your tears away when you cried — it hurt to not get along with her 💔💔 "we don't have to make that whole thing be such a bad thing... we can just laugh about it, and... and—" wonyoung looks at you, at your soft smile while you cupped her cheeks in your hands, at your lips (she remembers hoe you kissed her that night), at your body and the way you looked like you belong right on her lap... "and we can just do it again.. and again... over and over..." she says boldly. well that certainly caught you off guard, but who were you to say no?
the two of you were really just supposed to talk, but now wony has you bent over the couch, her hips slapping against your ass while her dick slammed deeper and deeper by the second inside you... your cunt fit perfectly around her cock, it was an almost hypnotizing feeling fucking you 😵‍💫 wony thrusting faster, getting bursts of energy every time you moaned her name... then she's right up in your ear, "w-we... we won't need to leave the dorm when we're bored anymore... we can just fuck.. all the time... does that sound appealing enough, baby?" she was asking.
you nodded, "yes, y-yes, wonyoung... ahh.. mhmm..! i'll always be ready for you... just say the word.. or better yet, just f-fucking... shitshit... just grab me and fuck me... i love your cock.. i love it..." you were convinced that there wasn't a better feeling in the world that getting fucked by your gorgeous best friend, and there really wasn't!
shdbfjfksf wony turning you around so she could look at your face while she pounded into you :((( you were so pretty to her, she will never regret fucking you that night 🤤🤤 deliberately clenching around her cock, smiling at the way it only made her pound you faster — you can't get enough of each other 😵‍💫 kissing as you both came, feeling absolutely at bliss while her cum filled up your cunt... she definitely breeded you all night, she had to make up for lost time! 😉 filled you up on her bed, the showers, on her bed again after showering, even when you slept she was fucking into you... just dumping all of her seed in you bcs she missed you so muchhh :((( and yeah you get your revenge bcs when wony woke up the next morning and she looked down, you winked at her with her cock deep down your throat... and then you rode her until she was a drooling, babbling mess...
sorry did i mention that you guys are just fucking insane? right after that, you were cockwarming her while the two of you had breakfast, then wony was feeling you up impatiently while you washed the dishes, then you were fucking on the couch again while the morning news was on... and you ended up getting ten missed calls from yujin that entire morning bcs wony got very, very busy spilling every drop of her cum inside your pussy AND YET....... it was never enough 🥵🥵🥵
did you ever get off her cock that whole day? probably not... but hey, it did wonders for your friendship!
fans now see that the two of you were closer than ever! back to being jokey around each other, wony now always had an arm wrapped around your waist and you were always combing her hair with your fingers bcs you knew it eased her, and ofc you grew more affectionate towards each other! maybe a bit too much.. but it was wayyy better than when you pretended like the other didn't exist 🤭🤭
see, what they all don't know is after that very fun and loud live at the practice room, wony fucked you to hell in one of those secluded rooms in the company building, making you see the stars while you came all over her cock 😵‍💫 yeah that hook-up was a blessing alright...
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berriweb · 11 months
I absolutely love your work! Can you do some headcanons of both Miles with a S/O who plays soccer and gets injured + their reactions? TY
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╰┈➤ ❝ soccer troubles ❞
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: ̗̀➛ ft. 1610! miles morales/42! miles morales x gn! reader
: ̗̀➛ synopsis. both miles’ with an s/o who plays soccer and gets injured
: ̗̀➛ a/n. tysm anon <3333 hope you enjoy
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Miles is the type of boyfriend to constant brag about how good is s/o is at sports
So expect to constantly hear him boasting about you or asking for/about any updates during soccer season
10/10 supportive boyfriend, tries to show up to every game and repeatedly apologizes when he can’t make it to one or ends up leaving early because of his Spider-Man duties
Especially if he finds out afterwards that your team won, even more so if you scored and he missed out on seeing that
That being saiddddd, he’ll always text you while he’s gone before/after your games he misses to keep in tabs or will try to catch up after, which eventually lead to the text conversation that almost gave him a heart attack on the spot after he finished turning over a villain to the police and was crawling back into his dorm room through the window
M&M: just made it home, sorry i couldn’t make it to the game, yk how it is (੭ ˊ^ˋ)੭ ♡ how’d you do?
You: we won buttttt
M&M: ¯\_(•᷄‎ n •́)_/¯?
Miles laughed at first, thinking you were playing another joke you’d occasionally pull to get a reaction out of him, when you sent him a picture of a hospital monitor
M&M: haha very funny (¬_¬;)
Miles didn’t find it as funny when you responded with a selfie of you holding up your arm to flex your new cast while sticking out your tongue and winking.
M&M: WHAT?????
After a very frantic phone call that mostly consisted of Miles freaking out and demanding to know what happened, he rushed to immediately change clothes and sneak back out, arriving at the hospital mere minutes after the call to be by your side
So you’d broken your arm after a horribly painful landing when you’d fallen during the game, and Miles felt extremely guilty for not being there when it happened despite your reminder that there’s nothing he would’ve been able to do had he been their watching anyway
Miles would be disappointed that he wouldn’t be able to see you play anymore for what would likely be a very long time during your recovery, but at the same time would be there to console you if you’re upset for the same reason, he’d understand you not wanting to miss out on playing
Until you’re fully healed, expect Miles to constantly be trying to cheer you up or find other ways to spend time that you normally would’ve dedicated to soccer
This means more dates, more hanging out at his/your house when not at school, etc.
At one point he probably tries to get you to play video games with you and specifically gets FIFA thinking you’d enjoy it
It’s pretty hard to play a game with one hand though, so that idea gets shut down pretty quick but it’s the thought that counts
He ends up spending the entire night playing for you while you watch
Carries everything for you because you’re injured, claims it’s the gentlemanly thing to do but he ends up doing the most and using his chivalry 24/7 as an excuse to spend more time with you
But claiming he was helping you carry your things can only excuse him from being late to class for so long
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Miles is so in love that some would assume he’s more dedicated to your own sport than you with how much effort he puts into learning any and everything about it all for you
He wasn’t really into soccer before you, he knew the basics of the game but wasn’t all that interested for no reason in particular, but after you started dating he took time out of his day to learn everything about it
From your team as a whole to what position you play, any team you were playing against, he even memorized the schedule for your games the day you brought it up to him
There’s hardly a single thing that would keep him from going to your games, and if any Prowler business comes up that he 1000% can’t miss, he’ll be sure to make up for whatever soccer event he missed because of it
When I say he’s dedicated I mean he’s DEDICATED, won’t let a single thing stop him from sitting in the bleachers, likely by himself, far enough from the crowd to avoid distractions and watch you the entire game
He’s not as loud as the rest when your team scores and they cheer, but he makes a point of looking extremely proud whenever it’s you who scores
His attentiveness ends up mattering because he ends up being their the day you get injured
There wouldn’t be enough words to describe the dread that filled his stomach as the smile quickly wiped off his face when another player from the team ran straight into you as you switched directions with the ball, one wrong step twisting your leg just far enough to make you immediately collapse and put the entire game on pause
Miles was out of his seat before he could even process what had happened, and before he knew it he was sitting in the hospital waiting room, anxiously shaking his leg while waiting for the staff to let him in to see you
When he was finally able to visit you there was a solid 5 minutes of him constantly asking questions seeing if you needed anything and making sure you were okay while simultaneously cursing out the other team member for putting you in here in an angry thread of Spanglish while pacing back and forth
You had to make him promise he was joking when he ventured into threatening the person, and he did (while crossing his fingers behind his back)
Saying he was upset you wouldn’t be able to play until your now broken leg healed is an understatement, but Miles promises to help you with everything until you get better
And when I say everything I mean everything
His mother raised a gentleman so good luck convincing him to dial it down with the nurse mode because he’s going to be all over you
Walking you to and from every destination, offering a hand at every small step, keeping a protective stance anytime you’re walking near any group of people/crowd to avoid anyone bumping into you, even going as far as to insist he carries anything you try to hold on your own
“You know I broke my leg, not my fingers, right? I can carry one bag by myself.”
“No dice, puedo hacerlo. Give it here.”
“It’s one bag! It’s not even that heavy!”
“Stop playing with me Y/N, give. It. Here.”
“Miles I swear to god-”
You ended up having to fork it over.
Miles might come off as insanely overbearing but you end up getting use to letting him assist you nearly 24/7, at the end of the day you know he’s trying his best (and doing a damn good job at it), he’s only trying so hard to show he cares
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kylianswifey · 1 year
Yacht Day - Kylian Mbappe x reader
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Summary: Kylian and Y/N are hanging out with their friends on a yacht. Y/N gets turned on my Kylian in a very inappropriate time. Warning: mention of sex. Word count: 1.7k
The warm sun beats down on my skin as I lounge on the yacht with my friends, enjoying our much-needed vacation. We're all having a great time, laughing and chatting over some beers. It was Kylian’s idea to have a vacation day with Neymar and Bruna, my best friend Violet and her husband Devin with their two year old daughter, Aria. We all grew close together after hanging out a couple of times together at mine and Kylian’s apartment. The chemistry between us as a group was strong so we love to do these kinds of activities together often.
Aria was sitting on my lap showing me her toys she had brought with her. I’ve been friends with Violet before she got pregnant, so I’ve been close with Aria since she was born. Sometimes, Kylian and I babysit her on Saturdays and we love spending time with her. I love seeing Kylian spend time with her. It makes me excited to have a family with him someday. We’ve had that conversation multiple times and we’re both on the same page. “Hey, mama. We have to put on more sunscreen, come on.” Violet reached out her hands to grab Aria from my lap. I hand her Aria and smile at their mother-daughter moment. The other guys were sitting, having a fun conversation because I can hear them laugh.
“Hey, Vi. I’m gonna head out on the deck while you take care of Aria.” “Sure. I’m going to put her down for a nap and I’ll be right out there after.” I nodded and made my way out. The sun was shining, tanning my exposed skin. I was wearing a green skirt and white crop top and a scarf on my head. Bruna was sitting close to Neymar on the couch, with his arm around her, while Devin sat on the floor with a beer in his hand. I spotted Kylian sitting on the stairs with his elbows resting on his knees, holding a beer on his left hand. He looked handsome in white shorts and no shirt. 
When Kylian spotted me, he motioned for me to sit on one stair below him, in between his legs. He kissed my forehead and smiled, looking down at me.
“Hey baby, did you have fun with Aria?”
“Yeah, but Violet is putting her to sleep right now. She was tired.” “Aww, I had fun with her too. I took a couple selfies with her.” I smiled at Kylian’s face when talking about Aria. He's a manly man, but he's not afraid to show his softer side, and I find that so incredibly attractive. 
“...and then I had to call him to make sure…” Neymar continued his story he was telling before I got here. Kylian lifted his head from looking at me and paid attention to Neymar. Anytime he laughed, I could feel his vibrations on my pressed back on his chest.
Because he was resting his elbows on his knees, I was practically trapped in between him. He held the beer with one hand, and subconsciously ran the fingers of his free hand on my cheek without looking at me.
“Oh yeah, yeah. I remember that. I told Y/N about it, it was so funny.” I didn’t even know what Kylian was talking about, his muscular thighs are making it hard for me to concentrate on anything else.
I can feel the heat rising in my cheeks as I think about how turned on I am by his position behind me. I know I should be paying attention to the conversation, but all I can think about is how badly I want to feel his strong arms wrapped around me.
"Hey, Y/N, are you even listening to us?" Neymar asks, snapping me out of my reverie.
I turn my head to look at him, feeling a little embarrassed. "Sorry, what was that?"
Neymar chuckles. "I was talking about that story that happened at training last week."
I shake my head, feeling a little flustered. "Oh, right. It was so funny."
"I laughed so hard when Ney told me," Bruna says with a smile. "I couldn’t even breathe."
I nod, trying to focus on the conversation again. But it's hard when Kylian's warm breath is tickling my ear, and his fingers are idly tracing circles on my neck. I can feel myself getting wet, and I know I need to get a hold of myself before I embarrass myself in front of everyone.
Kylian seemed to notice the absent state and put his hand to caress my jaw and lightly pushed my head closer to his chest.
"Is everything okay, baby?" he whispers in my ear, and I can hear the amusement in his voice.
I nod, feeling a little embarrassed. "Yeah, everything's fine, Ky."
Kylian chuckles, and I can feel his lips brush against my ear.. "You know, I can feel you getting turned on, right?"
I feel my face flush bright red, and I try to pull away from him. "Kylian, please," I whisper, hoping that nobody else can hear us.
He leans closer to my ear, talking in a low voice.. "We just got here, baby.."
I lift my head to look at his face and close my eyes, making a pouty face. ”I knoww!”
He chuckles at me and kisses my lips and leaned close to my ear again, I look down. ”I’ll take good care of you when we get home, baby.”
His warm breath on my skin sent a rush of sensations through my body, and I couldn't help but feel a little weak in the knees. His words were a soft and gentle murmur, but they carried a weight that made my heart skip a beat. In that moment, everything else faded away and it was just the two of us, lost in each other's embrace.
“Ky, don’t do that please..” he knows I get weak  when he does that.
He grins and runs his hand up and down my thigh.” Do what?” I grip his thighs. “You like to torture me, don’t you?” I looked back up at him, giving him a look that begged him to stop turning me on more.
“Baby, everyone is looking at us..”
“Hey, Aria finally fell  asleep, what are you guys chatting about?” Violet came out on the deck and sat next to her husband.
Violet’s entrance brought me back to reality and I looked up at Kylian.” Baby, stop doing that.” “I’m not doing anything!” he nuzzled his nose deeper into my neck as he said this. “That!”
But he didn't stop, and instead, he enjoyed seeing me in this shy, turned on state. He loved having this effect on me, and I couldn't help but love it too.
As the conversation died down, I excused myself to the bathroom, hoping to calm myself down. I splashed some water on my face and took a deep breath, trying to control my emotions. I sat on the bathroom counter and took a moment to calm down before heading out. I closed my eyes and relived the position I was in minutes ago, between my hot, unresistable boyfriend’s legs. 
The door opened and a happy, smirking Kylian walked in. He locked the door behind him and came up to me, standing between my hanging legs on the counter. His soft lips brushed against mine. He traveled his lips down my neck, my chest and ran his on my butt.
“Kylian…” I closed my eyes letting out a small moan.
He kissed me and spoke with his lips against me.”Shh, quiet baby. I will take care of you.” I couldn't resist him any longer, and I didn't want to. I needed him now more than ever, and he knew it. As he continued to kiss me, I felt his hand slide up my thigh under my skirt, making me shudder with pleasure. He shushed me every time I moaned, his lips finding mine again and again, silencing me with his kisses.
His hand continued to move higher and higher, until it reached my middle. I gasped as he slid a finger in, and I felt myself getting wetter and wetter.
“Shh, be a good girl, baby.”
He continued to finger me, his mouth exploring every inch of my neck, and I couldn't control myself any longer. I moaned, feeling the pleasure building up inside me. Kylian's touch was electric, sending shockwaves of pleasure through me. He added another finger, stretching me out, and I gasped as the sensations became even more intense.
"Kylian," I moaned, unable to hold back the pleasure building inside me.
He shushed me again, his mouth finding mine in a passionate kiss. As his fingers continued to move inside me, I felt myself getting wetter and wetter, my body on the brink of orgasm.
And then it hit me, a wave of pleasure washing over me as I came undone in his arms while I hung my  mouth open as he kissed the corner of my lips, looking in his eyes as he did the same. My body was shaking with ecstasy, and he held me close, whispering words of love and comfort in my ear. 
He continued to hold me close against his chest as I caught my breath, my eyes still closed. He kissed my neck and ran his hands on my back. I opened my eyes and loosely wrapped my arms around his waist.
“You okay, love?” he pulled away from the hug and cupped my face, softly kissing my lips. He always asks me that after sex, it’s one of his aftercare things.
“I feel amazing, baby. I love you.” I smiled at him and he pressed his lips against my forehead. “I love you too, amor.” He helped me hop off the bathroom counter.
“You go join the guys back there as I fix myself up and change my skirt and panties, okay?”
He nodded and gave me a quick peck before he left the bathroom. I stood there looking at myself in the mirror, smiling like an idiot, thinking about the way Kylian makes me feel. I’m the luckiest girl in the world to be able to call him mine.
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baxteravenue · 10 months
summary: during quarantine you find yourself finding comfort in an up and coming rapper from louisville who is pretty active with his fans, a couple later you end up messaging his fan number never expecting anything from it...
a/n: sorry if this sucks, this was one of those pieces i wrote mostly for me and what i wish would happen when i message that damn number lol, anyways hope you enjoy!!
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Jack Harlow had always been one of your favorite artists since the early start of quarantine when you had seen a tik tok of a baby-faced rapper promoting a song that you had not been able to get out of your head. 
At first it was just his music, you loved it and literally couldn’t get enough that you would spend your quarantine listening to it and soon it followed with you diving head first into his  interviews and ‘Funny Jack Harlow Moments’... you were infatuated with and it bled into Twitter. 
You used your personal twitter, never fully committing to the whole stan persona because you were still kinda iffy about all that. 
In late 2020 and early 2021 Jack was still so active with everything and all the indirects he would get, he was especially active with the tweets that would come from you. You quickly became one of his favorite accounts.
You were super surprised one random day when he followed you, sending you a DM with your tweet linked to it.
YOURTWITTERNAME— dua lipa is stuck in my heaaaaaaad
JackHarlow: My song or u just gotta crush on her ?
JackHarlow: You comin to any shows? |
JackHarlow: Daaaaaaaaamn Y/N don’t treat me like a second choice
YOURTWITTERNAME: next time to do something problematic so it’s easier to get tickets
JackHarlow: Mmmmm
YOURTWITTERNAME: not too much now sassy pants
It was the first and last time that the two of you had exchanged more than a few words or emojis from when he would reply to you on the timeline but it was also the last time that the two of you would talk before he went on tour and stopped getting so active on twitter in general.
You also slowly but surely stopped talking about Jack on Twitter since going back to school in person and just finding a social life, leaving your parasocial relationship with him in the past.
That was until a week ago when he had randomly dropped another album, and decided to promote it by releasing a number that he would be able to communicate with his fans with. It made you smile, this album was for him and the people who truly got him. 
You couldn’t help it, even though you hadn’t thought about Jack in a while it still didn’t stop you from listening to his album and eventually messaging the number. 
Y/N: i love the album, i know I don’t know you like that but it  feels so you… proud of youuuuu
You never expected a response especially since you were so sure that his inbox was probably flooding with messages from other fans but on the other side of the U.S. Jack’s eyes had caught your name, his head flashing back to yours and his relationship from once before. His number one. 
Jack: I’m so glad you love it Y/N , your opinion always gonna mean so much to me
Y/N: questions so about meeeee
Jack: Funny girl huh? You the one who stopped texting and tweeting making me think I fell off
Y/N: WAIT.. not you really texting lmao i thought this was AI
Jack: {SELFIE} Hi
Y/N: still sexy i see
Jack: Staaaaawpppp dont make me blush
Texting Jack felt so weird this time, because it felt normal… like there was no gap between the two of you. Like the two of you had known eachother forever and had always been friends. 
When you texted he would respond and sometimes he would even text you first. Things even started getting insanely personal and close when he had requested you on Instagram, something that completely took you by surprise since you had never even given him your name like that.
Y/N: did u just request me?
Jack: Was that weird?
Y/N: I’m confused…
Jack: Nothing confusing just press confirm 
Y/N: ok smart ass u know what i mean
When you had finally accepted him he was quick to text you.
Jack: I’m lurking 
Y/N: are you now?
Jack: You’re really fuckin pretty how come I never knew that?
Y/N: i don’t know about all that
Jack: Why is ur face not plastered everywhere 
Jack: It should be everywhere 
Jack: Gorgeous 
You could feel your heartbeat increase and as much as you wanted to allow yourself to feel something you couldn’t because you didn’t know him enough to take it seriously. He could very well be saying this to all his fans. Because that’s what you were… a fan.
You were in a random Barnes and Noble when an unknown number started calling you, you gave your phone a confused look before declining it going back to looking at the shelves. 
Unknown: Answer the phoneeee
Y/N: do i know u weird ass?
Unknown: Damn ur mean
Unknown: Answer the phoneeeeee
Your eyes widened as a live picture of Jack Harlow sent after the last text and then the phone began ringing again.
Was Jack Harlow calling you? There was just no fucking way.
“Did I win a giveaway or something?” You spoke softly into the phone and you almost dropped your coffee as a familiar voice spoke back.
“That’s how you sound? This shit is crazy…” Jack sighed.
You giggled, “I’m confused?”
“You sound just how I pictured.” 
“Why are you calling me, Mr. Harlow?”
“I want to meet you Y/N…” Jack spoke lowly, “I’m gonna keep it a buck and shit if you wanna sell this story to TMZ let me know but I don’t really do this and you know people want a lot from me but I feel like you don’t and shit I may just be talking but… Why you laughing?”
You smiled, “Because you’re you and yet you're stumbling all over your words.”
“What would the world think?” You could almost hear his smile.
You bit your lip confused, “Why do you want to meet me?”
It was quiet for a second before Jack spoke. “Can I be honest with you?”
He let out a chuckle, “I believe that I have a crush on you, Y/N.”
“And what are you gonna do about that?”
And that was how you ended up in Las Vegas after being flown out by Jack Harlow…
You had told him once that you lived in Los Angeles, you didn’t expect him to remember but he did. 
Should you have been scared? A man you never met flying you to him to meet for the first time? Sure, but you weren’t because this was Jack, someone who you had been having regular conversations with daily for the past few months. The same guy who admitted to having a crush on you.
But then again this was Jack, a guy you really didn’t know if you were actually being serious. This could have been all a part of a really weird Hollywood cult initiation thing.
Jesus, everything that was coming out of your mouth sounded insane.
To say you were second guessing everything and anything was an understatement, and you were just about ready to hop on the next flight back to Los Angeles— Until you saw him, all covered up in a New Balance set as if it was doing a lot to hide his tall figure.
You smiled at him, instantly grabbing his attention making him do a light jog to you.
His smile was even prettier in person and if you took the time you could count all the freckles on his face. 
“Hi.” Jack smiled at you, before pulling a bouquet of…
“Are those Hyacinths?” Those were your favorite flowers, you don’t think you ever even told him that yet there they were in a bouquet in his hand.
Jack shrugged, smiling even bigger. “Like I said I was lurking and may or may not have found through a tweet about animal crossing, which by the way I would love to visit you on your island.”
He was perfect, insanely perfect.
You grabbed them, pulling the bouquet closer to your chest. “They're gorgeous, thank you so much.” 
“This is gonna sound really middle school but can I hug you?”
You laughed, before wrapping your arms around him feeling his wrap around you too. You could hear his heart beating.
You looked up at him seeing that he was already looking down at you, “It’s nice to meet you Jack.”
“Right back at you, pretty girl.” 
You felt like you were floating as Jack threw his arm over your shoulder, leading you through the busy airport to where his car was waiting. 
“Finally, they were just about damn ready to arrest me for parking here.” A familiar face appeared as you walked up to the car.
“Not your fault of course,” The guy winked at you, “I’m Urban.”
Jack quickly brought you closer to him, laughing. “She doesn’t care Urb, now get in the back.”
You smiled, “He doesn’t speak for me. Nice to meet you Urban, I’m Y/N.”
“I hope you chill him out, fame has gotten to his head.” 
“I’m sure.” You gave Jack a look before hopping in the passenger seat.
Jack sighed as he got into the car, “I’m not sure I like what’s going on here.”
The drive back to the hotel was full of laughter and getting to know Urban as he talked all the way back. You thought he was funny and could see yourself getting along with him. 
Your eyes widened as you rode the elevator up, having to tap the card and put a special code to ride up to a private floor that Jack was staying at.
“I’m not being promiscuous by the way, this penthouse has four rooms so you get your own, but if you want like your own room-room that’s cool too and I can make the call I just want you to be comfortable.”
“It’s fine,” You smiled up at Jack. “It’s perfect.”
“Like you.” Jack winked.
“And that’s my cue.” Urban groaned, “Let me know when yall are done being all cute and shit.” 
“Gonna be a while, I don’t think she can.” 
“Goodbye!” You could hear the elevator close leaving just you and Jack in the suite.
“I’ll show you your room, so I can put down your heavy ass bag.” 
“I told you, you didn’t have to carry it.” You said as you tried grabbing the bag from him, making him pull it up out of your reach.
“Nah, nah.” He shook his head, leading you to your room, the bag still being held up high, “I just did arm day so this is something light.” 
You looked at how toned his arms looked as he set down your bag on the dresser in the room he had for you. 
You sat down on the bed, “Comfy.”
“Better be, shit cost a ton.” He sat down next to me, “Still not used to all this.”
“Are you excited?” You asked him, “For tomorrow? I was lurking on Twitter and I saw that a lot of your fans are coming.”
“Yeah, I love em’.” Jack smiled, “Want to put on a good show for them especially for canceling so last minute last time. I even had my manager plan a little secret missionary party for them to get to know each other tonight.” 
“You’re so sweet, are you gonna make an appearance?” 
He shook his head, “Got something else planned for tonight.” 
Jack shrugged, “I don’t know, like taking a pretty girl out on a date.”
You nodded, “Hope she has a fun night… I might go visit that Jack Harlow fan party because you know I’m a fan.” 
“You’re more than that to me, Y/N.” Jack shook his head, “I hope you know that.”
You wanted to believe it, you really did. But seeing as Jack had chosen a weekend where Vegas would be littered with his fans making it easy to move you into the fan category if he wanted to in case people started asking questions. 
You nodded, “Okay.” 
Your eyes opened slowly as you woke up from an accidental sleep, you blinked as the once bright room was covered in darkness. How long have you been asleep? How did you even fall asleep?
The date, shit.
You quickly got up, heading to the restroom that was connected to your room brushing your teeth and splashing your face with water to wake you up some more. 
“She’s asleep… She got in early… No, it's only been like an hour and a half… Thanks, I'll let you know how it goes… I’m not talking to her… Enough, bye.”
You could hear him talking from the other side of the door. You waited for him to finish his conversation not wanting to interrupt anything. 
Slowly, you opened the door walking out in the living room area. His back was faced to you but it didn’t take long for him to turn around, giving you a smile.
“Have a nice nap, pretty girl?”
“Why did you let me fall asleep?” You asked, a little upset that you had wasted precious time with Jack. 
He stood up, walking over to you. “It’s okay you weren't even asleep for a long time. Plus that was my bad for booking you such an early flight. I would have done the same.” Jack took your hand leading you around the couch, “Hungry?” 
You gave him a deep stare, “Starved.”
Being around Jack felt surreal, almost like you were in a daze.
Eating breakfast, giggling like high schoolers, and just overall getting to know one another was unlike anything you had experienced previously. You were excited about it all— Until reality came to view.
Right when the two of you were about to head out to the dinner that Jack had planned for the two of you he had gotten a call that he had to take in the other room, leaving you with your thoughts about everything that was going on and how everything would end up when you eventually would have to leave.
You frowned as Jack came back in with an annoyed look, “I’m gonna make this up to you pretty girl. I promise.”
“What happened?”
“Club called, wanted me to do an appearance tonight supposedly it was on the contract which is bullshit.” He sighed, “I gotta be there for at least two hours.” 
“Two hours?” 
“Look when I come back we can—”
You felt like someone had slapped you in the face, “You want me to stay here?”
Jack felt like an asshole. “Pretty girl, it’s just… At these clubs it’s a lot and people take pictures and I don’t want them to ruin this.”
Right. Of course he wouldn’t  want pictures of the two of you together. Gosh, you hope your sadness and disappointment show on your face but when Jack looked at you again you could tell it did. He was looking at you as if you were a kicked puppy— like the girls used to in middle school when you wanted to hang out and they didn’t have the guts to tell you no but they weren't exactly gonna tell you yes either. 
“Oh, yeah that makes sense I guess. Um…” You didn’t know what to say in a situation like this, you couldn't exactly argue the two of you were nothing. “I’m tired anyways so yeah… Have fun Jack.” 
Jack shook his head, “You’re not tired and you know what fuck it. I’m my own person and if I wanna bring a girl out to something I can.”
Okay, now you were confused which was easily filled in by Jack.
“My management has this thing with image, they portray me exactly how they want me to be and if a heartthrob rapper is who they want me to be I can’t exactly say no… or I couldn’t before.” Jack sighed, “Look Y/N… talking to you these past few months on the phone, in text, and everything in between that's the realest I’ve ever felt with someone in a really long time.”
“Mm-mm.” He shook his head, “I see the way you’re holding back with me and I don’t want you to. I flew you out to Miami because I needed to meet you, to see you, and I want to continue to see you because I really like you.”
“I’m nobody though, Jack. I’m just your fan.”
“And I’m obsessed that you're my fan but you're much more than that to me.” Jack smiled, “You’re Y/N, a girl who’s obsessed with Taylor Swift, and corrects people when they call Grogu ‘Baby Yoda’, you're someone who loves a cute drink even when they taste horrible, you're the only person I know that can spend hours at Barnes and Noble… You’re much more than my fan Y/N.”
You had spent so much time thinking all of this was one sided like you were the only one learning things about him but it just wasn’t true because he was listening. He was listening to it all, even the smallest details about you that you had only brought up for a second.
“That was the most romantic thing that’s ever happened to me.” You smiled.
“Not the paid for airplane ticket and expensive ass suite.” Jack smiled back at you cheekily. 
You shook your head, moving closer. “I’m gonna kiss you now.”
Jack leaned down, “I’d be offended if you didn’t.” 
And just like that, all the doubt and negative thoughts had washed away when his lips met yours because now you knew that it was all real. Every single feeling that you felt, every feeling that he felt… It was real.
The two of you pulled away breathless.
“I’ve been waiting to do that since you stepped off that plane, and I don’t think I’m ever waiting again.” Jack brought his hand up to cup your face, his thumb brushing over your cheek. “My pretty girl.”
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familyvideostevie · 1 year
hi! would you write rooster giving his shy girl cuddles when she's on her period and feeling lonely? thank you <333
anon how did you know this is me rn? so, for you (but also me): you get your period for the first time since you've started seeing rooster and he is just like, the best ever | fluff, fem!reader, 1.4k
The dull ache in your abdomen wakes you earlier than you'd like for a Saturday. You blindly reach for your phone and check the time and then the date -- ugh. Yeah, it's about time for your period.
Mercifully you have not bled on your sheets so you sort yourself out and change from comfy pjs to comfy clothes and resign yourself to a lonely day on the couch. The first few days are always the hardest on you -- you feel sluggish and bloated and tend not to do anything if you can help it.
But lately, your life has taken on a kind of shine you're still getting used to. The biggest thing is the guy you've been seeing: Bradley. It's been just shy of a month and you see him every few days. You've met his aviator friends and he's stayed over at your place once, you at his a few times. He's funny and kind and so handsome and you hope that it changes from "seeing each other" to something more official soon.
That's what stops you from texting him. Maybe if he was officially your boyfriend you'd ask him to pick up some stuff and come over, but you feel shy about doing it for some reason. So you wrap yourself in the sweatshirt he left at your place and settle on the couch to watch something that'll probably make you cry.
Then your phone chirps.
rooster: are you busy today? do you want to walk the boardwalk? i'll buy ice cream : )
Something in your chest starts to ache. You'd mentioned wanting to take advantage of the weather and try the new ice cream shop that opened up by the water.
you: not feeling great today : ( rain check?
Your screen changes a second later, Bradley's contact photo taking over as he calls you. It's a selfie he took on your phone when you were in the bathroom. Oh, you think. Why is he calling you?
"Hi," you say. It sounds a little pathetic.
"Hey," he replies. You imagine him at his place, maybe fresh from his morning run, brows drawn based on the concern in his voice. "Are you okay?"
He's calling because you said you were sick? You don't really know what to do with that. "Yeah, just woke up feeling off. I'm sorry about not going to the boardwalk today."
He hums down the line. "Don't apologize, silly," he says. "Do you need anything? I can get anything you want from the store and bring it over. Do you have lemons? My mom swore by lemon tea when she wasn't feeling great --"
Bradley goes on about the things he could get you at the pharmacy and you feel like laughing and crying at the same time. He's known you for less than a month and he's calling to see if you're alright. God, you think. I could love him someday.
Maybe that's why you just blurt it out, embarrassment tingling in your cheeks. "Bradley," you say, and he stops talking. "I'm not like, sick sick. I just...have my period and feel blah."
Something rustles like he's shifting the phone from one ear to the other. "Oh, sweetheart," he says. He's never called you that before. Your name, yes, and shortened versions of it, yes, but a pet name? Not really. You love it. "I can still buy you stuff for that. You might have to send me pictures of the brands you use, though, because there are so damn many in the aisle."
You will not cry. That would be very cliche of you, and frankly, this is what every girl deserves. But damn if your heart doesn't feel like it's bursting.
"You don't need to buy me anything," you say, softly. You will your shyness away. "But uh, if you don't mind sitting on the couch with a kind of grumpy girl watching nature documentaries all day, you could come over?"
"I absolutely do not mind doing that," he says and you feel like you can hear his smile. "I'll be over in an hour?"
It feels big, somehow, him coming over because you're on your period and feel like shit. Thus far you've spent time together doing things -- going to the Hard Deck or out to eat and, a few times so far, learning each other in bed. You haven't really had a lazy day.
So when he knocks, you slide in your socks to the door maybe a little too fast for the ache you feel all over. You forget that you're in ratty shorts and his sweatshirt until you open the door and he looks you up and down.
"Hi," he says. "Cute." You tug on the sleeves and scrunch up your nose, moving aside to let him in. It's then that you notice he's carrying a bag from the pharmacy.
"Bradley, I said you didn't have to buy anything." He toes off his shoes and shoots you an incredulous look.
"Well, don't get too excited," he says. "I didn't know what flavor of stuff you like so I went kind of basic. I can go get more if you hate all of it."
He sets the bag on your counter and starts to unpack it. You watch him as he does -- damp hair like he showered before he came, workout shorts and a t-shirt that looks oh-so-soft. The scars on his face stand out with his recent tan and you find one you haven't noticed before on his neck. It's fun, the newness of what you have. You're still learning him.
The counter is now full of various ice creams and sweet snacks, as well as some pain medication and...a lemon. "What is your favorite flavor, anyway?" he says, packing the cartons into your freezer.
You tell him and he taps his temple like he's storing it. "I'll remember next time."
Next time.
"Bradley," you mutter. He hears you, turning his head and shutting the freezer. "Thank you for coming over and bringing this stuff."
His eyes go soft and smiles your favorite Bradley smile so far -- it's soft, tender, pleased. "Of course," he says, reaching for you. You take a step and meet him halfway. One big hand tangles with yours and the other cups your jaw, thumb moving slowly over the skin of your cheek. "Thanks for letting me," he adds. He knows that you get shy, that you're still getting to know the private parts of each other.
He kisses you softly and you sigh into his mouth until a wave of cramps hits and you wince. Bradley pulls away with concern on his face until he puts it together. "Sorry," you say. He hushes you.
"Let me make you some of that lemon tea and then we can sit on the couch? I seem to remember you mentioning nature documentaries?" He taps your chin with a knuckle when you nod.
"I like the sound of that," you say.
You try to stay upright as you wait, you really do. But the cramps are coming in waves and you're tired, so you end up horizontal on the couch by the time Bradley brings over the mug.
"Oh," he says, frowning. "Do you want some meds?"
You shake your head. You already took some before he arrived. He puts the mug on your table and cracks his knuckles. The movement gives you an idea.
"Bradley," you say. "I have an idea." He sits on the edge of the couch and puts his hand on your knee.
"Your hands..." you swallow. The shyness creeps up your throat but you persevere. "If you put them here --" you pat your abdomen -- "they'd be like a heating pad."
"Say no more," he says. "Scoot." Bradley actually does all the arranging, settling himself between you and the back of the couch. Your legs tangle and he hooks his chin over your shoulder. "Here?" he asks, putting his hand over the waistband of your shorts.
"Yeah, almost." You can already feel the heat radiating from him and you move his palm so it's on your bare skin under your top, a few fingers sneaking under the waistband of your shorts. It should be sexy, honestly, and while it is intimate, more than anything it's comfortable. "Perfect," you sigh. It really is. He really is.
Bradley relaxes behind you and presses a kiss to your shoulder. "Good," he says. "Now let's watch some badass shit about monkeys or something."
thank you for reading <3 reblog, send feedback, masterlist here!
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ghostismybbygorl · 1 year
You're ours
Tumblr media
Alright my thirsties time to feed you with some
Soap x ghost x afab! reader
Minors do not interact
Summary: you grew tired of ghost and decided to try someone and something new.
Warnings: sex, unprotected sex, anal play, anal, threesome, uhh sex stuff you know. Consent is key to a threesome bitches
word count: 2,86
i proof read it with grammary but i don't know if it corrected anything so sorry not sorry
You grew tired of fucking just ghost, you wanted to branch out and see other people. The two of you established that the relationship was strictly friends with benefits and that if he heard anything about it he’ll break it off immediately so, the thought of you fucking someone else wasn’t a concern of it to him. You decided that ghost should be jealous of you and make you his girl to fuck. You thought of what to do and decided that it was time to pick a new partner. You walked into the kitchen area in search to find him. You passed ghost without looking and walked right up to soap. He was of course shoving food in his mouth acting as if he didn't just eat 3 hours ago. You sat next to him pulling out your phone and scrolling through TikTok. You found a video that made you giggle. Soap looked over to see what you where giggling at and you showed him,
“Oh thats fucking funny!” he laughed “you gotta send me that!” 
“What’s your number ill text you it” you smiled (your plan had worked)
You handed your phone to him and he put his number in 
He then took a selfie of himself and handed it to you. You glanced at ghost to find him staring daggers into you. 
“What what are you doing tonight?” you asked 
“Not much thinking bout just playin some games, what about you?” he replied scooping another piece of food into his mouth.
“I was thinking about getting a couple of friends together since I'm in my hometown and hit the city for some drinks.” you put your hand on his arm “ you should totally go!’ you’d love my friends and we can bring gaz, price, and ghost” 
“That does sound fun! Hey, LT you wanna go out? y/n is thinking about getting the gang together to the city!” soap pointed his spoon toward him 
Ghost shook his head “can’t got paperwork to do.”
You put your hands on your cheeks “cmooonnn ghoosty we’d have so much fun!” (and i can get you jelous)
Ghost rolled his eyes “ill think about it”
You got up ruffled soaps hair “ill text you the deeds” 
Soap nodded shoving another spoonful of food
“Shes cute” he said to ghost
Ghost sighed through his nose “Stay away from her she’s trouble”
“Yet you say that to anyone who you dont trust” 
“Im usually right” ghost got out of his chair and walked past soap bending down pulling his mask up slightly 
“also i  have 20 minutes of free time” he bit soaps ear and walked away pulling his mask down with soap trailing behind him like a puppy. 
You planned on meeting your friends at 7 and that you’d take a uber over. Ghost, gaz, and soap, surprising price and a couple other soldiers decided to join. You met your friends and introduced them to everyone. You clung on to soap like glue the whole night laughing at his dry jokes grazing you hand next to his, accidentally touching his hand when he bought you drinks. Your plan is doing well because before the team got in the uber soap whispered 
“ my room one hour” you knew you he snagged the bait. 
You stood in front of soap's door gently knocking on it. He opened and in one swift move he had you pinned against the wall your legs wrapped around him in a heated kiss 
“Ive wanted to fuck you all night” he growled “cheeky little minx thinking you're sly with the gentle touches” 
he trailed his lips down your neck leaving a hickey visible for the naked eye to see. He threw you down onto the bed taking off your clothes and trailing his mouth down towards your slit leaving hickeys all over your body. Ghost will definitely see these next time he fucks you. You moaned when soap licked your folds watching your eyes. He kissed your pussy
“Im gonna make you scream tonight lass.” he licked again “gonna make you feel really good” 
he dove in eating you out like it was his last meal making you squirm and whimper trying to stay quiet. 
“C’mom baby let it all out i want to hear your name roll of that sexy mouth of yours.”
 He shoved two fingers in you causing you to gasp and let out a loud moan “mmmmmmuh soap!” 
he let out a low growl sucking on your clit. You started to feel build up in you heat. Clenching hard around soaps fingers
 “that it love, fucking cum all over my hands”
 he pumped them faster hitting your g-spot every time. You moaned his name like it was a prayer grabbing onto his hair as your rode out your orgasm. 
Soap moaned “taste so fucking good baby i could eat you out all day” 
he gave another lick over your clit before he started trailing kisses up your body eventually getting to your lips. He left gentle kisses then proceeded to take his shirt and jeans off revealing his hard-on under his briefs. He palmed himself enjoying the view of you “youch yourself” he said hovering over you. You did as he wanted rubbing your sensitive clit. He kissed your nipple and started sucking it and palming the other occasionally switching sides while you chased your high “mnh soap i-i cant” you sighed out “need help” soap let go of your breast and smirked trailing his hand down to finger you again. You pulled your hands away so he could please you but he grabbed it and set it back on your clit.
 “Lets do this together yeah?” 
you nodded starting to rub soft circles. He kissed you gently nipping at your lip smirking
 “ youre so fucking sexy i could please you all night” 
he quickened his pace causing your breath to hitch you let out another loud moan. You rubbed your clit faster feeling your body shake as you rode your seccond orgasm
“god i want you so baaad” you cried out sqirting all over his hands
“please soap i want you to fuck me~” you panted
Soap took his finger out of you licking them 
“ you want me eh? Gotta work for it first” 
He pulled his breifs down revealing his dick. You gawked at it. He was about average size but he was thick and uncut. Soap pulled yoh out of your trance 
“Never seen a dick before?” 
You stumbled over gently grabbing it in your hamds pumping it a couple times watching the foreskin move up and down mesmerized by it. Soap chuckled
 “never seen one like this?”
“No” you mumbled shyly “everyone ive been with have been cut”
Soap tilted your head up
“Bout to change your perspective” he winked 
You wrapped your lips around the tip gently dragging your tongue up the frenulum stopping causing a soap to hitch his breath 
“Fuuck~” he moand gripping your hair and pushing your head lower 
“C,mon love take it all in that pretty mouth of yours” 
You looked up at him licking from the base up to the tip bobbing your head up and down. Soap groaned at the sight of you taking his length in your mouth. You sped up your pace your finger reaching up to touch his balls. You gently cupped them in your hand lightly moving them. 
“Oh fuuck” he moaned louder “fuck you're taking me so well fuuuck~” 
You you slapped the inside of his thigh him releasing your hair 
“Y’alright?” He asked
You gave his dick one last up with it leaving a wet pop.
“Spread your legs” you comanded 
He did as told and you gently pressed your finger on his taint 
“Is this okay” you ask
You knew some men aren't okay with what you where about to do. 
He nodded and you moved your finger to his hole
“What about this?” You said gently putting the tip of your finger in
A low grumble came from his chest 
“Fuckin do anything you want princess im all yours.
You smirked, grabbing his cock and sucking it hard. Soap groaned loudly. you slid your finger in gently toying with his prostate. He gripped your hair hard thrusting his hips to the pace he wanted to feel his pleasure builting up 
“Oh fucking christ” he whined “fucking feel so goood~ oh shiiit~”
You quickened your pace now shoving a second digit slowly. You watched as his face scrunched up groaning loudly as he spilled his seed into your mouth. You slolwy fingered him until he came down from your high. 
“Fuckin hell” he sighed flopping down onto the bed. He grabbed your hips moving you like you where nothing to him. 
“Get on my hips” he said setting you down on too of him. You straddled him resting your hands on his chest waiting for the next command hes gonna give you
“So fucking beautiful love, im gonna fuck the shit out of you” he panted 
Soap started rubbing your clit softly causing you to rock your hips on his limp dick
“Thats it love make me hard with that wet pussy of yours he said grabbing your hip with his other hand and rocking your hips faster. You leaned down gently kissing him as he helped you chase your high of your third release. Your body started to shake as your next orgasm came crashing down on you 
“UHHHH~ JOHNNY~” you yelled cumming over his now harded length 
Soap grabbed your hips position himself into you. You rocked your hips back and forward riding your orgasm out. 
“God yer so fuckin tight” he groaned holding your hips and thrusting into them. You yelled his name out as his pace quickened 
Ghost ears perked up when walked passed soaps room hearing the animalistic sounds emitting from his room. He knew those moans immediately. He opened the door quietly coming im and closing the door locking it shut. He loomed in the corner watching the two of you fuck. He felt himself grow harder from the sight. He started palming himself. You looked over to see him smirking you slammed your hips down soaps length hard causing him to moan louder
 “fuckin hell”  ghost muttered now taking his dick out of his pants and stroking it. He walked over to the two of you grabbing soaps cheeks peeling the gaze away from you to ghosts throbbing cock. 
“Suck” was the only command soap needed
He hallowed out his cheeks and took his whole length in ghost rocked his hips into his mouth setting a steady pace. He lifted his mask cupping your face kissing you gently while you rode soap. 
“Such a pretty little pet” he groaned grabbing your breast and playing with your nipple  having a moan escape from your lips. Ghost push his cock out of soaps mouth grabbed the lube on the night stand pouring it in his hand stroking some on his length. He sat behind you rubbing your clit  with one hand and fingering soaps hole with the other hand  prepping him. You felt another wave of pleasure coming over you causing you to moan both of the boys name. Ghost sucked the hickies that soap made and mumbled “youre fucking mine pet” he glanced at soap who nodded. Ghost slowly sunk his cock into his hole causing soap to groan loudly. 
“Youre. All. Fuckin.  mine.” He said thrusting into soap. Ghost held onto your hips moving them with his pace groaning into your neck nipping love bites down to your shoulders. 
“Gonna cum” soap groaned scrunching his face up ready for his release. Ghost pulle out of him slapping his thigh
“Not youre not, y/n get off on him and sit” he pointed to soaps face. You nodded sitting on his face. Simon inserted himself back into johnny making him moan in between the folds of your pussy. He sucked on your clit fingering your hole. You groaned 
“God fuck johnny!” You grinded into his face his nose hitting your clit 
“Fuck~” you yelled 
“That's it love cum for johnny let him lap it up” he haid pounding into soap harder. You released your orgasm screaming. Soap inserted his tongue into your hole lapping up the remaining wetness from your  orgasm.
“C’mere” ghost groaned posting you into doggy style. 
He pulled out of soap
“gotta clean myself, johnny entertain our pet until i get back.”
Soap pouted “can i cum please” stroking his cock slowly 
“Finish in her” 
Soap looked at you then back at ghost 
“Shes got an iud and on the pill” he said 
“We test regularly as well” you replied grabbing soaps hand and pulling it so he can position himself in you. Ghost rubbed himself as johnny lined himself up slowly rocking his hips into him causing you to wine. 
“Fuck” ghost whisperd heading to soaps bathroom. He turned on the shower listening to the moans emitting from the bedroom. 
Soap had his hand pinned onto the back of your neck slamming into your hips 
“Fuck you feel so good im gonna bust a fat load in you baby” his pace quickened fucking yoh until you screamed out his name having another oragsm. He came with you with a loud moan. 
“Oi you two get in here” ghost helled from the shower
You got up only to have your legs shake from the lingering orgasm. Soap got up and picked you up bridal style walking you to the bathroom. The two of you stepped into the shower revealing ghosts scarred face and muscular body. You where already position yourself against the wall ready to take his length. Ghost positioned himself behind you bottoming out into your wet pussy his precum mixing with johnnys seed. He moaned loudly 
“So fucking tight. Fuckin love this pussy” he started fucking you hard grabbing your hips handling you like a ragdog. Soap started getting hard again from the sight of ghost fucking the living shot out of you. He grabbed ghosts hips causing him to slow down inviting him into his hole
“You prepped” he asked lining himself up
“Yeah” ghost grunted
Johnny slid into ghost with a loud moan emitting from both of them. 
“You want me to set the pace?” Soap panted
“Mhm” ghost whined holding on to your hips harder leaving bruises. Soap slowly moved in and out of ghosts ass slowly pick up the pace causing a moaning mess from the three of you. 
“M’gonna cum agaim” you moaned feeling the weight of the two men pound each other from behind harder 
“Go ahaid princess cum all over my cock” ghost growled cauing you to release into a euphoric pleasure tightening your walls around ghosts cock
Ghost loudly groaned as he shot his load inside you his seed mixing with soaps
Soap pulled out stroking himself 
“Fuuck” he moaned “want. another. round.” 
“Clean yourself and you can have her” 
You and ghost got out of the shower drying each other off before heading back to the bed 
“Need a break love” he asked gently holding you 
You nodded “just a little one i want to try another position though” 
“And whats that?”
“I suck your cock and johnny fucks me from behind” you say rubbing circles into his chest
“I can do that” ghost said
You got on your knees taking his half hard length into your hands 
“Gotta make you hard first”
Simon groaned as you licked his tip. You bobbed your head feeling him get hard again. 
“On your knees soldier” you said tapping his thigh. Ghost did as you told.
You started bobbing your head faster hollowing oht your cheeks taking all of him in.
Soap walked out of the shower and saw the sight your ass up in the air waiting for his cock to enter you. He got on the bed positioning himself in you. “Fucking wanted to do this position” he moaned setting a pace to fit you to not choke on Ghost's dick. He quickened his pace making you moan on ghosts cock.
“Fuuckin ah fuuck mn” soap moaned “fucking bout to-” he groaned spilling his cum into you. Ghost came shortly after putting his hand on soaps shoulder as he rode his orgasm
“Fuckkin hell” he groaned
“Fucking great sex” soap panted 
He held his hand up “up top” 
Ghost glared at him and rolled his eyes giving him a highfive. They both pulled out of you and laid down pulling you into their arms. You nizzed into ghosts chest with soap spooning you 
“Did you high fived simon while still in me?” you asked 
“Hell yeah” soap panted “not everyday you have a threesome” 
“It could be” ghost replied giving you a wink
You giggled getting up to clean yourself in the bathroom. You walked over to the boys soap on ghosts right side you joining him on his left pulling the covers over the three of you. “Guess this is going to be a regular thing” you thought drifing off into a sweet slumber
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lesbiandanhowell · 6 months
Sam reacts to: Dan and Phil React to Every Phil is not on fire! #3
- Literally ran away from my mum for this video, we were watching tv on the couch and I saw the notification and fucking RAN.
- Shaking with anticipation they look so, old school in Dan's shirt and the denim jacket. This is how I remember them from when I first became a fan of them and just that brings up so much nostalgia.
- NOSE TOUCH TEXTURE. Someone on tumblr called that Phil would do it again and they delivered.
- hear discourse (what the heck was I on about with this one??)
- Why did he just fully show his underwear on the internet, like they really already didn't give a fuck anymore back then did they?
- Their sensory icks coming through with the mushroom, like I know that is not a neurotypical reaction.
- Phil hitting dan adorably when Dan says phulge.
- The ladders song appreciation, they do just like their silly compatibility do they?
- "Natural talent for duet improv song writing" cute
- The photo phil took of dan on the couch is so cute somehow I can't explain. It's so, intimate and so, domestic it makes me feel all giddy.
- The salsa and nacho laugh were SO uncomfortable they hated that, like Phil's laugh is not one of finding it actually funny I am sorry.
- "Uhh gif it" FUCK YOU PHIL
- Grandma Lester is THE icon, the more we learn about her the more I admire this woman and everything she did in life.
- PINOF 7 really is very good
- PHIL CAN NOT STOP POINTING OUT THE TOUCHING IS DRIVING ME INSANE. lIt doesn't feel like he is doing it anymore to make fun of us, his tone is different and he isn't mocking us anymore... it feels like he is doing it for his own fun and almost appreciation of how they have become more comfortable with it.
- The discussion if Yuri On Ice was gay, Dan has much higher standards than I do (or Phil for that matter) and not everything is about sex daniel.
- The only thing I have to add at this point is how much more comfortable they are with touching and being close again by PINOF 8. You can tell they are out of being paranoid af about fans analyzing everything and coming more into just, being themselves again and not avoiding each others space.
- Phil not knowing his own diss track but knowing Dans is the most whipped behaviour I have ever witnessed.
- The nightstand exposure, like Dan just fully naming everything (almost I'd say) that Phil has in his night stand haha.
- They skipped some good parts big sad times, I get why because there simply isn't enough time to do four videos in one but still sad.
- "Sometimes I slept in it" WHAT DO YOU MEAN SOMETIMES This deadass confirms what we thought about the bedroom being a filming set and not actually their his bedroom, which is wild to me.
- PHATASS mention, Dan we know you love Phil's ass by now but thank you.
- "How did the floorplan stalkers even survive this era" oh Dan...
- Soft gay, they are acutely aware of all the things we picked up on as 'gay proof' and are not acknowledging that we weren't all that off really, they were just deeply closeted.
- THE AMOUNT OF NEW SELFIES WE ARE GETTING. The couch one, the ice deep throating... also the ones of Phil are so much more tame than Dan's.
- Dan is a PINOF 9 truther, interesting
- THE BUTT RIBENA FLIP. Glad they included this in their reaction because we were waiting for it.
- Dan can't stop looking at Phil, like this is so fascinating to me but we know Dan's side profile so much better than ever because he genuinely can't stop looking at Phil
- I think them ending it at 10 was perfect, it really is so sacred now.
- PHIL HAS DISCORD (I am so tempted to sent him a friend request. Update: I did and he doesn't take friend requests lol)
- Have these seen the our discussions about who would win a fight?!
- They really look so fond of their past selves, it makes me happy that they can actually appreciate their journey.
I can say that this journey through the 10 years of their career made my chest swell with fondness because they really have grown and been through so much. Being able to look back on this and see how much they have grown since then makes me so honored that we have been able to share their journey for this long.
See you tomorrow for another #sam reacts!
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hyperfixated-gvf · 2 years
Groupie AU Headcanons
Hello hello! Here's those headcanons I promised for the one year anniversary of Settle Down! They aren't really all that smutty, sorry. I'm still planning on writing more filth for you guys, though, I promise! Also, I'm sorry if this isn't my best work, I'm not really well-versed in writing headcanons, but it was a really fun exercise!
Without further ado, enjoy!
Warnings: Language, one spicy headcanon (#3), which includes a couple lines of dirty texts and one mention of masturbation over the phone
Pairings: Danny Wagner x Reader; Jake Kiszka x Reader; Sam Kiszka x Reader; Josh Kiszka x Reader
Words: 3545
What you like to do for fun together:
Josh likes to romance you even though you aren’t a couple. He’ll surprise you with a rose and whisk you away for an adventure around the town, but his favorite thing to do with you is find the most beautiful park and picnic, bonus point if there’s a pond or a lake because you guys like to keep seaweed snacks on you to feed the ducks. You’ll name them funny little names and he always ends up taking a selfie with them, which you always find funny because his photo reel is full of selfies with ducks.
“A rose for my darling,” Josh said, swooping dramatically until you took the flower from his hand. 
You took his outstretched hand and followed him down the stairs, noting the backpack he wore. “Did you find us a park? And did you get some seaweed? You fed the rest of ours to those mallards in Indiana last time.”
Josh shot you a mischeivous grin, and then opened the door to the rental car for you. “Don’t tell Sam, but I stole the rest of his.”
Jake loves teaching you about music, but not just music in general, music the way he sees it. He’s not great at sight reading or anything having to do with music notes on paper, so when he caught you staring early on in the arrangement and you admitted that you loved watching them play and were interested in learning yourself, Jake couldn’t help but put himself in the position of teacher, even if he’d never taught before, because he loves explaining his process to you, which also helps him figure things out himself when he has trouble. You’ll sit there together for hours with a snack and just play around on the instruments.
“It kinda reminds me of when Pheobe tried to teach Joey how to play guitar,” you laughed. After the many months now that you’d been with them, you’d have thought you would be better now at the guitar. You were not.
Jake smiled and made an exagerated hand motion. “What – you mean you think I name my precious skills things like ‘the bear claw’ and ‘the old lady?’” he teased, having watched that episode with you just to scrutinize the guitar playing. He moved to sit with his chest flush up against your back, wrapping his arms around you, even though they nearly didn’t reach around the guitar, and you leaned back into him, content to just watch him play.
Danny loves going to antique stores with you. The Kiszka brothers aren’t always in the mood to spend hours looking meticulously through each and every section in the store, but you’re always down to stay with him and watch his eyes light up when he sees something cool. Your favorite thing to do is find a very expensive or different clothing rack and then dress each other up in the weirdest outfits possible (although one time, you did end up liking a coat he put you in more than you thought you would, and Danny carried it around the store for you until you checked out).
“Do you think that Josie would hate me if I showed up with an entire vintage ‘My Little Pony’ set for her birthday next month?” Danny joked, grinning as you raised your brows in surprise at the pure size of the display, with what look like about 50 plastic ponies all standing around a multi-piece set.
You picked up a pink one. “I’m sure you’d definitely be low on the list of ‘people I need to send a thank you card to.” You turned to see an old ukulele hanging on the wall at the booth across the floor. “But I don’t think you should be actively making your sister hate you. Go check that uke out instead.”
He turned to where you were pointing and gasped, the hand-painted designs immediately making him forget about ‘My Little Pony.’
Sam loves drinks – alcoholic, holiday, specialty, anything – and he loves knowing what the “special” drink of whatever town or city they’re in is. He’ll do all his research and send you screenshots or links to places that he wants to go, and he knows you’ll come with because you want to take advantage of seeing the world like a rockstar without fame. Sometimes, just to fuck with people, Sam insists that you made each other unrecognizable, and then once you’d drank your fill of the best hot cocoa or a flight of craft beer, he’d call Danny or one of his brothers and challenge them to find you, like a big game of hide and go seek.
“I think you look a little bit like a cartoon character who dresses up in disguise. The fake mustache is going just a little too far,” you teased, watching Sam wipe his mouth and accidentally set the stick-on facial hair askew. 
He gasped as if offended and fixed his mustache, smoothing it out with his fingers and shooting you a dirty glare in the process. “Don’t talk about the ‘stache that way, Y/N. It’s my Clark Kent factor,” he defended. 
Clark Kent had nothing on Sam Kiszka, you thought. You took a sip of a new beer from your flight and smacked your lips together. “Oh, this one’s good. Here, Superman,” you said playfully, hovering the drink over to Sam’s side of the table, “taste this one.”
How they’d react to a pregnancy scare:
The most supportive boy there ever was! Wanna keep the baby? He’s already looking at the safest cribs. Don’t wanna keep it? He’ll drive you across the US to get you to a state that supports it, and he’d insist on being the first brother at your side, since he’s the oldest. But as we all know, Josh loves children, and he’s already writing lyrics about the the wonders of childhood and all the feelings he’s experiencing knowing that he could potentially be a father (…25% chance biologically, 100% chance in practice), and he keeps them stored away when the scare is resolved, but you find them weeks later, since everyone’s stuff is mixed with everyone else’s, and it definitely makes you cry.
“I really like this one,” you said, voice quivering as you read a set of lyrics on the papers you found that brought a lump to your throat. Just seeing how Josh had perceived things through his specific brand of communication was special, and even if you hadn’t wanted a baby, experiencing Josh’s positivity was something of a bundle of joy in and of itself.
Josh peeked over your shoulder and became a little bashful. “Well, they’re still a work in progress.”
Jake is probably one of the most apprehensive about the maybe-pregnancy. In no way would he shirk responsibility or even be disappointed, per se, but he does worry about how it will affect the band, the arrangement, and their lives in general. He knows that the band’s time has an expiration date, and somewhere deep inside, he’d be a little worried that a baby would make that date come sooner. In his opinion, it would be one of the best reasons to go out, but Jake isn’t done quite yet. That being said, Jake thinks tiny little guitars are cute, and he quite likes playing house with you. He’s also second, only after Sam, regarding the most curious about who the “real” father would have been, if you actually had been pregnant. 
“You’ve been a little quiet,” you said, nose to nose with Jake in his bunk. There was no funny business, not after the excitement of the day, but you’d noticed his unusually subdued demeanor after you broke the news.
Jake looked back at you with what almost look like guilt. “I’m just…processing. It’s like, our whole lives could have been changed, you know? And I feel bad that part of me was so– so against a baby .”
You pressed a soft kiss to his nose, grateful that he was honest and thoughtful both. “I would never ask you to give up your life, Jake. We’d have found a way.”
He becomes a little bit of a Papa Bear, very much a dad-zilla, even in the short time the scare goes on for. Very freaked out, very concerned, but the most attentive of them all. He’s the one going out to buy the pregnancy tests and coming back with vitamins and a chocolate bar, too. He’s also the one who does the research for the nearest OB GYN so that if you are pregnant, you could be seen. He’s there in the morning with water and a cuddle, and he’d watch you like a hawk until you were safely and securely not pregnant, but he’d admit to you days after that he didn’t mind playing the doting partner, for what it was worth.
“Wait!” Danny cried out as the three Kiszkas enveloped you in a tight, comforting group hug. You all turned your heads toward him, bodies frozen where they were as his tone of voice surprised you.
“What?” you questioned. You’d much rather him be involved in the hug than standing on the outside, but he sounded worried and that set you on edge.
Danny bit his lip, taken aback by the immediate and complete shift of attention to him, even though he called it to himself. “Um…” he started, licking his lips uncertainly, “that won’t, like…hurt the baby, will it?”
“Oh god,” Sam chuckled, pulling away. “It’s the return of home-ec Flour Baby Dad Danny! Everybody run!”
Sam spends the first few hours of the scare attempting to make light of it by assigning everyone a parental role. He jokingly dubs Danny, “Daddy,” as a nod to their fans (which Danny just rolls his eyes and shakes his head at), declares himself, “Pops,” Josh, “Papa,” (but only with a Spanish twist), and Jake, “Dada,” (but, again, only in the Shrek the III voice). In all reality, he’s scared out of his wits, because logically, Journey was right - the road ain’t no place to start a family. But between the doubts and the fear and the unpreparedness, seeing you laugh at his stupid jokes and the way his brothers look at you, he’d also knows that you already were kinda a family, and regardless of your decision to keep it or not, you’d be a pretty damn good one after everything, too.
You could see Sam sitting on his hands, everyone waiting impatiently for Danny to get back from the drugstore they had to do an emergency stop at. It was only ever in the dressing room before a show that Sam did that.
“You good?” you asked quietly as you sat next to him, hand on his knee. 
Sam chuckled softly, glancing at you with his basset-hound eyes. “Yeah,” he said, clearly nervous but trying to hold it together. “Are you?”
You leaned against him, resting your head on his shoulder to and stem his nervous energy. “Sure,” you said, half false confidence, the other half genuine. “One way or another, we will be.”
How they’d react if you sent them a dirty picture (that the others didn’t get 👀):
Josh is probably the one who least minds sharing you. It’s not because he doesn’t love you any less than the others, it’s because he finds you so damn beautiful that he couldn’t fathom not sharing you with the others, who he knows love you just as much. So, when the other three don’t get a text, he shares with them, but only just barely; he is, after all, possessive of what you give to him specifically, so he only allows the other’s a peek once he checks that it’s okay with you. Very much, “ha ha, look what I have” more than he does it out of the goodness of his heart.
“Holy shit, darling. How can you do this to me? You know I’m around my brothers, and you know that we won’t be home for another few hours.”
“Can I brag about you, darling? Would it be okay for me to show the others how beautiful you look in that picture? Just so that they know. Then it’s all for me.”
“I can’t stop staring at this, Y/N, damn. How did we get so fucking lucky?”
Jake is definitely the one taking a little “break” from whatever it is he was doing. Most likely to the bathroom (hint hint wink wink). If he knows you’re free, he’d definitely give you a call, just so that you can hear his breathing change as he gets off in the studio’s private bathroom. You might even talk him through it, knowing that you got him so worked up with one picture. And when he gets back to the others, he’d just smirk knowingly in a way that would drive the other three insane.
“You know it’s only fair that I call you so you can hear what you do to me, sweetheart.”
“I’m alone now. I hope you are too.”
“The others hate me for having a secret, but if you wear that little number tonight I bet they’ll forget all about ;)”
You know that you’re playing with fire when it comes to Danny with how quick he is to snap from his sweet, down-to-earth everyday demeanor to his dominant, controlling bedroom one. Combining the two different extremes of his personality, especially when he’s not with you to do anything about it, creates a very interesting breed of Danny, and the others would never know what set him off because he wouldn’t be thinking of them – as soon as he sees that picture, he knows that his focus is done for the rest of the day. He’s only human, after all.
“If you wanted me to leave to come and fuck you stupid…this was the best way to do that. Good job.”
“You’re so pretty and I want to absolutely RUIN that. In a good way, obviously.”
“You’re gonna want to start groveling, sweet girl. You’ve made me mess up too many times and they’ve sent me home.”
He’d immediately look up at the others for their reaction if he was around them and, when he doesn’t see a reaction, he’d catch on immediately that he was the sole recipient of the photos and devolve into his teasing, taunting bedroom persona. He’s just as good at getting you all riled up over the phone as he is in person. He’d hint at it in the group, telling his brothers when they ask why he’s so distracted on his phone, “It’s a Y/N and I thing. For me to enjoy and you to not.”
“Just for me, dirty girl? How kind of you.”
“Good god, baby, you are beautiful. Where have you been hiding these sexy little pictures?”
“You’re gonna be dressed like this when I get back to the bus, right? Curl up right there in my bunk with the blinds closed, I want you all to myself. Go ahead and touch yourself for me, make sure you’re nice and wet and ready, cause this was a naughty, naughty, prank.”
How they’d react to fan speculation about their relationship with you:
He’d have next to no reaction. In fact, you’d be very surprised if it were him to bring it up in the first place, because Josh loves his fans, but to a point that seeing everyone’s wants and desires and criticisms all at once overwhelms him since he can’t make everyone happy. But if he saw something about your relationship, he’d be sure to bring it up to you if only to make you aware of it, but outside of that, he really doesn’t care if people speculate.He protects you as best as he can – they all do – but he’s no stranger to the world of fame and fans, so he sees no reason to fight it.
“Hey, we’re dating again, just to let you know,” Josh said casually from the couch as you poured yourself a cup of drip coffee and hoped to God that the bus wouldn’t make you spill it all over yourself.
His words made you laugh, though, and you snorted before taking a sip of your drink. “Oh yeah? I wasn’t sure who I was on most recently. The last I heard I was caught up in a love triangle between Danny and Jake, and they hated each other because of me, so…”
Josh put his feet in your lap as soon as you sat down next to him. “Nah, darling, you’re all mine right now.”
Like Josh, he probably wouldn’t have much of an outwardly reaction, but the speculation would put Jake a little more on edge, especially since he lurks on social media more than Josh does. This would unfortunately lead to him distancing himself from you for a little bit, meaning not as much sex, not as much fun, and not as much time that he spent with the band when you tag along. It might make you falter for a second, not knowing what brought it on (and not because you hadn’t seen the rumors, but because there were so many of them that you’d become desensitized) but, eventually, the other boys would drag him to you when they figure out that he’s making you upset by doing it, and he’d come around like he always does.
“I think that you being the mastermind behind this all is very fitting,” Jake joked, listening as the dressing room door was barricaded from the outside. “They’re just your loyal meatheads.”
“Why are you avoiding me?” you asked, ignoring his question and getting right to the point that the other boys had brought Jake in to clear up. “I’ve given you like, one handjob in the past two weeks and you gave up your hotel night to Josh.” It was about more than sex, of course – you missed him as a friend, and you were worried you’d done something to make him angry. He fixed you with a startled gaze and began to protest, but you would have none of it. “And you DARE say that you aren’t, Jake Kiszka. Talk to me," you asked, softer now.
Jake hesitated for a moment, but let out a deep breath he seemed to be holding in his entire being. "Okay."
This man would cause chaos if given the opportunity. He’d like supportive posts, but he’d also like cryptic, single-guy coded posts just because he can. He’d probably even follow a new ‘run by a hot woman’ account to really nail the point in that nobody out there really knew what was going on behind closed doors. And, speaking of behind closed doors, he likes it when the speculation cycle eventually makes it around to him again, because he when people think you’re his, it gives him ground to call you that “as a joke.” However, it also makes him just that much more likely to have you whisper-scream his name on the bus for the others to hear, and that’s not a joke.  
“Well, hello there, Y/N,” Danny said with a wink as he slid into the diner booth beside you before any of the other three could, “or should I say, my ‘on-and-off-again, no-good-for-me girlfriend’ who I was apparently seen buying a ring for last week.”
The other three band members crowded into the other seats, leaving you squished up against the wall. “It’d better be one fat diamond, Wagner,” you huffed, prying your phone from between the two of you. “Have the masses moved me to your corner again?”
“Oh yeah,” Danny confirmed, smiling sweetly and wrapping an arm around you. He kissed your cheek and then followed it with a whisper into your ear, “I’m your prince in the streets but a freak in the sheets, as they say. But you already knew that, didn’t you?”
Sam is an enigma when it comes to speculations. It happens so much that he gets bored of it, and his response differs every time. In the beginning, he would just shut down socially – that meant a break from social media, less outings, less fan interaction from him – but as time went by and speculations because something to sigh about instead of react to, he’d be even more careless. He’d post stories with you, bring you everywhere with them, throw you a kiss onstage, etc. because he’d be a little spiteful. He doesn’t like it when people demonize you for being close with the whole band, so he’ll show his affection plain as day to get that message across.
“Sam, just because they say–”
“I don’t care what they fucking say, I’m doing this because I want to,” Sam insisted, popping a piece of cotton candy in his mouth as the Ferris Wheel rose higher. “I love fairs.”
Looking out at all the people wandering around the town they were playing a show in, you knew there’d be a large population of Greta Van Fleet fans who’d catch sight of you and make assumptions. You honestly didn’t mind, but you knew it ticked Sam off, even if he wouldn’t admit it. 
The sun was beginning to set, though, and pressed flush shoulder to foot with Sam, you couldn’t really find it in you to argue.
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stitchwraith-stingers · 4 months
long ass rant about AI under cut that i made in like half an hour because i am so fucking pissed
i hate AI so fucking much i cant handle it i hate how my sister introduced it to mom and dad and now they use chatgpt and dont even consider how it might be wrong at all, they write it in my notebook that i use to give to the teacher and i hate it so much 'oh but you never look at it' and i never wanna hear anything about it ever again, no more of it, i dont care it should only be used as a TOOL to give you guidence, my sister was about to ask chatgpt for what to do for PYTHON when she could have asked "sorry buddy i cant understand python code"
ai does more damange and im so mad, i dont care if you use it for memes you are adding more fuel to the fire, the text can replace any writer for news outlets, reporters and the such, people generating art dont understand the struggles someone might have faced through the years to get where they are right now and only see it was a way to generate content
when i say 'ai will never be good as real people' im not saying how it will never be unidentifiable, there will be a time where you cannot tell if something is real or fake, when i say it i mean it that you wont ever replicate the way the person stood there, the photographer that managed to get as close as they could to the animal to snap a clip of it, the actors who have spent years practicing to get where they art, the young artist who started off small and is now handling how to draw their fave characters, the expirienced artist trying to get through work by being paid nothing from animators to manga artists, the writer who managed to finally write their own autobiograpthy from their own expirience, the fanfic writer who finally managed to get the story they wanted onto ao3 after months of writing, the painter who stood there for hours sitting in one place in nature just so they can repilcate it, the camara man who had to shoot a 1 minute clip for a film that probably took days to find the right shots, the person who writes articles trying to get the most information they could, the person who sat in a discord call with their friends to mimic some characters in a funny situation, the voice actor who trained their vocal cords to try to give the most emtion they could in a character, the 3d moddler who spent a very long time getting a hold of blender, the animator who spent 6 months on a 1 minute clip, etc
its all just soulless, yeah its pretty cool but you gotta stop and think "how will this effect the information we will get?" my mom has already fallen for a AI picture of a kid with alot of cats and sent me it, pinterest is full of them, my sister ONLY uses it and never does research on her own collage work and shes 1 year away from fully graduating, not once have i seen her put it down for a second to look up something to copy and paste all they do is scrape the work off others, they dont tell us where they got that data off, every ai image youve seen has been ripped off from an actual picture taken, from a drawing someone took to draw, someones selfie
not to mention, considering yesterday as of writing this it has been announced, what is the purpose of being able to generate an animation? i can see nothing good of it "but i can use it to get a good stockphoto" it doesnt matter, go find something thats the closest, the problem with these AI videos is that in one year it has changed so drastically, where do they get the data off this? how did they train it so fast in one year? were living in a distopian age, the age of the internet where it was the place where you can get allll your information quickly is becoming the past, ive seen countless articles who are obviously AI generated, ive heard people say that theyve seen ai generated images in scientific books, those are very important to get an understanding of how the thing theyre talking about works, why would you ever want to cut corners on something as important as that
"but i cant draw / do photography / find a good stockvideo" then LEARN!
1. drawing is for everyone and even after drawing since kindergarden i still consider myself a beginner artist, i dont know alot about anatomy, i dont know how to draw scenery, but thats ok because i can learn! i can get inspired by other artists to try and get better, ive had some rocky relationships with my art even now but thats also the beauty of it, even when you feel like you cant do it in afew years you can finally learn to!, ive seen many disabled people post about how they learnt to draw using a tecique they made themselves, you can go and think 'how do i make this more enjoyable for myself, how do i make this easier for myself?", same should go for writing
2. YOU CAN HIRE SOMEONE!!!! it may take awhile because of it taking time but it would make the persons day, and the way the economy is going its not working well
remember saga-afta? the whole thing where actors striked because of how little they were being payed for? and in the end the actor studio said "oh ok i guess BUT we will scan your body to use you even after you quit xD sorryyyy", alot of jobs are going to dissapear only because of the greed companies have, its the reason i fear having a job, not even artists like im mostly talking about, writers (script, normal writers, journalists, etc), photograpthers, and other jobs are going to dissapear not to mention not only misinformation the mentioned AI videos are just a bad idea all around what if someone fabricates evidence against you and uses it in court? well its certainly you theres no way it could be faked, what about propaganda? ive seen them make fake gameplay footage so ads are going to be unbearable
JUST TO BE CLEAR: im not against AI being used as a tool (ive seen a really good malwere horror video based off someones dream using photos from a game, getting an idea of how a paper should start and using it as an guide of where to go, etc) or actually being used to stop some other jobs people shouldnt have, but creativity is going down the drain, AI bros who use it for art and photos think about how pretty it should be, AI writers only use it because they couldnt be bothered, and probably other excamples i cant think of
i know AI will never truely dissapear, its not going anywhere and thats the reality, its not like nfts where they lot their value and everyone stopped caring, what should be reality is that there should be regulations, its going to be long enough untill someone uses it for more malicious stuff, yeah right now its people just spreading misinformation and ai generated articles but there is 100% going to be a time where someone is going to use it for revenge porn or to harrass someone with fake clips of them
pro ai as in ai that can detect cancer cells, anti ai as in videos, writing, etc
artists will never dissapear, photograpthers will never dissapear, writers will never dissapear, actors will never dissapear, voice acors will never dissapear it will only die if we dont give our voices, and theres more good then bad in AI
it needs to be regulated heavily
ill be sad that kids my age wont try to frankenstien a project using 5 different scorces and copy and pasting, theyll just grab the full text and wont care if its right or wrong, i will be sad for the kids who cant find a roleplay buddy and will just use chat ai to roleplay (which scrapes off others writing), etc
ai in the way im speaking about it is going to be terrible for alot of people with passions who cant get jobs because theyll be seen as replacable, the way people are going to exploit it for misinformation which goes from propaganda, revenge porn, other
"but it hasnt happened yet to people who generated text to video! it should be harmless" dont underestemate it, its going to happen eventually
i am just so tired of hearing about ai, i dont want any of it, i dont care, the way it is nowadays i am very against it, i am aware the hype is going to die down in afew years but right ow its so unbreable to me and i dread the day i get a job and they stop me and go "sorry buddy, you cant, we got computers to replace you", is there anything else i can say after this? fuck AI fuck the guy who made it more popular, i dont care how much you wanna make a meme or something you are feeding into it, stop using it untill there are proper regulations to stop it from spreading like wildfire, sooner or later someones going to use it for much worse
(sorry if its written weridly i didnt spell check i just needed to get this out)
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writinfortim · 2 years
Tumblr media
I took a shower. I brushed my teeth. I washed my face. I applied my moisturizer. I applied my lip-balm. I followed my routine step by step.
I'm wearing a his hoodie and a pair of his boxers.
The AC is on. 
It went from 2 to 4AM in twenty-minutes. I keep turning and tossing trying to fall asleep.
 I can’t. 
I’m not overthinking. My mind is blank.
I turn, placing my hand under my cold pillow. He’s asleep.
He’s slightly snorting, the comforter sliding down his naked chest.
I wish I could join him in his dreams. My eyelids are heavy and my eyes are burning.
I turn again.
I hear his breathing pattern change, I grimace hoping I didn't wake him.
His arms lace my waist, pressing me tight against him. 
“ Y/n. ``His voice is heavy with sleep.
“ Mh? “ I entangle our legs while I hold his hand on my stomach.
“ Why can’t you sleep? “ he nuzzles his head in the crock of my neck, his curls tickling me slighting. 
“ Just can’t. It’s frustrating me, I even took melatonin. “ I exhale.
He hums in understandment then he’s quiet for a while.
“ Tisane? “ he asks.
God, I love him. I nod. 
He slowly let go of me and hopped off the bed. Quickly snatching a matching black hoodie to his sweats and slides into his slippers. 
His curls peeking under the hood. I want to kiss him.
He strides to my side and turns on my side table lamp.
“ C’mhere, “ he slides off the comforter.
He scoops me up bridal style and we make our way down to the kitchen.
He places me on the island tool and I watch him turn on the kettle.
“ Is th- “
“ There’s water inside. “ 
“ How did ya’know I was gonna say that? '' I giggle.
“ Cuz you’re always on my ass about that, I don't get it. “ He grabs my favorite purple mug from the open cabinet.
“ Maybe because you almost burnt down the fucking kettle the other day? “
“ Ok that just.. never happened. “ he rolls his eyes, placing a tea bag in the mug.
“ I’m trying so hard to not make a tea-bagging joke right now. “ I lay my head on my crossed arms.
“ Shut up, i just woke up. “ he chuckles.
“ I’m sorry. ``I say. 
He stops pouring the hot water and turns to stare at my forehead. “ What? “
“ I’m sorry I woke you, I feel bad. “ 
He turns back and finishes up the tea. “ I don’t think I heard you right. “
“ Tim, I'm serious. “
He hands me the mug. “ Drink this. “
“ Thank you, “ I kissed him. “ I love you. “
“ Me more,“ he sits in front of me, turning on his phone.
I watched him scroll through social media while I sipped on a very needed tea.
“ Babe, listen to this. “ He laughs.
He starts quoting a tweet.
“ And he slammed the door in my face, I felt so humiliated. Denis and the other person watched me as I ran. He heard me all those times I said hi. Timmy spoke to Denis with his headphones in. “
“ And that’s what she deserves for stalking my man! “ 
He turns off his phone and places it on the counter. 
“ Nah for real, i saw her multiple times throughout the day and she just kept following me. Take a hint, i’m not about to take a fucking selfie in front of my building. “
“ Did the tweet get attention? “ I ask, curiously.
He shrugs. “ Just the usual group. I think it’s only gotten their attention. “
“ God bless they’re the only funny ones. You’re like a walking meme, “ I chuckle.
“ Which one? “ He asks, confused. I’m always associating him with memes.
“ ‘When twitters on yo bumper for some shit, but u ain’t even trippen’ “ i quote.
“ Yo! That's about to become my motto. “ He points out laughing.
“ Go uptown, New York City, “ i sing,
“ Bitch. “ We finish dragging out the word together in laughter.
I place the mug in the dishwasher and we finally make our way to bed. Spanking his ass on the way up.
We snuggle in between the sheets and I finally join him in his dreams.
would love some feed-back. love!! xo
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legolasghosty · 6 months
I love all the celebrity fake dating prompts! So hard to choose just one but how about for willex, the prompt: wearing each others clothes publicly to 'keep up the image'
And reason: To tick off a certain group that has been being jerks lately. (My brain instinctively thought to piss off the homophobes and stick it to the “fans” who refuse to believe that he is gay, but that is optional!)
- @beencryingfor25years
Hehehehe hello @beencryingfor25years, thanks for the prompt!!! The holidays have been a little nuts, so sorry for the delay, but here it is!!!
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Alex asks, bracing the phone between his cheek and his shoulder so his hands are free.
"Duh," Willie answers on the other end of the call. "This is like dating 101. Honestly, it would be more suspicious if we didn't."
"But this looks ridiculous on me," Alex insists, tugging at the fabric that keeps brushing against his abdomen.
Willie laughs and Alex is glad it's not a video call. At least this way Willie can't see how Alex's cheeks are warming at the sound. Why did he decide to do this again?
"You're just not used to it," Willie responds. "Shoot me a picture, I'm sure it looks fine. Or just ask Julie, she'll smack some sense into you."
Alex sighs. "Fine, one second," he says. He removes the phone from his ear and flips over to the camera. It only takes a moment to snap a photo of his reflection, but that's a moment longer than Alex wants to be looking at himself. "There, happy?" he asks after he sends it.
There isn't a response at first. Oh no, Alex thinks. It must be just as bad as he thinks and Willie is trying to figure out how to tell him without being rude, because that's the kind of sweet person they are. But honestly, the tan and blue shirt that looks so nice on them just doesn't suit Alex as well. It's so awkward, even with the high waisted jeans Julie told him to wear with it.
"Alex, you look amazing," Willie says finally. Something in his tone sounds odd though, but not like he's lying. Alex can't put his finger on it. But it's definitely something.
"You sure?" he questions instead of pointing it out. "You can tell me if it looks bad, I won't be offended or anything."
"No seriously, dude, you look great!" Willie exclaims. Alex can almost picture their wide grin and the sparkle in their eyes when they're hyping him up for stuff. "Honestly, you look better in it than I do."
"That's a stretch," Alex responds, chuckling. "But fine. And fair's fair, now you gotta show me yours."
Willie giggles and Alex feels his heart speeding up again. Honestly, he should have asked someone less... incredible than Willie to be his fake boyfriend. Because this has only brought them closer together, and curse Alex and his everlasting curse of falling for guys that are totally out of his league.
But honestly, how could anyone not fall for Willie, at least a bit. He's funny and sweet and has a mischievous streak that terrifies and excites Alex in equal parts. Plus the fact that they're basically the prettiest person Alex has ever met. And the two of them have a lot in common, despite the fact that Alex is a pop-rock drummer and Willie is a gaming streamer. Even though they've been sort of friends for almost a year after a rather awkward run in at a convention, and pretend dating for just over two months, they still haven't run out of things to talk about.
So yeah, Alex has maybe developed a crush on his fake boyfriend. Which is a problem.
His phone buzzes in his hand, pulling him out of his head.
"There ya go, hotdog," Willie says.
Alex opens the message and... okay he is not having feelings about Willie in his favorite pink hoodie. He isn't. But Willie took more than a second on his picture. The selfie shows Willie in their gaming chair, dark hair loose around their shoulders, his legs pulled up and crossed even though the arms of the chair get in the way. And the light pink fabric of the hoodie in question is covering his torso in a way that is entirely too attractive for something that Alex has worn to bed a million times. Alex is 99% sure that if he actually walked in on Willie wearing that in person, he wouldn't be able to resist the urge to kiss them.
"Well?" Willie asks. "How do I look?"
Alex clears his throat, suddenly realizing how long he's been staring at the photo. "Um, it looks great, very, uh, boyfriend-y."
"Well this hoodie does seem to be made of boyfriend material," Willie teases after a second. "Gonna piss off some homophobes for sure."
"Perfect," Alex responds, laughing. "I mean, what's the point in this if we don't?" Which is something he has to remember himself...
"Alex, we gotta get going!" Reggie calls from outside of Alex's bedroom. "Quit flirting with your faux-boo and let's go!"
"One sec," Alex yells back. "Sorry, I've got to go," he says into the phone. "Content Day calls."
"Yeah I gotta prep for stream in a few anyways," Willie sighs. "But good luck!"
"You too, I'll hop on to watch for a bit if I have a break," Alex promises.
"You spoil me, baby," Willie responds. "Talk to you later!"
"Bye, Willie," Alex answers, ignoring the flush in his cheeks at the pet name as he disconnects the call.
Reggie gives him a smirk when he joins the rest of the band in the living room of their apartment, but Alex just shakes his head. Now is not the time to talk about his crush. They pile into Alex's van and head for their favorite cafe.
A few hours later, Alex has almost managed to put the image of Willie in his hoodie out of his mind. But he has a minute to himself while Luke and Reggie are filming a little studio tour, so he pulls up Willie's stream on his phone. And... well. Yeah.
Alex.exe has stopped working.
Willie is playing some new farming sim at the moment and getting hopelessly lost on the map. He's laughing at the conflicting directions he's getting from the chat and Alex wants to be there beside him, enjoying that rush of joy in person.
Willie must recognize his username on the chat log, because he breaks off midsentence. "Hey, Lexi, you're here! Everyone, my boyfriend has decided to grace us with his presence for a few minutes, be nice."
The chat immediately goes wild and Alex can't help but laugh at some of the comments. He types out a quick hello message, then adds that he probably can't stay long.
"No worries, babe, I know you have your big fancy music job to do," Willie responds. "But I'm glad you're here. Anyways, does anyone know where I can find the blacksmith?!"
"You should talk to him."
Alex nearly falls off his chair onto the floor at the voice just behind him. He turns to see Julie looking down at him with a bit of a smirk, two bottles of water in her hands.
"What?" he says, trying to remember if he's forgetting some content thing.
"Willie," she clarifies. "It's pretty obvious you like him for real, and it sure looks to me like he likes you too."
"What, no, they're like..." Alex stammers. "I mean, Willie is way out of my league. He doesn't like me like that. It would just make things weird."
"Please, you're like a solid 10," Julie responds, smacking him on the shoulder with one of the bottles. "And they have a massive crush on you, it's so obvious."
"Their a good actor," Alex points out with a shrug. "It's a fake relationship, we're supposed to look like we're in love."
"Okay but you also stay up way too late texting," Julie counters. "And he knows your allergies even better than Luke, who has known you since before you knew about all of said allergies. You two have memorized each others' coffee orders, sensory icks, and medication schedules. I'm pretty sure he likes you back."
Alex sighs. When she puts it like that, it seems so simple. But...
"Don't give me that look," Julie adds. "Just talk to them."
"Fine," Alex groans. "I'll try."
"Andddd, here, in his natural habitat, we have the elusive drummer boy," Luke cuts in, bursting through the green room door with Reggie on his heels with the camera.
Alex heaves a more dramatic sigh. "Sue me for wanting a break from you weirdos," he teases, taking the water Julie offers him. "Are you almost done?"
"Just about!" Reggie answers.
"Then I'm going to go check my sticks," Alex tells them, disconnecting from the stream on his phone and heading for the studio.
He has to admit he's a bit distracted for the rest of the day though. Does Willie actually like him back? Is that even possible?
Only one way to find out, he decides during dinner.
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acheronist · 8 months
ok here's my player fansign event gossip
i was running a teensy bit late so i didn't get to say hi to rasmussen but he did look VERY handsome and looked a bit afraid LMAO. my sweet moose was probably out of his depth.. socially awkward darling
debrincat came out second and he was so so so so kind to fans. he was taking a ton of time to stop and sign something for EVERYONE who wanted something signed. about 8 or 9 guys passed him and went inside before he was nearly done walking thru the crowd to sign stuff... :'-) welcome home kitty we love u + it was so nice to see him recognize how excited we are for him too rahhh
i honestly dont remember seeing andrew copp at all but he must have walked by lol
berggren was sooo 🤏🏻🤏🏻 and cute and polite. he signed things very neatly and small and carefully (literally just JB48 in like a 1" square. its ok baby u can take up more space) + we congratulated him on getting called up again because we all love to see him skate and he seemed really genuinely surprised/pleased to hear it
it seemed like ville was bouncing back and forth between both sides of the walk a ton... also just trying to sign everything for everyone who wanted it... he was so 🙂 shaped though.. and he really is pale as fuck i think my guy was refracting sunlight as he walked by. i liked his signature a lot though it was very tight + angular + neatly written. big emphasis on the double Ls in his name. I dont even remember if he spoke though i'll be real.
ben chiarot looked sharp as FUCK. he had a turtleneck on under his suit jacket and his hair all slicked back..... he was serving sexy team dilf without children realness. so my bestie asked him if he just got done at a GQ model shoot while he was signing her shirt and he smirked and laughed under his breath a bit. whore <3
fischer was really fun to look at irl. his face is crazy i want 2 draw him. thats all i got LMAO. i dont remember anything else sorry to the christian fischer stans of tumblr dot com
compher was very polite too but he was moving thru the crowd really quick.. again i think he was just awkward and a little out of his depth w the crowd in the same way ras was? but he was very polite + nice + softspoken tho and i took a selfie w him for @comphy-and-cozy because she's violently in love with him but couldn't be there LOL
ghost looked SAUR sexy.. dark green suit well tailored very kind and polite.. i like that boy ! he was really softspoken too which surprised me because he's been such a freaky bitch on the ice lately
i also dont remember sprong at all but i do remember thinking it was kind of a #serve to match the toque to be the same burgundy color as his suit (also extremely well tailored. everyone looked very handsome). creative ways to make early male pattern baldness be kind of cunty + well dressed for the weather.
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he was so so lovely.. definitely doing the same move as debrincat where he was just taking his damn time to sign smth for everyone who wanted smth. he was kind of in Good Captain Autopilot Mode it really reminded me of clips of stevie from the 90s... hockeytown loves our captains so much its unreal. but he signed my jersey and said hi to our little group and i sooo shaky lmao. but i handed him the art & he started to sign the plastic sleeve it was in? and I went no it's for you! and he kind of checked back into real life and went oh OH!!!!! and smiled when he actually looked at it and carried it w him thru the rest of the line :'-) idk i feel like he must get a lot of gifts from fans? but he definitely looked at it inside the doors of the LCA and he definitely carried it w him and didn't throw it away immediately so. big win for people who are me.
lucas and mo were funny asf they made it about 75% of the way thru the line and then the sun came out and was in their eyes and they both said ok i'm done now thank u and left. #respect
joey was so cute.. my bestie made a sign calling him a himbo last year and (then) he asked what a himbo was so we said Lmao google it, and this year he was signing stuff and talking to us and we were like "did you ever google what a himbo was" and he went huh. ohhh yeah lol like he was somehow both Pleased and Very embarrassed about it . cutesie.
newsy came out too!! and his daughter was with him and it was so cute they had matching friendship bracelets and newsy was like (to us the crowd) omg guys can we take a selfie ? can we do that?? and we were like Dawg you're head coach you can do anything you want..... so we all got a selfie w him LMAOOOO and he was so sweet and gently spoken and kind to fans. which still is crazy. i get whiplash every time how different he is to blash (the old coach who was a bitch and looked like he wanted to call people slurs but knew better) its unreallll
i think all the interviews where walman's said how much he likes detroit + feels wanted here weren't lies or exaggerations at all.... he stuck around so long to sign things for everyone (like dylan and debrincat did) and I think he was the last guy on the walk? and he was so funny and smiley and happy to be there.. my fucking GUY!!!!
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