#start with why by Simon Sinek
capsulas · 6 months
This Is Why You Don't Succeed | Simon Sinek on The Millennial Generation
¿Qué es lo que más te preocupa de los millennials? ¿Su falta de compromiso, su impaciencia, su búsqueda de la felicidad? Para Simon Sinek, el mayor problema de esta generación es su adicción a la tecnología y a las redes sociales. En esta charla , Simon nos explica cómo estas herramientas digitales están afectando a nuestra salud mental, a nuestras relaciones y a nuestro rendimiento laboral. Nos advierte de los riesgos de vivir en un mundo de gratificación instantánea, donde buscamos el reconocimiento y la validación de los demás, en lugar de desarrollar nuestra autoestima y nuestro propósito.
Pero Simon no es pesimista. Al contrario, cree en un futuro brillante y en nuestra capacidad para construirlo juntos, utilizando la tecnología para mejorar nuestras vidas, no para escapar de ellas. Simon nos invita a reflexionar sobre el POR QUÉ de lo que hacemos, a conectar con nuestra pasión y a inspirar a los demás.
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sachhaymoingay · 1 year
Review Sách Bắt Đầu Với Câu Hỏi Tại Sao - Simon Sinek
Tại sao mục đích của bạn lại quan trọng? Làm thế nào để truyền cảm hứng cho người khác? Khám phá cùng "Bắt Đầu Với Câu Hỏi Tại Sao" và hành động ngay!
Simon Sinek là một tác giả, diễn giả và nhà huấn luyện người Anh. Ông nổi tiếng với các tác phẩm về lãnh đạo và kinh doanh. Với sự tập trung vào truyền cảm hứng và tầm quan trọng của việc bắt đầu với câu hỏi “Tại sao” (Why). Sinek đã đưa ra các bài diễn thuyết TEDx nổi tiếng về chủ đề này, thu hút hàng triệu lượt xem trên toàn thế giới. Cuốn sách “Start With Why – Bắt Đầu Với Câu Hỏi Tại Sao”. Đã…
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mccormackzamora07 · 2 years
Fantastic Leaders Inspire In addition to Motivate
It is definitely impossible to ever be a genuinely great leader except if someone is ready and capable involving motivating and electrifying others to adhere to. Individuals only actually follow leaders who provide them with the reason to believe, and motivates those to get more involved, even more convinced, and even more committed to an corporation and/ or some specific cause or need. Having professionally educated and worked with effectively over a 1000 leaders and possible leaders over the last more compared to three decades, I possess come to understand that while it is probable to professionally train someone with the necessary skills, techniques, thought processes, as well as other necessities of leadership, the only way someone actually becomes a new great and important leader is if this individual is willing to, and capable of, motivating others in order to follow his business lead. Maya Angelou explained, "Be an offers a to someone else's cloud, " and even while that is amazing advice for all of us, that is essential for anyone that wants to truly guide. Leaders must always exhibit a steady, comforting, and constant positive attitude and even can- do approach. 1 . How carry out true leaders inspire? Many appear to consider that inspiration comes as a result involving their rhetoric, because if beautiful words and phrases, and lofty words and phrases, are what inspires others. In fact, true leaders want not be good orators (although that is certainly, at times, beneficial), yet rather must stimulate others by precisely what they are doing, and what they represent. Phony leaders often take too lightly the acumen regarding their constituents, and even fail to know that unless their actions are steady with their nice words, people identify this inconsistency. The very best leaders are usually the one's that will inspire others when you are the type regarding person that they will are. Traits that inspire include: entire integrity; extraordinary hard work; positive attitude and manner; showing authentic gratitude; assuming individual responsibility (never blame); and effective tuning in. While they are simply some of the particular traits, they are the most very easily observed by sometimes casual observers, and are therefore necessities for inspirational leadership. Leaders which inspire find other folks more willing to follow them. a couple of. Just how can a chief motivate? Among the least complicated ways is, of course, leading simply by example. summary start with why is undoubtedly that guys are far extra willing to, plus apt to, listen to, and thus comply with, someone that walks the walk, instead associated with merely talking the talk. Another way to encourage is to often thank people regarding whatever they are willing and capable to do, in order to assist the innovator and the organization. Fact is that nearly every organization recognizes some version from the 80/ 20 rule, which means that at least 70 percent of the work and effort is done by simply less than 20 or so percent of the associates. Therefore, great commanders must truly appreciate what they perform. They must end up being grateful for all those that simply are supposed to be, because they will be also helping by providing both numbers (strength in numbers), plus generally a certain degree associated with needed revenue. Commanders can easily motivate and inspire whenever they devote to providing benefit, and commit to be able to their utmost efforts, in addition to absolute integrity. This kind of is, of course , another reason that right now there are so few truly great commanders.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: How To Cultivate Self-Discipline
Know Your Why: Always Keep The End In Mind 
Keep Small Promises To Yourself. Make Them Non-Negotiable. 
Create And Consistently Log Your Progress 
Take Temptations Out Of Sight 
Find Indulgences To Help You Focus On Your Goals 
Know Your Why: Always Keep The End In Mind 
Decisiveness drives discipline. You need to clarify and define your goals. State them clearly with their authentic purpose in mind. If you seduce this end goal into your life, what desire are you truly fulfilling? Ex. If you want to lose 10 pounds: Is it to feel healthier? Look better in a bikini? Fit into a certain pair of jeans? No matter how superficial, identify the genuine reason why you want to achieve a certain goal. Whatever reason elicits a visceral and emotional reaction. Sometimes, especially during a busy work day, your reason could be as simple as wanting to lessen your anxiety and ease into a more relaxed state. Any purpose that resonates. Once you have an emotional response tied to a goal, it becomes infinitely easier to motivate yourself to take small steps towards achieving it. Where energy goes, energy flow. Simon Sinek goes more in-depth with this concept in Start With Why.
Keep Small Promises To Yourself. Make Them Non-Negotiable.
Think of performing self-discipline rituals as confidence-building exercises. This action helps you trust yourself, establishes a sense of integrity, and builds self-confidence. For example, if you stick to your meal and workout plan for 5 days a week, you build trust in knowing you're more powerful than your cravings and are capable of taking good care of your body. If you complete a project on schedule (personal or professional), you prove to yourself that you’re efficient, build confidence in your ability to finish tasks you start, and self-affirm that you follow through on your ideas. Finishing that book this month reflects confirms that you value yourself enough to expand your mind, learn, and expand your knowledge base. Eventually, through enough consistent repetition, these rituals into unconscious habits that you do effortlessly in daily life. 
Create And Consistently Log Your Progress 
You can’t manage what you don’t measure – your finances, calorie and step counts, workouts, productivity, etc. Tracking data related to your habits – such as your spending habits, eating or workout patterns, writing word count, and task completion – on a given day or week – allows you to understand and analyze your current behavior. What habit cues, environmental or other situational factors are keeping you from sticking to the current task at hand? Do you leave your running shoes stuffed in the back of the closet? Junk food in the house? Work from bed or with your phone by your side? Are you avoiding certain emotions? Does this data change when you’re stressed or tired?  
Awareness is the first step towards redirected action. Analyze these data points to see your pitfalls and strategize how to help yourself. 
Take Temptations Out Of Sight
Set yourself up to win. Get the phone away from your workspace, remove any junk food or soda from the house, delete apps, or silence notifications from people who distract you from your goals. Self-discipline becomes significantly easier when you have to take additional steps to indulge in your vices. Replace these temptations with helpful cues to help you build healthier habits that lead to self-discipline. Give yourself visual cues to move you toward your goals. Keep a journal with a pen next to your bed. Leave your workout clothes and shoes out near your bed. Write a quick to-do list right before finishing work for the following day, so it’s easier to jump into the first task right away the next morning. Cut up some produce or do a 30-60 minute meal prep once a week to eat more healthful meals. Find ways to make it easier to stay on track than give in to temptation. 
Find Indulgences To Help You Focus On Your Goals 
Self-discipline shouldn’t feel like deprivation – of certain foods, pastimes, or activities you enjoy. Buy cute workout clothes you feel confident in. Create the most dance-worthy playlist. Make it a priority to buy your favorite fruits and vegetables every week. Rotate a selection of your favorite healthy meals. Leave your sunscreen out – front and center – on your bathroom counter. Find a big, beautiful water bottle to keep on your desk. Purchase aesthetic notebooks, pens, planners, journals, and other office organization items. To make self-discipline feel like second nature, you need to marry indulgences and your desire to meet your goals. Discover the habits that work for you and find small ways to make these tasks more enjoyable. 
Go easy on yourself. Build one habit at a time. Self-discipline is like a muscle. It requires time to build and grows in increments. Try to stay on track and more focused than yesterday. Your only competition is your former self. Find pleasure in the process. Focus on the immediate task in front of you while also keeping your future self in mind. 
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nails-teeth-neck · 5 months
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sathyaprakaash · 1 year
"Find some humor in your failures. Don't take yourself so seriously. Loosen up and everybody around you will loosen up."
Start With Why by Simon Sinek
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quottin · 2 years
We make decisions based on what we think we know.
Simon Sinek, Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action
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alwaysalearner · 7 months
Why Does Knowing Your 'Why' Matter? The Key to Success
In a world full of endless possibilities, why do some individuals and organizations stand out and thrive while others seem to flounder and struggle?
The answer lies in a simple yet profound concept: Starting with "Why." If you're curious about discovering the power of "Why," Simon Sinek's groundbreaking book, "Start with Why," is an absolute must-read.
If you're seeking a comprehensive perspective on the key takeaways from the book, read this "Start With Why" article. Not only this article summarizes the main concepts of the book, but also delves into the insights from "Find Your Why" - the second book of Simon Sinek, a continuation of "Start With Why."
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prodleader · 8 months
An Essential Reading List of 28 Books for Product Managers
In a rapidly evolving world where innovation takes center stage, the journey to becoming a successful product manager demands continuous learning and adaptability. Fortunately, an invaluable source of knowledge lies within the pages of books. In this article, we have thoughtfully curated a list of 28 essential books that every aspiring product manager should explore. These books cover a diverse spectrum of topics, ranging from the foundational principles of product management to the intricacies of user experience design.
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Product Management Fundamentals
1. Inspired: How To Create Products Customers Love by Marty Cagan
2. The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses by Eric Ries
3. Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products by Nir Eyal
4. The Art of Product Management: Lessons from a Silicon Valley Innovator by Rich Mironov
Thought Leadership
1. Measure What Matters: Online Tools for Understanding Customers, Social Media, Engagement, and Key Relationships by Katie Delahaye Paine
2. Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't by Simon Sinek
3. The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail by Clayton Christensen
4. Crossing the Chasm: Marketing and Selling High-Tech Products to Mainstream Customers by Geoffrey A. Moore
Product Strategy
1. Good Strategy Bad Strategy: The Difference and Why It Matters by Richard Rumelt
2. Blue Ocean Strategy: How to Create Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne
3. The Lean Product Playbook: How to Innovate with Minimum Viable Products and Rapid Customer Feedback by Dan Olsen
4. Hacking Growth: How Today's Fastest-Growing Companies Drive Breakout Success by Sean Ellis and Morgan Brown
Product Frameworks
1. Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days by Jake Knapp
2. Inspired Jobs to Be Done: Get Out of the Building by Alan Klement and Bob Moesta
3. Agile Estimating and Planning by Mike Cohn
4. Design a Better Business: New Tools, Skills, and Mindset for Strategy and Innovation by Patrick Van Der Pijl, Justin Lokitz, and Roland Wijnen
Product-Adjacent Skills
1. Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High by Kerry Patterson
2. Lean Analytics: Use Data to Build a Better Startup Faster by Alistair Croll and Benjamin Yoskovitz
3. The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers by Ben Horowitz
4. Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
Inspirational and Motivational Books
1. Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel H. Pink
2. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck
3. Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth
4. Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek
User Experience
1. Don't Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability by Steve Krug
2. The Design of Everyday Things by Don Norman
3. User Story Mapping: Discover the Whole Story, Build the Right Product by Jeff Patton
4. Lean UX: Applying Lean Principles to Improve User Experience by Jeff Gothelf and Josh Seiden
Consider these books as more than mere reading material; they are the keys to sharpening your product management skills, nurturing personal development, and successfully navigating the dynamic terrain of technology and innovation. Embrace the profound insights they provide, allowing them to guide your journey toward becoming an outstanding product manager.
Originally published at www.productleadership.com on August 26, 2023. If you’re seeking accurate and reliable guidance, visit the site link to read more on Product Management, Data Science, UX and equip yourself with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the world of product management with ease and confidence.
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David Thien Anh Luong Business Top 5 Books on Leadership For Entrepreneurs
If you want to run a successful enterprise, you have to always be a wonderful leader. Your team is one of your biggest assets, and to be able to maintain a healthy team spirit and have the team work towards a common goal, you should be able to lead them in an inspiring manner. You should understand David Luong Perth Why It Is Important to Have a Strong Team of the Senior Executives in A Business. So, if you are new to business and wish to enhance your knowledge of leadership skills, then these 5 books on leadership will act as the perfect guide for you.
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The Top 5 Leadership Books To Read
1.  How To Win Friends & Influence People
Author: Dale Carnegie
Year Of Publishing: 1936
Goodreads Rating: 4.2/5
When it comes to the self-help genre, there is no author who can match the Carnegie brilliance. An extraordinary book that should be on the reading list of every single person, whether an entrepreneur or not, this one is a charm on its own.
2.  The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow Them, And People Will Follow You
Author: John C. Maxwell
Year Of Publishing: 1998
Goodreads Rating: 4.2/5
As the title suggests, the author expertly walks you through the 21 exemplary laws that act as guiding stones toward becoming an inspiring leader. It helps you to realize the areas where you need to make improvements and the habits that can create an impact on your team.
3.  Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action
Author: Simon Sinek
Year Of Publishing: 2009
Goodreads Rating: 4.1/5
If you want to know how the greatest leaders in the world think, act and communicate, this book can guide you through all that. It is the perfect leadership book to start with if you are new to the business world.
4.  Leading Change: An Action Plan from the World's Foremost Expert on Business Leadership
Author: John Kotter
Year Of Publishing: 1996
Goodreads Rating: 4/5
If you are looking for a guide on leadership and management from the best, then this book is what you need to read. The secret strategy on how you can become a master in your industry has inspired numerous organizations over time.
5. The Leadership Challenge: How to Make Extraordinary Things Happen in Organizations
Author: Barry Posner and James M. Kouzes
Year Of Publishing: 2012
Goodreads Rating: 4/5
Another interesting book that provides deep insight into how an organization can work extraordinarily under the right leadership; this book is a true gem in all sense. It will be a fantastic addition to your bookshelf if you plan on becoming iconic.
In conclusion, these are among the most interesting books to read on leadership. By reading these books, you can improve your ideas on leading your organization toward progress. These also help you form the right team through David Thien Anh Luong Business 7 Qualities to Look For While Hiring Employees.
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aisyahnuraeni · 2 years
Menjadi Pembelajar Sepanjang Hayat dengan Inquiry Learning
Selama satu bulan lebih berada dalam lingkungan Sekolah Cikal sebagai anak magang, aku belajar bagaimana sebuah sistem dibuat untuk menjadikan setiap elemen yang ada di dalamnya terus berkembang menjadi lebih baik setiap harinya. Bukan dikte "ayo semua harus produktif!" dan berbagai narasi lainnya, melainkan penanaman karakter. Setiap orang di sini belajar, sedang belajar, dan akan terus belajar.
Menjadi pembelajar sepanjang hayat dapat dilakukan dengan tools sederhana bernama inkuiri. Entah ini model, pendekatan, atau teori, tetapi praktiknya sebenarnya amat lekat dengan kehidupan sehari-hari. Keberpihakan Cikal pada anak sampai pada titik di mana anak memiliki otoritas paling tinggi terhadap dirinya sendiri, ia berminat pada apa, ia ingin mencapai apa, ia membutuhkan apa, dan yang paling penting adalah "Mengapa?".
Buku "Start with WHY"-nya Simon Sinek bisa aku lihat dalam keseharian di Cikal. Everyone seems intentional in whatever they're doing. Gak cuma gurunya, tapi juga muridnya.
Menerapkan model student-centered di kelas bukanlah barang baru di Indonesia, tetapi bagaimana jika student-centered dikombinasikan dengan personalized curriculum? Boom! Aku rasa, sejauh ini baru kutemukan di Cikal. Mereka bebas menentukan dimensi apa yang ingin mereka kembangkan, mereka mengevaluasi personal goals mereka bersama homeroom dan orangtua, mereka dipersilakan memilih produk asesmen sesuai dengan minat dan kebutuhan mereka. Mereka gak diberikan "Ulangan" dengan pertanyaan yang sifatnya faktual, sehingga bukan benar dan salah, melainkan bagaimana mereka mengembangkan dan mengelaborasi ide mereka dengan berbagai resources.
Cool! Tidak heran melihat mereka kelas 7 dengan rentang usia 12-13 tahun sudah paham tujuan mereka apa, sudah paham caranya goal-setting, sudah familiar dengan problem solving. Personal project di akhir pun bukan asal-asalan atau ikut-ikutan teman, tetapi karena mereka minat dan memang pursue untuk punya pengalaman dalam handle project tertentu. Kalau mereka berminat di astronomi, maka personal project mereka akan berhubungan dengan sistem tata surya, gerhana, dan sebagainya. Kemudian mereka lanjutkan terus di jenjang-jenjang selanjutnya. They keep doing it until they master it.
Salah satu titik berat dari Inquiry Learning ada pada Inquiry Educators alias guru. Guru punya peran yang besar, tapi bukan dominan. Guru bukan orang yang menyampaikan materi, paling tahu, paling banyak ilmunya, dan paling reliable. Justeru guru adalah fasilitator belajar, sedang mempelajari ilmu-ilmu yang juga ia ampu.
"Like the skilled improviser in theatre, the inquiry educator understands the dance between offering and receiving and accepts that teaching and learning is a co-constructed experience… we must be fully present and willing to slow down, trust, and allow creativity, inventiveness and curiosity to thrive", Murdoch said.
Berikut rangkumanku dari artikel yang Kath Murdoch tulis berjudul THE ART OF INQUIRY
→ provides educators with advice for weaving these practices into their daily repertoire.
Cultivate curiosity 
→ Mengandalkan kekuatan rasa ingin tahu dan memvisualisasikan bagaimana rasa ingin tahu tersebut melalui bertanya dan menyuarakan apa yang ada di dalam benak (self-talk). Pemilihan kata ‘mungkin’, ‘bisa jadi’, ‘terkadang’ dsb dapat memacu murid untuk terbuka pada berbagai kemungkinan. 
→ Apa dan bagaimana cara kita bertanya amat berpengaruh pada pemikiran murid dan keinginan mereka untuk berbagi apa yang mereka pikirkan. Questions are at the heart of the inquiry classroom. Dalam konteks ini, guru tidak hanya menanyakan apa yang telah dipelajari tapi bagaimana proses belajar itu didapatkan. Kemudian meminta klarifikasi pengetahuan yang diperoleh murid bukan dengan memintanya memberikan sumber tapi menanyakan “Bagaimana sekiranya kamu dapat mempercayai informasi tersebut?” atau dengan “Aku berpikir, bagaimana kita bisa tahu apakah informasi tersebut benar?”. Ini akan mendorong murid menjadi pembelajar mandiri dan berdaya. 
→ Guru lebih banyak mengamati dan mendengarkan apa yang terjadi di dalam kelasnya dan bagaimana pembelajaran terjadi. Memperhatikan hal-hal tersebut membutuhkan self-discipline. Mempunyai seorang guru lain untuk co-teaching dapat memperkaya sudut pandang observasi dan melakukan dokumentasi. 
→ Guru harus bersiap untuk menyediakan banyak kemungkinan untuk murid dapat memformulasikan teori, menguji gagasan mereka, dan bereksperimen serta mengeksplorasi berbagai kemungkinan. Meminta murid untuk mengulangi apa yang kita lakukan dapat mematikan kemampuan mereka untuk menemukan cara mereka sendiri. Guru harus membuka kelas seluas-luasnya sehingga murid dapat berkolaborasi bersama sesamanya dan melakukan upaya-upaya produktif lainnya.
Grow learning assets
→ the dispositions and skills that will be lifelong and life-wide assets to us as learners. Bagaimana guru berinteraksi dengan murid dapat membentuk bagaimana pandangan mereka terhadap proses belajar dan diri mereka sendiri (Claxton, 2018). Guru harus terbuka pada berbagai cara belajar dengan memprioritaskan belajar tentang proses belajar itu sendiri.
Selamat belajar!
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futureofresilience · 2 days
Unveiling the Power of Purpose:“Start With Why” by Simon Sinek
When You Know Your Why, The What Comes Through More Clearly!!!
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In his groundbreaking book “Start With Why,” Simon Sinek explores the concept of purpose-driven leadership and its profound impact on individuals, organizations, and societies. Through a compelling framework centered around the “Golden Circle” and real-world examples, Sinek challenges readers to rethink their approach to leadership and communication. In this review, we’ll delve into the key insights of the book and evaluate its relevance in today’s world.
The Power of Purpose: At the core of “Start With Why” lies the idea that great leaders and organizations inspire action by communicating their underlying purpose or “why.” Sinek argues that while most people and companies focus on what they do or how they do it, truly successful and influential leaders start with why they do what they do. By tapping into the deeper motivations that drive human behavior, they are able to connect with others on a more profound level and foster loyalty and trust.
2. The Golden Circle: Sinek introduces the concept of the Golden Circle, a framework that consists of three concentric circles representing why, how, and what. He illustrates how visionary leaders, such as Apple’s Steve Jobs and civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr., operate from the inside out, starting with why before moving to how and what. By articulating their why clearly and consistently, they are able to inspire others to action and differentiate themselves in the marketplace.
3. Clarity of Purpose: “Start With Why” emphasizes the importance of clarity of purpose in driving organizational success. Sinek argues that when individuals and companies have a clear sense of why they exist and what they stand for, they are better able to make strategic decisions, attract like-minded people, and cultivate a strong sense of identity and culture. Through compelling examples ranging from Apple to Southwest Airlines, he demonstrates how purpose-driven organizations outperform their competitors and create lasting impact.
4. Inspiring Leadership: Central to Sinek’s message is the idea that effective leadership is about inspiring others to action, rather than simply exerting control or authority. By embodying their why and leading with authenticity and empathy, leaders can create environments where people feel valued, empowered, and motivated to contribute their best work. Whether in business, politics, or social movements, the principles of purpose-driven leadership outlined in the book offer a blueprint for driving positive change and achieving sustainable success.
5. Application in Practice: “Start With Why” not only provides a compelling theory of purpose-driven leadership but also offers practical strategies for applying these principles in real-world settings. Sinek outlines actionable steps for discovering and articulating your own why, as well as techniques for communicating it effectively to others. Whether you’re a CEO, entrepreneur, teacher, or community organizer, the insights and strategies presented in the book can help you lead with purpose and make a meaningful difference in the world.
6. Relevance in Today’s World: In an age marked by rapid technological advancement, global interconnectedness, and shifting societal values, the message of “Start With Why” resonates more strongly than ever. As individuals and organizations grapple with complex challenges and navigate uncertain terrain, the need for purpose-driven leadership and clear, compelling communication has never been greater. By embracing the principles outlined in the book, readers can cultivate a sense of purpose that guides their actions, inspires others, and ultimately leads to greater fulfillment and success.
In conclusion, “Start With Why” by Simon Sinek is a thought-provoking exploration of the power of purpose in leadership and communication. Through the Golden Circle framework and real-world examples, Sinek illustrates how starting with why can transform individuals, organizations, and even entire industries. With its emphasis on clarity of purpose, inspiring leadership, and practical application, the book offers invaluable insights for anyone seeking to lead with purpose and make a positive impact in their sphere of influence.
Disclaimer: I am an affiliate with Amazon and may receive commissions on any purchase made from this post or link with NO additional cost to you.
Thank you 🙏 
Future of Resilience
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Procurement job interviews: Why you should be screening a potential employer versus the employer screening you
Who is most responsible for your Job satisfaction as a procurement professional?
“You don’t need to be the CEO to make an impact. Start with your team, lead by example, and let the results speak for themselves.” – Simon Sinek (LinkedIn post by Terri MacLeod, Senior Director of Procurement, Nutrien) Since the early 1980s, there have been far too many times following a lecture or webinar, procurement professionals have asked me the following:I agree with everything you say and…
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femmefatalevibe · 6 months
How to be more disciplined?
Know Your Why: Always Keep The End In Mind 
Keep Small Promises To Yourself. Make Them Non-Negotiable. 
Create And Consistently Log Your Progress 
Take Temptations Out Of Sight 
Find Indulgences To Help You Focus On Your Goals 
Know Your Why: Always Keep The End In Mind 
Decisiveness drives discipline. You need to clarify and define your goals. State them clearly with their authentic purpose in mind. If you seduce this end goal into your life, what desire are you truly fulfilling? Ex. If you want to lose 10 pounds: Is it to feel healthier? Look better in a bikini? Fit into a certain pair of jeans? No matter how superficial, identify the genuine reason why you want to achieve a certain goal. Whatever reason elicits a visceral and emotional reaction. Sometimes, especially during a busy work day, your reason could be as simple as wanting to lessen your anxiety and ease into a more relaxed state. Any purpose that resonates. Once you have an emotional response tied to a goal, it becomes infinitely easier to motivate yourself to take small steps towards achieving it. Where energy goes, energy flow. Simon Sinek goes more in-depth with this concept in Start With Why.
Keep Small Promises To Yourself. Make Them Non-Negotiable.
Think of performing self-discipline rituals as confidence-building exercises. This action helps you trust yourself, establishes a sense of integrity, and builds self-confidence. For example, if you stick to your meal and workout plan for 5 days a week, you build trust in knowing you're more powerful than your cravings and are capable of taking good care of your body. If you complete a project on schedule (personal or professional), you prove to yourself that you’re efficient, build confidence in your ability to finish tasks you start, and self-affirm that you follow through on your ideas. Finishing that book this month reflects confirms that you value yourself enough to expand your mind, learn, and expand your knowledge base. Eventually, through enough consistent repetition, these rituals into unconscious habits that you do effortlessly in daily life. 
Create And Consistently Log Your Progress 
You can’t manage what you don’t measure – your finances, calorie and step counts, workouts, productivity, etc. Tracking data related to your habits – such as your spending habits, eating or workout patterns, writing word count, and task completion – on a given day or week – allows you to understand and analyze your current behavior. What habit cues, environmental or other situational factors are keeping you from sticking to the current task at hand? Do you leave your running shoes stuffed in the back of the closet? Junk food in the house? Work from bed or with your phone by your side? Are you avoiding certain emotions? Does this data change when you’re stressed or tired?  
Awareness is the first step towards redirected action. Analyze these data points to see your pitfalls and strategize how to help yourself. 
Take Temptations Out Of Sight
Set yourself up to win. Get the phone away from your workspace, remove any junk food or soda from the house, delete apps, or silence notifications from people who distract you from your goals. Self-discipline becomes significantly easier when you have to take additional steps to indulge in your vices. Replace these temptations with helpful cues to help you build healthier habits that lead to self-discipline. Give yourself visual cues to move you toward your goals. Keep a journal with a pen next to your bed. Leave your workout clothes and shoes out near your bed. Write a quick to-do list right before finishing work for the following day, so it’s easier to jump into the first task right away the next morning. Cut up some produce or do a 30-60 minute meal prep once a week to eat more healthful meals. Find ways to make it easier to stay on track than give in to temptation. 
Find Indulgences To Help You Focus On Your Goals 
Self-discipline shouldn’t feel like deprivation – of certain foods, pastimes, or activities you enjoy. Buy cute workout clothes you feel confident in. Create the most dance-worthy playlist. Make it a priority to buy your favorite fruits and vegetables every week. Rotate a selection of your favorite healthy meals. Leave your sunscreen out – front and center – on your bathroom counter. Find a big, beautiful water bottle to keep on your desk. Purchase aesthetic notebooks, pens, planners, journals, and other office organization items. To make self-discipline feel like second nature, you need to marry indulgences and your desire to meet your goals. Discover the habits that work for you and find small ways to make these tasks more enjoyable. 
Go easy on yourself. Build one habit at a time. Self-discipline is like a muscle. It requires time to build and grows in increments. Try to stay on track and more focused than yesterday. Your only competition is your former self. Find pleasure in the process. Focus on the immediate task in front of you while also keeping your future self in mind. 
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colorfulfirebear · 20 days
The Top 10 Must-Read Business Books for Entrepreneurs and Professionals
Are you looking to enhance your business knowledge and take your career to the next level? Look no further! We've compiled a list of the top 10 business books that every entrepreneur and professional should read to gain valuable insights and strategies.
"The Lean Startup" by Eric Ries This groundbreaking book offers a new approach to creating and managing successful startups by embracing experimentation and validation.
"Good to Great" by Jim Collins Jim Collins provides valuable lessons on how companies can transition from good to great by fostering a culture of discipline and long-term vision.
"The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen Covey Covey's timeless classic outlines seven principles for personal and professional success, emphasizing the power of proactivity and self-improvement.
"Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion" by Robert Cialdini Gain insight into the science of persuasion and learn how to influence others ethically and effectively.
"Start with Why" by Simon Sinek Sinek explores the importance of starting with a clear sense of purpose and direction to inspire others and drive organizational success.
"Thinking, Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman Kahneman's groundbreaking book sheds light on the dual systems of thinking that influence decision-making and behavioral economics.
"Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us" by Daniel Pink Pink challenges conventional wisdom on motivation and introduces the concept of intrinsic motivation for optimal performance.
"Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products" by Nir Eyal Eyal provides a deeper understanding of consumer behavior and how to create products that drive user engagement and loyalty.
"The Innovator's Dilemma" by Clayton Christensen Christensen presents a framework for understanding disruptive innovation and how companies can navigate market changes successfully.
"Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World" by Adam Grant Grant explores the mindset of original thinkers and how they challenge the status quo to drive innovation and change.
These top 10 business books cover a range of topics from entrepreneurship and leadership to innovation and psychology. By incorporating the lessons and strategies outlined in these books into your professional toolkit, you can enhance your business acumen and drive success in your career. Happy reading!
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klavskronbergs · 24 days
A Deep Dive into “Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action”
In a world inundated with superficial motivations and fleeting trends, Simon Sinek’s
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