#stop trying to be the bad bird website
puschelinchen · 11 months
Ooof tumblr, why?
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skitariiposting · 3 months
Skit's Mini Painting Journey Pt. 3
The Admech one.
C'mon, you all saw this one coming.
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Back when I was painting my nurgles purple, I wanted to do a similar color scheme for my Admech army. I slowly moved away from it however, as I didn't quite like the way it turned out. The green and purple look took to Nurgle well, but purple Admech on desert planets didn't make a whole lot of sense. Didn't stop me from trying though, and while they certainly didn't look bad, I'm glad I didn't stick with it.
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The Mars Pattern Family
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This little fella may look familiar! Here was my first attempt at a more traditional mars pattern skit, and a jawa-esque one to boot! This was a kitbash of a proper galvanic rifle and backpack being added to The Makers Cult's Lil' Recruit.
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I mean, Jawa admech is so amazing, but I had to have my little guy properly equipped!
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Continuing the Mars linage is a technopriest and engiseer, both TMC printed minis. I love the way these two look. The face-shield on the technopriest looks amazing, and I'm incredibly proud of the reflection on it. The OSL on the hand isn't very visible in the picture, but it also looks really good.
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This Thallax bot was supposed to be a Kastellan Bot for @elnubnub, however I got the two mixed up and picked the smaller one. I'm going to eventually remedy that, but he still looks good nonetheless.
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This is by and large one of my best pieces in my opinion. Back when @cannibalcaprine had a bird face, this model was more applicable. Dominus Hera has so much soul and time put into her I don't know if I'll ever be able to replicate the state of mind I was in that let me get this mini to look this good. The cloth effects are fantastic, the OSL from the gun is fantastic, the molten axe is fantastic, the color choices and layout is fantastic, the cables are fantastic; I don't know who painted this mini, but it certainly wasn't me. It couldn't have been.
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And the most important member of the Mars Pattern Family, the fan favorite: Goober. A kitbash gone wrong gone right. A broken mini finally becoming whole. The legend himself. What more is there to say?
Finally: The Submechanicum
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Penelope, the Ocean Queen. My first model I painted for the Submechanicus. I'd love to say that this is my magnum opus, considering I made a whole video about her and everything...
However, I must rip the band aid off and say that this is the first version of Penelope...
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Because what immediately followed her was this beast. This is the Krabaphron, another contender for one of my best models. This sucker was so genre defining, that it set a new standard for the rest of my Submechanicus army and would cause me to re-do my color-scheme and paint job planning going forward.
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I based all of my future Submechanicus models off of it, using it as a template. The Skits and Techpriest both got the same treatment and I've got to say, I'm in love with the way it looks. I've continued using this style so far and I haven't had to make many modifications.
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As such, Penelope... didn't quite fit the bill anymore. She stood out from the rest of the models.
So... after a livestream of planning and base layering...
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She was finally given the paint job she deserved.
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And that's just were our story begins fair traveler... With the rise of the Depth Guard, a proper protector of the Submechanicus will be needed to combat the forces of Nurgle... And coming late April, there will be such a machine surfacing, with a video to present it.
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Of course, this is quite an older photo. It's far more painted than that. I've teased photos of it so far, however I'm saving the proper display of it for the video, so be on the look out if you want to see the completed product!
And that's about it! Hope you've enjoyed this little walk down memory lane and gallery of my mini painting endeavors! I'll be making a website for easier viewing once I've gone through and gotten some more professional looking pictures done. Thank you for reading and viewing!
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digitulworld · 23 days
DHMIS teachers answers if you asked them the interview questions
Where do you live?
Sketchbook: In the dark, sometimes.
Tony: Midwest.
Shrignold: Far away from you.
Colin: Indoors, outdoors, sideways, vertical, and horizontal.
Spinach Can: Ping-pong galleria with my friend Schmuck.
Steak Guy: In your house!
Lamp: A magic barn.
What do you like to eat?
Sketchbook: I’m on a liquid diet.
Tony: It’s in the attic somewhere.
Shrignold: Something very warm.
Colin: Extra large cereal.
Spinach Can: Cardboard
Steak Guy: I can’t believe you would ask me that.
Lamp: Pink bones, red fibers, and a spinning wheel.
What is your favorite color?
Sketchbook: Green. Is this a trick question? It’s green.
Tony: Tan.
Shrignold: Lots and lots of purple.
Colin: The one with five letters.
Spinach Can: What color is grass?
Steak Guy: Grey horses.
Lamp: You're being too silly right now, you have to stop.
Do you like cows or goats?
Sketchbook: Anything yellow.
Tony: It doesn't matter to me. Nothing matters to me.
Shrignold: A baby sheep, is that like a goat?
Colin: Lizards.
Spinach Can: I made a cow mad once, and then got Cow Mad Syndrome.
Steak Guy: Big ones. Just the big ones.
Lamp: It jumps over the moon!
Do you have brown hair?
Sketchbook: Only on Tuesdays.
Tony: Are you stupid?
Shrignold: Lime green, like my mothers.
Colin: I asked you first!
Spinach Can: You should stop asking me that, I'll give it back later.
Steak Guy: It just gets stuck like this sometimes.
Lamp: Yesterday I saw a dog, but it was an evil dog. Don't ask me how I know.
What is your blood type?
Sketchbook: I had to glue some on myself so they'd stop bothering me.
Tony: Just a big clump.
Shrignold: I don't know, they all look the same.
Colin: I can't remember what it looks like! It’s very shy.
Spinach Can: What the *beep* is blood?
Steak Guy: Blood? Is that what they call it nowadays?
Lamp: Theres worms in me.
What are you allergic to?
Sketchbook: Having a nose.
Tony: It changes every day, and has been for the past 977 days.
Shrignold: Absolutely positively everything.
Colin: Fish paste.
Spinach Can: Eggshells, all of them. They pushed me down the stairs once.
Steak Guy: I don't need one!
Lamp: The Boogeyman. We’re on bad terms.
Whats your favorite idea?
Sketchbook: Anything but this question.
Tony: The giant bird that appears in my dreams sometimes.
Shrignold: My favorite pair of shoes.
Colin: My idea website. It generates ideas, like fun ways to hold a spoon.
Spinach Can: Hammers! Lots of hammers! And a nickel!
Steak Guy: Throwing my keys into a hole.
Lamp: TV shows about Alaska.
What do you find exciting?
Sketchbook: Big balloons, the alphabet, kites, gas planets, carpentry, a sock. The rest is personal.
Tony: Basements with creaky stairs.
Shrignold: Moths in small amounts.
Colin: Every 14th day of the month.
Spinach Can: A really really really small traffic cone, that tells you when you're going to die.
Steak Guy: Mold.
Lamp: Four trampolines.
What happened after the olden days?
Sketchbook: TVs started using colors, and now people are ungrateful.
Tony: I’m not playing your little game.
Shrignold: Everyone got sad, so I had to help them.
Colin: There were three wars, four explosions, and two train crashes, all in 1958.
Spinach Can: The world got mucky and ate dirt and beans.
Steak Guy: A rude mouse flipped the bird at me.
Lamp: They had bigger and bigger dreams, and then everyone got so big, they had to stop eating foods that made them dream big. The moral of this story is that you should wash your hands twice a day.
What are you scared of?
Sketchbook: Medium-sized rodents.
Tony: 7:00pm.
Shrignold: Whatever you're scared of.
Colin: A pound of sand.
Spinach Can: Mud crunching.
Steak Guy: Holes in pudding.
Lamp: The big night sky we’ll all get lost in one day.
What are your hobbies?
Sketchbook: Throwing vegetables at paintings, you should try it one day.
Tony: Watching people blink.
Shrignold: I sew clothes for my friends, but their first question is always, “How do you know my exact measurements? I never told you them.” You just can’t please everyone.
Colin: Data analyzation, accounting, coding, excessive security measurements.
Spinach Can: It’s beach ball related, if you know what I mean.
Steak Guy: Meat hobbies.
Lamp: Finding used cigarettes on the ground and taping them together to make a big cigarette, I call it The Ultimate.
What is your favorite song?
Sketchbook: Banging plastic together, if thats a song.
Tony: The Screaming Album, 1938.
Shrignold: I made all of them up.
Colin: Trapezoid Angles by Super Henry 3
Spinach Can: Four of them and they’re bad.
Steak Guy: Just noises?
Lamp: Mr. Bungle
Where do you go on holiday?
Sketchbook: My imaginary imagination place.
Tony: I just walk around.
Colin: If I leave my house, I die instantly.
Shrignold: Every day is a holiday if you know what you're doing.
Spinach Can: Mister Loopy’s Pizza Restaurant that I keep getting kicked out of.
Steak Guy: Where all the pigs are.
Lamp: Nightmare Land.
Who do you love?
Sketchbook: The letter B
Tony: Boys? Girls?
Shrignold: Please don't.
Colin: My toothpaste bottle cap.
Spinach Can: Cheese thrown against the window.
Steak Guy: Finger soup! Teeth! Orphans!
Lamp: The giraffe I met once, that I went on adventures with.
What is love?
Sketchbook: Anything that smiles.
Tony: Something not very important.
Shrignold: Do you want me to tell you? I’m a little busy.
Colin: One of the twelve main Brain Viruses.
Spinach Can: Endless sink drains.
Steak Guy: A string of hair. A lot of hair.
Lamp: It grows two legs, and then one day it’ll kill you.
What do you dream of?
Sketchbook: Pools and pools of blood tubes.
Tony: It all became a blur to me, I had to stop before I went mad.
Shrignold: So many little squirrels eating me.
Colin: Untied shoelaces.
Spinach Can: Peanuts, but they keep spelling their name wrong.
Steak Guy: Markets that only sell one type of vinegar oil.
Lamp: I can’t dream, I have a condition.
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Pale Goblins (and friends) as dril tweets
Cherrypop: just found out about Object Permanence… why didnt any one tell me about this shit
Biscuit: drunk driving may kill a lot of people, but it also helps a lot of people get to work on time, so, it;s impossible to say if its bad or not,
Flopsy: awfully bold of you to fly the Good Year blimp on a year that has been extremely bad thus far
Sporghog: sending my most powerful kisses to all pregnant women fire fighers
Bagnut: oh you say you’re going to fuck me? you’re going to try to fuck me, through the computer? Well i say this, and that is “Game on”
Peckersnot: the only A+ i ever got was from that time in art class when i drew venus & serena willaims clobbering the. shit out of me with their rackets
Doglick: how do i get cowboy paint off a dog
Tatty Bo Jangles: “jail isnt real,” i assure myself as i close my eyes and ram the hallmark gift shop with my shitty bronco
Ramjam: i lvoe and cherish all of the girls of this site, and other websites.  you all become my wife more and more with each passing day. Thank you
Gashwad: id love to get attacked by a bird. id love for a bird to try to fight me. id love to smash it to bits with my bare hands.
Toadswallow: i regret to inform you, that by resorting to Swear language, you have forfeit this debate. Farewell my bitch
Snatchragged: if a sniper shot me i owuld run over to where he is and kick the gun out of his hand and kill him because hes not specialized in melee fight
Bubbleyum: what would you do if i unlocked 100% of my true brain?  Nothing. you would be fucked
Lewdtube: do not be afraid to talk to that lonely boy on the train … with the rosy red cheeks, sun glasses & big cigar… he just mmight be… angel
Bluntmunch: another day volunteering at the betsy ross museum. everyone keeps asking me if they can fuck the flag. buddy, they wont even let me fuck it
Kittycough: two handfuls of kitty litter taken from the beautiful hollywood home of sports broadcaster Dick Vitale , for $100 or best offer
Breastbiter the Chonk: joke’s on you; i actually love being body slammed by one dozen perfect wrestlers. and my mouth isn’t filled with bloodm, it’s victory wine
Liberty: DOCTOR: you cant keep doing this to yourself. being The Last True Good Boy online will destroy you. you must stop posting with honor ME: No,
Slaygarrrrrr Who Slavishly Slays: my name is “ GAMER FUCKER ” and i was sent to FUCK all the gamers…
Flopsy (again): awfully bold of you to retweet my “bad year” tweet on a year that has been extremely good thus far
Avery: strongest blade in the world, howeve,r it is so fragile as to shatter when handled by any force other than the delicate touch of a lesbian .
Snowdrop: Im the only man here who injects himself with a CIA Grade Truth Serum before each and every post i make. Remember only that
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ririya-translates · 9 months
Kai Mutsumi's Short Story
For Kai's birthday, September 23rd, I translated his short story from the official Jack Jeanne website. They were all written by Shin Towada, the main writer of Jack Jeanne who worked closely with Ishida in creating the world. Concept art by Lownine (who I mistakenly referred to a Ronin before). Spoilers are minimal since it takes place before the first performance.
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From a thick tree trunk, countless outstretched branches and leaves blocked out the light from the sky. Moss carpeted over its roots as the the fern leaves swayed up and down, still clinging with moisture despite an absence of rain. "….." On that shaded mountain, one person lingered as if melting into the silence. This person was Kai Mutsumi, although most people just called him Kai. Rather than following the cheeping songs of birds, his eyes remained fixed on the scenery. He stood in place like the trees, their roots stretched deep into the earth over tens, even hundreds, of years to mark the passage of time.
In ancient times, Mount Oodate came to be an object of religious worship. While once considered a sacred mountain separate from the human realm, it presently stood as the backdrop for Univeil Drama School. In an unimagined turn of events, it now ushered in crowds of people for the brilliantly captivating performances.
Kai was also a student, entering into his final year. He was part of the Quartz class. Their class theme was 'transparency' since many were unexperienced actors who had yet to fully develop their true colours. Kai was like that once too. "…Start of classes, hmm" It was spring. A fresh group of students had just enrolled in the Quartz class. ― How are this year's new students looking in your eyes, Kai? The words flashed clearly through his mind. It was only natural since they were from just a bit earlier that day.
The one asking was Kokuto Neji. He had a unique background as the Quartz class lead as well as the script writer and a performer. He was responsible for many aspects of setting their stage and was a man of immense talent, but had some strong peculiarities. The eyes behind his glasses were always seeking out things of interest. Today was no different. Kai closed his eyes to the remember the conversation with Neji.
"What I see in the first-years?" "Yes! I'm curious how the determined attempts of these baby birds to fly in the Newcomers' Performance look in your eyes." Did he have a reason for asking this or was it just on a whim? Regardless, Kai knew that trying to resist him would just be a waste of time. He surveyed the first-year students while sorting his thoughts. (Those three…) His eyes stopped on the three first-years who had grouped up and seemed to be discussing something. The one who attracted notice everywhere through his brightness was Suzu Orimaki. Another who was reserved, but listened intently to everyone else with a face of careful consideration, was Soushiro Yonaga. And finally, standing between the two of them, was the one speaking with the sincere expression ― "Ah, they're fascinating, those guys." The sharp-eyed Neji adjusted his glasses and looked at them. "When starting here, it's easy for people to have the mentality of 'I'm number one! Get outta the way, classmates!' But those three are always together. For better or worse, they stand out." Excitement spread to the corners of Neji's lips. "Well anyways, whether it would bring us good luck or bad…" The eyes deep behind the glasses looked over the new students as if appraising them. "…Don't put on an act to try to test them," Kai warned. "Hey! You think I have that kinda free time? I only use use my time for creating the best performance possible!" "…." "Ohh, is that a look of concern I see? Can't you trust me, Jack Ace?" Neji's words triggered an unconscious grimace. At Univeil Drama School where both male and female roles were played by male students, male roles were called Jacks and female roles were called Jeannes. Being blessed with a tall stature, strong physical ability, and sincere acting talent, Kai was given the lead role among Jacks: the Jack Ace. Next to the lead Jeanne, known as the Al Jeanne, they formed the face of the class. But unlike the current Al Jeanne, Sarafumi Takashina, Kai never adjusted to the title. "I will always be just a vessel." A vessel was meant for the purpose of making the Al Jeanne flower radiate even more brilliantly. He was the shadow to contrast Sarafumi Takashina's sparkle. Kai felt that this was his role. And the one who put Kai in this position was the same Kokuto Neji. "Are you unsatisfied with something?" "…No." There was nothing unsatisfying about supporting Fumi. Kai felt fully determined to dedicate himself to the Quartz class with every ounce of his ability. That being said, he felt a painfully large disparity between himself and the title of Jack Ace. He was well aware of the amount of talent Fumi possessed in order to be an Al Jeanne ever since joining the school.
Kai looked again towards the trio of first-years. He felt a twinge of jealousness seeing them standing as equals as they seriously discussed their acting. However, he was unsure when their equilibrium would be thrown off balance. "Hmm, I wonder who will show results at the Newcomers' Performance."
Wind blew past carrying the scent of greenery and rustle of leaves. Kai opened his eyes and calmly observed the drizzle of sunlight falling through the trees. The blinding light emitted at Univeil from people pursuing their dreams was at times too brilliant for Kai's eyes to bear. For that reason, he surrounded himself in nature where he could be his honest self. He took in a breath. (…I'll just do what is required of me). With this thought in mind, right as he was about to close his eyes, something white suddenly appeared in the corner of his vision. "…? Ahh…" Once he got a better look through the gaps in the fern leaves, he saw a white weasel peeking its face out. It shot a glance at Kai then dashed off down the mountain. A number of wild animals lived on Mount Oodate. But out of all of them, the weasel was said to be the most important to the mountain worshippers. That being said, they almost never approached people but… "Whoa!" He heard a voice from the behind the corner where the white weasel had just disappeared. "That voice is…" Kai headed in the voice's direction. On the other end was one of his juniors, a person from the first-year trio. Compared to Suzu Orimaki, Soushiro Yonaga and the rest, he had a smaller frame and no Adam's apple. It was as if he hadn't been made to experience puberty. The white weasel began to affectionately circle around the student's feet. After enjoying this for a while, perhaps satisfied, it left with a leap. After watching it move out of sight, the first-year opened his script. It was probably the script for the Newcomers' Performance. He made a complicated expression as he stared intently at the same page. Maybe something wasn't coming together. Having big eyes on a delicate and petite frame was a valuable asset for boys performing as women at Univeil. Naturally, it was assumed he would be living as Jeanne from here on. (But…) Seeing such passion for the stage slip out on this student's face, Kai felt a strength that wasn't just limited to being a Jeanne. Jack Ace and Al Jeanne candidates were generally chosen during the first year. Those with talent had something different that set them apart from the beginning. For Kai's grade, Fumi was one of these people. In that case, this first-year might… "…? Oh, Kai! Great practice today!" After possibly noticing Kai's gaze, the younger student popped up his head. A particularly soft air brushed across Kai's cheek. He had come here to be alone, but he felt a relaxing atmosphere even with his junior here. Kai opened his mouth and said, "If there something you don't get, we can practice together."
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salad-006 · 8 months
I know you already gave us your thoughts about Eddsworld Legacy, but what do you think about Eddsworld Beyond for now?
To be completely honest, I'm really on the fence with beyond. They're in like this weird fluctuating state, and to me that comes off like them not knowing what they're doing
Sometimes we'll get something hilarious, but more often than not beyond feels awkard and rushed. Stilted is the best word i think. (I'm also just really not a fan of jons animation for the show, which doesn't help at all. His EW style has always felt extremely flat to me ,sorry jon)
More options down below vv
Stuff usually feel unfinished or rushed somehow , ex surf n turf. Part one was probably the most uncomfortable episodes we've gotten so far. you could've easily rearranged things so that the intro of them arriving at the beach was at the beginning of part two, and have it be a single episode. It feels like filler before the actual plot starts next episode
It kinda feels like they're trying to imitate every aspect of Edds work, and it's giving me like. Skinwalker vibes. I get it, Edd made little short animtions with random new characters occasionally. But when a full team makes one with a new character, ties an ad read to it, then never touches that character again, it feels confusing and out of place. IDK i just feel like you loose that ability to just make whatever you want when you put together a team, even if its a small indie group. Maybe im wrong there but the point is i thouht the birds and the bees was dumb
I'll keep my option on the team brief. I don't hate anyone on the team nor do i think any of them are Bad People, but there's definitely been a lot of questionable behavior that has come from these guys. Example, I've always been offput by their relationship with Tord’s characters. In the website they put this:
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Yet consistently tease the fans with his existence (ex the caveman episode, tori being canonized, his picture clearly torn out in SnT1, having an entire month of tord merch) Either address the situation or don't, guys. You can't sarcastically be like "oh get over it" when YOU'RE the ones that keep bringing him back. You didn't even answer the question dude, no wonder so many kids beg for his return
I guess I can't be THAT pissed when the money all went to charity, but it still just feels inherently weird and disrespectful to merchandise this character after his creator removed him nearly 15 years ago. Atleast Tomska allegedly asked permission and had good intentions. This feels like they (beyond) just don't give a fuck. If any team members are reading this I'm BEGGING YOU: STOP LETTING THEM BRING BACK TORD . THEY CANT KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT . Tord Larsson deserves to be left alone, and to stop getting connected to this show in his past.
Despite everything, I still want to support the team. I'll be honest, SnT2 gave me hope for the series I haven't had in quite a while. It wasn't the greatest, but it was a step upwards. And I'd love to see them keep going up ! Genuinely, I would love nothing more than to see these guys succeed in recreating what made the show good initially. Eddsworld changed my life, so really its incredible to see it still kicking around today. Even if it's in this weird, amorphous glob state. They just need to figure out what the hell they're doing
TLDR: the current state of the show is kinda rough, the team feels discombobulated and has made some weird decisions, however I still have hope that they can make this into something amazing someday
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m1ckeyb3rry · 10 months
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Hurricanes / Hummingbirds: VIII
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Series Synopsis: As the years go by, you find that it is incredibly difficult to survive wars and fight storms, especially when the only thing you have by way of a cursed technique is the blessing of a tiny bird.
Chapter Synopsis: You respond to a call for help and end up in a tough situation.
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Hajime Kashimo x Female Reader; slight Kento Nanami x Female Reader; slight Satoru Gojo × Female Reader
Chapter Word Count: 4.9k
Content Warnings: swearing, enemies/rivals to lovers, character death, canon-typical violence, angst, gore, original characters included
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A/N: guys…guess who shows up in this chapter 😳😳😳😳😳
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“Pl — please — Gojo — Shibuya — Game — come if you — me? — help. Help — help — help.”
You held the phone away from your ear, making a face at the massive amounts of feedback interfering with Megumi’s voice.
It had been years since you had left Japan and taken to traveling the world, never settling in one place for very long, but still, you had not found the person you needed to find. In fact, you wondered if they even existed, if maybe you had made it up in your mind that someone could save you out of a wish that anyone would.
It seemed like continuing to move around was the only thing that temporarily brightened your life, so that was what you did, akin to a migratory bird gracing a town for a season and then flying off, never to be seen again.
In those years, you had gone back to Japan exactly once: after Suguru died. You had stayed for the funeral and then for one week more. You left when Satoru stopped crying and the itching began again. For the most part, you did not regret it.
But this phone call, it was unsettling. If only you could understand what Megumi was trying to say! What did Gojo have to do with Shibuya? What ‘Game’ was he referring to?
One thing was clear, however. He needed help. Although you were oceans and continents away, he had called you for help. This meant that the situation was far more dire than you had thought. Otherwise, he would’ve turned to Satoru or Nanami or any of the plentiful talented sorcerers still in Japan.
“Megumi, you’re breaking up,” you said.
“Help — help — help.”
His voice echoed before there was a loud beeping sound and your phone disconnected the call automatically. When you tried to call him back, you were met with an error message, as if the number Megumi had called from no longer existed. You groaned as you realized that was probably the extent of the information you’d receive.
Opening your web browser, you pulled up the website you used to buy plane tickets. However, when you input your destination as Tokyo, a pop up told you, in no uncertain terms, that all flights to Japan had been cancelled indefinitely.
“What the hell?” you said. There was no one in the hotel room with you, bar the Sword of Syrinx, so you reached out, placing your hand on its hilt, searching for some comfort.
It hummed eagerly, its cursed energy urging you to your feet. You stood up with it in your hands, staring at your reflection in the pristine blade, which had remained unused since you had left Japan the first time.
“What?” you said. The sword’s energy was insistent, like a child tugging on your sleeve and begging you to do something. “What do you want from me?”
There were flashes of images in your mind, too fast for you to comprehend. This was the most the Sword of Syrinx had ever asked of you, the most you had ever heard it plead, and you frowned.
“Do you want to go back to Japan?” you said. The sword gleamed in pleasure. “But how?”
Of course, there was that way, but if things were so bad in Japan, then it wouldn’t do for you to arrive fatigued. After all, you were so far away that even a flight would take almost a day to reach. If you pushed yourself that hard, then you could not be sure how long your torpor would last — weeks? A month or even more? Your presence would do Megumi no good if you were passed out the entire time.
But flights were cancelled indefinitely, and going by boat or something else would take even longer than if you just did it and dealt with the subsequent torpor.
“I guess that’s that, then,” you said, straightening your posture and looking around the room. You were due to stay here for a few months more, so you wouldn’t have to worry about anyone touching your things while you were gone; if things back in Tokyo ended up taking longer than that to resolve, then you’d likely have bigger problems than someone messing with the few clothes you kept with you at all times.
Stepping outside with a wave to the receptionist, who offered you a friendly nod in return, you got into your rental car and drove it until you had gotten far enough from the town that nobody would see you activate your technique.
Would you like to use the Hummingbird’s Blessing?
You have been given the Speed of the Hummingbird!
You have been given the G-Force Resistance of the Hummingbird!
You have been given the Endurance of the Hummingbird!
For one hour, you ran, your only burden the scabbarded Sword of Syrinx. It was close to the top speed you could reach with your cursed technique, though of course it was not sustainable for as long as you were holding it at the moment. Even with the Sword of Syrinx’s help in offsetting the cost, there would be massive repercussions to what you were doing, but you ignored the burning in your muscles and continued to run.
It was such a speed that you could even sprint across the ocean, your feet hitting the water too quickly and with too much force to even break the surface tension, though you were grimly aware that if you were to enter the Torpor of the Hummingbird while stranded at sea, you would definitely drown.
With the power of the Hummingbird’s Blessing, which you had once thought was a useless technique, you managed to cross the globe in such a small amount of time. Skidding to a stop once you reached Tokyo, you allowed yourself to take a moment, gasping for air and letting out a small whimper as your entire body protested what you had just put it under.
A small shikigami manifested in front of you. It was tiny, with a cylindrical body and a skull shaped head, colorful wings flanking its head and a tail tipped with a devilish point extending and fluttering in the air behind it.
“Hello. I am Kogane. You have entered a barrier colony, which means that you have declared participation in the Culling Games. Would you like to hear the rules?” it said.
“What is going on here?” you muttered, looking around at the ruins of the once-vibrant city. Just what had happened to Tokyo in your absence? Where was Satoru? Because surely this couldn’t have occurred on his watch. Though, that implied there was something out there capable of dealing with even him, which was entirely unsettling.
“Hello. I am Kogane. You have entered a barrier colony, which means that you have declared participation in the Culling Games. Would you like to hear the rules?” it said. You scowled.
“Are you capable of saying anything else?” you snapped. The shikigami, which had blank holes in its skull for eyes and a long, needle-like beak instead of a mouth, did not seem perturbed by your annoyance.
“Hello. I am Kogane. You have entered a barrier colony, which means that you have declared participation in the Culling Games. Would you like to hear the rules?” it said.
“Sure,” you said, deciding there was no point in arguing. “Yeah, go on, tell me the rules.”
The shikigami listed them in quick succession, and as it did so, a sense of dread crept up in you. It seemed as though you had gotten caught up in some kind of a battle royale, and there was no way for you to escape unless you killed or were killed yourself.
You will now enter the Torpor of the Hummingbird.
“Like hell I will,” you snarled. The Sword of Syrinx immediately boosted you, and though it was not a complete rejuvenation, it was enough of an influx of energy that you probably had enough time to figure out what to do next. “Kogane, right? Can you answer my questions?”
“Yes,” it said. You reached out and patted it on its head, which was smooth and cool to the touch. The shikigami made no obvious reaction to your affection, but you knew that that did not mean it hadn’t felt anything. At the moment, Kogane was the closest thing you had to an ally, so you ought to treat it kindly.
“Which colony am I in right now?” you said.
“Tokyo Colony No. 2,” it said.
“Hm. You mentioned that someone added a rule letting me ask about different players, right?” you said.
“That is correct. Rule 9, added by Hajime Kashimo, allows you to access information about different players,” it said. The Sword of Syrinx’s cursed energy flared inside of you, and you tightened your grip on it.
“Tell me about the player Satoru Gojo,” you said.
“There is no player named Satoru Gojo,” Kogane said.
“Interesting,” you said. It was as you had thought; whatever was happening, Satoru was uninvolved. It was a worst-case scenario.
“What about the player Kento Nanami?” you said.
“There is no player named Kento Nanami,” it responded immediately.
“Okay,” you said hesitantly. This was more of a surprise than Satoru’s absence had been, and not a welcome one. There was no time for you to dwell on it, though — you would enter torpor soon, and then you were as good as dead. “You said I could change the rules if I had a hundred points?”
“You can add one, as long as the system approves,” Kogane confirmed. That had to be your priority. You had to somehow either gain a hundred points yourself or find someone who already had that many and convince them to add a rule that would allow you to survive through the inactivity, which very well could extend past nineteen days.
Earning a hundred points meant killing a hundred non-sorcerers or twenty sorcerers. However, finding someone who already had that many points meant potentially fighting someone who had done that exact thing as well, and that would definitely not be an easy match.
“Are there any players in this colony with enough points to add a rule?” you said. It had to be someone close, or else you wouldn’t make it.
“There is one,” Kogane said.
“Who is it?” you said.
“Hajime Kashimo,” it said.
“He can still add more rules?” you said in horror. He was the one who had added Rule 9 to the Culling Game, and if he still had over 100 points left over, then that meant he had killed at least 40 sorcerers or — or 200 non-sorcerers. “How many points does he have?”
“He currently has 100 points,” Kogane said.
A monster. There was no way he was anything but. It was such a monster you had to either become or face, if you wanted to survive. Could you do it?
Well, you refused to kill anyone that did not deserve it. Even now, you would not do that. You would cling to that much of your humanity. Besides, who was to say you could find enough people to murder before your torpor began? There was no guarantee, which meant the choice was clear: you had to fight Hajime Kashimo. You might die, but you would certainly die if you did not even try. You had to grasp on to the small chance that you could beat him or that he could be reasoned with, because there was no other way for you to survive.
“Very well. Thank you, Kogane, that’s all I need for now,” you said. “Sword of Syrinx. Will you help me fight him?”
The enthusiasm coloring it meant only one thing: yes. You allowed yourself to be mesmerized by how truly beautiful it was, and then you swallowed.
“You are a loyal sword. I’m not sure why you think I deserve that loyalty, but I promise — I promise if I survive this, I will find out,” you said. The Sword of Syrinx did not seem to care, every inch of its sleek design focused only on the upcoming fight with Kashimo.
“Kogane!” a voice shouted. It was a voice that belonged to a man, the kind of voice that was veneered with a calm which only barely disguised the power and arrogance brimming beneath the surface. It was also a voice you did not recognize, though the Sword of Syrinx sang out in joy, as if the voice was one it knew. “Is that woman a player?”
There was only one woman in the vicinity that he could be referring to — you. You spun around to face him, squinting as you took in his appearance and weighed your odds of beating him in a fight.
He was tall and slender, with a pointed face and unnaturally pale hair, part of which was tied into two knots at the top of his head. He wore loose clothes in all white, though as any good fighter would, he had wrapped bandages along his forearms so that his sleeves did not get in the way. There were tiny lightning marks extending from below his waterline, and his eyes were feverish and bright as they lit upon you.
“Yep, that woman is a player!” his Kogane said.
“Kogane, who is that?” you said. “I’m assuming he’s also a player, but beyond that, I’m lost. I have never seen him in my life.”
“That player is Hajime Kashimo,” Kogane said.
“Hajime…Kashimo?” you said. This was the man who had earned 200 points. This was the man who had the power to save you.
“Who is she? Is she a sorcerer?” Kashimo said to his Kogane.
“Y/N L/N is a sorcerer currently possessing 0 points. She has made 0 rule additions,” his Kogane said. Kashimo wrinkled his nose at you.
“Another weakling? How annoying,” he said. “Hey, Y/N L/N. If you tell me where Sukuna is, I’ll be sure to kill you quickly.”
“What? Why do you need to know that?” you said. You thought the Sword of Syrinx would be upset by Kashimo’s casual dismissal of your strength, but to the contrary, it seemed amused.
“Just tell me. Or can you not?” he said.
“Why the hell would I know where Sukuna is?” you said. “Even if I did, I wouldn’t tell you unless I knew why you were asking.”
“I think that you’re lying, and I really should kill you for it, but since I’ll do that anyways, I’ll be generous and tell you that I’m one of the reincarnated sorcerers,” he said. “Now, I don’t remember most of my first life, so don’t go asking me about any historical bullshit, but I can say this much for sure: I was the strongest, and I reincarnated to fight the only person who might prove to be stronger.”
Kashimo wasn’t wrong. You did know at least a bit about Sukuna, namely that he had actually manifested in a vessel, a teenage boy named Yuji Itadori. If Itadori was a player in the Culling Game and you told Kashimo that information, then it would be relatively simple for him to use Kogane to find and kill the boy.
However, Itadori had been one of Satoru’s prized pupils, and even Nanami had mentioned briefly that he reminded him of Haibara. For that reason, you could not let him die. Nanami had already lost Haibara once, Satoru had already lost someone he treasured once, and you did not want either of them to have to endure that kind of hurting again.
“You reincarnated to fight Sukuna?” you said.
“Yes. Tell me where he is,” he said. You raised the Sword of Syrinx, catching Kashimo’s attention as it glimmered with the reflection of the feeble sunlight.
“Will you do as I ask and use your points to add a rule to the Game?” you said. He snorted, lifting his own staff in challenge.
“Not likely,” he said.
“Then it seems like we’re at an impasse,” you said. “I have something you want, and you have something I want. Now what?”
“Now we fight,” he said. “To be more precise, now I kill you.”
Although you were exhausted, your technique was still active, the Sword of Syrinx refusing to let you collapse into torpor. That was all you needed. As long as your technique was still active, you could do it.
“Don’t be so sure,” you said. “Do you even know why I have no points? It isn’t because I’m weak. It’s because I only just joined the Culling Game at all!”
He swung the staff at your legs, going for the obvious play of taking out your source of balance. Lightning crackled along the weapon, and when you paid attention, you saw that the source was Kashimo himself, his cursed energy, even his very being, pulsing with the electricity.
Maybe it was something that would’ve worked against a student or someone new to sorcery. It definitely would’ve worked if he were fighting a non-sorcerer. But you were none of those things.
You have been given the Maneuverability of the Hummingbird!
You flipped into the air, tucking your knees to your chest to avoid the deadly weapon. Landing squarely on your feet, you used your technique to enhance your speed enough that you could slash at Kashimo before he could think of a counterattack.
The Sword of Syrinx dragged against his cheek, leaving a cut dripping in its wake. Kashimo’s eyes widened, not in pain but in intrigue, and he swiped at the wound carelessly.
“You missed,” he said.
“No, I didn’t. I just don’t want to kill you yet,” you said.
“Pity,” he said. “You should always fight to kill, or else you shouldn’t fight at all.”
Every time he hit you, it was as if you were being shocked, your heartbeat stuttering at the contact. Every time you cut into him, blood burst from the site, staining his white clothes, feeding into his zeal; he was insatiable in his blows, raining them down without care for the many openings he left for you.
You were going to die. You knew that; you’d enter the torpor and he’d kill you. There was no other way it could happen, because in Kashimo you had found someone who did not flinch at the powers you were given by the Hummingbird’s Blessing, who could keep up with your speed and did not back down from your power.
Despite that, you could not bring yourself to be afraid. You could not bring yourself to run away and at least die on your own terms. Because these were your terms: you wanted to be killed by him or not at all.
“You reincarnated,” you panted out, deflecting his staff with your sword. “To kill Sukuna?”
“I told you that already,” he grunted, twisting and using his shoulder to slam you out of the lock. You fell backwards onto the ground, rolling out of the way of his next assault and staggering back to your feet.
“Why?” you said.
“I told you that, too!” he said, feigning a punch to your stomach and then actually connecting with your jaw. You were dizzied by the impact, but you managed to take advantage of the moment and stab your sword into his bicep. He hissed and drew his arm back, grinning at you despite his irritation.
“I mean, that’s it? You have no purpose or reason for living?” you said, parrying his strikes and then riposting, barely missing his heart when you did so.
“Do I need to have one?” he said. “I want to fight that one person, so that’s what I’ll do. There’s the purpose.”
He punctuated his statement with a kick to your head followed with an elbow jab to your torso. The quick succession of blows reinforced with his lightning-like cursed technique temporarily stunned you, and then his grin turned into a victorious smirk.
“Ah, it’s finally charged,” he said. You tried to sit up, but it didn’t matter that you could not. Whether you were sitting or standing or lying down would make little difference as he finally unleashed it — a legitimate lightning strike.
It wasn’t his cursed technique, just an application of his cursed energy’s unique properties, but the semantics were not important. No matter what it was, it arced towards you all the same, a searing white streak that moved so fast you could not dodge, not even at your peak, not even if you wanted to.
The lightning coursed through the Sword of Syrinx and then rushed into you as Kashimo looked down at you impassively. The thumping of your pulse slowed as he stepped towards you.
“You put up a good fight, but in the end, it’s all the same,” he said. “Didn’t I tell you earlier? It’s time for me to kill you. I guess I’ll have to find Sukuna another way.”
Slower. Slower. Your pulse crawled to a near-stop. Kashimo continued to grow closer and closer, spinning his staff in his hands like a child with a toy, prepared to finish you off if he had to, if the lightning strike did not quite do the job, if some part of you stubbornly clung on to life.
Your lips curled into a smile. He did not know yet.
You have been given the Luck of the Hummingbird!
You have been given the Healing of the Hummingbird!
You still did not understand the Hummingbird’s Blessing. Even you could not say why certain powers fell under the jurisdiction of your technique. There did not seem to be any rhyme or reason to it, but you had unlocked this particular application on your last mission before you left Japan.
Right before his staff crashed into you, you raised the Sword of Syrinx and blocked it. Sparks like dying suns showered everywhere, illuminating the intensity in his irises, the gruesome intent in them contrasting harshly with the fineness of his features. His eyebrows knit together as you sprang up again, completely whole, something like the Reverse Cursed Technique flickering around you.
“I am the one with the heart of a hummingbird,” you said, pointing your sword at him. “As long as I have that, you cannot defeat me.”
“Is that so?” he said, and then he began to laugh. “Well, then!”
Now he understood the truth of your technique, the truth that nobody else knew: while it was active, for those precious few minutes before you entered the torpor, you were all but impossible to kill.
“Add one rule for me,” you said. “That’s all I’m asking for.”
“A technique like that must have some massive drawback,” he said contemplatively. “I’m sure that you won’t be like this forever, so all I have to do is outlast you, and then I win.”
You were silent. He was correct; soon, you would be completely at his mercy, and he could kill you if he pleased without any resistance. You waited for him to lower his cursed energy output, to conserve it so that he had enough when the time came.
Yet he did not do any such thing. Instead, he poured even more out, a veritable storm of thunder blazing behind him, all of the world’s light concentrating into his body. The Sword of Syrinx trilled, and you glanced at it in worry before realizing it was excited.
“That’s what someone who’s weak would say, anyways,” he said. “Safeguard your heart, Y/N L/N! If I cannot defeat you as long as you have it, then I will just have to take it from you!”
Your lips parted in shock, and then, to your own astonishment, you chuckled. “You can certainly try.”
Heart pounding with adrenaline from the heat of the battle, you dashed towards Kashimo. It was odd, but for once, there was no resignation to your movements, no second-guessing, no lethargy. You wanted to win. You wanted to live. There was no reason or meaning. You just wanted to.
Clarity sharpened your eyesight, chasing away the cobweb-like torpor that had settled over your life. You could think of nothing but the person in front of you, the person you were fighting, the person that would definitely kill you if he had the chance.
More speed. More power. More cursed energy. You poured your every last reserve into the battle, not caring about the future, forgetting about Satoru and Nanami and Megumi and the rest of the world. There was only this one fight, this one man, this one instant.
There was a fervent nature to it now, a frenetic quality to each flourish of your sword and each jolting attack by Kashimo. The two of you hurtled through the colony in a blur of steel and lightning, windows shattering in the wake of your furious duel, buildings moaning in protest as you destroyed their foundations and left them in piles of rubble. Ugly splatters of blood were like road markers pointing towards you, and both his staff and your sword were covered in the stuff, some of it his, some of it your own.
It was like a dance, though decidedly more lethal. He was your mirror and you were his, every move you did reflected in him, every move he did reflected in you. As if he had become an extension of you during the clash, you knew what he would do before he did it. As if you had become an extension of him, he knew what you would do before you did it. In this way, neither of you gave in even a little bit. It was an impossible match of equals.
You will now enter the Torpor of the Hummingbird.
The Torpor of the Hummingbird. You had delayed it as long as you could, but you had known from the start that it would come back. It was inevitable, the natural consequence of your technique, and due to your fight with Kashimo and your run across the world, those consequences were going to be hefty. You had overextended yourself so severely that, uninterrupted, you might be in torpor for years. Of course, that was provided Kashimo left you alone for long enough that you could enter the torpor at all, and that was not likely.
You were going to die. You knew that; no matter what ideals he proselytized about not thinking like a weakling, he would not refuse to kill you while you were in the torpor. You were going to die, like Hinode, like Haibara, like Suguru. You were going to die. You were going to die.
But you wanted to live.
“Sword…” you mumbled as he began to overwhelm you, the blackness creeping in around the corners of your vision. “Sword of Syrinx?”
There was nothing the sword could do. You had drained its cursed energy already, leaving it with only the barest, trickling amount to communicate with. It did not seem to resent you, however, and neither did it seem afraid. Instead, it whispered gently to you, guiding your arm up so that you were presenting it to Kashimo.
“Do you…not want to be mine anymore?” you said even as you did what it told you to. There was a twinkle of mirth from the sword but nothing more.
Kashimo must’ve noticed your trembling frame and drooping eyelids, because he stopped attacking, cocking his head at the sword you were offering him.
“Are you giving up?” he said. “What a shame, I was really enjoying myself.”
He extended his hand, resting it on the Sword of Syrinx’s crossguard, his fingers brushing against your palm. Unbidden, you wrapped your own around the hilt, a childish stubbornness to let go of the one thing you loved so dearly.
“If this is your surrender, it is poorly done,” he said. At this point, you could barely keep your eyes open, but you had enough self-possession to watch him close his fist over yours, static jumping from his skin to yours and then to the Sword of Syrinx.
You saw him inhale sharply and then let go of the sword, clutching his head as he sank to his knees, and you allowed yourself to smile one last time. It hadn’t betrayed you. You weren’t sure what, exactly, it had done to Kashimo, but until the very end, the Sword of Syrinx hadn’t betrayed you.
You will now enter the Torpor of the Hummingbird.
You collapsed beside Kashimo, finally falling prey to the torpor, giving in and accepting it. There was nothing to be done about it. There was nothing you could do but float along in the oblivion until your death.
Except, something was different this time. It was not darkness you saw but memories. It took a minute for it to register that the memories were not even your own, and another for you to puzzle out whose they actually were.
Finally, you realized that they belonged to that woman. The unnamed one from centuries ago, the great failure of the Gojo clan, the sorcerer mentioned in Hinode’s book. She was the single other person to have had the Hummingbird’s Blessing in all of recorded history, and these memories that you had abruptly been thrust into — they were hers.
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Vaporeon (#134)
Vaporeon (#134)
Mutabellus aqua
General Information: Vaporeon are aquatic organisms with a limited ability to tolerate salt water, but not for extended lengths of time. They possess the ability to melt into water and camouflage themselves in water incredibly well. When their fins begin to vibrate, this means it will rain in a few hours.  
Habitat: Vaporeons pop up around Water Stone sites and lentic (freshwater lakes) environments. They preferentially love lakes over wetlands (the pH or alkalinity is usually too much for them), and while they can be found near streams and rivers, they strongly prefer calm, clean, waters and beautiful scenery. They can tolerate a range of habitats, but are not found above the arctic circle nor below the Antarctic circle. In non-temperate regions, Vaporeons will migrate to more agreeable waters throughout the year, and will not be found in winter in lakes that freeze over. They do not particularly enjoy the cold, and will start leaving when the weather begins dropping below 50 F, or when temperatures start reaching above 100 F– unless they have habitat accommodations available such as through human structures. This exception is important for temperate-ish zone cities that may be trying to keep their Vaporeon populations around and healthy during seasonal extremes, especially in the face of climate change. Suitable accommodations simply require water sources that are not too cold nor too hot, and not filled with chlorine. Vaporeon do not enjoy extended stays in chlorinated water. This often means that urban Vaporeons are allowed inside botanical gardens during extreme weather conditions. Vaporeon are also susceptible to blue-green algae poisoning, but will typically leave a body of water about two days before algae pollution levels get that bad. In general, Vaporeon are more likely to be found in urban areas with clean standing water, than in the wild.
Diet: Vaporeon natural diets are composed of fish and fish Pokémon. They are obligate carnivores.
Conservation: Least Concern
Relationship with Humans: In general, Vaporeons are considered moderate ecosystem indicators, because while they have decent tolerance for variability, scientists and locals know that local water quality must be getting out of hand if the Vaporeon are leaving. The emigration of Vaporeon populations in urban areas is a source of small-scale heartache for urban humans, since Vaporeon are often seen as cute neighbors. Akin to how folks with bird feeders get sad when a particularly appealing bird stops showing up because of outside influences driving them away. With that said, fisherfolk sometimes have different feelings around Vaporeon as many non-Indigenous fishers tend to think of Vaporeon as nuisances that eat all of the fish– the same mentality that causes some hunters to erroneously think that coyotes and wolves are vermin that eat all of the deer and other furbearing animals and leave none for the humans– which is to say, scientifically untrue. But many other fisherfolk around the world think of Vaporeon as a useful companion in the art of fishing.
Hey guess what, if you like my stuff, this is my website where you can find other Pokémon I've written on and more information about the game that I’m slowly making! Check it out! I write books sometimes too.
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squish--squash · 11 months
Upon every post I see of the new Tumblr changes, the replies and reblogs are filled with people HATING them, WANTING them to not be implemented, and WARNING how much of a bad idea it's going to be. But staff isn't listening.
But we can try to do something about this, but only if we're coordinated and smart.
the main reason this seems to be happening is to go with the status quo of all the other social medias out there (which makes me feel sick) and because as the CEO said (according to this post from a live session- I highly recommend reading it) tumblr is in the red financially, and needs more financial support.
What the staff fails to realize though is that once these changes are made, they'll go even further in the red from users leaving.
I'm not sure if it'll work, but us as the userbase can put our collective foot down about this, even while our screams of uproar and warnings fall upon deaf ears.
First thing anyone with a phone can do is give the app a 1-star rating and explain why, specifically about the upcoming features and how the previous updates are fucking up things too (there's a 500 character word limit unfortunately, but a lot can still be said under that constraint). People have started to do this, judging by the most recent stream of ratings, but there are over 3 million reviews already, so unless we want to show how mad we are about this by changing our reviews to a 1-star, it's going to stay up.
Second thing is to stop buying stuff from Tumblr. Getting ads? Ad-blocker (unless you're on the app, I wish there was a way to get an ad-blocker on the app; however, you can download firefox on your PHONE and run the website on there with an ad-blocker, so I suggest trying that out). Stop buying checkmarks. Don't buy anything from the shops. Money talks, especially when the CEO of Tumblr is in the red.
Third thing, and the hardest to set up, would be to set an example of what Tumblr's user traffic is going to look like if the changes roll through by logging out and staying off tumblr. This will be hard for people who mainly use this site as their main social media (like me), but it's possible. Watch movies or tend to hobbies. Visit other social medias if you feel like you need to. Go outside and sit in the sun for a little bit. The most impactful form of this would be to stage an organized log-out, but there's just way too many users for something like this to be scheduled, but there's a saying about how something small can pile up and snowball into something massive.
All we want as the users are simple things. We want more accessibility features for our disabled friends instead of having them be screwed over with every new update; we want to maintain what makes this place so special and different from all the other social medias; we want to be able to see and communicate with others, so curate our own unique experiences without having an algorithm try and shove things down our throats like baby birds. And for the financial part of it all, instead of locking things behind paywalls, open donations. Sites like Wikipedia and Archive of our Own are two successful and large sites that are run off of donations. People are more willing to simply donate to a site that runs zero ads than to buy things like the ability to not see ads or to have some sort of custom domain.
I really don't want to leave Tumblr. It's been my primary (and basically my only) social media since I discovered it in 2016. But I'll leave. And I know for a fact a lot of people agree with that settlement
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Where I’ve been and why I didn’t post any new OC of my WIP: Book II in the last 10 months
Oh boy. Where do I even start with this. I stopped active writing / editing my book in late August of 2021. My last „real OC entry on here“ was around April of 2022. But why you might ask?
In April of 2019 Google+ got shut down. (Please bear with me this is relevant). Because of that I had a mad scramble to get all my posts saved on there. (Didn’t work out how I intended it to - but that’s life). I posted a lot of plants and flowers with short descriptions as a passion project. After that got shut down I had to move to a new place. So I opened a Google Sites website. (Only took me 4 months until that was finished). Because of that less and less of my free time I had to work on the WIP.
In October of 2019 I had the brilliant idea: I could make my own website. So I copied all my work from my Google Sites page to my website and worked on that. My own website launched on the 01.01.2020 at midnight.
During that time it grew a bit in popularity because of my account on the platform with the blue bird in the logo. So I spent most of my time working full time and building up my website.
My WIP 🚧 got kinda abandoned for a few months. Up until mid 2020. I started working on and off on it again until the end of 2021. The notes I got on my posts on here dwindled down tho, because i didn’t post as many snippets and pieces of OC on here anymore. I really wanted to turn my vision into a real book. I had searched for publishers and all.
So i thought, the less I share the less can be stolen from my idea. (Resulting in less interactions on my posts).
Around April 2022 I kind of lost interest in publishing my work again because I saw how „bad“ it all was. It’s no coherent idea/ story. A bit of a mashup between many genres at best.
I shifted my focus on my website again. Letting that take up my free time again. (Currently it has about 300 posts about plants on it - all in German tho).
I went on a silent hiatus on here. Not wanting to disappoint anyone. I thought no one would notice if I vanished.
That brings us to today. I picked up my WIP again. After so long. I want to work on it again. And somehow cut everything that I don’t need in it. I’ll keep a kind of „directors cut of everything“ but I’ll try and edit it so it makes more sense and puts all storylines in a coherent story.
I hope that some of my followers are still interested in progress updates and short snippets.
I can’t guarantee for anything. But I sure as heck will try my best.
- Mike aka Chris-the-dragonslayer / the one who doesn’t know when to stop with subplots
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frizzle-tales · 1 year
As soon as Jiyeon spotted the website, she could finally understand why Taehyung had asked; he planned on having lunch at one of her favorite places. She didn’t quite understand why, but nonetheless a small but cautious smile appeared on her features as he opened the menu.
“Their beef tomato noodles are really good, and their spicy chicken ones… I usually got the set menu with side salad and drink.” She answered him, but before she could recommend him any of the dessert options, a knock sounded from the door.
The constant touching; the rubbing of their fabrics, the nonstop traveling of his hands across her body, soon made Jiyeon ‘s face fluster a light shade of red. She muttered a weak ‘Okay’ when Taehyung spoke to her, but before she could get away from him, she was stopped and given a clear warning. “I… understand, Taehyung.” Jiyeon replied, a shiver running down her spine, stopping herself from dashing away from him when he finally did let her go.
Jiyeon opened the door to Taehyung’s assistant, and she noticed that Jiho was different than the others she had met so far. He wasn’t loud and yapping nor did he seemed to harbor any ill feelings towards Jiyeon, atleast… not yet.
“Huh?” Jiyeon turned to look at him, wondering if he really was addressing her with that… nickname, a nickname she always heard married couples who were madly in love say, not something she thought either of the two would use in their situation. “Alright…” She moved away from Jiho and sat on the sofa nearest to Taehyung.
Did she do something wrong?
It wasn’t long until Taehyung’s assistant returned back with their lunches, along with the change, and after a quick chat where Jiho checked with Taehyung if anything else needed to be done, Jiho left the two to enjoy their meal.
“Taehyung…” Jiyeon picked up the chopsticks, waiting for Taehyung to start before she could. “I was just wondering…” Jiyeon started as she opened the can of soda, not yet taking a sip. “What are we? I mean uhm… you know, for if people ask, what should I tell them that we are?” Jiyeon clarified, finally starting to eat when she saw Taehyung starting on his meal.
It has been so long until she had this taste. Maybe spending time with Taehyung wasn’t so bad afterall.
— 🎙️
"Yes. Mhm." Taehyung still sat at his desk. The corded phone held against his ear with one hand, while the other scribbled down information coming in from the other side of the line. "I'll give them a call back in a bit. Leave a message if you have to."
At that moment, Jiho stumbled in carrying two bags of take out. Silently, without needing his boss's direction, he took each container and drink out of the bag, setting them across the table. And after a brief check in with Taehyung, once the phone audibly hung up, he left the office behind.
"Yes, Jiyeonnie?" The man answered her, taking a seat next to the young woman. Normally, he's sit across from her. It was the perfect way to admire her features, learn more about her, observe her habits. But today something compelled him otherwise. He needed to be closer.
"Well isn't that a fascinating question." He mused once she finished, a grin pulling on his lips. "I suppose it is time for us to come up with a proper story now, isn't it?" Using his chopsticks, Taehyung pulled her bowl closer to him before trying a bite of the lunch she chose. "What do you think, hm? Let's see, if anyone asks.." He nudged it back towards her. "You're my fiancé. We met orientation day at your university, and have been inseparable ever since. That will be our story, do you understand?"
Though, his words did ignite some thoughts in his mind. Jiyeon, his little bird trapped in a cage.. She'd make such a wonderful partner. She was still young enough for her mind, her every thought, to be molded by him. Not to mention how inexperienced the poor thing was.
Its exactly the advice his father gave him oh so many years ago.
"You have to pick your women carefully, Taehyung." The boy's father spoke, his voice slightly hushed as the two crouched behind some dead bushes. "I tell you this from father to son--" Bullets clicked into the rifle's chamber, the sound creating a soft echo. "--Never choose a woman who's willing to throw themselves at you. They have no decency. And never go for one who catches just anybody's eye."
The gun lifted, aiming at a target through the twigs and branches.
"Remember, the younger they are, the easier it is for them to be taught. You need to be able to keep her in line."
In the distance, leaves crunched under the weight of a deer that stumbled into their line of sight.
"If she's a wild one, a woman with her own thoughts ..."
A blow bounced off the trees. Birds squawked, flying off in a panic. While in the distance, the animal dropped to the ground.
"... She'll never respect you. You want her sweet. Obedient. A beautiful gem only to you."
Perhaps after all, they were meant to meet. Jiyeon was meant to be his. It was beginning to look like the only reasonable explanation.
After their special lunch together, Taehyung returned to his work, leaving the young woman to her own devices on the sofa, until the clock ticked closer and closer to 5 p.m.
"Come on, sweetheart. Get up." Taehyung whispered from behind her, leaning ever so slightly over the back of the couch. "Let's go home now, shall we?" As she listened, he held out her jacket for her to slip her arms into. Once it was on her, his hands rested on her hips. "Don't forget our little story from earlier. We wouldn't want any slip ups, now would we?"
A snicker vibrated from his chest before one hand slid to Jiyeon's, intertwining their fingers before leading her out of his office.
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megsfrompluto · 2 years
i'm gonna b so real with y'all the whole twitter thing has really given my already pretty bad case of burnout some extra ✨Spice✨
part of me is like "oh great maybe once we all stop using the Same Four Websites people might be a little more normal." but it's also so hugely important to mention that as a NSFW content creator, that is where like 80% of my business comes from. the bird app is pretty much the only place where NSFW creators can post without the fear of immediate ban. yeah it's not great at times because your content can get suppressed (and mine definitely has from time to time) but compared to every other social media platform out there it's the one that has the lowest risk/highest reward essentially.
anyway that's another reason why i've been largely inactive on the ~spicy websites~ this past month. just trying to find the motivation to get my work done without fear of where my next paycheck is coming from.
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Ever hear a parrot swear? I'm guessing you probably have, if you've watched parrot videos on YouTube. Now, imagine that you had one inside your head, which repeated every single swear word you heard or read, over and over, whenever it felt like it, just to torment you. Just to remind you how little power you have over people, over media, over pop culture. To remind you of what you've lost and can never get back.
But most of all, it swears at you to remind you of how pathetic the uncountable masses of strangers on the internet think you are for being emotionally weak enough to allow this bird to take residence inside your mind in the first place.
And that's me. That's what I have to deal with, every day and every night. It wasn't so bad back in the 2000s, before social media pushed all the other websites out of the spotlight like a cuckoo chick kicking eggs out of a nest (guess I'm continuing with the bird metaphors, here). It wasn't even as bad in the 2010s, before the lockdown happened.
But as I've said before, my time spent on Twitch over the course of the lockdown has set me back in my ability to tolerate swear words. Not all the way back, otherwise I wouldn't be using social media anymore at all, but far back enough for it to become a problem.
The best solution to this problem would be to find a way to stop my mind from copying others' swear words, because everyone would benefit from this solution. Having me decide which people and/or media can have swear words and which ones can't would only benefit me, and trying to force me to fit in with the internet's swear-positive culture would benefit others at my expense. Silencing the "parrot in my head", however, would be something that we could all be happy with.
The question is how to do it... 🤔
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animalsareoutthere · 1 month
You ever seen a wild animal that you get kinda buddy with? They're kind of cute! You see them all the time! They're so friendly--you should pet and feed them! NO! STOP! DO NOT!!! Interacting with wild animals is a REAL BAD idea. And I get it--I get tempted too!! Especially when I see cute deer! But it helps no one. Neither you, nor the animal benefit. Stomp down on that want to feed them! You may be tempted to think it's okay if it's something natural, like strawberries. The food isn’t the issue most of the time, but it's the interaction itself.  
When animals get comfortable around people, they lose their fear of them. When animals lose their fear of people, approaching someone who doesn't give them food may cause them to get aggressive as they try to force them to give food (May, 2022). Feeding wild animals can not only harm you or the animal, but some innocent person further down the line! If you do want to interact with wild animals, there are safe ways to do it!  
Bird feeders don’t have any negative effects on birds, and you assist many species that are negatively impacted by climate change, habitat destruction, and other issues (May, 2022)! Birdseed in stores is often formulated for local birds, so you’ll be safe feeding it to them. There are a lot of societal and structural issues harming local birds, too large for one person to deal with, but you’ll get a warm fuzzy feeling from helping the birds around you. They’ll surely appreciate it too.  
You could also start a native garden. Native plants thrive much better than any non-natives would, and naturally take less effort to raise and care for. If you put these plants on your balcony or plant them in a backyard, you’ll get an up-close view of any animals that naturally occur (U.S. Forest Service, n.d.)! In my references at the bottom is a link to the US forest service website, where you can learn more about planting natural stuff. Native Gardens are so much better for the environment than lawns. 
 Lawns are composed of monoculture grasses, which means it's a single species. If you’ve ever gone into a forest or seen photos of them, you’ll know that’s unnatural, even prairies, which are all grasses, show more diversity! These monoculture lawns strip nutrients from the environment and offer nothing back. Even when the original lawns were being made, there was an assortment of plants involved. You don’t have to switch the lawn all out at once. You can start small! Even something as simple as a single native shrub is helping out (Cocoa, FL., n.d.).  
May, C. (2022, February 15). The Hidden Harm in Feeding Your Local Wildlife . U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. https://www.fws.gov/story/hidden-harm-feeding-your-local-wildlife
U.S. Forest Service. (n.d.). Native Gardening. Www.fs.usda.gov. https://www.fs.usda.gov/wildflowers/Native_Plant_Materials/Native_Gardening/index.shtml 
Cocoa, FL. (n.d.). Polyculture: Get an Earth-friendly Lawn. Cocoa, FL - Official Website. Retrieved May 4, 2024, from https://www.cocoafl.gov/1613/Polyculture-Get-an-Earth-friendly-Lawn 
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||Dangerous Hide and Seek: Round one||
Hi everyone, Peahen mom here and is ready to have a little silly drabble. This was a idea/request from my friend @demon-blood-youths
Even so, hope you like. <3
~~Drabble Summary~~
It was calm day for everyone at Tokyo Jujutsu High as things have been well. Well, that would be until Megumi found out about Daichi's charms and how much he's sold. Now, starts the game of hide and seek since Megumi is now trying to find him. Will he find him? Read to find out!
~Nothing much but a very angry Megumi
~~Guests in the drabble~~
Yuji Itadori, Sukuna, Gojo Sautro, Nobara Kugisaki, and Megumi fushiguro belong and is from the jujutsu kaisen manga and anime show. But they are also mine due to rping as them as muses.
~~Demon mun's guests~~
Daichi Phoenix
Taz Hellion and Kinie Ger belongs to her.
((Grammar in this is still bad but this is written for fun. With that, please enjoy.))
Today was a wonderful peaceful day! The birds were singing, school at Tokyo Jujutsu High was doing alright so far. Many of the students were on break which was a good thing. However, that sorta changed when someone found out about a certain little thing.
'Ugh..for the last time Pup! I don't want the king to know about this so suddenly! I was going to surprise him later this afternoon!' Taz blinks from eating some lunch; rice balls with Nobara while they were taking a break from class. She was eating to think while Kinie was in her quoll form while resting on Taz's head. Thanks to some more training, she's gotten used to being in this form near Taz.
"Oh come on Kinie. I already said I wouldn't say a thing to him. You can't be angry with me because of that. Or him already enjoying the times he sees you like that and he pets you." she looks up seeing Kinie bend down looking at her.
'Don't push it pup.' she warns but Nobara giggled.
"Well, you can't blame her. I didn't know he even got to see how cute you are in that form. So that means your the only one that can make him happy." Nobara jokes that Kinie growls.
'Silence!' she said even if she was flushed a bit from this. Even so, they were eating their lunch happily with no worries in the world. Until...
A sudden loud shout rang through the school grounds that made the three stop to look up startled. Taz blinks wondering what that was and Nobara did too.
"What the heck was that!?" Nobara said worried but that's when the three heard fast running to look seeing Daichi skid to a halt at the side and was running down to outside tired. He looked scared for some reason and having a pale expression. Eito was following him worried.
"SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT!!! GOTTA HIDE, GOTTA RUN!!" he was panicking about something that the three blinks to Daichi panting looking around trying to find a hiding spot.
"Uhhhhhh Daichi? Are you alright? What is wrong-"
"IT'S MEGUMI!! HE'S TRYING TO KILL ME!! DX" he said that Taz was worried.
"Huh?! But why!?" she said with Taz rushing over with Kinie still on her head.
"Yeah, what happened or what did you do this time, idiot?" Kinie speaks to Daichi but she did enjoy seeing him afraid like he was going to wet himself.
"Ummmmm...remember the website from before?"
"Yes???" Taz sweatdrops remembering or thanks to her big brother that explained this to her.
"Well....Megumi found out about it...and he's seriously pissed...so I need to get away from him so he don't find me!" he said gripping some of his hair but Taz blinks to think but sweatdrops.
'Huh? What is he talking about, Pup!?" Kinie asked.
"Big brother found out about the 2.5 billion sales on his site-"
"WAIT WHAT!? YOU SOLD THAT MANY CHARMS THROUGH THE WORLD!! HOW-" Nobara started to say but Daichi covers her mouth to stop her.
"Shhhhhh!! He'll hear you! And now it's 4.5 Billion. Now he's found out and he wants to kill me!" he whines but Taz heard Kinie sigh to wag her tail.
"Oh. Oh! OHHHHHHHH! Hahahahah your in deep shit now huh?! I bet he's itching to rip you apart or better! He'll have my king look for you! Oh the joys of seeing you suffer is priceless.." she smirked.
"Not funny Kinie-"
"THAT'S PRINCESS TO YOU WORM!" she hissed to Daichi yelping. Before he said anything, a explosion was heard to Daichi wincing to hear familiar roaring noises that he jumps.
"Listen, if you see him please tell him you didn't see me! Same for Sukuna too!! I'M GETTING OUT OF HERE TO HIDE! AHHHHHHHH!!" He dashes off into the school to find a hiding spot.
"Huh!? Daichi wait a second!!....And he's gone." Nobara sweat drops but sighes. "Geez, Megumi can't be that angry...can he?" she mutters before hearing another explosion to turn and the same for Taz. They slowly see one of Megumi's shinigami as the toads were looking around but the two also saw Yuji or better to say Sukuna who was having fun while laughing.
"...Oh geez.."
He looks but saw Taz, his princess, and Nobara. "Hello Pup and my beloved princess.." He gently scratches under KInie's chin hearing her purring but stops to quiet herself. "And you too brat."
"Uhhhh It's Nobara-"
"DON'T CARE!" he grumbles but looks around. "Hey, have you three seen that little shrimp anywhere? He seriously pissed off Megumi this time when seeing his site but now he's really been making sales. He got so angry, he destroyed half the area somewhere. He even asked me to help find him! What joy!" he sneered wit ha smile that Taz and Nobara looked nervous.
"B..big brother did that?" Taz asked not expecting him to be this mad but yeah.....
"Really? Is that true?" Kinie asked but Yuji sighed to speak to Taz in her head.
'It's true. When Sukuna heard of Megumi's offer to let him beat the crap out of him, he took over right away. I tried to tell him we were not doing that but..you know how he is.' Yuji crosses his arms grumbling but Sukuna chuckled.
"But it's fine. I'm not going to kill him..maybe beat him up with every inch of his life but nothing else!" he laughed to Kinie look at him.
"But we have to find him. So have you three seen him?"
"Uhhhhhh...No?" Taz and Nobara said.
"Don't lie to the King! We have and he went-"
"Nowhere! We didn't see him!" Taz interrupts Kinie to stop her from telling him.
"Hey!" she hisses to look at her. "Did you stop me from-"
"Don't Kinie!" Taz cries with Sukuna confused.
"Do you know where he went Princess?" he asked but Kinie tries to say.
"Yes, I can tell you! He-"
"NO!" Suddenly Taz grabs Kinie and held her in her arms covering her who looks down at her.
'Huh? What are you doing pup!? How dare you interrupt me!? I should-Mfffmm!!" She screeches struggling in her arms in her quoll form even if Nobara sweatdrops to Sukuna being curious.
"Ummmmm, I'm sure he's around somewhere Mister Sukuna. Maybe he's over there somewhere?" Nobara said but Sukuna glares to shrug.
"Even so I'll find him. He can't hide forever." he said. "But if you seen him, we'll be looking. Oh and Princess? If you wanna join the hunt! Please do!" he laughed to look at her. "I know you been itching to hunt him down for a while even after he called you such insulting things." he said.
"M..Mister Sukuna don't!" Taz said but sees Kinie get out of her hold to remember.
"Oh yeah, that little shit did insult me! Pup let me-"
"Oh no! Your not switching to help Sukuna hunt Daichi down!" she said worried but Kinie growls.
"I don't take orders from you pup!" she said before suddenly jumping back on Taz's head and disappears that she made Taz fall on her knees looking down.
"Taz!!" Nobara reaches to touch her but stops seeing the orange marks appeared on both sides of her cheek, on her arms and legs. She has white lines on her back and around her neck. She tenses.
"Oh damn it.." she said to Kinie taking over stretching and looking happy.
"There is my princess! Now, ready to join the hunt!? I know you'll love it!" he smirked with Kinie showing a evil grin ready.
"You bet I am. I've been itching for a good target all week! Lets go hunting!" she laughed.
'Sukuna! Stop this at once! Come on! Daichi didn't mean to insult her!' Yuji said in his head.
'Kinie, that's not fair! You can't take over like that!!' Taz cries in her head.
"Oh hush! I won't kill him..just mess with him but I want to get back at him for insulting me!" she said.
'As I said, he didn't mean to even insult you!!!' Yuji shouted.
"Well, too bad! He's on her hunt list and I did warn you and others. No one INSULTS MY PRINCESS!! So he's suffering for it!" Sukuna laughed evil like.
Kinie giggled but looks to her king. "Now, lets hunt!" she laughed as the two runs off leaving Nobara alone as she remains quiet to say.
"What the hell just happened?!?" she said panicking before going to find Gojo sensei to see what he will do. In that time, Daichi was on the moving hiding. He was sweating knowing he was dead meet. Now he had to keep moving or hope to find some help in order to keep Megumi and Sukuna away but had no idea KInie joined in! For now, he had to keep moving and not get caught.
The game of Hide and seek has begun.
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petnews2day · 2 years
Tips To Help You Shoot Better When Wyoming Bird Hunting
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-news/bird-news/tips-to-help-you-shoot-better-when-wyoming-bird-hunting/
Tips To Help You Shoot Better When Wyoming Bird Hunting
If you love to hunt and fish, you live in a great state. The options are limitless, don’t believe me check out the Wyoming Game and Fish Department’s seasons list.
Deer, elk, moose, antelope, mountain goat, bighorn sheep, rabbit, squirrel, grouse, pheasant, turkey, ducks and goose hunting are all happen during the fall. Throw in fishing and Wyoming is an outdoorsman or outdoorswoman’s dream.
With the exception of some archery hunting and fishing, most every other type of hunting requires a firearm and the ability to aim and shoot.
If you’re using a rifle, more than likely you’re using a scope and have tuned that rifle in. No one wants to make a bad shot and wound the animal or miss completely, so you practice.
If you’re using a shotgun, you still practice but instead of relying on optics (in most cases), you rely on gun placement, muscle memory and instinct, to get the job done.
Shotgun hunting can be frustrating, especially if you’re shooting at a fast moving duck, a pheasant that’s flying away from you or a goose that’s too high. Knowing how to hold the gun properly, the perfect placement of the barrel and the range you’re comfortable are all key ingredients to a successful bird hunt.
HuntStand is an informative app and website that is directed toward giving hunters the information and tips to help with every step of the hunt. They also have a great information filled HuntStand YouTube Channel.
I’ve been watching videos and shows from Outdoorsman Ron Spomer for years and I got sucked into a rabbit hole of hunting and shooting videos, and watched one that may help you when you’re hunting birds.
In the video, Ron says there are ‘3 essentials’ when it comes to being effective when shooting your shotgun.
Those ‘3 Essentials’ Are:
Fit – if your shotgun doesn’t fit you, you’re going to have a hard time shooting birds
Focus – keeping both your eyes open allows you to see the bird you are shooting at.
Follow Through – making sure you keep the motion of your gun following your target. Stopping  your movement will mess with the shot.
Seems simple enough, right? Watching Ron explain each step, will help you grasp the concept of the 3 essentials.
Even if you’ve been shooting for many years or you’re a beginner the videos may help you kill more birds.
Check out Ron explaining the essentials and give them a try the next time you’re on a hunt.
Identifying Wyoming’s Most Common Wildlife Droppings
Wyoming’s 10 Cutest Baby Animals
Check out some of Wyoming’s cutest Spring animal babies!
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