doodliydoos · 2 years
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maxladcomics · 11 months
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Drew this ages ago and thought it was funny
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lilguydredge · 1 year
"A skull with legs?" The Ghostface tips with his shoe against the skull in curiosity.
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ghestie-nun · 1 year
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Im finally done with it!! TAadaaAA, meet sister of sin Noorah/Nurah!!
Her name means “Light” in Arabic,  other siblings would call her Nur. She helps around other siblings with their duties, but on her free time she would go to Primo’s Garden (and maybe his private green house too) assisting in garden work or doodling his collection of herbs and plants.
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babyjakes · 1 year
heehee u wanna talk about jakey? the most boyfriend, the lego husband, the comfort king 😖🫶🏻💕💕
one thing i am thinking about rn is sitting on jakey’s lap and putting lil stickers on his nails 🥺 maybe you’re not doing like full on painting with color coats but just the cute lil nail stickers and then clear top coat, i wannnnnaaaa please jakey come here rn 🥺👉👈 i got something for you 🥺
“look jakey! bumble bees! and little bears, mushies too!” little hands holding his bigger ones, so carefully picking and placing the stickers, sticking your tongue out in concentration as he kisses your cheek, watching intently as you work. “mushy here and… oh! little flowers, so pretty jakey” 🥺 “so pretty, honey. you’re doin’ such a good job!” “and little trees here, almost done! just one more baby bear for this one and— taadaaaa!” he smiles soooooooo big 🥺 “wow, sweetie! so cute, thank you so much! aww, the little bears— just like my baby bear, huh?” and he kisses you some more 🥺 you’re giggling and he tickles your sides a little, causing you to squeal and protest, “no! gotta do the top coat first! they’re gonna fall off!” “oh! i’m sorry, cutie. here. you need me to open it?” “yes please, too hard!” “I know bub— here, i got it. there you go, sunshine.” he is sooo proud to show them off whenever he can 🥺 even to all his “cool” “tough” friends. telling everyone, “my princess did them all by herself!”
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hehe now i’m spiralling 🥺😔👉👈
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Revealing my boyfriends face!!!!!
Taadaaaa!!!!💗😭🤌 Kitna sundar hai haaayeee!!!
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Please I love him too 😭😭🫣🫣😂😂💓💓💓
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teddys-space · 1 year
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animefandom331 · 7 months
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thebloopixie · 2 years
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Tanny chose Gammon for his meat this week. That way he has sandwich meat and meat to go with his salads for dinner without me having to cook each and every day before we go away on Friday. . . Gammon is incredibly salty so I soak it in cold water over night to leach some of that salt off. . . Then I simmer it in fresh water for an hour with bay leaves, juniper berries, peppercorns and a whole orange sliced. . . Then it get out of a trivet of carrot, celery and spring onions and I diamond cut the skin. I sprinkle the tiniest sprinkle of salt and then drizzle just enough olive oil to glisten the top and whack it in the hottest oven for 1 hour. . . Once the popping starts I turn the oven down to medium and walk away or another hour…. TAADAAAA!!! Gammon with Crackling… you’re welcome!!! #bloosselfreliance #thebloopixie #gammon #crackling #pork #meatfortheweek #foodstagram #instafood #foodie #yum https://www.instagram.com/p/ChkGz1NqjSY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fancyrunawaykid · 2 years
zwei stunden schlaf.
ich weiß nicht so recht, ob ich menschen, die bereits auf gepackten koffern sitzen, bewundern soll oder nicht. ich für meinen teil scheine auf jeden fall der fraktion lastminute anzugehören. schon immer. ein umstand, der nicht wirklich mit der nach wie vor zu verinnerlichenden vaterrolle matcht und so gebe ich gerne unumwunden zu, dass ich wohl die hälfte des reisegepäcks unserer tochter vergessen hätte; ich folglich sowohl die organisation als auch die verantwortung gleich ganz auf meine frau übertragen habe. nun ist alles gepackt. die reiseapotheke kann sich sehen lassen und auch darüber hinaus scheinen alle eventualitäten durchdacht. es hat eben nur bedeutend länger gedauert als wir erwartet hatten, denn es galt auch noch die wohnung zu präparieren. spät in der nacht, eigentlich schon früh am morgen gehen wir die checkliste letztmalig durch. ein kurzes stocken beim thema kreditkarte, dann legen wir uns zu bett.
es sind kaum zwei stunden vergangen, ehe der wecker klingelt. über die qualität der nachtruhe müssen wir nicht weiter reden. die aufregung ist einfach zu groß.
allerletzte vorbereitungen werden getroffen und mich beschleicht so langsam aber sicher das gefühl, dass der start in unser abenteuer eine ganz fiese bruchlandung werden könnte, denn die anmietung unseres wagens auf kreta läuft über sarahs kreditkarte ... und da sarah seit unserer hochzeit nunmal meinen namen trägt ... folglich auch die kontodaten geändert wurden ... und die der kreditkarte ebenfalls ... bleibe ich bei der vorliegenden schriftlichen zusage, dass sich nichts maßgebliches geändert habe und auch die pin weiterhin bestand hat, skeptisch. um mich zu beruhigen, stattet sarah dem nächstgelegenen bankautomat einen besuch ab – und bringt schlecht nachrichten mit nach hause.
taadaaaa! da ist er, der unnötigste stress überhaupt. wir haben einen flieger zu erwischen, also maximalen zeitlichen stress, doch die bankfilialen haben noch geschlossen und auch die service-nummer ist noch nicht scharfgestellt. schreck lass nach. das braucht wirklich kein mensch.
ich organisiere uns fix ein großes auto von share now, welches heute natürlich über einen kilometer entfernt stehen muss. auf unserem weg zum düsseldorfer flughafen stürmt sarah dann um kurz nach neun die sparkassenfiliale auf der dürener straße. ergebnis: die pin kann nicht kurzfristig geändert werden. die karte ist allerdings gedeckt, sodass der erfolgreichen anmietung dennoch nichts im wege stehen sollte. eine gewisse unsicherheit bleibt dennoch bestehen.
trotz all der kapriolen, eines unfalls / staus auf der autobahn und dem obligatorischen verfahren am flughafen, finden wir das parkhaus des carsharingabbieters schnell und der zeitverlust ist überschaubar. uns bleiben mehr als eineinhalb stunden, ehe der flieger startet. hier sehe ich keine probleme.
vor den schaltern von eurowings schlängeln sich wartende. während sich sarah mit leni einreiht, versuche ich die babykarte auszuspielen und siehe da, mein "wir reisen mit einem 9 monate alten säugling. gibt es eine möglichkeit die wartezeit zu verkürzen?" wird am äußersten schalter mit "das ist prinzipiell nicht vorgesehen, aber kommen sie einfach mal über die seite nach vorne." belohnt. sehr schön! bei der anschließenden sicherheitskontrolle fällt dann leni's babynahrung kurz in den fokus polizeilicher ermittlungen. die netten bundesbeamten sind aber mehr an ihr, als an unseren mitbringseln interessiert. am gate warten wir mit einer anderen familie und amüsieren uns ausgiebig über den gemeinsamen nachwuchs. da wir mit einem buggy reisen, dürfen wir als erstes an board. per bus geht es über das rollfeld, hin zum 'fanairbus', einer maschine im schwarz-gelben bvb-dress. nicht jeden freut es.
wir sind totmüde und auch leni ist total platt. "zu müde um zu schlafen", wie uns die vorderfrau attestiert. die anspannung will erst nach und nach abfallen und so quält sich unsere kleine die erste stunde lautstark in den schlaf. wir haben zum glück nette und verständnisvolle nachbarn und können zumindest für einen kurzen moment auch die augen schießen. irgendwann hält der kapitän seine ansprache und der sinkflug beginnt. erste inseln der kykladen tauchen unter uns auf. rau und unberührt. wenig bis garnicht bewohnt. als wir die küste kretas erreichen, zieht das flugzeug eine scharfe neunziggrad-rechtskurve und wie aus dem nichts erscheint eines der zahlreichen, schneebedeckten bergmassive, quasi zum greifen nah, in unserem sichtfeld. einfach faszinierend.
die landung ist ob des böigen seitenwinds ein wenig ruppig. egal. wir sind da. im gedanken rolle ich bereits mit dem mietwagen in richtung osten.
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booksncoffee · 3 years
get lonely with me, four
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the one with the difficult scene
“You didn’t answer Heather,” Iris points out. Only because she’s curious to know the answer. Tom looks at her, confused. “Are you secretly a romantic?”
His grin appears and he raises an eyebrow at her, “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
Iris is pretty sure she’s never been this nervous. She was nervous for her chemistry test — before and after she found out she’d be running her lines with Tom. She was nervous for her first day of filming — because she’s working with Tom and she could feel his eyes on her when they’re on set. But if you ask her, she’d tell you that it’s because she’s working with Kim Davison. 
Not Tom Holland. 
Who she’ll have to kiss today. 
The scene they’ll be acting out is the one where Sabrina and Leon realise that they actually have a lot in common — apart from them not liking each other — and they realise that they’re drawn to each other, both literally and metaphorically. It’s one of Iris’ favourite scenes from the book because it’s such a soft, tender moment between those two. A complete opposite of how they usually act around each other. There’s tension there, but there’s also understanding. 
It’s The Moment for Sabrina and Leon. And Iris has a feeling everyone wants it to be perfect. 
This time, she’ll openly admit that she’s nervous because of Tom. 
She’s kissed actors on screen before — several times. But she wasn’t as nervous as she is right now as she sits in her trailer, trying but failing to keep her knees from bumping up and down, up and down, up and do—
“Everything alright, sweetheart?” Her makeup artist, Julie, asks her, snapping her out of her thoughts. 
“Sorry,” Iris apologises as she stops bumping her knees, cheeks heating up with embarrassment.
Julie smiles at her as she goes back to applying concealer under her eyes. “What’s wrong? Are you nervous?”
“Mhmm,” Iris answers. She doesn’t trust her voice all that much today, afraid that it’ll betray her. 
Her hand itches to reach for her phone and ring her mum, but she’s not sure if her mum will be much help when it comes to this. She’ll probably just ask her why she’s so nervous about it when she’s kissed people on screen before and Iris really doesn’t want to go there. Her mum is convinced that she still has a crush on Tom and if she rings her and tells her how nervous she is for the kissing scene, it’ll just confirm her mum’s suspicion.
“About today’s scene?” Julie asks. 
“Yeah, it’s just… It needs to be perfect.” 
“And it’ll be,” Julie reassures her. “You and Tom will do the scene justice.”
The mention of Tom’s name makes Iris’ heart beat faster. She can’t help but wonder if he’s nervous too. She bets he’s not. Just like her, he’s kissed actresses on screen before. But unlike her, he’s probably not nervous about today’s scene. Sure he seemed nervous on the first day of filming but that’s normal. Everyone gets first day jitters, she learns, even the Tom Holland.
The production team had an intimate coordinator come in a couple of days ago to help them with the scene and to choreograph Sabrina and Leon’s first onscreen kiss. It was nerve wracking but the coordinator was so friendly, so bubbly that she made Iris forget about how nervous she was about kissing Tom. They started by asking the people involved about the context — why is the kissing scene there, if they think it’s necessary for the story as well as for the characters — and once they’d gotten that out of the way, they started working on the choreography. 
Iris couldn’t tell back then if Tom was nervous. He’s an actor, after all, so he’s good at masking his emotions. And he’s a professional. Iris likes to think that she is too but when the coordinator, Heather, told Iris to press one hand on Tom’s — Leon’s — chest and the other on his cheek, her hands shook. She quickly apologised but Heather brushed it off and Tom, well, she’s pretty sure he was laughing at her. But then he also messed up his lines and it was Iris’ turn to laugh at him. 
All laughters aside, they managed to nail the choreography down by the end of the day. It took many tries, many corrections — Heather changing her mind several times to make sure they’ll get the scene right for the day of filming — but in the end, they got it. 
Still, Iris’ heart jumps to the base of her throat when she’s told she’s needed at the set and when she sees Tom already on the set talking to Kim, she thinks she might throw up. 
“Nervous?” Harrison asks as he sidles up to her out of nowhere.
“Jesus,” Iris mutters to herself, clutching her chest. “Where’d you come from?”
“Doesn’t matter,” Harrison answers. “Are you nervous for the scene?”
Iris presses her lips together, considering. Harrison is Tom’s best friend so she has a feeling that whatever she tells him, it’ll get to Tom. But Harrison has also become her friend because they’ve spent loads of time together on and off set. And because there are occasions when Harrison would take her side instead of his best friend’s. 
“I am,” Iris admits before she can change her mind. 
“Tom will kill me if I tell you this,” Harrison says, dropping his voice a little, as he shifts closer to her. “But he’s nervous too.”
Iris looks over at Tom just in time for him to look over at them. He has a smile on his face but it disappears when he catches Harrison standing next to her. Then, he says something to Kim, probably to excuse himself, because seconds later, he’s stalking towards them.
“Hey, guys, what’re you two talking about?” Tom asks, his eyes darting from Harrison to Iris. There’s an edge to his voice like he already knows what they’re talking about but he wants to ask anyway. 
“Nothing,” Harrison grins. “Just wishing her good luck for today’s scene.” Then he turns to Iris and smiles, “Good luck.”
“Thank you.”
“You too, mate,” Harrison says to Tom, squeezing his shoulder as he walks past his best friend. 
As soon as Harrison is out of earshot, Tom turns to Iris. “Are you ready?”
Iris swallows the lump in her throat. “Yeah. You?”
Tom cracks his knuckles and nods, “Yeah, yeah, I guess. I just hope I won’t mess up my lines again.”
“You won’t and I hope I won’t too,” Iris tells him because if either one of them messes up their lines, they’ll have to redo the scene over and over again. Which means they’ll have to kiss each other a lot of times before they get the perfect shot. They didn’t practice the kiss with Heather, only the choreography leading up to the kiss, so today will be the first time they’ll kiss. She just hopes that they won’t mess up. 
Iris might or might not have thought about kissing Tom and not just as Leon. How it’d be like to have her lips pressed against his. Where his hands would be like when they kiss — would he put them on her cheeks? Jaws? Neck? Or would he wrap his arms around her whilst they kiss—
Iris snaps out of her thoughts, shaking her head, willing those thoughts to leave her mind. 
Tom looks at her, brows furrowing in confusion. “Are you okay?”
Iris nods.
“Shall we?” Tom asks, gesturing towards the set. 
The scene they’ll be playing out today is set in Leon’s bedroom. Sabrina was there because Ruby made her come with her for a movie night at her boyfriend, Daniel and Leon’s shared flat, and against her better judgment, Sabrina found herself in Leon’s bedroom because both her and Leon couldn’t stand the movie Daniel and Ruby had chosen to watch. There, Sabrina learned more about Leon and they started talking, realised they had a lot in common and then, the kiss happened. 
“Iris! Tom!” Heather greets the both of them with a hug and airy kisses. “How are we feeling today?”
“Nervous,” Iris and Tom answer at the same time. They share a look and then crack a smile. 
“You’ll do great — both of you,” Heather tells them. “You remember the choreography, yeah?” 
Iris nods. “Yeah.”
“I just…” Tom scratches his head. Everyone turns to look at him. “I may have a suggestion as to how we could make this scene better.”
Heather frowns. “And you didn’t think to tell me about this at least 24 hours before we film the scene?”
Tom flushes. “You’re right. Nevermind. Forget I said anything about it. It’s a stupid suggestion anyway.”
“But I didn’t say you can’t tell me what this suggestion is,” Heather continues. “Go on. Share with us.”
Tom looks at Iris briefly, cheeks still red. “Erm, so can I…” Tom trails off, pointing at the script in Heather’s hands. Heather hands it to him. He opens to the page where the kissing scene happens and then points to the line before Leon pulls Sabrina in for a kiss after they both opened up to each other. “Right. So I think there should be a bit more hesitancy? I know they opened up before that kiss but uh, up until this moment, they thought they hate each other so I just think instead of Leon kissing Sabrina just like that, he should maybe move closer and when she doesn’t budge he’d tuck her hair behind her ear, because we know how much he loves Ir-Sabrina’s hair and he should leave his hand on her cheek and he’d lean slowly and when Sabrina still doesn’t move—”
“They kiss.” Heather finishes the sentence for him. “Thomas Stanley Holland, are you secretly a romantic? I’ll let Kim know about this and if she says it’s good then we’ll go with it.”
Heather disappears and Iris turns to Tom. “That’s… amazing.”
Tom finally meets her eyes again. “What is?”
“That suggestion. It shows that despite how confident he is and how open he’s always been, he is still a vulnerable person after all. He’s still scared. And in that scene, Sabrina scares him.” 
“Yeah,” Tom says, swallowing. “And besides, he doesn’t really want to ruin what they have, you know?”
Iris agrees. The transition between enemies to lovers isn’t easy — it should be well executed for people to not feel as though the characters go from hating each other to liking each other in the blink of an eye. There should be hesitancy, doubts — lots of them.
“You didn’t answer Heather,” Iris points out. Only because she’s curious to know the answer. Tom looks at her, confused. “Are you secretly a romantic?”
His grin appears and he raises an eyebrow at her, “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
Iris lets out a surprised laugh and that seems to put Tom at ease. Before Iris can tell Tom to be more serious and answer her question, they’re called to set and Iris’ heart speeds as they near Leon’s bedroom. 
Before they step into Leon’s bedroom, Iris takes a deep breath, clears her head and counts to three. When she walks into Leon’s room, she’s no longer Iris Liu, she’s Sabrina Woods. And Tom isn’t Tom, he’s Leon James. 
Kim gives the cue and Sabrina looks around Leon’s room, taking everything in. She’s never been in here before and she can’t believe that she’s here. In her nemesis’ room. Her eyes land on a stack of vinyls next to his drawer. She crouches down in front of it and starts browsing. 
“You know I’ve always wished you’d stay quiet more but now that you’re so quiet, I’m scared,” Leon says behind her. He’s sitting on the edge of his bed, his eyes following her every move. She thinks he’s nervous to have her in here but he’s doing a great job at hiding his emotions. “Are you plotting my death?”
Sabrina cuts her eyes at him. “Death by vinyls?”
“Hmm doesn’t sound so bad,” Leon grins. 
“I can’t believe we like the same music,” Sabrina says as she stands up and moves to his drawer. “Disgusting.”
“What, you’re the only one allowed to have taste?”
Again, Sabrina glances over her shoulder and narrows her eyes at him. “It’s just surprising,” she says with a shrug. “I thought your music taste is more like Daniel’s.”
Leon recoils with disgust. “How dare you…”
“Huh, look at that,” Sabrina picks up a picture frame. “You were… cute.”
Leon gets up from his bed and makes his way over to her, looking at the same from over her shoulder. “I was, wasn’t I?”
Sabrina lets out a small laugh. Before she puts down the frame, she points at the couple standing behind him. “Your parents?” He nods. Sabrina notices the slight tick in his jaw. “You guys aren’t… close?”
“You could say that,” Leon answers. “They, uh, got divorced when I was 11.”
“Oh, I’m sorry.”
Leon brushes it off with a shake of his head. “I was close with my dad,” he shares, surprising Sabrina. For someone who’s an open book, Leon doesn’t talk about his family much. “He’s the one who introduced me to those bands. I used to hate them—”
“I knew it,” Sabrina mutters. “You didn’t actually have taste.”
Leon chuckles. “But I guess they grew on me. It reminds me of when things were good, you know? When my dad would take me to the record store ‘round the corner every weekend and we’d pick a vinyl or two and then we’d spend the rest of the day listening to these songs.”
“That sounds nice.”
“It was,” he agrees grimly. “So, what about you? What’s your story, Sabrina Woods?” 
“My parents aren’t divorced if that’s what you’re wondering.” 
“Lucky, but that’s not what I wanted to know.”
Sabrina raises an eyebrow at him. “Then, what do you wanna know?”
“I want to know why you’re here.” 
“Because I can’t stand that atrocious movie they’re watching,” Sabrina answers. “I’m pretty sure they’re just making out right now.”
“Wanna check?”
Sabrina crinkles her nose in disgust. “No, you pervert.”
Leon laughs. “Do you have any family tradition?”
Sabrina shakes her head. “I’m… not exactly close to my parents.”
“You’re not?” 
“Guess that’s one thing we have in common,” Sabrina admits.
“And that we have the same music taste,” Leon grins. 
Sabrina makes a disgusted face. 
“And that we hate the same movie,” Leon adds. 
Now Sabrina pretends to throw up at the only plant in his room and that makes him laugh.
“Accept it, Woods, we have a lot in common.”
“Eh,” Sabrina shrugs. She walks over to the stacks of vinyls again and before she can stop herself, she finds herself saying, “You know, there’s a record store near my neighbourhood.”
“I know.”
Sabrina rolls her eyes at him. “You should go there. Keep up the tradition.”
“It won’t feel the same going there alone.”
Sabrina takes a step closer and Leon looks at her, confused but not at all against the idea of her getting closer to him. It’s a strange thought because most days, he can’t stand her. The only reason he spends time with her is because Daniel is always around Ruby and Sabrina comes with her. He’s pretty sure she feels the same way. 
“Take Daniel.”
“I think we’ve established that he has shitty taste in music.”
Sabrina chuckles. “Or you could… take me.”
Leon raises an eyebrow at her. “You’d spend your weekend with your nemesis?”
“Would you?” She asks. There’s a challenge in her voice. A twinkle in her eyes. 
“Do you know what we’re doing right now?”
“We’re… bonding.”
“And for once, I’m gonna agree with you,” Leon says as he moves closer. Their fingers on top of his drawer touch and he’s pretty sure Sabrina feels it too. The electric running down their spine. Leon takes another step forward and when Sabrina doesn’t move, he swallows and takes another step until there’s barely any space between them. Then, he reaches for a strand of her hair and tucks it behind her ear, his hand lingering at her cheek. He loves her hair. It’s so beautiful. She’s so beautiful. Leon swallows again. “Sabrina…”
Sabrina doesn’t say anything. She doesn’t move either. She just stares at him like she’s waiting for his next move. 
Leon starts to lean in and he expects her to move. She’s going to push him away, remind him that they hate each other, but she doesn’t. She lifts her chin up towards him, places one hand against his chest, the touch sending shivers down Leon’s spine. Their eyes meet, an unspoken confirmation that this is really happening. That Sabrina and Leon are crossing the enemies line. Then, in one single smooth move, their mouths meet in the middle. 
At that moment, Iris has to consciously remind herself to stay in character. That although she’s kissing Tom, she’s not really kissing him. And he’s not really kissing her. Their characters are kissing. So she shouldn’t be wondering if this is how Tom kisses or if this is just Leon. The thoughts of Tom shouldn’t at all invade her mind. And she shouldn’t be thinking as Iris. She’s Sabrina Woods and the guy she’s kissing is Leon James. 
“So that’s what it feels like to kiss Sabrina Woods,” Leon says breathily, breaking away at the right time. 
Sabrina shakes her head at him and is about to turn around and leave his room because what the hell were they thinking and holy shit did she really just kiss Leon James? Leon James, her freaking nemesis. 
But before she can reach for his door, he pulls her by her hand, spinning her to him until their fronts meet. The collision takes the breath out of Sabrina’s lungs and before she has a chance to react, Leon wraps his arms around her waist and says, “You didn’t let me finish.”
“Save it.” Sabrina flushes with embarrassment. He’s going to taunt her, she just knows it. And right now, she doesn’t need that.
“You don’t want to hear me tell you that you’re a great kisser?”
Sabrina kinks an eyebrow at him. “I’m sorry, what?”
“That was… quite literally the best kiss I’ve ever had.” 
Sabrina’s face breaks into a smile and then:
Tom lets go of her and clears his throat while Iris takes a couple of steps back, putting as much distance as she could without making it seem like she can’t get away from him fast enough. 
Kim and Heather walk over to them. “That was great.” Heather says. 
“I like the hesitancy,” Kim continues. 
“But I think you could do the kiss better,” Heather adds. “It was good. But it was not great.”
Iris’ heart drops. This is what she fears. Tom isn’t a bad kisser, not at all, but kissing him… that was, well, it messed with her head, so much so that she broke character for a moment. That had never happened before. When she had to kiss another actor, not once had she ever stopped and wondered: so this is what it feels like to kiss him? 
But with Tom, fuck, why did she stop and wonder if this is how he kisses in real life? 
“Let’s do it one more time,” Kim says. “Or more if we need to.” 
When Heather and Kim return to the camera crews, Iris turns to Tom. “I’m sorry. It was my fault.”
“No, it’s probably mine,” Tom replies. “I think I didn’t hesitate enough. I guess I got carried away.”
Iris wants to ask Tom what he meant by that but they’re called to set and the question takes a backseat in her mind as she frets over kissing him again. And how her mum might be right: she still has a crush on Tom.
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lemonteriyaki · 2 years
combining my two recent obsessions, zedaph and dress suits i present... taadaaaa a fancy and pretty zed!
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lonealtean · 6 years
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                            woooo here’s a grossly made starter call for my altean                             original character from the show voltron bc i am shit but                             like this if you don’t mind me either coming at you to plot                             or if you just simply want a cute lil starter from anya !!
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Remember when I said timelines? :> There's a point where those were never destroyed, and thus, *pulls them out of thin air* Taadaaaa!
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Sea Dragon: But I’m impressed that you actually found them. Now the next time I see Earth, I won’t yell at them as much as originally intended.
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neurotichunter · 4 years
The Circle, a one act play
Adhd: *voice of a three year old* Woooaaahhh, it would be sooooo cool to do this. Can we do this?
Me: Okay, but it means we have to leave the house...
Adhd: Please?? Pretty please? We always wanted to do that!!
Me: *has never thought abt it, but is suddenly hooked* Whoa, you're right! Yay! Let's make plans for tomorrow!
Body: *party pooper voice* You KNOW you can't make plans... At least not with me around... *evil laugh*
Me and Adhd: Ah, come on!! We never have fun and it will be fun! You'll see! We feel better afterwards...
Body: *rolls eyes* Ugh, but don't say I didn't warn you!
Adhd and me: *make plans, think abt it for hours*
The next day, me: Guys, it's time! We have to put on cloths and get going!
Body: Yeeaahhh, when I think abt it, I'm not feeling well, you know...
Adhd: *stares at the floor, silently*
Executive dysfunction: *throws confetti, plays marching band music, sings* Taadaaaa, here I aaaam! You won't be able to do anything todayyyy!! And you know it!! And it makes you feel sad!!
Depression: *waits around the corner*
Autism and social anxiety: *sigh in relieve*
Jerkbrain: *shouts at me* You stupid bitch, control yourself! Giving in to your conditions makes you weak!! No wonder nobody likes you! And anyway, do you remember this embarrassing situation from like tenhundred years ago?? Here is a vivid picture, think abt it!!! *holds picture in my face, continues screaming*
Me: *stands in a pile of confetti*
Me: *goes to bed*
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mister-lady · 3 years
Boom!!!!! I might change my font color a bit but taadaaaa!!! I'm verie happie with it!💖💖💖💖💗💗🌟🌟
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