#telly news updates
sapootindia · 1 year
Kumkum Bhagya 24 May 2023-:-रणबीर और प्राची ने पार्टी में किया डांस
Kumkum Bhagya 24 May 2023-:-एपिसोड की शुरुआत ख़ुशी से होती है जो शाहाना से पूछती है कि मम्मा और पापा को एकजुट करने में उसकी मदद कौन कर सकता है, और पूछता है कि क्या बड़ी मम्मी या दीदा। शाहाना कहती हैं कि किसी पर भरोसा मत करो, अभी हम आपके जन्मदिन पर ध्यान देंगे। वह कहती है कि हम उनसे बाद में बात करेंगे। ख़ुशी पूछती है कि क्या आपको लगता है कि वे समझने के लिए पर्याप्त परिपक्व हैं, और बताती हैं कि…
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Harphoul Mohini 16th November 2022 Written Update Episode
Harphoul Mohini 16th November 2022 Written Update Episode
Written Update of Harphoul Mohini 16th November 2022 on TellyNewsUpdates.com Harphoul Mohini 16th November 2022 The episode begins with Mohini reviews Goddess words about Devi. Shalini attempts to hear Mohini and Devi’s discussion. Devi makes her hard of hearing for few moments utilizing her power. She lets Mohini know that she can’t rest without hearing a story. Mohini tells her that she don’t…
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news87 · 2 years
Is Something Cooking Between Shehnaaz Gill & Raghav Juyal?
Is Something Cooking Between Shehnaaz Gill & Raghav Juyal?
Shehnaaz Gill needs no introduction. Recently she was in news for unfollowing Salman Khan and now as per reports, she is dating dancer Raghav Juyal. #shehnaazgill #raghavjuyal #salmankhan Subscribe Now http://bit.ly/SubscribeToTellyMasala Follow Us On Instagram https://www.instagram.com/tellymasala Like Us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TellyMasala Follow Us on Twitter…
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oliviassunrise · 2 months
if you’re feeling like it: hand-holding 30 or 34 for Helen and Dale? :3
Oh, I had fun with this one! I think my heart wants to believe that year between seasons 1 and 2 was a good time for them. Went with 34–holding hands while driving.
Thanks for the prompt!
Touches Ask Game
Windows down, music blasting.
That is the way Helen likes their drive to Bendigo for Christmas. Val has a turkey in the oven and has promised clean sheets on the bed in Dale’s old room. As they cruise down the freeway, Helen tips her sunglasses back over her eyes, fighting the hot rays of early summer in Victoria.
Dale is in the driver’s seat, bopping his head along to Helen’s choice of heavy rock. He’s the most relaxed she’s seen him in months. Since he took over the desk last autumn, he’s on edge, constantly trying to prove he belongs where he’s at and isn’t simply a filler for Geoff—a substitute until someone “better” comes along. His change in energy for this holiday is refreshing, and Helen is grateful for a stress-free trip.
This isn’t the first time she’s been to his mother’s, and their little trip back in the winter had been…well, it had been less than desirable. Dale had spent the entire time on the phone, listening to the radio—anything for updates on what he initially believed would become a huge story. He had been convinced they would have to pack up any minute and return straight to Melbourne, and not only had it left Helen unnecessarily antsy, but she’d watched him deflect and miss every single one of his mother’s attempts to enjoy their company.
Helen and Val had reached an understanding and appreciation for one another that weekend.
For this visit, however, they’ve had a talk. Dale is not to think about work. He is not to turn on the telly outside of the usual Christmas specials. And he sure as hell is not allowed control of any radio. Hence, Helen packing a shoebox of cassettes for the ride.
The current tape ends, and she sifts through her box for a new one. It needs rewinding, but the second Pat Benatar blares through the speakers, Dale is on cloud nine.
Helen can only giggle at his antics—at his exaggerated pitch and his enthusiasm as he drums on the steering wheel. He’s lucky they’re on a long stretch of road with few cars, or his swerve might have dire consequences.
“Watch the road, or I’m telling your mother to bust your arse when we get there,” she threatens with a chuckle.
But he keeps going. “We belong to the light, we belong to the thunder!”
He grasps her hand and holds it up victoriously, and she nearly chokes with laughter. “Dale!”
“We belong to the sound of the words we’ve both fallen under!”
He keeps up his dramatic performance, hand still holding hers. “Okay, Dale, really—”
“Weeeeee belong! We belong, we belong together!”
He stops and turns the volume down, both of them in fits of hilarity. And as she sees the smile on his face—a genuine smile for the first time in weeks—she thinks…this can work.
“Ladies and gentleman, that was the musical stylings of Dale Jennings,” Helen narrates, putting on her camera voice. “Tune in next time…if he doesn’t crash the car.”
“I’ll be here all week,” he gives a little bow, planting the hand holding hers back on the steering wheel.
“You know, we should see if Lindsay will let you turn this into a bit. Really put a bug up Geoff’s arsehole.”
“Oh, I’m sure the ratings will soar.”
“It’s what the people want—to be dazzled and entertained, right?”
Dale only laughs and shakes his head. “I bloody love you, you know that?”
Helen reaches for his hand again, offering him a sweet smile. “Yeah, I know.”
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ego-meliorem-esse · 2 years
Some HCs - Arthur Kirkland
It seems I am unable to draw anything these days. It's either a bad case of artist block or any slight skill I had in the drawing department has vanished into thin air. Someone send either an ambulance or Francis ( so I can hit him with my car to calm myself down)
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Until then here are some hcs for our favourite pater familias:
Arthur has a hard time falling asleep and has constant insomnia episodes. He's used to them by now and doesn't try to force himself to sleep when he realizes he can't. The one thing he can't do during his no-sleep nights is read. He browses the internet, checks out his kids social media updates, and even sends a text to Francis or Gil in the hopes of waking them up and being a general petty menace. He does everything but read books as they strain his eyes.
He might be the grumpy rat we all know, but he is incredible with children. He doesn't talk to them as many people do with children: childish and condescendingly, but like an adult speaking to an equally intelligent human being. Also, Arthur can make up stories on the spot that will intrigue even the most well-read intellectual and equally bring the most unruly child to sleep. His imagination is something he keeps almost completely to himself though. Least someone might find out he is not completely the stoic, stiff upper-lip kind of person he wants to be portrayed as. Though children are the only people that get to experience his creative, imaginative, and story-telling side. His children had quite the bedtime stories. Especially Alfred.
Trash telly is one of his weaknesses. When the work is done, the dishes are washed, and the paperwork is finished, Arthur will most definitely turn on the news and pretend that's what he is interested in on the tv. When in reality he waits a couple of minutes to switch to some Love Island, Geordie Shore, 22 Kids, and Counting, or even Funniest royal Cock-ups.
Arthur doesn't like being in pictures taken by others. Be it not liking how he looks in them or simply not liking when he's not the one in control of taking pictures but he simply hates being in photographs taken by other people. One can imagine this is just a part of Arthur's controlling side coming out.
When it comes to his kids, Arthur is constantly worried. He of course doesn't show it (the beforementioned stiff upper lip kind of attitude) yet when there is real trouble or he can sense something is amiss, he will do his best to drop his indifferent demeanor to help his child as best as he can without being too emotional. He doesn't admit it to anyone and especially not to himself but seeing his kids hurt or unwell is the one biggest fear he has. This feeling in him conflicts with him being a country and having to put his own people and government before anyone else. He is a past empire and empathy doesn't come easy to him. Yet here he is wondering if Matthew ate his lunch after the meeting or if Alfred got into trouble again with his officials over some tweets. As much of an emotionless bastard as he is and as much of a country as he is, he is family oriented and his kids mean the world to him.
While on the topic of his kids, Alfred is the absolute favourite child, the crown prince, and the firstborn son of the family. Al gets some privileges that his siblings do not. Arthur is especially worried and distressed when Al is in trouble or is hurt. More so than any of his other children. There is some jealousy/envy from the rest due to this of course. More on that in Alfred's hcs.
On a lighter note, Arthur lost his car in a shopping mall parking lot almost a dozen times now.
Also, he refuses to get rid of his 2006 silver Renault Clio. He has a newer car but uses it only for business and when driving longer distances. Matthew is worried the old vehicle will die any day now on the road and keeps urging his father to buy a new car.
Arthur is secretly a big fan of Neil Gaiman and his works but keeps that to himself.
He has an instagram account where he posts pictures of his garden, his book choice of the week, and his kids. The beforementioned kids are not happy with the pictures their father chooses to post on his account. Zee has blocked him.
Arthur buys candles all the time. Any smell, any aroma. And just keeps them in a drawer. He saw an ad for candles online once and now it's something he impulse buys at the grocery store.
These days he has the energy of a divorced housewife with an elderly dog
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angelmalocaris · 1 month
Hello NEN Tumblr! Tumblr NEN fans! NENblr! Whatever you are!
There are like 5 of you at most, even when rounded up, but I have a confession to post.
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This shrine, you see this “shrine” right here? From the NEN website? (CONT. under cut)
That is MY shrine. I made that. Those objects are in my possession.
This image is sort of old. I haven’t cleaned my bedroom in awhile so I will hold off on taking new ones for the time being, but here are my Emery related trinkets I have and projects I have worked on. This is not a complete list by any means, mostly just my biggest or most well known ones.
Lets get the big stuffy fluff-filled elephant out of the room, the pillow. Yes that is an Emery body pillow! (Or dakimakura I suppose.)
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YES it is hand made! YES I do sleep with it every night! and YES my mom did help me make it! While it has become SIGNIFICANTLY more faded over time, it is well loved. That is my wifey! Of course I take care of her!
It's almost completely homemade, my mom prints t-shirt so we just printed on some fabric. There is a heart-shaped button and a few feathers in the stuffing, think like a BaB plushie.
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Enough of that, time for a walk. Here’s the Emery engraved collar!
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Real metal! After saving a bit of money and walking and hour or so, I purchased this at a store to be made by an engraving machine. Why? Because I can! And have you seen Emery? That’s definitely a critter.
I'm hungry... so hungry I could eat... an Emery!!!
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Here are three separate Emery cakes I made! Left to right in order. They're all box mix but I baked them and frosted them on my own.
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My grandma made this one. Goo Goo Gah Gah...
By now, all the cakes are long gone.
First Cake Death
Second Cake Death (My favorite!)*
Third Cake Death
*(also a remake of the first.)
Quick time event!!! Here's some Emeries I made in video games.
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Note, while I did not make the Emery Mii (Hal did) I am including it here because I think it's notable that I got to marry Emery in the game.
I have lost my membership in this time so the full outfit is not possible for me anymore, but feel free to recreate it. Its simple and the items shouldn't be too hard to acquire.
It's just 1, the Square Glasses (members only) from Jam Mart Clothing in green for 350 gems 2, the tie from Jam Mart Clothing in red for 100 gems, and the Rare Crimson Topcoat (members only). While the topcoat is marked "Rare" its quite common for a rare item and IIRC I may(?) even have more than one.
I want to update the Petz 4 Emery. I could probably make it better now and I want him to be a dog when I decide to remake it.
I have lost my old save for tomodachi life but someday I will get married to him again... just you wait!!!
You know what games are made of? Code. So are webbed sites... Usually not the same code, but you get the idea.
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This is my Emery web shrine! I will not link to it because its very old and not very good by my current standards. You can see its age by Emery being called "Telly" and some of the older artwork ( being by Hal of course.) Someday it will be made better and strong...
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and yes. I did help with some (a lot) of the code on the NEN site. I'm blaming any of the messy stuff in there on Hal though because she's the one doing most updates. Sorry Hal! Maybe learn more than some HTML and I won't throw you under the bus. I need to log on and fix up some of that in a bit. I am sure it looks like a tornado hit it from the inside.
I have been at this for months, even years now. Longer than the NEN official site even existed. A lot of this is hand made and if not that, completely out of my own pockets. I plan to continue being crazy even if my pockets are reduced to nothing but lint and moths (they have, more than once.) I love Emery Phone.
Peace and Love (except for the french, that being Emery. I will get you Emery.)
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Tschüss! Buh-Bye! Until next time! Au revoir! (Eww... French...)
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tilltheendwilliwrite · 5 months
Chapter Nine
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Master List / Real People Master List / Reflections Master List
Pairing: Mia MacAlsdair x Au Tom Hiddleston
Warnings: language, fluff, 18+ Minors do not interact
A/N: I apologize in advance should my Scottish/English interpretations be incorrect. I am Canadian playing in a world of my own making. Do not @ me.
**I do not tag. **To be notified of updates and new works, subscribe to me or the story on AO3 for email notification, or follow the library blog @tilltheendwilliwrite-library  with notifications turned on so you’re not missing out. An account is required to access my work on AO3. For more information on how to get your FREE AO3 account, see this post.
Mia spent the rest of the day distracted, which didn't help when she attempted to read Henry's list. The man had chicken scratch for writing, making deciphering it - and his Scottish colloquialisms - damn near impossible. Thankfully, she'd fed the ducks, geese, and chickens before; the horses were waiting at the gate when it was time to come in for their evening feed, and the dog food was a quick scoop for the pair of good boys.
And, as Henry was gone and they usually bunked with him for the night, she convinced Cora to let them in the house so they could curl up at her feet while she watched her evening telly. As long as they left the kittens alone, they were welcome. The kittens were not so convinced, but neither dog paid them any mind, happy to sprawl out on the floor before the fire. 
"If ye dinnae come back after dinner, ye best text me so I can look after the critters." Cora cackled as Mia clicked her way into the room on short heels. 
The older woman was intent on the television, but when Mia cleared her throat, Cora glanced in her direction, looked back at the television, then whipped around and whistled, causing the dogs to lift their heads and look at her. "My, my. Ye clean up good, lass."
Mia ran her hand down the front of her dress. It was a silk wrap dress she wouldn't in a million years have ever considered buying before Ivy talked her into it. With flirty cap sleeves, a knee-length hem, and tiny gold details on the sleeve cuff, she looked at it on the rack and thought there was no way it would look good on her, but Ivy refused to be denied, saying the colour would be glorious with her hair. Mia was more worried about the fit, but the dress had some sort of magic to it, for when she put it on and tied the fancy bows, it surprised her. That it was Marvel Loki green and made her hair glow like burnished copper didn't hurt either. 
Her skin shimmered lightly thanks to the moisturizer - also insisted on by Ivy - and she'd taken the time to curl and pin back her hair, apply a smokey eye and gloss her lips, and paint her nails a pastel pink she knew would last until tomorrow when it chipped off with the first scoop of a manure shovel.
Her necklace was a simple golden chain with a gold heart with so much sentimental value it was priceless, while small gold hoops dangled from her ears. 
"I look alright?" Mia asked, more out of nervousness than any real fear she didn't. 
"Hot damn!" Cora cried, giving her two thumbs up.
Mia laughed, then breathed out slowly, attempting to calm herself. 
"Jeez, why are ye so nervous? Ye've already tasted his tonsils. This is just dinner," Cora huffed. "Maybe ye get lucky and have a wee snog in the car, but ye dinnae have to jump his bones if yer not ready."
"Cora," Mia groaned, placing the coat on her arm on the end of the sofa so she could fix the strap on her austere black heel. 
"What?" she practically yelled, clearly exasperated. 
"I really like him, okay!" Mia shouted as she crouched down. "And it makes me nervous."
"Well, that's good, as I find I'm terribly fond of you too, darling, and I'm happy to see I'm not the only one nervous."
Mia froze, all but her blood that drained from her face, leaving her light-headed before it rushed back in and blazed brightly in her cheeks. 
"Fuck, you could have said he was already here!" she hissed at Cora before rising and turning toward Tom, who leaned against the wall with a tender smile. 
Dear Gods. The look of him was something else, all long and lean, in a suit that had to be bespoke as nothing off the rack would fit that well. It was a blue pinstripe that complemented his eyes, his shirt a pale pastel blue, shoes shiny black and tie in navy with opposing stripes.  
His smile turned appreciative as it swept from her feet to her face, softening with understanding as he pushed from the wall to cross to her and take her face between his hands. He didn't walk; he prowled with a lazy kind of grace that screamed predator. It was a walk she recognized, having seen it before on the movie screen when he played Loki.
The man should be illegal. 
His lips were whisper soft when they glided over hers. "Don't be embarrassed, love. I let myself in when I saw Cora curled up through the window. I didn't mean to catch you unaware, but I am glad I'm not the only one feeling this pull."
"Tom." She sighed, stroking his chest. The cloth beneath her fingers even felt expensive, making her want to keep petting him until she purred. 
His lips skimmed slowly to capture and pull on her ear before he whispered, "You're wearing my colour."
"Not yours. Loki's," she whimpered, lashes fluttering as her pulse quickened. 
"Mine," he growled. "It was my part. Have you forgotten? Must I remind you? Should I command you to kneel?"
Her knees buckled, but he caught her before she could do more than sag into him. "You're a cruel man."
He chuckled softly. "But I could be such a benevolent ruler."
"Keep flirtin', and yer gonna miss dinner," Cora quipped, smirking at them.
Tom cleared his throat and took a step back. "You look lovely," he murmured, retrieving her coat and helping her into it, even pulling her hair from the back. 
"Thank you." Mia shivered at the brush of his knuckles over her nape and collected her purse. She glanced at the grinning Cora and said, "Don't wait up."
"Wouldn't dream of it. Have fun, but not too much fun! Remember what I said!" 
Mia blushed again, causing Cora to cackle like a lunatic and Mia to rush Tom to the door before he could ask questions. 
Once outside, with Cora's laughter firmly shut inside, Tom took her hand and led her to the car. 
"Do I want to know what she's on about?" he asked, holding the door for Mia as she slid inside. 
"No, you do not." Mia chuckled, admiring the butter-soft leather of the vehicle when he shut her in before hurrying around to the driver's side. "Nice car." She smiled when he slid in beside her. 
The caramel leather and swanky interior of the sporty white car said it was something fancy, but she wasn't exactly a car girl until she looked over and saw the symbol of the leaping cat on the steering wheel and when Tom started the car, it freaking purred. 
"No way. This is a Jaguar!" she gasped, almost afraid to move. 
He laughed. "It is. It's my fancy show-off car. Do you like it?"
Mia nodded, though she wasn't sure if she should wiggle deeper into the plush seat, stroke it like the cat it was named after, or ask the burning question on the tip of her tongue. She didn't know exactly what a car like this cost but knew it was well into six figures. 
He glanced at her and shook his head. "You really don't know the body of my work outside Loki, do you?"
Mia shook her head, entranced by all the fancy lights on his dashboard. "Only what I've Googled, but I'm not much for movies. I watched The Hollow Crown, or most of it, with Cora yesterday."
"Most of it?" He gasped. "Should I be insulted that I can't seem to hold your interest outside of the one part?" he teased. 
She scoffed. "Let me assuage your fears. It had nothing to do with your performance and everything to do with Cora and her inappropriate stories."
He shot her a boyish grin. "Cora tells naughty stories?"
"You have no idea." Mia snickered. "And let's just say I didn't need any clarification on her liberal use of Scottish slang for the obscene bits."
Tom burst out laughing. "Brilliant! I love that woman."
"So do I," Mia agreed, finally giving in and running her fingers over the dash. 
"Ah, well, you wouldn't know about Jaguar's Good To Be Bad commercials then. I was in three, the last with Ben Kingsley and Mark Strong."
"Ben Kingsley! Sir Ben Kingsley, the guy who played Ghandi?" Mia gasped. "Wait, he did a commercial?"
Tom chuckled and shook his head. "Of course, you would know Ben. Yes, but once you see them, you'll understand why. They were very… villainous. I think you'd like them."
The look he sent her caused Mia to squeeze her thighs together. 
"Part of the deal was a car. This car. When everything went tits up after our parents died, I sold it, but when Kip's star began to rise, he bought it back for me. Insisted on it, though I cussed him out for spending the money."
"The same car? He bought the same car, not a similar one?"
"I was fortunate enough to sell it to a friend. He was kind enough to sell it back." He smiled fondly. 
"Pretty good friend."
He glanced at her again as he drove along the winding roads. "He is. He and his wife have remained close, and I'm grateful for their friendship. I don't suppose the name Benedict Cumberbatch means anything to you?"
Mia's jaw dropped. "You know Sherlock Holmes?"
Tom groaned. "Why? Why is it only me you know nothing of?"
"Hey, I didn't know who Kip was either, even worse than you. At least I admired you."
He sent her a sultry smile. "Yes, you do admire me don't you?"
Mia blushed and changed the subject. "Was that the last job you took?"
"Coriolanus, actually. The ads were for the Super Bowl, so they were filmed long before, but I was performing at the Donmar Warehouse from December through February when the news came. I loved standing on that stage, performing live. Theatre was my first great love." He sighed. "Their death came only days after my last performance."
She reached over and curled her hand over his on the gear shift. "I'm sorry, Tom. Both for their loss and for yours. I can tell you miss it, acting."
"I do, but we would have lost Highpark. My family will always come first, not only as a duty but also because many depend on us. My father, for all his good traits, was a poor businessman. He preferred to spend and damn the consequences, no matter who it hurt in the end."
The bitterness didn't go unnoticed, though he tried to hide it with a flash of a smile. 
Mia let it go unacknowledged, drifting her fingers down the back of his hand and around to circle his wrist, where she lightly stroked his pulse point. "There is one thing I don't like about your car."
"How could you not like something in this car?" he muttered. 
She glanced pointedly behind them. "No back seat." She let that sit for a beat as his pulse jumped under her fingers. "And really, the consul makes any front-seat shenanigans difficult." It jumped again and beat hard, making her bite her cheek to keep a straight face. 
"You are a cruel woman," he growled, shifting just a little to spread his thighs.
"Payback can be a real bitch." She chuckled, settling in to enjoy the drive.
The restaurant was quaint. It was small, the lighting dim, and the seating secluded. 
It was definitely a date place. 
Mia looked around and found only other couples in singles or pairs as they were led to a table set back in an alcove where the hostess waited to take Mia's coat, pour glasses of water, and leave them with their menus. As she walked away, she pulled a cord that dropped half the swept-back curtain, closing out the restaurant without completely closing them in. 
She smirked at the stripped, tasselled addition and arched a brow in amusement. "Swanky."
Tom snickered. "I may have called ahead and called in a favour to get us this table. It's usually reserved well in advance, but the owner is a friend and made an exception."
"And the people who were supposed to have this table?" she asked, wondering if they'd ruined someone else's special occasion. 
"Agreed to come at a later date and have their dinner comped. They were happy with the arrangement, and so was I."
Mia smiled, glad it seemed so easy and picked up the menu. "So, you know the owner?"
"We were mates at Uni. He was rubbish at acting but amazing in the kitchen. Eventually, he went to Paris and trained there, but he wanted to come home and start this." Tom waved at the walls. "It's very exclusive, and people come from London, Edinburgh, all over really to eat here."
"I'm impressed." And she was. As she read through the menu, she grew even more so. Everything sounded delicious. 
As she was about to ask what Tom would recommend, the curtain swept back to reveal a large, portly, grinning man. 
"Malcolm!" Tom smiled, rising to do the manly shake and shoulder hug. "It's good to see you."
"As it's been years since ye've bothered to make the drive, yer damn right it's good to see me," Malcolm blustered. "And ye, calling in a favour without so much as a by the by." Then he turned to her, eyes bright with teasing laughter. "But with such a bonny companion, I canna blame ye for doin' all that beggin'."
Tom huffed. "I didn't beg. I requested assistance."
Malcolm leaned down and whispered, "Begged. Almost in tears, he was."
Mia snickered. "I could see it."
"Camila!" Tom gasped, but his smile said he didn't mind her teasing. 
"Camila, is it? A bonny name for a bonny lass." Malcolm took her hand and kissed her knuckles like something out of a rakish fantasy novel. 
"Leave off flirting with my date, please," Tom grumbled. 
"Oi, territorial, are we?" Malcolm snickered. "She must be mighty special this one."
Mia blushed and glanced at Tom, only to find him staring at her intently. 
"Very much so," Tom agreed, his foot sliding against her ankle. 
Malcolm beamed. "I'll take those." He plucked the menu from Mia's fingers and snagged Tom's off the table. "Tonight, ye eat what ye get. Allergies?"
Mia shook her head, an action mirrored by Tom. 
"I ken ye've none. Ye ate everything and anything put before you for years!" Malcolm muttered as he walked off.
"You have an interesting friend." Mia chuckled. 
"He's something at any rate," Tom agreed. 
"Well? Should we get the tough questions out of the way?" Mia asked, finding his calf with the toe of her shoe. 
He arched a brow. "And those would be?"
"Favourite artist, movie, and colour."
Tom shook his head. "And here I expected you to lead with hockey team. Are you Canadians not known to be wild for hockey?"
Mia rolled her eyes. "Sure, for some people. I never got into hockey, not really. I'll watch it and cheer if it's on the TV, but I'd rather go paint or read."
"That doesn't surprise me." He chuckled. "Rodin, Heat, and blue or red."
"Why Rodin?" she asked. 
"I like the movement in the work. Other artists can create beautiful works of rock, but something about his, perhaps the roughness of the piece rising from unfinished stone, evokes this deeply provocative feeling. It is like looking at emotion rather than seeing the person feeling it."
Mia leaned closer, fascinated by his insight. "Your favourite piece?"
"The Eternal Idol." The intensity was back as he leaned toward her. "I love the language of it. It is worshipful, languid, serene and stunningly sensual. He is enamoured of her, desperate to show her, but afraid to touch the object of his desire. And she, the way Rodin cast her face in this breathless moment of utter adoration as she gazes tenderly down on him. I did not know one could capture love in stone until I first laid eyes on the piece."
"Tom," she whispered, enchanted. 
He caressed her cheek. "She is perfection."
Mia couldn't tell if he still spoke of the statue or not and cleared her throat. 
He grinned and sat back. "Same questions."
It was an out from the thickening tension, and Mia seized it with both hands. "Van Gogh, The Fifth Element, and green."
"Van Gogh? Really?"
She frowned. "What's wrong with Van Gogh?"
He shook his head. "Nothing. I just expected something a little more obscure, perhaps someone less well known."
"I have others that I like, but his style inspired my own. With a little Andy Warhol thrown in."
"That I can see," he agreed. "But I must admit I have never seen - nor I think heard of - the movie you picked."
Mia shook her head and grinned wryly. "It's a guilty pleasure. This very colourful, neon, sci-fi action movie starring Bruce Willis, Mia Jovovich, and Chris Tucker. It's your typical hero/heroine, save the world, fall in love, and have a happy ending."
Amusement danced in his eyes. "You'll have to show it to me."
"Only if you promise not to make fun of me for it."
"I make no promises." He chuckled. "But I will do my best."
The curtain twitched back as the waitress arrived with a bottle of wine, compliments of Malcolm. Tom stopped her at half-pour, indicating he was driving, but Mia accepted a full glass. The waitress left the bottle and slipped away. 
"You can't make fun of it," Mia insisted. "It's my tub movie, and if you spoil that for me, I'll never forgive you."
Tom leaned forward again, bracing his forearms on the table. "What, pray tell, is a tub movie?"
"It's the movie I watch in the bathtub." When he only grinned at her, she shrugged. "What? Like you don't watch a movie or read a book in the bathtub."
"Can't say I'm overly fond of baths. I'm more of a shower man."
"Maybe you're doing them wrong," she quipped. 
His smile widened. "Is that an invitation to see how one has a proper bath?"
Mia smirked over the lip of her wine glass and ran her foot up his calf. "Play your cards right, and we'll see."
"Don't tempt me, love," he purred, shooting heat to her core. 
She swallowed and set her glass on the table before leaning in again. "I do what I want, pet."
His eyes darkened. "Naughty girl. Don't start something I can't finish, Mia."
"But we've established that I'm well acquainted with mischief," she whispered, her grin widening. 
"Darling," he crooned, his gaze drifting down to her cleavage and back up, sparking fires in his wake. "If you keep this up, I will pull your chair over here, slide my hand beneath your skirt, and tease what I can only imagine is a very wet cunt until dinner arrives."
She gasped, excitement adding to the wetness he threatened to find for himself. 
"Fuck, woman," he growled. 
She was moments away from moving her chair herself when Malcolm returned with appetizers. 
He paused as he took them in and asked, "Am I interrupting?"
"No," Mia murmured as Tom growled, "Yes."
Malcolm snickered. "Ye want me to close the other curtain?"
Mia blushed but laughed and shook her head. "Tom was just saying he's ravenous. Thank you for the food."
"I don't think it was the food he was after," Malcolm snickered but made himself scarce. 
"It wasn't," Tom agreed, shifting his chair to the side to grab Mia's seat and scoot her closer to him at the round table. 
The loud scrape of her chair made Mia laugh. "Discrete."
He leaned in and kissed her where her neck and shoulder met. "Discretion is what the tablecloth is for."
His hand was already sliding up her thigh, but Mia stopped him. "Tom."
"Too fast?"
"A little. I know I'm just as bad." She sighed. "I'll tone down the teasing."
"Please don't." He smirked, squeezing her hand. 
Mia shot him a grateful glance. "Maybe it's pitiful, but Colt was my only relationship. Shifting back into dating after five, well four really, years is an adjustment."
His arm found the back of her chair as they shared the tasty appetizers. "How long has it been since you and he split up?"
"Emotionally? Over a year. In reality, a week before I moved here, but we weren't intimate anymore. We were pretty much roommates pretending to be more."
"And he hasn't reached out? Not even to apologize?"
Mia shook her head. "I told him not to. We were done, had been for a long time, and what he did was unforgivable. I had Fergus return the ring when I realized I was still wearing it. By now, I'm sure he's moved on." She tilted her head to look at Tom. "And so am I."
"Good," he murmured, nuzzling his nose against her cheek. "He didn't deserve you. He had no idea the treasure he discarded."
She turned into him and kissed him sweetly before breaking away. "What about you? When was your last relationship?"
"Serious?" He hummed and chewed as he thought. "Before I did Coriolanus, so twenty-thirteen.
Mia froze before looking at him in shock. "Ten… ten years?"
He grinned a little sheepish and embarrassed. "Well, between the disaster that was Highpark, my parent's death, the loss of my career, and then the virus, it became rather insignificant. Dating as a rising star isn't without its pitfalls either, so even before, my serious relationships were few and far between. I had dalliances, but they never lasted, which worked for both parties at the time."
"I'm sorry, that was judgy of me. You didn't gasp when I said I've only been with one man."
This time, he froze before looking at her in bafflement. "Only? As in first and only?"
Mia blushed and nodded. "I… didn't have time to focus on work, living, school, all that and men. The only person I had to count on was me, so if I fucked up, I didn't eat, or have heat, or any number of bad things."
"So you began dating in university?"
She nodded. "Friends first, then dating. He convinced me to move in with him before the pandemic."
He was quiet for a moment before he said, "I can't say I'm sorry it didn't work out because I'm not. You're here with me because he couldn't see how incredible you are."
She smiled. "Even if I talk to Loki?"  
He laughed and rested his forehead against hers. "Especially for that. Though I must admit, I spoke to him yesterday after you left."
"You did?" she whispered, surprised and humbled that he believed her so completely. 
"Maybe we're both mad." He brushed his nose along hers. "But I thanked him… for saving a special child so she could grow into an exquisite woman."
"Tom," she breathed, utterly overwhelmed. 
He cupped her face and held her still as their speeding breaths mingled before he captured her lips in a tender kiss she felt seep into her bones.
A throat cleared. 
They broke apart like guilty teenagers for the second time today. 
"I do appear to have poor timing." Malcolm grinned, setting a plate in front of each of them. "Enjoy. And Tommy, old boy, remember. It's a curtain, not a wall." 
"Fuck off!" Tom snarled. 
Malcolm's booming laughter followed him back to the kitchen. 
Mia giggled and dug into her salad.
Next Chapter
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just-four-rivals · 1 month
Intro Post!
Ello! Welcome to our little goofy blog! This is a place for us to connect with other trainers without havin to worry about bein in the spotlight all the time. Feel free to interact with anythin!
Meet The Mods!
She/They (interchangeable, I don't mind either or!)
Morpeko lover <3
20 years old (Turnin' 21 on October 28th!)
Loves true crime, punk music, and battlin!
Spikemuth pride!
I wouldn't say I have a favorite pokemon, though my partner is a Hatterene. We're very similar in terms of personality, if that means anything.
Recently turned 21 in February.
I enjoy a nice cup of tea, challenging battles, and fantasy novels.
Do not attempt to identify the others or me. If I'm discovered running a rotumblr blog, I'll never hear the end of it from the old hag.
he/him :D
i love wooloo!!!! and my rillaboom is also a good friend of mine but i LOVE wooloo!!!!
22! My brother says not to share personal info on the internet, but my birthday's not too personal, so... April 9th!
my favorite things are pokemon, battles, and my best mates (the other mods!) Also my mum and my dad and my granddad and of COURSE my big brother, whose name i'm not allowed to say or ✨ will kill me :(
i'm usually rlly busy because of my work and watching ⚔️'s battles on the telly all the time, but this seems like a nice way to relax! i'm so excited to get to know you guys better!!
21 (22 IN JULY!)
we're all super excited to get to meet everyone and make some new friends!
(ooc under the cut)
Hey! I'm Cal/liighty (she/they) and I'm the mod here :D SWSH is the current hyperfixation, so I will update a lot :D
I might draw responses sometimes, depending on how I'm feeling, and OC interactions are more than welcome! This is a canon blog, and it won't just be the rivals- Occasionally, I'll throw in some guests 😼
I'm 18, and all the characters are aged up so that they've been gym leaders/champion/professor for about 5 years now- However, please don't send anything NSFW or you will be blocked.
This is my first rp blog, let alone rotomblr one, so hopefully this goes well! I'm excited to meet you guys!
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sapootindia · 1 year
Kumkum Bhagya 23 May 2023-:-शाहाना ने रणबीर को ख़ुशी के जन्मदिन की पार्टी में आमंत्रित किया
Kumkum Bhagya 23 May 2023-:-एपिसोड की शुरुआत शाहाना से ख़ुशी से कहती है कि प्राची उसे याद करती थी और उसके जाने के बाद उसका जीवन रुक गया था। वह कहती है कि वह आपका जन्मदिन मनाना चाहती है और आपको खुश देखना चाहती है, आपको साल भर की सारी खुशियां देना चाहती है। वह ख़ुशी से अनुरोध करती है कि वह प्राची को अपना जन्मदिन मनाने दे और उसे खुद से अलग न करे। खुशी का कहना है कि मैं उसे खुद से अलग होने के लिए…
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Sasural Simar Ka 2 16th November 2022 Written Update Episode
Sasural Simar Ka 2 16th November 2022 Written Update Episode
Written Update of Sasural Simar Ka 2 16th November 2022 on TellyNewsUpdates.com Sasural Simar Ka 2 16th November 2022 The episode begins with the assault of the evil towards Simar and Aarav. They are gravely attacked by the fiendishness. To listen the shouting of them, Vivaan and Reema hurry to their room. At the point when they attempt to save them from the hand of the malicious, they are…
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snackpointcharlie · 2 months
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Music from elsewhere and beyond for you to tune in, turn on, freak out, and go deep into the heart of creation at the center of the universe. Or something. 10pm tonight on WGXC, 90.7-FM in the Hudson Valley and streaming 24/7 at wgxc.org or UPDATE: download the podcast at the link below
Snackpoint Charlie - Transmission 136 - 2024.04.03 https://wavefarm.org/wf/archive/asfrfb [ ^ click for download ^ ]
1) Alice Coltrane - “Journey in Satchidananda” from THE CARNEGIE HALL CONCERT https://aquariumdrunkard.com/2024/03/21/alice-coltrane-the-carnegie-hall-concert/
(underbed throughout:) Pinchas Gurevich - “Whataboutism”
2) Gus Vali - “Telly” from CHIMERA - A FANTASY IN JAZZ ROCK MID-EAST SOUNDS https://www.discogs.com/release/2391349-Gus-Vali-Chimera
3) John Sinclair & His Blues Scholars - “I Talk to the Spirits” from FULL CIRCLE https://www.discogs.com/release/4433050-John-Sinclair-His-Blues-Scholars-Featuring-Wayne-Kramer-Full-Circle
4) Jesse Paul Miller - “Ancient Wave Travelers” from DREAM BOXES AND PSYCHIC MICROPHONES • RADIO AND OTHER SOUNDS FROM SOUTHEAST ASIA 2008 - 2017 https://jessepaulmiller.bandcamp.com/album/dream-boxes-and-psychic-microphones-radio-and-other-sounds-from-southeast-asia-2008-2017
5) Ron English - “Bees” from JOHN SINCLAIR PRESENTS DETROIT ARTISTS WORKSHOP https://strut.bandcamp.com/album/john-sinclair-presents-detroit-artists-workshop
6) Dimi Mint Abba and Nema Mint Choueikh w/Luleide ould Dendenni, Mohamed ould Deddah ould Choueikh, and Mohamed ould Seymali - excerpt from MOROCCAN SAHRAOUI EVENT (A MYSTERY TAPE FROM MAURITANIA) https://hivemindrecords.bandcamp.com/album/a-mystery-tape-from-mauritania
7) Khruangbin - “May Ninth” from A LA SALA https://khruangbin.bandcamp.com/album/a-la-sala
8) Street Musician of Yogyakarta - “Asoi” from STREET MUSICIANS OF YOGYAKARTA https://mississippirecords.bandcamp.com/album/street-musicians-of-yogyakarta
9) Kyle Tierce - “Interlocking Questions” from THE FIVE FINGERS OF A DOG (ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK) https://superspectrum.bandcamp.com/album/the-five-fingers-of-a-dog-original-soundtrack
10) Jesse Paul Miller - “Radio Cambodia” from DREAM BOXES AND PSYCHIC MICROPHONES • RADIO AND OTHER SOUNDS FROM SOUTHEAST ASIA 2008 - 2017 https://jessepaulmiller.bandcamp.com/album/dream-boxes-and-psychic-microphones-radio-and-other-sounds-from-southeast-asia-2008-2017
11) Nadah El Shazly & Elvin Brandhi - CAIRO ???” from POLLUTION OPERA https://pollutionopera.bandcamp.com/album/pollution-opera
12) Ludwig Berger - “Apparent Heart” from SPECIES LONELINESS https://ludwigberger.bandcamp.com/album/species-loneliness
13) Faust - “Stay or Leave” from MOMENTAUFNAHME IV https://faust.bandcamp.com/album/momentaufnahme-iv-2
14) La Monte Young & Marian Zazeela - “31 VII 69 10:26 - 10:49 PM (a section of Map of 49's Dream the Two Systems of Eleven Sets of Galactic Intervals Ornamental Lightyears Tracery)” from 31 VII 69 10:26-10:49 PM / 23 VIII 64 2:50:45-3:11 AM THE VOLGA DELTA (aka THE BLACK ALBUM) https://www.melafoundation.org/lmy.htm https://www.superiorviaduct.com/collections/la-monte-young-marian-zazeela
15) Ragnar Johnson & Jessica Mayer – “Mo-mo” from SPIRIT CRY FLUTES AND BAMBOO JEWS HARPS FROM PAPUA NEW GUINEA : EASTERN HIGHLANDS & MADANG https://ideologicorgan.bandcamp.com/album/spirit-cry-flutes-and-bamboo-jews-harps-from-papua-new-guinea-eastern-highlands-and-madang
16) Lea Bertucci - “Of Shadow and Substance (excerpt)” from OF SHADOW AND SUBSTANCE https://leabertucci.bandcamp.com/album/of-shadow-and-substance
17) John Bence - Raphael, Archangel of Tiphareth” from ARCHANGELS https://johnbence.bandcamp.com/album/archangels
18) Jesse Paul Miller - “Radio Wat Thailand I&II” from DREAM BOXES AND PSYCHIC MICROPHONES • RADIO AND OTHER SOUNDS FROM SOUTHEAST ASIA 2008 - 2017 https://jessepaulmiller.bandcamp.com/album/dream-boxes-and-psychic-microphones-radio-and-other-sounds-from-southeast-asia-2008-2017
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thelensofyashunews · 18 days
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Triple Platinum hip-hop singer-songwriter Don Toliver is back with his latest single, “Attitude (Ft. Charlie Wilson and Cash Cobain).” Recently teased during an explosive live performance at BRED Abu Dhabi, the highly charged track is available now and accompanied by an electrifying music video available.
“Attitude” heralds the release of Toliver’s hugely anticipated new album, Hardstone Psycho, arriving everywhere on Friday, June 14. Pre-orders are available now HERE. 
Hardstone Psycho also includes such recently released singles as “Deep In The Water,” joined by an emotionally poignant visual. “Deep In The Water” was preceded by Toliver’s first single of 2024, “Bandit,” which arrived alongside an official visual now boasting over 5.7M views via YouTube HERE. The track – which features a sample from Tame Impala’s “One More Hour“ – proved Toliver’s first top 10 hit as a lead artist on Billboard’s “Hot Rap Songs” chart while also making a top 40 debut on Billboard’s “Hot 100” alongside critical acclaim from The FADER, Stereogum, REVOLT, and more. In addition, Tolliver and his crew recently performed “Bandit” on NBC’s The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, streaming HERE.
Don Toliver will celebrate the arrival of Hardstone Psycho with a number of upcoming live dates, including top-billed festival performances at New York City’s The Governor’s Ball (June 9) and Bridgeview, IL’s Lyrical Lemonade Summer Smash (June 14). For updates and ticket availability, please see www.dontolivermusic.com/tour. 
Hard Stone Psycho marks the long awaited follow-up to Toliver’s acclaimed third studio album, 2023’s Love Sick, available now in an Expanded Deluxe Edition HERE. The album includes standout favorite “Private Landing (Feat. Justin Bieber & Future)“ and such hit singles as “Leave The Club (Feat. Lil Durk & GloRilla),“ “4 Me (Feat. Kali Uchis),“ and “Slow Motion (Feat. WizKid).”
Love Sick arrived alongside the self-written short film, Love Sick, which proved among the year’s most celebrated visuals including three prestigious Telly Awards honoring excellence in video and television across all screens. The video drew top trophies in a trio of “Branded Content” categories, including two Gold Telly Awards: Craft (for Directing and Videography/Cinematography) and a Bronze Telly Award: General (for Music).
Further accolades include a prestigious “Best Music Video Film” award at Hollywood’s 5th Annual HollyShorts Film Festival devoted to showcasing the best and brightest short films from around the globe. Presented by Rotation (the hip-hop and R&B brand from Amazon Music), directed by award-winning French filmmaker Alexandre Moors (Kendrick Lamar, Juice WRLD, Miley Cyrus), and produced by Good Company (Lemonade, Pharrell Williams, Adele), Love Sick is streaming exclusively on Prime Video HERE.
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anna-neko · 8 months
gonna absolutely be that "old lady shaking her walker, and screaming how olden days were better" for a minute here.....
There is a very specific thing I very much miss, and its the... well... lack of streaming. Scheduled programming! (be it both visual or radio. .... the radio one is whole 'nother rant, fuck ClearChannel/Viacom etc etc)
now don't get me wrong - i freakin luv the ability to watch some ancient b/w telly, carefully pumped pixel by pixel into my phone from the library server at 2:45am....
but its the fact Boring Dystopia today doesn't let you escape algorithms & their endless grey sludge
so like... TV! My set cannot pick up regular airwaves signal w/out additional "digital bunny-ears" or something similar. Most stations have switched to digital signals years ago, this is fact.
Back in the day you could flip on the telly, and have the choice of a few local channels. You got your usual local affiliates: FOX, WB, ABC, UPN, NBC, CBS and of course PBS. plus that one endless shopping network
Even as background noise you'd still end up getting all sorts of good stuff with different ads, local news flashes, whatever sitcom was running would have "on the next..." and you'd be like "heeeey, Friends is still making new episodes? and this channel still shows it?" Might hear about some movie didn't know existed because it was mentioned as scheduled for Saturday 8pm eastern, 7 central in that last ad-break, but the visuals in this tiny clip looked neat so might try to see it.....
what can i do today tho... Lets see, there's the option of a bunch of streaming shit. It requires a quick app d/l (again, don't get me wrong, TUBI and PlutoTV are a+ "thank fuck u exist" kinda things) buuuuut ... you can't just leave it be. Even the ads are somehow ... grey formless sludge. The same 3-5 shitty things that are determined by algorithm, never any variation. No news-teases, no trailers for movies coming to theater/streaming soon.... who'da thought would miss the damn Wendys new breakfast deals or local (local) car dealership promos
but no, with a streaming 'oooh wait, 'app' you gotta either scroll thru the shitty UI menu to pick what you wanna watch specifically... or in case of Pluto chose a channel.... Which will be just One Thing on a loop too (like a channel of nothing but Addams Family. nothing but The Walking Dead franchise. nothing but SailorMoon episodes) If you chose an episode of a show, and put away the remote it will just keep jumpin to next episode of same until it runs out...
.... i miss times of day influencing what was on. The kinda shit running during "primetime", early morning cartoons, early-noon little kids targeted shows, mid-afternoon soaps and bullshit talk shows, vs "middle of the night" The silly station eye-catches (TNT...dun dun dun, we know drama), ads for gushers mixed in with quick weather updates as the channel hopes you'll tune in at 10pm for the News. I miss discovering new (new to me!) shows or movies but flipping a channel. Disney Channel used to air ANCIENT b/w Alice Comedies or those utterly ridiculous 70s bebi Jodie Foster movies at 1am. AMC was full of old movies (pre-70s stuff mostly), TLC stood for "the learning channel", MTV and VH1 were 2 distinct separate entities showing actual ~ try to contain your shock ~ music videos. and if u were hella lucky, you'd glitch into (or it was free preview month) MTV2 which was for the alt rock vids!
_________________ No i don't miss the ancient shit like TV set that had round knobs and the numbers only went to 13. The horrid static noises. I don't miss VCRs (needing to rewind, hoping the tape hasn't demagnetized, or deteriorated frm too much use etc) . Fuck, don't even miss Blockbuster w/ their exceptionally ruined DVDs that wouldn't play past a certain point and them just goin "oh well, sorry...." and doin fuck-all
whoda thought would be missing an actual structure of some sort, running all sorts of diverse shit in pre-programmed blocks on set schedules. There was a human touch, the human element to it
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autistpride · 10 months
get to know better tag
thank you @spookymoonie
three ships: current favs are moonrose, wolfstar, and nottpott
first ship: dramione
last song: Fade Away Breaking Benjamin
last movie: I listened to Zootopia while my kids watched it. Last movie I watched was the new Little Mermaid
currently reading: Science textbook Fanfiction: rereading Sweater Weather Novel: The Ostin Prince
currently watching: kids playing and watching tellie
last thing I wrote: text message to @chace-vito the absolute unhinged rpg that @siriuslybea and I are doing 10th year science lessons. If you would like a copy of my most recent lesson on space exploration I'll send it to you.
currently writing: 10th year science lesson on matter Update for Bea my wips... that I havent written on in an embarrassing number of weeks. -cough- 10 -cough-
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renee-writer · 11 months
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Baby Girl Chapter 81
“Our unsub is a male between thirty and forty. He has skills in hypnosis. The children were, at some point, hypnotized so they would sleep walk into where the van picked them up.” Geillis starts.
“He will be someone who is non-threatening to the children, so he could approach them and give the hypnotic suggestion.” John adds.
“He drives a white paneled van, or has access to one.” Jamie says.
“All the children targeted so far, have a fear of the dark.” Murtagh adds, “and had unlocked doors.”
“Parents need to secure doors and windows. Children with fear of the dark are especially vulnerable. We don’t know if he is done.” Geillis says. Then her eyes narrow. “Mary will be updating the press and I am telling you,” she informs the gathered officers, “please do not refer to this person as Piped Piper. To give them names is to give them power. He has enough. That is all for now.”
Claire is searching for anyone, who drives a white van, who also has any history with hypnosis. So far she has nada. That is not acceptable! No search will thwart her. There are four children depending on her.
John states at stills taken from the video recording of the children. He is searching for anything that can help their investigation. There has to be something.
A telly plays in the background. A news report. “Lock your doors. That is the advice of Scotland Yard as they continue to investigate the case of our missing children. Parents with children who have fear of the dark, keep them close. Our thoughts and prayers remain with the missing children and their families.”
The man smiles as he turns it off and turns back towards the children.
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anglophiletraveler · 2 years
In My Life - Chapter 14
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Act Naturally
Written by Morrison-Russell
It took me a while to figure out a song for this chapter.  There’s a lot going on with different people and different situations.  Dwight finds himself in a couple of awkward situations and really just wants to get the heck outta there!!  I had forgotten that the Beatles had recorded this song.  I knew it originally by country-western singer Buck Owens.  This was on the Beatles ‘Help’ Album and it was sung by Ringo Starr, which sounds like something he would do!
A big thank you to Jersey Girl Karen Bockius for proofreading and being my beta!
It was strange for Dwight to be on this end of things.  He wasn’t used to sitting in a waiting room while someone he cares for is in surgery.  He kept busy texting updates to everyone, Grace, Jenny, Demelza, Caroline.  The volunteer working the waiting room chatted with him off and on and served him coffee, which was a good thing. He now realised that being the one doing the waiting can tire a person out.  He found a new appreciation for the family members in the A&E who waited with their loved ones to be seen, or for test results.  He figured that Ross had probably another 45 minutes before the surgery would be over and he would be sent to post-op.  Hopefully by then his family will be here.  He was thinking about the mess in Ross’s bedroom - he should get there before anyone else sees it and get it cleaned up.  Hopefully the bed linens aren’t stained too badly.  He needs to let Seamus out after he gets the blood cleaned up downstairs.
Dwight jumped out of the chair to hug Grace.  He looked up and saw Joshua there as well and reached out to shake hands with him.   “Joshua, it’s good to see you.  Sorry it’s under these circumstances.”  Just then Verity came from behind Joshua.  “Verity!”  He gave her a kiss on the cheek, “I didn’t know you were coming as well.  Please, everyone come over and sit.  Can I get you anything?”
“Oh no Dwight, just tell us how Ross is doing.  I’ve been worried to death.”  Spoken like a true mother.
“I’m sure he’s doing fine.  I expect the surgeon to come out shortly to give us a report.”  He looked at Joshua, “How was the drive up?  It looks like you made good time.  The snow must not have slowed you down.”
Joshua had helped himself to some coffee, “No it was fine, we made good time.  Grace wouldn’t let me stop once along the way.”
“Well, I’m just glad that we made it here before he got out of surgery.” Grace said.  “So Dwight, can you tell us again what happened please … you said he stepped on a piece of broken glass?  What broke?”
Dwight didn’t want to tell them what Ross had said about throwing a bottle, so he just said that Ross had knocked a bottle over.  “The house is a mess because he lost a lot of blood.  And he walked all over the place because Seamus needed to go out, so there are bloody footprints downstairs, and his bathroom upstairs looks like something out of a slasher movie.  When things settle down here, I’m going to go back and take care of Seamus and clean things up.”
Verity spoke up, “Dwight you don’t need to do that.  You’ve done enough.  I’ll go over later and clean it up.”
“No Verity I really don’t mind.  And Seamus is used to me so, it’ll be fine.”
“Dwight, Ross sounded a little shaky on the phone before he went in.  Was that from the pain medication?”  Grace asked.
“Oh yeah, if someone isn’t used to that stuff it can do you in.  So, I guess this means the three of you will get to meet Demelza!”  Dwight remembered how teary Ross was from talking to Demelza, and decided to try to change the subject.
“Oh yes!  Verity and I were saying on the ride up that if anything good came out of this, it was that we were going to get to meet Demelza!  She sounds like a lovely girl.  So I take it that you’ve met her Dwight?”
Dwight had noticed that Joshua was ensconced with the news on the telly.
“Oh yes, I’m seeing Demelza’s flatmate Caroline Penvenan, so we’ve all gone out together.  Demelza is a lovely girl.  And very talented.  You’ll like her.”
The volunteer came over to talk with Dwight.  Apparently the surgery was over and she gave him instructions on where they should go to meet with the surgeon.  “If you want, you can leave those things here, and I’ll keep watch on them for you while you talk with the surgeon.”
All three Poldarks had stood up to go to meet the doctor.  Dwight said, “I can stay here if you’d like while you speak with the doctor.”
Joshua spoke up and put his hand on Dwight’s shoulder, “No, Dwight, I think you should come along and help decipher medical jargon for us.  Besides, you’re part of the family.”
Dwight nodded at Joshua.
Dr. Stevenson greeted the family in the very small consultation room.  Dwight introduced himself to the doctor, and then introduced him to Ross’s family.  “It’s nice to meet all of you.  The surgery went very well.  The laceration is on the lateral side of the foot, about 6.5 cm wide.  He did nick the lateral plantar artery which is why there was so much blood.  We took care of the artery and stopped the bleeding.  The muscle was a little trickier but we were able to repair it.  
“What about the toe?” Dwight asked.
“I think it’ll be alright.  He might have some loss of feeling in it but it shouldn’t be a problem.  He will need to spend at least tonight in the hospital.  As far as tomorrow goes, we’ll just have to wait.  I’ll be monitoring his labs in case he needs another transfusion.  If his labs are good, then he can go home tomorrow.  But he will have to be non-weight bearing for six weeks.  I don’t know what his living situation is like, but if he can, he needs to avoid stairs.  We’ll get him some crutches before he goes home.  Any questions? He should be moved to a room within an hour I would say.  If you think of any questions, I’m sure that Dr. Enys here, or the nurses on the floor can help you out.  It was nice to meet all of you.”
Joshua got up to shake hands, “Thank you very much doctor, we appreciate everything.”
“My pleasure.”
The family was back in the waiting room until it was time to meet Ross in his room.  Dwight was looking at his watch and wondered what was keeping Demelza and Caroline.  He didn’t want to leave until they got there so that he could make the introductions.
Grace looked up at Dwight, “Well, he was very nice, very personable.”
Dwight smiled at her, “Yes he was.  Did you folks understand everything he said?  It was pretty cut and dry.”
“Yes, he didn’t get too technical for us.  Although I don’t think Ross is going to like being non-weight bearing for six weeks.  He should probably sleep downstairs.”  Grace was planning everything in her mind.  “Verity, maybe you and I could take turns staying with him, or better yet, we could take him back with us to Nampara for six weeks.”
Verity spoke up, “I wouldn’t mind taking turns staying with him.  I don’t know if he would want to go back to Nampara for the whole time, do you Dwight?”
“My guess would be that he would prefer to be in his own home, he’d be more comfortable there I think.  It’s closer to his office …”
Grace interrupted, “Well he won’t be able to go into work will he?  Not while he’s non-weight bearing.”
“Probably not, but I know he’s working on an important acquisition right now, so I’m sure as soon as he gets his bearings he will be working at home as much as possible.”  Dwight was starting to get really antsy.  He was starting to feel he might be caught in the middle between Ross’s folks and Demelza.  He also didn’t want to have to be the one to tell his mum that Ross wouldn’t want to go to Nampara and be that far from Demelza.   “I’m going to go see where things are with Ross getting to his room.  I’ll be right back.”  He walked over to the volunteer desk to see if he could get things moving along.  The volunteer made a phone call which brought some relief.  
“Transportation said that they were just called to go pick up Mr. Poldark from recovery and take him to his room.  So you can go up and meet him in his room if you’d like.  He’s going to room 5321.”
Dwight let out a big sigh and gave her a big smile, “Thank you so very much.  You’ve been very helpful.  I’ll tell his family.”
The Poldark entourage caravaned up to room 5321 to … wait some more!  Dwight was really feeling exhausted by now, and would give anything to be in scrubs seeing drunk patients in the A&E.  
Verity cleared her throat, “Dwight, can you show me where the loo is?”
Dwight waved his hand, “I’m at your service milady!”  Verity giggled at this.  They walked a ways down the hallway and Verity stopped him at the chapel.
“Dwight, I don’t need the loo, I just wanted to chat with you in private, away from Grace.”
“Ahhh, go on.  What is it that you’re dying to find out?”
“Ross’s home.  Is it really a mess from the blood?”
Dwight sighed and shook his head.  “Yes.  The downstairs isn’t as bad - just some bloody  footprints on the stairs and in the kitchen from when he let Seamus out.  But upstairs in his bedroom and bathroom it’s pretty bad.  I’ve been worried that it might upset Grace.  I’ve been trying to figure out a way to get back there and get it cleaned up before Grace sees it. But I don’t want to leave before Demelza gets here.  I would hate for her to be alone when she meets Grace and Joshua, not that they are terrible people mind you.  I just think it could be a bit …”
“Intimidating to meet all of us under these circumstances.  I totally understand that.”
“Exactly.  And Ross hasn’t told her about Elizabeth or Claude yet, so it’s important that there aren’t any slip ups.”
“The whole thing about knocking over the bottle sounds strange to me.  Was Ross drunk?”
“No, that’s another thing.  He threw the bottle at the bedroom wall.”
“What???  That doesn’t sound like Ross?”
“I know but, last night I had dinner with him at the pub and I could tell he was a little out of sorts.  You know how his dating history has gone over the years, one night stands right after Elizabeth, and then breaking up with women if they start to get too close.  Demelza is a really sweet person, and she’s had a hell of a life.  Her mum died when she was young, her father beat her… I think I upset him when I told him not to hurt her.  Earlier today when we were still in the A&E he told me that after he got home last night, he called his mum and began realising that he hadn’t ever brought a woman home since Elizabeth.  We didn’t get to finish our talk so I don’t know what else was said, but I think it definitely triggered something in him.  He was pretty emotional, Verity.   I’m pretty worried about him.”
“Buggars Dwight!  Now I’m worried about him.  Listen, I’ll go help you clean up the house.  The blood won’t bother me.  We will get it done quicker that way.  Can you nab some gloves from here before we go?”
“Of course!  No problem there.  And thank you in advance….”  Just then Dwight saw the transporters pushing Ross towards his room on a stretcher.  “Oh, there’s Ross, we better get back to the room.”
“Of course.  Thank you for confiding in me Dwight.  I had a feeling something was going on.”
Grace and Joshua were out in the hall letting the transporters and nurses get Ross settled in his bed and the IV’s untangled when Dwight and Verity got back to the room.  
One of the transporters came out in the hallway,  “Hiya doc, they are wantin t’ see ye in ther.”
“Thanks Dave.”  Dwight went in and chatted with the nurse and tried to act like she was telling him something important, then he went to Ross.  
“Hey!  You’re alive!!”
“I guess so.  I saw my parents and Verity are here.  Thanks for babysitting them for me.”
Dwight smiled, “That’s what I’m here for!”
“Have they been to the house?”
“No, they came straight here.  And don’t worry I haven’t told Grace and Joshua a thing, although Verity cornered me a little bit ago and interrogated me.  She’s going to go back to the house and help me clean it up.”
“Dammit.  I don’t mind her knowing, but I hate that the two of you are going to clean it up.  Is Demelza here yet?”
“No, she is not, but as soon as she gets here and I can make the introductions, I’m going to take off and take care of Seamus and the house.  I’ll probably take him back to mine tonight.”
“You’re brilliant mate.  I love you like a brother.  She should be here soon.”
“Yeah, I love you too.  I better let your parents in here before they storm the village!”  He went to the door to tell them to come in.
Of course Grace was the first to kiss and hug her son like the wonderful mama bear that she is.  “Oh my handsome!  I don’t know whether to hug you or shake you for doing such a silly thing like stepping on broken glass!!  How are you feeling?”
Joshua was finally able to get his kiss and hug in, “How are you feeling son?  Still groggy?”
“Yeah, yeah a bit.  Verity I wasn’t expecting to see you.  Did Mum drag you along to get some shopping in?”
“No, I wanted to come along and meet this beautiful woman that has cast a spell on you!  I should give you an enema for not ringing me up about her sooner!”  That got a laugh out of everyone.
“Da, did you have a hard time driving up in the snow?”
“No, not at all.  But you city folk have a lot more up here than we do.”
There was a knock at the door and then it opened slowly.  A beautiful head of copper hair was peaking through the door, and Dwight hurried over to open the door.   “Demelza! Come in, you’re in the right place!”  Dwight gave her a reassuring hug.  
“Judas!  This hospital is a big place.  I kept getting turned around in the halls.”  Dwight placed his hand on the small of her back for reassurance and guided her in.  She found herself looking at three pairs of eyes staring back at her.  They definitely looked like they were related to Ross with their dark eyes and hair.  Ross seemed to favour his father.  They were all standing in front of Ross’s bed, so she didn’t even know if Ross was in the room.  She looked up at Dwight, “Dwight, is Ross out of surgery yet?”  Then she heard Ross’s voice, “Demelza, I’m here!”  She was relieved to hear him!
Verity stepped back so that Demelza could see Ross, “My dear, please excuse our rudeness,  I’m Verity, Ross’s cousin.  It’s lovely to meet you.”
“Likewise.”  She noticed Ross holding out his arms for her so she made her way to his bedside.  She wasn’t sure if it was proper to kiss him or hug him in front of his family, but she couldn’t help herself.  “Oh Ross!  I’m that glad t’ see ye!  I been that worried all day.”  She couldn’t help the tears as she leaned down for a hug.  Ross grabbed one of her hands with one hand, and then lovingly tucked a run away strand of hair behind her ear with his other hand.  She stood up and Grace handed her some tissues.  “Thank ye.  I'm so sorry for cryin.”
“No apology necessary my dear,” Grace spoke in a soft voice.
Dwight stepped forward, “Well, since Ross has forgotten his manners, Demelza, this is Ross’s parents Joshua and Grace Poldark.”
They all reached over Ross to shake hands, Joshua went first.  “Hello luv, it’s wonderful to meet you.  I’d like to say that I’ve heard a lot about you, but I haven’t until yesterday.”  
That made Demelza chuckle and she raised her hands and said “Surprise!” which eased the tension in the room.
It was time for mama bear to shake hands, “Hello Demelza.  And I can say I have heard a lot about you and they’ve all been wonderful things.”
“Oh Judas!  Thank you.  It’s wonderful to meet you as well.”  She turned her attention to Ross, “How are ye feelin, Ross?  Ye look awfully pale.”  Ross could see that she was trembling a little, so he moved to hold both of her hands.
“I’m fine.  I guess I lost a lot of blood so that’s why I’m pale.  But I’m ready to go home now, Dwight, can you write up my discharge papers?”
“No can do mate.  You’re here for at least tonight and possibly tomorrow night as well depending on how your lab work goes.”  He could see that Demelza didn’t understand, “Ross’s Hgb - his haemoglobin, was in the grey area so they had to do a blood transfusion in the A&E before surgery.  If that value stays the same or gets worse, they will probably transfuse him with another unit of blood.  But if it gets better, he can go home tomorrow.  By the way, where’s Caroline?”
“Oh she dropped me off at the front door and then went to find a parking space.  She should be up shortly.”
“Right, well after she gets up here, Verity and I are going to go back to Ross’s and take care of Seamus, and clean up the blood everywhere.”
Demelza said, “I can help you do that.”
Verity spoke up, “No, my dear, you stay here and visit with Ross.  Besides, you're probably tired after working all day.”
Just then the door came flying open, “Dr. Enys, are you in here?”
Ross started cracking up, “Well now you get to meet Hurricane Caroline!!”
“I heard that Ross Poldark!”  
Everyone turned their heads to lay their eyes on Caroline, as she flicked some of her blonde hair back.  Ross was still laughing, “That’s quite an entrance Caroline!  Mum, da, Verity, please meet Dwight’s girlfriend, and one of Demelza’s flat mates, Caroline Penvenan.  Caroline, these are my parents Joshua and Grace Poldark, and my cousin Verity Poldark.”
“Hello everyone, it’s lovely to meet you all.  Please excuse my tardiness.  I had words with a parking attendant who was trying to prevent me from parking where I wanted.  Dwight, your hospital really needs to do a better job ploughing the snow in the parking lots.”
Dwight cleared his throat, “I’ll be sure to pass that along.  But now that you’re here, I need to leave and go take care of Seamus and Ross’s house.”
“Dwight, I was just thinking, my brother Drake, that works at the dry cleaners, might know of someone who could go into Ross’s house and professionally clean up the blood.  Would you like me to text him and see?”
Grace spoke up, “Demelza that sounds wonderful, but it would have to be tonight, especially if Ross goes home tomorrow.”
“I’ll text him and see what he can do.”
Joshua moved around Verity so that he could speak with Caroline.  “Caroline, by any chance do you have family in Cornwall?”  
“Yes, my Uncle Ray Penvenan lives on the family estate, Killewarren.  Do you know him?”
“Yes, of course we do.  We’ve been dear friends for years.  I think we may have even seen you flitting around as a young lass with blonde curls at some of his parties.”
“That was me!  I gave up the curls at Uni.   I just went back to take care of him a couple of weeks ago when he had a bad spell with his heart.”
“Yes, I had heard that he wasn’t feeling well.  I’ll have to go visit him and let him know that we met his beautiful niece.”
Grace was noticing how Ross was looking at Demelza, and caressing her hand while he was holding it.  She was very touched by the scene.  
“Alright, Drake said that after he closes up shop around 7:00, he and another worker can go over and steam clean.  They have all of the equipment at the store to do the job.  If there’s blood on any fabric he can work on that as well.”
“Oh Demelza, that will be a big help.  Be sure to tell him to leave the bill at the house and we’ll take care of it.  That’s one less thing to be worried about.”  Grace said.  “Now Ross, the doctor said that you have to be non-weight bearing for six weeks.  I want you to think about going back with us to Nampara so that I can look after you there.  You can bring Seamus with you.”
Ross’s eyes widened at this development.
“Mum, I appreciate the offer, but I need to stay here and work as much as possible.  Plus, I don’t want to leave Demelza that long.  I’ll be fine on my own.  I don’t need a babysitter.”
Mama Bear was determined, “But Ross, you have to be non-weight bearing for six weeks.  You won’t be able to sleep upstairs.  I suppose Verity and I can take turns staying with you …”
Demelza spoke up, “I can stay with Ross, I don’t mind.”
“But don’t you work during the day?”  Grace mentioned.
“Daytime rehearsals are just for this week, and then we go to our Christmas concert schedule.”
Just then a nurse came in, “Hello Mr. Poldark.  My name is Philipa, and I’ll be your nurse until 7 pm when the next shift comes in.  Dr. Stevenson has ordered another unit of blood for you since your last haemoglobin hasn’t improved.  Now I saw in your chart that you received blood this morning in the A&E so your blood bracelet should still be good.  You’ll have to sign all of the paperwork again, and like before, I will be checking on you every 15 minutes to check for signs of allergic reaction.  Any questions?”
“No, I think I remember how it went this morning.  And please, call me Ross.”
“Sounds good.  I’ve just sent the runner to go collect the blood for us, so as soon as it gets up here, I’ll have you sign the paperwork and I’ll start the transfusion.  So I’ll see you in a few.”
“I’m going to go ahead to Ross’s place and take care of Seamus and let the cleaners in.  Ross, I probably won’t be back tonight, but call me if you need me.  Verity you don’t need to come with me since there are going to be cleaners.”  He took Caroline’s hand, “I’ll call you tonight if I don’t fall asleep watching TV.”  Dwight was more than ready to leave the hospital.
“Thanks mate.  Give Seamus a hug for me.  Do you still have my mobile?”
“Here ya go mate.  But I’m afraid it’s dead and I don’t have the charger for it.”
Demelza spoke up, “I have my charger with me.  Let’s see if it fits…  thanks for everything Dwight.”
Everyone else said their good-byes to Dwight as he left.  Demelza made herself more comfortable on the chair next to Ross when Joshua made a suggestion to everyone.
“How about we all leave for a bit and walk across the street to one of the restaurants for some supper while the nurse works with Ross and his transfusion?”
“I think that sounds like a marvellous idea.” Caroline said.
“I appreciate the offer Mr. Poldark, but I think I’ll stay here with Ross.” She turned to smile at Ross.  He raised her hand and kissed it which made Demelza blush in front of his family.  “I think that sounds like a brilliant idea.”  He said.
“Don’t worry Dem, I’ll bring back something for you to eat.”  Caroline said as she tried to herd the Poldarks out of the room.  Ross mouthed ‘thank you’ at Caroline which got a smile from her.
Ross let out a big sigh, “I thought they’d never leave!!  Now come here beautiful and kiss me!”  Demelza giggled and did just that.  “Is this still Tuesday?  I’m so confused right now.”
Demelza was running her fingers through his hair, “Mmmm yes it is.  It’s been a very long day.”  She leaned over to give him another lingering kiss which elicited a moan from Ross.  They were both staring into each other’s eyes when Ross got a devilish grin on his face.  “What are you thinking about, Ross Poldark?”
He was biting his bottom lip when he pulled back his covers and patted the mattress beside him.
Demelza got a shocked look on her face which tickled Ross.  “Ross!  We can’t, I can’t do that!  Tis not proper!!”  
This really got Ross laughing, “Bloody hell I love it when you slip into your Cornish accent.  It’s so adorable!  Sooo Demelza…”
“Hello I’m back to hang this unit of blood!  Sorry to interrupt but it takes awhile to infuse, so it’s best that we get it started.”
Demelza stood up, “Do you need me to leave the room?”
“Oh no.  I’m actually going to work on his right arm since he has an IV going in the left arm.  So you can stay right there.  Everyone else gone for supper?”
Ross raised the head of his bed up some more.  “Yes, they did.  I thought they would never leave!!  I’ve had about all the mothering I can handle for one day.  Besides, I needed some alone time with my beautiful red head here.”  He kissed Demelza’s hand again.
“Aww you two are so cute!  I’ve always wanted red hair.  I tried a bottle of it once, but it just made me look like Pippi Longstocking!”  They all laughed at this.
Joshua, Grace, Verity and Caroline were all getting to know one another at supper in the restaurant across the street from the hospital.  Caroline filled them in on the other two flatmates in the house, and how she is the only non-musician in the house.  “I feel like I’m an honorary member of the BBC Orchestra since I have three members under my roof.  But it’s fun.  We all get along, and it becomes quite musical on the days of concerts when they are warming up at home.”
“Do you own the home Caroline?” Verity asked.
“No, I’ve thought about buying it since I pay the majority of the rent anyway, but I’m not sure that once we all go our own ways, that I’ll want to stay on that side of town.”
“Well, you could always keep it as a rental for the income later on when you move on.”  Joshua suggested.
Caroline pointed at him, “That is an excellent thought.  I’ll have to keep that in mind.”  Caroline looked over Grace’s shoulder, “Oh dear, I haven’t seen that dreadful creature since Uni.  I hope she doesn’t see me…. Ugh too late.”
There was a loud squeal and everyone at the table turned to see where it was coming from, and then there was a collective moan from all four sitting at the table.  “Oh God help us, it's Ruth Teague.” Joshua spoke for everyone!!
“Well, Caroline Penvenan I haven’t seen you since Uni!!  Where have you been keeping yourself?”
“Working in London, and avoiding you Ruth.  It was nice while it lasted!  Ruth, do you know the Poldark family?”
Ruth pulled up a chair and made herself at home.  “Yes of course I do!  Verity!  Joshua and Grace!  Are you all here visiting Ross?  How is he doing?”
Grace gave Ruth a fake smile, “Ruth how on earth did you know about Ross’s surgery!”
“Surgery?  I didn’t know anything about a surgery?  Is he ill?  He doesn’t have cancer does he?”
Verity rolled her eyes, “Oh Ruth!!  Shut up for once!”  Verity yelled at Ruth and Caroline was quite impressed!  “Ross isn’t ill, he doesn’t have cancer.  He just cut the bottom of his foot and had to have surgery on it.  He’ll be home tomorrow in the arms of his girlfriend, so don’t even think about spreading rumours about him, and don’t even think of making a move on him.  Just stay away from Ross.  The last thing he needs is a twat like you clawing on him.”
“Well, I never!  Grace, can you not reign in your homely niece and teach her some manners!”
Grace was now laughing at Ruth!  “As Verity said, shut up Ruth!  Verity conveyed exactly how we all feel.  Now please, leave us in peace.”
Ruth stomped her foot and left the table.
Joshua picked up his glass of wine, “I think a toast to Verity is in order!!”  They all raised a glass, “To Verity!!”  
Verity was beaming, “That did feel good to tell her off!”
What they didn’t know was that Ruth was now busy texting Elizabeth to fill her in on everything she just found out.
“Demelza, what I started to say before the nurse interrupted us, I wanted to tell you that before all this happened, I had planned to ask you over tonight.  There’s something that I need, that I want to tell you.”  
She could tell by the tone of his voice that Ross had something serious in mind and it made her feel uneasy.  “Do you want to break up with me?”  She was trying to brace herself for the worst.
“What?  No Demelza!  That’s the last thing I want.  I’m more afraid that you’ll want to break up with me after I tell you what I have to say.”
 She raised her hand to run a finger over his cheek with the scar.  “Is this about the scar on your face?  You know that it doesn’t bother me at all.  I think it’s sexy.”
He held her hand on his cheek.  “I was so lucky to find you Dem.  Part of it is how I got the scar.  But, now is not the time to go into all of it.  Maybe tomorrow after I get home?”
Demelza looked down and sighed.  “Do you mean home here, or home Nampara?”
“Definitely home here.   I know that my mum would love for me to go back to Nampara to recuperate, but there’s no way in hell that I’m leaving you for that long!!”
“Are you sure?  I can tell that your mum really wants you to go back with them.”  Demelza was starting to feel a knot grow in her stomach from everything.
“I’m positive Dem!!  Besides, I like the idea of you taking care of me.  I might even let you give me a sponge bath! …  Just kidding on that.”
She smiled at Ross.  “I will only be there part of the time.  Between the concerts and my quartet gigs I wouldn’t be able to take care of you full time.”
“I know.  We will figure something out.”  Ross tried to give Demelza a reassuring smile and leaned down to kiss her.
“Hi guys, just checking to see how the blood is doing?  Are you having any allergic reactions?  Itching, fever, hives?”
“No, I’m fine, no reactions.”
The nurse was checking the IV lines and the blood.  “Good!  I couldn't help but hear a little of what you were talking about when I walked in.  If you need help at home after you leave here, we can get you set up with home physio, and a home health aide.”
Ross perked up at that thought.  “Really?  That could work don’t ya think Dem?”
“It might.  Maybe they could be there when I can’t?”
“Great.  I can have social work come in and talk to you in the morning, they’re probably gone for the day.  Everything looks good here.  I’ll see you in another 15.”
Ross waited for the nurse to leave the room.  “See!  I knew we could find a solution.  It’s all going to be fine.  Please don’t worry.  I’m sure Caroline can bring you over tomorrow after work with some clothes and whatever else you need.  You can even borrow my Star Wars lounge pants again if you want!”  He pulled Demelza in for a kiss.
“Well, you seem to have it all figured out, don’t you Ross.”
“I’m really looking forward to seeing you in my Star Wars pants again.  So sexy!”  They both started laughing.  
They heard the door open and Caroline walked in followed by the Poldarks.  “Well someone is having a good time!  Here’s some soup for you Dem.  So what’s so funny?”
“I was just telling Dem how sexy she looks in my Star Wars lounge pants!”  This really made Demelza blush in front of his parents.
“Now there’s something that I wouldn’t think belonged in the same sentence… sexy and Star Wars!”  Demelza was laughing at her flat mate.  
“Caroline I am very hurt!  How dare you desecrate Star Wars!
Verity chimed in, “Oh Caroline be careful of the battles you pick with my cousin.  Unfortunately, he’s never outgrown his Star Wars phase.  And for sure don’t start an argument over which is the best Star Wars movie.  Ross, I’ll never forget that argument that you had with Claude over which Star Wars movie should’ve been shown first.  I think that went on for days!”  They were all laughing, but it died down when Ross went silent.  Grace and Ross noticed that Joshua walked over to look out the window.   “Oh Ross, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to bring up sad memories.”
Ross smiled at Verity.  “It’s alright, Verity.  Those are actually happy memories.”   Grace squeezed Ross’s hand.  Demelza gave Caroline a small nod when it looked like she was going to say something.  Ross looked at Demelza, “You’d better eat your soup before it gets cold.” and she smiled at him.   Ross noticed that Grace was carrying a shopping bag.  “Mum, I see that you’ve found a store to shop in.  What did you get?”
“Oh we just went to the gift shop.  They had some mobile chargers so I bought a couple in case Demelza’s didn’t fit.  Have they brought you up something to eat?  I bet you're starving?”
Ross took the chargers out of the bag and found one that worked on his mobile.  “Thank you mum.  Uh no they haven’t brought me anything to eat yet.  I’ll ask the nurse about it the next time she comes in.  Dem can you plug this in?  I think the plug is over on your side.”
“Oh sure.”  
The awkward silence was still in the room and it was getting on Caroline’s nerves.  “Demelza you’ll never guess who I saw at the restaurant!  Ruth Teague!”
Ross and Demelza both said “Ruth Teague!” at the same time, and then looked at each other.  “You know her?”  They both laughed at this which broke the silence.  
“Ross, how do you know Ruth Teague?”
“I went to school with her unfortunately.  She was always trying to get me to go out with her, and was always trying to hang around all of us, Verity, Francis, me.  Elizabeth and her were always best friends and  they hung out together.  Christ almighty the thought of that woman makes my skin crawl!  How do you and Caroline know her?”
Verity was now wondering if Ross opened a can of worms when he mentioned Elizabeth.
“Caroline and I went to university with her.  She was horrible to me, and was always looking down her nose at me because I was on scholarship.  I couldn’t stand her.  But for some reason she always thought Caroline and her were best mates, didn’t she, Caroline?”
“Lord yes.  Well hopefully after Verity told her off at the restaurant we won’t be hearing or seeing from her again.  I think she majored in finding a husband because I never saw her study.  She was asking about you Ross - if you were ill or had cancer!!”
Ross raised his eyebrows at Verity, “You told her off Verity?  I would’ve paid to have seen that!!”
“I bloody well did!!  I didn’t want her to look you up here in hospital and interfere when you have a wonderful girlfriend in Demelza.  I wouldn’t trust her any farther than I could throw her.”
“Thank you, Verity.  That’s so very sweet of you.  Did you tell her that Ross’s girlfriend was me?”
“No, I didn’t.  I didn’t realise at the time that you two knew each other.  We’re better off her not knowing who his girlfriend is.”
Philipa the nurse came in with the nurse that will be taking over.  “This is Becky.  She’s going to be your nurse for the next 12 hours.  I’ve already given her report.  And I’ve also ordered a full liquid tray for you to try and see if you can keep down.  We like to ease surgery patients into their diet.  I imagine that you’re hungry.  If you do alright with the full liquid tray, then we can advance your diet.”
“Thank you Philipa.  My stomach is growling.”
“No problem.  It looks like your blood is almost done.  Becky will be taking care of that on her shift.  And Ross, I did order that social work consult that you asked about, so I’m sure that you’ll hear from them in the morning as well as physio.  Hopefully you’ll be gone by this time tomorrow.  Any questions?”
“I think you’ve covered everything.  Thank you for all of your help today.”
“My pleasure.  It was nice to meet all of you today.  Take care.”
Ross noticed that Joshua turned and came back into the conversation.  “Did she mention social work?  What’s that for, son?”
“Social Work is going to set up a home health aide as well as home physio for me.  I think between that and Demelza, I’ll be fine at home.”
Joshua was shaking his head in agreement, “Sounds like a plan to me.”
“But I thought Verity and I could take turns…”  Grace stopped herself.  “You know what, I think that will work fine.  But if you do need one of us to come up, please don’t hesitate to call.”
“Thanks for understanding mum.  Are the three of you staying tonight somewhere?”
Demelza and Caroline were observing the family dynamics play out.
Joshua said, “Yes, we’re staying at one of the hotels across the street.  Hopefully Ruth won’t be staying there as well!”  They all chuckled at that.  “Son, are you in any pain? I imagine the pain medication from surgery is starting to wear off.”
“Just a little throbbing so far.”  Just then Ross’s tray came in.  “Oh yay for me!  What do we have here?  A bowl full of broth?  Some sort of juice, gelatin, and coffee.  I could eat 5 of these trays!”
Demelza started to help Ross with his tray but saw that Grace had already opened his juice for him so she sat back down.  A move that Joshua caught.  “Grace, why don’t the three of us go check in at the hotel and leave Ross to his dinner.  Hmm?”  He put his arm around Grace and she gave him a knowing smile.  “That sounds like a good idea.  Ross, we’ll see you in the morning after breakfast.”  She bent down and gave her son a kiss, and Joshua gave him a hug and a wink which surprised Ross.  Verity gave him a hug as well.  “Love you cousin.”  Ross smiled, “Love you back!”
“I’ll walk with you downstairs.”  Caroline said, leaving Ross and Demelza alone again.
Caroline was saying her good-byes to the Poldarks in the hospital lobby when Verity asked, “Are you going to be leaving soon?”
“I think I’ll hang out down here for awhile until Demelza is ready to go.”
“Oh that’s right, Demelza rode with you.” Verity replied.
“Well yes, Demelza doesn’t drive.”  They gave her a questioning look.
Caroline let her mask come off.  “She never learned to drive while she still lived at home, because there wasn’t the money for her to take driver’s training.  It doesn’t sound like they had a care most of the time anyway.  Then when she went to University she always lived on campus or with me, so she didn’t need to drive, plus she still didn’t have money to learn or buy a car.  And then after we moved here, well, she just learned to use public transportation just like a lot of Londoners do.  She rarely needs a lift anywhere, and she’s very self-sufficient.  And whenever she needs to bring her cello home, she and James usually ride with Henry.  He has an old van so they all fit with all of their instruments.”
Grace spoke up, “I see.  Will she be able to get to rehearsal from Ross’s place?”
“Oh I’m sure.  There are tube stops all over the place.  And if not she can always uber or take a cab.  She’ll work it out.  Like I said, she’s very self reliant.  She’s had to be her whole life.”
Grace gave an understanding smile, “Yes, I guess she has. Thank you for everything Caroline.”  She gave Caroline a hug and kiss good-bye.
Night nurse Becky had come in and removed the empty bag of blood, took Ross’s vitals, added some pain medication to his IV, and ordered another tray for the still starving Ross, and left the two lovebirds to themselves.  Ross had finally convinced Demelza to sit on the bed next to him so that he could wrap his arms around her, her hand on his chest.  They both let out a yawn at the same time, which made them giggle.  Ross carefully caressed Dem’s check with his hand that had an IV in it, and kissed her on the nose.
“I am so glad that you’re here, Dem.  This day has been so long, it’s felt like it’s been two days in one and that I haven’t seen you during both of them.  I’ve missed you.”  He feathered her cheek with kisses.
“Oh shoot!  Talking about the days reminds me, Ross.  I won’t be able to come to yours right after rehearsal tomorrow.  I have a … an appointment tomorrow.  But I’ll come straight away after my appointment.”
“That’s okay, just come over whenever.  Mum and da might still be there anyway.  Do you have a lesson after rehearsal?”
“Yeah, a piano lesson.  I’ll probably cancel them after that one until after Christmas because I won’t have time for them.  I’ll probably take my suitcase with me to rehearsal so that I don’t have to waste time going back to the flat.  I can pick up supper on my way to your place if you like.”
“Well, let’s just wait and see first and make sure that I am going home tomorrow.  Hopefully I will.  Mum and da and Ver will be able to take me home and get me settled.  I’ll ask mum to go to the shop and stock up the kitchen.  That will give her something to do and make her happy.”  Demelza smiled up at him for that statement. 
“She really loves you doesn’t she.”
“Yeah, we are pretty close.  I guess I’ve just let her do her thing with mum stuff because she only has me ya know.”
“Do ya think you would’ve gone home to recuperate if I hadn’t been here?”  Demelza had a smirk on her face now, expecting what the answer might be.
Ross giggled and rolled his eyes, “Maybe!  I admit it.  Busted.”  He looked in her eyes and kissed her again, “But I do have you, and I am so glad that I do.”  He gave her a lingering kiss and Demelza finally pulled away, “So am I.”
It was going on 8:30 and there was a knock on the door from Caroline.  “Hello, is my roomie still here?”
Ross covered Demelza up and said “No she’s not here.  I don’t know what happened to her?”  
“Haha very funny Poldark.”  She pulled the blankets to expose Demelza.  “C’mon Dem it’s getting late.  And I expect you have to pack some clothes.”
“Oh alright, if you must go.  But promise me that you’ll text me so that I know that you made it home alright.”  He grabbed one more kiss from Demelza.
Demelza smiled at him.  “Alright, I promise.  You get some rest, yeah”
“Goodnight Ross.  Sleep tight.”
“Goodnight Caroline.  Take care of my girl!”
Caroline and Demelza were in the car on their way home.
“So Demelza, does Ross know about your doctor appointment tomorrow?”
“No.  I just told him that I had a piano lesson.  I’m not ready to tell him yet.”
“You’re not going to tell him that you’re going on the pill?”
“No.  I’m not quite ready yet.  I just want to be prepared.   He told me that he has to tell me something important tomorrow and that he’s afraid that I will break up with him afterwards.”
“That sounds ominous.  Any clue what that might be?”
“No.  But it scares me.  I can’t imagine what he might tell me that would make me break up with him.  I’m not very good at waiting in these types of situations.  I wish that he hadn’t told me, because now that’s all I’m going to be worried about.”  Demelza started crying.   
“That was kind of cruel for him to drop that on you.  Oh Dem I hate to see you like this.”
Demelza was sobbing now.  “Oh Caro!  I, I …”
Caroline had pulled into their driveway now and was calling someone on her phone.
“Who are you calling?”
“Dwight hi!  I’m sorry to be calling so late.”   Demelza was motioning for Caroline to hang up.
“Caroline! Is something wrong?  Is Ross alright?”
“Yes, yes he’s fine.  Demelza and I just left him.  They just gave him some pain medicine so he’s probably happily asleep now.  I need to ask you something.”  Demelza was still trying to get Caroline to hang up, but Caroline wasn’t having any of it.
Dwight was confused by now.  “Okay, I just got back to mine with Seamus.  What’s going on?”
“Demelza is crying her eyes out right now because Ross said something that upset her.”
“Oh bloody hell, what did the wanker say?”
“He told her that he has to tell her something important tomorrow and he’s afraid that she might break up with him afterwards.  He didn’t give her any clue as to what it is and now my dear friend is a nervous wreck and has to wait 24 hours until Ross tells her.   Now Dwight I’m mad as hell!  What kind of a twat would do that to a girl???  I’m only calling you because I hate to see her wait like this!!  I’m sorry if I’ve offended you and your friend and if you want to break up with me over it than fine, but I want to know what the fuck is going on!!”
Dwight was completely bowled over by Caroline now.  Wow.  Caroline used the F word.  He had never heard Caroline use that language.  But Caroline was really upset and rightly so.  He could hear Demelza crying in the background and he was getting madder by the second at his best mate for doing this to her.  “Hold on Caroline, try to calm down.  I have a feeling what Ross was talking about.  Sometimes Ross doesn’t think about what he says and how it might come across.  It’s not my place to tell you or Demelza what he’s probably going to talk to her about.  But I will tell you, that I honestly don’t think Demelza will want to break up with Ross over it.”
Caroline had Dwight on speaker by now so that Demelza could listen.  “Then why would he say such a thing to her?”
Dwight huffed.  “I don’t know how to explain it without telling you, but like I said, it’s not my place.  It’s not my story.”
Demelza stopped crying long enough to ask, “Is it about his brother Claude?”
“Yes, most of it is.  It’s a very touchy subject with the whole family.  I think Ross and his mum will talk about him a little, but Joshua never, ever talks about him.”
Caroline thought back to the earlier conversation about Claude in the hospital room.  “So that’s why Joshua went all quiet when Verity talked about Claude tonight.”
“Verity talked about Claude?  In front of Joshua?  That blows my mind.  What did she say about him?”
Demelza spoke up, “Ross was saying how sexy I looked in his Star Wars pants, and that started this whole conversation about Star Wars.  Verity mentioned how Ross and Claude argued for days over something related to Star Wars.  There were a few laughs over it, but Joshua absolutely went silent.  I noticed that he walked over to the window and just stared out of it for the longest time.”  She was still wiping the tears from her eyes.
“That sounds like him.  Demelza, I really don’t think you have anything to worry about.  And I’m truly sorry that Ross went all secretive on you.  I’m surprised he even brought it up to you at the hospital.  Maybe it was the drugs talking.”
“Maybe.  He did say that he had plans to have me over tonight and was going to talk about something important, but of course that all changed.  I knew that there was something to do with his scar, but I was trying to give him space and not force him to tell me.  Thank you for trying to reassure me Dwight.  And please don’t tell him that we called you.  I don’t want him to know that I was upset.”
“I won’t.  Try to get some sleep.  I don’t know if I’ll see either one of you tomorrow, I have a shift at 7P. “
Caroline said, “Thank you Dwight.  I’m sorry that I went off on you like that.”
Dwight smiled to himself, “Don’t worry about it.  You were just protecting your friend.  Goodnight you two.”
“Goodnight Dr Enys.”
Caroline hung up and sighed and took Demelza’s hand.  “There.  Feel any better?”
Demelza shook her head yes, “Thanks for calling even though I didn’t want you too.”
“That’s what friends are for.  Now let’s go to bed.  I’m bloody knackered!!”
Act Naturally
Written by Morrison-Russell
“I sang ‘Act Naturally’ in Help!.  I found it on a Buck Owens record and I said, ‘This is the one I am going to be doing,’ and they said ‘OK’.  We were listening to all kinds of things.”
–Ringo Starr
They’re gonna put me in the movies
They’re gonna make a big star out of me
We’ll make a film about a man that’s sad and lonely
And all I gotta do is act naturally
Well, I’ll bet you I’m gonna be a big star
Might win an Oscar, you can never tell
The movie’s gonna make me a big star
‘Cause I can play the part so well
Well I hope you’ll come and see me in the movies
Then I’ll know that you will plainly see
The biggest fool that ever hit the big time
And all I gotta do is act naturally
We’ll make the scene about a man that’s sad and lonely
And begging down upon his bended knee
I’ll play the part and I won’t need rehearsing
All I have to do is act naturally
Well, I’ll be you I’m gonna be a big star
Might win an Oscar, you can never tell
The movie’s gonna make me a big star
‘Cause I can play the part so well
Well I hope you’ll come and see me in the movies
Then I’ll know that you will plainly see
The biggest fool that ever hit the big time
And all I gotta do is act naturally
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