#that episode is literally the epitome of grief
andi-o-geyser · 1 year
haha guess who finally bit the bullet and watched The Solitary Clone. it was me. *cries*
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forestofsprites · 2 years
Orpheus and Eurydice
There are some very Orpheus and Eurydice themes in the narrative of Ed and Stede that do indeed make me feel many things. For the record, I'm using one specific take on the myth here (specifically not the one in Symposium), but as is standard for myths, there are many different opinions on the nuances- this is merely one of them.
First and foremost, we need death. Stede endures this in a more literal sense- legally, he is now dead. An act of devotion, perhaps, as he seeks to cultivate a fresh start with his love. Equally, however, Ed himself undergoes a death. Not only does he gift Stede a disordered burial at sea, but he invokes one for himself, too. In episode ten, he lets the red silk representing his heart sail steadfast across the ocean. Anyone who's familiar with the ending of Orpheus' life will know that upon his death, his head and dutiful lyre were sent floating down the Hebrus River, straight out to sea. While Ed is alive both literally and legally, he sacrificed his heart- washed to the ocean much like Orpheus himself.
Next up, we travel to the crux of the myth. The quintessential theme of mournful love. The deep and burning sort, the kind that drives you to the underworld in an attempt to rectify what was so tragically lost. In OFMD we need to backtrack to episode nine, to Edward and his act of grace declaration; a show of all he'd lose, all he would risk, to keep his love safe. He accepts the journey, perils and all! Stede mirrors this in episode ten by not simply closing the door on his past, but by going so far as killing himself off, playing with death, in order to truly live life alongside his love. Much like Orpheus, this poignantly speaks to the boundaries that need to be crossed- both that metaphorical death and journey, but also the literal treck he'll be undertaking as he pursues his lost love.
Orpheus finds himself underground because of this simple, grief-driven hope that death cannot be final- it must be negotiable. He brings his lyre, performing a most dismal tune, and the gods presiding over the Underworld are so utterly moved by his performance that a glimmer of hope is provided. Go on then, find Eurydice, but here is your caveat: have trust, have faith, know that she is there and do not allow your eyes to wander. It's the backbone of all relationships epitomized to the highest stakes. You need to trust in yourself that your partner will be there, to have that faith that when you make it to the Overworld, they'll be right behind you.
For Ed and Stede, this is episode nine. Edward returns from the Underworld, preparing for a new life- for them to enter the Overworld together- but his love is not there. This doesn't follow the myth's narrative to a T- but it does bring us back to the idea of trust and faith- both in your partner and moreso, in yourself. It's the nagging fear that this is too good to be true- that the excitement can snap back to grave reality in a heartbeat. Both Edward and Orpheus turn around with buoyant hope, and in doing so, they are instead faced with their worst fear.
(One possible reading of the myth could be that in season two, Stede will be making his journey to the Underworld, seeking out his lost love. All the while, Ed has already made his trip downstairs, lost his love, and had his heart utterly grief-stricken in the process. There are so many ways to slice up this myth, but the themes are wonderfully applicable!)
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dayshipper · 3 years
Jiara Theory - season 2
Ok so I literally just finished watching s2 and I absolutely have no doubt that Jiara is endgame. This is my whole take on it. Keep in mind that I've only watched it once, so these thoughts are my first impressions on what I think is going on with Jiara and where I think they're heading. I've avoided my feed like the plague until I finished this as well. It's also a long one, so buckle up!
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Kie and Pope First of all, I think we need to talk about Kie and Pope. A lot happened this season. Kie and Pope were on again, off again for most of it and things just got a bit weird. In the beginning, I think that Kie's interest in Pope is all to get her mind off of everything that just happened with John B and Sarah. She thinks her friends are dead and doesn't want to dwell on it. Pope, I think, is aware of that and knows that maybe her intentions are not all that sincere and that she might just be using him to distract herself from feeling something other than grief and anger. Her asking him if he wants to hook up in the first episode kind of came out of left field and just proves how all over the place her mind is at that moment. She is being impulsive and rash. Pope can see that and admits that to her, telling her she is just high and 'overcompensating' which won't help how she feels. Her response, 'helps me', kind of solidifies that that was in fact what she was trying to do. Even after they all realise that John B and Sarah are alive, Pope and Kie's relationship is still very hot and cold. Kie has a lot on her shoulders with everything that is going on at home and has basically been threatened into exile if she doesn't stop hanging around the Pogues. I think Kie is having a tiny identity crisis of sorts. She has all the luxuries of a Kook, but all the spirit of a Pogue (so deep). Her parents' disapproval of her being with the Pogues and ending up as one weighs heavily on her. She has grown up with these boys and doesn't believe that anything has to change just because she is older. I think her behaviour with Pope and her fickle interest in him reflects her inner struggle - she's at war with herself. When she acts interested in Pope it seems like she is trying to get back at her parents in some way maybe. And he's the safest person to do it with. Kie's parents got pregnant as teens and her dad was a Pogue. Not to mention that Kiara's mum knew JJ's dad in high school (!!) so with Kie hanging out with his son I'm sure she's worried. Their fear that history will repeat itself with Kie and one of the Pogues is known to Kie and her pursuit of Pope, I think, is her acting out and resenting them for thinking that way about her.
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Ultimately, Pope's reserved nature and partiality towards rule-following also don't bode well with Kie's personality. While of course she loves him for who he is, I don't think she finds him attractive because of it. I think Pope's subdued nature kind of holds her back in a way. Kie is a fighter and defender and will, no matter what, always stick up for what is right even in the face of adversity. Pope, on the other hand, is also all of those things but goes about it in a much more controlled and almost docile way. I think Kie kind of resents that about him sometimes, like when she was spray painting 'Murderer' on Ward's wall and he was disapproving of it all and kinda killing her vibe. These things make her question his identity as a Pogue. It's almost like she is trying to make him into more of a Pogue and kind of taunts him about it as well. When she offers him a blunt on the boat and asks 'which Pope are you going to be today?' its kind of a dig. I may be reaching but its almost like she is trying to get him to act more like JJ...? I mean, he is the epitome of a Pogue so kinda makes sense..?
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All in all though I think it is safe to say that we can finally put Kie and Pope to bed. Nothing romantic is ever going to come out of their relationship again from here on out. Also, I have a feeling something might brew between Pope and Cleo anyways. Also, Cleo? Amazing.
Jiara Throughout Kie and Pope's tumultuous relationship, JJ is keen to find out what the go is between them. He wants to know how serious they are and constantly probes each of them to get any details he can. While this may seem like he is just trying to tease them, I think he genuinely wants to know because he just wants to understand it. JJ might be thinking 'what about Pope appeals to Kie?' and 'what does Pope have that I don't have?' While I think that he is quietly disappointed that it's not him, I think he ultimately just wants them to be happy. He'll sidebar his feelings for the sake of his friends.
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Episodes 8 and 10 were some of my favourite episodes of the season. When JJ and Kie go to the Chateau and bump into JJ's dad we get some nice Jiara moments. First of all, Kie defends JJ and calls out his dad for being a shit father. She acknowledges how special she thinks JJ is and criticises his father's unforgivable behaviour. Not too long after, JJ overhears his dad torment Kie and calls him out for it. JJ later says that everything he has his dad ruins and omg, I nearly died! This was everything!
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I think a couple of meanings can be taken away from this. The first is obvious, JJ's dad has pretty much ruined his life because he just takes drugs and drinks and isn't a reliable parental figure whatsoever. And then I think it could also go a bit deeper than that where his dad's abuse has psychologically affected him in a way that makes JJ believe that he will never be worth anything or measure up to anything better than what he thinks he deserves because of how he has been treated and brought up. As a result of that, he might believe that he could never be enough for someone like Kie, who comes from a good family and has more access to opportunities than he could ever imagine. His little admission when he gets into Kie's car following the whole ambulance incident reaffirms this when he basically accepts and believes that his life is destined to end up like his dad's.
I think this season made it even more clear that JJ has some hidden feelings for Kiara. I mean, when they were in Charleston and were spending the night in the back of the truck, JJ looked shattered after Kie kissed Pope's cheek before going to sleep. Like WHATT.  That also killed me. 
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And I know he addressed everyone but the way his eyes landed on her when he says 'you're it'. My heart. That cannot be a coincidence.
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I feel like we still don't really know much about how Kie feels for JJ. While she thinks that he's unpredictable and a bit of a hothead, I also believe that this kinda excites her. She watches on in disbelief while also secretly admiring him. JJ is a showman. He is theatrical and is always looking for some kind of reaction. He's a go big or go home kind of person and while Kie thinks that he acts idiotically sometimes, I think that she genuinely really loves that about him. Where Pope holds back and doesn't want to step over the line, JJ completely goes for it and doesn't care about what it might mean in the long run. He lives in the moment. Much like I think Kie does. I think season 2 made it clear just how similar JJ and Kie are. They're both impulsive, passionate, carefree, fearless and unafraid of how their actions might negatively affect them. And they bicker. A lot. One such moment is when they are arguing over whose fault it was for the lost footage from the camera when they saw Ward shoot Gavin. This scene also revealed how JJ thinks that Kiara always sides with Pope and never JJ. Maybe I'm reaching (again) but this could also have a double meaning like 'why do you choose Pope and not me?' kind of thing. Nevertheless, the last episode was EPIC. I can't get over it. When Kiara asks JJ if there was room for one more on his surf trip fantasy you could tell he was a little taken aback.
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They were a lot more tactile and paired up together this season. JJ and Kie get beers together for their little celebration at the Chateau, JJ and Kie go to get Kie's dad's car, JJ and Kie bring beers to Pope and John B on the boat, JJ and Kie stay in the container, the list goes on. They are setting them up to get the audience (us) comfortable with the idea of them being together. Even though I think a lot of us were already keen on the idea from the get-go... I think this season was really set up to cement their relationship as friends who share a lot of the same qualities and hopes for the future. It also solidified their crazy chemistry and strong compatibility by simultaneously showing the incompatibility of Kie and Pope's relationship.
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I think Kie is a constant for JJ in a way that Pope and John B could never be. Kie is much more in tune with how others around her feel and can be there for JJ in a way that none of the others can. Also, who does JJ text when he's caught in the ambulance and the police are after him? Kie. Boom.
So, where to from here? As I mentioned before, I think Cleo is going to be a new love interest for Pope. There were a few moments in that final episode that just gave me that feeling. I also think that they already have great chemistry. Meanwhile, I don't think that Kie will be all that bothered by it if that does happen to be the case, but I think the others might ask her how she feels about it anyway and I feel like JJ would be the one to bring it up. I think it would be less likely to be Sarah since Kie told her that she's just not in love with Pope, while JJ doesn't actually know what really went down with them (as far as we know) and for all he knows they just fizzled out or are taking a step back.
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I think in the next season, we'll see JJ and Kie hanging out some more and maybe being a little more flirty. Maybe the others might question what the whole surf trip plan is all about, most likely Sarah, which could then open up a can of worms. But, of course, I'm just speculating. Season 3 hasn't been confirmed yet but I'm feeling pretty confident. They need to start filming like yesterday because I can't wait another year for more. I might just pass away.
Anyways, if you made it this far then you have my full respect and gratitude. Thank you so much. I know it's all scattered and I may have missed some things but I'll be sure to post more if I think of anything else. I literally just finished the final episode so I'm still reeling. If you're interested, I also did a Jiara theory post on season 1 last year that you can take a gander at.
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inthiswhisper · 2 years
i came into this episode bummed the demon dean arc ended so quickly, but its saving grace is how it goes hand-in-hand with cas’ storyline. 
what fascinated me at first was the idea of cas’ grace fading the exact same time his tether to humanity (dean) ended up becoming a demon. the epitome of humanity itself nearly dies and has his soul corrupted... just as cas’ own life is draining? all while cas is forced to confront over and over that humanity drives him more than his loyalty to heaven? and now dean’s his most vicious self, threatening to kill sam, right as cas nearly gives up his life to help hannah because he’s struggling to keep fighting anymore?
it all just felt like a series of really... interesting... choices. however, it was crowley’s appearance that solidified this concept more so for me—
cas: why did you help me?
crowley: purely business. dean has become a handful. having him as a demon has caused me nothing but grief. fix the problem. 
cas: you realize, worse comes to worst, that means killing him.
crowley: i’m not sentimental.
—crowley, the one who initially turned dean, is also the one who replenishes cas’ grace to help him save dean (humanity) from going off the deep end. and so, just as sam and dean are a heartbeat away from nearly killing each other, cas and dean make contact for the first time, ending their respective arcs by intertwining them, preventing the other’s demise—
cas: it’s over. dean, it’s over. it’s over.
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—with cas embracing dean — cas’ grace at its most restored and dean at his most demonic, their eyes literally reflecting their souls — so that cas can pull dean from his own inner hell.
not only have their storylines been dependent on their reunion, it also feels like the clearest glimpse into cas and dean’s first meeting in hell we’ve ever gotten — when dean was torturing souls, on the verge of becoming a demon, until cas saved him and brought him back to earth, back to his body, making him human again. the same note this episode ends on, cas stepping in and helping sam bring dean back to himself.
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suncaptor · 3 years
s7 adoration
First off, one thing I love about it is the versatility of it. some of my favourite parts are the humour of it, and the balance to the horror of it. It does lean towards dark, and is certainly darker than the rest of the show, but that just makes the gravity of it all lift off so intense when there’s randomly then dick jokes and so forth. same goes for the characters in it with the themes.
I genuinely think that leviathans are one of the scariest and best villains on the show because of the reflection of psychological horror and the flip on the script of hunted/hunter.
That being said, I also think Dick Roman is a great villain for comedic reasons as well and genuinely find his dialogue memorable. So memorable, in fact, I made this uquiz.
I also think that it is the darkest season psychologically in supernatural, like it rings out nadir to me, yet at the same time, this is all canon dialogue. but also it is quite unseen, the depth of it, which is infuriating (and my main fix would it being from Sam’s perspective), but it makes it compelling to me too.
I actually really like having sodium borate being corrosive to leviathans
There’s a canonical bipolar main character who’s vital to the plot and who’s talented and who’s also part of the inner themed reflections of paranoia within without systems and being incapable of trust anything even your brain while still retaining that vitality.
The season starts out with perhaps one of my favourite arcs in the show, as well, which brings me great joy in all the dialogue while also introducing one of the other most compelling parts of the show (being godstiel then Sam’s PTSD hallucinations retrospectively).
Two of the three main writer’s I look to as the core of what I love about Supernatural are perhaps the strongest voices in the season (Sera Gamble and Ben Edlund) and I really actually love the addition of Robbie Thompson and think some of his episodes are top tier. I don’t like Adam Glass, Buckleming, or Robert Singer writing any of the episodes, and my fix to s7 would be deleting those episodes, and Dabb is on like, thin ice, but I do really like most of the writing and theming and all and am genuinely enjoying the individual episodes and think that tied with 2, 4, and 5 it’s got the best quality for being entertaining to me.
And when I was looking at favourite episodes in Kripke/Gamble era (which I generally vastly prefer), it had the most of top 30 (8), and 20% of the top 10. And of that, it would skew towards the top total.
While Hello Cruel World sets up the season’s intent extremely well, I think that Defending Your Life drives the points home about how this reflects onto Sam and Dean in regards of their own psychological issues and how it will then impact their actions, the conflict not at all then revolving around leviathans but the concept of monstrosity and mental illness. While the season is incredibly ableist constantly and with some writers it’s clear that it’s intentional and the characters and they treat Sam with respect, other times it’s clearly not. I still am obsessed with this because it is directly and not metaphorically addressing these issues even if poorly.
Slash Fiction has some of the most in character and pointed analysis in the show immediately, including this scene and actually references and uses the history of the characters and the show itself to be more horrifying.
How To Win Friends and Influence Monsters is just also the epitome of s7 in general, from Sam hallucinating Lucifer and saying he’s lucky and people have it worse, Dean at his nihilistic worst about to lose Bobby admit while high on a sandwich what it’s really about, the fact they didn’t ever want to shoot deer, and just iconic dialogue from everyone including our favourite Dick Roman and “bibbing” while also having Bobby see the plans building the tension of the overall arc in the season right before being shot.
And while Death’s Door is very painful for me to rewatch, it is also an astounding episode of television from the terror of going back to the origin “You can never go home” and the only genetic case of bullet to the head (generational trauma), the insight into the abuse, how it shaped all the memories proceeding it, how Bobby didn’t escape it or what it did to him, but he also never was anything like his deepest fears or his fathers, and also Bobby’s speech towards his father. I also think the way Sam and Dean respond is extremely well written and their grief is palpable.
We also then get these lovely random images I get to share here :) X, X, and X.
Repo Man I may have some criticisms about in terms of ableism and homophobia, but it is still one of the best, and most horrifying, episodes in the show. Both the mirrors and the revelations throughout the episode and the dark intoxicating obsession while also seeing Sam’s actual trauma in front of us… I feel like I could literally analyse this episode for years, it’s so rich and deep, as much of Edlund’s episodes are when he decides he wants to make something deep instead of comical.
that being said I think The Born Again Identity may be one of the best episodes in the entire show. I can’t rationalise this because it would take hours if you don’t like this episode we just have entirely different taste.
Though, outside of the actual episode writing, the way it opens with the surreality and mental deterioration is very important to me, and it’s just one of many aspects of this episode, but I feel like it may be less popular so I thought I’d say it.
Charlie’s first episode and actually having our first actually good fully fleshed out lgbt character genuinely changes something in me when I watch it like. It is so full of hope for me personally just because of how fun and deep it remains. We get to hear Dick Roman describe the spark in humanity he can’t replicate while also saying “Nothing’s safe. I like that.” (the thesis of the season). Donald Trump helped him get the leviathan tablet. We get the scene where Dean coaches Charlie through flirting with a man and also have her make Harry Potter references which I just personally find very funny to watch. And Charlie’s mere existence just makes me hope, like the way she is.
Season 7 is the first season Cas tells Sam and Dean he loves them.
And Kevin Tran is introduced, one of my favourite characters who also adds much to the season itself.
Reading is Fundamental is the episode that Kevin Tran is introduced, that we get to see more into Cas’s past through the ways in which is he more open in his altered mental state such as how he loved Neanderthal poetry and bees, Hester’s accusation towards Dean, more talk around the hell trauma transfer which intrigues me even if it also infuriates me, and Cas actually faces and reacting to what he’s done, even if in an altered state. There are countless reasons I love it.
Also, this may not be something someone who doesn’t ship destiel can see and leans much more subtextual, so ignore this part if you are bothered by those interpretations, but I think season 7 is when Dean realised he was in love with Cas and like I do have a lot of reasons for thinking this and find it just another layer of why seeing the psychology of the main characters is intriguing to me. I also then can do parallels throughout that reflect this grapping too. And it adds layers to how Dean finds him married then, maybe even add the demon he kissed.
And then, of course, is the matter of the trench coat.
this is very very limited, but I tried my best to be comprehensive of my highlights and reasons for loving season 7!
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sirikenobi12 · 3 years
Qui-Gon for the character ask!
Oh boy, do I have a lot of opinions on Qui-Gon Jinn - strap yourselves in!! Ha ha!
How I feel about this character:
So, I have a bit of a complex relationship with Qui-Gon Jinn probably because he is a very complex character. On one had he is incredibly noble and kind, he is overall a very good teacher and he cares very deeply. He is a free thinker and a bit of a reckless individual and that's always fun! He also has genuine moments where he is a good father figure, we see it with both Obi-Wan (though not much) and Anakin.
Not to mention the moment where he sits and meditates in Episode 1 during the duel is so very Jedi, I really love it!
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But Qui-Gon is also incredibly frustrating to me, mostly because of the way a lot of fandom has deified him as what a Jedi "should be". There are numerous examples in TPM alone (not even getting into Jedi Apprentice series or Master/Apprentice book) where Qui-Gon is incredibly selfish, if he doesn't get his way he bullies, cheats or complains until the other person just gives in to his demands. And then if none of that works he literally uses his Padawan's (for all intents and purposes his son's) grief to get his way, with not a single care to what that will actually mean for Obi-Wan's future. He's the epitome of I'm going to take my ball home so no one can play because I don't like losing.
He's also incredibly arrogant - which is funny since most Qui-Gon stans would argue that the Jedi Council are the ones who are arrogant. But think about it...he believes, truly believes that he is the ONLY one that is able to see the will of the Force when it came to Anakin?? Those 12 highly esteemed Jedi Masters and his very gifted Senior Padawan were all simultaneously wrong? I mean, the balls to even consider that to be a possibility and yet Qui-Gon is convinced it's the ONLY possibility. He also refuses to listen to anyone else when it came to getting off Tatooine, he was more willing to put a nine year old slave child in danger instead of being willing to entertain the slightest chance someone else might have a good idea.
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All the people I ship romantically with this character:
I'm not terribly creative with this one I must admit, when I do ship him with someone I tend to ship Qui-Gon with Tahl who was his love interest in the Jedi Apprentice series. This is mostly because I really enjoy their dynamic. I think Tahl is really good for Qui-Gon, she's one of the few people who can call him out on his BS.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Obi-Wan Kenobi. I think they are an incredibly interesting dynamic. I think Qui-Gon's more hippie/easy going attitude really helped shape Obi-Wan in various ways. I think it helped ease the temper that young Padawan Obi tended to have and then because one of them had to be the adult it helped Obi-Wan grow into the responsible Jedi who ended up on the Council. Much like Obi-Wan and Anakin I feel that Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan complimented one another very well (once they found their rhythm as a team).
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Obi-Wan would make sure their mission reports were filled out and Qui-Gon would make sure Obi-Wan stopped to smell the roses. Obi-Wan would remind Qui-Gon to see the bigger picture while Qui-Gon would keep Obi-Wan from focusing only on the bigger picture. They were the quintessential yin and yang. But despite any issues they had with each other beneath it all there was a true father/son relationship - there was love there (as evident in Qui-Gon's death scene).
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My unpopular opinion about this character:
That Qui-Gon would've been a horrible Master for Anakin. I just think that one of two things would've happened had Qui-Gon been allowed to train the Chosen One.
Option 1. - He would hold Anakin up on a pedestal because he is the CHOSEN ONE which would cause the boy's arrogance to grow at an accelerated rate.
Option 2. - They would be so much alike that they would be at each other's throats constantly.
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The idea that just because Qui-Gon would be a "father figure" to Anakin has little weight in my opinion whether Anakin would fall to the dark side or not. I personally think his fall would've happened faster, I think Obi-Wan was able to keep Anakin in check for the most part. If Qui-Gon was supposed to be Anakin's Master don't you think the Force would've had him survive Naboo and not Obi-Wan??
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
I would love to see Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon's beginnings in canon. I truly love the Jedi Apprentice series and would love to see it adapted to an animated show!
Otherwise, I really wish that Qui-Gon would've been the bigger man and not made his apprentice apologize to him in TPM. That moment really made him look like such a prick, he was the one who all but dismissed Obi-Wan in front of the Council and then wouldn't even apologize to the boy for it. - f you Qui, that’s low.
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entamewitchlulu · 5 years
Arc V Month Day 20: Favorite Antagonists
ohohoho....man is there an antag I don’t like at all in this show?  Nearly every one of the main baddies are just so fun to hate, and even more fun to analyze.  So lemme talk about each of the main ones just briefly
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God just look at his stupid face i love him!!!
Yuuri is just.  The whole package.  He’s the epitome of my guilty pleasure fave type of villain: the type who’s just gleefully evil, who legitimately knows they’re the bad guy and revels in it, and also talks very politely while doing so (I have a very specific Type when it comes to villains lol).  Not a very realistic villain, to be sure, but oh so fun to watch in action.  He’s got the gleeful malice, the truly frightening cruelty, a wild sort of destructive fervor, and is such a manipulative tease to boot.  Plus, he’s such a meme.  I love him.
Beyond that though, though little to nothing is confirmed in canon, I find how he ended up the way he is very, very interesting.  Knowing that he and the boys are all the exact same person brings up some great questions on the nature-nuture discussion, and if they all had the same base nature, how did Yuuri’s nurture (or lack thereof) cause him to end up being so vastly different a person from his other counterparts?  Considering who was in charge of caring for him (whom we’ll def talk about later...), and Leo’s absolute hatred for Zarc, it’s obvious that some very, very awful things occurred to make Yuuri the way he is, and likely, most of his actions and personality are all very elaborate coping mechanisms -- not that he himself would ever admit to that being the case.  If you asked him, I’m sure he’d tell you everything he does is absolutely his own choice because he wants to be so terrible -- which is just as true as the fact that likely, not all of his choices were his own.
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Of course we can’t talk about Yuuri, or about antags in general, without talking about Zarc.  I know he’s the ultimate big bad so I should probably save him for last, but I have other things I want to talk about so we’re just gonna hit up Zarc rn lol.  
What I love about Zarc (and honestly, what I love about most Arc V villains) is just how human his motivations are.  Like, he didn’t get possessed.  He didn’t get influenced by an eldritch god, or tainted by some wild magic that made him go mad.  He was just a mostly ordinary person, who, like Yuya, wanted to become someone.  He wanted to meet the expectations of the crowd -- and without anyone else to be at his side to help him process his emotions, he simply continued and continued down the path, seeking more and more validation even as the lengths he had to go to to achieve that destroyed him and his dragons, until he broke.
I can’t confirm it, obviously, but I’m of the opinion that most of Zarc’s evil schtick was just a mask -- both for his opponents, and for himself.  He’d been driven so far to the brink, so far away from the person he’d wanted to be, that he just let himself fall into a role so deeply that even he was fooled, when the truth was that he was terrified.  He was always terrified.  And that’s why Yuya’s arc accepting himself as Zarc and choosing to heal was so important, and so powerful.  
Zarc wasn’t a villain just for the hell of it.  He was a monster created by society.  And in the end, he was more tragic than villainous.
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I can’t get out of an antagonist post without talking about this smug bastard.  I’ve talked about him a LOT (actually, I’ve talked about all of these guys a lot lol), but honestly? As much as I say I hate him, he’s just so deliciously evil that I can’t really, lol.  As a villain, he’s everything the arc needed -- a vicious manipulator who thought he was superior to everything and beyond the machinations of anyone else, until he slowly deteriorated as he realized his flawless plans weren’t so flawless after all.  He was, and probably still is, my favorite antagonist just because that illusion of control made him so frightening -- and once that illusion broke down, he became actually even more terrifying as he started to lose his self-control.  The before and after was pretty intense to watch.
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And here we go.  When it comes to antagonists in Arc V, even if he’s not my personal fave?  I don’t think you can get much better than Leo Akaba.
Like, before the final arc, I really, really didn’t think much of him.  I barely cared about him.  And after Synchro, I was really just kind of bored of him.  Like, I didn’t imagine there was any way they could one up Roget -- Roget was literally the perfect villain.  How could this boring guy who spends all his time sitting in a chair and watching things happen without actively doing anything ever be better than that?  Part of me was actually feeling a little let down, because I couldn’t imagine getting anything better than Synchro.
And then That Episode went down, and it blew all of my wavering expectations out of the damn water.
As I mentioned before about the humanity of the villains in Arc V, Leo fits that theme to a T.  He’s not magical.  He’s not even really evil.  He’s just someone who found a way to justify the absolutely terrible, horrible things that he’s doing, and that’s so real -- that’s so terrifying.
As soon as you get the truth about Ray, about the dimension split, about everything, literally the entire show falls into place.  Every single bit of Leo’s character is thrown into stark clarity in just the space of an episode.  He’s not just a guy sitting in a chair -- he’s a madly grieving father who doesn’t even believe the world he’s in is real, so of course he doesn’t feel bad about using and abusing fake people in a fake world in order to get his real world and his real daughter back.  It’s horrifying, and yet it’s so human.  
Humanity and society was really the real antagonist of Arc V, and it just manifested in different ways: in the wild actions of a child clearly abused by the system that should have taken care of him, in the grasping for political power by an out of control authority figure, in the inconsolable grief of a father, and in the breakdown of a young man who was only trying to meet the expectations of the world around him.
There’s something very poignant in that.  It’s definitely one of the reasons that I’ll be coming back to Arc V again and again.
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qqueenofhades · 5 years
I know you dont watch GoT anymore. And that Braime and Sansa are your favorites. But I know you've read the books and are obviously really interested in the story. And I was just wondering what your thoughts are on the whole Jon killing Dany thing? Is that something you can see happening in the books? And if it is do you think it'd be in the same context as the show did it?
Ahaha, welp. Just jumping right in there.
(Also, you never have to apologise for asking GOT/ASOIAF questions. I obviously have been a fan for 16 years and wrote fuckin’ TNR with its half-million-plus words, so I clearly do have Thoughts on the story/characters, especially with the bag of lukewarm cat vomit that was s8 of the show.)
I already answered this ask discussing how much I hated the Mad Queen Dany thing, both because a) it was horrifically badly handled and b) these mediocre misogynist douchegobblers have managed to outdo themselves in terms of the gross messages they’ve sent about women, after 8 seasons of that. (These are the same people who made Sansa say that she was grateful for her rapes and who claimed that Dany’s turn into madness was foreshadowed by her having a “chilly” reaction to the death of her abuser, Viserys, in s1, so…. make of that what you will.) I’m not saying that it was narratively impossible, especially since GRRM has been toying with the same thing in the books and has more than his own share of Male Author Syndrome. But at the start of 8x04, Dany is in Winterfell, perfectly sane, toasting Arya as hero of the battle. By the end of 8x06, she’s crazy, a war criminal, and dead, murdered by her boyfriend, because… well, something something plot reasons. Even if you didn’t like Dany or were rooting for her to go mad or whatever, that was wildly badly handled.
I personally think it would be pretty gross for GRRM to also go down the Mad Queen route, though at least if he does, we will have had Dany’s POV chapters beforehand and presumably something resembling a justification and a building narrative momentum toward it. But she also got stuck in Meereen for so long because by his own admission he didn’t know what to do with her there or how to get her out of the situation and moved onto Westeros, which remains, theoretically, her outstanding goal in the books. It would obviously not be outside the realm of possibility for this to happen, given GRRM’s focus on “grittiness” that the show took to max factor 5000. I would still find it reductive and trying to make a Clever Postmodern Point and etc if it happened in the books, because literally why invest us in a character this long, especially one who has tried so hard to overcome the circumstances of her past/to not be her father, and then just do exactly that? Obviously there would be elements of Shakespearean tragedy to it, and if done well it could be compelling, but I personally just have a different approach to fiction and what people want out of a story (especially one now as famous as GOT/ASOIAF and how universally betrayed everyone seems to feel by the ending). I’m not saying Dany’s ultimate ending needs to be sunshine and roses and getting what she wants, because often character arcs and resolutions become all the more powerful for being subverted and thwarted (think the “I said I wanted [x] but [y] was there instead” sort of endings). But whatever it is, it needs to be…. not that.
Also, Jon in both books and especially show has been the epitome of Mediocre White Man. I stopped watching in s4, but Kit Harington’s acting was so wooden and the writing for him was very much Standard Misunderstood Brooding Fantasy Hero that I could barely pay attention to his scenes. I find him somewhat more interesting in the books, though ADWD dragged for everyone and it was obvious GRRM was writing in circles. But everyone has noticed that especially in the show, Jon does absolutely bupkis. His ass is constantly saved by the women in his life, he makes an absolute hash of any power that he is given and doesn’t want it anyway, and his ultimate ending was…. going back to the Night’s Watch (as their idea of satisfying narrative storytelling is to literally put everyone back where they were in the very first episode, apparently). Never mind the fact that there’s no need for the Night’s Watch, but the point is, even the fact that Jon is Rhaegar and Lyanna’s son ended up being relevant for like half an episode. That has been one of the major plot points/secrets of the books (although not so much anymore) and it just…. fizzled out like a damp squib. Dany actually TRIED for multiple seasons to be a good ruler and to learn how to handle power and become a queen, so for her to have to be the one to die for Jon to once again do diddlysquat is… well, as I have said before, the misogyny leaps out. They ended up wasting so much potential and so many other things that were also foreshadowed (and far more convincingly than “wah wah she was gonna go evil!”). For this? So Jon can just go brood in the snow again? Cool.
Not to mention, I find it gross on principle that Dany’s boyfriend had to be the one to kill her, especially after rape/sexual violence/loss of agency was such a big part of her early-season storylines (and how horrifyingly and grossly that has been handled on the show overall). We’re obviously supposed to sympathize with Jon in this scenario and to feel that it is justified to “stop a tyrant” or whatever. Also, if the episode was going to be called “Queenslayer,” why the fuck wasn’t it Jaime fulfilling the valonqar prophecy, another thing they forgot about, and killing Cersei, at great personal grief/cost, to once more stop an insane monarch from burning down King’s Landing? But that, of course, would be actual character development/overall arc, and they preferred to also trash that by having Jaime “killed Aerys Targaryen literally to save half a million innocent people and lived with his reputation being destroyed ever after” Lannister unironically claim that he never cared about the lives of the innocent and only wanted Cersei. After she again tried to kill him and Tyrion like three days ago, not even to mention what they did to Brienne and with that whole arc, but I will have a ragestroke if I think about it too much. 
Basically, the ending wasn’t “bittersweet.” It was tragic, reductionist, ham-handed, hugely disappointing for everyone who put years of investment into these characters, and ended up in the amusing position of making Bran Stark the younger and more beautiful queen who comes to cast Cersei down. He became king because… reasons? Whatever? And he knows literally everything about everyone thanks to being the Three-Eyed Raven, so there’s no way that can go horribly wrong. He has basically done nothing except sit in a wheelchair and look creepy for several years now, his arc has never been remotely about being king, and Isaac Hempstead-Wright himself is apparently on record as saying he genuinely thought it was a joke script when he read it. This after both Emilia Clarke and Kit Harington broke down over learning what happened to their characters/Kit apparently realized it for the first time at the read-through and was horrified. Emilia already talked about wandering for five hours and having a crisis and calling her mom and asking to be talked off the ledge like….. fictional choices/characters completely aside, that’s a gross thing to do to your actors. I know they’re all proud of their work and they have apparently and understandably been defensive about the existence of the petition to rewrite s8, but they’ve all been pretty clear, while still being professional and supportive, that there is stuff that they’re just as much WTF about as we are.
Basically, as everyone keeps saying, the acting, cinematography, visual effects, music, etc was clearly up to as high a standard as ever, but was betrayed fundamentally and comprehensively by this god-awfully shit writing by a couple of hacks who clearly rushed the final season to get on to ruining working on Star Wars. They have also been on record about saying “you can’t do what the audience expects or it’ll get boring blah blah blah,” which is a profoundly flawed storytelling strategy if you’re paranoid and trying to outsmart your audience and do something that nobody has ever thought of because you’re an Intellectual Postmodern Commentator On Our Violent Society. If your audience can guess where a story is going, but are still surprised by major twists along the way that then make sense in hindsight, you’ve done your job. If you’re relying on grimdark and cramming in gimmicky plot twists and deus ex machinas and Shocking Moments rather than authentically developing your story, it’s going to bite you in the ass in a big way, as was just proven. 
Nobody expected a completely happy ending from GoT. But the fact that they went to such lengths, especially in s8, to build up characters/ships (Jonerys, Braime, Gendrya were all torched after major canon moments completely unexpected by fans, especially the latter two – why even include it unless to just be more Tragique, and Gendrya is the only one that has even a chance in the future since half of it didn’t end up idiotically dead) and then just wrecked all of it…. as I’ve said, good endings don’t need to be rainbows and unicorns and kittens. But if you’ve asked eight years of audience investment, there has to be something that makes it worth it and that doesn’t make everyone feel like they were duped and stupid to get involved in the first place. They have been beating the “it’s a hard world and bad things happen to the characters” drum for all they’re worth, but… it’s just bad. You can analyse and ask why the hell they did things and so forth, but it’s bad. At this rate, the show should have either ended after 8x03, or they should have taken the money HBO offered and done the proper 10 episodes and let Bryan Cogman write all of them. He was the only one who appeared to remotely give a shit about the characters, and since D&D wrote the last four episodes themselves, yeah, this disaster is on them.
Fortunately, I left the show years ago and have TNR and am used to ignoring their version of things. And I knew all along that they never really got the characters or the story. But I feel really bad for everyone who has had this thrown back in their face, and it seems like a communal disenchantment with this ending is going to enter the pop-culture consciousness on a possibly unprecedented level. So if GRRM does do the Mad Queen Dany killed by Jon in the books (though he has apparently called the show’s ending “traumatic”), I’ll probably still not like it. He has a chance to sell me it on/justify it to me narratively, which the show categorically failed to do. I don’t think I will, just because as I said, I don’t like anything about it, but yes.
Anyway. This is a long post already, and I probably have more to say still, but it’s pretty obvious I think it’s just really, really bad, and that’s about the essence of it.
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theav0cadobaby · 5 years
Podcast Recs cause I'm listening to too many of them. I listened to most of these in a month.
WOLF 359:
I literally couldn't recommend this podcast enough it's a ride of excitement and stress; twists and turns that is a rollercoaster of an experience. Basically it's about this crew of three plus a friendly AI orbiting the dwarf star Wolf 359, it seems like a fun comedy until shit gets real.
This podcast has frequent stressful situations, a lot of violence, and a lot of near death experiences. It's hard to tag everything.
This podcast so far is really interesting in world building and characters. It's about these two mechanics held in debt by this intergalactic corporation that go around and fix space junk.
This podcast has violence, body horror in one episode, and alien plagues.
This is kinda like a mix of Gravity Falls and Welcome to Night Vale. The show is told completely through radio broadcasts of the Sammy and Ben show. Though mysterious things (more mysterious than all of the other paranormal shenanigans) start happening and it's just... Great. All of the characters are wonderful and honestly hilarious, I really recommend this one it's sooooo good.
There are depictions of Gaslighting, violence, alien abductions, intense racism from one character though it's very clear that that character is a bad person and it is comedic, homophobia in later episodes, violence against sugar gliders specifically (no I'm not kidding), and one murderous elf on the shelf.
I honestly don't know what the hell goes on in this podcast but like it's pretty cool time stuff so like yeah. Its two hours tops to get through it.
This story is a bit trippy and I honestly barely remember it so I don't have much in the way of trigger warnings
This podcast is good technically I'd say but it's kinda thick if that makes sense. It feels like a chore to watch cause I don't care that much for the characters and they don't talk like normal people which is annoying. But it's still something I think is good. It's about these two scientists going to an alien planet and getting their shit fucked up thoroughly. It's genuinely terrifying at times.
There are trigger warnings in the show notes but this podcast has a lot body horror, violence, and is kinda fucked up sometimes.
Honestly this podcast is the next big thing in my opinion. I really liked the first season it's so interesting and it's like Janus Descending but a lot cooler and more interesting and funny. I'm really looking forward to it's next season! Basically this Xenobiologist (space animal scientist) is stranded on alien planet with intense tidal activity and the podcast is a mix of her complaining about her co-workers, surviving, and talking about the ecosystem. It's super interesting.
This podcast is kinda icky but I love it. There are depictions of small spaces and people who don't like water might not like this podcast.
EOS 10:
This is one of the big ones. It's about doctors, a cook, and an alleged space terrorist on this space station. It's really funny and I love the characters to death. The third season got a bit tricky though cause they kinda had to retcon a character out of the story cause they apparently fired his voice actor. And it gets like.... Super confusing. But still please watch it it's so good.
This story deals with alcoholism and drug addiction, along with violence, terrorism, grief, sexual interactions (though these are brief.) And medical stuff in general.
It's like We Fix Space Junk but 100x more positive (not saying that WFSJ is inferior, that's not true at all) and honestly it's like so sweet to watch. Things can get a bit unclear but that's okay. Also apparently the main character is nonbinary so that's great. It's about this fellow Feston who decides "fuck it" and fucks off away from their office job and goes to explore the universe with their ship (who I love btw, she's really nice)
There are occasional moments of violence and implications of sexual situations but overall it's pretty safe I think.
I haven't listened to the other storyline yet but basically it's about this private detective on mars. It's really gay like... REALLY GAY. This is the epitome of the "podcasts are really gay" posts. This podcast is what they're talking about. Aside from that is has a really interesting plot, stellar voice acting and great characters!
This podcast has depictions of violence, body horror at some point, guns (laser guns though) and abuse (there is a warning before those episodes however.
This is a genre defining podcast. All of the podcasts I just listed proably wouldn't exist without this and it's actually so good. It's fucking trippy, and it's so much fun. You can tell the creators put so much love and thought into the podcast and it's just amazing. Basically it's a radio show about this incredibly weird town. And if I have to explain it to you, that means you need to listen to it.
This podcast is very existential, and since it's just so weird and all over the place in what's weird it's hard to really tag anything, I apologise, plus it's been a while since I've listened to it.
This podcast is so fucking good, you've probably already heard of it, and definitely of the producers, the McElroy family. It's these three brothers and their dad playing DnD (initially) together and I can't even describe it. But it literally made me cry so hard that I got a sinus infection.
There are depictions of violence, torture during the suffering game arc, there's an instance of bury your gays which I'm not gonna elaborate on cause of spoilers but don't worry about it. And sometimes some innuendos and sexual stuff ("hey thug what's your name I'm about to tentacle your dick" is an iconic line and a good example of that)
This podcast is about a philosophy student going to live in a underwater station and it's a lot of fun and the atmosphere of wet and uncomfortable is really excellently communicated. It's another really diverse podcast (which seems to be a trend with Procyon podcasts)
This podcast is not for people who like small spaces and deep ocean.
Maybe I'm just stupid or this one's hard to keep up on. Nevertheless I really liked the characters and it's just really fun. It's about this crew of ragtag smugglers trying to find out what's up with the former ship of their new crewmate. Featuring a lot of diversity (This is a Procyon podcast) and good voice acting.
This is actually a true crime / nonfiction podcast about the Bear Brook murders. It's rather gory and disgusting at times but really interesting.
This podcast is not for the faint of heart though, it is a true crime podcast, and it does talk about the horrible things that a serial killer can do.
Basically therapy sessions for those with abnormal abilities. It's really good and the characters are actually so amazing. This podcast does a lot of interesting stuff that really interests me. I haven't finished it but I'm currently pretty far in. I think this podcast has the potential to actually help people with their problems.
This podcast has depictions of gaslighting, manipulation, panic attacks, mentions of torture and isolation, attempted kidnapping, actual kidnappings, depictions of war (this has trigger warnings though), and violence
I'm actually sad that this is just a three part series. It's so much fun, and so good. It's by the same people who made Wolf 359 and it follows a bomb squad on New Year's Eve. Highly recommend it cause it's a really quick listen.
This podcast has bombs.
This podcast deals with true crime and supernatural stuff and is presented in the classic podcast way. It's also really triggering cause of the true crime aspect but I seriously recommend this. It's genuinely really informative.
This podcast like Bear Brook is not for the faint of heart.
This is a really interesting take on various legends it's a mix of storytelling in a very nonfictional sense that slips into dialogue that's rather interesting. I haven't listened to a lot of the episodes but it's good.
This podcast does discuss myths that were a product of their times so there are depictions and mentions of misogyny, rape and violence, even if I haven't listened to all of it.
Has that same kinda switches in storytelling as Myths and Legends but a lot less coordinated and a lot funnier. Its a lot of fun to listen to the podcast and the hosts are really funny.
These also have the same tw as the podcast before this.
This is by one of the co-creators of WTNV it's about a trucker trying to find her lost wife. Ive only listened to the first part but it's really good and I highly recommend it. It's actually like amazing and really captivating. Also terrifying.
This podcast has depictions of intense violence, existentialism, and body horror. And probably more I haven't even finished it.
I'm sorry if I didn't include something in the trigger warnings about these podcasts, but I hope it helps. I've been listening to a lot of them and it's so much fun!
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tinkdw · 6 years
13x16: Performing!Dean v Repressed!Dean
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I know who I prefer (hint, he’s sweet, kind, wuvs hugs, pop music, Disney movies and is a bit of an awkward cute flirter, not a creeper) and this episode hammered this home as who the GA should be rooting for in such a brilliant and clear way, paving the way for Dean to totally let go of the performance, I loved it.
Dean spent the whole episode facing his childhood traumas and heroes, it all came together to show us so much of who Dean is, that yes he was actually creepily insistent but Daphne didn’t give a crap because she kept running after Fred, that Dean found Fred irritatingly perfect just as Velma mirrored him with Sam (because Dean has a childhood crush on Daphne and Fred and was made to feel the crush on Fred was bad so he got all angry about it whereas the crush on Daphne was good so he went all charicaturishly over the top about it.
This is the EPITOME of:
Repressed!Dean = interactions with Fred Performing!Dean = interactions with Daphne
And what happens in the end? The audience is like wow Performing!Dean is an annoying douche with how he was with Daphne and she was right to blow him off and Repressed!Dean was pretty cool, Dean and Fred got along well in the end once Dean let go of his nonsensical hang ups about him!
Dean gets to like Fred, gives him a nickname (pfff) and accepts him, meanwhile Daphne is totally non plussed and waltzes away from him because she didn’t particularly like or was in any way impressed by this Performing!Dean, she prefers Fred, who in turn is such a huge metaphor in this episode for a lot of who Dean really is and Dean even visually LOOKS like Fred in the end with the ascot, I mean...
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This was all about Performing!Dean and who the audience should be rooting for!
Hint: IT’S NOT PERFORMING!DEAN... It’s who Dean really is beyond this.
It’s about furthering the already massively established theme of character growth, self acceptance, letting go of the sublimation and repression that he outright stated he has done his whole life and was “kinda his thing” in 12x05 for the GA to take note of as the starting jumping off point and has been continuously addressed and broken down since through:
- standing up to his mother, the catalyst for all this, and telling her he deserves more in 12x14, starting to believe that he really does deserve better and the person who deserves more is not his performance but him, who he truly is deep down
- then telling her the truth about his upbringing in 12x22 alongside using the grenade launcher to literally break down the walls holding him in, this being such a huge metaphorical start of bringing down Performing!Dean that we yelled about it all summer
- continuing into him being so much more open with Sam about his grief at the beginning of the season in contrast to season 7 let’s say re: Cas’ death and now it affected him
- then not giving two shits about letting Sam know he loves cowboys and yes totally has a really expensive hat bag for his hat etc
- that he has to be under a spell to say he loves Dory in 12x11 (pre the 12x14/22 Mary facing catalyst to starting to accept himself) but by 13x16 he openly quotes ELSA. ELSA who is so linked to LGBT representation and metaphors of queer coming out of a closet I can’t EVEN.
Dean... let it go man... let it go... That’s basically what this Dean x Daphne x Fred stuff was all about. By the end of the episode Dean had let go of his childhood hang ups about Fred. THIS WAS THE POINT.
=> This episode showed that Repressed!Dean, the Dean that he has sublimated so much in the past, is actually a pretty cool guy and in the end Dean really likes him (and the audience like him, no-one sane looks at Dean and Fred interact in this episode with Daphne and thinks that Daphne would do better with the one who keeps creeping on her, not taking no for an answer over the one who is respectful and nice to her). Fred is a really nice dude, and Performing!Dean is actually a bit of a douche and clearly not who Dean really is and that doesn’t get him what he wants, because yes Daphne is hot but she’s vacuous and totally not interested, Dean’s fine letting her go in the end and she actually ironically wants Real!Dean in the form of FRED.
Because Repressed!Dean is who the audience should like not Performing!Dean.
This is who the audience is supposed to be rooting for, for him to finally LET IT GO and be his true self because that Dean is so much BETTER than the fake him he performs as to hide it.
This is just part of all of this, getting the GA to see bit by bit who Dean really is and wanting to see more, like hey, Dean loves Disney movies that’s cool! I love that he now says this outright to Sam with no shame whereas last season he needed the nudge of the the spell to admit it (and he totally hid from Sam that he wanted to ride Larry), back in season 1 he was so embarrassed when Sam called him out for watching Oprah, like, I NEED Dean to mention something like wanting to go ride another bull or watching Oprah now and not giving two shits about Sam’s quick look of ‘what?’ and just going for it because that’s what he wants. Bonus points if Cas also likes Oprah (given he watched reality  tv in canon) so he clearly has no shits to give about Dean’s choices and in fact enjoys many of the same things as repressed!Dean so, great, and Sam just shrugs and moves on because Sam isn’t a douche he just doesn’t know because he fell for the performance for so long, he just needs to readjust his perceptions of Dean but he doesn’t really care either way as long as he’s happy!
Meanwhile don’t even get me started on the one person who can so nearly see beyond the performance, Cas, looking deeply into the ghost’s form and being the one who can so nearly see what’s really going on below, but keeps getting dragged away (like he does in the show by all the situations dragging him away all the time). URGH.
IMO that was the point of all this Dean / Daphne / Fred dynamic, not getting hung up on incorrect semantics about age or whatever. It’s this furthering of already established meta by an author who has stated that he loves SPN and didn’t need to watch anything more to write his ep because he knows it all already :
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As an author I’m 100% sure has picked up on ALL the meta points we do because well they’re BLATANT even to us let alone someone in the trade and he worked them into his story PERFECTLY.
The Dean / Daphne / Fred triangle was funny but it was also SO TELLING for all the performing!Dean meta established since the pilot but coming out as blatantly about to come to a climax and be subverted soon after such huge build up in Dabb era.
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whateverisbeautiful · 6 years
Reveling in Richonne
122: The I Love You’s (8x14)
First of all…
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I have so been looking forward to breaking down this solid gold moment right here. Cuz y’all, it’s everything. 🙌🏾 So you already know I have to happy dance in advance lol.
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Wait it’s still not out of my system. 😋
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(Side note: I’m already extra when it comes to even their smallest moments so this is about to be extra x10. So thank you for putting up with me lol 🙏🏽😂 And this post is particularly long (cuz of course), so I’ll spare your TL with this one 👌🏽😊)
Lemme tell you, every time I see or even just remember this moment I cannot help but react to it with the same high energy I had when I first saw it. This moment gives me complete and utter joy and it also really moves me, so this will always be me when it comes to this scene…
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Cuz y’all...they said it!! 🎉Won’t He Do It! Yes He Will! All the time! Forever and Ever! Amen. 🙌🏾😌🙌🏾😌
And I love that while it was a big celebratory moment for us, it was such a normal thing for them. All the way here for it. 👌🏽😊
It’s funny cuz I generally avoid spoilers but, the week before, I had been hearing murmerings that 8x14 might be the episode where they say it, and just the mere notion of that had me turning up. So literally the whole episode I was just waiting and watching like...
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Cuz ever since I boarded this ship the thought of what those “I love you’s” would be like and when they would come was on my mind often. And we finally got to see it! And of course Danai and Andy knocked it out of the park. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
But first, to back track just a little bit, in the few moments prior we see Carol open up to Ezekiel about her daughter.
(Side note: I wish Carol and Michonne would talk more. They’re different in a lot of ways but also have a lot of similarities too. Like in Carol’s conversation with Ezekiel she shares about how these people helped her find a better version of herself and that’s the case for Michonne as well.👌🏽)
The main reason I bring up this moment tho, is because, when they cut to the wider shot, Carol and Ezekiel are holding hands which is sweet, and what I love most about it is that you can see Michonne sitting in the background, almost center with the hand hold. And y’all that’s not a coincidence. 💯
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How did Richonne’s romantic relationship start? With a glorious hand hold. 🙌🏾😋 And it’s cool that we get some parallel to R&M’s 6x10 moment in the same episode that we get to witness another long awaited exchange. 😊 (And this also sort of suggests that Carol and Ezekiel might be joining the couples club that I think only Rick and Michonne are in rn.)
But seeing Michonne sitting alone made me kind of sad too cuz it makes me think about how she would totally be spending that time with Carl if he was there (or Rick if he wasn’t out wildin 🙃)
So they hear the gate open and then Michonne springs up cuz she knows her man has come home, which is probably a big relief for her, knowing his recent inclinations to leave and get himself in serious predicaments.
My favorite thing about seeing Michonne spring up like this is cuz, as many have pointed out, it’s so reminiscent to when Rick heard her arriving at the gate in the season 4 premiere. Y’all their magnetic connection is still going strong all these seasons. 😊
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So then Rick and Morgan walk in looking like two bad kids who can solemnly swear they’ve been up to no good. 😂 
And when Michonne sees him, she has a look that says she’s both relieved and also that she can tell her man has likely spent the day wildin all the way out.
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Morgan walks up to Henry and tells him he was able to kill the Savior who killed his brother. And rather than relish the vengeance, Henry actually expresses sympathy that Morgan had to kill again and he tells him sorry. 
And then I get hit hard upon hearing Morgan tell Henry “Don’t ever be sorry” cuz it’s exactly what Morgan told Carl back in “Clear.” 😭
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I’m always here for a “Clear” reference in this show even tho it’s also a heartbreaking reminder that Carl isn’t there anymore. (And I hope this show knows that in no way will Henry be a legitimate replacement, so TWD don’t try to make fetch happen. Just saying.)
So while that’s going on, Rick is walking towards the main house and people are looking at him cuz Homeboy def looks like he’s been suspect. And he’s just sort of looking right back at people like “Say something, I dare you.” 😅
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One person he doesn’t look at tho is Michonne and y’all I admit I was not feeling that. I was like; Rick don’t you walk past your girl without acknowledging her in some way. Like I know he’s in a daze and probably feeling guilty but at least nod or something bruh, especially after likely making her stressed all day about where he went.
As he walks away, Michonne watches him go and they emphasize her having this look.
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Seeing this reaction from her briefly made me worried that maybe this show was heading towards another moment of distance between them or even disappointment cuz tbh Michonne wouldn’t be out of line if she did feel a little disappointed. So at first, when it came to where they stand, I was like…
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But the thing is, Sis is so understanding and the epitome of a great wife so any worry that maybe this was going to cause an issue between them was quickly dispelled in the final scene of the episode.
So now onto the scene that has kept me on cloud nine for months. ☺️Lol. Lemme get prepared.
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The scene starts with Rick walking into their room seeming freshly showered, and I love that there seems to be this comfortability with him returning to him and his woman’s room. Like I think they have him enter the scene this way to hit home that this is Rick at the most settled he’s been in a while.
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And it’s significant to see him putting on a clean white tee cuz it really does feel like it’s meant to imply a clean slate as well as the lighter side he’s coming back to. He’s leaning into the good again, (now that he’s gotten some of the savagery out of his system lol)
Also I love that there’s this candlelight glow that’s totally paralleling the precious candlelit dinner proposal scene in 7x12. 🙌🏾 I think having that similar glow going just helps to set the tone that he’s more in that 7x12 headspace again, rather than the headspace we saw in the dive bar.
We then see Rick have a visible moment where he knows this is the time to open his letter, like his North Star told him to in this very room earlier in the episode. Everything that’s happened today has shown him that now is the time to stop running. So he goes to the drawer and takes out the letter.
So then, Michonne walks in and stops at the doorway and this whole moment is super similar to the scene earlier. Cuz just like Rick walked in and found Michonne holding her letter near the dresser, Michonne walks in to find Rick holding his letter in the same spot.
Their reactions are different tho cuz where Rick saw her holding the letter and felt a sense of fear and anxiety, Michonne sees him holding the letter and you can tell there’s a sense of relief.
Like she definitely seems a little surprised too with finding Rick right there with the letter, but also happy that whatever he did outside the walls led to the letter and not more suppressing or running from coping.
So the first thing Rick says is “Thank you.” And Rick is a real one for knowing he needs to thank her. And I love how Rick so often says thank you to Michonne in this series cuz Homeboy knows he’s with a queen and he’s grateful. 😊
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Now, you know my extra self had to really reflect on what each line of dialogue meant in this scene, and to me Rick’s thank you was for her getting him to see the light slowly but surely, and for fighting for Carl and for himself, for being by his side this whole time, for loving him, and sharing with him, and for everything she is. 👌🏽😊
It was also thanking her for being patient as he took a little detour to where she knew he needed to be. But I think most of all, at the root, this is Rick telling her thank you for not giving up on me. 💯
I love how it’s so visible that a weight is taken off Michonne when he says this cuz it lets her know that he’s in a much better clearer space than before. She was carrying so much for the both of them, to the point that I was like Sis is overdue for a shoulder to cry on, but in hearing and seeing Rick like this, some of that load on her is lightened.
What I adore most about this moment is the way they both take this deep breath when he says this. They are legitimately one and so in sync. 😍🙌🏾
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In seeing that Rick is in a clearer headspace she knows they’re making some progress and it’s a relief that he’s more present and stable cuz again, if he’s okay she’s okay and you see that in the synchronicity of their body language.
They both seem to just loosen up due to knowing/sensing that they’re a little more centered than earlier. It’s not that all their external problems are gone, but they’re centered with one another, which is enough to make them feel a lot better. 💯
I love that seeing he’s okay means the world to Michonne and in both of them taking this breath it reminds me of the moment in This Is Us where they all take a deep breath to take a step towards releasing the pain of their loss. As TIU said, when you don’t deal with your grief it’s like your holding your breath, so it’s big for R&M to be able to take this breath together.
The next thing he tells her is “I’m sorry” and I was very proud of Rick for telling her that.
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Like hearing him apologize had me like…
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And to me, the sorry was for the way he’s been running from her and the pain, for not being there for her the way she’s been there for him, for leaving and putting himself in harms way, and doing the opposite of what she and Carl wanted, for letting irrational Rick dictate his actions and not the Rick that knows to listen to her, and for distancing himself when he knows that’s not the way they are meant to be.
Rick knows he owes her better cuz in all this grief he has every right to wrestle with it but again, when it comes to Michonne he also has every responsibility to be there for her too, for so many reasons. 
To name one, he wanted her in season four to continue this bond with Carl and she did and they became best friends so she opened her heart so fully to Carl and raised him with Rick, so Rick knows that as the husband he has to walk with her in this, and he’s apologizing for not doing that fully.
But Michonne stays out here teaching how to be a great wife cuz with so much love and compassion she tells him “You don’t have to be.”
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I love this. 👏🏽😊 Cuz it’s not that she’s just passively letting Rick slide, she just understands that since they can’t reverse the past, all they can do is move forward, learn from it, and be better. And this is her way of showing she’s still here for him and they can be better together.
And I feel like in her telling him he doesn’t have to be sorry it’s not just her saying you don’t have to be sorry for what you did (cuz y’all Michonne and Rick are cut from the same cloth so she can understand what he did cuz she’s capable of going ham on the Saviors like that too) but it’s also saying you don’t have to be in a sorry state forever.
I appreciate that she chooses not to linger on this or reprimand him and make this cause a wedge. Also probably part of why she feels he doesn’t have to be sorry is because she knows his grieving journey has finally led him to the letter, which is where the healing process will begin.
She wants him to know he doesn’t have to be sorry for his grieving process cuz she knows this specific process very well considering she’s experienced it twice now. I love that she understands him so fully and so deeply and more than anyone else I think Rick has ever come across. 🙏🏽😊
Cuz low key someone who wasn’t his soul mate might not have had a response like “You don’t have to be” when he apologizes but more like “you better be”, but Rick’s got himself the best of the best who supports him through literally thick and thin. 👏🏽👸🏾
Rick seems to often be waiting for someone to tear him down or doubt him or be disappointed in him (probably cuz of his past) but she never does. 🙌🏾
Michonne always uplifts him and this moment was yet another way of saying “I’m still with you” and you know Sis always means it. 😌
So after she tells him this, Rick faces her and finally really looks at her with clear eyes again and it makes all the difference. He’s got himself the best wife and he knows it. Cuz she’s so compassionate and understanding and just genuinely wants the best for him without judgment. At the same time she’s not passive and naïve, she knows what’s up but she always chooses to see the man over the mistakes. #RealLove 👌🏽
And then comes the words we’ve been waiting for. Cuz Rick turns and faces Michonne and with the sweetest sincerity says, “I love you.”
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Every. Last. Thing. 
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That “I love you” was a reminder and a promise that, as much as his whole world has changed, his love for her hasn’t. It’s still there and going strong. 💕
I appreciate that he turns to face her more head on when he says this cuz he wants it to be crystal clear that he means this. We’ve seen that when he’s not being totally honest he can’t really look at people, but here he looks right in her eyes cuz this is the 100% truth. 💯😊
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I said in the last post how I was nervous that because this episode tried to make Rick’s word seem like it was questionable that they’d want this scene to be interpreted as questioning if Rick’s words are sincere or just manipulative, but all you have to do is see his face to know he’s serious. 
He’s looking at her the way he looks at her when he’s in his right mind, which is like she’s his sun, moon, and stars. ☺️
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And y’all, when he says this it came out so effortlessly that I had to pause cuz it was so clear that not only was this not the first time he’s said this but it was very clear that Homeboy has told her plenty of many of times. 👏🏽😊
Before this episode, I was thinking they’ve said it before but of course Andrew Lincoln found a way to deliver this line in a way where it sounds like this is something Rick says all the time. 😋
But it still feels really special and significant this time, because while I feel this totally isn’t their first, second, or even tenth time exchanging “I love you’s”, I think this may be their first time saying it since losing Carl, which is why it’s so meaningful and a milestone, cuz it’s showing they’re back to telling each other what’s always been true.
And after seeing this so many times, I’ve come to like the sort of melodic way he says it cuz there’s something so tender about it.
Also it’s sweet that he nods when he says it cuz this isn’t meant to be angsty, it’s supposed to be more like he’s saying; “you know that thing I tell you all the time? It’s still true” And it never stopped being true, he’s just now in a healthy spot to tell her again. 😌👌🏽
And once he says that, Michonne then completes this perfection by telling him, “I love you too”
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And I gotta happy dance one more again.
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But for real, her delivery of that line was beautiful. 😭 It was so sincere and meaningful while also sounding comfortable and certain.
And there’s definitely something emotional in her delivery because they’re expressing this sentiment post-Carl, but there’s also such a sense that this is so normal and natural for them. 
Danai is so good at communicating so much in just a facial expression but also in just a tone of voice like this moment here. 👸🏾
And I love that Michonne got to say I love you to both Carl and Rick in 8B. They’re family. 😭💕
Now as I was first taking this all in, I was like why didn’t they show Michonne’s face as she said that (cuz y’all my extra self would have wanted a split screen so I could see both of their every move in real time lol 😂) 
But what works about doing it this way is that it just goes to show that those three words are so normal for her to hear and say that it didn’t need this reveal of her reaction. She said it like she means it and like she knows he means it too cuz he’s said it fourteen thousand times before. 😋
And Richonne tones for the win, y’all. Like the way they speak to each other is always so loving and genuine and melts my heart. 🙌🏾
I actually have live footage of my heart when I heard them exchange I love you’s:
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Lol so if my heart turned into Simone Biles, and I’ve only been waiting like two years for this, I can only imagine how gratifying this moment must’ve been for those that had been waiting for this since season 3 and 4.
Like y’all have been going strong for this couple for years and that allowed people like me to jump on board down the line to see what’s always been there between them. So I was celebrating not just for me but for y’all who believed this day would come as early as the moment R&M laid eyes on each other. 😊 And y’all were so right. Won’t He Do It! 🙌 🏾😋
And I love that this moment had so many of us like...
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So while I still would have loved to see Michonne’s reaction, I do love that we get to see Rick’s reaction to her.
Rick nods when she tells him, cuz she’s told him this plenty of many of times too. Amen. 🙌🏾☺️
And y’all I already adored this scene and watched it a ton of times lol, but I never noticed, until I saw it pointed out recently, that Rick actually subtly sheds a tear when she tells him she loves him.
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And seeing that has me even more emotional than I already was. 😭
It makes this moment even more moving because even tho these “I love you’s” are not some new profession for them, it still means the world to them. 😊
And I think for Rick to hear his woman so genuinely express that she loves him too, it moves him in this way because he’s reminded yet again that he still has extremely valuable love left in his life.
After losing Carl, he’d been convincing himself that he’s a failure. But Michonne is here and showing him that he’s still loved, and seen, and cared about, and forgiven, and believed in, and that hits home for Rick and makes him really grateful. 😊
Y’all we really are so blessed that this relationship is in such capable hands with these actors. They’re so skilled at making these moments feel so authentic and personal because they’re characters are so lived in and it really does feel like we’re getting just a peek into the deep closeness and intimacy R&M have in everyday life. It makes you feel like it’s too personal to have an audience almost, but it’s perfect. 😌👌🏽
Like every night since 6x10, R&M get ready to go to bed in a room they share and this is how they talk, except more weighted this time given the circumstances.
I appreciate that they’re also so in tune with the characters so they knew to play this moment as meaningful but also casual because it’s a sentiment often expressed between them. They don’t just know they love each other, they clearly tell each other often too. ☺️
8x01, 7x16, 7x12, 7x10, 7x09, 7x08, 7x05, 7x04, 6x11, and even as early as the day they went canon in 6x10; those are all the episodes where I love you’s could totally have been exchanged. Here for it. 😋
And y’all I have to have my reoccurring epiphany that this is Rick and Michonne. The Rick and Michonne that met at that fence, and constantly found themselves staring each other down when they were just strangers in season 3.
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The Rick and Michonne who were glad to see each other at the gate in season 4. The Rick and Michonne who knew the rules had changed for them in season 5. The Rick and Michonne who just needed a pair of mints to finally embrace the fact that they were in love in season 6. And now we’re here. It’s a blessing. 🙌🏾🎉
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I love thinking about any Richonne scene prior, especially pre-canon, and then thinking about this glorious “I love you” scene following it. Cuz y’all these two have been expressing “I love you’s” to each other in so many different ways for the longest. And it’s just so great to get crystal clear undeniable confirmation that their journey, starting way back in season, 3 was about these two falling in love and now being this strong couple in love. 🙌🏾😌
My favorite is thinking about their moment in the season three finale which parallels this one. In both scenes Rick apologizes and she’s understanding, but in s3 he tells her that it “must’ve been something else” that led him to bring her in. And now in s8 we can pretty much confirm that the “something else” was cuz Homeboy was falling in love. 🙌🏾🎉
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Y’all there’s just no denying that what these two have is the real deal. It’s crazy tho cuz even now, with the literal ILYs having been said, there’s people who still completely overlook their relationship or “don’t see the chemistry” or don’t get that Michonne and Rick are a soul mate package deal relationship, which just confirms that…
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And again, I acknowledge that everyone absolutely has a right to their opinion on it. 👌🏽 But imho, if people can’t see that Rick and Michonne’s relationship is a soul mate relationship now, then it’s cuz they don’t want to see it since in every scene Rick and Michonne are in the “I love you” is evident. 
Whether it’s in action or in different words, and now in those exact special three words. They are in love. And they are going to stay in love til the end. 💯
So to the people who specifically hate on them, I low key feel like this scene was also a way to say…
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But regardless of who’s on board, Richonne only gets stronger and stronger and better and better, so it’s all good.
And y’all the scene doesn’t just end with the I love you’s! There’s more gold to witness. 🙌🏾
Cuz after they share these wonderful words, Michonne goes to Rick and reaches for him cuz he can finally receive it, in fact he needs that.
The way he looks down before she walks over, I feel like Rick doesn’t think she’s about to kiss him, probably cuz he still doesn’t think he deserves that.
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But again, Michonne quiets those doubts in him and gives him the love and connection they both need and y’all it’s beyond precious. 🙌🏾
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Like this reminded me of one of Richonne’s most life-giving moments with the Kiss of Life in 7x05, in the way Michonne reaches for him and reminds him why he’s got a bomb ride or die wife. 👸🏾
I love that they’re able to share this kiss and just be completely enraptured in this moment. And you can tell they’ve both been wanting to connect this way for a while. 😊
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And that mirror showing us all the angles. 👌🏽That mirror is a Richonner and I’m here for it. 😋
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And then the looks they share tho…like y’all this love goes deep. ☺️And it’s great how Richonne can’t help but do everything passionately when they’re with each other. 👏🏽
And then the forehead touch, making them like a perfect heart, is such a beautiful establishment of the strong unit they are and the way they lean on each other and are magnetically connected.  This right here is unbreakable. 😌💯
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To see them both just be fully locked into this moment and not fight the connection their meant to have is so refreshing. 🙌🏾😊 #magnets
And seeing them in front of this whole mirror is def meant to contrast the broken mirror Rick was in at the bar. In the broken mirror he was alone and troubled, but here he is focused and with the woman that’s his rock so he’s much more whole.
Even during their distance in 8x13, I knew we wouldn’t have to wait long until they were back in each other’s arms, and just an episode later they’re right back where they’re meant to be. 👌🏽
So then, still so close and connected, they both look over at this letter and it’s kind of like these two are looking at Carl in a way.
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And it’s deep cuz Carl really was their North Star and such a driving force for these two as individuals. But he still is their North Star because he helped to give them each other, which is how they are able to get through this. 😭
Rick lifts the letter to imply he’s ready to take her words to heart and read it. And Michonne walks away cuz she wants to allow him time to fully take this in on his own.
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Before leaving, she looks at him in a way that says; alright it’s time to take this leap, no more running and once you jump I’ll be right there with you. 👌🏽😊
And having gotten his strength from his everything, he’s able to sit and finally let Carl speak to him one last time, cuz I think part of him knows now that Carl won’t end with that letter.
Like Glenn said; the dead live on in the living. So Carl lives on in Judith and in him and in the woman he’s in love with especially, Michonne. So long as they have each other and love each other, they’ll never lose Carl. 😌
Before Rick reads the letter, he looks up and it’s like he’s trying to look up towards Carl cuz now the roles are switched and Rick has to look up to his son.
This episode concludes with Rick reading the letter and emotionally taking in the words. It’s clear this whole scene is not to suggest that Rick is continuing to be jaded, but to show he’s rising above that unhealthy space. 
He’s open to the letter, he’s opening up to Michonne again and focusing on what he loves over what he hates, cuz real Rick is returning.
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Y’all love covers a multitude of sins and, while TWD does not get a pass for all the baffling dumb decisions made this season, those “I love you’s” def sustained me for a good while lol.
That day was Easter, it was I Love You’s, it was a good celebratory day.👌🏽😊
And this special moment between Rick and Michonne was such a beautiful way to end the episode, having that moment be the final thing. It just goes to show how Richonne only get stronger and closer through adversity. They endure things that should break them, but together they’re stronger than all of it and they always find their way back to each other.
So I truly adore this scene for giving us the golden “I love you’s” and for showing us how lovingly and authentically they’ve found their way back to each other after the hardest adversity yet. And as long as they have each other they’ll thrive, because they are really and truly soul mates. 💯☺️
Rick and Michonne need each other, y’all. And they’re perfect together. And most importantly, they love each other.👌🏽😌🎉🙌🏾
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gif sources: michonnegrimes gekari danaigurirasource spideyys andy-clutterbuck supagirl ricksmichonne
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shadowednavi · 7 years
Watching the original Twin Peaks. I am on episode 4. Feel free to block "tricia watches twin peaks" if you do not want to read my liveblogging. Also sorry I am on mobile so I can't readmore until I get to a computer lol - Harry and Lucy have immense patience for Agent Cooper's bullshit. He is adorable but HOW DO YOU FORGET THE NAME Albert can fuck right off though. Agent Cooper can lay the smackdown when he needs to thank goodness So many of these people look the same but I'm doing my best to remember names. I'm having a hard time differentiating Mr. Horn and Leeland Palmer, which makes things really awkward because one is a complete jackass and the other is just trying. Norma and Shelly(?) are also throwing me. At least one of them has a face punch now so that helps distinguish them They are doing a very good job making Leo reprehensible, but I don't think he did it. Doesn't stop him from being a dick though Bobby is super extra. Those eyes have more personality than he does, and he's OH OKAY NOPE HIS VOICE IS MORE POWERFUL WHAT IS HIS PROBLEM Actually scratch that, Audrey is the epitome of extra holy shit though bobby is close Jeez this examination is brutal. Albert doesn't need to make it worse. AGENT COOPER COMES TO SAVE THE DAY AGAIN. TOAST THAT JACKASS. Time for the funeral? Nope we get to see Ed and his batshit wife again. just look at his eyes when she kisses him. he is dead inside. She's talking about how he had a thing for Norma in high school. I don't think that went away, just based on his interaction with her at the diner. he took a bullet srsly Wait is Audrey sneaking into a secret passage behind the wall? WHO ARE YOU HOLY SHIT Wait what hold up that's the doctor and oh that's her brother okay. Thought it was bobby that is less weird. To see literally everyone together in the same space is kinda surreal, but a reminder that they all live in the same place and are all connected. oh okay bobby THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU RIGHT NOW SHUT YOUR VERY LARGE MOUTH look at what you did you broke the thing leeland. your grief is too large and heavy Agent Cooper: matchmaker. Or at least match identifier. Thank you for being a light in this dark ass story. Oh okay so there's a secret society of ghostbusters? So far it's Harry, Ed, and Hawk involved. James too? Oh okay there's a dude tied up for drugs? Whose brother is he again? Huh... leo needs to stop. OH SHIT SHELLY HAS A GUN SHE GON MAKE HIM STOP YOU GO GIRL FUCK HIM UP Katherine just found the books Josie had kept hiding? Or wait, they were books SHE had been hiding that Josie found, and she moved them to a new spot to fsk things up and hide them again? Ugghhhh this liveblog is going to be so helpful when things inevitably get more convoluted later so apologies to anyone reading who's just like "wtf is this blow by blow report calm down tricia" Dr. Jacobi at Laura's grave. Laura really changed ~everyone~ didn't she. But I guess that's the mystery, yeah? How could this straight and narrow girl lead such a fucked up double life to the point where she drowned herself (I assume right now the cause of death was driven to suicide, based on James' report. We'll see what happens when we learn more). And then you have the VERY OBVIOUS TRAUMA SHE ENDURED right before she died, and you have to wonder how long that's been going on? Hopefully the Pulaski girl has more to say on that when she opens up, poor girl D: So they both worked at the perfume counter, and they both endured an unspeakable hell. How many others were there? Agent Cooper said there were two other cases he'd seen with letters under their fingernails and this falls in line with those same cases, but i don't remember if he ever said where. Hm. I feel like the conversation about dream souls was important, but leeland's being sad again so we get to focus on him now. God it's not your funeral, chill omg - So that's the end of the episode. Kudos to you if you stuck it out with me! There will be more later. But for now it's time to draw :D
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impatient14 · 7 years
“The Puzzle Will Solve the Plane”
I know that there are many people who will have no interest in hearing what I have to say right now, and that is fine. Like I’ve said before, I understand your grief and I support your right to express it however best for you. However, after watching the episode again and after reading this thread I think there is still good reason to have hope.
I was going to go through the glaringly obvious plot holes but, honestly, there are so many posts about that already, there doesn’t seem to be a point in doing so anymore. The plot holes are Grand Canyon sized for anyone with eyes and ears and, like, a working brain. (My favorite completely, 100% nonsensical plot hole in Series four is Sherlock saying, “She burned it” while they show us John burning the AGRA USB, as well as all the blog fuckery)
But this post isn’t about that. 
No. Its about why.
Why do this? Why make an utter MOCKERY of your own piece of work. That’s what they’ve done and they know it. So, why?
Let me direct you to a piece of dialogue in the show.
The little girl on the plane talks about how she is flying high in the sky, over the sea, all alone, with no ships, begging for help but surrounded by people who are unable to wake up to listen.
Mycroft: “She’s about to fly over the city in a pilotless plane. We’ll have to talk her through it.”
John: “Through what?”
Mycroft: “Getting the plane away from the mainland. Any populated areas. It has to crash into the sea.”
JOnh: “What about the girl?”
Mycroft: “Well, obviously Dr. Watson, she’s the one who is going to have to crash it.”
John: “No, we’ll have to help her.”
Mycroft: “And if we fail and she crashes into a city? How many will die then?
John: “How are going to do that?”
Mycroft: “I’m afraid, we’ll have to give her hope.”
It is very telling that this piece of dialogue comes from a scene involving Mark. If you look closer at what you’re really reading there, and who that girl ultimately is, you should get a better understanding of what message they are trying to send here.
The girl is Eurus’ metaphor for herself, all alone and traveling high above anyone else, unable to land. (Interesting how Sherlock talked about landing being the most difficult part of emotional experience... but that’s a different meta) In this context, the girl on the plane is also us. Pilotless. Alone. Surrounded by people that wont listen to us...Except for Sherlock. He tells us to find a radio... but Mycroft (Mark) is willing to sacrifice us to save others. We will crash and we will burn in the sea of our tragedy, but that is what must be done for the plan to work.
Consider this next piece of dialogue:
Sherlock: “This is not torture, its vivisection. We’re experiencing science from the perspective of lab rats.”
And who is looking on, monitoring Sherlock as he says this? Mycroft. Mark.
This is an experiment and an exceptionally cruel one. Its vivisection. Tearing us apart from the inside.
Why would they do this to us? Why deliberately give us clue after clue after clue only to  literally dangle our  last shred of hope in our faces? Its beyond cruel. Its pure evil. Reminds me of all the references to hell, the devil, 666, the anti-Christ- all of it the epitome of EVIL. Why? Why purposely destroy your own creation? Why go against everything you’ve said you wanted to do? It doesn’t make sense and it doesn’t make sense because its not real. Not really. 
Its not a trick, its not a game, and its not a cheap joke. 
Its a plan. 
Remember, Mycroft (Mark) wants to lose the war BBC’s Sherlock is fighting... 
“...And Make no mistake, this is war.” -TAB
The LGBTQ community is at war with mainstream media, and they should be. Queerbaiting is extremely harmful to our community and and even deadly in some cases. It is evil. So, we go to war. Unfortunately, we are causalities of that war... But Sherlock told us what to do when we are alone, pilotless, and no one will listen. He told us to, “Find a radio.”
Use. Your. Voice. 
Respectfully tell anyone who will listen what the latest installment of queerbaiting has done and how harmful it is to a large population of people. Tell everyone. Radio stations. Newspapers. Social Media. That’s what Mofftiss want. They sacrificed us as fans so that we could become soldiers. Just as Sherlock told John, “Do not get distracted. Soldiers today.”
This is war and Mofftiss (for the time being) are sacrificing themselves to it as well. Do you honestly think these men who created everything we have loved these past six years suddenly forgot how to write? They mis-remembered all the things that they love about ACD and TPLoSH? They just seemingly lost their minds and thought it totally normal to have that many plot holes in their story? Do you really think they would not only throw their careers down the toilet but throw us under the bus for anything less than this? This groundbreaking idea?
No. I don’t believe it.
This week, shout to the rooftops how unfair all of this was. Drag out your receipts, they gave them to us so we could use them. MAKE PEOPLE LISTEN.
When the fourth episode comes and vindicates us (my money is still on EMP- for a host of reasons that continued to play out in TFP), our victory  will be bittersweet, but think of the generations we would have saved. The future for queer representation is worth this sacrifice. (John’s voice) It is. 
I understand that many of you will find this delusional or are too afraid to hope, and that is fine. This is how I feel. This is what makes sense to me. This is what I’ve got to hold on to right now. If it turns out I’m wrong, then I’m wrong. We still would have made our grievances known on a large scale. As always, do what you need to do to keep yourself safe, but this is what I believe.
They’re giving us one last puzzle. The plane will solve the puzzle. 
We are the girl on the plane and its the hope they gave us that has ultimately killed us... but, then again, the plane never crashes. Does it? 
@ebaeschnbliah @the-7-percent-solution @loudest-subtext-in-tv @monikakrasnorada @deducingbbcsherlock @loveismyrevolution @longsnowsmoon5 @teapotsubtext @marcelock @gregoryhouse @welovethebeekeeper @yan-yae
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