#that isn't just a group of dumb wolves who
besiegedhunter · 6 months
You mentioned connection between Higashi and Siracusa and do you know if there was any connection between real life Italy and Japan?
I mean, besides their alliance with Germany in WW2
So I've looked into this every now and then before this but this is the first time I've properly sat down and committed myself to it and I think there's a decent amount there.
So much that I'm gonna put this under the cut and fair warning, mid way it delves into speculation about Higashi and just a general one that I'm not very knowledgeable about this and sorry if I get anything wrong.
But onto the post:
On one hand you have the spread of Christianity, with Daimyo sending delegations to Rome before Christianity was banned and Japan closed it's borders.
But I find the Meiji Era to be more interesting for this topic because Japan and Italy signed a friendship treaty and begun fierce trade across several ports and in time some Italians gained positions of government in Japan, artisans were hired for various things and their art begun influencing each other's.
And they were allies in a few other conflicts before WW2 and though it halted when Italy signed the armistice, it was picked back up after the war. With them both embracing each other's culture and aiding each other through earthquakes recently. The relationship described as old and important and particularly I think Italian culture is popular in Japan. Or at least that's what one thing's said.
But maybe AK could possibly to taking inspiration from this?
There's also a bit that I've not mentioned which is the Risorgimento, an event in Italy's history wherein different states in the Italian Peninsula were united into the Kingdom of Italy. A similar period that was reaching it's end around the time the Meiji Restoration began.
The Risorgimento is the likely inspiration behind Siracusa's independence from Leithania with Leithania inspired by Austro-Hungary who played a similar role as Leithania to Siracusa in the Risorgimento.
The similar positions of Italy and Japan at the time may have helped with their relations possibly or at least push them to work together. I can't confirm but maybe something of note.
Now, Higashi seems moreso based on the Nanboku-chō period of Japan that happened from 1336 to 1392 vs the Meiji Restoration happening in 1868. But it's possible various parts of Japan's history will be used for Higashi's story... whenever that's happening.
And Siracusa could be, either through it's culture, it's experiences or something it can provide, could have a foothold in Higashi, maybe backing one of the two courts.
If I had to chose I'd probably lean towards the Mitsumoto or Southern Court of Higashi which as opposed to the Kougon of the North that are more conservative and militaristic, the Southern Court have focused on their economy and trade with perhaps the North and South having their own inspirations, with the South being inspired by the Meiji Restoration and working on trade with other countries, Siracusa being one of them perhaps with an influence on the art and culture (and underworld)?
Maybe the North is inspired by the Tokugawa Shogunate or the forces of the Samurai class who revolted against the Meiji Restoration.
Thought I'd throw some speculation out there but anyway. I like the idea of Siracusa in some way influencing or working with a Higashi court in their own efforts to consolidate power after it's Independence from Leithania.
Lappland could, as either part of her family or for Signora Sicily, gone to Higashi to conduct some business. Same as Suzuran's family who perhaps have a particularly strong focus on it. And because it's not limited to the mafia, Angelina's parents could've met from the relationship the two countries share.
And if we get an event in Higashi it could possibly feature Siracusans and a lore dump that's similar to Columbia or Laterano's impact on Siracusa but for Siracusa and Higashi.
I'd love to see that and the npc or playable character involved in it but yeah, heavy speculation about a couple Siracusans having connections to Higashi lol we'll see if it's anything.
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AEIWAM - Some details about whats going on with Komamura. IIRC canon said he was a werewolf, are you doing anything with him?
Me: What IS Komamura's backstory? Me: *reads backstory and eventual canon fate of Komamura* Me: Hm. Me: That's thematically weird and depressing. Me: I'll just ignore that :)
So in An Elephant Is Warm And Mushy, there's ALL KINDS of animal-people and supernatural creatures of varying degrees of anthropomorphic states in the Soul Society! Wolf people! Yokai! Centaurs But Bad! Snake people (sneople)! Mothmen! Whatever the fuck The Philosopher Wax is! Hell, Zaraki Kenpachi was raised by eagles! More nonhuman persons than you can shake a stick at!
They just stay away from the humans because The Humans are TERRIBLE.
...Not as terrible as my immediate family though, The Young Wolf is willing to gamble. he has to leave his home suddenly, in the middle of the night, frightened and injured. Family feuds are bad enough, but a drought year for a large group of apex carnivores and great-grandmother dying and creating a power vacuum? I'm lucky I got out alive! He reasons, tightening the bandages and wincing.
It doesn't look so bad. he lies to himself, looking at his reflection in the where he had finally collapsed from exhaustion and blood loss the previous night and somehow woke up alive this morning. Great-Grandfather did me a favor, trying to bite me in half like that- a tail would just make it even harder to blend in with the humans!
...Clothes would help more though. He sighs.
One man's trash is another's treasure, and that has never been more true than in the case of wolves that want to live with humans. The Young Wolf nearly weeps with joy when he finds the dump- barely-rotted animal carcasses to eat! broken wood for a fire! and clothes! Big enough to fit him! Alright that's definitely a bloodstain with a big, sort of sword-slash-shaped hole in the middle, but nothing a dunk in the river won't solve!
...Or not. Well, at least being covered in mud is less suspicious than being covered in blood? How does this thing even go on anyway? The garment is so confusing, he almost doesn't hear the humans who came to dump something until they are nearly upon him, and realizing they'll panic if they see his face, he grabs a broken basket and jams it over his head.
"Hey!" one of the humans calls out, seeing the movement. "What're you?" An old man peers around the pile at him, curious.
The Young Wolf sputters- he's heard tales of humans before, but this is the first human he's ever actually seen- The stories tell of their strange dark eyes and flattened faces how their fur is so fine they're nearly bald all over, and this man fits the description perfectly. An old woman- he guesses this one is a Woman, because what little fur she has is longer- she appears behind him, equally curious, then smacks the man under the ear.
"You dummy!" She snaps. "That's a monk!"
"Big damn monk!" The man laughs- indeed, even though he's one of the smallest of his people and not even grown, The Young Wolf towers over him- but still, he extends his open hand. Like the stories say, his claws are blunt and pale and the pads of his paws are soft. "What's yer name, venerable?"
"He can't answer that, he's a monk!" the woman snaps, exasperated. "They got- whatchyamacallit- Vows of Silence!"
"Oh, right!" the old man laughs. "Well, wouldn't matter if you could talk anyhow- my Old Lady's deaf as a post and I'm dumb as a rock! Come on, this is no place for a holy man!" he waved.
"Our home is up this way- it isn't much, but it's better than sleeping in Garbage! You stay with us and I'll fix that ratty old robe right up!" She said, grabbing him by the hand-
Ba-San looks down at his hand- it feels strange in hers, but it's not the fine gray fur covering his fingers or the rough pads on his palm or the dark nails that taper to claws.
It's that the hand is bleeding, scraped and cut and one of his nails missing like it had been torn off in a fight.
Ba-San is so old that everyone has forgotten her name and they just call her Ba-San, even her husband (who is so old that everyone has forgotten his name and calls him Jii-san, even his wife), and she didn't get this ancient by being an idiot. She glances up at the broken basket she knows got thrown in here by her neighbor not a week ago and sees the large golden eyes inside, staring down at her.
She's also old enough to know what a frightened child looks like, no matter how tall or what species he is.
She makes a show of squinting at his hand. "Why, your nails are FILTHY! You can wash up at the well out back too." She pats his hand.
"Of course! That's right!" Jii-san laughs. "Like I said- I got gravel for brains! He can sleep in Sajin's bed- Sajin is our Boy, but he's long since left home. It'll be good to have a young person around again!" he says, taking the boy's other hand.
He follows, stumbling awkwardly in the badly-tied robe and like he's been injured, but if he leaves paw-prints behind him, they don't remark upon it. - After about a month, the boy has something to confess. And something to ask.
Ba-San and Jii-San have been kind to him- they let him into their home and fed him and Ba-San didn't fix his robe so much as make an entirely new one "appropriate for a Monk", and Jii-san found a pair of old work gloves for him "so you can do your Good Works without losing another nail". Ba-San always gives him her soup-bones "I don't have the teeth to chew them anymore" and Jii-san always moves over so they can both sleep in the sun-patch that appears in the middle of their home every afternoon.
He's tried to repay them how he can- he's tall enough to fix the holes in the roof of their one-room shack standing flat-footed on the floor, and he carries water from the well every day to wash the stone steps outside and re-painted the red gate out front and every morning he makes them breakfast to wake them up and every night he rubs their tired necks and shoulders.
"Mmm-rr." he tries at breakfast, and they both look up, but it's hard enough practicing human words in the woods behind the shack to the birds, let alone now, at the table with the two people he cares most about in the world.
"You say something, Venerable?" Jii-san asks. "Don't worry- I won't tattle to the abbot on you-" he teases.
"Shush!" Ba-san barks at him. "What is it?"
He sighs, and tries again, focusing on the sounds. "mMnoddamunk."
The two elders stare blankly at him.
"Ahm nodda munk." he tries again, enunciating better. "Ahm nodda yumn eethrr."
The two look at each other, then turn back to him and place a hand on each of his.
"...Sorta figur'd the first when you didn't recognize the shrine." Nods Jii-san. "-But that's alright. You take good care of us."
"...Sort of figured the second when I saw your hand on the day we met." Nods Ba-San. "-But that's alright. You're a good person, which is a very different thing than being a Good Human."
The Boy stares at them, stunned, then cringes, embarrassed. Of course! They're old, not stupid. "Aiyee- r-r-r MN! Aiyee LLied." he apologizes, stumbling over the difficult consonant in the middle, determined to conquer it.
"I didn't hear any lies, did you, Jii-san?" asks Ba-san.
"I didn't hear nothin' and my ears even work!" he grins, ears perking up.
The Boy sighs, still exasperated with their antics but mostly relieved.
...Then something Jii-san said caught up with him, and he frowns.
"Aiyee- Aye haffa..." Another tricky consonant. "Aye needa assk ssmmng." he changed tracks. L was enough of a battle for one day, Q and his frustrating wife U could wait.
"Whadday wanna know, Venerable?" Jii-san asked, and Ba-san frowned, turning her ear out behind their home, already suspecting his questions.
He held up two fingers and they nodded, waiting. He'd gotten very good at numbers and pointing already, and until today, that had carried the conversation. "sssHrrine?" he asked.
Jii-san frowned. "...what's your second question?"
"th-Therre'ss ah- Grrrave?" he pointed out behind the shrine, to where a stone stood, with what he now recognized as marks signifying a name carved into it. "wHo?"
Ba-San and Jii-san looked at each other, distraught for some time before Ba-San finally turned back to him, both hands on his.
"...Venerable," She finally spoke. "You had to run away from home in a hurry, didn't you?"
The boy nods.
"-And Jii-san and I were the first people you met that weren't you family, right?" She continues.
He nods again. She purses her lips, agitated.
"Jii-San." She finally speaks. "I think we ought to show him Sajin."
Jii-san sighs and nods, agreeing with her, and stands up. At the back of the house, there is a little cabinet with two boxes they never open, and something covered by a black cloth. Jii-san opens the cabinet and takes out the thing covered by the black cloth, pulling the cloth aside and bringing the thing to the table. It's a flat rectangle, and on it is a drawing of a very strange creature.
It's face is almost perfectly circular, and it's body covered in clothes, like how Humans dress, including a funny hat. What the boy can see of the creature is perfectly smooth and hairless and the same color as not-quite-ripe peaches. It has a long mane of straight dark gray hair growing from the top of its head, and a beard a bit like a billy-goat's
"This is Sajin," Says Jii-san, voice wavering a bit. "He wasn't our son- you can tell, we're not related by blood- but he was Our Boy. He took care of us, like you do now."
"He was Our Boy." nods Ba-San, on the verge of tears. "Then he was Our Man. And then he was Our Old Man, and then-" She stopped, and began to cry in earnest. "-And then he left home, and we buried his body out behind the shrine, and marked his grave, as Humans do."
The boy continued to stare at Sajin's portrait. "...Sajin." he whispered, and the name didn't fight him at all. "...Ihff- if Sajin iss Yumann-?" he looked up at his friends. "Whattrrre You?"
Ba-San beckons him and Jii-san back to the cabinet, and puts her hand on one of The Boxes They Never Open. Jii-San puts his hand on the other, and together, the open the lids just a tiny bit for The Boy to see inside.
He gasps and steps back in horror- the things in the boxes are very much like the skulls he's seen of his people before, but the noses are all smooshed like they didn't grow right, and the eyes are too large and- -And they're just the right size each to belong to Ba-San and Jii-San.
"We are Koma, Guardian Dogs, and this is our shrine." Says Jii-san, closing the lid on his box as Ba-san closed hers, and placing the drawing of Sajin back on the shelf above them. "We wear clothes and speak like humans because we once took Names, a very long time ago, and thus we are People and we act like People." He explained.
"Nnames?" the boy asks.
"A Name is... a sort of contract, that the humans made up." Says Ba-San, locking the cabinet back up. "Humans can live together in such huge packs and crowded cities because they have Rules- you're not allowed to kill other people except in self-defense. You're not allowed to take food someone else caught. Nobody is allowed to kill a child for any reason, things like that. If you take a Name, it's like saying- 'I am this Person! And I agree to abide by the rules of being a person!', and you have to follow the rules, but everyone else has to follow the rules for you too, because you have a Name. So Humans can live very close to each other, because they all have an understanding that nobody is going to violate those rules."
"It's not just humans that can take names- long ago, some wolves decided to take names, and those wolves became Dogs, that live with humans. They were our ancestors, and like our ancestors, we took Names, and we obeyed the rules, and for that, we were fed and allowed to sleep inside and given soup-bones and let to sleep in the sun-patch, but most of all, we were Loved." Said Jii-san.
"-And just the same, we Loved Sajin. He was Our Boy. And We were His Dogs." Said Ba-san, bursting into tears again. Jii-san held her, tears running down his face as well.
Ba-san cried into Jii-san's shoulder for a long time, and The Boy Who Was A Wolf That Wanted To Live Among The Humans sat in silence, thinking.
"...Cour-could Aye- take a nName?" He asks, slowly.
"You'd have to take two, and learn all the rules-" Nodded Jii-san. "But yes. Anyone who can talk can take a name. And you've been talking my tail off!" he wagged.
"Two?" the boy asked. He didn't need to use his fingers this time.
"Humans have two names- one is the name of that specific human, and one is the name of their family or the place they came from or what they did, as a sort of... Introduction. Humans are very big on introducing themselves and all their friends- though I suppose it makes sense, what with them having names to introduce themselves with."
"You can be a Komamura!" Jii-san said, wagging excitedly. "Ba-san and Jii-san are Koma, and we are your Ba-San and Jii-San, so you must be part of our family, so that makes you Mura, a relative- so you're a Koma-mura!" he nodded.
"Humans also give their children names of revered ancestors, to honor the ancestor, and protect the child." Added Ba-san. "You do Sajin's chores, you sleep in Sajin's bed, you take care of Sajin's Dogs... You must be Sajin!"
"That's your name, if you want it- Komamura Sajin!" Said Jii-san. The Boy stared at them for a long time, completely still, until they realized that, for the first time since they'd known him, the scarred nub on his backside was wagging too.
"Thank you." Said Sajin, tears streaming down his face too. --
Many months later, a Monk* leaves the little shrine to Ba-san and Jii-san at the edge of the dump. He leaves his home in no particular rush- if anything, he's lingering- in the middle of a bright morning, hale and with joy in his heart. He waves to his Ba-san and Jii-san as he heads down the road, promising to come back and visit.
"Look at that." says Ba-San. "Our Boy is leaving home again."
"I know," Says Jii-san. "-but this time it'll be alright."
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macsimagines · 7 months
Boo How is it the Spooky Month and you asked for it I'll ask about Werewolf Mikey, Izana and Shinichiro
three pack alphas lmao and brothers
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Yandere!Werewolf Izana Kurokawa
He is head of his pack and fucking proud. Unchallenged, undefeated and unmated. For now. He's held out for years, he's had offers but none of them were good enough and if he's being very honest it wasn't all that important.
Until he met you. Stupid camper with her dumb friends, stinking up his land. He knew the local humans were smart enough to stay out, he knew that some influential ones had even made laws to keep humans out. But every now and again a dumb few would try their luck and go missing.
He's ready to just unleash his whole pack on them, he knows many were dying for some action and honestly he was looking forward to sinking his teeth into something that screams but then-
"Oh! Lookit the puppy!" are you serious? Izana has heard screams gasps and even a scared 'N-nice do-doggy-' but you were actually... baby talking him? "Ooooo! Big puppy! C'mere, lemme give you some scratches, who's a good boy?"
Izana humors you, bemused more than anything and just planning on sinking his teeth into your neck the moment you let your guard down but- you sure do know how to scratch.... You get all the hard to reach places and your fingertips are so soft when you massage just right behind his ears...
Ok, new plan. The nasty humans you came with need to go, but you can stay and become his queen... He needs his head scratches after all.
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Yandere!Werewolf Manjiro Sano
Grew up surrounded by humans. Hated it. He was taught, or at least his family had tried to teach him to to live amongst the human populace, but it never suited him to hide who and what he really is.
So he goes completely feral, taking a group of young wolves with him and starting the Toman Pack in the surrounding forests. The people in town whisper about a demon wolf lurking in the woods and taking people that trespass or offend him, and he just finds it so amusing.
You don't listen to the warnings. You never have. He likes that about you. You're always in his woods, maybe you take pictures, maybe you just hike, or maybe you just wander the trails, but whatever it is that you do Mikey is always watching.
His pretty baby. You're so cute when you trip on stumps, so adorable when you hum to yourself, so vulnerable when you think no one is watching.
But Mikey isn't patient, he's an animal afterall, he goes after what he wants when he wants it. And the fear in your eyes when you see him, when you realize the rumors were actually true, makes him want to chase you all the more.
You put up a good fight... Not really, but it is comendable how hard you try run, how hard you try to hit when he gets on top of you, but don't worry baby, he won't bite. much.
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Yandere!Shinichiro Sano
He lives amongst humans and leads a pack that tries to integrate with them. Its hard. Its exhausting constantly keeping his own wild urges and the urges of others in check, but Shinichiro presses on and he does it all for you.
Not that he's proud of it, but he's been playing you for years because you think you've been feeding and taking care of the same GIANT stray black dog.
Its your own fault, having fed him all those years ago in his wolf form, having been so kind and loving, smelling so good. He fell in love the moment you pet his fur like he was some kind of lap dog.
And you've tried for years to catch him, he knows you want to take him home with you forever and love him. You've said as much. Once you actually got leash and collar on him and took him to your home.
He ended up living there a week with you, the best seven days of his life, but quickly came back to reality and released himself in his human form while you slept. It wasn't fair to his pack to be living in paradise, and it wasn't fair to you to be living a farce.
But don't worry, he's going to reveal the truth to you soon, and this time he'll take you home.
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thatoneudguy · 7 months
Ok so I'm just gonna do 1 final hc post abt the rest of the characters. Bc yea
Matthew Taylor
He likes sports but he does actually try to engage with his friend's hobbies- e.g going shopping with Em and Jess, and he's definitely sat and listened to Mike rant abt politics or sth before. Hannah's bugs made him get over any fear he had of insects.
He's very patient and friendly but when he gets mad he gets MAD. (we see that in game anyway tho tbh).
Ashley often helps him with homework.
He has ADHD.
He has a younger sister.
He has pet guinea pigs that he loves and Jess always jokes she only hangs out with him for them.
He's pansexual.
He's had a tiny little crush on Josh before.
He was decent friends with Mike before everything.
Even after him and Em break up he stays as a close friend of hers.
He's a bit of a pushover.
Michael Munroe (I'll be as nice to him as I can).
After UD he develops a fascination with wolves.
He's not actually as well-off as some of the other kids in the group, and he's sort of insecure about it which led to him putting up his whole confident guy charade which evolved into him being a massive dickhead.
His mother passed away when he was young and his Dad is an asshole. He spends most of his time out of his own house and his own bedroom is quite empty.
He scares quite easily and when he's alone he often ends up talking to himself just so there's a distraction.
When he's alone his whole persona comes crashing down. Part of why he fears isolation.
He has ADD, and he also has narcisstic traits.
He's also autistic but thats more me and my friend projecting when we write him lol.
He's pretty smart in the subjects he likes but he lacks common sense and does lots of dumb things.
He lived in Florida until he was 14.
He's demiromantic bisexual.
He needs to feel useful or he gets quite upset. This often ends up with him taking on the sort of 'leader' role in the group.
He tends to clash with Josh a lot, and Beth.
Christopher Hartley
He's not a massive fan of animals. He's either scared of them or complains about them being dirty/diseased.
He's trans.
He isn't into doing sports but he is surprisingly strong.
He's autistic.
He knows basically everything about technology and fuck all about anything else.
He did not pay attention in most of his subjects and then would end up going to Ashley for help and she'd scold him.
When he was young and first met Josh's sisters he was just. Amazed by the fact Hannah was allowed to be a girl.
He had a short-lived crush on Hannah as a kid. And it was mostly envy.
When he was a kid he had long hair, which he complained about until he got a 'compromise' with sort of medium hair length. When he was 15 he chopped it all off himself and has had it short ever since. (he was also in so much trouble).
He has quiet bpd. (this is sort of projection ignore me pls. I have my reasons I am not going to explain them here).
He's biromantic demisexual.
He's pretty much always had a massive crush on Josh that he barely realised.
He's generally just kind of a disaster bi.
He's very quick to get defensive and upset.
He tends to go way too far with pranks and the only people who can ever really reel him back in are Josh and Ashley.
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bestworstcase · 1 year
Somewhat related to your lengthy post regarding the Huntsman System, but your point about how the Grimm tend to react it did make me consider a lot of little details from all across the RWBY series. Like how the two Ursas Yang pulverizes momentarily act quizzical in Season 1, the lack of constant Grimm threats, the Sabyrs running away from the Hound...
It makes me wonder if that maybe most Grimm are, at worst violently territorial animals that just happen to be drawn to negative emotions and made of darkness, and that most of their violence is at its worst when they're young, but become more controlled with age. Only really attacking when they're provoked or extreme negative hotspots draws their attention. They're monstrous to be sure, but ultimately are only a threat if you go out of your way to make them a threat.
After all, animals in real life can be perceived as a threat depending on the situation, and can be very territorial and violent. But they generally leave humans alone unless you're foolish enough to provoke them. Whose to say that something similar isn't occurring with Grimm? And it's not like regular animals aren't capable of being emotion-driven cruel opportunistic bastards (see Dolphins), and real creatures are full of horrifying things they can do to people and each other for survival (mind control fungus on ants, a hive of bees microwaving a wasp to death, etc.)
And let's face it, humans are very prone to demonizing animals, like how Jaws resulted in people being unnecessary terrified of sharks as man-hunting killing machines despite the likelihood of them going after humans being circumstantial at best (Not to say that they're not dangerous). Or farmers murdering wolves despite the latter being necessary for natural deer depopulation.
The only Grimm you'd really have to worry about in regards to not acting like that, at least based on what we've seen so far, seem to be the Grimm who are either deliberately provoked, or have been altered or are manmade.
the world of remnant grimm episode confirms that grimm eat their prey and have been observed in the wild driving other predators away from their kills. grimm kept in captivity for scientific study quickly die (though it’s shown in the grimm campaign, grimm eclipse, and roman holiday that criminals who use captive grimm to execute rivals do not have this problem). the consensus of the scientific community is “grimm don’t need to eat, they choose to because they’re evil.”
everybody knows grimm are drawn to negativity, except during the climactic sequence of ‘before the dawn’ the grimm SAVE THE DAY by ignoring all the panicking, desperate defenders to rush gillian and her army of supercharged aura soldiers, because what they’re actually after is aura.
grimm are mindless except when they’re not. grimm are ravening violent monsters who exist to kill humans except for how in fault there’s a gazillion centinels just chilling underground until the hound calls for help and they erupt to attack jyr. humans are reckless and dumb as kids and get smarter and more cautious as they age, but when grimm exhibit the exact same maturation it’s perverse and merely a calculation to get better at killing people.
grimm studies is canonically pseudoscience kdshfvsk
the thing that interests me most about the grimm is that they’re… social beings. like it’s incredibly rare to encounter just one, because they form packs. in volumes two and three the grimm packs of mountain glenn are shown mostly just… nosing around the ruins as a group; it’s not clear what they’re doing, but they don’t seem to be actively hunting (they attack the kids in the streets but do not enter the ruins where the kids are camping even after the sentry impulsively leaves everyone else asleep and vulnerable, and they do not seem to have given torchwick’s operation any real trouble). likewise the goliaths outside the city are moving together. and when bartleby separated two of the apathy from their pack and trapped them in the waterways under his farm, the rest of them followed and rejoined the missing pair in the waterway instead of attacking the settlement—they prioritized finding the captured members of the pack over attacking people!
my theory is that grimm are dark’s half of humanity: destruction+knowledge without creation+choice. and the intriguing thing about that is, rwby’s metaphysics are fairly clear on aura coming from creation but the *soul* being a function of KNOWLEDGE, and i think that might be the key to why the grimm are the way they are. they have souls but no aura, and they either need aura to survive or they want it because they know they’re missing something fundamental (in the same way that both of the brothers *need* each other because they were originally one being that split itself into two out of loneliness).
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gleefultogo · 1 month
One thing I’ve noticed from home is that it switches perspectives way too fast. Like we get like 2 pages from Jahla and then we go right back to Ronja? How do you feel about it
I don't like. I find it annoying? or just frustrating to keep up with. The two recent pages featuring Jahla, eh they were pretty pointless if you ask me. Just filler with nothing new that we don't already know or stuff still isn't answered. Plus the biggest problem with it, there are too many characters who all seem to be on their own side quests. In my opinion I feel like ronja's story or arc doesn't really have a purpose anymore other than to be shipped with the deer dog and just play leadership until she dies I guess. same for roamer, his character feels like he's a minor character and he just shows up cause being the authors favorite as well being a porn toy basically. Home had a good potential in the beginning, I thought it was gonna be about just the three group being kargo, Ferah and roamer finding themselves living through aedra's hardships, as kique so claims it's such a very dangerous world, but nothing ever happens lol. But I feel the first few chapters should of focused on them, maybe with a villian arc somewhere that isn't oreo dog and actually does something. that could cause conflict eventually in the story, but stick to that so there isn't so many plot holes everywhere. Make the first comic about that without all the useless talking and then maybe continue the comics revolving around their gods so it isn't shoved in. lately as being 800+ pages in, we continue to get new things but still no answers to like anything. It just raises more questions if you ask me. Plus jahla's arc with the whole doggy racism thing is really dumb. if these so called dogs are aware of their own sexualities, and own genetics and what not then why is being a wolf a problem? don't these mf's know they are descendant from the wolves? It would of made more sense if they worshiped them or at least had a high respect for them in a way. As for the sabertooth cat knock offs. I'd say the same thing, But I don't know at this point.
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dhampiravidi · 6 months
cultural relativism & anti-anthropocentrism (unpopular opinion)
Cultural relativism: the belief that there is no standard by which cultures should be judged (ex. animism isn't considered "weird" just because someone prefers or is used to religions that have humanized deities).
Anthropocentrism: the belief that humans are the most important species on Earth/in existence.
It's important to be able to study other cultures & living creatures. While it's fine to not always agree with the opinions of others, we should at least try to respect other perspectives. This is why banning books is wrong--note that I am referring to measures that prevent books on certain topics from being widely available, not just to a child who might not be emotionally mature enough to read that specific book. It's also why wars steeped in religion are sad & why racism is honestly ridiculous (I understand that colorism in some areas came to be because laborers got tanned while working outside to benefit those relaxing inside--I just mean that there's no logical reason why people with one shade of skin should be considered as wholly superior to another).
I also think that anthropocentrism is dumb because scientifically, we are literally classified as "animals". Some people attempt to end this, claiming that the human race is evolved far more than other creatures ever will be. How so? There are other creatures with spines, who can stand on two legs. They create and exercise social dynamics. They have problem-solving skills, and many have long-term memories. Wolves and elephants, in particular, have been shown to enthusiastically greet their old (human) facility trainers, years after they have been released into captivity. Cats and apes often teach themselves to make and use tools, to make maneuvering and accessing food easier. Moreover, humans who argue that we are the most civilized organism seem to forget that humans as a whole are constantly at war with each other. We spend large amounts of money and other resources to try and win a competition wherein team leaders send out groups of people to kill each other--and whoever wins after several months or years has no prize to collect, save for their name in history books and possibly a slice of land. Animals fight for the right to food or a mate that is right in front of them, rather than fighting for some leader of theirs to claim a prize that may not even be critically related to their survival.
In conclusion, sympathy and learning is important. We need to be able to read documents from multiple sources before we choose who to support in international conflicts. We need to condition ourselves to treat others as our peers, even when they come from backgrounds we can't relate to. We need to give a damn about the creatures we share this planet with. Otherwise, the human race will succumb to destruction caused by world wars, discrimination, and/or climate change. The word civilization is often used to refer to certain human societies who meet certain criteria concerning their level of development. We always seem to forget that civilization is more similar to the word civil than it is to stratified, capitalist, or science.
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violetjedisylveon · 6 months
Young Ezra Loth-Werewolf AU chap 3
Summary: Ezra gets into a little bit of trouble. (And there's just a *bit* of water in the ocean)
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: xenophobia, speciesism(space racism), threats of violence.
A/N: Ezra is like 5 here, but he isn't stupid, Loth-Werewolf instincts let him navigate hostile social situations better. Somewhat, he's still a dumb lil shit.
Smol Loth-Werewolf Ezra AU Masterpost
Ezra kept running into that strange clone trooper. The soldier was always uncharacteristically nice, and none of the others noticed. For the last three weeks, that same trooper seemed to be wherever he was.
It was definitely creepy.
And there was that Loth-cat he kept seeing. He'd never heard of a Loth-cat like that before; it wasn't pure white and it didn't have the pale near white blue or purple eyes and pink legs of an albino. It had silver strippings with bright blue eyes and gray legs.
As far as he knew, such Loth-cats were very uncommon, especially in these parts, they were a bit more common at the poles, but those ones were pure white with dark eyes and black legs, so still not a fit for his new buddy.
One of the older settlers had referenced a few old folktales with Loth-cats a lot more like his buddy. He knew the tales, Mama had begun teaching him as soon as he could understand her, but those were just stories, myths, they had such things as creatures bonding with each other, and traveling from one end of the planet to the other, Loth-Wolves, all of them fictional or extinct.
There was no way his new buddy was a mythical, powerful creature disguised as a Loth-cat like the stories said. It was just an odd looking Loth-cat. Nothing more.
It did keep leaving him Sackaberries, just like that odd trooper he kept running into. That was just about the only good thing about this whole situation. Ezra really liked Sackaberries.
Ezra caught a whiff of spice, alcohol and misery, he fought the urge to growl as he neared the gambling dens. The people around here were the worst, there were lots of angry, violent people around this part. Mama taught him to stay away from it at all costs and Papa taught him how to get through it without attracting attention.
He really hated coming through this area, the other kids always teased him about his mama. They were scared of her so they wouldn't do it when her or papa were around, but they weren't anymore.
He had luckily only had to go through the area a few times and he hadn't been noticed by anyone. He was getting better at avoiding those kids.
Ezra stuck close to the walls and the shadows, keeping his head down as he walked down the poorly made road. He pulled his hood down over his head, just in case he slipped up.
He spotted a group of older kids hanging around the entrance of a gambling house up ahead and moved out into the street. He recognized some of them as the ones who usually picked on him when he was alone as he drew closer.
Silently he hoped the news about his parents hadn't made its way down here yet, and that they wouldn't recognize him. He was tired and hungry and just wanted to get back home so he could eat and sleep for a bit.
He got a few steps past them before he heard their conversation slow. He kept his head down and picked up his pace.
A firm hand on his shoulder had him stopping in his tracks.
"Well look who it is. The little wolf boy." The older boy snickered.
Tyren was a horrible mean person, he picked on everyone who wasn't human enough for his liking, no matter who they were. His superiority over non-humans was something he got from his shitty excuse for a father.
That behavior had gotten him a punch in the face from a Pantoran who didn't take that sort of disrespect, that Pantoran had hit him with her prosthetic hand to make the hit worse, then casually threatened to kill him with her really cool, super long sword.
It didn't curb the behavior though, Tyren got worse after being humiliated by a "lesser being". Ezra really wanted that Pantoran to come back and finish the job.
Tyren turned him around and pushed him towards the others.
"Look who finally showed his ears again!" Tyren cheered, yanking his hood down.
Ezra stuck his tongue out at the older kid, he had his ears hidden.
"That's a neat little trick you can pull, wolf boy." Cad, another bully, sneered.
"But your mom couldn't, could she?" Cad said.
"She wore that fancy headpiece for a reason right, she had to hide those awful ears." Tyren taunted.
Ezra squeezed his hands together in his pockets, the urge to lash out at them was stronger than ever. He wanted to act on it more than before, but something told him he shouldn't.
"Loth-cat got your tongue?" Sard, their leader, a ruthless girl, taunted.
"Aw, little wolf boy is sad cause his wolf mom got dragged off by the Empire for being a disgrace to the rest of humans." Tyren stated loudly.
Liar! Mama isn't even human! Ezra wanted to scream.
He noticed the look Sard gave Tyren at his comment. The pale leader looked irritated with her subordinate.
"If you ask me I think they should have taken wolf boy too, get rid of this filthy little hybrid." Cad snickered.
Ezra glared at the boy. Cad was a hybrid too, what he was hybridized with Ezra didn't know, his non-human traits had been removed young, leaving him with mottled skin as the only indicator of his true nature.
"They should take you too, end your pathetic suffering existence." Ezra snarled.
He didn't know why but the removal of Cad's traits caused him a lot of pain to this day.
Cad threw himself off the step he was sitting on and tried to hit him, Ezra let his teeth show briefly and snarled, reminding the idiot of what he could do. A couple of the other kids held Cad back, one was talking him down as Sard lorded over him.
The pale girl slapped him across the face, unafraid to get bit like the others. She knew a bit more about how Loth-wolves worked, she knew a bite wasn't a one way ticket to becoming one.
She didn't share this information with anyone, it let her keep her power. Ezra growled at her.
"Go run back to whatever little hole you crawled out of, wolf boy." She snarled.
She glanced at Tyren and obediently, he released his vice grip. This whole group, and others, were under her thumb.
Ezra was pretty sure she wasn't human either, but not completely sure.
He backed away from the group and brushed himself off. He knew he should have walked away. He really should have, but he couldn't stop herself.
"That's right, listen to your master, bitch." Ezra sneered.
He saw Sard's eyebrows raise slightly in amusement before Tyren slammed him down to the ground. He hit the pavement with a hard smack. Tyren threw a punch at his face and struck his cheek before the older boy was pulled off on Sard's orders.
"Aren't you a snarky little shit without your parents around." Sard cooed.
"I like that sort of attitude." She chuckled and tossed something to him.
It was a handful of credits. Ezra scrambled back, credits in hand.
"Thanks for the entertainment." She called after him.
Sard wasn't kind, Sard wasn't cruel either. She valued wits and cunning over brute strength, that's how she got so much power. She was smart and she knew how to pit people against each other. 
It was a big sign if she gave you some sort of approval. A really big sign.
Ezra ran out of the gambling area and made a more complicated loop to his normal sewer exit, just in case he was being followed. Sard had a pretty strong grip on her followers, but some of them, like Tyren, were really stupid. He'd heard one story where someone went against her word and was found mysteriously dead later.
Sard wasn't nice, and she often sat by while bad things happened to him and other people, but she did have some kind of morals and integrity.
She respected brains, wit and survival instincts, brute strength was nothing to someone with a sharp, silver tongue. She could talk her way into or out of anything she wanted.
The rumors that floated around the streets said that she had survived some great tragedy during the war and the only reason she was alive today was because of her brain. That experience was supposedly the reason she was so cold and ruthless.
Ezra felt like he could sympathize with that a bit, Sard had to have had family before, and she lost that, like he just had.
Plus she really was just another orphan trying to survive, so he didn't really blame her for how she acted. At the end of the day all each of them had was themself.
Tyren didn't get that excuse, he had parents. Shitty parents but he wasn't an orphan.
Ezra really wanted to see Sard smack the sense into Tyren one day, before that Pantoran came back.
I will eventually draw lil wolfy Ezra and bigger wolfy Kuniya + Máni, Kuniya has this massive witch hat that they walk around in, they also have a staff with a big ol twisted knob at one end.
It's a pretty common style for the Loth-wolves, it's really big and wide brimmed to protect from the rain, plus it makes them look cool. They also generally were wizard/sorcerer/witch style clothes, so that will be fun once I get to it, but I got lots of other stuff to finish first and Kuniya is a new design + hasn't even been sketched yet so it'll take a while.
I hope you all have a good day, whatever that is for you!
VJS Out!
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anonymousfoz · 10 months
Another Wip Adoptable
not like my inbox is already full. Why not another!
War rages on between the vampires and werepeople (those that transform into animals, not just wolves.) The past 100 years have been filled with pain, anger and death.
Two outcasts, a blind vampire and a were-squirrel must team together to survive and end the war, due to some dumb prophecy. Armed with nothing but their wits, a cane for walking (and kicking ass) and an army of squirrels. Will they save the day, or is this prophecy more bullshit than it seems?
With the description out the way! Onto how I got to this idea and plans. I recently found a hoard of papers in an unused notebook, with WIPS from all the way back to my sophomore year. This was the one that caught my eye. I cannot have the story I wrote but I'll tell what I had done.
Viktor is a blind vampire born in the ShadowFallen royal family. He was prophesied to bring the downfall of his powerful family, which are the cause for the war. He was told to bring peace to a land and power back to those who had it. His family tried to stop this by crippling him forever by cursing his left leg. He walks with a fancy white and black cane AND HIS INJURY REMAINS PERMANENT! It isn't a hinder to him, nor is him being blind. His sense of hearing and smell are amplified and he is pretty good at using his cane as a weapon. His is seen as a curse, burden and is eventually thrown out of vampire society.
Sandy is the first were-squirrel born after 5 thousand years. Her parents, both werewolves had left her to die. Yet the wild squirrels had adopted her as one of their own until she was founded by the werepeople. They quickly realize that she lacks social skills and is rebellious as hell. They try to make her conform yet she refuses and is eventually outcasted before they realize she is part of the prophecy and begin to hunt her down. She can turn into a 6 foot large white and black squirrel. She enjoys her time with Viktor as he doesn't try to force her to conform to any ideals. The duo use their abilities to great use and with the group of squirrels alerting them of the numerous hunting parties, they are always moving.
I didn't want to decide if the prophecy was utter bullshit, but people believing in it made it true eventually OR if it was half true. At the end having to sacrifice Sandy to have peace.
The duo are always underestimated and after several encounters with hunting parties, they develop a fighting style that involves Sandy's speed and giant claws and Viktor's wits, magic and senses.
I don't want credit for this idea, I just more or less want it written. You can literally edit names, or what animal Sandy is. You will keep Viktor's disabilities and if you try to fix them I will despise you.
They aren't a downside to him, they are a part of him. He learns to overcome them and with Sandy, he learns to use them to his advantage (like letting people think he is the weaker one. Only to kick their asses)
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casualfireenemy · 2 years
I don't like Bella Swan she is obsessive, she strings Jacob along, very judgemental of other's looks, she throws tantrums like a child, also at the ending of Twilight how did she not know Edward and Alice got her all dressed up for prom, she can find out what Edward is but not the prom thing. Totally makes sense. She ditches her human friends for the vampire family, like they were nothing. She only cared about first, not wanting to be in Forks, then Edward and only Edward. Also, she hurt my man Charlie like what the fuck.
Book Two- New Moon
When Edward leaves she goes catatonic, depressed for months. She wakes up screaming, scaring Charlie, refusing help, and lies to him to get him off her back. Saying she has friends like Jessica.
Those friends she talks about mean literally nothing to her but a cover story. She forces her way back into their friend group because she wants to know about the "bears" in the woods.
She strings Jacob along. Worse than the first book where she flirts with him to get information about the Cullens. This time, although she says she has no feelings for him her actions say other wise. She uses him to make herself feel better. He's the sun and Edward the moon.
Poor Jacob becomes a wolf and pushes her away because he doesn't want to force her into his world and because he has too.
She forces herself onto him, he spills the beans because he loves her. Then she is like you're killing people you monster. What the fuck. He isn't the right monster for her. Did I forget she becomes an adrenaline junky just to see Edward or the fact she ditched Jacob and her father for him.
Third book- Eclipse
She kisses Jacob when she's engaged to Edward. Although he did force her to once and manipulated her into doing it the second time. Just so he could run off into the fight anyway.
Bella is just a big horny dog.
Also love Jasper he's my favorite.
Book four- Breaking Dawn
Nasty... Also the fact Edward tried to sell her off to Jacob is fucking wrong and disgusting that Jacob is tempted by this and he imprints on a child. A baby. Also thats not how eggs work my guy.
Why did they send Carlisle away and not the others like Edward who can read their fucking minds. The wolves plans could have easily gone to shit with him there.
They could have done both IV blood and drinking and have the others go out to get more or maybe use Charlie as a way to get passed the wolves they wouldn't risk exposure or a human life. Hidden Bella and Edward somewhere in the house.
Renesme is that how you spell it. Is dumb. Also imprinting is grooming and predatory. The other Hybrid was a better match for her when she was older. Also Jacob already saw her romantically. He's just waiting until she's older.
Poor Charlie being alone and pushed to the side.
Rene is a bad mom. She parentified her child. Bella is literally the adult and Rene the child. Bad mom.
Edward is a pedophile just as much as Jacob. He controls Bella or tries to. Has destroy her things to get what he wants. Asshole. He takes his anger out on her where she is afraid to say anything just so he wouldn't get angry. He has trapped her. Stalks her. Mental abuses her. Literally wants to kill and eat her. Just why.
Edit: she hates when she doesnt have his attention and gets upset when hes gone from book one and all.
Reminds me of Sakura. They got everything they wanted. The man, the family, the power, not so useless anymore.
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bamber344 · 3 months
I just finished writing Direwolf.
I've still got to edit and upload this chapter and write an afterword, but in terms of the writing, I'm finished.
I feel kinda numb tbh, I'm just staring at the document.
I've been working on this dumb little story about werewolves since late 2022. It has completely taken over my life. It and its characters are 90% of what I think about on a day to day basis.
And I'm actually done. The story is over.
380,000 words, more than three average novel's worth, maybe even four. 17 months, almost a year and a half of uploading a chapter every two weeks or so.
It'll probably take a bit longer to settle in tbh. I don't really know what to think at the moment. I guess i gotta find something else to do with my life now (get my driver's license and a job that actually gives me shifts).
I should probably take some time before I start my next big project in earnest. Maybe write some fanfic or work on a smaller story concept. Hell, maybe my time with these characters isn't done yet, and I'll write those bonus short stories I mentioned. But i think I'm done with this world for now. I'm excited to move on, and these characters have had more than enough of their share of hardships. It's probably time to move on to a new group of poor saps for a while.
In the meantime, I'll miss them. These characters and this story changed my life, and that's not an exaggeration. I wouldn't be who I am today without Roxy and Sam bouncing around in my head like DVD screensavers. Leif and Pedro and Clarissa and Damien and Drew and Chris and Anne, and even the really evil bastards like Blaine and Emmerich and Father Superior and Roxy's mum all came along later, but they're just as important to me, and will likely stay with me for a long time to come.
Special shoutout to Ross. All my friends hated you to the point where i forgot to include you in the story during act 3. Sorry dude, you really weren't that annoying, I swear. Congrats on the subsequent lack of trauma tho.
I guess that's it for now. Just tryna process these feelings by screaming them into the void, ig.
So long, Direwolf, and thanks for the obsession with wolves you gave me. They're just little guys with a bad reputation.
Ciao. 👋
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"SakuraWolf23 vagueing Maleficent again with that's why that one person had all those pokes listed in their trainer card" Again with the assumptions. She forgot who said it. Just so happened to be Maleficent who had it in their TC. SW was talking about the fact that she was dumb and forgot the Tourney listed the PotD when it was that event.
As for Pokehaven. Yes, she knows. She read through a few of the posts, but quickly realized from what was said that she wouldn't be welcome. I hope she wouldn't join knowing that she'd be banned and chased off, but we all know how she is.
As for the "art theft" She made a post saying that nobody in the community ever told her it was wrong. And that practically everyone in her friend groups did it as well. Understanding right and wrong in some cases is difficult for her I guess because of her mental problems.
Why would you assume she's too lazy to commission art? She has three commissioned pieces of her Pokesona and a Kanto/Galarian bird trio, all with in game currency because she isn't allowed to "spend her money stupidly" and is barely allowed $50 a month. She's not allowed to work either, remember?
As for the wf, fw, and sw. No. The connection is fire and wolves. Two of her favorite things. Anyone with intelligence could have figured that out. Sakura means cherry blossom in Japanese, and they're her favorite flower.
Before I lose your interest... If you actually want to understand her. Talk to her. She's extremely mentally challenged and can be difficult to talk to, but when confronted politely and privately about a problem, she is more than willing to try and find a way to be better or fix it.
Im not even gonna say what I want to say but thanks for your input, anon!
Edit: This was from SW herself btw. So yeah, she could afford to commission art if this is true.
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topconfessions · 1 year
just wanted to share my opinion on Seungri's situation as i have never seen anyone say anything similar. even if Seungri didnt r@pe anyone and didnt supply any prostitutes, he was still a part of that business and there's no way he was completely clueless abt what was happening around. he's stupid in a sense that as soon as u smell sth fishy abt the business, u gotta run immediately. his fault is staying connected to the club till the end, while all these gross things were happening, even if his hands are clean.
and if he REALLY had no idea of the gross things behind the scenes, then its even more dumb not to double check everything - the ppl u partner with, what the business is really abt etc and he had to always stay alert and not make any friends there.
he's paying for his stupidity but it was all his actions and decisions. ppl feel sorry for him saying he is a scapegoat which is kinda true, but really is still his fault
Bigbang knew seungri was involved in prostituion. they ALL knew and were okay with it. Some of them didn't know the extent and the rest turned their heads and didn't get in deeper than surface level. They're all stupid to me as much as I love them cause if you even remotely care about the person in your group let alone care about yourself and your own rep, you'll step in and get him out of it or give him an intervention, if he chooses not to listen then you back off and let him sink. They never did that. they let SR be ignorant and throw himself to the wolves. Also....I'm not defending Ri but burning sun and these type of night life entertainment gigs mixed up with some serious names isn't the type of gig you can pick up and put down. It's not that simple. it really isn't. just like you couldn't dip your toe into the yakuza in japan and then suddenly say you quit lol. But yes, I agree he should have dipped out when shit goes deep or stepped back but that does not matter.
he would have gotten dragged and cancelled regardless cause one burning would go up in flames (puns lol) they would have started back tracking to all involved then he would have been mentioned as "idol who frequented burning and was in partnership at the start" so he'd be just as guilty because leaving early or leaving late, you're still guilty on the same degree cause you were involved period. that's how they seem to handle things there.
I'm just keeping it as real as I can - in the real world most don't double check everything in entertainment and nightlife underground schemes. they just don't. I can easily see how seungri got swooped up in it head first plus he was young and he wasn't tops age where he should be more seasoned. I won't say it's everybody and how all things, but most behave that way. I think people who are cautious enough don't get involved and the ones who are involved don't have the foresight or common sense to stop and leave. I could say the same thing for top being stupid enough to bring the socialite trainee HSH to his HOUSE more than once instead of doing it at a disclosed location.
it's his fault and it's undeniable he made stupid decisions but people do get caught up. it's all his fault but I'll jump on a limb and say this is why when I got older and grew out of kpop, I began judging it for what it is, these groups don't care about each other 95% of the way. Seungri is grown and needs to look out for himself / save himself but I do think things would have went somewhat differently if he had a stronger more real bond with the group.
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tamelee · 2 years
Damn I read some of previous ask/answers and I can't help but wonder why Naruto fandom is so unfortunate and at each other's throats so often. I mean, one thing is disliking a ship of something specific about it, but another haressing fic writers, artists and even original anime staff. I'm not a die hard fan so I'm mostly outside fandom thus I never had any bad experience myself, but from what I saw almost everyone who makes content or metas got harressed at some point. It's basical principle of fandoms: my kink isn't your kink and that's fine + dont like? Don't interact principles
Yes, the more popular the fandom the more this and that people would it attract; one cannot invite sheep without expecting wolves to appear too. But idk what made ppl feel such degree of entitlement and self-righteousness to police others... I honestly hope they're under 16 and would know better when grow up.
On separate note your art is top notch! It's so beautiful :D and I agree about your post how Kishimoto might have planned for Hinata to die at some point bc it'd fill in the gaps of Hyuga slavery thing and Naruto never doing anything regarding her confession
Hi @noa-ciharu !!
“my kink isn't your kink and that's fine”
No, but imagine everyone having the same hand-kink like me. I’d feel sorry for all of you. Also let's keep this a secret.
Half-jokes aside, you’re right! Naruto has such a huge fandom and it never ceased to be even when they robbed us from a satisfying ending or seeing them grow up in their twenties in a way that makes sense. And instead of seeing Naruto work towards becoming Hokage, as there was a lot more to it, we get this bullshit… and yet a lot of us can’t help but read/watch/secretly side-eye his demolished, adult self to see what’ll happen. 
That in itself already says a lot. 
Naruto.. if it had stopped at Chapter 699 or if they left it open-ended in another, similar way, then nothing of the sort would’ve happened. The SNS fandom would’ve been satisfied with the nested story within Naruto as we picked up on it already, SS and NH never happened anyway and for sure the War Arc would’ve turned out differently.  
Right now Naruto and Sasuke are dumbed down only to fit two girls who are in love with them, which means a guy should reciprocate otherwise he’s an asshole, right? Also.. babies. NH aren’t satisfied because Naruto is “a bad father, never at home, doesn’t show love for Hinata” which makes him an asshole anyway they say. SS aren’t satisfied because Sasuke is “a bad father, never at home, doesn’t show love for Sakura” but he isn’t an asshole he’s just Tsundere. (I’m being sarcastic). And non-shippers aren’t satisfied because: what the fuck. 
So I absolutely agree with everything you say! I’m just not surprised that the separation within the fandom has always been so prominent.
By spoon-feeding every single “group” a little bit of ‘content’ here and there with phenomenal timing from the marketing team, that is literally what they’re creating as that is what has been a huge source of income for so long. And the dissatisfaction is what eventually makes them go to Twitter and harass the company for more content.
That’s never okay, but they’re also kind of asking for it since they’re giving it to them easily too and they know it. Soon they’ll come back for more. *Sigh*   
That’s why I never really blame the fandom, not even the wolves. 
 “But idk what made ppl feel such degree of entitlement and self-righteousness to police others…”
Admittedly this is annoying though 😂
“On separate note your art is top notch! It's so beautiful :D” 
Thankyouuuuu so much! 🥰 Drawing wasn’t working out today, but reading this helped me finish my next post (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و💕💕
“and I agree about your post how Kishimoto might have planned for Hinata to die at some point bc it'd fill in the gaps of Hyuga slavery thing and Naruto never doing anything regarding her confession”
I swear, the more I think about it, the more it starts to make sense. Especially when you take out ‘Boruto’ and then go from the beginning. It’s almost perfectly set up.. aaah, I want to make a post about it.
I still think the Naruto fandom is laid-back compared to other fandoms I've been in and really, really quickly left 😂 (I've been in Korea for a few months, I'll take anime over kpop anyday.)
Hope you have a nice day! 🧡~
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talesofourworlds · 2 years
#4, #12, #13, #15
4. Favourite thing about roleplaying?
Okay, so this might just be a Tumblr specific thing, but my favorite thing about roleplaying here is just getting to write characters I normally wouldn't get to in my friend groups outside of Tumblr. There's so much freedom here to write whoever you want. For a while, before I'd joined Tumblr, I'd kind of just gotten used to like... specific fandom forum roleplay. Which isn't inherently bad, but just sticking in one specific fandom with one specific site plot for ages can get a little... not fun, after a while.
But on Tumblr, there's no need to stick to a specific overarching plot. And if I want to write a Tales muse, then guess what? There's no site rules saying that I have to write anything but a Tales character! It's so freeing. Especially just getting to get involved in writing characters from my favorite JRPG series with people who love it just as much as I do!
And I love getting to see how other people interpret the characters in the fandom! Admittedly, I did used to have a bit of anxiety when it came to people writing the same character as me. But that was ages ago. Now it's just really fun to see how people interpret the character differently.
Like yeah... the Tumblr RPC isn't perfect. I feel like there's not really any perfect RPC. But I love these aspects of the Tumblr RPC.
12. Have you any old muses that you’d love to bring back?
I did write Guy on a site a long time ago... he'd be fun to bring back. Not that I need any more Abyss muses but shh.
13. What’s one random headcanon about your muse that people mightn’t know?
Okay so this one's maybe a little dumb. And it stems from a long running roleplay my sister and I started when we were in high school.
Sync isn't fond of many things, and he'd never actually admit this out loud, but he does like wolves.
15. What do you look for in a rp partner?
I don't usually look for too much in a roleplay partner, to be honest. Mostly I just look for partners whose writing style I think meshes well with mine! The main thing is me just getting past my own hurdle of getting over the anxiety of actually approaching people, so if people don't mind that then we're usually good to go I think?
Basically writing style that meshes well, people who don't mind initial anxiety if I approach first, and people who don't mind a bit of enthusiasm once I do actually get going. I'm not the most talkative some of the time, but when I do get going with the enthusiasm it's there. xD
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ioannemos · 3 years
9, 12, 50, 51, 52, 55, 100 -- all your OCs pretty, pretty please <3
9. If they could change one part of their appearance, what would it be?
q is very protective of his body, but that stops at his face. he shares some facial characteristics with his dad's side of the family that instantly tag him as related to anyone who knows his uncle, and he would rather not be known on sight as "maitland's nephew"
the only thing sam would change about his body would be to have the limberness of youth back, please. he's used to his face and every scar has a story
christine would like to be a little more muscular. she exercises regularly but she isn't very strong, tho her endurance is pretty good
jason inherited his father's uneven ears, as his mother tells him often. he therefore feels he can never tell her that he hates them
michelle would change her eye color from dark brown to blue
david would stay the same height (an even six feet) but he has a long torso rather than long legs and he'd rather have it the other way
muninn would like to look less like his parents in general, tho he doesn't have any concrete ideas of what he would change. hair color? face shape?
12. What’s their position in their friend group? (leader, mom friend, chaos goblin, etc)
q is not in any group chats but if he were he'd be chaos goblin adjacent. he'd be totally normal for days or weeks at a time and then suddenly whip out obscure law loopholes or say that hang gliding is all right so far as it goes but it just doesn't compare to paramotoring in terms of control. normal returns as he complains with the best of them about how people just don't fu*king TIP like ANIMALS until announcing ugh, guys, he'll be out of town for a while, not sure how long, the people at this retreat make great [rare and obscenely expensive food everyone else in the gc has to google] but these things always run long, cross your fingers that he'll be back in a month!
sam is the voice of reason and experience. good at nudging people who need to be nudged, whether that's someone shy who needs encouragement or someone being innocently offensive who needs gentle correction
christine is the mommest of mom friends. you're going out drinking? will you be alone? when do you expect to be back? drink water! text her if you lose your wallet and need a taxi or something. text her when you're on your way home and when you're actually inside. she'll worry if you don't, tho she won't guilt trip you, she just wants you to be safe 🥺 also she uses lots of punctuation and emojis (she likes making little stories with emojis tho she waits for lulls in conversation to post them)
jason posts a lot but rarely anything serious. dumb memes, cute animal pics, the occasional cursed image, lots of single word and emoji only texts
michelle is the troublemaker. she has Opinions on everything, starts shit just to argue sometimes, and will switch sides mid-argument if she thinks the other side is forgetting something important. and then she'll be having a crisis in the dms with someone. she's a lot. just like... a lot to handle
david is the ghost, the guy you forget is even in this group chat until he tells an incredibly dry joke, makes a really bad pun, or volunteers a location where no one will ever find that creep's corpse, seriously it's perfect for a body dump, it's an overgrown creek bed and he knows there are wolves or maybe coyotes in the area? or, alternatively, there are these empty barrels at this other worksite and no one would notice if one went missing-
muninn is even more ghostly. he'd only stay in a gc if a particular person invited him and he would only respond to very specific stimuli, like "nice cat" if someone posted a photo or "legally obligated to tell you that idea is stupid and you're dumb as fu*k if you think you won't get caught" to someone theorizing how to break in somewhere or steal something. about a 25% chance he would respond to "why tf wouldn't that work?" with a serious answer (if a touch vague on details), a 73% chance he would ignore the question (and if they @'d him he'd tell them to fu*k off), and a 2% chance he'd respond "bc you're a moron" and imply the reason it wouldn't work was purely that
50. Why would they be a good partner for a road trip?
q is used to discomfort, being awake for long hours, and keeping his head in stressful situations like roadwork, getting lost, or being pulled over
sam is very knowledgeable, experienced, and an expert at reading the room. he'd have a great handle on when to bust out the funny stories, when and how to suggest switching drivers or pulling over for a rest, when to have the radio on and when silence is necessary...
christine is generally cheerful, sweet, and accommodating. she's also the kind of person who packs extras of little stuff that people forget, like lip balm and tissues, and you can always borrow her charging cord
jason is friendly, has a great sense of direction, and knows how to fix cars
if you already like michelle, you've learned to appreciate or at least more than just tolerate her eccentricities, like her winding trains of thought, her appreciation of the mundane beauty of life, and her broad taste in unusual music
david has few strong opinions on things like where to eat or what music is unbearable, sleeps lightly everywhere so grabbing catnaps is the norm, and so long as you get where you're planning on going about when you planned on getting there, he doesn't care if you want to take the scenic route or drive all night. also, while not chatty himself, he's a great listener
muninn is independent and pretty self contained, so he doesn't care if your music tastes clash bc he's got headphones. if you like different foods, he'll just drop you off or be dropped off, etc
51. Why would they be a BAD partner for a road trip?
q isn't super patient and is used to being alone. being in a confined space with someone for a long time would stress him out, tho you might not be able to tell until he was already boiling over
sam can be easygoing enough about things like getting lost or plans being changed that he doesn't hold tightly to any plans, ever, which can come across as not giving a shit
christine tends to get kind of in a rut when traveling. the seat you started in is your seat for the rest of the trip. either everyone pays for their own meals or everyone takes a turn paying for everyone else. people can request to switch seats or that their music be played, but she'd rather you didn't
jason gets antsy at being cooped up for long periods of time. he'd want to get out and run a long lap around wherever you stopped whenever you stopped. also he's not the most scintillating conversationalist
michelle is opinionated and wishy-washy and cannot be silenced- unless you hurt her feelings, in which case she will put in her earbuds and ignore you for at least an hour. she has enough social skills to understand when she's getting annoying but years of making the deliberate choice to Be Authentic, which can include being irritating
david is severely dyslexic and therefore cannot drive or help with the map
muninn isn't friendly or concerned with being liked
52. What topic should nobody bring up around them, lest the other person be subject to a massive ramble/rant?
q: tipping in general and for service jobs specifically (rant)
sam: gun control (ramble)
christine: loyalty is a big deal (rant) or best yarn (ramble)
jason: the military (rant) (he's a soldier, so he tends towards defense of it, but he is also very aware of its flaws so if he feels comfortable with whoever he's with he can also rant at length about the stupidity involved)
michelle: A R T (ramble/rant/lecture/emotional soul-bearing)
david: disability accommodation, dehumanization, etc (rant)
muninn: people being stupid/irritating (rant)
55. Choose a vine you think perfectly encapsulates their character.
q: "so basically what i was thinking was- *gets punched in the face* [with no change in tone] ah fu*k! i can't believe you've done this 😠"
sam: "the only thing we have to fear is fear itself! and weasels. those little bas-"
christine: the one where the woman sees her cat stretch in its sleep and collapses against the wall clutching her chest bc The Cuteness!!!
jason: man in frontloader: how do you run this thing?
man behind camera: move the sticks
[cut to frontloader crashing through trees, the man inside it yelling with each impact]
michelle: the one where that huuuge red ball is rolling down the street despite the best efforts of a few frantic people and someone replaced the audio with "i want to break free" by queen
david: "*on phone* oh, yeah, i would, but i got too much to do tonight" [cut to him drinking beer and playing the piano]
muninn: "hello *looks at empty wrist* it's currently half past "i don't give a fu-""
100. If you, the creator, met them, would you two get along?
q: probably, but with periods of mutual frustration bc he holds a lot of himself back and i don't think he'd appreciate me trying to get the real him
jason: yeah, tho we don't have much in common
sam: YES i think he's super cool and he's used to being a role model/teacher
christine: yes but being around her would make me sad after a while bc there are def aspects of my mom in her
michelle: we'd get along really well and then really badly and then back again, depending on our moods (most of her A R T opinions are mine, exaggerated, and there are aspects of her personality i wish i had that come paired with aspects i'd find grating)
david: sure. david gets along with practically everybody and once he found out some of the things we agree on he'd like me
muninn: mutual annoyance. he is my fave but g o d does he get on my nerves sometimes and i can't think of anything he'd actively like about me unless i let out my inner bitch, something i try to avoid
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