#the best bookstore
the-forest-library · 1 year
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The Best Bookstore - Palm Springs, CA
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jesncin · 5 months
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It's Princess Kaguya meets the Little Prince with an entirely Indonesian cast of characters! A graphic novel drawn and written by yours truly!
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aponii1 · 5 months
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Lane & Rory.
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throwmethroughawindow · 5 months
pls the way Law would probably fight a little kid for a Sora comic is absolutely SENDING me😭😭😭😭😭
Some limited edition one, selling out fast and there’s only one copy left on the shelf. Law was running behind and couldn’t get there as early as he wanted, so he damn near cried when he seen the last book on the shelf. Before he could snatch it off the shelf, a little kid had ran up and taken it before him.
The way Corázon would take over his spirit in that mommeeennttt😭😭😭😭😭😭 I’m crying pls. He would be so PISSED and like “H-hey kid! That was mine!!” And the kids like “://// hmmm I don’t think so loser. Bye!!” And run off with Law shook to his bones that a kid got the comic he had been waiting on forever.
But before he could give chase to get the comic back (as if he had it first LMAO), you walk up to the kid and squat down; glancing back at Law and gesturing to another part of the book store (where the other Sora comics were).
Before he knew it, the little shit kid had ran off towards the comic book section with his hands empty and you had begun approaching him with the newest comic settled in your palms with a small smile on your face.
“I was wondering if you were going to come and pick this up, you’re always one of the first people here grabbing the latest editions. I’ll make you a trade, this comic for your number?”
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greypetrel · 1 month
WIP Wednesday Thursday
Tagged by @salsedinepicta and @hollytree33, thank you very much! <3 It's the next day, but Glaze didn't want me to post yesterday apparently. And yes I toggled all the options but "to trust is good, not to trust is better".
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Some expression chart of Aisling, this time in Whale AU shores. Top right one is my favourite, and it isn't really her if she's not crying in at least three ones.
Going on with the symbolism one, I'm kinda stuck over the object for Miss Trash Raccoon. I'd put a trashcan but I already painted one in the chart.
A collage from my sketchbook: I was in the dukedom of Prosciutto last week for some work, and I scribbled something. Always Whale AU themed. I am very upsed there's so few paintings themed around the Orlando Furioso, I referenced the possibly one I found. Raina in this iteration has more themes taken from that poem (lost her wisdom upon the moon). Some smooching as I listened to Hozier's I, Carrion (Icarian), which quickly became their love theme. And some random storyboards which I don't know if I'll keep. I found a piece of lore which gave me an idea for some comic pages to start... but it was in a book whose authors wrote for a broadcast notorious for featuring conspiracies and being very historically inaccurate. Think history channel, but worse. (Sì sto parlando di Mistero.)(I bought some books in a rush and didn't check the authors in the store). It needs to be double checked: I haven't found anything on the internet, but I have other books on lore from Alghero on which I hope to find a confirmation. Meanwhile, it's there.
Oh wow it's another wall of text! :"D Sorry, oops.
Tagging! @shivunin @ndostairlyrium @underneathestars @pinayelf @blarrghe @dreadfutures @inquisimer @dungeons-and-dragon-age @daggerbean and YOU!
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syntax6 · 1 year
Some Truest Truths about Publishing
Being a published author is a lifelong dream of mine, and many aspects of it are indeed awesome. I love telling stories and sharing them with the world. Seeing my books in a bookstore or a library will always be thrilling! Meeting new readers from all over the globe is huge fun. But there have been a bunch of “being a published author is bad for your mental health” threads lately, and I think part of why this is true is that people don’t understand how the industry works before they get into it. So, here are some things about how publishing functions that I did not know before I became part of the machine:
1. You can know your book’s likely trajectory at the time you sign the contract. The publisher decides how well your book will sell. Large publishers sell more books than mid-sized publishers, which sell more books than small- or micro-publishers. A large publisher doing minimal publicity for your book will probably still sell more copies of it than a small publisher, simply because they already have the machinery in place. But, if your large publisher does not offer you a large advance at the time of signing, they are not going to do much more than their basic-level publicity for your book. They are going to focus their efforts on books they paid a lot of money to acquire because they want to get that money back. So, if your large publisher is not offering you at least a quarter of a million dollars to acquire your book, they aren’t going to be gunning to make it a NY Times Bestseller.
2. Books are a hit-driven industry. Most books lose money so everyone is counting on the few bestsellers to finance the whole industry. This is why big names like Stephen King or Danielle Steele suck up huge amounts of the publicity budget. Publishers need their books to sell sell sell, which means reaching fans who only buy Stephen King and Danielle Steele books. These fans aren’t paying a lot of attention, so publishers need to get that “GO BUY NOW” bat signal into the sky to wake up these fans. They pull out all the advertising stops. This is why big-name authors eat up so much of the publicity budget despite being household names. Publishers need to reach those fans for each new book to ensure the book makes the $$$$ that the publishers are counting on.
3. Everyone who is in the industry is riding the same train. So when the large publishers decide which books to push (because they have paid a lot to acquire them and/or the author is already a household name), booksellers and librarians have to get on board too. Yes, librarians and independent booksellers can also promote smaller titles that they really love, and that’s GREAT, but they mostly have to march to the tune set by the large publishers. Bookstores are usually operating at razor-thin margins. They need to sell the books that people want to read. Which books do people want to read? The ones they have heard of! How did they hear about them? The big publishers spent the $ to advertise! See how it’s all connected? Libraries, too. They need to stock the titles that will rotate well; books people want to check out and read. Which ones will they stock? The ones that the large publishers are pushing, because these are the titles that people will ask for.
4. Almost nothing good happens to your book without your publisher paying for it. Often, even things that look like awards or editorial decisions involve money changing hands.
5. Because of points 1-4, the author can do very little to influence the sale of their book. Giants like Amazon or Barnes and Noble already know which books are going to be the lead titles because the publishers told them so. Outlets like the NYT know too. Libraries, indie bookstores...they all know the signs of big publisher investment. For example, if the publisher says they are going to print 250,000 copies of your book, then everyone knows the title is going to be pushed HARD. If they say they are publishing 10,000 copies, then the author has no hope of competing with the lead title. So, the author can’t, on their own, do anything to change the fate of their book. However, the author is held accountable when their book doesn’t sell, despite the fact that everyone in the industry does understand that publishers sell books, not authors.
6. Because of points 1-4, how well a book is written or how talented the author is has not much to do with how many copies the book sells. Often bestsellers are really great and the authors are extremely hardworking...but not always. And there are zillions of hugely talented, diligent authors whose books don’t sell well at all because a large publisher has never shone that kind of spotlight on them. To exist in an industry where talent and hard work don’t influence the results is maddening, and a big part of why authors go a little insane.
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justsimpleaestetic · 6 months
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even-disco-baby · 2 years
ANNETTE — “Hi, ace detective.” The young girl stifles a yawn. “We’ll be closing up soon, I’m afraid. Is there anything I can help you find?”
EMPATHY — She’s hoping the answer is yes. Any excuse to take a break from the dreaded *math homework.*
“No thanks, I was just on my way out.” [Leave]
“It’s okay, I don’t want to distract you from your studies.”
“Yeah, actually. I’m looking for a book.”
ANNETTE — She tries and fails to hide her relief as she sets her textbook under her chair. “Of course! What are you looking for, sir?”
“A happy story.”
“A sad story.”
“Something that will make me a better detective.”
“Something that will make me a better person.”
“Something about how to mend a broken heart.”
ANNETTE — “Oh…” She frowns, staring up at the shelves as if hoping that the perfect book will miraculously catch her eye. “Umm… Let me think…”
EMPATHY — She’s genuinely trying to think of one. She wants to help you.
ANNETTE — After a long, long pause, Annette finally lets out a sigh of defeat. “…I’m not sure,” she admits sadly. “I’m sorry, sir.”
YOU — “You can’t think of anything at all?”
ANNETTE — “Well… We do carry some self help books, sir, but…” She casts a quick glance around the store.
REACTION SPEED — Making sure Plaisance is out of earshot.
ANNETTE — The girl leans in conspiratorially and whispers, “Mother says those books are all snake oil. ‘If all it took to change somebody’s life was a book, *we* would be sitting quite prettily.’”
DRAMA — Her Plaisance impression is uncanny! What talent!
YOU — “Why do you sell them, then?”
ANNETTE — “Well,” she coughs, “not everyone agrees with my mother.”
RHETORIC — Translation: because people buy them. It’s as simple as that.
ANNETTE — “But I don’t think that’s quite what you’re looking for, is it, sir…?” She looks up at you with that seemingly impossible mixture of innocence and knowing that is unique to children.
“Yeah, you’re right. It isn’t.”
“No, I think I’ll give the self help books a try.”
“I’m not really sure what I’m looking for, to be honest.”
ANNETTE — She nods slowly, looking down at her frayed nails. “Lots of people come into the shop not quite knowing what they’re looking for. But that’s what’s so nice about bookshops, don’t you think? No matter where you look, you can find *something* interesting.” She smiles bright enough to light up every dark corner of the bookstore and the doomed commercial area below it. “I’m sure you’ll find what you’re looking for, ace detective. Maybe you just have to let it find *you.*”
VOLITION — Here in this bookshop. In Martinaise. Revachol. The world. This seemingly wretched lifetime. In the midst of it all, there is always something for you. Uncurl your fist. Let it find your palms upturned.
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maxwell-mtv · 6 months
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The season's changing which means it's now a challenging time for those of us working retail. No one else in Pelican Town understands the corporate-driven hell that is the holiday shopping season more than Morris. With all the Karens and the high product demands, especially for the local events and festivals coming up, he has a lot on his plate. At least he can take the time in the morning to sip on his Joja brand coffee and glance at the small town scenery as he waits for the right time to open his store.
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howdyboh · 6 months
great news!!!!
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there is now an italian complete collection for Magnus too!!
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saintharrowhark · 18 days
y’all. i am in the yukon today and my northwest passage book haul is CRAZY. i will take a picture of the titles later. but i got a mint condition “narrative of the discovery of the fate of sir john franklin and his companions” by mclintok WITH THE COPY OF THE VICTORY POINT NOTE STILL INSIDE
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sunfforest · 8 months
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hay-on-wye, 2015
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lunasilvis · 2 months
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Of course I'm thinking about Philly (and the crazy luxury apartment I had there I wish was mine + the Trader Joe snacks on my virgin european stomach) today
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I feel like I need to say this with what I’ve been talking about ; indie publishing companies have been the backbone of LGBT literature in the west for a long time. Even if some of them are harder to find or now only available in kindle/e-book form. Regardless of what mainstream publishing companies have been doing or will do.
And genuinely there are so many hidden gems !!
For lgbt women’s fiction you have , BellaBooks, Ylva Publishing, Bold Stroke Books and ones that are OOP like Naiad publishing, mad woman publishing, Rising Tide Press
I know the biggest one for gay and bisexual men is Dreamspinner Press (but they also have an imprint Harmony Ink that mainly focuses on LGBT YA books). They do have a lot of women writers there but heaps are Own Voices men too! I don’t know if they are in print anymore but MLR Press is also one and lots of their authors are Own Voices too. I think Riptide publishing as well. (Again don’t know if they are still in print or not)
GMP (gay male press) is out of print BUT they have so so so many books that they have published. Some have been republished on kindle or other companies and if you want a physical copy it’s normal pretty easy to find most of their works for retail price.
There are genuinely SO many great lgbt books from indie publishing companies or from people who self publish. So don’t be put off by how larger companies are doing it. We have a history in underground/indie and self published works.
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afternoonteawithme · 1 year
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I’d barely gotten over my super joy at volume 1 and then now it’s volume 2!
somehow it’s even prettier than the first one 💛
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justsimpleaestetic · 6 months
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