#the forgotten legends of chima
olivescales3 · 1 day
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(don't tag as furry, scalie nor anything furry fandom related)
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fandom-friday · 4 months
ok so. theres this underrated writer @olivescales3 and they write amazingly!!! like, the angst feels real, its like im in the main character's lenses!!!!!. Even tho its in first person and present, it doesnt feel jarring. the world is also wide with a lot of characters that appear naturally. there is so much more but ill link to their first episode! its also based on Legends of Chima for those who have lego nostalgia
Heres their first episode
OOOOOOOH ok ok so this is another fandom I'm not super familiar with (but honestly, I'm hyped there's been a variety this week!). These first few paragraphs are INTENSE right out of the gate, but honestly, I love stuff like that. It promises ALL KINDS OF ANGST, and I can see that a LOT of thought went into the world building! A very cool concept and thanks so much for sending it in!!!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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nexusofdomains · 1 month
I have a geared-up sketch of Lucius in the works so stay tuned for that. For a dude whose last animal drawing had an eery resemblance to a fatherless owl, this piece is going surprisinglywell. The sketch should be out soon. In the meantime,
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fenth-eiria · 8 months
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The top illustration is from a scene of @olivescales3's TFLOC and I want to show the differences between it and with that of my own AU.
(Longtooth and Leonidas have wrinkles in my AU because they are fucking old, and Longtooth is wearing royal clothes because I head canon him the middle brother of Lagravis and Lavertus.)
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Hello! Do you have any tips for writing 'geopolitical' relationships between kingdoms in a story?
In The Forgotten Legends of Chima, there are tribes of anthropomorphic animals (separated by species) who have their own lifestyle and culture. There are certain tribes with more privilege than others (e.g. some are more rich than others, some withhold more Chi than others), which of course will cause some kind of resentment from others. Not only that, but the actions the leaders/kings take also affect their relationship with other tribes. The people suffer from all of this too; if a king, for example, dislikes a certain tribe, his people will also dislike it too.
I'm trying to write these kinds of relationships as realistically as possible, because TFLOC's story is almost entirely based on the coexistence of Chima's tribes. How do you, or any other writer, tackle this in their stories? Any tips? Thanks :)
How to Write Geopolitical Relationships Between Kingdoms in Any Fictional Story
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Thank you so much for this submission, I'll try my best to give you a professional, and detailed explanation so you don't have to do as much research as I did (lol).
Geopolitical relationships are the intricate connections and dynamics that exist between kingdoms in a fictional world. These relationships play a crucial role in shaping the political, social, and economic landscape of your story. By understanding and effectively portraying these relationships, you can add depth and intrigue to your narrative. I'll try my best to provide you information and help you explore the elements of geopolitical relationships and provide tips on how to write realistic and engaging connections between kingdoms in your fictional story.
What are Geopolitical Relationships?
Geopolitical relationships refer to the intricate connections and interactions between different kingdoms in your fictional world. It encompasses various aspects such as geography, history, culture, and economics. These relationships determine how kingdoms interact, cooperate, or clash with each other, shaping the overall political and social landscape of your story.
Why are They Important in Fictional Stories?
Geopolitical relationships are important in fictional stories for several reasons. Firstly, they add a layer of realism and authenticity to your narrative, making the world you've created feel more immersive. By understanding the geopolitical dynamics, readers can engage with the story on a deeper level.
Moreover, these relationships serve as a catalyst for conflict and suspense. They provide opportunities for power struggles, alliances, betrayals, and dramatic plot twists. When done effectively, geopolitical relationships can captivate readers and keep them hooked throughout the story.
How to Write Realistic Geopolitical Relationships
(Now, the good part.)
To write realistic geopolitical relationships in your fictional story, you need to consider several key elements. These elements include geography, history, culture, and economics. Let me help you explore each of them in detail:
Geography plays a crucial role in shaping geopolitical relationships. Consider the physical location of the kingdoms, including their natural resources and borders. A kingdom located near valuable resources may have an advantage in trade negotiations or military capabilities. By understanding the geographical factors, you can develop realistic relationships between kingdoms.
The past interactions between kingdoms significantly influence their present relationships. Historical events such as wars, trade agreements, and alliances shape the attitudes, trust, and animosity between kingdoms. Take into account the history of your fictional world and the impact it has on the geopolitical landscape.
The different cultures of the kingdoms are an essential aspect of geopolitical relationships. Explore their distinct values, beliefs, customs, and social structures. These cultural differences can create tensions, misunderstandings, and alliances between kingdoms. By delving into the cultural aspects, you can enhance the authenticity and complexity of your geopolitical relationships.
Economic systems and trade relations are crucial factors in geopolitical relationships. Consider the economic capabilities of each kingdom and how they influence their interactions. Trade agreements, rivalries, and military capabilities are all elements that can be influenced by the economic dynamics between kingdoms. By incorporating these aspects, you can create more realistic and engaging geopolitical relationships.
How to Write Realistic Geopolitical Relationships
Now that we have explored the key elements of geopolitical relationships, let's discuss some practical tips on how to write them effectively:
Do your research: To create believable geopolitical relationships, take inspiration from real-world history and geography. Understanding how real nations interacted can provide valuable insights for crafting realistic relationships between your fictional kingdoms.
Be consistent: Once you have established the geopolitical relationships between your kingdoms, strive for consistency throughout your story. Ensure that the actions and decisions of the kingdoms align with their established relationships. This consistency will make the narrative more coherent and enhance the credibility of your world.
Use conflict: Geopolitical conflict can be a fantastic source of drama and suspense in your story. Introduce clashes of interests, political intrigue, and power struggles between kingdoms. Utilize the tensions and rivalries to create compelling conflict that drives the plot forward.
Don't be afraid to change things: If you find that the initial geopolitical relationships need adjustments to serve your story's plot, feel free to modify them. As long as the changes are well-justified within the context of your story, altering the relationships can add unexpected twists and keep readers engaged.
Geopolitical relationships are a vital component of fictional storytelling. By understanding and portraying these relationships realistically, you can enrich your narrative and captivate readers. Remember to consider the elements of geography, history, culture, and economics when crafting these relationships. By conducting proper research, maintaining consistency, utilizing conflict, and being flexible with adjustments, you can create engaging geopolitical relationships that truly bring your fictional world to life.
(That was a handful of words lol)
Additional Tips I Use for Writing Geopolitical Relationships in Fictional Stories:
Think about the motivations of the different kingdoms. What are their goals? What are their fears?
Consider the role of individual characters within the geopolitical landscape. How do they influence or interact with the different kingdoms?
Use the geopolitical relationships to create conflict and suspense in your story.
Don't hesitate to change the geopolitical relationships as your story progresses. Flexibility can lead to more exciting plot developments.
Copyright © 2023 by Ren T.
TheWriteAdviceForWriters 2023
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our-aroace-experience · 2 months
The Forgotten Legends of Chima is a story that tackles relationships with an aroace lense (kinda)
it's made by @olivescales3 and they're aroace themselves! ofc you'd have to read their pinned post to see if it fits your taste, but it's pretty well written and has 3 eps so far
that’s brilliant thank you! anyone interested feel free to check it out!
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guysonroblox · 5 months
not roblox related, but have u tried reading 'the forgotten legends of chima'? it's kinda cool tbh
I can't read I need visual stimuli. adhd and shit
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Hello! I'm currently writing a webcomic named "The Forgotten Legends of Chima"; 'geopolitics', as in the relationship between tribes in Chima, are an extremely important part of the story, and I wanted to know what tips you have for writing this! Like, how to write relationships, whether positive or negative between two nations, and also how to write kings/leaders properly (as how they work, how their actions affect their nation and others). Thank you in advance! :)
Writing Leaders and Geopolitical Relationships
Writing Monarchs and Leaders - When it comes to a country or kingdom, there are all different types of leaders, such as business leaders, hereditary or elected officials, military leaders, religious leaders, and heads of government. How these leaders work and how their actions affect their country/kingdom and others depends on the specific type of leader and what they do. Monarchs--even kings and tribal chiefs specifically--work differently, too, depending on who they are and what they do. That said, your best bet is to start by deciding which specific leaders have power in your story's kingdom/country, then research those specific types of leaders with a focus on historical examples that best match the location and era of your story.
Geopolitical Relationships - The relationship between one country (or one tribe) and another can depend on a variety of things: history, geographical proximity, shared borders and resources, competing resources, trade relationships, territorial disputes, alliances with other nations, sides taken in multi-national conflicts, interpersonal relationships between leaders (childhood friendships between rulers and leaders, marriage alliances, relatives ruling different nations, etc.) So, the first thing you'll want to do is draw out a map of the different tribal territories in your fictional country and draw in the different territorial borders. Figure out what geographical features are present (lakes and rivers that might cross borders, shared bays and coastlines, shared mountain ranges, etc.) Think about what natural resources are in each area and how each territory/tribe uses those resources. What trade relationships, competition, or conflicts exist because of those resources? What alliances exist between different tribes and what makes those alliances strong? How do those alliances create extended alliances or conflicts with other tribes? What are the interpersonal relationships and histories shared between these different tribes, and how does that affect their standing with one another? Once you've answered these questions, it will be easier to flesh out the geopolitics between the various tribes in your story.
Happy writing!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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jasper-the-menace · 3 months
when you write your chima stuff, hwo do you imagine the characters? more human or more animal?
Hm, this is a good question!
Honestly, it's more of...like their Lego figures, except with more human shapes rather than Lego shapes? I'm probably halfway between human and animal with my depictions of them. General human shape with animal features.
If you want more animal-like, I recommend @olivescales3's artwork of Chima characters! They make some damn neat art, and I recommend giving their The Forgotten Legends of Chima series a read.
As for me over here with Tales of Chima (I still need to find a better series name...whatever), I approach it as Chi being an inherently magical substance that makes humanoid shapes because thumbs are useful.
The cool thing about the Chima fandom is that we all interpret it differently, and that's awesome! The series has been out of the limelight for so long that it's basically free real estate.
Thanks for the ask, anon!
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ninjasmudge · 1 year
I once talked to a friend about this but here we go.
Lego animation has been suffocating itself with it past animation style for a long time,,, don’t get me wrong they have told and expressed beautiful stories like ninjago or Legends of Chima with it along with selling their merchandise but the Lego company’s past but this animation style has been slowly suffocating their stories to death. Thanks to the animation changes and comedy they did with LMK not only has the story and characters thrived but breathed new life into not only Lego but also journey to the west on top of it and put it on a trending list. But what did they do differently besides the animation and the comedy? In short they didn’t recycle human Lego designs, they allowed characters to have fingers and heads that weren’t recycled human Lego head pieces and even gave them tails and inhuman legs like the legs they gave to Azure Lion along with claws. If they did this change with Legends of Chima instead of it getting canceled by it’s crappy animation style it could have had as many seasons as Ninjago. Also if anyone who has power in the Lego Corporation see this,,, here is some wise advice, just because that old animation style worked with Ninjago doesn’t mean it will work universally with every idea you guys come up with,,, don’t believe me? Reanimate the Chima cartoon for one episode in a better and more detailed style and and give the animal characters more details along with a more fluid animation style,,, you can make more money and revive a nearly forgotten section of Lego in one swoop.
gotta admit that i watched all of ninjago because a dream advertised it to me, (never really got into the fandom,) and although the style has a certian charm that you get used to, its got NOTHING on something as well animated and visually distinct as lmk
it was a GREAT choice for the show, the first digital painting i ever did was bc the backgrounds of lmk were so good and i wanted to try
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fernanda34 · 4 months
Hey mutual! Did you read "The Forgotten Legends of Chima"? If so, what are your thoughts and opinions of it? No pressure :)
I don't speak ingles :'^
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fandom-friday · 4 months
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Thank you so much to everyone that submitted recommendations this week! This was one HECK of a week, and it couldn't have happened without all of the submissions I received! A comprehensive list of this week’s submissions can be found under the cut! Recommendations are organized by show/media, and any main pairings will be listed after the title.
✨ = 18+ content
The Clone Wars: Vermillion (Clone OC Specter x f!Reader) by @dickarchivist New Members (Fives x OC Rasha Skohl, Echo x OC Ari Nierre) by @fives-lover ✨ The Den (Kix x OC Nihlus Brek) by @for-the-sake-of-color ✨ Dancing Lights (Wolf!Wolffe x f!Reader) by @the-bad-batch-baroness ✨ I Yearn, And So I Fear (Wolffe x OC Kazi Ennari) by @enigmaticexplorer ✨ Man on the Moon (Fox x Riyo Chuchi) by @emeraldvsociety ✨ In Command (Rex x OC Senna Aven) by @wild-karrde ✨ Eight Shades of Blue (and the Touch of Orange) (501st Legion x f!Reader, Cody x f!Reader) by the_rain_on_kamino (AO3) Crèche to Command by Boredom (AO3) The Commander Swap by @brainrotrants Dominoes by meridianpony (AO3) Fox Hates Red by @stormyblue90 Dead Dog by @corvod
The Bad Batch: ✨ Stars Beyond Number (Echo x Riyo Chuchi, Gregor x OC Cerra Kilian) by @dystopicjumpsuit Tooka Dad (Crosshair x OC Rayla) by @drafthorsemath Sunflowers & Blasters (Crosshair x OC Isabella Ramót) by @523rdrebel Low Battery (Crosshair x gn!Reader) by @523rdrebel ✨ Cleaning Up (Tech x f!Reader) by @reader6898 Secret Kingdoms (Knight!Hunter x f!Reader) by @jedipoodoo/@lizartgurl A Cosy Bed: A Stardust Conspiracy Fanfic by @just-here-with-my-thoughts
Call of Duty: ✨ If I Had a Heart (Ghost x Soap) by @cod-fishing
Legends of Chima: The Forgotten Legends of Chima by @olivescales3
Marvel/MCU: Black and Tan (Bucky x Sarah Wilson) by @btwxsixesandsevens
Crossovers: The Misadventures of Cosplay Man (Danny Phantom x DC Comics Crossover) by Shynnohwen (AO3)
The Clone Wars: How Dominoes Fall by @frostycatblr-fandom-files Temeura Morrison Study by @keldabekush Cody with Long Hair Art by @rochenn Commander Cody Art by @captora Blade to Blade by @rackcty Anakin and Ahsoka Art by @finpews
The Bad Batch: The Bad Batch Dark Souls AU: Character Introduction by @amorfista The Bad Batch Dark Souls AU: Introduction by @amorfista Hunter and Omega Art by @eggdrawsthings Tech Art by @talesfrommedinastation
Critical Role: Caleb Widogast Art by @middimidoris
Avatar: The Last Airbender: Zuko Artwork by @chiptrillino-art
Yonderland: Cake Bake Lady Edith Art by @bahoreal
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nexusofdomains · 22 days
Yeahhhhh..... I cannot find the sketch i did of Lucius
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otiksimr · 17 days
could i give u a xenofic rec?
the forgotten legends of chima is a good one
its on tapas novel but u can find art on tumblr
That certainly seems, interesting.
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registered-morro-simp · 11 months
It's nice to see people post about Chima again! I'm trying to share my interpretation of Chima's story, and even if the fanbase is made out of like 1k people max, I'd be glad if a Lego fan could check it out! It's a webcomic named The Forgotten Legends of Chima, and it's going to polish not only the storyline, but the pacing, character development and worldbuilding as well. Plot holes are also going to fixed! I will post sneak peek artwork and concept art of the webcomic, but for now there's a banger excerpt of the webcomic in written format for anyone to read. I'd be glad if you could check that out :)
Dude i need to know where are you finding all these fans i can barely find 5 active chima fans
Also I'd love to read your chima story where are you posting it can i have a link?
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moonriddles · 11 months
Hey there! I've seen your Legends of Chima redesigns, and they're really cool! Seeing fan content about LOC really inspired me to share sneak peeks of my LOC webcomic!
It's named The Forgotten Legends of Chima, and it's my interpretation of the show's story, with new content and lore! Although it'll follow the same storyline as the original show, it adds more context to the protagonists' childhood and there will more worldbuilding and character depth. Thank you for keeping the LOC fanbase alive!
Thank you so much!! LOC has been my favorite series since I was in elementary school, and it really motivated me to many things like the designs I did!!
Do you also have your own version? that's so cool! I find the review you send super interesting, the series had so many interesting characters that i think deserved more lore. I'm sure that with your Webcomic the LOC fandom will grow even more!! Can't wait to see the actual product
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