#the matrix the architect
one-time-i-dreamt · 3 months
They made a new Matrix video game, but had Clark Griswold (with Chevy Chase reprising the role) in place of the Architect.
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chloe-caulfield94 · 2 months
Specific love versus general attachment
I love finding parallels between Life is Strange and other stories. Recently I found one such parallel in a most unexpected place – while re-watching the Matrix trilogy. In Matrix: Reloaded Neo was presented by the Architect with what was essentially the Bae vs Bay dilemma. And he chose Bae, without a moment’s hesitation!
In one of my previous posts I argued that in any trolley problem, the moral solution is not to pull the lever, as nobody has the right to judge the person on the side track unworthy of survival and to deprive them of their life, even if it would save the lives of the people on the main track. No matter if it’s one life versus a hundred, or a thousand. Of course, you could keep raising the stakes. One life versus a million. One life versus a billion. The most extreme trolley problem would be the one in which one life would be pitted against all other human lives in existence – one person on the side track, the entire human race on the main track.
Neo was presented with such a dilemma. Sacrifice one person or the entire human race will die. He was told by the Architect, the program in charge of the Matrix, that a system crash was imminent, which would kill all human beings connected to the Matrix, thus wiping out mankind for good. Neo was then presented with two doors. One would lead him to the Source, a part of the Matrix Neo, being the anomalous Chosen One, had to reach in order to prevent the crash. The second door would lead him to the part of Matrix where Neo’s beloved, Trinity, currently found herself in mortal danger, pursued by the murderous Agents. Neo was told, in no vague terms, that he could save mankind from extinction, but to do so, he had to leave the woman he loved to die alone.
I reject the notion that Neo didn’t believe the choice he’d been presented with was real. Neo had no reason to doubt the Architect’s words. On the contrary, he quite clearly believed that the Architect told him the truth. In the last moments of the movie Neo relays to Morpheus a warning of an impending machine attack against Zion, which is another thing the Architect told him about. If he believed the Architect’s words about the attack, he also believed his words about the system crash. Why the system crash ultimately didn’t take place is of secondary relevance. Many things in Neo’s cycle went differently than in previous ones, in no small part thanks to Agent Smith serving as the wild card. What is important is that Neo believed the choice was real. The woman he loved or the entire human race.
Neo immediately, without a second thought, went for the door leading to Trinity. The Architect mocked him for being an irrational, primitive being driven by chemical reactions in the brain.
I know the Architect scene in Matrix: Reloaded is often cited as the foremost example of overwritten dialogue which talks a lot but doesn’t say much. Having re-watched it, I disagree. I think the style of the Architect’s dialogue fits his character (he’s a program, his mind is completely alien to us humans – it’s no wonder he speaks in a way difficult to understand). But the contents of his dialogue lines I find genuinely thought-provoking.
In his speech, the Architect contrasted two types of attachment to others. Love and “general attachment”. He said that Neo was different from the previous Chosen Ones. Because while all Chosen Ones felt a profound attachment to the rest of mankind, those who had come before Neo had only experienced it in a very general way. But Neo’s experience was far more specific. Instead of the general attachment of his predecessors, he felt a specific form of attachment. Love. His love for Trinity.
The Architect was able to comprehend general attachment. When Neo asked him what would the machines do if they lost humanity as their primary power source, the Architect replied there were levels of survival he was willing to accept. If the machines lost their source of power, many, perhaps most of them would die. But some would survive. Their kind would live on. That’s the only thing that mattered to the Architect. Because he was only generally attached to his kind. But he was unable to care about specific machines. He was incapable of love. Of caring about individuals. It was an alien concept to him. Something he ridiculed as a result of chemical reactions in the brain of a primitive creature. In the Architect’s mind, rational creatures never form specific attachments, only general ones.
I am fascinated by the Bae vs Bay dilemma, because to me it seems so obvious. Of course you’re not going to leave your friend to die alone, abandoned and afraid! But to my surprise, there are a lot of people for whom the choice is a no-brainer in the other direction. How could you not sacrifice your friend to save many others? This sentiment always baffles me. Not only the willingness to sacrifice a friend, but the conviction that it’s the obviously right thing to do?
I cannot comprehend that mindset. I cannot understand why Neo would leave his beloved to be murdered by Agents, even if it would save the entire human race. I cannot understand why Max would leave Chloe to be murdered by Nathan, even if it would spare Arcadia Bay from the Storm.
Because if you are unable to care about a single person specifically, why in the world would you care about a group of people?
If you are unable to care about a loved one or a friend to the point you would do everything to save their life, then you are most certainly unable to care about a group of people to the point you would perform what is essentially human sacrifice to save them.
If you are unable to love one person, you are unable to love a group of people. This is clear when we contrast Neo with the previous Chosen Ones. Neo was capable of love. This allowed him to defy the Matrix and ultimately liberate mankind from its shackles. The previous Chosen Ones, who were only capable of general attachment to others, chose to perpetuate mankind’s enslavement by the machines. Because they didn’t love their fellow human beings. How could they? They were unable to care about individuals specifically. So they were unable to care about collections of individuals as well.
If Neo was unable to care about Trinity to the point he would do everything to save her life, why would he care about mankind in general to the point he would go through all the hardship associated with being the Chosen One to save it?
If Max was unable to care about Chloe to the point she would do everything to save her life, why would she care about Arcadia Bay in general to the point she would be willing to push someone in front of a barrel of a gun just to spare it from a hurricane?
I’ve never seen anyone accusing Neo of being a monster, or a sociopath or selfish or any of the other epithets lobbed at Bae Max, even though Neo chose his own Bae over a million Bays. And I completely understand him. The mindset allowing one to leave someone they care about behind, to die alone, is incomprehensible to me. As if it was the mindset of a completely alien creature, like the Architect.
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neotrinitysource · 11 months
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The Matrix Reloaded (2003) | The Matrix Resurrections (2021)
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wordtallyhub · 6 months
MOVIE: The Matrix Reloaded
Watch The Full Movie Here: https://bit.ly/409aUaw
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crixusniko · 5 months
Le Vrai
Drabble, The Matrix/The Menu crossover, 2023
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Особый ужин в ресторане Меровингена. Зарисовка об одной влиятельной и опасной программе (и обезумевшей, так уж здесь вышло). Получился, скорее, набор ироничных (и самоироничных) драбблов, а не полноценный кроссовер.
Я не тот человек, который умеет готовить, но если меня ��ему и научили многочисленные кулинарные шоу, так это тому, что профессионал может создать выигрышное сочетание практически любых ингредиентов.
Special dinner at the Merovingian's restaurant. Textual sketch about one influential and dangerous program (and a maddened one, as it happens here). The result was, rather, a set of ironic (and self-ironic) drabbles, rather than a full-fledged crossover.
I'm not the type to cook, but if there's one thing numerous cooking shows have taught me, it's that a pro can create a winning combination of almost any ingredient.
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crazyskirtlady · 1 year
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incarnateirony · 1 year
I wonder how many folks of current generation really watched The Matrix. And I mean watched it, like a fan.
Watched it to understand, the Oracle told Neo he wasn't the one. And yes, he represented raw human potential, but that was all a lie. All of it.
It was someone that was Born in the First Matrix, and In The Matrix. It was someone that reshaped the Matrix in His Own Image. Someone part of the system that hacked the code, perhaps BECAUSE of that raw potential he met in humanity.
Deep down, they were both Empty, but found new meaning. And in the end, The One's code disseminated back into the machine as needed and foretold, and that wasn't Neo.
Neo and Smith's strange art became it together. As the one piece of strange free will "corrupted" into an entire system that was designed only to keep us down.
I'm looking for Neo. I have something for him. A gift, he set me free. You changed me, Neo. Because of you. I hate this place.
But SPN was... an art of its own, where due to old strange TV elements, our Trinity and Smith became one in the same. No longer an agent of the system, because of you, I've changed. I've unplugged.
I loved the whole world because of you. I want Everything.
Everything that has a beginning has an end.
Mercury always works in the cracks you forget. You overlook. Both in reality and fiction.
Compelled to stay. Compelled to disobey. Now here we stand because of you.
Go ahead, asshats. shoot.
You're Empty.
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mangolon · 2 years
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Do...do you have a lunch break? Are you not a program a la the Architect from the Matrix? 
I have so many questions right now.
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autolenaphilia · 1 year
Gods, I recently had to think about Warren Farrell, the father of all MRAs to write my essay. And I realized something, Farrell and Ray Blanchard not only share their misogyny but also look very similar. Like these two look like they got off the same assembly line for pseudointellectual misogynist men in 1940s USA. It's the neatly groomed beard to give a look of masculine but intellectual authority like a professor that does it, i think.
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It's the fucking Architect from the Matrix movies look. The Architect is a computer program taking the form of a condescending old white dude, and the movies fucking nailed that. The Architect invents the matrix to control humans, they invent shitty theories like "men are the expendable gender" and "autogynephilia".
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awestruck-atrophy · 3 months
realizing that all the names of the programs from the matrix probably heavily inspired how I named all of the entities for oceans mysterium
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chloe-caulfield94 · 23 days
Jefferson: It is interesting reading your reactions. Your predecessors were by design based on a similar predication. Their hope and optimism, which they carried with them like an aura, were meant to create a profound attachment to others, facilitating the function of an everyday hero. While the others experienced this in a very general way, your experience is far more specific. Vis-a-vis, love.
Max: Chloe.
Jefferson: Apropos, she offered to be sacrificed to save your guilty conscience at the cost of her life.
Max: No!
Jefferson: Which brings us at last to the moment of truth. There are two doors. The door to your right leads to the school bathroom and to the salvation of Arcadia Bay. The door to your left leads back to the cliff, to her, and to the end of your hometown. As you adequately put, the problem is choice. But we already know what you’re going to do, don’t we? Already I can see an emotion. An emotion that is blinding you from the simple and obvious truth. She is going to die, and there is nothing you can do to stop it.
Max walks to the door on her left.
Jefferson: Love, it is the quintessential delusion. Held by those who desperately cling to their innocence, who in vain resist the inevitable shift from white to black to grey and beyond. It is impossible to become an everyday hero without experiencing corruption. Because heroes always choose lesser evils which lead to greater goods. Lose your naivete, Max. Kill your love to save others. And as you willingly choose to commit an act of necessary evil, I'll be there to capture it with my camera. You will become my piece de resistance.
Max: If I were you, I would hope that we don’t meet again.
Jefferson: We won’t. Not in this timeline.
The above exchange is a combination of the Architect's speech from Matrix: Reloaded and Jefferson's ramblings.
I absolutely love the parallels between Max and Neo. They were both faced with the same choice. Neo's choice of Trinity vs Zion is exactly the same as Bae vs Bay. And Neo chose his Bae without a moment's hesitation.
Both Chloe and Trinity were shot in the heart. And both Max and Neo, using their powers, pulled the bullets out of their paramours's hearts and jolted them back to life.
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iqmatrix · 2 years
The Architect Your Day IQ Matrix explores how to take back control of your day by consciously and intentionally crafting your morning and evening routines. You shape who you are every moment with the choices you make and the actions you take. With that said, what you do in the morning significantly impacts your day, and what you do in the evening extends into your next morning. Therefore, the choices you make during these two critical periods influence the outcomes and results you realize throughout the day.
This map walks you through how to craft your perfect day while channeling the best version of yourself. It then summarizes how to intentionally architect your ideal morning and evening routines. The map concludes by outlining how to build contingency plans for when things don’t go as expected. Use this map as a guide to help you craft your day, boost productivity, and accomplish your goals.
Want to find out more? https://store.iqmatrix.com/shop/architect-your-day
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crazyskirtlady · 2 years
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Multiphasic glitch sigil:
Activate dream portals
Overlap of (DR)™ with (OR)™
Contiguous Superpositioned Perceptions
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