#they have potions!! not organic compounds!!
Imagine you're a demon and this kid who barely reaches your waist somehow solves one of the most complicated math problems in the realm within a matter of 5 minutes.
Later you find out she's the God of Wisdom and rules over an entire nation despite being thousands of years younger.
(Sumeru Archon Ik)
you can't tell if you're frustrated that this teensy thing knows how to do all that, or impressed that this teensy thing knows how to do all that. then you find out her identity and you!re like "ohhhh that makes so much sense- wait what the fuck that was a god?"
at the time you were just like
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Do you think in like, an urban fantasy setting, with a modern lab and chemistry knowledge you could brew super specific potions? Imagine getting a C on your lab final for Potions 238 because you didn’t balance your equation correctly and accidentally added 4 mols of salamander blood when you only needed 2. You lose points for incorrect titration, leading your potion of invisibility to last 10 minutes instead of 20. Would you treat each magical component as its own element/ compound or would you have to break it down into organic molecules? What does “enchanted” MEAN in terms of reactance!!! These are the real questions!!
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script-a-world · 25 days
Submitted via Google Form:
Idea: Building a colony on a planet with very little in the way of water. So they siphon a portion of water from their home planet and bring it there via wormhole. Details: Siphoning off a potion of water means sea levels dropped 200m world wide on a planet that's 80% water now has 75%. The colony planet has no ocean but multiple lakes and rivers so they expanded them and created a whole bunch of new lakes and seas. The new planet has little in the way of native life - so marine life would pretty much be the same from home apart from a few areas they have not touched and mingled with the stuff from home. Questions: I might need a bit of help checking on the numbers? Also, what changes would happen to all the marine life and ecosystems as well as how are things going to work on the colony? Something I may be overlooking?
Tex: If they’re bringing water from Planet A to Planet B, where are they bringing the water from? You mention sea levels, so I’m going to make the assumption that you intend to have Planet B siphon seawater from Planet A. Is it the sum total of the seawater - inclusive of marine life, salinity, and trace minerals and metals - being ported over, or only water purified from the seawater, devoid of any other characteristics?
Is this also a one-to-one transfer ratio? How does the wormhole know when to stop transferring and what to transfer to the other end?
Wootzel: Your question of “What changes would happen to all the marine life and ecosystems as well as how are things going to work on the colony?” is a bit too broad-yet-detailed for us to be able to help you with it. One could write a novel-length speculative wiki on what kinds of environments might form in a situation like this, but a huge amount of it would be guesswork. The result might not fit what kind of story you’re trying to tell, and would probably be way more detailed than you would ever need. What I’m getting at is that we have no idea what you need from your world, what is or isn’t relevant, and what hypotheticals interest you from this kind of scenario.
What I can say is that there’s no realistic way they’re going to essentially copy+paste the marine life (or any ecosystem) from their home planet to this new one and have it settle into a similar, stable pattern. For every organism that can exist at a variety of pressure or gravity levels, there’s probably another that would die immediately, and a few might find an advantage and take over. SOME factor is going to hugely disrupt the biome, but it’s probably a bunch of factors all at once. 
Some compound found commonly in the rock that’s not on the home planet dissolved into the water? Lots of microorganisms just keeled over, and a few more adapted to eat that compound. 
Light level is different? Similar effect.
No ocean currents? Lots of stuff just went extinct within a generation.
The above extinctions created vacuums in the ecosystem, which a few thriving species took advantage of, causing population explosions, but they outcompeted something else. 
That something else’s specialist predator just went extinct because its food source is gone.
Here’s a past answer that’s tangentially related to what you’re asking, in that it goes into what would be needed for a bunch of species to go from a limited population to a thriving one, and some environmental and ecosystem factors that could make a population able to bounce back or be doomed.
If you’re interested in making a big, detailed worldbuilding project about this, and you want to go the semi-realistic-speculative-biology route, you’ve got a LOT of research ahead of you to learn about how environments and ecosystems work. If you just need a setting for a story, you can get away with picking whatever elements you want available, looking at them together to make sure they seem half-plausible, and refusing to worry too much about the how and why of it all. Terraforming is a common trope in sci-fi, so if you want to just say that this planet has bodies of water resembling smallish versions of the home planet’s oceans and ignore that being implausible, you can just do that.
Addy: I don't have much to add here, so I'm just going to throw some links at ya
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zeldurz · 8 months
A rant about Bacta
For today's long and rambling meta, let’s talk about bacta, aka my least favourite part of Star Wars. The magical space healing goo that solves all your problems for some reason, with no considerations for anything that makes any amount of sense.
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Once again, going to preface this with “I am not a medical professional and am by no means an expert in this field”
More happening below the cut:
To start, I will say that from a meta perspective, I understand why bacta is the way it is. We see it first in Episode V, where Luke is being treated for hypothermia and Wampa-related injuries - and I will give the GFFA that one. We often treat hypothermia with Luke-warm (haha) baths to raise the patient’s body temperature back to what it should be, and I could absolutely see a regulated, temperature controlled immersion tank being used for situations like this. I will even give them the “it’s a sterile solution that has antibiotic properties and promotes healing” thing, like it’s a giant vat of space polysporin or something. HOWEVER, it’s everything that came after that that I have an issue with.
You see, dear reader, the next thing that happened after the movies we all know and love was a tabletop RPG - the foundation of which all legends content is built upon. And in a tabletop RPG (like dungeons and dragons, for those who aren’t familiar), you need a system for tracking health (IE hit points, hearts, etc) and a way to quickly restore your character back to “full health”. Since Star Wars doesn’t have clerics or health potions, you get the magical healing goo that solves all your problems instead. And because you need this resource to be limited in order to give the game an element of risk, you make bacta expensive and sometimes challenging to get ahold of, but it has the power to fix any and all problems.
Now don’t get me wrong, I appreciate that in video games or DND I can drink a potion and suddenly my arm isn’t broken and I am no longer on fire, but Star Wars at its core is not an RPG (I do also, for the record, feel this way about healing spells and similar abilities in fantasy settings, but that’s for another time). I also want to make clear that I, an angst gremlin who thrives on fake science and making characters suffer, am not the average audience for this type of thing, and that narratively, action adventures like Star Wars would suffer tremendously with long, drawn out recovery times. With that being said, the gap between ‘I’m skipping over this because it doesn’t have a place in my story’ and ‘I throw the character in the goo (or have them ingest the goo?? Or inject it?????) and everything is fine now” is substantial, and I for one am really not a fan.
“But Zeds!” you cry, “what about suspension of disbelief? Star Wars has impossible laser swords and impossible galactic travel and-”
I know. And obviously bacta isn’t a make or break it thing for me, because my one and only brain cell is devoted at all times to my poor little meow meows who have committed so many war crimes - but the thing about suspension of disbelief for me personally is it has to be logically consistent within the universe, and for me, bacta makes no fucking sense whatsoever.
(if you are bothered by potential injury/medical stuff and non-graphic discussion of bodily fluids, this is probably where you should get off this train of thought)
I have a lot of issues with bacta, but I can lump them into two broad categories: mechanism of action (ie the biology) and the Bacta Economy (ie the wider implications for healthcare and best practices). 
Mechanism of Action:
To quote Wookieepedia
Promoting rapid regeneration of organic compounds, bacta could be used in a variety of both critical and noncritical medical situations. Described as being warm to the touch, the bacta liquid could aid in the healing of concussions, internal organs, and broken ribs. Furthermore, it could be placed in small dishes to help regrow fingernails, mend cuts, burns, and other injuries. Due to its "one-size fits all" use in medical applications, it was a highly prized and commonly used medical treatment for most, if not all, injuries. Bacta could also knit together broken bones
Bacta can fix everything, apparently, with the legends page going so far as to state that “it's replaced most conventional medicine.” I am not a medical professional, but the idea that one single substance could fix every ailment ever in every species is ridiculous considering that a) we can’t even treat the same condition in different people with one substance (as anyone who has been on antidepressants can tell you), let alone conditions with widely different symptoms and presentations. I could maybe see if it was some sort of stem cell activator or something like that, but even then it seems far-reaching to assume that things like broken bones or concussions could be healed by the same substance. The fact that bacta is primarily applied topically (ie to the skin either as a gel or in a tank), but can also be administered orally or by injection only makes things weirder. Does it absorb into the bloodstream through the skin? How does it reach the injured organ in order to “promote healing?” Is it entirely unaffected by stomach acid???
Which, speaking of concussions, does that mean bacta can cross the blood-brain barrier? You’re telling me that there is one goo that is perfectly matched to every being in the whole fucking galaxy (considering how many different blood types humans have and how much care has to go into matching organs or stem cells for transplant in humans, I find it a stretch to believe that one size fits all for every human, let alone other alien species), and it can fix bones and nerves and everything else? Without side effects?????? What about longer term treatments? Are we not worried about muscle loss? Nutrition? Dehydration???
Not to mention the implication that it can fix broken bones without setting them - the whole thing reeks of hand-wavey space magic, which would be fine if it wasn’t explained in universe as ‘miracle bacteria fix things and we will not be elaborating further’. This is especially problematic since Legends mentions some people have a bacta allergy (which would leave them functionally without healthcare) and because having only one substance that fixes everything from a paper cut to life-threatening injuries is a huge risk to your civilization (from possible contaminants/shortages) as well as doing a disservice to every individual. Between the implications that there are relatively few other drugs (maybe this is why everyone seems to be awake for surgery all the time and no one uses any painkillers? Because they need the bacta for something else????) and the fact that no one is going to waste their precious goo on your headache, healthcare must really suck in a “we only have the goo” galaxy (even moreso than it already does).
The Bacta economy and the wider implications for healthcare in the GFFA:
Canonically, bacta is extremely valuable and nearly impossible to synthesize. In fact, I seem to recall a scene in one of the legends books where Luke has recovered from an injury, and after being treated in a bacta tank, the practitioner is siphoning the excess bacta out of his ears so it can be reused.
In real life, we are very careful to handle bodily fluids with care to avoid accidental exposure to certain diseases - but you’re telling me that you can just soak someone in some goo for days (or weeks!) at a time while they have open wounds, and then pull them out and drop in the next patient? Is there no concern for bloodborne disease or infection at all? 
One of the things I do use bacta for in my fics is recovery after surgery - the antibacterial properties, plus the analgesics and everything else make it a reasonable choice for standard post-op procedure - but the idea of having a patient come out of a sterile operating room and into the goo tank that might have held someone with gangrene a few hours ago is a recipe for disaster imo
And speaking of contamination - how are we deciding which bacta is injected/administered orally and which is topical? Are we injecting people with goo that other people have been sitting in (again, for days or possibly weeks???) Or is only “fresh” bacta used for that purpose? Maybe it’s a class thing, and the rich can afford fresh but the poor have to make do with stuff that’s already had someone in it for a month idk, the whole thing just feels really really grody and like a good way to ensure your entire population is HIV+
And on that note - if every injury and medical condition is treated with one limited, expensive resource, how are hospitals allocating it? If you have broken ribs, for example, would you be evicted from the bacta tank if there was someone who was in a speeder crash whose life is in danger? What about a premature infant? Even if we are assuming that the GFFA operates under capitalist hellscape rules and each patient has to pay for their own bacta treatment, the fact that there’s only one resource to treat every condition must make for an absolute nightmare of triage (I imagine this is only compounded on ships, where the resources are even more limited to stocks on board, and a disaster like an explosion in an engine room could result in massive casualties if the only option for anything is “treat with bacta”)
All of which is to say - bacta works great as a plot device, but as soon as you start looking at it even a little bit, none of it makes any sense at all.
For me personally, I mainly include the use of a tank for post-operative patients - particularly after a major surgery - along with treatment of hypothermia or other conditions with poor circulation or temperature regulation. I also use a gel for wound dressings, but I rarely would have a character receive it orally or by injection. I think it is a useful thing for doctors to have, but I refuse to believe that the entire Galaxy’s healthcare revolves around one substance (no matter how great), and especially that the Galaxy’s physicians have been replaced by it.
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I've made a post already and you know what actually, no, I'm not done talking about this.
The actual timeline of events in this encounter feels off. Otohan was fuckin' stacked, yes, but that didn't make the fight unbalanced — that made it difficult. This was a very difficult fight, to be sure, but I'm confident that the Hells had a chance here if they had grouped up. However.
Otohan had a goal. She went into that fight wanting to break Imogen, wanting her to surrender to her nature, wanting her to unleash the storm in her chest. Matt kept describing it like the same feeling as what she felt in her dream.
The dust storm rolled in at this precise moment, just as the Hells were trying to come up with a plan and searching for a distraction to get Treshi.
The mammoth crawler got attacked at this exact moment too, by masked and deliberately unrecognizable assailants.
And Otohan was just.... standing up there on a balcony, watching it all, as members of her organizations dropped like flies and everyone inside the compound was panicking and chaos was erupting everywhere. The walls were coming down from gunfire, explosions destroyed the mammoth crawler and presumably the majority of its contents, the dunamis potions were spilled and incredibly easy to steal, one of the crates marked with the symbol of the Cerberus Assembly just got picked up and carried off in a skirmish crawler.
In the middle of a goddamn siege assault, the back door to the compound was not only unguarded and unmanned, but it was also unassailed, and apparently trivially easy to open from the inside. And yet, none of the attackers had scaled the wall to open the (unguarded!) door for the rest of them, and none of the Paragon's Call had gone to guard it. I find this super unbelievable, and it's something that I highly doubt Matt would've ever overlooked.
They leave the gate, go along the wall of the Seat of Disdain, find Otohan standing immediately outside of it (a corner of the walls was on the map!), and...... suddenly everything else is gone? No more explosions, no Paragon's Call people or assailants running around or darting through the streets, no gunfire, no sound of the crawlers? What the fuck is up with that?
Otohan was not trying to get Imogen to surrender to her, to give in to her, to go somewhere with her — she was murdering her friends right in front of her to build up that hatred and rage and white-hot fury so that the storm would be unleashed and Imogen would realize her "true power," her "true purpose." And she hasn't only realized it — it's now impossible for her to deny it. But what did that actually achieve? Are we about to see another Care and Culling, where all the "realized" Ruidusborn have a switch in their head that Otohan is gonna use the solstice to flip?
I don't think this is a dream sequence. Not in the traditional sense, at least. I don't think any of these people are asleep right now. But I also don't think any of them are permanently dead. For starters, if FCG gets Fearne up then Fearne can get Orym up. We know FCG has revivify, and Fearne always has it prepared because it's a circle spell for her. IIRC they have more than one diamond. About 3 rounds have passed since Orym's death if I counted right, so there's time. And Laudna still has one death save left, which means that they have time to get to her with a potion or with spare the dying (Ashton has a potion they didn't use, they're up, and they're fast). I also think that all of this was set up in advance by Otohan, because she knew exactly what she needed to do in order to get Imogen to break (hence the unguarded door). Also, Imogen still has a piece of the gnarlrock, and can you imagine the angst of a newly-powerful Imogen not only giving up this piece of safety to bring Laudna back to life, but also intentionally strengthening Delilah Briarwood in order to do it?
This fight is still going to have consequences. There is still going to be a chance that some of these people will die. But I do think that this fight was intentionally very difficult because Matt has something up his sleeve. Maybe it is a dream sequence, or an illusion, or all in Imogen's head. Maybe it's something similar to the way Matt introduced Yasha's rage beyond death ability. Or maybe they just got transported to a place where the revivify time limit doesn't matter anymore because time stops and matter does not age, and now they have to survive the night to get their spells back or go find another diamond somewhere. Or maybe the reason for and intent of Imogen's implosion — fear at losing someone she loves, needing to protect her "favorite," needing to protect her friends and her loves and the lives around her — will break through the anger that Otohan has instilled in her, will overcome the base nature of her power, and will bring everyone back by sheer force of will (which would be incredibly cinematic, by the way, and which would totally fit with the themes of the campaign. It also would not wholly erase the impacts of the deaths, because these guys are most definitely going to play out the repercussions and the trauma of dying if they come back).
I dunno. With the deaths, I think it could go either way. But I am absolutely certain that this is not over yet.
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elledritchhorr0r · 8 months
Gender Weirdness in (my) Faerun
in my stories queer folk are common, and accepted to the point of being unremarkable. there are a myriad of ways that you alter your physical characteristics, organs, and presentation.
the easiest answer here would be the 3rd level spell Tenser's Shifting Gender (or something). this would be the bog standard change your gender spell. looking beyond that, and far more accessible is the Mold Flesh cantrip. able to be cast by middling spellcasters and hedge witches, this is far more common in villages and other minor settlements. the minor nature of a cantrip requires the caster to cast it repeatedly through touch. skilled fleshcrafters must be artists with kean eyes and high stamina.
Clerics of Morphitas the god of change can channel divinity to shift their own bodies to their true self. this works on a minor level for people around the cleric as well.
Many common magical herbs can produce a wort that has feminizing masculinizing or androgyninizing effects depending on the herb. for example a decoction of black toadstool and goblinsbreath will masculinize the imbiber(?) if taken on the full moon over a year. a poultice of celestial lilac and nettelmoss can remove body hair/facial hair permanantly.
compounds to alter the body can be synthesized from monster parts as well. take the humble troll. its regenerative property can be distilled into a potion that can induce tissue growth or a salve to induce hair growth.
From this point things are going to get less than wholesome
TW: Transformation, Noncon TF, gender loss?
Cultists of Slaan'ish sacrifice their gender for power. the cultists describe it as "quite nice actually". Warlocks of Slaan'isk gain power through transformation, becoming unrecognizable and inhuman as they gain power. Powerful warlocks of Slaan'isk can cast a ritual sacrificing others genders to cast Summon Fiend. the more genders you sacrifice the higher the level of the summon. a plot in water deep led to hundreds of people losing their genders and the summoning of a gehreloth. *hijinx* ensued and a party of adventurers defeated the fiend and developed a cure to restore peoples lost gender.
The cursed weapons of Nariel whispers in its users ear. slowly encouraging the user to get attached to the spear, and then twisting the users preferred presentation. the cursed will not accept that they are normal and have always been this way. Remove Curse removes this effect.
Gender Lycanthropy:
among the myriad presentations of the Lycanthropy virus there are those that change the users gender. sexy horny genderbent werewolves? yea we got em.
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kayzero · 1 year
I REMEMBERED it was to remind you to ramble abt ur ocs :)
So once upon a time I came up with the most cliche writing concept of all time: what if you personified the Seven Sins? This concept very quickly grew into its own cohesive writing universe because when I got to Pride, I went “she wants to rule.” And my beta at the time was like “what does she want to rule?” And the answer was everything.
So I have a whole world full of exposition and other such nonsense — that YOU can help me flesh out by asking questions about it! Sometimes I’ll know the answer and I’ll be able to tell you quickly, but sometimes I haven’t THOUGHT about the question and I’ll have to make something up on the spot.
But anyway, the character I wanted to talk about was the once I most closely resonate with. She isn’t one of the Sins, and she’s about three steps removed from being a complete self-insert.
Her name is Aurora.
(cw for institutionalized and internalized transphobia)
Aurora was once Orion, top theoretical student at a premier magical academy. Utter shit with most elemental magic, though, and unfortunately the practical exams were focused around them, but she was at least passable with the Moral Elements, Light and Dark, so she didn’t completely bomb the practicals.
Aurora was scouted right out of school for a position within Magical Research and Development, specifically in their Rituals department. Her solid base of theoretical knowledge quickly expanded to a seemingly all-encompassing base of generalist magical theory, and she was credited on dozens of innovations over the next year.
But Aurora wanted something more than anything else in the world — to transition. At this point in time, healthcare is completely free and it’s compulsory for Healers to do their best to help someone in need. Unfortunately, gender affirming care wasn’t included in the compulsory umbrella. Healers were refusing to see her, and Fleshapers would only help in exchange for a period of absolute servitude.
Naturally, Aurora didn’t go for it. But her theoretical base didn’t include anything involving Healing, Fleshaping, or even Alchemy or Potioneering. So she came up with a ritual, her specialty.
(An important aside: the largest grouping of humans in the world of Peccatum is the Capital City of the Prideful Nation. The forming of this city was a joint effort between Lady Pride and Lady Sloth, with Lady Pride organizing the construction of the city itself, while Lady Sloth carved a large enough space out of a mountain range to support an estimated 65% of all humanity.
Naturally, this was a large undertaking, which meant that Lady Sloth expended a large amount of magical energy to perform this feat, and the city’s foundation is flooded with her magic. This resulted in a couple oddities within the Capital.
Most importantly, every seventh day, every seventh week, and every seventh month, citizens will feel lethargic and exhausted, with the effects compounding on days that overlap.
[A less important aside: the calendar of Peccatum consists of 343 days — seven months each with seven weeks each with seven days. The final day of the year, the seventh seventh seven, is a national holiday celebrating Lady Sloth, titled the Seventh Triad, the Silent Grey, or the Day of Rest. On this day, all able citizens are compelled to sleep the full 24 hours.]
More relevantly, a pocket dimension formed within the confines of the Capital: the Realm of Dreams.)
Aurora’s ritual would send her to the Realm of Dreams, prepared her body to take in and harness its magic, and spit her out when she was done. She spent 57 days in the pocket dimension — one month, one week, and one day, from the Sixth Triad to the Seventh.
The ritual’s completion sent out a shockwave that alerted Capital Defense, and Aurora was taken in for setting off an explosion on the first day of the year. This had the pleasant side effect of alerting Lady Pride to Aurora’s existence, and the fact that she felt the need to go to such lengths and take such risks to do something that is, magically speaking, relatively simple.
So, Aurora, 19 years old, is awarded honorary Mastery in Ritual Magic, honorary Expertise in Spatial Magic, and also got humanity’s ruler to put gender affirming care under the umbrella of compulsory healing.
In exchange for her transition, she completely lost the ability to sleep. Her body is infused with so much of Lady Sloth’s magic that Aurora doesn’t need sleep to survive, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t suffer negative consequences. She hallucinates. Specifically, she sees her old body as a vengeful spirit, cursing her for “killing him.”
Unfortunately, she’s directly tied to the Realm of Dreams, and Orion the Vengeful Spirit manifests within the realm, and after seven years of gathering power, tries to upend the magical landscape in order to kill Aurora, forcing her to use a fusion of Spatial and Spiritual Magic to chain Orion directly to her soul to keep him under control.
Aurora, now 29, is a Grandmaster of Spatial Magic (the youngest to hold the title of Grandmaster), has done a tour of service in every facility tied to the Capital City, and her official title is now Pride’s Left Hand, serving as advisor to Pride and wielding power in her name for the purposes of delegation.
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Black coffee, celebrated for its rich aroma and bold flavors, also harbors potential benefits for those looking to lose weight. This zero-calorie beverage, when consumed mindfully, can be a valuable addition to a weight loss regimen. Here’s how you can leverage black coffee for weight loss, along with the science behind its effects.
Understanding Black Coffee and Weight Loss
Black coffee is simply coffee that is normally brewed without the addition of additives such as sugar, milk, cream, or flavored syrups. Given its low-calorie profile, it's a perfect choice for those monitoring their calorie intake. The key compounds in black coffee—caffeine and chlorogenic acid—play a significant role in aiding weight loss.
Caffeine increases metabolic activity and boosts energy levels, potentially enhancing calorie burn.
Chlorogenic Acid, an antioxidant, may slow the absorption of carbohydrates and help manage blood sugar levels.
How to Incorporate Black Coffee into Your Weight Loss Plan
Choose the Right Time: Drinking coffee 30 minutes before exercising can provide an energy boost and increase fat burning potential. Avoid drinking coffee late in the day as it can disrupt sleep patterns, which is counterproductive for weight loss.
Monitor Your Intake: While a moderate amount of black coffee can be beneficial, too much caffeine can lead to nervousness, insomnia, and increased heart rate. Most health experts recommend limiting coffee intake to about 3 cups (approximately 710 milliliters) per day.
Skip the Additives: The key to using black coffee for weight loss is to drink it without adding high-calorie creamers and sweeteners. These additives can negate the calorie deficit you are aiming for.
Hydrate: Coffee is a diuretic, meaning it can lead to increased urination and potential dehydration. Ensure you’re also drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
Eat a Balanced Diet: Black coffee can suppress appetite temporarily, but it's not a meal replacement. Focus on a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains alongside your coffee consumption.
Maximizing the Benefits
Quality Over Quantity: Opt for high-quality, organic coffee beans. These tend to have higher antioxidant levels compared to their non-organic counterparts.
Brewing Method Matters: Cold brew and espresso have higher concentrations of beneficial compounds compared to other brewing methods. Experiment to see which method you prefer and fits your lifestyle best.
Listen to Your Body: Caffeine sensitivity varies from person to person. Adjust your coffee intake according to how your body reacts.
Potential Drawbacks
While black coffee can contribute to a weight loss strategy, it's not a magic potion. Excessive consumption can lead to side effects such as anxiety, digestive issues, and sleep disturbances. Furthermore, relying solely on black coffee without addressing dietary and lifestyle habits will likely not yield significant weight loss results.
When used thoughtfully, black coffee can be a potent tool in your weight loss arsenal. Its metabolism-boosting and appetite-suppressing properties, along with its low-calorie nature, make it an excellent addition to a healthy lifestyle. Remember, the key to successful weight loss is a comprehensive approach that includes balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and adequate sleep. With these strategies in place, adding black coffee to your routine might just give you the edge you need to achieve your weight loss goals.
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rk099 · 5 months
Breeze Beneath the Canopy: Secrets of the Forest Air
The enchanting world of forests holds within its leafy embrace a secret that often goes unnoticed—the invigorating and mystical quality of forest air. As we wander beneath the towering canopy, we are not merely surrounded by trees; we are immersed in a symphony of scents, a breath of life that carries with it the essence of the wilderness.
The Chemistry of Forest Air
The air in a forest is not just ordinary air; it is a complex blend of natural compounds released by trees, plants, and the rich biodiversity that populates the woodland. Terpenes, for instance, are organic compounds emitted by trees and plants, contributing to the distinctive aroma of the forest. These compounds not only create the characteristic scent but also have therapeutic properties, with some believed to have anti-inflammatory and stress-relieving effects.
Phytoncides: Nature's Antimicrobial Agents
One of the forest's best-kept secrets lies in its ability to produce phytoncides—natural antimicrobial substances released by trees to protect themselves from pests and diseases. When we inhale forest air, we're not just breathing in oxygen; we're also absorbing these phytoncides, which may have positive effects on our immune system. Studies suggest that exposure to phytoncides can boost natural killer cell activity, enhancing our body's ability to fight off infections.
The Healing Power of Forest Bathing
Forest bathing, or Shinrin-yoku in Japanese, has gained popularity as a wellness practice in recent years. This involves immersing oneself in a forest environment, engaging all the senses and allowing the healing properties of the forest air to work their magic. Beyond the physical benefits, forest bathing is believed to reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance overall well-being.
A Symphony of Sounds and Scents
The forest air is a sensory masterpiece, woven together by the sounds of rustling leaves, chirping birds, and the gentle murmur of flowing water. The scent of pine, cedar, and earth mingle to create an olfactory experience that transcends the mundane. Each inhalation becomes a communion with nature, a reminder of our connection to the Earth.
Conservation and Forest Air Quality
As we explore the secrets of forest air, it becomes imperative to address the threats that forests face. Deforestation, pollution, and climate change pose significant risks to the health of our planet's lungs. Conservation efforts are crucial not only for the preservation of biodiversity but also to safeguard the purity of the air we breathe.
In conclusion, the forest air is not just a background note in the symphony of nature; it is a composition of life, a potion of vitality that holds the power to rejuvenate our body and soul. To truly appreciate the secrets of the forest air is to embrace the interconnectedness of all living things and recognize the profound impact that these ancient ecosystems have on our well-being. So, the next time you find yourself beneath the canopy, take a deep breath and let the magic of the forest air weave its spell on you.
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thebasketleaf · 9 months
Tea vs Trends: Debunking Myths About Weight Loss Teas
The allure of weight loss teas has gained remarkable traction in the quest for a healthier lifestyle and a fitter body. These teas promise a natural way to shed pounds, detoxify the body, and rev up metabolism. Yet, amidst the myriad of trendy teas flooding the market, it's essential to separate fact from fiction. In this exploration, we're diving deep into the world of Weight Loss Tea, debunking myths, and uncovering the science behind their claims.
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The Tempting World of Weight Loss Teas
Weight loss teas present an appealing proposition – a beverage that can seemingly aid in shedding unwanted pounds without requiring strict diets or intense exercise regimens. From detox teas to metabolism-boosting blends, the options are endless. But as we embark on this journey, it's vital to approach these teas with a discerning eye and a willingness to examine the evidence behind their promises.
Myth 1: The Miracle Detox Tea
One of the most pervasive myths is that detox teas possess the power to cleanse the body of toxins and promote weight loss. While certain teas contain antioxidants that contribute to overall health, the idea of a tea single-handedly detoxifying the body needs to be more concise. The human body has evolved to eliminate toxins through organs like the liver and kidneys naturally. Relying solely on tea for detoxification overlooks the complex biochemical processes at play.
Myth 2: Rapid Weight Loss Elixirs
Promises of rapid weight loss often accompany the marketing of weight-loss teas. It's essential to recognize that healthy and sustainable weight loss is a gradual process that involves balanced nutrition and regular physical activity. While some teas might contribute to temporary water weight loss due to their diuretic properties, any significant and lasting changes in weight require a comprehensive approach beyond the teacup.
Myth 3: Metabolism Magic
Teas claiming to boost metabolism and increase calorie burn often ride the enthusiasm for quick fixes. While certain compounds in teas like green tea and oolong tea have been linked to a modest increase in metabolic rate, the impact is not substantial enough to replace other essential aspects of weight management. Sustainable results stem from mindful eating, regular exercise, and lifestyle adjustments.
Myth 4: Spot Reduction Solutions
Some weight loss teas market themselves as solutions for spot reduction – the idea that by targeting specific areas, you can slim down in those regions. Unfortunately, spot reduction is a fitness myth; the body loses weight proportionally. Drinking a particular tea won't magically target fat loss in a specific area, and such claims often oversimplify the complexities of how the body stores and burns fat.
Separating Science from Fiction
Amidst the myths and misconceptions, there are scientific principles that do hold merit. Certain compounds in teas, such as catechins in green tea and caffeine, can have mild effects on metabolism and fat oxidation. However, it's crucial to note that these effects are modest and work best when incorporated into a broader health regimen that includes a balanced diet and regular exercise.
The Power of Lifestyle: A Holistic Approach
The truth about weight loss teas is that they're not magic potions. The journey to a healthier weight involves lifestyle adjustments encompassing nutrition, physical activity, sleep, stress management, and more. A holistic approach considers the synergy between these factors, recognizing that no single tea or supplement can replace the multifaceted approach needed for long-term success.
Informed Choices: Navigating the Tea Landscape
The world of weight loss teas combines marketing, myth, and selective science. As consumers, our responsibility lies in making informed choices based on accurate information and a realistic understanding of how our bodies function. Weight Loss Tea can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle, but it should not be seen as a substitute for sound nutrition and physical activity.
In Conclusion: The Reality Check
As we navigate the landscape of weight loss teas, we're reminded that the pursuit of a healthy weight is a journey that requires patience, dedication, and a commitment to well-rounded wellness. While teas can complement our efforts, they are not magical shortcuts. Embracing a holistic approach, informed by scientific evidence and a nuanced understanding of our bodies, is the most effective way to achieve sustainable weight management and overall well-being.
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crystalelemental · 1 year
Unit Teambuilding - SC Lyra
I have said it before, and will say it again until I die: the Team Rocket uniform doesn't look good, and this was a stupid decision.   Everyone else in this event gets cute little outfits, but Lyra gets slapped into Team Rocket's uniform for literally no good reason.  “But she wears it in the-” THAT IS NOT THE POINT!  It sticks out terribly!  Everyone else is doing a costume party about detectives and Lyra is ruining the mood by dressing up as the active crime organization terrorizing Pasio for the last goddamned year and a half!  Why did you do this?!  It doesn’t even look good!
General Overview Lyra is the second support of the month, and unlike the others, Lyra is wildly specific.  Her main niche is her Ground-type rebuff applied on first attack, which is AoE thanks to Earthquake.  Mud Slap is her secondary attack, which has the benefit of reducing accuracy of a foe.   Mini Potion All is nice, and her trainer move can give +1 attack, +3 defense, and application of type resistance to herself.  Her grid offers some really good tools, including Focus Group 9 to buff crit rate of the team with each attack, double MPR on her mini potion, First Aid 4, Team Wise Entry to complement her physical defense, and the ever-critical Vigilance, alongside some niche tools of Natural Remedy and Unbending.  Her passives also allow her to buff attack each time she's hit.  So there's some stuff.
Lyra is the worst unit of the month.  And my current pick for worst unit this year.
I don't say this lightly.  Supports are, in my estimation, always good.   But SC Lyra feels reminiscent of Palentine's Bea, but worse.  The main reason I make this comparison is that grid tools are impressive, but grid layout and cost is so bad that she can't succeed.  Lyra can barely afford Vigilance and Focus Group. You have to give up MPRs, Wise Entry, and any hope of Natural Remedy or Unbending just to make those two basic traits work.  Lyra's best solution is giving up crit rate, or taking Vigilance as a lucky skill instead, which is incredibly damning.
But it gets worse!  Because the crit rate buffing is only from attacking, but her trainer move is 2MP!  For just two attack points!  That's absurd!  Her rotation is a nightmare!  You want to lead Earthquake to set up the Rebuff, then ideally trainer move for her survival, but you miss out on crit.  And you can attack for crit but only if your allies don't need any help with attack.  Her special bulk gets no support, and she's notably slow.  But all of this centers around her most critical issue: Ingo is superior in every meaningful way.
Lyra is support, and you'd expect that a support with a Rebuff is a good package deal.  But that means she's specific to that one type.  The reason weather setters succeeded as supports was because their weather benefit other options, and their buff kits were astonishingly good.   Lyra does not have the same depth of play.  Compare her +6 Def/+2 Atk/+3 Crit in the span of 5 turns minimum, to Ingo, who gets +4 Atk/+2 Sp Atk/+1 Speed/+3 Crit in three turns.  If you factor in EX sync, it slows Lyra to six turns, and Ingo doesn't miss a beat.  Keeping in mind that Ingo also provides the critical Sandstorm that Cynthia and Naomi need, or the Free Moves Next effect that makes a threat like SS Giovanni go nuts.  If Lyra is specific to Ground-types, then we need to assess what she offers to that type.  And the answer is nothing.  She does not readily support crit rate for units who need it.  She does not offer sufficient attack to save turns on a unit like Maxie, or to cap offense for units like Clay or Hapu.  She does not support anything Naomi does at all.  SC Lyra is a specific support without an actual niche.
To compound her woes, this would be salvageable if she were just good broadly, but she is one of THREE units coming out this month with the emphasis of Atk/Def/Crit buffing.  Lorelei may not guarantee the crit cap, but she packs a ton of utility support like Team Endure, Recharging Strike, a metric buttload of personal healing, and much more reliable attack for CS.  Bruno performs exactly the same amount of buffing that Lyra performs in nearly half the time, then spends the rest of the time either boosting attack to cap or spamming the super valuable Screech, all while boosting team speed for every hit he takes.  Lyra doesn't just fail to compete within her niche, she fails to compete with other tools coming out this month with more cost-effective tracks, which are in turn all worse than Sonia.
There are not many situations where SC Lyra is an optimal pick.  There are a handful of Ground-types that don’t need Sandstorm, and can achieve peak damage with Lyra, but as we’ll get to, all of them have horrendous gauge issues.  The only situation where SC Lyra holds any kind of value right now is long Gauntlet streaks.  Is that worth it?  It’s not to me, and I do long streaks.
Move Level and EX? Support, so the usual 3/5 and EX feels essential.  You lose Vigilance and the crit buffing if you don’t go 3/5, and she doesn’t have much at 2/5.  If you're going for quick CS clears, then 1/5 no EX probably works fine.  She really just needs the rebuff.  But her second passive in particular kinda wants the EX to justify taking sync, so you know.  Consider.
Team 1: SC Lyra, Cynthia, Bertha If for some reason you really want to give up Zone, Lyra can supply the Rebuff instead.  Do you gain anything in particular from this trade, other than a headache of self-buffing Cynthia's attack?  Not really.   But it functions similarly to Courtney's presence, without the possible defense debuffs.
Team 2: SC Lyra, Bertha, Nanu/Janine/Tech Electabuzz This is specifically for Gauntlet.  SC Lyra’s attack buffing is pathetic, and Bertha needs full support.  This is a situation where Bertha supplies crit rate for the team, so Lyra can safely pick up other tools on her grid.  Nanu is here for flinch rate and the most important aspect, speed.  Gauges will be a nightmare between these two, and you really want to make sure you have some speed to keep up attacks.  They’re low cost moves, so you don’t need a ton, but you need some.  Nanu can be replaced with anything needed to check gimmicks though, like Janine or Tech Electabuzz.
Team 3: SC Lyra, Courtney/Maxie/SS Giovanni, Masked Royal/Janine Courtney is the other “technically optimal with SC Lyra” option.  Who has way worse gauge problems than Bertha, let me tell you.  Masked Royal is chosen to cap out team speed, and provide needed debuffs for Courtney’s damage.  Because Courtney can cap her offensive needs with a single MPR on trainer move, Lyra doesn’t strictly need the crit rate, but it’s encouraged for CS.  In Gauntlet contexts, I’m not going to front, it’s a lot harder to get enough speed control on this team with Courtney’s three-bar spam.  Maybe something like Janine and Tech Electabuzz works, but I’m not as convinced.
Oh, and I guess this works for Maxie and SS Giovanni too?  But that’s even worse gauge issues, which...having tried SS Giovanni in many contexts, I think the statement “Anything short of SS Steven Speed Forme has gauge issues with him” gives a good enough picture.
Final Thoughts SC Lyra feels like an attempt to capitalize on the sudden shift in CS meta.  The introduction of a 150 point condition that denies changes in weather, terrain, and Zone pings for Rebuff to be the obvious choice, right?  Those aren’t denied by anything, so they’re a free multiplier.  And look, SC Lyra slaps rebuff on all foes in one move!  That’s so good, right?  Except...even if it means putting 150 points elsewhere, Ingo’s generally just superior.  Even for options that don’t need Sandstorm, his superior buffing ability and gauge control make him just...the better pick.  The only one he doesn’t do well with is Maxie, who can’t let his Sun go away.  But SC Lyra has terrible gauge issues with him too, so he’s legitimately better off with her base form and Meganium.  And as far as general tools go, she’s unimpressive, having a terrible time buffing attack, a terrible time getting crit buffs on grid, and the generally less preferred Mini Potion which she can effectively never achieve double MPR for.  I look at this unit and struggle to figure out what the point is beyond rebuff.  And I cannot find one.  Sorry, Lyra, but this one’s a skip from me, friend.  I hope this doesn’t hurt Johto’s chances of more alts.
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artdecco531 · 1 year
4 Reasons to Switch To Matcha Tea
No matter which part of the world you are in today, every cafe, restaurant, and coffee shop now serves Té Verde Matcha (matcha tea) or a dish with Matcha as its hero ingredient.
 Matcha, without a doubt, is a delicious, healthy, and energizing Japanese tea that deserves all the attention in the world. It is healthier than most other beverages and tastes even better than it looks.
 Moreover, the vivid green color displayed by Matcha is said to evoke emotions of rebirth, happiness, abundance, freshness, and security. 
It is therefore no wonder when we drink this magical drink, we are immediately uplifted. It is also one of the reasons people love to consume it. 
However, there are other reasons you should switch to Matcha Tea, which are stated below:
1. It is a versatile ingredient
 Matcha is a unique and highly versatile ingredient that can be consumed as a hot or cold drink and can even complement savory foods such as barbecue rubs, curries, salad dressing, and more. And because it already comes in a powdered form, there is no need for you to go through the hassle of grinding it when cooking or preparing your beverage.
 2. It is high in antioxidants
 Matcha tea also contains a powerful compound called Epigallocatechin gallate (or EGCG). EGCG is an antioxidant that contains strong anti-carcinogenic, anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatory properties. This means it keeps your heart healthy, fights microbes, and reduces inflammation.
 It is also believed to aid weight loss. So if you’re thinking of maintaining or reaching your ideal weight, you can achieve that with this magical potion. 
3. Comes with several health benefits
 Matcha is known to have a plethora of health benefits. It is considered a healthier version of Green tea for the following reasons; 
● It contains 10 times more antioxidants than green tea (per serving). This means matcha tea helps protect your cells from free radicals and reduces the chances of you developing heart disease or cancer. 
● It contains 5 times more L-theanine. This is important as it helps improve both focus and creativity 
● It contains 15 times more vitamins than green tea. 1 gram of matcha powder contains vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, Vitamin C, E and K. 
● It gives you better and clearer skin as it stimulates elastin production which makes your skin supple. It also encourages microcirculation in the skin which keeps your skin clearer in appearance
4. Contains Caffeine to keep you alert and energized
 Unlike regular tea, the caffeine content in Matcha tea is high. This is because the leaf is dissolved in water instead of infused. Therefore, naturally, one consumes the caffeine and energy the tea leaf has to offer.
 Although the caffeine content is high, it is lower than that in coffee. So if you need to get through the day but want to limit your caffeine intake, you should switch to Matcha tea.
 The caffeine present is in combination with the L-theanine antioxidant. This helps keep us alert, energized, and motivated and does not overstimulate the brain or the nervous system so you won’t have to worry about the post-caffeine crash you experience after consuming energy drinks or coffee.
 In conclusion, matcha tea is better than regular tea and coffee because it contains a good amount of antioxidants, repairs your cells, improves your health, and doesn’t affect your body with the post-caffeine crash.
 If you haven’t already introduced matcha tea to your daily routine, you can start by purchasing organic matcha tea or any other Tés & Infusiones from our website www.tetqiue.com
 All ingredients are organically grown, free from pesticides, and hand-picked to deliver the experience of Japan to your household.
 If you would like to experiment with our matcha recipes, feel free to check out our blog for more information. 
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quristcbdoil · 1 year
CBD : Myths vs. Truths
From being nowhere to absolutely everywhere in an incredibly short span of time, CBD has taken the global market by storm. Although this traction helped a lot of facts about CBD come to light, it also led to the creation of a host of myths and uncertainties around it. For your journey with CBD to be as seamless as possible, the Qurist team brought down the gavel on what is fact and what is fiction when it comes to using CBD.
CBD, one of the many components of the hemp plant, of late has become a buzzword especially within the medicine and “wellness” community. However, its rapidly rising popularity has led to a lot of mis-information spreading like wild-fire. The available information is often confusing and polarised. It seemed imperative for the Qurist team to differentiate the myths from the facts as you delve into your journey with CBD.
CBD makes you sleepy.
Not true. 
CBD soothes anxiety and relaxes the body, which can be great for helping you catch more Zs but such an interaction will not directly put you to sleep. Curiously enough, a study in 2014 instead suggests that CBD could conversely, act as a wake-promoting agent. Think of CBD items as the disciplined buddy who’s helping you maximise your healthy sleep pattern by pushing away mental(anxiety, stress etc.) and physical discomfort (like joint pain) to help you get what you need - some sweet sleep.
Since hemp is from the same family as the marijuana plant, CBD is sketchy and not safe.
A myth! 
CBD is non-intoxicating and non-psychoactive. It is mostly derived from the hemp plant which is heavily regulated to ensure negligible levels of THC- the high inducing compound found in marijuana. 
In 2017, the World Anti doping Agency (WADA) removed CBD from its banned substances list. To further clean up its rep, the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared that naturally occurring CBD is safe and well tolerated in humans and is not associated with any public health effects. It goes on to say that, “In humans, CBD exhibits no effects indicative of any abuse or dependence potential.” These recent moves have helped athletes benefit from CBD usage provided they monitor the negligible levels of THC in the products they use. A monumental development though has been FDA approving Epidiolex, a CBD based medication.
We would never spot CBD oil for being a magic potion with zero side effects. It's Important to understand that in rare cases, at very high doses, CBD can react with other medicines “by the exact same mechanism that grapefruit juice does,” Harvard Health adds.
All CBD products are made the same way.
Definitely not.
Before heading out and investing in a CBD product, put on your Sherlock deerstalker cap and find out both - if it's the real deal and if it's safe. Check for the concentration and whether it's organic, vegetarian/vegan friendly, allergen tested, hazardous bacteria tested, GMO free - some things we have made sure of for Qurist's products.
Make sure you check for clear labelling, testing information, stability, extraction methods as well as tests for solvents, pesticides, heavy metals and fillers. All CBD products are not made the same way. Some sellers also try to pass off hemp based products like hemp seed oil as CBD oil, make sure you go over the content on the product packaging very thoroughly before making your purchase.
They further pan out across three availabilities - full-spectrum CBD products, broad-spectrum CBD products and isolate CBD products. Both full-spectrum and broad-spectrum CBD products use a full/broad range of cannabinoids as well as other compounds found in hemp plants. The presence of these compounds help promote the “entourage effect”, the major difference between full-spectrum and broad-spectrum is that the former contains some trace amounts of THC while the latter does not. Isolate CBD products on the other hand have CBD as the active ingredient and no other cannabinoids as a result of which you will not benefit from the entourage.
When it comes to CBD, more is better.
This is on the Myths’ List.
CBD affects different people differently. It’s important to understand that the dosage and the usage for optimising the benefits of this compound is as unique as its user. However, it is imperative that you start with a smaller dosage and increase it as per your body, till you find your sweet-spot. The trick remains in finding this optimal point and maintaining it.
How you take your dosage also affects the changes you observe, for example: instead of gulping a spoonful of CBD oil, which could cause the oil to pass straight out of your body from your digestive tract, some users tried swishing it around the mouth which yielded better results from the same dosage. For better understanding the right dosage for you read our blog article here.
CBD is just another marketing scam.
Simply untrue.
Granted, 2019 saw CBD become a buzzword and it ended up being put into way too many products. But these applications don’t mean every application of CBD is unnecessary. We agree that there isn’t a need for CBD in all products imaginable but this in no way should not lessen the importance of its legitimate applications.
CBD affects other medication.
CBD can lower blood pressure. It can also help out its sedative-medical friends which target the central nervous system, like Valium, amping up the sedative’s effect. Very high doses of CBD might also increase the potency and toxic traits of other drugs by inhibiting enzymes in the liver which break them down. Always be cognizant of the medicines you’re introducing to your body and how well they pair with CBD. We recommend you have a sit-down with your healthcare provider if you’re on a prescription. If speaking to your physician about CBD is not a viable option, try out the grapefruit test. CBD and grapefruit react chemically quite similarly, to the body. In case your doctor is not well acquainted with CBD try asking him/her how your body and your prescribed medicines would react to grapefruit.
CBD has health benefits.
The endocannabinoid system was elected by our body to regulate a host of processes from pain to forming memories. CBD’s association with this system naturally affects these processes. Since there is always newer research underway, there is a whole lot that we are yet to discover about cannabinoids and how they work but presently available reports suggest that CBD can relieve symptoms of anxiety and stress, pain and inflammation, improve sleep, reduce seizures and tremors and possibly much more.
CBD is addictive.
A myth.
On the contrary CBD is seen as a solution for de-addiction. Clinical trials and research shows that CBD reduces addictive potential of substances, reduces withdrawal symptoms and even cravings(for cigarettes, marijuana, heroin, alcohol etc.) . Addiction is often dictated by a craving for dopamine and depends on not just your genetics but also your environment and life experiences which translates to every individual having a different susceptibility to addiction. Though THC can be addictive since it directly affects dopamine release, CBD has a very different mechanism of action. CBD does not mess around directly with CB1 receptors, instead its interaction with D2, dopamine receptor, reflects how CBD could in fact, reduce reward seeking behaviour. To know more about CBD Oil in India: Qurist
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professionalwork14 · 1 year
Vigorliterx Cbd Gummies Does It Naturally Work Or Side Effects?
► Product Name — Vigorliterx Cbd Gummies
► Composition — Natural Organic Compound
► Side-Effects — NA
► Availability — Online
► Ingredients — 100% Natural
► Rating — ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Vigorliterx Cbd Gummies Review:- Assuming that you're entirely elaborate roughly your political decision withinside the room or you're in AP that you might come to discharge exceptionally fast then, at that point, we have an item that may genuinely help you in treating such issues. such issues could be exceptionally vital. There are such a ton of answers withinside the commercial center to improve sex in general execution anyway finding the main options are we ready to buy them by a battle for a lot of individuals. You should really move for a natural item that might brighten your general exhibition easily without offering any feature outcomes.
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What Vigorliterx Cbd Gummies
In the event that you're in your 30s handiest and sexual issues aren't leaving, you certainly ]are ready to really be dealt with effectively and this isn't generally the age to leave room classes. I could genuinely very much want to illuminate you roughly an item this is totally natural and that has the cap potential to upgrade Your moxie levels and power as appropriately. This item is Vigorliterx Cbd Gummies Testosterone Sponsor Pills and it's miles just with the goal that you can allow you to get a gigantic and extended enduring erection over your sex. It will genuinely help you exceptionally an incredible arrangement to encounter extra guaranteed and you may really have the sensation which you have happy your assistant on the top of the line stage. It is really a portion of the zenith-advancing male improvement items.
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Vigorliterx Cbd Gummies is a marvelous male upgrade item this is intended to compositions together alongside your procedures of the casing in a natural way. It isn't generally an item with is an external energizer and it'll really now never again bring any kind of chemicals into your edge in an unnatural way. It has progressed through the method of a method for the utilization of all of the top-rate fantastic detail with an end goal to help you and play exorbitant and wonderful classes in bedding really. It incorporates normally added substances so you can really compositions exceptionally extreme aggregately to upgrade your blood circulation to the board area and with an end goal to genuinely help you in achieving rock extreme erections easily. It might in fact blast your blood-protecting capacity all together that your sexual endurance can receive a genuine pay increase and remain energetic as appropriately. It can even be works of art for drawing out the term of your sex. You can be fit for recapturing your sexual tension and it'll be valuable for upgrading your general presentation withinside the room easily it'll offer you genuine power and power so you can easily satisfy your assistant with the sleeping pad and make her totally cheerful.
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Vigorliterx Cbd Gummies Fixings?
It has hot goat weed which is the plant concentrate and it goes about as a homegrown love potion. It moreover incorporates saw palmetto separate which is an absolutely normal concentrate to help you in achieving exorbitant climaxes and extreme erections.
It is moreover chargeable for upgrading your typical sexual well-being. It incorporates L-arginine which is the essential detail to Lift Your testosterone levels as miles an amino corrosive transforms into nitric oxide on your edge to change testosterone.
It has Asian Ginseng which is a totally successful normal detail that might go about as a marvelous drive enhancer in your casing.
It has Maca root as appropriate so you can help your casing to take in the nutrients which are all outfitted through a method of the method for the supplement expedient and effective on your circulatory system.
Asian purple ginseng is moreover found in this item so you can help yourself together alongside your blood skim so you can really get better magnificent stone extreme erections.
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Vigorliterx Cbd Gummies Advantages?
There are a lot of advantages with an end goal to be seen by you after the utilization of this item and here is the posting of various of them. This item will be composed in a natural way and with an end goal to blast the profundity and your pleasure levels of climaxes genuinely. That will really Lift Your power levels so you can easily do extremely unreasonable levels on your room conference.
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You will genuinely get to delight in harder erections due to your extended blood coast on your penis. These decisions can be for a totally long haul and you may, at last, be exceptionally extensive as appropriate. In a totally fast time spent, it's can raise your testosterone chemical levels on your casing. Vigorliterx Cbd Gummies will in no way, shape, or form leave you miserable because of the reality the results can be exceptionally short for this article and you may also now presently not be tormented by any kind of feature influence simultaneously as the utilization of it. It could help you extremely with an extraordinary arrangement in improving your muscle-creating energy.
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How To Purchase Vigorliterx Cbd Gummies?
On the off chance that you want to purchase Vigorliterx Cbd Gummies, you might visit a trustworthy web webpage with the help of your program. You in all actuality now no longer should look for it wherever else withinside the commercial center. You can be equipped for getting it easily through the method of a method for essentially finishing up a couple of simple tasks all together that your freight is simple. Fill in all of the data effectually and entire your expense as appropriate. You will currently never again face any difficulty in completing the expense systems because of the reality you might be fit for picking the charge mode.
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From that point onward, you might be getting various decreases as appropriate so you can be entirely useful. As such, you might be equipped for picking an awe-inspiring arrangement for yourself to shed pounds. On the off chance that you keep on having each and every other request you, certainly should immediately contact the leaders of client assistance and they may really tackle your concerns in general. You need to purchase this item from a legitimate web webpage handiest after which you might be equipped for getting a valid and fitting item easily. So expedient request this item as fast as possible.
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mrsurenderkumar10 · 1 year
Ultra CBD Gummies For ED Ingredients, & Side Effects?
► Product Name— Ultra CBD Gummies For ED
► Composition— Natural Organic Compound
► Side-Effects— NA
► Availability— Online
► Ingredients— 100% Natural
► Rating — ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
 Ultra CBD Gummies For ED Reviews:- On the off chance that you're entirely involved in roughly your political decision withinside the bedroom or you're in AP that you might come to discharge exceptionally fast then we have an item that may genuinely help you in treating such issues. We as a whole comprehend that this will genuinely influence the association together alongside your assistant in a terrible way and that is the reason that the remedy of such issues could be extremely important. There is such a great deal of answers withinside the commercial center to upgrade sexual general performance anyway finding the main options are we ready to by and by a battle for a lot of individuals. You should genuinely move for a homegrown item that might brighten your general performance effortlessly without offering any feature results.
 ➢➢➢ Ultra CBD Gummies For ED – Official Website Link – Click Here ➢➢➢
 What Ultra CBD Gummies For ED
 In the event that you're in your 30s handiest and sexual issues aren't leaving, you most certainly ]are ready to genuinely be handled effectively and this isn't generally the age to withdraw bedroom classes. I could genuinely very much want to inform you roughly an item this is totally natural and that has the cap potential to upgrade Your moxie levels and power as appropriately. This item is Ultra CBD Gummies For ED Testosterone Sponsor Pills and it's miles the just with the goal that you can allow you to get an enormous and extended enduring erection throughout your sex. It will genuinely help you extremely an incredible arrangement to encounter extra assured and you may really have the sensation which you have happy your associate on the five-star stage. It is genuinely a portion of the zenith-advancing male upgrade items.
 Ultra CBD Gummies For ED Working?
 Ultra CBD Gummies For ED is a mind-blowing male improvement item this is intended to compositions together alongside your procedures of the casing in a homegrown way. It isn't generally an item with an external energizer and it'll genuinely now and never again bring any kind of chemicals into your edge in an unnatural way. It has been advanced through a method of a method for the utilization of all of the top-rate astounding subtlety in an effort to help you and play over-the-top and charming classes in bedding genuinely. It incorporates regularly added substances with the goal that you can really artistic creations extremely extreme aggregately to upgrade your blood flow to the board area and in an effort to genuinely help you in achieving rock extreme erections effortlessly. It might blast your blood-saving capacity all together that your sexual endurance can receive a genuine pay increase and remain energy as appropriate. It can even be artistic creations for drawing out the term of your sex. You can be fit for recapturing your sexual tension and it'll be valuable for improving your general performance withinside the bedroom effortlessly it'll offer you genuine power and power so you can effortlessly satisfy your assistant in a sleeping cushion and make her totally blissful.
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 Ultra CBD Gummies For ED Ingredients?
 It has provocative goat weed that is the plant concentrate and goes about as a natural love potion. It moreover incorporates noticed palmetto extricate which is an absolutely regular concentrate to help you in achieving unreasonable climaxes and extreme erections.
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epistolizer · 1 year
The Study Of The History Of The End Of The World, Part 8
Though history is linear in that it is moving towards an ultimate destination rather than circular in the sense of rigid absolute recurrence, it cannot be denied that the dynamics of human development and unfolding events do often follow a cyclical path over time. For example, eventually the sects of the nineteenth century that began with considerable apocalyptic and utopian fervor such as the Seventh Day Adventists and Jehovah's Witnesses tempered these impulses to an extent in favor of the stabilization brought about by leadership focusing more upon continuity of organization rather than the cessation of human affairs as presently known. The cultural change of the nineteenth century continued onward well into the twentieth. As such, it was to be expected that fringe movements outside the mainstream of conventional American religious life would continue to increase. But given the exaggerated pace of contemporary life, a number of these would prove to be far deadlier than their counterparts originating in what might be considered more tranquil bygone eras. In his analysis of the fringe groups embracing a form of apocalypticism arising from the tumult of the counterculture, Richard Kyle categorizes these as Western, occult, or racist.
The groups described as Western would be those that would be described as cults deriving inspiration from Christian theological terminology even if these sects no longer imbued the words with their original meanings. A number of these ended tragically in episodes of dramatic violence. Foremost among these ranked Jonestown in the jungles of Guyana and the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas.
In the early days of his ministry, one would not have necessarily thought that the name Jim Jones would become synonymous with cultic violence and abuse. Jones began his ministry loosely affiliated with the Disciples of Christ with a concern regarding what he perceived as the racism of his day. Eventually, Jones' apocalyptic views focused more upon pending disaster rather than Christ's actual return. Initially, this prompted Jones to uproot his congregation from Indiana to settle in California where Jones thought it would be more likely to survive an inevitable nuclear catastrophe. However, it was this desire to protect his flock from the perils of the world through the fanatical withdrawal from society without relying on the power of Christ that would ultimately doom this experiment in integrated communal living.
As a result of increasing allegations of abuse within the People's Temple and out of a fear that even California would not prove to be a refuge from the pending tribulation, Jones relocated to the sect's compound in the Guyanese wilderness known as Jonestown where he descended into deeper levels of insanity and evil. The straw that broke the camel's back occurred when Senator Leo Ryan and an NBC news crew arrived to investigate claims of abuse alleged by families of group members as well as those residing at the compound. The desperate there reached out to the legislator after an initial meeting actually seemed to go well. These souls confided that they had not found a sanctuary from the hardships of the world but had actually become trapped in a Hell on earth.
Fearing retaliation on the part of authorities for assassinating the Senator along with others at the remote jungle airstrip, Jones attempted to convince his followers to commit what he categorized as an act of revolutionary suicide. It is often assumed that the residents of Jonestown embraced death in this manner willingly as it is what comes to mind when admonishing someone not to drink the Kool Aid, a reference to the toxic potion concocted to bring about this disturbing end. However, many only relented at gunpoint and others were actually shot. And though Jonestown no doubt stands as perhaps the most infamous example of the tragedy likely to result when people surrender good judgment and discernment for promises of a blissful tomorrow if all they do is surrender in total to a leader claiming direct revelation from or a unique understanding of God to which other believers are not privy, it would certainly not be the last.
Another example of such a group meeting a tragic demise as a result of an out of control belief in the Apocalypse was the Branch Davidians of Waco, Texas. The Branch Davidians were themselves derived from Seventh Adventism, which adherents of this splinter group believed had grown lax in doctrine over the years as the emphasis of the mother movement switched from eagerly awaiting the pending Advent to organizational expansion. Deadbeat Vernon Howell was able to smooth talk his way into the sect's leadership by pitching woo at the elderly matriarch. With his knack for quoting Scripture (even if pulling it out of context), Howell was able to rebrand himself as David Koresh, claiming that he was the Lamb referenced in the Book of Revelation who would open the seven seals described in that prophetic text. As a result of a series of tactical blunders on the part of both Koresh and the government, eighty-eight Branch Davidians died in this attempt at actualized eschatology when the compound caught fire after a siege lasting well over a month.
Another form of fringe eschatology to gain a foothold towards the close of the twentieth century was noticeably racialist in nature. One of the early forms of what might be categorized as genetic apocalypticism could be found in the Worldwide Church of God as established by Herbert W. Armstrong. Central to the teaching of Armstrongism was the doctrine of Anglo-Israelism, the belief that the Anglo peoples of the world such as Great Britain and the United States were the descendants of the lost tribes of Israel. As such, these nations were as every bit as eligible for the promises made to the Chosen People as were the Jews. Like the Jews that Armstrong hoped to mimic, his sect also held to Old Testament dietary laws, Sabbatarianism, and the rejection of the Trinity. In terms of his eschatology, Armstrong was influenced by dispensationalist notions of history spanning roughly for six thousand years with Christ returning at the Second Advent to establish the Millennial Kingdom which would follow the Tribulation during which the Antichrist would rule the world from his power base of a European confederacy consisting of ten nations.
But whereas Armstrong's form of ethnic millennialism might have admired the Jews a little too enthusiastically to the point of wanting to be part of a pan-Israelite family, the other forms of End Times speculation focused upon ethnicity actually went to the other extreme of explicit hostility towards the Jews and the exclusion of those not belonging to a preferred racial group. These movements were Christian Identity and the Black Muslims.
Christian Identity was similar to Anglo-Israelism in that both believed that the Caucasians of northern Europe were the true Chosen People of God. However, Christian Identity parted ways with the Worldwide Church of God in insisting that those now categorizing themselves as Jews in fact had no connection to Biblical Israel genetically. Instead, the vast majority now identified as part of that nation or ethnicity are actually descendants of a group known as the Khazars that converted to Judaism in the seventh century (Kyle, 160). Unlike traditionalist Christians who (despite instances of racial animosity or misgivings) admit that all humanity shares a common ancestry back to Adam and Eve and most directly from Noah following the Deluge, Christian Identity believed that non-Whites are not fully human in that such groups are the result of carnal relations between Satan and Eve in the case of the Jews or the result of a creation prior to the divine intervention resulting in Adam and Eve.
Interestingly, the tyrannical government known as the New World Order warned of by adherents of Christian Identity sounds quite similar to that of the Tribulation period under the Antichrist probably described in the greatest detail by dispensationalist scholars. However, beyond that, the two schools of eschatological interpretation have little else in common. For example, Christian Identity rejects the Pretribulational Rapture outright. Perhaps most disturbingly, in order to being about the Kingdom of God the faithful will be required to wage a race war, a prospect most often eagerly anticipated rather than dreaded by those mired in this spiritual delusion. The hope of the practitioner of Christian Identity is not that the Jew will be brought to Christ during the time of upheaval but will instead be eliminated so that the Earth and the surviving bloodlines might be spared genetic contamination or purified.
At the other end of the spectrum of racialist Armageddon could be found the Black Muslim movement. Despite being called the Nation of Islam, the sect was rather more of a cult than an expression of of orthodox or mainstream Islam. The Nation of Islam was founded in the 1920's by Wallace Farad, a mysterious figure many within the sect believed to be a theophany or God manifested in human form. His chief prophet and successor as leader was Elijah Muhammad.
In terms of eschatology and doctrine, the Nation of Islam advocated a militant anti-Caucasian Afrosupremacism. Whites are believed to be a genetically engineered inferior subspecies that will be obliterated when pious Blacks are taken up in a Rapture-like event to the Motherwheel --- a craft reminiscent of a UFO inspired in part by the Book of Ezekiel --- which will rain nuclear annihilation down upon those remaining upon the Earth at that time. Unlike orthodox Islam, the Nation of Islam held that there was no life after death and thus no literal Heaven or Hell. The religion's golden age would consist of the Black subjugation of the planet Earth.
The third variety of apocalyptic group to arise in the contemporary world could be categorized as New Age or occult. The groups, sects, and teachers falling into this particular category foretold of a pending golden age often proceeded by cataclysmic upheaval. However, unlike those drawing their prophetic inspiration from Christian sources, the primary focus of those in the occult or New Age was not so much the Second Coming of Christ but rather more about communal or personal transformation. Richard Kyle writes, “The coming New Age will be based not on some doomsday scenario but on a paradigm shift (154).” Through this paradigm shift, humanity will actualize the deity within. The result will be a new order characterized by equality, ecological restoration, international cooperation and galactic harmony.
Unlike strict Marxist Communism with its absolutist materialism, the New Age movement allowed for the existence of higher order intelligences or spirit beings it believed would guide humanity along the path to cosmic awareness. Most often now such entities are depicted as extraterrestrials like those their proponents believe responsible for UFO phenomena. The movement that developed surrounding the study of encounters began to take on characteristics noticeably beyond that of mere scientific curiosity and more like those of a religion or form of spirituality following George Adamski's claim in 1952 that he had met and talked with an extraterrestrial (Kyle, 157). Soon a sort of gospel affirmed by a number of others also claiming to be contactees developed professing for the need of our species to move beyond crass materialism and hostility into a more comprehensive awareness of reality if we wanted to avoid widespread destruction such as that embodied by nuclear weapons the recent development of which on Earth brought the planet to the attention of interstellar authorities.
At this point, Christian and New Age eschatology seem to parallel one another but diverge in distinct interpretative directions. In Dispensationalism, prior to the Tribulation, Christ catches His saints both the living and the dead into the air so that they might escape the judgments about to be poured out upon the Earth. In the spin placed on events by adherents of the New Age, Christians are still the the ones removed from the Earth at that time. However, that action on the part of extraterrestrials is not seen as a reward for dedication to Christ but rather as punishment. For it is the tendency of the true Christian to stick to morality as described in the pages of the Bible and that belief in Jesus Christ is the only way to gain access to Heaven. These notions are perceived as a profound impediment to the kinds of changes that need to take place in order for this utopian golden age to be actualized. Likewise, the cataclysms described in passages such as the Book of Revelation will not so much be viewed as God deliberately instigating the judgments. Instead, these disasters will be viewed as the Earth repairing itself after centuries of neglect at the hands of a culture based on Judeo-Christian principles rather than the balance claimed to be found in pantheism.
by Frederick Meekins
Abanes, Richard. End-Times Visions: The Doomsday Obsession. Nashville, Tennessee: Broadman and Holman Publishers, 1988.
Kirsch, Jonathan. A History Of The End Of The World: How The Most Controversial Book In The Bible Changed The Course Of Western Civilization. San Francisco, California: Harper Collins Publishers, 2006.
Kagan, Donald, Ozment, Steven and Turner, Frank. The Western Heritage Since 1789 (Fourth Edition). New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1991.
Kyle, Richard. The Last Days Are Here Again: A History Of The End Times. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Books, 1988. Hanover, New Hampshire: University Press of New England, 1996.
Ladd, George. The Blessed Hope: A Biblical Study of The Second Advent and The Rapture. Grand Rapids, Michigan: WM. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 1956.
Thompson, Damian. The End Of Time: Faith and Fear in the Shadow of the Millennium.
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