#this drawing looks very pretty I’m proud of it
sashimew-the-cat · 4 months
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Mutant mayhem April is my favorite April! Love her lots <3
(Click for better quality)
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cowardlybean · 3 months
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Looks to the Moon bowl :3 (ceramics and melted glass)
Please ignore the cracks on the outside of the bowl I’m not the best at sculpture </3
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lagomorphlady · 1 year
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Screen-cap redraw of I.M.P from the latest episode because they mean the absolute world to me <3
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every-eye-evermore · 9 months
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murderbot is not immune to my everpresent desire to stick everyone in cheesy 60s inspired scifi outfits. I’m showing a remarkable level of self restraint here
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veiled-rebel · 3 months
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Lil funsies
Had a lot of relative fun drawing this, especially since I feel really proud of how I’m getting familiarized with adding weight to the lineart and trying to understand color theory a bit more instead of winging it <3
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rusty-gloinks · 7 months
Super random post but I think something that really limits my artistic abilities is that I kinda have this mindset,, where I like everything to be perfect instead of just being carefree with my art
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lyinginthesnow · 2 years
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Greta and Michael | The Swan Riders by Erin Bow
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arthur-r · 1 year
i went to sleep an hour ago but i can’t actually fall asleep for some terrible mixture of anxiety and caffeine and being scheduled wrong from all of the winter break sleeping incorrectly compared to school. anyway i have a stomachache (anxiety variety) scary high heart rate (anxiety variety? caffeine variety? just my heart being stupid as usual? probably all of the above) and also terrified of living with my dad for the next week. and i was drinking a caffeinated beverage past 5 pm today because. i was really stupid and let that happen without thinking about it. so there are so many things getting in between me and a good nights sleep to get to school in the morning. doesn’t help that i’m stressed about school itself too or that my irl friends are constantly hanging out like literally all of them i try not to be offended if like tara and elanor hang out together without me cause everybody is allowed to have smaller on their own engagements but it’s like literally every friend i have!! like i have maybe fifteen friends total in my school and there was like ten of them were all ice skating together on new years and went to a play together and did all of these things that i wish i were invited for. and so i’m stressed about a lot of things at once and it’s no good
#anyway in other news i’m making a bigger endeavor drawing than i’ve done in a long time and it’s not very well shaped but im really proud of#the details and like the way that im doing it even if it doesn’t look good altogether im proud of the textures and everything#i haven’t done anything that wasn’t just a sketch in a long time so i never just work on textures and im proud of myself so far#however it was supposed to be a four part thing that im supposed to finish in four days. while also doing homework. so#i don’t think it’s going to be possible to do all that with such a detail oriented approach shdhdf#i’ll try my best though!! and if i’m late i’m late. nobody really expects anything out of me in an art front which is pretty nice i guess#but it’s mostly because i’m not very good and don’t practice enough. shdhdhdf#but like i said i am actually proud of this picture!! i’m just scared that it’s secretly terrible. classic way to feel really#but anyway i hyperfocused on that for two hours which is like. haven’t done that since like before school started#and so now i’m in a really weird headspace. and yeah. waking up in seven hours#this is so stupid i really wish i could just be asleep right now regular but it’s not happening#and i have a terrible stomachache that i don’t think is going to go away until it’s my mom’s turn to raise us again#and like. i don’t even like getting parented by my mom!! she’s made me cry multiple times per day all week actually!!#but at least i don’t think she’s going to get drunk and throw things or hurt my little sister or break something important to me#and that’s kind of what i’m constantly living in fear of currently. my dad is physically scarier and more dangerous. so i’m anxious. a lot#anyway i keep having nightmares and i hate it i wish anything would just go right for once. i should probably try to sleep again it’s just#it’s not working and i just wish i could fix it but i can’t. i really would like a hug and to be somewhere else#anyway i’m going to try again i guess probably. but i’m just so frustrated and i wish anything could be different offline#like i’m so lucky to have the friends i do in wext and my mutuals here but. if i can’t see you in real life my life is still kind of#objectively bad. like i cant really figure anything out that i have going for me irl. band?? i don’t even know. so yeah. it’s just not great#and i would like to feel better but i don’t. sorry for venting. goodnight!!#me. my post. mine.#vent cw#abuse cw#alcohol cw#ask to tag!!#delete later
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lekopoofball · 1 year
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When you can’t find the love
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jennablackmorebooks · 11 months
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Got a pair of leather derby shoes today, which gave me an opportunity and reason to learn bar lacing! Took me a moment, but I think I understand it now. Totally going to use this as a chance to study shoes for art, too, sort of like I did with my loafers and riding boots.
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lovebugism · 4 months
Im a very indecisive person but I guess I'll go with “Surprise, I have feelings and you just hurt them.” with Eddie, if you have any inspiration for this prompt 💕
ty for requesting!! — you get mean when you like someone, so eddie thinks you hate him (grump!reader, enemies to lovers, hurt/comfort, shameless succession reference, 1.9k)
“Please, tell me you’re joking,” you mumble through the melting vanilla shake on your tongue.
Robin grins at you across the table and shakes her head. “Nope,” she says, popping the p. “You are officially looking at Vicki Carmichael’s latest odyssey.”
You and Eddie look over your shoulder at Steve. He stands at the front counter and fumbles with the straw dispenser — hitting the lever repeatedly, with an increasingly rougher touch when nothing comes out. He flounders when they all spill out at once. 
He’s lucky he’s so pretty.
“Wait, I’m confused,” Eddie announces from beside you after stealing a sip of your milkshake. He squints and fights off a brain freeze. “Why didn’t he just tell us? He’s screwing the hottest girl in town— it feels like something he’d brag about.”
“I’m sitting right here,” you scoff, mostly kidding.
“‘Cause he knew you guys would totally ream him for it,” Robin answers and pinches fry crumbs into her mouth. Through a mouthful of them, she says, “It’s not like you’re usually supportive about this kinda stuff.”
“I’m all for Steve being a slut, okay?” you defend with your hands up in surrender. “But I do draw the line at my best friend fucking the girl who bullied me in high school.”
“What’d she do?” Eddie asks. You can’t tell if he really cares or if he just wants something new to laugh at you for, but you decide to humor him anyway.
“She cut out the boobs of my gym shirt before class because she knew if I dressed out again, I was getting detention,” you explain, smiling when it makes the table laugh. “I had to run the mile with my bright pink sports bra showing, but at least my record was clean.”
“What are you guys talking about?” Steve wonders aloud when he returns to the table, carrying the only straw that hadn’t fallen to the floor. He slides into the booth next to Robin and looks at the three of you expectantly.
“Nothing.” the brunette girl chirps.
“You,” Eddie deadpans.
You squint. “Real smooth, Munson.”
“Wait, what?”
Eddie laughs. “I mean, Vicki Carmichael? Seriously?”
Steve gapes at Robin, features yawned in betrayal. “You told them?” 
The girl shrugs, taking a big bite of her burger and playing coy.
“She’s hot and everything, but she’s really not your type, man.”
Steve’s eyes narrow across the table. “What’s that supposed to mean, freak?”
“She likes bad boys,” you answer for him, shrugging like it’s obvious. “You know, the Billy Hargrove types. With tattoos and leather jackets and long hair. And, no offense, but you’re the furthest thing from that.”
“I think you just described me, doll,” Eddie laughs.
“Weren’t you screwing around with Billy Hargrove a couple months ago?” Steve wonders with a knowing, honeyed squint.
“Shut up, Harrington,” you bite.
Eddie grins with all his teeth, pink and boyish and proud. “Oh, so you’re screwing guys that are just like me now, huh? I’m flattered.”
“If anything, you’re the dollar store version of Billy Hargrove, Munson,” you retort with a roll of your eyes, turning your attention to the milkshake in front of you. You stab holes in the thick ice cream and try to ignore the sudden attention.
All the eyes on you make you nervous. You were never good at being the butt of the joke. ‘Cause when you get embarrassed, you get mean. Like some kinda hurt dog.
“You have everything but the looks.”
“Fuck off,” Eddie snorts and snatches the frosted glass away from you. He slides it over to his side of the table and sips from the straw that has your lipstick stained on the tip of it. “You can’t insult me—”
“Can’t I?”
“—Not when you’re fucking a carbon copy of me,” he scoffs and tries to ignore the jealousy burning wildfires behind his ribcage.
“He’s nothing like you,” you insist.
“He’s exactly like me. Just blonde. And watered down,” Eddie argues, face twisted with disgust. He smiles when it makes everyone else laugh but you. “I mean, it’s kinda sad, actually. I turned you down, so you had to try it out with Hargrove?”
“I didn’t try it, first of all, I fucking conquered it,” you retort, not exactly joking but grinning when it makes Steve and Robin chuckle to themselves. “And second of all, I never wanted you, Munson. So there was never anything to turn down.”
Your words sting somewhere deep in his chest. Like there’s a knife lodged deep in his heart that aches every time he breathes. He doesn’t know what to do with this hurt other than hurt you back. 
“So that night you told me you liked me after my show— that was all a lie?” he asks, smirking to hide his ache.
Robin’s eyes go wide as she bites into her burger. “What is this? A sleepover?” she scoffs with her mouth full. “Why is everyone telling each other’s secrets?”
“You started it, Buckley,” Steve quips before stealing one of her fries.
Your answer is immediate. A total lie, but instant nonetheless. No one’s gonna out-insult you. Rarely ever do you come out of petty arguments without having drawn the most blood.
“Yeah! You bombed, and I felt bad, and I wanted to make you feel better,” you confess with a sinister giggle. “What I really wanted to say is that I wish your mom had given birth to a can opener because at least then it might be good at something.”
Eddie meets your smirk with a glower, something genuinely pained that makes your chest sting. You refuse to show it, though. Not even when he slides out of the booth. “Yeah, okay. Fuck you,” he mumbles to himself as he goes.
“What?” you scoff a cynical laugh.
“C’mon,” Steve murmurs quietly to you. “That was a little too far.”
“Oh, so he can make fun of me, but I can make fun of him?”
“It’s different. You know that.”
You roll your eyes even though you know he’s right. Eddie’s a clown, but he means well. He’s a dumbass because he doesn’t know how to be serious about anything, but he’s hardly ever outright mean. 
You’re made of something more hardened than that. You set fires all around you, and only when a person walks through it do you know they really care. You don’t mean to be so mean half the time. It’s a defense mechanism more than anything. A time-bomb you never really learned to defuse.
“It was a joke, Eds!” you shout as he storms the short distance to the entrance of the diner.
“Well, surprise. I have feelings—” he grins, though there’s little emotion behind it. The door dings over his head when he shoves it open. He reaches for the crushed packet of cigarettes in his pocket. “—And you just hurt them.”
The diner feels strangely silent with him gone. The air feels noticeably heavy, too. 
You reach for the milkshake he left on his side of the table and slide it audibly back over to you. You don’t sip from it, though. Your stomach’s too much in knots now. You just busy your fidgeting hands with it, holding the frosted glass in your delicate palms until they ache.
“Stop staring at me,” you mumble, not meeting the silent looks Robin and Steve give you across the booth.
“Go talk to him before you give him a complex.”
“Yeah,” the boy hums with a knowing smile. “Go kiss and make up.”
“Shut up,” you bite with a scrunched-together face. You deflate with a sigh. “Fine. I’ll go— but not because you told me to.”
You hear them laugh quietly to themselves as you walk out behind Eddie. 
He leans against the corner of the old building and blows smoke from his lungs. He looks relatively unfazed despite the circumstances. You swallow down the worry that you’re embarrassing yourself by being out here at all.
Your shoes scuff against the sidewalk as you near him. “Eds—”
“I’m fine,” he interjects before you can say anything real. “You don’t need to apologize.”
“Well, it’s too late. Steve and Robin already kicked me out here, so…” You trail off in a monotone, despite having already declared that you were out here not because you were told to be. He doesn’t need to know that, though. “…I’m sorry.”
He takes a puff of the cigarette between his fingers, then shrugs on the exhale. “Okay.”
“The can opener thing was stupid— I mean, it wasn’t nice either, but it was a really dumb joke,” you ramble without taking a single breath. You cross your arms over yourself in a makeshift shield. “You didn’t even bomb that night. At your show or whatever. I lied. You were… You were actually really good.”
Eddie turns his head slowly. He blinks at you with chocolate eyes sparkling with amusement.
You cower under his stare. “What?”
“I know what you’re doing,” he insists with a crooked smile.
“What?” you repeat, forcing a laugh.
“You’re fucking with me,” he chuckles and brings the cig back to his mouth. He mumbles through the stick. “But it’s cool, you know? I can cope.”
“I’m being serious, Eddie,” you argue. And then, when your chest starts to sting, it becomes impossible not to make a joke. “I think you’re a… super-talented superstar—”
“You’re such a fucking bitch,” he interjects with a sincere laugh, like honey and gunpowder.
You giggle, and the foreign tension ebbs.
“I’m just kidding,” you assure and prop your back against the wall beside him. “Well, I mean, I’m not, but I…” You stammer when you can’t find the words. You gesture wildly with your hands. “I do think you’re talented, it’s just— It’s hard for me to be serious, okay? But I am sorry.”
“It’s okay,” he assures, tossing the cigarette to the ground and snuffing the ash with his sneaker. “Trust me. I know what you mean.”
You swallow hard. “And I wasn’t… What I said to you that night, in your van after the show… I wasn’t lying.”
Eddie’s head snaps up. He blinks at you with a gaping gaze, even though you’re not looking at him to see it. You’re much more focused on the dumpster across the street, lest you meet his eyes and get embarrassed all over again. 
This is the realest you’ve ever been with him, you think — since you told him you liked him and he all but turned you down.
Being vulnerable has been impossible since then.
“Then why’d you never talk to me about it again?” he asks, then stammers over himself. “You acted like it never even happened— I thought I fucking— like, dreamt it or some shit.”
“Because you didn’t say anything back! I thought you didn’t feel the same way!”
“I was just— I was just shocked. You always act like you hate me!”
“Because I like you, you idiot!” you blurt before you mean to, then huff with impatience at yourself. “Fuck. Sorry. I don’t know… I don’t know how to be nice to people I like.”
“It’s okay,” Eddie laughs, shifting on the brick wall until his shoulder rubs against it. He looks down at you like he’s seeing you for the very first time — glittering with the hope of finally getting close to you, of finally having something real.
“Don’t laugh!” you argue. “I’m trying really hard here!”
“I know,” he murmurs lowly, leaning in until you can taste the nicotine on his breath. In a honeyed tone, he confesses, “It’s a good thing I like you mean, then, huh?”
Your heart lurches into your throat. He smirks when you freeze, and knocks his shoulder against yours when he heads back into the diner.
The game of cat and mouse continues.
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kakiastro · 6 months
Jupiter + the type of husband you will have
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Hey yall! It literally took me a couple of weeks to make this post because I believe I’m experiencing burnout 😫 I think I’m going to take a mini break😅anyway, I hope you had a an amazing holiday!! Today I’m going to be talking about the traits and type of husband you will have based on your Jupiter.
Jupiter traditionally rules the husband. For those who are seeking a husband or husband-like partner, Jupiter is the planet to look at.
Look at your:
1. Jupiter sign
2. Jupiter degree
3. Jupiter house placement
4. Jupiter aspects
Also look at your Jupiter persona chart for deeper details as well!
Jupiter sign and house breakdowns:
- may love to wear athletic brand outfits, have tattoos, prominent forehead, may have bangs or hair just cover their forehead, thick eyebrows, strong sex appeal to them
-their bold and confident
-may work in military, law enforcement, medical field dealing with lab work(blood draws, blood disease researcher), entrepreneurship and being the boss, welding or anything dealing with metals, butcher, working in a gun store.
-could be athletic or loves the gym
-loud or outgoing
-may lack impatience and tend to be impulsive
-always on the go, they have to always be doing something
-loves hot or spicy food
-may love debates and may come off as argumentative
-risk takers, they make quick decisions based on impulse. This can can either back fire or work in their favor LoL
Taurus/ 2h
-may have Venusian look to them so curly hair, smooth skin, very pretty. They may look like they can be a model, they look good on camera. Might have a mole, birth mark or a tattoo on their neck, something about their neck stands out. They’ll have an attractive voice
-money matters such as dealing with money by working in a bank. Working in the culinary industry so owning/working in a restaurant, working for a company that deals with food. Working in real estate or in the housing industry, working the arts such as fashion, painting.
-may be stubborn and like to take their time in doing things
-loves going out to eat especially to their favorite restaurants. If food is involved, they’re going!
-very sensual, loves to wear good smelling fragrances, dressing nice. These are the type of husbands that loves to buy flowers for you just because.
-loves physical touch such as holding hands, cuddling, arm around the shoulder types.
-very charming, may have a lot of friends but only a few close ones.
-loves passion and romance
-listening to lots of music
- you may meet them through a close friend, siblings, someone close to your neighborhood, library, school, they can be a former or current classmate
- they may have a unique laugh that catches your attention, may have smile that appears mischievous, may wear glasses for reading or prescriptions, messy hair do
-loves to talk as long as it’s airy and fun
-speaking of fun, they’re down for whatever, very outgoing person.
-may have lots of friends or know lots of people
-loves to read or write books or blogs
-may have a prominent chest, moon face that’s round or crescent shape, pouty lips, big round watery eyes. They may be wearing comfy clothing
-can come from a close knit family or they are family oriented. Can be close to his mom or has motherly figures in their life.
-may prefer to be at home
-may be proud of their ancestral roots and would want that displayed in there home
-loves home cooked meals
-very private person
-Leo energy has a strong aura, they give A list celebrity energy so you may noticed them right away due to that, something about there hair may stand out to you. Likes dressing and looking good
-have a lighthearted warmness to them like their ruler the Sun
-may be well known, not necessarily famous (although they could be) but they have a lot of friends or they’re known for something.
-really artistic and love the arts such as theater, entertainment, dancing. They could also work in these fields
-may be intuned into there inner child, not necessarily childish but they know how to have fun
-may love children. Work with children or children is apart of their lives.
-may be overly dramatic about certain situations in their life
-may work in the medical field or is interested in medical stuff
-daily routines are important! These are the type of husbands who have a scheduled routine everyday lol
-may be workaholics, work is important to these hubbies. Now work doesn’t always have to mean their career/job either, working around the house, doing a project, fixing a car. They’re always doing some type of work!😅
-just like Gemini, virgoes love to read as well. The difference is Virgo loves to read things that has lots of detail. They need to know the who and why while Gemini just need the overall story and they can fill in the details themselves lol
-can be critical and judgy, mostly of themselves though, they can project on others if they’re not self aware.
-health is important to them! They may read up on different dietary recipes that can improve help.
-they either love animals to a fault or run away from them. There’s no in-between 😆
-could be managers or have a lot of co-workers as friends
-very elegant and put together. May wear cologne or nice smelling body wash
-very charming indidvial, know how to swoon you
-don’t ask them where they want to go eat because they don’t know😫it’s best to just remember their favorite food and go from there Lol
-may be business oriented or wants to own a business
-partnership is very important to them. Libra is a people person so close relationships are ideal
-doesn’t like unfairness at all. If you’ve been mistreated, they are the type to defend you if they feel like you’re being treated unfairly. They’re very much social justice warriors
-having some sort of balance in there life is key!
- may also like fashion things
-family may also be important
-intesnse stare. You may feel intimidated by them at first but really are sweethearts when you get to know them
-there really private people, they don’t trust others easily at all. Once you have their trust then then you have there heart forever
-power dynamics with friends, family, lover may be themes
-they have sexual appeal
-they may have strong jealous tendencies. If they are self aware and put in the work to address these feelings then they are fine not if their the crazy jealous type, that’s not good and leave
-money may also be a theme, shared finances
-loves the color black
-may work in mortuary science, funerals, graveyard, taxidermist, finances, psychology, therapy, detective, forensics
-may be from a different culture, city or country from you
-may work in overseas, as a judge, historian, in a church, as a pilot/airline employee , cruise ship, writer, professor
-loves traveling, may have a lot of knowledge on different cultural backgrounds
-religious or is interested in religion. They could study theology
-these people love adventures, no matter how big or small it is the adventure is. Going to target can be an adventure because they’ll make it one 😅
-love reading books especially books that educational or something that broadens their minds to different ideals and ethics
-May have some good lucking legs 🦵. They may have a history of doing track or love running/jogging
-there may be an age gap and it doesn’t have to be a huge one. Maybe a few years older. They can also be very mature or has a lot of life experience for someone their age.
-very ambitious, they don’t climb ladders, they climb mountains and will make it to the top every time
-respect and status is important to them. It doesn’t always mean fame status but status in a “I just want people to look up to me in a respectful way.” They may be managers or bosses, they can just carry that energy as well
-they may look put together, clean clothes that matches, hair groomed. They just look like they have their life together even if it’s currently a mess😅
-they have a jawline that was crafted by the Gods 🤌🏾
-family is important to them as well! Building a solid foundation that can be passed on to the next generation is a huge thing for them. They may be the patriarch of the family
-very close with their grandparents especially grandma. If their still alive and well, You’ll probably meet their granny before their parents
-may have started off as acquaintances, then really good friends, not thinking much about dating until feelings starts to develope
-yall could of met while on a dating app.
-this is a cute, adorable, quirky, and weird husband. They may have different interest than you but that’s what you love about them!
-these partners are the type who will give you your space if you need it, they’ll actually encourage it!
-they may know lots of people and you’ll meet lots of new people through them.
-rules? What’s that? Lol they don’t mind breaking a few if they feel the need too. These people definitely live their life by the beat of their own drum.
-may be involved with humanitarian work, tech, science, astrology
-your connection my feel “divine” or like this person was handpicked for you specifically. There’s a spiritual connection between you two. You may dream a lot about each other.
-may also be from an unknown or foreign culture or country.
-water related things may be a theme such as the beach/swimming in the ocean, taking a cruise, kayaking, yacht, traveling to a water based city like Venice, Italy
-spiritually discussions can be part of your relationship
-creativify such as singing, writing songs or filming could be careers. Also being a healer like a spiritual teacher
-you may worship the ground they walk on and put them on a pedestal. Just try to make sure you don’t wear colored glasses and see them for who they are right now and not who you want them to be
-telepathic connection
Any married people here? Does some of this describe your hubby?
I’m not married yet but when I do, I’ll reblog this and let yall know 🫡
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frogchiro · 9 months
I hope I’m not bothering you with my ancient greek mythology stuff my little brain is going into overdrive👉👈
Just…sculptor/painter reader using the gladiators as her nude model…running your hands over their muscles and gushing how strong they are and how amazing your latest piece is going to come out!
You don’t even notice they’re getting hard as you run your fingers over their adonis belt commenting how they’re your new muse for your art
I almost (s)creamed the moment I saw this ask nonnie dear you're a genius ;;
Also I feel the need to mention this; please do keep in mind that this is only my silly au and most probably will have historical inaccuracies so if you're a true history/ancient greece/roman enjoyer, please go mild on me ;;
But back to the drill...You are so right??? Like...I imagine that reader would be a young, aspiring artist with a knack for painting. Maybe she doesn't come from a wealthy family so any true school for it is out of the question, your own parents only came along when you started selling your painting and doing commissions for nobles and it actually started to bring in money. Your road to success is still long but you're managing! Plus you're 'stupidly determined like your father' as your mother says so you try to stay positive!
The one problem you had was something you believed many artists suffered from; inspiration and models. Specifically human models. The human body and physique fascinated you from an early age, the moving muscles, facial expressions to different stimuli and so much more but...the problem were the models, or rather the lack thereof.
You could probably hire someone but the money spend on that would be way too much for your limited budget so the next best thing was the coliseum! It was a blessing in poor disguise, the gladiators trained there almost daily and luckily the head keeper of the arena begrudingly let you stay there and practice in exchange for a satchel of money but to be honest...the practice wasn't the only thing you longed for when visiting the coliseum almost daily, it was the gladiators.
They were huge, burly men in their prime, all of them looking like they were born with a sword or spear in hand and to grow up to become warrior and you'd be lying if you said that warmth didn't spread through your body and centered in your lower belly whenever these big, loud and boisterous men didn't call out for you and purred in dripping, low voices how pent up they are and what they wouldn't give for a pretty soft thing like you :((
The worst (or best) part was when you were practicing nude drawings which were equally fascinating and hard to draw, especially with all these men being so...shameless with it. You loved the human body, all artists do but still you were a young lady and watching all the gladiators walking around the barracks all naked and proud was...an experience to say the least and brought a pang of warmth between your thighs, especially when they were so happy to parade themselves like proud stallions in front of you :((
Strong, toned bodies glistening with sweat and water, their hardening cocks proudly on show whenever you run your soft hands over their toned torsos to study the way muscles move and twitch whenever you run your fingers over a sensitive spot, the most reactive being two of the many foreign gladiators, Johnny or like he insisted to be called 'Soap' and Kyle or 'Gaz', like he wants to be called.
These two are always purring low withing their chests to you as you look all over them, their backs, chests, stomachs, making you promise to do a special commission only for them but you're just nodding dumbly because you're too transfixed on the god-like bodies to draw :(
Another gladiator you're very fond of is a huge, blonde foreigner named Simon, or 'Ghost'. A formidable warrior, a veteran for sure, it looked like Ares himself send this one here to grace the people with a demigod of war. He was always incredibly patient with you, letting you roam your hands over his body and all the numerous scars decorating his skin. Once you saw Simon up close you immediately realized why people called him a demigod-he was beautiful. A strong and powerful man in his prime, his muscles jumping and twitching beneath his thick skin and a layer of fat, power and virility was literally radiating off of this man, and you insistently tried not to look at the long and thick cock hanging between his legs, twitching and pulsating with arousal whenever you marveled over his body and your fingers ran over his adonis belt <3
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irisintheafterglow · 11 months
Never Grow Up (gojo x you)
summary: on the first night megumi is in gojo's care, you give the kid some things to help him sleep.
word count: 2k
cw/tags: friends to lovers, mild language, mentions of toji and satoru's fight with toji, mentions of food, fluffy fluffy fluff
note: i'm such a sucker for co-parenting megumi with satoru, that's it. hope you enjoy!
likes/reblogs/feedback is appreciated <3
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“Surprise! Your favorite is here now!” A melodic voice rings out behind you in the courtyard, and you skeptically cross your arms in front of your chest as you turn to face him. He pouts at your serious expression, frowning down at you over the rim of his sunglasses. “Why the face?”
“Where’s the kid?” 
“I asked first, but he’s fine.” He draws out the last vowel, throwing his head to the side casually. You track his lanky, carefree movements with a narrow stare that Suguru would be proud of. “I put him in one of the spare rooms for the night.”
Your eyes widen in disbelief. “And then you just left him?” 
“Like I said, he’ll be fine. He’s a tough kid.” He gives you one of those heart-stuttering sly grins, but you’re too exasperated to dwell on how handsome he looked. 
“He’s four, Satoru, and fatherless. You’re not doing very well with this whole ‘mentor’ thing so far.” You shake your head, turning on your heel and heading for the dorms. Satoru falls into step next to you, still attempting to flirt some affection out of you, but you’re unbreakable. “Remind me his name again?”
“Fushiguro Megumi.” 
“And his dad–”
“Tried to kill me.”
“But you–”
“Killed his dad, and bought him from the Zenin clan to train here.” He finishes your sentences naturally and patiently, opening the door for you as you approach the boys’ dorms. “I put him in here,” Satoru says, guiding you through the halls to a room in the back corner of the building. 
“You really put him all by himself in the back?” Your chest hurt at the idea of a little elementary school boy alone in the dank halls of the building. 
“Nanami said he didn’t want to be bothered by a child all night.” Of course he did, and of course, Satoru listened. 
“Neither of you know how to handle children. Where’s his sister?”
“With relatives on his mom’s side. I’ll be in contact with them at some point.” You nod, reaching for the door handle when he stops you, slender fingers wrapping around your wrist. “Whatcha doing?” 
“I’m gonna talk to him, Satoru. Sorcerer or not, he’s probably terrified of being in a new place with people he doesn’t know.” A thoughtful look crosses Satoru’s face, and he reluctantly releases you. 
“Fine. But be warned; he’s not the most talkative kid.” He shrugs, leaning against the dead end of the hallway to wait.  
You find Megumi lying awake on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. Spiky black hair falls around his face, and the blanket looks oversized for his small body. He sits up carefully when you open the door, pulling back the covers and sitting cross legged as you kneel in front of him.
“Hi, Megumi.” He’s silent, eyeing you warily with a guarded expression. You smile warmly and look at him as softly as possible. God knows how Satoru was acting with him before he came to you. You introduce yourself and watch his eyes twinkle when you mention that you’re a student at Jujutsu Tech. “I’m the same age as Satoru, that guy who brought you here.” 
“He’s weird.” 
You can’t help snickering, especially when you know that Satoru was probably eavesdropping from the other side of the wall. The scowl plastered across his face is probably very entertaining. “I know; he is pretty weird. But you’ll grow to like him, I promise. Are you hungry?” 
“No. He bought me McDonalds.” 
“I see. What’s your favorite thing at McDonalds?”
“I like chicken. He ate four burgers.” His voice stays relatively even, but the corner of his mouth quirks up when he describes the ungodly amount of Big Macs Satoru consumed.
“Yeah, he’s…like that. Well, I just wanted to check on you before you fell asleep, if you needed anything? A glass of water or something?” Megumi falls silent, eyes flicking around the room anxiously. He wrings his fingers, adjusting his seat on the bed and avoiding your gaze. He must have been nervous to be sleeping in a new place, in a bed he didn’t know and surrounded by strangers. 
You redirect your attention to the open air beside you, spreading your fingers and summoning a small black portal on the floor. “I have a few things for you, if you’d like them.” Despite his hesitancy, innocent eyes peek over the edge of the bed to the void on the floor, fascinated. You reach your hand into the portal, feeling the cold air on your forearm while you rummage around for Megumi’s gifts. Your fingers find faux-fur and you pull out a stuffed gray wolf with pointy ears in a sitting position. His mouth falls open in surprise, boyish and sweet. You reach back in again a few more times, retrieving a blanket, a toothbrush, and a nightlight that cast constellations on the ceiling. 
Megumi’s eyes zero in on the wolf, and you hold it out for him to take. His fingers delicately sink into the plush fur, and your heart feels a little lighter as he places it on his lap, leaning over the edge at the other goodies you’d pulled from your domain. Even if he was technically a Zenin child, to you, he was just a little boy whose curiosity got the better of him. As you continue to wordlessly hand him items, you see him visibly relax, examining the nightlight and fiddling with the corner of his blanket. 
You clear your throat, keeping your voice as gentle as possible. “I know you don’t know anything about techniques yet, but if my research is semi-correct, the first shikigami you’ll be able to summon are dogs. I picked this little guy up for you to have. If you don’t like it or don’t want it, I can get you something different–”
“I like it.” His soft voice quickly cuts you off, and he hugs the toy closer to his chest as if you were going to take it from him. “I want to keep it.”  
You smile at him, and he finally meets your gaze with less fear than minutes earlier. “Okay,” you nod. “I’m happy you like it.” 
He’s barely able to murmur a “thank you” before the door aggressively slides open and Satoru dramatically drapes himself in the doorway. You and Megumi stare at him, unentertained by his theatrics. “Alright, kid, that’s enough chit-chat. Time for bed.”
“I am in bed.” As Megumi fires off replies, you reach over and plug in his nightlight. Little stars scatter across the ceiling in different shades of yellow and blue. 
“You know what I mean. Time for you to go to sleep.” 
“You just want your friend back,” Megumi states boredly and you bite back a smirk at Satoru’s reddening face. The boy looks at you, down at his wolf, and back at Satoru. “I like them better than you.” 
You snort, and Satoru looks like he’s been shot, throwing a hand over his heart in agony. “Cast out by my own kin. How cruel fate is!” 
“I’m not related to you.” 
“That’s not the point, Megumi.”
“You said during dinner that was the whole point.”
“You’re putting words in my mouth.” Children, you think. A child arguing with a taller child. 
Your hand reaches out to lightly ruffle Megumi’s hair and you rise from the floor. “Sorry, Satoru. You heard the kid– I’m his favorite.” You wink at Megumi, laying out the blanket and patting the pillow to encourage him to lie down. “Unfortunately, he’s right. It’s time for sleep. We’ll be around in the morning to get you, okay? And then maybe we can get some breakfast. How’s that sound?”
Megumi nods, curling his body around the stuffed wolf and letting you pull the covers over him. His eyes find the star-shaped projections on the ceiling and trace invisible shapes on them. Satoru’s arm naturally wraps around your shoulders as you make to exit the dorm, but before you step out, you hear Megumi’s tiny voice in the darkness. 
You can still slightly see him from the glow of the rising moon, and you smile over your shoulder. “Goodnight, Megumi.” 
As Satoru walks you back to your dorm, his arm doesn’t leave its place around your body. If anything, he pulls you closer, and you let him. He’s taken his sunglasses off, allowing the light of the stars to reflect off of his hair and his vibrantly blue eyes. You always thought Satoru looked most handsome at night, and tonight was no different. Allowing yourself to consider him like you were was walking a fine line between friends and more than friends, and you weren’t sure if you were ready to cross it. 
“I’m just irresistible tonight, aren’t I?” His teasing snaps you out of your love-struck daydream, grounding you back to the present. He must have caught you staring. 
“You’re definitely something, Satoru.” He hums smugly, and you look at him out of the corner of your eye. “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing. Just find it cute that I rendered you without a spunky remark for the first time.” 
“You’re gonna get a lot more than a spunky remark if you keep looking like that, asshole.” You poke his side and he yelps, contorting away from you like one of those car dealership inflatables. You can’t help the giggle that falls from your lips and Satoru can definitely see the heart-eyes you were giving him. For once, the mutual flirting seemed that it might actually mean something tonight. You reach your dorm, and Satoru follows you in without invitation like he’d done hundreds of times before.  
“You’re really good with the kid.” His limbs stretch out as he flops onto the covers while you slip off your shoes. “How do you do it?”
You toss sleeping clothes on the bed, debating on aiming for the white-haired idiot on it. “I just pretend he’s you.” 
“That’s rude. Are you calling me a toddler?” 
“That’s exactly what I’m calling you, Satoru. This whole thing is a little kid taking care of a slightly smaller kid.” You stand between his legs with your hands on your hips, and he sits up to look at you. For once, he needed to look up at you, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t like it. 
“I’m not nervous, if that’s what you’re wondering.” Gojo Satoru doesn’t get nervous about anything, you know, but it was still a bold move to basically adopt a child right out of high school. Even for him. 
“You’re not?” He shakes his head confidently, peering up at you with those stupidly bright blue eyes. “How?”
“Because I have you.” Your stomach does a backflip. “I never get nervous because I have you.” His hand finds its way into yours, and you bring up your free hand to caress his cheek with your thumb. You guess tonight was the night to cross the line. 
“Did you just baby-trap me with a child that is neither of ours, Satoru?” Your hand cups his face, and he leans into your touch. 
“Oops.” You chuckle, letting him pull you closer until he’s able to press his lips up to yours. As he stands at his full height, his hand comes to tilt your chin upward while your arms slide around his neck. You stay there for a few moments, drowning in the overwhelming presence of his body. “I think we’re gonna be great at this whole parenting thing,” he murmurs against your lips when you pull back to breathe. 
“I can’t believe the way you ask to date me is with an orphan. That’s emotional manipulation.”
“I call it effective persuasion.” You shake your head at his antics, and he presses a feather-light kiss to your temple. You sigh, face falling in disappointment as you check the time. 
“Alright, get out.” Your hands reluctantly press against his chest to no avail. He never turned on Infinity around you, but he was immovable on his own. 
“Ouch, tired of me already?”
“That, and we’re taking Megumi to breakfast tomorrow. For all three of our sakes, you need to try to rest.” 
“Scared that I’m gonna die and adopt my murderer’s kid again?”
“Don’t even joke about that. You can’t just kiss me and then die. It’s not fair,” your mumbles trail off when Satoru kisses you tenderly one last time, nudging your nose with his. 
“You’re a menace.” 
“I know you love it.” 
“I guess I do.”   
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virgincels · 6 months
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ft. leon s. kennedy x fem!reader
tags. p in v, filming, throat fucking, ddlg dynamics, creampie, daddy kink
note. the first part to my xmas fics! hooray! starting off very short so i apologise! ignore any typos! this is a part 2 to my fic lovey-dovey if you would like to read that first! if you see typos just know i will detonate :3 not entirely proud of this as it’s slightly repetitive but I promise the next fics will be more interesting! reblogs n feedback is much appreciated!
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Huh. So that’s what you want for Christmas. Cock. What a surprise. Leon didn’t peg you as an icky little perv, his sweet girl can get down and dirty when she wants, but a sex tape? That’s new. Guess he could whip out the old camcorder, make you into a movie star, you’re certainly pretty enough. And with those false lashes on? Yeah, that’ll be a mega-hit, could make a fortune off of it, no more getting skullfucked by monsters in the field, just sticking his dick in all of your tight holes to pay the bills.
“Daddy?” He feels small cold hands on his shoulder. Yelps in a way that makes you giggle.
“Scared me, baby.” Leon huffs out a breath, tucks the letter behind his back, but you’ve got a sharp eye. His little girl knows too much. Daddy tries to keep it out of your reach, it’s for your own good, but you’re so nosy. Curious little thing.
“Why you readin’ my letter?” You wipe your nose on your sleeve, caught the flu over the weekend, doesn’t stop you from peeking over his shoulder 24/7. “That’s between me and Santa.”
“‘Cause Santa said I could,” Leon says simply.
“Nuh-uh, he didn’t.” You shake your head in disbelief as if Leon’s breach of privacy is the greatest betrayal since the whole Judas debacle. He didn’t know you and Santa had terms and conditions like that.
“Well, he did, ‘cause how else is daddy supposed to know what you want?” Leon pats the seat beside him, you go to climb over the back of the couch but he gives you a look. The daddy look of disapproval. You grunt in annoyance and make the short trip over to him. Walking around the sofa is a total pain when you’re sick - perfectly happy to terrorise him though. “Why’re you up anyway?” He goes to check his watch, “it’s midnight.”
“I got cold, daddy.” You tell him, blink up at him with big eyes that tell Leon something’s up. “And, um, I lied to daddy.”
“You lied?” Leon repeats, raising his brow. His girl doesn’t lie. Only naughty babies lie.
“I lied.” You confirm with a solemn nod. “I don’t believe in Santa, daddy.”
Shock horror. Leon clutches his chest. “Why’d you lie to me like that, babydoll?”
“Shy.” Is your plain answer.
“What, like, about Santa?”
“No, daddy,” you shake your head and let out a frustrated puff of breath through your nose, kicking your feet to distract yourself, “‘bout what I wanted from you.”
“Oh, baby,” Leon chuckles, he wraps his arm around your shoulder, draws you to his warm chest and kisses the crown of your head. “What’re you shy about, hm? I’ve had my tongue in your ass.”
Your little fists smack against his chest, muffling your embarrassed whines of daddy into his chest. It makes Leon laugh harder. “All I’m sayin’ is, sweetheart, you could ask daddy anything and I’d do it for you.” Leon is rough and calloused, but for you, he aches to be kind and soft. He’d do whatever you say in a heartbeat. If you want porn, so be it, he’ll fuck you till his dick pops off from overuse. And even then he’d let you keep his disembodied cock as a toy.
You make your recovery by Christmas Eve. Thank heavens. You’re a nightmare when sick, more so in this headspace. Grown-up you is responsible. Knock back two painkillers, cough medicine and settle into bed. Little you? God, she’s wreaking havoc. He had to change the quilt about five times, you said it was too lumpy, too thin, too ugly. Fucking Princess and the Pea. Insulted the duvet his mom made way back when, yeah, it’s patchwork, yeah, it’s ugly as fuck. You don’t gotta say it outloud though. Then you insist on using anything but a napkin to wipe your nose and— God. He’s just glad it’s over. Also means Leon can touch you again. In the way he wants, in the way you want.
Dressed in the pinkest of pinks, you sit on your knees in the middle of Leon’s California king. He insisted on finding that old camcorder, but you looked at him like he was crazy, told him his phone would do the job. The frilled hem of your babydoll rests pretty on your knees, it’s dangerously low cut to show more than just your décolletage, and the cups don’t fit right, a little too tight. You had complained, said it gave you four boobs or whatever that means. Leon patted you on the butt and told you he liked it. What kinda man says no to a big pair of tits? You might be his little girl but there’s nothing little about those, or that fat pussy, Jesus Christ. Had to swap out the matching thong ‘cause it got swallowed up between your fat lips, instead you’ve gone for comfort. Cotton panties printed with these vintage-looking lambs. There’s a blue ribbon dotting the hem that sits snug below your belly button. Through the sheer pink, he can see ‘em. Drives Leon crazy.
The camera counts down. 3, 2, 1. He steps into frame, shaky like he’s got an audience. A rogue hand brushes the front of his pants, you’re making eyes at him, licking the gloss off your lips. “C’mon, baby, get to work.” Leon pinches your cheek when you go to unzip his jeans with your naughty fingers, “Babies don’t use their hands, do they?”
You shake your head, ribbons bobbing along with you. Then you lower your head, take his zipper between your teeth and tug it down in jagged intervals. He’d taken his belt off earlier, knows that would be a little too mean. You can’t even tie a cherry knot with that tongue. Not that Leon can either. You’re pleased to find out he’s not wearing much at all underneath, letting out a hum of delight when his cock springs free, almost hitting you in the nose. What a video that could be Cock So Fat I Give My Girl A Nosebleed!
Very diligently, you run your tongue along his shaft, suck on each ball for ten seconds, then you work the tip. Your cheeks hollow as you take him into your mouth, you gag and pull back with a cough ‘cause he tickled the back of your throat.
“Thought you were a big girl.” Leon snickers at the slightly dazed expression on your face, the stringy spit that’s trickling down your chin, falling in fat globs between your tits.
“I am, daddy.” You insist in that whiny voice.
“Suck cock like a big girl then.” He slaps your right tit hard enough to make them knock together like Newton’s cradle. “C’mere, sweetheart.” Leon tucks his hands beneath your armpits and drags you to the edge of the bed, your head dangles at an angle that’s entirely uncomfortable. The only thing that’s in frame is his bare ass, and that’s not pleasant, but come on. He’s gotta do this.
Leon wipes the fat head of his cock across your pout, you open up like a good girl, he stuffs his dick down your tight throat, balls pressed to the point of your nose. Thinks he hears you inhale, then your little hands come to fondle his fat balls and the no-hands rule flies out the window. “Jesus Christ, you fuckin’ nympho, baby.” He pats your cheek, bucks his hips into your mouth to hear those delicious gag, gag, gaggin’ sounds. Once you’ve lathered him in enough spit, Leon pulls out with a wet pop, drags his balls over your face like you want him to. Nasty little thing.
Panting for breath, you sit up, pressing the back of your hand to your head daintily. “That’s good for you.” Leon comments, “makes your hair grow ‘cause all the blood is rushing to your head, Claire told me.”
“Not true, daddy,” you giggle, rubbing your temple to soothe the bursting pressure. You smile pretty when he lays you back, your head dipping between the pillows. He kisses your cheek, and you take his hand in yours, kissing his knuckles tenderly. A soft creature with even softer tendencies.
Leon’s quick to get you out of your panties, hooks his fingers in the waistband and peels the soaked seat from your slick cunt. Much to your embarrassment - he lifts them to his nose and takes a whiff, his tongue pokes out to collect the arousal that’s gathered in the centre. Then he digs into the source itself, presses his nose into your chubby pussy, sucks on your clit like it’s hard candy. The muffled moans he lets out into your cushiony cunt don’t go unheard, so brazen about it, you grow fidgety and pull at his hair. Leon lifts his head, stubble shiny with your slick, licks his lips to catch every last drop. What was he doing down there? Motorboating it?
“Daddy…” You whine, press your foot against his face to stop him. Leon captures your ankle, then kisses the sole of your socked foot, he uses it as leverage, spreads you even further. Till your thighs ache, and your pussy parts ever so slightly, he’s quick to press his cock to your twitching clit. A steady hand drags Leon’s cock up and down your folds, cock catching on your bud each time.
“Look at her, baby, missed me, didn’t she?” Leon coos, his eyes zeroed in on your spread cunt, watching how your hole flutters around nothing. Poor baby. You need his fat cock so bad. Need to be plugged up before you spring a leak. Gosh, he wouldn’t want that. “She’s beggin’ for daddy, hm? Listen to her, she’s speakin’ to me.” He smiles when your drippy cunt squelches, the slick, gushy sounds going straight to his cock as it jumps. Way to give him away. Leon don’t have a tail that wags but he sure does have a cock, and it’s hard enough to break open a walnut.
Up and down, up and down. Leon guides his cock over your clit, and past your fleshy folds, teases your needy hole by stretching you out with just the tip. Then he pulls out. When he finally fucking pushes into your warmth, you squeeze him tight, he sinks in till all of him is wrapped up in your cunt. And you squirt for him. Eyes rolled back into your head, acrylics taking down his chest, back bowing off the bed ‘cause it was just too much for his baby and her precious princess parts.
“Mmmmmphhh!” You let out a squeaky sound into the palm of your hand.
“Yeah? That so, baby?” Leon clicks his tongue, tosses your flimsy legs over his shoulders, tugs down the cups of your babydoll so he can suck your tits.
Another stream of pitchy moans. “Uh huh?” Leon responds, nodding down at you like he knows just what his dumb little girl means.
“Daddyyyyyy!” His balls plap, plap, plap against your perky ass, gonna fuck you till his heart gives out. That’s what you deserve.
“Yeah, darling? You’re talkative today, huh?” Leon cranes his neck and bites down on your nipple, leaves it all puffy. His pace slows, focuses on giving it to you slow and deep, circles his hips so you feel every inch of him. The slow, sticky grind makes a wet noise, a ring of white glistening around the wide base of his cock. You’ve gone and creamed around him.
“Mmmm… Daddy…”
“Aw, is that right my girl?”
Then you bristle, go rigid in his grip, chest heaving and your mouth falls open in a silent moan. “Ohhh, is it right there, sweetpea? Yeah? Mhm? Right there? Gonna make a big mess for daddy?” Leon presses down on your abdomen, his dick hits that special spot just right, and his tongue swirls over your nipple.
“Daddy, daddy, daddy— oh, daddy,” you whimper, spurting your release each time his cock slams against your cervix, wetting his stomach with each burst. Getting him all messy in the way he likes.
“Alright, alright, keep it down, little lady.” Leon soothes you, his warm hand rubbing your side as you tremble in his arms, breath shuddering until he dumps his load in you.
You go slack beneath him, little hand coming to rub your tummy after his warmth floods into you. He spreads you open to see how your cunt gapes, empty without his fat cock, his seed dribbles out as your pussy contracts, spills down your ass crack. Leon gives your clit one last kiss, ‘cause it’s pretty and you’re pretty, and pretty girls deserve handsome daddies who kiss their swollen little clits.
“Daddy,” you point over his shoulder, brows drawn together as your bottom lip wobbles. Never a good sign. He turns to see his phone has fallen flat on its face. See, this is why he should’ve got the camcorder out.
“Oh, baby, it’s alright,” Leon coos, you preen as he peppers your sweaty face in kisses, “we can just start again, huh? We got all night.”
“But, but, but, daddy, I gotta be sleepin’ when Santa comes.” You blubber.
“Thought you didn’t believe in him, babe.” He flicks your forehead.
“I don’t, daddy, but, will you still fill my stocking? When I go to sleep, daddy?” You’re giving him those big eyes again, batting your lashes. Santa is a ploy to get more presents. He’d figured that out.
“Yes, baby.” Leon agrees to calm you down, “but first I gotta grant your Christmas wish, don’t I?”
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quibbs126 · 10 days
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So I’ve been making this
So basically last night, I was listening to some music, specifically Not Gonna Die by Skillet, more specifically a version on YouTube with the intro (because I’m not the biggest fan of Good to be Alive where the intro actually is). Anyways, when it’s night, my imagination tends to be more active and I tend to have more energy. While listening to the song, I eventually got this mental image in my mind of this scene with Dark Choco, and the more it crystallized the more I wanted to draw it. I was going to go to sleep and maybe do it in the morning, but I realized that I probably would forget the vibe and not have as much energy, so instead I decided to power through and draw the idea
It was a bit difficult since I had limited references for the pose I wanted, and I suppose I can admit the sword looks a bit off anatomically, but it looks good enough I think, and lets me keep the eyes revealed
I did eventually have to stop drawing, because my iPad had been worked all the way down to 4% (and it was at 30% when I started, the poor thing), not to mention it was around 11:30 already which is pretty late for me, and my earbuds had been running nonstop for over 2 hours (yes I was listening to the same song, it’s how I keep the vibe). I was at least able to get the pose, base colors and lineart done, and I’m still pretty proud of where I left things last night
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Today was mostly just doing the background and lighting, which admittedly I may have fumbled. I’m not very good at backgrounds and I didn’t know how to draw lightning. I tried my best, but honestly I don’t think I got the image in my head. Didn’t help that my brain was playing the wrong Skillet song this morning
Oh yeah and by the way, the background is supposed to be from this. That’s what I used as reference
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The lightning both feels like too much and too little. Like, it’s crowding the picture, and I can’t have more because it’d be way too crowded with it, but also at the same time, it doesn’t feel like enough, like there isn’t as much power as I wanted
Actually wait, maybe I can add some small particle effects to like, enhance the lightning feel. That was in the original sketch but I omitted it in the final. If you see one with that, you know I did that
Edit: I did indeed do that
To be fair though, I don’t think I have the art skill to properly convey the image in my head. Basically the scene is that Dark Choco is using absolutely every amount of his power for this final swing down, so much that it’s too powerful and the Strawberry Jam Sword completely shatters. But also it’s too powerful that Dark Choco’s body simply can’t handle it, and he basically ends up exploding. The scene depicted would be the wind up to that final swing that destroys the both of them
This isn’t necessarily the first time I’ve come up with this scenario, and the setup would basically be that he turned on the Cookies of Darkness slightly earlier, because he didn’t want to destroy his homeland again, and he tried to get rid of them while in the kingdom but not yet at the Citadel, but he ended up failing, so with nothing to lose, he chases after them and decides to put everything into destroying them, even if it likely ends in his death. After this he probably killed Pomegranate and crippled Licorice in some way (I don’t think he’d attack Poison Mushroom), so his final act did have some effect, but he’s still dead by the end of it. And he and his father never got the chance to properly reconcile because Dark Choco thought that could never be a possibility anymore and he had resigned himself to his fate
But yeah, I just don’t know how to convey that sheer overwhelming power and emotion that this scenario suggests. I tried my best though
I also want to submit this to the Dark Cacao Forever contest, but I’m not sure if it’s good enough for it. What do you think?
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