#this os my first time watching btw
ellearts · 2 months
Maze Runner part two is so eehhh...shit man.
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olenvasynyt · 3 months
SJM being obsessed with Outlander and using Jamie as her inspiration for Lucien gives me hope for Elucien.
Watching Outlander for the first time and oh my god. Yes, Jamie was SJMs inspiration for Lucien but not only are their similarities between those two characters, Claire and Elain have similarities. I can see so much of future Elucien in Claire and Jamie's relationship.
Vague spoilers for Outlander btw:
Lucien having Jamie's snarky, coy humor. Being a rake and also a gentleman. I don't need to mention the red hair because that similarity os obvious but I'll mention it anyways because we love gingers in this house.
Jamie S1 and Lucien both being unable to go back to their homes.
Jamie and Lucien being good and gentle people despite the trauma they've experienced.
Jamie being courteous and asking Claire permission to touch her, kiss her, etc. Him holding back and restraining himself during sex.
Jamie challenging Claire, being amused by Claire, etc
Jamie makes mistakes but realizes he was in the wrong and apologizes
Both Jamie and Lucien were SAed
Jamie stood up for a female he didn't have any romantic interest in. He stood up for Loghaire and took her punishment and Lucien did the same / something similar UTM for Feyre.
Jamie and Lucien are well educated warriors. Jamie can fight but he also loves chess, Lucien can fight but also loves reading.
Jamie S2 has to kill someone close to him (his uncle) and Lucien had to kill his brother when running to Spring.
Jamie and Claire S1 having a marriage with convienence and being reluctant at first but then falling in love with each other.
Claire S1 stumbling into a new time and being fixated on going back to the 1940s to her husband, even after her and Jamie have their arranged marriage. Which is so much like Elain being Made and having Lucien as a mate but still wanting to be human and be with Grayson.
Jamie being so fucking good at sex.
Claire being knowledgeable of plants and their healing properties as well as their poisonous capabilities.
Claire killing a person and being traumatized by that violence. And Jamie realizing her truama and comforting her.
Claire making references to her time and Jamie doesn't understand but is amused anyways could be like Elain talking about human culture and Lucien not fully understanding.
Jamie S2 willing to let Claire go despite his love for her.
I can probably add more but this is my first watch and I'm only on season 3 lmao. But when we get Elucien's book I will be ripping it apart to find any references or nods to Outlander because I just know there are going to be so many!
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whirlwindimagines · 1 year
I just found youre blog and i absoulutely love it 😍🥹
I have my period right now and just need comfort because my period always gets like really bad so maybe a period comfort OS with vash and wolfwood separately
That would be really cool
Sorry for my bad English BTW it's not my first language have a nice day <3
Thank you! And okay I was just thinking about this, how much it would suck to have your Period on this planet. Like I would hope in the far-off future we would just be able to get rid of the whole period thing in general >.< I hope you feel better! I did a combination of headcanons and a short story for this one.
Vash the Stampede and Nicholas D Wolfwood comforting their s/o (Separate) while they are on their period
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So sweet, and so concerned! Will literally get you anything you want does not matter what you ask for please don't get mad at him though very sensitive
If you cry he's crying right with you lol doesnt matter what reason he’ll just hold you and cry
Gets like the whole damn store for you, every product, every type of chocolate, every pain relief, he's trying very hard to help you ;p; 
Wishes he could get rid of any you have right away, hates to see you in pain ):
You clutch your stomach, groaning for the millionth time it feels like. You curled up on your side in some hotel room bed, well it was a nice bed at least Vash paid extra double dollars for it. If you didn't feel like shit, you would’ve felt bad about spending extra money on unnecessary things but you didn't care. 
A gentle hand on your side startles you, looking up at Vash’s smiling face. “How are you feeling.'' Usually the question would annoy you, but Vash asks it so sincerely you can’t be mad. “Okay, will you stay?” You pout at him, and you know he can’t refuse you not like this. You watch him blush, maybe if you felt better, you tease him, but instead make grabby hands at him. 
Vash gets into the bed behind you, he hesitates before putting his arms around you and pulling you to his chest. Sighing contently, you grab his metal arm, placing it right on your stomach. It's warm, yet cool to the touch and it feels just perfect. You hear him laugh, “You're just using me as a heater aren't you.”
“Yes, and you are very good at it.” You say with a smile, closing your eyes hoping to get some sleep, you feel Vash place a kiss to the back of your head. Your grip on his wrist tightens, holding his hand close as a silent thank you.
He means really well :) but is really useless. What size pussy do you have? 
Mans has no idea what he's doing and wants to help lots of internal panicking like he's this close to biting the bullet and asking someone else for help you tell him it's really not that serious.
He’ll do something really simple and sweet for you like get you chocolate or like a stuffed animal, he has no clue what to do when you burst into tears in front of him like he panics hard lol 
Feels bad that you're in pain, and offers you a chance to shoot the punisher when you're like “Nick wtf?” he's just like shrug it makes me feel better to blow stuff up 
You watch Wolfwood amused as you prop yourself up on your elbow on the bed, you watch as he fumbles with the bags in his hands as he sets them on the bed causing you to sit up fully. “Was it a fun trip?” You tease, he gives you a look. “The store clerk looked at me like I was an idiot.” 
You ‘hum’ eyes shining when you pull out some chocolate he got you, “It's not my fault you believed me about the magic period reliever patch.” Maybe you sent him on a wild goose chase, it was better then snapping at him for hovering so much. “Thought it was a nicotine patch or something.” he mutters beside you, joining you on the bed. 
Nearly dropping the chocolate bar from laughing too hard, Wolfwood swipes it from your hands and breaks a piece off to have some. You pout at him, making sure to give him extra big puppy dog eyes and he gives it back to you with a huff. You enjoy the treat in silence, leaning over to rest your head on his shoulder. “Thanks” and you mean it, happy to have him here with you to help, even if something as simple as getting you a sweet treat.
He puts an arm around your shoulder pulling you in close, you can tell he’s embarrassed. You decided you won’t tease about it, at least for right now. 
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baratiddyappreciator · 2 months
Can you please do the baki boys for the first time meeting their S/Os child that is either from a past relationship or just adopted a while back. I really feel like Restu and Koshou will not really have a general idea of how to interact but they're really trying to get along ^v^
P.s the kid really like dinosaur to the point that they start calling the baki boys different dinosaur names 💕
Oh this wins for the cutest ask I've ever gotten!! Thank you!!! I'm operating off of the basis that they know the reader already has a kid and that this isn't just a "oh btw I have a child. Surprise!" type deal. Also I am SO SORRY that this took so long lmao.
Awkward as hell. He knows you have a kid, and you'd been talking about introducing them for a while but he was so worried that this kid wouldn't like him and that you'd leave him because of it, but He apparently had literally nothing to worry about because he immediately got roped into playing with your kids toy dinosaurs in a dramatic re-creation of the moment the meteor hit, and they then proceeded to throw a temper-tantrum when it was time for him to leave. Safe to say, Baki stayed the night.
They bond very quickly, to the point where Baki just full on accepts "yes, this is fatherhood, I am prepared for fatherhood, this is my child as well." He isn't the step father, he's the father that stepped up. He's fiercely protective of your kid, and nobody, not even his father, is going to mess with them if he can help it.
Speaking of Yujiro, he throws a bit of a fit that Baki so quickly takes in another man's child because "The Bloodline Must Continue" but he gets over it pretty quick, seeing this one as more of a practice run for Baki for when it comes time for him to have his own kids, because surely this is just temporary... Right?
He introduces the kid to the other fighters in the arena. By the end of introductions, this kid has gained several uncles and a few grandpas. At that point, just accept that you're going to have a lot of people in your house spending time with your kid. Which, on the plus side: free babysitting, and you kid will literally be the safest person in Japan. Possibly the whole world if they can win over Yujiro enough to be seen as respected, but too pathetic to even think of fighting.
If they do wind up pestering you for another sibling, they're going to have to wait. Baki's got no problem with making them an older sibling, but he's barely an adult himself. That can wait until he's got some stuff sorted out on his end and you've both had the chance to have a long talk about your future together.
Learning about your kids love of dinosaurs is something that benefits Baki because he also loves dinosaurs and he can take the chance to flex that he's eaten t-rex meat before. If your child is given the opportunity to watch Baki fight, they'd probably nickname him after some form of dromaeosaur, likely velociraptor because he may be small but he's damn deadly given the chance. Bonus points if they have trouble pronouncing it, like kids often do, so it just sounds garbled in that cute way.
It takes a while for him to agree to meet your kid. Not because he's scared, but because he's not nearly patient enough to be near kids for extended periods of time. If your kid is rowdy and loud, there is a very high chance that Hanayama will simply ignore them given the chance, but a more mellow child wins him over pretty quickly. Especially if they're happy to just sit there and chill out for a while, though his boys don't mind roughhousing with them if they need to get some energy out. Hanayama is an intimidating man, and likely even more so in the eyes of a child, but if they can be brave and trust you then they gain a staunch protector.
It's a slowly established bond, but once it's in place it's unbreakable. Even if you and Hanayama wind up splitting, he's going to be in that kid's life. He's at every event, big or small. Even if he gets dragged into a fight, he's normally ale to finish it up quickly enough to still make it on time as long as they don't mind him looking a bit rough and not picking them up as eagerly because he's probably at least a little bit sore. This kid now has not only a super tough father-figure, but a large system of uncles and cousins too!
Said uncles and cousins are also incredibly devoted, you will walk into your own home and find them just chilling with your child like "Oh tell uncle Kizaki how your day was! Any trouble?" Just know that if they're ever bullied... Well, simply put, no they won't, because that gets very swiftly shut down by the bullies parents. Nobody wants to deal with the yakuza, this group especially considering how scary Hanayama can be when those he cares about are put in harms way.
He's reluctant to bring the kid around other fighters purely for the reason that he's not there as much as the others. He knows that he can keep them safe, but it's a matter of protecting both you and your child from any unfavorable individuals that might show up to challenge the other fighters, though they definitely get to know Baki because of how close he and Hanayama are.
Your kid can pester you as much as they want for another sibling, Hanayama's waiting for a few more years before he even considers having a kid, especially because they'd take up the mantle of the family after he's gone. While he definitely doesn't mind having a kid, he's nowhere near ready right now. In the meantime, they can play with the kids of the gang members have have them.
Your kid likes dinosaurs? Cool. He doesn't have any real strong opinions on dinosaurs. Granted, the first time your kid looked him dead in the eyes and told him that he reminded them of an ankylosaurus, he did feel a bit weak in the knees because nobody has ever basically outright told him that he's a tanky hard-hitter quite like that. He's happy to be their ankylosaurus, he loves the kid and that's pretty final. Besides, it's not like anyone's going to say anything to him about it.
It also takes him a while to meet your child, but not because he doesn't want to or is nervous (he is nervous, but he won't tell you that), he's just a genuinely busy guy. He's got some stuff to get done, making sure that not only is he safe, but that you and your child are safe too. He does have enemies in his line of "work" that wouldn't be above using some pretty deplorable methods to get their point across. When he does finally meet your kid though, he's shockingly calm, eager to meet them and happy to be there! They want to play? Hell yeah, he'll get on the ground and playing with them within the first five minutes, and they are inseparable. He doesn't want to leave, he winds up sleeping on your couch, passed out watching a movie with your child. Land Before Time, specifically, because he has TASTE!
Bond established within five minutes. Really, all that needed to be said was "Hi! I like dinosaurs!" and Chiharu was won over. He bonds with kids so easily it's almost scary, but it's because he's got an incredibly sense of whimsy and can easily see things the way that kids do. You may see a messy pile of leaves, but Chiharu sees a potential castle. He's perfectly happy to take your child under his wing. He's honestly more of a cool older brother than a father figure, but he's got his moments of paternal wisdom, such as telling them not to lick batteries or stick a fork in the electrical outlets. Really, common sense things, but sometimes kids just need to be told not to do dangerous stuff.
Much like with Hanayama's guys, his guys don't mind spending time with your kid. That's their bosses adopted little one, and they're going to treat them like family regardless. That is their little buddy now, and nobody is gonna get between them and their little buddy. They'll always have a ride to and from school, they'll always have someone able to bring them snacks or lunch, and they have an entire army of bodyguards at their beck and call.
No hesitation, just "THIS IS MY MINI ME!! LOOK UPON THEM AND WEEP BECAUSE YOU WILL NEVER BE HALF AS COOL AS US!" And you know what? He's right. The two of them are cool, and your kid has become his mini-me. When they're old enough, if they wanted a tattoo, Chiharu would 100% take them to get one where he got his. It's good quality, and his partner in crime deserves only the best of the best! The other fighters will probably get attached too, because being around Chiharu is bound to increase the confidence of any child.
Your kid wants a little sibling? Well, shit, better start building that crib because he won't hesitate to give them exactly that. He'll take your opinion into consideration. If he could spontaneously pop out a kid himself, he would. Rest assured, him being unable to do this is a good thing, otherwise you'd both have about 10 toddlers to take care of on top of your own child. If you're persuasive enough though, you can convince him to just wait a little bit. Unless, of course, you are also spontaneous, in which case, congratulations, another child is on their way! Be it adopted or biological, this one will absolutely just wind up being another Chiharu 2.0, though if that's a good thing is up to you.
He'd probably get called Pterodactyl or something along those lines because of his back tattoo, but also: He's bird-like in his tendencies. He wears the nickname with pride though, and he doesn't need an explanation. Any nickname given to him by your little one is going to stick no matter what, and he wouldn't have it any other way. Hell, he'll even do his best to come up with a good one for your kid in return, his dino knowledge is, admittedly, very limited.
Perfectly at ease, an absolute natural when it comes to stuff like this, despite never potentially being a father himself. Literally almost everyone loves him, so he's not too worried about your kid taking a liking to him as well, but that doesn't mean he won't try to win them over first. Bribes are brought and provided (with your permission, of course). Even if they like him right away, he's very quickly cemented as a favorite in their books because of all the cool stuff that he brought! He's not above getting on the ground and playing around with them too. Leaving them alone together is dangerous however, because you'll come back and Katsumi has taught your kid how to punch through a wooden board, and your coffee table is now less structurally sound than it was the last time you were in the room.
There's a very strong bond, but it takes a while to actually set in. Katsumi isn't worried about it being an instant thing, he knows that these things take time, probably better than anyone else, and he's definitely not going to push. That being said, he thinks he's doing worse than he really is. They don't talk to him about something because they got distracted and he immediately jumps to "oh god, they hate me, I need to call my dad for help because I can't have my beloved's kid hate me!" Even if it's your younger sibling being protective because that's just how kids can be sometimes. He immediately goes running to Doppo for help, only to basically be told to calm down.
Yeah, this child absolutely will be absorbed into Katsumi's friend group. They're going to grow up calling Katou and Suedo their uncles, and they're absolutely going to be able to keep up with their quips and jabs. Congrats, you're now raising a witty karate nerd and their three mentors. Of course, Doppo and Natsue are there to help if need-be, so you at least have reliable baby-sitters that are always willing to take the little one so you and Katsumi can go on a date or even if you just need a minute, even if it's just to sit down and not do anything for a hot minute.
This is his star pupil. Adults that have trained under him for months? Years? Nothing in comparison to the bond between Katsumi and his new partner in crime. And they do commit crimes. Innocent crimes, to be fair, but still crimes. One will distract you while the other steals food and snacks for the both of them. If they get caught, then they're making a break for it and you'll never catch up to them until they come back later with puppy eyes wanting more food, and you won't even be able to stay mad, because they just look so innocent and adorable (they aren't, they have committed crimes and will commit them again), so surely a little treat before supper couldn't hurt!
A sibling? They want a sibling? A niece or nephew?? His body is ready, he'll get pregnant if he has to. He doesn't care if it's impossible, his little baby will get whatever they want from him and they know it too. He's the worst at saying no, and eventually his partner in crime learns this. You're going to have to help Katsumi when it comes to letting the little ball of energy down easy. That being said, him actually telling them no will take a few years, though it's going to take a while for him to actually get the hang of it without feeling guilty.
Katsumi will most likely get called Stegosaurus, especially if he ever demonstrates his skills anywhere in front of this small, impressionable child. Is it to brag? Probably. Is it to show how cool karate is so they agree to take lessons? Mayhaps. Does he get upset about this? No, absolutely not, and the second this small human learns that Katsumi once fought a caveman, it's all over, they're gonna be asking a billion questions and Katsumi will barely be able to keep up. They'll convert him to the dark side (liking dinosaurs) in no time, just watch.
He's so quiet. Just in general, yes, but beyond saying hi, he's not doing much initially, just sorta relaxing. There's no reason for him to get worked up, the kid's not going to be able to do anything to him, and he doubts that you'd ever leave him just because he was being himself around someone. As for the reaction to meeting Jack, there's most likely going to be either "WOAH! That guy's HUGE!!" and "Woah. That guy's huge." though after the first few minutes they'll likely realize that Jack is pretty chill. They'll most likely wind up sitting together and watching a movie, and because it's Jack he's going to want to sleep over so he can get his cuddles in before he has to go back to working out.
Any bond with Jack comes with the assurance that he's not going anywhere unless you either act like a jerk or unless you ask him to leave, and that's the same case for this child. All it takes is him being there during a few nightmares or rough days for them to realize that Jack is, simply put, there for them. He's going to be just as protective of them as he is of you as well, you're both a part of his family now and nobody is going to bother either of you on his watch. Once they get more comfortable with each-other, they'll likely rough-house a bit. Jack controls his strength well, and the kid doesn't have to worry about hurting him, so be prepared to just occasionally watch them get tossed onto the couch by Jack, only to run over begging for it to be done again.
Yujiro might give Jack a hard time about not having kids of his own and taking care of someone else's child, but Jack honest to god doesn't care. Yujiro can keep yapping at him, he's perfectly happy doing what he's doing, which is most likely enjoying a really nice outing with you, your kid as well as Baki and Kozue, he's not about to let his old man ruin that. One of the few times Jack might actually crack back at Yujiro, because while this isn't his kid, at least he's parenting. Will that start a fight? There's a decent chance Yujiro might be insulted enough, but it's the truth and deep down he knows it, so he can't really say anything.
Jack doesn't really care if he introduces them (and you) to the other fighters or not. These are good people who wouldn't hurt either of you, and if they were then you wouldn't even know about them. The first person he introduces the both of you to is Tokugawa, he needs to get the old man's approval to bring you two around to the arena on occasion, though Baki isn't long after for an introduction. He'll want all of the important people in his life to know about the both of you in case anything happens to him so you'll both be safe and taken care of. It's a morbid thought and he'd likely never say it out loud, but he likes to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
They want a sibling? They want him to give them a sibling? Well, he's conflicted about that one. On one hand, the idea of having a kid with you is fun, and he certainly doesn't mind trying even if it's not physically possible, but on the other hand: he really doesn't know if he can have kids. Not just because of the steroid abuse, but because of all the mental hang-ups he has about being an unwanted child. Would it be wrong of him to bring a life into this world? Would he be a good parent? What if they're sick, or his father does something to them because they're not strong enough? He's got all sorts of fears and concerns, but given time he'll come to you about them so you can both talk about it.
It takes a hot minute to figure out what dinosaur to nickname Jack, but eventually, given a lot of thought (and maybe a Jurassic World binge) they settle on Giganotosaurus. Because like Jack, this dinosaur is big and has a horrific bite, both powerful and fast, even if they aren't the strongest, much like Jack. Though Jack doesn't really know how to feel about being nicknamed after a dinosaur in particular, he does appreciate their knowledge and the effort they put into finding the right one to call him, even if he's not really one for nicknames. If they try hard enough, they can even get Baki on board with it. Jack will suffer the entire time, but he doesn't actually mind.
Awkward as all hell. He doesn't mind kids, he's just not good with them. Like, at all. He doesn't know what to do to entertain them, he doesn't know how to bond with them, he doesn't even know what they like doing other than being weirdly sticky all the time. He doesn't understand how or why, but it's a thing that they do. That being said, this kid is absolutely infatuated with him. No explanation, no reasoning, they just decide instantly that they want to be near him very often, and you're going to have to literally pry them away from him. It's like when cats find the one person in the room that don't like them and proceed to stick to them like glue. Doe she understand? No. Is he trying? Desperately trying, yes. Is it getting him anywhere? Nah. Do they still love him? Absolutely, take joy in his misery while it lasts, because he will eventually get used to it.
Kosho is pretty damn loyal. He cares for his people, and he likes to show that in his own weird way. He's like a cat, where he doesn't want to be given affection unless he's the one to initiate. At some point in time, he'll just walk past the kid while they're doing regular things to just pat them on the top of the head and then promptly walk away like he didn't do anything. If they try to hug him or lean into him, he'll act like they've burnt him, but he's not against the affection, he's just not used to kids trying to get closer to him and show him that they love him.
They never have to suffer through long and dragging on doctors appointments ever again. Given a little bit of time, both of the brothers will get used to them and be absolutely in love. Kureha is 100% willing to offer up fake doctors notes if it means he can get out of dancing around the awkward conversation between him and some macho man that refuses to admit that he's got a bright pink vibe up his butt and can't get it out. Speaking of, this kid is about to be traumatized by both Kureha and Kosho telling them horrifying stories about messed up stuff, but they're going to have fun while it's happening so I guess it's a win?
Does Kosho want to introduce this kid to the other fighters? Oddly enough, yes. He wants to brag about his new little buddy and flex that he's got the new fun cool person to hang around with. There's no hesitation, no second thoughts, he just shows up one day like "HEY FUCKERS LOOK WHAT I FOUND!! THEY ARE STRANGE AND STICKY BUT I STILL LOVE THEM!" Only for your child to just be sitting there shitting bricks because oh my god look at the size of that guy- Hey is that a caveman?? They eventually just sorta accept that Kosho is just going to show up at some points in time, and he may or may not be accompanied by a small borderline feral child, and that they may or may not have to endure (happily so) their shenanigans (talking about dinosaurs and about how cool they think all the fighters are).
Sibling? Yeah, nah, sorry kiddo. He's not too interested in having his own kids, and he's a bit worried about having another kid only for them to wind up going through a "I HATE MY OLDER SIBLING!!" phase that he went through with Kureha, not realizing that he is the exception and not the norm. It'll take a long time for him to realize that as well, but seeing the two of you interact if you're siblings does help him slowly start to figure it out. He might warm up to the idea down the line, but he's initially very against the idea and will outright deny ever wanting kids. He might never change his mind, because one might just be enough for him.
They 100% call him therizinosaurus. He cuts stuff with his nails, the connection gets made almost immediately. Does he enjoy being called a dinosaur? Not really, no. Does he appreciate the effort that was put into finding the right one that suits him? Absolutely, so they can call him a therizinosaurus all they want, he won't stop them. He never really gets the point of it, but he does appreciate their knowledge and will actively encourage their interests with random cool dinosaur things that he happens to find, be it while he's out on some adventure training or if he's getting groceries. Eventually he starts learning about dinosaur stuff against his will and just accepts that this is his life now.
He's not awkward per se, but he isn't super fond of kids, especially not loud energetic ones. He might warm up to them eventually if they are more energetic, but only be assured it's because they matter so much to you. He'll never admit that he was nervous before meeting them though, there's no way he'll ever tell you that he feared a young child holding the potential to ruin his relationship simply because they didn't like him. He played really nice with them for the first few months, and then he started being himself a bit more. They either get along just fine or they constantly butt heads about some things, either way, it's a playfully bitchy relationship where they give each-other a hard time to show that they care about each-other.
They will never have to worry about long wait times to get checked out for anything. Runny nose? Kureha's got it. Sore knee? He's got that too. Kureha is fully willing to spoil the living daylights out of this kid and he makes that very clear. They want dinosaur stuff? They get an exclusive tour of the paleontology wing of a museum and they get to raid the gift-shop for souvenirs after. Not feeling well? They've got doctors notes on demand. Lord help whoever manages to upset them, because Shinogi can and will give them the worst health scare of their lives. You've got a cough? Well, we took a chest x-ray and we found some weird spots so we'd better check for something more serious!
Kureha hangs around Jack often enough that eventually you'll just wind up adopting him into the family as some sort of uncle. If the kid struggled with bullies before, then the second Jack goes to pick them up from school that is over. They now have the cool massive scary uncle and the cunty scary father figure who just so happens to be a doctor. They literally can't do anything because if Kureha complains to their parents it's all over for them, especially since he's so well respected in the medical field. Otherwise, a quick call to Jack for a quick favor can really get things moving in the right direction.
Would he bring them around the arena? Not likely. He'll introduce them to Tokugawa, his brother and Jack, but the others aren't likely to meet them unless they happen to run into you all in public or at the hospital when you're visiting Kureha. Them coming around the arena wouldn't be likely until they're much older, like in their late teens or early twenties simply because he doesn't want to have to patch them up because they gain an interest in fighting. ESPECIALLY if Pickle is around. Jack, Katsumi and Retsu weren't the hardest to patch up, but it's not something he wants to do for someone that he's supposed to help raise.
They can ask him for a sibling all they want, his answer isn't likely to change from a firm no. Now if you want a kid, that's a different answer entirely, and it's more of a conversation he's willing to have because you're both adults and that's the healthy thing to do, but a kid asking him to bring another kid into the world? That's an automatic no. He doesn't even really want kids of his own simply because of how his family is (thank you Iya for the lovely lovely Shinogi brothers HCs I love you pookie) but he's open to at least talking about it and thinking about it for longer than five seconds. That being said, if he does agree for whatever reason, then he's going to be an absolute bitch about it, even if he was the one to initiate obtaining said child.
He expects to be nicknamed after some glorious majestic dinosaur, and then the kid hits him with the Synosauropteryx and he just needs to sit down for a few minutes when he finally looks the lil guy up only to realize that the only reason they chose that one in particular was because he's got red hair. It's a devastating realization for him, but please wait to bring out the chihuahua comparison, because he'll go from devastated to murderous in about half a second and you will NOT be able to outrun him. Pointing out that he's then proving you right will simply make him even angrier, and you will 100% wind up duct-taped to the ceiling, your kid will help him.
This man is a MOTHER. He is a MOTHER! He knows how to handle kids and he does so very well! How and where did he learn how to do all of this? No idea! He didn't help raise other kids, as a matter of fact, he was pretty much an only child the entire time he was growing up, but he does remember how he was raised. Despite him being a mother, don't be overly shocked if you come home one day and he's taught them how to kick a hole in the wall (that was not intentional and he doesn't know how to make them stop please help he is scared) and then there are also the random skills that they also learn from him passively. There's no fear, they almost instantly both click with each-other, the vibes are immaculate, it's like finding peace for the first time.
Retsu is nothing if not loyal to his loved ones. They want something? They've got it, and if he can't get it for them, then he knows someone that can get it for them in almost no time at all. Having his connections, stuff like that is child's play. They want an archeologist at their birthday party to tell them about their most interesting dig? Why not go to the actual dig site and help out? He can get that organized, he promises, just give him a few weeks to get all the ducks in a row, and he'll make this the best damn birthday party they've ever seen. How is he going to top it next year? Don't know, but he will. You just gotta trust the process!
He might take them back to the temple he was born and raised in to go meet some of the other Chinese Kempo practitioners he grew up with, though he doesn't really want to take them to meet Kaiou Kaku and his family, simply because he'd rather not put them in the potential path to be judged and treated poorly, as the old man can be pretty prejudiced, though he doesn't really have much to worry about because Kaiou Kaku is a father, grandfather and great grandfather, so he's used to kids not sharing his interests and is actually decently chill about that. It's a large family that, upon learning that Retsu has taken in this child, will do anything to protect them.
He'd be torn between bringing them to the arena or just keeping them introduced to a few people that he's close to, like Tokugawa and the Orochi family, though he might eventually just bring them with him because they pester him enough. He's decently protective and might be weary of Jack and Baki getting close to them simply because of Yujiro being... Well, Yujiro, but eventually he does give in and they wind up rough-housing with one of the brothers or Katsumi while he does something else, like fighting so they don't have to see him whooping ass. Though he does wind up absolutely thrilled that the others would care for his adopted child this much and he'll tell you as much with a big emotional smile and a tear in his eyes. You'll have to comfort him a little, he's easily made emotional.
A SIBLING?!? MY WORD!! Why are they asking HIM this question?! (He's stunned and shocked and oh my word he is appalled and doesn't at all realize that this means they see him as a parent and obviously parents are the ones who have kids right?) He's not really sure how to react other than a flustered and desperate request for your help please god he doesn't know what he's doing please help him. Once he calms down and thinks for a second though, he gets it, really he does. He's open to the idea as long as you're both stable enough in your lives to bring another one into the family. He's going to be just as good of a parental figure to this one, he promises, and honestly, he's one of the few people you can trust when he says that.
He doesn't mind being nicknamed after a dinosaur, he's actually highly flattered because of it and is incredibly proud when he gets to witness their knowledge firsthand! All of those late nights staying up with them to figure out what the coolest dinosaurs are were definitely worth it, because the one time he asks what dinosaur they think he is he gets hit with "Oh! You're definitely a Tarbosaurs!" A ruthless and efficient predator, thought to be a dedicated parent? That sums him up perfectly! He's got no problem calling them his little tarbosaurus either, even going as far as to learn as much as he can so he can occasionally drop interesting facts onto your childs head and watch them light up in excitement and delight.
He's done this before, he's willing to do it again. Younger kids are a bit of a challenge because he adopted Katsumi at a bit older, but he doesn't mind, he adapts quick. That and he's got a bunch of eager students that either know someone or are someone that works with kids and can do whatever he needs them to when it comes to child care. If he's busy for whatever reason, he knows that either Katsumi or one of the hired babysitters have them covered, especially if it's a date night. Katsumi's a bit old to be expecting a new sibling, but that won't stop Doppo. Truth be told, he did enjoy fatherhood and having someone looking up to him with that child-like wonder and amazement, so the first time he meets them he wants to immediately hit them with a wow-factor. And the fun part is that it works! Enjoy peace and quiet for the next six hours, because Doppo's got this covered! Go take a nap or get your nails done, you'll find them tuckered out and ready for a nap of their own when you get back.
Devoted and loyal aren't nearly enough to describe Doppo. You need him on the PTA? He's there, and he's getting things done! His name carries weight, and he uses that to his full advantage if he needs to. He did it for Katsumi, and he knows for a fact that the teachers and parents still at that school remember how he ruled the PTA with an iron fist, though he was always hidden in the background. They want to go to a museum with dinosaurs? He's organizing a field trip for the entire grade, and of course he's there as a chaperone to supervise and get some quality dad time in, just like he did with Katsumi when he was at the age where he didn't realize that that's what Doppo was doing.
He definitely is not letting Yujiro get wind of this one. That's the last thing he needs. This child is peaceful, interested in things like dinosaurs and learning, The Ogre would eat them alive, and there's no way he would ever let that happen. Baki is safe, Jack is a maybe, but Yujiro? Definitely a no. Absolutely not. If he sees him while out in public he's distancing himself from you and the kid just to be sure that you don't look associated with him in the slightest. He's not playing games, you and your kid will be safe no matter what, and if it means having you be whisked away by someone he knows to go back home and wait out Yujiro being... Well, his awful self, then that's simply going to be a factor. He'll let you know about that upfront though, so you know what you're getting into.
Oh he does bring them around the arena when he knows Yujiro isn't in the country. He's reluctant around Jack, but Shibukawa, Retsu and Tokugawa? They all meet his new kid, and they all weep because oh my god, they're so cute, and so clever!!! Tokugawa hopes that they'll become a fighting prodigy, much like Katsumi, but it only takes him about a month to accept that they don't really have an interest in that. They will learn Karate, because of course, Doppo wants to bond with them in his own little way and make sure they know how to defend themselves, so eventually someone will say that dinosaurs are boring and Doppo will bring them home crying laughing because someone said dinosaurs were stupid and they karate chopped them in the leg because they're wrong dinosaurs are cool don't be a dummy. Bonus points if it's some big showy fighter was trying to act hard and cool that immediately shut down once he got slapped.
A sibling? They already have a sibling! Katsumi is right there! They want a younger one? Well hell, Doppo's already in his fifties! It's a bit late to think about having another one, but yet again, if you ask real nicely he might consider it. In all seriousness though, he doubts that they'll need another sibling, they, as well as Katsumi, are more than enough for him, but if you say you want to be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, he doesn't mind helping you achieve that goal. ;)
Oh he doesn't mind getting nicknamed after a dinosaur! As a matter of fact, he's entirely pleased by it. Especially when they decide that the perfect nickname for him was triceratops. Big, strong and intimidating. If he was a more insecure man, he'd be worried that he was scaring his new kid, but no, he knows that they feel safe around him. They wouldn't give him a nickname if they didn't! He wears his nickname as a badge of honor, and proudly brags about being seen as strong by his children. Katsumi might give him a hard time about it, but he's just jealous that Doppo got a cool nickname first.
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ronsenthal · 5 months
Part five and final of Jess Reads Fierce Valor as we reached his post WWII military career, his retirement and last years of his life
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Notes: Please read the book and take your own conclusions if you can, this is my view and my own clonclusion from my experience reading it
okay now really not much happens, he got married for a second time, stayed in the army, got divorced again
he came to the veterans reunion in 1947 and then never showed up again until some 50 years later
he made his final combat jumps in Korea, he had like 4 which was like a LOT
btw do you guys remember Albert Blithe from the series right? Right! the guy lived after recovering from his wounds and actually served in the 187th Infantry Regiment, guess who was the company commander? thats right! our very own bald man
ok so he worked and had time studied Russian and became the governor os Spandau, at this time there was already some cold war shit going on
speaking of shit, his german was shitty (so is mine!!!) so he couldn't quite undestand the prisioners but played chess with one of them??
Ah yes got married and divorced again
trained and organized some stuff for the the Royal Lao Army and some more army duty??? but nothing interesting is said really
he was then Lieutenant Colonel and worked with the Pentagon, it says that his army duty came to an end in 1964 but his name came up in army records in 1965 at a special division, so he had some function? was he a spy? we will never know for sure
okay now he is retired, married again (the man was a machine), had some health related problems and had to do some heart surgeries, like 5 of them or even more
at this point he was really introspective over his life, then the Ambrose book came and old man was PISSED because guess what??? Ambrose didn't even bothered to actual fact check his book and Speirs felt that he did dirty to his first ex-wife and even to himself
Dick became his biggest advocate and tried so many times to reunited him to the last members of Easy but he couldn't, he even begged Speirs but remember he is a Taurus so he said no again and again
toward his late years and after the release of the book he was afraid some n30-naz1s would come after him for some kind of vengeance so he asked for his name adress and personal info to be removed so Dick was the only one who knew hot to contact him
then there was the reunion for the screening of Band of Brothers and he finally showed up after his last wife made him show up and it was really emotional, Matthew Settle just watched the real Speirs and Dick watching the first ep and then Matthew showed up on his door and asked him to sing his cast, cause he got hurt his feet somehow
oh right forgot to mention that he loved his poodles, he was really into square dance (I don't know what the hell this is don't ask me), had some weird hobbies like pan for gold on rivers??? also normal ones like playing golf and he was also a nice elderly to his grand-sons and great-grand-sons, nephews, nieces and stuff
he had really bad PTSD specially while sleeping ans even after being retired he couldn't relax while sleeping and always eat his food fast.
he wouldn't let people kill spiders, like black widow spiders because of the William Wallace story and because he served in a company that the symbol and nickname was one
also he didn't talked about his army life like AT ALL, he said it was harder for him to remember things since he spent great part of his life om the army while the other guys served like with one company and that was it, for me it's clear it was bullshit he was so hard on himself and self critical on the basic stuff he didn't so one can only imagine how he dealt with the heavy stuff
his final years he was losing his strength, already loss great part of his hearing and was so ashamed of it and was really frustrated and miserable
after his death this one person of his family took his ashes and spread somewhere in a beautiful lake near the Canadian border where he rests today, quite emotional really
Okay so overall this was such a great reading, it's really a testament to how complex, mysterious and sometimes twisted his character really was.
I loved how the authors didn't pushed any agenda or narratives, I feel like they did a good job because they didn't tried to justify any of his actions, they just wanted to bring as many facts to the table as they could so we, as readers, could come up with our own conclusions
Mine is: He was crazy indeed, he did some questionable stuff and it took it's toll on him during and after the war, but also really cared for the man on his side, he sure could be cruel, flawed, cold blooded, impetuous and a true killer, but at the same time protective, respectful, really smart and incredible skilled as a leader, so much that everyone respected him for it, some loved the man dearly, some despised and that it was what truly amazed me by
A big thank you to everyone who followed my dumb takes during this reading, it was really fun to do!!!
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taglist: @mads-weasley, @mutantmanifesto, @love--persevering, @gorgeousundertow, @grumpy-liebgott, @wexhappyxfew, @latibvles, @1waveshortofashipwreck and @executethyself35
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annachum · 9 months
Some post Final Lair Raoul x Christine HCs
. Look, I mentioned before of Raoul and Christine recovering from their PTSDs, Christine under suicide watch until Gustave II is born, all that
. On 12th June 1882, Raoul and Christine got married in a fine ceremony in Sainte Chapelle church, and the reception is at De Chagny Manor, Raoul's youthhood home before he moves out to his own estate at 21 🤩🤩🤩🤩🥺🥺
. They also made love for the first time on their wedding night 🤩🤩🤩🥺🥺🤩
. Moving to Stockholm after they got married really and truly helped improve their mental and psychological health
. They and their survived loved ones after the Final Lair do whatever they can to help each other heal from such traumas
. Raoul and Christine moved to a beautiful mansion in Stockholm that is close to a seaside
. And then their 2 kids ( Gustave II and Charlotte ) came along in different times, and Raoul and Christine vow to be a best parents for their kids they can be
. Of fucking course they DO NOT want their kids to suffer a similar traumatic experience as they did. No sir, no way
. Luckily, they didn't have to suffer a similar traumatic experience as their parents did 🤯🤯🤯🥺🥺
. Christine ofc soon became a fashion icon. A number of people who met Christine before she is becoming a famous opera star notes of her romantic/royalty core styles ( not sure the term royalty core exists then, yet still ), and then as she becomes famous, Christine also becomes a fashion icon - with her hair often in complex hairdos, elegant intricate dresses, beautiful gloves, and such 🤩🤩🥺🥺🥺
. Gustave II came to have a penchant for cello and becomes a student at the Royal Swedish Opera School 🤩🤩🥺🥺🥺
. Charlotte came to have a penchant for fashion design related matters 🤩🤩🥺🥺
. It took Raoul sometime to get used to the Swedish cold, yet he soon got a hand of it. Christine, who hasn't been in Sweden for some time, actually loves the Swedish Air and embraces it. She also needs some time to get re familiar with the Swedish cold too, yet she soon got a hand of it
. Amongst Christine's favorite operas include : Magic Flute, Faust ( she plays Gretchen in a 1881 Oct production of Faust and that is her lead debut role in the POTO book ), Carmen, Peer Gynt and Tales of Hoffmann 🤩🤩🤩🥺🥺
. Christine ofc soon became a fashion icon. A number of people who met Christine before she is becoming a famous opera star notes of her romantic/royalty core styles ( not sure the term royalty core exists then, yet still ), and then as she becomes famous, Christine also becomes a fashion icon - with her hair often in complex hairdos, elegant intricate dresses, beautiful gloves, and such 🤩🤩🥺🥺🥺
. Raoul is definitely surprised and fascinated that Sweden got a higher blonde population than France in general 🤩🤩🤩🥺🥺🥺
. Every time Raoul comes back to a military related mission, Christine be helping with first aid related stuff on him. She becomes skilled at first aid related things as she grows btw 🤩🤩🥺🥺🥺🥺
. They still keep in contact with their families and old friends in France, even tho they never returned to Paris after they moved to Stockholm
. In Nordic cultures, helping each other braid hairs is a sign of affection between families, friends and S/Os. Christine has been doing that with the Girys since she was adopted by them at nearly 8, and later on with Raoul since they got together, and later on with her 2 kids. 🤩🤩🥺🥺🥺
. Also Sweden came yo have a custom of not serving food when guests come over unless in special events ( like Christmases and birthdays and all ). That is partially due to how Sweden got a shortage of food during Medieval times for a time, and when visiting a Swede's house when there is no special occasion, it at times turns into a pot luck fest where the attendees in tow bring ans share the food they bring along
In my POTO fics,
Gustave II is defo more like his mother ( Christine Daae )
While Charlotte is more like her father ( Raoul De Chagny )
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lyman-garfiel · 3 months
⌛ ask game be upon ye
⏳; Recount a time of watching/playing/reading your f/os source that made you go 'oh I'm in love'! THIS INVOLVES PHYSICAL VIOLENCE
Ive mentioned it before but i was going through a severe depression when getting into fnc, uhh the first few bitch of scarab's screentime had me captivated because i am a freak. who loves body horror. but to recount a big MOMENT for me i ran into a scarab cosplayer at megacon this year, the cosplayer was SO nice btw absolute sweetheart that guy. But i was so,,,,,,NOT NORMAL after the encounter i physically clawed my friend and had to be repeatedly shoved off of them, i then spent the next hour like SHAKING and unable to feel my legs [which were sore as fuck. like i was unable to feel pain in my legs] ,,,,,,so that ammount of adrenaline at just a cosplayer of my f/o,,,,,,YEAH I KNEW I PHYSICALLY CAN NOT BE NORMAL ABOUT HIM.
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
Hi, bee or bones, honestly haven't figured out which one I like better.
I'm very new to tumblr, and I've mostly just been ghost stalking posts from fandoms that I like. Lemme tell ya, I've struggled trying to put this ask together, so bear with me /lh.
All that being said.
1) I really enjoyed the end of strings. It's so amazing, and I haven't watched Your Name. but I loved the imagery.
2) Almost everything that I know about qsmp is from your one-shots, and I love it. It's exams month, so I haven't had time to watch hours long streams, and usually I'm in class when they're streaming anyways. Or sleeping lol.
Thanks for all your writing! I first became attached to tommyinnit's clinic, and I fell in love with all your other works. Congrats on 50 published works, btw!
3) I saw a video by JessLess on Youtube about bookbinding fanfics, and I was wondering if I would be able to bind clinic?? I, of course, wouldn't use it for commercial use, but it's my comfort fanfic, and I would love to have it in physical form so I could carry it around and maybe even add little notes in the pages.
-🪶 (I couldn't find a feather quill, and if it's not already taken. And if you don't mind me asking why are asks anonymous sometimes? I'm still trying to figure out the world of tumblr.)
Sorry for this long ask! Thank you for inspiring me!
hi welcome to tumblr!! I'm so glad you enjoy my fics!! very happy you liked the ending of strings :D also regarding my qsmp one shots, I feel like I should tell you that my one shots do not touch on the mystery horror/arg kind of lore whatsoever bc my one shots were centered around q!wilbur who did not get involved in that stuff lol, so if all you know about qsmp if from my fics you are missing a lot of the insanity going on rn (very understandable if you're struggling to catch up though it's a Lot)
regarding book binding go check out the carrd linked in my pinned post. it has my personal guidelines regarding doing that kind of stuff with my fics :)
also i am so sorry but that emoji is not showing up on my computer (I need to update my OS at some point... rip) so you might wanna choose a different one if you plan on hopping in here again 😭
oh and the reason some asks are anonymous is just if the sender wants to be anonymous. sometimes a person might wanna send a blog they like an ask but don't want their 'identity' attached to it, hence why they go on anon for it. it's entirely up to the person sending the ask. sometimes a blog might have their anon asks turned off, meaning people can't send asks on anon which is usually something a blog will do if they're getting harassed since people are far less likely to harass someone just fully out in the open on their main blog. but yeah it's just up to you for the most part!
tysm for the kind words <3
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murumokirby360 · 1 year
My NVMe Needs - Part 6 (Final): Samsung Magician & HWiNFO Softwares [Apr 25th, 2023]
Hello, April! This is it! Here's final part (Part 6) of my of “My NVMe Needs“ (this time, without my paper dolls 😅). 😊
And in this part, I'm installing two monitoring stats & other memory tool purposes, the Samsung Magician & the HWiNFO. 🙂🖥️⚙️🔢
If you haven't seen my two previous post(s) & other ones (that we're related), then I'll provide some links down below. ↓
• Part 1: Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus NVMe M.2 SSD (1TB) Review [Apr 7th, 2023]
• Part 2: Thermalright M.2 2280 Pro Review [Apr 11th, 2023]
• Part 3: Installation and trial & error [Recorded on Apr 21st, 2023] (published: Apr 22nd, 2023)
• Part 4: Another Trial & Error [Apr 21st, 2023] (published: Apr 22nd, 2023
• *Part 5: Timing comparison - HDD vs SSD NVMe M.2 Drive [Apr 25th, 2023]*
So, without further ado, let’s get started:
My Recorded & Edited Video (using Filmora 9): (pls watch) ↑ 🎦✏️🖥️
• First off is the "Samsung Magician", a monitoring software tool used for legitimate Samsung memory products exclusively (e.g. QVOs, EVOs, PROs, 870, 970, 980, 990). It'll give information about your recent memory drive stats, test some benchmarks, diagnose your drives, and even link "Data Migration" (software) to form one working software, and so much more to do. One con, I would say is my NVMe didn't recognize the authentication after re-install & restart my PC to unlock the real performance stats. Considering, that my purchased NVMe stick is 100% genuine, I just don't understand what's the situation though. Maybe I'll wait for the future update, soon? Who knows?
BTW: If you want more about it, then please → [CLICK ME!].
• However, there's another software that I can take a deeper look at my NVMe's stats, so let's bring out the "HWiNFO". Unlike "Samsung Magician", this software can monitor pretty much any internal component not just memory-based drives but also Graphics Card, CPU Chip, Motherboard, etc. And also, not just Samsung, but also other brands can recognize, too. Although, it can't do much as the "Samsung Magician", the "HWiNFO" will sense the voltage, rating speed, health, and even temperature of the computer's internal component(s). For instance, my 970 EVO Plus has a decent accuracy of 50°C compared to 51°C from the "Samsung Magician", and so far, no faulty & failure signs of SSD warning. Everyday, I open this monitoring software to check my computer stats just in case someone makes hot during either opening window task(s) or playing PC games. If somethings wrong, then I have to something about it, but as of now, everything seems to be fine.
Overall & Final remarks:
• So far, this is the most ambitious & most satisfying thing I've ever done this year. I've been stuck on physical HD for years. Since 2006, we're always provided physical hard drives as our main source of computer OS & storage purposes. In fact, in my elementary days, I had never seen or heard about "Solid State Drives", I mean nobody uses SSD only rich people can afford the premium SSDs. Nowadays, the SSDs & NVMe we're spread across the globe, and they became the standard of all existing computers. Best of all, random brands are now making cheap SSDs & NVMEs compared to the well-known competitive brands such as Samsung, Adata, Corsair, Western Digital, Sandisk, and more. But, should you buy cheap alternatives or well-known trusted brands? You decide. And let's not forget about the capacity size, they're arranged from less than 64GB of SSDs/NVMEs for a fair cheaper price to the overly expensive price of 1TB to a massive 8TB of SSDs/NVMEs. So, choose wisely if you're planning to get yourself a perfect SSD/NVMe brand(s). And if you're planning to get a NVMe M.2 Drive be sure to purcahse a separate heat sink or a built-in counterpart.
• But, as for me, I purchased Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus & the Thermalright M.2 2280 Pro Heat Sink separately, and combine these two into one custom. Overall, so far, I am certified as "Worth it" because I dream to get my hands on a high-performance SSD than a slower physical hard drive. And with two monitoring & diagnostic software(s) on my computer, I could always check the stats of my NVMe stick, alongside other functional PC internal components (motherboard, graphics card, etc.). I hope my NVMe stick never dies from my progress.
Well, that's the end of my topic!
If you haven’t seen my previous topic, then I’ll provide some links down below. ↓😉
• Goodbye my old Anker Powerport 2 - Full [Mar 16th, 2023]
Tagged: @lordromulus90, @bryan360, @carmenramcat, @leapant, @rafacaz4lisam2k4, @paektu, @alexander1301
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HI FINISHED EP 5 AND YOU REALLY WEREN'T KIDDING ABOUT ADAM!! HE IS SO SO DISGUSTING!!! BLOWING HIM UP IN MY MIND!!! >:(((( I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM I HATE HIM GET AWAY FROM ALL MINORS FOREVER FUCK YOUUUU!!!!!!! UGH SORRY HE'S JUST SO. JHGJKHGSJDGHFHSGF >:((((( REKI MY POOR BOY. LANGA MY POOR BOY. MIYA MY POOR BOY! HONESTLY REALLY MAD THAT JOE AND CHERRY JUST LET IT HAPPEN?? LIKE SIRS YOU ARE GROWN ASS ADULTS WHAT THE FUCK? I KNOW THERE ISN'T THAT MUCH THEY COULD DO BUT STILL. LIKE. >:////// ok rant over sorry i just despise him with a burning passion. btw you were 100% right i do love miya!! he's just so <333333 !!!!!!! to me :DD that moment he had w langa and reki. my god i love them so muchhh <333333 they're siblings!! other than that i also really love reki! the scene where he made langa promise he wasn't gonna do anything dangerous was so tender and perfect. honestly i'm kind of worried for both of them though :( reki seems to be 'falling behind' langa a lot if ykwim? that scene at the skate park makes me hopeful they'll touch upon talent vs skill and how hard it must be for reki to see his best friend become a prodigy (and possibly get manipulated/harmed courtesy of adam all bc of reki(not really but that would be his inner narrative i think)) while reki gets left behind in the dust in the further episodes. joe's and cherry's dynamic is continuing to be funny and i was starting to really like joe (sorry. i like big titty himbos 🤷) but after they kind of. just let THAT happen they're both gonna have to pull of something good for reki + langa + miya to be redeemed in my eyes. wrote a bunch again, as per usual, sorry jhkjhfdkhg
y eah i am Also upset that the adults let it happen, but my theory is that like. shadow didn't know how bad it would be since it was prolly his first time seeing ad*m skate and that joe and cherry already saw themselves in reki and langa and knew that nothing they said would've stopped the two of them from skating against him:/
omg i got miya right !!! BET !!! i was like "just watch imma tell ollie that miya will be their favorite and then it Won't be miya" oigcfgvhujikoiuyghji and no you are SO right - they ARE siblings <3
oh boy. y eah. mhm. just wait. it gets. y eah.
oh don't worry i know they will - joe, cherry, and shadow care about the kids so much it's ridiculous and joe is prolly the only one of the three willing to admit it because shadow and cherry are emotionally constipated but they definitely show the amount the care <3
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lex-n-weegie · 2 years
For the space themed asks; Moon, Star and Neptune! :D ( also you can do these for any of your f/os! )
I'm so sorry for being so silly and forgetting to answer this blame the clown brain
Gonna do Waluigi for this btw because I'm thinking about my pathetic meow meow ♡
Moon ~ Did your love for your F/O come all at once or in phases?
Phases actually, though it was unknown to me until I realized I was already in love. At first, I wasn't a huge fan. Then over time I was slowly liking all Mario characters, so I thought it was just that. I even made a joke about "haha what if I shipped with Waluigi?" Then it wasn't a joke anymore after a month or so djajan
Star ~ Do you have a specific song that reminds you of your F/O?
Hmm, that's sorta tough admittedly, but luckily for myself I made a Walexi playlist so it's a little easier.
I think the song Stolen Dance fits him best! Though Bred to be Bad by CG5 fits too, despite it being a song about a movie haha
Neptune ~ Was there ever a time that you had a dream about your F/O?
Yes actually!! I've been trying (emphasis on try) to keep a dream journal, and it's been helping me remember dreams and even having them (I used to barely have dreams, but nowadays I've been having more!)
It was very fuzzy, but from what I could tell, we were both on the couch and I was laying my head on his lap. I think he was softly petting my hair, and judging by some noises, also watching TV. It was kind of brief and fuzzy, but it was a really nice dream honestly
Space Themed Ask Game
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fenrir-wolf-of-gotham · 3 months
1, 2, and 3 of the Proship Mutual ask game!
Thanks for the ask!
1. Ok so, for me, proshipping was an inevitability. I first started shipping characters before I even knew what shipping was. My first ship was when I was 7 and watching Ben 10.
I distinctly remember watching the episode where Ben gets a crush on Kai, Kai treats him like shit, and Gwen says, “you can’t talk to my cousin like that! Only I can talk to my cousin like that!” and little young me just thought, that’s not how cousins talk about each other. This is not a platonic familial relationship that I’m watching. But I didn’t know that I shipped them, I just knew that their interactions felt like two characters who definitely liked each other pretending not to because they didn’t want to admit it to themselves (now I’m a massive Bwen shipper). Then I was completely anti-shipping (not an anti shipper mind you, I was against the practice of shipping) but then I got a Tumblr account and watched Invader Zim and saw Zim and Gaz.
I then made this meme:
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Which I think speaks for itself.
I was never really an anti. I think I just found the proship community immediately after I started shipping because I was into all these niche "problematic" ships, see: Barbara Gordon x Bruce Wayne, Ahsoka Tano x Anakin Skywalker, Azula x Zuko, etc (it also didn't hurt that I actually came to like the cringe I felt from seeing a squicky ship I didn't like. That's how I started shipping Anisoka).
2. I'm actually not sure what exactly got me into Selfshipping. My memories on that are much foggier than my memories on my inevitable ascension into proshipping. I think from what I can remember that I saw Cass in Wayne Family Adventures and immediately thought, "oh she is the cutest most handsome woman I have ever seen," then I started shipping Jason and Cass because I didn't know that much about Cass and felt like Jason Todd was the character I most related to. At some point that fell by the wayside and I started hating Cass because "the Batfamily is getting too big. I wish they had kept it with just Bruce, Barbara, Dick, Jason, and Tim!" but then I grew out of that as I started to learn more about Cass. I think by this point I was aware that people shipped themselves with characters instead of using canon proxies (you were one of the people who made me realize this was a thing btw so thanks for that) which, I mean, I knew people did that but I wasn't aware of all the terminology and substance behind it beyond just the stereotype of young writers making self insert fanfiction to kiss their favorite character. So I started selfshipping with Cassandra Cain privately but not as intensely as I do now. Then I started seeing StephCass stuff all the time in her tag and got upset about that but I came up with the solution of making Cass, Steph, and myself a polycule. Then I made this blog and, as I learned about Steph, I fell in love with her too.
So that's my selfshipping biography. Never been happier with my F/Os.
3. Cass is my oldest F/O but if you want to get technical, she's not the first character I ever considered myself to have a connection with.
Ok so now we have to talk about the longest writing project I never wrote down.
It was this massive story that featured all my favorite stuff that I wrote in my head from when I was 7 to when I was 17. It was a decade of stories I never wrote down and I had a self insert which I shipped other characters with.
The first character I shipped him with was Sunset Shimmer from MLP: Equestria High (her human form for the record). Then I shipped him with Abigail from Stardew Valley, there was a Gardevoir in there at one point, and I think there was 1 more but I don't think anyone would recognize her as a character.
Then it got a bit sad. Ironically this was during the happiest time of my life but the character himself had evolved to the point he was no longer a self insert.
If anyone wants me to, I will gladly go into depth on this story. @andreamland already knows what's up with this overly long word vomit of moderately embarrassing cringe that will take approximately 7 paragraphs minimum but, to quote Brennan Lee Mulligan, "there is no corner of my heart that i won't turn over for 5 points," with the 5 points in this case being friendship points with mutuals.
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2 notes · View notes
cmoundiamante · 3 months
MINISKIRT (spin-off)
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pairing professor!sunghoon x afab!reader
summary Making porn videos was your job, dedicating each one of those to your professor was a feeling. He watched those videos one by one, but that was a coincidence.
genre smut, college!au, one shot
warnings age gap (psh 37. reader 23), petnames (honey, good girl, doll, bitch, babe.), reader is a pornstar, idols mentions, masturbation, use of sex toys, squirting, sex tape, swearing, dirty talk, nipple play, daddy kink, blowjob, titsjob, spanking, unprotected sex, cowgirl, doggy, creampie.
a/n hello everyone!! BTW TYSM FOR THE 100 FOLLOWERS YALL ARE THE BEST. here is what u ask for, tbh i get horny writing this, i hope u too (; also i wanna explain something about the taglist, there were some blogs that i couldn’t tag idk why, so i will just send a message to the person who asked it with the link of the os. i remind u, english is not my first language so pls be kind (: any correction will be considered, not only to improve reading but also for my learning ^^ don’t forget to reblog or leave a comment 🩶 IMPORTANT there was a misunderstanding when i said i was going to delete it,i meant that i was going to delete the taglist (which had a lot of notes, that's why I put the link of the os there, tysm btw🥹), I'M NOT GOING TO DELETE THE ONE SHOT.
wc +5,1k
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Your legs were shaking from your third orgasm. The vibrator stimulated your clit forming convulsions all over your body, you had a knot tied in your stomach that you were soon going to untie. You moaned in the hottest way you could to satisfy the viewer, talking dirty and screaming at the overstimulation. Your eyes rolled back, yet you were the only one who could appreciate and feel that. "Daddy, I'm co-" without being able to finish the sentence, you came undone for last time, at the same time the most pornographic moan that could be heard in that video, being unable to properly spin a sentence to say goodbye, so you simply turned off the camera, which could have almost been ruined by being soaked in your liquids.
The body tiredness you had was dominating your whole body, but you couldn't leave everything dirty now, you were grateful that you did it on the floor instead of on the mattress. Naked as you were, you grabbed the mop and began to wipe away the moisture you had left behind, until it was completely dry and odorless. You put on your pajamas, wanting to sleep, but you had something to do first, which was to study for your biology exam.
There were 2 weeks left for that exam, but it depended on your life to pass it, the professor of that subject was one of the most demanding in your university, so it was convenient for you to study.
You made porn videos, but you also had another kind of future planned, a bit ironic isn't it? No one knew about this part of your life, not your family, not anyone from that community, not your best friend, absolutely no one. The idea came one completely random day when you were ovulating, you came up with the idea of recording yourself masturbating, clearly without showing your face, and uploading that video to PornHub. You didn't expect that video to have the views it did, but thanks to that video you kept doing it , you started to generate income, you bought more materials and sex toys to also make other types of content. But it was just your secret.
You opened the biology book and started reading the concepts you had to learn for your exam. You liked that subject, but you liked your teacher better. It wasn't just the need to get good grades to make him proud of you, but you also wanted to get his attention somehow.
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The next morning, when you opened your eyes, you realized that you had fallen asleep studying, you were so sleepy that you didn't realize where you had finished reading. When you saw the time you didn't wake up, as you were lucky to have woken up at a time when you had time to get ready to leave. On your way to college you went the whole trip with headphones, from the time you got on the bus to the time you sat at your desk, waiting for your best friend to arrive, who by the way, hadn't answered your messages since yesterday afternoon.
The students were coming in and your friend wasn't coming, so you decided to send her a message.
you: bitch, where the fuck are u now?
bestie🩵: IM OMW
bestie🩵: i just woke up, i wasn't home and i fell asleep late last night
you: where have u been?
bestie🩵: …
bestie🩵: wait for me to get there
When your friend arrived it wasn't long after that message, but she only got a glance from literature professor, Jake. "Did you see the time, miss?" your friend shrugged. "My apologies, sir." You knew her well enough to recognize that she was weird. She sat down at the desk in front of you, put her backpack on the floor, and turned to look at you. "I did something wrong yesterday." Her face looked frightened. "But I don't regret about anything."
"What? Did you kill someone?" she shook her head. "Bitch, you didn't tell me anything, what have you done?" she looked around to make sure no one was listening to her conversation. To all this you thought, how serious was what she did? "Professor Sim." there's no way. "Girl, don't tell me that-" "I slept with him." On the one hand you felt happy for her, it was her platonic love since you both entered college together. You opened your mouth showing surprise even though you already knew how the sentence was going to finish, however she didn't let you speak, re-limiting something. "If I could do it, so could you."
"Nah, he's yours, thank you so much for the offer anyway." "Who told you it was going to be with Jake?" she subconsciously screamed, capturing stares from some of your classmates, thankfully not Jake's. You gave her a light blow on the arm. "I've seen you look at Professor Park during class," she whispered near you. "You eat his bulge with your eyes."
You laughed, agreeing with her. "Maybe... Anyway, it's just an erotic desire." The two of you were shameless to talk about these kinds of topics in public, but you were both willing to break the taboo. "If I were him I'd fuck you, you're too sexy just to exist." you smiled covering your cheeks. "You flatter me."
"Okay, speaking about Sunghoon, how are you doing with your studies?" As you listened to her talk, you opened your backpack to take out your belongings and put them on top of the desk. "I have it under control, but I have a question about some concept." Your friend, who was practically doing the same thing as you, gave you a mischievous look. "You already have an excuse to go see him today." Jake's voice was present in the classroom, you saw your friend startled, but when you realized it you noticed how Jake's eyes fell on her, having a peculiar gleam.
These two…
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You walked through the empty hallways of the place wishing that the principal wouldn’t see you walking there, as you could be scolded for not being in the classroom during class hours. The professors room had a window overlooking the hallway, the blinds in the distance seemed to be closed, but when you got closer you noticed that they were not closed at all, so you peeked through the small strip that showed the inside of the room, and there you noticed his silhouette, you recognized him the moment you saw him.
You looked away from his computer and were perplexed for a few seconds before reacting again, because you never thought that one of your professors would be watching your videos, much less in a place like a university. You paid attention to your video and realized that it was the one you had dedicated to him, ‘thinking about my teacher while I cum’ Was it a coincidence? You didn't know it, but what you did know is that the heat quickly went down to your core. Again, your eyes moved to his arm, which even though it was with his back to you, you could see how he was making movements, letting you know that he was touching himself.
You didn't want to interrupt him, but your questions were also important, so you knocked on the door. You waited a few long seconds for him to open the door, and when your eyes met you didn't hesitate to scan him as well as possible in a few seconds, to see what you had done to him. The first thing you both connected were your eyes, which by some rays of light that came through the windows you could tell that his pupils were dilated, his characteristic pale cheeks were tinged with crimson red, his clothes were a little out of place but there you stopped, you didn't want to go any lower. Chances are, if you hadn't seen that scene, you wouldn't have paid the slightest bit of attention to what Sunghoon looked like now. "Miss Y/S" Damn, your last name came out so sexy coming out of her mouth.
"Do I interrupt something? I just wanted to know if I could ask you something about the exam." That question was misleading considering you'd seen everything. "Not at all, wanna come in?" you nodded. He opened the door wider and stepped aside to let you in, you saw that his computer was closed, but the same thought invaded your mind constantly, so you couldn't stop smiling. "Take a seat, please." He grabbed one of the chairs that was above the table and pulled it back so that you sit down, by inertia, you agreed to his gentlemanly behavior, followed by that he took a seat in front of you. In your hands was the big biology book that Professor Park made you read, grandly you only had to read the first 100 pages for this exam.
"I have a query about neurons." You started turning the pages of the book, getting to the section you needed. "You need to be more specific." that he sits in front of you was completely in vain, as he stood up again to get behind you. You felt his warmth emanating from his body when his hand landed on your shoulder, yet he didn't notice you, but what you saw in the book. "Unless you don't understand anything about neurons." You've found the neuron schema page you've been looking for. "I wanted to know how the chemical signals of neurons work."
"Okay, listen." He put his index finger on top of the outline. You didn't deny it, his finger was also attractive. How you wished it was inside you. "When the electrical signal reaches the axon terminal of a neuron, it stimulates the release of special chemicals. Do you remember what those are called?” "No." "Don't answer that fast, think about it." his minty breath slammed into your ear, sending shivers down your spine, and also automatically reminding you of the answer to the question Park asked you. "Neurotransmitters." he smiled sideways. "Well done. They then move in the synapses to the other neurons, and in that way it stimulates or perceives the..." At this point you just listened attentively as he explained it to you because his voice sounded sensual doing it and to his hand, of which you didn't think any wrong thoughts.
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You had to repeat your way through the corridors, you couldn't go to sleep without first studying a whole concept and understanding everything, this was the case, you understood absolutely everything, but you wanted to pretend that you didn't to have an excuse to see him again and fantasize about him. You went to the professors room, the window blinds were open, but you didn't see anyone inside the room. You also went in to look for the schedule of teachers, looking for Professor Park's name. His schedule said he was now teaching in Course F.
Again you walked through the corridors, making sure no other teacher was in the same place as you, but you felt a hand on your shoulder as you climbed the stairs. "You can't be here, Miss Y/S" although it was a petty scolding, it was to the person you were looking for. "I was actually looking for you." When he looked down and saw that you were with the book again, he gave a slight laugh. "More doubts?" you nodded embarrassedly, he started looking around and gestured for you to follow him. You finished climbing the steps and to your surprise, you both didn't went the classroom that Sunghoon was assigned to be in now, you were in a completely empty one. He left his briefcase on top of the desk and sat down in front of it, legs spread and letting you have any imagination free.
"Don't you have a class to teach?" you walked over and put your book on the same desk on which he floored his briefcase, waiting for him to refuse to leave you alone now. "They can wait a few minutes, plus you can tell you're working hard, you deserve it." You grabbed a chair and sat down in front of him, but you didn't realize that you had put the chair too close, causing your legs to almost rub against each other. "Thank you." you expressed gratitude, no remorse that there are people losing class time because of a teacher who is wasting their time with you. "Your voice is known to me from somewhere." When you heard that, you couldn't help but stare at him, feeling the blood boil and expand throughout your body.
"What do you mean, sir?" By the way, you said the same nickname you used for the video he was watching the other day. Sunghoon covered his mouth to cough, but you sensed his nerves. "That doesn't matter, let's mov-" "Who do I remind you of?" I stare into your eyes letting a silence invade the area uncomfortably, he smiled and let out a faint cynical laugh, leaving you somewhat confused. Your face changed completely. "Do you think I didn't notice?" He was playing the innocent for all this time and you didn't realize it, he recognized you. "What are you talking about?" he interrupted. "SluttyMila, isn't you?" he mentioned your porn name, getting up from the chair and getting close, very close to you. You already knew that this moment could happen, but for some reason you kept trembling under his intimidating gaze. "I don't know what are you talking about." Your voice trembled. "Don't you know what I'm talking about? your voice, the mole on your collarbone, the shape of your body, the way you said ‘sir’... I've paid attention to the smallest detail."
He came closer to you spreading your legs with one of his, your chin was caught by his hands, in that instant you felt captured by him. "Every damn video naming me, isn't it? Do you wanna fuck your teacher?" he asked. You started to feel a little drunk, feeling the need to open up, to tell him all your sins. "Maybe, sir..." "You need to be more specific." It took you a while to answer. "Yes, sir." even though your gaze didn't lower, the metallic sound made you realize that he was unbuckling his belt. "Nice to meet you, SluttyMila."
"Nice to meet this side of you." You tried to lose the embarrassment by helping him with his pants, starting to pull down the fly to meet his boxers, decorated with an aura of wetness in those, clearly caused by you. "Can I help you with something?" the hand resting on your chin began to massage your cheek, then his eyes disconnected from you for a quick glance at the hallways. The two of you were on the top floor of the whole building, which is normally the one where there are fewer courses and fewer people wandering around, so you weren't going to waste the moment. He looked at you again. "Maybe I can help you with something." Your attention was focused on him as you heard him say that. You never really focused your attention on anything other than him, his hands, his shapely face, his moles, how his bulge is marked when he turns on his side... But you couldn't miss the opportunity to have him as close as you are now, you were able to access everything he tells you. "What is it?"
"Make money." His words fell on you like a bucket of cold water one by one. "Let's make a sex tape together."
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Your doorbell rang, so you stopped dealing with the direction of the camera and went open the door. It was Saturday, that day you pleasantly accepted Professor Park's proposal and you decided to get together today to make your… video. You were dressed in a semi-open white shirt, a blue plaid mini skirt and a blue tie, and obviously the outfit had to show a lot of skin. When you opened the door and Sunghoon saw you dressed like this, he couldn't hold back leaving his mouth shut. "You're gonna catch flies." A professor coming to your house was already frowned upon, it would be much more frowned upon if people knew why they came to your house.
"You look magnificent." was all he could say. "Are you serious, or do you mean it because I'm half-naked?" you stepped aside, letting the man into your house. You were always careful about who you let into your house, something you learned from your mother is to always be on the lookout for the man's next move, but he was a special case, and it felt the same way when your hands started brushing against him while inspecting the house. "You really are very pretty, Miss T/S." he held the hand you tried to touch him with, planting a tender kiss on the back. "Or should I call you Mila?"
"Not yet, unless you want to start now." He clearly realized the attitude switch you had. At home you were very provocative, bold, you probably had the audacity to do many more things that you refused to do at school. "I wouldn't want to wait knowing that you tortured me all week, honey." He was right, during the whole week it was nothing more than passionate kisses and a rubbing of private parts, the rest was taken care of separately by each one at home. The steps you were taking took him further and further back, getting very close to the couch where you guys were going to record. He subconsciously fell on top of the couch, so you took advantage and sat on top of his lap.
"What do we have to do?" his mischievous hand planted itself on one of your thighs, caressing you. "Have sex, we're just going to be filmed. Be free to do whatever you want with my body." You began to unbutton your tie. "It's the least I can do to keep you waiting a long time." When he noticed, he noticed the black lingerie you were wearing underneath your white shirt, which was showing through.
"The camera is already recording, why don't you start?" you whispered in his ear. Your tie slipped over your shirt to end up on the floor, Sunghoon without a second thought caught your lips in a voracious way, but very similar to how he had done the previous times. You felt his sexual devotion when the hand resting on your thigh moved into your bare ass, as the skirt didn't quite cover it.
Even though your back was turned, you knew that the camera was capturing the scene. Sunghoon's hand encouraged you to start moving on top of him even though his bulge was already grown, causing some grunts from him. Your tongue caught all his senses, there's no place in Sunghoon's mouth that your tongue hasn't gone through, it was an avalanche of lust. "Turn around."
You listened to him, making your back touch his abdomen. Sunghoon's tongue didn't stop making contact with your body, he kept biting and sucking on your neck as if his life depended on it. His teeth were so white and shiny and his fangs sharp, now you knew how they felt on your skin. The hands you always dreamed of approached the buttons of your shirt, slowly unbuttoning them to leave you exposed with your black lingerie, which if you were really honest, if you saw from the camera you could see how your hard nipples through the fabric.
"Are you wearing this for me?" the shirt fell off your shoulders leaving you bare-chested, Professor Park brought his hand up to your mouth and had you suck on his index finger, resting it back on your already hard nipples. You were so focused on how his hands were working that you subconsciously forgot to answer his question. "I bet you do." your arms were handcuffed by his body, leaving him completely unable to do anything.
The hand that was on your hip went down, starting to fiddle with the hem of your miniskirt. "Touch me," you demanded desperately. "What did you say?" you felt a slight pain in your scalp, not realizing that Sunghoon's hand left your abdomen, to focus on exerting force on your hair. "Touch me, please," you repeated. "Where are your manners? Is that how your parents taught you to ask for-?" "Daddy, please." you interrupted. Your eyes stared at the camera in front of you, watching a smirk form on Sunghoon's face. "Good girl."
He freed your hair and automatically his hand slipped into your skirt, but instead of going up, he reached for the bottom, lifting the fabric. The panties were made of the same fabric as the bra, forcing Sunghoon to visualize your pelvis through the camera. Without thinking much about it, he put his hand under the fabric to start massaging you, sliding his fingers and surprised by the ease of how they moved. "We didn't do much, are you really that wet?" your mouth let out nothing but incoherent sounds that sweetened Sunghoon's ear. "Yeah..." That was all you could say.
He continued to rub against the outside of your pussy and then focused your attention on your clit, generating more sounds coming from your mouth. "Daddy... Just like that." You turned your head to see him, but you had no reaction when you felt his kisses back against your lips. Now it wasn't just the nipple where he massaged his finger, but the entirety of your breast.
The movements were becoming more constant and your legs were shaking like jelly. "Don't cum yet, honey." It was hard if you kept up that pace, plus you had already overheated yourself, there was no way to hold back an ejaculation. The finger that was on your clitoris happened to be inside you while her thumb replaced it.
He kept playing you and the rhythm was speeding up. As you continued to sit on his lap, his bulge rubbing against your lower part was present. You smiled, but if you didn't want to come you had to think fast, and the only thing that came out was: "Let me take care of you." He looked at you, enough to inspect your entire face, it took him a while to leave you but luckily for you, he agreed.
His grip eased, and when you tried to stand up your legs were weak, but you still managed to accommodate the camera. When you knelt down, his eyes connected, and without taking your eyes off him you began to unbuckle his belt, and then took it off and put it on top of the chair. Then you opened the fly to find his black boxers, unfortunately you couldn't notice the stains of precum, but you could notice the great relief that his length created. You pulled down his boxers and that came out excited to be captured by your mouth. "You’re so big," you whispered. You appreciated it for a while, pulling out some features. It was not very wide, it was extremely long, his pelvis was hairless, and his tip was baby pink colored, decorated with that viscous liquid that his excitement caused.
Tongue working on his dick and your hands using his balls as a squeeze. "Good girl, keep it up." I was cursing you inside for tease him so much, yet he felt like he was in heaven. "You're being so good to me." You felt a metallic noise from behind Sunghoon, you already knew what it was. 'The belt' was the first thing that came to mind. You didn't want to look at what he was doing, but when you least expected it, a burning in your left buttock startled you. But there was nothing to stop you now, it was still a pleasurable burning.
One of the things you were disgusted with was swallowing the cum, so when you started to feel him close, instead of using your mouth, you tucked him length between your bra-covered tits to masturbate him. You looked at the camera and bit your lip, living it and seeing it from another perspective, at the same time warmed you up enough to start rubbing yourself against the floor. Another lash accompanied by a kiss came as a surprise, causing both mouths to mingle your grunts.
In the middle of the kiss you felt a liquid spread over your breasts, although you were curious to see what it looked like, you couldn't tear yourself away from Sunghoon's soft lips, who refused to let you go. The belt? you didn't know where it was because Professor Park put his hands on your cheeks, making you understand that he wasn't holding anything, but that wasn't really of interest to you now.
Without separating yourself from the kiss you removed his dick from your breasts and climbed back into his lap, the kisses went down to your neck, where he had already left his marks, but you needed more of them. Below you was still his biggest friend, who to your surprise had become hard again. You moved at the same rate as your teacher's lips moved, causing the tip to brush against your entrance through your panties.
The hands that were on your cheeks, went towards your ass, massaging it in circles to be seen by the camera. You didn't really know if you could see the scene then, because you didn't even get up to set up the camera, but you needed to enjoy it to the fullest without having any worries.
No matter how hard you tried to reach him, his needy lips parted from you. You felt overwhelmed having his heavy gaze on you, your mouth wouldn't close from taking puffs of air, you felt so intimidated that you just lowered your head, trying to hide from him. "You look gorgeous breathless." Those words came into your system generating pleasure in your clit, which was rubbing against his penis. "Do I?" he chuckled. "Of course you do." You were going to have to cut these parts if you were actually going to upload the video. You wanted to have these clips just for you.
"Are you ready to feel even better?" Even with your head down, he could see your smile. One of her hands moved from your ass to your cunt, to drag the fabric that covered it and line up his pink tip at your entrance. "I'm ready, da- oh shit." buried himself inside you without warning. Without complaining, you started to get used to his length, which didn't take long to stimulate your g-spot. Your hands rested on his shoulders so as not to throw you off balance, raising and lowering your body so that finally the two of you are one. You seem to squeeze him so well that he let out his first moans.
"You’re squeezing me too much, doll." Sunghoon's hands grabbed your thighs to help you move, your skins clashing creating a rhythmic and constant noise, also being harmonized by Sunghoon's grunts and your moans. "Fuck my pussy just li-fuck." you felt just like all the videos you dedicated to him multiplied by a thousand, really his dick was better than any thought, than any fucking sex toy, than any finger fucking session you could ever have.
You couldn't think coherently because of the wonders his cock was doing inside you. You rested your head on the hand resting on Sunghoon's shoulder, holding back the fact that you were close, squeezing Sunghoon's dick more than you should, who, by the way, knew a lot about body language and had noticed. "C’mon slut, you can take it a while longer." The movements quickened and your moans increased in volume without stunning Sunghoon, instead he enjoyed them more than any other female moan. His thrusts got harder and harder, you squeezed him harder, and the patience Park had for you was over.
Your body was quite small compared to his, so it was easy for him to manipulate it. You didn't understand at what point you were left on all fours, motionless by your arms chained by Sunghoon's and your hunched back. Your moans came out easily in this position, you felt that the way he touched your sweet spot was different.
You turned your head to see the camera, but it was impossible with your hairs covering your face, however through them you could see the silhouette of Sunghoon making you his property. Ever since you started college you've been longing for this moment. Sunghoon was your biology teacher every year since you started college, you prayed day and night that the following year you would have him back as a teacher, no sooner said than done, the universe listened to you and gave you the luxury of seeing him every week. You couldn't help but let out a moan.
Sunghoon let go of your arms and with his buried your head in the soft fabric of the couch, hiding you and drowning out your moans. You chewed on the cloth trying to avoid making too much noise, but you were confused by not feeling the same pace as before. "Bitches that don't moan don't deserve dick, do they?" As much as his hand pressed against your head, his deep voice managed to convince you to let go of the fabric that was between your teeth, this caused Park to speed up again, making you squirm.
"Gonna fill up this cunt so bad." His free hand squeezed your ass, while the other let go of your hair's grip. "You are my own little porn star, don't you?" you nodded, moaning faintly 'yes', which stupidly came out of your mouth. "This ain’t gonna be the last time babe." His rhythm wasn't the same as before, but when he put it in he made sure that its tip rubs against your g-spot and his pelvis makes that noise of clashing against your ass. "Daddy..." you looked back over your shoulders and saw that Sunghoon had the camera in his hands, recording the scene from his perspective. You really didn't feel like uploading that video just on the whim of being the only one who owns it. "I'm gonna cum soon."
His hand gave you red marks on your ass, which would soon turn into bruises. Your weak arms stretched out on either side of the couch, rolling back your eyes while Sunghoon was inside you. He tried to hold the camera properly but it was impossible to record straight as he twisted inside you. "Make me cum," he said in a whisper, but enough so that it can be heard clearly in the video. "Make me fucking cum, c'mo-fuck," he repeated, causing you to finally untie your knot and come without warning, tightening its length. He gave a few more thrusts, and along with a long groan, painted your walls white. "Fuck.."
He gave a few too many thrusts and then pulled his penis out of you. The camera went in the direction of your cunt, which was dripping the cum that Park had pumped inside you, he opened it a little wider so that he had a better view, causing a few drops of his own liquid to fall on top of the fabric of the couch.
He cut the recording, it was the moment when the heat was over to start the aftercare section. "You were amazing." You kept turning your back on him, so he started planting kisses on your bare shoulders. "You don't need to study anymore."
“You passed the exam.”
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myonepiece · 3 years
Okay okay so I am a chubby female and I just got my first cow print bikini today and I need a confidence booster. So is there anyway I can get a scenario with katakuri and killer with a chubby shy fem s/o wearing one for the first time?
Btw you're writings are amazing eversense i found you I have read all that you had to offer and its amazing keep ut the great work!!
Katakuri, Killer reaction to chubby!fem!S/O wearing a cow print bikini
Katakuri x Reader, Killer x Reader
Description: Katakuri & Killer (seperate) reaction to seeing their chubby fem!S/O wear a cow print bikini for the first time
Warnings: none
A/N: okay 1st of all, that sounds fucking adorable and I am 10000% sure you look gorgeous in it~ 💐 2nd, thank you!! 💕
also I just want to say to anyone else who likes Katakuri, one of the Charlotte siblings, or simply just isn’t very confident in their looks, Katakuri is one of the most body positive characters in one piece, he hates when people judge by appearance and he truly finds physical beauty in everyone, also Big Mom’s whole “plan” is to bring together people of all kinds no matter what they look like- the whole Charlotte family doesn’t care what you look like because they all find physical (and nonphysical) beauty in their S/O (and friends/siblings’ S/Os) I can not stress how non judgemental they are towards physical features 💕
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Katakuri had demanded a pool built in Komugi when you brought up the idea, not exactly asking but hinting about wanting one, and he preferrs to spend a lot of alone time with you so having a private pool built was perfect
it was a sunny day and very warm, and he was waiting out by the pool for you to join him
you stood in the shade created by the tall house, admiring the way Katakuri’s leg slightly swirled the surrounding water
taking a deep breath you stepped out and walked towards your boyfriend who heard your footsteps and turned, his face quickly turning red when he saw your outfit (oh how he wished he was wearing his scarf)
“how do I look?”
you smiled sweetly at Katakuri and he smiled sheepishly, amused by your innocent actions and flustered blush that matched his own
he said quietly
“I’m wearing a swimsuit though, how can I look stunning?”
granted Katakuri knew that stunning wasn’t usually what people called their girlfriends then they were bikini clad, but it’s how you looked to Katakuri
“you look stunning no matter what you wear, but I have to say you look absolutely adorable in that”
he outstretched his hand and touch yours while he pulled you down onto his lap and wrapped his arms around your stomach- he truly didn’t know if he could handle your cuteness when you looked up at him smiling, his own self-conscious thoughts regarding his mouth long forgotten as he smiled and pressed a kiss to your lips, delighted by the giggle that left you when he pulled away 
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the Kid pirates were stopped at an island and chilling on the beach, Killer sitting on the sand watching the ship for you to join everyone on the shore
you took one last look in the mirror and smiled in excitement to show Killer your cute new bikini, skipping out the door and pausing to make sure you... intimate parts were completely covered by the material, before stepping onto the deck 
Killer saw you appear on deck and he sat up, only noticing what exactly you were wearing when you stepped onto the plank leading down to the dock- if he didn’t have his mask on his face could easily be compared to a tomato 
his cheeks burned and he felt a warmth spread through his body as he watched you prance down the plank and onto the sand, your demeanor suddenly changing to bashful when you noticed him staring
his eyes followed you as you made your way across the sand, your eyes focused on the ground
you pased in front of him and grinned sweetly, the sight taking his breath away and making hsi heart flutter, he opened his arms and let you sit yourself between his legs leaning back against his chest
he rested his mask on your shoulder, whispering 
“you look amazing”
and when you turned to look at him, blush still prominent and smile glittering like the ocean ahead, the look of pure innocence and fondness gracing your features, he couldn’t contain himself
he lifted his mask over his lips and brought his hand to cup the back of your head while he pressed a tender kiss against your lips, retreating and nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck, trailing soft kisses along your skin until he heard a whistle from Kid 
he pushed his mask back down over his mouth and tightened his hold on you, though slightly adjusting his arms to show off more of your body, because he loved seeing Kid jealous of him
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plutoswrath · 3 years
Heyy! I was catching up on your NCT rising sign posts and firstly it was sooo cool to see how in-depth u and other go that’s my fav like if u wanna guess risings u can’t just go off of looks! U gotta think any house and planet placements lol the whole thing. I wanted to come here to share my thoughts on Chenle and Heachan specifically bc I recently put a lot of thought into it for some reason lol
For Chenle I know he’s a sag/Scorpio cusp but I rlly think he’s a sag and I was running the numbers and for him to be a sag he would have had to been born after 3pm! I used to be rlly confident he was a cap rising bc he has intense bone structure and eyes but not in a Scorpio way, more in a strict saturn way. But to be a sag puts him past a lot of potential rising signs so the only ones left that have him at sag sun were Aries to Libra. I played around w some of them and I feel like he could be a Gemini rising! It makes sense cuz he’s known for being sooo friendly, bright, curious, and playfully witty and snarky. Here’s the selling point tho, depending on the time it could put his Gemini Saturn in first! Which explains why he looks like a cap rising to me lol
I’m bringing Haechan into this too bc I know a lot of ppl think he could be a Gemini rising and tbh I’d still buy it but I wanted to propose another idea. I think he could def be an Aries rising! And that would put all the sign in their natural house which I think makes sense w his Leo moon in 5th and the Gemini in 3rd etc. and when I try to compare him and Chenle in regards to whose more of a Gemini rising, it makes haechan seem less like one. He does act b Gemini cuz I mean he has 3 Gemini placements lmao..,, but Aries rising are loud, opinionated, independent, but also has that bored or distracted easy Aries thing. Quick temper, very like what I see is what I want. they’re not a curious as Gemini and they can be outgoing but their focus isn’t rlly on like inquiring about people like Gemini?
Anyways that’s my theory lol I just wanted to bounce ideas off someone who gets it! I love theorizing
Hello! Ohh, I love theorizing as well, so this is the place for you haha x
So,I hope it's okay but I think with the recent info that Haechan allegedly confirmed his birth time (which I personally take with a grain of salt because I've read that he apparently talked about his birth time before and said it was around 12 pm so....we gotta take his word here but I think we all generally know one has to be critical with all casual mentioned birth times from celebrities, but guessing peoples rising sign is for fun so in the end it's not that serious and let's have our fun disecting the chart with the info we have now!!) I want to talk about Haechan's rising sign first!
So one thing that always stood out for me when it came to Haechan was that he seemed very sensitive to me. It's almost like it's kinda written on his face when he speaks (or doesn't) and I think by the way he acts (very animated and reactive) it just underlines this sensitivity and just emotional receptivness. So I wasn't really suprised to see that he has a Cancer Mercury. Being a Gemini sun already places a huge empathize on his Mercury sign, and Gemini with the influence of water really makes for some pretty reactive people, because they can be highly sensitive to the words, moods and hidden intentions of others. Makes one really moody as well, especially if it's a Gemini with water influence but that's just a random fun fact I wanted to add on asdfghkl. If we take his alleged birth time into consideration, he'd have not only a Scorpio rising, but also a Pluto in the 1st. I think the look of his eyes can be pretty droopey at times and yet very focused/piercing at the same time, kind of like he challenges you in that sense, and this is certainly a theme I noticed in a lot of Scorpio risings, especially if they have Pluto in the 1st as well (which a lot of second/third decade Scorpio risings have). Also, having his Chart ruler in the 1st and in the opposite of his Sun and Venus would explain why he is kind of 'on and off' in that sense with his energy and moods (when you watch him in interviews with 127 especially, behind the scenes, at vlives, etc), especially him asserting his presence in the room with a Sun opposite Pluto would make a lot of sense (btw, this is all written in a neutral perspective and no critique, this is just me explaining his behaviour with astrology here). Haechan also is extremely 'scheming', even when he just sits and doesn't talk in an interview he seems to think ahead and I think this os something that comes really naturally to him, just connecting the dots and adding his own twists and turns to a conversation and story. Also, his Mercury in the 8th adds to the sensitivity I got from him, and that with his Scorpio rising and Pluto in the 1st really add to his driness at times, just really flat with his responses and reactions (which come pretty quick and surprising as well). And let's not forget his Uranus and Neptune in the 3rd: very distinguished and unique voice, as well as having Uranus in the 3rd would contribute to his 'on and off' switch but generally very high energy he has, especially when having a conversation. Despite that having Sun and Mercury in the 7th in a conjunction makes one really sociable in the sense you could feel the need to communicate and interact with others (especially when the Sun in 7th is involved, outs great empathise on being with others, lack of social connections can result in strong lonliness at worst). Oh and not to forget he'd have a Virgo MC with a Scorpio Ascendant. For me at least, it only adds to the fact that Haechan is really a jack of all traits, Virgo MC people usually come across as pretty capable and are pretty self composed (also can come across as quiet judgy and they don't even notice it).
OKAY I WILL STOP NOW ITH HAECHAN WOWIE LET'S MOVE ON TO CHENLE okay so I think I've mentioned before that I think Chenle's face has strong Cancerian/Jupiterian vibes for me - his bone structure is phenomenal ofc, but I think his face seems kind of 'stretched' (same with Taeil) which is btw not (!) meant in any negative way because that doesn't exclude being pretty ofc. I know an anon before mentioned that they believe he is a Sagittarius rising but with him being a possible Sagittarius Sun that would explain the effect of his Cancer Jupiter! I think I once talked about him reminding me of young Leonardo DiCaprio so much that I just wished for him to be a Libra rising, but to be fair I think an Air Ascendant would make sense for his nature in general. Ex: to have a Libra rising he'd have to be born around 2am, which ofc would make him still a Scorpio but would put his Cancer Jupiter in the 10th house, also in a possible exact conjunction to his MC (and even if not it's still the closest planet to his MC). He'd have his Moon, Mars and Uranus both in the 5th house which would generally explain his extremely friendly nature (if we can believe Johnny's rising and I sadly kinda doubt it tbh because I can see him just trolling us with his birthtime I'm seeing the parallels here) and why it's so easy and probabl also important to him to conenct with others and be on good terms. Generally speaking I find him pretty jolly in nature and I think if he'd have his Jupiter in the 10th, possibly conjunct his MC and an Aqurius stellium in the 5th (+ possible Libra rising) that could be it. He'd have a Scorpio stellium in the 2nd house with his Sun in the 29th degree, and even if this is said to make people closed off, part of Scorpio in the 2nd house is a) maintaing close and intimate relationships is key for them, they really need that and b) they trive on being liked and admired. Not to say that he is fake in that sense (all people are to an extent but that's beside the point) but this can definitely add to a general charisma! But idk if Chenle is actually 'edgy' enough for this potential birth chart, probably not I believe
Another possible rising sign I thought for him was actually Taurus rising, putting his Sun, Mercury and Venus (exactly on the Descendant here if it would be in the 2nd decan) in the 7th house and his Aqaurius stellium in the 10th, Jupiter in the 3rd. With his Sun being already in Sagittarius I think it would add to a natural 'want to feel good' attitude and searching for pleasure and good times in every situation and Aquarius in the 10th can make for very sociable people, even if they feel more introverted in that sense they have an easier time making connections with others, or others feel drawn to their friendly and understanding nature. Also, his Jupiter in the 3rd would be in a trine woth his Venus in 7th (especially if it's on the Descnedant) which can grand him an easy hand with social groups and settings to begin with!
And I really like your idea behind the Gemini rising, depending on the decan, his MC could still be in Aquarius with his Aquarius Mars in the 9th conjunct his MC and his Uranus in the 10th conjunct his MC as well, and again, putting his Moon in the 10th. Idk but his Aquarius stellium being possibly in the 10th just really seems to resonate for me 🤠🤠 Also, having a Sagittarius Sun in the 6th would make him most likely someone who's easier to work with, because these people value having a good and rather lighthearded atmosphere around them. Very enjoyable and loyal as friends and extremely passionate in their work place/when they pursue something their heart is in.
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halpertstuna · 4 years
Could you do 8 and 10 on the prompt list with JJ?
A/N: i’m so sorry it took me so long to answer, i’ve been pretty occupied lately and so i didn’t really have time to write and when i did it was for ‘someone to stay’, anyway, here it is i hope you’ll like it🥺
and PLEASE don’t hesitate to send me requests, questions, messages whatever you want. i would love to make friends and mutuals on this platform plus i love feedback and would really like to hear your opinions(:
also, this turned out way longer than i intended it to be, it was supposed to be a blurb but i guess i’m just gonna turn it into a whole ass imagine cause why not
-> prompt list <-
word count: 1,899 (oops... guess i got a bit carried away)
prompts: “i’m not jealous!”, “you’re hot when you’re mad”
pairing: jj x kook!reader
warnings: a pretty heated make out sesh, jealousy?, platonic Kie, Pope and John B. oh and typos probably.
btw, i was kinda in a rush to post this so please forgive me if it’s not that good, i’m too lazy to edit this again (and this is the first time i wrote something that’s kinda smutty? i mean this isn’t really smut but you get my point. don’t know how i feel about it), anyways, if you’ve made it this far in my insanely long intro congrats! enjoy <3
-> masterlist <-
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(gif credit: @anakin-skywalker )
It’s been almost two years since you started attending the kook academy, almost two years since you became one of the pogues.
On your first day there you met a brown haired hippie chick named Kiara. The two of you had chemistry together and were paired by your teacher to be lab partners.
On your first encounter you didn’t really talk, and on the following couple of lessons it developed to only small talk and warm smiles if you saw each other in the hallway.
Kiara didn’t like kooks, even though technically she kind of was one.
Judging by the way you dressed and the people you surrounded yourself, she didn’t think you were really the type of person she’d get along with.
But when the two of you got assigned to do a project together, you instantly proved her wrong.
You met up with her at the wreck, the two of you talked about the project then yourselves and bonded almost immediately.
You revealed that you actually hated the people you usually associated with, thinking they were all fake, stuck up snobs with their heads way too far up their asses, and the only reason you hung out with them was your parents.
You turned out to be really reckless and funny which she wasn’t expecting at all, but she liked, it kind of reminded her of someone, her best friend, JJ.
She was quick to introduce you to the rest of the pogues and they welcomed you with open arms into their group. You instantly befriended them and vice versa.
Just as Kie suspected, you got along extra well with one particular blond.
The two of you had a lot in common; you were both hot headed and impulsive which often got you into trouble. You two were pretty competitive, always challenging one another.
You being so similar was the reason you got along so well, but it was also the reason you fought a lot, neither of you ever willing to admit you’re wrong or be the first one to apologize, but you couldn’t stay away from each other for too long. The sexual tension between you two could be cut with a knife.
Hungry glances, longing touches, needy desires that were transparent on both your faces.
Everyone on the island could see it but you. You were both so terribly oblivious.
You tried treating him like the rest of the pogues, you pushed your feelings for him to the back of your mind, thinking he was just being friendly, knowing he was a flirt, and for almost two years, it worked.
But seeing him flirt with Harleen tonight was literal torture.
Harleen was your neighbour and former best friend. A tall, tan brunette you hated with all of your heart.
The two of you have known each other since birth, you were practically inseparable, but as you grew up you noticed she always wanted what was yours, and she always did whatever it took in order to gain it. Whether it was the new shoes you got for your birthday which she bought herself the following day, or the guy you told her you liked in middle school the week prior to her dating him.
With time your friendship grew toxic and you felt like she was bad for you, constantly bringing you down and never caring.
So you decided to defriend her and ever since that moment you despised each other.
You were sat on a log beside Kie at a kegger, Pope next to her as they argued about god knows what. You tuned them out, far too focused on each and every one of JJ’s actions, watching as he whispered in her ear.
He probably said something funny since she started laughing, leaning forward and grasping his bicep for balance, which made your blood boil, you felt like history was repeating itself.
The grip on your red solo cup tightened, you stared and it seemed as if lasers were about to shoot out of your eyes and burn her pretty face off, but you diverted your gaze down to your hand, jumping up slightly when you felt a cool sticky liquid on your fingers, noticing you accidentally created a hole in your cup of beer with your milky white painted nails.
“Wow, what did the poor cup ever do to you?” Pope joked, his and Kie’s attention averted to you the second they heard a pop coming from your direction.
“Huh? Oh, well it didn’t tell me how pretty I look tonight, take that as warning sign” you trailed, trying not to look suspicious, “are you sure it isn’t because JJ told that to the girl beside him instead of you” she implied winking, causing Pope to cackle with laughter.
“What was that?” You asked rhetorically trying to act intimidating, “oh nothing” she gave you an innocent look.
“Anyways... i’m gonna go get a new drink” you swiftly stood up and started walking until you made out John B. from afar who was stood by the keg.
“Refill?” He questions once he spotted you making your way towards him.
You nodded “I accidentally poked mine” you admitted lifting the ripped cup in your hand and pursing your lips as you came to a stop beside him.
As he poured you a new cup of beer with the tap head connected to the keg by a tube, you searched the crowd with your eyes and focused your attention on JJ again.
You’ve seen him flirt with a countless amount of chicks before - kooks and torouns mainly, but none of those times pissed you off os much as seeing him flirt with Harleen did.
I mean he probably didn’t even like you back, so why where you so pissed? It wasn’t different from any other time, except that this was Harleen. She was a bitch. But he’d probably catch on quickly, right?
He placed his hands on her waist and you clenched your jaw at the sight grinding your teeth, you were irritated by the whole situation.
John B. noticed, a sly smile spreading slowly across his face.
“Hey, want some peanut butter with that jelly?” You turned to face him, a dumbfounded look on your face, “what are you talking about?” You raised an eyebrow at him.
“You’re obviously jealous”, he chuckled at the bewildered look on your face and you felt your cheeks heat up. “am not!” You denied huffing.
“Tell that to the vein popping out of your forehead” he teased.
You gasped and jabbed his chest playfully with your elbow, you mumbled a “shut up” then channeled your attention back to the two.
Her hands were rested on his chest, like that wasn’t enough already to send you off the edge. But when he pecked her cheek you lost it.
Abruptly you stormed off from where you were stood, John B. shouted from behind you “where are you going?“ but you ignored him.
When you approached JJ and Harleen you clutched onto his wrist dragging him away from her towards the chateau, ignoring both her and his protests. You led him inside then turned around to face him.
“Hey! What did you do that for? It was going really good for me! This better be an emergency” he sneered.
“Are you fucking serious? Out of all the people in the party you chose to hit on Harleen?” You scoffed.
“What’s the problem with that?” JJ was clueless, he knew nothing about your and Harleen’s rivalry. You never told any of the pogues, well except for Kie but she didn’t recognise her as the one flirting with JJ.
“The problem is Harleen hates my guts and the other way around. We used to be best friends but she became toxic, trying to take everything that I had and I’m not going down that road again JJ”
Your words confounded JJ, what did you care if she flirted with him? It wasn’t like he was yours, although he really wanted to be.
Does you caring about whether they end up together or not mean you wanted to be his too?
Then he noticed what emotion your eyes held, he’d never seen it before on your face, but he immediately recognised it.
“Wait.. are you jealous?” He questioned, the corners of his lips perking up into a smirk when he noticed the furious look on your face from his revolution.
“I’m not jealous! Would everyone please stop saying that?! I’m mad ok?!” You defend.
“Ok! Ok!” He surrendered lifting his hands up in the air “but just know, you’re hot when your mad”. Your mouth slightly agape as you weren’t able to form words to deny, far too transfixed under the fact he directly called you hot.
He started walking towards you slowly, you didn’t want to cave, to admit you have fallen for his charms, so you backed up until you felt your back gently hit the wall. Chest rising and falling quicker as your breathing started getting heavier and your heart beat faster.
The second his hand landed on your waist you felt a million butterflies erupt in your stomach, he tenderly stroked the exposed skin of your v line between your low cut shorts and crop top. You felt as if the skin under his finger was being set on fire.
He brought his other hand to rest beside your head on the wall, he leaned in, inches away from your face. His breath mingled with yours, fanning your lips, it smelled of cheap beer and weed.
He slowly moved to your ear and extolled in a low voice “I mean, really hot”, his warm breath sent shivers down your spine.
He left a sloppy, open mouthed kiss on the skin under your earlobe and you could’ve sworn you were seeing stars.
When he detached his lips you bit down on yours holding in a whimper at the loss of contact as he brought his face back to yours.
His blue orbs gazed into yours, they seemed darker than usual, lustful.
He waisted no more time and captured your lips with his. You didn’t hesitate to kiss him back.
You wrapped your hands around his neck and pulled on the edges of his hair deepening the kiss. As your tongues fought for dominance, he brought his other hand to your ass and squeezed it causing you to moan, he took the chance and slipped his tongue in.
you tugged on the hem of his shirt and he got the message. He separated his lips from yours and within less then a second, practically tore it of his body and discarded it on the floor. The two of you were panting at this point, completely out of air but you didn’t care. Breathless, you reattached your lips to his, desperate to taste him again.
You caressed his much bigger length with your petite hand, signalling you wanted more and he groaned into the kiss.
“Up” he demanded mumbling agains your lips. You jumped up and wrapped your legs around his waist, he grabbed your thighs and without breaking the kiss led you into the spare room.
Almost two years of yearning and craving dissolved in that night at the chateau, and to think it happened because of Harleen.
As much of a bitch as she was, you did owe her that.
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