ticklygiggles · 23 days
You've got a friend in me pt. 3 | Yamaguchi, Tsukishima, Hinata & Reader
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A/N: First fic from new commissions made by always kind and wonderful Max (@wertzunge)! As always, I apologize for the delay, but I hope you enjoy this fic Max! Thank you so much for always being so kind to me! ❤️
Words: 3k+
Summary: On a little school trip to Kyoto, Hinata seems to be very excited to have you around, but a certain freckled boy seemed to be a bit... upset.
Male!Reader. You can read part 1 and part 2 of this series!
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The weather was beautiful: clear skies, warm sun and fresh air. Perfect for this trip to Kyoto. Your heart fluttered like a small caged bird inside your chest, the excitement ran through you from the tips of your toes to the crown of your head. It was your first time on a school trip to Kyoto- this was supposed to be an educational trip, (something about history? You really couldn't recall), but your teachers had promised a free day for the students to go wherever they pleased. 
Yamaguchi and you had decided on doing some research about the places you both would like to visit and prepare an itinerary for that day. For this, you've decided to sit together, wanting to plan everything as soon as possible. You really couldn't wait to get into the bus! 
“Aren't you excited?!” A voice chirped behind you and you jumped slightly when you felt a soft poke near your left side. 
Turning around, your lips stretched into a smile. “I feel like I'm gonna explode, Shouyou!” 
Having made friends with a certain piece of sunshine did nothing to help relax your excitement. You had not long become friends with Hinata Shouyou. It was to be expected that by visiting Yamaguchi and Tsukishima so much at their volleyball practices, they would eventually introduce you to the rest of the team. Everyone had been exceptionally kind, but Hinata seemed attached to you from day one. You couldn't lie, at first Hinata's overflowing and bright energy made you feel terribly nervous, but it didn't take long for you to adapt to it and soon you became good friends.
Hinata was practically jumping on one foot with excitement. He rambled on about this and that and you could only nod with a smile, but in a second he was gone and was now fighting with Kageyama. Those two were certainly a very fun duo to watch, you chuckled and squealed when yet another poke to your side surprised you. 
“Did you do your research?”
Turning around again, the biggest grin pulled at the corners of your lips. Yamaguchi was looking at you with a smile just as bright. 
“I did!” You hurriedly pulled out a notepad from the side of your bag. “I made a very detailed list with cons and pros about each place!” You said excitedly. “We can compare our research!”
Yamaguchi nodded, chuckling a little and your cheeks flushed slightly. “That sounds like a good idea! Don't forget we'll seat together so we can-” 
You nearly dropped your notepad when someone suddenly hooked their arm around yours, dragging you away from Yamaguchi. 
“H-Huh?! Shouyou?!” 
“C'mon, c'mon!” He said, all smiles and laughs. “You'll sit with me, okay?! Quick! Before they get the best spots!” 
“A-Ah, Shouyou- I promised I would- agh!” You looked back at Yamaguchi and he was looking at you with a surprised expression. 
“I'm sorry!” You mouthed and you saw his shoulders falling a little as he gave a sad smile and a nod. 
Sooner than later you were squeezed between the window and Hinata’s incessant talking. You tried to keep your smile warm and sincere, but something felt heavy in your chest– you had promised Yamaguchi you both would sit together, but now you were with Hinata and Yamaguchi didn't look too happy even though he was sitting with Tsukishima. 
You sighed. Well, you hoped you'd get a chance to apologize once you were at the inn. Hinata, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi and you would be sharing a room after all, so there were plenty of chances to properly apologize and compensate your dear friend… right?
The bus ride didn't seem very long to you. Hinata's mouth just wouldn't shut up and soon he was making you laugh and making you chat animatedly with him. The only time he was silent was when he fell asleep for a few minutes and you were able to watch the scenery out the window. You pushed the small problem with Yamaguchi to the back of your head, it wasn't worth getting overwhelmed by it now when you could deal with it later.
Finally arriving at the inn, the butterflies in your stomach returned. The air in Kyoto even felt different, but maybe it was just you… but was the sky bluer there? Impossible, right? Chuckling to yourself, you started to get off the bus along with everyone else. Hinata practically held you prisoner, clinging tightly to your arm until his bright eyes found Kageyama, and laughing, he said he would see you in a moment. 
You started your own search; your eyes scanning the faces in that sea of ​​students in front of you until you found that adorable freckled face. You perked like a little puppy and quickly made your way to him while the teachers did the check in. 
“Tadashi!” You called once you were a couple of feet away from him. “Tadashi, I'm so sorry about earlier! I really wanted to sit with you, but Shouyou, he just-"
You jolted when you heard your name screamed at the top of Hinata's lungs. In a moment, the little ball of orange energy was at your side, grabbing your arm and dragging you somewhere. 
“What- Shouyou?! I was talking to- 
Hinata didn't even listen to you. “C'mon! You can do that later! Let's go see our room!”
Once again, you were dragged away from Yamaguchi without even the chance to look at him one last time before Hinata took you to your room.
You expected the room to be big enough to fit four people in, but you certainly didn't expect it to be that big. It was a very spacious room, but modest. The tatami felt extremely comfortable under your feet and four futons were properly arranged. A small wooden table in the middle of the room and some decorations here and there. It was cozy and somehow warm.
“I want this bed!” He called your name as he threw his back somewhere. “You'll sleep next to me, right?!” 
You chuckled shyly, “Sh-Shouyou, I think we should let everyone choose where-"
“I want to be the farest away from Hinata as possible.” Tsukishima’s voice surprised you and you smiled when you saw Yamaguchi entering the room right behind the tall boy. 
To your surprise, Yamaguchi made eye contact with you, but quickly averted his eyes. Something uncomfortably heavy set on the pit of your stomach and you felt that awful sensation of anxiety starting to swirl in your chest and wrap around your throat. You gulped and took a deep breath. Let's calm down, you repeated inside your head over and over. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. 
From left to right: Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, you and Hinata. After a bit of chaos and someone almost asking to change rooms and saying that he'd rather sleep in the King's room, you all finally could choose your own bed and set that problem aside. 
“Since we are next to each other,” you said to Yamaguchi as you both pulled out some clean clothing from your bags. “I think we can talk about the places we want to visit, right?” 
Yamaguchi halted for a mere second before nodding softly. “Mhmm.” 
You felt your cheeks heating up a little. “H-Hmm… Tadashi, are you mad at m-”
“Hey!” Hinata suddenly grabbed your arm. “The teacher said we should meet outside for a quick tour! Let's go!” 
“S-Shouyou, give me just one second, I- 
“Go on,” Yamaguchi said and you froze, quickly looking at him. “We should hurry.” With that, he was out of the room, leaving not only you and Hinata back, but also Tsukishima. 
That awkward sensation tightened around your throat, almost choking you. This was going downhill, but you weren't trying to upset anyone, Hinata was just-
“Let's go?” He asked with a bright, warm smile and happy eyes and you sighed, nodding and smiling back at him. You really couldn't get mad at Hinata, he simply was… excited. Perhaps a bit too much, but you were sure he didn't mean harm. 
Sighing again, you looked behind. “Let's go, Tsukki.” Tsukishima simply hummed in agreement and followed you and Hinata out the room.  
In the lobby, you quickly found Yamaguchi and joined him, but standing next to him just felt… terribly awkward. You tried to do small talk, though you hated it to the bone, even throwing in some jokes that made you blush slightly, but your attempts seemed to work: Yamaguchi tried to hide a smile and he even spoke to you a couple of times, he was still curt in his answers, but at least he seemed to want to talk to you again.
The tour of the small inn was boring. The teachers in charge guided you through practically every room occupied by the students in your class, the teachers’ own rooms, the bathrooms, and so on, by the time you all had finished, you were exhausted. Not only physically, but also mentally. Although Yamaguchi seemed to be back to normal, he would still try to avoid talking to you too much. It had been too long since you had felt that suffocating sensation around your neck. Thousands of negative thoughts gathered in your head and you felt your temples throb. You heard your heart racing behind your ears and your breathing was a little erratic, barely perceptible to anyone, but deafening to you.
Letting out a deep sigh once you all were back to your room, you collapsed on your designated futon wearing a comfortable yukata given by the inn. Everyone had taken a shower, the room smelled like the sun and your eyelids felt heavy, you could have fallen asleep right then, but someone's voice woke you up. 
“Shall we play a bit?” It was Yamaguchi, kneeling on his futon and showing you a deck of uno cards. You beamed, nodding excitedly, not feeling sleepy anymore. “I bet you can't beat me this time.”
You chuckled, getting up and approaching the little table with Yamaguchi. “When have I been able to do it?” 
You both laughed and some of the growing anxiety in your chest dissipated. Everything was fine. It had just been a small misunderstanding. You and Yamaguchi were still friends and you were probably going to have a lot of fun on that trip... right?
One game turned into two and then into three and four. All four times you lost miserably, Yamaguchi had always been extremely good at uno, you couldn't really remember a time you had beaten him, but it didn't matter, you always had fun with him and seeing him happy to win over and over again was more than enough for you. 
“You are terrible at this,” Hinata chuckled, glued to your side as Yamaguchi and you played for the fifth time. “This one,” he said, pointing at a card in your hand. 
“A-Ah, this one?”
“Yes!” He said and waited for Yamaguchi to throw his next card. “Hmm, now this one. Why do you have so many cards? You could've won decades ago- now throw this one and this, and this and now this and- 
You and Hinata jumped in surprise when Yamaguchi slammed his palms against the table. Your eyes widened when he looked at you, his brow deep in a big frown. He was furious.
“Can't you do anything by yourself?!” He yelled, getting up and rushing out of the room. 
You were stunned. Your eyes wide and your heart hammering in your chest. What had happened?! Weren't you and Yamaguchi better now? You started to breathe heavily, your hands started to shake, the cards falling from your grip. You, Hinata, and Tsukishima seemed to have frozen in place. The three of you were staring at the door where Yamaguchi had come out.
Tsukishima was the first one to react, he sighed softly and started to get up from his futon where he was listening to music. He looked at you and you flinched. “I'll go check-
“No,” Hinata said, gently tapping your shoulder as he got up from his spot beside you. “I will go. This is my fault after all.” Hinata can be painfully dense many times, but even he could tell what had happened here. He smiled sheepishly at you and quickly left the room to look for Yamaguchi. 
This was terrible. Was it happening again? Were you going to lose Yamaguchi? After everything it had cost you to open up to him and after all the affection you already felt for him- was it going to end like this? For a misunderstanding? It was your fault. Maybe the problem has always been you, maybe you don't know how to maintain a friendship. Maybe the problem is your behavior and attitude. Poor Yamaguchi, he had to know the worst side of you and now he was hurt like this. Were you really... a bad person? 
“Hey…” You jumped, feeling a hand rubbing your back. Tsukishima was sitting beside you, and he reached out to wipe a tear falling from your cheek. “Don't be like this. This is not your fault.”
Your bottom lip trembled and more tears streamed down your cheeks. “It is my fault,” you said between soft sobs. “I've hurt Tadashi and now he hates me. I didn't m-mean to, I promise, Kei!” You looked at him with shame. Was Tsukishima going to hate you too? After all, Yamaguchi was his precious friend, of course Tsukishima would feel upset towards you and- 
A gasp escaped your mouth when Tsukishima hugged you tightly with one arm. “I'm telling you this is not your fault, you don't understand?” He asked, gently rubbing your back. “Yamaguchi doesn't hate you. He just can't hate you. He likes you so much, can't you see how precious you are to him? You did nothing wrong.” 
You hid your face on Tsukishima's shoulder and cried some more, letting Tsukishima's words settle in your heart. Yamaguchi didn't hate you? The possibility of that being true made your heart jump. If Yamaguchi didn't hate you, you could apologize and everything would go back to normal and you would both continue enjoying each other's company for a long time. Yamaguchi was so precious to you, you couldn't imagine the that you two could stop being friends. Just thinking about it made your bones hurt and made you feel dizzy and nauseous. Your friendship with him couldn't end yet- at least not this way.
“There, there. Are you better?” You nodded a little, slowly pulling away from the embrace. Tsukishima sighed. "You're so silly. How could you think Yamaguchi would hate you because of something so silly? You should apologize for thinking this way.” You blushed, nodding and Tsukishima chuckled. “You both are so childish. You need to grow up.” Although his words seemed harsh, there was no venom in them. His finger was suddenly poking your side, making you jump with a squeak. 
“You see? How can you be so ticklish? Yamaguchi too, you both really are so alike,” he said, poking and poking and poking every spot he could reach: your sides, your ribs, your tummy and even your neck. In seconds he had you giggling and trying to stop his hand. 
“Thahat- That d-dohoesn't have to do wihith a-anythihing!” You giggled out, squeaking when he started to knead your sides. “Kehehei!” 
Tsukishima snorted softly before finally stopping. “Everything will be fine, you'll see,” he said with a warm smile, playfully ruffling your hair. 
You breathed and smiled softly at him. “Thank you, Kei.” 
"We are back!" 
Like a spring, you stood up as soon as you saw Yamaguchi enter. His eyes were red and wet, he had also been crying a little. His freckled face was twisted into an expression of sadness, shyness and remorse and you were dying to hug him and tell him how important he was to you, but before you could even open your mouth, Yamaguchi had already started speaking, his voice barely above a whisper. 
“I'm sorry,” he said softly, looking at you. “I acted like a kid-” 
Tsukishima, “That's what I said.”
Hinata, “Tsukishima!!” 
“... I was…,” Yamaguchi continued. “I was tremendously jealous about how well you got along with Hinata. I thought…,” he sighed, his cheeks turning pink. “I thought you just… would leave me behind and wouldn't want to be friends with me anymore.
I was just stupid… instead of trying to talk to you, I decided to just be mad and childish and in the end I only hurt you just because I was scared I was going to be left behind and I even made Hinata feel bad just because he wanted to be friends with you…”
You knew that feeling of being forgotten and not belonging very well and it hurt you that Yamaguchi felt that way. 
“So I am very, very sorry. Would you forgive me this time? I promise I'll do better… please?” 
You smiled at him and quickly wrapped your arms around Yamaguchi, hugging him tightly. Yamaguchi hugged you back, letting out a long, pleased sigh. Forgive him? Of course! There had been blame on both sides in this situation, both had hurt the other in one way or another, so of course you forgave him. Your precious friend. 
You chuckled, hugging Yamaguchi even tighter. “I think… there's only one way I can truly forgive you, Tadashi.”
Yamaguchi nodded. “Yes! Please let me know what it is and I'll- eek!”
Yamaguchi pushed your shoulders lightly when you squeezed both his sides, tickling him. He looked at you and you smirked, making him flush; he tried to run, but you started to squeeze his sides again and again and again and soon, his laughter filled the whole room as he jumped and squirmed, trying to escape. 
“I'll have to tickle you until I think it's enough!” You said with a laugh as Yamaguchi collapsed to the floor, your hands glued to his torso, following him down. 
“N-Nohoho! I'm s-sohorry! I didn't- ahaha!” 
Yamaguchi thrashed around, his hands around your wrists trying to push your hands away without much force or intention. His bitter expression had completely changed with a vibrant, bright smile that almost split his face in half. The sad tears streaming down his face had turned into tears of laughter and the way he laughed your name made you laugh along with him. Very soon, the bad time you were going through was behind you and now you were having fun like you always did. 
“I want to play too! I want to play too!” Hinata chirped, jumping up and down excitedly. You thought that if he had a tail, he would be wagging it from side to side. You chuckled and looked up at him. “Can I join? Can I join?!”
You nodded, “yeah! Come help me out, Shouyou!” 
“N-Nohoho! Ts-Tsuhuki, help! Ahahack!” 
Not even you noticed when or how, but Hinata already had his hyperactive fingers on Yamaguchi's stomach, pinching the muscle on the sides of his belly and vibrating the tips of his fingers around Yamaguchi’s belly button. The redhead was giggling and babbling something about how ticklish Yamaguchi was and you chuckled, moving your fingers up to his ribs. 
Yamaguchi laughed and squealed. His hands were an uncoordinated mess, trying to cover his stomach and then his ribs and also his mouth and his reddened cheeks. He laughed heartily, it seemed to you as if he were almost laughing with relief and you smiled tenderly. How could you even think that Yamaguchi would hate you? Tsukishima was right, you weren't giving him the credit he deserved.
You gasped heavily as someone grabbed your shoulders from behind and gently pushed you back, pinning one of your arms above your head. It was Tsukishima. He straddled your waist and smirked from above you. 
“Someone here also needs a punishment for beating himself around too hard, hmm?” 
“K-Kehei, no, please! I'm s-sorry I just- ahaHAHA! N-NOHOHO!” 
Tsukishima simply loved to go for your weakest spots. It was like that every single time he tickled you. His fingers started to wiggle against your exposed underarm. He scratched the sensitive skin at the hollow and kneaded the muscle with his thumb, making you shriek with ticklish laughter. 
Yamaguchi was also busy laughing his head off, you could hear him begging for mercy as Hinata quickly found the weak spot at his hips. Your laughter filled the room and you thought in a small moment of lucidity, when Tsukishima stopped tickling you to get a better grip on your arm, that very soon someone would be knocking on the door asking you all to shut up, but no one did and so you and Yamaguchi were under a vicious tickle attack until you both were able to pin your captors back. 
Hinata's vibrant and rich laughter, along with Tsukishima's serene and gentle laughter formed a combination that was not at all unpleasant to hear. You already knew each of the points that made Tsukishima shriek with laughter, and Yamaguchi seemed to be having lots of fun trying to find Hinata's, which wasn't too hard, he seemed to be a walking tickle spot! 
Tsukishima kept laughing out threats that had you laughing and feeling nervous butterflies in your tummy, but before he could actually get revenge on you, you and Yamaguchi locked eyes and in seconds, you both were after each other, trying to pin the other down while your hands latched to that place that made you scream with laughter. 
Hinata wanted to join in the fun again and, somehow, Tsukishima was dragged in too, this time going for Yamaguchi who was driving you crazy because of the tickling under your arms. Hinata, for his part, took Yamaguchi's place, so you had a second of rest before you began to laugh loudly once again. 
It had been an eventful day, you had to admit it. You could assure that you had felt almost every emotion in the world that day, but you were happy that everything had been fixed. You and Yamaguchi had strengthened your bond and you were sure that you would continue to be together for a long time to come. 
It was the first night, but you knew that this trip would be one of the best of your life, as long as you and Yamaguchi remained the best of friends! 
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nataliewritez · 1 year
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Here's the link and the ss for the original Twitter artist!!
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144 notes · View notes
italeean · 2 years
A goodbye without tears
You can find the plot here
A/N: Hi!! I'm still alive... after more than a month of inactivity... 😓 Sorry for not posting my content for a while, after I was done with my entry test and tasted a bit of freedom, I realized how burnt-out I truly was. I took a break from literally everything and hung out with my friends and family since I spent the whole summer studying for a thing or another 😅 Anyway, back to the important stuff, this fic was a request... that I took way too long to write... again... (PLEASE FORGIVE MEEE) but I found it really interesting and I related a lot to the scenario, which is why it came out a bit more personal than I wanted. But at the same time I liked it the way it was so I decided to post it like this. Spero vi piaccia 💚🤍❤️ (I hope you enjoy it) Suggestions and support are always appreciated ^_^
DISCLAIMER: This is a tickle fic, if it's not to your taste I don't suggest you read it
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"That's it for today, guys" Ukai's loud voice echoed throughout the gym "Make sure to stretch properly, clean up, and then go home and get some rest!" He said before leaving, knowing he had to prepare some meat buns. Everything went as usual, but a little detail made that day different. It was the third-years' last training.
Daichi almost couldn't believe it was really happening. Three years had already passed and he was about to leave his volleyball team. And as chaotic as said team was, he didn't like the idea at all. He just felt like it wasn't the right time.
Sure, Ennoshita was more than ready to become captain, but were Tanaka and Noya ready to become less... hurricane-like? Was Yamaguchi going to find his self-confidence? What about Tsukki? Would he find it in himself to open up to the others? To not talk about Hinata and Kageyama's constant bickering...
There was still so much he could help everyone with, even if he was just supporting them or giving a fatherly advice. But he had to admit to himself that they were going to manage without him, his team was full of capable and motivated guys, they were more than capable of overcoming any kind of hardship. He also had to admit to himself that the one who wasn't ready to that kind of change was him.
"...so I was thinking I could go to university and work somewhere to help my family par fo- hello? Earth to Daichi? Are you even listening?" Suga's scoff brought the (soon-to-be ex) Karasuno captain back to Earth. "Sorry Suga, I spaced out for a second..." He let out an embarrassed chuckle.
The grey-haired guy looked at his teammate with genuine concern in his eyes. "Are you okay? Is there something wrong?" He asked worried.
Daichi glanced for a second at the others, who had started cleaning already, and then told his friend about his worries about that being his last training, having to leave the team, missing the team, missing volleyball in general...
"DAICHIIIII!!!" His train of thoughts got abruptly interrupted by Suga's bonk, which was objectively kind of deserved. It was Mr. Refreshing's duty to help anyone who was feeling down, one way or another, and the whole team knew that.
However, there was still a nostalgic glint in the captain's gaze, and that couldn't be allowed. Sad goodbyes were not accepted at Karasuno Volleyball Team. The gray-haired guy looked around himself for a second. Narita and Kinoshita had already left with Ennoshita because they still had some exams to study for. Noya and Tanaka had to study as well... but they insisted on helping with the cleanup before going. Yachi and Kyoko were gone as well; they wanted to spend some time together since they were going to say goodbye, too.
"Ahem! Guys, gather here for a second." The vice-captain said, waiting for everyone to come. "As you know, this is our last day here." His first sentence was enough to make everyone groan and whine, but he was able to hush them all. "BUT! We don't want it to be a sad goodbye, we want to enjoy this journey until the last second... or at least that's what we agreed upon. However someone is feeling sulky right now. Does anyone have a suggestion to fix this little problem?"
Making sure Daichi wouldn't see him, he wiggled his finger to give his own suggestion to the team. Obviously, they all caught on quickly, especially Hinata and Nishinoya, who immediately pounced on the captain.
The dark-haired guy stumbled backwards, trying to keep the two short guys still, but when Suga and Asahi decided to join the fun, he had no choice but topple to the ground while trying to hold back his laughter. "Guys! What a-ahare you doing? This is- ack! This is nohot necessary!"
"On the contrary, captain, this is exactly what you need." The vice-captain smirked teasingly at him and started poking his stomach. Asahi was keeping his arms pinned above his head with one hand and softly fluttered the fingers of the other one all over his neck and ears, changing sides every time he scrunched his shoulder to protect those spots.
Yamaguchi had managed to drag Tsukki into this, claiming that it was a bonding moment and he would've enjoyed it. They were straddling the captain's calves and squeezed the kneecaps and right above them. It made him kick so much that he almost managed to buck the first-years off a couple of times.
Noya was sitting between Daichi's legs and was squeezing his hips and sides quickly and mercilessly, while Tanaka was helping the vice-captain with the stomach. "Guhuys Ihihi sweheahahar..!" The dark-haired guy quickly dissolved into hiccupy giggles and found it impossible to build a complete sentence. "Ah ah ah," Suga teasingly reprimanded him "no swearing at school." He said while dipping his index finger in the wing spiker's belly button and wiggling around, which elicited some snorts that made everyone laugh out loud.
Obviously Hinata had joined the fun as well; he was getting the right side of the ribcage, having fun with counting the bones and sliding his fingers into every groove. "Oi Kageyama, are you coming?" He yelled, only receiving an annoying scoff in response. But he knew better. "Are you afraid I'm better than you at this?"
The setter glared intensely at him and approached the group (with the faintest blush on his face, according to Hinata). He kneeled by the left side of Daichi's ribcage and attacked, going immediately all out, to which the redhead responded with upping his game as well. "Thihihihis ihihis *snort* Thihihis ihis nohohot ahah- ACK! ahaha cohohompehetihihitiohon..!" The third-year scolded them between his laughter.
However, the other teammates seemed to disagree. Seeing the little competition between the freak-duo made them want to join. Daichi arched his back and tried to squirm as much as he could, which wasn't much since he didn't want to take the risk of hurting anyone. "Yohohou're beheheihing meheahahan nohow!" Whoops... wrong thing to say. The teens smirked evilly and started tickling him harder while teasing him as well!
He couldn't figure out who was saying what, he was too lost in his own laughter to listen carefully. He just heard a mix of voices saying "Tickle tickle tickle..." "Aaaww come on, smile captain" "Hahaha did you just snort?" "Hehehe see? This day must be happy for all of us, now smile for us!" "Who's making you laugh more? Me or that boke?"
Okay, maybe he could figure out who asked that last question, but that wasn't the point. He felt his face become red, and he couldn't even hide behind his hands since Asahi was keeping them pinned. But it wasn't so bad after all... until someone, probably Suga, had the idea of going for his thighs. That made him go berserk.
"BAHAHAHAHAHAHA OHOHOKAHAHAHAY IHIHI GIHIHIVEHE!! IHIHIHIHI GIHIVEHEHEHE PLEHEHEAHASE STAHAHAHAHAHAP!!" He screm at the top of his lungs. His thighs were his absolute worst spot, and he'd been enduring that playful assault for God knows how long; it made him tap out almost immediately.
"Alright, let's let him up." The grey-haired guy told everyone to stop and helped the captain to sit up. He was still giggling and a giddy smile was plastered all over his face. "That... that wahas... absoluhutely ruthless..." he panted "but maybehe I needed that... thahank you guys..." he finished with a chuckle.
"Thank you, Daichi, for being the greatest captain ever and even guiding us all the way to nationals." Suga said with teary eyes. What could he say... even Mr. Refreshing himself wasn't immune to the strange feeling of saying goodbye. He was already feeling nostalgic as well!
"Sugaaa!! We said no tears!" Hinata yelled while tackling him down and going straight for his sides and tummy. "Hihinahataaa! WhaHAHAhat aharehehe yoHOHouhu dohohoIHIhihiHIng?!" The vice-captain broke down into his high-pitched and squeaky laughter. "Hahaha I think I'll join as well... it's true that we said no tears after all." Asahi said approaching to the grey-haired guy, only to lift up Hinata and blow a raspberry on his tummy.
"NAHAHAHA AHAHASAHAHAIHIHI GEHET HIHIHIM NAHAHAT MEHEHEHEHEEE" The tangerine howled, but he was quickly rescued by Noya, who took advantage of Asahi's distraction while he was putting down Hinata to jump on his back and tickle his neck and torso.
Right after he recovered, the redhead pounced on Kageyama, bringing him down. "Bohohokehehe yohou're gohonnahaha gehehet ihihihit!!" He yelled, trying to sound angry and intimidating, before fighting back and darting his hands up into the middle blocker's underarms. "Ihihi'll beheahahat yohohouhu thihis tihihimehehehe Bahahakahageheyahahama!"
In the meanwhile, Suga thought that a certain couple of first-years was missing too much on the fun, so he wrapped an arm around Yamaguchi's shoulders to keep him in place while he scribbled on his tummy with his other hand. "Nononoohohohoho pleheheahaseee" The pinch server's legs gave out and he went to the floor, but he never did anything to actually stop the older guy.
Tanaka decided to help the vice-captain with his mission and went straight after Tsukishima, who desperately tried to not laugh... in vain of course.
Before they knew it, a tickle fight on full scale had blown out in the gym and everyone was laughing their head off.
Daichi glanced at the mess right in front of him before joining. The thought of graduating didn't sound so scary or sad after all, because now he knew he was never truly going to leave his team, or better, his family.
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kairismess · 6 months
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🏐 genre: fluff ~~~ ✒️ word count: 1,000 💭 summary: kageyama is a sucker for your pastries, and to have you give him a delicious treat made by you on his special day after school, in front of the rest of the first years... you make him want to melt and squeeze your cheeks out of embarrassment. 🫐 happy birthday to tobio kageyama my son !!
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'dammit, i'm hungry,' thought the setter as he walked home with the rest of the first years on the team. kageyama was stuck in his own head, thinking of what to eat as an after school snack this time around. it wasn't that he usually thought about these things too often, rather, he felt like he wanted to change something up about today because... today was his birthday.
he didn't tell anybody on the team, much less hinata, who'd make a big fuss over him finally being the same age as them all and being teased for being the baby of their ensemble. surprisingly, yamaguchi had suggested they all go to this nice little hole in the wall cafe that kageyama frequented often, only when he met you, since your parents owned the place and you worked there part time to help them out.
"hey, kageyama, doesn't your partner work the—" "another word, and i'm gonna slap the orange out of your hair, dumbass hinata." kageyama seethed as he glared down at the short tangerine haired boy, which he understood clearly and backed off, hiding behind yamaguchi and tsukishima, who honestly couldn't be bothered if the two of them began brawling and tearing each others' heads off.
as the group stepped into the cafe, they were greeted by the smells of assorted baked goods, snacks, and drinks... especially the scent of blueberries that wafted in the air. the sound of hurried foosteps and the clanging of assorted pans and pots rang in the kitchen in the back, and out came you, ready to take the customers' orders... your boyfriend's order for tonight.
"a-ah, tobio! and friends... wh-what can i get for you all tonight?" you asked in a sweet voice as you glanced over at kageyama, who caught your gaze at him, making his face flush in embarrassment and shyness and turn away from you, mumbling out he'd take whatever, and you were determined to make that "whatever" he ordered something spectacular for him for his special day.
after you had served the others' orders, you smiled at kageyama and whispered in his ear, "i have a surprise for you tonight, tobio." your whisper sent shivers up his spine, he always got flustered and ticklish by the ears whenever you did that, he kinda wished you'd do more often, though. "a... surprise?" he echoed, confused and a little anxious, but your little giggle and nod reassured him somehow.
after a little while, you came back with a cloche in your hands and revealed your surprise for your dearest: a blueberry pie that was freshly decorated, everything made by hand. it was difficult to make and took you almost two days to piece everything together, but you were more than happy to see how it turned out, even happier at the sight of kageyama's eyes shine while he blushed at the fact you went out of your way to make something so adorable and thoughtful for your little blueberry boy.
hinata and yamaguchi praised your culinary skills, while tsukishima teased kageyama for not being able to look you in the eye because of how flustered he was. "it's rude not to thank someone for a gift. what, is the king too proud to say thank you?" tsukishima jabbed, with kageyama immediately taking your hands in his, and in a loud, shaky voice and with a red face that made him look like a breed between a tomato and blueberry, kageyama thanked you from the bottom of his heart, all his voice coming from the depths of his lungs as he looked you in the eye, so shy and thankful for your gift.
you blinked and chuckled, smiling up at him sweetly. "anything for my tobio, i made it blueberries because... they reminded me of you. i hope you like it, love." you uttered, kissing his cheek, effectively freezing him in place as his face got hotter and he started to look more and more like a tomato because of how much of an effect your kindness and sweetness had on him.
needless to say, kageyama ate up the pie with happily and full of gratitude; hinata was annoyed he only got one serving, begging for you to please make him one for his birthday, with kageyama snapping at him that hinata was too shameless to ask you for such a thing when you went out of your way to make him one he didn't need to ask for. yamaguchi meanwhile praised you after tasting a slice of the pie, trying to mediate the squabble between kageyama and hinata at the same time, while tsukishima listened to music on his headphones and silently enjoyed his slice of pie, nodding in approval.
kageyama leaned over and whispered in your ear, now, while having his toned arm wrapped around your waist a little possessively. "hey... thank you, so much, love, for this. you're too sweet for me, you and this pie, but... you bring the right amount of sweetness in my life, the right amount of sweetness i need to keep going. thank you, love." kageyama awkwardly murmured to you in a low, husky voice, making you smile like a dork and get all bashful and shy, brushing off his compliments as he wrapped his arms around you, burying his face in the crook of your neck, trying to convince you that you're the best partner and pie maker there ever was, not caring if the others stared and made fun of you two, he'd beat them up tomorrow and whip them into shape during practice.
sure, the pie you made him was the most filling treat he's ever had... but you're the only treat with the sweetness he needs to find the goodness of his everyday life, you fill him up with so much love and joy, more than what he knows what to do with, and he couldn't be any more grateful than he is now that he has you, his beloved.
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giggly-squiggily · 10 months
Hi Squiggly! I saw your requests were open and was wondering if you would be willing to write for Haikyuu? Totally understand if you’re not feeling up to it though! If you are willing though, could I request platonic lee Suga and ler Tsukishima? I think they’d be such an interesting pair with how mischievous they both can be. I don’t know if you want a prompt or not, but if so, maybe Suga was trying to get a rise out of Tsukki and get him to be a little more joyful/playful, but that backfires and when that playful side comes out, there do be tickles. Thanks Squiggly and I hope you have a fantastic day/week and have fun with your writing adventures!
Ooo, the rare playful Tsukishima! We love to see it! :D I've gotcha covered, anon! :3 And thank you so much! I wish the same to you- may your week/weekend be a great one and your day be lovely!
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps):
@thatbigbisexual29, @duckymcdoorknob @rachi-roo
“Hey, Tsukishima! How’s the weather up there?” Suga slapped him on the back, the gesture far too light to send the blonde off-balance. “I gotta ask- do you like being the team’s wall? You’re really good at it.”
“Uh, thanks I guess?” The middle blocker raised a brow, fingers twitching to pull on his headphones. It wasn’t that he disliked talking to Suga- it was more he just…didn’t like talking. Usually Yamaguchi carried conversations for both of them, but he had after school tutoring today- meaning the blonde was left on his own. “And I suppose. It’s a position.”
“Ah, you’re trying to act cool. A Lot of first years do, you know?” Suga gave his shoulder a squeeze before shaking it some. “I remember when us third years did. I like to think we’ve grown into our cool era.”
“You have? I couldn’t tell.” Oops- that slipped.
Suga’s jaw dropped, eyes lighting up at the comment. “Oh, so that’s how it is, huh? Very well then- take THIS!” He dropped the hand on Tsukishima’s shoulder, clamping it on his side for maximum effect. “Now you’re gonna learn to respect your seniors!”
“Er! Hmmph!” Immediately Tsukishima clamped his mouth shut, twisting away from the ticklish touch. He should have known where this was going. “D-Don’t! I’m n-not ticklish!”
“Sure you’re not.” Suga snickered, bringing both hands up to attack his ribs, increasing his efforts. “That’s why you’re smiling so much, yeah?”
This guy! Tsukishima willed himself not to laugh, bracing against the tickly fingers. Suga was good, but this was nothing compared to the torment Kuroo and Bokuto unleashed upon him during the training camp. He could deal with it until Suga gave up…
Or he could get him instead.
“Hm? Is that a laugh I hear- whoa!” Suga yelped when Tsukishima grabbed his wrist, twisting with all his might. The setter stumbled some as he was whipped forward, just barely saved from falling by the blocker’s hands. “C-careful no-OH!”
“I think being careful’s gonna prove difficult.” Tsukishima mused, his fingers itching along Suga’s waist as the setter squirmed and giggled, doubling over into himself. “What’s wrong? I thought you were teaching me a lesson?”
“Yoohohohohure a snehehahahahaky ohooohohohne! AHehahahahaha- Dihhihihihid thehehehy teach yohohoohou thahahhat?” Suga wheezed, cheeks pink and giggles increasing when his ribs were marched on next.
Yes. “Nope. I just picked it up somewhere.”
“Lihihiihihiiar! Aheahhhahahahhaha- wahahahahit wahahhahait I’m sohohohohorry, I tahahahke it bahahahhack!” Suga all but flailed when his middle ribs were prodded at, nearly headbutting Tsukishima in the process. “Yohohohohohu ohahahakay?”
“Yeah, fine. You’re so squirmy though- hang on.” With another move he ‘picked up somewhere’, he kicked Suga’s legs out from under him, sitting on his hips as he carried on drilling into his ribs from behind. “There- now I can tickle you better.”
“Gehehehahahahahhahhaha! Tsuhuuhuuhuhkki, plehahahahhahahhase!” Suga was a mess of mirth, feet kicking against the ground as he pressed his arms tightly into his torso. “Iihihihihihihihit tihihihihihihickles sohoohhoohhoo muhuhuhuhuhuhuch!”
“Huh, you don’t say?” Tsukishima let his fingers walk across his back, looking for newer spots to torment. “Are you ticklish here? How about here?” He prodded randomly, snickering when Suga jerked and squeaked with each jab. “I think I remember you having a spot along…here?” He wiggled a finger beneath Suga’s armpit experimentally.
“AHAHHHHAHA!” The shriek was so loud it echoed across the empty gym.
“Wow. What a spot.” Deciding he’d take the hearing damage, he dug both hands into Suga’s pits, grinning as the Setter thrashed beneath him in hysterics. “That’s right- laugh for me.”
“TSUUHUHHUHUUHUHKI PELHAHAHAHAHAHAHSE!” Suga begged, cheeks hot and eyes starting to mist over. “STHAHAHAHAHAHP!”
“Heh, given up already? Alright.” The tickles came to an end as the setter gasped for air, curling onto his side. “That’ll show you for trying to tickle me.”
“Ehehehehe…hehehehee…ohoohoho doohohon’t wohohorry…yohohour lesson is stihiihihll underway.” Suga pointed out, earning a raised brow.
“Really? And how is that?”
Just then- two hands from two different bodies touched his shoulders, making him stiffen up.
“Hi Tsukishima.” Daichi was all smiles.
“Ready for lesson two?” Asahi grinned.
Thanks for reading!
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trans-ace-lee · 11 months
Wow Fantasstic Baby
Author's Note: The title is a reference to this song Fantastic Baby - BigBang and was inspired by a post by @ticklishfanart about Tsukishima's milky legs. Warning: This is a tickle fic, so if that's not something you want to see, feel free to ignore this post.
I've read the manga in full twice and own the whole manga set, so I think it's a crime I haven't written for Haikyuu yet. Enjoy this hellhole of a fic that I came up with at work and mostly wrote on the bus to and from work and at work in corners of breakrooms.
Mutuals tag: @otomiya-tickles @italeean @giggly-squiggily @myreygn @ticklygiggles @duckymcdoorknob @jettorii
Tsukishima likes to say that he enjoys massages. Yamaguchi, the bastard, likes to give him back massages during intense study sessions under the guise of trying to put him to sleep.
Additionally, Akiteru refers to him as a stick of bamboo, saying that he needs to learn how to “loosen up” a bit. He doesn’t like to admit it, but he is a stiff person. Since throwing himself into volleyball, his muscles ache all the time, so massages are also welcome to relieve his pain.
And he would like to say he’s enjoying the leg massage that Kuroo had offered to give him, but he’s too busy cackling to pay attention to how nice it feels.
“Really, here?” Kuroo asks while kneading into his calves as Tsukishima debates actually slamming his fists onto the ground. He didn’t even know that calves could be ticklish, let alone garner such a big reaction out of someone.
“Staahahaap,” Tsukishima begs, trying to yank his legs out of Kuroo’s grasp.
He doesn’t need to turn around to know there’s a smirk on the latter’s face. “But this is for your own good.” Kuroo pauses to skitter his fingers from the back of Tsukishima’s knees to just below his butt. “It’s not my fault you’re so ticklish. Plus, I kind of want to keep tickling you.”
Tsukishima fully smashes his face into his arms to hold back a scream.
And to Tsukishima’s utter, utter horror, Kuroo doesn’t miss his reaction.
“Oh? I always thought you had a nice ass, but I didn’t expect it to be so ticklish,” Kuroo says.
The sound that comes out of Tsukishima at the comment doesn’t sound human. “Damn, your ears sure turn red fast, don’t they?”
“Fuhahuck,” Tsukishima replies, giggling like the rattling sound of a snare drum when Kuroo starts pinching all over his ass. He’s thankful that they’re the only ones in the gym. Maybe personal practice was more useful than he originally thought. “Naaahahat there. Stohohop.”
“Not here?” Kuroo switches to spidering along the bottom of his butt, every once in a while, sneaking a hand to his inner thighs. “You sound so happy though.”
Lies. Straight-up lies. He’s not happy, he’s dying. Here lies Tsukishima Kei. Maybe Yamaguchi will miss him.
“Fine. I’ll move,” Kuroo says, digging into the back of Tsukishima’s quads.
In Tsukishima’s defense, he does not shriek…that loudly.
“Is this a good spot too?”
“Gohoho somewhere else,” Tsukishima pleads, feeling a mostly foreign wetness building in the corner of his eyes.
“Hmm? But I did what you asked…All right, I’ll be nice.”
Tsukishima already starts to regret asking Kuroo to move spots since he’s figured out that begging Kuroo to stop is falling on deaf ears.
“Ass, inner thighs, or hamstrings?” Kuroo asks.
Resisting the urge to roll his eyes or yell in frustration, Tsukishima settles on trying to compromise some more. “Thahaat’s not fair. I’ll piihick somewhere else. Ahahanywhere else.”
“Anywhere?” Kuroo hums, “Sorry, but you picked the wrong choice, my dear.”
My dear? Wrong choice, his ass. Tsukishima decides that he will be getting Kuroo back tenfold after this is all over. From what he’s overheard when Hinata babbles, Kenma should be willing to deluge Kuroo’s worst spot or spots.
He hopes it is spots.
The thought of revenge stops at the feeling of fingers scribbling all over the back and inner parts of his thighs and all around his ass. He’d like to think, but it tickles so much that he doesn’t register that the loud sound he hears is coming from him.
“Awww,” Kuroo coos, “Was that a snort I heard? Who knew you could look so pretty underneath that constant frown, especially in those cute little shorts.”
Tsukishima curses the volleyball shorts they have to wear. Right now, he’s wishing that they were just a tad longer. The electric feeling shooting up and down his legs leave him paralyzed.
Even if he wanted to pull them away, the thought of doing so is almost physically painful, so he can only lay there and laugh until he can feel tears dripping down his face. He doesn’t bother begging or pleading and just sticks to crying.
Part of him thinks laughing so hard for so long feels nice because he hasn’t laughed that much since middle school. Sometimes he finds himself chuckling when Yamaguchi makes funny faces when he’s thinking or snickering every time he looks at Kuroo’s bed hair and when Kuroo smirks at his opponents from across the net. Maybe he even laughs when he sees Kuroo messing around with Bokuto and Akaashi.
Well, shit. Tsukishima figures that laughing and maybe tickling is okay with Kuroo and Yamaguchi. But only them. 
When he's tickled by Yamaguchi it reminds him of being a kid, before everything that happened to Akiteru. Okay, he might consider being tickled by his brother in the future. In all his pessimism and cynicism there's hope in there somewhere. That bright-eyed kid is still a part of him. 
With Kuroo, he finds himself melting. It's warm and sends clouds of floating, fuzzy sensations to fill his head and heart. 
Home. The feeling of home he decides. 
Kuroo's dexterous fingers are both torturous and comforting. It takes nearly every ounce of willpower in him not to beg for more instead. 
…What is wrong with him? Beg for more?
There are a couple of spots on Tsukishima’s butt that have him shrieking. It’s a high-pitched sound, reminding him of a younger, more innocent him. And, yeah, nope. He can forget about thinking again.
“I think I like this spot,” Kuroo says, pinching and wiggling his fingers in Tsukishima’s inner thighs.
Tsukishima slams his legs shut and traps Kuroo’s fingers in between them. He cackles even harder than when Kuroo was tickling his calves when this ordeal first started. “I dohohon’t,” he babbles.
“Look at you.” Tsukishima can hear the mock sympathy and slight pout in Kuroo’s voice. “Is someone too weak to handle a little tickling? Poor thing, taken down by a couple of fingers.”
He wants to push Kuroo’s hands away, but he settles on covering his face instead, not bothering to wipe the fresh set of tears out of his eyes.
“That cute face of yours is so red right now. It’s very pretty looking.”
His face heats up more at the comment. Besides volleyball, he’s not the kind of person who goes outside. Although he knows it might be nicer to study in a park or outside a café, he prefers the comfort of AC in his room or in a library. He feels pretty. So pretty. He’s been approached by girls or, more or less, Yamaguchi has been approached by girls, saying how handsome he is.
But for some reason, when Kuroo says it, it hits so much harder.
Tsukishima is ripped out of his thoughts by fingers dancing on his hamstrings midway down his thighs. More high-pitched giggles spill out of him as he grows weaker and weaker by the second.
After a few rounds of Kuroo dashing from each spot and sneaking a couple of swipes up his feet that leave him flinching despite feeling like putty, small hiccups break through his laughter which has almost gone silent.
The tickling stops almost immediately. Tsukishima takes the chance to roll over and somewhat flop on the ground with all the grace of a beached whale. Gasping for much-needed air, he shuts his eyes until the moisture dries from his face and his breathing evens.
Although he's flushed and tired, there's this buzzing feeling in his head. He's washed in a glow that spreads from his heart to the rest of his body. A small smile graces his features.
It's softer than normal. Different from the smirk he wears during volleyball matches or the bored one that stays on his face during classes.
"So…" Kuroo starts, breaking the silence, "Since I've gotten a chance to touch that ass, can I have a chance to have all of you?"
A snort bubbles out of Tsukishima's nose, which turns into another laughing fit. 
Kuroo wives his left hand in front of Tsukishima's face. "Still feeling ticklish there, giggly?"
"That was awful. If the rest of your pickup lines are that terrible, I can't imagine the rest of you." Kuroo’s smile wobbles a bit. "But luckily for me, my brother's advice to loosen up and make more bad decisions has grown on me, so I think I'll take you up on that offer."
Tsukishima chuckles once more when Kuroo feigns to punch him in the chest. "Y-you aren't allowed to scare me like that," Kuroo replies, helping Tsukishima sit up.  
A soft smile works its way onto Tsukishima’s face as he says, "Well, I guess you're just going to have to get used to me getting you back for teasing me all the time."
Kuroo only smirks at him, and Tsukishima has to resist the urge to kiss Kuroo silly.
Wait what?
"Oh Kenma," Tsukishima sings, snickering when Kuroo’s face morphs into a mortified expression. 
He starts full-on laughing when Kuroo bolts out the gym door with a see you later that ends in a note that rises at the end in a pleasant high-pitched tone. Tsukishima wants to hear the sound again once he gets his revenge. 
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shoto-lee · 8 months
Tickletober Day 8 - "I'm Not Ticklish"
lee!tsukishima ler!yamaguchi
Summary: Yamaguchi wants to know what side tsukishima is more ticklish on - the left or the right. However, Tsukishima claims he isn't ticklish...
A/N: binging haikyuu so i decided to write something for my favorite character, tsukishima! (posting this a day early)
Tsukishima sighed. He didn't know why he had agreed to let Yamaguchi do this... Maybe it was because he was cute when he asked, maybe it wasn't. Who knows?
"When will you be done?" Tsuki asked, a slight frown on his face.
Yamaguchi ignored his question - he hadn't even started with his experiment. He was desperate to figure out which side of the taller boy was more ticklish. His left thigh or his right thigh? His left knee or his right knee? The question went on and on, and Tadashi was determined to answer it.
He already had a prediction. Thanks to some supporting evidence from a practice match some time ago, he knew that Tsukishima's right side was more ticklish than the other. During the match, Tsuki had gotten a cramp in his left calve. Daichi had tried to remedy it with a brief massage - pushing and circling his thumbs across the sensitive area.
When that didn't work (which he 100% expected it would), the captain of the team became confused and thought he was massaging the wrong calve, so he moved on to the right one. Tsukishima was a giggly mess as soon as he was touched there.
"Alright. I'll begin here." Yamaguchi placed his index finger on his friend's right thigh. Tsuki was wearing shorts, so the area was largely exposed.
Yamaguchi slid his finger down Tsuki's thigh until he met his kneecap. He then slid it back up to the end of his shorts. Nothing. Not even a slight grin.
Tsukishima could see Yama's visible disappointment. "I've told you already, I am not ticklish." He cockily laid on his back, putting his hands behind his head - leaving Yamaguchi kneeled down beside him.
The boy huffed and puffed. "I can't accept that! Everybody is ticklish, even you, Tsukishima."
The blond scoffed, shaking his head. Did he really believe he wasn't ticklish? Yamaguchi was right - everyone is ticklish somewhere. Tsukishima was in for a rude awakening.
Tsukishima's confidence began to crumble when Yamaguchi slid his hand under his leg, softly tickling the bottom of his outstretched knee. He pressed his lips together to keep from giggling.
Clueless to the fact that with a little bit more effort at the spot he was at, he'd have Tsuki a ticklish mess, Yamaguchi decided to make his way down to his calve. He lightly traced circles with his fingernails on the taller boy's skin.
Lips still pressed together, Tsukishima was nearly unphased - only on the outside, though. On the inside, his heart was slowly beating faster and faster. He hadn't felt the ticklish sensations he was feeling now in a while. He slowly began to remember the way his brother, Akiteru, would tickle him when they were young... This scared him because, with those memories, he remembered just how ticklish he really was.
"Y-Yamaguchi, are you finished yet? I already told you, I'm not ticklish." Tsukishima scratched his neck, a nervous look on his face.
Yamaguchi noticed this, unfortunate for Tsukishima. He could tell that he was close to getting to a ticklish area, so he continued down the boy's leg.
When Yamaguchi reached Tsukishima's heel, he tried to pull his foot away but was quickly stopped by Yamaguchi placing his ankle in an armlock.
"Why are you trying to get away? I thought you said you weren't ticklish."
Tsukishima tried to reach Yamaguchi's body to get him away from his foot but was stopped once again. The boy had begun to claw his fingers up and down the middle blocker's heel, causing him to gasp and giggle.
"Ahaha, Yahahamaha! StohohoHOhOHop it!" Tsukishima didn't know how to react to this ticklish feeling... All he could do was laugh and laugh. And laugh some more.
"Wow~ Someone's right heel is ticklish. What about the left one?" Yamaguchi teased, swiftly snatching Tsukishima's left ankle and scratching at his heel.
Tsukishima bashed around, trying not to laugh. He held his lips together but they were immediately separated by sweet chuckles and snorts every single time.
Yamaguchi took notes. Although he was having fun wrecking poor Tsuki, he still genuinely wanted to find an answer to his question. And as far as heels go, he concluded that Tsukishima's left heel was more ticklish.
But what about Tsuki's sides? Or his armpits? The experiment continues... But at another time.
Yamaguchi released the ankles that were in his grip. He quickly crawled over to a pink-faced Tsuki, rubbing his back.
"Are you alright? Do you need some water?"
Tsukishima caught his breath and replied, "No. But, I do need..one thing."
Yama tilted his head, listening carefully. The least he could do was help out his friend after tickling the hell out of him.
"I need you to not try and get any revenge after this." Tsukishima smirked, pushing Yama to the floor and pinning his arms above his head. All of this happened so quickly, leaving the smaller boy in a blur.
However, he quickly realized what was happening after he felt a hand reach under his shirt and dig into his armpit.
"NuhohOHOHA! FuhUHUHAHA!" He yelped, kicking his feet all around. It was only fair that Tsuki got a bit of revenge, right..?
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lovelymessybubbly · 1 year
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- So Suga is obviously Karasuno's resident tickle monster (Noya is too but shhhh I'll talk about that some other time). He can and will tickle anyone who either wants it or that he thinks needs it.
- Along with Yamaguchi, he somehow knows the tickle spots of everyone on the team.
- His most common victims are Asahi, Daichi, Noya, Hinata, Tanaka and Kageyama.
- Most likely to start the tickle fight and win. Also the most likely to win gang tickle wars.
- Him and Noya gang up on Asahi a lot, especially if he's been talking down to himself. He loves tickling Asahi under his arms because he lets out the cutest little shrieks and unintentionally traps Suga's hands, therefore sealing his fate.
- He often pokes several members of the team while they are stretching. He just grins at Daichi's threats of retaliation and pokes him again.
- A huge fan of teasing, but is quick to redirect if he can see that the person he's tickling is genuinely uncomfortable with it.
- I don't see Suga as really deathly ticklish besides in a select few places. He's quite ticklish on his stomach, although not as much Daichi and a few other members of the team. His waistline is also sensitive, but mostly to lighter touches. I can see his neck being the tiniest bit sensitive, but not so much that it's noticable.
- Likes being tickled and is not at all ashamed of it.
- When he's being tickled, his laugh is very light and airy, almost like a song of sorts. Noya and Hinata think his laugh is very beautiful and have told him such. Often giggles.
- Unlike some of his other teammates, he actually doesn't move around that much when being tickled. He willingly holds his arms up and allows his tickler to do what they please. He can be a bit twitchy when it comes to his stomach and waist, but otherwise he doesn't move because he's so happy.
- Fun fact: he didn't even know that he was ticklish until Daichi accidentally squeezed his waist while trying to keep him from falling once in their first year. He was so surprised.
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- Ah, Asahi.
- So unlike Suga, Asahi is Karasuno's resident ticklee. He's usually the one who is being tickled and he is often ganged up on because of his major sensitivity.
- He occasionally tickles Daichi and the younger teammates, but more often than not that either backfires on him immediately or they get MAJOR revenge later down the line.
- He is most commonly attacked by Noya, Daichi and/or Suga.
- Is the least likely to win in a gang tickle war, so he usually just helps hold people still when he's not getting the living daylights tickled out of him. Ran away during a tickle war once and only once. Suga went after him and tickled him so bad he has not done it again since.
- Gets super super flustered when he's teased. Cannot TAKE being called a "big ticklish bear" (one of Suga and Noya's favorite teases) and loses his mind when that happens.
- His laugh is loud as heck, no ifs, ands or buts. He's all giggles and chuckles and guffaws until you get the death spot. Then his voice goes higher than a chipmunk-dolphin hybrid on helium.
- Speaking of death spots, his is under his arms. He cannot STAND any kind of touch there. Even the very act of pinning his arms down has him freaking tf out.
- He is very squirmy, but he instinctively tries not to move too much when being tickled for fear of hurting the person tickling him. Which obviously doesn't work out too well for him. Noya and Suga totally use this knowledge to their advantage.
Sincerely, Blue-san 💙
kyaaaah as usual, they are all very adorable Σ>―(〃°ω°〃)♡→ uwaah the way you describe them is so soft and sweet, i can picture their cute laughter in my head really well. thank you again for sending these i love reading them so much !! (⌒▽⌒)♡
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kusuguricafe · 2 years
💖 fav fics 💖
last updated: april 1, 2024
my absolute favorite tickle fics others have written! go check them out if you're interested ^^
👑 = a fic I requested or commissioned 💝 = this fic was a gift
boku no hero academia
by @otomiyaa
Blackmailed...? (lee!deku, ler!bakugou)
Small Start (lee!bakugou, ler!kirishima)
by @intheticklecloset
I'll Take You Both Down (switches bakugou, deku, kaminari) 👑
Deku/Bakugou Tickle Fight Series
Tell Me You Love Me (lee!deku, ler!bakugou)
Ten More Minutes (lee!deku, ler!bakugou)
Ask Me to Stop (lee!deku, ler!bakugou, ler!kirishima)
Just Ask (lee!kirishima, ler!bakugou)
bakudeku coffee shot (lee!deku, ler!bakugou)
by @ticklishfiend
Love Language (switches bakugou and deku)
Strawberry Milk (lee!bakugou, ler!kirishima)
Off-Button (lee!kaminari, ler!bakugou, ler!kirishima)
A Little Nervous (lee!kaminari, lers!bakusquad)
So Intriguing (lee!bakugou, ler!todoroki)
“Say that again and I’ll make you pay” sentence starter (lee!bakugou, ler!deku)
“I don’t think you wanna try me right now” sentence starter (lee!deku, ler!bakugou)
“And where are you going?” sentence starter (lee!deku, ler!bakugou)
by @veryblushyswitch
“OK! I’ll tickle you now!” sentence starter (lee!kirishima, ler!bakugou)
“Please, you totally love this” sentence starter (lee!bakugou, ler!kirishima)
"That's cheating!" sentence starter (lee!deku, lers!bakusquad+)
Tickle Belt Series
by @happyandticklish
Tickletober Day One - Anticipation (lee!bakugou, ler!kirishima)
Tickletober Day Eight - Death Spot (lee!deku, ler!bakugou)
by @volleeball-bo
bakudeku speedwrite (lee!deku, ler!bakugou)
Go-Go Gauntlets (lee!deku, ler!bakugou)
kiribaku speedwrite (lee!bakugou, ler!kirishima)
kiribaku speedwrite (lee!kirishima, ler!bakugou)
Masks Make Friends (lee!kaminari, ler!shinsou)
by @my-tickle-blog
bakudeku request (lee!deku, ler!bakugou) 👑
by @something1987
Tickles x3 (Squealing Santa 2022) (lees deku, bakugou, kaminari, lers bakugou, kaminari) 💝
by @impulsively-made-tickle-blog
A Coin For A Coin (lee!bakugou, ler!kirishima)
by @burningablaze
Midoriya x Reader - Time to Relax (lee!deku, ler!reader)
by @thetickleeraven
3 Times Deku Laughed Because of a Quirk (And One Time Because of Bakugou) (lee!deku, ler!bakugou)
by @ffeather-ficss
Pushing Luck (lee!deku, ler!kaminari) 👑
Kat's Cradle (lee!deku, ler!bakugou) 👑
by @marvel-m-lee
Communication (lee!bakugou, lee!deku, ler!hagakure, ler!ojiro)
by @rachi-roo
My Hero Academia: Phantom Tickles! (lee!bakugou, ler!villain oc)
by @ticklygiggles
The most ticklish person in the world | TsukiYama (lees!kageyama, yamaguchi, lers!nishinoya, tanaka, hinata)
Practicing tickle fights | Yamaguchi, Nishinoya & Hinata (switches yamaguchi, nishinoya, hinata)
sasaki to miyano
by @thetickleeraven
You Want To Be Tickled? (lee!miyano, ler!sasaki)
sk8 the infinity
by @heartsywritesthethings
"accidental" (lee!langa, ler!reki)
by @blue-little-angel
Squealing Santa 2K23 gift (lee!reki, ler!langa) 💝
umibe no étranger
by @otomiyaa and @ticklygiggles
Adorable | Shun/Mio (lee!mio, ler!shun)
by @tickly-trashcan
Manuscript {MioShun} (lee!mio, ler!shun)
yuri!!! on ice
by @otomiyaa
Share a Secret (lee!yuuri, ler!victor)
genshin impact
by @otomiyaa
Holiday in Mondstadt (switches aether and albedo, lee!zhongli, ler!childe)
Lyney's Trick (lee!gaming, lers lyney, lynette, freminet)
by @ticklygiggles
Heroic Feat | Scaramouche & Elise (commissioner's oc) (lee!wanderer, ler!elise)
Miya&Mia's Tickletober Day 20 - Cursed (lee!cyno)
by @giggly-bun
Sticky Situation {Kaebedo} (lee!albedo, ler!kaeya)
Bad Luck {Kaebedo} (lee!albedo, ler!kaeya)
by @justmaybee
But (lee!albedo, ler!kaeya)
by @lovelynim
wanderer x aether (lee!wanderer, ler!aether)
kazuscara (lee!kazuha, ler!wanderer)
by @wertzunge
Ballad of Laughter (switches aether and lyney)
by @felieiden
A tickle up his sleeve. (lee!lyney, ler!aether)
by @synthleetius
Magic tricks (lee!lyney, ler!aether) 👑
-not sfw under the cut-
boku no hero academia (not sfw)
by @otomiyaa
Upgrade, Downgrade... (lee!deku, ler!bakugou)
Bakugou's Luck (lee!bakugou, ler!deku) 👑
bakudeku drabble request (lee!deku, ler!bakugou) 👑
genshin impact (not sfw)
by @justmaybee
Day 4: Erogenus Zones (lee!albedo, ler!kaeya)
by @ticklygiggles
A deep secret | LynLumi (lee!lyney, ler!lumine) 👑
obey me! (not sfw)
by @ticklygiggles
The Avatar of Lust | Asmo x Reader [N$FW] (lee!mc, ler!asmo)
zelda botw (not sfw)
by @bambinella
Early Mornings (switches link and zelda)
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lovelynim · 1 year
My collabs
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Aaaand, last but not least, this is where you can find all the collabs I wrote (and with who) so far!
I will also tag the co-author so you guys can check it out the their amazing blog ~
Updated in: April 2nd, 2024
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Written with @ticklygiggles
Genshin Impact
A Poor Bastard - Kazuha x Scaramouche
Love and Deepspace
Dangerously Close At Night - Rafayel x Reader (N$FW)
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Written with @wertzunge
Akagami No Shirayuki-Hime
The Dilemma of Being Sensitive - Zen & Obi
Banana Fish
Bad Dream - Ash x Eiji
Blue Hearts
Study Session of a Different Kind - Toki x Nagi
Bonding Time - J & Seha
Demon Slayer
Words of Encouragement - Tanjiro & Genya
The Devil Playtime - Ciel x Ain
Future Card Buddyfight
The Ace of Tickling - Yuga & Ranma
Genshin Impact
Relaxing Time - Thoma & Gorou
Ticklish Interrogation - Kazuha x Heizou
A Traveler, a Wanderer and a Harbinger - Aether x Wanderer x Tartaglia
A Lesson in "How To Be A Proper Lady" - Yae Miko & Gorou
A Dance Rarely Comes Alone - Lyney x Aether
Grand Chase
Nights Full of Laughter - Asin x Jin (N$FW) (w/ art)
Laugh Under The Starry Sky - Ronan x Lass
Badinages and Confessions - Kuroo x Yamaguchi (N$FW)
Honkai: Star Rail
A Boyfriend's Jealously - Caelus x Dan Heng (N$FW)
League of Legends
A Cat and Its Mooncake Boyfriend - Sett x Aphelios
Link Click
A Cure For Boredom - Lu Guang x Cheng Xiaoshi
Mairimashita! Iruma-kun
Play Time is Over - Iruma & Shax
Psycho Pass 3
Clear It - Arata & Kagari x Machine (N$FW)
Sk8 The Infinity
Rooftop Banter - Reki x Langa
Sword Art Online Alicization
A Familiar Feeling - Kirito x Eugeo
The Promised Neverland
Tag Game - Norman & Ray
Tower of God
Long sleepers get tickled - Khun x Baam
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Written with @softmacchiato
Genshin Impact
Drunken Love - Kazuha x Tomo
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intheticklecloset · 7 months
Yamaguchi and neck
This boy obviously has a ticklish neck! 8! It's a quick and easy way to get him to cheer up and/or calm down depending on the situation. He's a little embarrassed by it but ultimately doesn't mind the attention when he gets it. 🥰
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ticklygiggles · 6 months
Practicing tickle fights | Yamaguchi, Nishinoya & Hinata
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A/N: First commission from the always kind and super amazing Max (@wertzunge)! Thank you so much again for your kind, kind support Max! You are always so nice to me. I hope you enjoy these cuties!
Summary: Yamaguchi is a very reserved guy, but when he finds Nishinoya and Hinata having a tickle fight (again), he can't help but feel curious - what was it the last time he got tickled?
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He was tired. He never thought practicing could actually be this… painful. He was sore in places he didn't even know could be sore and he felt like dying with every step he took, however… it felt nice. Despite being tired both physically and mentally, he had never felt so energized and motivated to do something, especially something related to volleyball, but there he was, feeling like his heart wanted to explode out of his chest every time he noticed progress on his serve and when he received praise from his coaches and even Hinata.
He felt that after this camp, he could definitely be of more help to his team and that made him feel so happy, he could barely walk- yet again, he could barely walk with how sore he was. 
“It hurts, it hurts,” he whined as he dragged himself outside, even though he wanted to rest for the night right there and then. He felt motivated, but he also felt like he could sleep for three years straight. 
However, he still wanted to do a little more practicing before going to bed, he just needed a clean towel and his water bottle… his water bottle. Ah. Yamaguchi whined as it came to his mind that he had left his poor water bottle alone back in their room. Now he had to go all the way back for it… would it be better to go to sleep once and for all? He whined some more as he made his way back to the room, fighting the urge to just go to sleep and skip practice for that day. Only one day… couldn't be so bad, right? 
He sighed, giving himself mental strength, but as he neared the room he couldn't help but get distracted by so much noise coming from inside, interrupting his inner speech about how persistence was the key. It sounded like screams and Yamaguchi was immediately worried, his feet moving quickly, in a rush to get there and see what was happening; he didn't know what to expect to find when he opened the door, but what he saw really blew him away. 
Hinata and Nishinoya were inside the room… having a tickle fight? Yamaguchi blinked, perplexed, staring at the scene. So that was all the commotion he heard from the other side of the hallway? A tickle fight? He sighed in relief, he thought something bad had happened, but it was just his silly teammates. 
Yamaguchi was very used to this. Tickle fights were a regular thing on the Karasuno team, especially between these two. Yamaguchi could tell from their big smiles and bright eyes that they were having too much fun as they tried to pin the other. Both Hinata and Nishinoya already knew each other's weakest spots and their skillful and quick fingers did not hesitate to attack those spots that made them throw their heads back with loud, hysterical laughter. Yamaguchi couldn't help but smile as he heard their contagious laughter, they really sounded happy even though their bodies desperately tried to escape when they were under attack.
How they could engage into these types of games so effortlessly would always be a mystery for Yamaguchi. Sometimes they only needed to look at each other to know what was about to happen and it didn't matter the time, both of them were so ready for it right away. Was it really that fun? 
Hinata's laughter was really funny, he had to admit, it sounded so like him, if that made any sense. It was vibrant and somehow cute. Contagious and happy as his personality. Noya's laughter was also so like him: loud, boisterous and free. It escaped from his lips without restraints and without a care just like Noya. He never thought laughter could sound like one's personality. Yamaguchi was curious, but there was no way he would-
“Y-Yahahamahahuchihi,” Noya giggled, pointing at Yamaguchi by the door when he caught sight of him. Hinata, busy tickling Noya's sides, stopped and looked up to look at Yamaguchi and he grinned widely. 
“Yamaguchi! What are you doing there? Do you want to join?” He was short of breath as if he had run a marathon, but he didn't look tired at all. 
But, what did he just ask?! Yamaguchi felt his cheeks blushing and he shook his head and both his hands no. “That’s not it! I just came here for my bottle, I'm going to practice… again…”
They were not listening to him, were they? Noya was laughing so hard as Hinata tried to pin his arms above his head; so he was surprised when they called his name again. 
“Yahamaguchi! C'mon!” Noya said, cackling a little when Hinata tickled his ribs for a bit. “Y-Yohohou nehever join us in a tickle fight! Didn't even Tsukishima tickle Kageyama the other day?”
Yamaguchi chuckled. Tsukki would do anything in his power to make Kageyama feel embarrassed, of course he would even join in a tickle fight just to wreck him, but Yamaguchi? He didn't feel the need to join, really, it was fun to watch so he never thought about actually playing as well. 
“Yes! Laughing is also healthy for your lungs, Yamaguchi!” Hinata said, giggling brightly as Noya squeezed his thigh. 
“And you won't believe the workout you do in a tickle fight! So come here, quickly!” 
Yamaguchi blinked a couple of times, he looked behind him into the hallway and then looked at Hinata and Noya again. Well… it wouldn't hurt, right? If he was quick enough, he could avoid being tickled, but even so… maybe getting tickled wouldn't be that bad, he thought. 
Clearing his throat, Yamaguchi finally stepped in, his steps slow as both Hinata and Noya sat up, grinning brightly and excitedly at him as they saw him kneeling beside them. Yamaguchi felt his hands trembling a little as he was under their playful gaze.
“Our Shouyou here will be kind enough to let you tickle him,” Noya said, making Yamaguchi jump when he placed a hand on his shoulder, the libero giggled. “Lay down, Shouyou.”
“Huh?! Why me?” Hinata whined, but he did what he was told and even raised his hands above his head. “Noya-san is more ticklish than me,” he pouted and Noya was quick to have his fingers digging slightly into Hinata's ribs, making him laugh and squirm, his arms half way down already. 
“Did you see that? Shouyou is very ticklish on his ribs,” Noya explained, vibrating his fingers in between the spaces of Hinata's ribs, making him finally lower his arms. “You can try it, Yamaguchi. Don't be too rough, though. You could hurt him and we don't want that.”
Yamaguchi nodded, his lips sealed in a thin line as he approached Hinata, who had raised his arms again, but was giggling like a kid. Yamaguchi would have chuckled, listening to Hinata's giggles, but he was nervous. He couldn't say he had much experience with tickling. He was an only child, so he didn't have tickle fights with his siblings. Tsukishima and Akiteru have tickled him before, but that was when he was a kid and he didn't get to tickle them back since they always ganged up on him. He didn't get tickled in Karasuno either, even though they did have many tickle fights, he never personally joined nor they made him join before. 
So he was not surprised when he finally touched Hinata's ribs and he simply flinched slightly. His smile was bright, but no laughter came out. 
“Harder, Yamaguchi!” Hinata encouraged him and Yamaguchi clawed at his ribs a bit harder, this time Hinata did giggle, jerking slightly to the side. “I cahahan tahake mohohore than that!” 
“Don't be afraid, Yamaguchi! It's just tickling! Hinata loves it, believe me!”
“I dohohon’t, you dohoho!” 
Yamaguchi was not scared, he just didn't know how to do it! He couldn't help but tense even more as they kept telling him how to do it. No matter how hard he tried, Yamaguchi could only make Hinata giggled slightly and squirm softly, nothing compared to when Noya was doing this. 
“I think I can't,” he finally admitted, stopping his tickling and looking back at Noya. “I don't know how to- ah, wait! What-”
He was surprised when he was suddenly pushed back by Noya who hovered over him with a bright, evil grin, showing all his teeth. Yamaguchi tensed and all the alarms in his head went off as he also saw Hinata joining Nishinoya. 
“I think Shouyou and I should teach you how to do this, Yamaguchi, don't you think so, Shouyou?” Noya said, winking at Hinata.
“Yes! Don't worry, Yamaguchi! You'll learn first hand how to tickle someone!”
“W-Wait! I don't think this a good idea,” Yamaguchi said, blushing. “I just wanted to get my bottle, I have to do some practicing and- aaagh! N-Noya-san! Nohohohoyahaha-sahahan!” 
Laughter escaped from his lips at the mere contact of Noya's fingers against his sides. Yamaguchi thought he had stopped being ticklish as he grew up, but now he knew he was very wrong, if anything, he thought he felt even more ticklish now, but it could be that he was a bit too nervous at that moment, actually, why was Nishinoya so good at tickling?! 
“Nohohoho!” He laughed, squirming and trying to push Noya's hands away from his sides. 
“You see now, Yamaguchi? You have to do it firmly, but not too hard and you are just as ticklish as Shouyou!” 
Yamaguchi could barely focus on Noya's words as he was a bit overwhelmed by the tickles on his sides, but he did hear Hinata squeaking out a protest, claiming that Noya was the most ticklish between them too. Much to Yamaguchi's embarrassment, they quickly came to the conclusion that he was the most ticklish among the three. 
“Okahahahay! Okay! I gehehehet it! I'll try ahahahagain!” He pleaded, tilting his head back with laughter when Noya massaged his lower sides, thumbs digging into the sides of his stomach. 
“Hey, I want to tickle Yamaguchi too!” Hinata claimed and Yamaguchi squeaked out a cackle when he felt his hands clawing at his stomach under his shirt! “He really is so ticklish, look at him, Noya-san!” 
Noya laughed, “this is why you never join us, Yamaguchi?”
Yamaguchi shook his head, jerking this way and that, but unable to escape their hands. “NOHOHO! Stahahahap! It tihihihickles!” 
Both gremlins giggled at Yamaguchi’s words, but they didn't stop, on the contrary, Yamaguchi felt as if their fingers increased in speed and it suddenly didn't feel like just four hands, but ten climbing up and down his sides and clawing and wiggling at his tummy. Yamaguchi giggled and laughed and squeaked, his hands flailing around, trying to push their hands, to cover his stomach, to drag himself out of it, but it was all useless as they tickled him as if they knew where exactly to touch to have him losing his mind. 
And yet, Yamaguchi couldn't deny he was having fun. He was able to pinch firmly at Hinata's side or wiggle his fingers under Noya's arm, but even though they laughed, his actions only backfired and they tickled him more. 
“I'll dihihihie!” He said dramatically, stubbornly denying the fact that he was having a good time. “PLEHEHEASE! H-Hinahahataha! Don't do thahahat!”
“What! What! This?” He asked excitedly as his hand vibrated right in the center of Yamaguchi's tummy, around his belly button. 
Yamaguchi barked out a laugh, nodding his head as he sucked on his belly, but as he tried to move away, Nishinoya held his sides in place, fingers digging in also making him laugh like crazy. 
“Poor Yamaguchi, he can't stop us!” Noya teased, giggling and whining when Yamaguchi's knee hit him in the back. “Ouch? Why are you hurting your senpai, Yamaguchi? That just won't do! Do you want me to tickle your feet?” 
Yamaguchi shook his head desperately. “NOHOHO! I'M SOHOHORRY!” 
Noya grinned. “Did you hear that, Shouyou? I think Yamaguchi here is hiding something on his feet! Help me out!” 
“NOHOHO!” Yamaguchi laughed nervously, quickly turning on his stomach to flee away as both Noya and Hinata stopped tickling him to move lower, but perhaps since they were so tiny and Yamaguchi  was already weak from all that laughter, they caught a leg each, pinning them down with their weight. Yamaguchi shrieked, pulling at his trapped legs. “Nohoho, Nohohoya-san, Hinata! Please, listen! Lihihisten! LIHIHISTEN! NAHAHA!” 
“Noya-san, Noya-san. I think we found Yamaguchi's worst spot!” 
“Aren't we lucky, Shouyou?"
Blunt nails raked up and down his socked soles. Yamaguchi howled with laughter, fists banging against the floor as he tried to crawl away from them, but damn they had him pinned good. One pair of hands skittered their nails against the ball of his foot, making him cackling like mad as the other pair found that hypersensitive spot underneath his toes that not even Yamaguchi knew was ticklish.
Tears of laughter streamed down his face and his cheeks and stomach ached a little from laughing so much, he really thought it couldn't be worst, but then he felt them pulling his socks off and when they tickled him again, he was a goner. 
Half words were the only thing he could manage out as they wrecked his poor feet. Nails scritch-scratching the sides of his feet, the arches and fingers wiggling under and in between his toes as his attackers giggled happily. He certainly had never been tickled like that before and soon his laughter had started to turn wheezy and silent. 
“Noya-san, do you think Yamaguchi had learned how to properly do this?” 
Yamaguchi wanted to scream that he did, but at that moment he could only howl with nearly hysterical laughter. 
“Hmm, I wonder, shall we ask him?” 
The tickling suddenly stopped and Yamaguchi went limp against the wooden floor. He pressed his forehead against the cool surface and let out residual laughter as he heard Nishinoya and Hinata moving up from his feet.
“So, Yamaguchi? How was it? Did you learn how to do it?” 
He couldn't talk, or more like didn't want to, he felt slightly too embarrassed, even though he didn't hate it, he was still surprised about how ticklish he really was. Who would've thought? He really made a fool of himself laughing like that, right? Ugh, he wanted to disappear!
“Ah! Ahahahah, I dihihihid! I reheheally dihihid!” He giggled brightly when they tickled his ears, fingers lightly fluttering against the sensitive spot. He shook his head before covering his ears. “I knohohow how to dohoho it! I prohohomise!” 
Hinata and Nishinoya giggled, finally stopping to let Yamaguchi catch his breath completely. 
“How was it, Yamaguchi? Did you have fun?” Hinata asked as Yamaguchi sat up, face pink but breathing more stable. 
“Yeah, doesn't it feel so good to just laugh?” Noya added, their eyes sparkling with happiness. 
They were right. It was fun and it was somehow revitalizing. He liked it and he wondered how it was that he didn't join in the fun before.
He nodded shyly, “yes, it was fun. It feels weirdly nice, I think. I had never been tickled like that before. You both are brutal,” Yamaguchi said sincerely and the three laughed. 
Ah, this was nice. It had been a long time since he had felt as light and vibrant as he did in those moments. Who knew that a ridiculous tickle war was what he needed to relax? Well, a very one sided tickle fight, if he may add, but not for long.
“What- AHAHAHAHA! N-NOHOHO!” Nishinoya’s laughter echoed through the whole room as Yamaguchi launched at him, fingers wiggling their way under the libero's arms, tickling him with enthusiasm. 
“What do you think, Noya-san?” Yamaguchi teased, pinning Noya down and straddling his hips. “Do you think I learned something at all?”
“Let me help you!” Hinata chirped excitedly and he grabbed Noya's wrists, easily pinning his arms up above his head. 
Yamaguchi laughed brightly as he wrecked the poor libero. He never thought tickle fights could be that fun and it was even better since he knew these two silly boys enjoyed every second of it, so he let himself have fun tickling the two and letting them tickle him back. 
Either way he could keep practicing extra hard tomorrow!
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tickle-page · 2 years
Conquering ur fears
🎃Tickletober Day 13- Puppet🎃
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Lee: Nishinoya
Ler: Asahi
Summary: Asahi decided to scare his bf infront of all of Karasuno boys/men, totally embarrassing him. And if that’s not enough, he has to show everyone how Nishinoya is extremely ticklish.
A/N: I’m filling this in for Day 14, bc it says “self insert x Oc” and I don’t feel comfortable inserting my self in a tickle fic, dky. I tried to start on it, but I kept hesitating on the first paragraph. I’m really sorry, so here!
Using this post👇
“AGH!! ASAHI!! WHY DID U PULL THAT SHITTY THING OUT OF THE TRASH?!” Nishinoya jumped a mile, after Asahi had pulled out a gross puppet that looked exactly like Elmo. It had a broken eye, red body, and a hand slot.
“Awww~ are u still scared of puppets?~” The much taller bf cooed, and laughed.
“Wait… Nishinoya is scared of puppets?” Hinata questioned.
“Yh. He told me once.” Tsukishima said, making it seem like he did tell him, but in reality he didn’t.
“Please! I never told u shit!” The libero barked back.
“Woah~ don’t get so salty, it’s just a joke~” The blonde, glasses teen laughed, while his bsf, Yamaguchi, snickers in his palm.
“‘It’s just a joke~’ IT’S NOT JUST A JOKE!! ASAHI KNOWS HOW TERRIFIED I AM OF THOSE THINGS-“ Nishinoya mocked, but was cut off by Asahi squeezing his side w/ the puppet.
“AGH!!” He covered his mouth, hoping no one heard or seen him jump up and squeaked.
“Was that a…?” Yamaguchi started to ask, but was cut off by the shortest one there.
“NO!! It wasn’t!! Can’t we just get to pumpkin carving, please?”
“Oh yh~ the other thing that is extremely cute, but he thinks is extremely embarrassing is…” Asahi started to talk.
“NO!! DON’T” The short bf popped up and covered his taller bf’s mouth, though that didn’t stop Asahi from squeezing his side making him twitch and squawk.
“He’s extremely ticklish.” Asahi puncuated this by squeezing both his ribs with the puppet and his free hand.
“Awww, that’s cute~” Sugawara teased, propping his elbow on the table, laying his head down on his palm.
“STOHOHOHOP!! Asahahahahahi!!” Nishinoya squirmed under the taller teen’s weight. Batting usely at the torturous fingers that was inviting their selves under the teen’s hoodie, tickling his bare stomach. His puppet hand had been out of his hoodie, teasing him.
“Aww look at how ticklish u are, Yū~” Ashai made the puppet talk, by doing a little ventriloquist.
“Stahahahahahp!! You can’t eheven do ventriloquihihihsm.”
“Now, don’t say that my sensitive bf~ look at how delicious ur ribs look. Good thing I’m starving am I right? Do u mind if I nibble a little bit on ur ticklish ribs?” Asahi grabbed Nishinoya’s arms and pinned them above his head. He only used his free hand for this, but thankfully Ashai looked like a giant compared to the younger one, so it’s not much of a challenge to pin him down w/ one hand even if he is struggling.
“YEHEHEHEHEEHS!!! YES I DO MIND!! DON’T TICKLE ME THERE!!!! I’M SERIOUS!!” His squirming started increasing every time the puppet got closer to his sensitive ribs.
“Do I have to be here for this?” Kageyama sighed.
“U’ve been here since they started, and ur just now asking that?!” Hinata argued back.
“Nothing’s cute abt being tickled.”
“Bc u’ve always been on the recieving end.” Hinata laughed.
“Watch ur mouth, ur extremely ticklish ur self.” Kageyama tweaked his side.
“AGH!!! KAGEYAMA!!!” Hinata slapped the taller teen’s hand.
“Boys!” Daichi jumped in, hitting the back of their heads. “Stop fighting.”
“Yes sir.”
“AGH!! STAHAHHAHAP!!!” They both jumped from Nishinoya’s loud laugh.
“See? Isn’t this worth watching Kageyama?” Asahi was still focused on the younger boy’s ribcage.
“Oh, dude! U haven’t seen how ticklish his knees are, have u? That’s his death spot.” Tanaka had to barge in and totally pimped out the second/oldest second year.
“Oh, it’s the knees?~” Asahi had a teasy tone to his voice, and honestly Nishinoya wished he was deaf… and not ticklish.
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duckymcdoorknob · 1 year
I've got my fair share of random ass headcanons, so let's go.
Heartstopper: Charlie obsesses over Nick's freckles. He'll kiss them, trace them, and play connect the dots with them except Nick thinks it tickles like hell, and he has them all over his body.
Any fandom: So, uh, areas that have tattoos or piercings become more sensitive, which means ticklish ears for days
Non-tickles just headcanons-
Kuroko no Basuke: Momoi and Midorima are canonically bad at cooking, so the other members try to keep the two of them out of kitchen together bc it's a literal disaster area
Haikyuu: Hinata makes when I was your age jokes at Kageyama
Tsukishima and Yamaguchi spend Sundays going to new bakeries to try the strawberry shortcake
BNHA/MHA: Sato makes custom birthday cakes for class 1-A + Eri and Shinsou
Jirou records herself singing lullabies bc it helps everyone go to sleep and helps ptsd nightmares
Kuroko no Basuke just shot up on my queue for shoes I need to watch bc of that hc.
Hinata my beloved boy do not ever stop being a little shit
Stan king Sato for clear skin I hope he can make me a minecraftcito cake
Jirou ily girl
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pontevoix · 2 years
yamaguchi & tsukishima
ship meme | @pridewon​
Who cooks meals for the other?
they take turns. yamaguchi is overall a better cook, but tsukishima is well equipped with an arsenal of simple recipes. eventually, tsukishima starts handling breakfast meals. miso, eggs, & toast. tsukishima usually just eats two eggs plain & waves yamaguchi off about meal planning. yamaguchi gets struck by the urge to make food to meal prep for lunch for three days in a row, so tsukishima sometimes finds himself eating the same steamed broccoli + pork dish for lunch & dinner multiple times. he doesn’t mind. he does the same thing, but he doesn’t pack the food in neat containers like yamaguchi does.  & of course . . . the recipes he makes for dinner / lunch ? they’re simpler. they’re a little bland. but they do the job.
Who spams the other with memes?
without a doubt, yamaguchi sends the memes & has tiktok downloaded but usually just sends youtube links with ‘ no watch the 00:14 to 00:19 ‘ comment to indicate which precise moment of the video yamaguchi considers to be the important meme. tsukishima has a folder on his phone of approximately 15 memes that he uses in rotation & identifies personally with.
Who likes to tidy around the house?
likes to or does tidy? tsukishima tidies as he goes by habit. this habit is limited to the work week. he schedules time to do the dishes after he cooks, he cleans the bathroom after work on friday, he sweeps while waiting for morning coffee, & he automatically does laundry on tuesday at 9pm because that was the best time to do it at his old apartment building. on weekends or when he has a day off, he does not move. he does not clean. there is a polite pile of dirty laundry / towels waiting in the corner that he will deal with when he’s on the clock. yamaguchi meanwhile . . . sheds from room to room. he drops a jacket here, his phone there, & his book somewhere else. there’s little clutter everywhere, but he compensates by ritually wiping down counters & making the bed before tsukishima has the chance to complain.
Who likes to play pranks on the other?
neither, though yamaguchi often ‘ pranks ‘ tsukishima by saying that he volunteered them to go to a social gathering at _____ or to bring _____ dish to someone’s party. tsukishima stares at him, & yamaguchi starts laughing because both of them know that they know better.
Who asked the other to move in with them?
yamaguchi keep shedding at tsukishima’s apartment but then apologetically/nonapologetically pretending that he isn’t as frequent a visitor at tsukishima’s apartment. tsukishima eventually lost it a little & pointed to a drawer of his dresser & assumed that yamaguchi knew what he meant. that lasted & progressed for about six months until yamaguchi mentioned his lease was up & tsukishima said he had another year on his.
Who is in charge of the music during a car ride?
it . . . depends who’s driving. tsukishima automatically goes for the aux cord if he’s driving, but if he tries when yamaguchi is driving . . . yamaguchi starts getting droopy eyed & sleepy especially if they’re driving facing the sun. at this point, yamaguchi pretends to apologize before putting on the radio & says they can listen to tsukishima’s music back home.
Who is more likely to tickle the other mercilessly?
neither, but tsukishima accidentally does tickle yamaguchi sometimes if he pokes his ribs or something to dispute something yamaguchi says or does. it usually makes yamaguchi laugh & then scrunch his nose in disproval. tsukishima is only ticklish behind his knee & that surprised the shit out of yamaguchi the first time he figured that out because tsukishima didn’t so much as … laugh as much as he fell out of bed.
Who needs to hold the other during scary movies?
neither. they watch scary movies & actively decide to be assholes & laugh at stupid decisions.
Who has to help the other when it comes to technology?
tsukishima waits until yamaguchi asks what he’s working on. then he says,  ‘here you can see. ’ & then he gets up & walks away saying that maybe yamaguchi can fix whatever is broken since yamaguchi did electronics. besides that, yamaguchi sometimes tries to commandeer tsukishima’s social media.
Who likes to get a bit frisky in public / an inappropriate setting?
neither. the most that they have done is sent frisky texts to one another in a public / inappropriate setting that is part . . . frisky, part complaint about where they’re at right now, & then part sarcasm to tell. it’s hard to tell at that point if it’s actually frisky.
Who wakes up first, and do they wake up the other or let them rest?
tsukishima wakes up first; his schedule is a little less regular than yamaguchi’s calendar-wise, & yamaguchi tends to stay up a little later than tsukishima does. tsukishima does what he needs to do but if he cooks breakfast, he does wake yamaguchi up because eggs are gross cold.
Who is always taking pictures of the other when they aren’t looking?
‘ sorry, tsukki! ‘ no you’re not u camera loving lil menace
Who always forgets their wallet and never ends up paying for anything?
neither. they both kinda argue about who’s paying for what & when they’re taking turns though yamaguchi has snatched tsukishima’s wallet from his jacket pocket without his noticing to prevent him from paying for a date meal. they split bills.
Who can’t sleep because the other snores or moves too much at night?
yamaguchi moves too much & drools ( canonically ). tsukishima sometimes snores too much. tsukishima is a lighter sleeper but doesn’t really mind. he expects it’d happen with anyone when sleeping in the same bed.
Who is better at video games, and do they let the other win or show no mercy?
tsukishima prefers one-player games. he’s better at them than yamaguchi is. yamaguchi is better at tsukishima at some multiplayer games, & tsukishima claims when he’s close to winning a round that he let tsukishima came.
Who always gets up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and accidentally wakes up the other?
yamaguchi does not wake or is not asleep when tsukishima goes to use the restroom. they stare at each other if yamaguchi has not yet gone to bed.
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giggly-squiggily · 4 months
Hi Squiggly! In honor of the new movie coming out in Japan, might I ask for Haikyuu for the ask game?
WAIT THERE'S A MOVIE COMING OUT? Oh, that's so exciting! I can't wait for it come around where I'm at! Anywho- I've gotcha covered!
who’s the most ticklish character: Hinata!
who’s the character that most people would assume is ticklish, but actually isn’t: Fukunaga. I think most assume he's ticklish given he finds himself instigating caught up in tickle wars, but so far no one's yet to find a spot that really gets him.
who’s the character that everyone gangs up on and tickles: Hinata! Or Kenma- depends on the team. Sometimes both of them at the same time during group practice!
who’s the character that somehow knows everyone else’s tickle spots and reveals them to others: If it's Karasuno, Nishinoya. He and Tanaka make up the tickle team there. Outside of them, Bokuto! He's got every captain's weakness memorized!
who’s the character with one specific tickle spot that only one other person knows about: Yamaguchi knows the exact rib to get if he wants to hear Tsukishima pig snort. He's sworn to secrecy, though, so the information can never be shared. *coughseventhribcough*
who’s the most likely to win gang tickle wars: Bokuto! Look at him- he's a walking tickle monster hehehehe
which character has a kink for tickling: Kuroo! I don't know- look at his face and tell me he doesn't have one 👀 XD
which character didn’t even know they were ticklish until another character tickled them: Kageyama! I think as a kid he knew he was ticklish, but it wasn't until he became besties with Hinata that he realized just how ticklish he truly was, you know?
which two characters have tickle fights all the time: Kageyama and Hinata! It's a warzone! If not them, Bokuto and Kuroo!
Thanks for asking! :D
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