ticklygiggles · 23 days
You've got a friend in me pt. 3 | Yamaguchi, Tsukishima, Hinata & Reader
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A/N: First fic from new commissions made by always kind and wonderful Max (@wertzunge)! As always, I apologize for the delay, but I hope you enjoy this fic Max! Thank you so much for always being so kind to me! ❤️
Words: 3k+
Summary: On a little school trip to Kyoto, Hinata seems to be very excited to have you around, but a certain freckled boy seemed to be a bit... upset.
Male!Reader. You can read part 1 and part 2 of this series!
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The weather was beautiful: clear skies, warm sun and fresh air. Perfect for this trip to Kyoto. Your heart fluttered like a small caged bird inside your chest, the excitement ran through you from the tips of your toes to the crown of your head. It was your first time on a school trip to Kyoto- this was supposed to be an educational trip, (something about history? You really couldn't recall), but your teachers had promised a free day for the students to go wherever they pleased. 
Yamaguchi and you had decided on doing some research about the places you both would like to visit and prepare an itinerary for that day. For this, you've decided to sit together, wanting to plan everything as soon as possible. You really couldn't wait to get into the bus! 
“Aren't you excited?!” A voice chirped behind you and you jumped slightly when you felt a soft poke near your left side. 
Turning around, your lips stretched into a smile. “I feel like I'm gonna explode, Shouyou!” 
Having made friends with a certain piece of sunshine did nothing to help relax your excitement. You had not long become friends with Hinata Shouyou. It was to be expected that by visiting Yamaguchi and Tsukishima so much at their volleyball practices, they would eventually introduce you to the rest of the team. Everyone had been exceptionally kind, but Hinata seemed attached to you from day one. You couldn't lie, at first Hinata's overflowing and bright energy made you feel terribly nervous, but it didn't take long for you to adapt to it and soon you became good friends.
Hinata was practically jumping on one foot with excitement. He rambled on about this and that and you could only nod with a smile, but in a second he was gone and was now fighting with Kageyama. Those two were certainly a very fun duo to watch, you chuckled and squealed when yet another poke to your side surprised you. 
“Did you do your research?”
Turning around again, the biggest grin pulled at the corners of your lips. Yamaguchi was looking at you with a smile just as bright. 
“I did!” You hurriedly pulled out a notepad from the side of your bag. “I made a very detailed list with cons and pros about each place!” You said excitedly. “We can compare our research!”
Yamaguchi nodded, chuckling a little and your cheeks flushed slightly. “That sounds like a good idea! Don't forget we'll seat together so we can-” 
You nearly dropped your notepad when someone suddenly hooked their arm around yours, dragging you away from Yamaguchi. 
“H-Huh?! Shouyou?!” 
“C'mon, c'mon!” He said, all smiles and laughs. “You'll sit with me, okay?! Quick! Before they get the best spots!” 
“A-Ah, Shouyou- I promised I would- agh!” You looked back at Yamaguchi and he was looking at you with a surprised expression. 
“I'm sorry!” You mouthed and you saw his shoulders falling a little as he gave a sad smile and a nod. 
Sooner than later you were squeezed between the window and Hinata’s incessant talking. You tried to keep your smile warm and sincere, but something felt heavy in your chest– you had promised Yamaguchi you both would sit together, but now you were with Hinata and Yamaguchi didn't look too happy even though he was sitting with Tsukishima. 
You sighed. Well, you hoped you'd get a chance to apologize once you were at the inn. Hinata, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi and you would be sharing a room after all, so there were plenty of chances to properly apologize and compensate your dear friend… right?
The bus ride didn't seem very long to you. Hinata's mouth just wouldn't shut up and soon he was making you laugh and making you chat animatedly with him. The only time he was silent was when he fell asleep for a few minutes and you were able to watch the scenery out the window. You pushed the small problem with Yamaguchi to the back of your head, it wasn't worth getting overwhelmed by it now when you could deal with it later.
Finally arriving at the inn, the butterflies in your stomach returned. The air in Kyoto even felt different, but maybe it was just you… but was the sky bluer there? Impossible, right? Chuckling to yourself, you started to get off the bus along with everyone else. Hinata practically held you prisoner, clinging tightly to your arm until his bright eyes found Kageyama, and laughing, he said he would see you in a moment. 
You started your own search; your eyes scanning the faces in that sea of ​​students in front of you until you found that adorable freckled face. You perked like a little puppy and quickly made your way to him while the teachers did the check in. 
“Tadashi!” You called once you were a couple of feet away from him. “Tadashi, I'm so sorry about earlier! I really wanted to sit with you, but Shouyou, he just-"
You jolted when you heard your name screamed at the top of Hinata's lungs. In a moment, the little ball of orange energy was at your side, grabbing your arm and dragging you somewhere. 
“What- Shouyou?! I was talking to- 
Hinata didn't even listen to you. “C'mon! You can do that later! Let's go see our room!”
Once again, you were dragged away from Yamaguchi without even the chance to look at him one last time before Hinata took you to your room.
You expected the room to be big enough to fit four people in, but you certainly didn't expect it to be that big. It was a very spacious room, but modest. The tatami felt extremely comfortable under your feet and four futons were properly arranged. A small wooden table in the middle of the room and some decorations here and there. It was cozy and somehow warm.
“I want this bed!” He called your name as he threw his back somewhere. “You'll sleep next to me, right?!” 
You chuckled shyly, “Sh-Shouyou, I think we should let everyone choose where-"
“I want to be the farest away from Hinata as possible.” Tsukishima’s voice surprised you and you smiled when you saw Yamaguchi entering the room right behind the tall boy. 
To your surprise, Yamaguchi made eye contact with you, but quickly averted his eyes. Something uncomfortably heavy set on the pit of your stomach and you felt that awful sensation of anxiety starting to swirl in your chest and wrap around your throat. You gulped and took a deep breath. Let's calm down, you repeated inside your head over and over. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. 
From left to right: Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, you and Hinata. After a bit of chaos and someone almost asking to change rooms and saying that he'd rather sleep in the King's room, you all finally could choose your own bed and set that problem aside. 
“Since we are next to each other,” you said to Yamaguchi as you both pulled out some clean clothing from your bags. “I think we can talk about the places we want to visit, right?” 
Yamaguchi halted for a mere second before nodding softly. “Mhmm.” 
You felt your cheeks heating up a little. “H-Hmm… Tadashi, are you mad at m-”
“Hey!” Hinata suddenly grabbed your arm. “The teacher said we should meet outside for a quick tour! Let's go!” 
“S-Shouyou, give me just one second, I- 
“Go on,” Yamaguchi said and you froze, quickly looking at him. “We should hurry.” With that, he was out of the room, leaving not only you and Hinata back, but also Tsukishima. 
That awkward sensation tightened around your throat, almost choking you. This was going downhill, but you weren't trying to upset anyone, Hinata was just-
“Let's go?” He asked with a bright, warm smile and happy eyes and you sighed, nodding and smiling back at him. You really couldn't get mad at Hinata, he simply was… excited. Perhaps a bit too much, but you were sure he didn't mean harm. 
Sighing again, you looked behind. “Let's go, Tsukki.” Tsukishima simply hummed in agreement and followed you and Hinata out the room.  
In the lobby, you quickly found Yamaguchi and joined him, but standing next to him just felt… terribly awkward. You tried to do small talk, though you hated it to the bone, even throwing in some jokes that made you blush slightly, but your attempts seemed to work: Yamaguchi tried to hide a smile and he even spoke to you a couple of times, he was still curt in his answers, but at least he seemed to want to talk to you again.
The tour of the small inn was boring. The teachers in charge guided you through practically every room occupied by the students in your class, the teachers’ own rooms, the bathrooms, and so on, by the time you all had finished, you were exhausted. Not only physically, but also mentally. Although Yamaguchi seemed to be back to normal, he would still try to avoid talking to you too much. It had been too long since you had felt that suffocating sensation around your neck. Thousands of negative thoughts gathered in your head and you felt your temples throb. You heard your heart racing behind your ears and your breathing was a little erratic, barely perceptible to anyone, but deafening to you.
Letting out a deep sigh once you all were back to your room, you collapsed on your designated futon wearing a comfortable yukata given by the inn. Everyone had taken a shower, the room smelled like the sun and your eyelids felt heavy, you could have fallen asleep right then, but someone's voice woke you up. 
“Shall we play a bit?” It was Yamaguchi, kneeling on his futon and showing you a deck of uno cards. You beamed, nodding excitedly, not feeling sleepy anymore. “I bet you can't beat me this time.”
You chuckled, getting up and approaching the little table with Yamaguchi. “When have I been able to do it?” 
You both laughed and some of the growing anxiety in your chest dissipated. Everything was fine. It had just been a small misunderstanding. You and Yamaguchi were still friends and you were probably going to have a lot of fun on that trip... right?
One game turned into two and then into three and four. All four times you lost miserably, Yamaguchi had always been extremely good at uno, you couldn't really remember a time you had beaten him, but it didn't matter, you always had fun with him and seeing him happy to win over and over again was more than enough for you. 
“You are terrible at this,” Hinata chuckled, glued to your side as Yamaguchi and you played for the fifth time. “This one,” he said, pointing at a card in your hand. 
“A-Ah, this one?”
“Yes!” He said and waited for Yamaguchi to throw his next card. “Hmm, now this one. Why do you have so many cards? You could've won decades ago- now throw this one and this, and this and now this and- 
You and Hinata jumped in surprise when Yamaguchi slammed his palms against the table. Your eyes widened when he looked at you, his brow deep in a big frown. He was furious.
“Can't you do anything by yourself?!” He yelled, getting up and rushing out of the room. 
You were stunned. Your eyes wide and your heart hammering in your chest. What had happened?! Weren't you and Yamaguchi better now? You started to breathe heavily, your hands started to shake, the cards falling from your grip. You, Hinata, and Tsukishima seemed to have frozen in place. The three of you were staring at the door where Yamaguchi had come out.
Tsukishima was the first one to react, he sighed softly and started to get up from his futon where he was listening to music. He looked at you and you flinched. “I'll go check-
“No,” Hinata said, gently tapping your shoulder as he got up from his spot beside you. “I will go. This is my fault after all.” Hinata can be painfully dense many times, but even he could tell what had happened here. He smiled sheepishly at you and quickly left the room to look for Yamaguchi. 
This was terrible. Was it happening again? Were you going to lose Yamaguchi? After everything it had cost you to open up to him and after all the affection you already felt for him- was it going to end like this? For a misunderstanding? It was your fault. Maybe the problem has always been you, maybe you don't know how to maintain a friendship. Maybe the problem is your behavior and attitude. Poor Yamaguchi, he had to know the worst side of you and now he was hurt like this. Were you really... a bad person? 
“Hey…” You jumped, feeling a hand rubbing your back. Tsukishima was sitting beside you, and he reached out to wipe a tear falling from your cheek. “Don't be like this. This is not your fault.”
Your bottom lip trembled and more tears streamed down your cheeks. “It is my fault,” you said between soft sobs. “I've hurt Tadashi and now he hates me. I didn't m-mean to, I promise, Kei!” You looked at him with shame. Was Tsukishima going to hate you too? After all, Yamaguchi was his precious friend, of course Tsukishima would feel upset towards you and- 
A gasp escaped your mouth when Tsukishima hugged you tightly with one arm. “I'm telling you this is not your fault, you don't understand?” He asked, gently rubbing your back. “Yamaguchi doesn't hate you. He just can't hate you. He likes you so much, can't you see how precious you are to him? You did nothing wrong.” 
You hid your face on Tsukishima's shoulder and cried some more, letting Tsukishima's words settle in your heart. Yamaguchi didn't hate you? The possibility of that being true made your heart jump. If Yamaguchi didn't hate you, you could apologize and everything would go back to normal and you would both continue enjoying each other's company for a long time. Yamaguchi was so precious to you, you couldn't imagine the that you two could stop being friends. Just thinking about it made your bones hurt and made you feel dizzy and nauseous. Your friendship with him couldn't end yet- at least not this way.
“There, there. Are you better?” You nodded a little, slowly pulling away from the embrace. Tsukishima sighed. "You're so silly. How could you think Yamaguchi would hate you because of something so silly? You should apologize for thinking this way.” You blushed, nodding and Tsukishima chuckled. “You both are so childish. You need to grow up.” Although his words seemed harsh, there was no venom in them. His finger was suddenly poking your side, making you jump with a squeak. 
“You see? How can you be so ticklish? Yamaguchi too, you both really are so alike,” he said, poking and poking and poking every spot he could reach: your sides, your ribs, your tummy and even your neck. In seconds he had you giggling and trying to stop his hand. 
“Thahat- That d-dohoesn't have to do wihith a-anythihing!” You giggled out, squeaking when he started to knead your sides. “Kehehei!” 
Tsukishima snorted softly before finally stopping. “Everything will be fine, you'll see,” he said with a warm smile, playfully ruffling your hair. 
You breathed and smiled softly at him. “Thank you, Kei.” 
"We are back!" 
Like a spring, you stood up as soon as you saw Yamaguchi enter. His eyes were red and wet, he had also been crying a little. His freckled face was twisted into an expression of sadness, shyness and remorse and you were dying to hug him and tell him how important he was to you, but before you could even open your mouth, Yamaguchi had already started speaking, his voice barely above a whisper. 
“I'm sorry,” he said softly, looking at you. “I acted like a kid-” 
Tsukishima, “That's what I said.”
Hinata, “Tsukishima!!” 
“... I was…,” Yamaguchi continued. “I was tremendously jealous about how well you got along with Hinata. I thought…,” he sighed, his cheeks turning pink. “I thought you just… would leave me behind and wouldn't want to be friends with me anymore.
I was just stupid… instead of trying to talk to you, I decided to just be mad and childish and in the end I only hurt you just because I was scared I was going to be left behind and I even made Hinata feel bad just because he wanted to be friends with you…”
You knew that feeling of being forgotten and not belonging very well and it hurt you that Yamaguchi felt that way. 
“So I am very, very sorry. Would you forgive me this time? I promise I'll do better… please?” 
You smiled at him and quickly wrapped your arms around Yamaguchi, hugging him tightly. Yamaguchi hugged you back, letting out a long, pleased sigh. Forgive him? Of course! There had been blame on both sides in this situation, both had hurt the other in one way or another, so of course you forgave him. Your precious friend. 
You chuckled, hugging Yamaguchi even tighter. “I think… there's only one way I can truly forgive you, Tadashi.”
Yamaguchi nodded. “Yes! Please let me know what it is and I'll- eek!”
Yamaguchi pushed your shoulders lightly when you squeezed both his sides, tickling him. He looked at you and you smirked, making him flush; he tried to run, but you started to squeeze his sides again and again and again and soon, his laughter filled the whole room as he jumped and squirmed, trying to escape. 
“I'll have to tickle you until I think it's enough!” You said with a laugh as Yamaguchi collapsed to the floor, your hands glued to his torso, following him down. 
“N-Nohoho! I'm s-sohorry! I didn't- ahaha!” 
Yamaguchi thrashed around, his hands around your wrists trying to push your hands away without much force or intention. His bitter expression had completely changed with a vibrant, bright smile that almost split his face in half. The sad tears streaming down his face had turned into tears of laughter and the way he laughed your name made you laugh along with him. Very soon, the bad time you were going through was behind you and now you were having fun like you always did. 
“I want to play too! I want to play too!” Hinata chirped, jumping up and down excitedly. You thought that if he had a tail, he would be wagging it from side to side. You chuckled and looked up at him. “Can I join? Can I join?!”
You nodded, “yeah! Come help me out, Shouyou!” 
“N-Nohoho! Ts-Tsuhuki, help! Ahahack!” 
Not even you noticed when or how, but Hinata already had his hyperactive fingers on Yamaguchi's stomach, pinching the muscle on the sides of his belly and vibrating the tips of his fingers around Yamaguchi’s belly button. The redhead was giggling and babbling something about how ticklish Yamaguchi was and you chuckled, moving your fingers up to his ribs. 
Yamaguchi laughed and squealed. His hands were an uncoordinated mess, trying to cover his stomach and then his ribs and also his mouth and his reddened cheeks. He laughed heartily, it seemed to you as if he were almost laughing with relief and you smiled tenderly. How could you even think that Yamaguchi would hate you? Tsukishima was right, you weren't giving him the credit he deserved.
You gasped heavily as someone grabbed your shoulders from behind and gently pushed you back, pinning one of your arms above your head. It was Tsukishima. He straddled your waist and smirked from above you. 
“Someone here also needs a punishment for beating himself around too hard, hmm?” 
“K-Kehei, no, please! I'm s-sorry I just- ahaHAHA! N-NOHOHO!” 
Tsukishima simply loved to go for your weakest spots. It was like that every single time he tickled you. His fingers started to wiggle against your exposed underarm. He scratched the sensitive skin at the hollow and kneaded the muscle with his thumb, making you shriek with ticklish laughter. 
Yamaguchi was also busy laughing his head off, you could hear him begging for mercy as Hinata quickly found the weak spot at his hips. Your laughter filled the room and you thought in a small moment of lucidity, when Tsukishima stopped tickling you to get a better grip on your arm, that very soon someone would be knocking on the door asking you all to shut up, but no one did and so you and Yamaguchi were under a vicious tickle attack until you both were able to pin your captors back. 
Hinata's vibrant and rich laughter, along with Tsukishima's serene and gentle laughter formed a combination that was not at all unpleasant to hear. You already knew each of the points that made Tsukishima shriek with laughter, and Yamaguchi seemed to be having lots of fun trying to find Hinata's, which wasn't too hard, he seemed to be a walking tickle spot! 
Tsukishima kept laughing out threats that had you laughing and feeling nervous butterflies in your tummy, but before he could actually get revenge on you, you and Yamaguchi locked eyes and in seconds, you both were after each other, trying to pin the other down while your hands latched to that place that made you scream with laughter. 
Hinata wanted to join in the fun again and, somehow, Tsukishima was dragged in too, this time going for Yamaguchi who was driving you crazy because of the tickling under your arms. Hinata, for his part, took Yamaguchi's place, so you had a second of rest before you began to laugh loudly once again. 
It had been an eventful day, you had to admit it. You could assure that you had felt almost every emotion in the world that day, but you were happy that everything had been fixed. You and Yamaguchi had strengthened your bond and you were sure that you would continue to be together for a long time to come. 
It was the first night, but you knew that this trip would be one of the best of your life, as long as you and Yamaguchi remained the best of friends! 
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nataliewritez · 1 year
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Here's the link and the ss for the original Twitter artist!!
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ticklishfanart · 2 years
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sketch of the boy to unwind <3
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kingstrawberry · 9 months
(cw: feet, a little gross)
kags’ meticulous nail habits only apply to his fingertips. keeping his toe nails trimmed isnt on the top of his priorities. as long as his feet fit in his sneakers, he’s fine. he forgets most of the time cuz he’s always wearing socks.
he doesnt think anything of it until the first summer that he and tsuki are living tgt.
tsuki sees kags’ bare feet for the first time and demands he cuts his nails. once that’s done he drags kags to a salon to get a pedicure.
this is also how tsuki discovers kags is very ticklish. kags does a good job of keeping still and tries his best to be quiet cuz tsuki is talking to the nail tech but he lets out a laugh every few minutes.
kags’ face is pink from the effort of not laughing or twitching.
tsuki thinks it’s endearing but he’s also fine with not doing it again since kags had a tough time with it.
cut to three weeks later and kags pops into tsuki’s office like “pedicures tonight?” and tsuki’s like :0 “yea, if you want to”
kags grins and they make a monthly habit out of getting pedicures together.
bonus: tsuki also takes a chance to ambush kags and pin him to the couch to discover exactly where and how much his bf is ticklish.
when tsuki stops his Vicious Attack, he sees kags all pink faced, looking up at him, breathing heavy, he can’t help but kiss him.
(they get so into making out they fall off the couch and still don’t stop.)
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italeean · 2 years
A goodbye without tears
You can find the plot here
A/N: Hi!! I'm still alive... after more than a month of inactivity... 😓 Sorry for not posting my content for a while, after I was done with my entry test and tasted a bit of freedom, I realized how burnt-out I truly was. I took a break from literally everything and hung out with my friends and family since I spent the whole summer studying for a thing or another 😅 Anyway, back to the important stuff, this fic was a request... that I took way too long to write... again... (PLEASE FORGIVE MEEE) but I found it really interesting and I related a lot to the scenario, which is why it came out a bit more personal than I wanted. But at the same time I liked it the way it was so I decided to post it like this. Spero vi piaccia 💚🤍❤️ (I hope you enjoy it) Suggestions and support are always appreciated ^_^
DISCLAIMER: This is a tickle fic, if it's not to your taste I don't suggest you read it
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"That's it for today, guys" Ukai's loud voice echoed throughout the gym "Make sure to stretch properly, clean up, and then go home and get some rest!" He said before leaving, knowing he had to prepare some meat buns. Everything went as usual, but a little detail made that day different. It was the third-years' last training.
Daichi almost couldn't believe it was really happening. Three years had already passed and he was about to leave his volleyball team. And as chaotic as said team was, he didn't like the idea at all. He just felt like it wasn't the right time.
Sure, Ennoshita was more than ready to become captain, but were Tanaka and Noya ready to become less... hurricane-like? Was Yamaguchi going to find his self-confidence? What about Tsukki? Would he find it in himself to open up to the others? To not talk about Hinata and Kageyama's constant bickering...
There was still so much he could help everyone with, even if he was just supporting them or giving a fatherly advice. But he had to admit to himself that they were going to manage without him, his team was full of capable and motivated guys, they were more than capable of overcoming any kind of hardship. He also had to admit to himself that the one who wasn't ready to that kind of change was him.
"...so I was thinking I could go to university and work somewhere to help my family par fo- hello? Earth to Daichi? Are you even listening?" Suga's scoff brought the (soon-to-be ex) Karasuno captain back to Earth. "Sorry Suga, I spaced out for a second..." He let out an embarrassed chuckle.
The grey-haired guy looked at his teammate with genuine concern in his eyes. "Are you okay? Is there something wrong?" He asked worried.
Daichi glanced for a second at the others, who had started cleaning already, and then told his friend about his worries about that being his last training, having to leave the team, missing the team, missing volleyball in general...
"DAICHIIIII!!!" His train of thoughts got abruptly interrupted by Suga's bonk, which was objectively kind of deserved. It was Mr. Refreshing's duty to help anyone who was feeling down, one way or another, and the whole team knew that.
However, there was still a nostalgic glint in the captain's gaze, and that couldn't be allowed. Sad goodbyes were not accepted at Karasuno Volleyball Team. The gray-haired guy looked around himself for a second. Narita and Kinoshita had already left with Ennoshita because they still had some exams to study for. Noya and Tanaka had to study as well... but they insisted on helping with the cleanup before going. Yachi and Kyoko were gone as well; they wanted to spend some time together since they were going to say goodbye, too.
"Ahem! Guys, gather here for a second." The vice-captain said, waiting for everyone to come. "As you know, this is our last day here." His first sentence was enough to make everyone groan and whine, but he was able to hush them all. "BUT! We don't want it to be a sad goodbye, we want to enjoy this journey until the last second... or at least that's what we agreed upon. However someone is feeling sulky right now. Does anyone have a suggestion to fix this little problem?"
Making sure Daichi wouldn't see him, he wiggled his finger to give his own suggestion to the team. Obviously, they all caught on quickly, especially Hinata and Nishinoya, who immediately pounced on the captain.
The dark-haired guy stumbled backwards, trying to keep the two short guys still, but when Suga and Asahi decided to join the fun, he had no choice but topple to the ground while trying to hold back his laughter. "Guys! What a-ahare you doing? This is- ack! This is nohot necessary!"
"On the contrary, captain, this is exactly what you need." The vice-captain smirked teasingly at him and started poking his stomach. Asahi was keeping his arms pinned above his head with one hand and softly fluttered the fingers of the other one all over his neck and ears, changing sides every time he scrunched his shoulder to protect those spots.
Yamaguchi had managed to drag Tsukki into this, claiming that it was a bonding moment and he would've enjoyed it. They were straddling the captain's calves and squeezed the kneecaps and right above them. It made him kick so much that he almost managed to buck the first-years off a couple of times.
Noya was sitting between Daichi's legs and was squeezing his hips and sides quickly and mercilessly, while Tanaka was helping the vice-captain with the stomach. "Guhuys Ihihi sweheahahar..!" The dark-haired guy quickly dissolved into hiccupy giggles and found it impossible to build a complete sentence. "Ah ah ah," Suga teasingly reprimanded him "no swearing at school." He said while dipping his index finger in the wing spiker's belly button and wiggling around, which elicited some snorts that made everyone laugh out loud.
Obviously Hinata had joined the fun as well; he was getting the right side of the ribcage, having fun with counting the bones and sliding his fingers into every groove. "Oi Kageyama, are you coming?" He yelled, only receiving an annoying scoff in response. But he knew better. "Are you afraid I'm better than you at this?"
The setter glared intensely at him and approached the group (with the faintest blush on his face, according to Hinata). He kneeled by the left side of Daichi's ribcage and attacked, going immediately all out, to which the redhead responded with upping his game as well. "Thihihihis ihihis *snort* Thihihis ihis nohohot ahah- ACK! ahaha cohohompehetihihitiohon..!" The third-year scolded them between his laughter.
However, the other teammates seemed to disagree. Seeing the little competition between the freak-duo made them want to join. Daichi arched his back and tried to squirm as much as he could, which wasn't much since he didn't want to take the risk of hurting anyone. "Yohohou're beheheihing meheahahan nohow!" Whoops... wrong thing to say. The teens smirked evilly and started tickling him harder while teasing him as well!
He couldn't figure out who was saying what, he was too lost in his own laughter to listen carefully. He just heard a mix of voices saying "Tickle tickle tickle..." "Aaaww come on, smile captain" "Hahaha did you just snort?" "Hehehe see? This day must be happy for all of us, now smile for us!" "Who's making you laugh more? Me or that boke?"
Okay, maybe he could figure out who asked that last question, but that wasn't the point. He felt his face become red, and he couldn't even hide behind his hands since Asahi was keeping them pinned. But it wasn't so bad after all... until someone, probably Suga, had the idea of going for his thighs. That made him go berserk.
"BAHAHAHAHAHAHA OHOHOKAHAHAHAY IHIHI GIHIHIVEHE!! IHIHIHIHI GIHIVEHEHEHE PLEHEHEAHASE STAHAHAHAHAHAP!!" He screm at the top of his lungs. His thighs were his absolute worst spot, and he'd been enduring that playful assault for God knows how long; it made him tap out almost immediately.
"Alright, let's let him up." The grey-haired guy told everyone to stop and helped the captain to sit up. He was still giggling and a giddy smile was plastered all over his face. "That... that wahas... absoluhutely ruthless..." he panted "but maybehe I needed that... thahank you guys..." he finished with a chuckle.
"Thank you, Daichi, for being the greatest captain ever and even guiding us all the way to nationals." Suga said with teary eyes. What could he say... even Mr. Refreshing himself wasn't immune to the strange feeling of saying goodbye. He was already feeling nostalgic as well!
"Sugaaa!! We said no tears!" Hinata yelled while tackling him down and going straight for his sides and tummy. "Hihinahataaa! WhaHAHAhat aharehehe yoHOHouhu dohohoIHIhihiHIng?!" The vice-captain broke down into his high-pitched and squeaky laughter. "Hahaha I think I'll join as well... it's true that we said no tears after all." Asahi said approaching to the grey-haired guy, only to lift up Hinata and blow a raspberry on his tummy.
"NAHAHAHA AHAHASAHAHAIHIHI GEHET HIHIHIM NAHAHAT MEHEHEHEHEEE" The tangerine howled, but he was quickly rescued by Noya, who took advantage of Asahi's distraction while he was putting down Hinata to jump on his back and tickle his neck and torso.
Right after he recovered, the redhead pounced on Kageyama, bringing him down. "Bohohokehehe yohou're gohonnahaha gehehet ihihihit!!" He yelled, trying to sound angry and intimidating, before fighting back and darting his hands up into the middle blocker's underarms. "Ihihi'll beheahahat yohohouhu thihis tihihimehehehe Bahahakahageheyahahama!"
In the meanwhile, Suga thought that a certain couple of first-years was missing too much on the fun, so he wrapped an arm around Yamaguchi's shoulders to keep him in place while he scribbled on his tummy with his other hand. "Nononoohohohoho pleheheahaseee" The pinch server's legs gave out and he went to the floor, but he never did anything to actually stop the older guy.
Tanaka decided to help the vice-captain with his mission and went straight after Tsukishima, who desperately tried to not laugh... in vain of course.
Before they knew it, a tickle fight on full scale had blown out in the gym and everyone was laughing their head off.
Daichi glanced at the mess right in front of him before joining. The thought of graduating didn't sound so scary or sad after all, because now he knew he was never truly going to leave his team, or better, his family.
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shy-lee-chu · 1 year
I had a dream where the big ol bully tsukki was flirting with me and being nice to me. Oh gosh, I challenged him on a history subject without meaning to, like I sounded way too daring for a classmate he never had any sort of interaction before and he gave me a cute look of suprized, confident and kind of impressed, it was actually so very cute I'm losing my mind, HE WAS FLIRTING WITH ME IRHDIWJDOEKD
I am also sure he tickled me half to death at some point in the dream, but can't really remember how it exactly happened am so sad 😭
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kairismess · 6 months
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🏐 genre: fluff ~~~ ✒️ word count: 1,000 💭 summary: kageyama is a sucker for your pastries, and to have you give him a delicious treat made by you on his special day after school, in front of the rest of the first years... you make him want to melt and squeeze your cheeks out of embarrassment. 🫐 happy birthday to tobio kageyama my son !!
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'dammit, i'm hungry,' thought the setter as he walked home with the rest of the first years on the team. kageyama was stuck in his own head, thinking of what to eat as an after school snack this time around. it wasn't that he usually thought about these things too often, rather, he felt like he wanted to change something up about today because... today was his birthday.
he didn't tell anybody on the team, much less hinata, who'd make a big fuss over him finally being the same age as them all and being teased for being the baby of their ensemble. surprisingly, yamaguchi had suggested they all go to this nice little hole in the wall cafe that kageyama frequented often, only when he met you, since your parents owned the place and you worked there part time to help them out.
"hey, kageyama, doesn't your partner work the—" "another word, and i'm gonna slap the orange out of your hair, dumbass hinata." kageyama seethed as he glared down at the short tangerine haired boy, which he understood clearly and backed off, hiding behind yamaguchi and tsukishima, who honestly couldn't be bothered if the two of them began brawling and tearing each others' heads off.
as the group stepped into the cafe, they were greeted by the smells of assorted baked goods, snacks, and drinks... especially the scent of blueberries that wafted in the air. the sound of hurried foosteps and the clanging of assorted pans and pots rang in the kitchen in the back, and out came you, ready to take the customers' orders... your boyfriend's order for tonight.
"a-ah, tobio! and friends... wh-what can i get for you all tonight?" you asked in a sweet voice as you glanced over at kageyama, who caught your gaze at him, making his face flush in embarrassment and shyness and turn away from you, mumbling out he'd take whatever, and you were determined to make that "whatever" he ordered something spectacular for him for his special day.
after you had served the others' orders, you smiled at kageyama and whispered in his ear, "i have a surprise for you tonight, tobio." your whisper sent shivers up his spine, he always got flustered and ticklish by the ears whenever you did that, he kinda wished you'd do more often, though. "a... surprise?" he echoed, confused and a little anxious, but your little giggle and nod reassured him somehow.
after a little while, you came back with a cloche in your hands and revealed your surprise for your dearest: a blueberry pie that was freshly decorated, everything made by hand. it was difficult to make and took you almost two days to piece everything together, but you were more than happy to see how it turned out, even happier at the sight of kageyama's eyes shine while he blushed at the fact you went out of your way to make something so adorable and thoughtful for your little blueberry boy.
hinata and yamaguchi praised your culinary skills, while tsukishima teased kageyama for not being able to look you in the eye because of how flustered he was. "it's rude not to thank someone for a gift. what, is the king too proud to say thank you?" tsukishima jabbed, with kageyama immediately taking your hands in his, and in a loud, shaky voice and with a red face that made him look like a breed between a tomato and blueberry, kageyama thanked you from the bottom of his heart, all his voice coming from the depths of his lungs as he looked you in the eye, so shy and thankful for your gift.
you blinked and chuckled, smiling up at him sweetly. "anything for my tobio, i made it blueberries because... they reminded me of you. i hope you like it, love." you uttered, kissing his cheek, effectively freezing him in place as his face got hotter and he started to look more and more like a tomato because of how much of an effect your kindness and sweetness had on him.
needless to say, kageyama ate up the pie with happily and full of gratitude; hinata was annoyed he only got one serving, begging for you to please make him one for his birthday, with kageyama snapping at him that hinata was too shameless to ask you for such a thing when you went out of your way to make him one he didn't need to ask for. yamaguchi meanwhile praised you after tasting a slice of the pie, trying to mediate the squabble between kageyama and hinata at the same time, while tsukishima listened to music on his headphones and silently enjoyed his slice of pie, nodding in approval.
kageyama leaned over and whispered in your ear, now, while having his toned arm wrapped around your waist a little possessively. "hey... thank you, so much, love, for this. you're too sweet for me, you and this pie, but... you bring the right amount of sweetness in my life, the right amount of sweetness i need to keep going. thank you, love." kageyama awkwardly murmured to you in a low, husky voice, making you smile like a dork and get all bashful and shy, brushing off his compliments as he wrapped his arms around you, burying his face in the crook of your neck, trying to convince you that you're the best partner and pie maker there ever was, not caring if the others stared and made fun of you two, he'd beat them up tomorrow and whip them into shape during practice.
sure, the pie you made him was the most filling treat he's ever had... but you're the only treat with the sweetness he needs to find the goodness of his everyday life, you fill him up with so much love and joy, more than what he knows what to do with, and he couldn't be any more grateful than he is now that he has you, his beloved.
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powchakko · 8 months
𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐝𝐚𝐲..?
synopsis. greeting them after a tiring day at practice + stuff i’d like to do with them
word count. 1k
characters. tsukishima kei, akaashi keiji, oikawa tooru
warnings. reader is called princess (in oikawa's part), lil suggestive?? + mentions of a wound (in tsukishima’s part), reverse comfort, lil angst if u squint, CLICHE STUFF
notes. asdfghjkfghj first time posting my works here! hope y'all enjoy reading it heheh-
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𖤐 tsukishima k.
“tadaima,” you heard a soft voice accompanied by the click of the door closing.
“kei!” you exclaimed, lips instantly tugged into a smile as you run towards your boyfriend. you crashed into him, almost knocking him backwards. “okaeri,” you said while inhaling his familiar scent and wrapping your arms around his lean frame.
tsukishima only hummed in response, though he was quick to return the embrace and press a kiss to the crown of your head.
“how was practice today?” you asked as you pulled away from the hug. but your smile vanished and transformed into a somewhat panicked expression when you saw a huge bruise on your lover’s cheek. “oh my gosh, kei. what happened?!” 
“a certain someone accidentally hit the ball towards my face,” he replied, wincing in pain as you gently laid your hand on top of the bruise, your thumb stroking the red and blue-ish skin.
“who else,” the blonde averted his gaze and sighed. “don’t worry, i already compressed it with an icepack.”
you suddenly grinned. “doesn’t look worse than that hickey you gave me–”
“urusai.” tsukishima glared at you, his face flushed red. “don’t you dare mention that.”
“i’m joking, i’m joking,” you laughed. your hand was still resting on his cheek, which, to him, somehow did a better job of making the pain hurt less than the icepack. he gingerly took your hand and guided it towards his lips before pressing a soft kiss onto your palm.
“can we eat dinner now?” he mumbled against your skin, causing you to squirm at the ticklish feeling.
“of course we can,” smiling even wider than before, you pulled your arm away and slipped it around his as both of you walked to the kitchen.
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𖤐 akaashi k.
you were a little surprised when you came out of the bathroom and found your boyfriend slumped across the sofa. you were happy, of course, and couldn’t wait to eat dinner and spend some time with him. but the tired expression on his face forced yourself to postpone all the hugs and kisses you were ready to shower him with.
“keiji?” you tried, your voice soft and careful.
akaashi slowly opened his eyes, emerald hues boring into your own (e/c) eyes. he slightly pulled his lips to the sides. “hey, sweetheart.” 
“rough day at practice?” you asked again, this time making your way to the sofa. 
“hm,” the boy mumbled. you were now sitting cross-legged beside him. slowly, you placed your hands on either side of his face, guiding him to lie down on your lap. akaashi instantly melted into your touch, and you could almost see his fatigue evaporating into nothingness as he finally settled comfortably on your legs.
“tell me everything,” you said gently. your fingers were already getting to work, untangling and smoothing out akaashi’s raven locks. he let out a sigh of contentment and closed his eyes a second time.
silence hung in the air – though it felt peaceful and comforting to both of you rather than awkward. you were still busy playing with your boyfriend’s hair. knowing he wasn’t much of a talker, you didn’t press for answers. besides, wasn’t simply being there for him enough?
“i’ll tell you about it tomorrow,” he whispered. “‘m too tired right now,”
you hummed in response. “do you want to eat dinner, then? after that–”
“can we stay like this for a little longer?”
you looked down at his face, a little surprised when you found akaashi already staring lazily back at you. you smiled before cupping his cheeks and placing a quick kiss to his nose. “actually, i think i’d like that, too.”
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𖤐 oikawa t.
you yelped as you felt two cold arms encircling your waist, pulling you into a tight hug. you quickly turned off the stove and pulled the earplugs from your ears before turning around, only to see your boyfriend’s face nestling comfortably on your shoulder.
“tooru?!” you exclaimed. “oh my god, i’m so sorry. why didn’t you tell me you’re home?”
he grinned, giving you a quick peck on the cheek. “i’m here now, aren’t i?”
despite his playful tone, you could see the fatigue overshadowing his features. how it made his smile look a little less genuine, how it gave him subtle frown wrinkles across his forehead, how it caused his voice to sound groggy. “tooru?” you called to him softly. “did anything happen at practice?”
that earned a small chuckle from him. “you know me so well, princess,”
“tell me about your day instead,” he interjected. “mine’s too shitty to talk about.”
this didn’t seem like the oikawa tooru you knew. he’d usually protest and complain nonstop about how terrible practice was, how frustrating his underclassmen were, or literally any other bad thing about his day. something really bad must’ve happened that it caused him to be this quiet. 
“was it that bad?” you asked again, this time turning around and cupping his cheeks in your hands. they’re so cold, you thought silently. 
“not as bad as how i must’ve smell like right now,” the brunette grinned again. “i’ll go take a shower, m’kay?”
“tooru, look at me.” you demanded, tightening your hold on the sides of his face, which made him tense a little. “i need to know if something happened. please tell me what’s wrong.”
oikawa stared at you and sighed, his smile faltering. “everything,” he whispered before roughly dumping his forehead on your shoulder. “i dunno… it all just feels so tiring…”
you noticed how his fingers were rubbing the letters of ‘i love you’ on your back. you carefully lifted your arms and hugged him back, your fingers tracing the shape of a heart right below his shoulder. a silent ‘i love you, too’. 
“will a movie marathon cheer you up?” you asked after a few while. “i can make you some ice cream sandwiches, too, if you want.”
“with milk bread?” he muttered into your neck.
“with milk bread.” 
you felt his lips form a smile against your skin, and despite how you couldn’t see it, it felt more genuine this time. 
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© POWCHAKKO 2023, do not copy, modify, or repost my work onto other platforms.
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otomiyaa · 1 month
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Requests Closed!
Thank you guys, for the support and requests! I'm glad to know you're interested in them*w* I put all requests I intend to write in a list. These will be written in random order, progress will be updated in this post, I'll add a link to my pinned post later :)
Note: If you didn't state platonic/romantic/erotic then I put them under platonic. If that's incorrect feel free to leave me a message!
Also if there were double requests with the same lee/ler/dynamic I combined them! Last but not least, these are a lot so I'll try my best to write them but cannot promise anything, and it'll probably take me ages hehe.
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Ler!Tsukishima & Reader: 50. “So why don’t we see who’s more ticklish?”
Lee!Xiao & Reader: 41. “No, I’m not ticklish there.”
Lee!Muichiro & Reader: 12. “Yes. Of course. No I mean.. huh?!”
Lee!Akaashi & Reader: 06. “Could you… do that to me?” + “I really can’t believe how ticklish you are.”
Lee!Boothill & Reader: 03. “I thought you weren’t ticklish.”
Lee!Luke Pearce & Reader: 43. “Don’t tell me you actually forgot how ticklish you are?”
Lee!Freminet & Reader: 49. “Please don’t tell me you heard that?“
Lee!Blade & Reader: 47. “I wasn’t even touching you.”
Lee!Zayne x Reader: 22. “Don’t laugh, I’m trying to talk to you!”
Ler!Aventurine x Reader: 06. “Could you… do that to me?” + 09. "You and I remember this game very differently."
Ler!Kuroo x Reader: 13. “That’s… quite an attitude for someone in your position.”
Ler!Scaramouche x Male!Reader: 16. “I was trying to sleep!”
Lee!Xiao x Reader: 12. “Yes. Of course. No I mean.. huh?!”
Ler!Sugawara x Reader: 06. "Could you… do that to me?"
Ler!Gojo x Reader: 34. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
Ler!Luigi x Fem!Reader: 13. “That’s… quite an attitude for someone in your position.”
Lee!Loid Forger x Reader: 34. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
Ler!Hawks x Reader: 35. “Maybe next time when I can actually move?”
Ler!Wriothesley x Reader: 32. “It’s been a while since you laughed.”
Ler!Hatori Sohma x Reader: 01. “I promise I won’t tickle you.” + 18. “Wait… That tickled?”
Lee!Blade x Reader: 18. “Wait… That tickled?”
Lers!Kate & Yelena x Reader: 05. “I didn’t steal anything!”
Ler!Loki x Reader: 13. “That’s… quite an attitude for someone in your position.”
Lee!Vyn Richter x Reader: 47. “I wasn’t even touching you.”
Ler!Diluc x Male!Reader: 11. “So, what will be your next excuse to tickle me?” 
Lee!Caelus x Reader: 44. “I can’t let you go unpunished.” - anon I received your message while I was finishing this post so exactly the right timing!
Ler!Chigiri x Reader: 17. “You have three seconds to run.” - this came like 1 minute after I closed requests so still accepted dear anon!
Lers!Lucifer, Solomon, Barbatos & Reader: 06. “Could you… do that to me?” / 13. “That’s… quite an attitude for someone in your position.”
Lee!Lyney x Reader: 07. “For the next hour, I’m all yours.”
Ler!Diavolo x Fem!Reader: 08. “I know other ways to make you laugh.”
Ler!Aventurine, Blade or Ratio x Reader: 06. “Could you… do that to me?” / 18. “Wait… That tickled?” 
Ler!Rosa x Fem!Reader: 44. “I can’t let you go unpunished.”
Lee!Dan Heng Imbibitor Lunae x Reader: 49. Please don't tell me you heard that.
Lee!Albedo x Reader: 07. “For the next hour, I’m all yours.”
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Not accepted / Pending:
All requested non reader pairings, sorry guys but it's specifically a x reader writing event, no ships this time 😭
Alastor x Reader - idk who that is ^^;
Ler!Jiraiya x Reader - sorry anon I barely know/remember Jiraiya's character, if you want feel free to send another one (check my list for guidance).
Ler!Toji x Reader - he looks hot but I still haven't seen JJK S2 hehe oops, I'm afraid I can't write it but might change my mind if I end up watching it later on.
Ler!Mirko x Reader - I kinda totally forgot about her character, sorry!
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thelaughtercafe · 5 months
Convenient Interventions
Tea Type: Sweet Tea (Fluff)
Potential Triggers: None for this one! ^^
Pairing: Oikawa & Tsukishima/ Kageyama
Length: 638
Summary: Tsukishima realizes Kageyama is having trouble focusing, and Oikawa, helpful friend that he is, decides to help him relax.
A/N: Gods Kageyama is such a cute Lee and I feel like these two would be lethal Lers, especially to him. Poor Tobio-
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“Man, you really suck today- can’t focus King?”
Kageyama whirled and barked a retort. 
“Shut it, Four Eyes no-one asked you!”
“So aggressive. Scary~ What, did you not sleep last night, stressing about Oikawa again?”
Kageyama flinched and Tsukishima smirked to himself. 
He marched over to where Tsukishima waited on the sidelines and started ranting. 
“Why would I even care that he’s here- I’m gonna wipe the floor with him!”
“I’m sure that’s why you’re trembling.”
Tsukishima grabbed his arm, holding it up so he’d see his own hand. 
“Wow, you’re that on edge cause of little old me? I’m flattered Kageyama~”
Kageyama tried to whirl to face Oikawa but Tsukishima still had a firm grip on his arm. 
“You- don’t know what you’re talking about!”
“Oh, don’t I? You’d always get the pregame jitters- remember how we used to help you out with that~?”
There was a lilt evident now, and Tsukishima couldn’t deny he was curious, especially as Kageyama turned his attention back to him and tried to squirm out of his grip when Oikawa began to leisurely walk over. 
“Lemme go- this is stupid!”
“Aw, don’t be like that! I just wanna help.”
“No! I-”
“Don’t tell me your new teammates don’t know Tobio. That just won’t do! Tsukishima- you wouldn’t mind helping me dispel Kageyama’s fears, would you?”
Tsukishima probably should’ve been a good teammate and released Kageyama- but he could admit he was sadistically curious. 
“Whatever- if it’ll help him play at his best..”
He dismissed, raising his chin as he pulled Kageyama towards him, readjusting him a moment and putting his arms under his to hold the squirming setter against his body. 
Oikawa beamed at both of them, easily speaking over Kageyama’s cursing. 
“Kageyama here- is actually really ticklish. Here, I’ll show you! It’s the best way to make him shut that big mouth of his and make him squeal.”
He closed in before Kageyama could kick him away and dug into the boy’s sides but he held firm, glaring at him for all he was worth and biting his lip. 
Unfortunately for Kageyama, his smirk only widened at the challenge. 
“Ah, he’s playing hard to get. That’s fine by me- it’s more fun when I get to break him!”
Tsukishima couldn’t help snickering. 
“Well at least now your fear of him makes sense. Too ticklish to take it? The ones who talk a big game like you always have some sort of childish weakness like this. Wait till the others find out.”
Kageyama turned red, his blush raging and very evident and Oikawa encouraged it further with his own laughter, dancing his fingers up to scribble merrily at his ribs making Kageyama finally burst out laughing, unable to help himself. 
“Ahaha! Wow, you’re a mean one! Teasing is the perfect way to break that stoic facade of his. Isn’t that right Tobio?" 
"You guys are the whohohorst!! Cut it ohohohout!”
“We’re just trying to help Tobio- you don’t have to pretend you hate it.”
Oikawa cooed.
“I’m not pretending!! You guys shuhuhuhuck!”
“Your blush says otherwise. I didn’t even know it could go to your ears like that.”
Tsukishima quipped, blowing air into it and making Kageyama squeal. He could deny it all he wanted but the blonde blocker felt how relaxed he’d become. This really had helped him unwind. 
Still, he decided to be nice. Just this once. 
“Alright, I don’t want him too tired out before we beat you- thanks for the information though Captain.”
Tsukki finally released him and Oikawa jumped back with a laugh as Kageyama panted and glared at him.  He shook himself off and seemed dead set on taking the other down, storming off to practice with Hinata, and Tsukishima couldn’t help but snicker. 
This information would definitely have its uses down the line.
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ticklygiggles · 1 year
You've got a friend in me pt. 2 | Yamaguchi Tadashi, Tsukishima Kei & Reader
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A/N: It's here! Commission 4/5 from always kind and patient Max (@wertzunge)! Thank again for your support and for being so patient with me, Max! I hope you enjoy this one! And I hope they're not too ooc!
Summary: Tsukishima Kei is the next step after befriending Yamaguchi Tadashi. Things seem to be going just fine, but why is it that you still feel a bit too unsure about him?
Male!Reader | Sequel of this fic
Words: 3537 (under the cut)
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It hasn’t been long since you started to befriend Tsukishima Kei. 
You couldn’t deny you were scared to hell when Yamaguchi first introduced you to him. Tsukishima was, for the lack of kinder words, intimidating and scary. When he first met you, he looked at you from head to toe, scanning you, (more like judging you, you thought), with narrowed eyes and a rather unfriendly expression, and when he simply said ‘Tsukishima Kei’ as an introduction and walked away as soon as he spoke his own name, you thought that he just didn’t like you and your heart sank to your feet. 
What could that possibly mean? You were well aware that Tsukishima was Yamaguchi's best friend, so if he didn't like you, did that mean that Yamaguchi would stop talking to you? Was that the end of your friendship? You weren't so sure you could stand losing another friend- not now when you had grown so fond of Yamaguchi already. It would be terribly hard for you to-
“Ah! Don’t make that face!” Yamaguchi had said, panicking as he gently grabbed your shoulder. “He liked you! Tsukki liked you! I promise!" He smiled softly, squeezing your shoulder. "He would’ve said something mean to you if he didn’t!"
You didn’t know if you should feel happy or even more worried about that, but Yamaguchi really tried to make you feel better about the whole thing and you were happy that you didn't have to break your friendship with him and also… well, some part deep inside you was extremely proud because Tsukishima didn't hate you. The fact lifted your spirits and you even hoped you could call him a 'friend' one day.
To your surprise, that day didn't take much to come. In only a couple of weeks, the three of you were inseparable. Eating lunch together, getting together to do school projects, both trying to teach you volleyball and inviting you after class to see them training. Tsukishima enjoyed pretending to hate hearing you and Yamaguchi talk about your favorite show, but he certainly payed attention to your every word and even used to join in the conversation from time to time- there was even a time when you had told them something silly that happened to you that morning and Tsukishima had even chuckled! 
However, you still weren't so sure Tsukishima considered you his friend. He certainly talked to you a bit more informally and he even joked with you from time to time about the most random stuff, he also was always kind when you needed help with school work and he even bought you snacks during lunch, but there just seemed to be a little wall that you just couldn’t break through and you had a feeling it was because of you. 
It was hard to get close to you even for Yamaguchi, so it was normal that you couldn't fully open up to Tsukishima just yet. It made you feel guilty, though. You could tell Tsukishima was doing all sorts of efforts to get close to you and you appreciate it because he didn't look like someone who would do everything he does for you just for anyone. He treated you almost as well as he treated Yamaguchi, and yet you still felt a little shy and reserved around him- too scared to say something that could angry him or act in certain way that would make him dislike you, in other words, you were constantly stressed and tense around him, considering your every word before speaking and sometimes not even speaking directly to him. 
And to your misfortune, (or good luck?), you weren’t the only one who noticed all of this. 
“Tsukki seems to really enjoy being around you!” Yamaguchi said excitedly, smiling brightly at you.
You chuckled, “yes, it seems like so, but…”
“I know, right?” He said, frowning slightly. "The atmosphere still feels a bit... tense? Uncomfortable? Like, you both get along well, but he still feels a bit unsure around you, I think- Oh no, it’s not your fault!”
You weren’t sure if he could read you very well or you just couldn’t hide your emotions at all, but he immediately noticed you started to beat yourself about it. 
"Hey, a friendship can't be forced," Yamaguchi said gently, looking at you with a kind smile. "I know you still have some open wounds from your past and that is totally valid! I can assure you Tsukki does like you, but just like you, he also feels a bit unsure about opening up to new people."
Oh, this friend of yours. He always knew what to say. He was so mature and kind, how were you so lucky to find a friendship like his? Yamaguchi would never try to push you, he would always be so patient with you. 
You smiled shyly, "Yes. I'm sorry."
Yamaguchi chuckled, "you are perfectly fine," he said, sipping in some water before suddenly pulling his bottle down with a gasp, making you jump in surprise. "Hey!"
"W-What?! What's wrong?" 
Yamaguchi grinned and you tensed a little. "I just had the best idea ever."
You trusted him, but you couldn't help but feel your gut tightening. 
"This is childish."
"Oh c'mon, we do this all the time. Don't act all tough now, Tsukki."
Oh, you wanted to die. 
Your cheeks felt on fire as you walked alongside Tsukishima and Yamaguchi to… Yamaguchi's house. You whined deep inside you, your inner self sobbing quietly as your brain recalled Yamaguchi's words from earlier: 'the three of us will have a sleepover today!'. That had been his 'best idea ever', and even though you had lots of fun during sleepovers with him, you had never had one with Tsukishima too and you couldn't help but feel awkwardness making your skin prickle uncomfortably, your brain going crazy already with one thousand thoughts. 
What if Tsukishima, instead of liking you more, started to actually hate you after the sleepover? What if you did something embarrassing in front of him? What if Yamaguchi regrets befriending you? What if- 
"Don't you think this is stupid and childish?"
Your head immediately turned to look at Tsukishima, he was looking at you, an eyebrow arched, you quickly shook your head, smiling shyly. "N-No! I- I actually have lots of fun with Tadashi," you said gently, fidgeting with your fingers. "I'm- I'm sure the three of us… we'll have even more fun… together."
Your cheeks turned even redder when they looked at you with kind eyes. Tsukishima rolled his eyes fondly and Yamaguchi giggled. 
"We're not middle schoolers anymore, but we'll see how it goes."
"Oh Tsukki, why are you acting this way?"
You just hoped everything turned out well. 
"To the left! To the left!"
"Yamaguchi, you're going in the wrong direction!"
"Agh! You guys, why didn't you tell me- no! I got shot!" 
You laughed. Genuinely laughed, causing Tsukishima to laugh as well as you both saw Yamaguchi's sad face staring at his character dead on the screen. Your nervousness from earlier had been pushed to the back of your head when the three of you started playing this particular video game that you all enjoyed. It had been fun from the first second, but now that Yamaguchi's character was dead, you were playing all alone with Tsukishima and you tensed. 
"What- you're also going in the wrong direction?" He asked and you gasped, quickly making your character turn around to follow him. "What is wrong with you? You were playing very well just a moment ago?" Tsukishima looked at you from the corner of his eyes briefly, before looking back at the screen again. "Even better than Yamaguchi will ever be able to play."
"Hey! That was rude, Tsukki!" 
"I'm sorry," you said quietly. "I- I don't know what happened- ah, no!"
"Ow, you lost too."
You wanted to hide under Yamaguchi's bed. You wanted to show off a little in front of Tsukishima, surprise him with your abilities in this videogame, but it was all fruitless and now he looked at the tv, disappointed. You didn't know what to say; it was simply a game, but your heart was starting to race like crazy and a crease was forming between your brows. 
Thankfully, sensing that the mood was turning a bit gloomy, Yamaguchi quickly pipped in, a big smile on his face. "Hehe, you see? You're not so good after all!" He teased playfully.
You looked at him and a soft chuckle escaped your lips. He was always a breath of fresh air. "Well," you said, your voice low. "Even though I lost… Tsukishima said that I am better than you."
You were not expecting it, so you couldn't help but jump in surprise when Tsukishima choked on a laugh and snorted, trying to contain his laugh. Yamaguchi, on the other hand, gasped loudly, placing one hand over his chest as he looked at you with the most betrayed expression he could muster. When you felt a laugh bubbling in your chest, you quickly covered your mouth, chuckling behind it. 
"Very funny, huh? You're gonna regret what you just said!"
Letting out a squeak, you tried to crawl away from him as he launched at you, but he quickly caught you by your ankles and brought you back toward him and so, you both started a wrestling match, laughing as you tried to pin the other down, rolling around the wooden floor, careful not to kick something or someone. 
"You both are ridiculous," Tsukishima said, controller still in hand as he looked at the mess of limbs you and Yamaguchi had become. "Are we going to play again or-
"AHAHA! N-Nohoho!" Your laughter interrupted Tsukishima mid sentence and the sound quickly echoed through the whole room, bubbly and frantic as Yamaguchi started to playfully tickle your sides. "Ti-Tihihickling is nohohot fahahair!" 
"I think tickling is very fair," Yamaguchi said with a solemn nod, a big grin pulling at his lips. "Now, suffer the consequences of making fun of me!" 
You shook your head, giggling brightly and weakly pushing at his hands. "N-Nohoho! I dihihihidn't!" 
"Oh, you did. Tsukki is a witness, right Tsukki?"
You gasped between giggles. Tsukishima was there! Watching you giggling like a kid by some mere prods to your sides! You whined, cackling a little when Yamaguchi's fingers reached up to your ribs. 
"Ah, that spot seems to be as ticklish as always!" 
Your cheeks turned red at his teasing and you tried more desperately to throw him off you, but you were laughing so much already, it was impossible! And Tsukishima, oh boy, he was still there, probably thinking that you looked stupid and-
"W-Whahat?! No! No nohoho! Lehehet go, Tsukishima!"
How come your arms were suddenly pulled up and pinned under Tsukishima's knees? Your head was spinning, what was going on right now?! Tsukishima actually joined in? Or maybe he didn't want you to hurt Yamaguchi?
"Oh? Tsukki suddenly wants to help?" Yamaguchi asked, looking down at you with a smirk, causing you to flinch. 
"Well, this one right here has been a bit mean to you, right?"
Your eyes widened, looking up to look at Tsukishima. "W-What?! You were the one who said- gahahaha! Stahahap! Thihis is cheheheatihing!" 
More of those embarrassing giggles and nearly cackles flowed past your lips as Yamaguchi resumed his tickle attack on your ribs, massaging each bone carefully, driving you a little crazy as Tsukishima held your arms firmly. This whole situation was making you feel a bit dizzy, you were embarrassed to the core having Tsukishima seeing one of your weaknesses being exposed like this. You tried to hide your smiling face against your arm, but Yamaguchi's fingers were now moving to your neck and you squeaked, shaking your head.
"Why don't we show Tsukki what this spot can do?"
"I don't wish to see," Tsukishima said, but he looked carefully at Yamaguchi's hands going under your chin and you could hear him chuckle when you shrieked, breaking into a loud fit of frantic giggles as Yamaguchi started to tickle the sensitive skin of your neck just how he did during your first sleepover. 
"He dohohoesn't wihihish to seehehehe!" You repeated, scrunching your nose at the tickly sensation. "Ahahaha! Hah!" 
"There we go!"
"Oh my god."
To your horror, you had started to snort and both Yamaguchi and Tsukishima were laughing at the sound, making you blush as tears of laughter started to prickle at your eyes as you kicked your legs and pulled at your trapped arms. You were embarrassed, but you knew they meant no harm by doing this and so you laughed freely, whining from time to time when a snort would make its way out.
"You are so ticklish, it's ridiculous," Tsukishima said once Yamaguchi stopped to let you catch your breath. You shook your head, eyes shut.
"Try here, Tsukki!" Yamaguchi said and you gasped, opening your eyes wide, knowing perfectly well where he was pointing at. 
"No! T-Tsukishima, I- AHAHA!" Loud, nearly hysterical laughter filled the room when Tsukishima's long fingers gently dug into your armpits. Your body shook as if it had been electrocuted and you heard Tsukishima and Yamaguchi laugh at your reactions. 
“Oh no, that’s his worst spot, Tsukki! Don’t be mean!” 
“That I can see,” Tsukishima said with a chuckle. “I thought you couldn’t be any more ticklish, but you are laughing pretty loudly right now.”
You shook your head, “Stahahap! I cahahan’t! K-KEHEHEI!”
“Oh?” Both boys said as the tickling under your arms came to a stop, and only when your brain was finally able to focus on something else that wasn’t that maddening sensation, you realized what you just said. You called Tsukishima by his given name. It was the first time and you weren’t sure you both were that close to actually do something like this. Was he angry? Offended?
You gasped and looked up at Tsukishima with wide eyes. “I’m s-so-sorry! I didn’t mean to-
“You didn’t?” Tsukishima said, frowning and tilting his head to the side. “I thought it was nice. You call Yamaguchi by his name all the time.” He shrugged his shoulders, lifting his knees for you to pull your arms down. “I was wondering when would you start calling me by my given name too.”
Your mouth opened and closed like a fish a couple of times. You were out of words. Was that really happening? Was this the step you needed to get close to Tsukishima? Did-
“Are you in a trance? Wake up!” Your arms were still raised above your head and Yamaguchi had poked your underarms with a giggle making you quickly bring them down, sitting up and narrowing your eyes at him. “What? You were looking at Tsukki with wide eyes, is he some kind of celebrity?”
He was just being playful, you knew it and he also looked happy that two of his friends were getting along well and it was only fair to show him how good you and Tsukishima were getting along, right?
“Hey, Kei…”
“I’ve got you.”
“Ack! No! No, Ts-Tsukki- ahahaha!” Tsukishima had only pushed him onto the floor and his hands latched to his sides, squeezing up and down with the perfect amount of pressure to make Yamaguchi shriek with frantic giggles. “Why mehehehe?!”
“You’ve been annoying the whole night, so take this,” Tsukishima said, trying to sound angry, but he was smirking as he tickled Yamaguchi apart, knowing exactly where to attack to have him jumping from giggles to cackles and then back to giggling. 
You watched from the side, they looked like they were having lots of fun. You could tell that was something they did often, so you felt a bit intrusive by joining them and-
“Hmm? Hey.” You jumped and blushed when Tsukishima suddenly looked up at you, frowning. “What are you doing? Aren’t you going to help me? Try here, look,” Tsukishima said, poking Yamaguchi’s hip, making him shriek. 
“Nohoho! Nohohot thehehere!” Yamaguchi laughed, his hands reaching down to catch Tsukishima’s hands. 
You grinned, quickly approaching them and chuckling when Tsukishima grinned back at you. "That spot is really weak, isn’t it?" You teased and Yamaguchi babbled some pleas as he tried to escape from you and Tsukishima. "What about you do that side and I'll do this one?"
"That sounds like a good idea," Tsukishima answered, positioning his hand over one of Yamaguchi's hips, making him cackle and jerk away. "One." You quickly grabbed his other hip and Yamaguchi jumped. "Three!"
"Y-You dihihihidn't saha-AHAHAHA! N-Nohohoho! Plehehease!" 
Yamaguchi's rich and squeaky laughter made you laugh too. It was so bubbly and carefree and just so extremely contagious that Tsukishima also started chuckling as you both squeezed and pinched at the poor cackling boy's hips. Yamaguchi twisted and tried to roll on his stomach to crawl away, but he could barely coordinate his movements, overwhelmed by the sensations against his weakest stop. 
"Do you think he's ticklish here, Kei?" You asked, your thumb rubbing against the bone.
Tsukishima shook his head, "I think he's just lying," he said teasingly. "It probably doesn't even tickle that mu- HEy!"
The sounds that came from Tsukishima's lips surprised you. It was a loud squeak that had been caused by one of Yamaguchi's hands, it had latched to Tsukishima's side and squeezed his waist, making Tsukishima flinch as he batted at the offending hand. 
"Who told you you could- no! Don't stop tickling him- ack!"
You didn't notice your hand had stopped tickling Yamaguchi and Tsukishima had too when he was trying to make Yamaguchi stop the squeezing to his side. So now free from your mean fingers, Yamaguchi quickly launched at Tsukishima, recovered already from having his hips tickled and easily finding Tsukishima's highest ribs. 
You watched in amazement how Tsukishima threw his head back with loud laughter. Not a chuckle, not even a giggle, but clear, bubbly laughs poured out of him as he tried to push Yamaguchi off him, but could only do so much with his arms tightly pressed to his sides in a futile attempt to cover that spot. 
Drawn by his laugh, you couldn't help but approach them, curious, not really believing that Tsukishima could actually laugh like that, but there he was, face pink, a big smile nearly splitting his face in two, glasses askew, all so unlike him.
Yamaguchi chuckled when he saw your expression. "Tsukki's worst spot is actually his feet, but he'd definitely kick us in the face if we even try to tickle him there," he said with a laugh. "So we'll have to make do with this for now." You could barely tell just what he was doing under Tsukishima's arms, but whatever it was, it seemed very effective. "Why don't you help me get his arms up? They're in the way."
"I'll gehehet you bahahack tehehenfohohold if you hehehelp hihihim!" Tsukishima said between laughs, it was so hard even for you to take him seriously so you giggled and got a hold of Tsukishima's wrists and it surprised you how easily you could lift his arms, revealing Yamaguchi's thumbs rubbing into those highly sensitive ribs.
"IHIHIHI'LL KIHIHILL YOHOHOU!" He said to you, his laughter becoming more frantic now that you were pinning his arms up. 
"Plehease don't," you begged, feeling a rush of tickly adrenaline through your whole body. "This is Yamaguchi's fault! He made me do it!"
Yamaguchi laughed, "I only needed to tell you once! Tsukki should totally get you!"
"You- eek!"
You didn't know how, but Tsukishima broke free from your grip and finally pushed Yamaguchi off him, making him laugh and jerk away in case he wanted to take revenge, but Tsukishima turned to look at you, still flushed and panting with residual giggles, and you squeaked, getting up to run away from him, but he grabbed your ankle and you fell onto the floor, over your stomach. Before you could do anything, he had his hands under your arms, wiggling his fingers. 
"NAHAHA! Kehehehei, plehehease!"
"I said I was going to get you back, didn't I? Don't you think saying my name will help you out," he said and you could hear a grin on his lips and something warm spread across your chest. 
He was having fun. Yamaguchi was having fun. You were having fun. The awkwardness had faded away and you felt a precious bond forming with these two boys you were so scared to befriend for so many different reasons. Who would have thought you would be tickling each other like little kids and having so much fun?
Yamaguchi laughed, "I think you should stop soon, Tsukki. Isn't his face too red?"
"YEHEHES! S-Stahahahap!"
"Should I? Maybe if he promises not to fail again in the game?"
"I prohohohomise! Plehehease!" 
"Good. After all, you're better than Yamaguchi."
"Now you're just asking for it, Tsukki!"
"No! I didn't- ahahaha!"
Yes, that video game would have to wait, but that was okay, this friendship seemed promising, the three of you would have plenty of time to play more video games together and even more tickle fights coming on your way! 
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giggly-squiggily · 10 months
Hi Squiggly! I saw your requests were open and was wondering if you would be willing to write for Haikyuu? Totally understand if you’re not feeling up to it though! If you are willing though, could I request platonic lee Suga and ler Tsukishima? I think they’d be such an interesting pair with how mischievous they both can be. I don’t know if you want a prompt or not, but if so, maybe Suga was trying to get a rise out of Tsukki and get him to be a little more joyful/playful, but that backfires and when that playful side comes out, there do be tickles. Thanks Squiggly and I hope you have a fantastic day/week and have fun with your writing adventures!
Ooo, the rare playful Tsukishima! We love to see it! :D I've gotcha covered, anon! :3 And thank you so much! I wish the same to you- may your week/weekend be a great one and your day be lovely!
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps):
@thatbigbisexual29, @duckymcdoorknob @rachi-roo
“Hey, Tsukishima! How’s the weather up there?” Suga slapped him on the back, the gesture far too light to send the blonde off-balance. “I gotta ask- do you like being the team’s wall? You’re really good at it.”
“Uh, thanks I guess?” The middle blocker raised a brow, fingers twitching to pull on his headphones. It wasn’t that he disliked talking to Suga- it was more he just…didn’t like talking. Usually Yamaguchi carried conversations for both of them, but he had after school tutoring today- meaning the blonde was left on his own. “And I suppose. It’s a position.”
“Ah, you’re trying to act cool. A Lot of first years do, you know?” Suga gave his shoulder a squeeze before shaking it some. “I remember when us third years did. I like to think we’ve grown into our cool era.”
“You have? I couldn’t tell.” Oops- that slipped.
Suga’s jaw dropped, eyes lighting up at the comment. “Oh, so that’s how it is, huh? Very well then- take THIS!” He dropped the hand on Tsukishima’s shoulder, clamping it on his side for maximum effect. “Now you’re gonna learn to respect your seniors!”
“Er! Hmmph!” Immediately Tsukishima clamped his mouth shut, twisting away from the ticklish touch. He should have known where this was going. “D-Don’t! I’m n-not ticklish!”
“Sure you’re not.” Suga snickered, bringing both hands up to attack his ribs, increasing his efforts. “That’s why you’re smiling so much, yeah?”
This guy! Tsukishima willed himself not to laugh, bracing against the tickly fingers. Suga was good, but this was nothing compared to the torment Kuroo and Bokuto unleashed upon him during the training camp. He could deal with it until Suga gave up…
Or he could get him instead.
“Hm? Is that a laugh I hear- whoa!” Suga yelped when Tsukishima grabbed his wrist, twisting with all his might. The setter stumbled some as he was whipped forward, just barely saved from falling by the blocker’s hands. “C-careful no-OH!”
“I think being careful’s gonna prove difficult.” Tsukishima mused, his fingers itching along Suga’s waist as the setter squirmed and giggled, doubling over into himself. “What’s wrong? I thought you were teaching me a lesson?”
“Yoohohohohure a snehehahahahaky ohooohohohne! AHehahahahaha- Dihhihihihid thehehehy teach yohohoohou thahahhat?” Suga wheezed, cheeks pink and giggles increasing when his ribs were marched on next.
Yes. “Nope. I just picked it up somewhere.”
“Lihihiihihiiar! Aheahhhahahahhaha- wahahahahit wahahhahait I’m sohohohohorry, I tahahahke it bahahahhack!” Suga all but flailed when his middle ribs were prodded at, nearly headbutting Tsukishima in the process. “Yohohohohohu ohahahakay?”
“Yeah, fine. You’re so squirmy though- hang on.” With another move he ‘picked up somewhere’, he kicked Suga’s legs out from under him, sitting on his hips as he carried on drilling into his ribs from behind. “There- now I can tickle you better.”
“Gehehehahahahahhahhaha! Tsuhuuhuuhuhkki, plehahahahhahahhase!” Suga was a mess of mirth, feet kicking against the ground as he pressed his arms tightly into his torso. “Iihihihihihihihit tihihihihihihickles sohoohhoohhoo muhuhuhuhuhuhuch!”
“Huh, you don’t say?” Tsukishima let his fingers walk across his back, looking for newer spots to torment. “Are you ticklish here? How about here?” He prodded randomly, snickering when Suga jerked and squeaked with each jab. “I think I remember you having a spot along…here?” He wiggled a finger beneath Suga’s armpit experimentally.
“AHAHHHHAHA!” The shriek was so loud it echoed across the empty gym.
“Wow. What a spot.” Deciding he’d take the hearing damage, he dug both hands into Suga’s pits, grinning as the Setter thrashed beneath him in hysterics. “That’s right- laugh for me.”
“TSUUHUHHUHUUHUHKI PELHAHAHAHAHAHAHSE!” Suga begged, cheeks hot and eyes starting to mist over. “STHAHAHAHAHAHP!”
“Heh, given up already? Alright.” The tickles came to an end as the setter gasped for air, curling onto his side. “That’ll show you for trying to tickle me.”
“Ehehehehe…hehehehee…ohoohoho doohohon’t wohohorry…yohohour lesson is stihiihihll underway.” Suga pointed out, earning a raised brow.
“Really? And how is that?”
Just then- two hands from two different bodies touched his shoulders, making him stiffen up.
“Hi Tsukishima.” Daichi was all smiles.
“Ready for lesson two?” Asahi grinned.
Thanks for reading!
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trans-ace-lee · 11 months
Wow Fantasstic Baby
Author's Note: The title is a reference to this song Fantastic Baby - BigBang and was inspired by a post by @ticklishfanart about Tsukishima's milky legs. Warning: This is a tickle fic, so if that's not something you want to see, feel free to ignore this post.
I've read the manga in full twice and own the whole manga set, so I think it's a crime I haven't written for Haikyuu yet. Enjoy this hellhole of a fic that I came up with at work and mostly wrote on the bus to and from work and at work in corners of breakrooms.
Mutuals tag: @otomiya-tickles @italeean @giggly-squiggily @myreygn @ticklygiggles @duckymcdoorknob @jettorii
Tsukishima likes to say that he enjoys massages. Yamaguchi, the bastard, likes to give him back massages during intense study sessions under the guise of trying to put him to sleep.
Additionally, Akiteru refers to him as a stick of bamboo, saying that he needs to learn how to “loosen up” a bit. He doesn’t like to admit it, but he is a stiff person. Since throwing himself into volleyball, his muscles ache all the time, so massages are also welcome to relieve his pain.
And he would like to say he’s enjoying the leg massage that Kuroo had offered to give him, but he’s too busy cackling to pay attention to how nice it feels.
“Really, here?” Kuroo asks while kneading into his calves as Tsukishima debates actually slamming his fists onto the ground. He didn’t even know that calves could be ticklish, let alone garner such a big reaction out of someone.
“Staahahaap,” Tsukishima begs, trying to yank his legs out of Kuroo’s grasp.
He doesn’t need to turn around to know there’s a smirk on the latter’s face. “But this is for your own good.” Kuroo pauses to skitter his fingers from the back of Tsukishima’s knees to just below his butt. “It’s not my fault you’re so ticklish. Plus, I kind of want to keep tickling you.”
Tsukishima fully smashes his face into his arms to hold back a scream.
And to Tsukishima’s utter, utter horror, Kuroo doesn’t miss his reaction.
“Oh? I always thought you had a nice ass, but I didn’t expect it to be so ticklish,” Kuroo says.
The sound that comes out of Tsukishima at the comment doesn’t sound human. “Damn, your ears sure turn red fast, don’t they?”
“Fuhahuck,” Tsukishima replies, giggling like the rattling sound of a snare drum when Kuroo starts pinching all over his ass. He’s thankful that they’re the only ones in the gym. Maybe personal practice was more useful than he originally thought. “Naaahahat there. Stohohop.”
“Not here?” Kuroo switches to spidering along the bottom of his butt, every once in a while, sneaking a hand to his inner thighs. “You sound so happy though.”
Lies. Straight-up lies. He’s not happy, he’s dying. Here lies Tsukishima Kei. Maybe Yamaguchi will miss him.
“Fine. I’ll move,” Kuroo says, digging into the back of Tsukishima’s quads.
In Tsukishima’s defense, he does not shriek…that loudly.
“Is this a good spot too?”
“Gohoho somewhere else,” Tsukishima pleads, feeling a mostly foreign wetness building in the corner of his eyes.
“Hmm? But I did what you asked…All right, I’ll be nice.”
Tsukishima already starts to regret asking Kuroo to move spots since he’s figured out that begging Kuroo to stop is falling on deaf ears.
“Ass, inner thighs, or hamstrings?” Kuroo asks.
Resisting the urge to roll his eyes or yell in frustration, Tsukishima settles on trying to compromise some more. “Thahaat’s not fair. I’ll piihick somewhere else. Ahahanywhere else.”
“Anywhere?” Kuroo hums, “Sorry, but you picked the wrong choice, my dear.”
My dear? Wrong choice, his ass. Tsukishima decides that he will be getting Kuroo back tenfold after this is all over. From what he’s overheard when Hinata babbles, Kenma should be willing to deluge Kuroo’s worst spot or spots.
He hopes it is spots.
The thought of revenge stops at the feeling of fingers scribbling all over the back and inner parts of his thighs and all around his ass. He’d like to think, but it tickles so much that he doesn’t register that the loud sound he hears is coming from him.
“Awww,” Kuroo coos, “Was that a snort I heard? Who knew you could look so pretty underneath that constant frown, especially in those cute little shorts.”
Tsukishima curses the volleyball shorts they have to wear. Right now, he’s wishing that they were just a tad longer. The electric feeling shooting up and down his legs leave him paralyzed.
Even if he wanted to pull them away, the thought of doing so is almost physically painful, so he can only lay there and laugh until he can feel tears dripping down his face. He doesn’t bother begging or pleading and just sticks to crying.
Part of him thinks laughing so hard for so long feels nice because he hasn’t laughed that much since middle school. Sometimes he finds himself chuckling when Yamaguchi makes funny faces when he’s thinking or snickering every time he looks at Kuroo’s bed hair and when Kuroo smirks at his opponents from across the net. Maybe he even laughs when he sees Kuroo messing around with Bokuto and Akaashi.
Well, shit. Tsukishima figures that laughing and maybe tickling is okay with Kuroo and Yamaguchi. But only them. 
When he's tickled by Yamaguchi it reminds him of being a kid, before everything that happened to Akiteru. Okay, he might consider being tickled by his brother in the future. In all his pessimism and cynicism there's hope in there somewhere. That bright-eyed kid is still a part of him. 
With Kuroo, he finds himself melting. It's warm and sends clouds of floating, fuzzy sensations to fill his head and heart. 
Home. The feeling of home he decides. 
Kuroo's dexterous fingers are both torturous and comforting. It takes nearly every ounce of willpower in him not to beg for more instead. 
…What is wrong with him? Beg for more?
There are a couple of spots on Tsukishima’s butt that have him shrieking. It’s a high-pitched sound, reminding him of a younger, more innocent him. And, yeah, nope. He can forget about thinking again.
“I think I like this spot,” Kuroo says, pinching and wiggling his fingers in Tsukishima’s inner thighs.
Tsukishima slams his legs shut and traps Kuroo’s fingers in between them. He cackles even harder than when Kuroo was tickling his calves when this ordeal first started. “I dohohon’t,” he babbles.
“Look at you.” Tsukishima can hear the mock sympathy and slight pout in Kuroo’s voice. “Is someone too weak to handle a little tickling? Poor thing, taken down by a couple of fingers.”
He wants to push Kuroo’s hands away, but he settles on covering his face instead, not bothering to wipe the fresh set of tears out of his eyes.
“That cute face of yours is so red right now. It’s very pretty looking.”
His face heats up more at the comment. Besides volleyball, he’s not the kind of person who goes outside. Although he knows it might be nicer to study in a park or outside a café, he prefers the comfort of AC in his room or in a library. He feels pretty. So pretty. He’s been approached by girls or, more or less, Yamaguchi has been approached by girls, saying how handsome he is.
But for some reason, when Kuroo says it, it hits so much harder.
Tsukishima is ripped out of his thoughts by fingers dancing on his hamstrings midway down his thighs. More high-pitched giggles spill out of him as he grows weaker and weaker by the second.
After a few rounds of Kuroo dashing from each spot and sneaking a couple of swipes up his feet that leave him flinching despite feeling like putty, small hiccups break through his laughter which has almost gone silent.
The tickling stops almost immediately. Tsukishima takes the chance to roll over and somewhat flop on the ground with all the grace of a beached whale. Gasping for much-needed air, he shuts his eyes until the moisture dries from his face and his breathing evens.
Although he's flushed and tired, there's this buzzing feeling in his head. He's washed in a glow that spreads from his heart to the rest of his body. A small smile graces his features.
It's softer than normal. Different from the smirk he wears during volleyball matches or the bored one that stays on his face during classes.
"So…" Kuroo starts, breaking the silence, "Since I've gotten a chance to touch that ass, can I have a chance to have all of you?"
A snort bubbles out of Tsukishima's nose, which turns into another laughing fit. 
Kuroo wives his left hand in front of Tsukishima's face. "Still feeling ticklish there, giggly?"
"That was awful. If the rest of your pickup lines are that terrible, I can't imagine the rest of you." Kuroo’s smile wobbles a bit. "But luckily for me, my brother's advice to loosen up and make more bad decisions has grown on me, so I think I'll take you up on that offer."
Tsukishima chuckles once more when Kuroo feigns to punch him in the chest. "Y-you aren't allowed to scare me like that," Kuroo replies, helping Tsukishima sit up.  
A soft smile works its way onto Tsukishima’s face as he says, "Well, I guess you're just going to have to get used to me getting you back for teasing me all the time."
Kuroo only smirks at him, and Tsukishima has to resist the urge to kiss Kuroo silly.
Wait what?
"Oh Kenma," Tsukishima sings, snickering when Kuroo’s face morphs into a mortified expression. 
He starts full-on laughing when Kuroo bolts out the gym door with a see you later that ends in a note that rises at the end in a pleasant high-pitched tone. Tsukishima wants to hear the sound again once he gets his revenge. 
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smilingangel582 · 10 months
I call this a triple release! Time lines are different, of course, but during the day, I'm uploading three fics!
I wanna write for kageyama again! Squeee! I haven't done it in a while, so maybe the usual... kageyama hinata combo strikes back!
Hehe enjoy
Warning spoilers alert
The first year combo!
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Hinata was getting better at taking Kageyama's sets, in fact those two are an u stoppage duos.
Prodigy Kageyama and passionate Hinata. These were polar opposites, and no one can believe how connected they are during games...
"Kageyama you are being mean!"
"Enough jabbering, Boke (idiot)!"
That's until their off the field. They are a hopless crew. Daichi thought with a smile. The seniors all understood this usual scenario with the first year combo.
Hinata's orange hair is gripped in a vice grip by Kageyama, with a scary grumbled under his throat as he threatened the little guy. This is usual, and as always, Tsukishima had a snarky comment. "What are we grade schoolers?"
In fact, Hinata face was twisted into a hilarious contorted face of reluctance. He knew by strength he couldn't possibly be Kageyama's equal. Nobody seemed bothered to stop a fight they couldn't interfere with. Not even Daichi.
"Boke! You better understand that there's a difference between you and me -ah!"
He released the orange head eventually and stepped away with one hesitant step. Hinata hadn't expected it to work. He reflexively poked him in the ribs in order to make him shrink away from pain but it was a light squeak that was uncharacteristical of the King.
"Wait... wait... wait. " Hinata leaned forward on his knees, trying to get a better idea of what happened."Did you just squeak?"
"Did not" a childish side glance from a child who is lying to a parent visualised in Tsukishima's eyes. He was not merely called the smartest in the group so he could pass tests. He, in fact, deduced enough of the situation to focus on it rather than spiking for Nishinoya.
"Liar, I totally saw you go - like this!" He reached over to demonstrate, but it was unsuccessful as Kageyama grabbed his wrist with sudden panicked motion. He pushed the hand away before going back to the net, almost convincing. "If you have time to goof off, then I suggest you make ample time to practice with my sets instead"
Hinata being the naive idiot fell for this distraction and groaned "Weren't you the one who started this?"
Tsukishima sighed. He knew this won't be a good ending for a good climax, he called out tauntingly. "Nice way of avoiding a fierce tickle attack from your regal subjects, your majesty"
Everyone stared at Kageyama, now widened in eyes with pure intent of curiosity. But he let his guard down too swiftly when he felt someone tackle him from the side.
Shocked, the speed and reflexes couldn't have possibly been anyone but Hinata himself. The kid attacked him with his nimble fingers on his ribs first "Ahh ha! I knew you were hiding something, I'm not thar stupid to fall for your tricks"
Yameguchi gave a fond smile to him and said, "Yeah right, a minute ago he almost did if it weren't for Tsukki"
"Gaha! Oi, yohohou huhuhuman tahahangerine!!! Ahahahand you'll pay! FOUR EYES!"
"Wow, such recognitions, I'm honoured," he said stoically, not even the least bothered by the warning.
Meanwhile the least of Tobio Kageyama's worries is revenge, he needs to get out of this situation where a monkey is determined to straddle him and tickle him to pieces.
He couldn't help it, but being ticklish is something even Oikawa took advantage of. It was a well hidden secret. Well, until Tsukishima decided to expose him while his little friend almost triggered it. Scratch that ...he did trigger it thanks to four eyes.
"Alrihihihight! Cuhuhuhut ihihit ohohohout Hihihinataa!" Kageyama tried to squirm his way off, but surprisingly, he didn't expect the persistence being a strength that evolved to physical strength.
"Na ah! I didn't even know such a weakness existed on you of all people!"
Blushing harder, he tried to kick his way out and decided to turn the tables though he wasn't experienced in tickle counters.
Hinata was ticklish too and thankfully he burst into quick laughter, "ahahaha Kageheheheyamaaa! Nohoho fahahahair!"
"So fair punk! You started it"
"Ohohoho wehehell thehehen tahahahahake thihihis!!" He started to move his way to reach for his sides again and that allowed a brief time for Kageyama to get his armpits instead.
Stream of giggles left his mouth now painfully ticklish. He was in tears, not expecting the tables to flip.
Tanaka called out "Come on Hinata get the sucker while you can, he's more ticklish than you!"
"Kageyama, kick his ass!" Nishinoya seconded that.
These cheers were Hinata's motivation. He decided that Kageyama's awkward tickling wasn't that bad, but he broke through only to sneak a squeeze to his knee. Hoping it was sensitive, he did this, and much to his happiness, it was more effective.
"OHOHOHOI! Nohohoho Hihihinata!" He was thrown off balance by his own jerking ways. He didn't expect such a counter and giggled back uneasily now, distancing themselves instead of fighting.
"Kageeeyaaamaa~ Come here, and I'll treat you nice and easy" Hinata threw himself back only to grab his knees with firm vigour. It was strange how such an unusual spot could be this vulnerable. Kageyama definitely had similar thoughts as he couldn't attack back but rather shriek in surprise.
"Alright, game over for Kageyama." Asahi reached to grab Hinata's collar, and he dangled like a puppy. He looked thrilled to see a new side of Kageyama and had wicked schemes to exploit it. While Kageyama was given gentle assaults by Sugawara and Tanaka, who were hungry to join the final bit, but Daichi had ordered them to practice now.
Sure enough, Tsukishima remained in the shadows, smiling at his own play that he scripted with one mere call to Kageyama's weakness. He really became a mastermind, only Daichi suspected that.
Still, it was a good day, Kageyama would often be teased back for that defeat, which Hinata rarely witnesses during most challenges. Poking and prodding on their way back after practice, they were determined to hold another tickle fight, this time hoping who'd win foe real with equal strength.
"That's what makes them a team." Suagwara chuckled, locking the gymnasium.
"Yeah," Daichi grinned, now looking at the unfolding evening sky to night as time got much delayed.
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shoto-lee · 8 months
Tickletober Day 8 - "I'm Not Ticklish"
lee!tsukishima ler!yamaguchi
Summary: Yamaguchi wants to know what side tsukishima is more ticklish on - the left or the right. However, Tsukishima claims he isn't ticklish...
A/N: binging haikyuu so i decided to write something for my favorite character, tsukishima! (posting this a day early)
Tsukishima sighed. He didn't know why he had agreed to let Yamaguchi do this... Maybe it was because he was cute when he asked, maybe it wasn't. Who knows?
"When will you be done?" Tsuki asked, a slight frown on his face.
Yamaguchi ignored his question - he hadn't even started with his experiment. He was desperate to figure out which side of the taller boy was more ticklish. His left thigh or his right thigh? His left knee or his right knee? The question went on and on, and Tadashi was determined to answer it.
He already had a prediction. Thanks to some supporting evidence from a practice match some time ago, he knew that Tsukishima's right side was more ticklish than the other. During the match, Tsuki had gotten a cramp in his left calve. Daichi had tried to remedy it with a brief massage - pushing and circling his thumbs across the sensitive area.
When that didn't work (which he 100% expected it would), the captain of the team became confused and thought he was massaging the wrong calve, so he moved on to the right one. Tsukishima was a giggly mess as soon as he was touched there.
"Alright. I'll begin here." Yamaguchi placed his index finger on his friend's right thigh. Tsuki was wearing shorts, so the area was largely exposed.
Yamaguchi slid his finger down Tsuki's thigh until he met his kneecap. He then slid it back up to the end of his shorts. Nothing. Not even a slight grin.
Tsukishima could see Yama's visible disappointment. "I've told you already, I am not ticklish." He cockily laid on his back, putting his hands behind his head - leaving Yamaguchi kneeled down beside him.
The boy huffed and puffed. "I can't accept that! Everybody is ticklish, even you, Tsukishima."
The blond scoffed, shaking his head. Did he really believe he wasn't ticklish? Yamaguchi was right - everyone is ticklish somewhere. Tsukishima was in for a rude awakening.
Tsukishima's confidence began to crumble when Yamaguchi slid his hand under his leg, softly tickling the bottom of his outstretched knee. He pressed his lips together to keep from giggling.
Clueless to the fact that with a little bit more effort at the spot he was at, he'd have Tsuki a ticklish mess, Yamaguchi decided to make his way down to his calve. He lightly traced circles with his fingernails on the taller boy's skin.
Lips still pressed together, Tsukishima was nearly unphased - only on the outside, though. On the inside, his heart was slowly beating faster and faster. He hadn't felt the ticklish sensations he was feeling now in a while. He slowly began to remember the way his brother, Akiteru, would tickle him when they were young... This scared him because, with those memories, he remembered just how ticklish he really was.
"Y-Yamaguchi, are you finished yet? I already told you, I'm not ticklish." Tsukishima scratched his neck, a nervous look on his face.
Yamaguchi noticed this, unfortunate for Tsukishima. He could tell that he was close to getting to a ticklish area, so he continued down the boy's leg.
When Yamaguchi reached Tsukishima's heel, he tried to pull his foot away but was quickly stopped by Yamaguchi placing his ankle in an armlock.
"Why are you trying to get away? I thought you said you weren't ticklish."
Tsukishima tried to reach Yamaguchi's body to get him away from his foot but was stopped once again. The boy had begun to claw his fingers up and down the middle blocker's heel, causing him to gasp and giggle.
"Ahaha, Yahahamaha! StohohoHOhOHop it!" Tsukishima didn't know how to react to this ticklish feeling... All he could do was laugh and laugh. And laugh some more.
"Wow~ Someone's right heel is ticklish. What about the left one?" Yamaguchi teased, swiftly snatching Tsukishima's left ankle and scratching at his heel.
Tsukishima bashed around, trying not to laugh. He held his lips together but they were immediately separated by sweet chuckles and snorts every single time.
Yamaguchi took notes. Although he was having fun wrecking poor Tsuki, he still genuinely wanted to find an answer to his question. And as far as heels go, he concluded that Tsukishima's left heel was more ticklish.
But what about Tsuki's sides? Or his armpits? The experiment continues... But at another time.
Yamaguchi released the ankles that were in his grip. He quickly crawled over to a pink-faced Tsuki, rubbing his back.
"Are you alright? Do you need some water?"
Tsukishima caught his breath and replied, "No. But, I do need..one thing."
Yama tilted his head, listening carefully. The least he could do was help out his friend after tickling the hell out of him.
"I need you to not try and get any revenge after this." Tsukishima smirked, pushing Yama to the floor and pinning his arms above his head. All of this happened so quickly, leaving the smaller boy in a blur.
However, he quickly realized what was happening after he felt a hand reach under his shirt and dig into his armpit.
"NuhohOHOHA! FuhUHUHAHA!" He yelped, kicking his feet all around. It was only fair that Tsuki got a bit of revenge, right..?
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fanfic-chan · 2 years
For tickletober: Anticipation for Kuroo and Tsukishima
Day 1: Anticipation
"Come on Tsukishima, just come out and face me already. You know it's going to happen anyway, so you might as well get it over with."
Kuroo teased as he sat waiting outside of the locked storage closet, where the snarky first year was currently hiding out from him.
Ok. So maybe he was being a little mean about this, especially considering he literally had the key to said storage room in his pocket at that very moment. But, to be completely fair, he had warned Tsukishima ahead of time that if he made fun of his hair just one more time that night, he would tickle him to absolute death for it.
It wasn't his fault if the brat decided to sign his own death warrant by continuing with the bedhead jokes anyway.
"Alright then." Kuroo said casually when he didn't get a response, "I guess since you're not going to come out and get what's coming to you, why don't we pass the time by me telling you just how I'm going to tickle you when you finally decide to face the music. Sound good?"
No response still. Kuroo grinned.
"First, I'll go for your sides, just to ease you into it, y'know? They're not as ticklish as your ribs, yeah, but I'm not a monster y'know. I don't wanna kill you after all, since then I'd have to deal with that mother hen of a setter you guys have."
"Then, once I've got you giggling, I'll go for your stomach. It's really funny how red your face gets with that spot. Bokuto said he thinks it's really cute how flustered you get." A small whine of 'shut up' could be heard from behind the door. Oh, he was breaking a lot faster than he expected him to. Perhaps it would be a good time to hammer the last nail in the coffin then.
"Then, once you finally start to act like you're actually beginning to regret your mean comments about my, very stylish thank you, haircut, I'll finally go for those ribs of yours until you apologize and-"
Suddenly, the door to the storage room swung open, and out shot a very red, very flustered looking, Tsukishima. Kuroo couldn't help but laugh as he chased after the fleeing blonde and tackled him to floor, and it wasn't long until the usually sassy blocker was reduced to a screaming puddle of laughter and apologies, just as Kuroo had promised him.
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