#tiny Jesse
theartgremlin2 · 1 year
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Okay guys, I gotta put the driftwood away now XD
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geoledgy · 5 months
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Does anyone want to hear about me and my friends' insanely intricate Breaking Bad Geoscience AU about Walter White being a former volcanologist with silicosis who turns to fracking and finds Jesse Pinkman siphoning gas with a tube at a gas station
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ollierachnid · 20 days
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You put that goddamn dog down boy
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unfinishedslurs · 1 year
child lost in the grocery store (platonic stobin)
“Oh no no no no no,” Robin says, panicked. “Don’t cry, tiny child. Please don’t cry, oh God you’re crying, uh…Steve!” 
He rounds the aisle. “They’re out of Dustin’s favorite cereal,” he says sourly, before his eyes fall on the crying child Robin is kneeling by, and he raises his eyebrows. 
Help, she pleads with her eyes, and he sighs, setting the boxes he’s holding in the cart and crouching down next to them. 
“Hey there,” he greets warmly, so calm and caring it makes Robin want to throw herself into his arms and sob. “What’s wrong?”
The kid just shakes her head. 
Steve takes it with grace. “This is my friend Robin, I came here with her. Did you come here with anyone?”
“M-m-my mommy,” she blubbers. “But she’s gone.”
The sentence ends in a drawn out wail that makes her want to simultaneously hold the poor kid and slam her own head into a wall. Steve widens his eyes in sympathy. 
“That’s not good. Do you know where you last saw her?”
She shakes her head no again, and Robin stares at him, silently pleading for him to make the kid stop crying. 
He rolls his eyes at her before turning back to the kid. “That’s okay,” he soothes. “It happens sometimes. I bet she’s just as worried as you are right now. Do you want help finding her?”
A small nod, and she finally looks up, enough that Robin can see her big, bloodshot eyes. Are kids' eyes really just that big? They’re like tiny little aliens. 
“Okay, here’s what we’ll do,” Steve says confidently enough that both she and the kid relax. “We’ll go to the checkout with the nice lady, okay? And we’ll wait there for your mommy. That’s rule one of getting lost in the store, always go to the front desk.”
He smiles down at her, beginning to straighten up. “Oh, yeah. Sometimes I still have to do it, and I always find who I’m looking for.” He offers a hand, and the kid clings to it like he’s her last lifeline on earth. 
“What if she’s not there?” 
“Well,” he says, starting to walk towards the desk. Robin hurries to fall into step with them, and he smiles at her. “If she doesn’t come by the desk, my friend here will go find her, and tell her where you are.” He lowers his voice conspiringly. “She can be really loud.”
“Hey!” Robin protests, and the kid giggles. Giggles. If she were in any way, shape, or form attracted to men, she’d kiss him on the mouth. 
“Do you wanna tell me your name now?”
“It’s Jess!”
“Jess, huh? Short for Jessica?” She nods. “It’s a pretty name, it suits you.”
“Thank you,” she says shyly, pulling her dark hair in front of her mouth. 
“My name is Steve, this is my friend Robin.”
Jess perks up, even though Steve had introduced her earlier. Poor girl probably had bigger things to worry about. “Like the bird?”
“Exactly like the bird.” He grins. “Do you like robins, Jess?” Apparently Jess is really into birds. In the short time it takes to get to the counter, Robin has found out that robins hop on the ground to make worms think it’s raining, that you should feed ducks seeds instead of bread, and Jess’s favorite kind of bird is a woodpecker.
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teddypickerry · 20 days
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a very cute loser!
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kobbers · 1 month
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TMayNT day 2: Favorite April
I... actually don't think I've ever drawn an April before? Somehow?? I usually focus on the Turtles themselves, which meant I needed to do this one, even though I was too busy on the day of.
Anyway, 2k3 April in her series-opening lab coat. Most recent Aprils have been peers to the Turtles, but I really love her here as a fully adult ally - more of a big sister or aunt role. It allows her a bit more solid, independent position in the human world, which lets her be a firmer anchor when the guys need to reach out for help. And yet she still takes an active role whenever it's needed - getaway driver, hacker, surveillance, even a taste of fisticuffs by the end... a valuable part of the team.
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wanted to share a bit of this comic wip i’ve been trying to do…. season 1 au with jess :)) a scene in which they meet!!!!
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monkeybebop · 3 months
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Drew this eons ago, can’t believe I never posted it here.
You can’t sit here and lie to me saying Jesse Pinkman is cis, sorry he is OOZING T boy swag.
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fangirlneverlie · 5 months
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I just realized how reckless Jesse's was here, Jesse tried to grab the amulet without a second thought if axel didn't grab jesse as quickly as he did they would of fallen to their death
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First appearance in Chicago Fire 2x01 “A Problem House”, aired 24 September 2013 Last appearance in Chicago PD 10x03 “A Good Man”, aired 5 October 2022
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pendwelling · 1 year
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The Second Male Lead is No Longer the Third Wheel???(!!!)
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s1x-foot-deep · 25 days
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i was daydreaming about my end i found it gruesomely
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no filters+bare lines. song is "Two Lips" by Choir Boy
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mwolf0epsilon · 5 days
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During what was supposed to be a very simple cargo transport mission for the 501st, things go more than a little sideways when it turns out what the boys in blue are transporting, is a highly unstable Sith artifact that ends up causing untold amounts of chaos when it blows up the captain to colossal size...
Disoriented and unaware of what's happened to him due to just how quickly things have gotten out of hand, Rex unwittingly causes a ton of damage and a few injuries while trying to regain his bearings. All the while literally holding the lives of a few brothers in his hands...
Thankfully this mission required both Fives and Echo to be kitted out with jetpacks, and they're putting them to good use.
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sprout-gt · 9 months
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lil messy comic based on my happy shifter idea. talking to your crush is hard enough without size shifting thrown in. A for effort.
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just-blei · 2 months
Land of All au!
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Does anyone forgot about this au? I think so
Is basically an apocalyptic au where something caused the Denizens appearing on earth, but an infection has spread that affects any denizen and living being
What happens in this image? Jesse and Lake's meeting! Jesse fell into an abandoned building and got hurt, he was hiding from a ghom zombie and hears a strong hit, turns to see what happened and realizes a strange person made of metal killed the zombie, it seems they didn't notice him before
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tadbitsketch · 5 months
i love the little bit of happiness that i get when i'm animating or editing and the timing is just perfection
it just makes me go :D and then mentally im just-
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