#tiny avian!philza
i-am-beckyu · 1 year
To Fly Once More
HI GUYS!!! LOOK AT ME!!! TWO FICS WITHIN THE SAME WEEK?! HELLO!? So super super short one and definitely not with characters you thought you’d be reading about today so WOOOO FOR SURPRISES! Literally just wanted to write this even if its a bit generic so hope you all enjoy!!!
cw: past trauma, minor gore details (ripped wing), fluff, minor romance, happy endings. She’s just fluff peeps. Just fluff :3
 wc: 1391
Phil hasn't been able to fly for a long time. 
 His wing was badly injured to the point it was beyond repair. Trying to adjust for survival had been the worst experience of his life. As they say:
 A downed bird is a dead bird. 
 But Phil was more than just his avian roots. 
 He'd survive.
 Even if it meant stealing from humans, he'd make it. 
 Humans were terrifying. They were greedy, selfish but above all unpredictable; but when he’d had his wings, the adrenaline rush of living so close to them had been thrilling. While he’d had his wings, he’d flown from his humble forest abode, to the small neighbourhood of Essempi street, watching and getting to know its residents.
 There were these 3 roommates at the east end of Essempi that would always be rough housing whenever given the chance at one end, with a boy who loved to dress in a flourish of rainbow colours and hoodies that hung out with the fiery one a lot next door. Across the street, a man known for his expertise in gambling and iconic blue beanie. He liked to pinch whatever shiny items he could when they did outdoor poker night. Which was funny when they’d get accused for cheating (because they had been, just not with the shinies :)
 At the opposite end, a pink haired girl and a white haired one lived together, their home always emitting heavenly smells of home baked goods. And across the street from them, a man who wore blue and red shades that would often be around stealing taste testing the pies. Phil tried to only ever take what he would need from them, but sometimes he couldn’t help but take a whole cupcake.
 And then of course there was the middle of the street, which homed 3 rather loud occupants and their mother.
 The brunette was the most talented musician he’d ever heard, the pinkette skilled in the art of the sword in a way that he himself would never match with his needle, and the youngest of the 3 was wild blonde child, who's energy and clingy nature made him endearing despite their loudness.
 But his favourite was the mother.
 Hair a dark brown and looked as soft as clouds, dressed in purples that accentuated her warm hazel eyes and a kindness that could rival no other, Phil loved her. Unlike her 3 sons, she was gentle and cared for those around her with such grace. Out of every human on the street of Essempi, Kristen was the only one he would ever feel at ease with. 
 And the only human that knew of his existence.
 While the rest of the street of Essempi were aware of ‘something’ that would take their belongings, Kristen was the only one who knew what it was that had; the human happening to catch a glance at him in her garden one day.
 She’d never chased him, or demanded he show himself, simply talked and offered him a bite to eat before he went on his way. And Phil had accepted the offer. Albeit it from a distance, but Kristen met her little black bird, and Phil his human giant.
 It became routine.
 Every Tuesday, in the mid morning sun, Kristen would go out to her garden with a small plate and set it on one of the lower branches of the tree for Phil to perch. With her 3 boys at school, the two would chat and bask in each other's company, speaking of whatever came to mind. Kristen sharing of her work and boys, and Phil sharing of his day to day life in the forest and around Essempi street.
Or they had, until that fateful day. 
He’d been attacked by a falcon and in his attempt to break free, had his right wing in shred in half, leaving feathers askew, bones exposed and blood gushing as he plummeted down to earth for his demise.
 Somehow he’d managed to survive, his memory from being in the air and between just immense pain was all but a blur, but he had lived.
 But to continue living? How would that be so?
 He came to Essempi Street for supplies and the rush to not get caught, but he lived far off in the forest, through dense foliage and over rivers. And he had nose dived into a ditch, on the outskirts where the forest met the quaint street.
 To journey home in his current state would spell imminent death.
So he took his only option, and moved into the garden of his favourite residents.
 That first week had been agonisingly painful. Adjusting to not only getting around on foot, but coming to the realisation he would never fly again. It had been his whole life, his freedom, and now what was left of his wings was but a heavy reminder of the life he’d led. Getting food became even harder, resulting in him taking far more than he would normally from the humans’ garden just to avoid over exerting energy to get there.
 He was in so much pain, it wouldn’t be long before he either died from the poor job at patching his wing, or from some wild animal getting themselves a free meal. He was sure he was done for.
Until Kristin had found him. 
The human had been worried about him when he’d missed their usual catch up, but figured he may have been busy. That was until she found the small scattered feathers and trails of dried blood a few days later, leading to a hole inside the garden shed where she had inevitably found the small avian, curled up in a sorry excuse for a nest in his broken state.
 She was the one who had taken him into her home and patched him up. 
 She was the one who gave him a new chance at life.
 And she was the one giving him the chance to fly again.
 “Are you sure this will be okay?” He’d asked hesitantly. 
 It had been almost a year since that fateful day and Phil now knew the Crafts through and through. Wilbur, Technoblade and Tommy had been infatuated with the small avian and quickly he and the 3 boys were acting as if they’d known him their whole life. 
 And Kristin? The two had fallen for each other, and their relationship had only blossomed. She was the first human he had ever fully willingly gone to and been touched by. The first he ever allowed to get so close and know about his whole world. A world that had become the entire human womans being. A bond formed of love and trust. Which led to now, an act of kindness that the love of his life had been planning for months.
He was going to fly again.
Though this was his deepest desire, the phantom feeling of talons ripping his wings to have him falling to his doom ached at his back.
 “I’ve been designing this and practicing for months Phil.” Kristen spoke softly. “I promise it will be fine and even if it's not, I’ll be here to catch you.”
 Phil smiled up at the human from where he sat in her cupped hand. Kristen would never let him fall.
 “Are you ready my love?” 
Phil took a deep breath and nodded, a strong conviction in his gaze.
“Let's do this.” 
Kristen slowly maneuvered Phil into the small seat and placed the little harness over himself. Kristen gently placed the carrier down and walked forward and away from Phil holding a thin piece of string.
“Hold on tight.”
As Kristen ran forward, Phil gripped the carrier, eyes squeezed tightly shut, as he felt the whole thing lift up and into the air. Air rushed around him and he could feel the shift as he went up higher and higher.
“YOU DID IT PHIL! YOU DID IT!!” Kristen called from somewhere down below.
Hesitantly, he peaked an eye open before opening both wide in awe. 
 He was high above the ground, clouds almost in reach as he glided across the sky in his carrier kite.
 He laughed, joyful tears beginning to slowly trail down his face as he slowly lifted his arms from the carrier to spread them out wide in delight.
 He was flying.
And bada bing bada boom! All done! See? Fluffy!!!
Thanks for reading to the end and I hope you enjoyed! Really liked writing this one and I can’t believe I wrote this at work. Like seriously, I love this job so much already and its only been 3 days!!!
Not sure when the next fic will be out but if you’ve seen my blog, you may have seen the an announcement about a fic on the way. What could it be? Who knows... 👀
Tag list: @local-squishmallow  @brick-a-doodle-do @justarandomsloth @veryfunkycheesecake @munchkin1156 @kayla-crazy-stuffs @da3dm @eiscreme135 @orchid-harmony @the-tiny-lurker
Love all my tagged so much 🍭❤️🍭❤️🍭❤️ Don’t want to miss the next story? Comment on the Tag list here
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nomsfaultau · 8 days
Hybrid AU in exile week where avian instincts can take over to a degree that is almost horrific, erasing someone’s personality and rationality when they’re panicking. First part here.
Tommy doesn’t preen anymore. And fair enough, really. If Techno got brainwashed (or whatever it was) by his piglin instincts like that, he wouldn’t want to either. As the days crawled past they looked worse and worse, dull and bedraggled. At least Techno had managed to convince Tommy to drink enough health potions to scab over the open wounds, mostly under the threat of potential infection. It helps Techno at least to not see where the lines of the net cut into him. 
Tommy looks like hell. Acts like it, too, this writhing mess of ugly emotions waiting to burst out of him. But the ragged feathers are especially noticeable, growing dull and disheveled the longer he refuses to maintain them. Phil is getting worried. Says properly aligned feathers are crucial for insulation and Tommy is going to end up catching something. And like, being around Tommy is a lot on a good day. Tommy with a cold? Sheesh. Someone's going to have to do something to prevent that, and it looks like it's up to Techno.
“I can’t stop feeling his hands,” Tommy chokes when Techno tries to offer to help groom him. “The ways his fingers stroked through my feathers. I just want to stop feeling it. Or worse, maybe I don’t.”
Techno shifts from hoof to hoof to stop himself from putting it in his mouth. “Would it be better if you did it yourself, then?” 
“...I think I might rip out more feathers if I try.” 
Techno winces, unable to get the image of Tommy clutching bloody fistfuls of his own feathers out of his head. “Maybe if we make it as different as possible it’ll help? Like, I don’t coo, or chirp, or squawk for one.” That had really been the reason they’d decided Techno should offer, since suppressing his coos would be hell for Philza and he didn’t want to shove Tommy deeper into a trance. “And I have hooves instead of fingers, so the texture would be different, right? We could chat the whole time, or you can occupy doing something else. Do it in tiny sections maybe, and stop whenever it’s too much. Just, I don’t want you getting sick, alright? It’s extra dangerous in the arctic.” Though hesitant, Tommy eventually relents. On one condition, of course.
Tommy downs the sleeping potion in one go. Before long, he droops, careful to spread out his wings before he succumbs to slumber. Not that Techno prefers to do it while Tommy sleeps since he won’t know if he accidentally hurts him, but it is the only way Tommy could stomach it. Better than nothing, he supposes. 
Techno pulls out a bottle of some of Phil’s fancy feather oils, sebum or whatever it is. This isn’t his first rodeo, of course, since Phil occasionally asks him to help with a tricky spot since it’s plain easier to have someone else help with grooming. He’s always happy to help out a friend, and Philza really enjoys it. As for Techno…uh. Okay so like he gets social behavior like preen is super big for building bonds etc etc but it doesn’t really do much for him. Which is really awkward given the whole crisis Tommy and Philza are having about it at the moment, since from his perspective he’s been asked to help brush Tommy’s teeth. Like yah he’ll help but? It’s not, like? A big deal?? While everyone around him is treating it like a blessing or a curse. Suuuper awkward. 
He works quickly, quietly, and carefully, straightening out ruffled feathers and smoothing over damage, massaging in oil to keep them soft and waterproof. It is a little satisfying to watch his progress, he has to admit, like that one time Steve had rolled in mud and he’d given the bear a grueling spa day. But the anger of his ruined flower bed doesn’t quite match the fury bubbling in his chest as he tries to smooth out the primaries Tommy’s abuser clipped. It’s all he can see in Tommy’s wings, the ghostly echo of the man who hurt him so deeply. The sheered off flight feathers, ripped out chunks of coverts, little rips from where the net dug in. Maybe he can understand why Tommy refused to love his wings if everything about them screamed his abuser. 
Techno only pauses once when a soft, sleepy coo purrs from Tommy’s throat. And suddenly he gets it. It sounds like pure bliss in a bottle, so sweet and effervescent. It’s echoed by a deep, content rumble, and it takes a second for Techno to realize that’s him making that noise. Self-conscious, he puts a hand over his mouth. He’d…kinda forgotten he can purr. And in context, it’s not good, especially since Tommy’s coos rush out in response. 
Techno weighs what Tommy’s waking reaction may be against his health needs. Then, he pokes Tommy’s cheek. As there is no response, Techno elects to speed run wing hygiene and hope he’s not stepping in trauma somehow. But the purrs reverberating in his chest ease the worried tension knotting his muscles, spurred on by Tommy’s infrequent sleepy coos. It’s almost relaxing, the smooth repetitive motions working through russet wings. 
He carefully scoops up the chick when he’s done, tucking Tommy in his burrow. It’s a bit of a fight to avoid piling him under blankets, but Techno just spent all that work and is not about to mess up the feathers again. He sweeps up the discarded ones, then realizes he has no idea what to do with them since he knows they have weird cultural connotations for avians. Electing to put them in a pile at the bedside, Techno comes to the unfortunate realization that his prime reading spot is occupied. Refusing to let Tommy get in the way of his literature, he crawls into bed as well. Somehow the giant piglin ends up scrunched sitting in the corner while the tiny avian sprawls and takes up more space than conceivable. Even more shockingly, Techno doesn’t mind that much. 
Eventually Tommy yawns and stretches. Techno’s breath hitches in his throat as he sleepily mumbles his abuser’s name. 
“Uh. Nah. It’s Techno. That guy is like, super duper dead.” 
Tommy hums a confused note, then flumps on the mattress. “Good,” he mumbles. Techno releases the breath he’d been holding. “Ha’ a weirddreamm…”
“Nightmare?” he asks cautiously. 
Tommy’s wings flare out, trembling with the stretch, then tuck to his back. “Not really. Was alrigh’ I guess.” He pulls the blankets around without covering himself in an echo of a nest. A little bit of squirming, and his head presses warmly against the side of Techno’s leg. “Havn’t had a good dre- sleep ina while. Was…nice. Thanks, Techno.” He hums again as Techno awkwardly pats his head. Not a coo. This was alright, then.
“Any time, kid.” 
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totallynotbat · 8 months
14 - Soft
QSMP tickles Ft Missa and Philza, after the eggs second disappearance.
This relationship is platonic. Missa and Philza do consider each other (platonic) husbands in the QSMP, only the characters! Not the content creators!
Phil sighed as he leaned against the chair, Chayanne’s floatie and Tallulah’s beanie left there on empty beds, why did he leave for a week, if he stayed with them none of this would’ve happened. 
They would still be here. Tallulah and him could’ve made up, Chayanne could’ve hung out with him…
It’s his fault.
Phil barley turned his head to Missa opening the door, purple hood still on, along with the skull mask covering his face, despite the timezones, he managed to find out what happened.
Missa shut the door behind him as he walked towards his husband. “Are you alright?” 
“…yeah…” Phil mumbled.
“Do you want to talk about it?” 
Missa lowered his hood, arms out. “Do you want a hug?” 
Phil’s eyes squinted, trembling. “Yeah…” 
Missa wrapped himself around the man, the avian immediately flopped into his arms, clinging to him like a koala breaking into sobs, hiccuping and shaking, he was never this upset. 
“I miss them so much…I should’ve stayed with them…I wish me and Tallulah didn’t argue, I wish I could go back and fix this…” Phil spoke, words muffled from either heartbreaking sobs or Phil nuzzling himself into Missa’s jacket. 
Missa sighed, rubbing Phil’s back. “I know, I know.” 
“Maybe I wasn’t cut out to be a good father…” Phil mumbled quietly.
Missa looked at Phil, pushing him upright to put his hands on his shoulders. “Mi Amor, you are good enough to be a father, Chayanne and Tallulah have told you that, I have told you that, it’s not your fault that this happened.” 
Phil only leaned against Missa, Philza has taken on a more bird like look due to stress on the island, he’s gotten used to it slowly, despite how painful the feathers are when they grow in. 
Missa could only look at his husband, he hasn’t been on the island as much, but since he’s been back, he’s caught up with Phil, he hates to see his partner so upset. 
Missa gently touched Phil’s sides, gently tapping his fingers agianst them. Phil flinched, squirming, 
“Pfft-Missa!” Some of Phil’s laugh spilled out of his mouth.
Missa stopped for a second confused, before taping his sides again, earning a flinch, it clicked.
“Oh, you’re ticklish?” Missa smiled. “Well that’s a great way to cheer you up.” 
Phil backed up. “No wait Missa-!” Phil was pulled back, Missa’s hands around Phil’s waist, holding the avian down.
Missa smirked. “Now then, let’s see, you ticklish here?” He spoke as he scribbled at Phil’s feathered ears, earning a squeak followed by uncontrollable giggles. 
“Missahahahaha!” Phil giggled quietly, ears twitching.
“Aw! Look, your little ears are twitching into my wiggling hands.” Missa spoke and used both hands to tickle Phil’s ears, earning high pitched giggles in response. 
Missa gently blew on the tiny feathers, making small breathy laughs come out of the avian. Eventually Missa got bored, stopping to allow Phil to breathe, waiting for a bit closely.
“Missa what are you-AHAHAHAHA!” Phil suddenly let out a high pitched squeak, Missa targeting his neck, nails stroking in between the feathers. 
“Hehehehehehe! Nooo! Not neck tickles!” Phil giggled, attempting to move his head up, which only led to gentle chin scratches, and more neck tickles. 
Missa chuckled at his husband’s laugh, who would’ve known, his partner, ticklish.
Missa lowered his hands down his shoulders, scribbling at his underarms quickly and moving his hands down to move at his sides. 
Phil squirmed left and right to no avail, only getting high pitched giggles and laughter. 
“One…two…three…” Missa was counting up each of Phil’s ribs, scratching and fluttering his nails over the area. “Aw man you made me lose count Mi Amor, guess I have to start over!” 
“Missaaa! Don’t! Hehehehe!” Phil giggled, the sensations being unbearable as he melted into a small giggly puddle in his partners hold.
Missa eventually tickled all of his ribs, deciding to move to his hips. “Am I allowed to squeeze here?” 
“G-go ahead.” Phil nodded, nervous. 
Missa squeezed Phil’s hips, earning a small snort! Missa cooed, able to hear it, doing the squeezing tatic to get a couple more snorts out. 
“Hehehe! Missa!” Phil giggled but with him snorting so much it was hard for him to talk. “I cahahant-“ He was cut off by another flustered snort. 
Missa smiled, fluttering his fingers on where his sides met his stomach, noticing how Phil flinched. “Ready?” 
Phil nodded, giggling in anticipation. “Yeheheheheah!” 
Missa wiggles his fingers on Phil’s belly, making the avian squeak and collapse in a fit of laughter, he was just so, giggly! Missa eventually pulled Phil back, giving him gentle kisses behind his ears and neck. 
Phil mumbled. “Nohoho! Hehehehe!” He attempted to push Missa away, only for Missa to nuzzle him and gently tickle his neck with more kisses. “Hehehehehe! Hahahaha!” 
Missa continues spidering on Phil’s belly, making the avian squeal and laugh, chirps occasionally leaving his mouth, he’s so giggly. And maybe it will stay like that.
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echolocati0n-art · 1 year
my dsmp , qsmp , empires , hermitcraft, etc headcanons because im insane
when c!puffychu are cuddling sometimes c!niki has to come up for air because c!puffys hair is just like, very curly/wool like and in the summer they have to turn on the ac to max, very nice in the winter tho
katherine would own a motorcycle but specifically in season 2 of empires and it would be painted half pink with glitter and the other side black with spikes
c!fundy makes a contraption where c!phil is able to use his wing again, that plus the syndicate helping him do physical therapy, he is able to fly again
the dream smp did not end badly fuck that ending they all live happily ever after
life series pearl tends to pick her nails a lot/bite them and tends to have a lot of bandaids on her hands, especially after the events of double life it got so much worse, in limlife, she kept doing it and big b would help bandage her hands and when he noticed her doing it, would give her a stick of gum or something to chew on + distract her or even they would paint eachothers nails
A CHEW TOY AHAHAHA werewolf pearl agenda
froggy is liml!pearl's PTSD ESA 👍
c!fundy is transmasc and c!quackity once had a lot on his mind and c!fundy happened to be shirtless, he saw the top surgery scars and was like "who did this to you", he still gets made fun of for it
avians (grian , jimmy, whoever else with fanon wings idk im too tired) cannot fly in the life series as the watches make their wings smaller to stop them from having an advantage / flying away but they can glide down hills and short distances, if they panic whilst falling they cant catch themselves
shelby and oli are swifties
in empires s1, both scott and xornoth have trouble walking through doors because of their antlers. Like xornoth will be chasing someone or something then he just hits the doorframe with a CLANG or scott will be trying to get outside and he just gets stuck and has to get someone to free him
speaking of those antlers my own hc is that when scott found the book in that tomb, he went from a regular elf to having the antlers and like deer ears / deer hybrid thing, during his elsa arc he shed them / he sawed them off because he felt he wasnt worthy but they grew back and sometimes have icicles hanging off them
jimmy hates the crust on sandwiches in all universes
c!purpled and c!punz are brothers, or at least sort of, c!purpled is an alien who crash landed on earth at like 5 years old and tiny 10 year old c!punz found him and they became very close, c!punz taught him earth culture
i loved that hc of lmanburg having a different language and using it to communicate and their own culture and such, for some reason I very much imagine it as french
no one speaks it anymore but when frustrated or excited you may find former members of lmanburg using it / they have slight accents
c!schlatt banned them from speaking said language so c!niki used it to spite him specifically
c!niki also shouldve lost a life during that festival she was beat to death by c!ponk under order of c!schlatt WHY ISNT THAT CANON!!
Tallulah loves the movie Tarzan and q wilbur really regrets showing it to her because. gorilla
qsmp has access to tv streaming services and the internet, chayanne and bobby love action movies but q phil chooses what he watches very carefully, tallulah and richarlyson are OBSESSED with bluey, dapper loves nature/informative documentaries, leonarda and ramon i feel would be a huge fan of nickelodeon, tilin used to love peppa pig, juanaflippa preferred to read
bobby has adhd because i said so he is a little ball of insanity
jaiden with the conure wings you already know
cellbit drinks an insane amount of high caffeine coffee, he started to have heard palpitations from it. The other portugese speaking people had an intervention
forever gives me ashfur vibes idk with the i love you philza you broke my heart
hcs9 impulse forgets to sleep because hes underground / inside a lot and doesnt see the sun, when he stays awake purposely to get work done gem and/or pearl will march him to the nearest bed and sit there until he is asleep
there were times where scott didnt feel safe at home because of xornoth so he would sleep in other empires, he felt safest in the cod empires because of jimmy (not because jimmy was strong but because gay people)
same with shrub, she would often end up in the overgrown napping in katherines castle
gem and fwhip are identical twins but it's impossible for there to be opposite gender/sex (?) identical twins so basically: transfem gem
thats it for now i am eepy but hope you all enjoy
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serotonincemetery · 1 year
Tumblr media
Platonic!SBI + Reader
Sooo I had an idea, so this is kinda like an avian au where everyone is a birb like Phil. This will also be like a GN reader and can really be any because its They/Them! most of the next oneshots will either be Male or Non Binary, I don't really feel comfortable writing female readers that much anymore.
Techno: 17
You and Wilbur: 16
Tommy: 11
TW// Blood, mutilation, knives, needles, mention of vomiting, angst.
Anyways, this is fluffy in the beginning, then angsty, and maybe fluffy at the end, I haven't decided yet. Enjoy being apart of SBI!!
Edit: Its fluffy at the end!
You hadn't been the best at flying, being Wilbur's twin, Tommy's older sibling, and Techno's younger sibling, you had a lot of responsibility, you were really the only one with rational thinking unlike the rest of your brothers. But due to the fact that you had to look after them most of the time, it didn't give you time to yourself.
Plus with Tommy as the youngest, Philza gave him all the attention he wanted and needed. You as one of the middle's with not much about you unlike your brothers, (and being the only sibling with almost complete independence) Phil didn't really think you needed his attention all the time.
Which in this case, his attention was needed, because you couldn't fly, but besides from you preferring to stay on the ground, you'd never learnt how to fly and properly use your wings.
"Phiiilllll" You drawled out as you stumbled down the stairs and landed on the floor and shuffled into the kitchen to see Phil cooking breakfast.
"What's up, [Y/N]?" He asked as he turned to you while setting the spatula down.
"When are we going into town?" You ask.
"Probably at noon? Why?" He quizzed you.
"I just wanna go out, I feel confined and I wanna go buy you, Wil, Techno, and Tommy something." You said with a grin.
"Alright, how about you go wake the boys up, and we will have breakfast, get ready, and then we will go out earlier?" He compromised.
"Bet!" You said with a large grin, you turned heel and bolted up the stairs and into Tommy's room. "Get up, Tiny!" You said as you quickly grabbed the pillow from under his head and hit him with it.
It gave you a lot of satisfaction when you saw him trying to avoid the hits with the pillow. You threw the pillow at him and ran back to yours and your twin's room. You glanced at Wilbur and yanked the blanket off him and started singing some of the sheet music you of his you had read off-key.
"You need to lower your voice a bit to get the right pitch." He mumbled.
"You need to get up! If we eat breakfast really fast we get to go into town!" You said while grabbing his leg and pulling Wil out of bed.
You drop his leg and run out of the room and went to Techno's room and gently knocked and opened the door slowly. He was already awake and sitting at his desk running his hand through his hair. He seemed to notice your presence because he leaned back in his chair and looked at you. "Mornin'" He drawled.
"Morning Techno!" You said happily. "Come downstairs for breakfast when you're ready because we are gonna be going into town!"
" 'lright" Techno said as he turned back to his desk and took out a new piece of parchment and scribbled down a few words. "I'll be down in a few, lemme finish this letter and I'll see ya down there." Techno said quietly.
It gave you an off feeling but you thought you were being paranoid. You then smiled. "Alright, see you soon!" And with that you went back downstairs to see Wilbur and Tommy complaining about something along the lines of bananas.
You shuffled over to your regular seat at the table and sat down. A few moments later Phil came over with plates of food and set them down, Techno followed soon after from down the stairs.
The next half hour was filled with chatter amongst the five of you about the day ahead and plans for the weekend. Phil was gonna be going out for a day or so, Wil was heading into town to preform his music, Tommy was gonna go hang out with a few of his friends, Jack, Niki, Tubbo and some kid he calls Quackity, but his name's Alex. And finally, you and Techno were planning to do some exploring in the woods past the town.
After breakfast was over with everyone got dressed properly. And was getting ready to head into town. You had gotten dressed in [Outfit if your choice, if you wanna, comment! I wanna see what you peeps come up with!] and grabbed your pouch of gold and your bag. You put the pouch in the bag and slung it over your shoulder.
You walked downstairs and pulled your [Shoes/boots, etc.] on and stood outside and waited. As you waited, Wilbur and Techno came out to wait as well. "Tommy's being stubborn." Wil laughed." He wants to wear his cloak and paper crown to match Techno."
"Rightfully so. I'm awesome, if I do say so myself." Techno said with a chuckle.
When Tommy and Phil came out finally, Tommy was wearing one of his green t-shirts and paper crown. You smiled and watched as Tommy waddled out of the house, with Phil following behind him.
You smiled and ran over to your horse. You quickly fastened the saddle on him and placed your foot in the stirrup and pulled yourself up. "Come on buddy, lets go." You say as you gently put your heel in his side.
You watched as your brothers and father unfolded their wings and you watched as they flapped them enough until they were off the ground. You watched as Phil helped Tommy into the air, you remembered Phil was teaching you to fly. He stopped after Tommy came into the picture, he became solely focused on Tommy and you were pushed to the back of the photo.
You frowned as you rode your horse on the trail through the woods to the village.
When you all had gotten there and landed, you separated from the group to go and buy a few things. You went over to a crystal kiosk that was in the middle of the town with a bunch of other stalls. You found a small box of amethysts and picked out a few. They represented your family, the biggest for Phil, as he is the oldest and your father, the second largest for Techno, you had found two that looked almost identical, so those were for you and Wilbur, and a smaller one for Tommy, as he is the youngest.
You brought them to the man who ran the stall. He had a huge handlebar moustache and wore a cowboy hat. "Hi, how are you?" He asked politely.
"I'm doing alright, thanks. How about you?" You asked.
"I'm doing okay, did you find everything you were looking for?" He asked with a smile.
"Yeah I did! I am buying five amethysts." You said as you placed them down in front of him. "I'm buying them for my dad and brothers." You smiled.
"Ain't that just sweet." He awed. "Well, since you are so well-mannered, I'll cut a few gold off." He smiled. "That will be 7 gold." He said as you pulled out your gold pouch. You reached in and grasped 7 gold coins and placed them on the counter. The man smiled and grabbed them and placed them in a box under the counter. "If you ever need anything I live down the pathway, take your first left and 4 cottages down." He said kindly.
"Thank you! And I'll remember that." You said as you grabbed the five crystals. "Have a good day sir!" You said as you turned around, ruffled your nearly useless wings and waved.
"You as well, see ya later birdy." He chuckled and looked away cheerfully.
You walked away and rejoined with the rest of your family, feeling eyes on you. You stopped for a moment to look around. You frowned and turned back to your family and walked with them.
Everyone had gone home, they flew while you rode your horse, but you still felt eyes on you, it was a feeling you couldn't shake. You made it home, after everyone was in the house. You tied your horse up outside and walked outside the house. You sat down facing towards the house as the sun was going down and enjoyed the brisk breeze.
As the wind was blowing in your ears you failed to hear the two set of footsteps behind you, creeping up closer and before you could react, someone put your in a headlock and covered your mouth with a rag while another man held a syringe and quickly jabbed it into your arm and pushed whatever was in the needle into your arm.
You felt your mind go hazy as your body went limp and you felt exhausted. You felt every poke and prod at your wings and when it came time for them brandish a knife, you couldn't move nor speak. You tried to move your muscles, anything. You struggles were in vain as you had barely muttered your father's name and the two men laughed.
They dragged your body further from the house, just into the tree line and in the bushed where unknowing to you, is where you would spend the next 6 hours.
You felt the cold metal against your wings and felt the sharp pain that followed as they began to basically saw your right wing off after they had pushed you to the ground and kept a knee on the base of your neck.
Every jagged cut on each wing, you could feel it. Every turn of the knife, every movement. You could feel it all but all you could do is lie there muttering your dad's name and cry.
You didn't understand how they couldn't hear anything going on. Or any of them wondering where you went. Did they care at all? You cried harder as your eyes stung from the tears that welled up at the corners of your eyes.
As you had just went to try and move again, there was a soft thud. "One down. One to go."
You felt as the knife and calloused hands gripped your other wing and started cutting. Feeling the tendons split as your back started to ache even more, the blood running down your ribs and down the small of your back and pooling there.
You whined Wil's name before crashing and your head became too much and your vision was enclosed in darkness.
You woke up, feeling someone or something warm. They were carrying you with one arm under your legs and one around your back. It seemed to be placed very strategically so it wasn't even anywhere near your wings.
You tried to speak but it came out as a cough. You opened your tired eyes and looked at who it was, and it was the man with the handlebar moustache from before. "I'm bringin' you home, don't worry." He sighed.
You barely nodded and slumped down, watching as this man was still walking out of the woods? Did those men drag you further into the trees than before?
You watched hazily as your family's house came into view. You saw your horse and Tommy's little family of raccoons scuttling away as the man with the moustache carried you up the stairs and kicked the door to try and get their attention.
You quickly heard footsteps run to the door and heard the lock click as the door was swung open. You saw Tommy's face contort into something horrified. "[Y/N]!" He exclaimed as he went to hug you. You gasped as his arm ran across what was your wings, which is now two bloody stumps. You jolted away and let out a cry of pain.
"Where's your father?" Moustache man asked.
"Who are you?!" Tommy shouted, trying to seem confident and intimidating.
"I'm Cormac, I was talking with [Y/N] yesterday at the market and I found them while I was walking to my daughter's house." Cormac explained. "Now where is your father?" He asked hurriedly.
"Dad, Techno, and Wil went searching for [Y/N] hours ago." Tommy sniffed.
"Go find them, I'll get [Y/N] inside and get them to lay down." Cormac muttered as he passed Tommy. "Go." He ordered and Tommy quickly ran and took flight to go search and bring back his father and brothers.
Cormac quickly shuffled over to the couch and placed you down on your stomach and rushed to the bathroom to search for a medical kit. He soon found one and made it back to you and saw you crying while clutching a pillow between your arms with your feet tucked up closer to you.
"It hurts." You cried.
"I know, I know, but we'll get you fixed up, and you'll be fine." His voice wavered. "Okay birdy? You'll be okay."
"W-Wheres dad?" You asked, fresh tears falling from your eyes.
"I don't know but he'll be here soon-" Cormac paused at the front door, which had swung open quickly and emeged from the outside was Tommy pulling on Phil's sleeve with tears running down his face while Techno and Wilbur followed behind quickly.
When Techno saw the stranger in his house he quickly drew a sword. "Stop!" Tommy shouted as he gripped Techno's arm. "He brought them here! He saved them!"
Phil rushed over to you and looked at the two bloody stumps where your wings once were. "Dad," you cried. "Will they grow back?" You sniffed.
"I'm sorry kiddo. I don't think so." He muttered. You muffled a cry as you buried your head in the pillow. "We'll bring you upstairs where you can lay out more and we'll have more space." He said shakily as he picked you up and brought you upstairs. You watched as Tommy clung to Techno and Wilbur had an empty look that was fixated on you.
Wilbur followed quickly into your room and they set you down. Cormac was talking to Phil and soon enough, Phil dismissed him. Cormac walked past Wilbur and stopped beside him and put a hand on his shoulder. "The best you can do is be there for them." He said before patting his shoulder and walked out.
"Wil.." You muttered while glancing at him. His vision snapped over to you. You weakly patted the bed beside you as Phil was running in and out of the room to make a potion and get the wound cleaned up.
Wilbur walked over to you and sat down, you weakly pulled him down and laid your head on his arm and cried softly. "I'm sorry." Wilbur muttered.
"Shut up." You said softly. "Not your fault"
"I didn't pay attention to you and even when you didn't come into the house. I should've payed attention." Wilbur explained.
"I'll be fine. Be quiet and relax." You mumbled as you drifted off in pain.
Within the next few weeks you had barely left your room, due to the fact that you had no balance anymore without your wings, and the back pain you felt constantly didn't let you go that far. Tommy and Wilbur were at your side at all times. One night in particular Wil and Tommy fell asleep in your and Wil's shared room. Phil had came in to check in on all of you.
"Hey [Y/N].." He sighed. "How are you doing?"
"Alright I guess. It still hurts." You frown.
"You'll feel better soon." Phil said softly.
"It's not just that, dadza.. It's also in here." You sighed as you gently knocked on the side of your head.
"How so?" He asked.
"Why did you forget about me when Tommy was born?" You asked.
"What?" He asked.
"When Tommy was born, you were teaching me to fly because most of my primary feathers had grown out. But when he was born, you stopped and basically forgot about me." You looked down and fumbled with your hands
Phil seemed speechless. He hadn't realized it at all. He had neglected you completely. "I-" Phil didn't know how to respond.
"Was I really that hard to teach that you drop me the moment someone else comes into the picture?" You asked while looking up at him.
"No. No not at all!" He reassured. "I won't deny the fact that I forgot about you. I'm sorry." Phil mumbled. "I am so sorry. I honestly didn't realize it at first and thought that the reason you didn't fly was because you didn't like to or you didn't want to be defined by your wings." Phil looked down and sighed.
You spoke up. "You always treated the others more like family than you do me, dad. You talk with them just fine but when you talk to me, you seem to be stepping on eggshells and trying not to say something." You pause. "Is there anything you want to tell me?" You ask
Phil shook his head. "I've told you everything."
"Well. I think then, once I'm healed up, Phil, I'm gonna move out. I have a few friends that I can live with." You sigh, letting your tears build up. "I'm sorry."
A few weeks later after you had the strength to move, you started packing your things. Everyone was trying to convince you not to leave. But you had your mind set on other things.
Soon enough you had all your clothes packed, and a few trinkets. You found a small box, made of wood, the hinges were rusted. You flipped the lock open and pushed the top off. Inside were the crystals you had bought over a month ago. You smiled softly, you closed the box and held the box in your hands as you took the last trunk with your things in it outside to the cart fastened to your horse.
You placed the trunk on the last free space on the bottom of the cart and fastened it into place. Everyone came outside and stood there.
"I'm gonna miss you [Y/N]" Tommy said as he ran towards you and hugged you. You quickly returned the hug.
"I'll miss you too Toms, but I need a change of scenery." You said softly and pulled away. You crouched down to his height and opened the box. You pulled out the smallest crystal and handed it to him with a smile.
Tommy's face lit up and grabbed the crystal.
"What did you buy for us?" Techno asked.
"I bought a bundle of amethysts I had bought when we went into the village over a month ago, before.." You paused. "Anyways, I bought these from Cormac." You said as you fished out each crystal as you stood and patted Tommy's back and walked towards your brothers and father.
You placed the biggest crystal in Phil's hands. And gave him a hug. "I forgive you." You muttered. Phil quickly wrapped his arms around you. You felt his tears seep onto your shirt. "Here, Wil, Techno, the smaller one of the two is Wil's because I have one thats almost the exact same. And the bigger one is yours Techno because your our big brother." You smiled as you reached your hand out to hand them the crystals.
They take them and join the hug. So does Tommy. "Gonna miss you, nerd." Techno chuckled.
"Me too." Wil mutters.
"I'll miss all of you guys." You said. "But I'll come visit, after all, Wil? I think you know my new room mate." You say as you pull away from everyone.
"Who is it?" Phil asks.
You get on your horse and smile, while putting the box in a satchel. "Do you remember Niki?"
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beansthough · 2 years
Tumblr media
I’m sorry that you can’t find the button! It must be a glitch, but as for your questions...
1. Tommy’s overall instincts that he’s dealt with so far aren’t to bad to control. I honestly like to compare his instincts to compulsive thoughts and fidgeting. His most powerful ones are the ones that stem from his want to protect the ones he’s close with. These instincts are sometimes very involuntary to him.
2. For the sizes of the predator and prey type characters: Not all the prey are tiny and not all Predators are Big. Most of the hybrids are roughly around the same size as the animals they’re based on.
3. Tommy hasn’t yet encountered any other hybrids his size near the village, but if he did they would probably want to stay out of the way of a naga. He has fought off some of the bigger non hybrid animals.
4. So far the only people from the dsmp that are from the village include Wilbur, Techno, Philza, Jack, Niki, Ranboo, and Tubbo. But there are some occasional travelers.
5. Okay I’ll spoil for noms finally... so I’m obsessed with the storage stomach idea. So basically Adult nagas use this to help keep their young safe and even to keep certain items safe and even some of the bigger avian hybrids have there own storage (crops).
For nagas (their first stomach would be their storage and there actually snake stomach would be where they digest food.)
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mcytgtlibrary · 2 years
Tag List
Here is a list of all of the different tags I’m going to be using on this blog so that you can easily know what to search for! Along with descriptions of some of them. I will update this whenever more tags are suggested/added.
Character Tags giant!character: For the larger character(s) in a work! For example, the human character in a borrower fic or the giant character in a fic with giants and humans. Examples of the tag include giant!Dream or giant!Techno. tiny!character: For the smaller character(s) in a work! For example, the borrower character in a borrower fic or the human character in a fic with giants and humans. Examples of the tag include tiny!George or tiny!Philza. sizeshifter!character: For characters that are sizeshifters! Sizeshifters are characters that can change their size, either growing or shrinking. Sometimes they can control it, and sometimes they can’t. If the characters grows or shrinks, I will also tag them as giant or tiny. For example, a fic with a sizeshifting Grian who grows would be sizeshifter!Grian and giant!Grian.
Other Tags Art: For drawings, animations and comics! Fic: For fics and writing! Minigiant: For works where the giant character is a minigiant! A minigiant is still a larger than typical size difference but not quite as big as most g/t content. Sizeshifter: For works where a character is a sizeshifter. God: For works where one of the characters (often the giant) is a god or some other powerful divine being! DreamXD is a great example of a character who would have this tag. Borrower: For works where the tinies are borrowers! Borrowers are tinies who live in houses, kinda like mice, and usually they’re trying to stay secret from the humans. Giants and humans: For works where it is giants interacting with humans, and not humans interacting with tinies!  Avian: For characters that are birdlike or have wings! Merfolk: For works where there are merperson/merfolk characters! Naga: Works with a character who is a naga, which is similar to a merperson except half snake instead of half fish. Fairy: Your classic “little magical character with wings!”  Fae: Specifically the more traditional fae instead of the tiny winged fairy.  Alien: For works that have alien characters! Dragon: Works with dragon or dragon hybrid characters! Powers: For fics where a character has powers, more along the lines of a superhero! Magic: Fics where a character has powers that are more magic related. Ship: For works that include shipping! I will only reblog ships that fall within cc boundaries. Ships will also be tagged as “character x character” in alphabetical order to avoid any confusion over ship names. For example, a fic could be tagged as ship and George x Sapnap. Fearplay: For works where one character is specifically trying to threaten/scare another character and having fun with it. If done accidentally, I will use the tag ‘accidental fearplay’ instead. Angst: For works that have angst. This allows people to either filter that out if they want to avoid it, or to search specifically for it if you’re in a mood to read some angst!
Trope Tags Lab: The “nonhuman character is held captive in a lab” aus! Abduction: For works where a character is captured by aliens. Shrunk: When a character gets shrunk, whether it’s by magic or a potion or something else! Not in cases where a character is a sizeshifter. Growth: When a character grows in size, whether it’s because of magic or a potion or something else! Not in cases where a character is a sizeshifter. Manhunt: Mostly for works that follow the manhunt format, but it can really apply to any works where some characters are hunting another character. Sacrifice: That trope where a character gets sacrificed to a monster for whatever reason!  Language Barrier: For stuff where characters might not speak the same language or be able to understand each other! Muzzle: For things where one character is muzzled/gagged/something else that prevents them from being able to talk.
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kaytrawrites · 2 years
The Traveler
Summary In which there is a Duck, a Time Traveler and cuddling. Almost everyone is there.
Notes This should be the only fic with Quackity and Karl present. Quackity because I don't know what Origin he is going to pick if he ever logs in to the OriginsSMP, and Karl cause I want him and Quackity happy somewhere damn it!
It had been some time since Big Q had been back to the OriginsSMP community. The last time he had been here was when they were first setting up. He would have stayed and helped set up, but the wanderlust had bitten him hard, and he let the wind take him where it wanted. He had found many things during his exploration, but the wind was finally taking him back.
The rain was pouring down, rolling off his waterproof wings as he flew toward the community. The large floating island above the village drew his attention, especially the warm, inviting light from the openings.
Quackity winged over, aiming for the building. He kicked his feet out when he closed in, his shoes slipping on the wet grass a little, but his wings helped stabilize his balance. He folded them under his poncho, ruffling them slightly to shake off the water droplets that hadn’t rolled off yet.
He pushed open the door. The board under his foot squealed loudly and several voices called out “Your drink is double price”, startling him.
“Oh, what the fuck!” Quackity yelped.
The blazeborn behind the counter looked up, staring at Quackity over the white rims of his glasses. “Well, you’re a new face.” He commented. “What do you want?”
Quackity walked over to the counter, eyeing the tiny armored person who was leaning against the wall, sipping something from a doll sized wooden mug. The male lifted the mug slightly, his polite nod causing his fluffy antennae to bob slightly.
Quackity turned his attention to the waiting blazeborn. “Um, beer?” He asked.
The blazeborn nodded. “Sure thing.” He turned to one of the barrels on the wall and poured out a mug.
A hand landed on Quackity’s shoulder. “Been a while, Big Q.” The familiar, warm voice of Phil commented.
Quackity looked up at the older elytrian. “Yeah, it has, Philza. It has.”
“Oh, you know this guy, Phil?” The blazeborn asked, setting the mug on the counter beside Quackity’s hand.
“Yeah. He was here for a bit when Tommy and Wil first set up this community.” Phil smiled. “Big Q, this is Jack.”
The blazeborn, Jack smiled and held out a hand.“Jack Manifold.”
Quackity tentatively grasped his hand, cautious of burning his hand. It was just pleasantly warm “Quackity. Alex Quackity. My friends usually call me Big Q.”
“Pleasure.” Jack replied. He glanced at the small armored male leaning against the wall. When an introduction wasn’t forthcoming, Jack indicated toward him. “That’s Sneeg. He will try to hamstring you if you piss him off.”
Sneeg nodded, his free hand resting in the hilt of his sword. “I have anger issues.” He agreed, a serious expression on his face that quickly turned into a grin.
Quackity nodded and glanced around the rest of the bar. There was a slightly transparent male in a warm looking sweater, who was strumming on a well-loved guitar; who was floating beside a girl who was seated beneath a shower, whose vibrant pink hair clung to the scales down the sides of her face. There was a quartet of youngsters in what looked like a greenhouse, ‘discussing’ something very heatedly.
Of the quartet in the greenhouse, Quackity recognized Tommy almost immediately. The red and golden feathered Avian was almost immediately recognizable. The three kids he was talking to was an odd group; a very tall and thin, black skinned maybe male, they were wrapped in a cloak so it was a bit difficult to tell; a shorter almost human boy with a set of bee wings and long antennae who was all but hanging off the much taller person; and a very short fox hybrid.
Quackity felt the back of his neck prickle and he glanced over his shoulder, and his gaze locked with a massive zombified, no. A Withered Piglin Brute, who Quackity hadn’t even noticed. They eyed the much shorter Elytrian over their glasses and after a moment where Quackity felt like he would be eaten alive, their gaze returned to the leather bound book in their hands.
A bright light caught Quackity attention as it leaked through the windows on the front of the building. A heavy weight slammed against the door, starting the occupants of the pub. The light abruptly vanished, quickly followed by a “What the fuck!” From Tommy.
The door creaked open, admitting a somewhat wet looking brunette male. As soon as Quackity laid eyes on him, his first thought was “Cute.”
He wore an oversized vibrantly multi-colored hooded jacket, his trousers similarly multi-colored. He shook his head, fluffing his hair, causing the damp waves to fluff in strange directions.
As he moved, Quackity was struck by how despite being a bit on the thinner side, the stranger’s cheeks still possessed the roundness of youth. A feeling snuck up and slapped him in the face. A feeling that Quackity’s mama had mentioned a few times, but this was the first time he had felt it, probably ever. He must feed the child .
They looked around at the people who were all staring at him now. “Uh, hello? I think I’m a little lost?”
Jack smiled. “Welcome to the pub. What would you like?”
The young man smiled slightly. “Um, a map, maybe? Also, what year is it?”
Phil nodded, and turned to Jack. “Can I take the kid down to look at the map, Jack?” He asked.
“Sure.” Jack nodded.
“Wait.” The young man said, his words barely audible. “Ph-” He cut himself off and shook his head. “I should introduce myself, shouldn’t I? I’m Karl. Karl Jacobs.”
Phil smiled and held out a hand. “Philza. Nice to meet you, mate.” He drawled.
Karl smiled, giving Phil’s hand a quick shake, then turned to Quackity. His eyes went wide, and Quackity was struck by just how vibrant of a purple his eyes were. “Qua-” He snapped his mouth shut, quickly covering it with his hand. He cleared his throat, his face starting to go red.
Quackity held out a hand, “Quackity. Alex Quackity.” He introduced himself again.
Karl hesitantly grasped it, his hand was a little chilly, but it fit quite well into Quackity’s. “Nice to meet you.”
A hand rested heavily on Quackity’s shoulder. “Hey Big Q!” Tommy growled cheerfully. 
Quackity grinned, turning to Tommy. “To-mas!” He replied just as cheerfully.
Tommy eyed Karl. “And you are?” He started.
“Karl.” Karl replied.
Tommy indicated toward the trio he had left in the greenhouse, who were now silently watching the group by the bar. “The long annoying one is Ranboo, the bee boy hanging off him is Tubbo and the short one is Fundy.” Tommy explained.
Karl’s eyes went wide, but he nodded quickly. “I see, um. Tomas?”
“Tommy.” He corrected.
Quackity heard the snap of a book and the heavy thuds of feet moving toward the bar. He saw Karl’s eyes go even wider, and he turned and looked up . The massive form of the Withered Piglin Brute stood over the group, eyeing Karl.
“Te-Teh-Tech-no-” Karl gulped audibly. “Blade.” He squeaked out.
The Withered Brute stared down at the group in front of him. “Quackity. Phil.” He rumbled, nodding to each in turn. He stared down at Karl, who looked like he wanted to melt into the ground.
Quackity’s brow furrowed as he noticed that Karl’s limbs seemed to thin slightly and the colors of his clothes seemed to melt together. He opened his mouth to say something, but Technoblade huffed and nodded to Karl. “Just call me Techno.” He rumbled, before turning to Jack.
Karl collapsed to his knees, resting a hand on his chest. “Oh god.” He whispered.
Phil gently patted Karl’s shoulder. “S’alright mate.” He drawled. “Techno gets that sort of reaction from new people a lot.”
Karl nodded stiffly and slowly climbed to his feet. He glanced over his shoulder at Techo, who was now nose deep in a mug of something. “Um. You said something about a map?” He squeaked out.
“Back here.” Jack interjected, waving to Karl.
Karl nodded, and took a wide berth around Techo who just nodded and lifted his mug slightly.
Jack directed Karl down the hatch to the basement where the map was. Quackity turned to Phil and Tommy. “So. How have you been?” He asked, giving them a smile.
Phil nodded. “It’s been alright, mate.” He drawled.
Tommy rested his arm around Quackity’s shoulders. “So, Big Q.” He growled out, a wide grin on his face. “What have you been up to?”
Karl stared at the map pinned up on the wall. The massive defined ring around the community sent a shiver down his back. “What is that ring about?” He asked, his voice soft.
Jack shrugged. “Not sure. It was here when I got to the Overworld.” He looked over the rest of the map. “Phil or Tommy would know more about it. Wilbur would probably know too.” He nodded.
“Wilbur?” Karl glanced at Jack, his brow furrowed.
Jack nodded. “Yeah, the see-through floaty bitch that was on the covered porch by Niki. Ah, Niki’s the Merling.”
Karl nodded, “What’s a Merling, chat?” He stage-whispered.
Jack turned away from Karl, and looked up at the clock mounted on the wall. “It’s getting late. I can put you in one of the rooms for the night, if you want.”
Karl paused, then nodded slightly. “That would be nice.”
The two climbed up the ladder to the main part of the pub.
“Hey mate.” Phil drawled. “Do you think you could put Big Q up for the night?”
“Hey Phil. yeah sure. Let me go check the rooms.” Jack climbed up the ladder.
Phil turned to Karl. “So mate, did the map help?”
Karl nodded. “A bit. Um. I have a few questions.” He looked away. “What’s with that ring on the map?”
“Ah. That thing.” Phil nodded. “It’s not actually a ring. It’s part of a sphere. Just a sphere of air.” He shrugged. “We’re not entirely sure what happened, just that it exists somehow.” He nodded somberly, tucking his hands into his sleeves.
“Oi Phil!” Jack called out. “Only one room is set up right now. It’s got two beds though!” He floated down onto the pub floor.
Karl nodded quickly. “That’s fine! I’m fine with that!” He glanced at Quackity, who looked less than pleased, if his crossed arms and frown was any indicator.
Quackity nodded after a moment. “Fine. That’ll be fine.” He nodded to Karl. “Are you going to go to bed now or later?”
Karl considered it for a moment before stage-whispering, “What do you think, chat?”
All expression left Karl’s face for a full 30 seconds. He nodded and his cheery smile returned. “I’ll stay up for a bit!”
Quackity and Karl were introduced to all the other members of the Origins SMP Community. Karl seemed to recognize most of the members even though it was the first time they actually met. But no one considered his behavior odd. Especially after he had a few drinks and bits of him started to go slightly see-through and his super-precise details melted into an almost clay-like texture.
Jack showed the pretty drunk Karl and the much less drunk, more buzzed Quackity to their shared room. At this point, Karl’s features had become incredibly simplified, his ‘clothes’ had melted into his body, leaving just the large patches of vibrant colors creating the illusion of clothes.
Quackity rolled Karl off his shoulders and onto a bed. “Slime hybrids.” He grumbled, shaking his head.
He turned away from Karl and toward his own bed. Quackity stripped down, ruffling his feathered wings. He crawled into bed and was instantly out like a light.
When Quackity awoke, it was to long thin arms loosely wrapped around his torso from behind and a soft voice mumbling behind him.
Quackity stiffened, feeling the weight resting on his wing. He carefully extended his wing. “Huh.” He mumbled as he realized that in spite of his wing feeling like it was weighed down, the weight was nowhere near enough to cause any damage just by laying on it.
The embrace was warm, but Karl was laying on his wing. Quackity reached over his shoulder and tapped on Karl’s forehead.
“Hmm…” Karl mumbled. He nuzzled into Quackity’s back. “Noo~ babe! It’s warm. Don’t go yet.”
Quackity sighed and carefully slid his wing out from under Karl. With his wing mostly freed, he carefully tried to disentangle himself from Karl’s grasp. It didn’t take long. Karl’s arms were very limp and floppy, so it didn't take much to move them.
The now freed Quackity looked down at Karl. Large sections of Karl’s body were single uniform colors, with almost no trace of his former human-like form from yesterday. Quackity shook his head. “Slime hybrids.” He grumbled, rolling out of bed. He ruffled his wings and headed downstairs.
Jack was already up, puttering about the bar floor. The only other person up was that Sneeg person, who was zipping about with a large rag. “Good morn-Oh shit!” Jack started, cutting himself off when he saw Quackity.
Jack snapped around, pointedly not looking at Quackity.
Quackity chuckled. “What? Never seen a guy naked before?” He teased, ignoring the warm feeling spreading across his face.
Sneeg paused in his cleaning, and turned to consider the young Elyrian. “Eh.” He shrugged and turned back to his cleaning. “Better than some people I’ve seen.” He commented.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Quackity crossed his arms, fully focused on the Inchling now.
Sneeg paused and sighed. “I mean, I’ve seen worse naked bodies before.” He shook his head. “Way more out of shape.”
Quackity stared at Sneeg. “I’m not sure if I should take that as a complement or not.”
Jack snorted. “Complement.” He glanced at the bar. “Want some breakfast?”
“Yeah sure.”
When Karl emerged, he was mostly human looking again. He had a quick bite to eat and asked if someone could show him around. Phil was called, and he gladly flew up to show Karl and Quackity around.
All through the tour of the community, Karl seemed a bit on edge. He kept on glancing around and stage-whispering questions to ‘chat’.
They were mostly done with the tour, when an explosion occurred in the center of the lake. “Oh, my god!” Phil groaned. He turned on his heel, snapped open his wings and launched up into the sky with a powerful downflap.
Less than a moment later, a black and silver garbed figure flew overhead toward the location of the explosion. Karl tried to follow on the ground, but he was halted by the edge of the lake and the sight of the black garbed figure, firing arrows down at two figures. One that was rapidly appearing and vanishing from place to place, and the other that was buzzing back and forth in the air.
“Oh my god…” Karl mumbled, clasping his hands over his mouth. “Chat. Should we intervene?” He asked.
“Don’t.” Quackity said. “They have it handled.”
A glowing ball of fire flew overhead, and it came to a hovering stop near the battle. It grew a little, then began firing much smaller balls of fire from itself at the figure that was buzzing back and forth.
Karl nodded.
As abruptly as the fight started, it concluded. The lanky teleporting figure grabbed the smaller flying one, and the pair vanished.
The ball of fire and the winged figure waited a few seconds more, before flying toward the pair on the lake shore.
“Yeah!” The cheerful voice of Tommy startled the pair. “Good job, Crowfather!”
The winged figure landed on the lake shore, allowing Karl and Quackity a good look at them. They were garbed in full black with silver armor covering their vital points. The black gauze curtain hanging from their wide-brimmed hat completely obscured their features. They nodded politely to the trio, before leaping into the air and flying off.
Jack landed on the shore and sighed, brushing sparks off his apron. “Ph-” He paused and sighed. “The Crowfather,” He gritted out. “Had it handled, Tommy.” He crossed his arms and just stared at the taller Avian.
Tommy’s wide grin was not phased. “But it was so cool!”
Karl nodded, his eyes literally sparkling. “It was! It was!” He parroted.
Phil flew down, landing smoothly. “Hey mate.” He drawled, tucking his hands into his sleeves. “What’d I miss?”
A glow behind Karl drew everyone’s attention.
“Oh! Uh! Don’t worry about that!” Karl said, glancing quickly between the group and the disk of purple and green light. He grinned, a bit too wide.
Phil shook his head. “Just head off, mate. Nice meeting you.”
“Oh. Uh. Thanks.” Karl’s forced grin shrank a bit, becoming a genuine smile. “It was nice seeing you again. Ah! Meeting you!”
Phil chuckled. “Bye mate.”
“What he said.” Jack said, nodding politely.
Tommy and Quackity said nothing. Tommy because his gaze was drawn to the glowing disc, and Quackity because he felt like his chest was being squeezed. It wasn’t a comfortable feeling.
Karl glanced at Quackity, his smile sent a warm feeling across Quackity’s face, but the feeling in his chest tightened further. “I-” Quackity started.
Karl reached out and lightly bumped his fist against Quackity’s torso. “It was really nice seeing you.” He said, his voice low and soft. “Meet again, someday?”
Quackity nodded, trying to swallow the lump that developed in his throat.
Karl turned, pulled down his goggles, and stepped into the light. As soon as it fully consumed him, the light rapidly faded, leaving Tommy, Phil, Jack and Quackity alone on the shore.
Jack shook his head. “Slime hybrids.” He scoffed. “Stranger by the day.” He leapt into the air, becoming a fireball and flying back toward the pub.
Quackity nodded, and glanced toward the pub. “Phil. Tommy.” He said, trying to keep his voice from shaking.
“Yeah mate?”
“What’s up, Big Q?”
“I think I’m gonna head off now.” He nodded slowly. “It was nice seeing the little community you guys have set up.” Quackity gripped the edge of his poncho. “I think I’ll be back someday.” He smiled, his mind on other things. “Gotta let the wanderlust out.”
With a powerful downwing, Quackity launched into the air, turning his attention to the horizon.
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w0rped-moss · 2 years
Moss, please tell us about your creature AU, it sounds cool.
So i'm just gonna make this the big explanation post.
For context, i just named the creatures. They're a bunch of different species that are kinda magical but just in the "their body parts can make potions". the general name is sylvans, meaning of the forest, since they live in forests.
It all starts with Sam. Sam is a hunter, who kills and sells the horns, fur, scales, claws, blood, etc. of sylvans. One day, he finds a pack of sylvans with a very young kit. He decides to take the kit and train it to help him hunt things. That's Dream.
"Training" Dream is more like torturing him. Withholding food, hitting him, locking him in a tiny cage. This goes on for several years. Eventually, Dream stops fighting Sam back and just does what he wants. Except...
Sam occasionally gives Dream other sylvans to kill. Usually, only ones that aren't very valuable. Unfortunately for Sam, Dream is a pack creature. He doesn't keep all of the creatures Sam gives him (he still needs to eat, especially since Sam barely feeds him enough)
Now Dream has a little pack of his own! But, Sam's backyard is way too small for all of them (it's too small for just Dream).
Tommy is the last creature to be adopted by Dream and he's the most pathetic beast alive. just the wettest cat alive. never been dry in his life. I need to mention him because he's very funny
Eventually, the pack decides to escape because Sam's back yard fucking sucks. Dream attacks Sam to distract him while everyone else escapes. Dream is not able to make it out.
Sam hires a "trainer" for Dream because of the incident. This trainer is Quackity. So this doesn't end well for Dream. More torture. i don't have specific ideas of everything here yet but i will eventually maybe.
Anyway, somehow, with the help of Philza and Techno (who are also sylvans, philza an avian and techno like a big ass boar looking motherfucker), Dream is able to escape.
After he escapes, Dream needs help with a lot of things, so his friends help him :3
so in conclusion, friends.
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star--anon · 2 years
I am so fucking bored. have this nonsense thing I wrote for absolutely no reason at all while I go scream into a pillow
"...It's the middle of the night. Can't this wait until the morning?"
"No," said Phil, a little more forcefully. "No, you need to hear this."
"Alright." Techno eyed the general direction of Philza's voice wearily and warily. "What do you want?"
"If we're ever in trouble..." Phil hesitated for a second. "I-I need you to save Wilbur."
"Wilbur?" Techno echoed, confused.
"The kid," Phil explained. "The baby we found."
"You named it? Already?"
"Yes." The avian ruffled his wings defensively. "L-Look, that's not the point. The point is... if we're ever in a tough spot, you save Wilbur. Even if it means..." He trailed off, not really wanting to talk about it. To give voice to it. Like the idea of it happening only became more probable the more it was spoken about.
Technoblade pondered this for a moment. Then he said, "I will save both of you."
"I'm flattered, mate. But I'm serious right now. If you're forced to make a decision between us, you save Wilbur."
And then Techno sighed. "Fine," he said, not bothering to hide his irritation at Philza's insistence. "If it comes down to it, I will save the tiny human over you."
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sillysosillyangel · 1 month
TW///: oviposition and Bad fucks Missa behind Phil's back
I got this stupid idea of bad breeding Missa
Let me elaborate
They have been co-workers for many hundreds of years, it would not be strange if Bad gaslighteared Missa to convince him to help Bad out with his heath/Rut for years, and years
It never get further than a tiny help (also that Missa looks pretty full of eggs with a distended stomach and a constantly red face)
Until they arrive at Quesadilla Island and Missa is like, a married man, not available.
Which only makes bad go more because he loves to cause chaos
Missa's warm and used hole contracts when Bad starts pushing his ovipositor into him trying to force it as close to the cervix as possible, so that the eggs can go and stay really deep and stuck inside his cervix.
Missa whines something about "being careful" and "controlling himself for Phil" (Bad doesnt give a fuck about Phil at the moment) and Bad doesn't avoid teasing him, surely there will still be room for Phil's eggs inside Missa, his tight walls practically open to have eggs in him, he definitely loves it, no ?
Normally, unless there are two aviar/Elytra or it is in mating season, pregnancy with eggs (fertilized eggs, with chicks inside) is more difficult and requires more attempts, Phil does not complain about that last part) but when Missa swells easily with his avian eggs (...smaller than Bad's) Philza wonders if it is a blessing from the goddess or if they were really destined)
Btw I also doubt that Missa can take two swarms of eggs inside him, I mean, come on, that's too much (even if he wanted to)
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 1 year
Crowing Family
by GhostlyPages
Tommy made a face at Wilbur, the man’s teenage son. He also found out that the man was named ‘Philza’ but he’d decided to call him ‘Phil’. Wilbur made a face back at him and Tommy let out a giggle. Erilee has definitely decided that she wanted to stay with Tommy indefinitely, so she was perched on the chair just behind Tommy. He’d gifted her a small tiny crown that luckily was small enough to hit on her head.
The magic it took for it to stay, Tommy would never understand. But Erilee was powerful, and the silver crown with the emeralds made her look majestic so it stayed.
Words: 525, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 19 of TWB MCC Event
Fandoms: Dream SMP
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson | Philza, Wilbur Soot
Relationships: Technoblade & TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot & Phil Watson | Philza, Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Technoblade & Phil Watson | Philza
Additional Tags: Kid TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Kid Wilbur Soot, Phil Watson is Wilbur Soot's Parent, Technoblade is TommyInnit's Parent (Video Blogging RPF), Avian Wilbur Soot, Avian Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Piglin TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Piglin Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), crow oc - Freeform, The Writer's Block MCC Lime Llamas, TWB MCC Event, TWB MCC Event Lime Llamas, TWB MCC Event Hole in the Wall
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totallynotbat · 2 years
Naga Phil AU
Prologue: Transform
Relationship is platonic, no tag as ship fic.
Warning: Brief tickles, swearing.
Original AU belongs to @cyncerity, whom gave me the okay.
Within the forest of the SMP, a castle stood in broad daylight, where a dark figure, covered in a hoodie, stood out tall, mixing up something in a small glimmer of a metal pot. Before pulling out a vial and pouring the mixture into the bottle. 
An evil smirk on the figures face. Before it turned and handed it over to a unknown shadowy figure. 
“Now go.” 
And in a leap, the figure was gone.
“Yes, yes I know Tommy!” 
“I’m just saying Phil. Be careful of the Baby Zombies!” 
“If he gets caught in one, I’m blaming you.” 
Philza rolled his eyes as he spoke into the phone. His sons, Tommy, Wilbur and Techno were on the other line. Waiting patiently for Phil to get back. 
The Avian Hybrid sighed with a grin, tipping his bucket hat up a bit. “I know how to defend myself boys!” 
“Just saying dad, in case something happens.” Wilbur spoke up. 
“I’m only 34 guys, Jesus!”
The family continued bickering, when a rustling caught Phil’s attention. 
“Boys quiet!” Phil toned down their arguments. The boys listening carefully. 
“Who’s there?” Phil said angrily. “Come out!” 
A crash of glass left the boys in the house alarmed, followed by the static from the phone. 
“Philza!” Wilbur called out, alarmed.
Phil looked up, seeing the potion on the grass below, coughing a bit before running into the forest, Phil quickly talking into the communications device quickly. 
“Boys if I don’t make it back within a few, come out and see what’s going on.” Within minutes he quickly hung up, leaving the young kids confused and worried. 
Phil ran deeper into the trees, panting a bit and looking back. Nobody was following him, good. 
Not good. 
Everything ached in the avians body especially his lower back. He staggered, his legs giving out and becoming almost like gelatin, scales rising up his body.
“What is happening?!” Philza thought, before he felt lightheaded and landed unmoving, but breathing. 
“We can’t just leave him there!” 
“I know but what else can we do?”
“Look for him that’s what!”
It’s been 30 minutes, Wilbur, Tommy and Techno have been thinking about what’s going on, and what they can do. 
“How about one of us goes in there, then we can all meet at the spawn area.” Techno asked, pointing out to the area.
“I’ll go.” Wilbur replied. He was his father after all. 
“Be safe, and find Phil…” Tommy sighed, walking off with the piglin hybrid. 
Wilbur walked in the darkend tree area, packed with weapons and food in his inventory.
“Don’t worry Dad, I’m coming.” 
Phil felt sore, feeling much smaller than a normal height, his legs felt numb. Like a part of his body was missing. 
He looked up noticing how much everything looked taller than normal.
Phil attempted to walk only to fall face first on the grass, he panicked thinking that his legs were gone before looking back and seeing a snake like tail wiggling around. 
“Okay what the fuck?” Phil spoke concerned. Looking at the tail which was a green with a black at the tip, with yellow on the bottom side.
Phil attempted to move around like a snake, slithering around he realized that he wasn’t going that far.
He was shrunken down, to the size of an tiny Naga. 
Luckily everything shrunk down with him, so he still had a way to contact someone. Before he could pick up the phone however, a tremor shook the grass below. 
Phil looked up, and up, to see Wilbur calling out Phil’s name, clearly worried. 
“Wilbur! I’m down here!” Phil called out, but Wilbur didn’t even bat an eye, he just kept on walking, and Phil was about to be squished!
Phil screamed, moving himself out of the way, realizing that he had tiny little black wings on his back. But he barely made it across, if he had not moved he would be dead.
Phil used his hands to push himself out of the way, latching himself to Wilbur’s ankle. 
Wilbur stopped moving, looking down at his leg. 
“What the fuck?” Wilbur said confused, looking at the tiny man. “Phil, dad? Is that you?” 
He held out a hand to Phil, the father figure latching on, Wilbur raised his hand up, squinting his eyes then his eyes widened.
“Oh thank goodness your alright!” Wilbur said relived. 
“Y-yeah, I’m okay.” Phil smiled weakly. “Just a bit suprised I’m like this.” 
“Well will figure out something, you look cute like this anyway.” Wilbur cooed, scratching Phil on his neck with his finger. 
Phil giggled, trying to push Wilbur’s finger back, failing as Wilbur scribbled across his sides.
“Mahahate stop! Please! It tichehehelesckles!” Phil squealed, Wilbur scribbling across the tiny black wings, making him laugh louder. 
“Well this is what you get nearly scaring me half to death.” Wilbur smirked, smiling at the small giggles from Phil. 
“Hahahaha! Ohohohkay! Ohohkay! Stopopop ititit!” Phil giggled, squeaks coming in between his soft giggles. 
“Hm, nah!” Wilbur spoke, blowing a raspberry into Phil’s tiny belly. 
“AHAHAHA! NOHOHOHO!!” Phil squealed, hiccups peppering in. He was even more sensitive than before. 
“Alright Alright, I’ll be nice.” Wilbur removed his finger from Phil, his giggles dying down. 
“But how did this happen?” Wilbur asked. 
“I…I don’t know…must have been a potion or something.” Phil sighed. “Sorry I made you kids panic though.” 
“It’s alright.” Wilbur said patting Phil on the head. “I’m just glad you’re okay.” 
Phil smiled, looking up at his son and put a hand on his nose. 
“Me too.” 
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baka-monarch · 3 years
Fake fic time? Fake fic time!
The average wing span
Cupped and stuck
I'll bite you!
Scaredy cat
Pigs in a blanket
Alien's or slime, which is worse?
Bursting with joy
In this case, a cinder is bigger than a feather
The average wing span
Philza has huge wings. Larger then most avians. His wings are powerful, beautiful, strong.... Then there's his son Tommy, with their small crippled wings that can only hold a breeze so they may float down... Never able to fly with something so small that no avian could ever want.
Cupped and stuck
A stick holding up a cup with food underneath it is an obvious trap.
Somehow Tubbo still gets caught.
I'll bite you!
In hindsight threatening to bite a giant naga wasn't the best plan for Tommy to think of-
Scardy cat
George is used to Dream being brave, always scaring away creepers as a cat hybrid, making impossible jumps, climbing the tallest trees- it feels so strange to see him curled up trembling during a thunderstorm.
Pigs in a blanket
A baby piglin should not be sold as food in a market, and Philza plans to burn the place down to save them
Aliens or slime, which is worse
Tommy and Dream are borrowers who decide to hide out in a casino until they can find a new home to live in... Problems arise when their cornered after borrowing and there's only two places to go, and both ways lead to at least one worker at the casino.
Bursting with joy
A festival is a place full of fun. Full of joy. Everyone is excited, everyone is happy, everyone is watching with baited breath for the fireworks- as Tubbo curls up in a corner trying not to have a panick attack.
In this case, a cinder is bigger then a feather
Elytrian are seen as some of the biggest people in The End. Their wingspan being massive, and when they stand they tower over Endermen.... When Phil went to the Overworld he expected to be the biggest things there, but his breath catches as he finds the opposite is true-
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little-nightmare-gt · 3 years
In which an Ex-Hunter keeps an eye on a little bee and his friends.
Technoblade hadn't expected to come face to face with the Angel of Death again, nor get saved by the little bee Hybrid he saved the night before. That was just a week ago.
He was out in the mines when he heard a familiar voice, "Boo! Tommy! I found another cave!"
The human stiffen at the sound of an Enderman teleporting, his enhanced ears heard the sound of little wings flutter and the buzzing of an insect.
He moved to the shadows as footsteps grew closer to his position, "We just need lapis right? Can we get some gold for Phil?"
"Tubbo, Philza has enough gold! Why does he need more?" An annoying whisper echoed through the caverns.
"I kinda feel bad that he had to fly out to find me last week, then I think he got startled by the nice human that saved me." Huh, nobody ever called him nice before.
It fills him with warmth.
"Okay, Tommy, I'll help Tubbo find some Gold for Phil. You just have to let everyone know where we are." The information Technoblade was getting would be a diamond mine to any Hunter.
Luckily for these children (by the sounds of it) Technoblade was not only retired but also a convict. He should leave now, but something tells him to stay. After all, he found the cave first.
The human listened as the trio laughed and chattered, finding out more about them. Ranboo was apparently an Enderman Hybrid, and Tommy an Avian.
They were friends with a Blaze and possibly a Merlin, and many others. Again, perfect for avid Hunters.
He had a half a mind to scare them, but instead put at least one or two diamonds in spawner chests before they get there. Not that he finds many veins and shares some.
Their little chat get slower as yawns come between every other sentence, two remaining as one leaves.
Techno watches as the Enderman gives occasional flowers to the Bee, which was useful for his kind when moving long distance.
The human secretly led them to gold, watching as they swayed. Making an exit through the wall, and Techno realize this cave extends near his home.
He leaves through another exit and sees the Ender Hybrid holding the Bee Hybrid close and fighting off mobs.
Technoblade huffed and took out the bulk headed their way and approached, the Hybrid getting defensive as he turned to him.
"Hi Mr. Human! Thank you for saving us!" Ah, the Bee looks tired but grateful.
"My name's Technoblade, it's late, you can stay the night...so long as you don't attack me." Technoblade didn't know why he was doing it, but it's getting done.
The Enderman Hybrid obviously dealt with humans before, mainly because he tried to stay awake to keep an eye on the human.
Alas, he was a young Hybrid cause he passed out directly after the Bee, who seemed to have taken over his tiny couch pillow.
Technoblade stiffen at the sound of large wings beating and immediately went to meet the Angel.
Oh oh no...he looked pissed.
"Before you say anything, they showed up and the little Bee asked." Technoblade hoped his deep voice hadn't tremored.
"What's a Hunter like you doing here?" A the long awaited interrogation.
"The Guild wanted me to invade a village for the King's army, I got a glimpse of what that guy was up to and sent a warning. Many villages were empty by the time we got there, but the last one forgot to burn the letter. I almost died." The human touched the scar on his chest from the fire arrow he was struck with, "I've been on the run since, I decided to settle here."
The Angel frowned but Technoblade continued to talk, "You should really teach those kids not to talk so much and not know their surroundings. I followed them up until those two found gold...which is apparently a gift for you from the little Bee. If I hadn't had a forces retirement, Your little settlement would have been for the pickings."
With that, The Angel glared and before taking off into the sky, Technoblade offered him a place near the kids.
He didn't really sleep well that night.
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sunstar121 · 3 years
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[I.D: drawings of all of the members of Origins SMP. the drawings are grouped as follows; Ranboo and Tubbo, Tommy, Sneeg, and Charlie, Jack and Fundy, Phil and Techno, Wilbur and Niki, and Scott. more detailed I.D under the cut. end I.D]
[I.D: Ranboo is an Enderian with dark purple skin, red and green eyes, no mouth, short black hair, long ears, and a tail.  he has many piercings, and a wears a wedding ring.  he has a white streak in his hair, and wears a crown made of purple shards.  he wears a puffy purple cloak and blouse, black gloves, heeled boots, and many belts and straps. Tubbo is a pale bee hybrid with large wings, antennae, shaggy brown hair, and black stripes.  he has yellow fluff around his neck and ankles.  he wears a yellow and black jacket, black pants, goggles and a brown belt with many bags attached to it.
Tommy is a pale Avian with feathered ears, wings, tail feathers, and chicken legs.  He has bright blue eyes, short blonde hair, and red marks around his eyes and forearms.  he wears a bright red cloak fastened with a heart clasp, a widebrimmed sunhat, beige shorts, and bracelets and rings around his talons. Charlie is a slime hybrid with green skin and hair.  he wears a white shirt, blue jeans, red runners, red glasses, and a layered green belt. He's drawn in a more chibi-like style. Sneeg is a tiny inching with white skin, patterned blue wings, blue eyes, antennae, and a blue tail. He wears a hooded dark blue cloak, blue pants and shoes, and a buttonup shirt.
Jack is a blazeborn. His limbs are separated and float independently, and are chained together by black rings and chains. He is surrounded by smoke, and wears 3D glasses. Fundy is a fox hybrid with four tails and brown eyes.  he wears a black hat, red bandanna, multicoloured shawls, cargo pants with many pockets, and a large bag.
Philza is an elytrian with blue eyes, high cheekbones, shaggy blonde hair, short antlers, and large black wings and tail feathers.  he wears a white and green bucket hat, black tanktop, layered white and green jacket, gray pants, and red bracers on his crow legs. Technoblade is a bulky white man with reddish-brown eyes, pink braided hair, and a short beard.  a pig skull mask covers his face. He wears a blue sunhat, white poets blouse, work gloves, blue pants, tall boots, and a large bag on his back.
Wilbur is a phantom with gray skin and hair, glowing green eyes, a scaled tail and wings, and glowing blue markings. he wears a black sunhat with a dark blue veil, blue cloak, yellow sweater, black gloves, black pants, and thigh-high boots. Niki is a merfolk with pink eyes, flowing pink hair, pink stripes, finned ears, a pink mermaid tail, and large fangs. She wears a golden crown, and kelp wraps around her chest, waist, and parts of her tail.
Scott is a starborn with pale skin, purple eyes, and a tail. His hair, ears, feet, forearms, tail, wings, and top half of his face look like the night sky. He wears a purple tanktop, a flowy blue coat splattered with stars, black pants, and sun and moon belts. end I.D]
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