#transform tool my Savior
egophiliac · 9 months
Hello! Sorry to bother but do you have any digital art tips? I’m quite new to it and any tips, tricks or advice would be helpful! Your coloring style is very beautiful and I love it a lot!
thank you! 💚💚💚 sorry this is a bit late, hopefully there's still something helpful in it!
(also, it got pretty long, sorry!)
I think the biggest thing is to just take things slow -- digital art feels different than drawing traditionally, and it's SUPER easy to get overwhelmed by the billions of cool features that the digital world offers. (I say, as someone who spends a lot of time downloading cool brushes and textures...and then never using them ever.) there is a ton of really cool stuff you can do digitally, but because there's so much, I think it's really important to take time to figure out what is and isn't working for you. spend some time doodling without any intent to do a finished piece, figure out how you like to hold (or not hold) your tablet, what keyboard shortcuts you end up using a lot (and therefore might want to map to your pen/tablet buttons for quicker use)...that kind of thing!
everyone's workflow and preferred program and style are different, so it's hard to give hard-and-fast general advice. but the things that I think of as the essentials for learning digital art programs, and what I think of as a good order to focus on learning them in (although YMMV, especially depending on what kind of art you're doing):
brush customization (e.g. flow, opacity, softness)
layers and layer masks
selections and transformations (e.g. scale, rotate, flip horizontal/vertical, skew) (skew is underrated and I will die on that hill)
blending modes (e.g. multiply, screen)
adjustments/adjustment layers (e.g. hue/saturation, curves)
and I think most stuff after that is gravy! often very good gravy though! but yeah, as overall advice I recommend just taking things one little bit at a time, spending some time just drawing and messing around with each feature and what you can do with it. whether or not you end up incorporating any of it into your workflow, it's always good to try things out and just see how they feel! :D
and just so there is at least a little more concrete helpfulness in here, here's a few more specific things that I think are super important to keep in mind!
use! your! tablet/pen buttons! I mentioned this earlier, but they are extremely useful for keyboard shortcuts that you use often! most programs will also let you create new shortcuts for other things -- personally, I use the magic wand tool to fill in big color blocks a lot, so I made shortcuts for 'expand selection' and 'fill' and then mapped them to my tablet buttons.
flop your work horizontally often! when you're working on something, you get used to the way it looks, so seeing it mirrored is a quick way to see it with fresh eyes! in my experience, it often feels like this:
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(a common thing is to find that everything is sort of 'leaning' too much one way, which is where skew really comes in handy!) (seriously, I love skew, it is my savior)
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if you're working with color, keep a hue/saturation adjustment layer (or a layer filled with black or white and set to Color) on top and toggle it on occasionally to check your values! a lot of people who know a lot more about color than me (and are better at putting it into words) have written about why values are so important, so all I'll say is that the rule of thumb is that your image should still be readable in greyscale:
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there are some exceptions and grey areas (do ho ho), but it's a good general rule to keep in mind! (some programs also have a colorblind mode, so you can check to see how your work will look to someone with colorblindness!)
and finally, here's some digital art programs I recommend, if you're still looking for a good one!
free: krita, FireAlpaca
paid: ClipStudio, Procreate (iOS/iPad only)
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pure-health · 10 days
From Frizz to Fabulous: My FullyVital Hair Serum Success Story
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For as long as I can remember, my hair has been a constant battle. Frizz was my nemesis, and shine seemed like a distant dream. I tirelessly tried every shampoo, conditioner, and mask on the market, but nothing could tame the wild mane on my head. That is, until I discovered FullyVital Hair Serum. This little bottle has become my hair care hero, and here's why.
Hydration Hero: From Dry to Silky Smooth
The most dramatic change I've noticed since using FullyVital Hair Serum is the incredible boost in hydration. My hair, once dry and straw-like, now feels unbelievably soft and smooth to the touch. I credit this transformation to the nourishing ingredients like argan oil and vitamin E. These powerhouse elements seem to deeply penetrate my hair strands, repairing past damage and preventing future breakage.
Lightweight Luxury: Non-Greasy Formula for Effortless Styling
Having used hair serums in the past, I was always wary of the greasy, weighed-down feeling they often left behind. Thankfully, FullyVital Hair Serum is a breath of fresh air. Its lightweight, non-greasy formula applies like a dream, gliding through my hair without any unwanted residue. This allows me to style my hair with ease, knowing the serum is working its magic without interfering with my desired look.
Heat Styling Savior: Protection and Peace of Mind
As someone who loves to style their hair with heat tools, I was particularly excited to learn about FullyVital Hair Serum's heat protectant properties. This was a game-changer, as I previously avoided straighteners and curling irons for fear of further damaging my already fragile hair. Now, I can experiment with different styles with peace of mind, knowing my hair is shielded from heat-induced frizz and breakage.
A For All Hair Types Kind of Deal
Another aspect of FullyVital Hair Serum that I truly appreciate is its versatility. This product caters to all hair types, whether you have sleek straight strands, voluminous waves, or bouncy curls. For my own wavy hair, the serum helps to control frizz while defining my natural waves, giving them a healthy and vibrant bounce. This makes it a great option for anyone looking to improve the overall health and appearance of their hair, regardless of texture.
Shine Brighter, Feel More Confident
Perhaps the most rewarding result of using FullyVital Hair Serum is the visible boost in shine it brings to my hair. It now reflects light beautifully, creating a healthy and luxuriously radiant look. This newfound shine has undoubtedly boosted my confidence. I no longer feel the need to hide my hair behind headbands or hats. Instead, I can confidently wear it down, letting its natural beauty shine through.
In conclusion, FullyVital Hair Serum has become an essential part of my hair care routine. It has transformed my hair from dry and frizzy to soft, hydrated, and full of shine. If you're looking for a product that delivers real results and helps you achieve healthy, beautiful hair, I highly recommend giving FullyVital Hair Serum a try.
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freemindedspirit · 4 months
Hello I have a question regarding generational trauma.
I’d talk about black/african/afro history. For decades black people were put in slavery by arabians, themselves (but that was the case for every peoples to enslave those they caught in a battle) and white people. The reasons for each are a bit different but the global idea is that african that were caught were sold to arabians and white people. That was the trade, they give slaves to receive arms or whatever else. Before the enslaving of black by white people, african people could only be free if they converted to Islam otherwise they’d stay slaves. Their spirituality, appearance, culture etc… were demonized by everyone. Muslims and christians (and even other nations today who still considere black/african history as poor, animalistic which is fake or at least very incomplete if we see that in an western/asian pov… they were very close to Nature and their environnement… just by looking at their spirituality and how they took/take care of their hair and more !). Then, after (and even while) the white esclavagism on african people (now afro-descents) I see how much art/music/nature was and is a big part of african/afro-descent identity. If they survived to esclavagism it’s because they had faith in music, in their own spiritual abilities sith their voice, their body, their hair, their mind. It’s not some scientific stuff like white people did but they manage to create their own power with the african spiritualty transformed into Art mixed with Nature/what’s natural. (I don’t know iff you get what I mean).
However my question is, why do black/afro/african people had to go through that and still suffer from it generations after generations ? Did an african ancestor put a cursed or did something not good for us to go through those things ? To be frank I don’t think you nor me would have the real answer but I would love to know your idea(s) on it, because for me we are very connected to Nature in all its forms but we are also the most hated kind of human being for absolutly no reason at all…
I mean, I think there's a lot of oversimplification here. In Northern Africa, black and arabian people (i define arabian here as a arab speaking population, of mixed, meditaranean or middle eastern ethnicity) have been mixing for a while. Both Christianity and Muslims had black followers even without colonization and forced conversion. Ethiopia for example, has some of the oldest churches and christian traditions in the world, and were one of the first few christian population, as in like, Roman Empire old christian people. Before christianity, the majority of the population was jewish or pagan. Africa is huge, it's a whole continent, and so many religions and traditional beliefs remained outside AND despite of christianity and islam. Also, Islam and Christianity are not necessarily detached from nature, and Black cultures are not necessarily unscientific... I think you have some misinformation and some deconstruction to work through yourself... What you are projecting onto the entirety of black people is also what people are projecting onto american indigenous people or past european witches. You are creating this idea that it was evil monotheistic falsely rational religions of the colonizers vs nnocent people who were connected to nature and pure because they did not have monotheism nor science. And i am not saying this was not colonization motivated in parts by religious beliefs, because it was, but this belief is also reducing the population to this Rousseau-like idea of the innocence of the savage man, which is also a tool for oppression. This is the idea that is driving thousands of white or privileged people to do humanitarian travels to fulfill their white savior fantasy without actually understanding what the culture or people is outside of the fact it's exotic and different and "more natural". It's also what drives cultural appropriation in new age spaces, because people are craving meaning so bad they would rather look at practices they don't understand that are put on a pedestal on the standard of "purity from religion/society" but voided of their actual cultural context. Science is not a white people thing. Science was valued and built differently in different cultures yes, but Islam valued knowledge so much muslim countries and cultures were the home of so many significant achievements in history. Before and outside of Islam, black people and cultures cultivated science. Did you know that Africa has the oldest technological record because it has the oldest tool found archeologically ?The oldest findings of chemistry being understood as a science is also found in Southern Africa. Stones were discovered with writing suggesting a strong mathematical skills applied to astronomy. In fact, calendars from Zimbabwe were found to be even more accurate than Mayan ones.
To answer your last question, there is no reason why this massacre happened. It would be spiritual bypassing to simply say that one person cursed the entire continent to suffer for a thousand years... Colonization happened because people in power would benefit from new lands and people to work it that did not need to be paid. They fell upon lands they didnt know, and their greed paired with their religious exceptionalism led them to massacre the new people they came across. If i may suggest two texts to think about I recommend :
-the chapter 19 of Candid written by Voltaire. Candid is a philosophical tale written by a French author who criticizes the society of his time, including slavery. Specifically, this chapter has the main characters meet a dying slave, who talks about his life and how he was turned into a slave by his parents selling them to the Dutch, and how "it is the price of you eating sugar in Europe". Slavery was about money, and about the higher classes showing off lands, conquests and food as a luxury afforded by the exploitation, suffering and genocide of black people. -The controversy of Valladolid which is a historical event that was later transcribed into different books and movies. This is the very first debate in Europe about how while colonizers wanted to define humanity and whether or not indigenous people were human or not. In the book version I read, it was particularly interesting as the ending was about how colonizers would use the land, and how the final decision was that indigenous people were human, but not as much as white people, however, black people were not "human enough" but could be free labor for sugar and cacao.
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childofchrist1983 · 4 months
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Most of us pray for patience in trying situations. But we would prefer to not have to use patience at all. We’d prefer that God provide a quick solution and move us along to something better. But patience and perseverance are valuable tools that God uses to shape us and grow us into a maturity of faith that we could never achieve if He always answered us with a quick fix. Whenever we find ourselves struggling to endure the trials and difficulties of life. let us call out to God for an answer, but also remember to thank Him and ask for His strength to help us endure. Let us not waste this time on waiting. Instead, may we humble ourselves and ask God to use this season to deepen my trust in Him as He helps us to grow in faith and prepare us for whatever lies ahead.
Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for rescuing us from our destructive ways, and setting our feet on His path. Thank Him for lighting and guiding our steps and tending to the road ahead of us. May He help us to seek Him daily as we make this journey, so that we may not stray from Him and wander into ruin and destruction. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for easing our burdens and granting us the rest found in His mercy and forgiveness. May He teach us to walk in His gentleness and grace. Thank Him for providing us the strength to serve Him and for carrying the weight that should have been ours, all in His gracious name. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for faithfully staying with us in all times and places. We have not always sought Him and His guidance, yet He has continuously shown us the way back to Him. May He guide everything that we say and do, and show us the way no matter where He may lead us.
May He empower us by His Holy Word and Spirit to live in the light of His Truth, love grace. May our healing and transformation glorify His name and Kingdom of Heaven and reveal who He truly is to others. May He help us to keep close to Him, so that we may endure until He fully sets us free and brings us to our true home in His Kingdom of Heaven. Thank Him for His Holy Word and Spirit. Thank Him for revealing the Truth of Him and His holiness. May He help us to hold close to Him just as He holds close to us, so that we may live in humble and faithful obedience. If we stray from Him and His path, may He use His Holy Word and Spirit to bring us close to Him once again. May He help us daily to trust fully in Him and His love, provision and care. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for making us anew! May He complete His renewing work in us, ridding us of the sinful words, thoughts and actions that aren’t from Him, so that we may reflect only His love and light and presence in us to this dark and fallen world and the lost souls within it.
God is our Heavenly Father, our Creator and our guide. And Jesus Christ is our LORD and Savior and King. As Christians, we trust Him wholeheartedly and we submit our heart and our lives into His skilled hands. May He shape us according to His design and plan for us, so that we may stand strong in the firing furnace and emerge revealing His craftsmanship as He prepares us serve Him on Earth and in His Kingdom of Heaven according to His Holy Word and will. May He give us the peace and endurance we need each day, and may He use this time to help us grow in His wisdom and strength and to grow in our walk and relationship with Him. May He make us more into the person that He not only created us to us to be, but called us to be from the very beginning.
Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for securing a place for all true Christian believers as followers of Christ and spiritually reborn children of God in His eternal Kingdom. Each day, the sun rises and its light and warmth, and the Holy Bible gives us a glimpse of the promised eternity to come. May we continue to walk in the love and light of Christ with our heads held high and our eyes on the finish line. May we lead others to His Gospel Truth and to His light as well throughout this journey with Him. Let us all humble ourselves before God daily, asking Him to forgive us and to strength and teach us to view life through the lens of God and His promises. May He guard our hearts against Satan and the temptations of this world and our flesh. May He give us the peace to find full satisfaction in God and His peace and promises, so that we may live our lives daily in ways that honor and pleases Him. As we seek Him daily, may He reveal Himself to us through the words He has provided and use it to conform the desires of our heart to Him and His love and compassion and grace.
As true and spiritually reborn Christians, we love, trust and believe in Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ. We choose to keep Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ first in our hearts and lives and all other worldly desires behind us. He extends salvation to everyone, and we want to show the world the freedom, hope and peace they can have in accepting and following Him. We must ask Him to help us grow spiritually in our relationship with Him and strengthen us and the bonds of love that He has given us, so that our unity may glorify and testify to His power and goodness. Thank Him for calling us to faith and imparting us with salvation and righteousness. May He empower us to live in His will and righteousness, so that we may testify to His soul-saving power as our faith carries us past all doubt, fear, and failure. May He grant us the grace to forgive others who have wronged us, and the humility to seek forgiveness where we have caused strife. May we follow and serve God daily with love, trust, awe and wonder. May Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ strengthen our faith, lift our spirits, protect our hearts, and show us opportunities to help bring others to Him and His Gospel Truth daily. May we do this duty boldly, humbly and faithfully. Seek, follow and trust in the LORD God Almighty always! To God be all the honor and praise and glory!
We must come to Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ with sincere hearts to ask forgiveness and follow Him and His Holy Word and Spirit always. We praise Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for the mercy He bestows upon us and we are grateful for His grace and mercy and infinite blessings. By surrendering our hearts and our lives to His will, we see all the blessings He has bestowed upon us. God our refuge and our salvation and our constant provider. We lift our voices to Him in praise for His steadfast love, mercy and understanding. May Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ open our minds and hearts more and more to perceive and embrace Him and His truths. May He help us to find time to pray and read and study the Holy Bible daily and to find power in prayer, praying according to His Holy Word and will. May He help us to come to Him in true repentance and with faith in Him and His grace and merciful nature. May He give us the grace, courage and strength we need to walk with Him and do His will daily. May He teach us to watch our words when we pray to Him and to speak reverently and rightly. May we continually ask God to transform our hearts and make us faithful and humble as we walk with Him daily. We must come to Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ with honest, humble and repentant hearts. We must seek Him and His will and choose to follow Him all the days of our lives. May He help transform our hearts, help us to seek and live for Him above all else and to grow spiritually and build our faith and relationship with Him with each passing day. May He forgive our sinful nature and help us always make Him and our relationship with Him top priority.
As true and born-again Christians, we choose to walk in His righteous path and lead a life that is pleasing to Him. We desire Him and His will above anything else. We desire to walk in accordance with the love and light He has shown to us through His Holy Word and Spirit. We long for a deeper relationship with Him and a deeper fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ as well. When we fall into temptation and sin, we must turn to Him for forgiveness, strength and guidance. When believers learn to walk in accordance with God's Holy Word and Spirit, they have deeper fellowship with both God and one another. And the sin that could threaten to destroy that fellowship, if confessed (1 John 1:9), is covered in the blood of Jesus Christ and no longer a barrier between us and God. May we ask Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ to forgive us for any sins we have sinned this day or in days past. May we be faithful to Him and His Holy Word always. May He help us to walk more consistently in the light and to not neglect long to confess and forsake any sins that hinder our walk with Him. May He lead us in the direction He wants us to go so that we may seek and serve Him faithfully. God is holy and almighty and deserving of all praise honor and glory. We rejoice in Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ, knowing He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). He is the Alpha and the Omega (Revelation 1:8). May our hearts always be filled with thanksgiving and rejoicing. May He help us to praise Him freely and honestly like all believers who came before us. May we live a life that showcases our love and trust in Him and His Holy Word and Spirit as He uses us draw others to Him and His soul-saving Gospel Truth daily. May He continue guide, correct and protect us, so that we continue to grow in Him and not weaken and stray. May we all remain faithful to Him and to this duty and purpose He has called us to. Seek and put your faith and trust in Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ and let Him do the rest. May He humble our hearts and help us focus on following and serving Him daily and helping others with joy and happiness. We lift our voices in praise to Him for His love, mercy, peace, faithfulness and grace - For EVERYTHING!
It is vital that we remain rooted in Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ through prayer and His Holy Word and Spirit and that we live and walk as a beacon of His light and love and share and spread the Gospel Truth daily, so that the lost souls in this world can come to know Him and be saved. The more we focus on Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ, growing spiritually by building our relationship with Him, leaning on Him and His Holy Word and Spirit, the better off we will be. Thanks to this and our faith in Him, we know that everything will be alright. And we will forever be grateful to Him. As true and born-again Christians, we believe in Him and His Holy Word and we strive daily to walk in His Holy Spirit. We know though our mortal bodies should die, He will raise us up and into new and glorious bodies (The Rapture). We who are truly His and alive at His second coming will never die, and our bodies will be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, and so shall we ever be with Him in His Kingdom of Heaven forevermore (1 Corinthians 15:51-52, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). This is one of many promises given to us by God Himself. Thank God for His strength and guidance when we are faced with sin and temptation. Thank Him for His mercy and grace. Through Bible study and prayer, God reveals His wisdom and guides us to see opportunities to grow closer to Him and grow spiritually. He gives us direction to live our lives daily according to His will.
Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven (John 3:5, 14:6), the ONLY way to salvation (Acts 4:12, Ephesians 2:8-9) and He is the resurrection and the life (John 11:25-26). Jesus Christ the LORD of lords, the KING of kings, the GOD of gods (Deuteronomy 10:17, 1 Timothy 6:15, Revelation 17:14, Revelation 19:16) - He is the Living, Almighty and Everlasting God (Isaiah 9:6, Revelation 1:8, John 3:16, John 3:36, Jeremiah 10:10). There is no other God besides Him (Isaiah 45:5). We MUST humble ourselves before Him, turning our backs on false teachers, false gods and idols and our sinful ways. We MUST repent and turn back to God and recognize who He is and love Him in return for His great love for us. We MUST make God top priority everyday! May we be motivated to spread God's Holy Word and Gospel Truth to all the Earth, knowing that it is the only hope of all those lost in their sins. Let us not hold out a false hope for men to be saved without the Gospel, but instead, strive to do our part to get the Gospel out to a lost and dying world.
Leaning on Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ through prayer and His Holy Word and Spirit strengthens us and our knowledge and wisdom about God and His Gospel Truth, exposing these imposters. May God help us to seek and lean on Him daily to gain the strength, wisdom and spiritual discernment needed to expose Satan and his imposters who seek to destroy us and God's ultimate Truth. Everyday, we must remember to share Jesus Christ's Gospel Truth with the world and to thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for the grace that He poured out for us on the cross at Calvary. He has freed us from the burdens of sin and from the eternal damnation of Hell. In all we say and do, may all praise, honor and glory always be given to Him and His Kingdom of Heaven.
With renewed minds, hearts and wills, let us serve Him humbly and faithfully out of pure love and grateful rejoicing. May He remind us of His presence and to remain at peace, fully knowing that all will be well because He is always with us. Let us seek Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ today and everyday with all our heart and being, looking for His love, light and will for our lives with each step we take. Let us seek to please Him with our thoughts, words, and deeds and seek to advance His Kingdom of Heaven and His glory with our lives. Let us seek Him from a pure and humble heart, and when we so seek, we believe Him and His promise that we will find. May He help us all to be more sensitive to the teaching ministry of His Holy Word and Spirit, relying on Him and allowing Him to speak to us and guide us every step of our Christian journey.
God gave us the Holy Bible - His living and Holy Word - to let us know of Him and His abiding love and care as well as guide and prepare us for all our lives. May He help us encourage one another as we continue our walk with Him and our duty to Him daily. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for being present for all our new beginnings and all our lives. May He redirect any anxiety we feel as He provides countless opportunities for growth and change. May we humble ourselves before God always, asking Him to forgive our sins and make our hearts and lives anew through His Holy Word and Spirit. May He help us make Him and His Holy Word top priority, so we can grow spiritually and grow in our relationship with Him as we apply it to our daily lives. Thank God that we can focus on Him and everything about Him, for that is what keeps us sane and at peace. May our words and actions always be a reflection of Him and His Holy Word and Spirit and will.
May He help us to always walk in His grace and Holy Spirit, not by our own measure. May He give us the humble humility to know that our freedom and eternal salvation is found only in Him, so that His grace may sustain us, and we may never lose sight of His love and light and mercy. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for calling us to Him and to serve Him. May He equip us to do all that He has called us to do so that as He works through us, He may use us to produce fruit, to reach others, and to encourage all brothers and sisters in Christ. May He work all of these things in us and through us for His Kingdom and His glory. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for all His creation, for His miraculous ways and for everything He does and has done for us! Keep the faith and keep moving forward in your walk with Jesus! He loves us and He knows what is best for us. Seek, follow and trust in Him - Always!
Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His Holy Word and for sending His Holy Spirit so that we might have His grace, not only to awaken us and transform our hearts in our spiritual rebirth and guarantee our eternity with Him, but to also call upon Him whenever we are in need. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for all the reminders of His love and mercy and faithfulness within His Holy Word. He is bigger than any challenge or circumstance in our lives. Knowing this within our minds and our hearts, nothing can deter our faith in Him and His Truth. May we all accept Him and His eternal gift of salvation and ask that He would transform our hearts and lives according to His will and ways. Thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His Holy Spirit who saves, seals and leads us. May we always thank Father God Almighty and the LORD Jesus Christ for His almighty power and saving grace. For He is our strength, and He alone is able to save us, forgive our sins and gift us eternal salvation and entry into His Kingdom of Heaven.
May we make sure that we give our hearts and lives to God and take time to seek and praise Him and share His Truth with the world daily. May the LORD our God and Father in Heaven help us to stay diligent and obedient and help us to guard our hearts in Him and His Holy Word daily. May He help us to remain faithful and full of excitement to do our duty to Him and for His glorious return and our reunion in Heaven as well as all that awaits us there. May we never forget to thank the LORD our God and our Creator and Father in Heaven for all this and everything He does and has done for us! May we never forget who He is, nor forget who we are in Christ and that God is always with us! What a mighty God we serve! What a Savior this is! What a wonderful LORD, God, Savior and King we have in Jesus Christ! What a loving Father we have found in Almighty God! What a wonderful God we serve! His will be done!
Thanks and glory be to God! Blessed be the name of the LORD! Hallelujah and Amen!
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tcartcommunity · 5 months
Personal Manifesto: We are talking to the ideal world
This kind of contemplation happens often in my life. When I stand in the galleries, in front of the extraordinary works in the museums, in front of the seemingly irrational graffiti on the street corner... I always get caught up in thinking: What is the interrelation between me and art? What have we done for each other? It has so precisely taken over my life for so long. Despite from the beginning, our encounter wasn't even my personal choice. Like every parent who believes in the importance of art interests in elite education, I was sent to a painting class when I showed only a slight interest in painting. After that, I have continuously interacted with art for the next twenty years.
Nevertheless, I am desperately eager to know this interaction's significance - that's why those contemplations happen. They are often like a tsunami, flooding my mind without warning. It's different for this time; it happened because I was assigned to write a Personal Manifesto for my art engagement class. This progressive assignment asked students to create a personal manifesto in the literal form and then transform it into a visual expression. Then, share with the rest of the class and facilitate the conversation and discussion about the arts and experiences.
I looked around the walls of my room; there were the paintings I'd drawn, the designs I'd done. At a time when all actions need to have a specific purpose and output, I never reckoned art to be merely a tool for me. On the contrary, our relationship is one of absolute equality. Like an old friend from childhood, she can accurately convey the thoughts I don't know how to phrase and express in many moments without confirmation. Thus, when I wrote this manifesto, I sounded more about my faith and beliefs towards the world and self-recognition instead of promoting the position of arts in my life.
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(My personal manifesto, 2023)
While visualizing my manifesto with collages, art became the mirror that told the truth. The reflections were not about my hypocrisy but the perceptions I once could not see clearly and directly. I'm not a planned creator; I follow my intuition and emotions. The resulting artwork, however, was more of a psychological sand-play for me - it reinforced my belief in the relationship between me and the arts as equals. I didn't endow the meaning to my art; our conversations kept happening, and even my art was the one always explaining what kind of person I was. I also felt this in the discussion in class. To be more specific, the charm of individuality was particularly intense when each person presented their visualized manifesto. You can see from each work how people perceived the external world, connected with their inner world, reflected their ideal world through the languages of art, and formed their philosophy.
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( fellows' visualized manifesto, 2023 )
I suddenly understood my relationship with art in the process. We are never on the opposite sides. Everything that happened was about breaking, reorganizing, and constructing. The final artwork, or artistic intervention, is our dialogue with the ideal world. Creative engagement is never just about enlightening society; artists should not see themselves as saviors or advocators. All we do is concretely make our ideals happen, and what everyone gains from this process should be inclusive. Imposed views are just a different expression of colonialism, and art itself has everlastingly been an honest and open discourse.
Written By Caroline Que
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ana20dsouza · 7 months
Carpet Cleaning Magic: Transforming Harrow Homes
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Have you ever wondered about the unsung hero of your home - your carpet? It's the silent witness to countless family moments, from movie nights to impromptu dance parties. Yet, when was the last time you showed it some love? If the answer involves a puzzled look, it might be time to delve into the world of carpet cleaning services in Harrow. Why Your Carpet Deserves the VIP Treatment Your carpet does more than just cushion your steps; it's a filter for your home. From accidental spills to unnoticed dirt, your carpet silently bears the brunt. Discover why it deserves a spa day. The Harrow Dilemma Unique Challenges of Carpet Cleaning in Harrow Harrow, a bustling part of London, presents specific challenges for carpet cleaning. Explore the peculiarities of this vibrant area and why generic cleaning might not cut it.
The Cleaning Arsenal
Tools of the Trade: Carpet Cleaning Essentials Ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes? From high-tech vacuums to eco-friendly detergents, we unveil the secret arsenal of carpet cleaners. Battle of the Stains Confronting Stains Head-On Red wine spills, pet accidents - stains are inevitable. Learn the tricks of the trade to combat the toughest stains and leave your carpet looking brand new. The Green Revolution Eco-Friendly Options: A Carpet's Best Friend In an era of environmental consciousness, discover how carpet cleaning services in Harrow are embracing green practices. It's not just about a clean carpet; it's about a clean conscience.
DIY vs. Professionals
To DIY or Not to DIY: The Carpet Cleaning Dilemma We've all seen those DIY carpet cleaning hacks on the internet. But are they as effective as the pros? Let's weigh the pros and cons. The Home Warrior DIY Carpet Cleaning: Friend or Foe? Explore the common DIY methods and find out whether your at-home efforts are doing justice to your beloved carpet. Calling in the Experts Professional Carpet Cleaning: Worth the Investment Step into the shoes of a professional carpet cleaner and understand the value they bring to the table. Spoiler alert: it's not just about the cleanliness.
Choosing the Right Service
Navigate the Sea of Services: Choosing Your Carpet Cleaning Expert With so many options in Harrow, how do you pick the right service? Learn the crucial factors to consider when selecting your carpet cleaning savior. The Price Tag Paradox Decoding Carpet Cleaning Prices Unravel the mystery behind service charges. What should you expect, and what should raise red flags? Let's break down the price tag paradox. Reviews Speak Louder Customer Reviews: The True Testimony In the age of online reviews, find out how customer testimonials can guide you in choosing the best carpet cleaning service in Harrow.
Aftercare Tips
Caring for Your Carpet: Post-Cleaning Rituals Your freshly cleaned carpet deserves a little extra care. Explore the post-cleaning rituals that will keep it in top-notch condition for longer. The Drying Dance Patience Pays: Ensuring Proper Drying Dive into the importance of thorough drying and why impatience might undo all the magic of a professional carpet cleaning session.
Conclusion: A Fresh Start
Embrace the Carpet Revival In conclusion, your carpet is more than just a floor covering; it's a canvas of memories. Give it the care it deserves, and witness the magic of a carpet cleaning service in Harrow.
- Is professional carpet cleaning necessary for all carpets? Professional cleaning is beneficial for all carpets, but the frequency depends on factors like foot traffic and the presence of pets or children. - Can DIY methods harm my carpet? While some DIY methods are safe, others may cause more harm than good. It's essential to understand the specific needs of your carpet. - How long does a professional carpet cleaning session take? The duration varies based on the size of the area and the extent of cleaning needed. On average, it takes between 2 to 3 hours. - Are eco-friendly cleaning products as effective as traditional ones? Yes, many eco-friendly products are highly effective. They not only clean well but also contribute to a healthier environment. - What should I do if a stain reappears after professional cleaning? Contact the cleaning service promptly. Reappearing stains may indicate a deeper issue that needs attention. Transform your living space with a clean, rejuvenated carpet. It's not just a cleaning service; it's a magical makeover for your home. https://www.shinepluscarpetcleaning.co.uk/ carpet cleaning|carpet cleaning services in london|carpet cleaning london|carpet cleaning in harrow| carpet cleaning services in harrow| carpet cleaning south london|carpet cleaning north london|professional carpet cleaning london|rug cleaning in london|mattress cleaning services london| sanitization and deodorising service in london|carpet cleaning companies london|carpet cleaning services in pinner|carpet cleaning services in ruislip| carpet cleaning services in ruislip|carpet cleaning services in pinner|carpet cleaning services in rayners lane| carpet cleaning services in stanmore|carpet cleaning services in watford #carpetcleaning #carpetcleaninglondon #carpetcleaningservicesinlondo #carpetcleaninginharrow #carpetcleaningservicesinharrow #carpetcleaningsouthlondon #carpetcleaningnorthlondon #professionalcarpetcleaninglondon #zrugcleaninginlondon #mattresscleaningserviceslondon #sanitizationanddeodorisingserviceinlondon #carpetcleaningcompanieslondon #carpetcleaningservicesipinner #carpetcleaningservicesinruislip #carpetcleaningservicesinpinner #carpetcleaningservicesinraynerslane #carpetcleaningservicesinstanmore #carpetcleaningservicesinwatford Read the full article
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realtybanker · 10 months
The Importance Of Hope: Inspiring Change And Personal Transformation
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We all experience feelings of hope in our lives, but many of us struggle to put a definition to this emotion. For many centuries, people of all faiths have looked to the concept of hope as a source of comfort, strength, and inspiration. In this article, we will explore the definition and importance of hope with a particular emphasis on the biblical concept of hope and its role in Christian faith. Hope is often defined as a feeling of anticipation and expectation for something desirable. It is typically seen as a positive emotion that can inspire us to take action and achieve our goals. Hope can also be seen as an optimistic attitude that allows us to look beyond our current circumstances and see potential opportunities for the future. In the Christian faith, hope is seen as an anchor of the soul, providing comfort and strength during difficult times. The Bible has numerous references to the importance of hope. For example, in Romans 15:13, the Apostle Paul writes: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” This verse emphasizes the importance of hope in providing joy and peace in the Christian faith. Similarly, Hebrews 10:23 states: “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.” This verse speaks to the power of hope to keep us on the right path and serve as a source of strength and comfort. The concept of hope is also found in the Old Testament. In Psalm 25:3, the psalmist states: “Those who wait for the Lord shall not be put to shame; they shall be ashamed who are wantonly treacherous.” This verse speaks to the power of hope to sustain us and carry us through difficult times. In addition to the biblical references, there are also numerous stories in both the Old and New Testament that emphasize the importance of having hope in difficult circumstances. The story of Job is a powerful example of how hope can provide comfort and strength in the face of adversity. In this story, Job’s faith in God is tested but in the end, he is ultimately rewarded for his faith and hope in God. Understanding the power of hope can be a powerful tool in our spiritual journey. It can help us to stay focused on our goals and find strength and comfort in difficult times. Hope can also be a source of inspiration and motivation as we strive to create positive change in our lives. In the following sections, we will explore how hope can be used to bring about personal transformation and inspire positive change.
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Understanding the Biblical Concept of Hope
The concept of hope is deeply rooted in the teachings of the Bible. In the Bible, hope is seen as an assurance of something good to come and is often encouraged in times of fear and uncertainty. It is an essential part of the Christian faith and can help to provide courage and strength in times of difficulty. The Bible often speaks of hope as a source of faith and courage. In Romans 15:13, it states “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit”. This verse speaks to the power of hope and how it can provide faith and comfort in difficult times. Hope is seen as a sign of faith in the Bible and is often used as a source of encouragement. In Psalm 31:24, it states “Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord”. This verse speaks to the power of hope in providing strength and courage in times of fear and uncertainty. The Bible also speaks of hope as a source of hope in times of trouble. In Psalm 42:5 it states “Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God”. This verse speaks to the power of hope in providing comfort and peace in times of distress. Hope is seen as an essential part of the Christian faith and can help to bring strength and courage in times of difficulty. It is a source of faith and courage and can provide comfort and strength in times of fear and uncertainty. It is a sign of faith and can help to provide direction and hope in times of distress. Hope can be a powerful force in bringing about positive change and personal transformation.
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The Significance of Hope in Christian Faith
The concept of hope is fundamental to Christianity, and is deeply rooted in the beliefs and teachings of scripture. The Bible describes hope as “an anchor for the soul” (Hebrews 6:19) and it is clear that this is an essential ingredient for living a successful and fulfilling life as a Christian. Hope is a source of faith and strength, and it can provide us with comfort and courage during times of hardship and uncertainty. As a source of faith, hope is the belief that our prayers will be answered and that God has an unfolding plan for our lives. No matter the challenges that we face, we can take comfort in knowing that our faith is secure and that we can trust in the Lord for the outcome. This can bring about a sense of peace and contentment, allowing us to focus our energies on the task at hand instead of worrying about the future. The Bible also speaks of the importance of hope in encouraging us to do good works and to strive for righteousness. It is a reminder that despite the struggles and trials that we may face, there is always something to be gained from pushing through and trusting in the Lord’s plan. We are reminded that hope is never in vain and that the Lord is always with us. In addition to providing strength and faith, hope can also be seen as a source of comfort. In times of sorrow and despair, it can be comforting to know that there is something greater than ourselves that we can turn to. It is a reminder that we are not alone and that there is always light at the end of the tunnel. As the Bible says, “weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” (Psalm 30:5) Hope can also be seen as a source of motivation. When faced with difficult choices or difficult decisions, it can be difficult to find the courage to move forward. However, knowing that our hope is secure and that God is with us can provide us with the motivation to keep going. It can help us to make the right decision and to find the courage and strength to persevere. Finally, hope can also be seen as a source of resilience. No matter the challenge or difficulty, hope can help us to stay focused and to keep pressing on. It can provide us with a sense of purpose and direction, and remind us that there is always something worth striving for. In conclusion, the biblical concept of hope is an essential part of Christian faith, and understanding its significance can help us to draw strength from it and to find the courage and motivation to move forward. It can bring about positive change and personal transformation, helping us to find greater peace and contentment in our lives.
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The Transformative Power of Hope
The power of hope is a transformative force that can bring about positive change in life for individuals and communities alike. Hope is a powerful emotion that can help to bring us out of difficult or challenging situations and propel us towards a brighter future. As we come to understand how hope can shape our lives, we can find the strength and courage to overcome whatever obstacles we may face. At its core, hope is a belief in the possibility of positive outcomes. It helps to bring about a sense of optimism, self-confidence, and resilience in the face of life's many challenges. By understanding the power of hope, we can become empowered to take control of our own lives and find a sense of purpose. Hope can be a great source of motivation and courage. It can help to inspire us to take risks and pursue our goals. By having hope, we can push ourselves to overcome our fears and take on the challenges that life throws our way. With hope, we can have faith in ourselves and in our ability to find success. The transformative power of hope can also help us to find meaning and connection in our lives. Hope can bring about meaningful relationships, such as friendships, partnerships, and families. It can help to build trust and foster mutual understanding between people. Hope is also a source of strength and comfort in times of crisis and disaster. When faced with tragedy, hope can provide a sense of direction and faith. It can help to provide us with the courage and strength to continue in the face of adversity. Hope is a powerful force that can bring about positive change in our lives. It can be a source of strength and comfort, as well as a great motivator. By understanding the power of hope, we can become empowered to take control of our own lives and find a sense of purpose. It can help to transform our lives and bring about meaningful relationships, as well as provide us with the courage and strength to overcome any obstacles that we may face.
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The Role of Hope in Overcoming Challenges
Hope is an essential part of human nature, and it can be incredibly powerful when it comes to overcoming difficult obstacles and challenges. In these moments, hope can provide strength and motivation to push through and achieve success. When facing a difficult challenge, having hope can give us the courage and determination to see it through. It can be the extra spark of energy needed to tackle the challenge head-on and remain confident that a positive outcome is possible. Hope gives us the power to believe in ourselves, even when it seems like all odds are against us. It can also help provide us with clarity, allowing us to see our unique strengths and assets and putting them to use in overcoming the challenge. Hope can also be a source of strength and comfort during difficult times. It can bring a sense of peace and understanding, allowing us to accept our current situation and find strength and resilience in the process. Even in the darkest of times, hope can keep us going and provide us with the courage to keep moving forward. In addition to providing strength and motivation, hope can also be a source of guidance. It can help us to make wise decisions and act with courage when needed. In moments of uncertainty, hope can be a source of light, guiding us towards the best possible outcome and allowing us to trust in it. Hope also has the power to give us perspective in difficult times. When we begin to feel overwhelmed, hope can provide us with the perspective needed to move past the challenge and focus on the bigger picture. It can help us to stay focused on our goals and keep our eyes on the prize, despite any setbacks or obstacles that might be in the way. Finally, hope can provide us with the motivation needed to take action and strive towards our goals. When facing a challenge, hope can give us hope the motivation and encouragement needed to take the necessary steps to move forward and make progress. It can help us to stay focused on our goals and take the necessary steps to make progress, even in the face of adversity. Overall, hope has the power to bring about positive change and personal transformation. In moments of difficulty, it can provide us with the courage and strength to keep going, the ability to stay focused, and the motivation to take the necessary steps to succeed. By harnessing the power of hope, we can inspire positive change and transformation in our lives.
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Hope in Times of Crisis
Crisis and disaster can bring about difficult times and hardships, but hope can help to carry us through these trying periods. In times of crisis, hope can provide strength and a sense of direction when all else appears to be uncertain. The power of hope is evident in how it can help individuals to cope with a crisis. Even in the darkest of moments, hope can help to bring about clear thinking and a sense of purpose. It can provide a motivation to take action and to look forward to a brighter tomorrow. Hope can create a sense of faith and optimism in difficult times. It can give us a sense of purpose and remind us of the good that can be found in the world even in the midst of tragedy. Through hope we can find strength and courage to keep going and remain optimistic even in the most trying of times. When faced with a crisis, we may feel overwhelmed and uncertain of what to do. Hope can provide a sense of direction and can help to give clarity to our thoughts and actions. It can guide our decisions and provide a sense of comfort and strength, even in the most hopeless of situations. Hope can also help us to come together as a community in times of crisis. It can provide a sense of unity and solidarity, and can help to bring about meaningful relationships in difficult times. Through hope, we can create a strong support system and find strength in one another. In times of crisis, hope can be an invaluable tool and source of strength. It can bring clarity and purpose to our lives and can help us to create meaningful relationships and a sense of community. Hope can also help to keep us motivated and provide courage and faith in times of difficulty.
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The Power of Hope in Everyday Life
We are all familiar with the phrase “hope springs eternal” and it is easy to see why. Hope is more than simply a wish for something better; it is a force that can drive us to take actions to make our dreams and goals a reality. It is easy to feel powerless and vulnerable in the face of life’s challenges, but hope can provide us with the energy and inspiration needed to take on our life’s difficulties. Hope is an important part of the Christian faith and provides believers with the assurance that God is in control of their lives. To have hope is to have faith in God’s ability to help us in our times of need and to trust in His divine plan. Hope can bring faith and trust in God’s love and it helps us to remember the promises He has for us. Hope can also provide us with the strength and courage to take risks and to push ourselves out of our comfort zones. It can help us to face our fears and to tackle the challenges we are presented with. Hope can help us to stay focused on our goals and to keep going even when things seem impossible. Hope can also bring us closer to our loved ones and help us to form meaningful relationships. It can inspire us to reach out to others and to build healthy connections. It can help us to foster empathy and understanding for those around us, and to discover the true value of our relationships. Hope can also help us to achieve our personal ambitions and to reach our goals. It can provide us with motivation and encourage us to stay on track and to keep pushing forward. Hope can help us to develop resilience and to stay committed to our aspirations. Finally, hope can help us to find meaning in life. It can inspire us to make the most of our circumstances and to find peace and contentment in the present moment. Hope can give us the drive to keep searching for purpose and to keep striving for something better. Ultimately, hope is a powerful tool that can bring about positive change and personal transformation. It can be the source of comfort and courage when we need it most, and it can guide us through difficult times. Hope is not simply a wish for a better future; it is a force that can help us to find our way forward.
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The power of hope is an amazing force that can bring about positive change and personal transformation. It is an essential aspect of the Christian faith, and can provide strength, comfort, direction, and faith when navigating difficult situations. Hope has the power to guide our decisions, to motivate and to inspire us in times of crisis, and to provide meaning in everyday life. Hope is a vital part of the human experience, and it is something that can be cultivated and practiced on a daily basis. When we open our hearts to the possibilities of hope, we can be empowered to bring about positive change in ourselves and others. Hope can also provide us with the courage to face our fears and the strength to persevere in times of adversity. Hope is a transformative power that can have a profound impact on our lives. It can provide us with a sense of meaning and direction, and help us to find strength even in the midst of tragedy. It can remind us that we are part of something greater than ourselves and help us to find beauty and joy even in the darkest times. Ultimately, hope is a powerful force that can bring about positive change and personal transformation. It has the power to inspire and to encourage us to make meaningful and lasting changes in our lives. Hope can be a source of strength and comfort, and it can provide us with the courage and motivation to face our fears and to overcome the challenges that life brings. The power of hope should not be underestimated. It is an essential part of the human experience, and one that can be cultivated and practiced in our daily lives. By embracing hope, we can be empowered to make positive changes and to transform our lives. Join the Realty Banker Network and stay ahead of the competition. Connect with us on Youtube, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram and Twitter. We hope to see you there.
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larytello · 2 years
(( is the rest a 2% chance at finding it? ))
That depends...?
There's some good bunch of stuff about my old OCs posted somewhere in the depths of this Tumblr account and a few other sideblogs or actually other blogs I own (like Kouri Turtles and/or Neat Saviors, though this last one isn't much about OCs) I made a new sideblog to try and get back into RPing or just interacting through asks, but it's nowhere near ready yet. I haven't touched it in a couple ages by now. My friend Myrna is so gonna kill me at some point because of that lmao
I have a lot of things about my OCs that's just been in my mind and I never did anything about it.
And then there's the new Transformers OCs I have created during these last pandemic years, especially in the last 10 months or so, but the only thing one can find online so far is my fanfiction "Back To Life". I actually have planned like three fanfics + some side stories like spin offs and extra/bonus stuff, I have been coming up with ideas, lore, plots, developing the characters and stuff, I even drew some cool artworks and doodles and didn't publish them because they would be spoilers about the fanfics, BUUUUUT, ONLY ONE OC HAS MADE IT INTO THE STORY SO FAR. Others will come up soon, but the whole shit I have planned will flesh out only when I begin publishing the second fanfic.
Which I didn't start writing yet because I'm busy re-writing the first one as I publish it.
Which means everything I've been planning will take ages to come to light.
I''d be happy to post more about all these little shits living rent free in my brain but I'm still trying to actually find my will to stay online. Most of my social media has been like a ghost town lately and I have no strength to keep creating content in a pace fast enough to be relevant in the eyes of the all-mighty algorithm which decides if you're worth exposition in the search tools or not. I feel no motivation to do anything about all this, it's annoying tbh.
Also thanks for the ask, I wasn't expecting anyone to be up now, it's past 3 AM here and it's one of those times when I really don't see anyone active/online... Wow
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genderisareligion · 1 year
In your opinion, why transracialism is rightfully invalidated and people can clearly see it as another way of white people exercise their white privilege but when it comes to transgenderism what count is how people perceive and identify themselves at an ultra personal level? I have been reading many articles about this and I had some heated discussions regarding this topic and honestly, even though I can understand some things (it's a female-only movement while the others have men, the white guilty of white women is a powerful tool to discourage transformative actions that could actually be useful to women of color and our emancipation as a class, the billionaires behind transgender movement, how it was created since the beginning to destroy feminism, the way they weaponize racial/lgb politics to cover up their real intentions etc)... Even though something feels so weird to me. I just can't understand how so many Marxists will accuse rf of being “pro capitalist” based on literally nothing but support transgender movement in the same breath. Some feminists will attack (usually young) libfems for being white, middle-class and liberals but when transgender activism shows exactly the same type of people they criticize, they literally aren't capable of connecting all the dots.
I refuse to believe that these things only happen to us because we are just spineless, unlike the other social oppressed groups because I find this claim absurd and it has no basis, since many feminists do stand up against this refined misogyny and they get backlash for this. However sometimes I am just so fed up with this bs and I reduce a complex situation to “well, they allow it because they aren't men” but still...
This post opened my eyes to this insidious use of racial politics by white people on the left (unfortunately, it includes even the revolutionary left). I always have the sensation that race is taken more seriously than sex (and my experience with online black feminists spaces kinda contributed to this perception, tbh) but years ago I could finally see that isn't race that is taken more seriously, the anti racist politic started to be disputed among white people too! To them, black people aren't real people but rather argumentative tools. A good token to win debates and cover up their racism while they can throw white people they disagree/dislike into fire and still poses as white saviors.
As I've said before
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Why isn't gender LARPing seen as as offensive as race LARPing? Or to use the language of reality, why isn't sex LARPing seen as as offensive as ethnicity LARPing? Because sexism isn't taken seriously. Female oppression is normal. Racism also effects men.
If transrace were go any white female could skinwalk as any black male and claim their struggles are similar or identical and lol that would never fly irl because black males are the most oppressed demographic on Earth now but white males can currently basically skinwalk as black females and claim that being clocked as a white male is similar to or identical to experiencing mass genocide and horrific gynecological experimentation and being excluded from basic human rights for hundreds of years.
Because that's the root of what they're doing when they cry "you can't be transmisogynistic that's like being racist to black women!!1" at the drop of a hat/the break of a fingernail/the wording of a blog post from a woman across the world that they could simply just ignore. They're watering our experience down so they can claim they "know how it feels" but it's all just to get us to ally for them at the end of the day. So they can essentially wear our oppression whenever they feel like they need it for an argument.
@divinedionne really summed it up well
"Sexism = cissexism
Homophobia= acephobia
Black Lives Matter = Trans Lives Matter
Notice how absolutely nothing they have to say is new, fresh, original or from a unique perspective. Every term is a throwback, every concept is derivative and borrowed from some other, more established movement. Usually with the intention to borrow legitimacy, weight and the rich, textured history of that movement."
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chronogroove · 3 years
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wips from today
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Beheading the Snake - Symbolic Actions of Liberation in “The Handmaiden”
Ritual is a tool we can use to change ourselves: to heal ourselves, cleanse ourselves, and birth ourselves into a new life. 
.. from "RitualCraft: Creating Rites for Transformation and Celebration" by Amber K & Azrael Arynn K
"The Handmaiden" is one masterpiece of a film and I feel I've only just begun to appreciate the excellent craft of the storytelling, the gorgeous design of the visuals, and, especially, the mysterious depth of the symbols. This is my attempt at understanding the story through its symbolic actions specifically. Enjoy :)
spoilers ahead!
One of the first symbolic objects were introduced to are Hideko's gloves. She wears them to protect the books as her uncle Kouzuki wants her to, the books of sadistic pornography he forced her to read since she was a child, and so, they are part of a web of symbols for her oppression. I think Hideko wearing the gloves might also hint at her trying to protect herself from the books, out of repulsion. She continues to wear them after she escapes the mansion with Sook-hee - Kouzuki's demands have been internalized, and the dark spell of abuse stays in Hideko’s life. But when Sook-hee and Hideko are on the boat to Shanghai, Sook-hee takes off Hideko’s gloves to throw them out to the sea, together with the fake moustache and the wedding ring, all different symbols of past pain (and what they did to escape it), signifying their new-found freedom. The two women look at each other and laugh with glee. 
"Count Fujiwara" offers Hideko a phial of opium that she receives once they're married, so she could escape via suicide should Kouzuki catch her after running away (which would mean being tortured and killed in the basement like her aunt was). His offering really just represents escape - not the freedom Hideko will find with Sook-hee. And he doesn’t offer it freely either, first Hideko has to do what he wants, get him rich through their marriage. So it felt really fitting to have Hideko use the phial of opium against Fujiwara, by putting it in his wine and “feeding” it to him through kisses, effectively using sexual means as well as the opium against him - giving him a taste of his own poison. 
The snake sculpture “guarding” the library, marking the “bounds of knowledge”, obviously hints at phallus symbolism. Once Sook-hee finds out about the sexual abuse Hideko endured, she starts to destroy the books and paintings in the library. Sook-hee’s rage on Hideko’s behalf is palpable as she goes full righteous destructress, attacking pages of pornographic imagery with a knife until she accidentally cuts herself. Hideko watches, wide-eyed, as “[her] Sook-hee, the savior who came to tear [her] life apart” beheads the snake with a sword. It’s the most cathartically powerful scene of the movie, in my opinion. 
Kouzuki uses metal balls to abuse Hideko as a child, brutally beating her hands with them. I think the silver bells look quite similar to the metal balls. They are first brought up in an erotic text read by Hideko - she thinks of Sook-hee as the power goes out, sitting in the shadows with eyes closed, that authentic lust in her voice heard for the first and only time during the readings. In the final scene of the film, Sook-hee and Hideko play with the bells for sexual pleasure, the way described in the text. Their sighs of pleasure remain as the images change to the boat on the ocean, full moon above. The luminous moon in the sky becomes the painted moon on Hideko’s screen door, the handmaiden’s bed visible in front of it. The painted moon slowly fades as the credits roll until it disappears completely, as if the light is leaving Hideko's horrible house of upbringing, now glowing as the real moon in the sky above her and Sook-hee. 
All these objects of trauma are disempowered in their function as tools of oppression - through destruction, by being experienced in a new context, being used as means of, ultimately, freeing oneself. Through the framework of ritual, these actions can be understood as symbolic - and very powerful in that symbolism, and consequently their expression of the story as Hideko and Sook-hee progress towards freedom. They are acts of alchemy, making pain into joy, oppression into liberation, acts of saying about the traumatic past: my abusers hold no power over my present and future. I have transformed the pain. 
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walkswithmyfather · 2 years
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“How the Holy Spirit Works in Your Quiet Time” By Livingfreeindeed.com
When I sit down with a cup of cold water (my version of coffee! 😉) and open the pages of the Bible, I usually equip myself with a few tools. Highlighters, pens, commentaries, notebooks, and more litter my study desk, ready and waiting to dissect the wonders of Scripture. With all these resources, one Person is still needed to make this “quiet time” with God effective—the Holy Spirit.
Since the moment we trust in Jesus, the Holy Spirit makes His home in us, with the mission of sanctifying us as we walk closer and closer to eternity. My pastor, John MacArthur, has been preaching the last several weeks about the significance of the lofty theological word we know as “sanctification.” So often we focus on the ideas of “justification,” that God has made us righteous by faith in Christ, and “glorification,” that we will someday be united with our beloved Savior in heaven. Yet, between those two points—belief and bliss—there is a journey to become more like Christ in all we do. To bear witness about His grace and reflect His love in a broken world. How does this growth happen? How do we live as new, redeemed creations and follow in the footsteps of our Savior?
In addition to prayer (see Romans 8:26-27), one primary way the Holy Spirit accomplishes His sanctifying work is through our study of the Word. Every time we prayerfully and humbly open the Scriptures, He moves to open our eyes, transform our mind, and stir our heart to obey God’s truth.
Just think – anyone can read the Bible, but not all can understand it. Why? It is the Holy Spirit that brings the words to life in our heart, because they are the words of God, and we cannot grasp them without God Himself. The Holy Spirit works in us to set us apart as God’s people, or increase our holiness for Christ and to be like Christ. Consider this imagery:
“For to this day, at the reading of the old covenant, the same veil remains; it is not lifted, because it is set aside only in Christ. 15 Even to this day, whenever Moses is read, a veil lies over their hearts, 16 but whenever a person turns to the Lord, the veil is removed. 17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 We all, with unveiled faces, are looking as in a mirror at the glory of the Lord and are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory; this is from the Lord who is the Spirit.” 2 Corinthians 3:14-18
With this in mind, here are 3 ways the Holy Spirit uses our Bible study time: The Holy Spirit…
1. Illuminates the Word. For the believer, the Holy Spirit turns what many consider a scholarly, ancient text into a living, breathing letter from God (Hebrews 4:12). He provides a greater depth of understanding we previously lacked before faith, giving purpose to every passage. As Jesus said:
“When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all the truth. For He will not speak on His own, but He will speak whatever He hears. He will also declare to you what is to come.” John 16:13
Each time we consider God’s revelation in the Bible, especially the message of the Gospel within it, the Holy Spirit brings insight. That’s true even for something as complicated as Leviticus!
With that said, don’t be discouraged if you don’t understand a book or verse right away. Piece by piece the Spirit allows for comprehension over time, as we diligently pray for it, learn the whole redemptive story of the Word, and listen to faithful teachers and preachers gifted by the Spirit.
2. Applies the Word to our Heart. Once we see intent behind a portion of Scripture, the Holy Spirit then convicts our heart. He may show us outright sin that lies there—whether it be our failure to do what God has asked (sins of omission, i.e. failing to witness to others), or do what He forbids (sins of commission, i.e. lying). He also may call us to worship Christ more deeply, more purely, more specifically, by highlighting the attributes of God. When we resist these convictions and calls, we are walking in the flesh. Being faithful to be in the Word, to spend “quiet time” with God, softens our heart to His will and gives us greater opportunity to walk with the Spirit
“I say then, walk by the Spirit and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh. 17 For the flesh desires what is against the Spirit, and the Spirit desires what is against the flesh; these are opposed to each other, so that you don’t do what you want. 18But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.” Galatians 5:16-18
3. Magnifies the Grace of Christ. Lastly, as we behold God’s truth, acknowledging our unworthiness and sin, the Holy Spirit lovingly points us to Jesus. We see Christ’s mercy at the cross and stunning resurrection, once again showing us their infinite worth and promising us hope. Even in the darkest of passages, the Holy Spirit finds a way to exalt Christ, and reminds us how He redefines our entire life.
“[The Holy Spirit] will glorify Me, because He will take from what is Mine and declare it to you.” John 16:14
So next time you go to read the Word, remember you are not alone—the Holy Spirit is in you. The Spirit seeks to fulfill your name Christian, which means “little Christ,” and this should be the strongest desire and greatest goal of our lives.
Remember, Jesus gave us this blessed challenge:
“If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” Then, He gives us the Great Comforter to see us through: “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, 17 even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.” John 14:15-17 (ESV)
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linkspooky · 3 years
This is kinda random, but what is your top 10 favorite otps?
#1 of All Time SPUFFY
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Spuffy, it wrote the book on both beauty and the beast archetypes, and enemies to lovers. For me the most important thing in a ship is the character development it brings about. Spike's redemption doesn't work without Buffy, because it's meeting the one person who expects better than him and won't put up with his selfish crap, that forces his character arc. Buffy's development is also nothing without Spike, it's meeting Spike that makes Buffy confront her dark side, and realize that being a good person isn't something you are, but something you work towards for the sake of your loved ones. The ideal ship should inspire this permanent character development and chane (Unless it ends tragically), they should be an inseperable part of each other's character arcs.
#2 Kumagawa / Ajimu
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This is what I was talking about when I said "unless it ends tragically". Sometimes you ship two people who should never end up together, because they probably won't accept their differences. However, even in a failed relationship, two people can be important to each other. There's not really a hapyp ending for Ajimu and Kumagawa, despite their similiarities when they're together they just seem to make each other worse. In Medaka Box they are the anti-Zenkichi and Medaka. However, for Ajimu Kumagawa represents her only human connection, and for Kumagawa Ajimu represents the first person to be "good" to him even though their relationship soured at one point. Therefore I find the ship interesting because despite the fact that they are permanently separated they are still an incredibly important part of each other's identities and who they are now.
# 3 Matsuda / Junko
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Basically for the same reason as what I said above. There is no universe where Junko and Matsuda end up in a happy relationship, as long as Junko is still Junko. However, Matsuda and DanganRonpa Zero as a whole add so much to Junko as a character. As long as Matsuda exists, Junko's more than just a black hole that only cares about despair, and I think together the side materials like IF and Zero show that Junko actually is capable of caring for people outside of her natural tendency to want to throw everything into despair, however, humanizing Junko in this manner doesn't actually make her a better person. She can have feelings like romantic, and familial love, and she still chooses to destroy those things and the people in her life. It just adds so much to Junko as a character, which is what I like ships as, an extension of characterization through character interaction.
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I love Ui and Hairu because it's like a broken fairy tale. It was a love that could have saved Hairu, but it didn't, because for Ui he always realized his feelings too late to save anyone. Hairu was obsessively chasing after Arima for the smallest amount of approval, when Ui was right there, and already in love with her. They seem like the perfect couple that could never get together, because Hairu is too fixated on Arima, and Ui is too fixated on his job. They are perfectly suited to giving each other what they wanted, and even in lots of side materials and sketches they seem like a pair, or Ui's feelings for Hairu come across as pretty clear but it never came to be in canon.
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Once again for the same reasons as above, it seems like a fairy tale romance of a knight, and a girl he wants to protect, but it fails completely to live up to that story. Zack and Aerith is a tragic story of first love for both of them, and it's also really formative for who Aerith is now as a character. Zack tried to be there for her, and he tried to be a hero to Aerith, only to very consistently not be there for her, and then disappear from her life all together. Much later on, Aerith is incredibly isilated, unable to fall in love with the real cloud without projecting Zack onto him. It's a relationship where in a better world they could have been there for each other, but also the failure of the relationship develops them as much as characters as them getting together might have. Zack and Aerith are one of those relationships that seems ideal on the surface but they are very different people with different wants, Zack wants to be a hero, Aerith just wants to be a person first.
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The best zelda ship period. Once again the most important part of a ship interaction is the change that both characters inspire in each other. Midna begins not caring about Link at all, never referring to him by name, only seeing him as an object, an old legend, a hero to be used instead of a person. Midna's a manipulative freak, and Link breaks through to her because he actually isn't interested in being the hero of legend, he just wants to save the people closest to him at the village because he feels indebted to them, and Midna inevitably becomes one of those people. Link and Midna's partneship makes the game, because it's Midna who pushes him and makes him into a hero, but it's Link through his unfledging acceptance of her who inspires her to be a person once more, and not just the twilight priness.
#8 Morrigan / Warden from DRAGON AGE ORIGINS
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This and Spuffy are like the only two on this list who actually end up together, so let me just have this. Once again my favorite aspect of a ship is the transformation the relationship brings baout in a character. The warden is a non-character, but for Morrigan herself, her relationship with the warden is what allows her to escape an abusive household, and beyond that decide not to repeat the cycle of abuse with her new family. What made this ship an all time fave was in witch hunt when the Warden gets to ask her what she wants, and she's just completely confused. Even with her mother dead, Morrigan is still a tool of her mother's ambitions, it's still all about her mother wants. It's her love with the warden, either through friendship or romance that awakens Morrigan to the fact she's allowed to exist as a person with wants and needs outside of what her mother wants her to be.
#9 Kaine / Nier
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It's the Most Humanizing Ship Ever Between Two Mass Murderers. As a story, I think Nier is about finding the life, and love, in a story that is ultimately, fatally doomed. Nier only worse and worse as the game goes on but that doesn't mean there was never any love in his life. For every bad thing Nier does, he was not bad to every single person, specifically Kaine, it was Nier's love and belief in her that allows the wounds in her heart to start to heal. As Nier and Nier gets worse, Kaine's own shadow self says, that her feelings in her heart are no longer hatred, or even revenge, there's just a pure white light of love left. In a game where everything only rots, Kaine has healed to the point where she can love again when she never thought it was possible. It's why I like ending D the best, because it's Nier knowing he can never escape his own sins, but he can use his last action to heal Kaine fully all the way and allow her to live on a few more years.
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Once again, there's no universe where they end up together, and yet still on opposite sides of a conflict they remain each other's closest friends. The most important thing about a ship is the character development it leads to and Gojo would not be who he is today without Suguru. I generally get the sense that Gojo's idea of a good person isn't himself, but rather who Geto used to be before he broke. Gojo actually relied on on Geto for a lot more than he realized, considering it was the one connection he had that seemed to humanize him. Geto provided the chosen one who can do literally anything in the world with his powers, support and guidance. He was the jade, and the foundation of their two person friendship, and then the jade broke.
Gojo and Geto's broken relationship is not only the most emotional thing in the series to me, it's also an incredible part of who they are ten years after the fact. Gojo straight up didn't bother to make friends for ten years later after the fact even though he could have, Geto still told his daughters that Gojo and him were best friends, they just had a fight. He couldn't comperehend in Volume Zero that Gojo would still regard him as a friend after everything that they had done.
It's like one of those "Can't live with them, can't live without them" pairs. They want to be each other's one and only but it just won't work because they don't understand each other, and neither of them is willing to compromise. They are also each other's perfect yin / yang complement. Gojo is the opposite of Geto, and still carries a part of Geto within him, and Geto even after becoming the enemy of the sorcery world while Gojo is the savior, still carries that friendship with Gojo inside of him as well. While their relationship is a failed one, it's also a past I hope that the next generation Megumi and Itadori both learn from, even if Geto never truly comes back.
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icyxmischief · 3 years
She's not sure how good of an idea this is, but she wants to know.
"Excuse me, Mr. Loki, I have a question. ..... You killed people."
That's a statement. Now for the question.
"But.... It wasn't YOU, was it? Somebody else was making you do things, I heard?"
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".....that is a complicated question with a complicated answer."
Loki immediately produces significant distance between himself and the woman who approaches. He paces like a lean prowling wolf. Eyes normally locked on the object, the being, of present danger, now skirt round her face.
The fingers of one hand absently press into the opposite palm, and pick at a faint callus there.
"I would not volunteer the trials I underwent at the hands of my captors to any stranger. You will surely understand my desire for privacy. For dignity."
Hours in blinding white light and heat. A voice proclaiming my salvation at the hands of a being whose name I'd not yet heard, if only I yielded. My transformation from a second son and forgotten tool into a vessel of greatness, if I only submitted. Needles puncturing the topmost layer of my skin, head to toe. Deeper they went, with each refusal. Hotter the light became. I, a Jotun, and they knew it, exposed, the true color of my skin laid bare, and the cloaked figure called Ebony Maw brings his comrade The Other near, and draws shapes into the concentric wedges of my face, my forehead, and smiles. "This is what you're ashamed of," he says, and if it's a question I cannot tell, and he leaves me naked in that room with many two-way mirrors, with the needles and the light, for days which become weeks which become months. Or so I'm told; what is time in such a place? I can remember heat exhaustion, starvation, dehydration, after the sensation of freefalling in cold empty space for days. The scrambling and rearranging of my thoughts and my very memories. "Proof" that I am and was always unloved.My brother "tossing" me into space, rather than my own suicide attempt. The promise, again: 'he will be your new father. Accept Thanos as your savior' or perish, child. A strangled promise to offer up the Tesseract from Odin's Vault, if left to live with my own faculties. Only then does Thanos himself visit me, and nod, and call it "good."
And this was only the beginning.
"What would you say, if I told you...I had my own will, my own mind, the whole time, because coercing my compliance was a sweeter prize to my captor than to simply overpower me....but that certain behaviors were incentivized, to keep the pain at bay?"
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daybreakx · 4 years
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✘ fantasy special nine: superhero au, mingi x fem reader.
✘ warnings: mentions of abuse, death, blood, superpowers, discrimination, this is very x-menish.
✘ word count: 1.75k
✘ a/n: y/n was supposed to be the villain but honestly it’s mingi who’s pretty shitty whoops.
✘ masterlist
⇨ now playing: my tears ricochet —taylor swift.
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Specks of love remained in the way you looked at him, despite the constant feeling of standing before a stranger. But strangers weren’t supposed to love each other, or hate each other as much as you two did. 
You longed for him to remove that stupid façade every time you stood in front of him, you knew him as well as he knew you, until he decided to turn his back on you when you needed him the most. Mingi was adored by more than one, he was the hero, the savior, the good guy. He was there to save the day and defend the weak, to receive the congratulations and the applause. He’d been there for everyone, except for you.
There was no use in lying to yourself, saying you wished you could be as loved as he was, but where he was light, you were darkness. At least, the way the public eye had labeled you and everyone who resembled you.
In the new age of Gods and Monsters, all that mattered was how useful and beautiful the abilities you developed were. If you were lucky, you got the pretty things: flying, a touch of ice, air control, mortal beauty… if you were luckier, you lived life like a normal person, with the ability to sing, dance, draw, whatever thing that deserved a good amount of admiration and didn’t result scary at the end of the day. But if you were cursed—like many people decided to call the group you belonged to— you ended up with hands like claws, with a venomous touch, with harpy wings coming out your back or fangs the size of an icicle. 
Being with Mingi had never been simple. After his Changing, he’d never been able or willing to protect his identity whatsoever. He never needed to, either. Mingi was a new-age Superman who’d left Clark Kent forgotten somewhere along the way. He grew to love the attention that being the god—the hero —brought and he somehow wanted for you to enjoy it too, as the girl he loved and worked to protect. The normal girl that made him seem grounded.
You loved him enough not to mind the title. You loved him enough that you didn’t care about being the tool to humanize him, because you were certain he loved you too. Not because you were a simple human, but because of who you were, with that silly laugh and out of tune singing. With your scraped knees and long-faded scars that could never adorn his skin. Mingi loved you because of your shared secrets and whispered comforts, because of ghost caresses and long nights drowned in kisses. 
And you thought he would love you when you Changed. When you grew a pair of wings overnight, and you bled through your skin, when you cried out for help feeling like you would die. Wishing you could just die so the agony would stop. 
Mingi was the first person you called, trusting he’d guide you through, or at least console you as you lost your human appearance. Not your humanity, you would never lose your humanity. That’s what you’d told yourself when you entered your teenage years and the threat of a transformation fell upon you. Monsters weren’t human in the slightest part, but gods were, and if you were to become either, humanity would keep you on the good side of history.
But when you entered your twenties and you were still the human girl, you didn’t need such reminders. 
Until now, you could feel the heavy wings on your back and the scales on your forearms. You didn’t look like a goddess, you resembled a nightmare. 
And Mingi thought so too, when he first saw you. Covered in your own blood, sweat and tears, you weren’t the girl he loved despite being a human. You were the girl he loved because she was a human. 
“It’s still me. I’m still me,” you sobbed, unable to look at yourself in the mirror just yet. “I didn’t want this, Mingi. You have to believe me.”
You begged him time and time again, you were the same y/n he loved. Your face hadn’t changed, and your eyes were the same color. Moreover, you were still the girl with the funny giggle and the stupid jokes. You were the girl who loved him.
But he turned his back on you. 
“I’m sorry, y/n,” he’d whispered. The first time he took a step back from you, you felt like being stabbed. “But I can’t help you, or be with you.”
It didn’t take long for them to name you. A Harpy, a harbinger, or simply a monster. And they tagged you as such with more hatred in every word once Mingi said he didn’t know you anymore, you weren’t who he thought you were. 
And so, you became the bad omen everyone claimed you to be, especially for those who believed themselves as superior.
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You were the excuse when the kidnappings started. Saying it was you and your kind who were tearing each other apart and capturing some of the greatest heroes only to get rid of them. The truth was the Iver Labs was finally getting away with their experiments, kidnapping mutants to experiment on them, claiming to be able to find a cure to the sickness.
That was where your biggest confrontation with Mingi came from, the fact that he let them do this in front of his eyes was the biggest betrayal he could have done.
“Burning the place down is easier,” you repeated, “And we’d only need San here and a couple more people… we could get a couple of workers out.” 
Taking lives wasn’t ideal, but you accepted that it was something that was bound to happen in this fight. 
“What makes you think they won’t be ready?” Hana questioned, her pointy tail moving behind her, at an anxious pace. “It could be a trap, and then all of us would have to go through—”
“That’s why only five of us are going, Hana.” You soothed. Hana was fifteen years old, the youngest in the group, when her parents decided giving her voluntarily to Iver Labs was the solution, she ran. “You’ll be fine, nobody is taking you. Or us, for that matter.”
“Well, what if someone decided to betray us?” 
This time the question was directed to San, the last one to join your group. He’d only decided to stop playing the hero when he’d been put in cuffs to keep him under control, after a fire had accidentally burned a bank down. 
“Nobody would do such a thing,” you assured, “And lived to see the consequences, anyway.”
San chuckled, snapping his fingers to summon a flame only to blow it seconds later. “I rather die than be a traitor,” he said with a smile. “Or worse, become like Mingi.”
You clicked your tongue, shaking your wings uncomfortably. “Let’s just get to work.”
                        ✦ ✦ ✦
Hana had been right, and they were well aware that you were coming. It didn’t matter, you were still following the plan, the lives of those inside Iver mattered even less now. But you still had to free the prisoners they’d captured. 
You met familiar faces, some you were glad were still alive, some you honestly wished they weren’t. 
And then you found him too. 
Mingi wasn’t a prisoner, he’d gone there to stop you. Maybe even to help you get captured, that way he’d claim to be helping you get cured.
“Stop this, y/n.” Mingi demanded, signaling around you, at the mutants who ran and crawled, who struggled to get rid of the harness around their necks, hands or feet. The one that made them unable to use their powers. “You don’t understand what you’re doing.”
“I understand you work for those monsters. I understand that you’ve become one yourself, Mingi.”
“I don’t kill people,” he scoffed, “Like you and your friends who have no respect for life.”
It took you half a second to speed to him, gripping his neck tightly between your hands. “You have no respect for life, not for ours, those who don’t look like you.”
Mingi shook you off effortlessly, pushing you to the other side of the room. “We’re just trying to help. We could help you.”
“I don’t need help! You don’t understand, we just need you to leave us alone. To treat us like human beings!”
“You’re not  a human anymore,” Mingi spat, “I’m sure you were a monster long before you grew those hideous wings.”
You threw yourself at him once again, like a wild animal to its prey. You promised you’d never let him hurt you again, but there you were, feeling like he’d just punched you in the gut. He fought back, of course, pushing you away, dragging you back and forth despite your screeching and screaming. Kicking and thrashing was almost useless until you finally hit him across the face, blinding him momentarily. 
The outside of the room was already burning, which meant San was just waiting for you, everyone else was safe. 
You tried to fly away from him, but Mingi grabbed your left wing pulling on it with so much force, it broke in half. Your scream almost made his ears explode, but he held onto you.
“Stop fighting, y/n. We can help you, we will help you.”
Your blood stained the floor now and black smoke was starting to fill the place. You were in excruciating pain, unable to defend yourself or escape, you were at Mingi’s mercy. 
“Let’s go,” he said, pulling you up. “We’ll get you fixed.”
The moment he took you in his arms, the gunshot ran above the roaring of the fire. 
You didn’t feel it anymore. You were in so much pain that you couldn’t feel anything at all. 
“She deserved it,” the guard said, the side of his face was burnt, leaving his eye closed. “They all deserve it.”
“No! y/n, no please.” Mingi held you closer to his body, his hands stained with your blood in more than one way. “You can’t die! I’m sorry, please, listen to me, I’m sorry.”
The words he’d left unspoken for so long, hung in the air unheard. You were gone. 
You died thinking he believed you a monster, and he would have to live thinking you hated him. 
You were a bad omen indeed, one that would haunt him for as long as he lived.
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kelyon · 3 years
Golden Rings 19: A Friend
The Storybrooke sequel to Golden Cuffs
Rumpelstiltskin receives a visitor
Read on AO3
A family stands before him, more terrified than they want to show. The man holds a top hat in both hands. The woman keeps her arms over their daughter.
“Is it true?” the man asks. “What Regina is threatening, can she do it?”
Slowly, Rumpelstiltskin steps toward the huddled family. It is unlike Jefferson to be so serious, unlike Leona to show anything less than brazen self-confidence. The girl may be too young to know what is happening, but she knows that her parents are afraid and that is enough to make her terrified. 
Belle comes up behind him, her hand extended to the child. “Grace,” she says gently, “would you like to visit my horse? Perhaps we could go for a ride.”
The girl looks to her parents. “May I, Mama? Papa?”
“Of course, luv.” Leona releases her grip on her daughter. “Make sure you mind Belle, and don’t get yourself into any trouble you can’t get out of.”
Nodding obediently, the child takes his wife’s hand. Belle gives him an encouraging smile before they go out to the stables. She trusts him to handle the situation on his own. She knows he can assuage their fears. 
Once his daughter is gone, Jefferson leaves his wife and comes up to Rumpelstiltskin. He puts his hands on his shoulders and looks him in the eyes.  “I’m serious,” he says.
“I know you are, my boy.” Delicately, he extracts himself from the other man’s grip. “This is a serious matter.”
“This queen lady told everyone she’s going to destroy the world.” Leona says what they all know but cannot utter. “Does she really have that much power?”
He cannot face them. He turns away, takes long, slow steps around his dining room before he answers. 
Jefferson crushes the brim of his hat in one hand. After a moment, he gathers himself. “We’ve seen worlds destroyed before, Dark One. It is a terrible thing.”
“Yes,” he agrees. “Yes, you were with me when proud Atlantis sank beneath the waves. A million lives lost in fire and water and lightning. But Regina’s curse is… different. Her purpose is not to destroy the world, but to destroy happiness.”
Leona’s mouth drops open. “And how is killing everyone not the same as all that? Who would be left to be happy, when it’s all over?”
Rumpelstiltskin shakes his head. “No, she wants us alive. Everyone in this world, everyone she considers her enemy. She wants us alive and miserable and trapped in our misery for the rest of time.”
“Gods.” Jefferson collapses into a chair and hangs his head. Leona stands by him and takes his hand into her own. 
“Regina will end this world, and take us all to a new one--a land without happy endings. We will all be severed from the people we love, or even if we are near them, we won’t be able to love them.”
“But why everyone?” Leona asks. “Why us? I never did anything to this woman! What’s she got against me?” 
Walking over to the couple, he places his hand over where theirs are joined. “You are happy,” he says simply. “The two of you have a love that she will never know--and the love of your child besides that. Regina believes that she will never have happiness as long as anyone else does.”
Leona nods, understanding. “So she’s mad, is she?”
“Yes,” Jefferson answers. His blue eyes look out at nothing as he speaks. “I’ve worked with Regina, before I met you, Leo. Once, she commissioned me to take her and a servant girl to Wonderland. Didn’t tell me that this was going to be a rescue mission to save some old man. You know the rules of the hat, only the number of people that go in can come out again. That was why Regina brought the servant girl. She killed her. Ripped her heart out of her chest and crushed it. As easily as blowing her nose. We left the girl’s body there, in the forest of giant mushrooms. So yeah. As they say in Wonderland, Regina is mad as the March Hare.”
Leona holds her husband in both hands, standing over him as she had stood over her daughter earlier. Wincing at the memory, he rests against her bosom 
“What do we do?” For all her comforting posture, Leona looks at Rumpelstiltskin with steely determination. “Can you stop her?”
He raises his hands in a show of helplessness. “Regina is a powerful magic-user and she is on a war-path.”
Hands balled into fists, Leona breaks away from Jefferson and begins to pace. “If my mother were here, she’d hit that woman upside the head with a cauldron, queen or no!”
“Yeah, well Nanny Ogg is from a different world than this one.” Jefferson stays seated in the chair. His hat hangs loosely in his grip.
“It is not hopeless,” Rumpelstiltskin says. “All curses can be broken.”
“Broken after they’ve been cast!” Leona marches up to him, wielding an accusatory finger. “I want to know if you can stop her, stop this curse from ever happening!”
“Leo,” Jefferson stands behind his wife. Gently, he puts his hands on her ample hips and pulls her close to him. “The Dark One is our friend. I’m sure he’s doing everything he can.”
He says nothing. He lets Jefferson’s faith do the talking for him. Jefferson is a clever man, but less shrewd than his wife. The poor boy wants to believe in him, but Leona Ogg has no such sentimentality. She is wise enough to know that if he wanted to stop this curse, it would never have been able to start. 
“You should leave,” he tells them quietly. “The three of you should go in the hat, find some world far from here where you can live out the rest of your days together.”
“If Regina can destroy one world, she’ll find a way to destroy others,” Jefferson points out. 
He shakes his head. “After the curse is cast, Regina will be stopped. A Savior will come, a force of goodness who will destroy her evil forever.”
“But only after we’ve been cursed?” Leona crosses her arms. 
He nods. “Yes. The only way to avoid it is to flee. Leave this world before it leaves you.”
Slowly, Jefferson turns his hat over in his hands. “That makes sense.” He looks to Leona. “Where do you want to go?”
“Lancre, of course. If we can’t live in the home we made for ourselves, we might as well go to Mum’s.”
Jefferson nods. “What do you say, Dark One? Can I offer you and Belle a trip to Discworld?”
He shakes his head. “I can’t know what form my magic will take on a world like that. There is a risk I’ll transform into something horrible and the good people of the Disk World will have to try to slay me.”
Leona snorts. “And it’ll take a few weeks at least to find any ‘good people’ around. We’re not as black and white with the ‘heroes’ and ‘villains’ as this place.”
“All the more reason for me to stay here and face this curse as it comes.”
“And Belle will stay with you?”
He gives his friend a rueful grin. “I couldn’t make her leave me if I tried.”
Jefferson looks down at his hat and then looks up again. “Do you really think if we go to Discworld the curse will pass us by?”
He puts his hands over Jefferson’s around the brim. “The best I can promise is that you will be safer.”
Leona’s dark eyes narrow. “‘Safer’ isn’t ‘safe,’ Mister Dark One.”
“No.” Jefferson steps back, away from Rumpelstiltskin and toward his wife. In a motion born from years of practice, he twirls the hat to put it on his head. “But sometimes safer is the best you can hope for.”
“I hope you do get away from the curse,” he tells them honestly. “For it will be a very long time before any good can come out of all this. ”
It was strange, to wake up in a bed without Belle. Without even Mrs. Gold’s body, warm and soft beside him. In the month since they had started sleeping in separate bedrooms, Rumpelstiltskin still hadn’t gotten used to waking up alone. It had been a bittersweet torture to spend that much time in bed with a woman who wasn’t Belle. Being without was a milder ache, but an ache nonetheless.  
That morning, he met her going up the stairs as he was coming down. Mrs. Gold was still in her pajamas--a new pair he hadn’t seen before. She had a plate of toast in one hand and a mug of coffee in the other. So she would eat in her room before she got dressed. That was the opposite of his routine. Ever since their new arrangement, Mrs. Gold had been going out of her way to avoid him.   
He wanted to speak to her. He wanted to say something innocuous, even just “Good morning.” Something to make her turn and look at him, say anything in response. He just wanted to see Belle’s face, hear Belle’s voice.
But Mrs. Gold turned away, pressed herself against the banister, and brushed past him as quickly as she could.
Rumpelstiltskin sighed. How strange that he would miss that woman, that he would feel their estrangement so keenly. Before, he had taken for granted that Mrs. Gold wanted to please him, that she sought him out and tried to talk with him. But now she would only speak when he asked her a question. Now she kept to her room when he was in the house. She stayed away from the shop during the day. Wherever he was, his wife made a point to be somewhere else.
Considering how he had treated her, it was no less than he deserved. 
After making his breakfast, he sat alone at the far end of a long table. In silence, Rumpelstiltskin read the newspaper and tried to push from his mind how familiar a situation this was. Not with Belle. Once he had her in his castle, she had never avoided him, even when it would have been in her best interest. But before Belle. During those long centuries of isolation, when he had been an enemy of love. When his life was nothing but magic and deals and endless searching for a way to find Bae. When people were nothing but tools to be used, locks to be picked, pieces to be arranged upon a chessboard that stretched out for decades. 
Then, he had spent many mealtimes at the head of a table set for one.
When it was time to leave for the day, Mrs. Gold came down to join him. Every morning he gave her a ride into town. She usually kept her face to the window and didn’t make a sound for the whole trip. 
She wore charcoal today, a sweater-dress that wrapped snugly around her body. Gold would have sent her out in that with nothing underneath, but she had put on layers of camisoles and blouses. Most of her clothes were flimsy and skimpy, so she wore the pieces on top of each other in a haphazard effort to cover herself.
 At least she looked warm.
The clashing dark colors washed out her face, made her look even paler and sadder. She wasn’t wearing cosmetics, or any jewelry besides her wedding ring. Her thick, curly hair hung limply over her shoulders, like a shroud. 
Again, Rumpelstiltskin wanted to speak to her. But what could he say? Any comment on her appearance would seem like an attack, any inquiry to her wellbeing would be an invasion. What do you say to someone you’re no longer even pretending to love?
“What do you think you’ll do today?” he tried once they were in the car. 
She shrugged and sank further back into the seat, her arms folded over her chest. 
“Do you need money?” It seemed a heartless, mercenary solution, but it was all he could safely offer her.
And it worked. Straightening up, Mrs. Gold spoke: “Sure.”
At Storybrooke’s only stoplight, he pulled out his wallet and handed her a wad of bills.
She put them in her purse. “Since you’re paying me, I guess that means you’re satisfied with what you’re getting out of this new deal.”
Rumpelstiltskin gripped the steering wheel. No, he wasn’t satisfied at all. But he wouldn’t be satisfied until Belle was sitting next to him, talking to him. Lonely as he was, he couldn’t ask for Mrs. Gold’s time or attention. It would be too cruel to demand any devotion, when he knew he had no intention of doing the same. He couldn’t love Mrs. Gold. It would be too unfair to ask her to love him again. 
He parked the car next to the shop.“You’re doing everything I expected you would, Mrs. Gold.” 
“Great.” She zipped up her purse. “That must be why we’re both so fucking happy.”
By the time he turned to look at her, she had already unbuckled her safety belt and slammed the door. 
Rumpelstiltskin watched Mrs. Gold walk away. He could go after her, even on his cane. He could shout to get her attention. He could drive up to her and insist she get back in the car. He could make an effort to talk to her, to get her to talk to him. He could try to understand this woman, this curse-creature who occupied Belle’s body, but who seemed to have a mind of her own. He could try to get inside that mind. He could try to see who she was, now that she wasn’t pretending to be what she thought her husband wanted. 
But he did nothing. Rumpelstiltskin was a coward down to his bones. No good would come of getting to know Mrs. Gold. He couldn’t risk finding out what she thought of him, what she wanted out of this relationship. They didn’t have a relationship, they didn’t relate to each other.
He had made sure of that. 
So Rumpelstiltskin did what he had been doing every day since he’d been let out of the jail cell: He opened the pawn shop, and conducted his business, and waited for the Savior to break the curse. 
 It was dark outside, when the bell rang over the shop door. A spring storm was picking up. Wind sent leaves and debris skittering over the road and sidewalks. Thunder rumbled and heavy clouds pressed down upon the town. 
Rumpelstiltskin was polishing the collection of silver on the side counter. At the sound of the bell, he looked up. 
And froze. 
It was Jefferson. The tall, broad-shouldered young man who had transported him from world to world for a handsome fee, who had accompanied him on dozens of adventures, who had reminded him that physical pleasure could come with personal affection. The boy who had paved the way for Belle to enter his heart.
How was he here? Hadn’t he taken his family and escaped to the Disk World? Wouldn’t they have been safe there? Gold had no memories of the man who stood before him. He had no idea what Jefferson’s life had been like under the curse. Where was Leona? Where was Grace?
The longer Rumpelstiltskin looked at Jefferson, the more he saw the changes in him. He wasn’t smiling. The boyish good humor was gone. There was no dancing light in his slate blue eyes. He used to stand with his head jauntily cocked to one side, but now he looked straight ahead, level and deadly serious. The man before him looked burdened, weathered and hollowed out.
He was dressed like himself, as much as Storybrooke fashions would allow. He wore a scarf at his throat, as he used to wear a cravat over the leather collar that matched his wife’s. The clothes were well-tailored, expensive. His gray, rain-soaked overcoat had gunmetal leather lapels, very much like a coat Rumpelstiltskin had given him as a gift back in the old world. Jefferson’s scarf, shirt, and waistcoat were all different patterns, all in gray and black.   
He wasn’t wearing a hat.
The first time Rumpelstiltskin had met Jefferson, he had entrusted him with a magical hat. The boy had been running away from a woman he didn’t want to marry, a life he didn’t want to live. In his hopelessness, he had sliced a line across his throat with a knife. His dying wish had been to find a world where he could be happy. 
That was when the Dark One had made himself known. He had healed the boy’s wounds and given him a hat that would take him to every world with magic. Surely somewhere there would be happiness for a young man who had never fit the mold he had been made for. 
And ever since then, Jefferson had been at his service.
Brow lowered, gait heavy, the man approached the counter. He set both hands upon the glass top. A few of his fingers wore wide, silver rings. But no wedding ring. Was he not married in this world? What had happened to Leona Ogg? 
“Are you Mr. Gold?”
Quickly recovering from the shock of seeing Jefferson--and seeing him so changed--Rumpelstiltskin returned to his work. “That is the name on the front of the building.”
“But is it who you are?” Jefferson’s voice was different too. His tone was pointed, accusatory.  
If he was Mr. Gold, he wouldn’t put up with being spoken to that way. Rumpelstiltskin braced against his side of the counter, arming himself in businesslike courtesy. “And who might you be?”
Jefferson’s face changed as though someone had flipped a switch. He put on the mask of a wide, toothy smile that didn’t meet his eyes. Pushing back from the glass case, Jefferson took exaggerated steps around the shop. 
“They call me Dodgson around here.” His voice was too bright. “Chaz Dodgson. I’m a pilot. Normally I fly out of Boston, and I go all over the world. But lately--almost for as long as I can remember--I haven’t been able to leave this tiny town in Maine. Do you think that’s strange, Mr. Gold?”
He made his introduction with rapid-fire delivery. A machine gun, that was what they had in this world. That was the image that came to mind. Wild shooting that blasted forth in short bursts of dazzling, horrible, light. 
Then you waited for the smoke to clear, to see what would happen next. 
Rumpelstiltskin kept his composure. He made a show of looking down at the silver platter he had been polishing. He saw Jefferson’s reflection in it, warped and distorted. 
“I suppose you could say that Storybrooke is rather a strange place, Mr. Dodgson.”
A laugh then. No, a cackle. Rumpelstiltskin had done enough cackling in his time to know the difference. Jefferson let out an agitated, throaty sound that had nothing to do with humor. 
“You’re very right, Mr. Gold!” He pointed at him with a manic grin. “Maybe righter than you know!” Then his expression darkened and he turned serious. “Or maybe you’re exactly as right as you know.”
Putting down the polishing rag, Rumpelstiltskin looked up at Jefferson. “Can I help you with something, Mr. Dodgson? Is there something you’re looking for?”
“I’m looking for a lot of things,” he whispered. “And if you can’t help me, I don’t know who can.” 
What kind of game was being played here? What did “Dodgson” want with Gold? Obviously, Jefferson was speaking in a cipher. But was it his code? Or was it the curse’s? How should he respond?
He held the man’s gaze and didn’t look away. “What are you looking for?” he said softly. 
Jefferson took a step closer. He didn’t look away either. “I hope to every god it’s here, but I just don’t know.”
Finally breaking the gaze, Rumpelstiltskin began to put the polished silver away. “Do you need a gift for someone? Your wife perhaps?” 
With a smirk, Jefferson shook his head. “No, this is something I need for myself. What made you think I was married?”
“Oh, aren’t you? I apologize for the assumption.”
“No, I am.” He brought his hand to his throat. “But my wife is, uh, out of town, for now.”
“Living with her mother,” Jefferson said. “At least, I hope she’s still there. It’s been a while since I’ve seen her.”
Leona Ogg hadn’t been born in the old world. Jefferson had met her on an absurd flat planet called the Disk World, where her mother was a powerful hedge witch. Rumpelstiltskin had told them to go to that world, he had thought they would be safe there. If he could believe what Dodgson was telling him, he had only been half-right. 
Or maybe two-thirds. One of Gold’s memories flashed into his mind: A little girl, plump and blonde, with merry dark eyes. The very image of her mother. Grace. But in this world she was Paige Lewis, the adopted and cherished daughter of Tim and Mia Lewis. 
Why did he have no memories of Dodgson? Where had Jefferson been all this time, while his daughter was being raised by someone else?
“So is this an item for your children, perhaps?” He asked carefully. 
Jefferson looked at him, his blue eyes steel and stone. “No,” he said. “I told you before, this is something I need for myself, Mr. Gold.”
Shrugging, Rumpelstiltskin locked the silver behind the case and limped to the other end of the store by the cash register. “Tell me again what it was?”
 With a heavy tread, Jefferson moved to the middle of the store. “Tell me what you have.”
Rumpelstiltskin raised his hands and grinned like Gold would. “The shop’s inventory is rather extensive,” he said. “If I were to go through an itemized list, we’d be here for quite some time.”
“Alright then,” Jefferson said grimly. “Tell me what you think I need.”
He looked him over again, more than willing to play this game. “An umbrella, perhaps? The rain looks quite nasty.”
“Oh, it’s mad as a March hare, as they say. But I don’t need an umbrella.” He took a step forward. “I need something quite personal. Long-lasting, durable.”
“Maybe a set of luggage then. Didn’t you say you were a traveler?”
“I haven’t gone traveling in a long time.” Jaw clenched, Jefferson took another step closer to Rumpelstiltskin. “For a long time, I wasn’t even able to leave my house.”
Not able? For how long?
“Were you ill, Mr. Dodgson?”
“Yeah.” He grinned without humor. “I was sick in the head. An absolute nutter. I suffered from delusions. Memories that weren’t mine, a life that I had never lived. Can you imagine that, Mr. Gold? Can you imagine?”
“No,” Rumpelstiltskin lied. “Though it looks like you’re doing well now.”
“You trust your eyes?” Jefferson let out a short, stuttering laugh that sounded like he did actually find something funny. “I thought you were smarter than that!”
He straightened up. “What are you looking for, sir?” After a moment’s hesitation, he added, “I can’t help you if you aren’t honest.”
The last few steps to the counter were a stagger. Jefferson almost fell against the display case and stayed bent over. “Don’t you want to know how long I was trapped in my house?” He looked up at him. His eyes were soft now, teary. “How long I was trapped in my own double-mind?”
Rumpelstiltskin’s mouth opened. It couldn’t be. Surely Jefferson couldn’t have suffered like that. Surely even this curse was not that cruel.
He set his hand next to Jefferson’s, not quite close enough to touch. “My boy,” he whispered. “Tell me what you need.”
“Not a spouse, I have one of those.” He seemed exhausted, breathless. “Not a child either. Not a lover or an employer or a benefactor.” Desperate eyes poured into him. “I don’t need a loan shark or a pawnbroker or a landlord.” Still staring, Jefferson took Rumpelstiltskin’s hand and gripped it with all his strength. “I don’t need a genius or a wizard or the fucking Dark One!” That last phrase was said in a gritted whisper. It seemed to take everything out of him. “So you tell me,” he panted. “What do I need?”
For a moment, Rumpelstiltskin said nothing. For the second time in just a few minutes, he felt the shock of seeing Jefferson again. And this man was Jefferson, inside and out. He was awake. He was suffering. He needed…
“A friend,” he answered the question at last. “Is that what you came in here to find?”
Slowly straightening up, Jefferson nodded. “Is there one here?”
“Yes.” If it weren’t for his cane and the glass case between them, he would have embraced the boy like he used to. “Yes, Jefferson. I’m here.”  
He covered his face with his hands and broke down sobbing. For a moment, Rumpelstiltskin couldn’t move. How should he respond to this? What could he do?
He could do what he couldn’t do with Mrs. Gold. He could comfort this man. His friend.
Ankle throbbing, he walked to the other side of the counter. Jefferson looked up, his blue eyes brimming with tears. This was the Jefferson that Rumpelstiltskin had known. The boy he had rescued on that fateful day in the forest. One of the rare souls whose desperation filled his dark heart with pity, and not contempt.  
“My boy,” he whispered. He opened his arms and Jefferson embraced him. 
Though Jefferson was taller than Rumpelstiltskin, the Dark One had always wielded the power in their relationship. It was the only way he had felt safe. Their physical dimensions hadn’t changed, but marrying Belle had rearranged Rumpelstiltskin’s perspective on safety and power. He let the bigger man hug him, envelop him in his need. He drew strength from Jefferson’s strength. Even though Jefferson was younger and bigger and fitter than Gold, he had come to him for help.
And Rumpelstiltskin would do everything he could to help him. 
When they parted, he held Jefferson’s face in his hands. Coarse stubble prickled against his palms. Full lips parted slightly. Rumpelstiltskin wiped away his tears with his thumbs. 
“How did this happen?” he asked softly. “Why didn’t you go to the Disk World?”
“We did.” Jefferson sniffed. Rumpelstiltskin took the silk pocket square out of his suit coat to give him. “We left as soon as we could. We lived there for months. But one night, I went to sleep next to Leo in Nanny Ogg’s cottage, and the next morning I woke up alone in a massive house I couldn’t leave.”
“You said that before. You couldn’t leave?”
He shook his head. “For twenty-eight years!” His face twisted and he pulled away. Rumpelstiltskin didn’t lower his hands. “You were locked in the curse, but I was locked in that house. I knew who I was, I remembered everything, I remembered too much!”
He rested his hand on his damp coat. “So that’s where Dodgson came from?”
Jefferson nodded, took a breath. “I had two lives in my head,” he whispered. “They both seemed impossible to the other. There were… months where I didn’t know what was real. In Discworld there was a poet who dreamed that he was a butterfly, and when he woke up, he didn’t know if he was a man who dreamed he was a butterfly, or a butterfly who was dreaming he was a man. That was my life. For a very long time.”
“Jefferson.” He squeezed his arm. “I’m so sorry.”
He looked at him, his expression drained. “No one else in this town was like that. Believe me, I had a lot of time to look around. Any theories as to why I was so lucky?”
He shook his head. “It’s Regina’s curse, maybe she--”
“It’s your curse,” he interrupted. “I’ve had some time to think about that. Regina is powerful, but she couldn’t have made something like this. That had to be you.”
He took a step back, resting both hands on his cane. Twenty-eight years of isolation, of knowing that time wasn’t moving, but being aware of every moment. Twenty-eight years in a world he didn’t understand, separated from the people who mattered most to him. 
Utterly alone.
No wonder Jefferson had changed. 
He couldn’t fool him anymore. He didn’t want to. The poor boy deserved better than that. He deserved the truth.
“It was my curse,” he admitted. “Regina cast it, but I created it. That doesn’t mean I have any control over it.”
“How is that possible?” Jefferson growled. “How can you, of all people, not have control  over everything?”
“Because, my boy, all magic comes at a price. The curse that destroyed our world and created this town is the most powerful piece of spellmaking I’ve ever touched. Part of casting it was sacrificing the heart of the thing you love most--and there are more prices yet to pay. I’m not willing to lose everything, but Regina was. So it is her curse. She rules this land until it breaks.”
Jefferson’s jaw clenched. “You said something like that before, back home. You said something about a Savior. It’s that Sheriff, isn’t it? The woman with the yellow bug?”
Rumpelstiltskin blinked. “How did you know that?”
“She came to town in October. That’s when things started changing around here. The clock on the library started moving, people started doing things they haven’t done before--not in twenty-eight years of living the same lives. Now there are people in town now I’ve never seen before.” 
“Who?” Rumpelstiltskin asked. “The only new person I’ve seen is Emma.”
Jefferson shrugged. “There’s the guy carrying on with the schoolteacher, I don’t know who he is.”
“That’s Prince Charming,” he explained. “He was in the hospital until just after Emma came to town, in a coma.” 
“Weren’t you all?” Jefferson said dryly. “Okay, I’ve got another one for you. Around New Year’s, a guy rode in on a motorcycle, definitely an out-of-towner. He stuck around too. Do you know who he is?”
Rumpelstiltskin’s lips parted, but he said nothing. A stranger came into Storybrooke? That shouldn’t have happened. This place was supposed to be isolated from the rest of the Land Without Magic. The only people who could enter were people who were already connected to the old world, people who were born there. 
But if there was a young man who could enter the town freely, who had willingly stayed in this cursed place...
Before he could ask Jefferson more questions, the bell over the shop door rang again. 
“My God, it is cats and dogs out there!” Mrs. Gold stood on the front carpet. Water dripped off the plastic shopping bags in her hands. The rain had plastered all her thin layers against her skin. She looked bedraggled and cold, and Rumpelstiltskin’s first desire was to get her out of those wet things and into a bath, to give her hot chocolate and wrap her in a blanket.
It was only when Jefferson took a step back that Rumpelstiltskin realized how close they had been. Too close for any two men to be standing together in this world, and far too close for Gold to allow anyone who wasn’t wearing handcuffs. 
Mrs. Gold’s crystalline eyes took in the sight of them. Jefferson clutched Gold’s pocket square in his fist. Rumpelstiltskin’s hands still held out in mid-air, reaching for the younger man’s body. In an endless instant, he saw the shock on her face, the realization, the anger.
Then he saw her close herself off. It was like the turn of a lock, or the extinguishing of a flame. She went dead behind the eyes. When she spoke, her voice was thin.
“Sorry to interrupt your business, Mr. Gold. I just needed to come in out of the rain.”
“Of course,” he said automatically. He was too stunned to move. “But you weren’t interrupting anything, Mrs. Gold.”
Her lips pressed together at that. She said nothing, but looked up and down the length of Jefferson’s body. Then she moved past them both to get to the back of the shop. 
Once she was behind the curtain, Rumpelstiltskin allowed himself to sigh. Closing his eyes, he shook his head. Though that was not the worst way this situation could have gone, it was still far from optimal. 
Jefferson let out a low whistle. With a meaningful glance to the back office, he said: “So can I expect your call about the merchandise I requested?”
Limping back to the cash register, Rumpelstiltskin pulled out a notepad and a pen. He passed them over the counter to Jefferson.  “Certainly, Mr. Dodgson. If you’ll give me your address, I can have it delivered to your house.”
He wrote down a series of numbers and an address: 316 Angus Drive. “Just let me know when it’s ready.” His voice lowered. “I’ll be waiting.”
Rumpelstiltskin nodded. “As soon as I can, my boy.”   
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