#uh this isn't anti but.... idk
psychologeek · 3 months
I love your work and fics but because of your support of the genocide in Gaza Strip I am unable to truly continue supporting you.
I know that you believe that supporting the Palestinians is anti-semitic but if you learned about these topics you would know. Zionism is inherently anti-semitic itself, Zionism is a political philosophy that was first created in the 1600s by anti-Semitic Christians who believed Jews from all over the world should be expelled and gathered in one place. And then Theodor Herzl, an atheist, adopted Zionism to find a "suitable country" to colonize, and several countries were suggested: Uganda, Argentina, Cyprus, and Madagascar. But with Jews' rejection and with the support of Western politicians, Zionism secured their interests in the resources of the Middle East, thus Palestine.
Maybe if you learned what it was like to see through the eyes of people like Bisan Owda, Wael Al-Dahdouh, Motaz Azaiza, Hind Khoudary, or maybe even the six year old Hind Rajab who died after traveling through a "Safe Zone" with her family and being stuck in a car with their bodies for 12 days.
This is not a war. This is a genocide. I'm not asking you to change overnight, but knowing the full truth of what Israel is doing under the same excuses that you're telling yourself will help you understand what's really going on.
Thanks for the compliment? I think? 
Uh, ok, this isn't about my writing - this is about you complaining about my thoughts and experiences. Cool.
Edit: I have to admit that I'm curious what brought this up. Was it the A/N in "Some of Them (want you)" (a Damian-centric fic), and the mention of the bombed hospital in Israel? Raising awareness to the facts refugees need to bribe their way into Egypt to save their lives? (From Sudan and Gaza)? Was it the mention of the war in Kurdistan? Or maybe it was the way I talked about the Iranian regime, and how Baluchistan and Akhwaz are a flame?
Or perhaps it was the PSA in "Who am I? (to disappear)", in which I tried to remind ppl that watching and passing forward videos of ppl being tortured/killed/sexually assaulted is a bad thing. Do you not agree with the sentiment?
Or maybe you just don't like Cass. That's probably another option
Anyway -
Support genocide etc.
A. I do not support genocide.
B. What's happening in Gaza rn isn't genocide. It's war. And the use of that term is very disrespectful and dismissive to other places, in which there IS, actually, a genocide.
C. That being said, I don't support war. I don't support death. And I really wish this wouldn't happen.
I Don't??? Think?? Supporting Palestine is antisemic??? 
I do think that pro-palestine rallies with chants like "Gas the Jews" and harrasing jews and Jewish place ARE antisemic, yes.
If you need that difference explicitly said, I guess you should look at the rallies and pro-p things you're talking about.
"But if you learned about these topics"
Because of course - my knowledge, as part of a minority group, of a subject that is INHERENTLY related to in-group topics, and the what I learnt from people in-group are obviously less relevant than what you, oh great saviour, has learnt through Tik-Tok.
"Zionism is inherently anti-semitic itself"
Do you even understand how ignorant saying that is??
Do you understand how much this is propaganda?
"I believe that (Jewish people right to self-determination and live peacefully) is a bad thing" - do you even hear yourself?? 
"Zionism.... was first created in the 1600s by anti-Semitic Christians who believed Jews from all over the world should be expelled and gathered in one place. "
No. Just don't.
Idk - maybe this is what they teach in America or idk where, right next to "jews, Muslims and Christians lived peacefully before the evil Zionists colonisers " (look up the massacres in Zfad, the massacre and ethnic cleansing of Habron, Gush Etzion, Gaza-several cleansing btw).
Anyway, Zionism in the older form (yearning to go back Home, Eretz Israel as the Jewish homeland, and a connection between God-People-Land) is one of the first things in the Jewish narrative.
Practically, the Jewish calander is SoLunal calander that based on the seasons, weather, and agriculture in the levant.
Religiously - jews prayed to go back to "build Jerusalem" every year since the 2nd temple was destroyed. We kept practicing traditions and Mitzvahs that are related to the connection to the spesific area.
(And there always, always been jews going to Israel.)
Herzel's thoughts and actions to create the Zionist movement came after he watched the Dreyfus trial and realised that jews will always be haunted and discriminated BECAUSE of their Jewishness. So if you want a place without this, you gotta make a Jewish state.   (There are many kinds of Zionism,  I go with this as a general and simple explanation.)
(more about why this is problematic undercut)
"You don't know what it's like" -
What. The. Fuck.
You said you came here via my fics. 
I'm sorry.
Did you miss the whole long AF a/n I wrote in the last months??
About my personal experiences with war?? 
Both current (the whole saga with physical/mental safety, the evacuation, losing my glasses, etc. ??)
And previous (being bombed and evacuation 1 as a kid. My first PTSD. Terror attack and PTSD number 2 (ft. dead babies. Fun times). Rockets, more rockets, war, friends hurt in terror attack, friends-of-friends DIE in terror attack, more wars, etc.
(And that's not even the reason I was suicidal since young teen).
"This isn't war, it's genocide"
I'm sorry, do you remember how it fucking started?? How it continues?? How there are still FUCKING ROCKETS AIMED AT Israel??
Yes. This is sad. People shouldn't die in war. 
In fact, I truly believe that death-machines and people should not be near each other.
**Which is why I'm so mad at the fact non one's talking or doing anything to make Egypt open the fucking borders and let ppl through without having to bribe their life out**
" the full truth of what Israel is doing"
You, who's purely immune to Propaganda, of course.
You sure knows much more then me - who, you know, the one who ACTUALLY LIVE THROUGH this, and actually familiar with the history of the country and conflict (no, it didn't start in 1948. Not even in 1918. It was way earlier.)
(And just as you mention - have you heard about Ellin (9) and  Eithan (5) Kapshiter? They were shoot in the car with their entire family.
Ellin was considered missing for 2 weeks, before her body was identified. That was a couple of hours after her family's funeral.
For some reason, I didn't see any "where's Ellin?" On Tumblr.
Oh, and do you remember Kfir and Ariel Bibas? Kfir just had his first birthday.
They are still held captive, btw. For some reason, I don't see anyone in the "ceasefire now" crowd talking about how CRUCIAL it is that Hamas bring back the people they, you know, kidnapped. That they should get medical attention and visits from the RC. 
In fact, in the last hostage deal, this was something Hamas refused to include.)
Calling it genocide is problematic in many ways. Including for the people who suffer from this war.
Calling it genocide allows the the activism to be mostly anti-Israel, instead of pro-palestine.
For example, focusing the efforts on "stopping Israel" and "Israel is bad" and "boycott Israel", instead of "how do we save lives" and "why Egypt not opening the borders".
Less "ceasefire now!" (Though a good target) And "defund Israel!"
More "release the hostages and let humanitarian aid in".
(not to mention that all those efforts, for some reason, never go to other places and other people who suffer. Never even go to Palestinian in refugees camps - in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria.)
If someone tells you "a (very important thing in a minority's group culture) was actually created by (A majority group) as a (bad thing)", then you have one of those options: It's a lie, reclaiming, and "yes but no" .
1. It's a lie - aka: Just bc you didn't know about it, doesn't mean it's not real. (Sort of like the term of "dark ages" - that come to portray the intellectual darkness in Europe between the fall of Rome and the Renaissance. Though it wasn't the same if you look at non-european history.)
And in a simpler example-  Pasta! Usually considered "Italian", but only got there at 4th century BC. Evidences in China during the Shang Dynasty (1700-1100 BC). There was also African form of pasta, made of kamut crop. 
2. Reclaiming (see "queer" - was used as a general term, then a slur, going back to an Identity.)
3. Yes, but actually no (take for example sign language (s) - languages, as community languages, started to form when schools-for-deaf became a thing. Residential schools, where the students lived together and worked together ehad to learn to communicate.
Then they learn sign language - of the area/country/etc.
It doesn't mean that "Hearing created SL". The languages were built from home-signs (look at the difference between simple words, like "eat" in different SLs - like brit vs. Japanese) , and gained depth through the creation of Deaf communities. 
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otherkinberry · 1 month
Warning: syscorse
Uhhh sooo syscorse. Can someone explain it to me?/gq It can be here or on dms.
Questions down below.
(I'm posting it here so I can actually get an answer, because I have a bit of a following here.)
Here are my questions
-why are endos bad?
-why do people hate endos so much?
-how are they mocking systems?
-Am I anti or pro endo? (My beliefs are down bellow)
Background about me:
I've been trying to keep kind of "I don't want to talk about it bc I don't understand it" and trying to remove myself from it immediately.
But I do want to understand it. At the same time, everytime I go to the tags, it's just everyone yelling at each other and I don't understand anything. And I don't want to be yelled at either lol. I'm actually pretty scared to post this.
My beliefs till now:
-Can they exist?
Ok, uh so, I don't think it matters if I think if endos are real or not? Like, it's not my identity, I don't know them. And that's why I want to know if and how they are hurting the DID/OSDD comunity.
-Are they fakers?
I personally believe they're not. But you can think that they're not real and faking all you want, but have some manners. Don't go out invalidating others. You wouldn't do it irl, so don't do it online.(This sounds like I'm mad but I'm not)
"They fake having DID" but they never said that though...?/gq isn't the term "endo" made to differentiate them from disordered systems?
My opinion on them rn:
I've asked around irl a bit, and it turns out a bunch of teenagers don't give out the best concise answers. So the closest I've gotten to an answer is:
They need their own spaces. traumagenic systems want their own spaces and I think that's valid, sure, they can, and should intersect sometimes, but not as much as they do now. That's why I considered myself sort of anti endo until now. Idk if I'm anti endo tho??? What does my belief classify as?
we can't prove if they're real or not, because studies don't really 100% discard the idea of them being real. As far as I understand, they just haven't done research around endos. They don't fit in the research, because the researchers don't think about endos when doing the research.
And I don't think it's really your, or my space to say what someone is or isn't. If someone calls themselves an endo, but are actually a did system, who cares?
"But they need help because they have trauma!!" yeah!! I agree, but even traumagenic beings don't get help sometimes. Endos can be in treatment and still identify as endogenic. Idk, in the end, everyone has their own process and recovery time.
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everyonehasthoughts · 1 month
hi cas. pls answer my questions
To preface this I have only been on the outskirts of this fandom for a hot minute but because you asked me so nicely to reblog this I will give my two cents
❤ mischaracterized by the fandom
I'd I had to say that anyone was most mischaracterized it would have to be hm. Dame Alina. They hate to see a woman winning. She's very much written to seem like a bee eye tee see ach but like. If my boyfriend dumped me for a girl 100 years younger then me I'd be pissed too.
🧡 popular theory I disagree with
I don't actually know any current theories you'd have to send me some and I'll see if I agree with them
💛 popular ship I can't get behind
I've seen a large amount of Fitz and Marella shippers right now (lavacake?) And you know I respect the hustle but they're gay girlbesties to me I just can't see them dating. Otherwise I was literally the pioneer of every poly ship ever back in the early days. Multishipper Supreme
💚 what does everyone else get wrong abt your fave character
That Fitz is well adjusted. Or that his attitude problems somehow manifested out of nowhere and he was definitely not affected by his tumultuous childhood and borderline abuse but you didn't hear that from me
I would need to take a deeper look but if it's anything like it used to be probably everything the fandom thinks abt dex.
💙 - not as hot as everyone thinks
I would have to say uhmmmmmm kenric (pun not intended) I never vibed with him
💜 - hotter then everyone thinks
Bronte. He could get it
🤍 - not as morally bad
This is a difficult thing I would have to say uh. Idk do Sophie antis still exist? She can do whatever she wants forever. Fitz and probably Linh as well based on how she acted in the last book. Alina also since I said that before
🖤 - more morally bad
Literally every adult that isn't Grady, Edaline, Juline, Kesler and Della
💖 - unpopular opinion
Apparently thinking Alden is a bad father is unpopular atm so there's that. Also disliking forkle maybe he's always given me rancid vibes. Also I would like to say i think alden being a bad or not great guy would be a fantastic writing decisions
💔 main character you would remove
Lol. Forkle. Either one of them. Or both
💕unpopular ship you like
Is there such thing as an unpopular ship? I was pretty sure we were a great multishipping fandom. I like sofitz! And Fitz and Linh
📖 book you would take away
This new one that's coming out lol. I really don't care abt whatever Keefe got up to
🏳️‍🌈 fandom thinks they're queer but you don't see it
It's impossible for me to not see the possibility of queerness in everyone
💀 who should die
I'd say forkle but he's technically dead. I also don't want alden dead because I think the story would be really cool if she leaned into him being a bit nefarious. Lady Gisela probably cuz like. Idk how she keeps surviving this shit. Mostly for the dead to stay dead this isnt supernatural
Welcome to discussion abt any of this but BE NICE it's a book series. I respect your opinions, please respect mine
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In the mood to give my weird, probably biased WOY hot take rn so here it goes: Wander and Hater would not last in a romantic relationship.
Like, I do GET the appeal of them as a pairing? It's enemies to lovers! Everybody loves a good enemies to lovers. Plus, WOY really LOVES doing that thing where they throw a LOT of romance coding into non-romantic relationships(Deathglare gets a lot of this too lmao), and Wander is just like. Weirdly flirty? With Hater especially but also just in general. Like I get the impression that that man fucks. He and Jeff have probably had a one-night stand. But I don't think their personalities are compatible for a long-term romantic relationship.
First of all: they're both really impulsive and flighty. Which I guess could work in a relationship if both partners were completely insync with eachother, but Wander and Hater. Aren't. They are not. Plus, putting two people with short attention spans together with nobody to keep them in check is a RECIPE for disaster. There's also Hater's temper, which I don't think any amount of character development would be able to take out completely, and Wander's penchant for frustrating. Everybody. He is a very frustrating person to be around. And while I don't think a long-term romantic SkeletonDance would turn ABUSIVE, like that is ABSOLUTELY taking it too far, I do think it would be VERY unstable. They have the EXACT wrong traits in common, and the traits they DON'T have in common just straight up don't mesh well. I could see them getting together impulsively, because there is some chemistry there, but eventually the relationship would deteriorate from a combination of opposing values and goals, mutual short attention spans, and Wander getting on Hater's nerves. They'd break up, and depending on the circumstances it could end up VERY MESSY. They work better, in the long term, as friends then as romantic partners.
SO, now to address my biases, because there are a few, and I think it's important to acknowledge any potential flaws in your perspective while making an argument. First one being: I just prefer other Hater ships? Like yall know me, I'm a Deathglare girlie til the end lmfao. They're LITERALLY my OTP, you can see the influence the pairing has had on me in pretty much every other ship I've obsessed over since. But like... I'm also a multishipper, and Deathglare isn't exempt from that. I don't have any alternate pairings for Peepers(because he doesn't really interact w/ anybody outside of the main 4 and Dom for some reason and I don't like him w/ any of them except Hater), but I DO have a pretty big one for Hater, and that's Skullhunter(Hater x Ripov). Idk I just think they're kinda cute! And uh. Also a rarepair. Like there's NO content for them omfg- probably because Ripov only had one episode and there are already much more popular Hater pairings... bUT I'm getting off topic, what does this have to do with my potential anti-Skeletondance bias? Well, both of my Hater ships are VASTLY overshadowed by Skeletondance. Like I think Skeletondance is the MAIN pairing in the WOY fandom, and both of my prefered Hater ships kinda get left in the dust, at least in terms of content volume. I believe that at least part of what leads people to hate on popular things in a desire to have what THEY like be mainstream so it's easier to find a community, and I am not exempt from that. I generally like to believe I'm neutral on Skeletondance overall, but there might be some subconcious jelousy directed towards people who prefer Skeletondance that makes me think the pairing just wouldn't work. Also, I headcannon Wander as aromantic, which definitely influences my interpretation of their relationship akrngosmfmekkfoemfke
So uh, yeah. That's why I don't think Skeletondance would work long term, plus a little dissection of things that might've skewed my perspective a bit! Idk why I made this tbh, I might be going insane-
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sterekshaven · 16 days
I don't get it... like, fucked up as in fucked up(tm) or as in problematic? because ohhhh boy.
What's the point lol. The other day I saw other poll blog with a ''proshipers don't interact'' among other rude things on the bio. .... mind you, the polls were ship polls. Like?
i am genuinely so fucking tired of the antis and the purity culture and people who can't differentiate fiction from reality. i don't think this one is actually very anti or purity oriented at all (considering what it's about), but fandom in general has been so gd affected by it all that even fucking Sterek is considered a "problematic" ship by far too many people.
that same blog had another most fucked up ship tournament in February too, and they had Sterek in it back then too, and i'm just gonna add some of my own tags from my reblog of that here:
#there isn't even any propaganda as to why they're so fucked up #like they're competing against ships like Wincest and Hannigram #so we have these codependent Actual Brothers who are obsessed with each other #and we have this Serial Killer who gaslights and manipulates his bf and tries to frame him for murder and stabs him and plans to eat him #and then we have Sterek! where uh well Derek is a lil older than Stiles and Derek's family died so he's a bit sad i guess? #oh and yeah they don't always agree on everything either! #jeez so fucked up!
just. HOW. the fuck. does Sterek even come close to comparing to that? (and i say this as both a Wincest and a Hannigram shipper, i'm not dissing them at all, i'm just fucking flabbergasted x'D)
ANYWAY. i checked the blog for any sort of info about it, and all i could find (okay i maybe didn't look very hard) was an ask they got about it, copy pasting that one too:
Hi, are we voting for which fucked up pairing is worse? Or which fucked up pairing we like more? Or is everyone voting for whatever reason they like?
I do intend for the first reason, but I’m alright with the third one too haha
so yeah, idk. i mean, sure, i'd say both Stiles and Derek are pretty fucked up (though not much compared to other characters *looking at Wincest and Hannigram again*), what with their trauma etc, but the ship itself? no. just no.
but i have also been called a pedophile for shipping them (lets not get into how angry it makes me that people misuse that word so fucking badly), so it's gotta be "Problematic" right? *bangs head against wall*
okay, i've ranted enough, so to answer your question: fuck if i know *shrugs* x'D
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cursedvibes · 1 month
Kaori and Jin itadori for the character ask
Thanks for the ask! This is interesting because both of them are basically 80-100% headcanon. We barely know anything about them.
Sexuality Headcanon:
Hm, I think she dabbled a bit with girls in her youth (maybe also because of societal pressure), but ultimately leans more towards men. I imagine her and Jin got together quite early, end of highschool/early university maybe, so she didn't experiment all that much with other people. Doesn't mean the two didn't have their own fun together though.
Gender Headcanon:
Since we know nothing about her, I have just decided that she is a trans woman. Who is gonna proof me wrong? Her and Jin were thinking a lot about what approach to take with family planning. Kaori didn't care that much either way, but she still tried to look for options for Jin's sake. That's when Kenjaku came in and offered her a womb transplant. Unfortunately, she didn't get to use it much.
A ship I have with said character:
Well, uh, Jin. Also I'm not gonna lie, I have been thinking about her and Kenjaku as well, especially after we found out that they still hold onto her CT. I could absolutely see Kenjaku creeping up on her when scouting for a new body and maybe even try to hit on both her and Jin.
A BROTP I have with said character:
Uh idk, Wasuke? I imagine he was at first a bit sceptical of Jin being in a relationship with her because of some latent transphobia and homophobia, but he got over it pretty quickly and became one of her biggest supporters, even after death. You could say he always showed more concern for her than Jin.
A NOTP I have with said character:
Don't really have any. Not many people shipping her anyway.
A random headcanon:
Because of her CT and I think it would be funny if both of Yuuji's mothers would be into STEM, I think she was a physicist and working on actual anti-gravity devices. So she was a bit of a mad scientist herself.
General Opinion over said character:
I'm not sure I can have much of an opinion on her with how little we know, but what we do know is very intriguing and leaves a lot of room for speculation. Hopefully, we will learn more about her when we get into Yuuji's origins.
Sexuality Headcanon:
Kind of similar to Kaori, although I would say he's more firmly bisexual, he just doesn't have that much experience with men. Certainly not in terms of actual relationships.
Gender Headcanon:
Cis man. Not really the ideal societal image of one with his very polite and submissive soft or unassuming attitude and focus on being primarily a father. But I imagine that's what Kaori and Kenjaku liked about him (for different reasons).
A ship I have with said character:
Mainly just Kaori and Kenjaku. His relationship with Kenjaku is still so fascinating. I really hope it was willful ignorance that kept him by Kenjaku's side and made him pull through with having a child with them. He knows something is wrong, that this isn't Kaori, but he's just so desperate to have a family and a child and might not know how to handle the grief over Kaori, that he just ignores the many red flags Kenjaku is waving in his face. Him just being under some illusion or mind-manipulation CT would be really boring and remove so much agency from him. Let him be a fucked up, slightly obsessive husband to his evil wife!
A BROTP I have with said character:
idk, I don't think he has many friends
A NOTP I have with said character:
Honestly, just Toji. I don't see that at all. It's not even aesthetically appealing to me. They both have children and that's pretty much the only thing that connects them. I don't know why Toji would be interested in Jin and vice-versa.
A random headcanon:
He's still alive lol...no, I think he would have shown up already if that was the case. If he is, he's a really shitty father for letting Yuuji go through all that. Another hc would be that I think he never got that well along with his father, the situation with Kaori was just the tipping point that pushed them into actual hostility. But I imagine divorced/widowed Wasuke wasn't the best dad, especially because he seems to have a gambling addiction that probably didn't get any better with his grief.
General Opinion over said character:
Little fucked up guy, but really interesting. What little we saw of him in canon makes him come off kinda creepy in the stepford smile kind of way in my opinion and I like that about him. I mean he must've charmed Kenjaku somehow and what better way to do that than by being a little insane.
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adhdsocialist · 8 months
ok so saw a post recently that implied that thing again where critiques even jokey ones of usamericans are always completely void of nuance. and uh. i dont think thats true.
I just dont really like how I'm not allowed to live my life without understanding the cultural and sociopolitical intricacies (and culture) of a country I'm never going to visit, that don't expand my understanding of my own country's culture and history, coming from people who have no interest in learning about my country at all.
I dont know any of you and you have no interest in knowing me. My ability to spot american anti-blackness isn't helpful in a country with a different kind of anti-blackness.
Its an expectation of American ideas from the citizens of a country whose governments goal is colonialism and a frustration to not fall into the category of people who automatically understand Americanisms.
I dont know what Walmart is but i've Never Needed To Care. How is saying 'I'm not actually interested in every monster energy drink because its the worst brand on the market here' dismissive of American minority groups. I dont really care and its weird to insist that me trying to curate an online experience relevant to me is Xenophobic. idk. block me if its upsetting.? Theres literally millions more people in your country to interact with, and likely a couple thousand young people here who are willing to memorise this shit, but I'm not super interested personally.
'oh no perry hates americans' NO! perry hates having important info about his immediate surroundings squished because he is required by the internet to know about Joe Biden. its just funnier/easier/less frustrating to say 'lol americans are annoying' when this occurs.
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honeybooboo04 · 1 year
Mmh I have been seeing certain takes online lately and uh... I have some thoughts
Yeah I used to be the #1 Namor hater but I feel like a lot of "anti nashuris" aren't treating him like fleshed out character. He's just the mom killer to them.
From the little I remember from my first watch. Neither Talokan or wakanda have bad motives but namor definitely isn't any good at diplomacy.
Yeah he killed ramonda and a few wakandans but that's what happens when u invade someone's territory and kill some of their ppl too.
U might say "yeah but he kidnapped shuri" but am not sure I even agree with that. Cause shuri didn't have to go to talokan, she requested to go and stay because she didn't want riri to die. That's purely her choice. Namor wasn't dangling riris life in front of her face to coerce her into staying.
And we might go back even further but it's all useless and we realize each character was really doing their best according to their trauma and/or the information they had at the time. Ramonda, namor, riri etc...
A lot of ppl act like namor's actions aren't justified but forget that he doesn't care abt anyone but his ppl. ramonda and riri might be dear to the audience but to him they are just threats reminding him of the very reason his ppl have to hide. So I understand his pov tbh even if I don't agree with the way he handled the situation.
Anyways Idk. The namor "oppressor" rethoric just don't sit right with me.
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ipsen · 4 months
Noro and Tatara for the latest character ask please?
a necrophilia ship ask, huh... i'll try my best! LOL
when I started shipping it if I did: literally never heard of this ship until you brought it up. very interesting, if a bit difficult to do so
my thoughts: well, it's another black and white aesthetic-type ship, and features the two quietest aogiri members. They're both very efficient in their own ways, and i like the image of tatara helping noro feed since the latter is... out of commission. tatara learning to care for a walking corpse because everyone he loves is already dead... there's something there.
What makes me happy about them: Well that's pretty easy. clears throat
What makes me sad about them: they can't kiss with all the masks and rotting skin :(
things done in fanfic that annoys me: what fanfics
things I look for in fanfic: WHAT FANFICS
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: houji and shiono, i guess? i don't know.
My happily ever after for them: A quiet life, much like their demeanors, and surrounded by those who care about them, even if it doesn't amount to much.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: tatara is the big spoon.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: relaxing in silence. there's a comfort to being understood without speaking.
:P here's the character versions
How I feel about this character: Eto's dad, and an underexplored individual. I write him like he holds a few anti-imperialistic views that Eto would eventually inherit, since a journal from a dead woman isn't enough in my eyes. Also was extremely intelligent and only really lacked a proper education.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Uh...
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Him and Eto! I think they're neat together :]
My unpopular opinion about this character: Uh...... he's not very scary....?
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wanted his backstory with Eto explored. I need to know his parallels to Ryouko Fueguchi right now.
my OTP: him and shiono :] (half joking)
my cross over ship: none
a headcanon fact: when eto was at the orphanage, he pretended to be a stuffed mannequin in the corner of the broom closet. also, when he was noroi, he made a mean hamburger steak.
How I feel about this character: very cool! he should get his own spinoff series because he's almost a main character in like, a shounen or something i dunno LOL
All the people I ship romantically with this character: scratches head i mean kousuke houji is right there. why not. i intimately get it. i wonder why. also putting in a vote for one-sided etora. i want him prostrating himself before her, only for her to do nothing about it. i want that man like a doused, wounded dog.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: him and ayato :] little brother stand-in.
My unpopular opinion about this character: i guess... i like that he was killed by t-owl? giving him his wish of dying at houji's hand while allowing him to "get away" with all the things he did to get there would be kinda messed up.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I want to know about his relationships with arima and eto. who were they to him, and how did he fit into aogiri's power structure?
my OTP: sure i'll say houtata
my cross over ship: idk
a headcanon fact: he got his mouth sewn shut by eto, but she grew bored and never really finished the job. take that as you will.
thanks for the ask! LOL
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renthony · 2 years
i want to chime in as another person- my mind was changed on NPD years ago but it was only because of like, real human people talking about their actual experiences that helped me realize it was not The Evil Disorder (TM) in the same way that I realized ASPD wasn't THe Evil Disorder (TM). I guess I was maybe more likely to realize something was up because i also hit a bunch of the diagnostic criteria for it but like, when literally all you hear is "narcissist just means someone is a self centered asshole" it's hard to realize that that's not actually what it is at all.
and they for real taught us that shit in school. we had a whole discussion about the myth of narcissus and how obviously that hurt ~everyone else~ more than narcissus, even though he literally starved to death and turned into a flower. it took me until i was like 17 and someone else went "hey thats kind of fucked up" before i was like oh yeah. that was probably not something he did for fun huh
idk where i'm going with this but i respect the hell out of you being willing to brave the internet goblins and be like "stop being an asshole about ppl with npd" because its gotta hurt way more when people are being an asshole about something you actually got. i made like one or two posts ages ago about the "narc abuse" ableist bullshit and i remember it being enough of a headache even when it completely and totally was not personal for me bc i do not have it
oh uh idk im sure you know this but for the people in the back sitting around, aspd is antisocial personality disorder and people with aspd are also not evil malicious serial killers in waiting or whatever the ~common interpretation~ is and people with aspd are just as capable of being good friends and normal ass people who don't run around cackling evilly or whatever and kicking puppies, just like anyone else. but buying into ableist mythology about people's diagnoses is absolutely going to cut you off from other regular people who are just living their lives and is also associated with higher rates of violence against other people :,) bigots kill
To be honest, a large chunk of the reason I get so vocal about NPD is because of how bad the ableism has wormed its way into my head. It's pretty much a daily occurrence that my housemates have to remind me that asking for help isn't manipulative and that I'm not being an evil little monster just for needing reassurance. Anti-cluster-B ableism curls up in your head and feeds on all your insecurities and struggles and it's so, so goddamn hard to deal with.
I can't ask for help getting out of bed on high pain days without getting paranoid that I've somehow manipulated my husband into being my reluctant servant. Doesn't matter how many times he reminds me that he's here because he loves me, and how helping me out of bed is an expression of that love. The internalized ableism still makes me so deeply fucking afraid that I'm the shitty one.
I have a daffodil tattooed on my head as part of my big floral scalp piece, and it's for Narcissus. Ovid's version of the story is the one that's always stuck with me the most, where Narcissus is tricked into his downfall by Nemesis. His worst crimes were "rejecting proposals from people who felt entitled to his body" and "being kind of an asshole, which is something that literally everyone is guilty of at times."
In the end, Narcissus didn't waste away because he was too self-absorbed for anything else, it happened because he was treated with trickery instead of compassion.
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
Land Back is a dead-end political movement that's mostly propped up by non-native, anti-civilization academics with ecofascist tendencies. It's actually fairly racist, based in ethnonationalism and ideas about "noble savages" that are not based at all in history, that also unfortunately drowns out all of the real concerns that actual indigenous people have, most of which are far more complex and do not have easy solutions.
Anyone who tells you that "indigenous" ways of life are somehow better or nobler or more sustainable is just outing themselves as bigoted against the very people they claim to be advocating for. There was a significant amount of environmental degradation in pre-Columbian North America, including desertification, loss of habitats, and many megafauna that went extinct due to human intervention. It's not anyone's fault though, no one knew any better before the science of ecology developed in the 20th century.
But the idea that pre-agricultural or pre-industrial societies were more morally pure who "only take what they need from the land" persists among people who apparently do wish it were true, so they could put native people on some sort of pedestal that would make their victimization and mistreatment more tragic, but it has no basis whatsoever in reality.
idk there are definitely indigenous activists with specific and achievable goals related to "land back" but I guess you could call anything complicated and abstract "dead-end"
That second paragraph is like...mostly just horrifyingly wrong? If no one "knew any better" about ecology before the 20th century, uh. How do you think that humans survive in any environment for 200+ years? Luck?
Ecology is just, outside. Go out there and look at it. It's got fuck all to do with moral purity and everything to do with survival. I mean seriously—the "science" of ecology is woven into the cultural fabric that ensures survival in pre-industrial societies. It's not perfect, and humans had a significant impact on post-ice age extinctions, but generally people who are dependent on the natural resources immediately around them either learn to manage them sustainably, or they don't last long. We're plummeting toward option 2 right now.
Colonizers' destruction of natural environments was not because of plain scientific ignorance about how nature ~works~ (though that was present too, since they were invaders in a land they knew nothing about), it was because of a mad rush to exploit land of resources, intentional attempts at genocide, and ideological crap about "taming" nature and making everywhere Just Like Europe because Europe Is The Best, Obviously. I KNOW there's nuance here, but it isn't true that no one Knew Any Better. They knew, the colonizers just didn't care.
You have got to be messing with me. No, the "way of life" that pours millions of gallons of water and more herbicides than are used for actual farming on monocultures of invasive grass and obliterated almost the entire American prairie to replace it with corn sprayed with pesticides is not comparable in "sustainability" to the way of life practiced by the people who lived here before for 10k plus years. This "way of life" has barely existed a century and it's already being recognized as Shitty and discarded.
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starry-sky-orchestra · 7 months
Let's make smiles bloom, anytime, everywhere! (WONDERHOY~!★)
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welcome to my blog! (or welcome back if you knew me before i went by this user)
name: christy or papu either is fine
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: pansexual omniromantic
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i am certified the prettiest princess in the entire world. bow down to me or else you get the guillotine grrr
-pls use tone tags when ur talking to me it makes a big big difference!!!!!
-possibly neurodivergent
-uh i apologize a lot and im really sensitive so. uh. jus like reassure me a lot ig
-if you call me a dry texter i will literally block you. /j but srsly not every1 is the best at talking..
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-i have an agere blog which is basically my alt so follow that one if u want too. or not.
DNI: proshippers, anti antis(?? idk what this means but i see this in a lot of profiles), freakstarries, whatever weird pjsk fans call themselves, basic dni criteria ykyk, if u think age regression is a kink. it isn't. go fuck yoursel- if you support Sara_mjrb/lord_sara_gaming or mizumi-kagaho
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social time whoohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
discord: ask in dms
youtube: pan_pan_papu
tumblr: ur here already.
wattpad: coming soon?? maybe????????
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project sekai
danganronpa (well. barely.)
anime in general but most of the subreddits on reddit fucking suck. theyre all either weirdos or homophobic (as in, i like yuri but yaoi is EWWWWW guys cant like guys!! i wld fuck alstolfo tho)
bubble guppies
sanrio in general
im joining a lot of fandoms every day. too many to remember
parappa the rapper
cardcaptor sakura
animal crossing
shima shima tora no shimajiro
ojamajo doremi
little witch academia
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ummmm im hypersexual so like im more. weirder. than other people
fanfic writer. kind of. i have 200 million fankids and i will write about them ALL
i am probably the only shima shima tora no shimajiro fan ever. like im being serious its not that well known out of japan
i like karaoke!!!!!! kind of! its fun <3
also. i am being serious about potty training being my special intrest. pls dont think im weird.
if u ever wonder why all my fankids are so young/why i usually draw pjsk characters younger than they acc are then. ur reason is here.
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-my art is fucking ass. like seriously its so terrible its the worst thing you have ever see
-speaking of, if u dont like wxs m/f or vbs m/f dni. like imagine being pressed over two teenagers kissing. that is so silly. anyways most of my ships are m/f i dont know why i have a lot of m/m and f/f ships tho. there is no way you can convince me haruka kiritani is straight she is a girl kisser. same w airi.
-mahou shoujo has my heart and soul <33
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-i love ken shiraishi. whoever made an's dad design i love you so much he is such a dilf bro
-professional shitposter
-this is rlly cringe to admit. but. im one of those fictional other people ig? my f/o is arisa mochida from the hit game idolmaster cinderella girls starlight stage
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anyways my tags are
fanfics - fanfics. obvi.
ok thats it idk what else to write
oh damn i made this too long. anyways. heres my carrd. it looks better on phone.
ok goodbye
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flashfuture · 1 month
I've never read Captain America comics. What are the comic differences to the mcu ?
For Steve specifically honestly not too much it's Bucky who got parts of him shaved off. Steve is pretty solid. They did move Steve from being from the Lower East Side of Manhattan to Brooklyn. Idk why maybe to escape the fact that Steve was definitely a communist. Kidding... mostly But they did shy heavily away from Steve's immigrant parents/first generation American status which was kind of important to the character.
Main big difference is it's frowned upon to let children fight in wars so Bucky was no longer a 12 year old soldier but a real adult who grew up as Steve's bestie.
The way Bucky died was also different. So the 60s death for Bucky was Steve and Bucky in 1945 were trying to disarm a missile/rocket thing but couldn't so they bailed out. Steve dropped off but Bucky's arm got stuck and Steve had already let go and couldn't get up to help him again and it was a whole disaster of him seemingly watching Bucky explode.
Bucky also famously trained Red Room assassins and was in a relationship with Natasha. I know lots of fans were bummed about this not being adapted.
Steve finding the Winter Soldier and getting Bucky his memories back right before Civil War that's all correct. Falcon and Sharon being there too yep.
The entire Civil War arc in the comics was on the basis of well established anti mutant sentiments. They didn't have this in the mcu so it was off the wall. The sides were correct. Steve opposed it Tony was for it. But then they kind of gave Sharon's grief (Winter Soldier killed a friend of hers) to Tony in the mcu. Tony in the comics didn't know about Bucky till after Civil War. Another main thing the MCU changed is that Maria Hill isn't an insanely evil person
Yeah so here's the big kicker uh the end of Civil War. So in the comics Steve while fighting Tony was doing it in the streets and the people of New York famously bigoted against mutants were begging Steve to stop. Realizing fighting Tony like this wasn't helping save anyone Steve surrendered. However as he was being escorted away he was shot and killed by Crossbones on Red Skull's order. Steve fucking died. Tony and a few other older Avengers reburied Steve in the arctic which is insane IMO.
And Tony in the comics did receive a post Civil War package from Steve like in the movie. However the package was a picture of Steve and Bucky with Steve's final request to Tony being to save Bucky. Cause 616 Steve had figured he might die during the Civil War event. Bucky, Thor, and Wolverine had also at that point in the comics vowed to avenge Steve. Then Mr Fanstastic or whoever revived Steve idr
Also "Infinity War" happened in 1991-1993 before all of the shit I just listed above which actually was completely different. The arc the Infinity War + End Game movie was the first one called Infinity Gauntlet which took place in 1991 and Adam Warlock was kind of glaringly absent lmao. Hulk sort of took over the Silver Surfer's role though which was cool ! Nebula's entire role in that disaster (she was also a bad guy) was taken out. They didn't do the actual 1992 Infinity War arc but clearly liked the name more LOL. And Steve is fine still to this day so !
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yloiseconeillants · 1 year
24. How did they fall for eachother? (Quad of Cope >:))
so i cannot answer for the rest of the quad but like - good god this got long sorry -
Louhi enters the War of the Magi plot after losing Tursas, the Nymian Marine she was partnered with in most senses of the word, to the rising waters of the incoming flood. Rather than return to Nym, she makes it to the mainland - and to Mhach! where she runs into Balor, a black mage who is the embodiment of every piece of anti-Mhach propaganda she's heard in Nym (and actually full of demons) but like, he's in Trouble and healer instincts override wartime politics and she patches him up and they decide to travel together - away from Mhach, and toward Amdapor - where it is rumored that the White Mages may have a cure for the mysterious illness sweeping through Nym.
Balor has only really dealt with members of the cult he was raised in and he's has only ever really been friendly with voidsent, so there's a whole thing about the two of them learning how to act around each other - and the one thing that both of them understand is a vow (though levels of reciprocity remain nebulous). Balor promises to protect Louhi and Louhi promises to protect Balor. It's not something she really thinks he's going to commit to until he actually rips someone (heh) to shreds when they threaten her.
This like. rearranges her brain I think. I don't think she ever thought anyone would do something that violent for her again, in like, the way that Tursas had vowed to protect her as part of the holy bond of SCH/WAR, and she's still Very Much lost in her grief over that, and maaaaaybe starts conflating Balor and Tursas in her mind - which, I think, he recognizes and leans into because he thinks it will help her? A couple of Romance Tropes Later (like! idk! untangling underbrush from his horns? Maybe they cuddle for warmth in a cave!! maybe he ends up needing to take his shirt off so she can attend to a cut in his side and ends up blushing through the treatment when she's never done that previously idk!!) and they do end up being intimate, but Louhi is starting to recognize with growing horror that she's like. Ignoring her duty to Nym AND sort of washing her relationship with Balor with her feelings about Tursas, which isn't fair to Balor or Tursas' memory in her mind.
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GOD BUT LISTEN the thing is that so much of that thinking is her just deliberately trying to distance herself from like, the Actual Feelings she's developing while traveling - not for the vow to protect each other or the ghosts of Tursas she sees in him, but for like. Balor. Being Balor. A joy.
ANYWAY - at some point, Balor shows back up to their camp with ANOTHER injured man in tow: Leanashe. Leanashe has some malady (he's a vampire, Leanashe is a void-aspected vampire) and Balor begs Louhi to treat him - of course she agrees and Leanashe reluctantly begins traveling with them as well (he knows of an Amdapori cult leader who may be able to help Louhi cure the Green Death). Both Louhi and Balor agree that the best thing for Leanashe is for them to volunteer their blood (Because These Are Our Barbies and We Say So) so that he doesn't have to attack any Unwilling Victims.
So like, between Balor and Leanashe and Louhi things are getting very bloody lmao. They are doing their utmost to Ignore Their Problems and the Upcoming Apocalypse and the fact that both Balor and Leanashe are living on borrowed time (ueueueue) - Leanashe is cynical and Balor is earnest and Louhi is indulgent - at least, that's. how they're dealing with their individual issues. How they are, uh, Coping.
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Ah, but I am getting away from the question of how did Louhi fall for Leanashe - it takes a great deal more time and effort, I think. They're sleeping with each other long before feelings get involved. I think with Leanashe it's more that as time passes and the circumstances get more desperate, they realize (through the power of friendship!!!) that their methods of coping and ignoring the truth isn't helping anyone - least of all each other. There's a certain type of love that comes with being vulnerable with someone. They are both processing loss and being kind and honest to each other in ways that they couldn't have been without the uh. upcoming doom. Also, most importantly. They are having the worst fun.
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And ANATU. Beloved Anatu. Anatu joins their party before they reach the Amdapori cult, and she's just. So passionate and full of life, trying to prove herself and her theories and like, I don't know how anyone wouldn't instantly fall in love with a field scientist explaining that she's trying to stabilize the aether in the forest while the world is falling apart. Louhi absolutely does - they collaborate on the aether healing, she eases Anatu into the quad, she would keep her safe through the apocalypse and whatever else comes their way. It is Kismet.
anyway they are all bonded in this life and every other and they give me hives
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aro-culture-is · 2 years
I hear we can ask questions here and uh... Ive been thinking a lot and have become thoroughly confused about what I'm wanting. Cause one one hand I find myself desperately wanting a close relationship with someone where I can hug and cuddle and say words of endearment but then in reality I'm anti-touch n find touch to be uncomfortable and also can't imagine who I would ever feel comfortable enough with to have such a strong bond as it hasn't happened yet at all and I just jump between these two states and idk what I'm wanting I just know I don't want it to be romantic.
What's worse is I can't tell if any of this is effected by my neurodivergency or abuse which I just escaped (trying to get into therapy for it)
It's been so ething on my mind for years but recently has increased and has been causing a bit of stress and idk what I'm looking for with this but maybe just knowing I'm not the only one struggling with this would be nice...
hi! this ask, in all honesty, feels pretty out of my wheelhouse, but i'll give it my best shot. first of all: i'm so glad and proud for you in escaping abuse. I'm additionally glad and proud of you for trying to get therapy. I can't downplay how important those actions are.
as a neurodivergent individual who's been abused throughout most of our life, i want to start off by saying that the touch stuff is such a mood. I can't say what will help you, but for me, this info has helped. I used to be touch averse because I was touch starved.
Contact, no matter the form, caused me to freeze - it was overwhelming for a multitude of reasons, and honestly, I don't think that I can separate out all of them. But... with time, patience, and a friend with a habit of poking people to get their attention, I slowly started to be able to handle contact and even found myself desperate for the comfort of contact. It wasn't fast. I think that process took around a year for me, and if I don't have regular physical contact I immediately begin to have those problems on a smaller scale. (disclaimer that this is my personal experience, ymmv)
As far as desiring that kind of bond, that comfortable closeness and affection... I honestly think that's a great topic to work through with a therapist. For many of us who've experienced abuse, healthy relationships are frightening. We are often taught by our abusers that we don't deserve those, and we may not have prior experience with them to even know what a healthy relationship looks like. This uncertainty and fear is a protective response from our body that tries so hard to protect us, while also being a sentient sack of flesh doing its best.
I can't tell you a magical secret to working through that fear. I can tell you that when my therapist first told me, about two years ago, that they want me to understand that not everyone is trying to hurt me, I laughed at what I perceived to be an absurd statement. I can tell you that I now look back at that and wish I could hug myself in that moment, and tell myself that the most absurd thing was how similarly charged I felt the statements "the sky is blue" and "everyone will hurt me so I should close myself off and be completely self-sufficiently alone no matter how much I wish I could trust others" were.
You don't have to focus on a distant "can I ever have that close of a bond with someone?" You can work with a therapist or even by yourself to take a step back when your trauma-informed brain is afraid, to acknowledge and respond to that fear in a healthy way. You can look at any bonds you have now, no matter how small, and slowly reassure yourself that you are safe here and now.
Healing is a process. In the moment, you'll become able to acknowledge how you feel and how to best respond to that. You will accomplish bonds with people that will bring you joy. It isn't a fast or easy journey with one easily traveled path: it's looking at the roadmap of your life and updating it. Right now your trauma informed brain is an old GPS insisting that you are, in this moment, actually lost in a cornfield - but you are on a road to a new chapter.
It will be okay, and I'm so proud of you for taking these first steps.
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nero-draco · 1 year
Anyway LB7 isn't too difficult, I can think maybe two - three fights that can be a hurdle. Particularly the last one.
Though its also worth mentioning that you can't use command seals in this story (due to certain reason). You can still use the blue box thing though.
Its not what I find difficult but I want to mention one fight that can be annoying.
Kingprotea (alter? Idk) boss fight. She herself isn't difficult, but what annoying is that she shuffle your party everytime you break her bar. That said her HP per bar is only around 100~200k so not too difficult.
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1. Now for the tough fight. One of them is Benienma Alter. Her main gimmick is that she has random chance instant killing your unit per her attack. The rate seems rather high based on my experience. Skadi would be quite helpful with instant death protection...if you have her that is. Yes this is one of those fight where support is locked.
The support that you can pick are either U Olga or Habetrot. Beni Alter is Saber class so neither have advantage here (U Olga has been neutral to a lot Class so far, including berserker). They're also locked to first position in party screen.
Now, U Olga can't use NP, and her cards are BAAAQ, meaning she isn't a good DPS for now. Her Quick card can generates plenty stars but that's about it. Her only utility is good support skill. Such as applying NP seal and burn, and her third skill which gives partywide invul pierce, NP gain buff, buster buff, and crit buff.
In regards to this fight though, I feel like Habetrot might be better pick if only for the fact she has exit herself out allowing you to save up plugsuit command.
Anyway back to the fight, Beni Alter has instant death to her attacks, and breaking her first bar will cause her to fully charge her bar. Her NP isn't shown as she only she has charge attack that hits all your unit. Its possible to tank it without invul but your party will be left in terrible state, also the instant death gimmick might still apply in the attack.
I don't have Skadi so my strat is to use two DPS while also burst it quickly.
Chiron can deal good damage against Beni due to his Anti Earth NP.
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2. Second tough fight is Tlaloc. Her gimmick is that she will stun all non-floating unit every turn. The floating servant are those who, well, can float, such as Arjuna Alter, Space Ishtar, etc. So they are good for this fight.
Other way to deal it is with having Support Nemo in frontline. Note that if Nemo isn't in frontline (either dies or you swap him out) then your units will be vulnerable to stun again. Worth mentioning that Tlaloc tends to attack Nemo a lot.
So the strats is either, 1) Bring Nemo in frontline and protect him, or 2) Use floating servants only.
Its worth nothing that Tlaloc is Ruler class with quite decent pool of HP (300k, 500k).
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3. As obvious as it be, its the juggernaut of menace, ORT.
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Packing 1 million HP for its, err, its not even a bar, its, uh, a barrier or skin or whatever. Anyway the mission for this fight is to reduce its 1mil HP. ORT doesn't have much trick other than its regular attack hits all unit, and it hits quite hard. A neutral lv90 servant with no defense buff will dies in two turn. So its question of damage race before it kills you, and 1mil HP is a lot. Alter Ego and Foreigner can deal effective damage to it.
After you break its 1mil HP bar, it will reveal its real HP bar which it has like ten of it. First one has 10mil and second one is 100mil... Yeah, just let yourself lose by that point.
Do you also notice that its actually still just level 1? That literally still at its baby phase. I don't think even Space Ishtar hold a candle to this.
Also if you're worried about the rumor that party defeated here will be locked from being used in story mode, I say that's a load of bullshit. Literally no one can test that since the story is locked after this fight, and the fact that they gave no warning about it before this fight.
Let's be clear, they have put a warning about your mystic code appearance for this chapter will be stuck in Decisive Battle mystic code, but its skill and exp will goes to the mystic code you chose. They gave a warning about it and you're telling me that they didn't give any warning about your party member will be locked in story mode?
Secondly, yes your servant who get defeated by ORT will be turned into crystal and absorbed, that's their defeat animation for this fight. In story mode it also happens briefly before this fight where Nemo got crystallized and absorbed, but after this fight Kukulcan rewind the time (or some bullshit that happened, idk) and everything went back as if ORT didn't attack, and Nemo is there back to normal. So at the very least for this fight alone we don't have to worry.
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