#ultimate puppeteer
melanodis · 5 months
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some old man consequences henry. for your viewing pleasure
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dovewingkinnie · 1 year
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au where charlie convinces cassidy to leave ucn and finally rest cassidy’s motivations in this au for keeping william in ucn is out of fear because she’s scared william will somehow come back from the dead like he did with springtrap and try to hurt her friends
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lyss-butterscotch · 11 months
so i just thought about a cute dynamic with your iterator AU
so, the slugcats objectively have more experience in surviving and traversing this world, so they might start treating the iterators as little siblings or pups and generally being protective of them
like, survivor might treat moon as if they were their sibling and gourmand would definitely treat her as a pup.
you ever seen those pictures of tired parents with hyperactive toddlers on a leash? that would probably be the relationship between hunter and NSH
pebbles is arti's adoptive pup. that's just how it is, i dont make the rules
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Edit : Sorry for the janky writing my fancy word braincell isn't working rn
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wretchedraymond45 · 7 months
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pow 💥
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imagination-confusion · 6 months
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They're friends! :D
(I'm sorry if Barnaby's arm looks off I tried my absolute best-)
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Round 3 Wave 4
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misteria247 · 9 months
Y/N talking to someone annoyed: As I was saying you need to-
Wally falls over onto his face
Y/N: Wait gimme a second.
Y/N picks Wally up before setting him back onto his feet while the other person watches awkwardly
Y/N: Okay now where was I-?
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they are best buddies <3
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aprito · 6 months
The way that Sakura is inspired after cherry blossoms with both her name and appearance, and the cherry blossoms symbolise the transience and impermanence of life due to their short life spans. Sasori fights against a girl who represents the fleeting nature of life which completely contrasts his obsession with immortality and skurhliexbkjgfswgblpeq
LOVE that Sakura clowns on Sasori's fuckass stupid beliefs not only with her skill set but also with her entire existence. He was untouchable until he wasn't, he was smart until he wasn't, he was apathetic until he wasn't in the span of like, an hour. The best part being that the thing that ultimatively makes her so strong (her humanity and affection and care towards Chiyo) is the one thing he can't have and would absolutely lose if he were to turn her into one of his liveless bum bitch puppets.
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She really is the ultimate troll. We love her.
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zerosocialskillz · 20 days
Amaterasu, what do you think of some of the other competitors in the tourney?
“If I talk about all of my thoughts, we’ll be here all day, so perhaps I should talk about a couple.”
“Rubi, my competitor… they’re cute, not going to lie. I’m surprised that she is friends with a dark matter.”
“Clark… I hope he gets out of the IKEA. Zero could really need another awoofy friend.”
Zero looks at Amaterasu, surprised. Amaterasu gave it a smug look.
“Rimuri… they seem nice. Them being the new leader of the dark matter of their world was surprising to me, but considering that each Zero’s biology seems to differ from world to world, why should I be surprised?”
Amaterasu’s smile fell.
“It… pains me to learn of his fate. I know that’s not my Zero doing those terrible things, but… it still hurts to hear that it did those terrible things to him…”
“…and the worst part? I can see it doing that exact same thing. Before Kirby came and changed its ways.”
“…say, where did our ‘Noir’ went, anyway?”
Zero looked away.
“…Kirby killed him. I saw it with my own eye.”
Amaterasu looked down.
“You… you said that he only wanted a friend, yes?”
Zero nodded slowly.
“I think, if we’ve met Kirby in different circumstances, then he could have… we could have…”
Zero trailed off. It then looked upwards. A red tear fell from its eye.
“Is this what it feels when one loses their own child?”
“I… I didn’t even feel guilty…”
Amaterasu placed her hand on the fallen god’s fur, massaging it. Comforting it. Zero closed its eye, feeling content.
And yet…
“…sometimes, I wonder why you forgive me despite everything I did.”
Amaterasu looked at Zero.
“Because you’re not that person anymore. You don’t want to harm your children, even if they are defective or otherwise, right?”
Amaterasu then cleared her throat.
“Sorry, anon. It got off-topic at the end.”
Tsukuyomi pops out of nowhere.
“And how about Sir Uther?”
“Don’t vote for him. And don’t vote for Tsuku if he joins next year.”
“Hey! I was just trying to lighten up the mood!”
“I appreciate it, but I don’t think Amy forgives you for digging that up.”
Tsukuyomi pouted.
OC owners in order of the mentioned characters (apologies!):
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sawgaybo · 6 months
You cannot tell me Adam isn’t the type to find random shite and consider it top tier decor
Lawrence dies a little inside everytime his straight-out-a-catalogue apartment is desecrated by novelty mugs and paintings Adam found at goodwill
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the-ultimate-puppteer · 2 months
Okay so I just finished the first chapter of The coffin of Andy and Leyley and now I'm pretty sure I'm down bad for Ashley😅😅😅
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Choose your character!
Smash Bros Stock Icons but I add new characters
(Part 1)
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viarayy01-blog · 8 months
week til fnaf - day 4
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happy day 4! Today is, Pizzeria Sim and UCN!
Pizzaria Sim has a very special place in my heart so i decided to go all out for todays drawings… but i ended up running out of time and had to quickly think of something for UCN lmao
Just 4 days until the party everyone!! were so so close!
Tommorow is Help Wanted and Security Breach!! :)
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gkroeh · 1 year
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FNAF POSTING + dumb comic
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