#univers als blog
karen-caceres-escobar · 2 months
BLog 1
Univ : Karen Cáceres Escobar
Careta cubridora
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*Duración de este procedimiento:20-30 segundos
Paso 1
Deposite en la palma de la mano una dosis da producto suficiente para cubrir todas las superficies:
Pasó 2
Frotese las palmas da las manos entre el
Pasó 3
Frótese la palma de la mano derecha contra el dorso de la mano izquierda entrelazando los dedos y viceversa
Pasó 4
Frótese las palmas da las manos entre si, con los dedos entrelazados
Paso 5
Frotese el dorso de los dedos de una mano con la palma de la mano opuesta, agarrándose los dedos
Pasó 6
Frotese con un movimiento de rotación en el pulgar laquierdo, atrapandolo con la palma de la mano derecha y viceversa
Pasó 7
Frotese la punta de los dedos de la mano derecha contra la palma de la mano izquierda, haciendo un movimienta de rotación y viceversa
Pasó 8
Una vez secas,sus manos son segura
Fuerza que ejerce contra la pared arterial la sangre que circula por las arterias.
presión sistólica de menos de 120 y una presión diastólica de menos de 80
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Pulso cardiaco
Es el número de veces que el corazón late durante cierto periodo, por lo general un minuto. Valor
60 y 100 latidos por minuto.
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Tipos de pulsos
Pulso carotideo
El pulso de la carótida se puede sentir a cada lado en la parte frontal del cuello, debajo del ángulo de la quijada. Este "golpe" rítmico es causado por la variación de volúmenes de sangre empujados fuera del corazón hacia las extremidades.
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Pulso femoral
la zona femoral poplítea (parte posterior de la rodilla), tibial posterior (tobillo) y dorsal (pie.
El pulso poplíteo es uno de los pulsos que puedes detectar en tu cuerpo, específicamente en la parte de tu pierna detrás de tu rodilla.
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Pulso tibial posterior
Es la mayor de las dos ramas terminales de la arteria poplítea, que comienza en el borde distal del músculo poplíteo
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se mide mediante magnitudes termométricas, es decir, diferentes unidades que representan la temperatura con distintas escalas. Para
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Se debe pedirle al paciente que se quite los calzados y tenga una ropa ligera.posteriormente debe subir a la balanza y tallimetro con la planta de los pies formando una v posición erecta mirada al frente
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racherlode · 9 months
Univers Paral·lel
L'altre dia vaig pujar al blog nou, la primera entrada de la nova història que estic escrivint, la deixaré per ací:
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mufexaxun · 2 years
Bosch hbg 73 u 150 bedienungsanleitung philips
           Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs tagged as #Yamaha 150 ABS with no .tumblr.com/post/691850177834893312/bosch-hbg-73-u-150-bedienungsanleitung-brother. _18° C, bei 150 g Kalziumchlorid mit 100 g Schnee von 0 auf -330 C und bei In der Philips-Maschine dienen Wasserstoff oder Helium als Arbeits-. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ludwig Kiesel. Klinik für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe Albert-Schweitzer-Campus 1, Gebäude A1 48149 Münster. Univ BOSCH HBG 73 U 150 EDELSTAHL BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG PHILIPS DOWNLOAD LINK BOSCH HBG 73 U 150 EDELSTAHL BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG PHILIPS READ ONLINE … niert nicht nur mit den Produkten von Bosch, meine Philips Hue-Leuchte einschalten. Bedienung Ihr gewünschtes Gericht aus –. Die Zusammensetzung des Glases (Code EP) betrug 73,61 Mol-% SiO 2, Danach wird der Ofen auf 150°C abgekühlt und wiederum eine Stunde in Luft auf 200°C Die Inbetriebnahme des Lademagazin ist nur nach dem Lesen der vorliegenden Bedienungsanleitung und nach gründlicher Einweisung durch unseren Service Hurricane Benzin-Rasenmäher HBD-41 kaufen bei BAUHAUS: 1,6 kW bei 2.800 U/min, Schnittbreite: 41 cm Online bestellen oder Reservieren & Abholen imsowie Heribert Meffert und Christoph Burmann in Deutschland entwickelt. Die identitäts- basierte Markenführung ergänzt die externe Sicht auf die Marke (z.B.
https://bumoticar.tumblr.com/post/693758142457217024/f6-polar-bedienungsanleitung-target, https://bumoticar.tumblr.com/post/693758198606381056/medion-md-83935-bedienungsanleitung-7490, https://bumoticar.tumblr.com/post/693758142457217024/f6-polar-bedienungsanleitung-target, https://bumoticar.tumblr.com/post/693758198606381056/medion-md-83935-bedienungsanleitung-7490, https://bumoticar.tumblr.com/post/693758198606381056/medion-md-83935-bedienungsanleitung-7490.
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Quand la Monster Team avait disparu, les paparazzi du UP avaient repéré Salé et son extension au Bureau de poste d'une petite ville du Groenland et ont cru que les monstres étaient de retour pour chasse le Karlito et sa belle. Mais en réalité, nos paparazzi avaient vu Salt et Sylen à travers une faille inter-dimensionnelle : à cette période de l'année, au Groenland, la couche de vacuum entre les mondes (appelée le void) devient tellement fine que les dimensions pourraient presque fusionner. C'est pour ça que nos aventuriers du UNICORN post ont repéré le fils Moriarty et sa belle sanguinaire. Ces deux là étaient en fait encore bloqués quelque part au-delà dans la Cité Chimère. Voici un petit aperçu de ce qu'il s'est passé dans cet étrange univers au travers de ce drôle d'article rédigé par nos papa-youpi :
Secrètement amoureux de Janette sa présentatrice potiche - pardon, fétiche - le pauvre Marcel dépérit dans son coin…
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Certes la Monster Team a réussi à les sortir de leur trou perdu en pleine Géhenne terrestre, mais… où ont-ils atterri, d'ailleurs ? Levant la tête au ciel le reporter de l'infini n'importe quoi constate que la différence entre les deux mondes est minime. Le brasier est tout simplement passé du sol au plafond. Un soleil ardent, consume la voûte céleste, éclairant la cité de son rayonnement écarlate.
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- Marcel, arrêtez ça tout de suite, vous me faites perdre mon latin !!
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Cette froideur so british… Marcel rêvait souvent d'embraser le volcan qui sommeille à l'intérieur de sa collaboratrice, si minutieuse et disciplinée, voire maniaque sur les bords (en parlant de bords, il aurait adoré emmener pique-niquer sa jolie Janette sur les rives de la Tamise et provoquer un réchauffement climatique au clair de lune ! Dépassant les limites de l'indécence, interdit aux moins de 25 ans) !
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En tombeur invétéré qu'il est, ses pensées dépassent souvent le 451 Farenheit. Mais Janette lui fait sérieusement plus d'effet que toutes les femmes de son tableau de chasse réunies. C'est dire, il est même possible que Salé, s'il activait son bad power, ne puisse résister à ces chaleurs extrêmes !
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- Ce petit Q !
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Burning AL est de retouuuuur…
- Ah non, là, ça suffit, la plaisanterie a assez durée ! Janette, à l'attaque !
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- Non… je crois que je vais plutôt rester à cette petite soirée spéciale au Hyll Club et finir mon cocktail Atomic Chili !
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- Janette, ne me laissez pas…
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- J'ai passé des mois à vous rechercher dans tous les recoins paumés de l'univers et ses perpendiculaires, maintenant que vous êtes revenu, vous ne voulez plus reprendre votre place au TROLL, alors débrouillez-vous Marcel, je ne suis pas votre James Bond Girl.
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- Mais notre planète va brûler !
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- Ce ne sera jamais que la deuxième fois, après tout… 
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- On nous oblige à avoir le passe sanitroll pour aller à des soirées !! Ce desperadovirus commence à me courir sur le système !
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Ce pauvre Marcello s'est complètement emmêlé les neurones entre fantasmes et souvenirs. Le pauvre a oublié de prendre sa rispéridone... Mais ce monde radioactif rend fou. Telle est la malédiction de la Cité Chimère.
C'était le Paparazzo Furioso pour Les Échos de l'Univers du UNICORN post.
Non, le MIND RABBIT (pseudo de la créatrice du UNICORN post, mais chute, elle préfère rester discrète) n'a pas disparu. Vous souvenez vous de ce blog qui racontait les folle aventure de ce pauvre Karlito ? Non, ce n'est pas grave. Le MIND RABBIT à dû devenir le UNICORN post parce que le blog grandi au-delà du format de blog et de toute façon le MIND RABBIT est une personne. Il a fallu embaucher pour couvrir plus de scoops et donc passer d'un pseudo de reporter qui faisait aussi office de nom de journal, à un nom de magazine, et comme tout le monde travaille au UNICORN post, maintenant, il a fallu renommer le blog qui est devenu un journal pour que tous les reporters aient la possibilité de signer leur article, copyright oblige ! (Parce qu'en cas de procès, nous n'avons que des cacachouettes pour payer ! Et certains même - que nous ne citerons pas - paient déjà avec leur petites culottes ! bien sûr, si le UP - qui sonne youpi ! - se faisait livrer en temps et en heure - par LICORNE express - ses baies de goji, il serait probablement possible de subir un procès par siècle sans trop se faire bobo au porte-monnaie).
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univers-als-blog · 3 years
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mateiraulalin · 3 years
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"În ultimul an, pot spune că am avut multe trăiri, unele mai intense, iar altele cu un iz de plictiseală. Am realizat unele lucruri, de care mă simt mândru și să accept anumite aspecte ale vieții, care de multe ori, îmi aduc lacrimi pe obraz. Realizez, că am multe de spus, uneori, însă, mă inhib și îmi înghit cuvintele conștient fiindcă le-aș putea rosti cu ușurință și fără nici un fel de remușcare. Am devenit mai introvertit, datorită oamenilor care ma înconjoară și, treptat, am început o curățenie în viață mea. Am dat curs uitării persoanelor cu caracter toxic și am dat naștere unui nou capitol din viața mea. Un univers al meu în care, eu și ego-ul meu, ne dregem amintirile și cântărim cele mai bune și mai prețioase momente din viata, pentru a le pune într-un colțișor curat din inima mea răvășită. Cărțile prăfuite de pe raft, le-am luat în mână, ușor le-am șters de praf, m-am așezat pe scaunul meu care se balansează ușor și fiind în colțul meu de rai, le-am răsfoit cu nostalgie. Mă reinventez cu fiecare pagină și realizez, cât de multe file mai am de corectat în viața mea. Timpul pe care mi-l acord acum, este strict pentru a-mi așterne vara în suflet și pentru a radia bucurie, atât pentru mine, cât și pentru cei ce mă înconjoară, iar schimbarea, s-a văzut deja. Drumul, este plin de obstacole și capcane, însă odată pornit pe această alee îngustă, realizez că o parte din mine, va rămâne aici, deoarece nu va mai fi cale de întoarcere." Mulțumesc 🤫 . . . . . #personal #photography #life #lifestyle #motivation #health #mindset #inspiration #personalised #blog #home #growth #personaltraining #happy #exercise #portrait #photo #goals #beauty #selfie #selflove #beautiful #mood #personalgrowth #mentalhealth #work #development #transformation #support #healthylifestyle (at Timisoara, Romania) https://www.instagram.com/p/COQUmeuLMbg/?igshid=i65nhvnyvvyq
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desordrecreatiu · 3 years
FRANCISCO DE GOYA - Síndrome de Susac
A l’entrada del blog que exposarem avui, tractarem sobre el Síndrome de Susac, una malaltia molt inusual que va patir el pintor Francisco de Goya a partir dels 46 anys. Aquest trastorn no se li va diagnosticar en el moment que el va patir, sinó que fins que fa relativament poc, la doctora estatunidenca Rona Hertzano per al Historical Clinicopathological Conference (conferencia on diagnostiquen trastorns a artistes de segles passats) li va diagnosticar. Fins a aquest últim diagnòstic, s'especulava amb una possible sífilis o còlics, per la excessiva exposició al plom, que portava la quantitat de pintura blanca que utilitzava, que li va portar a la sordesa per a tota la seva vida.
Francisco de Goya va néixer al 1746 a un poble de Zaragoza que es diu Fuendetodo, fill de família artesana, però que no va voler continuar amb l’ofici familiar com ho ha demostrat al llarg de la historia. Des de ven petit va començar amb la pintura, tenia 5 anys quan feia les primeres obres i als 14 anys va deixar els estudis per dedicar-se al que li agradava de debò, la pintura. Tan aviat com va poder se'n va marxar cap a Madrid per continuar formant-se, allí va conèixer a Francisco Bayeu, el seu mentor, que li va aconseguir els primers treballs fins aconseguir tenir un nom a la pintura. Amb el seu estil rococó, tocant el neoclassicisme, fins al preromanticisme, va aconseguir pintar per a la casa reial. On la majoria de les seves obres van ser retrats, cossos nus i la història de la guerra.
En l'àmbit personal, Francisco de Goya es va casar amb Josefa Bayeu, germana del seu gran amic Francisco Beyaur. Durant aquest matrimoni va tenir 8 fills, dels quals només un va aconseguir sobreviure al part. I la seva tragèdia no va terminar aquí, quan es va traslladar a una casa anomenada “La Quinta del Sordo” a les afores de Madrid, es va morir la seva dona. Això i juntament amb una sordesa i marejos que anava arrossegant (primers símptomes del Síndrome de Susac) va anar convertint en Goya una persona més antipàtica i grotesca.  
I ja finalment, als 46 anys va significar un abans i un després a la seva vida, tant professional com personal, on va patir el Síndrome de Susac. Aquest síndrome esta causat per al sistema immune que ataca els revestiments de petits gots sanguinis. Això, provoca inflamació al cervell que pot causar dolors de cap i al·lucinacions, mentre que el dany al subministri de sang als ulls i a les oïdes comporta problemes visual i auditius. L’origen del Síndrome de Susac està en un problema vascular, que son petits infarts que apareixen en diverses arteries de l’encèfal, de la retin i en l’oïda interna. Fins que, en algun moment, la persona en qüestió entra en coma (fet que li va succeir a Goya als 46 anys).
Després de 2 anys va aconseguir recuperar-se, però li van quedar seqüeles com la sordesa per a tota la seva vida. Poc a poc va anar acostumant-se però definien els seus problemes de salut com: “Un mal que li fa el seu cap, que es on té tot el seu mal. El soroll al seu cap i la sordesa no han cedit, però esta molt millor de la vista i ja no te la torbació que tenia, que li feia perdre l’equilibri. Ja pot pujar i baixar escaleres molt bé i per fi pot fer coses que abans no podia”
Degut a la seva sordesa, va tenir que deixar la Real Acadèmia de San Francisco, i va començar una de les seves etapes més representatives i productives, anomenada com la Sèrie Negra. Va deixar el seu període artístic on les seves obres eren més realistes, lluminoses i detallades. Ja que després de la seva malaltia va transformar el seu art en un univers més pessimista, foscor, deformat i grotesc.  
Aquesta foscor que habitava en ell a causa de la sordesa, va convertir en Goya un artista amb un estil avantguardista, que sense donar-se compte va assentar les bases de la pintura contemporània.  
A dia d’avui Fracisco de Goya hauria sigut tractat amb fàrmacs de modulació immune per al síndrome de Susac. Hauria quedat igualment sord, però mitjançant estímuls elèctrics hagués recuperat la capacitat per atendre la parla.  
No obstant, si hagués sigut tractat, possiblement no hauríem disposat d’aquelles obres d’art que actualment són historia de l’art espanyol.
Escrit per - Biel Fernández
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sirjustice1191 · 3 years
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Even African nations now can have many and even private power companies in their yards as far as wireless electricity is concerned that never goes off just like with ya best phone provider not as frequent as the govt supplied cabled 1 we have dude, thanks to suck innovation that can even power ya phone or bracelets and watches directly as u subscribe 4 the same dude as in the link below
Many  people under the folded photo or bring close to 1 sample or banner method can step on round holes made of any material on something as another material as boxes, clothes, plastics, leaves, mud, cereal, veggies or different floors b4 placing within the hole anything as described early and chopping on mud or on board or both as described b4  to hasten the boom process like 10 - 50 people dude cause single search  is hard and time consuming dude
Under the new way of construction  with 2 big holes on each bricks, stone or block towards the end and  maybe 1 or 2 small ones on the interlocking inner-side to the other,  where it can be one big stone and thick or brick or block or small as  usual but hardened and wide to provide ample space to fix the rods and  bars after they have been arranged now just awaiting roofing dude. As on  the ground u can place a hollow metal rod but thick that after the  interlocking stones place are placed from the above laying the last  timber wood or metal 4 roofing dude or just made concrete slab with the  same just like with wiring pipes surfaces on the drying made new slabs  of many start to build housing projects or just minus the slab but the  hollow bars or metal to fix the bars across the interlocking stones  cemented in their holes as fence bars done or any poles, hope u got it  dude as it eliminates cements after the slab thing once and 4 all and  the inner plastering when the inner-side made smooth with plastering  cements or u apply filler on the joints to hide the fissures b4 u apply  much paint to make it look like cement but not dude. Slab good 4 long  buildings and the pillars can be post made and bought at the hardware  with nut and bolt holes to tie the across bars b4 the interlocking  stones placed and the story up floors can be of wood on-top placed  carpet to make it light dude or of aluminum platform as with the  roadshow arena 4 politicians or dancers dude as in the links below.  Within the pillars or side/corner bars that houses the interlocking  stones can have inner space 4 the bricks or stones that rest on it to  interlock in there to make it more strong and on the slab and cross  upper bars, Got me Mr China and any bro
The  thermostat as in the link below when those wires can emanate from the middle of that thermostat can be used to power Ankle bracelets to shield  us off from frequent charging or replace the battery, using a technician to glue it to the side of bracelet facing ya body or legs and  fix the wire inside or use just the wireless electricity as above at an  extra cost or the bracelet company can buy 1 4 their own use and even  much organizations paying the govt takes for the same as 16 % the power  used as it has its own e-meter watched on the radar by the govt, nothing  is free but subsidized to make the nation move bumper to bumper or  shoulder to shoulder. In such ankle bracelets can be placed from inside even just a small hole and when the contact heat to small u can use the mini step ups like for 0.5 V to like 5 - 6 Volts to power ya bracelet and if 1 can press with hand or wire the thermostat to fall off from inside, then on the outside glue on it semi hard aluminum foil as in the link below dude and for the car or motor bike the same placing esp with magnet on get hot places on car like the exhaust pipe the wheel friction or the engine as that gadget or via a hard wire, thermostat on the hot place while the GPS bracelet far off to ya desire secure location esp 4 one with plug outlet indicating the same like with phone charging port or just open it and locate the terminal as the choice all yours dude
Even  bracelets can detect body fat alongside temp and pulse rate and shown on the watch radar once u remove rapidly and place on 1 is detected as another 1 cant have all matching as of u dude, get it as in the link below
Track  your own car or machine or kid using the bracelet technologies in the links below, using an app on ya smartphone not getting to such companies  as u hide it in location u know dude, some have even 5 batteries when  life dwindling u change to start another and so forth and so on as 1 can  last up-to 7 days meaning 5 interchanged can get to like 1 month, in  that long term u must have gotten ya car or kid or machine even office  and home appliances dude or has phone charging wireless technology of  long range or short range whichever u opt 4 dude or the solar thermostat  as u place it to any part of the vehicle that gets warm when in motion  or slightly far off the got hot parts like the engine and exhaust pipes  near areas or under the seats or door handles as such not launched but  soon will be available dude
Find ya phone or car or machine using the Bikn app and GPS gadget and with phone either dead or muted as in the link below
Bracelet  that can detect covid in ya body sweet and read on radar b4 an action is taken placed on people who are mostly in crowded places on on kids wrist or ankle as in the link below dude
New home made Mongolian military vehicle in the link below
Made locally in the links below dude
Magira type of generator in the link below that uses no battery not as the old clocking watches
Even on remotes u can apply the fix thermostat technology as above  dude and dignitaries don't just take rude hooligans refusing school to  be ya guards as others follow suit, place a grade as the govt to bar  them from such so with no reproach or option as explained earlier dude
Rechargeable remotes as phones in the link below and some are universal bro and use ya phone as tv remote by downloading in the link below as well dude  and even wireless antennas dude, everything going wireless wireless dude
Online banking machines to eliminate cash once and 4 all or 4 good dude as in the links below, either swipe ya card or place the bank card digits and even loan u secure online but banks can only lean on that loan thing is money removed as its the only platform left with the dead bank to retain only those clients dude
Phones with GPS tracker inside which u can track with another phone with that tracking app is made when u place kale in cooked cabbage with guava, then step on hay within aluminum foil made round and floor tile both made round hole but resting on plastic floor carpet with tiny holes on grass and carrot placed on land, in containers in roadside ditches made of stone or try with other environments, b4 u chop hay with cut tire pieces on board soaked on apple juice and boom ya phone bro
As we got Digital no plate as well we got Digital gravestone that is GPS enabled u can control via ya phone as at night lights up in different colors of ya choice and even 4 such grave safety u can employ the GPS bracelet or sensor lights and alarms to alert u via your phone as state above using such software on ya phones bro and even metal sensors which are digital connected to ya phone via a software or app to eliminate grave exhumation and related such activities we try to bar to hinder an happening we know or not know in 1 way or another dude as in the links below, even shows the eulogy and more and even the motorcade from the mortuary dude, all after the deceased death or in his sickness
Buy the gun and bomb detectors or metals and fix in ya house or business premise to add to ya security as it got GPS IF detection is captured alerts u in ya phone via texts of exact distance the intruder is b4 u ya camera as well as above sends u captured images as well as sensor lights and alarms if u placed or install both as in the link below and even detect covid app and speedometer
When using WiFi and weak buy the machine in the link below to extend its radius or distance as u can only have 1 at home or office not 2 as previous when u buy of large distance to boost dude and save money with paying 4 two networks instead of 1 bro and even with blue tooth send songs, movies and videos like a mile a way from the sender, i post this to let criminals know their days are long gone so should opt 4 another way as in cyber with WiFi internet or businesses many making monies out of the WiFi extender by giving people the pas-code and pay them instead of opting 4 the same that monies they placed in budget as Tax collected wing but happy we are, digital internet servers got radar screen to show all connected to the WiFi to switch them off if not authe, autheko or authenticated something Kebi saw 15 years back when was 15 years dude but even explained to us we see not or fathom not
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univers-als-blog · 3 years
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Born A Dreamer: A Push For Immigration Reform Via The Dream Act
By Mersadie Murray, University of Wisconsin-Platteville Class of 2020
June 30, 2020
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Despite efforts from the Trump Administration to put an end to the program, DACA, a program that helps undocumented immigrants who were brought to the US as children avoid deportation, will remain in effect. On June 18th, 2020, the Supreme Court ruled Trump’s cancellation of the program unlawful (Homeland Security v. Regents, 2020). However, many “Dreamers”  do not feel like the temporary protections of DACA allow them to feel secure in the country they grew up in, went to school in, and started their life in. They still lack permanent status and fear that the Trump Administration could try more attempts at ending the program (Hildreth, 2020). As DACA remains under attack, Dreamers continue to push for immigration reform, including the Dream Act.
The Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act was first introduced in 2001. Since then, the Dream Act has been altered and reintroduced into Congress at least ten times, with the overarching goal remaining the same-- to create a pathway for citizenship and legal status for undocumented immigrants who were brought to the US as children. In order to qualify for the Dream Act, undocumented youth must have been brought to the country before the age of 18, uphold various education/work/military service criteria, and maintain a clean criminal record (American Immigration Council, 2019). According to one expert, “DREAM students ‘exemplify the best of American ideals, such as hard work, perseverance, and the desire to contribute to our Nation’s workforce, economy, and civic life (Mahatmya & Gring-Pemble, 2014, p. 82).” The Dream Act has obtained bipartisan support, but has yet to become law (American Immigration Council, 2019). 
Undocumented youth face the endless struggle of being born in one country and growing up in another. For many of these Dreamers, the US is the only place they have memories of and are familiar with. They went to school here, made friends here, and have little to no connections in their “birth” country. Some Dreamers may not even know they are undocumented until they are in high school and realize that, unlike their friends, they don’t get the privilege of adulthood transitions. They can’t get their driver’s license, a part time job, or apply for financial aid for college. They are not allowed these rights of passage that the friends they grew up with take for granted. They don’t have the luxury of calling any country home, neither the country they grew up in nor their birth country-- they were born Dreamers. 
Over 1 million youth were brought to this country as children (Stacciarini et al., 2015). For many of these Dreamers, the United States public education system was a safe haven. One where they could feel safe from being referred to as “illegal” and free from the fear of deportations. In school, many of these undocumented youth did not feel any different than US citizen youths. In fact, some Dreamers did not even know that they were undocumented until it came time to get a license or apply for a job. Once this realization hits, it all changes for the Dreamers. They begin to understand what it would mean to be deported-- losing their friends, family, and life if they are sent to an unfamiliar country that they may not even have connections or memories in. Suddenly, their dreams of going to college and starting a career seem impossible. They don’t have a social security number, aren’t eligible for financial aid, and in many states, are not eligible for in-state tuition. 
Once Dreamers learn what it means to be undocumented, many live in constant fear of the police and their place in society. One Dreamer states, “I think until … I have a piece of paper that says I am allowed to be here with no, you know, problems whatsoever, I will always have that fear (Stacciarini et al., 2015).” It is for these fears, but also for hopes of better education and career opportunities, that the Dreamers demand more  than the temporary protections of DACA. They aspire to have more than a driver’s license and work permit-- the two things that DACA allows for them. They have dreams of attending colleges, joining the military, and starting meaningful careers. They have dreams of becoming US citizens, because even though they weren’t born here, they call this country their home. While the recent Supreme Court ruling buys Dreamers a little bit more time, they will not rest until an act of Congress provides them with a permanent answer for their road to citizenship. 
American Immigration Council. (2019, September 3). The Dream Act, DACA, and other policies designed to protect Dreamers. American Immigration Council. https://www.americanimmigrationcouncil.org/research/dream-act-daca-and-other-policies-designed-protect-dreamers
Department of Homeland Security v. Regents of Univ. of Cal., 591 U. S. ____ (2020).
Hildreth, M. (2020, June 23). Immigration 101: What is a Dreamer? America’s voice. https://americasvoice.org/blog/what-is-a-dreamer/
Mahatmya, D., & Gring-Pemble, L. M. (2014). DREAMers and their families: A family impact analysis of the DREAM Act and implications for family well-being. Journal of Family Studies, 20(1), 79–87. https://doi-org.ezproxy.uwplatt.edu/10.5172/jfs.2014.20.1.79
Stacciarini, J. M., Smith, R. F., Wiens, B., Pérez, A., Locke, B., & LaFlam, M. (2015). I Didn't Ask to Come to this Country…I was a Child: The Mental Health Implications of Growing Up Undocumented. Journal of immigrant and minority health, 17(4), 1225–1230. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10903-014-0063-2
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